98-15137. Kansas Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Plan  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 109 (Monday, June 8, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 31109-31112]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-15137]
    Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
    30 CFR Part 916
    [SPATS No. KS-015-FOR]
    Kansas Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Plan
    AGENCY: Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM), 
    ACTION: Final rule; approval of amendment.
    [[Page 31110]]
    SUMMARY: OSM is approving a proposed amendment to the Kansas abandoned 
    mine land reclamation plan (hereinafter referred to as the ``Kansas 
    plan'') under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 
    (SMCRA). Kansas proposed revisions and additions to its plan pertaining 
    to project ranking and selection procedures and purchasing and 
    procurement systems. The amendment is intended to revise the Kansas 
    plan to be consistent with the corresponding Federal regulations.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: June 8, 1998.
    Russell W. Frum, Office of Surface Mining, Mid-Continent Regional 
    Coordinating Center, Alton Federal Building, 501 Belle Street, Alton, 
    Illinois 62002. Telephone: (618) 463-6460.
    I. Background on the Kansas Plan
    II. Submission of the Proposed Amendment
    III. Director's Findings
    IV. Summary and Disposition of Comments
    V. Director's Decision
    VI. Procedural Determinations
    I. Background on the Kansas Plan
        On February 1, 1982, the Secretary of the Interior conditionally 
    approved the Kansas plan. Background information on the Kansas plan, 
    including the Secretary's findings, the disposition of comments, and 
    the conditions of approval can be found in the February 1, 1982, 
    Federal Register (47 FR 4513). Information on the removal of the 
    conditions of approval can be found in the June 3, 1983, Federal 
    Register (48 FR 24874). Subsequent actions concerning amendments to the 
    plan can be found at 30 CFR 916.25.
    II. Submission of the Proposed Amendment
        By letter dated March 17, 1998 (Administrative Record No. AML-KS-
    171), Kansas submitted a proposed amendment to its plan pursuant to 
    SMCRA. Kansas submitted the proposed amendment in response to a 
    September 24, 1994, letter (Administrative Record No. AML-KS-169) that 
    OSM sent to Kansas in accordance with 30 CFR 884.15(d).
        OSM announced receipt of the proposed amendment in the April 6, 
    1998, Federal Register (63 FR 16728), and in the same document opened 
    the public comment period and provided an opportunity for a public 
    hearing on the adequacy of the proposed amendment. The public comment 
    period closed on May 6, 1998.
        During its review of the amendment, OSM identified concerns 
    relating to project selection. OSM notified Kansas of these concerns by 
    telephone on April 10, 1998 (Administrative Record No. AML-KS-171.2). 
    By letter dated April 10, 1998 (Administrative Record No. AML-KS-
    171.3), Kansas responded to OSM's concerns by submitting revisions to 
    its proposed plan amendment. Kansas proposed additional revisions to 
    State Reclamation Plan Section 884.13(c)(2) Step 3, Project Selection. 
    Because the additional information merely clarified certain provisions 
    of Kansas' proposed amendment, OSM did not reopen the public comment 
    III. Director's Findings
        Set forth below, pursuant to SMCRA and the Federal regulations at 
    30 CFR 884.14 and 884.15, are the Director's findings concerning the 
    proposed amendment.
        Revisions not specifically discussed below concern nonsubstantive 
    wording changes, or revised cross-references and paragraph notations to 
    reflect organizational changes resulting from this amendment.
    A. State Reclamation Plan Section 884.13(c)(2), Projection Ranking and 
    Selection Procedures
        1. Kansas proposed to replace the reference to the ``Kansas Mined 
    Land Conservation and Reclamation Board'' with the ``Kansas Department 
    of Health and Environment, Surface Mining Section,'' throughout this 
    section. The Director is approving this amendment because it only 
    updates the agency name.
        2. In its discussion of considerations during the project selection 
    process, Kansas proposed to replace the reference to ``30 CFR 874.14'' 
    with a reference to OSM's AML Program Guidelines published on December 
    30, 1996, entitled, ``Office of Surface Mining, Abandoned Mine Land 
    Reclamation Program Guidelines.'' The Director is approving the update 
    of this reference.
        3. Kansas proposed to revise the process for selecting sites for 
    reclamation from four steps to three steps. The Director is approving 
    this change because it is not inconsistent with the Federal regulation 
    at 30 CFR 884.13(c)(2). Kansas also proposed to change the language to 
    focus ranking of potential projects on ``AML Inventory Problem Areas'' 
    instead of ``sites.'' The term ``sites'' is undefined in State or OSM 
    policies, whereas, the term ``AML Problem Area'' is defined in OSM 
    directive AML-1. Problem areas have distinct geographic boundaries and 
    are recognized in the national inventory. The Director is approving 
    this change because it is consistent with section 403(c) of SMCRA and 
    the Federal regulation at 30 CFR 884.13(c)(2).
        4. Project Selection, Step 1-Identification and Establishment of 
    Reclamation Priority Problem Areas. Kansas revised this step to 
    reference the five priorities for expenditure of AML funds as described 
    in section 403(a) of SMCRA. The introductory paragraph of Step 1 which 
    references a State process independent of the National AML Inventory is 
    deleted. A new introductory paragraph is added and reads as follows:
        The State program will classify problem areas into five OSM 
    approved priority categories listed in the Office of Surface Mining 
    Abandoned Mine Land Inventory Manual. Site conditions will be 
    utilized by the AML Program Staff in identifying problem areas which 
    fit within these priority categories. The problem areas will be 
    evaluated based on site hazards and conditions. The results of the 
    evaluations of all site hazards and site conditions on a parameter 
    will be numerically scored according to its degree of impact and the 
    score will then be adjusted by a standard weighting factor which 
    reflects the parameter's significance relative to the total problem. 
    The resultant total score for each site will be used to rank problem 
    areas within each priority category. A master list will be 
    maintained by the AML Program staff for use by the SMS in selecting 
    projects for funding. Preference among problem areas competing for 
    available resources will be given to projects meeting higher 
    priority objectives and scoring higher on the Problem Area Ranking 
        The Director is approving this amendment because it is consistent 
    with the Federal regulations at 30 CFR 884.13(c) and section 403(a) of 
        5. Project Selection, Step 2-Eligibility Determination. Kansas 
    proposed to changed the title of this step from ``Elimination of 
    Selected Problem Sites'' to ``Eligibility Determinations'' to more 
    accurately reflect the purpose of this step. Item 3 of Step 2 is 
    removed because it is redundant with the state regulations at K.A.R. 
    47-16-1. The Director is approving these amendments because they add 
    clarifying language and remove redundant language from the Kansas plan.
        6. Project Selection, Step 3-Project Selection.
        a. At Item 2, Kansas deleted its former Priority IV objective 
    concerning AML problems, which present a potential for research and 
    demonstration projects related to mine reclamation, and renumbered 
    former Priority V and VI as priority IV and V, respectively. Kansas 
    also deleted Item 3(vii) dealing with Research and Demonstration. The 
    Director is approving the revisions
    [[Page 31111]]
    because they render the Kansas plan consistent with section 403(a) of 
        b. In Item 4, Kansas revised the wording to clarify the importance 
    of selecting reclamation project solutions which minimize maintenance 
    and achieve self-sustaining reclamation. The Director is approving this 
    revision because it more clearly follows the spirit of the December 30, 
    1996, revised AML Reclamation Program Guidelines at Part B.3.b.(3), and 
    it is consistent with 30 CFR 884.13(c).
        c. Item 6 originally addressed the issue of remaining coal 
    resources on the reclamation site. Kansas proposed to revise this item 
    to state that problems, on sites where remining could potentially 
    occur, will be addressed before any remining takes place if the 
    problems seriously imperil public health or safety. The Director is 
    approving this revision because it is not inconsistent with section 
    403(a) of SMCRA.
        d. Kansas added a new item, Item 9, to indicate that reclamation 
    must be cost effective and consistent with the intended post mining 
    land use of the owner. The Director is approving this revision because 
    it is not inconsistent with the Federal regulations at 30 CFR 884.13.
        e. Kansas proposed to delete Step 4--Selection of Projects and add 
    a new paragraph to Step 3. The new paragraph states that the final 
    selection process will consider ranking score, cost effectiveness of 
    doing lower priority work, availability of funding, and geographic 
    distribution of projects. The Director is approving these revisions 
    because they are not inconsistent with the Federal Regulations at 30 
    CFR 884.13.
        7. Accomomplishment Reporting. Kansas proposed to add a new section 
    entitled, ``Accomplishments Reporting,'' at the end of Section 
    884.13(c)(2). It states that upon completion of any AML project, the 
    Kansas Surface Mining Section will submit Form OSM-76 or other 
    appropriate form(s) to report the accomplishments achieved through the 
    project. The Director finds that the new paragraph is substantively the 
    same as the Federal regulation at 30 CFR 886.23(b).
    B. State Reclamation Plan Section 884.13(d)(3), Purchasing and 
    Procurement Systems
        Kansas proposed to add two new paragraphs under the sub-section, 
    ``Other Contract Provisions,'' to read as follows:
        All successful Bidders for AML contracts must be eligible per 
    regulation at the time of contract award to receive a permit or 
    conditional permit to conduct surface coal mining operations. 
    Eligibility will be confirmed by consulting the Office of Surface 
    Mining's automated system for identifying and tracking ownership and 
    control links involving permit applicants, permittees, and persons 
    cited in violation notices. This provision will also apply to 
    successful bidders on any non-coal sites eligible for reclamation.
        No monies from the AML fund will be expended for reclamation on 
    any non-coal sites designated for remedial action pursuant to the 
    Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978, the 
    Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act 
    of 1980, or other such regulations deemed excludable from funding by 
    the Office of Surface Mining.
        The Director is approving these additions because they render the 
    Kansas plan consistent with the Federal regulations at 30 CFR 874.16, 
    875.16, and 875.20.
    IV. Summary and Disposition of Comments
    Public Comments
        OSM solicited public comments and provided an opportunity for a 
    public hearing on the proposed amendment. No public comments were 
    received, and because no one requested an opportunity to speak at a 
    public hearing, no hearing was held.
    Federal Agency Comments
        Pursuant to 884.14(a)(2) and 884.15(a), the Director solicited 
    comments on the proposed amendment from various other Federal agencies 
    with an actual or potential interest in the Kansas plan. OSM received 
    comments from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources 
    Conservation Service (NRCS) dated April 23, 1998 (Administrative Record 
    No. AML-KS-171.5). The NRCS suggested that AML problem areas that are 
    under contract with NRCS for the Rural Abandoned Mine Program (RAMP), 
    should not be included in Kansas' selection process unless Kansas 
    coordinates with them. The proposed change to Kansas' policy and 
    procedure at Section 884.13(c)(2), Step 2 identify certain AML problem 
    areas that will be eliminated from project selection consideration. One 
    of the two categories to be eliminated is projects where there is 
    ongoing or planned reclamation which would be totally financed by the 
    RAMP or other public or private entity. This provision appears adequate 
    to satisfy the NRCS's concern.
        In addition, Kansas' existing policy and procedure at Section 
    884.13(c)(3) outline the coordination of activities between Kansas and 
    the RAMP. The policy and procedure state that the Kansas AML Program 
    will work closely with the NRCS District Conservationist in each county 
    in identifying problem AML sites and selecting reclamation methods. 
    Furthermore, ``To avoid duplication, all information in a given county 
    pertaining to AML inventories, site evaluation, and proposed and active 
    reclamation projects will be shared with each District 
    Conservationist.'' The Director concludes that the concerns of the NRCS 
    regarding RAMP projects are addressed in both the proposed revisions 
    and in other unchanged portions of the Kansas AML Reclamation Plan.
    V. Director's Decision
        Based on the above findings, the Director approves the proposed 
    plan amendment as submitted by Kansas on March 17, 1998, and as revised 
    on April 10, 1998.
        The Director approves the plan as proposed by Kansas with the 
    provision that it be fully promulgated in identical form to the plan 
    submitted to and reviewed by OSM and the public.
        The Federal regulations at 30 CFR Part 916, codifying decisions 
    concerning the Kansas plan, are being amended to implement this 
    decision. This final rule is being made effective immediately to 
    expedite the State plan amendment process and to encourage States to 
    bring their plans into conformity with the Federal standards without 
    undue delay. Consistency of State and Federal standards is required by 
    VI. Procedural Determinations
    Executive Order 12866
        This rule is exempted from review by the Office of Management and 
    Budget (OMB) under Executive Order 12866 (Regulatory Planning and 
    Executive Order 12988
        The Department of the Interior has conducted the reviews required 
    by section 3 of Executive Order 12988 (Civil Justice Reform) and has 
    determined that, to the extent allowed by law, this rule meets the 
    applicable standards of subsections (a) and (b) of that section. 
    However, these standards are not applicable to the actual language of 
    State and Tribal abandoned mine land reclamation plans and revisions 
    thereof since each such plan is drafted and promulgated by a specific 
    State or Tribe, not by OSM. Decisions on proposed abandoned mine land 
    reclamation plans and revisions thereof submitted by a State of Tribe 
    are based on a determination of whether the submittal meets the 
    requirements of
    [[Page 31112]]
    Title IV of SMCRA (30 U.S.C. 1231-1243) and 30 CFR Part 884.
    National Environmental Policy Act
        No environmental impact statement is required for this rule since 
    agency decisions on proposed State and Tribal abandoned mine land 
    reclamation plans and revisions thereof are categorically excluded from 
    compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4332) 
    by the Manual of the Department of the Interior (516 DM 6, appendix 8, 
    paragraph 8.4B(29)).
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This rule does not contain information collection requirements that 
    require approval by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 
    3507 et seq.).
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Department of the Interior has determined that this rule will 
    not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.). 
    The submittal which is the subject of this rule is based upon 
    corresponding Federal regulations for which an economic analysis was 
    prepared and certification made that such regulations would not have a 
    significant economic effect upon a substantial number of small 
    entities. Accordingly, this rule will ensure that existing requirements 
    previously promulgated by OSM will be implemented. In making the 
    determination as to whether this rule would have a significant economic 
    impact, the Department relied upon the data and assumptions in the 
    analyses for the corresponding Federal regulations.
    Unfunded Mandates
        OSM has determined and certifies pursuant to the Unfunded Mandates 
    Reform Act (2 U.S.C. 1502 et seq.) that this rule will not impose a 
    cost of $100 million or more in any given year on local, state, or 
    tribal governments or private entities.
    List of Subjects in 30 CFR Part 916
        Intergovernmental relations, Surface mining, Underground mining.
        Dated: May 26, 1998.
    Brent Wahlquist,
    Regional Director, Mid-Continent Regional Coordinating Center.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 30 CFR Part 916 is amended 
    as set forth below:
    PART 916--KANSAS
        1. The authority citation for part 916 continues to read as 
        Authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.
        2. Section 916.25 is amended in the table by adding a new entry in 
    chronological order by ``Date of final publication'' to read as 
    Sec. 916.25  Approval of Kansas abandoned mine land reclamation plan 
    * * * * *
      Original amendment submission      Date of final         Citation/    
                  date                    publication         description   
                      *        *        *        *        *                 
    March 17, 1998..................  June 8, 1998......  Section           
                                                           884.13(c)(2) and 
    [FR Doc. 98-15137 Filed 6-5-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-05-M

Document Information

Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office
Entry Type:
Final rule; approval of amendment.
Document Number:
June 8, 1998.
31109-31112 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
30 CFR 916.25