99-17404. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Critical Habitat for the Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy-owl (Glaucidium brasilianum cactorum)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 132 (Monday, July 12, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 37419-37440]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-17404]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 17
    RIN 1018-AF36
    Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of 
    Critical Habitat for the Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy-owl (Glaucidium 
    brasilianum cactorum)
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), designate 
    critical habitat pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as 
    amended (Act), for the cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl (Glaucidium 
    brasilianum cactorum). A total of approximately 296,240 hectares 
    (731,712 acres) of riverine riparian and upland habitat are designated. 
    Critical habitat is located in Pima, Cochise, Pinal, and Maricopa 
    counties, Arizona. Section 7 of the Act prohibits destruction or 
    adverse modification of critical habitat by any activity funded, 
    authorized, or carried out by any Federal agency. As required by 
    section 4 of the Act, the Service considered economic and other 
    relevant impacts
    [[Page 37420]]
    prior to making a final decision on the size and configuration of 
    critical habitat.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: August 11, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: The complete administrative record for this rule is on file 
    at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona Ecological Services 
    Field Office, 2321 West Royal Palm Road, Suite 103, Phoenix, Arizona 
    85021-4951. The complete file for this rule is available for public 
    inspection, by appointment, during normal business hours at the above 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Tom Gatz, Endangered Species 
    Coordinator, at the above address (telephone 602/640-2720 ext. 240; 
    facsimile 602/640-2730).
        The cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl (referred to as ``pygmy-owl'' in 
    this final rule) is in the Order Strigiformes and the Family Strigidae. 
    It is a small bird, approximately 17 centimeters (cm) (6\3/4\ inches 
    (in)) long. Males average 62 grams (g) (2.2 ounces (oz)), and females 
    average 75 g (2.6 oz). The pygmy-owl is reddish brown overall, with a 
    cream-colored belly streaked with reddish brown. Some individuals are 
    grayish brown, rather than reddish brown. The crown is lightly 
    streaked, and paired black-and-white spots on the nape suggest eyes. 
    This species lacks ear tufts, and the eyes are yellow. The tail is 
    relatively long for an owl and is colored reddish brown with darker 
    brown bars. The pygmy-owl is diurnal (active during daylight), and its 
    call, heard primarily near dawn and dusk, is a monotonous series of 
    short notes.
        The cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl is one of four subspecies of the 
    ferruginous pygmy-owl. It occurs from lowland central Arizona south 
    through western Mexico to the States of Colima and Michoacan, and from 
    southern Texas south through the Mexican States of Tamaulipas and Nuevo 
    Leon. Only the Arizona population of Glaucidium brasilianum cactorum is 
    listed as an endangered species.
        The pygmy-owl in Arizona occurs in a variety of scrub and woodland 
    communities, including riverbottom woodlands, woody thickets 
    (``bosques''), Sonoran desertscrub, and semidesert grasslands. Unifying 
    habitat characteristics among these communities are fairly dense woody 
    thickets or woodlands, with trees and/or cacti large enough to provide 
    nesting cavities. The pygmy-owl occurs at low elevations, generally 
    below 1,200 meters (m) (4,000 feet (ft)) (Swarth 1914, Karalus and 
    Eckert 1974, Monson and Phillips 1981, Johnsgard 1988, Enriquez-Rocha 
    et al. 1993).
        The pygmy-owl's primary habitats historically were in riparian 
    cottonwood (Populus fremontii) forests, but the subspecies currently 
    occurs primarily in Sonoran desertscrub associations and mesquite 
    bosques consisting of palo verde (Cercidium spp.), bursage (Ambrosia 
    spp.), ironwood (Olneya tesota), mesquite (Prosopis velutina, and P. 
    glandulosa), acacia (Acacia spp.), and giant cacti such as saguaro 
    (Carnegiea giganteus) and organ pipe (Stenocereus thurberi) (Gilman 
    1909, Bent 1938, van Rossem 1945, Phillips et al. 1964, Monson and 
    Phillips 1981, Johnson-Duncan et al. 1988, Millsap and Johnson 1988). 
    Primary prey include various reptiles, insects, birds, and small 
    mammals (Proudfoot 1996).
        Pygmy-owls are considered non-migratory throughout their range by 
    most authors, and have been reported during the winter months in 
    several locations, including Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument (R. 
    Johnson, unpubl. data 1976, 1980, Tibbitts, pers. comm. 1997). Major 
    Bendire collected pygmy-owls along Rillito Creek near Camp Lowell at 
    present-day Tucson on January 24, 1872. The University of Arizona Bird 
    Collection contains a female pygmy-owl collected on January 8, 1953 
    (University of Arizona 1995). Similarly, records exist from Sabino 
    Canyon documenting pygmy-owls on December 3, 1941, and December 25, 
    1950 (U.S. Forest Service, unpubl. data). These winter records 
    demonstrate that pygmy-owls are found within Arizona throughout the 
    year, and do not appear to migrate southward to warmer climates during 
    the winter months.
    Previous Federal Action
        We included Glaucidium brasilianum cactorum in our Animal Notice of 
    Review as a category 2 candidate species throughout its range on 
    January 6, 1989 (54 FR 554). Category 2 candidates were defined as 
    those taxa for which we had data indicating that listing was possibly 
    appropriate but for which we lacked substantial information on 
    vulnerability and threats to support proposed listing rules. After 
    soliciting and reviewing additional information, we elevated G. b. 
    cactorum to category 1 status throughout its range in our November 21, 
    1991, Notice of Review (56 FR 58804). Category 1 candidates were 
    defined as those taxa for which we had sufficient information on 
    biological vulnerability and threats to support proposed listing rules 
    but for which issuance of proposals to list were precluded by other 
    higher-priority listing activities. Beginning with our combined plant 
    and animal notice of review published in the Federal Register on 
    February 28, 1996 (61 FR 7596), we discontinued the designation of 
    multiple categories of candidates and only taxa meeting the definition 
    of former category 1 candidates are now recognized as candidates for 
    listing purposes.
        On May 26, 1992, a coalition of conservation organizations (Galvin 
    et al. 1992) petitioned us to list the pygmy-owl as an endangered 
    species under the Act. The petitioners also requested designation of 
    critical habitat. In accordance with section 4(b)(3)(A) of the Act, on 
    March 9, 1993, we published a finding that the petition presented 
    substantial scientific or commercial information indicating that 
    listing of the pygmy-owl may be warranted and commenced a status review 
    of the subspecies (58 FR 13045). As a result of information collected 
    and evaluated during the status review, including information collected 
    during a public comment period, we published a proposed rule to list 
    the pygmy-owl as endangered in Arizona and threatened in Texas on 
    December 12, 1994 (59 FR 63975). We proposed designation of critical 
    habitat in Arizona. After a review of all comments received in response 
    to the proposed rule, we published a final rule on March 10, 1997 (62 
    FR 10730), listing the pygmy-owl as endangered in Arizona. We 
    determined that listing in Texas was not warranted. We also determined 
    that critical habitat designation for the Arizona population was not 
        On October 31, 1997, the Southwest Center for Biological Diversity 
    filed a lawsuit in Federal District Court in Arizona against the 
    Secretary of the Department of the Interior (Secretary) for failure to 
    designate critical habitat for the cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl and the 
    plant, Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva, (Huachuca water umbel) 
    (Southwest Center for Biological Diversity v. Babbitt, CIV 97-704 TUC 
    ACM). On October 7, 1998, Alfredo C. Marquez, Senior U.S. District 
    Judge, issued an order stating: ``There being no evidence that 
    designation of critical habitat for the pygmy-owl and water umbel is 
    not prudent, the Secretary shall, without further delay, decide whether 
    or not to designate critical habitat for the pygmy-owl and water umbel 
    based on the best scientific and commercial information available.''
        On November 25, 1998, in response to a motion by the Plaintiffs 
    requesting clarification of the October 7, 1998, order, Judge Marquez 
    further ordered ``that within 30 days of the date of this Order, the 
    Secretary shall issue the
    [[Page 37421]]
    proposed rules for designating critical habitat for the pygmy-owl and 
    water umbel * * * and that within 6 months of issuing the proposed 
    rules, the Secretary shall issue final decisions regarding the 
    designation of critical habitat for the pygmy-owl and water umbel.''
        On December 30, 1998, we proposed 295,775 ha (730,565 ac) as 
    critical habitat in Arizona for the pygmy-owl (63 FR 71820). On April 
    15, 1999, we released the draft economic analysis on proposed critical 
    habitat and reopened the public comment period for 30 days (64 FR 
        The processing of the December 30, 1998, proposed rule and this 
    final rule does not conform with our Listing Priority Guidance for 
    Fiscal Year 1998 and 1999 published on May 8, 1998 (63 FR 25502). The 
    guidance clarifies the order in which we will process rulemakings 
    giving highest priority (Tier 1) to processing emergency rules to add 
    species to the Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 
    second priority (Tier 2) to processing final determinations on 
    proposals to add species to the lists, processing new listing 
    proposals, processing administrative findings on petitions (to add 
    species to the lists, delist species, or reclassify listed species), 
    and processing a limited number of proposed and final rules to delist 
    or reclassify species; and third priority (Tier 3) to processing 
    proposed and final rules designating critical habitat. Our Southwest 
    Region is currently working on Tier 2 actions; however, we are 
    undertaking this Tier 3 action in order to comply with the above-
    mentioned court order.
    Habitat Characteristics
        According to early surveys referenced in the literature, the pygmy-
    owl, prior to the mid-1900s, was ``not uncommon,'' ``of common 
    occurrence,'' and a ``fairly numerous'' resident of lowland central and 
    southern Arizona in cottonwood forests, mesquite-cottonwood woodlands, 
    and mesquite bosques along the Gila, Salt, Verde, San Pedro, and Santa 
    Cruz rivers and various tributaries (Breninger 1898 in Bent 1938, 
    Gilman 1909, Swarth 1914). Bendire (1888) noted that he had taken 
    ``several'' along Rillito Creek near Fort Lowell, in the vicinity of 
    present-day Tucson, Arizona. Records indicate that pygmy-owls were 
    initially more common in xeroriparian habitats (very dense thickets 
    bordering dry desert washes) than in more open, desert uplands (Monson 
    and Phillips 1981, Johnson and Haight 1985, Johnson-Duncan et al. 1988, 
    Millsap and Johnson 1988, Davis and Russell 1990). The pygmy-owl was 
    also noted to occur at isolated desert oases supporting small pockets 
    of riparian and xeroriparian vegetation (Howell 1916, Phillips et al. 
        The historical use of Sonoran desertscrub habitats by pygmy-owls is 
    not as clear. A disproportionately low number of historical records 
    from desertscrub habitats may be due to the focus of early collection 
    efforts along rivers where humans tended to concentrate, while the 
    upland areas received less survey. Historical records of pygmy-owls do 
    exist for Sonoran desertscrub in areas such as the Santa Catalina 
    foothills and in ``groves of giant cactus'' near New River, north of 
    present-day Phoenix. Kimball (1921) reported one pygmy-owl in a 
    mesquite tree in the foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains. Fisher 
    (1893) took 2 pygmy-owl specimens near New River, and observed 
    ``several others'' in mesquite and large cacti.
        The northernmost historical record for the pygmy-owl is from New 
    River, Arizona, approximately 56 kilometers (35 miles) north of 
    Phoenix, where Fisher (1893) reported the pygmy-owl to be ``quite 
    common'' in thickets of intermixed mesquite and saguaro cactus. Four 
    eggs were collected in Phoenix, Maricopa County by G.F. Breninger on 
    May 18, 1898, and R.D. Lusk collected five eggs at Cave Creek on April 
    12, 1895. Pygmy-owls were also detected in central Arizona at the Blue 
    Point Cottonwoods area, at the confluence of the Salt and Verde rivers, 
    in 1897, 1949, 1951, 1964, and 1971 (AGFD unpubl. data, Phillips et al. 
    1964, Millsap and Johnson 1988). Additionally, pygmy-owls were detected 
    at Dudleyville on the San Pedro River as recently as 1985 and 1986 
    (AGFD unpubl. data, Hunter 1988).
        The easternmost record for the pygmy-owl is from 1985 at the 
    confluence of Bonita Creek and the Gila River (Hunter 1988). Other 
    records from this eastern portion of the pygmy-owl's range include a 
    1876 record from Camp Goodwin (current day Geronimo) on the Gila River 
    (Aiken 1937), and a 1978 record from Gillard Hot Springs, also on the 
    Gila River (Hunter 1988). Pygmy-owls have been found as far west as the 
    Cabeza Prieta Tanks in 1955 (Monson 1998).
        Over the past several decades, pygmy-owls have been primarily found 
    in Sonoran desertscrub communities in southern and southwestern Arizona 
    consisting of palo verde, ironwood, mesquite, acacia, bursage, and 
    columnar cacti (Phillips et al. 1964, Davis and Russell 1984 and 1990, 
    Monson and Phillips 1981, Johnson and Haight 1985, Johnsgard 1988). 
    Recently pygmy-owls have also been found in wooded drainages within 
    semidesert grasslands in southern Arizona (unpubl. data). These sites 
    are closely associated with xeroriparian habitats.
        Historically, pygmy-owls were associated with riparian woodlands in 
    central and southern Arizona. Plants present in these riparian 
    communities include cottonwood, willow (Salix spp.), ash (Fraxinus 
    velutina), and hackberry (Celtis spp.). These trees are suitable for 
    cavity nesting, while the density of mid- and lower-story vegetation 
    likely provides necessary protection from predators and an abundance of 
    prey. Mesquite bosque communities are dominated by mesquite trees, and 
    are described as mesquite forests due to the density and large size of 
    the trees. This habitat type provides for all of the necessary habitat 
    components of the pygmy-owl.
        The Arizona upland subdivision of the Sonoran Desert provides an 
    over-story of mature saguaros which are suitable for cavity nesting, as 
    well as large mesquites and other trees which may be used for nesting, 
    as well as perch and cover sites. Saguaro cavities are also used for 
    roosting, perching, and caching food (Scott Richardson, Arizona Game 
    and Fish Department, pers. comm. 1998). The mid- and lower-stories are 
    comprised of a variety of mesquite, palo verde, ironwood, acacia, 
    graythorn (Ziayphus obtusifola), bursage, cholla (Opuntia spp.), 
    prickly pear (Opuntia spp.), and annual and perennial grass species. As 
    in riparian habitat, the larger trees provide perches for foraging and 
    protection from predators. Adequate vegetation in mid- and lower-
    stories appears to be important, and likely provides protection from 
    predators and a higher density of prey items including lizards, small 
    birds and mammals, and insects.
        In central and southern Arizona, the pygmy-owl's primary habitats 
    are riparian deciduous forests and woodlands, mesquite bosques, Sonoran 
    desertscrub, and semidesert and Sonoran savanna grasslands with 
    drainages lined with mesquite; although most recent observations have 
    occurred primarily in Sonoran desertscrub associations of palo verde, 
    bursage, ironwood, mesquite, acacia, and giant cacti such as saguaro 
    and organ pipe (Gilman 1909, Bent 1938, van Rossem 1945, Phillips et 
    al. 1964, Monson and Phillips 1981, Johnson-Duncan et al. 1988, Millsap 
    and Johnson 1988, Aaron Flesch pers. comm. 1999). Farther south in 
    northwestern Mexico, pygmy-owls occur in Sonoran desertscrub, Sinaloan 
    thornscrub, and Sinaloan deciduous forest as well as riverbottom 
    [[Page 37422]]
    cactus forests, and thornforest (Enriquez-Rocha et al. 1993).
        Pygmy-owls at Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument have been 
    detected primarily in relatively dense, lush Arizona uplands 
    desertscrub associations on bajadas. Visually dominant plants at the 
    pygmy-owl sites include saguaros, organ pipe cactus, ironwood, 
    triangle-leaf bursage, foothill paloverde (C. Microphyllum), mesquite, 
    whitethorn and catclaw acacia (Acacia constricta and A. greggii), 
    numerous cholla, prickly pear cacti, ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens), 
    various Lycium spp., and creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) (Smith 1996). 
    In addition to the dense bajada desertscrub habitat described above, 
    pygmy-owls have been documented in several large xeroriparian habitats 
    in lower bajada or valley floor areas that have dense saguaro stands; 
    however, some sites have much less dense adjacent upland areas 
    dominated chiefly by creosotebush. Xeroriparian habitat at these sites 
    consist of mesquites, foothill and blue paloverde (Cercidium 
    microphyllum and C. flordum), desert willow (chilopsis lineraris), 
    catclaw acacia, ironwood, and soapberry (Sapindus saponaria) (Smith 
    Critical Habitat
        Critical habitat is defined in section 3 of the Act as--(i) the 
    specific areas within the geographic area occupied by a species, at the 
    time it is listed in accordance with the Act, on which are found those 
    physical or biological features (I) essential to the conservation of 
    the species and (II) that may require special management consideration 
    or protection and; (ii) specific areas outside the geographic area 
    occupied by a species at the time it is listed, upon determination that 
    such areas are essential for the conservation of the species. 
    ``Conservation'' means the use of all methods and procedures that are 
    necessary to bring an endangered species or a threatened species to the 
    point at which listing under the Act is no longer necessary.
        Section 4(b)(2) of the Act requires that we base critical habitat 
    proposals upon the best scientific and commercial data available, after 
    taking into consideration the economic impact, and any other relevant 
    impact, of specifying any particular area as critical habitat. We may 
    exclude areas from critical habitat designation when the benefits of 
    exclusion outweigh the benefits of including the areas within critical 
    habitat, provided the exclusion will not result in the extinction of 
    the species (section 4(b)(2) of the Act).
        Designation of critical habitat can help focus conservation 
    activities for a listed species by identifying areas that contain the 
    physical and biological features that are essential for the 
    conservation of that species. Designation of critical habitat alerts 
    the public as well as land-managing agencies to the importance of these 
        Critical habitat also identifies areas that may require special 
    management considerations or protection, and may provide protection to 
    areas where significant threats to the species have been identified. 
    Critical habitat receives protection from the prohibition against 
    destruction or adverse modification through required consultation under 
    section 7 of the Act with regard to actions carried out, funded, or 
    authorized by a Federal agency. Section 7 also requires conferences on 
    Federal actions that are likely to result in the adverse modification 
    or destruction of proposed critical habitat. Aside from the protection 
    that may be provided under section 7, the Act does not provide other 
    forms of protection to lands designated as critical habitat.
        Section 7(a)(2) of the Act requires Federal agencies to consult 
    with us to ensure that any action authorized, funded, or carried out is 
    not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of a threatened or 
    endangered species, or result in the destruction or adverse 
    modification of critical habitat. ``Jeopardize the continued 
    existence'' (of a species) is defined as an appreciable reduction in 
    the likelihood of survival and recovery of a listed species. 
    ``Destruction or adverse modification'' (of critical habitat) is 
    defined as a direct or indirect alteration that appreciably diminishes 
    the value of critical habitat for the survival and recovery of the 
    listed species for which critical habitat was designated. Thus, the 
    definitions of ``jeopardy'' to the species and ``adverse modification'' 
    of critical habitat are nearly identical (50 CFR Sec. 402.02).
        Designating critical habitat does not, in itself, lead to recovery 
    of a listed species. Designation does not create a management plan, 
    establish numerical population goals, prescribe specific management 
    actions (inside or outside of critical habitat), or directly affect 
    areas not designated as critical habitat. Specific management 
    recommendations for critical habitat are most appropriately addressed 
    in recovery plans and management plans, and through section 7 
        Critical habitat identifies specific areas that are essential to 
    the conservation of a listed species and that may require special 
    management considerations or protection. Areas that do not currently 
    contain the habitat components necessary for the primary biological 
    needs of a species but are likely to develop them in the future may be 
    essential to the conservation of the species and may be designated as 
    critical habitat.
    Primary Constituent Elements
        In accordance with section 3(5)(A)(i) of the Act and regulations at 
    50 CFR 424.12, in determining which areas to propose as critical 
    habitat, we consider those physical and biological features that are 
    essential to the conservation of the species and that may require 
    special management considerations or protection. These include, but are 
    not limited to, the following:
        Space for individual and population growth, and for normal 
        Food, water, air, light, minerals or other nutritional or 
    physiological requirements;
        Cover or shelter;
        Sites for breeding, reproduction, or rearing of offspring, 
    germination, or seed dispersal; and
        Habitats that are protected from disturbance or are representative 
    of the historic geographical and ecological distributions of a species.
        The primary constituent elements for the pygmy-owl are those 
    habitat components that are essential for the primary biological needs 
    of foraging, nesting, rearing of young, roosting, sheltering, and 
    dispersal, or the capacity to develop those habitat components. The 
    primary constituent elements are found in areas that support or have 
    the potential to support Sonoran riparian deciduous woodlands, Sonoran 
    riparian scrubland, xeroriparian forests, tree-lined drainages in 
    semidesert and Sonoran savanna grasslands, and the Arizona upland 
    subdivision of Sonoran desertscrub (Brown 1994). Within these biotic 
    communities, specific plant associations that are essential to the 
    primary biological needs of the pygmy-owl include, but are not limited 
    to, the following--cottonwood, willow, ash, mesquite, palo verde, 
    ironwood, hackberry, saguaro cactus, and/or organ pipe cactus. 
    Specifically, larger diameter trees and cacti provide not only nesting 
    substrate, but also roosting, perching, foraging, and dispersal 
    habitat, while smaller trees and shrubs provide for the same functions 
    except nesting.
        In river floodplains, the presence of surface or subsurface water 
    is important in maintaining pygmy-owl habitat. Riverine riparian 
    woodlands and thickets are dependent on availability of groundwater at 
    or near the surface
    [[Page 37423]]
    (Brown 1994). Surface or subsurface moisture may also be important in 
    maintaining various prey species.
        In developing this final rule, we formed an interconnected system 
    of suitable and potential habitat areas extending from the Mexican 
    border through the northernmost recent pygmy-owl occurrence east of 
    Phoenix. Areas designated as critical habitat meet the definition of 
    critical habitat under section 3 of the Act in that they are within the 
    geographical areas occupied by the species, are essential to the 
    conservation of the species, and are in need of special management 
    considerations or protection.
        In an effort to map areas essential to the conservation of the 
    species, we used data on known pygmy-owl locations to initially 
    identify important areas. We then connected these areas based on the 
    topographic and vegetative features believed most likely to support 
    resident pygmy-owls and/or facilitate movement of birds between known 
    habitat areas. Facilitating movement of birds between habitat areas is 
    important for dispersal and gene flow (Beier and Noss 1998). In 
    selecting areas, we avoided private lands to the extent possible if 
    State and Federal lands were present that could meet the conservation 
    needs of the species. However, we are designating critical habitat in 
    some largely privately owned areas, such as the area northwest of 
    Tucson which supports the greatest known concentration of pygmy-owls in 
        In selecting areas of critical habitat, we made an effort to avoid 
    developed areas such as towns, agricultural lands, and other lands 
    unlikely to contribute to pygmy-owl conservation. Given the short 
    period of time in which we were required to complete this final rule, 
    we were unable to map critical habitat in sufficient detail to exclude 
    all such areas. However, within the delineated critical habitat 
    boundaries, only lands containing, or are likely to develop, those 
    habitat components that are essential for the primary biological needs 
    of the pygmy-owl are considered critical habitat. Existing features and 
    structures within this area, such as buildings, roads, aqueducts, 
    railroads, and other features, do not contain, and are not likely to 
    develop, those habitat components and are not considered critical 
        In selecting areas as critical habitat, we attempted to exclude 
    areas believed to be adequately protected, or where current management 
    is compatible with pygmy-owls and is likely to remain so into the 
    future. We excluded National Park lands (Organ Pipe Cactus National 
    Monument and Saguaro National Park) and National Wildlife Refuges 
    (Cabeza Prieta and Buenos Aires National Wildlife refuges). We also 
    excluded non-Federal lands covered by a legally operative incidental 
    take permit for pygmy-owls issued under section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Act. 
    However, we did not exclude areas currently managed in a manner 
    compatible with pygmy-owls where such management may not be assured in 
    the future (e.g., county and State parks).
        In addition, lands of the Tohono O'odham Indian Nation are not 
    included in this final rule. We are aware that pygmy-owls and pygmy-owl 
    habitat likely exist on the Nation, and we believe these lands are 
    important to the species' continued existence in Arizona. However, the 
    short amount of time given by the court to designate critical habitat 
    precluded us from adequately coordinating with the Nation to obtain 
    pygmy-owl location and habitat information. In addition, we were unable 
    to assess whether current or future Tribal management is likely to 
    maintain pygmy-owls into the future, although the probable existence of 
    both pygmy-owls and pygmy-owl habitat led us to believe that current 
    management may be compatible with the species. As explained in the 
    ``Summary of Changes from the Proposed Rule'' section of this final 
    rule, Tribal grazing allotments have also been excluded.
        We did not designate all pygmy-owl historical or potential habitat 
    as critical habitat. We only designated those areas that we believe are 
    essential for the conservation of the pygmy-owl and in need of special 
    management or protection.
        In summary, the critical habitat areas described below, and 
    protected areas either known or suspected to contain some of the 
    primary constituent elements but not designated as critical habitat 
    (e.g., National Park land, National Wildlife Refuge lands, etc.), 
    constitute our best assessment of areas needed for the species' 
    conservation. Also, we have appointed a Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy-owl 
    Recovery Team that will develop a recovery plan for the species. The 
    experts on this team will conduct a far more thorough analysis than we 
    were able to conduct in the short amount of time allowed by the Court 
    Order. Upon the team's completion of a recovery plan, we will evaluate 
    the plan's recommendations and reexamine areas designated as critical 
    Critical Habitat Designation
        In determining areas that are essential for the survival and 
    recovery of the species, we used the best scientific information 
    obtainable in the time allowed by the court. This information included 
    habitat suitability and site-specific species information. To date, 
    limited survey effort or research has been done to identify and define 
    specific habitat needs of pygmy-owls in Arizona or to completely 
    quantify their distribution. Only preliminary habitat assessment work 
    has begun over small portions of the State, primarily on Bureau of Land 
    Management (BLM) lands.
        We emphasized areas containing most of the verified pygmy-owl 
    occurrences, especially recently identified locations. In order to 
    maintain genetic and demographic interchange that will help maintain 
    the viability of a regional metapopulation, we included corridor areas 
    that allow movement between areas supporting pygmy-owls. These 
    corridors or connecting areas, which have not been well surveyed 
    connect recent sites and areas where suitable habitat remain. These 
    corridors or connecting areas, while supporting some habitat suitable 
    for nesting, were primarily included to facilitate dispersal and may 
    contain more foraging, perching, and roosting habitat than actual 
    breeding habitat. While habitat of similar quality occurs outside of 
    these corridors, we anticipate that the use and importance of these 
    corridors will increase over time if and when habitat outside of the 
    corridors becomes unsuitable in the future.
        Table 1 shows the approximate acreage of critical habitat 
    designation by county and land ownership. Critical habitat for the 
    pygmy-owl includes river floodplains, Sonoran desertscrub, and 
    semidesert grassland communities in Pima, Pinal, Maricopa, and Cochise 
    counties, Arizona. To provide additional information, we have grouped 
    areas designated into critical habitat units (see maps). A brief 
    description of each unit and our reasons for designating those areas as 
    critical habitat are presented below.
    [[Page 37424]]
                       Table 1.--Approximate Critical Habitat Acreage by County and Land Ownership
    [Note: acreage estimates are derived from Arizona Land Resource Information System data based on the cited legal
                Ownership            ----------------------------------------------------------------      Total
                                           Pima           Cochise          Pinal         Maricopa
    FS..............................  ..............  ..............           5,065          33,323          38,388
    BLM.............................          21,913  ..............          69,579  ..............          91,492
    STATE...........................         158,974           2,371         273,541  ..............         434,886
    PRIVATE.........................          61,830           2,461          71,634              68         135,993
    OTHER...........................          18,166  ..............          12,787  ..............          30,953
        TOTAL.......................         260,883           4,832         432,606          33,391         731,712
    Unit 1
        This unit lies between Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge and 
    the Tohono O'odham Indian Nation, consisting of primarily State Trust 
    lands, with some dispersed private ownership. This area contains 
    semidesert and Sonoran savanna grasslands with a series of xeroriparian 
    washes extending from the Baboquivari Mountains to Altar and Brawley 
    washes. Uplands primarily consist of grasslands with dispersed mesquite 
    trees, and a very few isolated saguaros in some areas, mostly occurring 
    at the extreme north end of the unit. Dominant tree species in riparian 
    areas include mesquite, ash, and hackberry.
        This unit is located in the Altar Valley, which recently has had 
    several pygmy-owls documented. Not until 1998 had systematic surveys in 
    this unit and adjacent areas been initiated; as a result, at least nine 
    new pygmy-owl sites have been found (Harris Environmental Group, Inc. 
    1998; AGFD unpubl. data; Aaron Flesch, pygmy-owl surveyor, pers. comm. 
    1999). These new sites are located in riparian and xeroriparian 
    habitats and wooded drainages within semidesert grassland and Sonoran 
    savanna grassland communities. Since the turn of the century, many 
    areas that were historical semidesert and Sonoran savanna grasslands in 
    the Altar Valley have developed into habitats similar to Sonoran 
    desertscrub (Brown 1994). It is unclear at this time what role this 
    transition has played in the distribution of pygmy-owls in the region.
        Habitat in Unit 1 is suitable for nesting and dispersal habitat for 
    pygmy-owls; however, nesting opportunities are generally greater in the 
    washes because of a higher incidence of large diameter trees that may 
    provide cavities for nesting. This unit is important for conservation 
    of the species because it contains several pygmy-owl sites and it is 
    close to other recent or currently active sites on the nearby refuge. 
    It also provides opportunities for demographic and genetic interchange 
    between pygmy-owls in Mexico and the United States as well as expansion 
    of populations for recovery. Critical habitat in this area, together 
    with protected lands on the refuges, National Monument, and habitat on 
    the Nation, constitutes a large block of pygmy-owl habitat.
    Unit 2
        This unit connects habitat on the Tohono O'odham Indian Nation to 
    habitat in Saguaro National Park West and Tucson Mountain County Park. 
    Ownership in this area is primarily BLM, State Trust, Bureau of 
    Reclamation, Pima County, and some private lands. The area consists of 
    Sonoran desertscrub, mesquite bosques interspersed by washes, and some 
    retired agricultural lands. This east-west habitat corridor, together 
    with the ``Garcia Strip'' of the Nation, includes suitable habitat for 
    occupancy, movement, and genetic interchange of pygmy-owls between the 
    Nation and the western Tucson region.
    Unit 3
        This narrow unit connects suitable habitat in Unit 2 and Saguaro 
    National Park west to Unit 4, which has the highest known concentration 
    of pygmy-owls in Arizona. The land ownership in this area is mostly 
    private. The area consists of Sonoran desertscrub, mesquite bosques 
    interspersed by washes, and some retired agricultural lands. This area 
    includes a recent pygmy-owl site west of Interstate 10 and provides a 
    connection to habitat in the northwest Tucson region. Because of 
    existing and past land management practices and development, this area 
    contains the narrowest habitat linkage among other areas of critical 
        Few options currently exist for movement of pygmy-owls in this 
    portion of their known range based on our limited knowledge of their 
    movement among areas at this time (Scott Richardson, pers. comm. 1998). 
    The pygmy-owl's flight pattern typically consists of a series of short, 
    direct flights, perching in trees or shrubs usually less than 100 m 
    (328 ft) apart (Glenn Proudfoot, pers. comm, 1999 and Scott Richardson, 
    pers. comm. 1999).
    Unit 4
        This unit is located in the northwest portion of Tucson north of 
    Interstate 10 and contains the highest known concentration of pygmy-
    owls in Arizona. This unit contains mostly private and County lands. 
    The area includes known locations of pygmy-owls and adjacent habitats 
    and is bounded by La Cholla Boulevard to the east, Cortaro Road to the 
    south, Interstate 10 to the west, and the Tortolita Mountains to the 
    north. In the immediate Tucson area, and to the south of Unit 4, very 
    little suitable habitat remains due to residential, commercial, and 
    agricultural development. Historically, these upland and riparian areas 
    may have supported pygmy-owls. The area of critical habitat contains 
    stands of ironwood, acacia, and saguaro, mesquite bosques, and several 
    washes, and includes the most contiguous and highest quality pygmy-owl 
    habitat based on current information (Scott Richardson, pers. comm. 
    1998; Wilcox et al. 1999).
    Units 5a and 5b
        Unit 5 includes 2 habitat corridors that connect habitat in Unit 4 
    to riparian habitats to the north on the Gila River (5a) and to the 
    east on San Pedro River (5b). Land ownership is mostly BLM, State 
    Trust, and private. This area also includes recent pygmy-owl 
    occurrences in southern Pinal County, although only a limited number of 
    surveys have been conducted to determine if pygmy-owls are present in 
    much of this area. Relatively intact riparian woodland habitats still 
    remain along much of these portions of the Gila and San Pedro rivers. 
    These units contain historical pygmy-owl locations and/or areas thought 
    to contain suitable upland
    [[Page 37425]]
    habitat (Dave Krueper, BLM, pers. comm. 1998).
        Limited habitat assessment has been completed within these 
    corridors and few historical or current pygmy-owl occurrences have been 
    documented. However, the BLM has conducted some habitat assessments on 
    their lands in Unit 5a and rated the habitat suitability for pygmy-owls 
    as moderate to high (Dave Krueper, pers. comm. 1998). We included these 
    two corridors primarily because they constitute areas for dispersal, 
    and also for nesting where nesting habitat is present. Upon field 
    review of habitats present in both of these units, we believe they 
    could facilitate movement through these areas, which would act as 
    dispersal corridors. In addition to dispersal habitat, nesting habitat 
    is also present in uplands with saguaros and in washes where large 
    diameter trees are present. The majority of the nesting habitat in this 
    region is in Unit 5a, although some large diameter trees are also 
    located in some of the washes in Unit 5b, and may contain some 
    potential nesting cavities. Where possible, we avoided the higher 
    elevation areas, which likely provide lower quality habitat.
        We are only beginning to understand the importance of upland 
    habitat to the pygmy-owl. Although historical observations of pygmy-
    owls were almost exclusively in riparian woodlands (Breninger 1898 in 
    Bent 1938), almost all of the recent records of pygmy-owls have been in 
    Sonoran desertscrub, and mesquite bosque upland areas, semidesert 
    grasslands, and washes. Based on the current information, we believe 
    these two corridors (5a and 5b) provide a high potential for supporting 
    resident and/or dispersing pygmy-owls through this area. Without these 
    habitat linkages, demographic and genetic connectivity and exchange may 
    not be maintained between known populations in the greater Tucson 
    region and riparian habitats in the Gila and San Pedro rivers.
    Unit 6
        This unit includes the riparian woodlands of the middle and lower 
    San Pedro River and a portion of the Gila River. There were four pygmy-
    owls documented in the mid-1980s from lower San Pedro River woodlands. 
    Similar riparian woodlands and associated upland habitats with saguaro 
    cactus are present along the San Pedro upstream (south) to 
    approximately the town of Cascabel.
        The San Pedro River riparian corridor connects to the Gila River to 
    the north. This section of the Gila River also contains riparian 
    woodland habitats, which we believe are suitable for pygmy-owls (Dr. 
    Roy Johnson, National Park Service (Retired) pers. comm. 1998). We are 
    designating these areas as critical habitat because of the importance, 
    based on the early records of naturalists during the late 1800s and 
    early 1900s, of riparian woodland habitats, the presence of suitable 
    habitat, and the linkage these areas provide to other historical 
    locations and suitable habitat to the north.
    Unit 7
        This unit links riparian habitat on the Gila River to other upland 
    habitats and ultimately to the remaining woodland habitat along the 
    Salt River where pygmy-owls were collected in the 1940s and 1950s and 
    where this species was recorded in the early 1970s. Land ownership in 
    this area is primarily BLM, State Trust, Forest Service, and some 
    dispersed private. Although recent surveys have not located pygmy-owls 
    in riparian areas in this unit, riparian woodland habitats remain along 
    portions of the Salt River in this area (Roy Johnson pers. comm. 1998), 
    and we cannot rule out pygmy-owl use of the area because pygmy-owls may 
    use areas only periodically and may not be detected. In delineating 
    critical habitat in this unit, we considered elevation, topographic 
    features, and existing developed areas and determined that a habitat 
    linkage that includes Sonoran upland desertscrub will provide 
    connectivity and suitable habitats between riparian woodland habitats 
    along the Gila and Salt rivers.
    Available Conservation Measures
        Conservation measures provided to species listed as endangered or 
    threatened under the Act include recognition, recovery actions, 
    requirements for Federal protection, and prohibitions against certain 
    practices. Recognition through listing encourages and results in 
    conservation actions by Federal, State, and private agencies, groups, 
    and individuals. The Act provides for possible land acquisition and 
    cooperation with the States and requires that recovery actions be 
    carried out for all listed species. The protection required of Federal 
    agencies and the prohibitions against certain activities involving 
    listed species are discussed, in part, below.
        Section 7(a) of the Act requires Federal agencies to evaluate their 
    actions with respect to any species that is proposed or listed as 
    endangered or threatened and with respect to its critical habitat, if 
    any is designated or proposed. Regulations implementing this 
    interagency cooperation provision of the Act are codified at 50 CFR 
    Sec. 402. Section 7(a)(2) requires Federal agencies to ensure that 
    activities they authorize, fund, or carry out are not likely to 
    jeopardize the continued existence of such a species or to destroy or 
    adversely modify its critical habitat. If a Federal action may affect a 
    listed species or its critical habitat, the responsible Federal agency 
    must enter into consultation with us.
        Section 7(a)(4) of the Act and regulations at 50 CFR Sec. 402.10 
    require Federal agencies to confer with us on any action that is likely 
    to result in destruction or adverse modification of proposed critical 
    habitat. Conferencing on proposed critical habitat for the pygmy-owl 
    was not requested by any Federal agency.
        Activities on Federal lands that may affect the pygmy-owl or its 
    critical habitat will require section 7 consultation. Activities on 
    private or State lands requiring a permit from a Federal agency, such 
    as a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under section 404 of 
    the Clean Water Act, or a section 402 permit from the Environmental 
    Protection Agency, will be subject to the section 7 consultation 
    process. Federal actions not affecting the species, as well as actions 
    on non-Federal lands that are not federally funded or permitted will 
    not require section 7 consultation.
        Section 4(b)(8) of the Act requires us to describe in any proposed 
    or final regulation that designates critical habitat those activities 
    involving a Federal action that may destroy or adversely modify such 
    habitat or that may be affected by such designation. Activities that 
    may destroy or adversely modify critical habitat include those that 
    alter the primary constituent elements to the extent that the value of 
    critical habitat for both the survival and recovery of the pygmy-owl is 
    appreciably diminished. We note that such activities may also 
    jeopardize the continued existence of the species. Such activities may 
    include, but are not limited to:
        (1) Removing, thinning, or destroying vegetation, whether by 
    burning or mechanical, chemical, or other means (e.g., woodcutting, 
    bulldozing, overgrazing, construction, road building, mining, herbicide 
    application, etc.);
        (2) Water diversion or impoundment, groundwater pumping, or other 
    activity that alters water quality or quantity to an extent that 
    riparian vegetation is significantly affected; and
        (3) Recreational activities that appreciably degrade vegetation.
    [[Page 37426]]
        If you have questions regarding whether specific activities will 
    constitute adverse modification of critical habitat, contact the Field 
    Supervisor, Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (see ADDRESSES 
    section). Requests for copies of the regulations on listed wildlife and 
    inquiries about prohibitions and permits may be addressed to the U.S. 
    Fish and Wildlife Service, Branch of Endangered Species/Permits, P.O. 
    Box 1306, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103 (telephone 505-248-6920, 
    facsimile 505-248-6922).
        Designation of critical habitat could affect Federal agency 
    activities including, but not limited to:
        (1) Regulation of activities affecting waters of the United States 
    by the Army Corps of Engineers under section 404 of the Clean Water 
        (2) Regulation of activities affecting point source pollution 
    discharges into waters of the United States by the Environmental 
    Protection Agency under section 402 of the Clean Water Act;
        (3) Regulation of water flows, damming, diversion, and 
    channelization by Federal agencies; and
        (4) Regulation of grazing, mining, or recreation by the BLM or 
    Forest Service.
    Summary of Comments and Recommendations
        In the December 30, 1998, proposed rule, all interested parties 
    were requested to submit comments or information that might bear on the 
    designation of critical habitat for the pygmy-owl (63 FR 71820). The 
    first comment period closed March 1, 1999. The comment period was 
    reopened from April 15 to May 15, 1999, to once again solicit comments 
    on the proposed rule and to accept comments on the draft economic 
    analysis (72 FR 18596). Comments received from March 2 to April 14, 
    1999, were entered into the administrative record during the second 
    comment period.
        All appropriate State and Federal agencies, county governments, 
    scientific organizations, and other interested parties were contacted 
    and invited to comment. In addition, newspaper notices inviting public 
    comment were published in the following newspapers in Arizona: Arizona 
    Republic, Tucson Citizen, Arizona Daily Star, Sierra Vista Herald, 
    Green Valley News and Sun, The Bulletin, The Tombstone Tumbleweed, and 
    Nogales International. The inclusive dates of these publications were 
    January 4 to 12, 1999, for the initial comment period; January 26 to 
    February 4, 1999, to advertise the public hearings; and April 21 to 29, 
    1999, for the second comment period.
        We held three public hearings on the proposed rule, including at 
    Coolidge (February 10, 1999), Sierra Vista (February 11, 1999), and 
    Tucson, Arizona (February 12, 1999). The hearings were also held to 
    solicit comments on the proposed rule to designate critical habitat for 
    the Huachuca water umbel, Lilaeopsis Schaffneriana var. recurva (63 FR 
    71838). A notice of hearings and locations was published in the Federal 
    Register on January 26, 1999 (64 FR 3923). A total of 89 people 
    attended the public hearings, including 10 in Coolidge, 28 in Sierra 
    Vista, and 51 in Tucson. Transcripts of these hearings are available 
    for inspection (see ADDRESSES section).
        We requested four Arizona ornithologists, who are familiar with 
    this species and were not on the appointed Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy-owl 
    Recovery Team, to peer review the proposed critical habitat 
    designation. However, only one of the peer reviewers submitted 
    comments. He concluded that ``sound scientific information about 
    habitat requirements and movements is the most essential matter related 
    to the conservation of the CFPO (pygmy-owl).'' Further, he summarized, 
    ``I oppose this designation because it is not based on adequate 
    scientific data, and also because it detracts from the path of 
    gathering good data by wasting public resources on needless, time-
    consuming actions related to bureaucratic process, not species 
        We received a total of 21 oral and 268 written comments during the 
    2 comment periods. Of those oral comments, 4 supported critical habitat 
    designation, 16 were opposed to designation, and 1 provided additional 
    information but did not support or oppose the proposal. Of the written 
    comments, 59 supported designation, 182 were opposed to it, and 21 
    provided additional information only, or were nonsubstantive or not 
    relevant to the proposed designation. In total, oral and written 
    comments were received from 10 Federal agencies, 7 State agencies, 9 
    local governments, and 242 private organizations, companies, or 
        All comments received were reviewed for substantive issues and new 
    data regarding critical habitat and the pygmy-owl. Comments of a 
    similar nature are grouped into 9 issues relating specifically to 
    critical habitat. These are addressed in the following summary.
        Issue 1: Biological Justification and Primary Constituent Elements 
    1a) Comment: How could the Service determine areas essential for 
    conservation of the species since little is known about their habitat 
    needs? Designation of critical habitat should be delayed until it is 
    determinable and better information becomes available on the species. 
    Stale, inaccurate data were used in the proposal.
        Service Response: Under sections 4(a)(3)(A) and 4(b)(6)(C) of the 
    Act, critical habitat must, to the maximum extent prudent and 
    determinable, be designated at the time of listing. If there is 
    insufficient information to perform the required impact analysis of 
    designation, or the biological needs of the species are not 
    sufficiently known to permit identification of an area as critical 
    habitat, it may be delayed up to 1 year. On December 12, 1994, we 
    published a proposed rule to list the pygmy-owl as endangered with 
    critical habitat (59 FR 63975). On March 19, 1997, we published a final 
    rule listing this species as endangered. In that final rule, we 
    determined that designaton of critical habitat was not prudent, because 
    of the potential harm to the species from publishing precise location 
    maps as required for critical habitat designation (62 FR 10730). Given 
    the amount of time since the pygmy-owl was listed as endangered (over 
    20 months), a ``not determinable finding'' is no longer possible. 
    Because of the October 7, 1998, court order, we must now designate 
    critical habitat using the best information currently available.
        Although much additional biological information for this species is 
    needed, some of its biological needs are known. In making this 
    designation, we reviewed all pygmy-owl records within the historical 
    range of this subspecies in Arizona. To the extent possible, given the 
    short time available, we utilized the most current scientific 
    literature; vegetation descriptions; information from outside sources 
    such as species experts, agencies, and others; and field reconnaissance 
    of specific areas in developing this final rule.
        1(b) Comment: The Service, in partnership with counties and 
    municipalities, needs to develop science-based surveys and studies to 
    determine recovery efforts needed.
        Service Response: We agree that additional surveys and ecological 
    studies are needed. We are currently working with Pima County in their 
    efforts to conduct comprehensive studies within the County, that will 
    serve as the foundation for their Habitat Conservation Plan, which is 
    currently under development. We encourage others to complete surveys 
    and life history studies on their lands to assist them in managing for 
    pygmy-owls. We welcome new partnerships with any entity in order to 
    conserve pygmy-owls.
    [[Page 37427]]
        1(c) Comments: There is no biological justification or analysis to 
    designate unoccupied areas or use a ``connect the dots approach'' in 
    determining areas as critical habitat. Some areas in Units 1, 2, 5b, 6, 
    and 7 are not connected by habitat and should not be included.
        Service Response: Much of the area designated as critical habitat 
    has never been surveyed for pygmy-owls. Therefore, it is unknown if 
    owls are currently present. We designated critical habitat in areas 
    that include sites we believed were essential for the conservation of 
    the species and those needing special management considerations. Pygmy-
    owls may be present in those areas. We also believe areas between 
    recent sightings play an important role and are essential to 
    conservation of the species for the following reasons--(1) it is 
    unknown if owls are in fact using these areas due to the lack of past 
    survey effort; (2) areas of suitable or potentially suitable habitat 
    located between areas of known owl occurrence are very important to 
    allow pygmy-owls to colonize new areas; (3) they provide areas where 
    pygmy-owls can disperse or facilitate movement between occupied areas 
    for genetic interchange; and (4) they require special management 
        There are some areas within the critical habitat boundaries that, 
    by definition of the primary constituent elements, are not critical 
    habitat. We have provided additional habitat element descriptions where 
    possible for each mapping unit to assist landowners and managers in 
    identifying areas containing these elements or where these elements 
    have the potential to develop on their lands. Refer to the description 
    of each unit within this final rule.
        Much of southern Arizona contains areas that provide potentially 
    suitable habitat that may support pygmy-owls. However, as directed in 
    section 3(5)(A)(i and ii) of the Act, we have only designated those 
    areas that we believe are essential to conservation of the species. 
    Pygmy-owls may be present in some of those areas, but many areas have 
    not yet been surveyed.
        (1d) Comment: How could the Service determine critical habitat when 
    it doesn't know what viable populations are necessary to recover the 
        Service Response: A population viability analysis for this species 
    has not been undertaken, however, we are required to designate critical 
    habitat to the maximum extent prudent and determinable using existing 
    information. Although population viability information will be useful 
    in developing a recovery strategy for the species, it is not required 
    to make this determination of critical habitat. A population viability 
    analysis is unavailable for many species due to the lack of demographic 
    information, habitat requirements, and other information required for 
    an analysis. Studies to determine viable population levels for the 
    pygmy-owl could not be conducted within the time frame given by the 
    court and are not required by the Act for designation of critical 
        1(e) Comment: Critical habitat should not be designated until a 
    recovery plan is completed.
        Service Response: Although having a recovery plan in place is 
    extremely helpful in identifying areas as critical habitat, the Act 
    does not require a plan be prepared prior to such designation. Section 
    4(c) specifically requires that critical habitat be designated at the 
    time a species is listed, or within 1 year if not determinable at 
    listing. Once a recovery plan is finalized, we may revise the critical 
    habitat described in this final rule if appropriate, to reflect the 
    goals and recovery strategy of the recovery plan.
        1(f) Comments: Only riparian areas should be designated since 
    Sonoran desertscrub is only marginal habitat for pygmy-owls in Arizona. 
    The Service should stress riparian restoration in recovery efforts for 
    the pygmy-owl.
        Service Response: At the time the pygmy-owl was listed, it was 
    almost exclusively known from historical records to occur in riparian 
    woodlands and mesquite bosques. Since these early records, all active 
    sites have been located in Sonoran desertscrub, xeroriparian, or desert 
    grassland habitats. Based on our current knowledge, both riparian and 
    other habitat types appear to be important.
        1(g) Comments: The habitat assessment key should have been used to 
    identify areas of critical habitat. Some areas that rated low using 
    this key were designated critical habitat, such as in Units 1 and 5b. 
    Why were these two units included since they are of low quality? Why 
    was Unit 1 designated when there have never been owls present?
        Service Response: The BLM developed a habitat assessment key for 
    its use to prioritize areas to survey that may be suitable for pygmy-
    owls. Not enough information is currently known regarding range-wide 
    habitat requirements to develop a key with specific criteria that would 
    apply to all habitats. Habitats where pygmy-owls have been found in the 
    greater Tucson area are vastly different from other areas of the State, 
    such as Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument and the Altar Valley. The 
    BLM methodology uses specific habitat evaluation criteria to assess 
    distinct habitats found on their lands within specific regions of the 
    State. The BLM believes, and we concur, that it would be inappropriate 
    to use this methodology to identify areas of critical habitat and to 
    evaluate other habitats throughout the State since many of these 
    criteria do not apply to other regions. We are not aware of any 
    completed habitat assessments using the BLM methodology within Units 1 
    or 5b.
        When we originally proposed critical habitat in December, 1998, 
    there was only one documented record of a pygmy-owl in Unit 1. Although 
    very few surveys had been completed in this area previously, potential 
    habitat was present and we believed this area was important to the 
    species. Since then, intensive surveys have been initiated in this unit 
    and the nearby refuge. As a result, nine pygmy-owl sites have been 
    found (Harris Environmental Group 1998; Aaron Flesch, pers. comm. 1999; 
    AGFD unpubl. data 1999). Therefore, we consider this unit essential for 
    recovery of the species. Likewise, other areas we have designated have 
    little survey data to date. Areas where pygmy-owls are not currently 
    known to exist because of lack of or limited survey efforts may also 
    have pygmy-owls. We encourage landowners and managers with suitable 
    habitat described in this rule to conduct surveys for pygmy-owl. We 
    agree that Unit 5b likely contains limited nesting habitat; however, 
    the mesquite-lined washes in this unit provide, at a minimum, dispersal 
    habitat for owls moving between Units 4 and 6.
        1(h) Comment: Critical habitat boundaries do not appear to reflect 
    habitat; rather they follow squared-off, arbitrary lines.
        Service Response: We are required to describe critical habitat (50 
    CFR Sec. 424.12(c)) with specific limits using reference points and 
    lines as found on standard topographic maps of the area. Due to the 
    time constraints imposed by the court, the absence of detailed 
    vegetation maps, we followed roads, railroads, and section or township 
    lines wherever possible to delineate the critical habitat boundaries. 
    Some pygmy-owl unsuitable habitat areas may be included in these mapped 
    areas. Under 50 CFR Sec. 424.12(d), when several habitat areas are 
    located in proximity to one another, an inclusive area may be 
    designated as critical habitat.
        (1i) Comments: Why are some areas that do not appear to have 
    suitable pygmy-owl habitat or to contain any of the primary constituent 
    elements included as critical habitat? Only those areas with these 
    constituent elements
    [[Page 37428]]
    should be designated (15 USC Sec. 1532 (5)(A) and 50 CFR Sec. 424.12).
        Service Response: As previously stated in this document, due to 
    time constraints, we were not able to eliminate areas within the 
    critical habitat boundaries that do not contain, or do not have the 
    reasonable likelihood of ever containing, the primary constituent 
    elements necessary for the pygmy-owl. However, any areas that do not, 
    and cannot, support these elements are, by definition, not considered 
    to be critical habitat, even though they are within the identified 
        (1j) Comments: Areas with reduced value as pygmy-owl habitat should 
    not be included. Commenters cited the following factors as to why their 
    lands had little value as pygmy-owl habitat--lack of some primary 
    constituent elements, ``low-quality'' habitat, nearby major roads, 
    schools, or high-density housing, and lack of saguaros or ironwoods. 
    Some areas may not be suitable because they are adjacent to planned 
    developments such as future road-widening projects or housing 
        Service Response: We have documented the presence of pygmy-owls 
    near developed lands, roads, and areas that possess some, but not all, 
    of the primary constituent elements. Therefore, we are including areas 
    near developed lands that contain at least some primary constituent 
    elements as critical habitat because owls use these areas. We believe 
    these areas also play an important role for pygmy-owls for some of 
    their life history requirements such as foraging or dispersal. We can 
    not exclude areas as critical habitat because of projected projects or 
    proposed activities, unless the economic impact outweighs the benefit 
    to the species (section 4(b)(2) of the Act). Although ironwoods are 
    commonly found at sites in the northwest Tucson area (Wilcox et al. 
    1999), numerous other historical and recent sites lack ironwoods. 
    Therefore, we do not believe ironwoods are specifically a necessary 
    component for pygmy-owls. Further research is needed to fully 
    understand this species' habitat needs and life history requirements.
        (1k) Comment: You should not only designate currently occupied 
    sites, but also sites with suitable or potential habitat that was 
    previously occupied, and also dispersal habitat.
        Service Response: The Act (section 3(5)(C)) states that not all 
    areas capable of being occupied by the species should be designated as 
    critical habitat unless we determine that such designation is essential 
    to the species' conservation. In determining what areas are critical 
    habitat, we considered areas and constituent elements that are 
    essential to the conservation of the species and that may require 
    special protection or management considerations (50 CFR 
    Sec. 424.12(b)). Thus, not all areas occupied or potentially occupied 
    by a species are eligible for designation. Our rationale for not 
    designating all occupied pygmy-owl sites as critical habitat are 
    discussed in the section entitled ``Critical Habitat Designation.'' Due 
    to time constraints and because of a lack of survey data to indicate 
    documented pygmy-owl presence, we cannot assert that pygmy-owls are not 
    present in a particular area designated as critical habitat. This 
    critical habitat designation contains areas that may be important for 
    pygmy-owl dispersals.
        (1l) Comments: There was no scientific basis for the constituent 
    elements described in the proposed rule. The definition of constituent 
    elements should be expanded to include dispersal habitat such as 
    creosote bush and grasslands. The constituent elements described are 
    vague (violating 50 CFR Sec. 424.12(c)) and are overly inclusive, and 
    should include the required greater detail defining structure, species 
    richness, and juxtaposition of riparian and xeroriparian areas with 
    adjacent upland habitat types. Identified corridors are not based on 
    known movement of owls, and appear to be sheer guesswork.
        Service Response: The primary constituent elements described in 
    this final rule are elements for which we have evidence of use by 
    pygmy-owls in Arizona. Smaller diameter trees and shrubs, though not 
    suitable nesting structure, appear suitable for dispersal movements 
    and/or support prey species for pygmy-owls (Proudfoot, pers. comm. 
    1999). Pure stands of extensive grassland do not support primary 
    constituent elements; however, grasslands with scattered mesquites or 
    other trees or shrubs provide dispersal and foraging habitat and 
    drainages within grasslands containing trees with cavities may also 
    provide suitable nesting habitat. Information regarding movement of 
    pygmy-owls gathered in Arizona and Texas was used to determine 
    suitability of dispersal corridors.
        To date, pygmy-owl habitat studies have been limited to descriptive 
    studies in the greater Tucson area. Habitat in this study area is 
    vastly different from sites elsewhere in the State with historical and 
    recent pygmy-owl sightings. In addition to this Tucson habitat study 
    (Wilcox et al. 1999), we are aware of two additional habitat studies 
    that are scheduled to begin in the summer of 1999, which will analyze 
    habitats where other pygmy-owls are found in the State. These 
    additional studies will examine habitats used by pygmy-owls in areas 
    containing very different habitats compared to previous studies. Random 
    sites will also be studied in the state to determine use versus 
    availability. These studies will provide valuable information about the 
    habitat needs of pygmy-owls and will be useful to us and others in 
    meeting the conservation needs of the species.
        As noted earlier, pygmy-owls use a variety of habitats. We have 
    described in the greatest detail possible in this final rule the 
    constituent elements important to pygmy-owls known at this time. If new 
    information later becomes available as a result of the above mentioned 
    or other studies regarding the habitat needs of this species, we will 
    then evaluate whether a revision of designated critical habitat is 
    warranted. In addition, as new habitat information becomes available 
    that can further refine habitat definitions and descriptions, it will 
    be used in future section 7 consultations and recovery planning for the 
        Issue 2: Take of Private Property/Additional Burdens on Private 
        (2a) Comment: The designation of critical habitat would constitute 
    ``taking'' of private property rights; thus a takings implications 
    assessment, as required by Executive Order 12630, must be conducted.
        Service Response: The designation of critical habitat has no effect 
    on non-Federal actions taken on private land, even if the private land 
    is within the mapped boundary of designated critical habitat. Critical 
    habitat has possible effects on activities by private landowners only 
    if the activity involves Federal funding, a Federal permit, or other 
    Federal action. If such a Federal nexus exists, we will work with the 
    landowner and the appropriate Federal agency to ensure that the 
    landowner's project can be completed without jeopardizing the species 
    or adversely modifying critical habitat.
        Executive Order 12630 requires that Federal actions that may affect 
    the value or use of private property be accompanied by a takings 
    implication assessment. As discussed in our response to Issue 9, 
    (McKenney et al. 1999), the economic analysis found that designation of 
    critical habitat would have no economic effect above that already 
    imposed by listing. The primary effect of critical habitat designation 
    on private property is to identify areas important for the conservation 
    of the species. In addition, if a Federal action
    [[Page 37429]]
    occurs on those private lands, such as issuance of a Clean Water Act 
    section 404 permit, the Federal action agency would be required to 
    consult with us pursuant to section 7 of the Act if that action may 
    affect the pygmy-owl or its critical habitat. In Arizona, all private 
    landowners that have applied for a section 10 take permit to allow them 
    incidental take of a federally listed species have been issued permits, 
    and all projects that have completed the section 7 consultation process 
    have gone forward.
        (2b) Comments: The designation of critical habitat would place an 
    additional burden on landowners above and beyond what the listing of 
    the species would require. The number of section 7 consultations will 
    increase; large areas where no pygmy-owls are known to occur will now 
    be subject to section 7 consultation. Many Federal agencies have been 
    making a ``no effect'' call within unoccupied suitable habitat. Now, 
    with critical habitat there will be ``may effect'' determinations, and 
    section 7 consultation will be required if any of the constituent 
    elements are present.
        Service Response: If a Federal agency funds, authorizes, or carries 
    out an action that may affect either the pygmy-owl or its critical 
    habitat, the Act requires that the agency consult with us under section 
    7 of the Act. For a project to affect critical habitat, it must affect 
    the habitat features important to the pygmy-owl, which are the primary 
    constituent elements described in this final rule. Our view is and has 
    been that any Federal action within the geographic area occupied by the 
    species that affects these habitat features should be considered a 
    situation that ``may affect'' the pygmy-owl and should undergo section 
    7 consultation. This is true whether or not critical habitat is 
    designated, even when the particular project site within the larger 
    geographical area occupied by the species is not known to be currently 
    occupied by an individual pygmy-owl. All areas designated as critical 
    habitat are within the geographical area occupied by the species, so 
    Federal actions affecting essential habitat features of the species 
    should undergo consultation. Thus, the need to conduct section 7 
    consultation should not be affected by critical habitat designation. As 
    in the past, the action agency will continue to make the determination 
    as to whether their project may affect a species even when the 
    particular site is not known to be currently occupied by an individual 
        Issue 3: National Environmental Policy Act.
        Comment: The designation of critical habitat constitutes a major 
    Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human 
    environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) should be 
        Service Response: We have determined that Environmental Assessments 
    (EAs) and EISs, as defined under the authority of the National 
    Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), need not be prepared in 
    connection with regulations adopted pursuant to section 4(a) of the 
    Act. We published a notice outlining our reasons for this determination 
    in the Federal Register in October, 1983 (48 FR 49244).
        Issue 4: Lands with Habitat Conservation Permits to be Excluded 
    from Critical Habitat.
        Comments: It is illegal and unscientific to withdraw critical 
    habitat designation from land covered by an approved or future Habitat 
    Conservation Plan (HCP) incidental take permit. Critical habitat 
    protects land essential for conservation, which is a higher standard 
    than a HCP permit which only assures that jeopardy would not occur. The 
    HCP take permit has no public process analysis or scientific 
    accountability. HCPs should maintain constituent elements. Regional 
    HCPs are preferred to individual permits. Individual HCPs should not be 
    approved until a regional HCP is completed in Pima County.
        Service Response: Before we issue a section 10 permit, we must 
    determine that the HCP provides for the conservation of the species. As 
    a part of the permit evaluation process, we must determine whether our 
    action of issuing the section 10 permit is likely to jeopardize the 
    continued existence of the species or result in adverse modification of 
    critical habitat. Thus, when a HCP is approved through a section 10 
    permit, we will have already determined that critical habitat would not 
    be adversely modified. HCP permits for lands over 5 acres in size are 
    required to go through the NEPA process that involves public 
    participation and comment. Monitoring and adaptive management are 
    important components of the HCP process to ensure that needed actions 
    are taken and that actions can be modified, as needed, as new 
    information is collected.
        We agree that maintaining the primary constituent elements is an 
    important consideration in developing HCPs. In addition, we strongly 
    support regional multiple-species HCPs such as the one currently under 
    development by Pima County, and we encourage this broad-based approach 
    to others within the region. Experience gained from development of 
    similar plans indicates that because of their complexity, these plans 
    typically take a year or more to complete. We encourage landowners and 
    members of the public in the region to participate in this planning 
    effort; however, we realize that it would be unrealistic for some to 
    wait until the county's plan is finalized. We cannot preclude any 
    applicant from pursuing an individual HCP pending the development of a 
    regional plan.
        Issue 5: Section 7 Consultation and Section 9.
        (5a) Comments: How will the Service conduct section 7 consultations 
    on land immediately adjacent to critical habitat; would additional 
    buffers be required?
        Service Response: We address all direct, indirect, inter-related, 
    and interdependent effects of projects under section 7 consultation, 
    which could include effects to areas outside of the immediate project 
    area (downstream effects, for example). However, if a project is 
    adjacent to, but not within, critical habitat and has no direct or 
    indirect effect on critical habitat, that would be acknowledged in the 
    section 7 Biological Opinion, and only effects to the species would be 
        (5b) Comment: Section 9 does not fully protect habitat absent a 
    critical habitat designation because critical habitat can include 
    unoccupied habitat. There is a clear distinction between the 
    ``jeopardy'' and ``adverse modification of critical habitat'' 
    prohibitions. In its final rule listing the pygmy-owl as endangered, 
    the Service states that clearing of unoccupied habitat is not a section 
    9 ``take.'' The courts have consistently held that for a party to 
    assert that removal or disturbance of vegetation from an area will 
    result in take of an endangered species, such a party must demonstrate 
    that the species is present in the area or otherwise using it for 
    essential behavioral functions. Where there is no owl, there is no 
        Service Response: We agree that section 9 does not protect 
    unoccupied habitat, i.e., areas from which the pygmy-owl has been 
    extirpated. However, as discussed in our response to comment 2(b) 
    above, section 7 requires consultation on Federal actions that may 
    affect a listed species or its critical habitat. An action agency may 
    determine that a project may affect a species even when the particular 
    site is not known to be currently occupied by an individual pygmy-owl. 
    It is our view that actions affecting suitable pygmy-owl habitat within 
    the known range of the pygmy-owl, whether or not that area has been 
    designated as critical habitat and whether or not it is known to
    [[Page 37430]]
    currently support an individual, should undergo review under section 7.
        Issue 6: Designation by Specific Land Ownership.
        (6a) Comments: Designation of critical habitat is not necessary on 
    non-Federal lands because vast tracts of Federal and Tribal lands are 
    already protected. For instance, over 87% of Pima County is owned by 
    the government; the Service should move the owls to those lands.
        Service Response: The Act defines critical habitat as those areas 
    essential to the conservation of the species and that are in need of 
    special management considerations or protection. We agree that Federal 
    lands provide a significant amount of the habitat currently occupied by 
    the pygmy-owl, and that those lands are essential to the species' 
    conservation. However, much of the currently occupied habitat is on 
    non-Federal land, especially in Pima County. As stated in the proposed 
    rule, we tried to avoid designation on non-Federal lands except when 
    those lands are, because of their location or the habitat they support, 
    necessary to ensure pygmy-owl conservation. We do not believe that 
    Federal and Tribal lands alone, are adequate to ensure the species' 
        (6b) Comments: Exemption of Federal lands such as National Parks 
    and National Wildlife Refuges is illegal, violating 50 CFR Sec. 424.12, 
    and draft guidance exhibit 2, pp 5, 11-12, which states that lands must 
    be evaluated regardless of ownership. None of those lands have an owl 
    plan, and there is no basis to claim that future management will be 
    consistent with critical habitat protections. The Service does not have 
    the statutory authority to exclude areas because it feels their current 
    management is compatible with pygmy-owls, and the benefits from 
    exclusion must be greater than that of inclusion.
        Service Response: In determining what areas are critical habitat, 
    we consider physical and biological features that are essential to the 
    conservation of the species and that may require special management 
    considerations or protection (50 CFR Sec. 424.14(b)). Organ Pipe Cactus 
    National Monument, Saguaro National Park, and Buenos Aries and Cabeza 
    National Wildlife refuges provide important habitat for the pygmy-owl. 
    These areas were excluded from designation not simply because of 
    ownership, but because we believe these areas are managed in such a way 
    that provides for natural values, including protection of threatened 
    and endangered species. We believe that these specific areas are 
    managed and likely will continue to be managed in a manner compatible 
    with pygmy-owl needs, and are therefore not in need of special 
    management considerations or protection.
        (6c) Comments: Exemption of Tribal lands is illegal, and there is 
    no evidence that current densities on Tribal lands are as high as 
    historical levels, nor that the population is increasing. The Service 
    states that, because the owl occurs on the reservation, Tribal 
    management is compatible with pygmy-owls. Failure to designate critical 
    habitat on Tribal lands violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 
    United States Constitution and the Administrative Procedures Act.
        Service Response: Given the lack of species' location and habitat 
    information on Tribal lands available at the time of drafting the 
    proposed rule, we were unable to thoroughly assess either the status of 
    the species on those lands, or the management practices currently 
    employed by the tribes. The court's order required publication of a 
    proposed rule within only 30 days and a final rule in 6 months. Given 
    the extensive preparation and review requirements of publishing a 
    proposed rule, our staff had but a few days to develop the critical 
    habitat maps and determine what areas are both essential to the 
    species' conservation and in need of special management considerations 
    or protection. Further, Secretarial Order 3206 requires significant 
    coordination with Tribal governments, as well as several specific 
    determinations, prior to proposing Tribal land as critical habitat. The 
    30 days allowed by the court precluded the analyses and coordination 
    that would have been necessary before proposing critical habitat on 
    Tribal lands. We therefore based our proposal on the best scientific 
    and commercial information available, as required by the Act.
        (6d) Comments: To designate State trust lands because they are 
    owned by the State is arbitrary, capricious, discriminatory, and 
    unlawful; they should be treated as private lands. The Service 
    considers State lands as public lands and therefore assumes that the 
    limitations of use resulting from designation of critical habitat will 
    not adversely affect the landowner. The Service did not justify the 
    assumption that State lands require special management considerations.
        Service Response: We first identified areas essential to the 
    conservation of the species. We looked first to Federal, then State 
    lands to develop a configuration that would include most occupied 
    pygmy-owl sites, connected across the species' range. Our reasoning was 
    that the Act clearly puts the largest share of the burden on Federal 
    agencies and Federal lands in conserving listed species. The Act also 
    considers the states to be important partners in species' conservation 
    efforts. Where possible, we therefore proposed Federal and State lands 
    as the primary areas to concentrate pygmy-owl recovery, with private 
    lands included where necessary. As stated in the economic analysis and 
    this final rule, we do not believe the designation of critical habitat 
    will have adverse economic effects on any landowner, including the 
    State of Arizona, above and beyond the effects of listing of the 
    species (McKenney et al. 1999).
        Future management practices of State trust lands are uncertain in 
    areas we have determined essential to the recovery of this species and 
    may in some instances not be compatible with conservation efforts; 
    therefore, we believe that designation of these lands is warranted. We 
    believe that designation of these and other lands as critical habitat 
    does not result in additional economic or other effects to the 
    landowner above that which would occur from listing the species.
        Issue 7: Legal and Procedural Comments.
        (7a) Comments: The Service did not consult, nor allow for an 
    appropriate level of involvement with, the State of Arizona, counties, 
    and cities in areas proposed as critical habitat.
        Service Response: In regard to the role of local governments in 
    decisions to determine critical habitat, the Act requires we ``give 
    actual notice of the proposed regulation (including the complete text 
    of the regulation) to * * * each county or equivalent jurisdiction in 
    which the species is believed to occur, and invite the comment of such 
    agency, and each jurisdiction'' (section 4(b)(5)(A)(ii) of the Act). 
    Due to the limited time allowed by the court and plaintiffs, we were 
    not able to individually contact all of the entities that could be 
    affected by this proposal; however, we notified each affected county, 
    several cities, and many special interest groups of the proposed rule 
    and draft economic analysis. All entities, including the State and 
    local municipalities, were given ample opportunity, during two separate 
    public comment periods and three public hearings, to submit their 
    concerns and have them addressed in the final rule. Numerous local, 
    city, county, State, and Federal agencies provided comments during two 
    public comment periods and three public hearings; we reviewed and 
    considered these comments in developing this final rule.
        (7b) Comments: The court order was not to designate critical 
    habitat, but
    [[Page 37431]]
    rather to reconsider whether it was prudent to do so. The court 
    referred to only 12 of the 28 items of evidence the Service provided in 
    its original ``not prudent'' determination. Designation of critical 
    habitat provides no additional benefits to the species and can lead to 
    increased threats from bird watchers or retaliation against the species 
    as happened with the Mexican wolf. The Service lacks sufficient 
    original information and its original not prudent finding was correct 
    until future research is done.
        Service Response: The Act requires the Secretary, ``to the extent 
    prudent and determinable,'' to designate critical habitat concurrently 
    with listing a species as threatened or endangered. Regulations under 
    50 CFR Sec. 424.12(a)(1) state that critical habitat is not prudent 
    when one or both of the following situations exist--(i) the species is 
    threatened by taking or other human activity, and identification of 
    critical habitat can be expected to increase the degree of such threat, 
    or (ii) designation of critical habitat would not be beneficial to the 
        We determined in our final rule listing the species as endangered 
    (62 FR 10730) that critical habitat designation would increase the 
    threat of harassment of owls by bird watchers and increase the 
    potential for vandalism. The court found this determination to be 
    arbitrary and capricious, and remanded the ``not prudent'' finding to 
        As stated in our economic analysis (McKenney et al. 1999), we 
    believe that designation of critical habitat for the pygmy-owl provides 
    no significant additional impacts or benefits to the species beyond 
    that which would occur, or is provided, through listing the species as 
    endangered. While we believe this argument fits the second argument for 
    a ``not prudent'' finding, the court order cited a previous finding in 
    the 9th Circuit (Natural Resources Defense Council v. Department of 
    Interior; 113 F3d 1121, 1126) that it was Congress' intent that the 
    imprudence exception be a rare exception. This and other statements in 
    the court order led us to believe that another ``not prudent'' finding 
    based on the available information would be inconsistent with the court 
        (7c) Comment: The biological benefits of critical habitat are 
    outweighed by the benefits of exclusion.
        Service Response: Section 4(b)(2) of the Act and 50 CFR Sec. 424.19 
    requires us to consider excluding areas from critical habitat 
    designation if we determine that the benefits of exclusion outweigh the 
    benefits of designating the area as critical habitat, unless that 
    exclusion will lead to extinction of the species concerned. As 
    discussed in this final rule, we have determined that no adverse 
    economic or other effects will result from this critical habitat 
    designation (McKenney et al. 1999). Therefore, no areas were found 
    where the benefits of exclusion outweighed the benefits of including 
    the areas as critical habitat.
        (7d) Comments: The Service must consider the entire range, 
    including Mexico, in determining areas of critical habitat. The Service 
    has never found that the Arizona population is a distinct population 
    segment from the Mexican population.
        Service Response: Regulations at 50 CFR Sec. 424.12(h) state that 
    critical habitat shall not be designated within foreign countries or in 
    other areas outside of United States jurisdiction. We agree that the 
    status of the species in Mexico will be an important consideration in 
    recovery of the species in Arizona. However, maintenance of a healthy 
    population in the U.S. also depends on areas within the pygmy-owls' 
    historical U.S. range, and we have determined that those areas are 
    essential to the species' conservation.
        (7e) Comment: The Service failed to comply with a number of 
    required determinations, including Executive Orders 12291, 12630, 
    12866, and 50 CFR Secs. 424.12(c)(d), and Sec. 424.19 as well as the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act and the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act.
        Service Response: These Executive Orders and other Acts are 
    discussed in the ``Required Determinations'' section of this final 
    rule. Issues pertaining to 50 CFR Sec. 424.14(c)(d) and 424.19 are 
    addressed elsewhere in this final rule.
        (7f) Comment: Critical habitat will have potential impacts on water 
    resource use by Arizona and local agencies. How has the Service 
    coordinated with these groups to resolve water resources issues?
        Service Response: This final rule does not authorize our 
    jurisdiction over water rights, and we do not anticipate impact to 
    local economies or citizens as a result of this designation as we state 
    elsewhere in this rule. Critical habitat designation does not, in 
    itself, restrict groundwater pumping or water diversions; nor does it 
    in anyway restrict or usurp water rights or violate State or Federal 
    water laws. Local agencies, governments, and individuals have had the 
    opportunity to provide comments during two comment periods, and three 
    public hearings. We will work with these groups during the section 7 
    consultation process as necessary to ensure their activities comply 
    with the Act and other Federal and State laws.
        (7g) Comment: Designation of critical habitat on Arizona State 
    trust lands violates the Arizona-New Mexico Enabling Act of 1910.
        Service Response: Under the provisions of the Arizona and New 
    Mexico Enabling Act, in 1910, Congress granted title to certain Federal 
    lands within the borders of Arizona to the State of Arizona for the 
    purpose of creating a trust to provide financial support to the Arizona 
    common schools, universities, and other public institutions operated by 
    the State. However, the State trust created under the Enabling Act is 
    not immune from the operation of otherwise applicable Federal law, 
    including the Endangered Species Act. Further, we do not anticipate 
    that critical habitat designation will affect the State's ability to 
    utilize their trust lands in a manner that will provide financial 
    support to State institutions. Even if there are situations where a 
    State activity requires Federal authorization or funding, we do not 
    anticipate any restrictions beyond those that may result from listing 
    the pygmy-owl as endangered.
        (7h) Comments: Critical habitat should not have been proposed 
    before an economic and other impacts analysis was completed, and the 
    opportunity to comment on the economic analysis and the proposed rule 
    was limited. Several requests were received to extend the public 
    comment period.
        Service Response: We are not required to conduct an economic 
    analysis at the time critical habitat is initially proposed. We 
    published in the Federal Register (63 FR 71820) the availability of the 
    proposed rule and invited public comment which we used to develop a 
    draft economic analysis (McKenney et al. 1999). We invited public 
    comments for 30 days on this draft analysis, which we believe was 
    sufficient given the short-time frame ordered by the court. Because of 
    the court-ordered time frame, we were not able to extend the public 
    comment period.
        (7i) Comment: Maps and descriptions provided are vague and violate 
    the Act and 50 CFR Sec. 424.12(c).
        Service Response: This final rule contains the required legal 
    descriptions of areas designated as critical habitat. The accompanying 
    maps are for illustration purposes. If additional clarification is 
    necessary, contact the Arizona Ecological Service Field Office (see 
    ADDRESSES section). We identified specific areas referenced by specific 
    legal description, roads, railroads, and other landmarks, which are 
    found on standard topographic maps.
    [[Page 37432]]
        (7j) Comment: Once land is designated as critical habitat it will 
    likely result in a panoply of Federal, State, and local land use laws, 
    and restrictions or extra procedures.
        Service Response: We are unaware of any information that indicates 
    any new State or local laws, restrictions, or procedures will result 
    from critical habitat designation. Should any State or local regulation 
    be promulgated as a result of this rule, this would be outside of the 
    authority of the Service under the Act. The comment is correct in that 
    projects funded, authorized, or carried out by Federal agencies, and 
    that may affect critical habitat, must undergo consultation under 
    section 7 of the Act on the effects of the action on critical habitat. 
    However, as stated elsewhere in this final rule, we do not expect the 
    result of those consultations to result in any restrictions that would 
    not be required as a result of listing the pygmy-owl as an endangered 
        (7k) Comment: Additional areas not identified in the proposed rule 
    should be designated critical habitat.
        Service Response: Section 4(b)(4) of the Act requires that 
    designation of critical habitat undergo the regulation promulgation 
    procedures identified under 5 U.S.C. 553. That is, areas designated as 
    critical habitat must first be proposed as such. Thus, we cannot make 
    significant additions in the final rule to the areas included in the 
    proposed rule. Designation of such areas would require new proposed and 
    final rules. The Act explicitly states that not all suitable or 
    occupied habitat be designated as critical habitat, rather only those 
    essential for the conservation of the species (50 CFR Sec. 424.12 (e)).
        The pygmy-owl recovery team is currently developing a recovery plan 
    for this species. During the development of a recovery strategy, the 
    team will not only closely examine areas designated as critical habitat 
    but also all lands within the listed population, to determine their 
    importance and role in the recovery of the species. This process will 
    allow substantially more in-depth analysis than we were afforded by the 
    court and plaintiffs to designate critical habitat. If the recovery 
    team, as a result of new information or analysis, further refines those 
    areas designated in this final rule or identifies additional areas 
    which they determine are essential to the conservation of the species, 
    we will evaluate whether a revision of critical habitat is warranted at 
    that time.
        Issue 8: Specific Projects and Activities.
        (8a) Comments: Critical habitat would affect specific projects such 
    as erosion control measures on Brawley Wash and fire management in the 
    Altar and Falcon Valley regions. Grazing would be affected by 
    designation on private lands.
        Service Response: Critical habitat designations only apply to 
    Federal lands, or federally funded or authorized projects on private 
    lands. If there is no Federal nexus or involvement, then additional 
    considerations are not necessary (see Issue 2 above). Where a Federal 
    nexus exists, designation of critical habitat does not preclude 
    projects or activities such as riparian restoration, erosion control, 
    fire management, or grazing if they do not cause an adverse 
    modification of critical habitat. We will work with landowners within 
    designated critical habitat and Federal agencies that are required to 
    consult with us under section 7 of the Act to ensure that land 
    management will not adversely modify critical habitat. We also 
    encourage landowners to restore riparian habitats including erosion 
    control measures, and we can provide financial and technical assistance 
    through our Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program.
        (8b) Comment: Designation of areas with existing pipelines and 
    aqueducts would be affected and should be excluded. Routine maintenance 
    of trails should be excluded.
        Service Response: Periodic maintenance of existing pipelines, 
    roads, trails, or aqueducts would not typically constitute adverse 
    modification of critical habitat. These areas generally lack the 
    primary constituent elements described in this rule, and it is our 
    intention to exclude such areas by definition. If maintenance would 
    require removal of constituent elements, and Federal involvement is 
    part of that activity, then section 7 consultation may be necessary.
        (8c) Comment: Designation of critical habitat may compromise 
    wildfire prevention and suppression activities in those areas.
        Service response: We agree that wildfire prevention and suppression 
    activity is very important to protect human life and property, and also 
    from a resource protection standpoint. Fire protection of areas 
    designated as critical habitat will be essential to ensure the 
    conservation of the species. We will work with all landowners and 
    managers responsible for these activities to ensure adequate fire 
    prevention and suppression measures are in place and to protect 
    resource values. Only fire prevention and suppression activity 
    undertaken or funded by a Federal agency would require consultation 
    under section 7 of the Act. Non-Federal activities will not be affected 
    by critical habitat designation.
        Issue 9: Economic Impacts.
        (9a) Comment: The assumption applied in the economic analysis that 
    the designation of critical habitat will cause no impacts above and 
    beyond those caused by listing of the species is faulty, legally 
    indefensible, and contrary to the ESA. ``Adverse modification'' and 
    ``jeopardy'' are different, will result in different impacts, and 
    should be analyzed as such in the economic analysis.
        Service Response: The designation of critical habitat for the 
    pygmy-owl has been evaluated in the economic context known as ``with'' 
    and ``without'' the rule. It was found that the survival of the pygmy-
    owl makes it necessary that any adverse modification of its habitat 
    would jeopardize the species. Under this condition, any and all 
    economic consequences would be due to the jeopardy call under section 7 
    of the Act, and an adverse modification without a jeopardy call would 
    not occur. Further, it is our position that both within and outside of 
    critical habitat, Federal agencies should consult under the jeopardy 
    standard if a proposed action is (1) within the geographic areas 
    occupied by the species, whether or not owls have been detected on the 
    specific project site; (2) the project site contains habitat features 
    that can be used by the species; and (3) the proposed action is likely 
    to adversely affect that habitat. The economic consequences identified 
    during the comment period are all due to the listing of the pygmy-owl 
    and not the designation of critical habitat. The economic analysis of 
    designating critical habitat determined that the same regulatory 
    process is in place ``with'' as well as ``without'' the rule, and 
    consequently found no economic effects.
        (9b) Comment: The proposed designation of critical habitat will 
    impose economic hardship on private landowners and businesses. There is 
    an expressed concern that the proposed critical habitat designation 
    would have serious financial implications for commercial and 
    residential development businesses. It is suggested that designation 
    would result in reduced property values, lost tax revenues, lost jobs, 
    and foregone economic activity.
        Service Response: As stated in the economic analysis, the proposed 
    rule to designate critical habitat for the pygmy-owl is not adding any 
    new requirements to the current regulatory process. Since the adverse 
    modification standard for critical habitat and the jeopardy standard 
    are almost identical, the listing of the pygmy-owl itself initiated the 
    requirement for consultation. This
    [[Page 37433]]
    critical habitat designation adds no additional requirements not 
    already in place due to the species' listing.
        (9c) Comment: There is an expressed concern that the delay in 
    acquiring Federal permits or the inability to acquire permits for 
    further development, as a result of section 7 consultation, would be an 
    economic hardship to both developers and homeowner associations.
        Service Response: The requirement for Federal agency consultation 
    under section 7 of the Act for actions they carry out, fund, or 
    authorize on Federal or non-Federal lands resulted from listing of the 
    species, and no new requirements are imposed by critical habitat 
        (9d) Comment: There is an expressed concern that the value and 
    security of bonds issued to construct public infrastructure might be 
    threatened by critical habitat designation.
        Service Response: Bonds issued by non-Federal entities that are not 
    insured by the Federal Government do not constitute a Federal nexus. 
    However, an incidental take permit issued under section 10 of the Act 
    would still be required if a taking of the pygmy-owl is possible. The 
    designation of critical habitat does not add any additional 
    requirements to the section 10 incidental take permit process.
        (9e) Comment: There is an expressed concern that all property 
    owners who will be adversely affected by the designation of critical 
    habitat should be provided just compensation.
        Service Response: This designation of critical habitat will not add 
    any additional restrictions and will not affect property owners beyond 
    those restrictions resulting from the listing of the pygmy-owl as 
        (9f) Comment: Critical habitat may disrupt current and future 
    Federal, State, and County land management activities and cause 
    economic losses.
        Service Response: Federal agencies are required to consult with us 
    when a species is listed under the Act. State and County entities are 
    not required to consult with us unless a Federal nexus exists. The 
    designation of critical habitat does not add any new requirements or 
        (9g) Comment: The designation will have harmful impacts on the 
    quality of life, education, and economic stability of small towns. 
    There is an expressed concern that the proposed critical habitat 
    designation will change water diversions, groundwater pumping, road 
    maintenance and land development.
        Service Response: As stated in the economic analysis, the proposed 
    rule to designate critical habitat for the pygmy-owl is not adding any 
    new requirements to the regulatory process. Since the adverse 
    modification standard of critical habitat and the jeopardy standard are 
    nearly identical, the listing of the pygmy-owl itself placed the 
    requirement for consultation. This final rule to designate critical 
    habitat adds no additional requirements that were not already in place 
    due to the species' listing.
        (9h) Comment: There is an expressed concern that the designation 
    would limit the construction of much needed schools, colleges, and 
    community and recreation centers, thereby threatening the ability of 
    small towns affected by the designation to expand and diversify their 
    economy and to improve education.
        Service Response: As previously stated, this final rule designating 
    critical habitat will not impose additional restrictions on private, 
    cities, counties, State or Federal lands. Restrictions already in place 
    due to the listing of the pygmy-owl require consultation with us when 
    there is a Federal nexus. Any limitations or restrictions on 
    construction were imposed due to the species' listing. Additional 
    restrictions are not expected.
        (9i) Comment: There is an expressed concern that the economic 
    stability of the towns of Kearny, Hayden, and Winkelman, as well as 
    Pinal and Gila counties, depends on the continued operation of their 
    mining complex, and further regulatory costs would threaten the 
        Service Response: Critical habitat designation will not add new 
    restrictions beyond those imposed by the listing of the pygmy-owl.
        (9j) Comment: The Service's designation of critical habitat has not 
    adequately considered potential economic implications. There is 
    opposition to the fact that the Service did not prepare an initial 
    regulatory flexibility analysis to address potential impact to small 
    businesses, as required under the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
        Service Response: The proposed rule was published under very tight 
    time constraints by the court order on December 24, 1998. At that time 
    we prepared a record of compliance (ROC) that the proposed critical 
    habitat designation would not have a significant economic impact on 
    small entities. A detailed analysis was initiated by a private firm 
    under contract and subsequently, we distributed a draft of the economic 
    analysis for a 30-day public comment period ending in May, 1999. The 
    findings of the economic analysis indicate that the designation of 
    critical habitat adds no new restrictions on economic activity that 
    were not due to the listing of the pygmy-owl. Therefore, there are no 
    economic effects on small entities attributable to this final rule, and 
    a regulatory impact analysis is not required.
        (9k) There is a concern that the different jurisdictions impacted 
    by critical habitat designation should be addressed separately; impacts 
    should be addressed as individual cases, not collectively.
        Service Response: If the economic analysis would have detected 
    economic effects attributable to the critical habitat designation, then 
    those effects would have been enumerated for each of the areas of 
    critical habitat and would have been estimated for each type of land 
    and management involved. This information would have been used by the 
    Secretary of the Department of the Interior to determine if the 
    benefits of exclusion of the land outweighed the benefits of including 
    the land as critical habitat. There are no economic effects 
    attributable to critical habitat designation so the issue of separating 
    economic effects is a moot point.
    Summary of Changes From the Proposed Rule
        Below is a summary of the changes made to the legal descriptions 
    for the cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl critical habitat designation. The 
    maps included in the proposed rule accurately depicted the critical 
    habitat proposed by the rule. Based on the comments we received, we 
    discovered that several areas within the proposed critical habitat were 
    not accurately described by the legal descriptions in the proposed 
    rule, although the areas were accurately depicted on the maps. As 
    discussed below, we are clarifying the legal descriptions in this final 
    designation to conform to the area depicted by the maps, which remain 
        Changes in the legal descriptions below are of three types: (1) The 
    result of typographical errors discovered after publication of the 
    proposed rule; (2) corrections in sectional descriptions resulting from 
    the use of more up-to-date Public Land Survey System data obtained from 
    the Arizona Land Resource Information System (ALRIS) to more closely 
    reflect mapped information of the proposed rule; and (3) clarification 
    of the description for Tucson Mountain County Park, the boundary of 
    which was obtained from Pima County Public Works and is more up-to-date 
    than that depicted on the BLM map cited in the proposed rule and which 
    was available from ALRIS.
    [[Page 37434]]
    Unit 1:
    T. 19 S., R. 7 E.
    T. 19 S., R. 8 E.
    T. 21 S., R. 7 E.
    Unit 2:
    T. 14 S., R. 11 E.
    T. 14 S., R. 12 E.
    Unit 5b:
    T. 9 S., R. 14 E.
    Unit 6:
    T. 4 S., R. 14 E.
    T. 6 S., R. 15 E.
    T. 6 S., R. 16 E.
    T. 8 S., R. 16 E.
    T. 9 S., R. 18 E.
    T. 11 S., R. 18 E.
    T. 12 S., R. 19 E.
    Unit 7:
    T. 1 N., R. 9 E.
        As a result of using ALRIS data for ownership, the acres summary in 
    Table 1 also changed. The total acres increased by about 1% with the 
    greatest change in Pinal County where BLM's total was reduced and the 
    ``Other'' category picked up that reduction. This is largely due to 
    acreage originally identified as BLM that was actually Bureau of 
    Reclamation when the newer data sets were analyzed. The remaining 
    acreage differences are attributed to the differing methods of 
    determining acres. For the proposed rule, sections and ownership were 
    roughly counted and totaled manually by visual inspection of the cited 
    maps. Subsequently, digital information was obtained from ALRIS and 
    Pima County, which was used to create the updated version of Table 1 
    (as well as the legal descriptions).
        Finally, as mentioned previously, lands in Tribal grazing 
    allotments are excluded from critical habitat. We determined that 
    pygmy-owl conservation could be adequately ensured without designation 
    of the approximately 240 acres.
    Economic Analysis
        Section 4(b)(2) of the Act requires us to designate critical 
    habitat on the basis of the best scientific and commercial information 
    available and to consider the economic and other relevant impacts of 
    designating a particular area as critical habitat. We may exclude areas 
    from critical habitat upon a determination that the benefits of such 
    exclusions outweigh the benefits of specifying such areas as part of 
    critical habitat. We cannot exclude areas from critical habitat if such 
    exclusion would result in the extinction of the species concerned.
        Economic effects caused by listing the pygmy-owl as endangered and 
    by other statutes are the baseline upon which critical habitat is 
    imposed. The economic analysis must then examine the incremental 
    economic and conservation effects of the critical habitat addition. 
    Economic effects are measured as changes in national income, regional 
    jobs, and household income. An analysis of the economic effects of 
    pygmy-owl critical habitat designation was prepared (McKenney et al. 
    1999) and made available for public review (April 15-May 15, 1999; 64 
    FR 18597). The final analysis, which reviewed and incorporated public 
    comments, concluded that no economic impacts are expected from critical 
    habitat designation above and beyond that already imposed by listing 
    the pygmy-owl. The only possible economic effects of critical habitat 
    designation are on activities funded, authorized, or carried out by a 
    Federal agency. These activities would be subject to section 7 
    consultation if they may affect critical habitat. However, activities 
    that may affect critical habitat may also affect the species, and would 
    thus be subject to consultation regardless. Also, changes or mitigating 
    measures that might increase the cost of the project would only be 
    imposed as a result of critical habitat if the project adversely 
    modifies or destroys that critical habitat. We believe that any project 
    that would adversely modify or destroy critical habitat would also 
    jeopardize the continued existence of the species and that reasonable 
    and prudent alternatives to avoid jeopardizing the species would also 
    avoid adverse modification of critical habitat. Thus, no regulatory 
    burden or additional costs would accrue because of critical habitat 
    above and beyond that resulting from listing.
        A copy of the economic analysis and description of the exclusion 
    process with supporting documents are included in our administrative 
    record and may be obtained by contacting our office (see ADDRESSES 
    Required Determinations
    Regulatory Planning and Review
        In accordance with Executive Order 12866, we submitted this action 
    for review by the Office of Management and Budget. Because the economic 
    analysis identified no economic benefits from excluding any of the 
    proposed critical habitat areas, we made a determination to designate 
    all proposed critical habitat units. No inconsistencies with other 
    agencies' actions and/or effects on entitlements, grants, user fees, 
    loan programs, or the rights and obligations of their recipients, were 
    identified in the economic analysis. This rule does not raise novel 
    legal or policy issues.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.)
        In the economic analysis we determined that designation of critical 
    habitat will not have a significant effect on a substantial number of 
    small entities. As discussed in that document and in this final rule, 
    designation of critical habitat will not restrict any actions beyond 
    those already resulting from listing the pygmy-owl. We recognize that 
    some towns, counties, and private entities are considered small 
    entities in accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act, however, 
    they also are not affected by the designation of critical habitat 
    because no additional restrictions will result from this action.
    Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (5 U.S.C. 804(2))
        In the economic analysis we determined that designation of critical 
    habitat will not cause--(a) any effect on the economy of $100 million 
    or more; (b) any increases in costs or prices for consumers, individual 
    industries, Federal, State, or local government agencies, or geographic 
    regions in the economic analysis; or (c) any significant adverse 
    effects on competition, employment, investment, productivity, 
    innovation, or the ability of U.S.-based enterprises to compete with 
    foreign-based enterprises.
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (2 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.)
        In the economic analysis we determined that no effects would occur 
    to small governments as a result of critical habitat designation.
        In accordance with Executive Order 12630, this rule does not have 
    significant takings implications, and a takings implication assessment 
    is not required. This designation will not ``take'' private property 
    and will not alter the value of private property. Critical habitat 
    designation is only applicable to Federal lands and to private lands if 
    a Federal nexus exists.
        This rule will not affect the structure or role of States, and will 
    not have direct, substantial, or significant effects on States. As 
    previously stated, critical habitat is only applicable to Federal lands 
    and to non-Federal lands when a Federal nexus exists, and in the 
    economic analysis we determined that no economic impacts would result 
    from critical habitat designation.
    [[Page 37435]]
    Civil Justice Reform
        In accordance with Executive Order 12988, the Department of the 
    Interior's Office of the Solicitor has determined that this rule does 
    not unduly burden the judicial system and does meet the requirements of 
    sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of the Order. We have made every effort to 
    ensure that this final determination contains no drafting errors, 
    provides clear standards, simplifies procedures, reduces burden, and is 
    clearly written such that litigation risk is minimized.
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.)
        This rule does not contain any information collection requirements 
    for which Office of Management and Budget approval under the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act is required.
    National Environmental Policy Act
        We have determined that EAs and EISs, as defined under the 
    authority of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), need 
    not be prepared in connection with regulations adopted pursuant to 
    section 4(a) of the Act. We published a notice outlining our reasons 
    for this determination in the Federal Register in October, 1983 (48 FR 
    Government-to-Government Relationship With Tribes
        In accordance with the President's memorandum of April 29, 1994, 
    ``Government-to-Government Relations with Native American Tribal 
    Governments'' (59 FR 22951) and 512 DM 2: We understand that we must 
    relate to federally recognized Tribes on a Government-to-Government 
    basis. Secretarial Order 3206 American Indian Tribal Rights, Federal-
    Tribal Trust Responsibilities and the Endangered Species Act states 
    that ``Critical habitat shall not be designated in such areas an area 
    that may impact Tribal trust resources unless it is determined 
    essential to conserve a listed species. In designating critical 
    habitat, we shall evaluate and document the extent to which the 
    conservation needs of a listed species can be achieved by limiting the 
    designation to other lands.'' Pygmy-owl critical habitat does not 
    contain any Tribal lands nor lands that we have identified as impacting 
    Tribal trust resources.
    References Cited
        A complete list of all references cited in this final rule is 
    available upon request from the Arizona Ecological Services Field 
    Office (see ADDRESSES section).
        The primary author of this notice is Mike Wrigley (see ADDRESSES 
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
        Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Transportation.
        For the reasons given in the preamble, we amend 50 CFR part 17 as 
    set forth below:
    PART 17--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 16 U.S.C. 1531-1544 16 U.S.C. 
    4201-4245; Pub. L. 99-625, 100 Stat. 3500; unless otherwise noted.
        2. In Sec. 17.11(h) revise the entry for ``Pygmy-owl, cactus 
    ferruginous'' under ``BIRDS'' to read as follows:
    Sec. 17.11  Endangered and threatened wildlife.
    * * * * *
        (h) * * *
                              Species                                                      Vertebrate
    ------------------------------------------------------------                        population where                              Critical     Special
                                                                     Historic range       endangered or      Status    When listed    habitat       rules
                Common name                  Scientific Name                               threatened
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    Pygmy-owl, cactus ferruginous......  Glaucidium brasilianum  U.S.A. (AZ, TX),       AZ                          E          600  Sec.  17.95           NA
                                          cactorum.               Mexico.                                                                   (b)
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
        3. Amend section 17.95(b) by adding critical habitat for the cactus 
    ferruginous pygmy-owl (Glaucidium brasilianum cactorum) in the same 
    alphabetical order as this species occurs in 17.11(h).
    Sec. 17.95  Critical habitat--fish and wildlife.
    * * * * *
        (b) Birds.
    * * * * *
    Cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl (Glaucidium brasilianum cactorum)
        1. Critical habitat units are depicted for Pima, Cochise, Pinal, 
    and Maricopa counties, Arizona, on the maps below. The maps are for 
    reference only; the areas in critical habitat are legally described 
        2. Within these areas, the primary constituent elements are 
    those habitat components that are essential for the primary 
    biological needs of foraging, nesting, rearing of young, roosting, 
    sheltering, and dispersal or the capacity to develop those habitat 
    components. The primary constituent elements are found in areas that 
    support, or have the potential to support, riparian forests, 
    riverbottom woodlands, xeroriparian forests, and semidesert 
    grassland, and the Arizona upland subdivision of Sonoran 
    desertscrub. Within these vegetation communities, specific plant 
    associations that are essential for the primary biological needs of 
    the cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl include, but are not limited to, 
    the following vegetation: cottonwood, willow, ash, mesquite, palo 
    verde, ironwood, hackberry, saguaro cactus, and/or organ pipe 
        3. Critical habitat does not include non-Federal lands covered 
    by a legally operative incidental take permit for the cactus 
    ferruginous pygmy-owl issued under section 10(a) of the Act, nor 
    Indian Tribal grazing allotments.
        Unit 1. Pima County, Arizona. From BLM map Sells, Ariz. 1979, 
    Atascosa Mts., Ariz. 1979.
        Gila and Salt Principal Meridian, Arizona: T. 17 S., R. 8 E., 
    secs. 1 to 3, E\1/2\ sec. 4, E\1/2\ sec. 9, secs. 10 to 16, 21 to 
    36; T. 17 S., R. 9 E., that portion of sec. 1 lying west of St. Hwy 
    286, secs. 2 to 10, those portions of secs. 11, 12, and 14 lying 
    west of St. Hwy 286, secs. 15 to 22, those portions of secs. 23 and 
    26 lying west of St. Hwy 286, secs. 27 to 34, that portion of sec. 
    35 lying west of St. Hwy 286; T. 18 S., R 7 E., sec. 1, those 
    portions of secs. 2 and 11 lying east of Papago Indian Reservation 
    Bdy, sec. 12, those portions of secs. 13, 14, 24, 25, and 36 lying 
    east of Papago Indian Reservation Bdy; T. 18 S., R. 8 E., secs. 1 to 
    36; T. 18 S., R. 9 E., that portion of sec. 2 lying west of Hwy 286, 
    secs. 3 to 10, those portions of secs. 11 and 14 lying west of St. 
    Hwy 286, secs. 15 to 22, those portions of secs. 23, 26, 27 and 28 
    [[Page 37436]]
    west and north of St. Hwy 286, secs. 29 to 31, those portions of 
    secs. 32 and 33 lying west and north of St. Hwy 286; T. 19 S., R. 7 
    E., those portions of secs. 1, 12, 13, 14, and 23 lying east of 
    Papago Indian Reservation Bdy, secs. 24 and 25, those portions of 
    secs. 26 and 34 lying east of Papago Indian Reservation Bdy, secs. 
    35, 36; T. 19 S., R. 8 E., secs. 1 to 12, N\1/2\ sec. 13, secs. 14 
    to 21, W\1/2\ sec. 22, S\1/2\ sec. 26, S\1/2\ & NW\1/4\ sec. 27, 
    secs. 28 to 35; T. 19 S., R. 9 E., sec. 6; T. 20 S., R. 7 E., secs. 
    1, 2, those portions of secs. 3, 9, and 10 lying east of Papago 
    Indian Reservation Bdy, secs. 11 to 15, those portions of secs. 16, 
    17, and 21 lying east of Papago Indian Reservation Bdy, secs. 22 to 
    27, those portions of secs. 28, 29, 32, and 33 lying east of Papago 
    Indian Reservation Bdy, secs. 34 to 36; T. 20 S., R. 8 E., secs. 2 
    to 11, 14 to 23, 27 to 33; T. 21 S., R. 7 E., secs. 1 to 4, those 
    portions of secs. 5 and 8 lying east of Papago Indian Reservation 
    Bdy, secs. 9 to 16, those portions of secs. 17 and 20 lying east of 
    Papago Indian Reservation Bdy, secs. 21 to 27, those portions of 
    secs 28 and 29 lying east of Papago Indian Reservation Bdy, that 
    portion of sec. 33 lying north of Papago Indian Reservation Bdy, 
    secs. 34 to 36; T. 21 S., R. 8 E., secs. 4 to 9; T. 22 S., R. 7 E., 
    secs. 1 to 3, 10 to 15, 22 to 25; T. 22 S., R. 8 E., S\1/2\ SW, 
    SW\1/4\ SE\1/4\ sec. 18, W\1/2\ & W\1/2\ E\1/2\ sec. 19, that 
    portion of sec. 20 outside Buenos Aires NWR Bdy, secs. 29, 30.
        Unit 2. Pima County, Arizona. From BLM map Silver Bell Mts., 
    Ariz. 1977.
        Gila and Salt Principal Meridian, Arizona: T. 13 S., R. 9 E., 
    secs. 31 to 36; T. 13 S., R. 10 E., secs. 31 to 36; T. 13 S., R. 12 
    E., those portions of secs. 31 to 34 lying within Tucson Mountain 
    County Park; T. 14 S., R. 9 E., secs. 1 to 12; T. 14 S., R. 10 E., 
    secs. 1 to 12; T. 14 S., R. 11 E., that portion of secs. 1 and 2 
    lying within the Tucson Mountain County Park, secs. 5 to 8, 10, 11, 
    those portions of secs. 12 and 13 lying within Tucson Mountain 
    County Park, secs. 14 and 15; T. 14 S., R. 12 E., those portions of 
    secs. 1 to 25, lying within Tucson Mountain County Park; T. 14 S. R. 
    13 E., those portions of secs. 7, 18, 19, 28, 29, and 30 lying 
    within Tucson Mountain County Park. (Note: Areas described for 
    Tucson Mountain County Park do not match the Silver Bell Mts., Ariz. 
    BLM map cited above. This description is based on more recent 
    information obtained from Pima County Public Works.)
        Unit 3. Pima County, Arizona. From BLM map Silver Bell Mts., 
    Ariz. 1977.
        Gila and Salt Principal Meridian, Arizona: T. 12 S., R. 12 E., 
    those portions of secs. 8 and 9 lying south and west of Interstate 
    10, secs. 17, 20, and 29.
        Unit 4. Pima and Pinal Counties, Arizona. From BLM maps Casa 
    Grande, Ariz. 1979, Silver Bell Mts., Ariz. 1977.
        Gila and Salt Principal Meridian, Arizona: T. 10 S., R. 11 E., 
    secs. 1 to 36; T. 10 S., R. 12 E., secs. 4 to 9, 16 to 21, 28 to 33; 
    T. 11 S., R. 11 E., secs. 1 to 5, 9 to 15, secs. 23, 24; T. 11 S., 
    R. 12 E., secs. 3 to 10, 14 to 30, N\1/2\ sec. 31, secs. 32 to 36; 
    T. 11 S., R. 13 E., secs. 19, 28 to 33; T. 12 S., R. 12 E., secs. 1 
    to 4, those portions of secs. 8 and 9 lying north and east of 
    Interstate 10, secs. 10 to 14, 23, 24, that portion of sec. 25 lying 
    north of W. Cortaro Farms Road, that portion of sec. 26 lying north 
    of W. Cortaro Farms Road and north and east of Interstate 10; T. 12 
    S., R. 13 E., secs. 4 to 9, 16 to 21, those portions of secs. 29 and 
    30 lying north of W. Cortaro Farms Road.
        Unit 5a. Pinal County, Arizona. From BLM maps Mesa, Ariz. 1979, 
    Casa Grande, Ariz. 1979.
        Gila and Salt Principal Meridian, Arizona: T. 5 S., R. 11 E., 
    secs. 1 to 36; T. 6 S., R. 11 E., secs. 1 to 36; T. 7 S., R. 11 E., 
    secs. 1 to 36; T. 8 S., R. 11 E., secs. 1 to 36; T. 9 S., R. 11 E., 
    secs. 1 to 36.
        Unit 5b. Pinal County, Arizona. From BLM maps Casa Grande, Ariz. 
    1979, Mammoth, Ariz. 1986.
        Gila and Salt Principal Meridian, Arizona: T. 8 S., R. 15 E., 
    secs. 1 to 36; T. 9 S., R. 12 E., secs. 1 to 36; T. 9 S., R. 13 E., 
    secs. 1 to 36; T. 9 S., R. 14 E., secs. 1 to 31; T. 9 S., R. 15 E., 
    secs. 1 to 12, 14 to 21, 28 to 30.
        Unit 6. Cochise, Pima, and Pinal Counties, Arizona. From BLM 
    maps Mesa, Ariz. 1979, Globe, Ariz. 1986, Mammoth, Ariz. 1986, and 
    Tucson, Ariz. 1979.
        Gila and Salt Principal Meridian, Arizona: T. 4 S., R. 9 E., 
    those portions of secs. 1, 12, 13, and 24 lying east of U.S. Hwy 89; 
    T. 4 S., R. 10 E., secs. 1 to 5, that portion of sec. 6 lying east 
    of U.S. Hwy 89, secs. 7 to 24; T. 4 S., R. 11 E., secs. 7 to 36; T. 
    4 S., R. 12 E., secs. 1 to 12; T. 4 S., R. 13 E., that portion of 
    sec. 1 lying south and west of St. Hwy 177, secs. 2 to 12; T. 4 S., 
    R. 14 E., those portions of secs. 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, and 17 lying south 
    and west of St. Hwy 177, secs. 18, 20, those portions of secs. 21, 
    22, 26, and 27, lying south and west of St. Hwy 177, secs. 28, 29, 
    33, and 34, that portion of sec. 35 lying south and west of St. Hwy 
    177; T. 5 S., R. 14 E., those portions of secs. 1 and 2 lying south 
    and west of St. Hwy 177, secs. 3, 11, 12; T. 5 S., R. 15 E., those 
    portions of secs. 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 lying south and west of St. Hwy 
    177, that portion of sec. 14 lying south and west of the Pinal and 
    Gila Counties boundary (all within Pinal County), that portion of 
    sec. 15 lying south of St. Hwy 177 and west of the Pinal and Gila 
    Counties boundary (all within Pinal County), secs 16 to 22, that 
    portion of sec. 23 lying south and west of the Pinal and Gila 
    Counties boundary (all within Pinal County), that portion sec. 24 
    lying west of St. Hwy 77 and south of Pinal and Gila Counties 
    boundary (all within Pinal County), that portion of sec. 25 lying 
    south and west of St. Hwy 77 and north and east of San Manuel 
    Railroad, those portions of secs. 26 and 36 lying north and east of 
    San Manuel Railroad; T. 5 S., R. 16 E., those portions of secs. 30 
    and 31 lying south and west of St. Hwy 77; T. 6 S., R. 15 E., that 
    portion of sec. 1 lying north and east of San Manuel Railroad; T. 6 
    S., R. 16 E., that portion of sec. 5 lying south and west of St. Hwy 
    77, that portion of sec. 6 lying south and west of St. Hwy 77 and 
    north and east of San Manuel Railroad, that portion of sec. 7 lying 
    north and east of San Manuel Railroad, that portion sec. 8 lying 
    south and west of St. Hwy 77 and north and east of San Manuel 
    Railroad, those portions of secs. 9 and 16 lying south and west of 
    St. Hwy 77, those portions of secs. 17 and 20 lying east of San 
    Manuel Railroad, those portions of secs. 21 and 28 lying west of St. 
    Hwy 77, those portions of secs. 29 and 32 lying east of San Manuel 
    Railroad, that portion of sec. 33 lying west of St. Hwy 77; T. 7 S., 
    R. 16 E., that portion of sec. 4 lying west of St. Hwy 77, secs. 5 
    to 8, those portions of secs. 9, 10, and 15 lying south and west of 
    St. Hwy 77, secs. 16 to 21, those portions of secs. 22, 23, 25, and 
    26 lying south and west of St. Hwy 77, secs. 27 to 35, that portion 
    of sec. 36 lying south and west of St. Hwy 77; T. 8 S., R. 16 E., 
    that portion of sec. 1 lying south and west of St. Hwy 77, secs. 2 
    to 12, that portion of sec. 13 lying east of Camino Rio Road, secs. 
    15 to 22, 28 to 32; T. 8 S., R. 17 E., that portion of sec. 6 south 
    and west of St. Hwy 77, that portion of section 7 west of St. Hwy 77 
    and west of River Road, that portion of sec. 17 lying south and west 
    of River Road, that portion of sec. 18 south and west of River Road 
    and north and east of a line defined by Camino Rio Road where it 
    runs southeasterly from the west boundary of sec. 18 to its 
    intersection with St. Hwy 77 then southeasterly along St. Hwy 77 to 
    its intersection with Old State Hwy 77 then along Old State Hwy 77 
    to its intersection with the south boundary of sec. 18, that portion 
    of sec. 19 lying east of Old State Highway 77, those portions of 
    secs. 20, 28, and 29 lying south and west of River Road, that 
    portion of sec. 30 lying east of Old State Hwy 77 and St. Hwy 77, 
    sec. 32, that portion of sec. 33 lying west of River Road; T. 9 S., 
    R. 16 E., secs. 5 to 8; T. 9 S., R. 17 E., those portions of secs. 3 
    and 4 lying west of River Road, sec. 9, those portions of secs. 10, 
    14, and 15 lying west of River Road, NE\1/4\ sec. 22, those portions 
    of secs. 23, 24, and 25 west of River Road; T. 9 S., R. 18 E., those 
    portions of secs. 30, 31 and 32 west of River Road; T. 10 S., R. 18 
    E., those portions of secs. 5, 6, 7, and 8 lying north and east of 
    Redington Road, sec. 9, those portions of secs. 16, 17, and 21 lying 
    north and east of Redington Road, secs. 22 and 27, those portions of 
    secs. 28 and 33 lying east of Redington Road, sec. 34; T. 11 S., R. 
    18 E., sec. 2, those portions of secs. 3 and 10 lying east of 
    Redington Road, secs. 11 and 14, those portions of secs. 15 and 22 
    lying east of Redington Road, secs. 23 and 26, that portion of sec. 
    27 lying east of Redington Road, that portion of sec. 34 lying east 
    of Redington Road and west of Cascabel Road, that portion of sec. 35 
    lying west of Cascabel Road; T. 12 S., R. 18 E., that portion of 
    sec. 2 west of Cascabel Road, that portion of sec. 3 lying east of 
    Redington Road, those portions of secs. 11, 12, and 13 lying west of 
    Cascabel Road; T. 12 S., R. 19 E., those portions of secs. 18, 19, 
    29, and 30 lying west of Cascabel Road, sec. 31, that portion of 
    sec. 32 and 33 lying west of Cascabel Road; T. 13 S., R. 19 E., that 
    portion of sec. 4 lying west of Cascabel Road, sec. 5, those 
    portions of secs. 9, 10, and 15 lying west of Cascabel Road.
        Unit 7. Maricopa and Pinal Counties, Arizona. From BLM maps 
    Theodore Roosevelt Lake, Ariz. 1981 and Mesa, Ariz. 1979.
        Gila and Salt Principal Meridian, Arizona: T. 3 N., R. 7 E., 
    that portion of sec. 33 lying easterly of Salt River Indian 
    Reservation Bdy, secs. 34 to 36; T. 3 N., R. 8 E., secs. 31 to 33; 
    T. 2 N., R. 7 E., secs. 1 to 3, those portions of secs. 4, 5, 6 and 
    7 lying south and east of
    [[Page 37437]]
    Salt River Indian Reservation Bdy, secs. 8 to 17, that portion of 
    sec. 18 lying south and east Salt River Indian Reservation Bdy, 
    secs. 19 to 25, E \1/2\ sec. 26, E \1/2\ sec. 35, sec. 36; T. 2 N., 
    R. 8 E., secs. 4 to 8, 18, 19, 25 to 36; T. 2 N., R. 9 E., secs. 30, 
    31; T. 1 N., R. 9 E., secs. 6, 7, 18 to 21, 27 to 30, 34 to 36; T. 1 
    N., R. 10 E., secs. 31, 32; T. 1 S., R. 9 E., secs. 1 to 3, 10 to 
    15, 22 to 26, those portions of secs. 27, 35 and 36 lying north and 
    east of U.S. Hwy 60/89; T. 1 S., R. 10 E., secs. 5 to 8, 17 to 20, 
    29 to 32; T. 2 S., R. 9 E., that portion of sec 1 lying north and 
    east of U.S. Hwy 60/89; T. 2 S., R. 10 E., secs. 1 to 5, those 
    portions of secs. 6, 7 and 8 lying north and east of U.S. Hwy 60/89, 
    secs. 9 to 16, that portion of sec. 17 lying north and east of U.S. 
    Hwy 60/89 and south and east of U.S. Hwy 89, that portion of sec. 20 
    lying east of U.S. Hwy 89, secs. 21 to 28, those portions of secs. 
    29 and 32 lying east of U.S. Hwy 89, secs. 33 to 36: T. 3 S., R. 10 
    E., secs. 1 to 4, those portions of secs. 5 and 8 lying east of U.S. 
    Hwy 89, secs. 9 to 16, those portions of secs. 17, 18, and 19 lying 
    east of U.S. Hwy 89, secs. 20 to 29, those portions of secs. 30 and 
    31 lying east of U.S. Hwy 89, secs. 32 to 36.
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-P
    [[Page 37438]]
    [[Page 37439]]
    [[Page 37440]]
        Dated: June 30, 1999.
    Donald J. Barry,
    Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks.
    [FR Doc. 99-17404 Filed 7-6-99; 1:25 pm]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-C

Document Information

Effective Date:
Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
August 11, 1999.
37419-37440 (22 pages)
1018-AF36: Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Critical Habitat for the Cactus Ferriginous Pigmy Owl
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