98-17381. Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality State Implementation Plans, Texas; Recodification of, and Revisions to the State Implementation Plan; Chapter 114  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 126 (Wednesday, July 1, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 35839-35841]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-17381]
    40 CFR Part 52
    [TX98-1-7386; FRL-6117-3]
    Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality State Implementation 
    Plans, Texas; Recodification of, and Revisions to the State 
    Implementation Plan; Chapter 114
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Direct final rule.
    SUMMARY: The EPA is approving in this action the recodification of and 
    revision to the Texas State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Chapter 114, 
    ``Control of Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles.'' This revision was 
    submitted by the Governor on November 20, 1997, to reformat and 
    renumber existing state Chapter 114 sections into seven new subchapters 
    (A through G) without substantial technical changes and to remove 
    original paragraph 114.1(e), concerning leaded gasoline dispensing 
    labeling requirements.
    DATES: This action is effective on August 31, 1998 without further 
    notice unless the agency receives relevant adverse comments by July 31, 
    1998. If adverse comment is received, EPA will publish a timely 
    withdrawal of the direct final rule in the Federal Register and inform 
    the public that the rule will not take effect.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments on this action should be addressed to Mr. 
    Thomas H. Diggs, Chief, Air Planning Section, Environmental Protection 
    Agency, Region 6, 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 700, Dallas, Texas 75202-
    2733. Copies of the documents about this action are available for 
    public inspection during normal business hours at the above and 
    following location. Persons interested in examining these documents 
    should make an appointment with the appropriate office at least 24 
    hours before the visiting day.
    Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 700, 
    Dallas, Texas 75202-2733.
    Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, 12100 Park 35 Circle, 
    Austin, Texas 78711-3087.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Paul Scoggins, Air Planning 
    Section (6PD-L), EPA Region 6, 1445 Ross Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75202-
    2733, telephone (214) 665-7354 or via e-mail at 
    scoggins.paul@epamail.epa.gov. While information may be requested via 
    e-mail, comments must be submitted in writing to the above Region 6 
    I. Background
        On November 20, 1997, the Governor of Texas formally submitted a 
    recodification of, and revisions to, the Texas SIP for Regulation IV, 
    30 TAC Chapter 114, ``Control of Air Pollution from Mobile Vehicles.'' 
    These changes were submitted to reformat and renumber existing state 
    Chapter 114 sections into seven new subchapters (A through G) without 
    substantial technical changes and to remove original paragraph 
    114.1(e), concerning leaded gasoline dispensing labeling requirements.
    II. Texas Chapter 114 Format Revisions
        Chapter 114 includes the rules and regulations providing for the 
    protection of environment from mobile vehicles which were divided into 
    sections. The resulting new format divides the existing sections into 
    subchapters (A through G) and renumbers the original sections within 
    the new subchapters. The following Chapter 114 subchapters and sections 
    have been adopted by the commission.
     114.1  Definitions.
    114.2  Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Definitions.
    114.3  Low Emission Fleet Vehicle Definitions.
    114.4  Vehicle Retirement and Mobile Emission Reduction Credit 
    114.5  Transportation Planning Definitions.
    114.20  Maintenance and Operation of Air Pollution Control Systems 
    or Devices Used to Control Emissions from Motor Vehicles.
    114.21  Exclusions and Exemptions.
     114.50  Vehicle Emissions Inspection Requirements.
    114.51  Equipment Evaluation Procedures for Vehicle Exhaust Gas 
    114.52  Waivers and Extensions for Inspection Requirements.
    114.53  Inspection and Maintenance Fees.
    114.110  Oxygenated Fuels.
    [[Page 35840]]
    114.150  Requirements for Mass Transit Authorities.
    114.151  Requirements for Local Governments and Private Persons.
    114.152  Use of Certain Vehicles for Compliance.
    114.153  Exceptions.
    114.154  Exceptions for Certain Mass Transit Authorities.
    114.155  Reporting.
    114.156  Recordkeeping.
    114.157  Program Compliance Credits.
    114.200  Accelerated Vehicle Retirement Program.
    Mobile Emission Credits
    114.201  Mobile Emission Reduction Credit Program.
    114.202  The Texas Mobile Emission Reduction Credit Fund.
    114.250  Memorandum of Understanding with the Texas Department of 
    114.260  Transportation Conformity.
    114.270  Transportation Control Measures.
        The following original sections were repealed by the commission.
    114.1  Maintenance and Operation of Air Pollution Control Systems or 
    Devices Used to Control Emissions from Motor Vehicles.
    114.3  Vehicle Emissions Inspection Requirements.
    114.4  Equipment Evaluation Procedures for Vehicle Exhaust Gas 
    114.5  Exclusions and Exemptions.
    114.6  Waivers and Extensions for Inspection Requirements.
    114.7  Inspection and Maintenance Fees.
    114.13  Oxygenated Fuels.
    114.23  Transportation Control Measures.
    114.25  Memorandum of Understanding with the Texas Department of 
    114.27  Transportation Conformity.
    114.29  Accelerated Vehicle Retirement Program.
    114.30  Definitions.
    114.31  Requirements for Mass Transit Authorities.
    114.32  Requirements for Local Governments and Private Persons.
    114.33  Use of Certain Vehicles for Compliance.
    114.34  Exceptions.
    114.35  Exceptions for Certain Mass Transit Authorities.
    114.36  Reporting.
    114.37  Recordkeeping.
    114.38  Program Compliance Credits.
    114.39  Mobile Emission Reduction Credit Program.
    114.40  The Texas Mobile Emission Reduction Credit Fund.
    III. Analysis of State Submittal
        Subchapter A, Sections 114.1-114.5, which cover mobile source 
    program definitions, contain the definitions for the entire chapter. 
    New Section 114.1 definitions were taken from original Section 114.30, 
    ``Definitions'' of the Texas Clean Fuel Fleet program and from original 
    Section 114.3(a) ``Definitions'' of the Vehicle Emissions Inspection 
    Requirements. New Section 114.2 definitions were taken from original 
    Section 114.3 of remaining definitions numbered (1)-(5), (8)-(13), 
    (15), (16) and the commission added a new definition, ``Two-speed idle 
    I/M test.'' New Section 114.3 definitions were taken from original 
    Section 114.30 of remaining definitions with a Section name change from 
    ``Clean Fuel Fleet Vehicle'' program definitions to ``Low Emission 
    Fleet Vehicle Definitions.'' New Section 114.4 definitions were taken 
    from original Section 114.29 and new Section 114.5 definitions were 
    taken from original Section 114.23.
        Subchapter B, Sections 114.20 and 114.21 contain the requirements 
    for the vehicle antitampering program. New Section 114.20 was created 
    from original Section 114.1, and new Section 114.21 was created from 
    original Section 114.5. Original Section 114.1(e) containing the leaded 
    gasoline dispensing labeling requirement, was removed from new Section 
    114.20. The reference to paragraph (f) in original Section 114.5(a)(2) 
    was removed from new Section 114.21(a)(2).
        Subchapter C, Sections 114.50-114.53, contain the requirements for 
    the vehicle inspection and maintenance program. New Sections 114.50, 
    114.51, 114.52, and 114.53 were created from original Sections 114.3, 
    114.4, 114,6, and 114.7 respectively.
        Subchapter D, Section 114.100 contains the requirements for the 
    oxygenated fuels program and was created from original section 114.13.
        Subchapter E, Sections 114.150-114.157, contain the requirements 
    for the low emission fleet vehicle program. New Sections 114.150, 
    114.151, 114.152, 114.153, 114,154, 114.155, 114.156, and 114.157 were 
    created from original Sections 114.31, 114.32, 114.33, 114.34, 114.35, 
    114.36, 114.37, and 114.38, respectively.
        Subchapter F, Sections 114.200-114.202, contain the requirements 
    for the vehicle retirement and mobile emission reduction credits 
    program. New Sections 114.200, 114.201, and 114.202 were created from 
    original Sections 114.29, 114.39, and 114.40, respectively.
        Subchapter G, Sections 114.250, 114.260, and 114.270, contain the 
    requirements for the transportation planning program. New Section 
    114.250 was created from original Section 114.25. New Section 114.260 
    was created from original section 114.27. The last sentence of 
    paragraph 114.260(b) was changed from ``Affected nonattainment or 
    maintenance areas include El Paso, Houston/Galveston, Dallas/Fort 
    Worth, Beaumont/Port Arthur, and Victoria.'' to ``The affected 
    nonattainment and maintenance areas are listed in section 101.1 of the 
    title (relating to Definitions).'' In new Section 114.260, paragraph 
    (d)(2)(A)(x), the word ``pursuant'' was changed to ``under.'' Section 
    114.270 was created from the original Section 114.23 and the following 
    was added to paragraph (b), to the end of subsection (1); ``* * * as 
    defined in Section 101.1 of this title (relating to Definitions) and to 
    the end of subsections (2), (3), and (4), ``* * * as defined in Section 
    101.1 of this title.''
        In addition, the following administrative change has been made to 
    all rules and regulations in which they appear:
        1. ``TNRCC'' to ``commission''.
    IV. Final Action
        The EPA is approving the recodification of and revision to the 
    Texas SIP for Regulation IV, 30 TAC Chapter 114. Except as noted in the 
    following paragraph, this action reflects a recodification, not actual 
    approval of underlying requirements. The original Section numbers have 
    been renumbered and reformatted into specific subchapters without 
    changes to the underlying requirements or contents, except where noted 
    in the following paragraph. Previous approval or disapproval of Chapter 
    114 Sections and contents remain unchanged.
        In addition, a new definition--``Two-speed idle I/M test''---and 
    the removal of original paragraph 114.1(e), leaded gasoline dispensing 
    labeling requirements, are approved. Minor editorial changes as noted 
    above in the part III, Analysis of State Submittal, are also approved.
        The EPA is publishing this action without prior proposal because 
    the agency views this as a noncontroversial amendment and anticipates 
    no adverse comments. However, in the proposed rules section of this 
    Federal Register publication, EPA is proposing to approve the SIP 
    revision should relevant adverse comments be filed. This rule will be 
    effective on August 31, 1998 without further notice unless the Agency 
    receives adverse comments by July 31, 1998.
    [[Page 35841]]
        If EPA receives such comments, then EPA will publish a timely 
    withdrawal of the final rule and inform the public that the rule did 
    not take effect. All public comments received will then be addressed in 
    a subsequent final rule based on the proposed rule. The EPA will not 
    institute a second comment period on the proposed rule. Only parties 
    interested in commenting on the proposed rule should do so at this 
    time. If no such comments are received, the public is advised that this 
    rule will be effective on August 31, 1998 and no further action will be 
    taken on the proposed rule.
        Nothing in this action should be construed as permitting or 
    allowing or establishing a precedent for any future request for 
    revision to any SIP. Each request for revision to the SIP shall be 
    considered separately in light of specific technical, economic, and 
    environmental factors and in relation to relevant statutory and 
    regulatory requirements.
    V. Administrative Requirements
    A. Executive Order (E.O.) 12866 and 13045
        The Office of Management and Budget has exempted this regulatory 
    action from E.O. 12866 review. In addition, this regulatory action is 
    not subject to E.O. 13045, entitled ``Protection of Children from 
    Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks,'' because it is not an 
    ``economically significant'' action under E.O. 12866.
    B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 600 et seq., EPA 
    must prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis assessing the impact of 
    any proposed or final rule on small entities. See 5 U.S.C. 603 and 604. 
    Alternatively, EPA may certify that the rule will not have a 
    significant impact on a substantial number of small entities. Small 
    entities include small businesses, small not-for-profit enterprises, 
    and government entities with jurisdiction over populations of less than 
        The EPA's approval of the State request under section 110 and 
    subchapter I, part D of the Act do not create any new requirements but 
    simply approve requirements that the State is already imposing. 
    Therefore, because the Federal SIP approval does not impose any new 
    requirements, I certify that it does not have a significant impact on 
    any small entities affected. Moreover, due to the nature of the 
    Federal-State relationship under the Act, preparation of the 
    flexibility analysis would constitute Federal inquiry into the economic 
    reasonableness of the State action. The Act forbids EPA to base its 
    actions concerning SIPs on such grounds. See Union Electric Co. v. U.S. 
    EPA, 427 U.S. 246, 255-66 (1976); 42 U.S.C. 7410(a)(2).
    C. Unfunded Mandates
        Under section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995, 
    signed into law on March 22, 1995, EPA must prepare a budgetary impact 
    statement to accompany any proposed or final rule that includes a 
    Federal mandate that may result in estimated costs to State, local, or 
    tribal governments in the aggregate; or to private sector, of $100 
    million or more. Under section 205, EPA must select the most cost-
    effective and least burdensome alternative that achieves the objectives 
    of the rule and is consistent with statutory requirements. Section 203 
    requires EPA to establish a plan for informing and advising any small 
    governments that may be significantly or uniquely impacted by the rule.
        The EPA has determined that the approval action promulgated does 
    not include a Federal mandate that may result in estimated costs of 
    $100 million or more to either State, local, or tribal governments in 
    the aggregate, or to the private sector. This Federal action approves 
    preexisting requirements under State or local law, and imposes no new 
    requirements. Accordingly, no additional costs to State, local, or 
    tribal governments, or to the private sector, result from this action.
    D. Submission to Congress and the Comptroller General
        The Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the 
    Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, generally 
    provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency promulgating 
    the rule must submit a rule report, which includes a copy of the rule, 
    to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of the 
    United States. The EPA will submit a report containing this rule and 
    other required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of 
    Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States prior 
    to publication of the rule in the Federal Register. This rule is not a 
    ``major rule'' as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804 (2).
    E. Petitions for Judicial Review
        Under section 307(b) (1) of the Act, petitions for judicial review 
    of this action must be filed in the United States Court of Appeals for 
    the appropriate circuit by August 31, 1998. Filing a petition for 
    reconsideration by the Administrator of this final rule does not affect 
    the finality of this rule for the purposes of judicial review nor does 
    it extend the time within which a petition for judicial review may be 
    filed, and shall not postpone the effectiveness of such rule or action. 
    This action may not be challenged later in proceedings to enforce its 
    requirements. See section 307 (b)(2).
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
        Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Carbon monoxide, 
    Hydrocarbons, Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, 
    Nitrogen dioxide, Ozone, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 
    Sulfur oxides, Volatile organic compounds.
        Dated: June 9, 1998.
    Jerry Clifford,
    Deputy Regional Administrator, Region 6.
        Part 52, chapter I, title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations is 
    amended as follows:
    PART 52--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation of part 52 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
    Subpart SS--Texas
        2. Section 52.2270 is amended by adding paragraph (c)(111) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 52.2270  Identification of plan.
    * * * * *
        (c)* * *
        (111) Recodified and revised Regulation IV, 30 TAC Chapter 114 
    ``Control of Air Pollution From Motor Vehicles'' regulations of Texas 
    submitted by the Governor on November 20, 1997, to reformat original 
    Chapter 114 sections into seven new subchapters (A through G) and to 
    remove original section 114.1(e), concerning leaded gasoline dispensing 
    labeling requirements.
        (i) Incorporation by reference.
        (A) Commission Order 97-0713-RUL, adopted by the commission on 
    November 5, 1997.
        (B) SIP narrative entitled ``Revisions to 30 TAC Chapter 114 and to 
    the State Implementation Plan (Reformatting of the Chapter)'' adopted 
    by the commission on November 5, 1997, addressing: adoption of new 
    Sections 114.1-114.5, 114.20, 114.21, 114.50-114.53, 114.100, 114.150-
    114.157, 114.200-114.202, 114.250, 114.260, 114.270, and repeal of 
    original sections 114.1, 114.3-114.7, 114.13, 114.23, 114.25, 114.27, 
    [FR Doc. 98-17381 Filed 6-30-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Direct final rule.
Document Number:
This action is effective on August 31, 1998 without further notice unless the agency receives relevant adverse comments by July 31, 1998. If adverse comment is received, EPA will publish a timely withdrawal of the direct final rule in the Federal Register and inform the public that the rule will not take effect.
35839-35841 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
TX98-1-7386, FRL-6117-3
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 52.2270