99-17662. Modifications to the Bid Adequacy Procedures  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 132 (Monday, July 12, 1999)]
    [Pages 37560-37562]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-17662]
    Minerals Management Service
    Modifications to the Bid Adequacy Procedures
    AGENCY: Minerals Management Service (MMS), Interior.
    ACTION: Notification of procedural change.
    SUMMARY: The Minerals Management Service (MMS) has changed a criterion 
    in its existing bid adequacy procedures for ensuring receipt of fair 
    market value on Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and gas leases. The 
    change ensures consistency in the evaluation of tracts.
    DATES: This modification is effective July 1, 1999.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Marshall Rose, Chief, Economics 
    Division, at (703) 787-1536. The revised bid adequacy procedures are 
    described below.
    What Definitions Apply to These Procedures?
        The MROV is a dollar measure of a tract's expected net present 
    value, if that tract is leased in the current sale. The calculation of 
    the MROV allows for exploration and economic risk, and includes tax 
    consequences, e.g., depletion of the cash bonus.
        The delayed MROV (DMROV) is a measure used to determine the size of 
    the high bid needed in the current sale to equalize it with the 
    discounted sum of the bonus and royalties expected in the next sale, 
    less the foregone royalties from the current sale. The bonus for the 
    next sale is computed as the MROV associated with the delay in leasing 
    under the projected economic, engineering, and geological leasing 
    receipts conditions, including drainage. If the high bid exceeds the 
    DMROV, then the leasing receipts from the current sale are expected to 
    be greater than those from the next sale, even in cases in which the 
    MROV exceeds the high bid.
        The Adjusted Delayed Value (ADV) is the minimum of the MROV and the 
        The RAM is the revised arithmetic average measure of the MROV and 
    all qualified bids on a tract that are equal to at least 25 percent of 
    the high bid.
        Anomalous bids are all but the highest bid submitted for a tract by 
    the same company (bidding alone or jointly with another company), 
    parent, or subsidiary. These bids are excluded when applying the number 
    of bids rule or any other bid adequacy measure.
        Legal bids are those bids which comply with the MMS regulations (30 
    CFR 256) and the Notice of Sale, e.g., equal or exceed the specified 
    minimum bid. Any illegal bid will be returned to the bidder.
        Qualified bids are those bids that are legal and not anomalous.
        MONTCAR is a probabilistic, cash flow computer simulation model 
    used to conduct a resource-economic evaluation that results in an 
    estimate of the expected net present value of a tract (or prospect).
        Nonviable tracts or prospects are those geographic or geologic 
    configurations of hydrocarbons that are estimated to be uneconomic to 
    produce with the costs and anticipated future prices used in the 
        Within the context of our bid adequacy procedures, the term 
    ``unusual bidding patterns'' typically refers to a situation in which 
    two or more companies bid against each other more often than would 
    normally be expected. Companies could agree to bid against each other 
    on certain sets of tracts in a sale so that the number of bids rule 
    would apply for bid acceptance. Other forms of unusual bidding patterns 
    exist as well, and generally involve anti-competitive practices, e.g., 
    if it appears that companies are attempting to avoid bidding against 
    each other in a sale on a set of prospective tracts.
        A confirmed tract is a previously leased tract having a well(s) 
    which encountered hydrocarbons and may have produced. It contains some 
    oil and/or gas resources whose volume may or may not be known.
        A development tract is a tract which has nearby productive (past or 
    currently capable) wells with indicated hydrocarbons and which is not 
    interpreted to have a productive reservoir extending under the tract. 
    There should be evidence supporting the interpretation that at least 
    part of the tract is on the same general structure as the proven 
    productive well.
        A drainage tract is a tract which has a nearby well which is 
    capable of producing oil or gas, and the tract could incur drainage if 
    and when such a well is placed on production. The reservoir, from which 
    the nearby well is capable of producing, is interpreted to extend under 
    the drainage tract to some extent.
        A wildcat tract is a tract which has neither nearby productive 
    (past or currently capable) wells, nor is interpreted to have a 
    productive reservoir extending under the tract. It has high risk in 
    addition to sparse well control.
        Water depth categories for bid adequacy purposes in the Gulf of 
    Mexico are designated as (1) less than 800 meters and (2) 800 meters or 
    [[Page 37561]]
    If different water depth categories are used for a Gulf of Mexico sale, 
    they will be specified in the sale's final notice. For areas other than 
    the Gulf of Mexico, all tracts will be considered to be in the same 
    water depth category, unless an alternative is specified in the final 
    notice of sale.
    What Problem Is Addressed by the Change?
        In any OCS lease sale, a limited number of tracts may be 
    reclassified from drainage or development (DD) in Phase 1 of the bid 
    evaluation process to confirmed or wildcat (CW) in Phase 2. (The MMS 
    reclassifies a tract if additional Phase 2 analysis supports a 
    classification different than the one assigned the tract in Phase 1 of 
    the evaluation.) However, under the old bid adequacy procedures, a 
    tract classified as CW in Phase 1 was evaluated under different 
    criteria than a tract that was reclassified as CW in Phase 2. This 
    change ensures the consistent treatment of similarly classified tracts 
    whether they are evaluated in Phase 1 or Phase 2.
    What Change Is Being Made?
        In Phase 1 of the bid adequacy procedures, the MMS classifies 
    tracts as either CW or DD based on information available at the time of 
    sale. Under the old (February 10, 1999) guidelines, tracts within 
    designated water depth categories that were reclassified from DD to CW 
    in Phase 2 only had to have a third largest bid within 50 percent of 
    the high bid to be accepted. Now, DD tracts reclassified as CW tracts 
    must satisfy the same criteria for acceptance that would have had to 
    been met if they were classified as CW in Phase 1.
        To ensure consistency in evaluations, the following change is being 
    made. In Phase 1, for CW tracts receiving three-or-more qualified bids, 
    acceptance under the number of bids rule will apply only if the third 
    largest bid is within 50 percent of the high bid, and if the high bid 
    is in the top 75 percent of high bids on a per acre basis for all 
    three-or-more-bid tracts within designated water depth categories. In 
    Phase 2 of the bid evaluation process, DD tracts that have been 
    reclassified as CW will be subject to the same screening criteria that 
    the CW tracts with three-or-more bids had to meet in Phase 1.
    How Are Bids Evaluated?
        During the bid review process, we conduct evaluations in a two-
    phased procedure for bid adequacy determination. We also review bids to 
    ensure that they are for at least the minimum amount specified in the 
    notice of sale and that unusual bidding patterns are not present.
    What Happens in Phase 1 of the Bid Adequacy Procedures?
        In Phase 1, we partition the tracts receiving bids into three 
    general categories:
        1. Those tracts with three-or-more bids, on which competitive 
    market forces can be used to assure fair market value;
        2. Those tracts which we identify as being nonviable based on 
    adequate data and maps; and
        3. Those tracts which we identify as being viable and on which we 
    have the most detailed and reliable data, including tracts classified 
    as DD.
    What Phase 1 Rules Are Applied to All Tracts Receiving Bids?
        Six Phase 1 rules are applied to all tracts receiving bids:
        1. We accept the highest qualified bid on viable CW tracts 
    receiving three-or-more qualified bids if the third largest bid on the 
    tract is at least 50 percent of the highest qualified bid and if the 
    high bid per acre ranks in the top 75 percent of high bids for all 
    three-or-more-bid tracts within a specified water depth category.
        2. We accept the highest qualified bid on CW tracts that we 
    determine to be nonviable.
        3. We pass to Phase 2 all tracts that require additional 
    information to make a determination on viability or tract type.
        4. We pass to Phase 2 all viable CW tracts receiving one or two 
    qualified bids.
        5. We pass to Phase 2 all viable CW tracts receiving three-or-more 
    qualified bids if either the third largest such bid is less than 50 
    percent of the highest qualified bid or if the high bid per acre ranks 
    in the lowest 25 percent of high bids for all three-or-more-bid tracts 
    in the specified water depth category.
        6. We pass to Phase 2 all DD tracts.
    How is the Percentile Ranking of a Tract's High Bid Calculated?
        The percentile ranking of a tract's high bid is calculated by 
    multiplying 100 times the ratio of the numerical ordering of the three-
    or-more-bid tract's high bid to the total number of all three-or-more-
    bid tracts in the designated water depth. For example, suppose there 
    are 21 total tracts identified in Phase 1 as receiving three-or-more-
    bids in the designated water depth category of at least 800 meters. All 
    tracts in this set having a high bid among the top 15 high bids would 
    satisfy the 75 percent requirement; the 15th ranked high bid would 
    represent the 71st percentile, i.e., (100*(15/21)=71).
    Can any Other Procedures be Used in Phase 1 to Ensure the Receipt 
    of Fair Market Value?
        In ensuring the integrity of the bidding process, the Regional 
    Director may identify an unusual bidding pattern at any time during the 
    bid review process, but before a tract's high bid is accepted. If the 
    finding is documented, the Regional Director has discretionary 
    authority, after consultation with the Solicitor, to pass those 
    identified tracts to Phase 2 for further analysis. The Regional 
    Director may eliminate all but the largest of the unusual bids from 
    consideration when applying any bid adequacy rule, may choose not to 
    apply a bid adequacy rule, or may reject the tract's highest qualified 
    How Long Does it Take To Complete the Phase 1 Procedures?
        These procedures are generally completed within 3 weeks of the bid 
    opening. All the leases that will be awarded as a result of the Phase 1 
    analysis are announced at the end of this period.
    How Long do the Phase 2 Procedures Take?
        The Phase 2 bid adequacy determinations are normally completed 
    sequentially over a period ranging between 21 and 90 days after the 
    sale. Leases are awarded as the analysis of bids is completed over this 
    time period. The total evaluation period can be extended, if needed, at 
    the Regional Director's discretion (61 FR 34730, July 3, 1996).
    What are the Initial Steps of the Bid Adequacy Process that are 
    Followed in Phase 2?
        Activities to assess bids are undertaken by analyzing, 
    partitioning, and evaluating tracts in two steps:
        1. Further mapping and/or analysis is performed to review, modify, 
    and finalize viability determinations and tract classifications.
        2. Tracts we identify as being viable must undergo an evaluation to 
    determine if fair market value has been received.
    What Decision Rules are Applied in Phase 2 of the Bid Evaluation 
        After completing the initial two steps, a series of rules and 
    procedures are followed.
        1. We accept the highest qualified bid on newly classified CW 
    tracts having three-or-more qualified bids if its third
    [[Page 37562]]
    largest bid is at least 50 percent of the highest qualified bid and if 
    its high bid per acre ranks in the top 75 percent of high bids for all 
    three-or-more-bid tracts that reside within its specified water depth 
        2. We accept the highest qualified bid on all tracts determined to 
    be nonviable.
        3. We determine whether any categorical fair market evaluation 
    technique(s) will be used.
        If so we:
        A. Evaluate, define, and identify the appropriate threshold 
    measure(s) for bid acceptance.
        B. Accept all tracts whose individual measures of bid adequacy 
    satisfy the threshold categorical requirements.
        4. We conduct a full-scale evaluation, which could include the use 
    of MONTCAR, on all remaining tracts passed to Phase 2 and still 
    awaiting an acceptance or rejection decision.
    What Subset of Tracts Comprise the ``Remaining Tracts'' That Still 
    Need a Phase 2 Acceptance or Rejection Decision?
        The remaining tracts include tracts not accepted by a categorical 
    rule that we classify as:
        1. DD tracts, or
        2. CW tracts that are viable and received:
        A. One or two qualified bids, or
        B. Three-or-more qualified bids, if either its third largest bid is 
    less than 50 percent of the highest qualified bid or the high bid is in 
    the bottom 25 percent of all three-or-more-bid CW tracts within a 
    designated water depth category.
    What Procedures are Followed for Evaluating the Adequacy of Bids on 
    These Tracts?
        For these tracts we:
        1. Accept the highest qualified bid, if it equals or exceeds the 
    tract's ADV.
        2. Reject the highest qualified bid on DD tracts receiving three-
    or-more qualified bids, if the high bid is less than one-sixth of the 
    tract's MROV.
        3. Reject the highest qualified bid on DD tracts receiving one or 
    two qualified bids and on CW tracts receiving only one qualified bid, 
    if the high bid is less than the tract's ADV.
    What Happens Next to the Tracts Still Awaiting an Acceptance or 
    Rejection Decision?
        At this stage of the process, the tracts still awaiting a decision 
    consist of those having a highest qualified bid that is less than the 
    ADV that are either:
        1. DD tracts receiving three-or-more qualified bids with the 
    highest bid exceeding one-sixth of the tract's MROV or
        2. Viable CW tracts that receive two-or-more qualified bids.
        From these tracts, we select the following:
        A. DD tracts having three-or-more qualified bids with the third 
    largest bid being at least 25 percent of the highest qualified bid, and
        B. CW tracts having two-or-more qualified bids with the second 
    largest bid being at least 25 percent of the highest qualified bid.
        We then compare the highest qualified bid on each of these selected 
    tracts to the tract's RAM. For all these tracts, we:
        1. Accept the highest qualified bid, if the high bid equals or 
    exceeds the tract's RAM, or
        2. Reject the highest qualified bid, if the high bid is less than 
    the tract's RAM.
        Finally, we identify those tracts that are still awaiting a 
    decision, but did not meet the requirements for comparison to the RAM 
    and we reject the high bid on these tracts.
        At this point, the acceptance or rejection decisions are made on 
    all the high bids in the sale. The successful bidders are notified and 
    their leases are awarded after the full payment of the high bid is 
    received. The unsuccessful bidders are notified as well and their bid 
    deposits are returned. Unsuccessful bidders may appeal a bid rejection 
    decision as described in 30 CFR 256.47(e)(3).
        Dated: July 1, 1999.
    Carolita U. Kallaur,
    Associate Director for Offshore Minerals Management.
    [FR Doc. 99-17662 Filed 7-9-99; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Effective Date:
Minerals Management Service
Entry Type:
Notification of procedural change.
Document Number:
This modification is effective July 1, 1999.
37560-37562 (3 pages)
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