[Federal Register Volume 60, Number 111 (Friday, June 9, 1995)]
[Pages 30630-30676]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 95-13832]
[Public Notice 2215]
Office of Protocol; Gifts to Federal Employees From Foreign
Government Sources Reported to Employing Agencies in Calendar Year 1994
The Department of State submits the following comprehensive listing
of the statements which, as required by law, Federal employees filed
with their employing agencies during calendar year 1994 concerning
gifts received from foreign governments sources. The compilation
includes reports of both tangible gifts and gifts of travel expenses of
more than minimal value, as defined by statute.
Publication of this listing in the Federal Register is required by
Section 7342(f) of title 5, United States Code, as added by section
515(a)(1) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1978
(Public Law 95-105, August 17, 1977, 91 Stat. 865).
Dated: April 13, 1995
Richard Moose,
Under Secretary for Management.
AGENCY: Executive Office of the President
Report of Tangible Gifts
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
President........ 4' scroll that Mr. Chen Jie, Non-acceptance
bears Chinese Foreign Affairs would cause
characters on Office, Huaibei embarrassment
brocade paper. People's to donor and
Recd--January 5, Government, U.S.
1994. Est. People's Government.
Value--$1,200. Republic of
Archive Foreign. China.
President........ 19'' glass His Excellency, Non-acceptance
scepter, with Valeriy would cause
brown glass Shmarov, Deputy embarrassment
handle and brown Prime Minister to donor and
spikes. Recd-- of Ukraine. U.S.
January 6, 1994. Government.
Est. Value--
$1,500. Archive
President........ Sterling silver His Excellency Non-acceptance
clipper ship Ruud Lubbers, would cause
model and wooden Prime Minister embarrassment
stand. Approx. of the to donor and
9'' x 8''. Recd-- Netherlands. U.S.
January 10, Government.
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Framed Turkish Her Excellency Non-acceptance
tapestry that Tansu Ciller, would cause
incorporates a Prime Minister embarrassment
portrait of the of the Republic to donor and
President. Recd-- of Turkey. U.S.
January 12, Government.
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Gold-toned His Excellency Non-acceptance
saxophone with Vaclav Havel, would cause
mother-of-pearl President of embarrassment
keys and the the Czech to donor and
engraved Republic. U.S.
signature of Government.
President Havel,
made by Amati
Krasilce. Recd--
January 18,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ (1) Porcelain His Excellency Non-acceptance
blue and white Boris Yeltsin, would cause
statue of the President of embarrassment
President the Russian to donor and
holding a Federation. U.S.
saxophone, made Government.
in Russia. (2)
Green marble
mantel striking
clock with
ormolu mounts
and an eagle on
a pedestal
holding three
crowns. Approx.
16\1/2\'' x
21''. (3) Framed
photograph of
the President
with Boris
Yeltsin. Recd--
January 18,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ (1) Brown and His Excellency Non-acceptance
green glass vase Leonid would cause
that bears Kravchuk, embarrassment
abstract President of to donor and
designs. Approx. Ukraine. U.S.
10''. (2) Government.
Portrait of the
President etched
on a grain of
rice and set in
a lucite box
with magnifying
glass. Recd--
January 11,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Blue leather His Excellency Non-acceptance
scrapbook that Michal Kovac, would cause
contains various President of embarrassment
articles and the Slovak to donor and
photographs from Republic. U.S.
the Slovak Government.
Approx. 13'' x
16''. Recd--
January 15,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
[[Page 30631]]
President........ Green cut-crystal His Excellency Non-acceptance
bowl, made by Jean-Luc would cause
Val St. Lambert Dehaene, Prime embarrassment
Cristal, Minister of to donor and
Belgium. Approx. Belgium. U.S.
12'' x 4''. Government.
18, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Miniature oak The Honorable Non-acceptance
vodka cask that Vitaly V. would cause
bears a male Pevnev, Mayor embarrassment
bronze figure on of the City of to donor and
top with a ladle Azov Russian U.S.
and a sword at Federation. Government.
his side. Cask
bears Russian
calligraphy on
its side.
Approx. 10'' x
15''. Recd--
January 18,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Bronze sculpture His Excellency Non-acceptance
of a knight on a Stanislav would cause
horse, the Shushkevich, embarrassment
symbol of Chairman of the to donor and
Belarus. Approx. Supreme Soviet U.S.
10'' x 6'' x Republic of Government.
4''. Recd-- Belarus.
January 18,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Gold Pendulum His Excellency Non-acceptance
date and time Claude Haegi, would cause
clock. Recd-- President of embarrassment
January 14, the State to donor and
1994. Est. Council of the U.S.
Value--$1,800. Republic and Government.
Archive Foreign. Canton of
President........ Large crystal His Excellency Non-acceptance
vase that bears Vaclav Klaus, would cause
gold detail and Prime Minister embarrassment
miniature of the Czech to donor and
cartouche Republic. U.S.
portrait of a Government.
woman. Recd--
January 18,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ (1) Large His Majesty Non-acceptance
hardcover folio Hussein I, King would cause
book, ``The of the embarrassment
Mosaics of Hashemite to donor and
Jordan,'' by Kingdom of U.S.
Michele Jordan. Government.
Piccirillo, in a
red slipcase.
(2) Bedoin-style
red, black and
26, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
Sterling silver ................ ................
figure of an
Arab warrior on
a camel, inlaid
with yellow
gold. The figure
is mounted on an
agate panel
base. Approx.
7\1/2\'' x 6\1/
4\''. Recd--
January 26,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Model of an His Excellency Non-acceptance
Amtrak ICE train Dr. Helmut would cause
housed in a Koho, embarrassment
clear plastic Chancellor of to donor and
container. the Federal U.S.
Approx. 34'' x Republic of Government.
9''. Recd-- Germany.
January 31,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
Pair of Zeiss
binoculars in a
plastic case.
31, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ (1) 40'' x 35'' His Excellency Non-acceptance
framed oil Nursultan would cause
painting that Nazarbayev, embarrassment
depicts Kazakh President of to donor and
horsemen with the Republic of U.S.
mountains in the Kazakhstan. Government.
Approx. 40'' x
35''. (2)
Oriental rug
that bears
portraits of the
President and
First Lady in
its center.
Approx. 90'' x
60''. (3)
Kazakh burgundy
colored hat with
gold embroidery
and mink trim.
(4) Burgundy
velvet robe with
gold embroidery.
14, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Gold and pearl His Excellency Non-acceptance
tie tac. Recd.-- Morihiro would cause
February 11, Hosokawa, Prime embarrassment
1994. Est. Minister of to donor and
Value--$300. Japan. U.S.
Archive Foreign. Government.
[[Page 30632]]
First Family..... A matted and His Excellency Non-acceptance
framed 1851 Dr. Helmut would cause
engraving of Kohl, embarrassment
Emmanuel Chancellor of to donor and
Leuize's the Federal U.S.
``Washington Republic of Government.
Crossing the Germany.
Delaware,'' by
Paul Girardet.
Recd--July 14,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
Porcelain bowl
that bears the
image of a pink
flamingo, titled
``The Audobon''
and made by
Limoges. Approx.
9'' diameter.
Recd--July 14,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
First Family..... Wool kilim-style His Excellency Non-acceptance
rug, made in Mohammad Hosni would cause
Egypt. Approx Mubarak, embarrassment
7'6'' x 5'. President of to donor and
Recd--October the Arab U.S.
31, 1994. Est. Republic of Government.
Value--$3,000. Egypt.
Archive Foreign.
First Family..... (1) Intricately His Highness Non-acceptance
designed and Sheikh Jabir Al would cause
crafted model Ahmad Al Sabah, embarrassment
wooden ship. (2) Amir of the to donor and
Large gold State of Kuwait. U.S.
breast medal, Government.
the Order of
Kuwait, and two
pins housed in a
case. (3) Three
black leather
briefcases with
red stitching.
(4) Gold pen and
a pencil set in
leather box that
bears the Seal
of Kuwait. (5)
Christian Dior
wristwatch with
leather band and
four tiny
sapphires. (6)
Black and white
robed Arab dress
outfit. (7)
Dress with black
undergarment and
embossed with
yellow gold
threads and
bangles in a
geometric band
motif. (8) Cloak
in black, gold,
and white with
gold and black
stripes. (9) Pen
set and blotter.
(10) Six Bedouin
pillows, one
blanket, and two
saddlebags. (11)
Book titled,
``Al Sadu
Technique on
Weaving.'' (12)
18 kt. yellow
gold double-link
neck chain of
Mubarak the
Great. (13)
Several books
about Kuwait.
28, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Greek icon, His Excellency Non-acceptance
titled Andreas would cause
``Coronation of Papandreou, embarrassment
the Virgin Prime Minister to donor and
Enthroned,'' of the Hellenic U.S.
circa 1700. Egg Republic. Government.
tempera on wood.
Recd--April 26,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Watercolor His Excellency, Non-acceptance
painting that Zou Jiahua, would cause
bears Chinese Vice Premier embarrassment
characters on and Minister of to donor and
brocade paper. Foreign Affairs U.S.
Recd--May 4, of the People's Government.
1994. Est. Republic of
Value--$1,500. China.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Seven-piece His Excellency Non-Acceptance
sterling silver Datuk Seri Dr. would cause
tea service. Mahathir bin embarrassment
Recd--May 16, Mohamad, Prime to donor and
1994. Est. Minister of U.S.
Value--$2,500. Malaysia. Government.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Indian oriental His Excellency Non-acceptance
carpet whose P.V. Narasimha would cause
design Rao, Prime embarrassment
incorporates Minister of to donor and
twelve square India. U.S.
medallions. Government.
Approx. 4'' x
6''. Recd--May
19, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
[[Page 30633]]
President........ Framed hand-knit His Excellency Non-acceptance
tapestry in Farooq Leghari, would cause
paisley motif, President of embarrassment
speciality of the Islamic to donor and
Kashmir. Approx. Republic of U.S.
77'' x 5'' x Pakistan. Government.
151''. Recd--May
24, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ (1) Statue of The Honorable Non-acceptance
Romulus and Francesco would cause
Remus with Rutelli, Mayor, embarrassment
SheWolf. (2) City of Rome, to donor and
Hardcover book, Italy. U.S.
``Marcus Government.
History of a
Monument and its
(3) Matted
Watercolor of a
Roman fountain.
Approx. 18'' x
14''. Recd--June
2, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
Oversized ..............
hardcover book,
titled ``Roma
number 725, in a
slipcase. Recd--
June 2, 1994.
Est. Value--
$350. Archive
Presentation box ..............
for the statue.
Recd--June 2,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ 800 fine silver His Excellency Non-acceptance
medal that Oscar Luigi would cause
depicts Scalfaro, embarrassment
President President of to donor and
Clinton and the the Italian U.S.
Leaning Tower of Republic. Government.
Pisa. Approx 2''
diameter. Recd--
June 2, 1994.
Est. Value--
$300. Archive
President........ Stone mosaic that His Holiness Non-acceptance
depicts the John Paul II. would cause
Roman Colliseum embarrassment
and is set in a to donor and
gold frame. U.S.
Approx. 13'' x Government.
23''. Recd--June
2, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Sterling silver His Excellency Non-acceptance
box that bears Silvio would cause
an etching of Berlusconi, embarrassment
the Italian President of to donor and
Presidential the Council of U.S.
Palace. The Ministers of Government.
inside bears an the Italian
inscription to Republic.
the President.
Recd--June 3,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
box. Recd--June
3, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ (1) Book about His Excellency Non-acceptance
the artwork of Francois would cause
Bernadette Mitterrand, embarrassment
Kelly. (2) An President of to donor and
oil painting by the French U.S.
Bernadette Republic, and Government.
Kelly. Recd-- Mrs. Mitterrand.
June 3, 1994.
Est. Value--
$1,800. Archive
President........ Signed Her Majesty Non-acceptance
photographs of Queen Elizabeth would cause
Queen Elizabeth II. embarrassment
II and Prince to donor and
Philip. Each is U.S.
in a sterling Government.
silver frame.
Recd--June 6,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
Two presentation
boxes. Recd--
June 6, 1994.
Est. Value--$15.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Cobalt blue vase His Excellency Non-acceptance
that bears a Edouard would cause
gold design. Balladur, Prime embarrassment
Approx. 12''. Minister of the to donor and
Recd--June 6, French Republic. U.S.
1994. Est. Government.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Four Diadora His Excellency Non-acceptance
brand Roberto Maroni, would cause
sweatsuits. Minister of the embarrassment
Recd--June 4, Interior, Italy. to donor and
1994. Est. U.S.
Value--$300. Government.
Archive Foreign.
[[Page 30634]]
President........ Signed color Their Imperial Non-acceptance
photograph of Majesties, The would cause
the Emperor and Emperor and embarrassment
Empress of Japan Empress of to donor and
inside an 11\1/ Japan. U.S.
2\'' x 14\1/2\'' Government.
sterling silver
frame. Recd--
June 22, 1994.
Est. Value--
$350. Archive
President........ Four ceramic His Majesty Non-acceptance
plates and a Hussein I, King would cause
large ceramic of the embarrassment
bowl. Recd--June Hashemite to donor and
23, 1994. Est. Kingdom of U.S.
Value--$300. Jordan. Government.
Archive Foreign.
President........ (1) Large crystal His Excellency Non-acceptance
vase. (2) Michal Kovac, would cause
Ceramic glazed President of embarrassment
platter that the Slovak to donor and
bears a portrait Republic. U.S.
of the President Government.
and First Lady
in the center
and a floral
border. (3)
Hardcover book
with leather
cover, titled
``Slovakia for
the World.''
Recd--June 23,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Lapis-lazuli His Excellency Non-acceptance
table box with Eduardo Frei, would cause
sterling silver President of embarrassment
trim and hinges the Republic of to donor and
and an Chile. U.S.
inscription Government.
plate that reads
Eduardo Frei
President of
Chile 1994.''
Recd--June 30,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Carved stone His Excellency Non-acceptance
statue of a Viktor would cause
female religious Chernomyrdin, embarrassment
figure. Recd-- Chairman of the to donor and
June 30, 1994. Council of U.S.
Est. Value-- Ministers of Government.
$250. Archive the Russian
Foreign. Federation.
President........ Gold soccer ball His Royal Non-acceptance
trophy on a Highness Prince would cause
malachite and Saud Al Faisal, embarrassment
gold pedestal. Minister of to donor and
Recd--July 14, Foreign Affairs U.S.
1994. Est. of Saudi Arabia. Government.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Set of 12 Sudety His Excellency Non-acceptance
hand-cut lead Lech Walesa, would cause
crystal old- President of embarrassment
fashioned the Republic of to donor and
glasses, Poland. U.S.
matching Government.
decanter with
stopper, and a
round ashtray.
All made in
Poland. Recd--
July 6, 1994.
Est. Value--
$620. Archive
President........ Silver-colored The Honorable Non-acceptance
metal bell with Eberhard would cause
etched design, Diepgen, embarrassment
lettered ``That Governing Mayor to donor and
this world under of Berlin, U.S.
God shall have a Federal Government.
new birthday of Republic of
freedom.'' Recd-- Germany.
July 11, 1994.
Est. Value--
$500. Archive
President........ Large selection The Honorable Non-acceptance
of ceramic Giorgio would cause
Artistica Franchetti embarrassment
Solimene Pardo, Head of to donor and
dinnerware the Delegation U.S.
consisting of: for the Italian Government.
24 dinner plates Presidency for
in various the G-7 Summit
designs; 12 for the
salad plates; 12 Ministry of
soup bowls; soup Foreign Affairs
tureen; large Italy.
serving bowl;
serving dish;
two round-shaped
and two oval-
shaped serving
platters; two
serving bowls;
and two small
platters. Recd--
July 8, 1994.
Est. Value--
$800. Archive
[[Page 30635]]
President........ Brown leather His Excellency Non-acceptance
photograph album Francois would cause
that contains Mitterrand, embarrassment
photographs from President of to donor and
the President's the French U.S.
and Mrs. Republic. Government.
Clinton's trip
to Paris in June
1994, in a
slipcase. Recd--
July 14, 1994.
Est. Value--
$500. Archive
President........ Saxophone with His Excellency Non-acceptance
engraved Lech Walesa, would cause
lettering President of embarrassment
``Amati the Republic of to donor and
Kraslice, ATS Poland. U.S.
21.'' Recd--July Government.
6, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Oil on canvas His Excellency Non-acceptance
painting of an Guntis Ulmanis, would cause
abstract figure President of embarrassment
of a bird, the Republic of to donor and
titled ``She Latvia, and U.S.
Wolf,'' by Mrs. Ulmane. Government.
Latvian artist
Approx. 40'' x
35\1/2\''. Recd--
July 15, 1994.
Est. Value--
$2,500. Archive
President........ Reproduction of a His Excellency Non-acceptance
pre-Columbian Ernesto Perez would cause
artifact. Recd-- Balladares, embarrassment
July 22, 1994. President of to donor and
Est. Value-- the Republic of U.S.
$350. Archive Panama. Government.
President........ Glass and The Honorable Non-acceptance
precious stone Gabi Kadosh, would cause
sculpture that Mayor, City of embarrassment
is a model of Eilat, Israel. to donor and
the twin cities U.S.
Eilat and Aqaba. Government.
Recd--July 28,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Oil on canvas His Excellency Non-acceptance
painting by Levon Ter- would cause
Robert Petrosyan, embarrassment
Elibekian, President of to donor and
titled the Republic of U.S.
``Actresses.'' Armenia. Government.
Approx. 35'' x
42''. Recd--
August 10, 1994.
Est. Value--
$2,000. Archive
President........ Antique leather- His Excellency Non-acceptance
bound manuscript Meles Zenawi, would cause
of the Old and President of embarrassment
New Testaments, the to donor and
written in Ge'ez Transitional U.S.
(the Ethiopian Government of Government.
equivalent of Ethiopia.
Latin), the
language of the
Orthodox Church.
Recd--August 12,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Large floral His Royal Non-acceptance
arrangement of Highness Prince would cause
birds of Bandar Bin embarrassment
paradise and Sultan, to donor and
proteus. Recd-- Ambassador of U.S.
August 19, 1994. Saudi Arabia. Government.
Est. Value--
$250. Accepted
by Another
President........ Large floral His Majesty Non-acceptance
arrangement. Hassan II, King would cause
Recd--August 19, of Morocco. embarrassment
1994. Est. to donor and
Value--$350. U.S.
Accepted by Government.
Large goldfish
bowl vase that
bears an
floral design on
a white
Recd--August 19,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign .
[[Page 30636]]
Steel storage
chest with two
lock clasps,
fruit finial,
two ring handles
and flared base.
The chest
contains eleven
coffee table
books about
``The Majesty of
``Morocco Seen
from Above,''
``La Mosquee
Hassan II,''
``Morocco Design
from Casablanca
to Marakesh,''
``Living in
Morocco,'' ``De
L'Empire Aux
ures and Secret
Gardens,'' and
Islamic Craft in
Recd--August 19,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Antique sword Dr. Ing. Non-acceptance
with steel Wardiman would cause
blade, inlaid Djojonegoro, embarrassment
with silver and Minister of to donor and
gold. The Education and U.S.
scabbard is gold Culture, Government.
and has a carved Republic of
ivory top. Recd-- Indonesia.
September 14,
1994. Est.
Value. Archive
President........ Silver Byzantine Nicholas S. Non-acceptance
icon of the Revezoulis, would cause
Virgin Mary Chairman, embarrassment
holding baby American to donor and
Jesus. Recd-- Hellenic U.S.
September 21, Friends of Government.
1994. Est. Clinton
Value--$300. Organization,
Archive Foreign. Greece.
............... The Honorable
George Lianis,
Deputy Minister
of Culture,
President........ Hour Lavigne The Honorable Non-acceptance
clock. Recd-- Jacques Chirac, would cause
September 22, Mayor of Paris, embarrassment
1994. Est. France. to donor and
Value--$5,990. U.S.
Archive Foreign. Government.
President........ Paperback, His Excellency Non-acceptance
``Romania in Ion Iliescu, would cause
Europe and in President of embarrassment
the World,'' Romania. to donor and
written and U.S.
inscribed by Ion Government.
Iliescu. Recd--
September 30,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
(1) Portrait of
Roosevelt. (2)
tapestry. Recd--
September 30,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Paperback, His Excellency Non-acceptance
``Century's Heydar Alieyev, would cause
Contract,'' President of embarrassment
inscribed by the Republic of to donor and
President Azerbaijan. U.S.
Aliyev. Recd-- Government.
September 30,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
Carpet with the
portrait woven
into the
pattern. Recd--
September 30,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ A pair of His Excellency Non-acceptance
candlesticks. Boris Yeltsin, would cause
Recd--September President of embarrassment
27, 1994. Est. the Russian to donor and
Value--$900. Federation. U.S.
Archive Foreign. Government.
President........ Small hardcover Mr. Nelson Non-acceptance
book, ``Hope,'' Mandela, would cause
inscribed to President of embarrassment
President the State to donor and
Clinton. Recd-- Republic of U.S.
October 6, 1994. South Africa. Government.
Est. Value--$5.
Archive Foreign.
[[Page 30637]]
(1) Bronze
sculpture of an
elephant, with
gold tusks,
10''x12''. (2)
White gold pin
in the shape of
South Africa.
(3) Photograph
album that
photographs of
the great bull
elephant. (4)
White box that
housed Inaugural
Coin. Recd--
October 6, 1994.
Est. Value--
$1,000. Archive
Coin that
commemorates the
inauguration of
Mandela. Recd--
October 6, 1994.
Est. Value--
$500. Archive
President........ Ukrainian pine His Excellency Non-acceptance
box with hinged Oleksandr would cause
lid that bears a Moroz, embarrassment
native inlaid Chairman, to donor and
intricate Supreme Rada of U.S.
geometrical Ukraine. Government.
design. Approx.
14''x17''. Recd--
October 11,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Sterling silver His Excellency Non-acceptance
compote with Carlos Salinas would cause
wood interior. de Gortari, embarrassment
Recd--October President of to donor and
12, 1994. Est. the United U.S.
Value--$700. Mexican States. Government.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Sterling silver His Excellency Non-acceptance
astrolabio Anibal Cavaco would cause
nautico Silva, Prime embarrassment
(compass), circa Minister of to donor and
1555. Recd-- Portugal. U.S.
October 12, Government.
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Sterling silver His Excellency Non-acceptance
box that bears Chuan Leekpai, would cause
the crest of Prime Minister embarrassment
Thailand on its of the Kingdom to donor and
lid. The inside of Thailand. U.S.
is made of Government.
lacquered wood.
Approx. 9''x5\1/
2\''. Recd--
October 20,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ (1) Inlaid wood His Excellency Non-acceptance
and mother-of- Hafiz al-Asad, would cause
pearl game table President of embarrassment
for playing the Syrian Arab to donor and
backgammon and Republic. U.S.
chess. (2) Government.
Inlaid wooden
box. Recd--
October 27,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ The Order of Al- His Majesty Non-acceptance
Hussein Bin Ali, Hussein I, King would cause
the Kingdom of of the embarrassment
Jordan's highest Hashemite to donor and
decoration. Kingdom of U.S.
Recd--October Jordan. Government.
26, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
Sterling silver
box with wooden
interior. Recd--
October 26,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Three ancient oil The Honorable Non-acceptance
lamps in a glass Ehud Olmert, would cause
case on a wooden Mayor of embarrassment
base. Recd-- Jerusalem, to donor and
October 27, Israel. U.S.
1994. Est. Government.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Sterling silver His Excellency, Non-acceptance
serving tray Yitzhak Rabin, would cause
with Prime Minister embarrassment
inscription. of Israel. to donor and
Recd--October U.S.
26, 1994. Est. Government.
Archive Foreign.
Framed antique
map of the Holy
Land. Recd--
October 26,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
[[Page 30638]]
President........ Large, thick gold Fahd bin Abd Al- Non-acceptance
necklace and Aziz Al Saud, would cause
pendant. Custodian of embarrassment
Necklace is the Two Holy to donor and
housed in a Mosques, King U.S.
green of the Kingdom Government.
presentation box of Saudi Arabia.
that bears the
seal of the
Saudi Royal
Family on its
cover. Recd--
October 28,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ (1) Three books His Excellency Non-acceptance
with sterling Ezer Weizman, would cause
silver covers. President of embarrassment
(2) Blue Israel, and to donor and
presentation Mrs. Weizman. U.S.
box. Recd-- Government.
October 31,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ (1) Dark wooden His Excellency Non-acceptance
jewelry box that Martti would cause
bears a golfing Ahtisaari, embarrassment
scene on its President of to donor and
cover. (2) Three Finland. U.S.
packages of golf Government.
balls. Recd--
November 8,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
(1) Wilson golf
putter housed in
a blond wooden
box. (2) Large
navy leather
picture frame
that contains a
photograph of
President and
Mrs. Ahtisaari.
8, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Wooden sculpture His Excellency Non-acceptance
of a Filipino Fidel Ramos, would cause
family by artist President of embarrassment
Baldemor. the Republic of to donor and
Approx. the Philippines. U.S.
14''x10''. Recd-- Government.
November 14,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ (1) Silk batik His Excellency Non-acceptance
shirt. (2) Seven Soeharto, would cause
titles on President of embarrassment
Indonesia: the Republic of to donor and
``Lordly Indonesia. U.S.
Shardes,'' Government.
1994,'' ``Art of
Prayer in
``30 Years of
(two volumes,
both autographed
by President
Soeharto). Recd--
November 15,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
Five boxes of
mangoes. Recd--
November 15,
1994. Est.
Accepted by
(1) Mask. (2)
Dagger. (3) Two
books that
Clinton's trip
to Indonesia.
15, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
Red velvet
boxes for the
mask, dagger,
and photographs.
15, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Cloisonne plate His Excellency Non-acceptance
with stand. Jiang Zemin, would cause
Recd--November President of embarrassment
15, 1994. Est. the People's to donor and
Value--$1,200. Republic of U.S.
Archive Foreign. China. Government.
[[Page 30639]]
President........ Framed and matted His Excellency Non-acceptance
oil on canvas Jean-Bertrand would cause
painting, titled Aristide, embarrassment
``Charcoal President of to donor and
Vendors,'' by the Republic of U.S.
artist Claude Haiti. Government.
Approx. 24'' x
36''. Recd--
November 3,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Sterling silver His Excellency Non-acceptance
model boat with Try Sutrisno, would cause
plaque on base Vice President embarrassment
that reads, of the Republic to donor and
``Presented by of Indonesia. U.S.
Try Sutrisno, Government.
Vice President
of the Republic
of Indonesia.''
17, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
Clear glass ................
presentation box
for the model
boat. Recd--
November 17,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ A wooden cask His Excellency Non-acceptance
that bears a Leonid Kuchma, would cause
handpainted President of embarrassment
floral design. Ukraine. to donor and
Approx. 12'' x U.S.
17''. Recd-- Government.
November 22,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Large porcelain His Excellency Non-acceptance
vase made by Arpad Goncz, would cause
Herend. Approx. President of embarrassment
20\1/2\''. Recd-- the Republic of to donor and
December 5, Hungary. U.S.
1994. Est. Government.
Archive Foreign.
His Excellency ................
Gyula Horn,
Prime Minister
of the Republic
of Hungary.
President........ Korean lacquer His Excellency Non-acceptance
box. The Kim Young Sam, would cause
interior is President of embarrassment
inlaid with the Republic of to donor and
mother-of-pearl Korea. U.S.
and holds a Government.
shelf. Approx.
13\3/4\'' x 10\3/
4\''. Recd--
December 8,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Hand-hammered His Excellency Non-acceptance
copper relief Soewardi, would cause
plaque that Governor of embarrassment
bears the image Central Java, to donor and
of a temple and Indonesia. U.S.
the title Government.
8, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ (1) Small oval His Excellency Non-acceptance
painting of the Gonzalo Sanchez would cause
Three Kings in de Lozada, embarrassment
an oval sterling President of to donor and
silver frame. the Republic of U.S.
Approx. 12'' x Bolivia. Government.
8''. (2) Large
carved papier
mache and wooden
archangel with
wings in the
form of a hunter
in native
costume holding
an arquebus. (3)
Paperback book,
9, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Framed and matted His Excellency Non-acceptance
oil painting of Luis Alberto would cause
a corn patch on Lacalle, embarrassment
sandy terrain. President of to donor and
Recd--December the Oriental U.S.
9, 1994. Est. Republic of Government.
Value--$350. Uruguay.
Archive Foreign.
President........ Ten sterling His Excellency Non-acceptance
silver demitasse Oscar Alfredo would cause
spoons. Recd-- Santamaria, embarrassment
December 9, Minister of to donor and
1994. Est. Foreign Affairs U.S.
Value--$500. of the Republic Government.
Archive Foreign. of El Salvador.
President........ Framed and matted His Excellency Non-acceptance
oil painting Armando would cause
that depicts a Calderon Sol, embarrassment
farmer plowing a President of to donor and
field. Recd-- the Republic of U.S.
December 9, El Salvador. Government.
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
[[Page 30640]]
President........ Hollow silver His Excellency Non-acceptance
bird statue with Galo Leoro, would cause
aquamarine Minister of embarrassment
colored stone Foreign to donor and
eyes. Recd-- Relations of U.S.
December 9, the Republic of Government.
1994. Est. Ecuador
Archive Foreign
President........ Composition bust The Honorable Non-acceptance
of Sister P.J. Patterson, would cause
Euphemia wearing M.P., Prime embarrassment
a turban and Minister of to donor and
cross. Recd-- Jamaica U.S.
December 10, Government.
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign
President........ Small gilt metal The Right Non-acceptance
framed enamel-on- Honorable John would cause
metal painting Compton, Prime embarrassment
of mountains and Minister of to donor and
ocean. Recd-- Saint Lucia U.S.
December 12, Government.
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign
President........ (1) Gold 500 His Excellency Non-acceptance
pesos coin from Joaquin would cause
the Dominican Balaguer, embarrassment
Republic. (2) President of to donor and
Two hardcover the Dominican U.S.
books (one copy Republic Government.
in Spanish, one
in English) of
Guide of the
Romantic City,''
by President
Balaguer. (3) A
two volume set
of books, titled
9, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign
President........ 1967 Royal Mint The Right Non-acceptance
Bahamanian four Honorable Sir would cause
coin set: ten Hubert A. embarrassment
dollar, twenty Ingraham, Prime to donor and
dollar, fifty Minister of the U.S.
dollar, and one Commonwealth of Government.
hundred dollar. the Bahamas
10, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign
President........ Framed and matted Her Excellency Non-acceptance
oil painting Violeta Barrios would cause
that depicts an de Chamorro, embarrassment
idealized President of to donor and
tropical nature the Republic of U.S.
scene of trees, Nicaragua Government.
water, and white
Approx. 40\1/
2\''21''. Recd--
December 10,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign
President........ Framed and matted The Right Non-acceptance
watercolor Honorable Dr. would cause
painting that Kennedy embarrassment
depicts a Alphonse to donor and
village scene. Simmonds, Prime U.S.
Approx. 38\1/ Minister of the Government.
2\''26''. Recd-- Federation of
December 10, Saint Kitts and
1994. Est. Nevis
Archive Foreign
President........ Framed and matted His Excellency Non-acceptance
oil painting Ramiro De Leon would cause
that depicts a Carpio, embarrassment
street scene. President of to donor and
Approx. the Republic of U.S.
40''23''. Recd-- Guatemala Government.
December 13,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign
President........ Four coins from His Excellency Non-acceptance
Suriname in a Ronald would cause
carved wooden Venetiaan, embarrassment
case. Recd-- President of to donor and
December 12, the Republic of U.S.
1994. Est. Suriname Government.
Archive Foreign
President........ (1) Blue leather The Right Non-acceptance
stamp album that Honorable Sir would cause
contains stamps Owen S. Arthur, embarrassment
from Barbados. M.P., Prime to donor and
(2) Wooden box Minister of U.S.
with a sea Barbados Government.
urchin depicted
in silver on its
lid. (3) Brown
gourd ornately
encased in
silver and
presented in a
blue case with a
silver stirrer.
(4) Round wooden
box whose lid
bears a silver
abstract design
representing the
limestone of
Barbados. Recd--
December 10,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign
[[Page 30641]]
President........ (1) Large ceramic His Excellency Non-acceptance
vase that bears Alberto would cause
a traditional Fujimori, embarrassment
Peruvian scene. President of to donor and
(2) Rug that the Republic of U.S.
bears a portrait Peru Government.
of President
Clinton. Recd--
December 9,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign
President........ (1) Silver bowl His Excellency Non-acceptance
with floral N.K.P. Salve, would cause
design. (2) Minister of embarrassment
Decorative pin. Power, Republic to donor and
Recd--December of India. U.S.
16, 1994. Est. Government.
Archive Foreign.
President........ (1) 10 lbs. of His Excellency Non-acceptance
dates. (2) Six Zine El-Abidine would cause
bottles of olive Ben Ali, embarrassment
oil. (3) Six President of to donor and
bottles of wine. the Republic of U.S.
Recd--December Tunisia. Government.
20, 1994. Est.
Accepted by
Green leather ................
trunk whose lid
is decorated
with gold
design. Approx.
15'' x 22''.
20, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ (1) Five 4 oz. His Excellency Non-acceptance
jars of Russian Yuli M. would cause
caviar. (2) Five Vorontsov, embarrassment
bottles of Ambassador of to donor and
Russian vodka. the Russian U.S.
Recd--December Federation. Government.
28, 1994. Est.
Accepted by
President........ (1) 25-year-old His Majesty Non-acceptance
Glenfarclas Sultan Haji would cause
scotch. (2) 1982 Hassanal embarrassment
magnum of Krug Bolkiah to donor and
champagne. (3) Mu'Izzaddin U.S.
1963 Taylors Waddaulah, Government.
sherry. (4) 1989 Sultan, and
Raymond Lafont Yang Di-Pertuan
wine. (5) 1982 of Brunei
Margaux wine. Darussalam.
(6) 1988
Montrachet wine.
(7) Hennessy
Paradis cognac.
(8) Cristal Rose
champagne. (9)
Montrachet Les
(10) Domain
Jacques wine.
(11) Exotic
snack selection.
(12) Red currant
jelly with
vintage port.
(13) Moutarde de
Meaux. (14)
Walkers Highland
Oatcakes in tin.
(15) Super
luxury Christmas
pudding. (16)
Brandy butter.
(17) Algerian
dates. (18)
Mixed nuts. (19)
Glazed nuts.
(20) Box of
glazed fruits.
(23) Gold Rush
tea. (24)
Goomtee Tea.
(25) Harrods
homemade mince
pies. (26)
Christmas Cake
in tin. (27)
Christmas tin of
biscuits. (28)
preserve with
Cointreau. (29)
Seville orange
marmalade with
cognac. (30)
Selection of
florentines in
chocolate. Recd--
December 28,
1994. Est.
Accepted by
[[Page 30642]]
(1) Aynsley ................
Pembroke cake
knife. (2) Tea
set for four.
(3) Two dressing
gowns. (4) Set
of two towels.
(5) Harrods
corkscrew. (6)
Malcom Sargent
decanter. (7)
Four champagne
flutes. (8) Six
crackers. (9)
Christmas bear.
(10) Four hand-
cut lead crystal
glasses. (11)
Natural wood
coffee grinder.
(12) Harrods
compact disc
volume I. Recd--
December 28,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
First Lady....... Six silver Mrs. Son Myong Non-acceptance
dessert spoons Sun, wife of would cause
and dessert the President embarrassment
forks. Recd-- of the Republic to donor and
January 5, 1994. of Korea. U.S.
Est. Value-- Government.
$1,000. Archive
First Lady....... (1) Straw hat. His Excellency Non-acceptance
(2) Floral Petr would cause
bouquet made of Kravchanka, embarrassment
straw. (3) Doll Minister of to donor and
in Belarussian Foreign Affairs U.S.
traditional of the Republic Government.
dress made of of Belarus.
straw. (4)
Crystal slipper.
14, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
Two boxes of ................
14, 1994. Est.
Accepted by
First Lady....... Large cut-crystal Mrs. Livia Non-acceptance
bowl with Klausova, Wife would cause
elaborate of the Prime embarrassment
design, made by Minister of the to donor and
Bohemian Czech Republic. U.S.
Crystal. Approx. Government.
18''. Recd--
January 18,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
First Lady....... 18'' high glass His Excellency Non-acceptance
goblet with Vaclav Havel, would cause
brown and green President of embarrassment
bowl. Recd-- the Czech to donor and
January 11, Republic. U.S.
1994. Est. Government.
Archive Foreign.
First Lady....... (1) Traditional Mrs. Cara A. Non-acceptance
Kazakh burgundy Nazarbayeve, would cause
colored hat with wife of the embarrassment
gold embroidery President of to donor and
and mink trim. the Republic of U.S.
(2) Burgundy Kazakhstan. Government.
velvet robe with
gold embroidery.
(3) Silver
bracelet with
three attached
rings set with
stones and
matching pair of
earrings. The
jewelry is
housed in a
burgundy velvet
box. Recd--
February 14,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
First Lady....... Gold and pearl His Excellency Non-acceptance
pin. Recd--March Morihiro would cause
11, 1994. Est. Hosokawa, Prime embarrassment
Value--$650. Minister of to donor and
Archive Foreign. Japan. U.S.
First Lady....... Silk stitchery of His Excellency Non-acceptance
a kitten mounted Zou Jiahua, would cause
in a rosewood Vice Premier embarrassment
rotating frame. and Minister of to donor and
Recd--May 3, Foreign Affairs U.S.
1994. Est. of the People's Government.
Value--$850. Republic of
Archive Foreign. China.
First Lady....... (1) Catalog of His Excellency Non-acceptance
items from Francois would cause
Manufacture Mitterrand, embarrassment
Nationale de President of to donor and
Sevres. (2) the French U.S.
White vase with Republic, and Government.
design of Mrs. Mitterrand.
flowers and blue
Recd--June 10,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
First Lady....... Silk kimono robe. The Honorable Non-acceptance
Recd--June 29, Teiichi would cause
1994. Est. Aramaki, embarrassment
Value--$12,700. Governor, Kyoto to donor and
Archive Foreign. Prefecture U.S.
Japan. Government.
[[Page 30643]]
First Lady....... Silver necklace His Excellency Non-acceptance
set with milky- Lech Walesa, would cause
white stone. President of embarrassment
Recd--July 14, the Republic of to donor and
1994. Est. Poland. U.S.
Value--$350. Government.
Archive Foreign.
First Lady....... Amber stone and His Excellency Non-acceptance
bead necklace Guntis Ulmanis, would cause
and matching President of embarrassment
bracelet. Recd-- the Republic of to donor and
July 14, 1994. Latvia, and U.S.
Est. Value-- Mrs. Ulmane. Government.
$700. Archive
First Lady....... 12'' religious Mrs. Valentina Non-acceptance
icon. Recd--June Fedorovna would cause
30, 1994. Est. Chernomyrdina, embarrassment
Value--$250. wife of the to donor and
Archive Foreign. Chairman of the U.S.
Council of Government.
Ministers of
the Russian
First Lady....... Large oval cameo. His Excellency Non-acceptance
Recd--July 5, Silvio would cause
1994. Est. Berlusconi, embarrassment
Value--$650. President of to donor and
Archive Foreign. the Council of U.S.
Ministers of Government.
the Italian
First Lady....... Painting on His Excellency Non-acceptance
goatskin that Meles Zenawi, would cause
depicts various President of embarrassment
biblical events the to donor and
and stories. Transitional U.S.
Recd--August 30, Government of Government.
1994. Est. Ethiopia.
Archive Foreign.
First Lady....... Four handpainted Mrs. Naina Non-acceptance
china teacups Iosifovna would cause
and saucers. Yeltsin, wife embarrassment
Recd--September of the to donor and
27, 1994. Est. President of U.S.
Value--$250. the Russian Government.
Archive Foreign. Federation.
First Lady....... Large arrangement His Majesty Non-acceptance
of flowers, Hassan II, King would cause
including roses, of Morocco. embarrassment
orchids, and to donor and
lilies. Recd-- U.S.
October 25, Government.
1994. Est.
Accepted by
White bowl-shaped ................
floral vase.
25, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
First Lady....... The Grand Cordon His Majesty Non-acceptance
of the Order of Hussein I, King would cause
Al-Nahda. Recd-- of the embarrassment
October 26, Hashemite to donor and
1994. Est. Kingdom of U.S.
Value--$2,700. Jordon. Government.
Archive Foreign.
First Lady....... Gold necklace. Mrs. Leah Rabin, Non-acceptance
Recd--October wife of the would cause
31, 1994. Est. Prime Minister embarrassment
Value--$350. of Israel. to donor and
Archive Foreign. U.S.
First Lady....... Round sterling Her Majesty Noor Non-acceptance
silver platter Al Hussein, would cause
with an Queen of the embarrassment
engraving that Hashemite to donor and
commemorates the Kingdom of U.S.
signing of the Jordan. Government.
Jordanian peace
agreement. Recd--
October 31,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
First Lady....... Small stone Mrs. Sonia Non-acceptance
sculpture of a Peres, wife of would cause
woman in the the Minister of embarrassment
shape of a Foreign Affairs to donor and
chair. Recd-- of Israel. U.S.
October 27, Government.
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
First Lady....... Pearl necklace His Highness Non-acceptance
with diamond Sheikh Jabir Al would cause
clasp. Recd-- Ahmad Al Sabah, embarrassment
October 28, Amir of the to donor and
1994. Est.Value-- State of Kuwait. U.S.
$3,000. Archive Government.
First Lady....... Bronze coin from His Excellency Non-acceptance
66-70 a.d. Ezer Weizman, would cause
encircled in President of embarrassment
gold and on a Israel, and to donor and
gold chain. Mrs. Weizman. U.S.
Recd--October Government.
31, 1994. Est.
Archieve Foreign.
[[Page 30644]]
First Lady....... (1) Batik fabric. Mrs. Tien Non-acceptance
(2) Stuffed toy Soeharto, wife would cause
monkey. (3) Gold of the embarrassment
plate flatware President of to donor and
service for 12. the Republic of U.S.
(4) Compact 35 Indonesia. Government.
mm camera. (5)
medals. (6)
Cosmetics. (7)
Silk batick
material. (8)
Silk scarf. (9)
Silk fabric.
(10) Eight
``Tanali Air,''
``Museum Puma
Bhakti Periwi,''
``What and Who
in Beautiful
``Puspa Warna,''
Prayer in
Stone.'' (11)
Set of
Indonesian 835
silver flatware
service for 12,
housed in large
red box. Recd--
November 15,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
First Lady....... A wooden vase Mrs. Lydymyla Non-acceptance
that bears Kuchma, wife of would cause
scenes from the President embarrassment
village life, of Ukraine. to donor and
signed on the U.S.
bottom. Approx. Government.
13'' x 7''.
5, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
First Lady....... Hollow sterling Mrs. Aglae De Non-acceptance
silver bird Leoro, wife of would cause
figurine. Recd-- the Minister of embarrassment
December 9, Foreign to donor and
1994. Est. Relations of U.S.
Value--$325. Ecuador. Government.
Archive Foreign.
First Lady....... Gold and amber His Excellency Non-acceptance
stone necklace Joaquin would cause
with matching Balaguer, embarrassment
earrings. Recd-- President of to donor and
December 9, the Dominican U.S.
1994. Est. Republic. Government.
Archive Foreign.
First Lady....... Sterling silver Mrs. Marta Non-acceptance
necklace with Larraechea de would cause
blue lapis Frei, wife of embarrassment
pendant. Recd-- the President to donor and
December 9, of the Republic U.S.
1994. Est. of Chile. Government.
Archive Foreign.
First Lady....... Brazilian Mrs. Lucia Non-acceptance
polished pewter Flecha de Lima, would cause
milk pitcher. wife of the embarrassment
Recd--December Brazilian to donor and
9, 1994. Est. Ambassador to U.S.
Value--$235. the United Government.
Archive Foreign. States.
First Lady....... Small sterling Mrs. Maria Non-acceptance
silver harp in a Teresa Carrasco would cause
blue velvet de Wasmosy, embarrassment
presentation wife of the to donor and
case. Recd-- President of U.S.
December 16, Paraguay. Government.
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President and (1) Wine coaster The Honorable Non-acceptance
First Lady. with wooden Paul Keating, would cause
bottom and a Prime Minister embarrassment
sterling silver of Australia, to donor and
decorative ring and Mrs. U.S.
around its Keating. Government.
perimeter. (2)
Six sterling
silver teaspoons
with a
floral pattern
on their
handles. (3)
Sterling silver
link bracelet.
Recd--January 5,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President and Three items by The Honorable Non-acceptance
First Lady. Hermes: (1) Philippe would cause
Wooden jewelry Seguin, embarrassment
box. (2) Enamel President of to donor and
bracelet. (3) the National U.S.
Four-piece desk Assembly, Government.
set. Recd--June France.
3, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President and Two items by His Excellency Non-acceptance
First Lady. Hermes: (1) Alain Juppe, would cause
Scarf. (2) Minister of embarrassment
Sterling silver State for to donor and
tray with Foreign Affairs U.S.
leather handles of the French Government.
for letters. Republic.
Recd--June 3,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
[[Page 30645]]
President and (1) Three His Excellency Non-acceptance
First Lady. hardcover books Carlos Menem, would cause
on Argentina: President of embarrassment
``Argentina the Argentine to donor and
Panorama,'' Nation. U.S.
``Argentina Una Government.
and ``Magica
Buenos Aires''
(for the First
Lady). (2)
Sterling silver
etched goblet
(for the
Recd--June 30,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President and Brass tray with His Excellency Non-acceptance
First Lady. inlaid silver Hafiz al-Asad, would cause
traditional President of embarrassment
Arabic designs. the Syrian Arab to donor and
Recd--October Republic. U.S.
27, 1994. Est. Government.
Archive Foreign.
President and (1) Wool rug that Their Majesties Non-acceptance
First Lady. bears King Hussein I would cause
traditional and Queen Noor embarrassment
Bedouin motifs. Al Hussein, to donor and
(2) Sterling King and Queen U.S.
silver Arabic of the Government.
coffee set. Hashemite
Recd--October Kingdom of
26, 1994. Est. Jordan.
Archive Foreign.
(1) Gold brooch
with inlaid
stones in the
colors of the
Jordanian flag.
(2) Signed
photograph of
the King and
Queen on a
26, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
Chelsea.......... (1) Pair of His Excellency Non-acceptance
Adidas Dr. Helmut would cause
``Predator'' Kohl, embarrassment
soccer shoes. Chancellor of to donor and
(2) Four Adidas the Federal U.S.
``World Cup'' Republic of Government.
commemorative Germany.
jerseys and
three pairs of
matching shorts.
(3) Small black
leather Etienne
Aigner handbag.
Recd--July 14,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
Chelsea.......... Silk brocade Mrs. al-Asad Non-acceptance
material. Recd.-- Wife of the would cause
October 28, President of embarrassment
1994. Est. the Syrian Arab to donor and
Value--$300. Republic. U.S.
Archive Foreign. Government.
James Alan Bronze statue of Mr. Mikhail Non-acceptance
Dorsking, Jesus Christ. Alexeevitch would cause
Special Recd--August 3, Mironov, embarrassment
Assistant to the 1994. Est. Director of to donor and
President and Value--$400. correspondence, U.S.
Director of General Services Office of Government.
Correspondence Administration. Administration
and Presidential of the
Messages. President of
the Russian
Dr. John H. Sterling silver Dr. Bacharuddin Non-acceptance
Gibbons, box with J. Habibie, would cause
Assistant to the engraved Minister of embarrassment
President for etchings. State for to donor and
Science and Presented in Research and U.S.
Technology cloth box. Recd-- Technology of Government.
Policy and October 3, 1994. the Republic of
Director of the Est. Value-- Indonesia.
Office of $800. Archives,
Science and Staff Gift.
Brenda I. Women's Omega His Majesty Non-acceptance
Hilliard, wristwatch with Hussein I, King would cause
Special a gold face and of the embarrassment
Assistant to the a black leather Hashemite to donor and
Executive band. Recd-- Kingdom of U.S. Government
Secretary, March 28, 1994. Jordon.
National Est. Value--
Security Council. $300. General
Martin S. Indyk, One man's and one Their Majesties Non-acceptance
Special woman's Longines King Hussein I would cause
Assistant to the wristwatches. and Queen Noor embarrassment
President for Recd--August 2, Al Hussein, to donor and
Near East and 1994. Est. King and Queen U.S.
South Asian Value--$300. of the Government.
Affairs, General Services Hashemite
National Administration. Kingdom of
Security Council. Jordon.
William H. Itoh, Man's Breitling His Excellency Non-acceptance
Executive wristwatch. Ayman Majali, would cause
Secretary, Recd--June 21, Chief of embarrassment
National 1994. Est. Protocol of the to donor and
Security Council. Value--$500. Kingdom of U.S.
General Services Jordan. Government.
Ellen B. Laipson, (1) 63''40'' silk Mr. Jalal Non-acceptance
Director, Near ghoum rug; green Talalbani, would cause
East and South with a medallion Secretary embarrassment
Asian Affairs, design (2) 58\1/ General of the to donor and
National 2\''40\1/2\'' Patriotic Union U.S.
Security Council. silk ghoum rug; of Kurdistan Government.
blue with an Iraqui National
animal design. Congress.
Recd--July 26,
1994. Est.
General Services
[[Page 30646]]
Anthony Lake, Woven silk rug General Abdul Non-acceptance
Assistant to the with blue and Waheed, Chief would cause
President for cream colored of the Army embarrassment
National medallion Staff, Pakistan. to donor and
Security Affairs. design. Approx. U.S. Government
Recd--May 2,
1994 Est. Value--
$850. General
Anthony Lake, (1) Navy blue His Highness Non-acceptance
Assistant to the leather Sheikh Jabir Al would cause
President for briefcase with Ahmad AL Sabah, embarrassment
National red stitching. Amir of the to donor and
Security Affairs. (2) Ceremonial State of Kuwait. U.S.
black and white Government.
robe and
headdress. (3)
Wristwatch with
a white face,
gold case, and
brown leather
band. (4) Two
red and gold
pens. Recd--
October 28,
1994. Est.
General Services
Anthony Lake, Framed oil on His Excellency Non-acceptance
Assistant to the canvas painting, Jean-Bertrand would cause
President for ``Cock Aristide, embarrassment
National Fighters,'' by President of to donor and
Security Affairs. Gesner Armand the Republic of U.S.
and signed by Haiti. Government.
artist. Approx.
16''20''. Recd--
November 2,
1994. Est.
General Services
Robert E. Rubin, Print of New His Excellency Non-acceptance
Assistant to the Amsterdam, dated Helmut Tuerk, would cause
President for circa 1650. Ambassador of embarrassment
Economic Policy. Recd--September Austria. to donor and
6, 1994. Est. U.S.
Value--$450. Government.
General Services
Nancy Elisabet Framed painting His Excellency Non-acceptance
Soderberg, on panel, Jean-Bertrand would cause
Special ``Children in Aristide, embarrassment
Assistant to the the Yard,'' by President of to donor and
President for Buffon Thermidor the Republic of U.S.
National and signed by Haiti. Government.
Security Affairs artist. Approx.
and Staff 12''16''. Recd--
Director of the November 3,
National 1994. Est.
Security Council. Value--$250.
General Services
AGENCY: Office of the Vice President
Report of Tangible Gifts
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and Government acceptance
Government disposition or
The Vice (1) Coffer, domed His Excellency Non-acceptance
President. lid, red leather Zine El-Abidine would cause
with gilt Ben Ali, embarrassment
tooling, two President of to donor and
doors enclosing the Republic of U.S.
drawers to Tunisia. Government.
Approx. 21\1/
2\'' W (Tunisia--
late 20th
Residence: For
Official Use.
(2) Dates, six
bottles of
Tunisian wine,
and eight
bottles of
Tunisian olive
oil. All food
destroyed. Recd--
January 1, 1994.
The Vice Covered vegetable His Excellency Non-acceptance
President. dishes, silver, Murat would cause
each with nut Karayalcin, embarrassment
finial and Deputy Prime to donor and
pierced Minister of the U.S.
anthemion border Republic of Government.
(Turkey--late Turkey.
20th century).
13, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
The Vice Ewer, matte green His Excellency Non-acceptance
President. ceramic Yitzak Rabin, would cause
reproduction of Prime Minister embarrassment
the original of Israel. to donor and
iron age vessel, U.S.
applied with Government.
and pictograms,
wire stand (late
20th century).
Recd--March 7,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
[[Page 30647]]
The Vice Platter, silver, His Excellency Non-acceptance
President. shaped border, Gonzalo Sanchez would cause
deep cavetto. De Lozada, embarrassment
Approx. 16\1/ President of to donor and
4\'' L (Bolivia-- the Republic of U.S.
20th century). Bolivia. Government.
Recd--March 20,
1994. Est.
Mrs. Gore's
Office: For
Official Use.
The Vice Vase, porcelain The Honorable Non-acceptance
President. having red, Pramual would cause
green and gold Sabhavasu, embarrassment
foliate Member of to donor and
latticework Parliament in U.S.
ground, green Thailand. Government.
and gold border,
centered with
the seal of the
Vice President
Gore. Approx.
16'' diameter
across two
20 century).
Recd--May 5,
1994. Est.
Mrs. Gore's
Office: For
Official Use.
The Vice Trophy, silvered His Royal Non-acceptance
President. and gilded metal Highness Prince would cause
in the form of a Saud Al Faisal, embarrassment
soccer ball Minister of to donor and
flanked by two Foreign Affairs U.S.
feathers, of Saudi Arabia. Government.
malachite, base,
fitted case and
box. Approx.
12'' H. (Saudi
20th century).
Recd--July 11,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
The Vice Plaques, bronze, His Excellency Non-acceptance
President. 50 year Lech Walesa, would cause
celebration of President of embarrassment
the Warsaw the Republic of to donor and
Insurrection by Poland. U.S.
the following Government.
Polish artists:
and Nowakowski.
Approx. 4'' x
(varies). Recd--
August 1, 1994.
Est. Value--
$650.00. Archive
The Vice (1) Tray, 800 His Excellency Non-acceptance
President. silver decorated Mohamed Hosni would cause
with bright cut Mobarak, embarrassment
engraving with a President of to donor and
fitted case. the Arab U.S.
Approx. 10'' Republic of Government.
diameter (Egypt-- Egypt.
20th century).
Mrs. Gore's
Office: For
Official Use.
(2) Tablecloth
and six napkins,
cotton, with
polychrome and
gilt floral
20th century).
Archive Foreign.
(3) Mirror, 800
silver repousse
back and frame,
bird finial with
a fitted case.
Approx. 7''
diameter (Egypt--
late 20th
century). Mrs.
Gore's Office:
For Official
Use. Recd--
September 6,
1994. Est.
The Vice Medal, high karat The Honorable Non-acceptance
President. yellow gold, Carlo would cause
reproduction of Scognamiglio, embarrassment
an ancient coin. President of to donor and
Approx. 1\1/2\'' the Italian U.S.
diameter (late Senate. Government.
20th century).
Recd-- October
19, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
The Vice (1) Footed bowl, The Honorable Non-acceptance
President. silver and N.K.P. Salve, would cause
parcel silver Minister of embarrassment
gilt having Power, to donor and
repousse floral Government of U.S.
motifs. Appox. India. Government.
11'' diameter
20th century).
(2) Badge, 18
karat yellow
gold with enamel
``Indian Power
India USA'' and
name ``Albert
Gore.'' Recd--
November 11,
1994. Est.
[[Page 30648]]
The Vice (1) Five jars of The Honorable Non-acceptance
President. malossol caviar. Yuli M. would cause
Approx. 4 Vorontsov, embarrassment
ounces. (2) Five Ambassador to donor and
bottles of Extraordinary U.S.
vodka. Recd-- and Government.
December 25, Plenipotentiary
1994. Est. of the Russian
Value--$300.00. Federation.
White House
Mess: For
Official Use.
Mrs. Gore........ Covered bowl, Mrs. Laila Non-acceptance
oval, 800 Moussa, Wife would cause
silver, hinged Amre Moussa, embarrassment
lid with pierced Minister of to donor and
and bright cut Foreign Affairs U.S.
engraved of the Arab Government.
decoration. Republic of
Approx. 8\1/2\'' Egypt.
L oval (Egypt--
20th century).
22, 1994. Est.
Mrs. Gore's
Office: For
Official Use.
The Vice (1) Painting, oil His Excellency Non-acceptance
President and on canvas, Nursultan would cause
Mrs. Gore. landscape, Nazarbayev, embarrassment
framed. Approx. President of to donor and
22'' x 33'' (by the Republic of U.S.
P.I. Krivenko, Kazakhstan. Government.
1994). (2) Vase,
porcelain having
grey luster
glaze with
applied roses of
the same
Approx. 15\1/
e 20th century).
(3) Pelt of a
wolf. (4)
Cufflinks, 18
karat yellow
gold disks, each
engraved with
the coat of arms
of Kazakhstan.
14, 1994. Est.
. Archive
The Vice (1) Book, the His Excellency Non-acceptance
President and Tretyakov Gherman V. would cause
Mrs. Gore. Gallery Zharov, Head, embarrassment
collection. (2) Section of to donor and
Jewelry Protocol U.S.
(necklace, pair Administrative Government.
of earrings, and Department, The
ring), silver State Duma, The
wire mountings, Assembly of the
each set with a Russian
polished piece Federation.
of amber (late
20th century).
(3) Scarf, silk,
``Russia'' in
cyrillic. (4)
Tea service (a
teapot, covered
sugar bowl,
creamer, and six
cups and
porcelain having
20th century).
Recd--March 9,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
The Vice (1) Satchel, His Excellency Non-acceptance
President and leather and Carlos Menem, would cause
Mrs. Gore. suede, by Casa President of embarrassment
Lopez the Argentine to donor and
(Argentina--late Nation. U.S.
20th century). Government.
(2) Attache
case, brown
20th century).
(3) Suitcase,
two suiter,
brown leather,
by Casa Lopez
(Argentina). (4)
Mate cup and
sipper (Approx.
5\1/2\'' H),
plus straw,
sterling silver
with yellow gold
highlights and
Argentina coat
of arms by
Ricciardi (late
20th century).
Recd--March 21,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
[[Page 30649]]
The Vice (1) Bolts of His Majesty Non-acceptance
President and Moroccan fabric Hassan II, King would cause
Mrs. Gore. with hold maylar of Morocco. embarrassment
threads. (2) to donor and
Trunk, rose U.S.
leather with Government.
gold tooling
over a wood
case, monogram
of King Hassan
II. Approx. 23\3/
4\'' W (Morocco--
late 20th
century). (3)
pottery with
glazes and
gilding. Approx.
18'' H x 21''
20th century).
Recd--April 14,
1994. Est.
. Archive
The Vice (1) Belt buckle, His Excellency Non-acceptance
President and sterling silver, Andreas would cause
Mrs. Gore. two parts by Papandreou, embarrassment
Michala. Each Prime Minister to donor and
approx. 2\1/4\'' of the Hellenic U.S.
diameter Republic. Government.
20th century).
Archive Foreign.
(2) Urn,
sterling silver,
handles, gilt
lined by
Michala. Approx.
4\3/4\'' H
20th century).
Mrs. Gore's
Office: For
Official Use.
Recd--April 20,
1994. Est.
The Vice Figure, polished His Excellency Non-acceptance
President and bronze, warrior Nicephore would cause
Mrs. Gore. holding axe in Soglo, embarrassment
right hand and President of to donor and
bird in left. the Republic of U.S.
Approx. 25\1/ Benin, and Mrs. Government.
2\'' H. (Benin-- Soglo.
late 20th
century). Recd--
May 11, 1994.
Est. Value--
$250.00. Archive
The Vice (1) Tightly woven His Excellency Non-acceptance
President and basket with President K.T. would cause
Mrs. Gore. cover, Nujoma, embarrassment
decorations are President of to donor and
brown and the Republic of U.S.
designs are Nimibia, and Government.
geometric. Mrs. Nujoma.
Approx. 21'' H x
17'' W. (2)
Ostrich purse (3)
Round woven
straw plate to
hang. Recd--May
11, 1994. Est.
Residence: For
Official Use.
The Vice (1) Incense His Excellency Non-acceptance
President and burner, silver, P.V. Narasimha would cause
Mrs. Gore. pierced and Rao, Prime embarrassment
chased, Minister of to donor and
removable lid, India. U.S.
in fitted box. Government.
Approx. 8''
diameter x 9'' H
20th century).
Residence: For
Official Use.
(2) Charger,
white marble
decorated with
gold, red, and
green lacquers
in geometric
motif. Approx.
12'' diameter
20th century).
Archive Foreign.
(3) Rosewater
bottle, white
marble decorated
with gold, red,
and green
lacquers. 6'' H
20th century).
Archive Foreign.
Recd--May 18,
1994. Est.
[[Page 30650]]
Agency: Executive Office of the President
Report of Tangible Gifts
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
President........ Two Bangladeshi- His Excellency Non-acceptance
made jute Humayun Kabir, would cause
carpets; one is Ambassador of embarrassment
blue with white the People's to donor and
trim and Republic of U.S.
geometric Bangladesh. Government.
designs, and the
other is red.
14, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ (1) Enamel shield His Excellency Non-acceptance
that bears a Eduard would cause
picture of a Shevardnadze, embarrassment
gladiator on a Chairman of the to donor and
white horse State Council U.S.
stabbing a of the Republic Government.
serpent with a of Georgia.
spear. The
shield is
lettered ``Good
Defeats Evil''
in English and
Georgian text.
handwoven rug
with white trim.
Approx. 58'' x
43''. Recd--
March 7, 1994.
Est. Value--
$1850. Archive
President........ (1) Three His Excellency Non-acceptance
abstract glass Leonid would cause
sculptures: Kravchuk, embarrassment
yellow/green, President of to donor and
blue, and rose. Ukraine. U.S.
Each has a hole Government.
in its base for
bulb insert to
sculpture. (2)
Two volumes of
manuscripts in
Cyrillic text.
Recd--March 4,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ (1) Waterford cut- His Excellency Non-acceptance
crystal punch Albert would cause
bowl. (2) Wooden Reynolds, Prime embarrassment
statue of Minister of to donor and
seagulls. Recd-- Ireland. U.S.
March 18, 1994. Government.
Est. Value--
$5000. Archive
Sterling silver ................ ................
sugar nips,
circa 1750.
Recd--March 18,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign
President........ (1) Framed His Excellency Non-acceptance
expressionist- Franjo Tudjman, would cause
style oil President of embarrassment
painting of the Republic of to donor and
Jesus Christ by Croatia. U.S.
Anto Mamusa. Government.
Approx. 46'' x
34''. (2) Gold
Croatian coin.
Recd--March 22,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
President........ 73 trees planted His Excellency Non-acceptance
in Israel in Yitzhak Rabin, would cause
memory of the Prime Minister embarrassment
President's of Israel. to donor and
mother, Virginia U.S.
Kelly. Recd-- Government.
March 11, 1994.
Est. Value--
$730. Archive
AGENCY: Office of the Vice President
Report of Tangible Gifts
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
The Vice (1) Two bangle His Excellency Non-acceptance
President and bracelets, 22 Faroog Ahmad would cause
Mrs. Gore. karat yellow Khan Leghari, embarrassment
gold pierced President of to donor and
filigree the Islamic U.S.
(Pakistan--late Republic of Government.
20th century). Pakistan.
Archive Foreign.
(2) Rug, wool on
cotton, ivory
field with six
round pastel
foliate and
seven borders
with tan main.
Approx. 54\1/
20th century).
Residence: For
Official Use.
Recd--May 25,
1994. Est.
[[Page 30651]]
Vice President (1) Cigarette His Excellency Non-acceptance
and Mrs. Gore. box, sterling Chuan Leekpai, would cause
silver with Prime Minister embarrassment
niello of the Kingdom to donor and
decoration, of Thailand. U.S.
bright cut Government.
engraved center.
Approx. 8\1/2\''
L (Thai--late
20th century).
(2) Fabric,
salmon and white
woven silk in
``Ikat'' manner,
boxed. Approx.
39'' x 14,6''
(Thai--late 20th
century). Recd--
October 19,
1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
The Vice (1) Vase, silver His Imperial Non-acceptance
President and with imperial Majesty, The would cause
Mrs. Gore. gold Emperor of embarrassment
chrysanthemum Japan, and The to donor and
``mon'' to side Empress of U.S.
in fitted wood Japan. Government.
box. Approx.
13'' H
20th century).
(2) Picture
frame, silver
with gold
``mon'' to top.
Approx. 13\1/
4\'' x 10\1/4\''
20th century).
(3) Box covered,
silver with pale
and darker green
cloisonne enamel
centered with
the imperial
``mon''. Approx.
20th century).
10, 1994. Est.
Archive Foreign.
The Vice (1) Sculpture, The Right Non-acceptance
President and soapstone Honorable Jean would cause
Mrs. Gore. (steatite), Cretien, P.C., embarrassment
depicting a musk M.P., Prime to donor and
ox with Minister of U.S.
composition Canada, and Government.
horns. Approx. Mrs. Aline
6\1/2\'' H Cretien.
20th century).
The Vice
Office: For
Official Use.
13, 1994. (2)
Box, silver
plate, cast with
American Indian
motifs by Boma.
Approx. 4\1/2\''
diameter (late
20th century).
Archive Foreign.
13, 1994. Est.
The Vice (1) Pocket watch, His Excellency, Non-acceptance
President's silver plated Viktor would cause
Family. hunt case Chernomydin, embarrassment
decorated with Chairman of the to donor and
imperial Russian Council of U.S.
eagle coat of Ministers of Government.
arms to front the Russian
and rear, plated Federation, and
chain. The Vice Mrs.
President's Chernomydin.
Senate Office:
For Official
Use. (2) Plaque,
Palekh lacquer,
two troikas.
Approx. 9\1/4\''
x 15\3/4\'' (by
S. Fedoskino,
Foreign Archive.
(3) Brooch,
carved bone
rose, inside a
cigarette box,
Palekh lacquer,
landscape, by
Approx. 6\1/2\''
L (Russia--late
20th century).
The Vice
Senate Office:
For Official
Use. Recd--June
22, 1994. Est.
[[Page 30652]]
Report of Tangible Gifts Calendar Year 1994
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
Robert L. Benoit, Etched plate with King Hussein of Non-acceptance
Sergeant at Arms. silver plating. the Kingdom of would have
Recd--July 26, Jordan. caused
1994. Est. embarrassment
value--$175. to the donor
Disposition: and the U.S.
Display in Government.
Sergeant at
Arms' office.
Hank Brown, U.S. Polish cavalry Predsident Lech Non-acceptance
Senator. sword. Recd-- Walesa of would have
Oct. 24, 1994. Poland. caused
Est. value-- embarrassment
$523. Deposited to the donor
with the and the U.S.
Secretary of the Government.
Bob Dole, U.S. Mother-of-pearl Prime Minister Non-acceptance
Senator. box. Recd--May of India, P.V. would have
18, 1994. Est. Narasimha Rao. caused
value--$100. embarrassment
Deposited with to the donor
the Secretary of and the U.S.
the Senate. Government.
Bob Dole, U.S. Gold and Silver President of the Non-acceptance
Senator. boat. Recd--July Kuwaiti would have
8, 1994. Est. National caused
value--$504. Assembly, Ahmed embarrassment
Disposition: Abdul-Aziz Al- to the donor
Display in the Saadoon. and the U.S.
Senator's office. Government.
John McCain, U.S. Solid gold 1st Prime Non-acceptance
Senator. medallion. Recd-- Minister, would have
June 24, 1994. Minister of caused
Est. value-- State for embarrassment
$106. Deposited Economic to the donor
with the Reform, Mircea and the U.S.
Secretary of the Cosea; Chairman Government.
Senate. of Credit Bank,
Marcel Ivan;
Government of
John McCain, U.S. Silver and gold Ahmed Abdul-Aziz Non-acceptance
Senator. ship. Recd--May Al-Saadoon, would have
17, 1994. Est. Government fo caused
value--$500. Kuwait. embarrassment
Deposited with to the donor
the Secretary of and the U.S.
the Senate. Government.
George J. Power loomed, President Hosni Non-acceptance
Mitchell, U.S. garden design Mubarak of would have
Senator. oriental rug. Egypt. caused
Recd--Oct. 27, embarrassment
1994. Est. to the donor
value--$180. and the U.S.
Deposited with Government.
the Secretary of
the Senate.
Sam Nunn, U.S. Silver filigree Minister J.B. Non-acceptance
Senator. box. Recd--Oct. Habibie of would have
4, 1994. Est. Indonesia. caused
value--$250-300. embarrassment
Disposition: to the donor
Display in the and the U.S.
Senator's office. Government.
Sam Nunn, U.S. Set fo six silver President of Non-acceptance
Senator. with gold-tipped South Korea, would have
dessert spoons Kim Young Sam. caused
and forks. Recd-- embarrassment
Oct. 19, 1994. to the donor
Est. value--over and the U.S.
$250. Government.
Display in
Senator's office.
Report of Travel or Expenses of Travel Calendar Year 1994
Brief description
of travel or
Name and title of expenses accepted
person accepting as consistent
travel expenses with the Identity of Circumstances
consistent with interests of the foreign donor justifying
the interests of U.S. Government and government acceptance
the U.S. and occurring
Government outside the
United States
Gale Awaya, Transportation Government of Official travel
Congressional and lodging in Pakistan. to meet with
Fellow, Office country, Nov. 13- government
of Senator 19, 1994. officials,
Inouye. visit refugee
camps and
various sites.
Robert F. Transportation in Government of No commercial
Bennett, U.S. country, Jan 4- China. transportation
Senator, Joyce 8, 1994. available to
Bennett, Spouse, meeting sites.
U.S. Senator.
Robert F. Transportation Government of U.S. military
Bennett, U.S. within country Indonesia. aircraft too
Senator, Joyce to official large to land
Bennett, Spouse, meetings, Jan. at airports
U.S. Senator. 13, 1994. where meetings
Benjamin S. Transportation in Government of No commercial
Cooper, Staff country, Jan. 4- China. transportation
Dir., Committee 8, 1994. available to
on Energy and meeting sites.
Benjamin S. Transportation Government of U.S military
Cooper, Staff within country Indonesia. aircraft too
Dir., Committee to official large to land
on Energy and meetings, Jan. at airports
Natural 13, 1994. where meetings
Resources. held.
Gary Ellisworth, Transportation in Government of No commercial
Minority General country, Jan. 4- China. transportation
Counsel, 8, 1994. available to
Committee on meeting sites.
Energy and
[[Page 30653]]
Gary Ellsworth, Transportation Government of U.S. military
Minority General within country Indonesia. aircraft too
Counsel, to official large to land
Committee on meetings, Jan. at airports
Energy and 13, 1994. where meetings
Natural held.
Mark O. Hatfield, Transportation in Government of No commercial
U.S. Senator, country, Jan. 4- China. transportation
Antoinette 8, 1994. available to
Hatfield, meeting sites.
Spouse, U.S.
Mark O. Hatfield, Transportation Government of U.S. military
U.S. Senator, within country Indonesia. aircraft too
Antoinette to official large to land
Hatfield, meetings, Jan. at airports
Spouse, U.S. 13, 1994. where meetings
Senator. held.
Laura Hudson, Transportation in Government of No commercial
Legislative country, Jan. 4- China. transportation
Director, Office 8, 1994. available to
of Senator meeting sites.
Laura Hudson, Transportation Government of U.S. military
Legislative within country Indonesia. aircraft too
Director, Office to official large to land
of Senator meetings, Jan. at airports
Johnston. 13, 1994. where meetings
J. Bennett Transportation in Government of No commercial
Johnston, U.S. country, Jan. 4- China. transportation
Senator, Mary 8, 1994. available to
Johnston, meeting sites.
Spouse, U.S.
J. Bennett Transportation Government of U.S. military
Johnston, U.S. within country Indonesia. aircraft too
Senator, Mary to official large to land
Johnston, meetings, Jan. at airports
Spouse, U.S. 13, 1994. where meetings
Senator. held.
Anne LeMay, Transportation Government of Official travel
Legislative and lodging in Pakistan. to meet with
Correspondent, country, Nov. 13- government
Office of 19, 1994. officials,
Senator Jeffords. visit refugee
camps and
various sites.
Greg McGinity, Transportation Government of Official travel
Legislative and lodging in Pakistan. to meet with
Aide, Office of country, Nov. 13- government
Senator Cochran. 19, 1994. officials,
visit refugee
camps and
various sites.
Harlan Mathews, Transportation in Government of No commercial
U.S. Senator, country, Jan. 4- China. transportation
Patsy Mathews, 8, 1994. available to
Spouse, U.S. meeting sites.
Harlan Mathews, Transportation Government of U.S. military
U.S. Senator, within country Indonesia. aircraft too
Patsy Mathews, to official large to land
Spouse, U.S. meetings, Jan. at airports
Senator. 13, 1994. where meetings
Don Nickles, U.S. Transportation in Government of No commercial
Senator. coutnry, Jan. 4- China. transportation
8, 1994. available to
meeting sites.
Don Nickles, U.S. Transportation Government of U.S. military
Senator. within country Indonesia. aircraft too
to official large to land
meetings, Jan. at airports
13, 1994. where meetings
Jan Paulk, Transportation in Government of No commercial
Director, Office country, Jan. 4- China. transportation
of 8, 1994. available to
Interparliamenta meeting sites.
ry Services.
Jan Paulk, Transportation Government of U.S. military
Director, Office within country Indonesia. aircraft too
of to official large to land
Interparliamenta meetings, Jan. at airports
ry Services. 13, 1994. where meetings
Eric Silagy, Transportation in Government of No commercial
Legislative country, Jan. 4- China. transportation
Assistant, 8, 1994.. available to
Office of meeting sites.
Senator Johnston.
Eric Silagy, Transportation Government of U.S. military
Legislative within country Indonesia. aircraft too
Assistant, to official large to land
Office of meetings, Jan. at airports
Senator Johnston. 13, 1994. where meetings
Alan K. Simpson, Transportation in Government of No commercial
U.S. Senator, country, Jan. 4- China. transportation
Ann Simpson, 8, 1994. available to
Spouse, U.S. meeting sites.
Alan K. Simpson, Transportation Government of U.S. military
U.S. Senator, within country Indonesia. aircraft too
Ann Simpson, to official large to land
Spouse, U.S. meetings, Jan. at airports
Senator. 13, 1994. where meetings
Arlen Specter, Transportation in Government of No commercial
U.S. Senator, country, Jan. 4- China. transportation
Joan Specter, 8, 1994. available to
Spouse, U.S. meeting sites.
Arlen Specter, Transportation Government of U.S. military
U.S. Senator, within country Indonesia. aircraft too
Joan Specter, to official large to land
Spouse, U.S. meetings, Jan. at airports
Senator. 13, 1994. where meetings
G. Robert Transportation in Government of No commercial
Wallace, country, Jan. 4- China. transportation
Minority Staff 8, 1994. available to
Director, meeting sites.
Committee on
Energy and
[[Page 30654]]
G. Robert Transportation Government of U.S. military
Wallace, within country Indonesia. aircraft too
Minority Staff to official large to land
Director, meetings, Jan. at airports
Committee on 13, 1994. where meetings
Energy and held.
Sharon Waxman, Transportation Government of Official travel
Legislative and lodging in Pakistan. to meet with
Assistant, country, Nov. 13- government
Office of 19, 1994. officials,
Senator visit refugee
Lautenberg. camps and
various sites.
Report of Tangible Gifts
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
Lee H. Hamilton, Pakistani Rug, President of Non-acceptance
Member of 4.8 x 7, Hunt Pakistan, H.E. would have
Congress. scene with lance Sardar Farooq caused
bearing horsemen Ahmed Leghari. embarrassment
and archers to donor.
among various
animals on cream
surrounded by
pink border
various animals.
Recd--May 24,
1994. Est.
Approved for
official display.
Michael J. Box set of black King Hussein of Non-acceptance
O'Neil, Counsel lacquer and gold Jordan. would have
to the Speaker. plated pens, caused
wrist watch and embarrassment
lighter Recd-- to donor.
August 1, 1994.
Est. Value--
$600. To be
retained by the
Clerk of the
House for
Report of Travel or Expenses of Travel
Brief description
and estimated
Name and title of value of travel
person accepting or travel
travel or travel expenses accepted
expenses as consistent Identity of Circumstances
consistent with with the foreign donor justifying
the interests of interests of the and government acceptance
the U.S. U.S. Government
Government and occurring
outside the
United States
Jay Kim, Member 6 nights lodging Republic of Authorized by 5
of Congress. in Korea, and Korea. U.S.C. Sec.
food for Member 7342(c)(1)(B)(i
and Spouse, Nov. i).
13-19, 1994.
James T. Kolbe, One way airfare The People's Authorized by 5
Member of from Beijing, Republic of U.S.C. Sec.
Congress. China to China. 7342(c)(1)(B)(i
Qingdao, China, i).
food and
lodging, Nov. 12-
16, 1994.
Michael G. Oxley, Ground German Federal Authorized by 5
Member of transportation Railway. U.S.C. Sec.
Congress. from Stutgart to 7342(c)(1)(B)(i
Munich, Germany, i).
for Member and
Spouse, August
29, 1994.
Michael G. Oxley, Ground Spanish National Authorized by 5
Member of transportation Railway. U.S.C. Sec.
Congress. from Madrid to 7342(c)(1)(B)(i
Avila, Spain, i).
for Member and
September 3,
Al Swift, Member Ground German Federal Authorized by 5
of Congress. transportation Railway. U.S.C. Sec.
from Stutgart to 7342(c)(1)(B)(i
Munich, Germany, i).
for Member and
Spouse, August
29, 1994.
Al Swift, Member Ground Spanish National Authorized by 5
of Congress. transportation Railway. U.S.C. Sec.
from Madrid to 7342(c)(1)(B)(i
Avila, Spain, i).
for Member and
September 3,
W.J. (Billy) Ground German Federal Authorized by 5
Tauzin, Member transportation Railway. U.S.C. Sec.
of Congress. from Stutgart to 7342(c)(1)(B)(i
Munich, Germany, i).
for Member and
Spouse, August
29, 1994.
[[Page 30655]]
W.J. (Billy) Ground Spanish National Authorized by 5
Tauzin, Member transportation Railway. U.S.C. Sec.
of Congress. from Madrid to 7342(c)(1)(B)(i
Avila, Spain, i).
for Member and
September 3,
Mark Brown, Rep. Food, lodging and Federal Republic Authorized by 5
William J. ground of Germany. U.S.C. Sec.
Hughes. transportation 7342(c)(1)(B)(i
within Germany, i).
April 23-May 7,
Sheila Canavan, Food, lodging, Bundestag/ Authorized by 5
Subcommittee on air, ground and Bundesrat of U.S.C. Sec.
Environment, boat the Federal 7342(c)(1)(B)(i
Energy and transportation Republic of i).
Natural within Germany, Germany.
Resources. April 23-May 7,
Arthur Endres, Ground German Federal Authorized by 5
Subcommittee on transportation Railway. U.S.C. Sec.
Transportation from Stutgart to 7342(c)(1)(B)(i
and Hazardous Munich, Germany, i).
Materials. August 29, 1994.
Arthur Endres, Ground Spanish National Authorized by 5
Subcommittee on transportation Railway. U.S.C. Sec.
Transportation from Madrid to 7342(c)(1)(B)(i
and Hazardous Avila, Spain, i).
Materials. September 3,
Janina A. Food, lodging, Bundestag/ Authorized by 5
Jaruzelski, ground and boat Bundesrat of U.S.C. Sec.
Subcomm. on transportation the Federal 7342(c)(1)(B)(i
Oversight and within Germany, Republic of i).
Investigations. April 23-May 7, Germany.
James H. Mathews, Round trip air Mexico.......... Authorized by 5
Subcommittee on transportation U.S.C. Sec.
Fisheries from Mexico 7342(c)(1)(B)(i
Management. City, Mexico, to i).
Guererro Negro
(Bjoa California
Sur) Mexico.
Round trip boat
trip Ojo de
Liebre Lagoon,
Feb. 27-28, 1994.
David P.W. Orlin, Food, lodging, Government of Authorized by 5
Appropriations round trip air Pakistan. U.S.C. Sec.
Committee. transportation 7342(c)(1)(B)(i
to Peshawar, and i).
from Lahore to
Khati, Nov. 13-
Nov. 20, 1994.
AGENCY: U.S. Agency for International Development
Report of Tangible Gifts
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
J. Brian Atwood, Wool wall Dr. Amal Osman, Non-acceptance
Administrator. hanging, approx. Minister of would have
41'' x 74'', Insurance and caused
multicolored, Social Affairs, embarrassment
river scene. Arab Republic to donor & U.S.
Recd--October of Egypt. Government.
20, 1994. Est.
Retained by
Agency for
official use.
AGENCY: Department of the Air Force
Report of Tangible Gifts
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
Mr. Bauerlein, Cufflinks (1 Gen. Tantawi, Non-acceptance
Deputy Under pair), 18 carat Minister of would have
Secretary of the gold, oblong. Defense, Egypt. caused
Air Force for Recd--May 10, embarrassment
International 1994. Est. to donor & U.S.
Affairs. Value--$295.00. Government.
On official
display in Mr.
Colonel Samuel H. Native ceremonial His Highness the Non-acceptance
Clovis, Jr., dagger. Recd-- Amir, Shaikh would have
Chief, U.S. January 13, Isa Bin Salman caused
Office of 1994. Est. Al Khalifa, embarrassment
Military Value--$200.00 Bahrain. to donor & U.S.
Cooperation, Turned-in to Government.
Bahrain. GSA, June 23,
Colonel Samuel H. Men's Baume and His Highness the Non-acceptance
Clovis, Jr., Mercier Amir, Shaikh would have
Chief, U.S. wristwatch. Isa Bin Salman caused
Office of Recd--January Al Khalifa, embarrassment
Military 13, 1994. Est. Bahrain. to donor & U.S.
Cooperation, Value--$600.00. Government.
Bahrain. Turned in to
GSA, June 23,
[[Page 30656]]
Colonel Samuel H. Women's Eterna His Highness the Non-acceptance
Clovis, Jr., wristwatch. Amir, Shaikh would have
Chief, U.S. Recd--January Isa Bin Salman caused
Office of 13, 1994. Est. Al Khalifa, embarrassment
Military Value--$1,500.00 Bahrain. to donor & U.S.
Cooperation, . Turned in to Government.
Bahrain. GSA, June 23,
purchased by
Colonel Clovis.
Colonel Samuel H. Women's single- His Highness the Non-acceptance
Clovis, Jr., strand pearl Amir, Shaikh would have
Chief, U.S. necklace. Recd-- Isa Bin Salman caused
Office of January 13, Al Khalifa, embarrassment
Military 1994. Est. Bahrain. to donor & U.S.
Cooperation, Value--$3,000. Government.
Bahrain. Turned in to
GSA, June 23,
Major General Oil painting Lieutenant Non-acceptance
Henry M. (sunset and General Sophoan would have
Hobgood, religious Khen, Cambodian caused
Commander, 37th temple). Recd-- student, embarrassment
Training Wing, May 31, 1994. Defense to donor & U.S.
Lackland Air Est. Value-- Language Government.
Force Base, $500.00. Turned Institute,
Texas. in to GSA, Lackland Air
August 4, 1994.. Force Base,
Major General Books (2), Lieutenant Non-acceptance
Henry M. ``Kuwait, A Colonel Al- would have
Hobgood, Nation's Story'' Zayed, Kuwait caused
Commander, 37th and ``Faces of Liaison Officer embarrassment
Training Wing, Kuwait''. Recd-- to Defense to donor & U.S.
Lackland Air November 23, Language Government.
Force Base, 1994. Est. Institute,
Texas. Value--$300.00. Lackland Air
On official Force Base,
display in 37th Texas.
Training Wing
Special Agent Gift certificates Senior Attempts to
Joseph G. (non redeemable Superintendent decline
Lukowski, for cash) for Kim Yong-Che, acceptance were
Commander, Air purchase of Foreign Affairs unsuccessful;
Force Office of goods on Korean Division II, further effort
Special market. Recd-- Seoul, Korea. would have
Investigations, December 22, caused
Det 614, Yongsan 1994. Est. embarrassment
Army Garrison, Value--$250.00. to donor.
Seoul, Korea. Donated to Hye-
Seoul, Korea.
The Honorable Necklace and Field Marshall Non-acceptance
Sheila Widnall, pendant Recd-- Husien Tantawi, would have
Secretary of the May 10, 1994. Minister of caused
Air Force, The Est. Value-- Defense & embarrassment
Pentagon, $560.00. On Military to donor & U.S.
Washington, DC. official display Production, Government.
in the office of Egypt.
the Secretary of
the Air Force.
The Honorable Vase, (90% Gen. Ramon Vega Non-acceptance
Sheila Widnall, silver). Recd-- Hildago, would have
Secretary of the February 22, Commander in caused
Air Force, The 1994. Est. Chief, Chilean embarrassment
Pentagon, Value--$350.00. Air Force. to donor & U.S.
Washington, DC. On official Government.
display in the
office of the
Secretary of the
Air Force.
AGENCY: Department of the Army
Report of Tangible Gifts
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
BG William P. Chronosport Prince Abdullah Non-acceptance
Tangney, Universal Diving Lah Bin would have
Commander, Timer Watch. Hussein, caused
Special Recd--February Commander, embarrassment
Operations 1994. Est. Jordanian to the donor.
Command Central, Value--$495.00. Special Forces.
MacDill AFB, Pending a report
Florida 33621. to GSA. Approved
for official
LTG James R. One Pakistani Rug LTG Ali Farrakh Non-acceptance
Ellis, Cdr, (3'/2'' x 5'/ Khan, Chief of would have
Third United 2''). Recd-- the General of caused
States Army, November 30, the Pakistan embarrassment
Fort McPherson, 1993. Est. Army. to the donor.
GA 30330-7000. Value--$450.00.
Pending a report
to GSA. Approved
for official
LTG James R. One Egyptian Rug MG Abdel Lottif Non-acceptance
Ellis, Cdr, (6'/7'' x 9'/ Mabrouk, Chief would have
Third United 8''). Recd-- Egyptian caused
States Army, November 19, Training embarrassment
Fort McPherson, 1993. Est. Authority. to the donor.
GA 30330-7000. Value--$400.00.
Pending a report
to GSA. Approved
for official
[[Page 30657]]
COL William H. Gold, Jeweled Wife of MG Ali Non-acceptance
Kennedy, III, Indian Necklace Al-Mumin, Chief would have
ARCENT Training set with of Staff of caused
and Security- Bracelet, Kuwait Armed embarrassment
Kuwait, DOHA, Earrings, and Forces. to the donor.
APO AE 09889. Ring. Recd--
February 10,
1994. Est.
Pending transfer
to GSA.
GEN Frederick M. Book, ``Japan: An GEN Tomizawa, Non-acceptance
Franks, Jr., Illustrated Chief of Staff, would have
Cdr, Training Encyclopedia''. Japan Ground caused
and Doctrine Recd--May 18, Self Defense embarrassment
Cmd, Fort 1994. Est. Force. to the donor.
Monroe, VA 23651- Value--$250.00.
5000. Pending a report
to GSA. Approved
for official
COL William H. Yves Saint MG Ali M. Al- Non-acceptance
Kennedy, III, Laurent Swiss, Mu'min, Chief would have
Commander, U.S. Stainless Steel, of the General caused
Army Central Quartz Watch. Staff of the embarrassment
Command, Area Recd--July 25, Kuwaiti Armed to the donor.
Support Group-- 1994. Est. Forces.
Kuwait, APO AE Value--$675.00.
09889-9900. Pending transfer
to GSA.
Honorable Togo D. Gold key chain Field Marshal Non-acceptance
West, Jr., and cuff links. Husien Tantawy, would have
Secretary of the Recd--May 12, Minister of caused
Army. 1994. Est. Defense and embarrassment
Value--$650.00. Military to the donor
Pending a report Production, and U.S.
to GSA. Egypt. Government.
displayed in the
Office of the
Secretary of the
GEN G.R. Oriental Rug. Chief of Staff Non-acceptance
Sullivan, Chief Recd--1991. Est. Counterpart, would have
of Staff, Army, Value--Unknown. Saudi Arabia. caused
Pentagon, Pending a report embarrassment
Washington, D.C. to GSA. Approved to the donor.
for display.
GEN G.R. Taurus Model 44 Chief of Staff Non-acceptance
Sullivan, Chief Caliber .44. Counterpart, would have
of Staff, Army, Magnum Pistol, Saudi Arabia. caused
Pentagon, SN: NF970833. embarrassment
Washington, D.C. Recd--August to the donor.
1994. Est.
Approved for
Mrs. G.R. Gold Scarab Mrs. Wagida Non-acceptance
Sullivan, Chief Bettle Bracelet. Tantawi, Wife, would have
of Staff, Army, Recd--April Minister of caused
Pentagon, 1993. Est. Defense and embarrassment
Washington, D.C. Value--$250.00. CINC Egyptian to the donor.
Approved for Armed Forces.
AGENCY: Department of the Army
Report of Travel or Expenses of Travel
Brief description
and estimated
Name and title of value of travel
person accepting or travel
travel or travel expenses accepted
expenses as consistent Identity of Circumstances
consistent with with the foreign donor justifying
the interest of interests of the and government acceptance
the U.S. U.S. Government
Government and occurring
outside the
United States
MG Paul J. Recd.--January 10- Minister of Non-acceptance
Vanderploog, 11, 1993. Est. Defense for the would have
Director of Value--$700.00. Government of caused
Logistics and Expended for Bahrain. embarrassment
Security hotel room and to the donor.
Assistance meals.
Central Command,
MacDill AFB,
Florida 33621.
MG Paul J. Recd.--January 12- Minister of Non-acceptance
Vanderploog, 13, 1993. Est. Defense for the would have
Director of Value--$550.00. Government of caused
Logistics and Expended for Bahrain. embarrassment
Security hotel room and to the donor.
Assistance meals.
Central Command,
MacDill AFB,
Florida 33621.
MG Paul J. Recd.--May 23-25, Minister of Non-acceptance
Vanderploog, 1993. Est. Defense for the would have
Director of Value--$1,050.00 Government of caused
Logistics and . Expended for Bahrain. embarrassment
Security hotel room and to the donor.
Assistance meals.
Central Command,
MacDill AFB,
Florida 33621.
MG Paul J. Recd.--October 04- Minister of Non-acceptance
Vanderploog, 06, 1993. Est. Defense for the would have
Director of Value--$1,050.00 Government of caused
Logistics and . Expended for Bahrain. embarrassment
Security hotel room and to the donor.
Assistance meals.
Central Command,
MacDill AFB,
Florida 33621.
[[Page 30658]]
MG Paul J. Recd.--October 09- Minister of Non-acceptance
Vanderploog, 10, 1993. Est. Defense for the would have
Director of Value--$550.00. Government of caused
Logistics and Expended for Bahrain. embarrassment
Security hotel room and to the donor.
Assistance meals.
Central Command,
MacDill AFB,
Florida 33621.
MG Paul J. Recd.--April 15- Minister of Non-acceptance
Vanderploog, 18, 1994. Est. Defense for the would have
Director of Value--$500.00. Government of caused
Logistics and Expended for Bahrain. embarrassment
Security hotel room. to the donor.
Central Command,
MacDill AFB,
Florida 33621.
AGENCY: Central Intelligence Agency
Report of Tangible Gifts--1994
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
Agency employee.. Single strand of 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
graduated would have
cultered pearls caused
measuring embarrassment
approximately 3 to donor and
to 8\1/2\mm, U.S.
with yellow gold Government.
clasp. L: 19
inches. Rec'd.--
12 Jan 94. Est.
Value--$900. To
be retained for
official display.
Agency employee.. Ladies Eterna 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
wristwatch. With would have
18 karat (750) caused
yellow gold embarrassment
flexible chain to donor and
link bracelet U.S.
band. Rec'd.--12 Government.
Jan 94. Est.
value--$750. To
be retained for
official display.
Agency employee.. Baume & Mercier 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Riviera would have
gentleman's caused
wristwatch. With embarrassment
mother-of-pearl to donor and
face and gilt U.S.
Roman numerals Government.
and date
calendar, within
faceted gilt
metal and
stainless steel
bezel and
bracelet. Case
number 5131.3.
Together with
pair matching
cuff links.
Rec'd.--12 Jan
94. Est. value--
$1,500. To be
retained for
official display.
Unknown, employee Goldish-onyx 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
figure of a ram. would have
Standing on all caused
fours and embarrassment
looking to its to donor and
left, on red U.S.
lacquered stand. Government.
H: of figure 8\1/
2\ inches.
value--$250. To
be retained for
official display.
Unknown, employee Marquetry and 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
engraved bone would have
inlaid plaque of caused
procession with embarrassment
elephant and to donor and
soldiers. L: U.S.
29\3/4\ inches. Government.
Rec'd.--1 Jan
73. Est. Value--
$250. To be
retained for
official display.
Unknown, employee Quartz specimen 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
gilt metal would have
mounted figure caused
of a boar. In embarrassment
dustproof case. to donor and
H: of boar 7; L: U.S.
12 inches. Government.
Rec'd.--1 Jan
75. Est value--
$500. To be
retained for
official display.
[[Page 30659]]
Agency Employee.. Gentleman's Rodo 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Diastar would have
wristwatch. With caused
yellow gold embarrassment
textured face to donor and
and faceted U.S.
simulated Government.
diamond stud at
quarter hour.
With gilt metal
and stainless
steel flexible
band. Rec'd--1
May 93. Est.
value--$250. To
be retained for
official display.
Agency employee.. Rug. 106.9. Red 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
ground with would have
floral medallion caused
within floral embarrassment
border on white to donor and
ground and U.S.
complimentary Government.
guard border on
light blue
ground. Rec'd--1
May 94. Est.
value--$750. To
be retained for
official display.
Admiral W.O. Silver three- 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Studeman, USN, light would have
Deputy Director, candelabrum, caused
Central 20th Century. embarrassment
Intelligence. Having cast to donor and
palmette U.S.
standard Government.
scroll arms
cresting in
floriform candle
sockets, and
raised on domed
base. H: 7\1/8\;
W: 10 oz. Rec'd--
8 May 94. Est.
value--$450. To
be retained for
official display.
Admiral W.O. Middle Eastern 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Studeman, USN, repousse silver would have
Deputy Director, coffee pot, caused
Central contemporary. embarrassment
Intelligence. Having a bulbous to donor and
tapering body U.S.
repoussed and Government.
chased with
floral and
leafage band,
with strap
handle and
shaped spout;
the domed lid
and spear
finial. H: 7\7/
8\ inches. Wt.
12 oz. Rec'd--12
May 94. Est.
value--$500. To
be retained for
official display.
Admiral W.O. Enameled and gilt 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Studeman, USN, filigree silver would have
Deputy Director, and apple green caused
Central jade bracelet, embarrassment
Intelligence. contemporary. to donor and
Having four U.S.
flexible panels Government.
set with round
jade carved with
stylized phoenix
birds within
filigree mount
with enameled
floral and
leaves and blue
lavender. Rec'd--
7 Jun 94. Est.
value--$750. To
be retained for
official display.
Admiral W.O. Colored 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Studeman, USN, lithograph of would have
Deputy Director, Place de la caused
Central Concorde. In embarrassment
Intelligence. burlwood frame to donor and
with green mat. U.S.
914 inches. Government.
Rec'd--16 May
94. Est. value--
$250. To be
retained for
official display.
Agency employee.. Mother-of-pearl 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
inlaid reddish- would have
brown lacquer caused
jewelry box, embarrassment
contemporary. to donor and
With rectangular U.S.
hinged doomed Government.
lid opening to
view a rose kid
lined tray. With
Overall inlaid
with mother-of-
scrolling vines
and flowers. L:
8\1/2\; H: 4\1/
2\ inches.
Rec'd--19 Jan
94. Est. value--
$250. To be
retained for
official display.
[[Page 30660]]
Agency employee.. Turquoise faience 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
mounted silver would have
three-piece caused
ensemble. embarrassment
Consisting of to donor and
necklace, U.S.
bracelet and Government.
ring. Each set
with turquoise-
blue cicada
mounted panels.
Rec'd--2 May 94.
Est. value--
$500. To be
retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Brass and steel 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, four-barrel would have
Central percussion caused
Intelligence. pistol, with embarrassment
burlwood stock. to donor and
Note: U.S.
reproduction of Government.
the original. L,
of barrels: 5\7/
8\ inches.
Rec'd--28 Feb
94. Est. value--
$300. To be
retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Repousse sterling 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, vase. The would have
Central bulbous body and caused
Intelligence. flared neck embarrassment
repoussed with to donor and
band of flowers U.S.
and leaves. H: Government.
6\1/4\ inches.
Wt. 9 oz. Rec'd--
17 Feb 94. Est.
value--$350. To
be retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Pictorial rug of 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, Director would have
Central Woolsey. 54.4. caused
Intelligence. Rec'd--1 Feb 94. embarrassment
Est. value-- to donor and
$750. To be U.S.
retained for Government.
official display.
R. James Woolsey, One volume of 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, stamps. In gold would have
Central brocaded floral caused
Intelligence. silk binding. embarrassment
Rec'd--20 Jan to donor and
94. Est. value-- U.S.
$250. To be Government.
retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Mother-of-pearl 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, inlaid black would have
Central lacquer box. caused
Intelligence. Rectangular with embarrassment
removable lid to donor and
inlaid with U.S.
bamboo stalks. Government.
139\1/2\ inches.
Rec'd--19 Jan
94. Est. value--
$350. To be
retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Partial silk rug. 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, 4.9 x 3.2. Ivory would have
Central ground with caused
Intelligence. floral field and embarrassment
centering oval to donor and
medallion with U.S.
complementary Government.
field on red
ground. Blue
Floral guard
border on beige
ground. Rec'd--
30 Mar 94. Est.
value--$600. To
be retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Pair sterling low 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, candlesticks. would have
Central Each with chased caused
Intelligence. candle sockets. embarrassment
Each, H: 3\1/4\ to donor and
inches. Total U.S.
weight 15 oz. Government.
Rec'd--17 Jan
94. Est. value--
$500. To be
retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Inlaid silver 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, plated and steel would have
Central dagger. With caused
Intelligence. decorated wood embarrassment
sheath. L: to donor and
including sheath U.S.
16\1/2\ inches. Government.
Rec'd--5 Sep 94.
Est. Value--
$400. To be
retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Green jade single 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, strand necklace would have
Central and pair caused
Intelligence. earrings. The embarrassment
necklace with to donor and
sixty-two beads U.S.
measuring Government.
10\1/2\ mm with
yellow gold oval
clasp set with
cabochon green
jade. 3 pieces.
Rec'd--31 Oct
94. Est. Value--
$1,200. To be
retained for
official display.
[[Page 30661]]
R. James Woolsey, Oil on canvas. 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, Signed in would have
Central cyrillic lower caused
Intelligence. right and dated embarrassment
'94; also, to donor and
titled, signed U.S.
and dated on Government.
reverse in
cyrillic. 21\1/
2\ x 35\1/2\
inches. Red'd--6
Sep 94. Est.
value--$500. To
be retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Chiesa di S. 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, Maria a Trevi. would have
Central Etching. caused
Intelligence. Etching. Plate embarrassment
no. 104. In to donor and
fruitwood and U.S.
ebonized frame Government.
with ink drawn
lined mat. 7\1/
2\ x 12\1/2\
inches. Rec'd--
18 Nov 94. Est.
value--$450. To
be retained for
offical display.
R. James Woolsey, Silver and 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, painted military would have
Central figure. With 800- caused
Intelligence. standard mark. embarrassment
H: 6 inches. Wt. to donor and
9 oz. Rec'd--16 U.S.
Nov 94. Est. Government.
value--$500. To
be retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Silver 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, presentation would have
Central tray, Within caused
Intelligence. beaded floral embarrassment
border. D: 11 to donor and
inches. Wt. 16 U.S.
oz. Rec'd--12 Government.
Oct 94. Est.
value--$450. To
be retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Lacquered and 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, gilt metal would have
Central samurai suit caused
Intelligence. mask, embarrassment
contemporary. H: to donor and
20 inches. U.S.
Rec'd--19 Sep Government.
94. Est. value--
$500. To be
retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Silver plated 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, three-piece would have
Central coffee set and caused
Intelligence. tray. Consisting embarrassment
of teapot, to donor and
covered sugar U.S.
bowl, creamer Government.
and round tray.
H: of coffee pot
7 inches. Rec'd--
5 Sep 94. Est.
value--$250. To
be retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Pewter desk clock/ 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, thermometer. D: would have
Central 5\1/4\ inches. caused
Intelligence. Rec'd--15 Sep embarrassment
94. Est. value-- to donor and
$350. To be U.S.
retained for Government.
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Sterling three- 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, piece tea set. would have
Central Consisting of caused
Intelligence. teapot, creamer embarrassment
and sugar. Each to donor and
with bulbous U.S.
body and chased Government.
Total weight
approximately 25
oz. Rec'd--14
Sep 94. Est.
value--$750. To
be retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Mottled brown 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, agate vase. Urn- would have
Central form with caused
Intelligence. pedestal base. embarrassment
H: 10 inches. to donor and
Rec'd--6 Sep 94. U.S.
Est. value-- Government.
$300. To be
retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Cloisonne enamel 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, vase. The would have
Central bulbous body and caused
Intelligence. flared neck and embarrassment
polychromed to donor and
enamel with U.S.
scrolling vines, Government.
flowers, leaves
against a
mottled red
ground, with
brass ring rim
and base. On
hardwood base.
H: overall 14
inches. Rec'd--
12 Apr 94. Est.
value--$500. To
be retained for
official display.
[[Page 30662]]
R. James Woolsey, Serpentine dragon 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, boat. Supporting would have
Central central pagoda- caused
Intelligence. form pavillion embarrassment
with shaped to donor and
flags and U.S.
calligraphy. On Government.
hardwood stand.
L: 15 inches.
Rec'd--30 Aug
94. Est. value--
$500. To be
retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Interior glass 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, painted orb, would have
Central 20th Century. caused
Intelligence. Painted with embarrassment
continuous to donor and
mountainous U.S.
river landscape Government.
with boats,
figures and
bridge. On
hardwood stand.
D: of ball
approximately 4
inches. Rec'd--
31 Aug 94. Est.
value--$400. To
be retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Famille rose 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, medallion tea would have
Central set, caused
Intelligence. contemporary. embarrassment
Consisting of to donor and
teapot, covered U.S.
sugar, creamer, Government.
six cups and six
saucers. Each
decorated with
ladies in garden
within floral
and gilt border.
Rec'd--30 Aug
94. Est. value--
$350. To be
retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey. Cloisonne enamel 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
vase, would have
contemporary. caused
Pear-shaped and embarrassment
polychrome to donor and
enameled with U.S.
chrysanthemums Government.
and peony
branches against
a blue ground
with brass ring
base. On
hardwood stand.
H: overall 13\1/
2\ inches.
Rec'd--30 Aug
94. Est. value--
$450. To be
retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey. Gentleman's Fred 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Date Calendar would have
Force X caused
wristwatch. With embarrassment
pewter dial and to donor and
gilt metal hour U.S.
indicators. Government.
Within rope and
cog bezel with
black alligator
band. Rec'd--20
Jun 94. Est.
value--$350. To
be retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Pewter mounted 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, horn covered would have
Central vessel. H: 10 caused
Intelligence. inches. Rec'd--2 embarrassment
Jul 94. Est. to donor and
value--$500. To U.S.
be retained for Government.
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Middle Eastern 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, repousse and would have
Central filigree silver caused
Intelligence. Keris. The embarrassment
shaped handle to donor and
fitted in U.S.
repousse and Government.
filigree silver
sheath with
scrolling vines
and geometric
pattern. L: 11\3/
4\ inches.
Rec'd--12 May
94. Est. value--
$500. To be
retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Pair silver three- 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, light would have
Central candelabra, 20th caused
Intelligence. Century. Having embarrassment
cast palmette to donor and
standard U.S.
supporting Government.
scroll arms
cresting in
floriform candle
sockets, and
raised on domed
base. Each, H:
7\1/8\ inches.
Total weight 20
oz. Rec'd--2 May
94. Est. value--
$900. To be
retained for
official display.
[[Page 30663]]
R. James Woolsey, Watercolor on 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, paper. Framed would have
Central 28\1/2\ x 17\1/ caused
Intelligence. 4\ inches. embarrassment
Rec'd--18 Jan to donor and
94. Est. value-- U.S.
$500. To be Government.
retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Coral graduated 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, necklace and would have
Central pair earrings. caused
Intelligence. The fifty-two embarrassment
graduated beads to donor and
measuring U.S.
approximately Government.
10\1/2\ to
13.3mm; with
yellow gold oval
clasp, set with
cabochon coral
and pair
cabochon pierced
type earrings
with yellow gold
mount. L: 24
inches. Rec'd--
12 Apr. 94. Est.
value--$900. To
be retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Embroidered black 5USC7342 (f)(4). Non-acceptance
Director, velvet would have
Central ceremonial robe caused
Intelligence. and hat. The embarrassment
border worked in to donor and
trellising vines U.S.
and flowers in Government.
red, blue and
green, outlined
in white and
burgundy zigzag
pattern. Rec'd--
7 Sep 94. Est.
value--$350. To
be retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Etching and 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, aquatint in would have
Central color. In gilt caused
Intelligence. frame. 7\1/2\ embarrassment
12\1/2\ inches. to donor and
Rec'd--15 Nov U.S.
94. Est. value-- Government.
$400. To be
retained for
official display.
Agency employee.. Must de Cartier 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
gentleman's would have
wristwatch. With caused
white dial and embarrassment
blue steel to donor and
handle and gilt U.S.
steel bezel dial Government.
and flexible
Numbered 1989/
92. Rec'd--12
April 93. Est.
To be retained
for official
Agency employee.. Middle Eastern 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
repousse silver would have
coffee pot. The caused
bulbous body embarrassment
repoussed with to donor and
band of flowers U.S.
and diamond Government.
shaped band
within scroll
handle shaped
spout with
hinged lid with
spike finial. H:
7\3/4\ inches.
Wt. 10 oz.
Rec'd--10 Dec
94. Est. value--
$500. To be
retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Replica of an 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, early rowing would have
Central sailing ship. In caused
Intelligence. dustproof case. embarrassment
L: approximately to donor and
18 inches. U.S.
Rec'd--15 Dec Government.
94. Est. value--
$750. To be
retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Middle Eastern 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, repousse silver would have
Central large coffee caused
Intelligence. pot. The bulbous embarrassment
body and to donor and
elongated neck U.S.
repoussed with Government.
band of flowers
and geometric
devices with
strap handle and
hinged lidded
shaped spout;
the hinged domed
lid with spike
finial. H: 13
inches. Wt. 43
oz. Rec'd--10
Dec 94. Est.
To be retained
for official
[[Page 30664]]
R. James Woolsey, Parcel gilt 5USC 7342(f)(4). Non-acceptance
Director, silver incense would have
Central burner. The caused
Intelligence. squared flared embarrassment
body chased with to donor and
flowering vines U.S.
in gilt metal, Government.
and raised on
four gilt metal
pilasters, on
silver base
etched with
conforming vines
and leaves. H:
10 inches. Wt.
26 oz. Rec'd--7
Dec 94. Est.
To be retained
for official
R. James Woolsey, Silver box. Circa 5USC 7342(f)(4). Non-acceptance
Director, 1993. would have
Central Rectangular with caused
Intelligence. hinged lid embarrassment
engraved and to donor and
chased with U.S.
quadrant Government.
depicting the
Roman Theater,
Aman; Garden
Petra; the South
Theater, Jerash;
and Eddeer at
Petra. The sides
engine turned;
the interior
with gilt lid
having a cornet
monogram and
wood lined
interior. L: 9;
W: 6\1/2\; H:
2\1/2\ inches.
Gross weight 42
oz. Rec'd--7
Dec. 94. Est.
To be retained
for official
R. James Woolsey, Three-piece 5USC 7342(f)(4). Non-acceptance
Director, graduated Keris would have
Central set. Each with caused
Intelligence. floral and embarrassment
leafage repousse to donor and
handles and U.S.
sheaths. L: from Government.
13\1/2\ to 16
inches. Rec'd--5
Dec 94. Est.
To be retained
for official
R. James Woolsey, Molded crystal 5USC 7342(f)(4). Non-acceptance
Director, plaque of woman would have
Central in Gothic niche. caused
Intelligence. Numbered 0293. embarrassment
Inscribed to donor and
indistinctly. H: U.S.
9\7/8\ inches. Government.
Rec'd--5 Dec 94.
Est. value--
$400. To be
retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Pair silver 5USC 7342(f)(4). Non-acceptance
Director, candlesticks. would have
Central Each with caused
Intelligence. bulbous body and embarrassment
shaped candle to donor and
socket and U.S.
raised on round Government.
domed base
ending on three
scroll feet.
Each, H: 9\3/4\
inches. Total
weight 12 oz.
Rec'd--4 Dec 94.
Est. value--
$500. To be
retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Silver 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, presentation would have
Central tray, within caused
Intelligence. molded border embarrassment
cast with leaves to donor and
and flowers. D: U.S.
10 inches. Wt. Government.
16 oz. Rec'd--3
Dec 94. Est.
value--$500. To
be retained for
official display.
R. James Woolsey, Repousse silver 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Director, box. Compressed would have
Central oval-form with caused
Intelligence. floral repousse embarrassment
hinged lid and to donor and
body and raised U.S.
on four cast Government.
floral feet. L:
8 inches. Wt. 19
oz. Rec'd--2 Dec
94. Est. value--
$600. To be
retained for
official display.
[[Page 30665]]
Admiral W.O. Model of a rowing 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Studeman, USN, sailboat. In would have
Deputy Director, dustproof case. caused
Central L: approximately embarrassment
Intelligence. 19 inches. to donor and
Rec'd--15 Dec U.S.
94. Est. value-- Government.
$750. To be
retained for
official display.
William E. Colby, ______ Rode 5USC7342(f)(4).. Non-acceptance
Former Director, (Mexican, 20th would have
Central Century). Rural caused
Intelligence. Landscape with embarrassment
Farmhouse and to donor and
Mountains in U.S.
Distance. Signed Government.
Rode lower
right. Oil on
canvas. Framed.
12 X 16. Rec'd--
1 Jan 75. Est.
value--$500. To
be retained for
official display.
Agency: Department of Commerce
Report of Tangible Gifts
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
Ronald H. Brown, 12''x14'' sand Li Qiyan, Mayor Non-acceptance
Secretary of painting of the of Beijing would have
Commerce. Great Wall of Municipality, caused
China, framed in People's embarrassment
ornate gold/ Republic of to donor and
white frame; China. U.S.
Recd.--August Government.
28, 1994; Est.
Reporting to DOC
September 14,
1994 pending
transfer to GSA.
Ronald H. Brown, Carved Jade H.E. Hu Qili, Non-acceptance
Secretary of Ornament on a Minister of would have
Commerce. wooden base; Electronics, caused
Recd.--August Beijing, embarrassment
31, 1994; Est. People's to donor and
Value--$325; Republic of U.S.
Reported to DOC China. Government.
September 14,
1994; Approved
for official use.
Ronald H. Brown, Dragon shaped H.E. Chulsu Kim, Non-acceptance
Secretary of vessel with a Minister of would have
Commerce. glass and wood Trade, Industry caused
cover; Recd.-- and Energy, embarrassment
September 7, Republic of to donor and
1994; Est. Korea, Kyunggi- U.S.
Value--$325; do, Korea. Government.
Reported to DOC
September 14,
1994; Approved
for official use.
AGENCY: Department of Defense
Report of Tangible Gifts
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
Lt. Gen. Wesley Pistol (9 mm), General Ratko Non-acceptance
K. Clark, Army Recd--August 27, Miadic, Bosnian would have
Director, 1994. Est. Serb Army. caused
Strategic Plans Value--$500. embarrassment
and Policy, The Approved for to donor and
Joint Staff. historical item U.S.
display in Government.
Europe at EUCOM
Lt. Col. Steven Favre Leuba mens King Hussein of Non-acceptance
L. Neely, Army wristwatch, Jordan. would have
Country Director Serial Number caused
for Jordan F43-200-531 in a embarrassment
(International green box, to donor and
Security approx. 4\3/ U.S.
Affairs). 4\''x4\1/ Government.
with King's
Crown on top.
Recd--June 30,
1994. Est.
Delivered to GSA
December 29,
[[Page 30666]]
Admiral William Pakistani Rug General Abdul Non-acceptance
A. Owens, USN, (approx. Waheed, Chief would have
Vice Chairman of 4'1''x5'8''), of the Army caused
the Joint Chiefs Recd--April 1, Staff, Pakistan. embarrassment
of Staff. 1994. Est. to donor and
Value--$2,000. U.S.
Approved for Government.
official display.
William J. Perry, Pakistani Rug General Abdul Non-acceptance
Secretary of (approx. 4'1'' Waheed, Chief would have
Defense. by 4'1''x5'8'') of the Army caused
Recd--April 1, Staff, Pakistan embarrassment
1994. Est. Army. to donor and
Value--$2,000. U.S.
Approved for Government.
official display.
William J. Perry, Bronze-tone Field Marshal Non-acceptance
Secretary of plaque mounted Mohamed Husein would have
Defense. on red velour, Tantawy, caused
with metal eagle Minister of embarrassment
mounted on red, Defense and to donor and
white and black Military U.S.
stripes, and a Production of Government.
chariot and Egypt.
plaque on it,
approx. 9\1/
in red velour
case; Goldplated
hand held fire
arm with
accessories and
Number 11EE71
(Helwan CAL 9
MM, (A.R.E);
Egyptian Rug,
Recd--May 10,
1994. Est.
Approved for
official display.
William J. Perry, Gold cufflinks Field Marshal Non-acceptance
Secretary of and gold key Mohamed Husein would have
Defense. chain with Tantawy, caused
Egyptian scroll Minister of embarrassment
writing, in a Defense and to donor and
black velour Military U.S.
case with silver Production of Government.
trim. Recd-- Egypt.
April 11, 1994.
Est. Value--
$500. Approved
for official
William J. Perry, Zeiss Binoculars Volker Ruehe, Non-acceptance
Secretary of (approx. 4'' x Minister of would have
Defense. 4'') 8 x 20 Defense of caused
BT*P*, NR 497279 Germany. embarrassment
(522040). Two to donor and
tone Gray in U.S.
Black/White box. Government.
Recd--May 2,
1994. Est.
Approved for
official display.
Mrs. William J. Bracelet, 22 kt. Field Marshal Non-acceptance
Perry, wife of Gold with Mohamed Husein would have
Secretary of alternating Tantawy, caused
Defense. cartouches and Minister of embarrassment
scarabs links in Defense and to donor and
green velour Military U.S.
case with silver Production of Government.
trim. Recd--May Egypt.
10, 1994. Est.
Approved for
official display.
William J. Perry, Silver hand gun Army General Non-acceptance
Secretary of (Serial Number Vitaliy would have
Defense. PX0485A) with Radetsky, caused
ammunition and Minister of embarrassment
presentation Defense of to donor and
plate in a Ukraine. U.S.
wooden box with Government.
glass front,
approx. 9\1/2\''
wide 2\1/2\''
tall. Enclosed
in green denim
bag with blue
padding and two
handles; Four
black wooden
platters, hand
painted, multi-
colored with
black background
(1) approx. 7\3/
4\'' across, (2)
approx. 11\3/
4\'' across; (3)
approx. 14\3/
4\'' across and
(4) approx. 19\3/
4\'' across; Two
black wooden
boxes, hand
painted (approx.
7'' wide 2\3/
4\'' high, and
11\1/4\'' wide
2\3/4\'' high),
with black
background; Ten
black wooden
eggs, hand
painted, multi-
colored with
White with red
embroidery linen
approx. 110'' x
72'' with six
napkins, approx.
11\1/2\'' 11''.
Recd--June 14,
1994. Est.
Delivered to GSA
December 29,
[[Page 30667]]
William J. Perry, Decorative Vase Minister of Non-acceptance
Secretary of 26'' with gold National would have
Defense. trim/ Defense caused
handpainted. Gheorghe Tinca. embarrassment
Recd--July 18, to donor and
1994. Est. the U.S.
Value--$250. Government.
Approved for
Official Display.
William J. Perry, Black Samsonite Jaber Al-Ahmed Non-acceptance
Secretary of brief case with Al-Sabah, Amir would have
Defense. combination of Kuwait. caused
lock; Clothing: embarrassment
Baedlae-suit to to donor and
include: the U.S.
Galabiyya-robe; Government.
cloth, agayla-
band (size 48);
Cartier watch
with brown
leather band and
matching pen
set. Recd--
October 14,
1994. Est.
Approved for
Official Display.
William J. Perry, Hand-crafted Chief of the Non-acceptance
Secretary of porcelain horse General Staff, would have
Defense. on wooden base; Ministry of caused
String of Jade National embarrassment
Beads with Defense to donor and
single Jade Bead Republic of the U.S.
clip earrings in China and Mrs. Government.
red velour box. Liu Ho-Chien.
Recd November 2,
1994. Est.
Approved for
Official Display.
General John M. Double barrel Lieutenant Non-acceptance
Shalikashvili, shotgun, Serial General Salah would have
Chairman, Joint Number 2962-1989 Halby, Chief of caused
Chiefs of Staff, (in Arabic) in Staff of the embarrassment
and Mrs. green case; Armed Forces, to donor and
Shalikashvili. Silver cartouche Egypt. the U.S.
(personalized); Government.
Two scarab
necklaces; Gold
cartouche key
chain, cuff
links, and tie
Copper plate.
4, 1994. Est.
Approved for
Official Display.
Walter B. Small Oriental Lieutenant Non-acceptance
Slocombe, Under Rug (2\1/2\'' x General Mumtaz would have
Secretary of 4''--Gray with Gul, 11th Corps caused
Defense (Policy). red); Copper Commander, embarrassment
Plate; Plaque. Pakistan. to donor and
Recd--December the U.S.
7, 1994. Est. Government.
Approved for
Official Display.
Walter B. Plaque: Plate General Abdul Non-acceptance
Slocombe, Under (Jade); Large Waheed, Chief would have
Secretary of Oriental (Silk) of the Army caused
Defense (Policy). Rug (Beige, 6' x Staff, Pakistan. embarrassment
4'). Recd-- to donor and
December 7, the U.S.
1994. Est. Government.
Approved for
Official Display.
Frederick C. Men's silver and Lieutenant Non-acceptance
Smith, Director, gold Baume and General Khalifa would have
Near Eastern and Mercier, Geneve bin Ahmad Al caused
South Asian wristwatch with Khalifa, embarrassment
Affairs, Bahrain Defense Minister of to donor and
Regional Force emblem on Defense, Deputy the U.S.
Security Affairs. the face. It is Commander-in- Government.
in a gray tri- Chief Bahrain.
fold box; Single
strand of
cultured pearls
with 18 kt. gold
clasp in a black
velvet case.
20, 1994. Est.
Delivered to GSA
December 29,
Frank G. Wisner, Pakistani rug, General Abdul Non-acceptance
Under Secretary approximately Waheed, Chief would have
of Defense 3\1/2\' x 5', of the Army caused
(Policy). Beige, pink and Staff, Pakistan. embarrassment
blue. Recd-- to donor and
April 1, 1994. the U.S.
Est. Value-- Government.
$750. Approved
for Official
[[Page 30668]]
AGENCY: Department of Defense
Report of Travel or Expenses of Travel
Brief description
and estimated
Name and title of value of travel
person accepting or travel
travel or travel expenses accepted Identity of Circumstances
expenses as consistent foreign donor justifying
consistent with with the interest and government acceptance
the Interests of of the U.S.
the U.S. Government and
Government occurring outside
the United States
Lt. Gen. Thomas Recd--January 4- Government of To attend and
G. Rhame, USA, 5, 1994. Est. Saudi Arabia meeting to
Director, Value--$494. discuss Saudi
Defense Expended for Arabia's
Security, airfare and Foreign
Assistance meals. Military Sales
Agency. Program.
AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Report of Tangible Gifts
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
Alan Greenspan, Gold Bank of Italy. To have refused
Chairman. commemorative would have
medallion and caused offense
book ``LaBanca or
D'Italia 100 embarrassment.
December 14,
1993. Est. Value
obtained as of
February 1,
1994: $700.
Retained for
Louise Roseman, Unframed oil Mr. Haryono, Presented at
Associate painting on Managing ceremony. Non-
Director, canvas. Director, Bank acceptance
Division of Received: of Indonesia. would have
Reserve Bank January 13, caused
Operations and 1994. Est. embarrassment
Payment Systems. Value: $225. to donor.
Retained for
AGENCY: General Services Administration (GSA)
Report of Tangible Gifts
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
Frank P. Pugliese Replica of the Ahmad Hamzeh Non-acceptance
Commissioner, defense wall of Mustafe, Kuwait would have
FSS. Kuwait. Recd- delegation team cause
Kuwait. Recd-- leader, Kingdom embarrassment
March 22, 1994. of Kuwait. to donor and
Est. Value-- U.S.
$450. On display Government.
for official use.
[[Page 30669]]
AGENCY: Department of Health and Human Services
Report of Tangible Gifts
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
Donna E. Shalala, Mother-of-pearl Yassir Arafat, Non-acceptance
Secretary box with blue Chairman, would have
presentation Palestine caused the
case. Recd.-- Liberation donor
November 26, Organization. embarrassment.
1994. Est.
for official
AGENCY: U.S. Department of the Interior
Report of Tangible Gifts
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
Bruce Babbitt, Gold Cup. Recd-- Secretaria Non-acceptance
Secretary, U.S. May 8, 1994. Carpizo Mexico would have
Department of Est. Vaue--$500. caused
the Interior. Displayed in embarrassment
Secretary's to donor and
Immediate Office. the U.S.
AGENCY: Department of Justice
Report of Tangible Gifts
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimatee value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
Janet Reno, Silver and enamel The Honorable Meeting with
Attorney General cup and saucer Kim Doo-Hee, donor; non-
set. Recd.-- Minister of acceptance
April 19, 1994. Justice, would have
Est. Value-- Republic of caused
$300. Will Korea. embarrassment
report to GSA to the donor.
for disposition.
Louis J. Freeh, Turkish blanket. Mehmet Agar, Meeting between
Director, Recd.--April 22, Director the Director
Federal Bureau 1994. Est. General of and donor; non-
of Investigation. Value--$350. State Police acceptance
Located in Force. would have
Director's cause
office. embarrassment
to the donor.
[[Page 30670]]
AGENCY: Department of the Navy
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
Vice Adm. Vernon Sailboat on white MGEN Fhad Al- Non-acceptance
E. Clark, USN, marble stand. Ameer, Kuwaiti would have
Commander Recd--July 29, Armed Forces. caused
Cruiser, 1994. Est. embarrassment
Destroyer Group Value--$320. to donor and
3. Being retained U.S.
at COMCRUDESGRU Government.
Lt. James J. Dagger. Recd-- Sheikh Isa Bin Non-acceptance
Cunha, USN, April 17, 1994. Salman Al would have
Administrative Est. Value-- Khalifa, the caused
Support Unit, SW $800. Being Amir of Bahrain. embarrassment
Asia. retained at ASU, to donor and
SW Asia. U.S.
Lt. James J. Man's watch and Sheikh Isa Bin Non-acceptance
Cunha, USN, cuff links. Salman Al would have
Administrative Recd--April 17, Khalifa, the caused
Support Unit, SW 1994. Est. Amir of Bahrain. embarrassment
Asia. Value--$1,600. to donor and
Being retained U.S.
at ASU, SW Asia. Government.
Lt. James J. Woman's watch and Sheikh Isa Bin Non-acceptance
Cunha, USN, pearls. Recd-- Salman Al would have
Administrative April 17, 1994. Khalifa, the caused
Support Unit, SW Est. Value-- Amir of Bahrain. embarrassment
Asia. $8,799. Being to donor and
retained at ASU, U.S.
SW Asia. Government.
Rear Adm. Joseph Man's watch. Ambassador Ahmed Non-acceptance
J. Dantone, Jr., Recd--September al-Ayoub, would have
Commander 29, 1993. Est. Kuwait. caused
Carrier Group 3. Value--$931. embarrassment
Being held in to donor and
CNO (N09B33) U.S.
pending transfer Government.
to GSA for
Comdr. William O. Man's watch. Major Sager Non-acceptance
Hawn, USN, USS Recd--October Hamad Sager Al would have
Jack Williams 13, 1994. Est. Maawda, Bahrain- caused
(FFG 24). Value--$1,500. Ameri Naval embarrassment
Being retained Forces. to donor and
on board USS U.S.
Jack Williams Government.
(FFG 24).
Lt. Comdr. James Dagger. Recd-- Sheikh Isa Bin Non-acceptance
W. Houck, USN, April 17, 1994. Salman Al would have
Force Judge Est. Value-- Khalifa, the caused
Advocate, U.S. $800. Being Amir of Bahrain. embarrassment
Naval Forces retained at to donor and
Central Command. COMUSNAVCENT. U.S.
Lt. Comdr. James Man's watch and Sheikh Isa Bin Non-acceptance
W. Houck, USN, cuff links. Salman Al would have
Force Judge Recd--April 17, Khalifa, the caused
Advocate, U.S. 1994. Est. Amir of Bahrain. embarrassment
Naval Forces Value--$1,600. to donor and
Central Command. Being retained U.S.
at COMUSNAVCENT. Government.
Lt. Comdr. James Woman's watch and Sheikh Isa Bin Non-acceptance
W. Houck, USN, pearls. Recd-- Salman Al would have
Force Judge April 17, 1994. Khalifa, the caused
Advocate, U.S. Est. Value-- Amir of Bahrain. embarrassment
Naval Forces $8,799. Being to donor and
Central Command. retained at U.S.
Lt. Comdr. Man's watch. Major Khalifa Non-acceptance
William H. Recd--October Adaulla Khalifa would have
Jacobs, USN, USS 13, 1994. Est. Al Khalifa, caused
Jack Williams Value--$1,000. Bahrain-Ameri embarrassment
(FFG 24). Being retained Naval Forces. to donor and
on board USS U.S.
Jack Williams Government.
(FFG 24).
Dr. Jerome Karle, Prize--Ettore Ettore Majorana Non-acceptance
chief scientist, Majorana Center for would have
Laboratory for Research Award. Scientific caused
the Structure of Recd--December Culture, Manger embarrassment
Matter. 1994. Est. of prize to donor and
Value--$90,000. established by U.S.
Sicilian Government.
Vice Adm. Douglas Dagger. Recd-- Sheikh Isa Bin Non-acceptance
J. Katz, USN, April 17, 1994. Salman Al would have
Commander U.S. Est. Value-- Khalifa, the caused
Naval Forces $800. Being held Amir of Bahrain. embarrassment
Central Command. in CNO (N09B33) to donor and
pending transfer U.S.
to GSA for Government.
Vice Adm. Douglas Man's watch and Sheikh Isa Bin Non-acceptance
J. Katz, USN, cuff links. Salman Al would have
Commander U.S. Recd--April 17, Khalifa, the caused
Naval Forces 1994. Est. Amir of Bahrain. embarrassment
Central Command. Value--$4,522. to donor and
Being held in U.S.
CNO (N09B33) Government.
pending transfer
to GSA for
Vice Adm. Douglas Woman's watch and Sheikh Isa Bin Non-acceptance
J. Katz, USN, pearls. Recd-- Salman Al would have
Commander U.S. April 17, 1994. Khalifa, the caused
Naval Forces Est. Value-- Amir of Bahrain. embarrassment
Central Command. $13,300. Being to donor and
held in CNO U.S.
(N09B33) pending Government.
transfer to GSA
for disposition.
Com. Kim F. Dagger. Recd-- Sheikh Isa Bin Non-acceptance
Kline, USN, U.S. April 17, 1994. Salman Al would have
Naval Forces Est. Value-- Khalifa, the caused
Central Command. $800. Being held Amir of Bahrain. embarrassment
in CNO (N09B33) to donor and
pending transfer U.S.
to GSA for Government.
Com. Kim F. Man's watch and Sheikh Isa Bin Non-acceptance
Kline, USN, U.S. cuff links. Salman Al would have
Naval Forces Recd--April 17, Khalifa, the caused
Central Command. 1994. Est. Amir of Bahrain. embarrassment
Value--$1,600. to donor and
Being held in U.S.
CNO (N09B33) Government.
pending transfer
to GSA for
[[Page 30671]]
Com. Kim F. Woman's watch and Sheikh Isa Bin Non-acceptance
Kline, USN, U.S. pearls. Recd-- Salman Al would have
Naval Forces April 17, 1994. Khalifa, the caused
Central Command. Est. Value-- Amir of Bahrain. embarrassment
$8,799. Being to donor and
held in CNO U.S.
(N09B33) pending Government.
transfer to GSA
for disposition.
Vice Adm. Joseph Oil portrait. Vice Adm. Pytar Non-acceptance
W. Prueher, USN, Recd--October 4, Grigor'evich would have
Commander Sixth 1994. Est. Svyatashon, caused
Fleet. Value--$300. On Russian embarrassment
display in the Federation Navy. to donor and
Office of the U.S.
Vice Chief of Government.
Naval Operations.
Dr. Thomas L. Prize--Humboldt Alexander von Non-acceptance
Reinecke, Head Research Award. Humboldt would have
Electronic and Recd--December Fountain, caused
Optical 1994. Est. Federal embarrassment
Properties Value--$55,000. Republic of to donor and
Section, Naval Germany. U.S.
Research Government.
AGENCY: Department of the Navy
Brief description
and estimated
Name and title of value of travel
person accepting or travel
travel or travel expenses accepted
expenses as consistent Identity of Circumstances
consistent with with the foreign donor justifying
the interests of interests of the and government acceptance
the U.S. U.S. Government
Government and occurring
outside the
United States
Negative ................. ................ ................
AGENCY: Department of State
Report of Tangible Gifts
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
Warren Crystal George A. Non-acceptance
Christopher, rectangular box Joulwan, would cause
Secretary of engraved to the general in embarrassment
State. Secretary, Belgium. to donor and
Rec'd--January U.S.
8, 1994. Est. Government.
Value--$250. In
Office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
Warren Val St. Lambert Clement J. Non-acceptance
Christopher, Crystal Dove. Barter, area would cause
Secretary of Rec'd--January vice president embarrassment
State. 9, 1994. Est. for Conrad to donor and
Value--$250. In Hotels--Belgium. U.S.
Office of Government.
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
Warren Val St. Lambert Willy Claus, Non-acceptance
Christopher, Pair of 7'' Deputy Minister would cause
Secretary of crystal of Foreign embarrassment
State. candlesticks. Affairs of to donor and
Rec'd--January Belgium. U.S.
9, 1994. Est. Government.
Value--$800. In
Office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
Warren China tea set Boris Yeltsin, Non-acceptance
Christopher, with teapot and President of would cause
Secretary of two teacups. the Russian embarrassment
State. Rec'd--November Federation. to donor and
13, 1994. Est. U.S.
Value--$250. Government.
Warren Lacquered burl Francois Non-acceptance
Christopher, wood box Mitterrand, would cause
Secretary of measuring President, the embarrassment
State. 9''x13''. Rec'd-- French Republic. to donor and
January 24, U.S.
1994. Est. Government.
Value--$600. In
Office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
Warren 5'x7' carpet with Farooq Leghari, Non-acceptance
Christopher, blue border. President, the would cause
Secretary of Rec'd--May 16, Islamic embarrassment
State. 1994. Est. Republic of to donor and
Value--$500. Pakistan. U.S.
Approved for Government.
official use.
[[Page 30672]]
Warren Large wooden box Faruq al-Shara', Non-acceptance
Christopher, inlaid with Minister of would cause
Secretary of Mother of Pearl Foreign embarrassment
State. containing a Affairs, Syrian to donor and
decorative Arab Republic. U.S.
Damascus-style Government.
tablecloth and
napkins. Rec'd--
October 26,
1994. Est.
Value--$300. In
Office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
Warren Silver box with Hussein I, King Non-acceptance
Christopher, engraving on top of the would cause
Secretary of commemorating Hashemite embarrassment
State. the peace Kingdom of to donor and
accord. Rec'd-- Jordan. U.S.
October 26, Government.
1994. Est.
Value--$300. In
Office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
Warren Yves Saint Jabir Sabah, Non-acceptance
Christopher, Laurent watch Amir, of the would cause
Secretary of and two pens. State of Kuwait. embarrassment
State. Rec'd--October to donor and
28, 1994. Est. U.S.
Value--$400. In Government.
Office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
Warren Two sterling Galo Leoto, Non-acceptance
Christopher, silver peacocks. Minister of would cause
Secretary of Rec'd--December Foreign embarrassment
State. 9, 1994, Est. Affairs, to donor and
Value--$300. In Republic of U.S.
Office of Ecuador. Government.
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
Deputy Secretary Rug, General Abdul Non-acceptance
of State, Strobe approximately Waheed, Chief would cause
Talbott. 5'7', oriental of Army Staff, embarrassment
in design. Islamic to donor and
Rec'd--April 1, Republic of U.S.
1994. Est. Pakistan. Government.
Approved for
official use.
Peter Tarnoff, Sterling silver His Highness Non-acceptance
Under Secretary incense burner; Shaikh Hamad would cause
for Political sterling silver bin Khalifa Al embarrassment
Affairs. rosewater vase; Thani, Crown to donor and
sterling silver Prince of the U.S.
coffee server; State of Qatar. Government.
tray of mixed
metals. Rec'd--
November 10,
1994. Est.
In Office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
Molly Raiser, Sterling silver Hussein I, King Non-acceptance
chief of box with of the would cause
protocol. Jordan's Royal Hashemite embarrassment
Seal and Kingdom. to donor and
signatures of U.S.
the King and Government.
Queen. Rec'd--
August 24, 1994.
Est. Value--
$300. Approved
for Official Use.
Molly Raiser, Six five-piece Leonid Kuchma, Non-acceptance
chief of place settings, President of would cause
protocol. sterling silver. Ukraine. embarrassment
Rec'd--November to donor and
29, 1994. Est. U.S.
Value--$1,000. Government.
In Office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
Marvin Brown, Gold chain Department of Non-acceptance
Consulate/NIV necklace with Choco, Republic would cause
American gold crucifix of Colombia. embarrassment
Embassy, symbol. Rec'd-- to donor and
Colombia. January 18, U.S.
1994. Est. Government.
Value--$570. In
office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
Gretchen Gerwe Gold tone Saudi Embassy in Non-acceptance
Welch, Counsel portable stereo. Washington, DC. would cause
General, Rec'd--January embarrassment
American 22, 1994. Est. to donor and
Embassy, Riyadh, Value--$300. In U.S.
Saudi Arabia. office of Government.
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
Robin Sanders, Custom-made Religious cosso Non-acceptance
political Senegalese mbacke. would cause
officer, costume. Rec'd-- embarrassment
American February 3, to donor and
Embassy, Dakar, 1994. Est. U.S.
Senegal. Value--$300. In Government.
office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
Gretchen Gerwe Wristwatch. Embassy of Saudi Non-acceptance
Welch, Counsel Rec'd--February Arabia, would cause
General, 14, 1994. Est. Washington, D.C. embarrassment
American Value--$300. In to donor and
Embassy, Riyadh, office of U.S.
Saudi Arabia. Protocol pending Government.
transfer to GSA.
Lisa Gail Allyn, Eterna 18k gold Shiakh Isa Bin Non-acceptance
Vic Counsul, ladies watch. Salman Al would cause
American Rec'd--February Khalika, Amir embarrassment
Embassy, Bahrain. 14, 1994. Est. of Bahrain. to donor and
Value--$5,000. U.S.
In office of Government.
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
[[Page 30673]]
David C. Litt, Two Oriental Jalal Talabani, Non-acceptance
Deputy Director, carpets. Rec'd-- Khosrat Rasul, would cause
NEA/NGA. March 12, 1994. Irbil, Iraq. embarrassment
Est. Value--$600. to donor and
Amb. Robert 18K Piaget men's Isa Bin Salman Non-acceptance
Pelletreau, watch with Al-Khalifa, would cause
Asst. Secretary matching Amir, Bahrain. embarrassment
for NEA. cufflinks; 18k to donor and
Piaget woman's U.S.
watch. Authentic Government.
Bahraini 84-87
graduated pearl
necklace. Rec'd--
June 5, 1994.
Est. Value--
$14,000. In
office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
Jerry Feierstein, Men's Eterna 18k Isa Bin Salman Non-acceptance
NEA/ARP. watch. Women's Al-Khalifa, would cause
Eterna 18k Amir, Bahrain. embarrassment
watch. Rec'd-- to donor and
June 5, 1995. U.S.
Est. Value-- Government.
$4,000. In
Office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
April Glaspie, Silver bowl, Nayla Muawwad, Non-acceptance
Country Director/ Rec'd--June 9, Lebanese Member would cause
AFIS. 1994. Est. of Parliament. embarrassment
Value--$300. In to donor and
Office of U.S.
Protocol pending Government.
transfer to GSA.
David S. Robins, Men's Piaget 22k His Highness Non-acceptance
DCM, Manama, watch diamond- Shaikh Isa bin would cause
Bahrain. studed--appx. 55 Salman Al embarrassment
mini diamonds Khalita, Amir to donor and
with matching of Bahrain. U.S.
gold and diamond Government.
Rec'd--July 26,
1994. Est.
In Office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
Admiral Douglas Double strand His Highness Non-acceptance
Katz, and Mrs. matched grad. Shaikh Isa bin would cause
Douglas Katz. pearls. Gold Salman AL embarrassment
coin on 22'' Khalita, Amir to donor and
gold chain. of Bahrain. U.S.
Rec'd--October Government.
3, 1994. Est.
In Office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
Admiral Douglas Man's 18k gold His Highness Non-acceptance
Katz, and Mrs. ``Oyster Shaikh Isa bin would cause
Douglas Katz. Perpetual'' Sulman Al embarrassment
Rolex watch. Khalifa, amir to donor and
Ladies' 18k gold of Bahrain. U.S.
``Oyster Government.
Rolex watch
3, 1994 Est.
In Office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
David Hale, Sterling silver His Highness Non-acceptance
Special incense burner Shaikh Hamad would cause
Assistant to the 8\1/2\''4'', bin Khalifa Al embarrassment
Under Secretary with 18k gold Thani, Crown to donor and
for Political seals. Rec'd-- Prince, State U.S. Government
Affairs. November 10, of Qatar.
1994. Est.
In Office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
David Hale, Eterna 18 karat Shaikh Isa bin Non-acceptance
Special gold watch and Salman Al would cause
Assistant to the 18 karat gold Khalita, amir embarrassment
Deputy Under cufflinks in of Bahrain. to donor and
Secretary for black case. U.S.
Political Rec'd--November Government.
Affairs. 15, 1994. Est.
In Office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
Robin L. Raphel, Two carpets Amin Arsala, Non-acceptance
Assistant 3'9''6'1''; Foreign would cause
Secretary. 4'10''6'8''. Minister. embarrassment
Rec'd--April 13, to donor and
1994. Est. U.S.
Value--$500. In Government.
Office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
Charles L. Sykes, Three pictures, Ching Hai, Non-acceptance
Deputy Assistant three lamps, International would cause
Secretary Bureau three necklaces, Supreme Master. embarrassment
of Populations, three pr. of to donor and
Refugees, and earrings pr. of U.S.
Migration. cuff links with Government.
tie clamp, eight
video cassette
tapes, two audio
tapes. Rec'd--
October 28,
1994. Est.
Value--$815. In
Office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
[[Page 30674]]
U.S. Ambassador Cressida attache Amir of Kuwait.. Non-acceptance
to Kuwait. case; Christian would cause
Dior watch/pen, embarrassment
Abaya, headress. to donor and
Rec'd--November U.S.
6, 1994. Est. Government.
. In Office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
David M. Ransom, Three men's Shaikh Isa bin Non-acceptance
U.S. Ambassador Eterna watches. Sulman Al would cause
to Bahrain. Five women's Khalifa, amir embarrassment
Eterna watches. of Bahrain. to donor and
Five sets of U.S.
gold bangle Government.
21, 1994. Est.
In Office of
Protocol pending
transfer to GSA.
AGENCY: United States Coast Guard
Report of Travel or Expense of Travel For Year Ending 1994
Brief description
and estimated
Name and title of value of travel
person accepting or travel
travel or travel expenses accepted
expenses as consistent Identity of Circumstances
consistent with with the foreign donor justifying
the interests of interests of the and government acceptance
the U.S. U.S. Government
Government and occurring
outside the
United States
Joseph D. Hersey, Rec: 8 Feb 94. John Carr, Presentation to
Jr., Asst Chief, Item: Meals and Faculty Mktg. Plymouth
G-TTM , USCG HQ. lodging. Value: Mgr., U.K. College on
$300.. Plymouth Maritime
College. safety.
RADM H. B. Rec: 4 Feb 94. Maritime Safety Official visit
Gehring, Item: Agency of Japan to attend JMSA
District Transportation (JMSA). graduation.
Commander. from Tokyo to
Value: $300..
Frank J. Flyntz, Rec: 4 Apr 94. Mr. S.T. Aung, Provided
Asst Chief, G- Item: Travel/ Member of assistance and
MVP USCG HQ. meals, lodging. International expertise in
Maritime merchant marine
Organization, boat licensing
Philippines. for the
government of
the Philippines
Randolph Rec. 4 Apr 94. Mr. S. T. Aung, Provided
DeKroney, Boat Item: Travel/ Member of assistance and
Licensing meals, lodging. International expertise in
Specialist, G- Value: $5,652. Maritime merchant marine
MVP, USCG HQ. Organization, boat licensing
Philippines. for the
government of
CDR Frank Rec. 22 Apr 94. Mr. Ignacio Assisted as
Whipple, Item: Travel/ Vergrara, technical
Commanding meals, lodging. Environmental advisor to
Officer. Value: $3,000. Protection for Chile on an
Latin America. enviromental
Member of IMO, spill involving
United Nations. sodium cyanide.
AGENCY: U.S. Treasury Department, Comptroller of the Currency
Report of Tangible Gifts
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
Douglas E. Hand made wood Ali A. Rashaid Non-acceptance
Harris, senior replica of a Al-Bader, would have
policy adviser dhow, Kuwaiti Managing caused
to the fishing vessel. Director, embarrassment
Comptroller. Stored in blue Kuwait to donor and
velvet covered Investment U.S.
case. Received Authority. Government.
Estimated value--
$300. Currently
used as a
decorative item
in Mr. Harris'
[[Page 30675]]
AGENCY: Departmental Offices
Report of Tangible Gifts
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
Joshua L. Gold coin Minister of Non-acceptance
Steiner, Chief cufflinks. Finance, Saudi would have
of Staff. Rec'd--October Arabia. caused
6, 1994. Est. embarrassment
Value--$250. to donor and
Government U.S. Government
Lloyd Bentsen, Silver dagger. Deputy Prime Non-acceptance
Secretary. Rec'd--September Minister, would have
30, 1994. Est. Malaysia. caused
Value--$300. embarrassment
Pending purchase to donor and
by recipient. U.S. Government
Lloyd Bentsen, Sterling silver President, Assn. Non-acceptance
Secretary. replica of Santa of Spanish would have
Maria. Rec'd-- Employer caused
September 30, Organizations embarrassment
1994. Est. [CEOE]. to donor and
Value--$300. U.S. Government
Lloyd Bentsen, Statue of President, Assn. Non-acceptance
Secretary. American of Spanish would have
Astronaut. Employer caused
Rec'd--September Organizations embarrassment
30, 1994. Est. [CEOE]. to donor and
Value--$350. U.S. Government
Lloyd Bentsen, Porcelain vase. Minister of Non-acceptance
Secretary. Rec'd--March 19, Finance, Taiwan. would have
1994. Est. caused
Value--$250. embarrassment
Government to donor and
property. U.S. Government
Lloyd Bentsen, Gold palm tree Minister of Non-acceptance
Secretary. statute. Rec'd-- Finance, Saudi would have
April 27, 1994. Arabia. caused
Est. Value-- embarrassment
$400. Government to donor and
property. U.S. Government
Jeffrey R. Gold keyring. Minister of Non-acceptance
Shafer, Rec'd--April 27, Finance, Saudi would have
Assistant 1994. Est. Arabia. caused
Secretary for Value--$450. embarrassment
International Government to donor and
Affairs. property. U.S. Government
Lawrence H. Gold keyring. Minister of Non-acceptance
Summers, Under Rec'd--April 27, Finance, Saudi would have
Secretary for 1994. Est. Arabia. caused
International Value--$450. embarrassment
Affairs. Government to donor and
property. U.S. Government
Jeffrey R. Gold coin Minister of Non-acceptance
Shafer, cufflinks. Finance, Saudi would have
Assistant Rec'd--October Arabia. caused
Secretary for 5, 1994. Est. embarrassment
International Value--$250. to donor and
Affairs. Government U.S. Government
Lloyd Bentsen, Wooden chess set. President, Non-acceptance
Secretary. Rec'd--September Kyrgyzstan. would have
12, 1993. Est. caused
Value--$300. embarrassment
Government to donor and
property. U.S. Government
Mark Sobel, Wooden chess set. President, Non-acceptance
Director, Office Rec'd--Septmeber Kyrgyzstan. would have
of Former Soviet 12, 1993. Est. caused
Union Nations. Value--$300. embarrassment
Government to donor and
property. U.S. Government
Ronald K. Noble, 2 books. Rec'd-- Minister of Grce Non-acceptance
Assistant December 11, and Justice, would have
Secretary for 1993. Est. Italy. caused
Enforcement. Value--$375. embarrassment
Government to donor and
property. U.S. Government
Lloyd Bentsen, Agate statue. Minister of Non-acceptance
Secretary. Rec'd--January Finance, China. would have
18, 1994. Est. caused
Value--$400. embarrassment
Government to donor and
property. U.S. Government
Lloyd Bentsen, Framed porcelain Mayor, City of Non-acceptance
Secretary. tile painting. Shanghai, China. would have
Rec'd--January caused
27, 1994. Est. embarrassment
Value--$257. to donor and
Government U.S. Government
AGENCY: Departmental Offices
Report of Travel or Expenses of Travel
Brief description
and estimated
Name and title of value of travel
person accepting or travel
travel or travel expenses accepted
expenses as consistent Identity of Circumstances
consistent with with the foreign donor justifying
the interests of interests of the and government acceptance
the U.S. U.S. Government
Government and occurring
outside the
United States
Evelyn Elgin, tax Rec'd--April 19, The State Tax Participate in
legislature 1994. Est.-- Administration, seminar on non-
attorney. $4,135. Airfare, Beijing, China. governmental
lodging, meals. tax consultary
David Lipton, Rec'd--June 15, Stockholm School Participate in a
Deputy Assistant 1994. Est.-- of Economics, conference on
Secretary for $1,124.25. Institute of economic
Eastern Europe Airfare, meals East European reforms in
and the Former and lodging. Economics, Russia
Soviet Union. Stockholm,
[[Page 30676]]
Jeffrey Shafer, Rec'd--April 8, Institute for To attend a
Assistant 1994. Est.-- International conference
Secretary for $493.50. Lodging Finance,
International and meals.. London, England.
Lawrence Summers, Rec'd--April 24, Italian To participate
Under Secretary 1994. Est.-- Government. in a Sherpa
for $270. Lodging. meeting and
International prepare for the
Affairs. economic
AGENCY: U.S. Customs Service
Report of Tangible Gifts
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
Douglas M. Ten (10) Dimitar Non-acceptance
Browning, Fresco's--prints Buzleviski, would have
Assistant . Recd--August Director caused
Commissioner, 19, 1994. Est. General, embarrassment
Office of Value--$350. Macedonian to donor and
International Reported to GSA-- Customs Service. U.S. Government
Affairs. December 21,
1994; pending
transfer to GSA.
AGENCY: Office of the United States Trade Representative
Report of Tangible Gifts
Gift, date of
acceptance on
Name and title of behalf of the
person accepting U.S. Government, Identity of Circumstances
gift on behalf of estimated value, foreign donor justifying
the U.S. and current and government acceptance
Government disposition or
Michael Kantor, duPont Chinese Sidi Mohammed, Morocco was host
U.S. Trade laquer and 18 Crown Prince, to 120
Representative. karat gold and heir to delegations for
fountain pen and throne of signing of the
pencil set, Morocco. GATT Treaty.
engraved General Each Minister
Agreement on was given same
Tariffs and gift. Non-
Trade. Recd-- acceptance
April 12, 1994. would have
Est. Value-- caused
$1,800. Located embarrassment
at USTR. to donor.
[FR Doc. 95-13832 Filed 6-8-95; 8:45 am]