97-15001. Regulatory Guidance Letters Issued by the Corps of Engineers  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 110 (Monday, June 9, 1997)]
    [Pages 31492-31506]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-15001]
    [[Page 31491]]
    Part V
    Department of Defense
    Department of the Army
    Corps of Engineers
    Regulatory Guidance Letters Issued by the Corps of Engineers; Notice
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 110 / Monday, June 9, 1997 / 
    [[Page 31492]]
    Department of the Army
    Corps of Engineers
    Regulatory Guidance Letters Issued by the Corps of Engineers
    AGENCY: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: The purpose of this notice is to provide current Regulatory 
    Guidance Letters (RGL's) to all interested parties. RGL's are used by 
    the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters as a means to transmit 
    guidance on the permit program (33 CFR 320-330) to its division and 
    district engineers (DE's). Each future RGL will be published in the 
    Notice Section of the Federal Register as a means to insure widest 
    dissemination of this information while reducing costs to the Federal 
    Government. The Corps no longer maintains a mailing list to furnish 
    copies of the RGL's to the public.
    Mr. Ralph Eppard, Regulatory Branch, Office of the Chief of Engineers 
    at (202) 761-1783.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: RGL's were developed by the Corps as a 
    system to organize and track written guidance issued to its field 
    agencies. RGL's are normally issued as a result of evolving policy; 
    judicial decisions and changes to the Corps regulations or another 
    agency's regulations which affect the permit program. RGL's are used 
    only to interpret or clarify existing Regulatory Program policy, but do 
    provide mandatory guidance to the Corps district offices. RGL's are 
    sequentially numbered and expire on a specified date. However, unless 
    superseded by specific provisions of subsequently issued regulations or 
    RGL's, the guidance provided in RGL's generally remains valid after the 
    expiration date. The Corps incorporates most of the guidance provided 
    by RGL's whenever it revises its permit regulations.
        We are hereby publishing all current RGL's beginning with RGL 92-1 
    and ending with RGL 96-2. RGL 91-1 expired on December 31, 1996, and 
    RGL 92-4 expired on January 21, 1997, and both have been removed from 
    this publication. We will continue to publish each RGL in the Notice 
    Section of the Federal Register upon issuance and in early 1998, we 
    will again publish the complete list of all current RGL's.
        Dated: May 28, 1997.
        For the Commander.
    Robert W. Burkhardt,
    Colonel, Corps of Engineers, Executive Director of Civil Works.
    Regulatory Guidance Letter (RGL 92-1)
    RGL 92-1 Date: 13 May 1992, Expires: 31 December 1997
    Subject: Federal Agencies Roles and Responsibilities.
    1. Purpose
        The purpose of this guidance is to clarify the Army Corps of 
    Engineers leadership and decision-making role as ``project manager'' 
    for the evaluation of permit applications pursuant to Section 404 of 
    the Clean Water Act (CWA) and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. 
    This guidance is also intended to encourage effective and efficient 
    coordination among prospective permittees, the Corps, and the Federal 
    resource agencies (i.e., Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Fish 
    and Wildlife Service (FWS), and National Marine Fisheries Service 
    (NMFS)). Implementation of this guidance will help to streamline the 
    permit process by minimizing delays and ensuring more timely decisions, 
    while providing a meaningful opportunity for substantive input from all 
    Federal agencies.
    2. Background
        (a) The Department of the Army Regulatory Program must operate in 
    an efficient manner in order to protect the aquatic environment and 
    provide fair, equitable, and timely decisions to the regulated public. 
    Clear leadership and a predictable decision-making framework will 
    enhance the public acceptance of the program and allow the program to 
    meet the important objective of effectively protecting the Nation's 
    valuable aquatic resources.
        (b) On August 9, 1991, the President announced a comprehensive plan 
    for improving the protection of the Nation's wetlands. The plan seeks 
    to balance two important objectives--the protection, restoration, and 
    creation of wetlands and the need for sustained economic growth and 
    development. The plan, which is designed to slow and eventually stop 
    the net loss of wetlands, includes measures that will improve and 
    streamline the current wetlands regulatory system. This Regulatory 
    Guidance Letter is issued in accordance with the President's plan for 
    protecting wetlands.
        (c) The intent of this guidance is to express clearly that the 
    Corps is the decision-maker and project manager for the Department of 
    Army's Regulatory Program. The Corps will consider, to the maximum 
    extent possible, all timely, project-related comments from other 
    Federal agencies when making regulatory decisions. Furthermore, the 
    Corps and relevant Federal agencies will maintain and improve as 
    necessary their working relationships.
        (d) The Federal resource agencies have reviewed and concurred with 
    this guidance and have agreed to act in accordance with these 
    provisions. While this guidance does not restrict or impair the 
    exercise of legal authorities vested in the Federal resource agencies 
    or States under the CWA or other statutes and regulations (e.g., EPA's 
    authority under section 404(c), section 404(f), and CWA geographic 
    jurisdiction and FWS/NMFS authorities under the Fish and Wildlife 
    Coordination Act and the Endangered Species Act (ESA)), agency comments 
    on Department of the Army permit applications must be consistent with 
    the provisions contained in this regulatory letter.
    3. The Corps Project Management/Decision Making Role
        (a) The Corps is solely responsible for making final permit 
    decisions pursuant to section 10 and section 404(a), including final 
    determinations of compliance with the Corps permit regulations, the 
    Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines, and Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA. As such, 
    the Corps will act as the project manager for the evaluation of all 
    permit applications. The Corps will advise potential applicants of its 
    role as the project manager and decision-maker. This guidance does not 
    restrict EPA's authority to make determinations of compliance with the 
    Guidelines in carrying out its responsibilities under Sections 309 and 
    404(c) of the Clean Water Act.
        (b) As the project manager, the Corps is responsible for requesting 
    and evaluating information concerning all permit applications. The 
    Corps will obtain and utilize this information in a manner that moves, 
    as rapidly as practical, the regulatory process towards a final permit 
    decision. The Corps will not evaluate applications as a project 
    opponent or advocate--but instead will maintain an objective 
    evaluation, fully considering all relevant factors.
        (c) The Corps will fully consider other Federal agencies' project-
    related comments when determining compliance with the National 
    Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines, the 
    ESA, the National Historic Preservation Act, and other relevant 
    statutes, regulations, and policies. The Corps will also fully consider 
    the agencies' views when determining whether to issue the permit, to 
    issue the permit with
    [[Page 31493]]
    conditions and/or mitigation, or to deny the permit.
    4. The Federal Resource Agencies' Role
        (a) It is recognized that the Federal resource agencies have an 
    important role in the Department of the Army Regulatory Program under 
    the CWA, NEPA, ESA, Magnuson Fisheries Conservation and Management Act, 
    and other relevant statutes.
        (b) When providing comments, Federal resource agencies will submit 
    to the Corps only substantive, project-related information on the 
    impacts of activities being evaluated by the Corps and appropriate and 
    practicable measures to mitigate adverse impacts. The comments will be 
    submitted within the time frames established in interagency agreements 
    and regulations. Federal resource agencies will limit their comments to 
    their respective areas of expertise and authority to avoid duplication 
    with the Corps and other agencies and to provide the Corps with a sound 
    basis for making permit decisions. The Federal resource agencies should 
    not submit comments that attempt to interpret the Corps regulations or 
    for the purposes of section 404(a) make determinations concerning 
    compliance with the Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines. Pursuant to its 
    authority under Section 404(b)(1) of the CWA, the EPA may provide 
    comments to the Corps identifying its views regarding compliance with 
    the Guidelines. While the Corps will fully consider and utilize agency 
    comments, the final decision regarding the permit application, 
    including a determination of compliance with the Guidelines, rests 
    solely with the Corps.
    5. Pre-Application Consultation
        (a) To provide potential applicants with the maximum degree of 
    relevant information at an early phase of project planning, the Corps 
    will increase its efforts to encourage pre-application consultations in 
    accordance with regulations at 33 CFR 325.1(b). Furthermore, while 
    encouraging pre-application consultation, the Corps will emphasize the 
    need for early consultation concerning mitigation requirements, if 
    impacts to aquatic resources may occur. The Corps is responsible for 
    initiating, coordinating, and conducting pre-application consultations 
    and other discussions and meetings with applicants regarding Department 
    of the Army permits. This may not apply in instances where the 
    consultation is associated with the review of a separate permit or 
    license required from another Federal agency (e.g., the Federal Energy 
    Regulatory Commission or the Nuclear Regulatory Commission) or in 
    situations where resource agencies perform work for others outside the 
    context of a specific Department of the Army permit application (e.g., 
    the Conservation Reserve Program and technical assistance to applicants 
    of Federal grants).
        (b) For those pre-application consultations involving activities 
    that may result in impacts to aquatic resources, the Corps will provide 
    EPA, FWS, NMFS (as appropriate), and other appropriate Federal and 
    State agencies, a reasonable opportunity to participate in the pre-
    application process. The invited agencies will participate to the 
    maximum extent possible in the pre-application consultation, since this 
    is generally the best time to consider alternatives for avoiding or 
    reducing adverse impacts. To the extent practical, the Corps and the 
    Federal resource agencies will develop local procedures (e.g., 
    teleconferencing) to promote reasonable and effective pre-application 
    consultations within the logistical constraints of all affected 
    6. Applications for Individual Permits
        (a) The Corps is responsible for determining the need for, and the 
    coordination of, interagency meetings, requests for information, and 
    other interactions between permit applicants and the Federal 
    Government. In this regard, Federal resource agencies will contact the 
    Corps to discuss and coordinate any additional need for information 
    from the applicant. The Corps will cooperate with the Federal resource 
    agencies to ensure, to the extent practical, that information necessary 
    for the agencies to carry out their responsibilities is obtained. If it 
    is determined by the Corps that an applicant meeting is necessary for 
    the exchange of information with a Federal resource agency and the 
    Corps chooses not to participate in such a meeting, the Federal 
    resource agency will apprise the Corps, generally in writing, of that 
    agency's discussions with the applicant. Notwithstanding such meetings, 
    the Corps is solely responsible for permit requirements, including 
    mitigation and other conditions--the Federal resource agencies must not 
    represent their views as regulatory requirements. In circumstances 
    where the Corps meets with the applicant and develops information that 
    will affect the permit decision, the Corps will apprise the Federal 
    resource agencies of such information.
        (b) Consistent with 33 CFR part 325, the Corps will ensure that 
    public notices contain sufficient information to facilitate the timely 
    submittal of project-specific comments from the Federal resource 
    agencies. The resource agencies comments will provide specific 
    information and/or data related to the proposed project site. The Corps 
    will fully consider comments regarding the site from a watershed or 
    landscape scale, including an evaluation of potential cumulative and 
    secondary impacts.
        (c) The Corps must consider cumulative impacts in reaching permit 
    decisions. In addition to the Corps own expertise and experience, the 
    Corps will fully consider comments from the Federal resource agencies, 
    which can provide valuable information on cumulative impacts. 
    Interested Federal agencies are encouraged to provide periodically to 
    the Corps generic comments and assessments of impacts (outside the 
    context of a specific permit application) on issues within the 
    agencies' area of expertise.
    7. General Permits
        (a) The Corps is responsible for proposing potential general 
    permits, assessing impacts of and comments on proposed general permits, 
    and deciding whether to issue general permits. The Corps will consider 
    proposals for general permits from other sources, including the Federal 
    resource agencies, although the final decision regarding the need to 
    propose a general permit rests with the Corps. Other interested Federal 
    agencies should provide comments to the Corps on proposed general 
    permits. These Federal agency comments will be submitted consistent 
    with established agreements and regulations and will focus on the 
    Federal agencies' area(s) of expertise. The Corps will fully consider 
    such agencies' comments in deciding whether to issue general permits, 
    including programmatic general permits.
        (b) The Corps is responsible for initiating and conducting meetings 
    that may be necessary in developing and evaluating potential general 
    permits. Any discussions with a State or local Government regarding 
    proposed programmatic general permits will be coordinated through and 
    conducted by the Corps. Prior to issuing a programmatic general permit, 
    the Corps will ensure that the State or local program, by itself or 
    with appropriate conditions, will protect the aquatic environment, 
    including wetlands, to the level required by the section 404 program.
        8. This guidance expires 31 December 1997 unless sooner revised or 
    [[Page 31494]]
        For the Commander.
    Arthur E. Williams,
    Major General, USA, Director of Civil Works.
    Regulatory Guidance Letter (92-3)
    RGL 92-3, Date: 19 Aug 92, Expires: 31 Dec 97
    Subject: Extension of Regulatory Guidance Letter (RGL) 86-10 RGL 86-10, 
    subject: ``Special Area Management Plans (SAMP's)'' is extended until 
    31 December 1997 unless sooner revised or rescinded.
        For the Director of Civil Works.
    John P. Elmore,
    Chief, Operations, Construction and Readiness Division, Directorate of 
    Civil Works.
    RGL 96-10
    Special Area Management Plans (SAMP's)
    Issued 10/2/86, Expired 12/31/88
        1. The 1980 Amendments to the Coastal Zone Management Act define 
    the SAMP process as ``a comprehensive plan providing for natural 
    resource protection and reasonable coastal-dependent economic growth 
    containing a detailed and comprehensive statement of policies, 
    standards and criteria to guide public and private uses of lands and 
    waters; and mechanisms for timely implementation in specific geographic 
    areas within the coastal zone.'' This process of collaborative 
    interagency planning within a geographic area of special sensitivity is 
    just as applicable in non-coastal areas.
        2. A good SAMP reduces the problems associated with the traditional 
    case-by-case review. Developmental interests can plan with 
    predictability and environmental interests are assured that individual 
    and cumulative impacts are analyzed in the context of broad ecosystem 
        3. Because SAMP's are very labor intensive, the following 
    ingredients should usually exist before a district engineer becomes 
    involved in a SAMP:
        a. The area should be environmentally sensitive and under strong 
    developmental pressure.
        b. There should be a sponsoring local agency to ensure that the 
    plan fully reflects local needs and interests.
        c. Ideally there should be full public involvement in the planning 
    and development process.
        d. All parties must express a willingness at the outset to conclude 
    the SAMP process with a definitive regulatory product (see next 
        4. An ideal SAMP would conclude with two products: (1) Appropriate 
    local/State approvals and a Corps general permit (GP) or abbreviated 
    processing procedure (APP) for activities in specifically defined 
    situations; and (2) a local/State restriction and/or an environmental 
    Protection Agency (EPA) 404(c) restriction (preferably both) for 
    undesirable activities. An individual permit review may be conducted 
    for activities that do not fall into either category above. However, it 
    should represent a small number of the total cases addressed by the 
    SAMP. We recognize that an ideal SAMP is difficult to achieve, and, 
    therefore, it is intended to represent an upper limit rather than an 
    absolute requirement.
        5. Do not assume that an environmental impact statement is 
    automatically required to develop a SAMP.
        6. EPA's program for advance identification of disposal areas found 
    at 40 CFR 230.80 can be integrated into a SAMP process.
        7. In accordance with this guidance, district engineers are 
    encouraged to participate in development of SAMP's. However, since 
    development of a SAMP can require a considerable investment of time, 
    resources, and money, the SAMP process should be entered only if it is 
    likely to result in a definitive regulatory product as defined in 
    paragraph 4. above.
        8. This guidance expires 31 December 1988 unless sooner revised or 
        For the Chief of Engineers.
    Peter J. Offringa,
    Brigadier General, USA, Deputy Director of Civil Works.
    Regulatory Guidance Letter (RGL 92-5)
    RGL 92-5, Date: 29 October 1992, Expires: 31 December 1997
    Subject: Alternatives Analysis Under the Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines 
    for Projects Subject to Modification Under the Clean Air Act.
        1. Enclosed for implementation is a joint Army Corps of Engineers/
    Environmental Protection Agency Memorandum to the Field on alternatives 
    analysis for existing power plants that must be modified to meet 
    requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act. This guidance was developed 
    jointly by the Corps and EPA.
        2. This guidance expires 31 December 1997 unless sooner revised or 
        For the Director of Civil Works.
    John P. Elmore,
    Chief, Operations, Construction and Readiness Division, Directorate of 
    Civil Works.
    EPA/Corps Joint Memorandum for the Field
    Subject: Alternatives Analysis under the Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines 
    for Projects Subject to Modification Under the Clean Air Act
        1. The 1990 Clean Air Act (CAA) amendments require most electric 
    generating plants to reduce emissions of sulfur dioxide in phases 
    beginning in 1995 and requiring full compliance by 2010. The 
    congressional endorsement of the industry's ability to select the most 
    effective compliance method (e.g., sulfur dioxide scrubbers, low sulfur 
    coal, or other methods) recognizes the expertise of the industry in 
    these cases and is a fundamental element in the CAA market-based 
    pollution control program. Given the need for cooling water, a 
    substantial number of electric power generating plants are located 
    adjacent, or in close proximity, to waters of the United States, 
    including wetlands. Depending on the method chosen by the plants to 
    reduce emissions, we expect that these facilities will be applying for 
    Clean Water Act Section 404 permits for certain proposed activities.
        2. The analysis and regulation under Section 404 of the Clean Water 
    Act of activities in waters of the United States conducted by specific 
    power plants to comply with the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments must 
    ensure protection of the aquatic environment consistent with the 
    requirements of the Clean Water Act. The review of applications for 
    such projects will fully consider, consistent with requirements under 
    the Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines, all practicable alternatives 
    including non-aquatic alternatives, for proposed discharges associated 
    with the method selected by the utility to comply with the 1990 Clean 
    Air Act amendments. For the purposes of the Section 404(b)(1) 
    Guidelines analysis, the project purpose will be that pollutant 
    reduction method selected by the permit applicant.
        3. For example, a utility may have decided to install sulfur 
    dioxide scrubbers on an existing power plant in order to meet the new 
    1990 Clean Air Act standards. The proposed construction of the 
    scrubbers, treatment ponds and a barge unloading facility could impact 
    wetlands. In this case, the Section 404 review would evaluate 
    practicable alternative locations and configurations for the scrubbers, 
    ponds and of the docking facilities. The analysis will also consider 
    practicable alternatives which satisfy the project purpose (i.e., 
    installing scrubbers) but which have a less adverse impact on the 
    aquatic environment or do not involve discharges into waters of the 
    United States. However, in order to best effectuate Congressional 
    intent reflected in the CAA that electric utilities retain
    [[Page 31495]]
    flexibility to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions in the most cost 
    effective manner, the Section 404 review should not evaluate 
    alternative methods of complying with the Clean Air Act standards not 
    selected by the applicant (e.g., in this example use of low sulfur 
        4. In evaluating the scope of practicable alternatives which 
    satisfy the project purpose (e.g., constructing additional scrubber 
    capacity), the alternatives analysis should not be influenced by the 
    possibility that, based on a conclusion that practicable upland 
    alternatives are available to the applicant, the project proponent may 
    decide to pursue other options for meeting Clean Air Act requirements. 
    Continuing the above example, a Corps determination that practicable 
    upland alternatives are available for scrubber waste disposal should 
    not be affected by the possibility that an applicant may subsequently 
    decide to select a different method for meeting the Clean Air Act 
    standards (e.g., use of low sulfur coal that reduces waste generated by 
        5. The Corps and EPA will also recognize the tight time-frames 
    under which the industry must meet these new air quality standards.
    Robert H. Wayland,
    Director, Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds.
    John P. Elmore,
    Chief, Operations, Construction and Readiness Division; Directorate of 
    Civil Works.
    Regulatory Guidance Letter (RGL 93-1)
    RGL 93-1, Issued: April 20, 1993, Expires: December 31, 1998 CECW-OR
    Subject: Provisional Permits
        1. Purpose: The purpose of this guidance is to establish a process 
    that clarifies for applicants when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has 
    completed its evaluation and at what point the applicant should contact 
    the State concerning the status of the Section 401 Water Quality 
    Certification and/or Coastal Zone Management (CZM) consistency 
    concurrence. This process also allows for more accurate measurement of 
    the total length of time spent by the Corps in evaluating permit 
    applications (i.e., from receipt of a complete application until the 
    Corps reaches a permit decision). For verification of authorization of 
    activities under regional general permits, the Corps will use the 
    appropriate nationwide permit procedures at 33 CFR 330.6.
        2. Background: a. A Department of the Army permit involving a 
    discharge of dredged or fill material cannot be issued until a State 
    Section 401 Water Quality Certification has been issued or waived. 
    Also, a Department of the Army permit cannot be issued for an activity 
    within a State with a federally-approved Coastal Management Program 
    when that activity that would occur within, or outside, a State's 
    coastal zone will affect land or water uses or natural resources of the 
    State's coastal zone, until the State concurs with the applicant's 
    consistency determination, or concurrence is presumed. In many cases, 
    the Corps completes its review before the State Section 401 Water 
    Quality Certification or CZM concurrence requirements have been 
    satisfied. In such cases, applicants and the public are often confused 
    regarding who to deal with regarding resolution of any State issues.
        b. The ``provisional permit'' procedures described below will 
    facilitate a formal communication between the Corps and the applicant 
    to clearly indicate that the applicant should be in contact with the 
    appropriate State agencies to satisfy the State 401 Water Quality 
    Certification or CZM concurrence requirements. In addition, the 
    procedures will allow for a more accurate measurement of the Corps 
    permit evaluation time.
        3. Provisional Permit Procedures: The provisional permit procedures 
    are optional and may only be used in those cases where: (i) The 
    District Engineer (DE) has made a provisional individual permit 
    decision that an individual permit should be issued, and, (ii) the only 
    action(s) preventing the issuance of that permit is that the State has 
    not issued a required Section 401 Water Quality Certification (or 
    waiver has not occurred) or the State has not concurred in the 
    applicant's CZM consistency determination (or there is not a presumed 
    concurrence). In such cases, the DE may, using these optional 
    procedures, send a provisional permit to the applicant.
        a. First, the DE will prepare and sign the provisional permit 
    decision document. Then the provisional permit will be sent to the 
    applicant by transmittal letter. (The sample transmittal letter at 
    enclosure 1 contains the minimum information that must be provided.)
        b. Next, the applicant would obtain the Section 401 Water Quality 
    Certification (or waiver) and/or CZM consistency concurrence (or 
    presumed concurrence). Then the applicant would sign the provisional 
    permit and return it to the DE along with the appropriate fee and the 
    Section 401 Water Quality Certification (or proof of waiver) and/or the 
    CZM consistency concurrence (or proof of presumed concurrence).
        c. Finally, the Corps would attach any Section 401 Water Quality 
    Certification and/or CZM consistency concurrence to the provisional 
    permit, then sign the provisional permit (which then becomes the issued 
    final permit), and forward the permit to the applicant.
        d. This is the same basic process as the normal standard permit 
    transmittal process except that the applicant is sent an unsigned 
    permit (i.e., a provisional permit) prior to obtaining the Section 401 
    Water Quality Certification (or waiver) and/or CZM consistency 
    concurrence (or presumed concurrence). (See enclosure 2.) A permit can 
    not be issued (i.e., signed by the Corps) until the Section 401 and CZM 
    requirements are satisfied.
        4. Provisional Permit: A provisional permit is a standard permit 
    document with a cover sheet. The cover sheet must clearly indicate the 
    following: that a provisional permit is enclosed, that the applicant 
    must obtain the Section 401 Water Quality Certification or CZM 
    concurrence from the State, that these documents must be sent to the 
    Corps along with the provisional permit signed by the applicant, and 
    that the Corps will issue the permit upon receipt of these materials. 
    The issued permit is the provisional permit signed by the applicant and 
    the Corps. The provisional permit must contain a statement indicating 
    that the applicant is required to comply with the Section 401 Water 
    Quality Certification, including any conditions, and/or the CZM 
    consistency concurrence, including any conditions. At enclosure 3 is a 
    sample cover sheet for the provisional permit.
        5. Provisional Permit Decision: The DE may reach a final decision 
    that a permit should be issued provided that the State issues a Section 
    401 Water Quality Certification and/or a CZM concurrence. In order to 
    reach such a decision the DE must complete the normal standard permit 
    evaluation process, prepared and sign a decision document, and prepare 
    a standard permit, including any conditions or mitigation (i.e., a 
    provisional permit). The decision document must include a statement 
    that the DE has determined that the permit will be issued if the State 
    issues a Section 401 Water Quality Certification or waiver and/or a CZM 
    concurrence, or presumed concurrence. The standard permit will not 
    contain a condition that requires or provides for the applicant to 
    obtain a Section 401 Water Quality Certification and/or CZM
    [[Page 31496]]
    concurrence. Once the decision document is signed, the applicant has 
    the right to a DA permit if the State issues a Section 401 Water 
    Quality Certification or waiver and/or a CZM concurrence, or if 
    concurrence is presumed. Once the decision document is signed, the 
    permittee's right to proceed can only be changed by using the 
    modification, suspension and revocation procedures of 33 CFR 325.7, 
    unless the State denies the Section 401 Water Quality Certification or 
    nonconcurs with the applicant's CZM consistency determination.
        6. Enforcement: In some cases, applicants might proceed with the 
    project upon receipt of the provisional permit. The provisional permit 
    is not a valid permit. In such cases, the Corps has a discretionary 
    enforcement action to consider and should proceed as the DE determines 
    to be appropriate. This occurs on occasion during the standard permit 
    transmittal process. Since the Corps is not changing the normal process 
    of sending unsigned permits to the applicant for signature, there 
    should not be an increase in the occurrence of such unauthorized 
        7. Modification: a. In most cases the Section 401 Water Quality 
    Certification, including conditions, and/or CZM consistency 
    concurrence, including conditions, will be consistent with the 
    provisional permit. In such cases, the DE will simply sign the final 
    permit and enclose the 401 water quality certification and/or CZM 
    consistency concurrence with the final permit (i.e., the signed 
    provisional permit).
        b. In a few cases such State approval may necessitate modifications 
    to the Corps preliminary permit decision. Such modifications will be 
    processed in accordance with 33 CFR 325.7.
        (1) When the modifications are minor and the DE agrees to such 
    modifications, then a supplement to the provisional decision document 
    may be prepared, as appropriate, and the permit issued with such 
    modifications. (This should usually be done by enclosing the State 401 
    Water Quality Certification and/or CZM consistency concurrence to the 
    permit, but in a few cases may require a revision to the permit 
    document itself.)
        (2) When the modification results in substantial change or 
    measurable increase in adverse impacts or the Corps does not initially 
    agree with the change, then the modification will be processed and 
    counted as a separate permit action for reporting purposes. This may 
    require a new public notice or additional coordination with appropriate 
    Federal and/or state agencies. The provisional decision document will 
    be supplemented or may be completely rewritten, as necessary.
        8. Denial: If the State denies the Section 401 Water Quality 
    Certification and/or the State nonconcurs with the applicant's CZM 
    consistency determination, then the Corps permit is denied without 
        9. This guidance expires 31 December 1998 unless sooner revised or 
        For the Director of Civil Works.
    John P. Elmore,
    Chief, Operations, Construction and Readiness Division, Directorate of 
    Civil Works.
    3 Encls
    Provisional Permit
    Transmittal Letter
        Dear: ____________:
        We have completed our review of your permit application 
    identified as [File No., appl. name, etc.] for the following 
    proposed work:
    near/in/at ____________.
        Enclosed is a ``PROVISIONAL PERMIT.'' The provisional permit is 
    NOT VALID and does not authorize you to do your work. The 
    provisional permit describes the work that will be authorized, and 
    the General and Special Conditions [if any] which will be placed on 
    your final Department of the Army (DA) permit, if the State of  
    ____________________ Water Quality Certification and/or Coastal Zone 
    Management (CZM) consistency requirements are satisfied as described 
    below. No work is to be performed in the waterway or adjacent 
    wetlands until you have received a validated copy of the DA permit.
        By Federal law no DA permit can be issued until a State Section 
    401 Water Quality Certification has been issued or has been waived 
    and/or the State has concurred with a permit applicant's CZM 
    consistency determination or concurrence has been presumed. As of 
    this date the [State 401 certification agency] has not issued a 
    Section 401 Water Quality Certification for your proposed work. If 
    the [State 401 certification agency] fails or refuses to act by 
    [date 401 certification must be issued] the Section 401 Water 
    Quality Certification requirement will be automatically waived. 
    Also, as of this date the [State CZM agency] has not concurred with 
    your CZM consistency determination. If the State does not act by 
    [six months from receipt by the State of the applicant's CZM 
    consistency determination] then concurrence with your CZM 
    consistency determination will automatically be presumed.
        Conditions of the State Section 401 Water Quality Certification 
    and/or the State CZM concurrence will become conditions to the final 
    DA permit. Should the State's action on the required certification 
    or concurrence preclude validation of the provisional permit in its 
    current form, a modification to the provisional permit will be 
    evaluated and you will be notified as appropriate. Substantial 
    changes may require a new permit evaluation process, including 
    issuing a new public notice.
    Enclosure 1
    Final Permit Actions
    Normal Permit Process
    1. Corps completes permit decision, and state 401/CZM issued/waived
    2. Corps sends unsigned permit to applicant
    3. Applicant signs permit and returns with fee
    4. Corps signs permit
    Draft Permit Process
    1. Corps completes permit decision, but state 401/CZM not complete
    2. Corps sends draft permit to applicant
    3. State 401/CZM issued waived
    4. Applicant signs permit and returns with fee and 401/CZM action
    5. Corps reviews 401/CZM action and signs permit
        1. The signed draft permit with the attached 401/CZM action is 
    to be treated as the applicant's request for a permit subject to any 
    401/CZM certification/concurrence including any conditions.
        2. If the 401/CZM action results in a modification to the draft 
    permit, then step 4. would be treated as a request for such 
    modification and if we agree with the modification, then the permit 
    would be issued with the modification and the decision document 
    supplemented, as appropriate. If the Corps does not initially agree 
    with the modification, or it involves a substantial change or 
    measurable increase in adverse impacts, then the modification would 
    be processed as a separate permit action for reporting purposes.
    Enclosure 2
        Once the State has issued the required Section 401 Water Quality 
    Certification and/or concurred with your CZM consistency 
    determination or the dates above have passed without the State 
    acting, and you agree to the terms and conditions of the provisional 
    permit, you should sign and date both copies and return them to us 
    [along with your $100.00/$10.00 permit fee]. Your DA permit will not 
    be valid until we have returned a copy to you bearing both your 
    signature and the signature of the appropriate Corps official.
        If the State denies the required Section 401 Water Quality 
    Certification and/or nonconcurs with your CZM consistency 
    determination, then the DA permit is denied without prejudice. If 
    you should subsequently obtain a Section 401 Water Quality 
    Certification and/or a CZM consistency determination concurrence, 
    you should contact this office to determine how to proceed with your 
    permit application.
        If you have any questions concerning your State Section 401 
    Water Quality Certification, please contact (State 401 certification 
        If you have any questions concerning your CZM consistency 
    determination, please contact (State CZM contact).
    [[Page 31497]]
        If you have any other questions concerning your application for 
    a DA permit, please contact [Corps contact] at [Corps contact 
    telephone number].
    Provisional Permit
    Not Valid
    Do Not Begin Work
        This Provisional Permit is Not Valid until:
        (1) You obtain: ____________________ a Section 401 Water Quality 
    Certification (from State Agency).
        ____________________ a Coastal Zone Consistency determination 
    concurrence from (State Agency).
        (2) You sign and return the enclosed provisional permit with the 
    State Section 401 Water Quality Certification and/or CZM concurrence 
    and the appropriate permit fee as indicated below:
    ____________________ $10.00
    ____________________ $100.00
     No fee required
        (3) The Corps signs the permit and returns it to you. Your 
    permit is denied without prejudice, if the State denies your Section 
    401 Water Quality Certification and/or nonconcurs with your Coastal 
    Zone Management consistency determination.
    Do Not Begin Work
    RGL 93-2, Date: 23 August 1993, Expires: 31 December 1998
    Subject: Guidance on Flexibility of the 404(b)(1) Guidelines and 
    Mitigation Banking.
        1. Enclosed are two guidance documents signed by the Office of the 
    Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) and the Environmental 
    Protection Agency. The first document provides guidance on the 
    flexibility that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers should be utilizing 
    when making determinations of compliance with the Section 404(b)(1) 
    Guidelines, particularly with regard to the alternatives analysis. The 
    second document provides guidance on the use of mitigation banks as a 
    means of providing compensatory mitigation for Corps regulatory 
        2. Both enclosed guidance documents should be implemented 
    immediately. These guidance documents constitute an important aspect of 
    the President's plan for protecting the Nation's wetlands, ``Protecting 
    America's Wetlands: A Fair, Flexible and Effective Approach'' 
    (published on 24 August 1993).
        3. This guidance expires 31 December 1998 unless sooner revised or 
        For the Director of Civil Works.
    John P. Elmore,
    Chief, Operations, Construction and Readiness Division, Directorate of 
    Civil Works.
    2 Encls
    Memorandum to the field
    Subject: Appropriate level of analysis required for evaluating 
    compliance with the section 404(b)(1) guidelines alternatives 
        1. Purpose: The purpose of this memorandum is to clarify the 
    appropriate level of analysis required for evaluating compliance with 
    the Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines' (Guidelines) 
    requirements for consideration of alternatives. 40 CFR 230.10(a). 
    Specifically, this memorandum describes the flexibility afforded by the 
    Guidelines to make regulatory decisions based on the relative severity 
    of the environmental impact of proposed discharges of dredged or fill 
    material into waters of the United States.
        2. Background: The Guidelines are the substantive environmental 
    standards by which all Section 404 permit applications are evaluated. 
    The Guidelines, which are binding regulations, were published by the 
    Environmental Protection Agency at 40 CFR Part 230 on December 24, 
    1980. The fundamental precept of the Guidelines is that discharges of 
    dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, including 
    wetlands, should not occur unless it can be demonstrated that such 
    discharges, either individually or cumulatively, will not result in 
    unacceptable adverse effects on the aquatic ecosystem. The Guidelines 
    specifically require that ``no discharge of dredged or fill material 
    shall be permitted if there is a practicable alternative to the 
    proposed discharge which would have less adverse impact on the aquatic 
    ecosystem, so long as the alternative does not have other significant 
    adverse environmental consequences.'' 40 CFR 230.10(a). Based on this 
    provision, the applicant is required in every case (irrespective of 
    whether the discharge site is a special aquatic site or whether the 
    activity associated with the discharge is water dependent) to evaluate 
    opportunities for use of non-aquatic areas and other aquatic sites that 
    would result in less adverse impact on the aquatic ecosystem. A permit 
    cannot be issued, therefore, in circumstances where a less 
    environmentally damaging practicable alternative for the proposed 
    discharge exists (except as provided for under Section 404(b)(2)).
        3. Discussion: The Guidelines are, as noted above, binding 
    regulations. It is important to recognize, however, that this 
    regulatory status does not limit the inherent flexibility provided in 
    the Guidelines for implementing these provisions. The preamble to the 
    Guidelines is very clear in this regard:
        Of course, as the regulation itself makes clear, a certain 
    amount of flexibility is still intended. For example, while the 
    ultimate conditions of compliance are ``regulatory'', the Guidelines 
    allow some room for judgment in determining what must be done to 
    arrive at a conclusion that those conditions have or have not been 
        Guidelines Preamble, ``Regulation versus Guidelines'', 45 Federal 
    Register 85336 (December 24, 1980).
        Notwithstanding this flexibility, the record must contain 
    sufficient information to demonstrate that the proposed discharge 
    complies with the requirements of Section 230.10(a) of the Guidelines. 
    The amount of information needed to maker such a determination and the 
    level of scrutiny required by the Guidelines is commensurate with the 
    severity of the environmental impact (as determined by the functions of 
    the aquatic resource and the nature of the proposed activity) and the 
    scope/cost of the project.
        a. Analysis Associated with Minor Impacts:
        The Guidelines do not contemplate that the same intensity of 
    analysis will be required for all types of projects but instead 
    envision a correlation between the scope of the evaluation and the 
    potential extent of adverse impacts on the aquatic environment. The 
    introduction to Section 230.10(a) recognizes that the level of analysis 
    required may vary with the nature and complexity of each individual 
        Although all requirements in Sec. 230.10 must be met, the 
    compliance evaluation procedures will vary to reflect the 
    seriousness of the potential for adverse impacts on the aquatic 
    ecosystems posed by specific dredged or fill material discharge 
    40 CFR 230.10
        Similarly, Section 230.6 (``Adaptability'') makes clear that the 
    allow evaluation and documentation for a variety of activities, 
    ranging from those with large, complex impacts on the aquatic 
    environment to those for which the impact is likely to be innocuous. 
    It is unlikely that the Guidelines will apply in their entirety to 
    any one activity, no matter how complex. It is anticipated that 
    substantial numbers of permit applications will be for minor, 
    routine activities that have little, if any, potential for 
    significant degradation of the aquatic environment. It generally is 
    not intended or
    [[Page 31498]]
    expected that extensive testing, evaluation or analysis will be 
    needed to make findings of compliance in such routine cases.
    40 CFR 230.6(9) (emphasis added)
        Section 230.6 also emphasizes that when making determinations of 
    compliance with the Guidelines, users:
    must recognize the different levels of effort that should be 
    associated with varying degrees of impact and require or prepare 
    commensurate documentation. The level of documentation should 
    reflect the significance and complexity of the discharge activity.
    40 CFR 230.6(b) (emphasis added)
        Consequently, the Guidelines clearly afford flexibility to adjust 
    the stringency of the alternatives review for projects that would have 
    only minor impacts. Minor impacts are associated with activities that 
    generally would have little potential to degrade the aquatic 
    environment and include one, and frequently more, of the following 
    characteristics: are located in aquatic resources of limited natural 
    function; are small in size and cause little direct impact; have little 
    potential for secondary or cumulative impacts; or cause only temporary 
    impacts. It is important to recognize, however, that in some 
    circumstances even small or temporary fills result in substantial 
    impacts, and that in such cases a more detailed evaluation is 
    necessary. The Corps Districts and EPA Regions will, through the 
    standard permit evaluation process, coordinate with the U.S. Fish and 
    Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service and other 
    appropriate state and Federal agencies in evaluating the likelihood 
    that adverse impacts would result from a particular proposal. It is not 
    appropriate to consider compensatory mitigation in determining whether 
    a proposed discharge will cause only minor impacts for purposes of the 
    alternatives analysis required by Section 230.10(a).
        In reviewing projects that have the potential for only minor 
    impacts on the aquatic environment, Corps and EPA field offices are 
    directed to consider, in coordination with state and Federal resource 
    agencies, the following factors:
        (i) Such projects by their nature should not cause or contribute 
    to significant degradation individually or cumulatively. Therefore, 
    it generally should not be necessary to conduct or require detailed 
    analyses to determine compliance with Section 230.10(c).
        (ii) Although sufficient information must be developed to 
    determine whether the proposed activity is in fact the least 
    damaging practicable alternative, the Guidelines do not require an 
    elaborate search for practicable alternatives if it is reasonably 
    anticipated that there are only minor differences between the 
    environmental impacts of the proposed activity and potentially 
    practicable alternatives. This decision will be made after 
    consideration of resource agency comments on the proposed project. 
    It often makes sense to examine first whether potential alternatives 
    would result in no identifiable or discernible difference in impact 
    on the aquatic ecosystem. Those alternatives that do not may be 
    eliminated from the analysis since Section 230.10(a) of the 
    Guidelines only prohibits discharges when a practicable alternative 
    exists which would have less adverse impact on the aquatic 
    ecosystem. Because evaluating practicability is generally the more 
    difficult aspect of the alternatives analysis, this approach should 
    save time and effort for both the applicant and the regulatory 
    agencies.\1\ By initially focusing the alternatives analysis on the 
    question of impacts on the aquatic ecosystem, it may be possible to 
    limit (or in some instances eliminate altogether) the number of 
    alternatives that have to be evaluated for practicability.
        \1\ In certain instances, however, it may be easier to examine 
    practicability first. Some projects may be so site-specific (e.g., 
    erosion control, bridge replacement) that no offsite alternative 
    could be practicable. In such cases the alternatives analysis may 
    appropriately be limited to onsite options only.
        (iii) When it is determined that there is no identifiable or 
    discernible difference in adverse impact on the environment between 
    the applicant's proposed alternative and all other practicable 
    alternatives, then the applicant's alternative is considered as 
    satisfying the requirements of Section 230.10(a).
        (iv) Even where a practicable alternative exists that would have 
    less adverse impact on the aquatic ecosystem, the Guidelines allow 
    it to be rejected if it would have ``other significant adverse 
    environmental consequences.'' 40 CFR 230.10(a) As explained in the 
    preamble, this allows for consideration of ``evidence of damages to 
    other ecosystems in deciding whether there is a `better' 
    alternative.'' Hence, in applying the alternatives analysis required 
    by the Guidelines, it is not appropriate to select an alternative 
    where minor impacts on the aquatic environment are avoided at the 
    cost of substantial impacts to other natural environmental values.
        (v) in cases of negligible or trivial impacts (e.g., small 
    discharges to construct individual driveways), it may be possible to 
    conclude that no alternative location could result in less adverse 
    impact on the aquatic environment within the meaning of the 
    Guidelines. In such cases, it may not be necessary to conduct an 
    offsite alternatives analysis but instead require only any 
    practicable onsite minimization.
        This guidance concerns application of the Section 404(b)(1) 
    Guidelines to projects with minor impacts. Projects which may cause 
    more than minor impacts on the aquatic environment, either individually 
    or cumulatively, should be subjected to a proportionately more detailed 
    level of analysis to determine compliance or noncompliance with the 
    Guidelines. Projects which cause substantial impacts, in particular, 
    must be thoroughly evaluated through the standard permit evaluation 
    process to determine compliance with all provisions of the Guidelines.
        b. Relationship between the Scope of Analysis and the Scope/Cost of 
    the Proposed Project:
        The Guidelines provide the Corps and EPA with discretion for 
    determining the necessary level of analysis to support a conclusion as 
    to whether or not an alternative is practicable. Practicable 
    alternatives are those alternatives that are ``available and capable of 
    being done after taking into consideration cost, existing technology, 
    and logistics in light of overall project purposes.'' 40 CFR 
    230.10(a)(2). The preamble to the Guidelines provides clarification on 
    how cost is to be considered in the determination of practicability.
        Our intent is to consider those alternatives which are 
    reasonable in terms of the overall scope/cost of the proposed 
    project. The term economic [for which the term ``cost'' was 
    substituted in the final rule] might be construed to include 
    consideration of the applicants financial standing, or investment, 
    or market share, a cumbersome inquiry which is not necessarily 
    material to the objectives of the Guidelines.
    Guidelines Preamble, ``Alternatives'', 45 FR 85339 (December 24, 1980) 
    (emphasis added).
        Therefore, the level of analysis required for determining which 
    alternatives are practicable will vary depending on the type of project 
    proposed. The determination of what constitutes an unreasonable expense 
    should generally consider whether the projected cost is substantially 
    greater than the costs normally associated with the particular type of 
    project. Generally, as the scope/cost of the project increases, the 
    level of analysis should also increase. To the extent the Corps obtains 
    information on the costs associated with the project, such information 
    may be considered when making a determination of what constitutes an 
    unreasonable expense.
        The preamble to the Guidelines also states that ``[i]f an alleged 
    alternative is unreasonably expensive to the applicant, the alternative 
    is not `practicable.''' Guidelines Preamble, ``Economic Factors'', 45 
    FR 85343 (December 24, 1980). Therefore, to the extent that individual 
    homeowners and small businesses may typically be associated with small 
    projects with minor impacts, the nature of the applicant may also be a 
    relevant consideration in determining what constitutes a practicable 
    alternative. It is important to emphasize, however, that it
    [[Page 31499]]
    is not a particular applicant's financial standing that is the primary 
    consideration for determining practicability, but rather 
    characteristics of the project and what constitutes a reasonable 
    expense for these projects that are most relevant to practicability 
        4. The burden of proof to demonstrate compliance with the 
    Guidelines rests with the applicant' where insufficient information is 
    provided to determine compliance, the Guidelines require that no permit 
    be issued. 400 CFR 230.12(a)(3)(iv).
        5. A reasonable, common sense approach in applying the requirements 
    of the Guidelines' alternatives analysis is fully consistent with sound 
    environmental protection. The Guidelines clearly contemplate that 
    reasonable discretion should be applied based on the nature of the 
    aquatic resource and potential impacts of a proposed activity in 
    determining compliance with the alternatives test. Such an approach 
    encourages effective decisionmaking and fosters a better understanding 
    and enhanced confidence in the Section 404 program.
        6. This guidance is consistent with the February 6, 1990 
    ``Memorandum of Agreement Between the Environmental Protection Agency 
    and the Department of the Army Concerning the Determination of 
    Mitigation under the Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines.''
        Signed August 23, 1993.
    Robert H. Wayland, III,
    Director, Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds, U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency.
        Signed August 23, 1993.
    Michael L. Davis,
    Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), Department 
    of the Army.
    Memorandum to the Field
    Subject: Establishment and Use of Wetland Mitigation Banks in the Clean 
    Water Act Section 404 Regulatory Program
        1. This memorandum provides general guidelines for the 
    establishment and use of wetland mitigation banks in the Clean Water 
    Act Section 404 regulatory program. This memorandum serves as interim 
    guidance pending completion of Phase I of by the Corps of Engineers' 
    Institute for Water Resources study on wetland mitigation banking,\2\ 
    at which time this guidance will be reviewed and any appropriate 
    revisions will be incorporated into final guidelines.
        \2\ The Corps of Engineers Institute for Water Resources, under 
    the authority of Section 307(d) of the Water Resources Development 
    Act of 1990, is undertaking a comprehensive two-year review and 
    evaluation of wetland mitigation banking to assist in the 
    development of a national policy on this issue. The interim summary 
    report documenting the results of the first phase of the study is 
    scheduled for completion in the fall of 1993.
        2. For purposes of this guidance, wetland mitigation banking refers 
    to the restoration, creation, enhancement, and, in exceptional 
    circumstances, preservation of wetlands or other aquatic habitats 
    expressly for the purpose of providing compensatory mitigation in 
    advance of discharges into wetlands permitted under the Section 404 
    regulatory program. Wetland mitigation banks can have several 
    advantages over individual mitigation projects, some of which are 
    listed below:
        (a) Compensatory mitigation can be implemented and functioning in 
    advance of project impacts, thereby reducing temporal losses of wetland 
    functions and uncertainty over whether the mitigation will be 
    successful in offsetting wetland losses.
        (b) It may be more ecologically advantageous for maintaining the 
    integrity of the aquatic ecosystem to consolidate compensatory 
    mitigation for impacts to many smaller, isolated or fragmented habitats 
    into a single large parcel or contiguous parcels.
        (c) Development of a wetland mitigation bank can bring together 
    financial resources and planning and scientific expertise not 
    practicable to many individual mitigation proposals. This consolidation 
    of resources can increase the potential for the establishment and long-
    term management of successful mitigation.
        (d) Wetland mitigation banking proposals may reduce regulatory 
    uncertainty and provide more cost-effective compensatory mitigation 
        3. The Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines (Guidelines), as clarified by 
    the ``Memorandum of Agreement Concerning the Determination of 
    Mitigation under the Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines'' (Mitigation MOA) 
    signed February 6, 1990, by the Environmental Protection Agency and the 
    Department of the Army, establish a mitigation sequence that is used in 
    the evaluation of individual permit applications. Under this sequence, 
    all appropriate and practicable steps must be undertaken by the 
    applicant to first avoid and then minimize adverse impacts to the 
    aquatic ecosystem. Remaining unavoidable impacts must then be offset 
    through compensatory mitigation to the extent appropriate and 
    practicable. Requirements for compensatory mitigation may be satisfied 
    through the use of wetland mitigation banks, so long as their use is 
    consistent with standard practices for evaluating compensatory 
    mitigation proposals outlined in the Mitigation MOA. It is important to 
    emphasize that, given the mitigation sequence requirements described 
    above, permit applicants should not anticipate that the establishment 
    of, or participation in, a wetland mitigation bank will ultimately lead 
    to a determination of compliance with the Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines 
    without adequate demonstration that impacts associated with the 
    proposed discharge have been avoided and minimized to the extent 
        4. The agencies' preference for on-site, in-kind compensatory 
    mitigation does not preclude the use of wetland mitigation banks where 
    it has been determined by the Corps, or other appropriate permitting 
    agency, in coordination with the Federal resource agencies through the 
    standard permit evaluation process, that the use of a particular 
    mitigation bank as compensation for proposed wetland impacts would be 
    appropriate for offsetting impacts to the aquatic ecosystem. In making 
    such a determination, careful consideration must be given to wetland 
    functions, landscape position, and affected species populations at both 
    the impact and mitigation bank sites. In addition, compensation for 
    wetland impacts should occur, where appropriate and practicable, within 
    the same watershed as the impact site. Where a mitigation bank is being 
    developed in conjunction with a wetland resource planning initiative 
    (e.g., Special Area Management Plan, State Wetland Conservation Plan) 
    to satisfy particular wetland restoration objectives, and permitting 
    agency will determine, in coordination with the Federal resource 
    agencies, whether use of the bank should be considered an appropriate 
    form of compensatory mitigation for impacts occurring within the same 
        5. Wetland mitigation banks should generally be in place and 
    functional before credits may be used to offset permitted wetland 
    losses. However, it may be appropriate to allow incremental 
    distribution of credits corresponding to the appropriate stage of 
    successful establishment of wetland functions. Moreover, variable 
    mitigation ratios (credit acreage to impacted wetland acreage) may be 
    used in such circumstances to reflect the wetland functions attained at 
    a bank site at a particular point in time. For example,
    [[Page 31500]]
    higher ratios would be required when a bank is not yet fully functional 
    at the time credits are to be withdrawn.
        6. Establishment of each mitigation bank should be accompanied by 
    the development of a formal written agreement (e.g., memorandum of 
    agreement) among the Corps, EPA, other relevant resource agencies, and 
    those parties who will own, develop, operate or otherwise participate 
    in the bank. The purpose of the agreement is to establish clear 
    guidelines for establishment and use of the mitigation bank. A wetlands 
    mitigation bank may also be established through issuance of a Section 
    404 permit where establishing the proposed bank involves a discharge of 
    dredged or fill material into waters of the United States. The banking 
    agreement or, where applicable, special conditions of the permit 
    establishing the bank should address the following considerations, 
    where appropriate:
    (a) Location of the mitigation bank
    (b) Goals and objectives for the mitigation bank project;
    (c) Identification of bank sponsors and participants;
    (d) Development and maintenance plan;
    (e) Evaluation methodology acceptable to all signatories to 
    establish bank credits and assess bank success in meeting the 
    project goals and objectives;
    (f) Specific accounting procedures for tracking crediting and 
    (g) Geographic area of applicability;
    (h) Monitoring requirements and responsibilities;
    (i) Remedial action responsibilities including funding; and
    (j) Provisions for protecting the mitigation bank in perpetuity.
    Agency participation in a wetlands mitigation banking agreement may 
    not, in any way, restrict or limit the authorities and responsibilities 
    of the agencies.
        7. An appropriate methodology, acceptable to all signatories, 
    should be identified and used to evaluate the success of wetland 
    restoration and creation efforts within the mitigation bank and to 
    identify the appropriate stage of development for issuing mitigation 
    credits. A full range of wetland functions should be assessed. 
    Functional evaluations of the mitigation bank should generally be 
    conducted by a multi-disciplinary team representing involved resource 
    and regulatory agencies and other appropriate parties. The same 
    methodology should be used to determine the functions and values of 
    both credits and debits. As an alternative, credits and debits can be 
    based on acres of various types of wetlands (e.g., National Wetland 
    Inventory classes). Final determinations regarding debits and credits 
    will be made by the Corps, or other appropriate permitting agency, in 
    consultation with Federal resource agencies.
        8. Permit applicants may draw upon the available credits of a third 
    party mitigation bank (i.e., a bank developed and operated by an entity 
    other than the permit applicant). The Section 404 permit, however, must 
    state explicitly that the permittee remains responsible for ensuring 
    that the mitigation requirements are satisfied.
        9. To ensure legal enforceability of the mitigation conditions, use 
    of mitigation bank credits must be conditioned in the Section 404 
    permit by referencing the banking agreement or Section 404 permit 
    establishing the bank; however, such a provision should not limit the 
    responsibility of the Section 404 permittee for satisfying all legal 
    requirements of the permit.
        Signed August 23, 1993.
    Robert H. Wayland, III,
    Director, Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds, U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency.
        Signed August 23, 1993.
    Michael L. Davis,
    Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), Department 
    of the Army.
    Regulatory Guidance Letter (RGL 93-3)
    RGL 93-3, Issued: September 13, 1993, Expires: not applicable
    Subject: Rescission of Regulatory Guidance Letters (RGL) 90-5, 90-7, 
    and 90-8
        1. On 25 August 1993 the final ``Excavation Rule'' was published in 
    the Federal Register (58 FR 45008) and becomes effective on 24 
    September 1993. This regulation modifies the definition of ``Discharge 
    of Dredged Material'' to address landclearing activities (see 33 CFR 
    323.2(d)); modifies the definitions of ``Fill Material'' and 
    ``Discharge of Fill Material'' to address the placement of pilings (see 
    33 CFR 323.2 (e) and (f) and 323.3(c)); and modifies the definition of 
    ``waters of the United States'' to address prior converted cropland 
    (see 33 CFR 328.(a)(8)).
        2. Therefore, RGL 90-5, Subject: ``Landclearing Activities Subject 
    to Section 404 Jurisdiction''; RGL 90-7, Subject: ``Clarification of 
    the Phrase `Normal Circumstances' as it pertains to Cropped Wetlands''; 
    and RGL 90-8, Subject: ``Applicability of Section 404 to Pilings''; are 
    hereby rescinded effective 24 September 1993. Furthermore, although RGL 
    90-5, Subject: ``Landclearing Activities Subject to Section 404 
    Jurisdiction'' expired on 31 December 1992 it should continue to be 
    applied until 24 September 1993.
        3. In addition, RGL's 90-5, 90-7, and 90-8 as of 24 September 1993 
    will no longer be used for guidance since the guidance contained in 
    those RGL's has been superseded by the regulation.
        For the Director of Civil Works.
    John P. Elmore,
    Chief, Operations, Construction and Readiness Division, Directorate of 
    Civil Works.
    Regulatory Guidance Letter (RGL 94-1)
    Issued: 23 May 1994, Expires: 31 December 1999
    Subject: Expiration of Geographic Jurisdictional Determinations.
        1. Regulatory Guidance Letter (RGL) 90-6, Subject: ``Expiration 
    Dates for Wetlands Jurisdictional Delineations'' is extended until 31 
    December 1999, subject to the following revisions.
        2. This guidance should be applied to all jurisdictional 
    determinations for all waters of the United States made pursuant to 
    Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, Section 404 of the 
    Clean Water Act, and Section 103 of the Marine Protection Research and 
    Sanctuaries Act of 1972.
        3. To be consistent with paragraph IV.A. of the 6 January 1994, 
    interagency Memorandum of Agreement Concerning the Delineation of 
    Wetlands for Purposes of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and 
    Subtitle B of the Food Security Act, all U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 
    geographic jurisdictional determinations shall be in writing and 
    normally remain valid for a period of five years. The Corps letter (see 
    paragraph 4.(d) of RGL 90-6) should include a statement that the 
    jurisdictional determination is valid for a period of five years from 
    the date of the letter unless new information warrants revision of the 
    determination before the expiration date.
        4. For wetland jurisdictional delineations the ``effective date of 
    this RGL'' referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5 of RGL 90-6 was and 
    remains 14 August 1990. For jurisdictional determinations, other than 
    wetlands jurisdictional delineations, the ``effective date of this 
    RGL'' referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5 of RGL 90-6 will be the date of 
    this RGL.
        5. Previous Corps written jurisdictional determinations, including 
    wetland jurisdictional delineations, with a validity period of three 
    years remain valid for the stated period of three years. The district 
    engineer is not required to issue new letters to extend such period 
    from three years to a total of five years. However, if requested to do 
    so, the district engineer will normally extend the three year period to 
    a total of five years unless new
    [[Page 31501]]
    information warrants a new jurisdictional determination.
        6. Districts are not required to issue a public notice on this 
    guidance but may do so at their discretion.
        7. This guidance expires on 31 December 1999 unless sooner revised 
    or rescinded.
        For the Director of Civil Works.
    John P. Elmore,
    Chief, Operations, Construction and Readiness Division Directorate of 
    Civil Works.
    Regulatory Guidance Letter (RGL 94-2)
    Issued: 17 AUGUST 1994, Expires: 31 DEC 1999
    Subject: Superfund Projects
        1. Regulatory Guidance Letter (RGL) 85-07, subject: ``Superfund 
    Projects'' is hereby reissued (copy enclosed).
        2. This RGL was previously extended by RGL 89-2. Although the 
    extension expired, RGL 85-07 has continued to be U.S. Army Corps of 
    Engineers policy.
        3. This guidance expires 31 December 1999 unless sooner revised or 
        For the Director of Civil Works.
    John P. Elmore,
    Chief, Operations, Construction and Readiness Division, Directorate of 
    Civil Works.
    Regulatory Guidance Letter (RGL 85-7)
    Issued: 5 July 1985, Expires DEC 1987
    Subject: Superfund Projects
        1. Recently, the Chief Counsel, Mr. Lester Edelman, responded to a 
    letter from Mr. William N. Hedeman, Jr., Director, Office of Emergency 
    and Remedial Response, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which 
    dealt with the need for Department of Army authorizations for the 
    Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act 
    (CERCLA) actions. This letter summarizes Mr. Edelman's opinion and 
    provides operating guidance for field interaction with the EPA.
        2. The EPA's basic position is that Congress did not intend for 
    CERCLA response actions to be subject to other environmental laws. 
    Rather, as a matter of sound practice, CERCLA response actions 
    generally should meet the standards established by those laws. 
    Consequently, it is the EPA's position that neither it nor the states, 
    in pursuing response actions at the location of the release or 
    threatened release under the authority of CERCLA, are required to 
    obtain permits under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act or Section 10 
    of the Rivers and Harbors Act for those actions.
        3. Mr. Edelman stated in part that he has some reservations about 
    the position that the EPA has taken. Nevertheless, he recognizes that 
    the EPA has the primary authority for the interpretation and 
    application of CERCLA, and therefore would defer to the EPA's reading 
    of its own statutory authorities, at least for the time being.
        4. In light of this legal opinion, FOAs should not require 
    applications for the EPA or state response actions at the location of 
    the release or threatened release in pursued under the authority of 
    CERCLA. Any permit applications in process should be terminated.
        5. Both the EPA and OCE believe that the FOAs expertise in 
    assessing the public interest factors for dredging and filling 
    operations can contribute to the overall quality of the CERCLA response 
    action. The Director of Civil Works will be establishing a group from 
    his staff to work with the EPA staff to develop a framework for 
    integrating the Corps Section 10, Section 404 and, if appropriate, 
    Section 103 concerns into the EPA's substantive Superfund reviews.
        6. Until specific guidance is provided from OCE, FOAs should 
    provide technical support to the EPA regions and/or the states on 
    matters within their field of expertise.
        For the Chief of Engineers.
    C.E. Edgar III
    Regulatory Guidance Letter (RGL 95-1)
    Issued: 31 March 1995, Expires: 31 December 2000
    Subject: Guidance on Individual Permit Flexibility for Small Landowners
        1. Enclosed is a memorandum for the field signed by the Acting 
    Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) and the Environmental 
    Protection Agency dated 6 March 1995. This memorandum provides guidance 
    on flexibility that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers should apply when 
    making determinations of compliance with the Section 404(b)(1) 
    Guidelines with regard to the alternatives analysis.
        2. This memorandum should be implemented immediately. It 
    constitutes an important aspect of the President's Plan for protecting 
    the Nation's wetlands, ``Protecting America's Wetlands: A Fair, 
    Flexible, and Effective Approach'' (published on 24 August 1993).
        3. This guidance expires on 31 December 2000 unless sooner revised 
    or rescinded.
        For the Director of Civil Works.
    Daniel R. Burns,
    Chief, Operations, Construction and Readiness Division, Directorate of 
    Civil Works.
    United States Environmental Protection Agency
    Office of Water
    Washington, DC 20460
    United States Department of the Army
    Office of the Assistant Secretary
    Washington, DC 20310-0103
    Memorandum for the Field, March 6, 1995
    Subject: Individual Permit Flexibility for Small Landowners
        In order to clearly affirm the flexibility afforded to small 
    landowners under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, this policy 
    clarifies that for discharges of dredged or fill material affecting up 
    to two acres of non-tidal wetlands for the construction or expansion of 
    a home or farm building, or expansion of a small business, it is 
    presumed that alternatives located on property not currently owned by 
    the applicant are not practicable under the Section 404(b)(1) 
    Guidelines. Specifically, for those activities involving discharges of 
    dredged or fill material affecting up to two acres into jurisdictional 
    wetlands for:
        (1) The construction or expansion of a single family home and 
    attendant features, such as a driveway, garage, storage shed, or septic 
        (2) The construction or expansion of a barn or other farm building; 
        (3) The expansion of a small business facility; which are not 
    otherwise covered by a general permit, it is presumed that alternatives 
    located on property not currently owned by the applicant are not 
    practicable under the Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines. The Guidelines' 
    requirements to appropriately and practicably minimize and compensate 
    for any adverse environmental impacts of such activities remain.
        The Clean Water Act Section 404 regulatory program provides that 
    the Army Corps of Engineers evaluate permit applications for the 
    discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the U.S., 
    including wetlands, in accordance with regulatory requirements of the 
    Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines (Guidelines). The Guidelines are 
    substantive environmental criteria used in evaluating discharges of 
    dredged or fill material.
        The Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines establish a mitigation sequence 
    that provides a sound framework to ensure that the environmental 
    impacts of permitted actions are acceptable. Under this framework, 
    there is a three-step
    [[Page 31502]]
    sequence for mitigating potential adverse impacts to the aquatic 
    environment associated with a proposed discharge--first avoidance, then 
    minimization, and lastly compensation for unavoidable impacts to 
    aquatic resources.
        The Guideline's mitigation sequence is designed to establish a 
    consistent approach to be used in ensuring that all practicable 
    measures have been taken to reduce potential adverse impacts associated 
    with proposed projects in wetlands and other aquatic systems. The 
    Guidelines define the term ``practicable'' as ``available and capable 
    of being done [by the applicant] after taking into consideration cost, 
    existing technology, and logistics in light of overall project 
    purposes'' (40 CFR 230.3(q)). The first step in the sequence requires 
    the evaluation of potential alternative sites under Sec. 230.10(a) of 
    the Guidelines, to locate the proposed project so that aquatic impacts 
    are avoided to the extent practicable.
        This policy statement clarifies that, for the purposes of the 
    alternatives analysis, it is presumed that practicable alternatives are 
    limited to property owned by the permit applicant in circumstances 
    involving certain small projects affecting less than two acres of non-
    tidal wetlands. This presumption is consistent with the practicability 
    considerations required under the Guidelines and reflects the nature of 
    the projects to which the presumption applies--specifically, the 
    construction or expansion of a single family home and attendant 
    features, the construction or expansion of a barn or other farm 
    building, or the expansion of a business. For such small projects that 
    would solely expand an existing structure, the basic project purpose is 
    so tied to the existing structures owned by the applicant, that it 
    would be highly unusual that the project could be practicably located 
    on other sites not owned by the applicant. In these cases, such as 
    construction of driveways, garages, or storage sheds, or with home and 
    barn additions, proximity to the existing structure is typically a 
    fundamental aspect of the project purpose.
        In the evaluation of potential practicable alternatives, the 
    guidelines do not exclude the consideration of sites that, while not 
    currently owned by the permit applicant, could reasonably be obtained 
    to satisfy the project purpose. However, it is the experience of the 
    Army Corps of Engineers and EPA that areas not currently owned by the 
    applicant have, in the great majority of circumstances, not been 
    determined to be practicable alternatives in cases involving the small 
    landowner activities described above. Cost, availability, and 
    logistical and capability considerations inherent in the determination 
    of practicability under the guidelines have been the basis for this 
    conclusion by the agencies.
        The agencies recognize that the presumption characterized in this 
    policy statement may be rebutted in certain circumstances. For example, 
    a more thorough review of practicable alternatives would be warranted 
    for individual sites comprising a subdivision of homes, if following 
    issuance of this policy statement, a real estate developer subdivided a 
    large, contiguous wetlands parcel into numerous parcels. In addition, 
    the presumption is applicable to the expansion of existing small 
    business facilities. Small businesses are typically confined to only 
    one location and with economic and logistical limitations that 
    generally preclude the availability of practicable alternative 
    locations to meet their expansion needs. Conversely, larger businesses 
    with multiple locations and greater resources are expected to consider 
    opportunities to practicably avoid adverse aquatic impacts by 
    evaluating off-site alternatives.
        Finally,it is important to note that this presumption of 
    practicable alternatives is intended to apply to the individual permit 
    process. Alternatives are not evaluated for activities covered by 
    general permits. Many activities related to the construction or 
    expansion of a home, farm, or business, are already covered by a 
    general permit. In addition, in conjunction with the issuance of this 
    policy statement, a nationwide general permit authorizing discharges 
    related to single family residential development is being proposed and 
    will be available for public comment.
        If you have any questions regarding this memorandum, please contact 
    Gregory Peck of EPA's Wetlands Division at (202) 260-8794 or Michael 
    Davis of the Corps of Engineer's Regulatory Branch at (202) 272-0199.
    Robert Perciasepe,
    Assistant Administrator for Water, U.S. Environmental Protection 
    John Zirschky,
    Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works).
    Regulatory Guidance Letter (RGL 96-1)
    Issued: 5 November 1996, EXPIRES: 31 December 2001
    Subject: Use of Nationwide Permit Number 23 for U.S. Coast Guard 
    Categorical Exclusions
        1. We have concurred with the categorical exclusions (CE) 
    (enclosure) submitted by the United States Coast Guard (Coast Guard) 
    pursuant to the subject nationwide permit number 23 at 33 CFR Part 330, 
    including a notification requirement for CE numbers (6) and (8). The 
    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers published the Coast Guard CEs in 61 FR 
    18573, April 26, 1996, for comment regarding the applicability of 
    nationwide permit number 23 for those activities requiring Department 
    of the Army authorization. This Regulatory Guidance Letter supersedes 
    the Coast Guard CEs previously approved under nationwide permit number 
    23 in accordance with Regulatory Guidance Letter 83-5, dated 18 April 
        2. The Corps has conditioned the nationwide permit to require 
    notification to the appropriate Corps office prior to beginning work 
    under Coast Guard CE number (6) to address potential impacts to 
    wetlands (notification is only required to the Corps for projects where 
    wetland impacts are proposed) and number (8) to address potential 
    impacts/encroachment on Federal navigation projects. The District 
    Engineer will review the notification and will either verify whether 
    the activity meets the terms and conditions of nationwide permit 23, 
    will require evaluation under standard permit procedures, or that 
    additional conditioning of the activity is necessary to ensure that no 
    unacceptable adverse effects will result to wetlands for projects under 
    CE number (6) or to a Federal navigation project under CE number (8). 
    Authorization of the Coast Guard CEs does not restrict the Division or 
    District Engineers' authorities to exercise discretionary authority, or 
    the Corps modification, suspension or revocation procedures. 
    Development of local procedures to streamline coordination is 
    encouraged where a Corps division or district further conditions the 
    nationwide permit to require a notification for additional activities.
        3. It should be noted that the Coast Guard provided a complete 
    listing of CEs, including many that do not require Department of the 
    Army authorization. However, to reduce confusion when referencing the 
    CE number, we have included all Coast Guard CEs in the enclosure.
        4. This guidance expires 31 December 2001 unless sooner revised or 
    [[Page 31503]]
        For the Director of Civil Works.
    Daniel R. Burns,
    Chief, Operations, Construction and Readiness Division, Directorate of 
    Civil Works.
    U.S. Coast Guard Categorical Exclusion List
        The following is a consolidated list prepared from the U.S. Coast 
    Guard Federal Register notices (59 FR 38654, July 29, 1994, 60 FR 
    46317, September 6, 1995, 60 FR 32197, June 20, 1995, and 61 FR 13563, 
    March 27, 1996). The list does not include the procedures the U.S. 
    Coast Guard must follow to determine whether certain activities qualify 
    for a categorical exclusion. Notification to the U.S. Army Corps of 
    Engineers is required prior to initiation of work for activities 
    conducted under numbers (6) (notification is only required to the Corps 
    for projects when wetland impacts are proposed) and number (8).
        (1) Routine personnel, fiscal, and administrative activities, 
    actions, procedures, and policies which clearly do not have any 
    environmental impacts, such as military and civilian personnel 
    recruiting, processing, paying, and record keeping.
        (2) Routine procurement activities and actions for goods and 
    services, including office supplies, equipment, mobile assets, and 
    utility services for routine administration, operations, and 
        (3) Maintenance dredging and debris disposal where no new depths 
    are required, applicable permits are secured, and disposal will be at 
    an existing approved disposal site.
        (4) Routine repair, renovation, and maintenance actions on aircraft 
    and vessels.
        (5) Routine repair and maintenance of buildings, roads, airfields, 
    grounds and equipment, and other facilities which do not result in a 
    change in functional use, or an impact on a historically significant 
    element or settings.
        (6) Minor renovations and additions to buildings, roads, airfields, 
    grounds, equipment, and other facilities which do not result in a 
    chance in functional use, a historically significant element, or 
    historically significant setting. (When wetland impacts are proposed, 
    notification is required to the appropriate office of U.S. Army Corps 
    of Engineers prior to initiation of work)
        (7) Routine repair and maintenance to waterfront facilities, 
    including mooring piles, fixed floating piers, existing piers, and 
    unburied power cables.
        (8) Minor renovations and additions to waterfront facilities, 
    including mooring piles, fixed floating piers, existing piers, and 
    unburied power cables, which do not require special, site-specific 
    regulatory permits. (Notification is required to the appropriate office 
    of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers prior to initiation of work)
        (9) Routine grounds maintenance and activities at units and 
    facilities. Examples include localized pest management actions and 
    actions to maintain improved grounds (such as landscaping, lawn care 
    and minor erosion control measures) that are conducted in accordance 
    with applicable Federal, State and local directives.
        (10) Installation of devices to protect human or animal life, such 
    as raptor electrocution prevention devices, fencing to restrict 
    wildlife movement on to airfields, and fencing and grating to prevent 
    accidental entry to hazardous areas.
        (11) New construction on heavily developed portions of Coast Guard 
    property, when construction, use, and operation will comply with 
    regulatory requirements and constraints.
        (12) Decisions to decommission equipment or temporarily discontinue 
    use of facilities or equipment. This does not preclude the need to 
    review decommissioning under section 106 of the National Historic 
    Preservation Act.
        (13) Demolition or disposal actions that involve buildings or 
    structures when conducted in accordance with regulations applying to 
    removal of asbestos, PCB's, and other hazardous materials, or disposal 
    actions mandated by Congress. In addition, if the building or structure 
    is listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Register of 
    Historic Places, then compliance with section 106 of the National 
    Historic Preservation Act is required.
        (14) Outleasing of historic lighthouse properties as outlined in 
    the Programmatic Memorandum of Agreement between the Coast Guard, 
    Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the National Conference 
    of State Historic Preservation Officers.
        (15) Transfer of real property from the Coast Guard to the General 
    Services Administration, Department of the Interior, and other Federal 
    departments and agencies, or as mandated by Congress; and the granting 
    of leases, permits, and easements where there is no substantial change 
    in use of the property.
        (16) Renewals and minor amendments of existing real estate licenses 
    or grants for use of government-owned real property where prior 
    environmental review has determined that no significant environmental 
    effects would occur.
        (17) New grants or renewal of existing grants of license, 
    easements, or similar arrangements for the use of existing rights-of-
    way or incidental easements complementing the use of existing rights-
    of-way for use by vehicles; for such existing rights-of-way as 
    electrical, telephone, and other transmission and communications lines; 
    water, wastewater, stormwater, and irrigation pipelines, pumping 
    stations, and irrigation facilities; and for similar utility and 
    transportation uses.
        (18) Defense preparedness training and exercises conducted on other 
    than Coast Guard property, where the legal agency or department is not 
    Coast Guard or Department of Transportation and the lead agency or 
    department has completed its NEPA analysis and documentation 
        (19) Defense preparedness training and exercise conducted on Coast 
    Guard property that do not involve undeveloped property or increase 
    noise levels over adjacent property and that involve a limited number 
    of personnel, such as exercises involving primarily electric simulation 
    or command post personnel.
        (20) Simulated exercises, including tactical and logistical 
    exercises that involve small numbers of personnel.
        (21) Training of an administrative or classroom nature.
        (22) Operations to carry out maritime safety, maritime law 
    enforcement, search and rescue, domestic ice breaking, and oil or 
    hazardous substance removal programs.
        (23) Actions performed as a part of Coast Guard operations and the 
    Aids to Navigation Program to carry out statutory authority in the area 
    of establishment of floating and minor fixed aids to navigation, except 
    electronic sound signals.
        (24) Routine movement of personnel and equipment, and the routine 
    movement, handling, and distribution of nonhazardous materials and 
    wastes in accordance with applicable regulations.
        (25) Coast Guard participation in disaster relief efforts under the 
    guidance or leadership of another Federal agency that has taken 
    responsibility for NEPA compliance.
        (26) Data gathering, information gathering, and studies that 
    involve no physical change to the environment. Examples include 
    topographic surveys, bird counts, wetland mapping, and other 
        (27) Natural and cultural resource management and research 
    activities that are in accordance with interagency agreements and which 
    are designed to
    [[Page 31504]]
    improve or upgrade the Coast Guard's ability to manage those resources.
        (28) Contracts for activities conducted at established laboratories 
    and facilities, to include contractor-operated laboratories and 
    facilities, on Coast Guard-owned property where all airborne emissions, 
    waterborne effluents, external radiation levels, outdoor noise, and 
    solid and bulk waste disposal practices are in compliance with existing 
    applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations.
        (29) Approval of recreational activities (such as a Coast Guard 
    unit picnic) which do not involve significant physical alteration of 
    the environment, increase disturbance by humans of sensitive natural 
    habitats, or disturbance of historic properties, and which do not occur 
    in, or adjacent to, areas inhabited by threatened or endangered 
        (30) Review of documents, such as studies, reports, and analyses, 
    prepared for legislative proposals that did not originate in DOT and 
    that relate to matters that are not the primary responsibility of the 
    Coast Guard.
        (31) Planning and technical studies which do not contain 
    recommendations for authorization or funding for future construction, 
    but may recommend further study. This includes engineering efforts or 
    environmental studies undertaken to define the elements of a proposal 
    or alternatives sufficiently so that the environmental effects may be 
    assessed and does not exclude consideration of environmental matters in 
    the studies.
        (32) Bridge Administration Program actions which can be described 
    as one of the following:
        (a) Modification or replacement of an existing bridge on 
    essentially the same alignment or location. Excluded are bridges with 
    historic significance or bridges providing access to undeveloped 
    barrier islands and beaches. (Approach fills regulated by the U.S. Army 
    Corps or Engineers under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act will 
    require a separate individual or general permit.)
        (b) Construction of pipeline bridges for transporting potable 
        (c) Construction of pedestrian, bicycle, or equestrian bridges and 
    stream gauging cableways used to transport people.
        (d) Temporary replacement of a bridge immediately after a natural 
    disaster or a catastrophic failure for reasons of public safety, 
    health, or welfare.
        (e) Promulgation of operating regulations or procedures for 
        (f) Identification of advance approval waterways under 33 CFR 
        (g) Any Bridge Program action which is classified as a CE by 
    another Department of Transportation agency acting as lead agency for 
    such action.
        (33) Preparation of guidance documents that implement, without 
    substantive change, the applicable Commandant Instruction or other 
    Federal agency regulations, procedures, manuals, and other guidance 
        (34) Promulgation of the following regulations:
        (a) Regulations which are editorial or procedural, such as those 
    updating addresses or establishing application procedures.
        (b) Regulations concerning internal agency functions or 
    organization or personnel administration, such as funding, establishing 
    Captain of the Port boundaries, or delegating authority.
        (c) Regulations concerning the training, qualifying, licensing, and 
    disciplining of maritime personnel.
        (d) Regulations concerning manning, documentation, admeasurement, 
    inspection, and equipping of vessels.
        (e) Regulations concerning equipment approval and carriage 
        (f) Regulations establishing, disestablishing, or changing the size 
    of Special Anchorage Areas or anchorage grounds.
        (g) Regulations establishing, disestablishing, or changing 
    Regulated Navigation Areas and security or safety zones.
        (h) Special local regulations issued in conjunction with a regatta 
    or marine parade; provided that, if a permit is required, the 
    environmental analysis conducted for the permit included an analysis of 
    the impact of the regulations.
        (i) Regulations in aid of navigation, such as those concerning 
    rules of the road, International Regulations for the Prevention of 
    Collisions at Sea (COLREGS), bridge-to-bridge communication, vessel 
    traffic services, and marking, of navigation systems.
        (35) Approvals of regatta and marine parade event permits for the 
    following events:
        (a) Events that are not located in, proximate to, or above an area 
    designated as environmentally sensitive by an environmental agency of 
    the Federal, State, or local Government. For example, environmentally 
    sensitive areas may include such areas as critical habitats or 
    migration routes for endangered or threatened species or important fish 
    or shellfish nursery areas.
        (b) Events that are located in, proximate to, or above an area 
    designated as environmentally sensitive by an environmental agency of 
    the Federal, State, or local Government and for which the Coast Guard 
    determines, based on consultation with the Government agency, that the 
    event will not significantly affect the environmentally sensitive area.
    Regulatory Guidance Letter (RGL 96-2)
    Issued 12 December 1997, Expires 31 December 2001
    Subject: Applicability of Exemptions under Section 404(f) to ``Deep-
    Ripping'' Activities in Wetlands
        1. Enclosed is a memorandum to the field jointly signed by the U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The 
    memorandum provides guidance clarifying when ``deep-ripping'' 
    activities within wetlands require Department of Army authorization.
        2. This guidance expires 31 December 2001, unless sooner revised or 
        For the Director of Civil Works.
    Daniel R. Burns,
    Chief, Operations, Construction, and Readiness Division, Directorate of 
    Civil Works.
    Department of the Army
    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
    United States Environmental Protection Agency
    Memorandum to the Field, 12 Dec 1996
    Subject: Applicability of Exemptions under Section 404(f) to ``Deep-
    Ripping'' Activities in Wetlands
    Purpose: The purpose of this memorandum is to clarify the applicability 
    of exemptions provided under Section 404(f) of the Clean Water Act 
    (CWA) to discharges associated with ``deep-ripping'' and related 
    activities in wetlands.\1\
        \1\ As this guidance addresses primary agricultural-related 
    activities, characterizations of such practices have been developed 
    in consultation with experts at the U.S. Department of Agriculture 
    (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service.
        1. Section 404(f)(1) of the CWA exempts from the permit requirement 
    certain discharges associated with normal farming, forestry, and 
    ranching practices in waters of the United States, including wetlands. 
    Discharges into waters subject to the Act associated with farming, 
    forestry, and ranching practices identified under Section 404(f)(1) do 
    not require a permit except as provided under Section 404(f)(2).
        2. Section 404(f)(1) does not provide a total, automatic exemption 
    for all activities related to agricultural, silvicultural, or ranching 
    [[Page 31505]]
    Rather, Section 404(f)(1) exempts only those activities specifically 
    identified in paragraphs (A) through (F), and ``other activities of 
    essentially the same character as named'' [44 FR 34264]. For example, 
    Section 404(f)(1)(A) lists discharges of dredged or fill material from 
    ``normal farming, silvicultural and ranching activities, such as 
    plowing, seeding, cultivating, minor drainage, harvesting for the 
    production of food, fiber, and forest products, or upland soil and 
    water conservation practices.''
        3. Section 404(f)(1)(A) is limited to activities that are part of 
    an ``established (i.e., ongoing) farming, silviculture, or ranching 
    operation.'' This ``established'' requirement is intended to reconcile 
    the dual intent reflected in the legislative history that although 
    Section 404 should not unnecessarily restrict farming, forestry, or 
    ranching from continuing at a particular site, discharge activities 
    which could destroy wetlands or other waters should be subject to 
        4. EPA and Corps regulations [40 CFR 230 and 33 CFR 320] and 
    preamble define in some detail the specific ``normal'' activities 
    listed in Section 404(f)(1)(A). Three points may be useful in the 
    current context:
        a. As explained in the preamble to the 1979 proposed 
    regulations, the words ``such as'' have been consistently 
    interpreted as restricting the section ``to the activities named in 
    the statute and other activities of essentially the same character 
    as named, ``and'' `preclude the extension of the exemption * * * to 
    activities that are unlike those named.'' [44 FR 34264].
        b. Plowing is specifically defined in the regulations not to 
    include the redistribution of surface material in a manner which 
    converts wetlands areas to uplands [See 40 CFR 
        c. Discharges associated with activities that establish an 
    agricultural operation in wetlands where previously ranching had 
    been conducted, represents a ``change in use'' within the meaning of 
    Section 404(f)(2). Similarly, discharges that establish forestry 
    practices in wetlands historically subject to agriculture also 
    represent a change in use of the site [See 40 CFR 233.35(c)].
        5. The statute includes a provision at Section 404(f)(2) that 
    ``recaptures'' or reestablishes the permit requirement for those 
    otherwise exempt discharges which:
    a. Convert an area of the waters of the U.S. to a new use, and
    b. Impair the flow or circulation of waters of the U.S. or reduce the 
    reach of waters of the U.S.
    Conversion of an area of waters of the U.S. to uplands triggers both 
    provisions (a) and (b) above. Thus, at a minimum, any otherwise exempt 
    discharge that results in the conversion of waters of the U.S. to 
    upland is recaptured under Section 404(f)(2) and requires a permit. It 
    should be noted that in order to trigger the recapture provisions of 
    Section 404(f)(2), the discharges themselves need not be the sole cause 
    of the destruction of the wetland or other change in use or sole cause 
    of the reduction or impairment of reach, flow, or circulation of waters 
    of the U.S. Rather, the discharges need only be ``incidental to'' or 
    ``part of'' an activity which is intended to or will foreseeably bring 
    about that result. Thus, in applying Section 404(f)(2), one must 
    consider discharges in context, rather than isolation.
        1. Questions have been raised involving ``deep-ripping'' and 
    related activities in wetlands and whether discharges associated with 
    these actions fall within the exemptions at Section 404(f)(1)(A). In 
    addition, the issue has been raised whether, if such activities fall 
    within the exemption, they would be recaptured under Section 404(f)(2).
        2. ``Deep-ripping'' is defined as the mechanical manipulation of 
    the soil to break up or pierce highly compacted, impermeable or slowly 
    permeable subsurface soil layers, or other similar kinds of restrictive 
    soil layers. These practices are typically used to break up these 
    subsoil layers (e.g., impermeable soil layer, hardpan) as part of the 
    initial preparation of the soil to establish an agricultural or 
    silvicultural operation. Deep-ripping and related activities are also 
    used in established farming operations to break up highly compacted 
    soil. Although deep-ripping and related activities may be required more 
    than once, the activity is typically not an annual practice. Deep-
    ripping and related activities are undertaken to improve site drainage 
    and facilitate deep root growth, and often occur to depths greater than 
    16 inches and, in some cases, exceeding 4 feet below the surface. As 
    such, it requires the use of heavy equipment, including bulldozers, 
    equipped with ripper-blades, shanks, or chisels often several feet in 
    length. Deep-ripping and related activities involve extending the 
    blades to appropriate depths and dragging them through the soil to 
    break up the restrictive layer.
        3. Conversely, plowing is defined in EPA and Corps regulations [40 
    CFR part 230 and 33 CFR part 320] as ``all forms of primary tillage * * 
    * used * * * for the breaking up, cutting, turning over, or stirring of 
    soil to prepare it for the planting of crops'' [40 CFR 232.3(d)(4)]. As 
    a general matter, normal plowing activities involve the annual or at 
    least regular, preparation of soil prior to seeding or other planting 
    activities. According to USDA, plowing generally involves the use of a 
    blade, chisel or series of blades, chisels, or discs, usually 8-10 
    inches in length, pulled behind farm vehicle to prepare the soil for 
    the planting of annual crops or to support an ongoing farming practice. 
    Plowing is commonly used to break up the surface of the soil to 
    maintain soil tilth and to facilitate infiltration throughout the upper 
    root zone.
        1. Plowing in wetlands is exempt from regulation consistent with 
    the following circumstances:
    a. it is conducted as part of an ongoing, established agricultural, 
    silvicultural or ranching operation; and
    b. the activity is consistent with the definition of plowing in EPA and 
    Corps regulations [40 CFR 230 and 33 CFR 320]; and
    c. the plowing is not incidental to an activity that results in the 
    immediate or gradual conversion of wetlands to non-waters.
        2. Deep-ripping and related activities are distinguishable from 
    plowing and similar practices (e.g., discing harrowing) with regard to 
    the purposes and circumstances under which it is conducted, the nature 
    of the equipment that is used, and its effect, including in particular 
    the impacts to the hydrology of the site.
        a. Deep-ripping and related activities are commonly conducted to 
    depths exceeding 16 inches, and as deep as 6-8 feet below the soil 
    surface to break restrictive soil layers and improve water drainage at 
    sites that have not supported deeper rooting crops. Plowing depths, 
    according to USDA, rarely exceed one foot into the soil and not deeper 
    than 16 inches without the use of special equipment involving special 
    circumstances. As such, deep-ripping and related activities typically 
    involve the use of specialized equipment, including heavy mechanized 
    equipment and bulldozers, equipped with elongated ripping blades 
    shanks, or chisels often several feet in length. Moreover, while 
    plowing is generally associated with ongoing operations, deep-ripping 
    and related activities are typically conducted to prepare a site for 
    establishing crops not previously planted at the site. Although deep-
    ripping may have to be redone at regular intervals in some 
    circumstances to maintain proper soil drainage, the activity is 
    typically not an annual or routine practice.
    [[Page 31506]]
        b. Frequently, deep-ripping and related activities are conducted as 
    a preliminary step for converting a ``natural'' system or for preparing 
    rangeland for a new use such as farming or silviculture. In those 
    instances, deep ripping and related activities are often required to 
    break up naturally-occurring impermeable or slowly permeable subsurface 
    soil layers to facilitate proper root growth. For example, for certain 
    depressions wetlands types such as vernal pools, the silica-cemented 
    hardpan (durapan) or other restrictive layer traps precipitation and 
    seasonal runoff creating ponding and saturation conditions at the soil 
    surface. The presence of these impermeable or slowly permeable subsoil 
    layers is essential to support the hydrology of the system. Once these 
    layers are disturbed by activities such as deep-ripping, the hydrology 
    of the system is disturbed and the wetland is often destroyed.
        c. In contrast, there are other circumstances where activities such 
    as deep-ripping and related activities are a standard practice of an 
    established on-going farming operation. For example, in parts of the 
    Southeast, where there are deep soils having a high clay content, 
    mechanized farming practices can lead to the compaction of the soil 
    below the oil surface, it may be necessary to break up, on a regular 
    although not annual basis, these restrictive layers in order to allow 
    for normal root development and infiltration. Such activities may 
    require special equipment and can sometimes occur to depths greater 
    than 16 inches. However, because of particular physical conditions, 
    including the presence of a water table at or near the surface for part 
    of the growing season, the activity typically does not have the effect 
    of impairing the hydrology of the system or otherwise altering the 
    wetland characteristics of the site.
        1. When deep-ripping and related activities are undertaken as part 
    of an established, ongoing agricultural silvicultural or ranching 
    operation, to break up compacted soil layers and where the hydrology of 
    the site will not be altered such that it would result in conversion of 
    waters of the U.S. to upland, such activities are exempt under Section 
        2. Deep-ripping and related activities in wetlands are not exempt, 
    when such practices are conducted in association with efforts to 
    establish for the first time (or when a previously established 
    operation was abandoned) an agricultural, silvicultural or ranching 
    operation. In addition, deep-ripping and related activities are not 
    exempt in circumstances where such practices would trigger the 
    ``recapture'' provision of Section 404(f)(2):
        (a) Deep-ripping to establish a farming operation at a site 
    where a ranching or forestry operation was in place is a change in 
    use of such a site. Deep-ripping and related activities that also 
    have the effect of altering or removing the wetland hydrology of the 
    site would trigger Section 404(f)(2) and such ripping would require 
    a permit.
        (b) Deep-ripping a site that has the effect of converting 
    wetlands to non-waters would also trigger Section 404(f)(2) and such 
    ripping would require a permit.
        3. It is the agencies' experience that certain wetland types are 
    particularly vulnerable to hydrological alteration as a result of deep-
    ripping and related activities. Depressional wetland systems such as 
    prairie potholes, vernal pools and playas whose hydrology is critically 
    dependent upon the presence of an impermeable or slowly permeable 
    subsoil layer are particularly sensitive to disturbance or alteration 
    of this subsoil layer. Based upon this experience, the agencies have 
    concluded that, as a general matter, deep-ripping and similar 
    practices, consistent with the descriptions above, conducted in prairie 
    potholes, vernal pools, playas and similar depressions wetlands destroy 
    the hydrological integrity of these wetlands. In these circumstances, 
    deep-ripping in prairie potholes, vernal pools, and playas is 
    recaptured under Section 404(f)(2) and requires a permit under the 
    Clean Water Act.
    Robert H. Wayland III,
    Director, Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds, Environmental 
    Protection Agency.
    Daniel R. Burns,
    Cheif, Operations, Construction and Readiness Division, Directorate of 
    Civil Works, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
    [FR Doc. 97-15001 Filed 6-6-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3710-92-M

Document Information

Engineers Corps
Entry Type:
Document Number:
13 May 1992, Expires: 31 December 1997 Subject: Federal Agencies Roles and Responsibilities. 1. Purpose
31492-31506 (15 pages)
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