99-16410. Subsistence Management Regulations for Public Lands in Alaska, Subparts A, B, C, and D, Redefinition to Include Waters Subject to Subsistence Priority; Correction  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 126 (Thursday, July 1, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 35821-35830]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-16410]
    Forest Service
    36 CFR Part 242
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 100
    RIN 1018-AD68
    Subsistence Management Regulations for Public Lands in Alaska, 
    Subparts A, B, C, and D, Redefinition to Include Waters Subject to 
    Subsistence Priority; Correction
    AGENCY: Forest Service, Agriculture; and Fish and Wildlife Service, 
    ACTION: Final rule; correction.
    SUMMARY: This document corrects Sections 50 CFR 100.24 and 36 CFR 
    242.24 of the Subsistence Management Regulations for Public Lands in 
    Alaska, Subparts A, B, C, and D, Redefinition to Include Waters Subject 
    to Subsistence Priority that was published in the Federal Register of 
    January 8, 1999, to include updated material which was inadvertently 
    omitted. This document also corrects the effective dates for 36 CFR 
    242.26 and 242.27 and 50 CFR 100.26 and 100.27.
    DATES: This correction to 36 CFR 242.24 and 50 CFR 100.24 is effective 
    October 1, 1999. The effective dates for 36 CFR 242.26 and 242.27 and 
    50 CFR 100.26 and 100.27 are corrected to be October 1, 1999 through 
    February 28, 2001.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Chair, Federal Subsistence Board, c/o 
    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Thomas H. Boyd, (907) 786-3888. For 
    questions specific to National Forest System lands, contact Ken 
    Thompson, Regional Subsistence Program Manager, USDA, Forest Service, 
    Alaska Region, (907) 271-2540.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On January 8, 1999, the Secretaries of the 
    Interior and Agriculture published a Final Rule in the Federal Register 
    (64 FR 1276) that extended jurisdiction for providing subsistence 
    priority to rural Alaskans for harvesting fish in waters where there is 
    a Federal reservedwater right. In that document, an outdated version of 
    Section ________.24(a)(1) was inadvertently used. The Federal 
    Subsistence Board, which has been delegated authority to promulgate 
    regulations in subparts C and D, has also corrected the wording of 
    Section ________.24(a) introductory text. This document corrects 
    Sections ________.24(a) introductory text and ________.24(a)(1).
        Because this rule relates to public lands managed by an agency or 
    agencies in both the Departments of Agriculture and the Interior, 
    identical text is incorporated into 36 CFR Part 242 and 50 CFR Part 
    Conformance with Statutory and Regulatory Authorities
    National Environmental Policy Act Compliance
        A Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) that described four 
    alternatives for developing a Federal Subsistence Management Program 
    was distributed for public comment on October 7, 1991. That document 
    described the major issues associated with Federal subsistence 
    management as identified through public meetings, written comments and 
    staff analysis and examined the environmental consequences of the four 
    alternatives. Proposed regulations (Subparts A, B, and C) that would 
    implement the preferred alternative were included in the DEIS as an 
    appendix. The DEIS and the proposed administrative regulations 
    presented a framework for an annual regulatory cycle regarding 
    subsistence hunting and fishing regulations (Subpart D). The Final 
    Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) was published on February 28, 
        Based on the public comment received, the analysis contained in the 
    FEIS, and the recommendations of the Federal Subsistence Board and the 
    Department of the Interior's Subsistence Policy Group, it was the 
    decision of the Secretary of the Interior, with the concurrence of the 
    Secretary of Agriculture, through the U.S. Department of Agriculture-
    Forest Service, to implement Alternative IV as identified in the DEIS 
    and FEIS (Record of Decision on Subsistence Management for Federal 
    Public Lands in Alaska (ROD), signed April 6, 1992). The DEIS and the 
    selected alternative in the FEIS defined the administrative framework 
    of an annual regulatory cycle for subsistence hunting and fishing 
    regulations. The final rule for Subsistence Management Regulations for 
    Public Lands in Alaska, Subparts A, B, and C (57 FR 22940-22964, 
    published May 29, 1992) implemented the Federal Subsistence Management 
    Program and included a framework for an annual cycle for subsistence 
    hunting and fishing regulations.
        An environmental assessment has been prepared on the expansion of 
    Federal jurisdiction over fisheries and is available by contacting the 
    office listed under ``For Further Information Contact.'' The Secretary 
    of the Interior with the concurrence of the Secretary of Agriculture 
    has determined that the expansion of Federal jurisdiction does not 
    constitute a major Federal action, significantly effecting the human 
    environment and has, therefore, signed a Finding of No Significant 
    Compliance with Section 810 of ANILCA
        A Section 810 analysis was completed as part of the FEIS process on 
    the Federal Subsistence Management Program. The intent of all Federal 
    subsistence regulations is to accord subsistence uses of fish and 
    wildlife on public lands a priority over the taking of fish and 
    wildlife on such lands for other purposes, unless restriction is 
    necessary to conserve healthy fish and wildlife populations. The final 
    Section 810 analysis determination appeared in the April 6, 1992, ROD 
    which concluded that the Federal Subsistence Management Program, under 
    Alternative IV with an annual process for setting hunting and fishing 
    regulations, may have some local impacts on subsistence uses, but it 
    does not appear that the program may significantly restrict subsistence 
        During the environmental assessment process, an evaluation of the 
    effects of this rule was also conducted in accordance with Section 810. 
    This evaluation supports the Secretaries' determination that the Final 
    Rule will not reach the ``may significantly restrict'' threshold for 
    notice and hearings under ANILCA Section 810(a) for any subsistence 
    resources or uses.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This rule contains information collection requirements subject to 
    Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval under the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act of 1995. It applies to the use of public lands in Alaska. 
    The information collection requirements are a revision of the 
    collection requirements already approved by OMB under 44 U.S.C. 3501 
    and have been assigned clearance number 1018-0075, which expires 5/31/
    2000. This revision was submitted to OMB for approval. A comment period 
    was open on OMB
    [[Page 35822]]
    collection requirements and no comments were received.
        Currently, information is being collected by the use of a Federal 
    Subsistence Registration Permit and Designated Hunter Application. The 
    information collected on these two permits establishes whether an 
    applicant qualifies to participate in a Federal subsistence hunt on 
    public land in Alaska and provides a report of harvest and the location 
    of harvest. The collected information is necessary to determine harvest 
    success, harvest location, and population health in order to make 
    management decisions relative to the conservation of healthy wildlife 
    populations. Additional harvest information is obtained from harvest 
    reports submitted to the State of Alaska. The recordkeeping burden for 
    this aspect of the program is negligible (one hour or less). This 
    information is accessed via computer data base. The current overall 
    annual burden of reporting and recordkeeping is estimated to average 
    0.25 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, 
    gathering and maintaining data, and completing and reviewing the form. 
    The estimated number of likely respondents under the existing rule is 
    less than 5,000, yielding a total annual reporting and recordkeeping 
    burden of 1,250 hours or less.
        The collection of information under this Final Rule will be 
    achieved through the use of a Federal Subsistence Registration Permit 
    Application, which would be the same form as currently approved and 
    used for the hunting program. This information will establish whether 
    the applicant qualifies to participate in a Federal subsistence fishery 
    on public land in Alaska and will provide a report of harvest and 
    location of harvest.
        The likely respondents to this collection of information are rural 
    Alaska residents who wish to participate in specific subsistence 
    fisheries on Federal land. The collected information is necessary to 
    determine harvest success and harvest location in order to make 
    management decisions relative to the conservation of healthy fish 
    populations. The annual burden of reporting and recordkeeping is 
    estimated to average 0.50 hours per response, including time for 
    reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing 
    and reviewing the form. The estimated number of likely respondents 
    under this rule is less than 10,000, yielding a total annual reporting 
    and recordkeeping burden of 5,000 hours or less.
        Direct comments on the burden estimate or any other aspect of this 
    form to: Information Collection Officer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
    Service, 1849 C Street, NW, MS 224 ARLSQ, Washington, D.C. 20240; and 
    the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project 
    (Subsistence), Washington, D.C. 20503. Additional information 
    collection requirements may be imposed if Local Advisory Committees 
    subject to the Federal Advisory Committee Act are established under 
    Subpart B.
        Additional information collection requirements may be imposed if 
    local advisory committees subject to the Federal Advisory Committee Act 
    are established under subpart B. Such requirements will be submitted to 
    OMB for approval prior to their implementation.
    Clarity of the Rule
        Executive Order 12866 requires each agency to write regulations 
    that are easy to understand. We invite your comments on how to make 
    this rule easier to understand, including answers to questions such as 
    the following: (1) Are the requirements in the rule clearly stated? (2) 
    Does the rule contain technical language or jargon that interferes with 
    its clarity? (3) Does the format of the rule (grouping and order of 
    sections, use of headings, paragraphing, etc.) aid or reduce its 
    clarity? (4) Would the rule be easier to understand if it were divided 
    into more (but shorter) sections? (A ``section'' appears in bold type 
    and is preceded by the symbol ``Sec. '' and a numbered heading; for 
    example, Sec. ________.24 Customary and traditional determinations.) 
    (5) Is the description of the rule in the ``Supplementary Information'' 
    section of the preamble helpful in understanding the rule? What else 
    could we do to make the rule easier to understand? Send a copy of any 
    comments that concern how we could make this rule easier to understand 
    to: USFWS, Office of Subsistence Management, Thomas H. Boyd, 1011 E. 
    Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99503.
    Other Requirements
        This rule was not subject to OMB review under Executive Order 
        This rulemaking will impose no significant costs on small entities; 
    this Final Rule does not restrict any existing sport or commercial 
    fishery on the public lands and subsistence fisheries will continue at 
    essentially the same levels as they presently occur. The exact number 
    of businesses and the amount of trade that will result from this 
    Federal land-related activity is unknown. The aggregate effect is an 
    insignificant positive economic effect on a number of small entities, 
    such as ammunition, snowmachine, fishing tackle, and gasoline dealers. 
    The number of small entities affected is unknown; but, the fact that 
    the positive effects will be seasonal in nature and will, in most 
    cases, merely continue preexisting uses of public lands indicates that 
    they will not be significant.
        In general, the resources to be harvested under this rule are 
    already being harvested and consumed by the local harvester and do not 
    result in an additional dollar benefit to the economy. However, it is 
    estimated that 24 million pounds of fish (including 8.3 million pounds 
    of salmon) are harvested by subsistence users annually and, if given an 
    estimated dollar value of $3.00 per pound for salmon and $0.58 per 
    pound for other fish, would equate to about $34 million in food value 
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) 
    requires preparation of flexibility analyses for rules that will have a 
    significant effect on a substantial number of small entities, which 
    include small businesses, organizations or governmental jurisdictions. 
    The Departments have determined based on the above figures that this 
    rulemaking will not have a significant economic effect on a substantial 
    number of small entities within the meaning of the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act.
        The Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et 
    seq.) requires that before a rule can take effect, copies of the rule 
    and other documents must be sent to the U.S. House and U.S. Senate and 
    establishes a means for Congress to disapprove the rulemaking. The 
    Departments have determined that this rulemaking is not a major rule 
    under the Act, and thus the effective date of the rule is not 
    additionally delayed unless Congress takes additional action.
        Title VIII of ANILCA requires the Secretaries to administer a 
    subsistence priority on public lands. The scope of this program is 
    limited by definition to certain public lands. Likewise, these 
    regulations have no potential takings of private property implications 
    as defined by Executive Order 12630.
        The Secretaries have determined and certify pursuant to the 
    Unfunded Mandates Act, 2 U.S.C. 1502 et seq., that this rulemaking will 
    not impose a cost of $100 million or more in any given year on local or 
    state governments or private entities. The implementation of this rule 
    is by Federal agencies and there is no cost imposed on any state or 
    local entities or tribal governments.
        The Secretaries have determined that these final regulations meet 
    [[Page 35823]]
    applicable standards provided in Sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of Executive 
    Order 12988.
        In accordance with Executive Order 12612, the rule does not have 
    sufficient federalism implications to warrant the preparation of a 
    Federalism Assessment. Title VIII of ANILCA precludes the State from 
    exercising subsistence management authority over fish and wildlife 
    resources on Federal lands unless it meets certain requirements.
        In accordance with the President's memorandum of April 29, 1994, 
    ``Government-to-Government Relations with Native American Tribal 
    Governments'' (59 FR 22951) and 512 DM 2, we have evaluated possible 
    effects on Federally recognized Indian tribes and have determined that 
    there are no effects. The Bureau of Indian Affairs is a participating 
    agency in this rulemaking.
        Drafting information--William Knauer drafted this correction under 
    the guidance of Thomas H. Boyd, of the Office of Subsistence 
    Management, Alaska Regional Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 
    Anchorage, Alaska. Peggy Fox, Alaska State Office, Bureau of Land 
    Management; Sandy Rabinowitch, Alaska Regional Office, National Park 
    Service; Ida Hildebrand, Alaska Area Office, Bureau of Indian Affairs; 
    and Ken Thompson, USDA-Forest Service provided additional guidance.
    List of Subjects
    36 CFR Part 242
        Administrative practice and procedure, Alaska, Fish, National 
    forests, Public lands, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 
    50 CFR Part 100
        Administrative practice and procedure, Alaska, Fish, National 
    forests, Public lands, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, the Departments correct FR 
    Doc. 99-11 published at 64 FR 1276, January 8, 1999, as set forth 
        1. On page 1294, beginning in column 2, correct paragraphs (a) 
    introductory text and (a)(1) of 36 CFR 242.24 and 50 CFR 100.24, to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. __________.24  Customary and traditional use determinations.
        (a) The Federal Subsistence Board has determined that rural Alaska 
    residents of the listed communities, areas, and individuals have 
    customary and traditional use of the specified species on Federal 
    public land in the specified areas. Persons granted individual 
    customary and traditional use determinations will be notified in 
    writing by the Board. The Fish and Wildlife Service and the local NPS 
    Superintendent will maintain the list of individuals having customary 
    and traditional use on National Parks and Monuments. A copy of the list 
    is available upon request. When there is a determination for specific 
    communities or areas of residence in a Unit, all other communities not 
    listed for that species in that Unit have no Federal subsistence for 
    that species in that Unit. If no determination has been made for a 
    species in a Unit, all rural Alaska residents are eligible to harvest 
    fish or wildlife under this part.
        (1) Wildlife determinations.
                 Area                    Species           Determination
    Unit 1(C).....................  Black Bear.......  Residents of Unit
                                                        1(C), 1(D), 3, and
                                                        residents of Hoonah,
                                                        Pelican, Point
                                                        Baker, Sitka, and
                                                        Tenakee Springs.
    1(A)..........................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Unit
                                                        1(A) except no
                                                        subsistence for
                                                        residents of Hyder.
    1(B)..........................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Unit
                                                        1(A), Petersburg,
                                                        and Wrangell, except
                                                        no subsistence for
                                                        residents of Hyder.
    1(C)..........................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Unit
                                                        1(C), Haines,
                                                        Hoonah, Kake,
                                                        Klukwan, Skagway,
                                                        and Wrangell, except
                                                        no subsistence for
                                                        residents of
    1(D)..........................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of 1(D).
    1(A)..........................  Deer.............  Residents of 1(A) and
    1(B)..........................  Deer.............  Residents of Unit
                                                        1(A), residents of
                                                        1(B), 2 and 3.
    1(C)..........................  Deer.............  Residents of 1(C) and
                                                        (D), and residents
                                                        of Hoonah, Kake, and
    1(D)..........................  Deer.............  No Federal
    1(B)..........................  Goat.............  Residents of Units
                                                        1(B) and 3.
    1(C)..........................  Goat.............  Residents of Haines,
                                                        Kake, Klukwan,
                                                        Petersburg, and
    1(B)..........................  Moose............  Residents of Units 1,
                                                        2, 3, and 4.
    1(C) Berner's Bay.............  Moose............  No Federal
    1(D)..........................  Moose............  Residents of Unit
    Unit 2........................  Brown Bear.......  No Federal
    2.............................  Deer.............  Residents of Unit
                                                        1(A) and residents
                                                        of Units 2 and 3.
    Unit 3........................  Deer.............  Residents of Unit
                                                        1(B) and 3, and
                                                        residents of Port
                                                        Alexander, Port
                                                        Protection, Pt.
                                                        Baker, and Meyer's
    3, Wrangell and Mitkof Islands  Moose............  Residents of Units
                                                        1(B), 2, and 3.
    Unit 4........................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Unit 4
                                                        and Kake.
    4.............................  Deer.............  Residents of Unit 4
                                                        and residents of
                                                        Kake, Gustavus,
                                                        Haines, Petersburg,
                                                        Pt. Baker, Klukwan,
                                                        Port Protection,
                                                        Wrangell, and
    4.............................  Goat.............  Residents of Sitka,
                                                        Hoonah, Tenakee,
                                                        Pelican, Funter Bay,
                                                        Angoon, Port
                                                        Alexander, and Elfin
    Unit 5........................  Black Bear.......  Residents of Unit
    5.............................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Yakutat.
    5.............................  Deer.............  Residents of Yakutat.
    5.............................  Goat.............  Residents of Unit
    5.............................  Moose............  Residents of Unit
    [[Page 35824]]
    5.............................  Wolf.............  Residents of Unit
    Unit 6(A).....................  Black Bear.......  Residents of Yakutat
                                                        and residents of
                                                        6(C) and 6(D),
                                                        except no
                                                        subsistence for
    6, remainder..................  Black Bear.......  Residents of Unit
                                                        6(C) and 6(D),
                                                        except no
                                                        subsistence for
    6.............................  Brown Bear.......  No Federal
    6(A)..........................  Goat.............  Residents of Unit
                                                        5(A), 6(C), Chenega
                                                        Bay and Tatitlek.
    6(C) and (D)..................  Goat.............  Residents of Unit
                                                        6(C) and (D).
    6(A)..........................  Moose............  Unit 6(A)--Residents
                                                        of Units 5(A), 6(A),
                                                        6(B) and 6(C).
    6(B) and (C)..................  Moose............  Residents of Units
                                                        6(A), 6(B) and 6(C).
    6(D)..........................  Moose............  No Federal
    6(A)..........................  Wolf.............  Residents of Units
                                                        5(A), 6, 9, 10
                                                        (Unimak Island
                                                        only), 11-13 and the
                                                        residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, and 16-
    6, remainder..................  Wolf.............  Residents of Units 6,
                                                        9, 10 (Unimak Island
                                                        only), 11-13 and the
                                                        residents of
                                                        Chickaloon and 16-
    Unit 7........................  Brown Bear.......  No Federal
    7.............................  Caribou..........  No Federal
    7, Brown Mountain hunt area...  Goat.............  Residents of Port
                                                        Graham and English
    7, that portion draining into   Moose............  Residents of Chenega
     Kings Bay.                                         Bay and Tatitlek.
    7, remainder..................  Moose............  No Federal
    7.............................  Sheep............  No Federal
    Unit 8........................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Old
                                                        Harbor, Akhiok,
                                                        Larsen Bay, Karluk,
                                                        Ouzinkie, and Port
    8.............................  Deer.............  Residents of Unit 8.
    8.............................  Elk..............  Residents of Unit 8.
    8.............................  Goat.............  No Federal
    Unit 9(D).....................  Bison............  No Federal
    9(A) and (B)..................  Black Bear.......  Residents of Units
                                                        9(A) and (B), and
                                                        17(A), (B), and (C).
    9(A)..........................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Pedro
    9(B)..........................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Unit
    9(C)..........................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Unit
    9(D)..........................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Units
                                                        9(D) and 10 (Unimak
    9(E)..........................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Chignik,
                                                        Chignik Lagoon,
                                                        Chignik Lake,
                                                        Egegik, Ivanof Bay,
                                                        Perryville, Pilot
                                                        Point, Ugashik, and
                                                        Port Heiden/Meshik.
    9(A) and (B)..................  Caribou..........  Residents of Units
                                                        9(B), 9(C) and 17.
    9(C)..........................  Caribou..........  Residents of Unit
                                                        9(B), 9(C), 17 and
                                                        residents of Egegik.
    9(D)..........................  Caribou..........  Residents of Unit
                                                        9(D), and residents
                                                        of False Pass.
    9(E)..........................  Caribou..........  Residents of Units
                                                        9(B), (C), (E), 17,
                                                        and residents of
                                                        Nelson Lagoon and
                                                        Sand Point.
    9(A), (B), (C) and (E)........  Moose............  Residents of Unit
                                                        9(A), (B), (C) and
    9(D)..........................  Moose............  Residents of Cold
                                                        Bay, False Pass,
                                                        King Cove, Nelson
                                                        Lagoon, and Sand
    9(B)..........................  Sheep............  Residents of Iliamna,
                                                        Newhalen, Nondalton,
                                                        Pedro Bay, and Port
    9, remainder..................  Sheep............  No determination.
    9.............................  Wolf.............  Residents of Units 6,
                                                        9, 10 (Unimak Island
                                                        only), 11-13 and the
                                                        residents of
                                                        Chickaloon and 16-
    9(A), (B), (C), & (E).........  Beaver...........  Residents of Units
                                                        9(A), (B), (C), (E),
                                                        and 17.
    Unit 10 Unimak Island.........  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Units
                                                        9(D) and 10 (Unimak
    Unit 10 Unimak Island.........  Caribou..........  Residents of False
                                                        Pass, King Cove, and
                                                        Sand Point.
    10, remainder.................  Caribou..........  No determination.
    10............................  Wolf.............  Residents of Units 6,
                                                        9, 10 (Unimak Island
                                                        only), 11-13 and the
                                                        residents of
                                                        Chickaloon and 16-
    Unit 11.......................  Bison............  No Federal
    11, north of the Sanford River  Black Bear.......  Residents of
                                                        Chitina, Copper
                                                        Center, Gakona,
                                                        Glennallen, Gulkana,
                                                        Kenny Lake, Mentasta
                                                        Lake, Tazlina,
                                                        Tonsina, and Units
                                                        11 and 12.
    11, remainder.................  Black Bear.......  Residents of
                                                        Chitina, Copper
                                                        Center, Gakona,
                                                        Glennallen, Gulkana,
                                                        Kenny Lake, Mentasta
                                                        Lake, Tazlina,
                                                        Tonsina, and Unit
    11, north of the Sanford River  Brown Bear.......  Residents of
                                                        Chitina, Copper
                                                        Center, Gakona,
                                                        Glennallen, Gulkana,
                                                        Kenny Lake, Mentasta
                                                        Lake, Tazlina,
                                                        Tonsina, and Units
                                                        11 and 12.
    11, remainder.................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of
                                                        Chitina, Copper
                                                        Center, Gakona,
                                                        Glennallen, Gulkana,
                                                        Kenny Lake, Mentasta
                                                        Lake, Tazlina,
                                                        Tonsina, and Unit
    11, north of the Sanford River  Caribou..........  Residents of Units
                                                        11, 12, and 13 (A)--
                                                        (D) and the
                                                        residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, Healy
                                                        Lake, and Dot Lake.
    11, remainder.................  Caribou..........  Residents of Units 11
                                                        and 13 (A)--(D) and
                                                        the residents of
    [[Page 35825]]
    11............................  Goat.............  Residents of Unit 11
                                                        and the residents of
                                                        Chistochina, Copper
                                                        Center, Gakona,
                                                        Glennallen, Gulkana,
                                                        Mentasta Lake,
                                                        Tazlina, Tonsina,
                                                        and Dot Lake.
    11, north of the Sanford River  Moose............  Residents of Units
                                                        11, 12, and 13 (A)-
                                                        (D) and the
                                                        residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, Healy
                                                        Lake, and Dot Lake.
    11, remainder.................  Moose............  Residents of Units
                                                        11, 13 (A)-(D), and
                                                        residents of
    11, north of the Sanford River  Sheep............  Residents of Unit 12
                                                        and the communities
                                                        and areas of
                                                        Chitina, Copper
                                                        Center, Dot Lake,
                                                        Gakona, Glennallen,
                                                        Gulkana, Healy Lake,
                                                        Kenny Lake, Mentasta
                                                        Lake, Slana,
                                                        Wrangell/ South
                                                        Park, Tazlina and
                                                        Tonsina; residents
                                                        along the Nabesna
                                                        Road--Milepost 0-46
                                                        (Nabesna Road), and
                                                        residents along the
                                                        McCarthy Road--
                                                        Milepost 0-62
                                                        (McCarthy Road).
    11, remainder.................  Sheep............  Residents of the
                                                        communities and
                                                        areas of Chisana,
                                                        Chitina, Copper
                                                        Center, Gakona,
                                                        Glennallen, Gulkana,
                                                        Kenny Lake, Mentasta
                                                        Lake, Slana,
                                                        Wrangell/ South
                                                        Park, Tazlina and
                                                        Tonsina; residents
                                                        along the Tok
                                                        Cutoff--Milepost 79-
                                                        110 (Mentasta Pass),
                                                        residents along the
                                                        Nabesna Road--
                                                        Milepost 0-46
                                                        (Nabesna Road), and
                                                        residents along the
                                                        McCarthy Road--
                                                        Milepost 0-62
                                                        (McCarthy Road).
    11............................  Wolf.............  Residents of Units 6,
                                                        9, 10 (Unimak Island
                                                        only), 11-13 and the
                                                        residents of
                                                        Chickaloon and 16-
    11............................  Grouse (Spruce,    Residents of Units
                                     Blue, Ruffed and   11, 12, 13 and the
                                     Sharp-tailed).     residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, 15, 16,
                                                        20(D), 22 and 23.
    11............................  Ptarmigan (Rock,   Residents of Units
                                     Willow and White-  11, 12, 13 and the
                                     tailed).           residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, 15, 16,
                                                        20(D), 22 and 23.
    Unit 12.......................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Unit 12
                                                        and Dot Lake,
                                                        Chistochina, Gakona,
                                                        Mentasta Lake, and
    12............................  Caribou..........  Residents of Unit 12
                                                        and residents of Dot
                                                        Lake, Healy Lake,
                                                        and Mentasta Lake.
    12, south of a line from Noyes  Moose............  Residents of Unit 11
     Mountain, southeast of the                         north of 62nd
     confluence of Tatschunda                           parallel (excluding
     Creek to Nabesna River.                            North Slana
                                                        Homestead and South
                                                        Slana Homestead);
                                                        and residents of
                                                        Unit 12, 13(A)-(D)
                                                        and the residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, Dot
                                                        Lake, and Healy
    12, east of the Nabesna River   Moose............  Residents of Unit 12
     and Nabesna Glacier, south of                      and Healy Lake.
     the Winter Trail from
     Pickerel Lake to the Canadian
    12, remainder.................  Moose............  Residents of Unit 12
                                                        and residents of Dot
                                                        Lake, Healy Lake,
                                                        and Mentasta Lake.
    12............................  Sheep............  Residents of Unit 12
                                                        and residents of
                                                        Chistochina, Dot
                                                        Lake, Healy Lake,
                                                        and Mentasta Lake.
    12............................  Wolf.............  Residents of Units 6,
                                                        9, 10 (Unimak Island
                                                        only), 11-13 and the
                                                        residents of
                                                        Chickaloon and 16-
    Unit 13.......................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Unit 13.
    13(B).........................  Caribou..........  Residents of Units
                                                        11, 12 (along the
                                                        Nabesna Road), 13,
                                                        residents of Unit
                                                        20(D) except Fort
                                                        Greely, and the
                                                        residents of
    13(C).........................  Caribou..........  Residents of Units
                                                        11, 12 (along the
                                                        Nabesna Road), 13,
                                                        and the residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, Dot Lake
                                                        and Healy Lake.
    13(A) & (D)...................  Caribou..........  Residents of Units
                                                        11, 12 (along the
                                                        Nabesna Road), 13,
                                                        and the residents of
    13(E).........................  Caribou..........  Residents of Units
                                                        11, 12 (along the
                                                        Nabesna Road), 13,
                                                        and the residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, McKinley
                                                        Village, and the
                                                        area along the Parks
                                                        Highway between
                                                        milepost 216 and 239
                                                        (except no
                                                        subsistence for
                                                        residents of Denali
                                                        National Park
    13(D).........................  Goat.............  No Federal
    13(A) & (D)...................  Moose............  Residents of Unit 13
                                                        and the residents of
    13(B).........................  Moose............  Residents of Units
                                                        13, 20(D) except
                                                        Fort Greely, and the
                                                        residents of
    13(C).........................  Moose............  Residents of Units
                                                        12, 13 and the
                                                        residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, Healy
                                                        Lake, and Dot Lake.
    13(E).........................  Moose............  Residents of Unit 13
                                                        and the residents of
                                                        Chickaloon and of
                                                        McKinley Village,
                                                        and the area along
                                                        the Parks Highway
                                                        between milepost 216
                                                        and 239 (except no
                                                        subsistence for
                                                        residents of Denali
                                                        National Park
    13(D).........................  Sheep............  No Federal
    [[Page 35826]]
    13............................  Wolf.............  Residents of Units 6,
                                                        9, 10 (Unimak Island
                                                        only), 11-13 and the
                                                        residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, and 16-
    13............................  Grouse (Spruce,    Residents of Units
                                     Blue, Ruffed &     11, 13 and the
                                     Sharp tailed).     residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, 15, 16,
                                                        20(D), 22 & 23.
    13............................  Ptarmigan (rock,   Residents of Units
                                     Willow and White-  11, 13 and the
                                     tailed.            residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, 15, 16,
                                                        20(D), 22 & 23.
    Unit 14(B) and (C)............  Brown Bear.......  No Federal
    14............................  Goat.............  No Federal
    14............................  Moose............  No Federal
    14(A) and (C).................  Sheep............  No Federal
    Unit 15(C)....................  Black Bear.......  Resident of Port
                                                        Graham and Namwalek
    15, remainder.................  Black Bear.......  No Federal
    15............................  Brown Bear.......  No Federal
    15(C), Port Graham and English  Goat.............  Residents of Port
     Bay hunt areas..                                   Graham and Nanwale,
    15(C), Seldovia hunt area.....  Goat.............  Residents Seldovia
    15............................  Moose............  Residents of
                                                        Ninilchik, Nanwalek,
                                                        Port Graham, and
    15............................  Sheep............  No Federal
    15............................  Ptarmigan (Rock,   Residents of Unit 15.
                                     Willow and White-
    15............................  Grouse (Spruce)..  Residents of Unit 15.
    15............................  Grouse (Ruffed)..  No Federal
    16(B).........................  Black Bear.......  Residents of Unit
    16............................  Brown Bear.......   No Federal
    16(A).........................  Moose............  No Federal
    16(B).........................  Moose............  Residents of Unit
    16............................  Sheep............  No Federal
    16............................  Wolf.............  Residents of Units 6,
                                                        9, 10 (Unimak Island
                                                        only), 11-13 and the
                                                        residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, and 16-
    16............................  Grouse (Spruce,    Residents of Units
                                     Blue, Ruffed and   11, 13 and the
                                     Sharp-tailed).     residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, 15, 16,
                                                        20(D), 22 and 23.
    16............................  Ptarmigan (Rock,   Residents of Units
                                     Willow and White-  11, 13 and the
                                     tailed).           residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, 15, 16,
                                                        20(D), 22 and 23.
    Unit 17(A) and that portion of  Black Bear.......  Residents of Units
     17(B) draining into Nuyakuk                        9(A) and (B), 17,
     Lake and Tikchik Lake.                             and resident of
                                                        Akaik and Akiachak.
    17, remainder.................  Black Bear.......  Residents of Units
                                                        9(A) and (B), and
    17(A).........................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Unit 17,
                                                        and residents of
                                                        Akiak, Akiachak,
                                                        Goodnews Bay and
    17(A) and (B), those portions   Brown Bear.......  Residents of
     north and west of a line                           Kwethluk.
     beginning from the Unit 18
     boundary at the northwest end
     of Nenevok Lake, to the
     southern point of upper
     Togiak Lake, and northeast to
     the northern point of Nuyakuk
     Lake, northeast to the point
     where the Unit 17 boundary
     intersects the Shotgun Hills.
    17(B), that portion draining    Brown Bear.......  Residents of Akaik
     into Nuyakuk Lake and Tikchik                      and Akiachak.
    17(B) and (C).................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Unit 17.
    17............................  Caribou..........  Residents of Units
                                                        9(B), 17 and
                                                        residents of Lime
                                                        Village and Stony
    Unit 17(A), that portion west   Caribou..........  Residents of Goodnews
     of the Izaveieknik River,                          Bay, Platinum,
     Upper Togiak Lake, Togiak                          Quinhagak, Eek,
     Lake, and the main course of                       Tuntutuliak, and
     the Togiak River.                                  Napakiak.
    17(A) and (B), those portions   Caribou..........  Residents of
     north and west of a line                           Kwethluk.
     beginning from the Unit 18
     boundary at the northwest end
     of Nenevok Lake, to the
     southern point of upper
     Togiak Lake, and northeast to
     the northern point of Nuyakuk
     Lake, northeast to the point
     where the Unit 17 boundary
     intersects the Shotgun Hills.
    Unit 17(B), that portion of     Caribou..........  Residents of Bethel,
     Togiak National Wildlife                           Goodnews Bay,
     Refuge within Unit 17(B).                          Platinum, Quinhagak,
                                                        Eek, Tuntutuliak,
                                                        and Napakiak.
    17(A) and (B), those portions   Moose............  Residents of
     north and west of a line                           Kwethluk.
     beginning from the Unit 18
     boundary at the northwest end
     of Nenevok Lake, to the
     southern point of upper
     Togiak Lake, and northeast to
     the northern point of Nuyakuk
     Lake, northeast to the point
     where the Unit 17 boundary
     intersects the Shotgun Hills.
    17(A).........................  Moose............  Residents of Unit 17
                                                        and residents of
                                                        Goodnews Bay and
                                                        Platinum; however,
                                                        no subsistence for
                                                        residents of
                                                        Akiachak, Akiak and
    17(B) and (C).................  Moose............  Residents of Unit 17,
                                                        and residents of
                                                        Nondalton, Levelock,
                                                        Goodnews Bay, and
    17............................  Wolf.............  Residents of Units 6,
                                                        9, 10 (Unimak Island
                                                        only), 11-13 and the
                                                        residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, and 16-
    17............................  Beaver...........  Residents of Units
                                                        9(A), (B), (C), (E),
                                                        and 17.
    [[Page 35827]]
    Unit 18.......................  Black Bear.......  Residents of Unit 18,
                                                        residents of Unit
                                                        19(A) living
                                                        downstream of the
                                                        Holokuk River, and
                                                        residents of Holy
                                                        Cross, Stebbins, St.
                                                        Michael, Twin Hills,
                                                        and Togiak.
    18............................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of
                                                        Akiachak, Akiak,
                                                        Eek, Goodnews Bay,
                                                        Kwethluk, Mt.
                                                        Village, Napaskiak,
                                                        Platinum, Quinhagak,
                                                        St. Mary's, and
    18............................  Craibou (Kilbuck   INTERIM DETERMINATION
                                     caribou herd       BY FEDERAL
                                     only).             SUBSISTENCE BOARD
                                                        residents of
                                                        Tuluksak, Akiak,
                                                        Akiachak, Kwethluk,
                                                        Bethel, Oscarville,
                                                        Napaskiak, Napakiak,
                                                        Tuntutliak, Eek,
                                                        Quinhagak, Goodnews
                                                        Bay, Platinum,
                                                        Togiak, and Twin
    18, north of the Yukon River..  Caribou (except    Residents of
                                     Kilbuch caribou    Alakanuk,
                                     herd).             Andreafsky, Chevak,
                                                        Emmonak, Hooper Bay,
                                                        Kotlik, Kwethluk,
                                                        Marshall, Mountain
                                                        Village, Pilot
                                                        Station, Pitka's
                                                        Point, Russian
                                                        Mission, St. Marys,
                                                        St. Michael, Scammon
                                                        Bay, Sheldon Point,
                                                        and Stebbins.
    18, remainder.................  Caribou (except    Residents of
                                     Kilbuch caribou    Kwethluk.
    18, that portion fo the Yukon   Moose............  Residents of Unit 18
     River drainage upstream of                         and residents of
     Russian Mission and that                           Upper Kalskag, Lower
     portion of the Kuskokwim                           Kalskag, Aniak, and
     River drainage upstream of,                        Chuathbaluk.
     but not including the
     Tuluksak River drainage.
    18, remainder.................  Moose............  Residents of Unit 18
                                                        and residents of
                                                        Upper Kalskag and
                                                        Lower Kalskag.
    18............................  Muskox...........  No Federal
    18............................  Wolf.............  Residents of Units 6,
                                                        9, 10 (Unimak Island
                                                        only), 11-13 and the
                                                        residents of
                                                        Chickaloon and 16-
    Unit 19(C), (D)...............  Bison............  No Federal
    19(A) and (B).................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Units 19
                                                        and 18 within the
                                                        Kuskokwim River
                                                        drainage upstream
                                                        from, and including,
                                                        the Johnson River.
    19(C).........................  Brown Bear.......  No Federal
    19(D).........................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Units
                                                        19(A) and (D), and
                                                        residents of Tulusak
                                                        and Lower Kalskag.
    19(A) and (B).................  Caribou..........  Residents of Units
                                                        19(A) and 19(B),
                                                        residents of Unit 18
                                                        within the Kuskokwim
                                                        River drainage
                                                        upstream from, and
                                                        including, the
                                                        Johnson River, and
                                                        residents of St.
                                                        Marys, Marshall,
                                                        Pilot Station,
                                                        Russian Mission.
    19(C).........................  Caribou..........  Residents of Unit
                                                        19(C), and residents
                                                        of Lime Village,
                                                        McGrath, Nikolai,
                                                        and Telida.
    19(D).........................  Caribou..........  Residents of Unit
                                                        19(D), and residents
                                                        of Lime Village,
                                                        Sleetmute, and Stony
    19(A) and (B).................  Moose............  Residents of Unit 18
                                                        within Kuskokwim
                                                        River drainage
                                                        upstream from and
                                                        including the
                                                        Johnson River, and
                                                        Unit 19.
    Unit 19(B), west of the         Moose............  Residents of Eek and
     Kogrukluk River.                                   Quinhagak.
    19(C).........................  Moose............  Residents of Unit 19.
    19(D).........................  Moose............  Residents of Unit 19
                                                        and residents of
                                                        Lake Minchumina.
    19............................  Wolf.............  Residents of Units 6,
                                                        9, 10 (Unimak Island
                                                        only), 11-13 and the
                                                        residents of
                                                        Chickaloon and 16-
    Unit 20(D)....................  Bison............  No Federal
    20(F).........................  Black Bear.......  Residents of Unit
                                                        20(F) and residents
                                                        of Stevens Village
                                                        and Manley.
    20(E).........................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Unit 12
                                                        and Dot Lake.
    20(F).........................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Unit
                                                        20(F) and residents
                                                        of Stevens Village
                                                        and Manley.
    20(A).........................  Caribou..........  Residents of
                                                        Cantwell, Nenana,
                                                        and those domiciled
                                                        between milepost 216
                                                        and 239 of the Parks
                                                        Highway. No
                                                        subsistence priority
                                                        for residents of
                                                        households of the
                                                        Denali National Park
    20(B).........................  Caribou..........  Residents of Unit
                                                        20(B), Nenana, and
    20(C).........................  Caribou..........  Residents of Unit
                                                        20(C) living east of
                                                        the Teklanika River,
                                                        residents of
                                                        Cantwell, Lake
                                                        Minchumina, Manley
                                                        Hot Springs, Minto,
                                                        Nenena, Nikolai,
                                                        Tanana, Talida, and
                                                        those domiciled
                                                        between milepost 216
                                                        and 239 of the Parks
                                                        Highway and between
                                                        milepost 300 and
                                                        309. No subsistence
                                                        priority for
                                                        residents of
                                                        households of the
                                                        Denali National Park
    20(D) and (E).................  Caribou..........  Residents of 20(D),
                                                        20(E), and Unit 12
                                                        north of the
                                                        Wrangell-St. Elias
                                                        National Park and
    [[Page 35828]]
    20(F).........................  Caribou..........  Residents of 20(F),
                                                        25(D), and Manley.
     20(A)........................  Moose............  Residents of
                                                        Cantwell, Minto, and
                                                        Nenana, McKinley
                                                        Village, the area
                                                        along the Parks
                                                        Highway between
                                                        mileposts 216 and
                                                        239, except no
                                                        subsistence for
                                                        residents of
                                                        households of the
                                                        Denali National Park
    20(B).........................  Moose............  Minto Flats
                                                        Management Area--
                                                        residents of Minto
                                                        and Nenana.
    20(B).........................  Moose............  Remainder--residents
                                                        of Unit 20(B), and
                                                        residents of Nenana
                                                        and Tanana.
    20(C).........................  Moose............  Residents of Unit
                                                        20(C) (except that
                                                        portion within
                                                        Denali National Park
                                                        and Preserve and
                                                        that portion east of
                                                        the Teklanika
                                                        River), and
                                                        residents of
                                                        Cantwell, Manley,
                                                        Minto, Nenana, the
                                                        Parks Highway from
                                                        milepost 300-309,
                                                        Nikolai, Tanana,
                                                        Telida, McKinley
                                                        Village, and the
                                                        area along the Parks
                                                        Highway between
                                                        mileposts 216 and
                                                        239. No subsistence
                                                        for residents of
                                                        households of the
                                                        Denali National Park
    20(D).........................  Moose............  Residents of Unit
                                                        20(D) and residents
                                                        of Tanacross.
    20(F).........................  Moose............  Residents of Unit
                                                        20(F), Manley,
                                                        Minto, and Stevens
    20(F).........................  Wolf.............  Residents of Unit
                                                        20(F) and residents
                                                        of Stevens Village
                                                        and Manley.
    20, remainder.................  Wolf.............  Residents of Units 6,
                                                        9, 10 (Unimak Island
                                                        only), 11-13 and the
                                                        residents of
                                                        Chickaloon and 16-
    20(D).........................  Grouse, (Spruce,   Residents of Units
                                     Blue, Ruffed and   11, 13 and the
                                     Sharp-tailed).     residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, 15, 16,
                                                        20(D), 22, and 23.
    20(D).........................  Ptarmigan (Rock,   Residents of Units
                                     Willow and White-  11, 13 and the
                                     tailed).           residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, 15, 16,
                                                        20(D), 22, and 23.
    Unit 21.......................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Units 21
                                                        and 23.
    21(A).........................  Caribou..........  Residents of Units
                                                        21(A), 21(D), 21(E),
                                                        Aniak, Chuathbaluk,
                                                        Crooked Creek,
                                                        McGrath, and
    21(B) & (C)...................  Caribou..........  Residents of Units
                                                        21(B), 21(C), 21(D),
                                                        and Tanana.
    21(D).........................  Caribou..........  Residents of Units
                                                        21(B), 21(C), 21(D),
                                                        and Huslia.
    21(E).........................  Caribou..........  Residents of Units
                                                        21(A), 21(E) and
                                                        Aniak, Chuathbaluk,
                                                        Crooked Creek,
                                                        McGrath, and
    21(A).........................  Moose............  Residents of Units
                                                        21(A), (E), Takotna,
                                                        McGrath, Aniak, and
                                                        Crooked Creek.
    21(B) and (C).................  Moose............  Residents of Units
                                                        21(B) and (C),
                                                        Tanana, Ruby, and
    21(D).........................  Moose............  Residents of Units
                                                        21(D), Huslia, and
    21(E).........................  Moose............  Residents of Unit
                                                        21(E) and residents
                                                        of Russian Mission.
    21............................  Wolf.............  Residents of Units 6,
                                                        9, 10 (Unimak Island
                                                        only), 11-13 and the
                                                        residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, and 16-
    Unit 22(A)....................  Black Bear.......  Residents of Unit
                                                        22(A) and Koyuk.
    22(B).........................  Black Bear.......  Residents of Unit
    22(C), (D), and (E)...........  Black Bear.......  No Federal
    22............................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Unit 22
    22(A).........................  Caribou..........  Residents of Unit
                                                        21(D) west of the
                                                        Koyukuk and Yukon
                                                        Rivers, and
                                                        residents of Units
                                                        22 (except residents
                                                        of St. Lawrence
                                                        Island), 23, 24, and
                                                        residents of Kotlik,
                                                        Emmonak, Hooper Bay,
                                                        Scammon Bay, Chevak,
                                                        Marshall, Mountain
                                                        Village, Pilot
                                                        Station, Pitka's
                                                        Point, Russian
                                                        Mission, St. Marys,
                                                        Sheldon Point, and
    22, remainder.................  Caribou..........  Residents of Unit
                                                        21(D) west of the
                                                        Koyukuk and Yukon
                                                        Rivers, and
                                                        residents of Units
                                                        22 (except residents
                                                        of St. Lawrence
                                                        Island), 23, 24.
    22............................  Moose............  Residents of Unit 22.
    22(B).........................  Muskox...........  Residents of Unit
    22(C).........................  Muskox...........  Residents of Unit
    22(D).........................  Muskox...........  Residents of Unit
                                                        22(D) excluding St.
                                                        Lawrence Island.
    22(E).........................  Muskox...........  Residents of Unit
                                                        22(E) excluding
                                                        Little Diomede
    22............................  Wolf.............  Residents of Units
                                                        23, 22, 21(D) north
                                                        and west of the
                                                        Yukon River, and
                                                        residents of Kotlik.
    22............................  Grouse (Spruce,    Residents of Units
                                     Blue, Ruffed and   11, 13 and the
                                     Sharp-tailed).     residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, 15, 16,
                                                        20(D), 22, and 23.
    22............................  Ptarmigan (Rock,   Residents of Units
                                     Willow and White-  11, 13 and the
                                     tailed).           residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, 15, 16,
                                                        20(D), 22, and 23.
    Unit 23.......................  Black Bear.......  Residents of Unit 23,
                                                        Alatna, Allakaket,
                                                        Bettles, Evansville,
                                                        Galena, Hughes,
                                                        Huslia, and Koyukuk.
    [[Page 35829]]
    23............................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Units 21
                                                        and 23.
    23............................  Caribou..........  Residents of Unit
                                                        21(D) west of the
                                                        Koyukuk and Yukon
                                                        Rivers, residents of
                                                        Galena, and
                                                        residents of Units
                                                        22, 23, 24 including
                                                        residents of Wiseman
                                                        but not including
                                                        other residents of
                                                        the Dalton Highway
                                                        Corridor Management
                                                        Area, and 26(A).
    23............................  Moose............  Residents of Unit 23.
    23, south of Kotzebue Sound     Muskox...........  Residents of Unit 23
     and west of and including the                      south of Kotzebue
     Buckland River drainage.                           Sound and west of
                                                        and including the
                                                        Buckland River
    23, remainder.................  Muskox...........  Residents of Unit 23
                                                        east and north of
                                                        the Buckland River
    23............................  Sheep............  Residents of Point
                                                        Lay and Unit 23
                                                        north of the Arctic
    23............................  Wolf.............  Residents of Units 6,
                                                        9, 10 (Unimak Island
                                                        only), 11-13 and the
                                                        residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, and 16-
    23............................  Grouse (Spruce,    Residents of Units
                                     Blue, Ruffed and   11, 13 and the
                                     Sharp-tailed).     residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, 15, 16,
                                                        20(D), 22, and 23.
    23............................  Ptarmigan (Rock,   Residents of Units
                                     Willow and White-  11, 13 and the
                                     tailed).           residents of
                                                        Chickaloon, 15, 16,
                                                        20(D), 22, and 23.
    Unit 24, that portion south of  Black Bear.......  Residents of Stevens
     Caribou Mountain, and within                       Village and
     the public lands composing or                      residents of United
     immediately adjacent to the                        24 and Wiseman, but
     Dalton Highway Corridor                            not including any
     Management Area.                                   other residents of
                                                        the Dalton Highway
                                                        Corridor Management
    24, remainder.................  Black Bear.......  Residents of Unit 24
                                                        and Wiseman, but not
                                                        including any other
                                                        residents of the
                                                        Dalton Highway
                                                        Corridor Management
    24, that portion south of       Brown Bear.......  Residents of Stevens
     Caribou Mountain, and within                       Village and
     the public lands composing or                      residents of Unit 24
     immediately adjacent to the                        and Wiseman, but not
     Dalton Highway Corridor                            including any other
     Management Area..                                  residents of the
                                                        Dalton Highway
                                                        Corridor Management
    24, remainder.................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Unit 24
                                                        including Wiseman,
                                                        but not including
                                                        any other residents
                                                        of the Dalton
                                                        Highway Corridor
                                                        Management Area.
    24............................  Caribou..........  Residents of Unit 24
                                                        including Wiseman,
                                                        but not including
                                                        any other residents
                                                        of the Dalton
                                                        Highway Corridor
                                                        Management Area;
                                                        residents of Galena,
                                                        Kobuk, Koyukuk,
                                                        Stevens Village, and
    24............................  Moose............  Residents of Unit 24,
                                                        Koyukuk, and Galena.
    24............................  Sheep............  Residents of Unit 24
                                                        residing north of
                                                        the Arctic Circle
                                                        and residents of
                                                        Allakaket, Alatna,
                                                        Hughes, and Huslia.
    24............................  Wolf.............  Residents of Units 6,
                                                        9, 10 (Unimak Island
                                                        only), 11-13 and the
                                                        residents of
                                                        Chickaloon and 16-
    Unit 25(D)....................  Black Bear.......  Residents of 25(D).
    25(D).........................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Unit
    25, remainder.................  Brown Bear.......  No Federal
    25(D).........................  Caribou..........  Residents of 20(F),
                                                        25(D), and Manley.
    25(A).........................  Moose............  Residents of Units
                                                        25(A) and 25(D).
    25(D) West....................  Moose............  Residents of Beaver,
                                                        Birch Creek, and
                                                        Stevens Village.
    25(D), remainder..............  Moose............  Residents of
                                                        Remainder of Unit
    25(A).........................  Sheep............  Residents of Arctic
                                                        Village, Chalkytsik,
                                                        Fort Yukon,
                                                        Kaktovik, and
    25(B) and (C).................  Sheep............  No Federal
    25(D).........................  Wolf.............  Residents of Unit
    25, remainder.................  Wolf.............  Residents of Units 6,
                                                        9, 10 (Unimak Island
                                                        only), 11-13 and the
                                                        residents of
                                                        Chickaloon and 16-
    Unit 26.......................  Brown Bear.......  Residents of Unit 26
                                                        (except the Prudhoe
                                                        Industrial Complex)
                                                        and residents of
                                                        Anaktuvuk Pass and
                                                        Point Hope.
    26(A).........................  Caribou..........  Residents of Unit 26,
                                                        Anaktuvuk Pass and
                                                        Point Hope.
    26(B).........................  Caribou..........  Residents of Unit 26,
                                                        Anaktuvuk Pass,
                                                        Point Hope, and
    26(C).........................  Caribou..........  Residents of Unit 26,
                                                        Anaktuvuk Pass and
                                                        Point Hope.
    26............................  Moose............  Residents of Unit 26,
                                                        (except the Prudhoe
                                                        Industrial Complex),
                                                        and residents of
                                                        Point Hope and
                                                        Anaktuvuk Pass.
    26(A).........................  Muskox...........  Residents of
                                                        Anaktuvuk Pass,
                                                        Atqasuk, Barrow,
                                                        Nuiqsut, Point Hope,
                                                        Point Lay, and
    26(B).........................  Muskox...........  Residents of
                                                        Anaktuvuk Pass,
                                                        Nuiqsut, and
    26(C).........................  Muskox...........  Residents of
    26(A).........................  Sheep............  Residents of Unit 26,
                                                        Anaktuvuk Pass, and
                                                        Point Hope.
    26(B).........................  Sheep............  Residents of Unit 26,
                                                        Anaktuvuk Pass,
                                                        Point Hope, and
    26(C).........................  Sheep............  Residents of Unit 26,
                                                        Anaktuvuk Pass,
                                                        Arctic Village,
                                                        Chalkytsik, Fort
                                                        Yukon, Point Hope,
                                                        and Venetie.
    [[Page 35830]]
    26............................  Wolf.............  Residents of Units 6,
                                                        9, 10 (Unimak Island
                                                        only), 11-13 and the
                                                        residents of
                                                        Chickaloon and 16-
    * * * * *
        Dated: June 9, 1999.
    James A. Caplan,
    Acting Regional Forester, UDSA-Forest Service.
        Dated: June 7, 1999.
    Thomas H. Boyd,
    Acting Chair, Federal Subsistence Board.
    [FR Doc. 99-16410 Filed 6-30-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-11-P; 4310-55-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Final rule; correction.
Document Number:
This correction to 36 CFR 242.24 and 50 CFR 100.24 is effective October 1, 1999. The effective dates for 36 CFR 242.26 and 242.27 and 50 CFR 100.26 and 100.27 are corrected to be October 1, 1999 through February 28, 2001.
35821-35830 (10 pages)
1018-AD68: Subsistence Management Regulations for Public Lands in Alaska
RIN Links:
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CFR: (2)
36 CFR 242
50 CFR 100