97-14885. Harmonization of Miscellaneous Rotorcraft Regulations  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 110 (Monday, June 9, 1997)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 31476-31479]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-14885]
    [[Page 31475]]
    Part II
    Department of Transportation
    Federal Aviation Administration
    14 CFR Parts 27 and 29
    Harmonization of Miscellaneous Rotorcraft Regulations; Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 110 / Monday, June 9, 1997 / Proposed 
    [[Page 31476]]
    Federal Aviation Administration
    14 CFR Parts 27 and 29
    [Docket No. 28929; Notice No. 97-8]
    RIN 2120-AG23
    Harmonization of Miscellaneous Rotorcraft Regulations
    AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM).
    SUMMARY: This document proposes changes to the type certification 
    requirements for normal and transport category rotorcraft. The change 
    would amend the airworthiness standards to require a cockpit indication 
    of autopilot operating mode to the pilots for certain autopilot 
    configurations, to clarify the burn test requirements for electrical 
    wiring for transport category rotorcraft, and to provide a new 
    requirement for an electrical wire burn test for normal category 
    rotorcraft. The proposed rule would also add a 1.33 fitting factor 
    structural strength requirement to the attachment of litters and 
    berths. The proposed changes to 14 CFR parts 27 and 29 (parts 27 and 
    29) are harmonized with the European Joint Aviation Requirements (JAR) 
    27 and 29.
    DATES: Comments must be received on or before September 8, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Submit comments in triplicate to the Federal Aviation 
    Administration (FAA), Office of the Chief Counsel, Attention: Rules 
    Docket (AGC-200), Docket No. 28929; Room 915G, 800 Independence Avenue 
    SW, Washington, DC 20591. Comments submitted must be marked Docket No. 
    28929. Comments may also be sent electronically to the following 
    internet address: [email protected] Comments may be examined in 
    Room 915G weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., except on Federal 
    Mr. Carroll Wright, Regulations Group, ASW-111, Rotorcraft Directorate, 
    Aircraft Certification Service, FAA, Fort Worth, Texas 76193-0111, 
    telephone (817) 222-5120.
    Comments Invited
        Interested persons are invited to participate in the making of the 
    proposed rule by submitting such written data, views, or arguments as 
    they may desire. Comments relating to the environmental, energy, 
    federalism, or economic impact that might result from adopting the 
    proposals in this notice are also invited. Substantive comments should 
    be accompanied by cost estimates. Comments must identify the regulatory 
    docket or notice number and be submitted in triplicate to the Rules 
    Docket at the address specified under the caption ADDRESSES.
        All comments received, as well as a report summarizing each 
    substantive public contact with FAA personnel on this rulemaking, will 
    be filed in the docket. The docket is available for public inspection 
    before and after the comment closing date.
        All comments received on or before the closing date will be 
    considered before taking action on this proposal. Late-filed comments 
    will be considered to the extent practicable. The proposals contained 
    in this notice may be changed in light of the comments received.
        Commenters wishing the FAA to acknowledge receipt of their comments 
    submitted in response to this notice must include a preaddressed, 
    stamped postcard on which the following statement is made: ``Comments 
    to Docket No. 28929.'' The postcard will be date stamped and mailed to 
    the commenter.
    Availability of NPRM's
        Using a modem and suitable communications software, an electronic 
    copy of this document may be downloaded from the FAA regulations 
    section of the Fedworld electronic bulletin board service (telephone: 
    703-321-3339), the Federal Register's electronic bulletin board service 
    (telephone: 202-512-1661), or the FAA's Aviation Rulemaking Advisory 
    Committee Bulletin Board service (telephone: 202-267-5948).
        Internet users may reach the FAA's web page at http://www.faa.gov 
    or the Federal Register's webpage at http://www.access.gpo.gov/su__docs 
    for access to recently published rulemaking documents.
        Any person may obtain a copy of this NPRM by submitting a request 
    to the FAA, Office of Rulemaking, ARM-1, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., 
    Washington, DC 20591, or by calling (202) 267-9680. Communications must 
    identify the notice number of this NPRM.
        Persons interested in being placed on a mailing list for future 
    NPRM's should request from the above office a copy of Advisory Circular 
    No. 11-2A, NPRM Distribution System, that describes the application 
        The FAA has established an Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee 
    (ARAC). By a notice in the Federal Register (60 FR 4221, January 20, 
    1995), the FAA announced the establishment of the Harmonization of 
    Miscellaneous Rotorcraft Regulations Working Group. The Working Group 
    was tasked to recommend to ARAC new or revised requirements for pilot 
    indication of autopilot operating mode; burn test for electrical wire; 
    seats, berths, and litters; and other rotorcraft issues. Specifically, 
    the working group received the following tasks:
        1. Review Secs. 1329 and 29.1329 and supporting policy and guidance 
    material for the purpose of determining the course of action to be 
    taken for rulemaking and/or policy relative to the issue of requiring 
    pilot indication of autopilot operating mode similar to parts 23 and 25 
        2. Review parts 27 and 29 to determine if clarification is needed 
    for the burn test requirements for transports category and whether a 
    new requirement for burn test for electrical wire for normal category 
    rotorcraft is needed. Consider whether Sec. 29.1351(d)(3) should be 
    deleted and if new Secs. 27.1365(c) and 29.1359(c) should be created to 
    specify electrical wire insulation burn test requirements.
        3. Review Secs. 27.785(f)(2) and 29.785(f)(2) to determine if these 
    sections should be revised to specify whether the 1.33 fitting factor 
    for seats should also apply to berths and litters.
        4. Review and make recommendations regarding the disharmonizations 
    introduced by the new Rotorcraft 30 Second/2 Minute One-Engine 
    Inoperative Power Ratings (OIE) (59 FR 47764; September 16, 1994) and 
    the Crash Resistant Fuel Systems (CRS) in Normal and Transport Category 
    Rotorcraft (59 FR 50380; October 3, 1994) final rules.
        The working group included representatives from four major 
    rotorcraft manufacturers (normal and transport) and representatives 
    from Aerospace Industries Association of American, Inc. (AIA), 
    Association Europeene des Constructeurs de Material Aerospatial 
    (AECMA), Helicopter Association International (HAI), the European Joint 
    Aviation Authorities (JAA), and the FAA Rotorcraft Directorate. This 
    broad participation is consistent with FAA policy to involve all known 
    interested parties as early as practicable in the rulemaking process.
        The working group presented its findings to the ARAC, which 
    recommended to the FAA the certain miscellaneous changes be made to the 
    airworthiness standards for both parts 27 and 29.
    [[Page 31477]]
        The FAA has evaluated and accepted the ARAB recommendations and 
    proposes the change contained in this notice.
    General Discussion of the Proposals
        The following changes are proposed to the airworthiness standard 
    for normal and transport category rotorcraft.
    Sections 27.625 and 29.625 Fitting Factors
        A new paragraph (d) would be added to Secs. 27.625 and 29.625 to 
    require that the 1.33 fitting factor, specified in Secs. 27.785 and 
    29.785 for the attachment of seats, also applies to the attachment for 
    litters and berths. The 1.33 fitting factor is necessary to ensure that 
    fittings subject to wear and tear under normal use and subject to 
    frequent removal and replacement in the aircraft will retain adequate 
    strength to perform their intended function under crash landing 
    conditions. The need for this factor for seat attachments and 
    associated harnesses has been substantiated by service experience and 
    is recognized in 14 CFR parts 23, 25, 27, and 29 and in the equivalent 
    JAR. Also, the need for the 1.33 factor for the attachment of litters, 
    berths, and associated harnesses is included in parts 23 and 25 and JAR 
    23 and 25 but is not currently included in parts 27 and 29 or JAR 27 
    and 29. This proposed change would provide the same level of safety for 
    passengers in litters and berths as in seats and would harmonize the 
    fitting factor requirement of parts 23, 25, 27, 29 and the JAR.
    Sections 27.785 and 29.785 Seats, Berths, Litters, Safety Belts, and 
        Since the requirements for litters and berths are specified in 
    Secs. 27.785(k) and 29.785(k), a new sentence to paragraph (k)(2) is 
    proposed to clarify the requirement for applying the 1.33 fitting 
    factor. This proposed revision would clarify that the 1.33 fitting 
    factor for the attachment of seats specified in proposed 
    Secs. 27.625(d) and 29.625(d) also applies to the attachment of litters 
    and berths.
    Sections 27.975 and 29.975 Fuel Tank Vents
        This proposed revision would remove the phrase ``unless a rollover 
    is shown to be extremely remote'' from Secs. 27.975(b) and 
    29.975(a)(7). The JAA states that the phrase ``unless a rollover is 
    shown to be extremely remote'' results in weakening the desired 
    requirement, so that a postcrash fire could occur on an aircraft not 
    equipped with rollover protection. The FAA agrees that the intent of 
    this rule is to prevent postcrash fires due to rollover and concludes 
    that the phrase does not contribute to the desired result. Also, this 
    proposed revision would resolve a difference between parts 27 and 29 
    and JAR 27 and 29 introduced by the Crash Resistant Fuel Systems final 
    rule noted earlier.
    Sections 27.1329 and 29.1329 Automatic Pilot System
        A new paragraph (f) would be added to Secs. 27.1329 and 29.1329 to 
    require display of the autopilot mode to the pilots. Current parts 23 
    and 25 require that ``If the automatic pilot system can be coupled to 
    airborne navigation equipment, means must be provided to indicate to 
    the flight crew the current mode of operation. Selector switch position 
    is not acceptable as a means indication.'' Airplane accidents occurred 
    prior to adoption of the requirement of the display of the autopilot 
    mode in parts 23 and 25 due to the pilot not being aware of the current 
    autopilot mode. This type of accident could occur in rotorcraft. Safety 
    will be enhanced by requiring that the autopilot mode be displayed to 
    the pilots of rotorcraft. This would harmonize parts 27 and 29 with the 
    corresponding JAR.
    Section 27.1365 Electric Cables
        A new paragraph (c) to Sec. 27.1365 is proposed that would add a 
    burn test to require self-extinguishing insulation on electrical wire 
    and cable installed in normal category rotorcraft. Most European and 
    U.S. rotorcraft manufacturers currently use electrical wire that meets 
    the proposed burn test requirements. This proposal would require that 
    compliant wire be used.
    Section 29.923 Rotor Drive System and Control Mechanism Tests
        The proposed revision to Sec. 29.923(a) would add the words, ``and 
    (p),'' after the words ``paragraphs (b) through (n).'' The ``and p'' 
    was inadvertently omitted by the OEI final rule, Amendment 29-35. This 
    change is proposed to correct the oversight and to harmonize part 29 
    with the JAR requirement.
    Section 29.1351 General
        The proposal would delete the burn test requirements of 
    Sec. 29.1351(d)(1)(iii) and the reference to Sec. 25.1359(d) contained 
    in it. Section 25.1359(d) was removed from part 25 by Amendment 25-72 
    (55 FR 29756; July 20, 1990). The proposal would move the electrical 
    wire burn test requirements to a new Sec. 29.1359(c) and cite the 
    correct reference, part 25, Appendix F, Part I(a)(3). The proposed 
    change is administrative and will not alter the current requirements.
    Section 29.1359 Electrical System Fire and Smoke Protection
        As discussed in the previous paragraph, new Sec. 29.1359(c) would 
    contain the electrical wire burn test requirements. The proposal would 
    add paragraph (c) to this section to place the requirement under a more 
    appropriate heading. The proposed change is administrative and will not 
    alter the current requirements.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        There are no requirements for information collection associated 
    with this proposed rule that would require approval under the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act of 1980, 44 U.S.C. Sec. 3501 et seq.
    Regulatory Evaluation Summary
        Proposed changes to Federal regulations must undergo several 
    economic analyses. First, Executive Order 12866 directs that each 
    Federal agency shall propose or adopt a regulation only upon a reasoned 
    determination that the benefits of the intended regulation justify its 
    costs. Second, the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 requires agencies 
    to analyze the economic impact of regulatory changes on small entities. 
    Third, the Office of Management and Budget directs agencies to assess 
    the effects of regulatory changes on international trade. In conducting 
    these analyses, the FAA has determined that this proposed rule: (1) 
    would generate benefits that justify its costs and is not a 
    ``significant regulatory action'' as defined in the Executive Order; 
    (2) is not ``significant'' as defined in DOT's Regulatory Policies and 
    Procedures; (3) would not have a significant impact on a substantial 
    number of small entities; and (4) would lessen restraints on 
    international trade. These analyses, available in the docket, are 
    summarized below.
    Economic Evaluation
        Overall, the proposed changes would result in net cost savings by 
    promoting harmonization between the U.S. regulations and the JAR and by 
    eliminating unnecessary duplication of certification requirements. The 
    costs and benefits of the changes regarding the fitting factor for the 
    attachment of berths and litters, removal of the phrase ``unless a 
    rollover is shown to be extremely remote'' (in Secs. 27.975(b) and 
    29.975(a)(7)), autopilot operating mode, and burn test for electrical 
    wire in normal category rotorcraft, are
    [[Page 31478]]
    summarized below. All other revisions involve clarification or 
    administrative changes.
        The fitting factor requirement would not impose incremental costs 
    on most rotorcraft manufacturers. One small manufacturer of part 27 
    rotorcraft indicated additional nonrecurring testing and analysis costs 
    of $2,000 to substantiate the 1.33 factor in an initial new type 
    certification; most likely, this additional cost would not be incurred 
    in subsequent type certifications. Although there have been no 
    identifiable accidents involving litters attributable to insufficient 
    attachment strength, even one minor injury would far exceed the 
    relatively low costs. Codification of the 1.33 fitting factor, which is 
    inherent in most current designs, would ensure that all future designs 
    include this standard, increasing the minimum level of safety.
        There would be no incremental costs or benefits associated with 
    removal of the phrase ``unless a rollover is shown to be extremely 
    remote'' in Secs. 27.975(b) and 29.975(a)(7) since rotocraft currently 
    meet the minimum fuel spillage requirements under roll-over conditions.
        The autopilot display requirement would impose no or insignificant 
    incremental costs on rotocraft manufacturers since new autopilot 
    systems employed in rotocraft are similar to those in airplanes and the 
    mode indicator is typically integral to such systems. Codification of 
    this requirement would ensure that all future rotocraft designs comply 
    with this standard.
        Most U.S. and European manufacturers currently use electrical wire 
    that meets the burn test requirements for transport category rotocraft 
    since they produce both part 27 and part 29 rotocraft. However, the few 
    manufacturers that product normal category rotocraft only would likely 
    experience additional costs. One manufacturer estimates additional 
    nonrecurring testing/design costs at $5,000 per type certification and 
    additional wiring costs of $500 per rotocraft. At an estimated 
    production of seven rotocraft per year, the incremental recurring costs 
    would total $3,500 per year for 10 years, or $35,000 total 
    (nondiscounted 1995 dollars), under one type certification. Another 
    manufacturer estimates additional wiring costs of approximately $350 
    per rotocraft and no additional nonrecurring costs. At an estimated 
    production of 20 rotocraft per year, the incremental recurring costs 
    would total $7,000 per year for 10 years, or $70,000 total 
    (nondiscounted 1995 dollars), under one type certification.
        There have been several accidents (and more numerous Service 
    Difficulty Reports) related directly or indirectly to shorted or 
    burned-through electrical wiring; i.e., the insulation offered 
    insufficient protection. Examination of National Transportation Safety 
    Board accident and incident data for the period 1983 through 1995 
    indicates one accident (in June 1994) caused primarily by a short in 
    the electric wiring that burned a hole in the main fuel line. The post-
    impact fire destroyed the normal category helicopter. There is a strong 
    possibility that the proposed burn test requirements could have 
    prevented this accident. Benefits in terms of averted equipment damage 
    and just one or two minor injuries from an accident involving a part 27 
    rotocraft would easily exceed the incremental costs of this proposal. 
    Codification of this requirement would ensure that all future designs 
    comply, increasing the minimum level of safety.
        Based on the findings of no significant incremental costs coupled 
    with the benefits of harmonization savings and higher levels of safety, 
    the FAA has determined that the proposed rule would be cost-beneficial.
    Initial Regulatory Flexibility Determination
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (RFA) was enacted by 
    Congress to ensure that small entities are not unnecessarily and 
    disproportionately burdened by government regulations. The RFA requires 
    a Regulatory Flexibility Analysis if a proposed or final rule would 
    have a significant economic impact, either detrimental or beneficial, 
    on a substantial number of small entities. FAA Order 2100.14A, 
    Regulatory Flexibility Criteria and Guidance, prescribes standards for 
    complying with RFA requirements in FAA rulemaking actions. The Order 
    defines ``small entities'' in terms of size, ``significant economic 
    impact'' in terms of annualized costs, and `'substantial number'' as a 
    number that is not less than 11 and which is more than one-third of the 
    small entities subject to a proposed or final rule.
        The proposed rule would affect manufacturers of future type-
    certificated normal and transport category rotocraft. For aircraft 
    manufacturers, Order 2100.14A defines a small entity as one with 75 or 
    fewer employees and a significant economic impact as annualized costs 
    of at least $19,500 (1995 dollars). The FAA has determined that the 
    proposed rule would not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small manufacturers since (1) no part 29 and only 
    two part 27 rotorcraft manufacturers have 75 or fewer employees, and 
    (2) the annualized incremental costs of the rule are less than $19,500.
    International Trade Impact Analysis
        The proposed rule would not constitute a barrier to international 
    trade, including the export of American rotorcraft to foreign countries 
    and the import of foreign rotorcraft into the United States. Instead, 
    the proposed changes on rotorcraft certification procedures, harmonized 
    with those of the JAA, would lower dual certification costs, thereby 
    enhancing free trade. Each applicant for a new type certificate for 
    normal and transport category rotorcraft, whether the applicant be U.S. 
    or foreign, will be required to show compliance with this rule.
        For the reasons discussed above, including the findings in the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Determination and the International Trade Impact 
    Analysis, the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), in 
    conjunction with the FAA, has determined that this proposed regulation 
    is not a significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866 and, 
    therefore, is not subject to centralized regulatory review by the OIRA. 
    In addition, the FAA certifies that his regulation will not have a 
    significant economic impact, positive or negative, on a substantial 
    number of small entities under the criteria of the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act. This proposal is considered to be nonsignificant under 
    DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February 26, 
    1979). An initial regulatory evaluation of the proposal, including a 
    Regulatory Flexibility Determination and Trade Impact Analysis, has 
    been placed in the docket. A copy may be obtained by contacting the 
    person identified under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
    List of Subjects
    14 CFR Part 27
        Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Rotorcraft, Safety.
    14 CFR Part 29
        Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Rotorcraft, Safety.
    The Proposed Amendments
        In consideration of the foregoing, the FAA proposes to amend 14 CFR 
    parts 27 and 29 as follows:
    [[Page 31479]]
        1. The authority citation for part 27 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701-44702, 44704.
        2. In Sec. 27.625, a new paragraph (d) is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 27.625  Fitting factors.
    * * * * *
        (d) Each seat, berth, litter, safety belt and harness attachment to 
    the structure must be shown by analysis, tests, or both, to be able to 
    withstand the inertia forces prescribed in Sec. 27.561(b)(3) multiplied 
    by a fitting factor of 1.33.
        3. Section 27.785 is amended by revising the heading and by adding 
    a new sentence to the end of paragraph (k)(2) to read as follows:
    Sec. 27.785  Seats, berths, litters, safety belts, and harnesses.
    * * * * *
        (k) * * *
        (2) * * * The fitting factor required by Sec. 27.625(d) shall be 
    Sec. 27.975  [Amended]
        4. In Sec. 27.975, paragraph (b) is amended by removing the words 
    ``, unless a rollover is shown to be extremely remote''.
        5. In Sec. 27.1329, a new paragraph (f) is added to read as 
    Sec. 27.1329  Automatic pilot system.
    * * * * *
        (f) If the automatic pilot system can be coupled to airborne 
    navigation equipment, means must be provided to indicate to the pilots 
    the current mode of operation. Selector switch position is not 
    acceptable as a means of indication.
        6. In Sec. 27.1365, a new paragraph (c) is added to read as 
    Sec. 27.1365  Electric cables.
    * * * * *
        (c) Insulation on electrical wire and cable installed in the 
    rotorcraft must be self-extinguishing when tested in accordance with 
    Appendix F, Part I(a)(3) of part 25 of this chapter.
        7. The authority citation for part 29, continues to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701-44702, 44704.
        8. In Sec. 29.625, a new paragraph (d) is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 29.625  Fitting factors.
    * * * * *
        (d) Each seat, berth, litter, safety belt and harness attachment to 
    the structure must be shown by analysis, tests, or both, to be able to 
    withstand the inertia forces prescribed in Sec. 29.561(b)(3) multiplied 
    by a fitting factor of 1.33.
        9. Section 29.785 is amended by revising the heading and by adding 
    a new sentence to the end of paragraph (k)(2) to read as follows:
    Sec. 29.785  Seats, berths, litters, safety belts, and harnesses.
    * * * * *
        (k) * * *
        (2) * * * The fitting factor required by Sec. 29.625(d) shall be 
    Sec. 29.923  [Amended]
        10. In Sec. 29.923, the first sentence of the introductory text of 
    paragraph (a) is revised by adding the phrase ``and (p)'' immediately 
    following the reference to paragraph (n).
    Sec. 29.975  [Amended]
        11. In Sec. 29.975, paragraph (a)(7) is amended by removing the 
    words ``, unless a rollover is shown to be extremely remote''.
        12. In Sec. 29.1329, a new paragraph (f) is added to read as 
    Sec. 29.1329  Automatic pilot system.
    * * * * *
        (f) If the automatic pilot system can be coupled to airborne 
    navigation equipment, means must be provided to indicate to the pilots 
    the current mode of operation. Selector switch position is not 
    acceptable as a means of indication.
        13. In Sec. 29.1351, paragraph (d)(1)(iii) is removed.
    Sec. 29.1351  General.
        14. In Sec. 29.1359, a new paragraph (c) is added to read as 
    Sec. 29.1359  Electrical system fire and smoke protection.
    * * * * *
        (c) Insulation on electrical wire and cable installed in the 
    rotorcraft must be self-extinguishing when tested in accordance with 
    Appendix F, Part I(a)(3) of part 25 of this chapter.
        Issued in Washington, DC, on May 30, 1997.
    Thomas E. McSweeney,
    Director, Aircraft Certification Service,   AIR-1.
    [FR Doc. 97-14885 Filed 6-6-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-M

Document Information

Federal Aviation Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM).
Document Number:
Comments must be received on or before September 8, 1997.
31476-31479 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 28929, Notice No. 97-8
2120-AG23: Harmonization of Miscellaneous Rotorcraft Regulations
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (12)
14 CFR 27.625
14 CFR 27.785
14 CFR 27.975
14 CFR 27.1329
14 CFR 27.1365
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