99-16773. Sustainable Development Challenge Grant Program  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 126 (Thursday, July 1, 1999)]
    [Pages 35650-35656]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-16773]
    Sustainable Development Challenge Grant Program
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Solicitation of proposals for FY 1999/2000.
    SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is soliciting 
    proposals for the combined FY 1999/2000 Sustainable Development 
    Challenge Grant (SDCG) program, one of President Clinton's ``high 
    priority'' actions described in the March 16, 1995 report, 
    ``Reinventing Environmental Regulation.'' EPA also is soliciting 
    comments on the SDCG program's overall design. The EPA anticipates that 
    approximately $9.4 million will be available for the SDCG program in FY 
    1999/2000. This includes $4.7 million already authorized by Congress 
    for FY 1999 and an additional $4.7 million requested for the program in 
    the President's FY 2000 Budget Request and subject to Congressional 
        The SDCG program challenges communities to invest in a sustainable 
    future that links environmental protection, economic prosperity and 
    community well-being. It provides an opportunity to develop place-based 
    approaches to problem solving that can be replicated in other 
    communities. The SDCG program strongly encourages community members, 
    business and government entities to work cooperatively to develop 
    flexible, locally-oriented approaches that link place-based 
    environmental management and quality of life activities with 
    sustainable development and revitalization. These grants are intended 
    to catalyze community-based projects to promote environmentally and 
    economically sustainable development; build partnerships which increase 
    a community's capacity to take steps that will ensure the long-term 
    health of ecosystems and humans, economic vitality, and community well-
    being; and leverage public and private investments to enhance 
    environmental quality by enabling community efforts to continue beyond 
    the period of EPA funding.
        EPA will select projects on a competitive basis using the criteria 
    outlined in the section titled ``SDCG Program Criteria.'' Applicants 
    may compete for funding from EPA in two ranges for FY 1999/2000: (1) 
    Requesting $30,000 to $100,000 with a total project budget of $125,000 
    or less and (2) requesting between $100,001 and $250,000 with no limit 
    on the total project budget amount. Proposals will compete with other 
    proposals in the same range (i.e., a proposal for $30,000-$100,000 will 
    not compete with a proposal requesting $100,001-$250,000). Applicants 
    in each category are required to provide a minimum 20% match from non-
    federal funding sources.
        This document includes the following: Background information on the 
    Sustainable Development Challenge Grant program; the process for 
    preparing and submitting proposals; a description of the FY 1999/2000 
    program; the program's relationship to other related EPA activities; 
    the SDCG Program Criteria; and the selection and award process.
    DATES: The period for submission of proposals for FY 1999/2000 will 
    begin upon publication of this Federal Register document. Project 
    proposals must be postmarked by September 29, 1999 to be considered for 
    Submission of Proposals
        Please provide an original and four copies of your entire proposal 
    to the regional representative listed below for the state in which your 
    project will take place. Applicants applying for $100,000 or less are 
    only required to submit an original and one copy of the proposal. 
    Proposals must be postmarked no later than September 29, 1999 to be 
    considered for funding. Telefaxed or electronic submissions will not be 
    accepted. An acknowledgment of receipt for your proposal will be sent 
    by your respective EPA Regional Office. This should take a minimum of 
    two weeks from the postmark date. We expect to announce final 
    selections in April 2000 and to complete the full grant award process, 
    including grant workplan negotiations with the appropriate EPA Region, 
    by June 2000.
        Preparing the SDCG Proposal: Proposals should not exceed eight (8) 
    page sides (four double-sided pages, single or double-spaced). Where 
    proposals exceed the eight pages in length, the additional pages will 
    not be considered.
         Items 2 through 5 in the list below count towards the (8) 
    page maximum. The only items not included in the eight (8) page maximum 
    are the Summary Information Page (item 1) and the Mandatory Attachments 
    described in item 6 (these are your Proof of Non-profit Status, and 
    your Letters of Commitment from match partners).
         The new EPA Small Grants Policy states that any grant 
    proposal requesting $100,000 or less is not required to submit a 
    proposal which exceeds five (5) page sides. These applicants may, 
    however, submit up to the eight page limit if they so desire.
         Please do not use covers, binders or folders.
         Proposals should be submitted on 8\1/2\ x 11'' recycled 
    paper and be double-sided.
         Use no smaller than 10-point type and have one inch page 
    margins all around.
        The project proposal should contain the following in the given 
    [[Page 35651]]
        (1) Summary Information Page (recommended length: 1 page) that 
    A. Applicant Information
         Project title and location;
         Applicant name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-
    mail address;
         Type of applicant organization, e.g., non-profit, state, 
    local government, Native American (American Indians and Alaskan Native 
    Villages), or educational;
         Name of project contact, address, telephone and fax 
    numbers, and e-mail address;
         Indicate if the project is being done in cooperation with 
    or funded by another federal or EPA program; if so, please identify the 
         Project category (see the section titled ``List of 
    Potential Project Categories'' and choose those that apply; feel free 
    to use a different category from those listed if it better describes 
    your project).
    B. Summary Budget Information
         Dollar Amount Requested from EPA
         Dollar Amount of Matching Funds
         Dollar Amount of Total Project Budget
         Match Percentage
    C. Match Partner Information
         List of Organizations (including addresses) providing 
         Match Amount
        The Summary Information page does not count against the eight page 
        (2) Project Overview (Recommended page length: (1) Briefly address 
    the following questions. Your responses provide an overview of the 
    proposed project and help reviewers understand the context of your 
    proposal. You have the opportunity to expand on these questions when 
    addressing the SDCG Program Criteria.
         What is the role of your organization in the community?
         Where will the activity occur and what is the geographic 
    scale of the proposed activity (community, city, watershed, region, 
         What are the goals and objectives of the project?
         What are the project's expected results and what vision do 
    you have for the ultimate impact of activity (what do you expect to see 
    change over time among the people involved, the physical environment, 
    and the environmental, economic or social conditions)?
        (3) SDCG Program Criteria (Recommended page length: 3-4) Address 
    the program criteria question-by-question. Include criteria subheadings 
    (Sustainability, Community Commitment and Contribution, and Measurable 
    Results and Evaluation) and use the question numbers to organize your 
    responses. The specific criteria are found in the ``SDCG Program 
    Criteria'' section. Definitions of some of the key terms included in 
    the criteria are provided at the end of this notice.
        (4) Project Schedule and Time-Frame (Recommended page length: \1/2\ 
    page) Show when you expect to complete significant steps and milestones 
    in your project. Clearly depict the project's duration, and include 
    months and dates. Use July 1, 2000 as the project start date (the exact 
    date will be negotiated with EPA if your project is selected). One to 
    three year project duration is permitted under the SDCG program. See 
    the sample schedule below:
    Convene project team--Jul 1, 2000
    Complete Task 1 (include brief description of task)--Oct 30, 2000
    Complete Task 2 (include brief description of task)--Mar 15, 2001
    Complete Task 3 (include brief description of task)--Jun 1, 2001
    Complete final report--Jun 30, 2001
        (5) Budget Detail (Recommended page length: \1/2\ page) Be sure to 
    review the section titled ``Funding Ranges and Match'' before preparing 
    your budget. Prepare a proposed budget showing expected costs by major 
    categories (personnel, travel, supplies, rent, subcontracts, etc.). 
    This should include how the matching funds (i.e., funds provided from 
    non-federal sources) will be spent, what the sources of those funds 
    are, and whether the funds are cash, in-kind, or both. Proposals that 
    do not document a minimum 20% match via commitment letters will not be 
    considered. See the sample budget format provided below:
                                        EPA share      funds        Total
    Staff Salaries and Benefits......      $33,000       $8,000      $41,000
    Travel...........................        7,000            0        7,000
    Supplies.........................        3,000        1,000        4,000
    Service Contract.................        5,000        3,000        8,000
        Totals.......................       48,000       12,000       60,000
    Break-Down of Matching Funds:
        Your Organization--$5,000 (in-
        Cityville, USA--$3,000 (cash)
        Cityville, USA--$3,000 (in-
        LocalBusiness, Inc.--$1,000
        (6) Mandatory Attachments (These items do not count toward the page 
        A. Proof of Non-profit Status. All non-governmental applicants must 
    attach articles of incorporation or other documentation demonstrating 
    non-profit status. For more information, see the section titled 
    ``Eligible Applicants.'' Applications without this documentation will 
    not be considered.
        B. Match Commitment Letters. Letters of commitment from ALL 
    partners contributing matching funds (cash and/or in-kind) to the 
    project must be submitted with your proposal, not sent separately or at 
    a later date. Commitment letters from project partners must specify the 
    nature of the match (cash or in-kind services), the dollar value of the 
    match, and the role the contributor will play in the project. Project 
    partners providing matching funds must certify that the funds will be 
    available during the project period. Letters must be submitted on 
    letterhead (if applicable), signed by an individual with authority to 
    commit funds, and include the organization's telephone number and 
    address. Letters can be addressed to the appropriate EPA contact for 
    your proposal or to the organization submitting the proposal. 
    Applications submitted without commitment letters confirming available 
    match funds will not be considered. Please do not send letters of 
    general support from non-match partners or
    [[Page 35652]]
    others; they will not be used in the evaluation and review process.
    Submission of Comments
        EPA also is requesting comments on the overall content and design 
    of the FY 1999/2000 Program. Please send comments to Dr. Lynn Desautels 
    at EPA Headquarters in Washington, DC via letter, fax, or e-mail (see 
    For Further Information for specifics). Your comments will be used to 
    help the agency make further improvements in the program in subsequent 
    funding years. Please submit your comments by December 1, 1999.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact the regional representative for your 
    state or Dr. Lynn Desautels, Director, Sustainable Development 
    Challenge Grant Program, Office of the Administrator, U.S. EPA (MC 
    1306), 401 M Street SW, Washington, DC 20460, telephone (202) 260-6812, 
    fax (202) 260-2555, e-mail desautels.lynn@epa.gov.
    Regional Offices
    Rosemary Monahan, US EPA Region I, 1 Congress Street, Suite 1100, 
    RSP, Boston, MA 02114-2023, (617) 918-1087, 
    monahan.rosemary@epa.gov. States: ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, RI
    Marcia Seidner, US EPA Region 2, 290 Broadway, 26th Floor, New York, 
    NY 10007-1866, (212) 637-3590, seidner.marcia@epa.gov. States & 
    Territories: NY, NJ, PR, VI
    Theresa Martella, US EPA Region 3, 1650 Arch Street (3CB00), 
    Philadelphia, PA 19103, (215) 814-5423, martella.theresa@epa.gov. 
    States: DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV
    Annette N. Hill, US EPA Region 4, OPM, 61 Forsyth Street, SW, 
    Atlant, GA 30303, (404) 562-8287, [email protected] States: 
    AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN
    Janette Marsh, US EPA Region 5, 77 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 
    60604-3507, (312) 886-4856, marsh.janette@epa.gov, States: MN, WI, 
    MI, IL, IN, OH
    Diana Hinds, US EPA Region 6, Fountain Place, Suite 1200, 1445 Ross 
    Avenue, Dallas, TX 75202-2733, (214) 665-7561, hinds.diana@epa.gov, 
    States: AR, LA, NM, OK, TX
    Dick Sumpter, US EPA Region 7, 901 N. 5th Street, Kansas City, KS 
    66101, (913) 551-7661, sumpter.richard@epa.gov, States: KS, MO, NE, 
    David Schaller, US EPA Region 8, 999 18th Street, Suite 500, Denver, 
    CO 80202-2466, (303) 312-6146, schaller.david@epa.gov, States: CO, 
    MT, ND, SD, UT, WY
    Nova Blazej, US EPA Region 9, 75 Hawthorne Street (CMD-7), San 
    Francisco, CA 94105, (415) 744-2089, blazej.nova@epa.gov, States & 
    Territories: CA, NV, AZ, HI, AS, GU
    Anne Dalrymple, US EPA Region 10, 1200 Sixth Avenue (01-085), 
    Seattle, WA 98101, (206) 553-0199, dalrymple.anne@epa.gov, States: 
    AK, ID, OR, WA
    Headquarters Office
    Dr. Lynn Desautels, Director, Sustainable Development Challenge 
    Grant Program, Office of the Administrator, US EPA, MC 1306, 401 M 
    Street SW MC 1306, Washington, D.C. 20460, (202) 260-6812 (SDCG 
    Line) desautels.lynn@epa.gov
    Overview of the Sustainable Development Challenge Grant Approach
        The Sustainable Development Challenge Grant (SDCG) program is an 
    important opportunity for EPA to award competitive grants that leverage 
    private and other public sector investment in communities (ranging in 
    size from neighborhoods to cities to larger geographic areas such as 
    watersheds or metropolitan areas). These grants will build partnerships 
    that will increase the capacity of communities to ensure long-term 
    environmental protection through the application of sustainable 
    development strategies. EPA intends these competitive grants to be 
    catalysts that challenge communities to invest in a more sustainable 
        The program encourages communities to recognize and build upon the 
    fundamental connection between environmental protection, economic 
    prosperity and community well-being. Accomplishing this linkage 
    requires integrating environmental protection in policy and decision-
    making at all levels of government and throughout the economy. 
    Achieving sustainability is a responsibility shared by environmental, 
    community and economic interests.
        The SDCG program recognizes the significant role that communities 
    have and should play in environmental protection. The program 
    acknowledges that sustainable development is often best designed and 
    implemented at a community level and encourages projects that can be 
    replicated in other communities. This emphasis on strong community 
    involvement requires a commitment to ensuring that all residents of a 
    community, of varying economic and social groups, have opportunities to 
    participate in decision-making and benefit from successful sustainable 
    development activities. Only through the combined efforts and 
    collaboration of government, private organizations and individuals can 
    our communities, regions, states, and nation achieve the benefits of 
    sustainable development. In keeping with this philosophy, the EPA will 
    implement this program consistent with the principles of Executive 
    Order 12898, ``Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in 
    Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations'' (February 11, 1994). 
    We encourage submissions from Empowerment Zones and Enterprise 
        The EPA initiated the SDCG program as a pilot effort in 1996 and 
    has funded 96 of the 2,218 proposals received in the first three years 
    of the program (FY96, 97, 98) for a total of approximately $10,500,000. 
    Project descriptions for all of the projects funded to date are 
    available via the Internet at http:www.epa.gov/ecocommunity (see ``List 
    of Potential Project Categories'' for further information).
    Linkages to Other Initiatives
        EPA and its state and local partners continue to refine how 
    environmental protection is accomplished in the United States. The 
    Agency recognizes that environmental progress will not be achieved 
    solely by regulation. Innovative attitudes of regulatory agencies 
    combined with individual, institutional, and corporate responsibility, 
    commitment and stewardship will be needed to assure adequate protection 
    of the earth's resources. The Sustainable Development Challenge Grant 
    program is consistent with other community-based efforts EPA has 
    introduced, such as the Brownfields Initiative, Environmental Justice 
    Small Grants Program, Project XL, the President's American Heritage 
    Rivers Initiative, the Watershed Protection Approach, the Clean Water 
    Action Plan, Transportation Partners, the $mart Growth Network, and the 
    Community-Based Environmental Protection Approach. The Sustainable 
    Development Challenge Grant program is also a step in implementing 
    ``Agenda 21, the Global Plan of Action on Sustainable Development,'' 
    signed by the United States at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 
    1992. All of these programs require broad community participation to 
    identify and address environmental issues.
        Through the Sustainable Development Challenge Grant program, EPA 
    also intends to further the vision and goals of the President's Council 
    on Sustainable Development (PCSD), created in 1993 by President 
    Clinton. EPA is coordinating existing urban environmental programs 
    within the Agency and with other federal, state and local agencies. The 
    President charged the Council, composed of corporate, government, and 
    non-profit representatives, to find ways to ``bring people together to 
    meet the needs of the present without jeopardizing the future.'' The 
    Council has declared this vision:
    [[Page 35653]]
        ``Our vision is of a life-sustaining Earth. We are committed to 
    the achievement of a dignified, peaceful and equitable existence. We 
    believe a sustainable United States will have a growing economy that 
    equitably provides opportunities for satisfying livelihoods and a 
    safe, healthy, high quality of life for current and future 
    generations. Our nation will protect its environment, its natural 
    resource base, and the functions and viability of natural systems on 
    which all life depends.'' (February 1996)
        The Sustainable Development Challenge Grant program furthers this 
    vision by encouraging community-based sustainable development 
    Eligible Applicants
        Eligible applicants include: (1) Incorporated non-profit (or not-
    for-profit) private agencies, institutions and organizations, and (2) 
    public (state, county, regional or local) agencies, institutions and 
    organizations, including those of Native Americans (American Indians 
    and Alaskan Native Villages), the District of Columbia, the 
    Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or any territory or possession of the U.S. 
    Applicants must be located in, and project activities must be conducted 
    within, the U.S., the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or a territory or 
    possession of the U.S. While state agencies are eligible they are 
    encouraged to work in partnership with community groups and other non-
    profit organizations. Federal agencies are not eligible for funding, 
    however, they are also encouraged to work in partnership with state and 
    local agencies and non-governmental organizations on these projects. 
    Profit-making organizations and individuals are not eligible for 
    funding; however, they are encouraged to participate in sustainability 
    efforts in their community by becoming partners with eligible 
        Non-profit Status: Applicants are not required to have a formal 
    Internal Revenue Service (IRS) non-profit designation, such as 
    501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4), however they must present their letter of 
    incorporation documenting their non-profit or not-for-profit status. 
    This requirement does not apply to public agencies. Failure to enclose 
    the letter of incorporation documenting an applicant's non-profit or 
    not-for-profit status will result in an incomplete submission and the 
    proposal will not be reviewed. Applicants who do have an IRS 501(c)(4) 
    designation are not eligible for grants if they engage in lobbying, no 
    matter what the source of funding for the lobbying activity. No 
    recipient may use grant funds for lobbying. Further, profit-makers are 
    not eligible to receive sub-grants from eligible recipients, although 
    they may receive contracts, subject to EPA's regulations on procurement 
    under assistance agreements, 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 30.40 
    (for non-governmental recipients) and 40 CFR 31.36 (for governments).
    SDCG Program Criteria
        The proposed project must meet the two statutory threshold 
    determinations described below in the Statutory Authority section. 
    Then, proposals will be ranked according to how well they address and 
    integrate the SDCG Program Criteria. Definitions of some of the key 
    terms used in the criteria are included at the end of this notice. A 
    higher ranking will be given to those proposals which clearly and 
    comprehensively meet and integrate the greatest number of criteria, 
    address serious environmental problems, and are likely to produce 
    successful results. Applicants should address each of the three 
    criteria sections question-by-question. If a proposal does not address 
    one or more criteria, the applicant must clearly state why these 
    criteria were not addressed.
    (A) Sustainability: 50 Points
        A1. How do the proposed project solutions integrate and sustain 
    environmental protection, economic prosperity and community well-being 
    at the community level and at the regional level?
        A2. How does the proposal address the ways in which future 
    generations are affected by the proposed project?
        A3. What are the specific environmental, economic, and community 
    problem(s) the proposal addresses and what are their significance?
        A4. What type of sustainable behavior is desired, and what type of 
    non-sustainable behavior needs to be changed?
        A5. How do the environmental solutions proposed illustrate an 
    ecosystem approach to environmental protection? An ecosystem approach 
    is one that looks at a specific area and addresses the air, land, 
    water, plants, animals, and people as an integrated and interconnected 
        A6. How do the proposal's environmental and economic impacts 
    promote community well-being for all people in the community?
        A7. How does the proposal assure that the project's activities do 
    not exhaust or degrade the environment in your community or shift the 
    problem to another community or another part of the environment?
        A8. How do the environmental solutions proposed by the project lead 
    to long-term economic vitality? For example, will the project lead to 
    more sustainable use of natural resources, reduce consumption of non-
    renewable resources, create a more skilled and flexible labor force, 
    and maximize local financial resources?
        A9. How does the proposal represent new solutions for the 
    community, given their previous history and current circumstances?
        A10. How does the project build upon lessons learned from similar 
    sustainable development projects conducted in your community or 
    (B) Community Commitment and Contribution: 25 Points
        B1. How do your partners fully represent those in the community who 
    have an interest in or will be affected by the project?
        B2. What methods will be used for community involvement to assure 
    that all affected by the project are provided an opportunity to 
        B3. Does the community have in place the legal and regulatory 
    authority they need to implement the project?
        B4. What evidence is there of long-term commitment to the proposal? 
    Describe how you plan to continue the work after the grant ends or how 
    this project will evolve into other efforts.
    (C) Measurable Results and Evaluation: 25 Points
        C1. What are the achievable short-term (within three years) and 
    long-term objectives that will be used to measure the proposal's 
    contribution to sustainability? These objectives should be both 
    quantitative and qualitative.
        C2. For planning or visioning proposals: Once the plan or vision is 
    developed, what next steps will be taken to ensure the plan or vision 
    is implemented? How will the plan or vision's contribution be measured?
        C3. How will you measure and evaluate how well the project meets 
    its goals and objectives? Goal and objective measures should be both 
    qualitative and quantitative, and should assess the project's 
    contribution to sustainability.
        C4. In what ways will the project be transferable to other 
    communities and how will you transfer that information?
    List of Potential Project Categories
        EPA welcomes proposals for many types of demonstration projects 
    under the SDCG program. Those most likely to be chosen for funding will 
    innovatively link solutions for significant environmental, economic and 
    community issues and problems. Short descriptions of all previously 
    funded SDCG projects can be found on the
    [[Page 35654]]
    Internet at our web site: ``www.epa.gov/ecocommunity.'' If you do not 
    have Internet access, copies of these descriptions can be obtained from 
    your regional representative or from our headquarters office (see 
    section titled ``For Further Information''). The list below illustrates 
    some of the categories that best describe projects previously funded 
    under this program. Projects often fall under more than one category. 
    The list is not intended to be exhaustive, and proposed projects may 
    fit into several categories or into new categories.
         Comprehensive planning for sustainable growth.
         Comprehensive resource management and restoration (e.g. 
    watershed restoration, habitat protection, wildlife corridors, 
    greenways, wetlands, local environmental features, etc.).
         Educational ecology or environment-based tourism 
    supporting local communities.
         Green business incentives.
         Sustainability indicators.
         Sustainable agriculture.
         Sustainable forestry.
         Green building design.
         Community revitalization and redevelopment.
         Sustainability education.
         Community/local government tools for sustainability.
         Sustainable energy systems.
         Materials reuse.
        Since the program seeks to fund innovative ideas, proposals that 
    are repetitious of earlier funded projects must state how the proposal 
    addresses new aspects of the problem or issue. Proposals focused on 
    planning or visioning should clearly state goals and objectives and 
    indicate the next steps for implementation. Projects do not have to 
    fall into a single project type, but can incorporate aspects of several 
    project types.
    Funding Ranges and Match
        Applicants may compete for funding from EPA in two ranges for FY 
    1999/2000: (1) Requesting $30,000 to $100,000 with a total project 
    budget of $125,000 or less, and (2) requesting between $100,001 and 
    $250,000 with no limit on total project budget. Proposals will compete 
    with other proposals in the same range. Applicants in each category are 
    required to demonstrate how they will meet the minimum 20% non-federal 
    match. Applicants may submit multiple proposals, however, each proposal 
    must be for a separate and distinct project. No organization may 
    receive funding for more than one grant each year under the SDCG 
    program, and projects awarded in any given year will be ineligible for 
    future funding from this program. Applicants who have received funding 
    under this program in the past are eligible to receive funds for new 
    projects which are unrelated to the previously funded projects.
        This program is intended to provide seed money to leverage a 
    broader public and private investment in sustainability activities. As 
    a result, the program requires a minimum non-federal match of at least 
    20% of the total project budget. The total budget includes (1) EPA's 
    share, (2) funds identified as match, and (3) any other funds directly 
    supporting the project. EPA strongly encourages applicants to leverage 
    as much investment in community sustainability as possible. EPA views 
    this leverage as a measure of community support and an indication of 
    the possible longevity of the project. The match can come from a 
    variety of public and private sources and can include in-kind goods and 
    services. No Federal funds, however, can be used as matching funds 
    without specific statutory authority. The match must be calculated in 
    accordance with the following example calculation:
        (1) If you want to request $100,000 from EPA, your match amount is 
    not $20,000. You calculate the amount of match you must provide by 
    dividing the amount you are requesting by 80%. For example:
    $100,000 divided by .8 = $125,000 (total project costs)
    (2) Amount Requested From US EPA--$100,000
    Your Match--+25,000
    Total Project Budget--$125,000
        These equations calculate the minimum match required. Your match 
    must be at least 20% to be eligible for funding; fractions (e.g. 19.5%) 
    will not be rounded up.
        Note: Consistent with the provisions of the Omnibus Territories 
    Act, as amended, 48 U.S.C. 1469a(d), the match requirement is waived 
    for applications submitted by the governments of American Samoa, 
    Guam, the Virgin Islands, or the Northern Mariana Islands.
        In-Kind Contributions to Meet Your Match Requirement: In-kind 
    contributions are non-cash contributions to a project. Volunteered 
    services and donated supplies (use of equipment, office/meeting space, 
    printing, etc.) used toward your match are called ``in-kind 
    contributions,'' which you are allowed to count toward the required 
    match. Volunteered services may include a bookkeeper's maintenance of 
    your group's financial records and preparation of required financial 
    reports; an auditor's review of your group's financial records; a 
    lawyer's aid in drafting a contract for your technical advisor(s), etc. 
    You must place a reasonable monetary value on your in-kind 
    contributions and include them in your budget. You must be prepared to 
    document in-kind contributions in your records. Rates for volunteer 
    services must be consistent with rates in your community for similar 
    services and may not include fringe benefits, overhead or profit. EPA 
    can only provide funds for project costs that are allowable under EPA 
    statutory authority. The funds that match partners contribute to a 
    successful challenge grant can only be counted toward match if they are 
    for costs which EPA can fund. If selected to receive an SDCG grant, 
    applicants and their match partners are subject to audit to ensure that 
    all costs are appropriate. If costs are ineligible or the grantee 
    cannot properly document match dollars , the grantee would be liable 
    for the disallowed costs.
        FOIA, CBI, and Enforcement Screening: Applicants should be aware 
    that proposals submitted under this or any other EPA grant program are 
    subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). This means that 
    anyone can request and receive copies of all the information submitted 
    in your grant proposal. If your application contains any Confidential 
    Business Information (CBI), be sure to highlight it so the 
    confidentiality can be protected in the event of a FOIA request.
        Finalists for challenge grant awards may be screened to ensure that 
    the applicants and their match partners are in compliance with 
    applicable EPA statutes.
        Duration: Funded projects are expected to be structured for a 
    period of one to three years.
    What Costs Can Be Paid?
        Even though a proposal may involve an eligible applicant, eligible 
    activity, and eligible purpose, grant funds cannot necessarily pay for 
    all of the costs which the recipient might incur in the course of 
    carrying out the project. Allowable costs, including those paid for by 
    matching funds, are determined by reference to EPA regulations cited 
    below and to OMB Circulars A-122, ``Cost Principles for Non-profit 
    Organizations,'' A-21 ``Cost Principles for Education Institutions,'' 
    and A-87, ``Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal 
    Governments.'' Generally, costs which are allowable include salaries, 
    equipment, supplies, training, rental of office space, etc., as long as 
    these are ``necessary and reasonable.''
    [[Page 35655]]
    Entertainment costs are an example of unallowable costs.
    Statutory Authority
        EPA expects to award Sustainable Development Challenge Grants 
    program under the following eight grant authorities: Clean Air Act 
    section 103(b)(3); Clean Water Act section 104 (b)(3); Resource 
    Conservation and Recovery Act section 8001; Toxics Substances Control 
    Act section 10; Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act 
    section 20; Safe Drinking Water Act sections 1442(a) and (c); National 
    Environmental Education Act, section 6; and Pollution Prevention Act, 
    section 6605.
        In addition to the program criteria listed in the SDCG Program 
    Criteria section above, a proposal must meet the following two 
    important threshold criteria to be considered for funding:
        Threshold Criterion #1. A project must consist of activities 
    authorized under one or more of the eight EPA grant authorities cited 
    above. Most of the statutes authorize grants for the following 
    activities: ``research, investigations, experiments, training, 
    demonstrations, surveys and studies.'' These activities relate 
    generally to the gathering or transferring of information or advancing 
    the state of knowledge. Grant proposals should emphasize this 
    ``learning'' concept, as opposed to ``fixing'' an environmental problem 
    via a well-established method. For example, a proposal to plant some 
    trees in an economically depressed area in order to prevent erosion 
    would probably not in itself fall within the statutory terms 
    ``research, studies, demonstrations,'' etc., nor would a proposal to 
    start a routine recycling program. The project's activities must 
    advance the state of knowledge or transfer information. The statutory 
    term ``demonstration'' can encompass the first instance of the 
    application of pollution control and prevention techniques, or an 
    innovative application of a previously used method. The term 
    ``research'' may include the application of established practices when 
    they contribute to ``learning'' about an environmental concept or 
        Threshold Criterion #2. In order to be funded, a project's focus 
    generally must be one that is specified in the statutes listed above. 
    For most of the statutes, a project must address the causes, effects, 
    extent, prevention, reduction, and elimination of air, water, or solid/
    hazardous waste pollution, or, in the case of grants under the Toxic 
    Substances Control Act or the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and 
    Rodenticide Act, to ``carrying out the purposes of the Act.'' While the 
    purpose of the SDCG program will include the other two aspects of 
    sustainable development (economic prosperity and community well-being), 
    the overarching concern or principal focus must be on the statutory 
    purpose of the applicable grant authority, in most cases ``to prevent 
    or control pollution.'' In light of this, proposals relating to other 
    topics which are sometimes included within the term ``environment'' 
    such as recreation, conservation, restoration, protection of wildlife 
    habitats, etc., should describe the relationship of these topics to the 
    statutorily required purpose of pollution prevention and/or control. 
    For assistance in understanding statutory authorities under which EPA 
    is providing these grants, please contact your EPA representative 
    listed earlier in this notice.
    Selection and Award Process
        EPA will select Sustainable Development Challenge Grant recipients 
    for FY 1999/2000 through a national competition. EPA Regional Offices 
    will assess how well the proposals meet the program criteria and 
    forward their top proposals to EPA Headquarters for review by a 
    national panel consisting of EPA Headquarters and Regional 
    representatives. Proposals will be evaluated and final selections will 
    be recommended by the national panel. The panel's recommendations will 
    be presented to EPA Senior Management for final selection. In making 
    these final selections such factors as geographic diversity, project 
    diversity, costs, matching funds, and project transferability or 
    replicability may be considered. We expect to announce final selections 
    in April 2000 and to complete the full grant award process, including 
    workplan negotiations with the appropriate EPA Region, by June 2000.
        Although the selections will be made nationally, SDCG grants will 
    be awarded and managed by the appropriate EPA Regional Offices. 
    Applicants selected to receive SDCG grants will be contacted by the 
    appropriate EPA Regional Office, and will be requested to submit a full 
    grant application (i.e. Application for Domestic Federal Assistance). 
    Your EPA Regional Contact will provide you with the information you 
    need, and will be available to answer any questions.
        Sustainable Development: Sustainable development means integrating 
    environmental protection and community and economic goals. Sustainable 
    development meets the needs of the present generation without 
    compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 
    The sustainable development approach seeks to encourage broad-based 
    community participation and public and private investment in decisions 
    and activities that define a community's environmental and economic 
    future and community well-being.
        Community Well-being: In the sustainable development context, 
    community well-being means understanding and considering the impacts of 
    activity on the diversity of cultures, values, and traditions in a 
    community and on the overall quality of life. It acknowledges both 
    current and future generations. Community well-being means ensuring 
    that all members of the community, regardless of ethnic or cultural 
    group, age or income, have access to services provided through the 
    sustainable development project, and that the benefits/burdens of the 
    project are fairly distributed.
        Community: The scale used to define ``community'' under this 
    challenge grant program will vary with the issues, problems, or 
    opportunities that an applicant intends to address. The SDCG program 
    recognizes the significant role that communities have and should play 
    in environmental protection. ``Community'' means a geographic area 
    within which different groups and individuals share common interests 
    related to their homes and businesses, their personal and professional 
    lives, the surrounding natural landscape and environment, and the local 
    or regional economy. A community can be one or more local governments, 
    a neighborhood within a small or large city, a large metropolitan area, 
    a small or large watershed, an airshed, tribal lands, ecosystems of 
    various scales, or some other specific geographic area with which 
    people identify.
        Non-sustainable Behavior: Development, or land and water 
    activities, management or uses, which limit the ability of humans and 
    ecosystems to live sustainably by destroying or degrading ecological 
    values and functions, diminishing the material quality of life, 
    diverting economic benefits away from long-term community prosperity, 
    and decreasing the long-term capacity for sustainability.
        Pollution Prevention: Any practice that (1) reduces the amount of 
    any hazardous substance, pollutant or contaminant entering any waste 
    stream or released into the environment (including fugitive emissions) 
    prior to recycling, treatment or disposal, and (2) reduces the hazards 
    associated with such substances, pollutants or contaminants; and (3) 
    other practices
    [[Page 35656]]
    that reduce or eliminate the creation of pollutants through increased 
    efficiency in the use of raw materials, energy, water or other 
    resources; or (4) protection of natural resources by conservation.
    Applicable Grant Regulations
        40 CFR part 30 for other than state/local governments, for example, 
    non-profit organizations (see 61 FR 6065 (Feb. 15, 1996)), and part 31 
    for state and local governments and Indian tribes.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        The information collection provisions in this document for 
    solicitation of proposals are approved by the Office of Management and 
    Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. 
    in a generic Information Collection Request titled Generic 
    Administrative Requirements for Assistance Programs (ICR No. 938.06 and 
    OMB Approval No. 2030-0020). A copy of the Information Collection 
    Request (ICR No. 938.06) may be obtained from Sandy Farmer in the 
    Regulatory Information Division, EPA, 401 M Street, SW (Mail Code 
    2137), Washington, DC 20460 or by calling (202) 260-2740.
        Dated: June 25, 1999.
    Peter D. Robertson,
    Acting Deputy Administrator.
    [FR Doc. 99-16773 Filed 6-30-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Solicitation of proposals for FY 1999/2000.
Document Number:
The period for submission of proposals for FY 1999/2000 will begin upon publication of this Federal Register document. Project proposals must be postmarked by September 29, 1999 to be considered for funding.
35650-35656 (7 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File: