2019-13939. Excepted Service  

  • Start Preamble


    Office of Personnel Management (OPM).




    This notice identifies Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities applicable to a single agency that were established or revoked from February 1, 2019 to February 28, 2019.

    Start Further Info


    Julia Alford, Senior Executive Resources Services, Senior Executive Services and Performance Management, Employee Services, 202-606-2246.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    In accordance with 5 CFR 213.103, Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities available for use by all agencies are codified in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities applicable to a single agency are not codified in the CFR, but the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) publishes a notice of agency-specific authorities established or revoked each month in the Federal Register at www.gpo.gov/​fdsys/​. OPM also publishes an annual notice of the consolidated listing of all Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities, current as of June 30, in the Federal Register.

    Schedule A

    No Schedule A Authorities to report during February 2019.

    Schedule B

    No Schedule B Authorities to report during February 2019.

    Schedule C

    The following Schedule C appointing authorities were approved during February 2019.Start Printed Page 31365

    Agency nameOrganization namePosition titleAuthorization No.Effective date
    DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREOffice of the Assistant Secretary for Congressional RelationsSenior Congressional Advisor Special AssistantDA190040 DA19005802/05/2019 02/13/2019
    Food and Nutrition ServiceConfidential AssistantDA19004602/06/2019
    Office of CommunicationsPress AssistantDA19004702/22/2019
    Office of Under Secretary for Natural Resources and EnvironmentStaff AssistantDA19004102/06/2019
    DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCEBureau of Industry and SecurityPolicy AdvisorDC19005002/22/2019
    Office of the Director General of the United States and Foreign Commercial Service and Assistant Secretary for Global MarketsSenior Advisor for United States and Foreign Commercial ServiceDC19004002/13/2019
    Office of Policy and Strategic PlanningPolicy AssistantDC19003602/06/2019
    Office of Public AffairsSpeechwriter and Press AssistantDC19004802/22/2019
    Office of the Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for AdministrationConfidential AssistantDC19002702/01/2019
    Office of the General CounselSpecial AdvisorDC19003802/14/2019
    DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSEOffice of the Under Secretary of Defense (Policy)Special Assistant (2)DD190057 DD19006002/22/2019 02/22/2019
    DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONOffice of Legislation and Congressional AffairsConfidential AssistantDB19006102/13/2019
    Office of Communications and OutreachSpecial Assistant (Supervisory) Confidential AssistantDB190063 DB19006502/22/2019 02/22/2019
    DEPARTMENT OF ENERGYOffice of the Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental AffairsSpecial AssistantDE19005302/04/2019
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for International AffairsSpecial AssistantDE19004102/01/2019
    Office of National Nuclear Security AdministrationDirector of Congressional AffairsDE19005402/13/2019
    Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security and Emergency ResponseSpecial AssistantDE19006202/27/2019
    Office of General CounselSpecial AssistantDE19005902/28/2019
    Office of Technology TransitionSenior AdvisorDE19006002/28/2019
    Office of the SecretarySpecial AssistantDE19005702/28/2019
    ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCYOffice of Public AffairsDeputy Associate Administrator for Regional AffairsEP19002202/04/2019
    Office of the AdministratorSenior AdvisorEP19002902/11/2019
    Senior Advisor for Health and Human SafetyEP19001602/26/2019
    Office of the Associate Administrator for Congressional and Intergovernmental RelationsAttorney-Advisor (General) Special Advisor for the Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental AffairsEP190034 EP19004202/22/2019 02/26/2019
    Office of the Chief Financial OfficerAssociate Chief Financial Officer for PolicyEP19003302/22/2019
    Office of the General CounselAttorney-Advisor (General) (2)EP19003502/22/2019
    Region II—New York, New YorkSenior AdvisorEP19004002/28/2019
    Region V—Chicago, IllinoisSenior Advisor for WaterEP19002502/11/2019
    FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSIONOffice of Commissioner McNamee Office of the ChairmanSenior Technical Advisor Senior Public Affairs SpecialistDR190003 DR19000402/22/2019 02/28/2019
    FEDERAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH REVIEW COMMISSIONFederal Mine Safety and Health Review CommissionConfidential AssistantFR19000202/26/2019
    GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATIONNorthwest/Arctic RegionSenior AdvisorGS19001502/06/2019
    DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICESOffice of Administration for Community LivingAdvisorDH19005902/12/2019
    Office of Food and Drug AdministrationDirector of CommunicationsDH19006302/22/2019
    Office of Administration for Children and FamiliesSenior Advisor for Communications Chief of StaffDH190070 DH19007502/11/2019 02/27/2019
    Office of Intergovernmental and External AffairsSenior AdvisorDH19002502/27/2019
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and ResponseSenior Policy AdvisorDH19005402/28/2019
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public AffairsAdvisor—Strategic CommunicationsDH19006802/15/2019
    Office of the Deputy SecretaryAssistantDH19006702/11/2019
    DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITYOffice of Assistant Secretary for Legislative AffairsSenior AdvisorDM19007402/12/2019
    Start Printed Page 31366
    DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENTOffice of Fair Housing and Equal OpportunitySenior AdvisorDU19002302/06/2019
    Office of Field Policy and ManagementSpecial AssistantDU19002402/06/2019
    Regional AdministratorDU19002802/06/2019
    Office of the General CounselSenior Counsel (2)DU19003102/11/2019
    Paralegal SpecialistDU19003602/22/2019
    Office of the SecretarySpecial Policy AssistantDU19003702/26/2019
    Office of Policy Development and ResearchSpecial Policy AdvisorDU19003802/26/2019
    DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOROffice of the Assistant Secretary—Land and Minerals ManagementAdvisorDI19002102/13/2019
    Office of the Assistant Secretary—Water and ScienceSenior AdvisorDI19001602/26/2019
    DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICEOffice of Legal PolicyCounselDJ19002902/11/2019
    Office of Public AffairsMedia Affairs SpecialistDJ19002602/13/2019
    Executive Office for United States AttorneysSecretaryDJ19001602/27/2019
    DEPARTMENT OF LABOROffice of Workers Compensation ProgramsChief of StaffDL19001402/06/2019
    Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental AffairsSenior Legislative OfficerDL19002602/06/2019
    Office of Employment and Training AdministrationChief of StaffDL19002102/12/2019
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for PolicyCounsel and Policy AdvisorDL19001702/13/2019
    MERIT SYSTEMS PROTECTION BOARDOffice of the General CounselConfidential Assistant Special AssistantMP190004 MP19000502/28/2019 02/28/2019
    NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATIONOffice of the Deputy AdministratorSpecial AssistantNN19001502/06/2019
    NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARDOffice of Board MembersSpecial AssistantTB19000102/12/2019
    OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES TRADE REPRESENTATIVEOffice of Congressional AffairsDirector of Congressional AffairsTN19000202/22/2019
    SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONOffice of the Administrator Office of Communications and Public LiaisonDirector of Scheduling Digital DirectorSB190006 SB19000902/06/2019 02/13/2019
    DEPARTMENT OF STATEBureau of Economic and Business AffairsSenior Advisor Special AssistantDS190025 DS19003902/06/2019 02/27/2019
    Bureau of Education and Cultural AffairsSpecial AdvisorDS19003002/04/2019
    Bureau of Public AffairsPress SecretaryDS19003302/13/2019
    Office of the Chief of ProtocolProtocol OfficerDS19002802/11/2019
    DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONOffice of the Assistant Secretary for Governmental AffairsSenior Governmental Affairs OfficerDT19003302/01/2019
    Office of the SecretarySpecial Assistant for Scheduling and AdvanceDT19002502/27/2019
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Transportation PolicySpecial Assistant for Public EngagementDT19003702/27/2019
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Budget and ProgramsSpecial Assistant for Budget and ProgramsDT19004302/28/2019
    DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRSOffice of the General Counsel Office of the Secretary and DeputyCounselor (Healthcare) White House LiaisonDV190032 DV19003302/01/2019 02/14/2019

    The following Schedule C appointing authorities were revoked during February 2019.

    Agency nameOrganization namePosition titleRequest No.Date vacated
    DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREFarm Service AgencyState Executive Director—WashingtonDA17019002/02/2019
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Congressional RelationsPolicy AdvisorDA17016702/02/2019
    Office of the SecretaryConfidential AssistantDA18011502/08/2019
    DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCEOffice of the Chief of StaffConfidential AssistantDC18021002/15/2019
    Immediate OfficeSpecial Advisor to the Secretary and Director of the Immediate Office of the SecretaryDC18000102/16/2019
    Start Printed Page 31367
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Economic DevelopmentLegislative Affairs SpecialistDC19001002/16/2019
    Office of Director General of the United States and Foreign Commercial Service and Assistant Secretary for Global MarketsSenior AdvisorDC17013402/27/2019
    OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSEOffice of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Homeland Defense and Global Security)Special Assistant to Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Cyber)DD17019802/02/2019
    Office of the Secretary of DefenseAdvance OfficerDD18002702/02/2019
    Protocol OfficerDD18001802/02/2019
    Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Policy)Special Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Europe and North Atlantic Treaty Organization)DD18002402/02/2019
    DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONOffice for Civil RightsConfidential AssistantDB17011202/02/2019
    Office of Elementary and Secondary EducationSenior AdvisorDB19000602/02/2019
    Office of the SecretaryConfidential Assistant (Protocol)DB18004102/02/2019
    Office of the Under SecretaryExecutive DirectorDB18002902/02/2019
    DEPARTMENT OF ENERGYOffice of Assistant Secretary for Electricity Delivery and Energy ReliabilitySenior Advisor for External AffairsDE18002402/02/2019
    Office of Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergySpecial AdvisorDE17016902/02/2019
    Office of ManagementDirector of SchedulingDE17012402/02/2019
    Office of Assistant for Congressional and Intergovernmental AffairsSpecial AssistantDE18014402/16/2019
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Fossil EnergySenior AdvisorDE18006002/16/2019
    Office of the SecretarySpecial AssistantDE18011802/16/2019
    Office of the Under Secretary for ScienceSenior AdvisorDE18004802/16/2019
    DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICESOffice of the Assistant Secretary for Financial ResourcesDeputy Assistant Secretary, Congressional RelationsDH18016802/02/2019
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for HealthSenior Policy AdvisorDH18010302/02/2019
    Office of the General CounselAssociate Deputy General CounselDH18004902/02/2019
    Office of the SecretarySpecial AssistantDH18016002/02/2019
    Office of Administration for Children and FamiliesChief of StaffDH18021802/03/2019
    Office of Health Resources and Services Administration, Office of the AdministratorPolicy AdvisorDH17034602/16/2019
    DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENTOffice of Community Planning and DevelopmentSpecial Policy AdvisorDU18003702/17/2019
    Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental RelationsAdvisor for Intergovernmental RelationsDU18004202/02/2019
    Senior AdvisorDU17011802/16/2019
    Office of Field Policy and ManagementSpecial AssistantDU18003302/16/2019
    Office of HousingChief of StaffDU18005502/02/2019
    Office of Public AffairsPress SecretaryDU18002102/16/2019
    Office of the Deputy SecretarySenior Executive OfficerDU19001502/04/2019
    DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICEOffice of Antitrust DivisionCounselDJ17015202/02/2019
    Office of the Associate Attorney GeneralSenior CounselDJ18013902/08/2019
    Office of the Attorney GeneralConfidential AssistantDJ18011402/07/2019
    Special AssistantDJ18010102/28/2019
    Office of the Environment and Natural Resources DivisionChief of Staff and CounselDJ18003202/12/2019
    DEPARTMENT OF LABOROffice of the SecretaryCounsel to the SecretaryDL17005902/16/2019
    ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCYOffice of Public AffairsPress Secretary Deputy Associate Administrator for State and Regional AffairsEP180006 EP17008502/02/2019 02/16/2019
    Office of the Assistant Administrator for Land and Emergency ManagementSenior Advisor to the Administrator for Land and Emergency ManagementEP17006702/16/2019
    Office of the Associate Administrator for Congressional and Intergovernmental RelationsDeputy Associate Administrator for Congressional RelationsEP17005302/15/2019
    Start Printed Page 31368
    FEDERAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH REVIEW COMMISSIONFederal Mine Safety and Health Review CommissionConfidential AssistantFR18000202/22/2019
    GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATIONOffice of Congressional and Intergovernmental AffairsCommunications AdvisorGS17004402/02/2019
    SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONOffice of the AdministratorWhite House LiaisonSB18003802/23/2019
    Start Authority

    Authority: 5 U.S.C. 3301 and 3302; E.O. 10577, 3 CFR, 1954-1958 Comp., p. 218.

    End Authority Start Signature

    Office of Personnel Management.

    Alexys Stanley,

    Regulatory Affairs Analyst.

    End Signature End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 2019-13939 Filed 6-28-19; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 6325-39-P