94-16632. Claims Collection Standards; Debt Collection Act of 1982: Administrative Offset  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 131 (Monday, July 11, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-16632]
    Federal Register / Vol. 59, No. 131 / Monday, July 11, 1994 /
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: July 11, 1994]
                                                       VOL. 59, NO. 131
                                                  Monday, July 11, 1994
    5 CFR Part 179
    RIN 3206-AF28
    Claims Collection Standards; Debt Collection Act of 1982: 
    Administrative Offset
    AGENCY: Office of Personnel Management.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is issuing final 
    regulations to govern the collection of debts owed to the United States 
    which arose from transactions involving OPM's administrative accounts. 
    These regulations implement the debt collection procedures provided 
    under the Debt Collection Act of 1982 (Act). The Act authorizes the 
    Federal Government to collect debts by means of administrative offset 
    from other payments due the debtor from the United States, without the 
    debtor's consent, provided that the debtor is properly notified and 
    given the opportunity to exercise certain administrative rights. OPM's 
    collection of debts due the Retirement and Insurance Group for payment 
    to the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund, Employees' Life 
    Insurance Fund, the Retired Federal Employees Health Benefits Fund, or 
    the Employees' Health Benefits Fund is governed by other regulatory 
    DATES: These regulations are effective July 11, 1994.
    Anna Wilson, Chief, Financial Policy Division, Office of the Chief 
    Financial Officer, (CFO) (202) 606-5075.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 10 of the Debt Collection Act of 
    1982 (Act) (Pub. L. 97-365) codified at 31 U.S.C. 3701 et seq., makes 
    several changes in the way Executive and Legislative agencies collect 
    debts owed the Government. The purpose of the Act is to improve the 
    ability of the Government to collect monies owed it.
        Under the Act, administrative offset may be initiated when the head 
    of an agency determines that an individual or entity is indebted to the 
    United States, or is notified by the head of another agency that a 
    person or entity is indebted to the United States and that the debtor 
    is owed monies by the United States as a result of transactions with a 
    Federal agency. After the debtor has received certain due process 
    rights, the debt may be collected by administratively offsetting the 
    debt against the amount due.
        Under the Act, before the Government may collect a debt by 
    administrative offset, a debtor must be provided with notice that a 
    debt is owed, the opportunity to inspect and copy Government records 
    relating to the debt, the option to enter into a written repayment 
    agreement, and an opportunity for review of the agency's determination 
    concerning the existence of the amount of the debt, or the repayment 
    terms. The debtor must notify the agency of his or her intent to 
    exercise these rights within time periods prescribed in these 
        The Act permits the agency to initiate an administrative offset 
    prior to the completion of the due process requirements if failure to 
    do so would substantially jeopardize the agency's ability to collect 
    the debt and if the time remaining before payment is to be made does 
    not reasonably permit completion of the due process procedures. Such 
    prior offset must be followed by completion of the due process 
        The Act requires agencies to issue regulations for administrative 
    offset. This final rule establishes the procedures the Office of 
    Personnel Management (OPM) will follow in making an administrative 
    offset from funds paid to a debtor from OPM's administrative accounts. 
    These regulations apply to the collection of debts owed to the United 
    States arising from transactions with OPM other than those involving 
    payments made from the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 
    (the Fund) or where a request for an offset from OPM's administrative 
    accounts--other than the Fund--is received by OPM from another Federal 
    Agency. Regulations for other agencies to request OPM's Retirement and 
    Insurance Group to recover a debt from the Fund are provided at subpart 
    R of part 831 and subpart D of part 845 of title 5, Code of Federal 
    Regulations. These regulations are consistent with the Federal Claims 
    Collection Standards on administrative offset issued jointly by the 
    Department of Justice and the General Accounting Office as set forth in 
    4 CFR 102.3.
        OPM has determined that this document is interpretative because it 
    implements a definitive statutory scheme and the requirements contained 
    in regulations promulgated by the Department of Justice and the General 
    Accounting Office. Accordingly, no Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is 
    required pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(A). In addition, because this rule 
    relates to agency management and personnel, no Notice of Proposed 
    Rulemaking is required pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(a)(2). For these 
    reasons, a delayed effective date is not required pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 
    Analysis and Comments
        The Interim Rule was published in the Federal Register on November 
    19, 1993 (58 FR 60991). The comment period closed on January 18, 1994. 
    Two labor organizations responded with comments. OPM has fully 
    considered all of their comments.
    Section 179.303  General
        One commenter cited 28 U.S.C. 2415 to question the validity of the 
    time allowed for commencing actions brought by the United States (6 
    years rather than 10 years). Section (i) of 28 U.S.C. 2415 states: 
    ``The provisions of this section shall not prevent the United States or 
    an officer or agency thereof from collecting any claim of the United 
    States by means of administrative offset, in accordance with section 
    3716 of title 31.'' That provision precludes agencies from initiating 
    offset to collect a debt more than 10 years after the Government's 
    right to collect the debt first accrued, with certain exceptions 
    explained in that section.
    Section 179.305  Agency Review
        A commenter expressed concern that the discretion allowed to 
    suspend transactions in an alleged debtor's account pending resolution 
    of an appeal (179.305(c)) would have a ``chilling effect on such 
    appeals by depriving appellants of funds that would otherwise be 
    available to them.'' The intent of the regulations is to suspend 
    transactions in the account(s) to the extent of the debt owed unless 
    there is evidence of fraud. The language has been modified to clarify 
    that intent.
        Another commenter requested that we add to the same section: ``Upon 
    lifting the suspension * * * any payments, removals, or transfers, as 
    well as lost interest or discounts due to the debtor that had been 
    precluded due to temporary suspension of transactions in any of the 
    debtor's accounts shall be applied retroactively to cover the period of 
    suspension.'' This authority is not stated in the Debt Collection Act, 
    and without specific authority, OPM is not authorized to take this 
    Section 179.306  Written Agreement for Repayment
        A commenter requested an increase in the amount of time allowed for 
    submission of a financial statement from 10 business days to 30 
    business days (i.e., from 2 weeks to 6 weeks) ``to allow the debtor 
    sufficient time to accurately prepare the financial statement.'' OPM 
    feels that 10 business days is adequate for the average debtor to 
    present a statement of his or her finances. An audited financial 
    statement is not required. Exceptions will have to be considered on a 
    case-by-case basis.
    Section 179.308  Accelerated Procedure
        A commenter wished to add ``with interest'' at the end of the 
    paragraph. The Debt Collection Act of 1982 requires the assessment of 
    interest, penalty fees, and administrative costs on delinquent debts as 
    a means of strengthening enforcement of collections; however, it makes 
    no provision to pay interest to the debtor for erroneous collections. 
    OPM is not authorized to make such payments in the absence of a 
    specific statute or authority permitting such payments.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        No notice of proposed rulemaking is required for these regulations, 
    and the provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et 
    seq.) do not apply.
    List of Subjects in 5 CFR Part 179
    Office of Personnel Management.
    James B. King,
        Accordingly, OPM is amending part 179 of title 5 of the Code of 
    Federal Regulations as follows:
        1. The authority citation in part 179 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 31 U.S.C. 952; 5 U.S.C. 1103; Reorganization Plan No. 
    2 of 1978; 5 U.S.C. 5514; 5 CFR part 550 subpart K; 31 U.S.C. 3701; 
    31 U.S.C. 3711; 31 U.S.C. 3716; 31 U.S.C. 3720A.
        2. Subpart C, consisting of Secs. 179.301 through 179.309, is 
    revised to read as follows:
    Subpart C--Administrative Offset
    179.301  Scope of regulations.
    179.302  Definitions.
    179.303  General.
    179.304  Notification procedures.
    179.305  Agency review.
    179.306  Written agreement for repayment.
    179.307  Administrative offset.
    179.308  Accelerated procedures.
    179.309  Additional administrative procedures.
    Subpart C--Administrative Offset
    Sec. 179.301  Scope of regulations.
        These regulations apply to the collection of debts owed to the 
    United States arising from transactions with OPM other than those 
    involving payments made from the Civil Service Retirement and 
    Disability Fund (the Fund), or where a request for an offset from OPM's 
    administrative accounts--other than the Fund--is received by OPM from 
    another Federal agency. Regulations for other agencies to request OPM's 
    Retirement and Insurance Group to recover a debt from the Fund are 
    provided at subpart R of part 831 and subpart D of part 845 of title 5, 
    Code of Federal Regulations. These regulations are consistent with the 
    Federal Claims Collection Standards on Administrative Offset issued 
    jointly by the Department of Justice and the General Accounting Office 
    as set forth in 4 CFR 102.3.
    Sec. 179.302  Definitions.
        Administrative offset, as defined in 31 U.S.C. 3701(a)(1), means 
    withholding money payable by the United States Government to, or held 
    by the Government for, a person to satisfy a debt the person owes the 
        Person, includes a natural person or persons, profit or non-profit 
    corporation, partnership, association, trust, estate, consortium, or 
    other entity which is capable of owing a debt to the United States 
    Government except that agencies of the United States, or of any State 
    or local government, shall be excluded.
    Sec. 179.303  General.
        (a) The Director or his or her designee, after attempting to 
    collect a debt from a person under section 3(a) of the Federal Claims 
    Collection Act of 1966, as amended (31 U.S.C. 3711(a)), may collect the 
    debt by administrative offset subject to the following:
        (1) The debt is certain in amount; and
        (2) It is in the best interest of the United States to collect the 
    debt by administrative offset because it is less costly and speeds 
    payment of the debt;
        (b) The Director, or his or her designee, may initiate 
    administrative offset with regard to debts owed by a person to another 
    agency of the United States Government, upon receipt of a request from 
    the head of another agency, or his or her designee, and a certification 
    that the debt exists and that the person has been afforded the 
    necessary due process rights.
        (c) The Director, or his or her designee, may request another 
    agency that holds funds payable to an OPM debtor to offset the debt 
    against the funds held and will provide certification that:
        (1) The debt exists; and
        (2) The person has been afforded the necessary due process rights.
        (d) If the 6-year period for bringing action on a debt provided in 
    28 U.S.C. 2415 has expired, then administrative offset may be used to 
    collect the debt only if the costs of bringing such action are likely 
    to be less than the amount of the debt.
        (e) No collection by administrative offset shall be made on any 
    debt that has been outstanding for more than 10 years unless facts 
    material to the Government's right to collect the debt were not known, 
    and reasonably could not have been known, by the official or officials 
    responsible for discovering and collecting such debt.
        (f) These regulations do not apply to:
        (1) A case in which administrative offset of the type of debt 
    involved is explicitly provided for or prohibited by another statute.
        (2) Debts owed to OPM by other agencies of the United States or by 
    any State or local government.
    Sec. 179.304  Notification procedures.
        Before collecting any debt through administrative offset, a notice 
    of intent to offset shall be sent to the debtor by certified mail, 
    return receipt requested, at the most current address that is available 
    to OPM. The notice shall provide:
        (a) A description of the nature and amount of the debt and the 
    intention of OPM to collect the debt through administrative offset;
        (b) An opportunity to inspect and copy the records of OPM with 
    respect to the debt;
        (c) An opportunity for review within OPM concerning OPM's 
    determinations with respect to the debt; and
        (d) An opportunity to enter into a written agreement for the 
    repayment of the amount of the debt.
    Sec. 179.305  Agency review.
        (a) A debtor may dispute the existence of the debt, the amount of 
    the debt, or the terms of repayment. The request to review a disputed 
    debt must be received by the OPM official identified in the 
    notification within 30 calendar days of the debtor's receipt of the 
    written notice described in Sec. 179.304.
        (b) If the debtor requests an opportunity to inspect or copy OPM's 
    records concerning the disputed claim, 10 business days will be granted 
    for the review. The time period will be measured from the time the 
    request for inspection is granted or from the time the copy of the 
    records is received by the debtor.
        (c) Pending the resolution of a dispute initiated by the debtor, 
    transactions in any of the debtor's account(s) maintained in OPM may be 
    temporarily suspended to the extent of the debt that is owed. Depending 
    on the type of transaction, the suspension could preclude payment, 
    removal, or transfer, as well as prevent the payment of interest or 
    discount due thereon. Should the dispute be resolved in the debtor's 
    favor, the suspension will be lifted immediately.
        (d) During the review period, interest, penalties, and 
    administrative costs authorized under the Federal Claims Collection Act 
    of 1966, as amended, will continue to accrue.
    Sec. 179.306  Written agreement for repayment.
        A debtor who admits liability but elects not to have the debt 
    collected by administrative offset will be afforded an opportunity to 
    negotiate a written agreement for the repayment of the debt. If the 
    financial condition of the debtor does not support the ability to pay 
    in one lump-sum, reasonable installments may be considered. No 
    installment arrangement will be considered unless the debtor submits a 
    financial statement, executed under penalty of perjury, reflecting the 
    debtor's assets, liabilities, income, and expenses. The financial 
    statement must be submitted within 10 business days of OPM's request 
    for the statement. At OPM's option, a confess-judgment note or bond of 
    indemnity with surety may be required for the installment agreement. 
    Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, any reduction or 
    compromise of a claim will be governed by 4 CFR part 103 and 31 U.S.C. 
    Sec. 179.307  Administrative offset.
        (a) If the debtor does not exercise the right to request a review 
    within the time specified in Sec. 179.305 or, if as a result of the 
    review, it is determined that the debt is due and no written agreement 
    is executed, then administrative offset shall be ordered in accordance 
    with these regulations without further notice.
        (b) Request for offset to a Federal agency: The Director or his or 
    her designee may request that funds due and payable to a debtor by a 
    Federal agency be administratively offset in order to collect a debt 
    owned to OPM by that debtor. In requesting administrative offset OPM, 
    as creditor, will certify in writing to the Federal agency holding 
    funds of the debtor:
        (1) That the debtor owes the debt;
        (2) The amount and basis of the debt; and
        (3) That OPM has complied with the requirements of 31 U.S.C. 3716, 
    its own administrative offset regulations, and the applicable 
    provisions of 4 CFR part 102 with respect to providing the debtor with 
    due process.
        (c) Request for offset from a Federal agency: When administrative 
    offset is authorized, any Federal creditor agency may request OPM to 
    make an administrative offset from any OPM funds that are due and 
    payable to a creditor agency's debtor. OPM shall initiate the requested 
    administrative offset only upon:
        (1) Receipt of written certification from the creditor agency:
        (i) That the debtor owes the debt;
        (ii) The amount and basis of the debt;
        (iii) That the agency has prescribed regulations for the exercise 
    of administrative offset; and
        (iv) That the agency has complied with its own administrative 
    offset regulations and with the applicable provisions of 4 CFR part 
    102, including providing any required hearing or review.
        (2) A determination by OPM that collection by offset against funds 
    payable by OPM would not otherwise be contrary to law.
    Sec. 179.308  Accelerated procedures.
        OPM may make an administrative offset against a payment to be made 
    to the debtor prior to the completion of the procedures required by 
    Sec. 179.304 and Sec. 179.305 if failure to take the offset would 
    substantially jeopardize OPM's ability to collect the debt, and the 
    time before the payment is to be made does not reasonably permit the 
    completion of those procedures. Such prior offset shall be promptly 
    followed by the completion of those procedures. Amounts recovered by 
    offset but later found not to be owed to OPM shall be promptly 
    Sec. 179.309  Additional administrative procedures.
        Nothing contained in this chapter is intended to preclude the use 
    of any other administrative remedy which may be available.
    [FR Doc. 94-16632 Filed 7-8-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6325-01-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Personnel Management Office
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule.
Document Number:
These regulations are effective July 11, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: July 11, 1994
CFR: (9)
5 CFR 179.301
5 CFR 179.302
5 CFR 179.303
5 CFR 179.304
5 CFR 179.305
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