99-14440. Record of Decision, General Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement, Isle Royale National Park, Keweenaw County, Michigan  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 109 (Tuesday, June 8, 1999)]
    [Pages 30537-30540]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-14440]
    National Park Service
    Record of Decision, General Management Plan and Environmental 
    Impact Statement, Isle Royale National Park, Keweenaw County, Michigan
    SUMMARY: Pursuant to section 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental 
    Policy Act of 1969, as amended, and the regulations promulgated by the 
    Council on Environmental Quality (40 CFR 1505.2), the Department of the 
    Interior, National Park Service, has prepared a Record of Decision on 
    the Final General Management Plan/Final Environmental Impact Statement 
    for Isle Royale National Park, Keweenaw County, Michigan.
    DATES: The Regional Director, Midwest Region approved the Record of 
    Decision, on May 11, 1999.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Superintendent, Isle Royale National 
    Park, 800 E. Lakeshore Drive, Houghton, MI 49931-1895, telephone 906-
        The National Park Service has prepared the Final General Management 
    Plan/Environmental Impact Statement (GMP/FEIS) for Isle Royale National 
    Park, Michigan. The GMP/FEIS proposes management direction for the park 
    for the next 15-20 years and documents the anticipated effects of the 
    proposed action and other alternatives on the human environment, 
    including natural and cultural resources. This Record of Decision is a 
    concise statement of the decisions made, other alternatives considered, 
    the basis for the decision, the environmentally preferable alternative, 
    and the mitigating measures developed to avoid or minimize 
    environmental harm.
        After careful consideration of environmental impacts, costs, 
    comments from the public, agencies, and tribes, and engineering 
    evaluations, the National Park Service recommends
    [[Page 30538]]
    for implementation the proposed action evaluated in the final general 
    management plan/environmental impact statement.
    Summary of the Selected Action
        The goal of the selected alternative, which was identified as the 
    proposed action in the Final Environmental Statement, is to meet the 
    diverse expectations and needs of Isle Royale visitors while 
    emphasizing the natural quiet that is fundamental to wilderness 
    experiences. All park areas will be available to all visitors, so long 
    as users participate in ways that are consistent with the access, 
    facilities, and opportunities provided. Management zones will provide 
    guidance for managing specific areas for desired visitor experience and 
    resource conditions (see p. 30 of the GMP/FEIS).
        Campgrounds will be designed and access provided to separate 
    motorized and non-motorized uses in a few areas; certain docks will be 
    removed or relocated, for example, and some new campgrounds will be 
    provided. A variety of uses will be available that will be fairly 
    evenly distributed across the island. Use limits may become necessary 
    in some management zones to prevent overcrowding and maintain quiet and 
    solitude. Quiet/no-wake water zones will be established to reduce noise 
    and wake impacts in numerous areas. Other regulations aimed at reducing 
    sound associated with humans will also be implemented.
        Partnerships will be sought to maintain the docks and cultural 
    resources at Barnum and Washington Islands. Potential adaptive public 
    overnight use of these historic sites and former commercial fishing 
    sites at Crystal Cove, Wright Island, and Fisherman's Home will be 
    considered. When the Passage Island, Isle Royale, and Rock of Ages 
    lighthouses are transferred to the NPS, partners will be sought to help 
    stabilize, maintain, and interpret them and their surroundings.
        Existing motel units at Rock Harbor will be reconfigured and made 
    more rustic. Existing Housekeeping cabins will be retained; a few new 
    rustic cabins will be added. Utility systems and other concession 
    infrastructure at Rock Harbor will be brought into compliance with 
    State and Federal standards. The dining room, concession laundry, and 
    public laundry at Rock Harbor will be discontinued; most other 
    concession services will remain. Unless the concessioner is subsidized 
    through a new congressional appropriation, prices of services might 
    rise to the point that concessions services may be unviable.
        In addition to the actions described above, the following actions 
    are part of the selected alternative and alternatives B, C, and E 
    (described in the next section). Actions related to natural resources: 
    complete baseline inventories of natural resources, expand monitoring, 
    develop fisheries management and water resource management plans, and 
    establish research and wolf management advisory boards. Actions related 
    to cultural resources: complete inventory and documentation of 
    resources, expand monitoring, research specific cultural history gaps, 
    and cooperate with partners to set standards for and carry out 
    shipwreck preservation. Except in alternative C, historic structures 
    would generally be retained if they were eligible for the National 
    Register and a potential use was identified. Actions related to 
    interpretation, information, and education: develop a comprehensive 
    interpretive plan, improve visitor information facilities, strengthen 
    education outreach, and develop interpretive media supportive of park 
    emphasis statements. Other actions: develop a wilderness and 
    backcountry management plan and a commercial services plan, limit 
    charter fishing permits, prohibit personal watercraft, and perform a 
    study to develop and evaluate options for improving the mainland 
    Other Alternatives Considered
        Alternative A--Alternative A (the status quo or no-action 
    alternative) would continue current management at Isle Royale National 
    Park. It provides a baseline for evaluating the changes and related 
    environmental effects of the other alternatives. Park managers would 
    continue to provide for visitor use and would respond to natural and 
    cultural resource management concerns according to current policy and 
    legal requirements and as funding allowed. There would be no change in 
    management direction.
        Alternative B--Alternative B would separate uses by concentrating 
    facilities and services at the ends of the island and by creating an 
    increasingly primitive wilderness experience toward the middle of the 
    island. Visitors would find a full range of facilities and services and 
    a more structured experience at Rock Harbor and Windigo, the primary 
    access points to the island, which would both require some increased 
    development. A more primitive wilderness experience with quiet and 
    solitude would be found toward the center of the island, where most 
    facilities and amenities would be removed. Limits on the number of 
    visitors there would probably be necessary.
        In addition to orientation and interpretation offered at the 
    Houghton headquarters, a broad range of services would be available at 
    both ends of the island. Rock Harbor and Windigo would offer a full 
    range of orientation information and services. No formal interpretation 
    would be offered in the middle of the island.
        Some cultural resources in developed and frontcountry zones could 
    be preserved through adaptive use for lodging, interpretation, or 
    operations. Cultural resources toward the middle of the island would be 
    documented and allowed to deteriorate.
        Additional staff and housing might be needed at Windigo to operate 
    expanded sewer and water treatment facilities. The Amygdaloid Island 
    ranger station would remain, but the Malone Bay station in the middle 
    of the island would be removed.
        Alternative C--Most of the island would be truly primitive. 
    Emphasis would be placed on providing superlative wilderness 
    experiences, solitude, and escape from the intrusions of the modern 
    world. Facilities and development would be scaled back and evidence of 
    management activities would be minimal. Party size would be limited to 
    a maximum of six people for overnight use on the island.
        Visitation would be managed through a reservation system. Permits 
    could be issued on a first-come, first-served basis, or a lottery 
    system would be used. Various systems would be carefully evaluated 
    before one was chosen.
        Emphasis would be placed on providing orientation and 
    interpretation at the Houghton headquarters and other ferry staging 
    areas. Additional information would be provided in written materials. 
    No interpretive media or formal programs would be offered on the island 
    because they could intrude on the wilderness character.
        Ferry service would be provided to Rock Harbor and Windigo only. 
    Water taxi service would be eliminated.
        Consistent with the concept of this alternative, all cultural 
    resources would be documented and allowed to decay. No stabilization or 
    preservation of these resources would be attempted. The Coast Guard 
    would continue to maintain navigational aids, and the National Park 
    Service would continue to maintain access to these areas; however, when 
    the lighthouses are turned over to the National Park Service, they 
    would be documented and allowed to decay. Lighthouses could be 
    maintained, however, by the Coast Guard or some other entity.
    [[Page 30539]]
        Alternative E--Most facilities would remain and services would 
    continue, but a few changes would be made to better separate uses and 
    increase interpretation. To provide better quality experiences without 
    restricting activities, visitor numbers would be controlled at 
    substantially lower levels than exist now (10,000 to 13,000 people per 
    year). This would mean that approximately 5,000 to 8,000 fewer visitors 
    per year would be accommodated than in recent years.
        Visitation to the island would be managed through a reservation 
    system. A limited number of permits could be issued per year on a 
    first-come, first-served basis, or there could be a lottery system or 
    some other method. Various reservation systems would be carefully 
    evaluated before one was chosen.
        Interpreted sites would remain, and historic structures at Wright 
    Island, Crystal Cove, and Fishermans Home could be adaptively used for 
    additional interpretation of park cultural themes. Interpretation and 
    environmental education could be provided at the west end of the park 
    at Washington and Barnum Islands. The Rock Harbor and Windigo areas 
    would remain the primary visitor orientation points.
        Historic structures and landscapes would be preserved in priority 
    order according to significance. The historic commercial fishery sites 
    at Wright Island, Crystal Cove, and Fishermans Home would be stabilized 
    and adaptive uses would be sought to provide for their continued 
    preservation and interpretation. When the National Park Service 
    received title to the lighthouses owned by the U.S. Coast Guard, 
    partners interested in preserving the structures would be considered.
    Environmentally Preferable Alternative
        The environmentally preferable alternative is defined as ``the 
    alternative or alternatives that will promote the national 
    environmental policy as expressed in section 101 of the National 
    Environmental Policy Act. Ordinarily, this means the alternative that 
    causes least damage to the biological and physical environment; it also 
    means the alternative that best protects, preserves, and enhances 
    historic, cultural, and natural resources'' (``Forty Most Asked 
    Questions Concerning Council on Environmental Quality's (CEQ) National 
    Environmental Policy Act Regulations,'' 1981).
        The environmentally preferable alternative is the selected action. 
    This alternative best meets the full range of national environmental 
    policy goals as stated in NEPA's Section 101. The selected action (1) 
    maximizes protection of natural and cultural resources while 
    maintaining a wide range of neutral and beneficial uses of the 
    environment without degradation; (2) maintains an environment that 
    supports diversity and variety of individual choice; (3) achieves a 
    balance between human population and resource use; and (4) improves 
    resource sustainability.
        Alternative C, as described in the Final GMP/EIS, could potentially 
    provide additional protection for natural resources beyond that 
    included in the selected action, primarily through scaling back human 
    activities and facilities. Alternative C does not protect historic and 
    cultural resources, however, nor does it provide for a diversity of 
    human choice.
        The selected alternative provides the appropriate balance and 
    flexibility necessary to protect the cultural heritage and traditional 
    recreational uses at Isle Royale, as well as natural and cultural 
    resources. This approach is also vital to maintaining relationships 
    between gateway communities and Isle Royale National Park, a critical 
    element in the successful implementation of the proposed action and 
    realization of its beneficial effects on the environment.
    Measures To Minimize Harm
        All practicable means to avoid or minimize environmental harm that 
    could result from implementation of the selected action have been 
    identified and incorporated into the selected action. They are 
    presented in detail in the GMP/FEIS. They include, but are not limited 
    to, resource monitoring and management; visitor use monitoring and 
    management; commitments for additional resource surveys and 
    consultation prior to Park Service construction, and proposals for 
    additional research and data collection as outlined in the plan. 
    Additional mitigation measures are discussed on pp. 24 and 25, and in 
    the Consultation and Coordination section (pp. 128-134) of the GMP/
        Due to the programmatic nature of the general management plan, 
    specific development projects will be reviewed as necessary for 
    compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, National 
    Historic Preservation Act, and other applicable Federal and State laws 
    and regulations prior to project clearance and implementation. Specific 
    measures to minimize environmental harm will be included in 
    implementation plans called for by the GMP/FEIS. These include 
    fisheries management and water resource management plans, a study to 
    develop and evaluate options for improving the mainland headquarters, a 
    comprehensive interpretive plan, a wilderness and backcountry 
    management plan, and a commercial services plan.
    Basis For Decision
        The selected alternative best supports the park's purpose, 
    significance, and wilderness status, and accomplishes the statutory 
    mission of the National Park Service to provide long-term protection of 
    park resources while allowing for appropriate levels of visitor use and 
    means of visitor enjoyment. The selected alternative also does the best 
    job of addressing issues identified during public scoping while 
    minimizing environmental harm. Other factors considered in the decision 
    were public and resource benefits gained for the cost incurred, and 
    extensive public comment.
    Public Involvement
        Public involvement for the General Management Plan began with a 
    workshop for representatives of key stakeholders in February 1994. In 
    July 1995 the planning team met on the island to discuss preliminary 
    planning issues. Team members spoke about the planning effort at two 
    public programs on the island. The planning team also met with park 
    staff members (those not on the planning team) to solicit their input. 
    Newsletter #1, published in November 1995, introduced the planning 
    project and process to the public.
        In Newsletter #2 the public was asked to review draft purpose and 
    significance statements and a list of preliminary planning issues. 
    Nearly 300 responses were received and 50-60 people attended each 
    public meeting in Duluth, Minnesota, and Houghton and Lansing, Michigan 
    to provide additional comments.
        Newsletter #3, published in June 1996, summarized public input to 
    date and presented revised purpose and significance statements, park 
    emphasis statements, revised issue statements, potential management 
    zones, and possible alternative concepts. There were again a large 
    number of responses and the results were reported in November 1996 in 
    Newsletter #4.
        Using the public input, the planning team developed the alternative 
    concepts in more detail and presented them with maps in Newsletter #5 
    in February 1997. Public meetings were held in Ann Arbor and Houghton, 
    Michigan and Duluth, Minnesota, to present the management alternatives 
    for public comment in March 1997. There was significant response to the 
    newsletter and 75 to 150 people attended each meeting. Using
    [[Page 30540]]
    that input the planning team developed a preliminary preferred 
    alternative, which was presented in Newsletter #6 in July 1997.
        The Draft General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement 
    was produced and distributed for public review in March 1998. Public 
    meetings were held in April 1998 at St. Paul and Duluth, Minnesota, and 
    Houghton and Ann Arbor, Michigan. Approximately 75-150 people attended 
    each of the meetings. Additionally, nearly 600 responses were received 
    by mail or on the Internet. The preferred alternative was subsequently 
    revised and the Final General Management Plan/Environmental Impact 
    Statement was distributed in November 1998.
        Sixteen (16) letters commenting on the GMP/FEIS were received. 
    There were few new ideas expressed in the letters; similar comments 
    (with NPS responses) were incorporated into the GMP/FEIS. Concerns 
    related to the following general topic areas were expressed: separation 
    of uses (including concerns about non-motorized zones), concessions 
    services at Rock Harbor (including concerns about affordability and 
    accessibility of overnight accommodations), and dock removal and 
    replacement. The National Park Service has heard these concerns, and 
    responded to them in the ``Summary of Public Comments'' section of the 
        A notice of availability for the Final General Management Plan/
    Environmental Impact Statement for Isle Royale National Park was 
    published in the Federal Register on November 3, 1998, and the 30-day 
    no-action period ended on December 3, 1998.
        The above factors and considerations justify the selection of the 
    final plan, as described in the ``Proposed Action'' section of the 
    Final Environmental Impact Statement. The final general management plan 
    is hereby approved.
        Dated: May 21, 1999.
    William W. Schenk,
    Regional Director.
    [FR Doc. 99-14440 Filed 6-7-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-70-P

Document Information

National Park Service
Entry Type:
develop a wilderness and backcountry management plan and a commercial services plan, limit charter fishing permits, prohibit personal watercraft, and perform a study to develop and evaluate options for improving the mainland headquarters.
Document Number:
The Regional Director, Midwest Region approved the Record of Decision, on May 11, 1999.
30537-30540 (4 pages)
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