98-18590. Self-Regulatory Organizations; Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board Relating to Reports of Sales and Purchases, Pursuant to Rule G-14  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 133 (Monday, July 13, 1998)]
    [Pages 37608-37611]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-18590]
    [Release No. 34-40176; File No. SR-MSRB-98-9]
    Self-Regulatory Organizations; Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule 
    Change by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board Relating to Reports 
    of Sales and Purchases, Pursuant to Rule G-14
    July 7, 1998.
        Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 
    (``Act'') \1\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,\2\ notice is hereby given that 
    on June 17, 1998, the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (``Board'' 
    or ``MSRB'') filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission 
    (``Commission'' or ``SEC'') the proposed rule change as described in 
    Items I, II, and III below, which Items have been prepared by the 
    Board. The Commission is publishing this notice to solicit comments on 
    the proposed rule change from interested persons.
        \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
        \2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
    I. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Terms of 
    Substance of the Proposed Rule Change
        The Board is filing a proposed rule change to institute a service 
    (``the Service'') to provide daily reports from the Board's Transaction 
    Reporting Program (``the Program'') that will summarize information 
    about customer and inter-dealer transactions in municipal securities 
    reported to the Board under rule G-14. The Board is establishing a fee 
    for an annual subscription to the Service of $15,000. The proposed fee 
    is structured to defray the Board's cost of disseminating the 
    transaction data and to defray, in part, the cost of collecting and 
    compiling transaction data that will be used in the Program. The Board 
    does not expect or intend to make a profit from the Service.
    II. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and 
    Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change
        In its filing with the Commission, the Board included statements 
    concerning the purpose of and basis for the proposed rule change and 
    discussed any comments it received on the proposed rule change. The 
    text of these statements may be examined at the places specified in 
    Item IV below. The Board has prepared summaries, set forth in sections 
    A, B, and C below, of the most significant aspects of such statements.
    [[Page 37609]]
    A. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and 
    Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change
    1. Purpose
        The purpose of the Service is to increase transparency in the 
    municipal securities market by adding information about transactions 
    between dealers and customers (``customer transactions'') to the 
    information currently disseminated by the Program. Under the proposed 
    rule change, aggregate data about market activity, and certain volume 
    and price information about transactions in frequently traded 
    securities, would be disseminated to promote investor confidence in the 
    market and its pricing mechanism. The information provided by the 
    Service would be a daily public report summarizing prices and volumes 
    of trading in the municipal securities market during the previous day 
    (the ``Combined Daily Report''). The Combined Daily Report's format is 
    a revision of the Board's currently produced Inter-Dealer Daily Report. 
    Like the Inter-Dealer Daily Report, the Combined Daily Report will be 
    made available by approximately 6:00 a.m. each business day, reporting 
    on the previous day's market. Subscribers would transfer the report, in 
    electronic form, from the Board's system to their own computer systems. 
    A printed copy of the report would be available for examination, free 
    of charge, in the Board's Public Access Facility in Alexandria, 
    Virginia. These dissemination methods are the same as for the current 
    Inter-Dealer Daily Report.
        Previous Filings Regarding the Program. As discussed below, the 
    Board has been operating a program for inter-dealer transaction 
    reporting since 1995. Dealers are required to report their inter-dealer 
    transactions to the Board under rule G-14. In 1996, the Board filed 
    with the Commission an amendment to rule G-14 to require dealers to 
    report their customer transactions in municipal securities to the Board 
    in certain prescribed formats and a description of the changes to the 
    inter-dealer transaction reporting program necessary to add customer 
    transaction information.\3\ The 1996 filing provided for a period from 
    July 1, 1997, to December 31, 1997, during which dealers would test 
    their customer transaction reporting capabilities with the Board. The 
    Commission approved this amendment and plan, with the amendments to 
    rule G-14 ultimately becoming effective March 1, 1998.\4\ In March 
    1998, the Board filed with the Commission its intention to release 
    samples of the Combined Daily Report for public comment and to make the 
    Report available on an operational basis in the third quarter of 
        \3\ Exchange Act Release No. 37859 (Oct. 23, 1996), 61 FR 56072 
    (Oct. 30, 1996).
        \4\ Exchange Act Release No. 37998 (Nov. 29, 1996), 61 FR 64782 
    (Dec. 6, 1996) (approved of amendment to rule G-14); Exchange Act 
    Release No. 39495 (Dec. 29, 1997), 63 FR 585 (Jan. 6, 1998) (delay 
    of effectiveness to March 1, 1998).
        \5\ Exchange Act Release No. 39835 (Apr. 7, 1998), 63 FR 18242 
    (Apr. 14, 1998).
        Background and Description of the Program. Since 1995, rule G-14 
    has required brokers, dealers and municipal securities dealers 
    (``dealers'') to report to the board their inter-dealer transactions in 
    municipal securities via the automated comparison system for municipal 
    securities operated by National Securities Clearing Corporation 
    (``NSCC''). The Board has used this information to create a database of 
    transaction information that can be used for market surveillance 
    purposes and for inspection and enforcement by agencies and 
    organizations charged with enforcement of Board rules. The Board also 
    uses the reported transaction information to create the Inter-Dealer 
    Daily Report, which is used by market participants to help gauge the 
    value of municipal securities. The Board currently has eight 
    subscribers to the Inter-Dealer Daily Report. Most of these are 
    information vendors that redistribute the information to their own 
    subscribers and/or use the information in various securities valuation 
    products that they market.\6\
        \6\ The current subscribers are Bloomberg Financial Markets, 
    Chapdelaine & Company, Dow Jones Telerate, Interactive Data Corp., 
    J. J. Kenny Co., Inc., Muller Data Corp., Smith Barney, Inc., and 
    TradeHistory, LLC.
        Customer trades have been reported by dealers to the Board under 
    rule G-14 since March 1, 1998. Both customer and inter-dealer 
    transactions must be reported by midnight of trade date. Although 
    different mechanisms are used for reporting the two types of trades, 
    the Board's computerized Transaction Processing System (``TRS'') will 
    merge the reported trade data to produce the Combined Daily Report and 
    the surveillance database.
        The criteria for including municipal securities information on the 
    proposed Combined Daily Report will be the same as that described in 
    the Board's March 1998 filing to produce sample daily reports. These 
    are essentially the same as the criteria for the current Inter-Dealer 
    Daily Report. If a municipal security (identified by its CUSIP number) 
    is reported, in compliance with rule G-14, as having been traded four 
    or more times on a given day, then the high, low, and average price and 
    total par value of all the reported trades in that security will be on 
    the Daily Report the next morning. The average price will be calculated 
    as the arithmetic mean of reported transaction prices of those trades 
    between $100,000 and $1,000,000 in par value. This reporting band is 
    meant to exclude odd lots and very large trades from the average price. 
    In applying these criteria, inter-dealer and customer transactions will 
    be considered together. This means that any combination of inter-dealer 
    and customer transactions totaling four or more in one CUSIP will 
    trigger the inclusion of price information in the Combined Daily 
        The Board expects to make the Combined Daily Report Service 
    available during the third quarter of 1998, and will file with the 
    Commission, in advance, an exact date for beginning operation. In 
    addition to the Combined Daily Report Service, the Board also will use 
    the data reported by dealers under rule G-14 to create a surveillance 
    database available to regulatory agencies and organizations responsible 
    for enforcement of Board rules. The surveillance database will not be 
    available to regulators until early 1999.
        Methods for Reporting Transaction Reporting Data. Since 1995, 
    inter-dealer transactions have been reported to the Board by dealers 
    each night through the NSCC automated comparison system. This reporting 
    mechanism is convenient for dealers, since most of the trade data that 
    must be reported to the Board has to be reported to NSCC in any event, 
    for clearance and settlement purposes. The automated comparison system 
    processes the transaction data to determine, among other things, 
    whether both parties to each trade have agreed to certain details 
    (e.g., CUSIP number, par amount, final monies required for 
    settlement).\7\ Each night, the automated comparison system provides 
    electronic files to the TRS that include trade information reported by 
    dealers, plus an indication for each trade whether it was successfully 
    ``compared'' as to its reported details.
        \7\ NSCC procedures provide an exception for transactions 
    involving the distribution of new issue securities from a syndicate 
    manager to syndicate members, wherein only the syndicate manager 
    submits information to the automated comparison system.
        Customer transactions have been reported to the Board each night by 
    dealers since March 1, 1998 in accordance with the rule G-14 amendment 
    that became effective on that date, requiring dealers to generate
    [[Page 37610]]
    a file of required information, in a format specified by the Board, and 
    transmit the file electronically to the TRS. For most high-volume 
    dealers, the first step in file transmission is to send the trade file 
    over existing ``computer-to-computer'' connections between their 
    computer systems and the NSCC. In the second step, NSCC forwards these 
    files to the Board without any processing of the trade data. Some 
    dealers, especially those with low volumes of customer trades who do 
    not have electronic connections to NSCC, submit customer transaction 
    files directly to the Board by means of personal computer software 
    provided free by the Board.
        Correction of Data Submitted by Dealers. Corrections to inter-
    dealer trade information are made by dealers according to NSCC 
    procedures, and, after processing, corrected data is provided by the 
    comparison system to the TRS. Regarding customer trade data, the TRS 
    sends messages to dealers, electronically or by facsimile, 
    acknowledging receipt of a day's file and identifying records that 
    appear to be in error. Dealers submit corrections using a methods 
    similar to that for repairing trades. A dealer may also ``cancel'' a 
    trade record if this is necessary to reflect cancellation of the trade 
    by the parties or to remove erroneous information submitted to the 
        Description of the Combined Daily Report. Once all transaction 
    information for a business day has been received; the TRS generates the 
    Combined Daily Report. As noted, both inter-dealer and customer trades 
    are counted to determine whether an issue (CUSIP number) was traded 
    four or more times. Based upon transaction data reported to the Board 
    in March, April and May 1998, it appears that approximately one 
    thousand issues will be traded four or more times on a typical day.
        The Combined Daily Report includes summary information describing 
    the day's market in municipal securities. The summary covers all 
    municipal securities trades, regardless of frequency of trading. The 
    average daily market statistics during the week of March 30, 1998 were:
    Total par amount traded: $8.6 billion
    Total number of trades reported: 22,199
    Total number of issues traded: 11,499
    Number of issues traded four or more times: 1,025
    The following data elements of each issue would be published in the 
    Combined Daily Report.
        CUSIP number: The CUSIP number that identifies the issue.
        Security description: A short description of the issue that was 
        Number of trades: The total number of trades in the issue (both 
    inter-dealer and customer) that were reported to the MSRB.
        Volume traded: The total dollar value of all trades in the issue on 
    the trade date.
        High price: The highest price of all trades in the issue.
        Low price: The lowest price of all trades in the issue.
        Average price: The arithmetic mean of all trades whose par values 
    were between $100,000 and $1,000,000.
        Trades in average: The number of trades whose par values were 
    between $100,000 and $1,000,000.
        When issued: If ``yes,'' indicates that the issue was traded while 
    in ``when, as, and if issued'' status.
        Assumed settlement date: In some cases, it is necessary to assume a 
    settlement date to calculate price from yield for inclusion of the 
    price in the Daily Report. The assumed settlement date for both inter-
    dealer and customer trades will be 15 business days after the trade 
    date (T+15). When it has been necessary to assume a settlement date, 
    this date will be shown on the Daily Report.
        Review Process for Customer Transaction Data Used in Combined Daily 
    Report. Customer transaction records submitted by dealers are reviewed 
    automatically as part of data processing within the Transaction 
    Reporting System. Trade records are excluded from eligibility for the 
    Combined Daily Report if: (i) the trade date reported in the record is 
    for a day other than the day being reported in the Daily Report; (ii) 
    the trade record or the file containing the trade record is not in the 
    required format or otherwise violates stated system input requirements; 
    \8\ (iii) the submitter of the file has not filed with the Board the 
    required information to identify itself; (iv) the trade record contains 
    a dealer identifier that is unknown to the Board; \9\ (v) the 
    information contained in the trade record is so substantially outside 
    expected parameters that an input error is suspected; (vi) the CUSIP 
    number submitted is not known to be a valid CUSIP number for a 
    municipal securities issue; \10\ or (vii) the trade record contains no 
    dollar price and a dollar price cannot be calculated from the reported 
    yield on the transaction using the Board's available data about the 
    security and standard yield-to-price calculation techniques for 
    securities with periodic interest payments and with more than six 
    months to redemption, contained in Board rule G-33(b)(i)(B)(2). \11\
        \8\ Format requirements and input procedures are described in 
    ``Board to Proceed with Customer Transaction Reporting Program: Rule 
    G-14'' (MSRB Reports, Vol. 16, No. 3 (September 1996) at 3-16). This 
    document, along with explanatory questions and answers and the 
    latest information on the Program, can be found on the Board's World 
    Wide Web site (www.msrb.org).
        \9\ To identify dealers, the Board uses symbols assigned to 
    dealers by the NASD. Dealers are required to obtain a valid symbol 
    under rule G-14(b)(iii). The transaction reporting procedures 
    contained within rule G-14 also require that each dealer effecting 
    customer transactions provide the Board with certain contact 
    information and testing-related information.
        \10\ The Board currently receives updated information on 
    municipal securities CUSIP numbers each day from the CUSIP Service 
    Bureau and J.J. Kenny Co., Inc.
        \11\ The current software used for calculation is provided by 
    TIPs, Inc. The securities information used to calculate price from 
    yield currently is provided by J.J. Kenny Co., Inc.
    2. Basis
        The Board believes the proposed rule change is consistent with 
    Section 15B(b)(2)(C) of the Act, \12\ which requires, in pertinent 
    part, that the Board's rules ``be designed to prevent fraudulent and 
    manipulative acts and practices, to promote just and equitable 
    principles of trade, to foster cooperation and coordination with 
    persons engaged in regulating . . . transactions in municipal 
    securities, to remove impediments to and perfect the mechanism of a 
    free and open market in municipal securities, and, in general, to 
    protect investors and the public interest.''
        \12\ 15 U.S.C. 78o-4(b)(2)(C).
    B. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Burden on Competition
        The Board does not believe that the proposed rule change will 
    impose any burden on competition in that it applies equally to all 
    dealers in municipal securities.
    C. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Comments on the Proposed 
    Rule Change Received From Members, Participants, or Others
    The 1995 and 1996 Requests for Comments
        The Board published a notice in February 1995,\13\ requesting 
    comment on a plan to collect and report information about transactions 
    between dealers and institutional customers, and in January 1996 
    published a revised plan \14\ to collect information about all
    [[Page 37611]]
    customer transactions. The Board received a number of comments in 
    response. The comments were provided to the Commission and addressed by 
    the Board in an August 1996 filing.\15\ Some commentators suggested 
    reporting individual transactions,\16\ while others suggested combining 
    data from all trades falling within a given par value range.\17\ One 
    commentator suggested combining prices and volumes for inter-dealer and 
    customer trades for public reporting,\18\ and another suggested 
    identifying retail prices as such.\19\ It was also suggested that 
    trades be summarized by par value in four categories ($5,000 to 
    $45,000, $50,000 to $95,000, $100,000 to $1,000,000, and over 
    $1,000,000).\20\ In considering various possible formats for the 
    report, the Board decided that it would serve the purpose of 
    simplicity, and aid users in comparing the new and old reports, to make 
    the Combined Report's format the same as that of the Inter-Dealer 
    Report, which has been in use for over three years. If experience with 
    the Combined Daily Report indicates revisions are needed, the Board 
    will revise the format to ensure that the Program will continue to 
    provide market transparency to market participants.
        \13\ ``Transaction Reporting Program for Municipal Securities: 
    Phase II,'' MSRB Reports, Vol. 15, No. 1 (April 1995) at 11-15.
        \14\ ``Reporting Customer Transactions in Municipal Securities: 
    Rule G-14,'' MSRB Reports, Vol. 16, No. 1 (January 1996) at 15-18, 
    and ``Customer Transaction Reporting: Proposed Technical 
    Specifications and Request for Comment,'' ibid. at 19-22.
        \15\ Exchange Act Release No. 37859 (Oct. 23, 1996), 61 FR 56072 
    (Oct. 30, 1996).
        \16\ Letter from Ron Moore, Applied Financial Management, Inc., 
    to Larry M. Lawrence, MSRB, May 22, 1995, and letter from Glenn 
    Burnett, Zia Corporation, to Larry M. Lawrence, July 2, 1996.
        \17\ Letter from George Brakatselos, Public Securities 
    Association (PSA), to Larry M. Lawrence, MSRB, May 2, 1996.
        \18\ PSA.
        \19\ Zia.
        \20\ PSA.
    The 1998 Request for Comments
        In April 1998, the Board released samples of the Combined Daily 
    Report for comment.\21\ In response, comments were received from 
    Bloomberg L.P.\22\ and TradeHistory, LLC.\23\ One commentator \24\ 
    requested that the Board continue to publish the Inter-Dealer Daily 
    Report after commencing publication of the Combined Daily Report. The 
    proposed Service would make no change to the publication of the Inter-
    Dealer Daily Report.\25\ The other commentator \26\ requested that the 
    Board add ``filler'' (blank) fields in the new format to make the 
    format of the electronic Combined Daily Report compatible with its 
    programs that process the electronic Inter-Dealer Daily Report. This 
    change has been made and would be part of the proposed Service.
        \21\ Exchange Act Release No. 39835 (Apr. 7, 1998), 63 FR 18242 
    (Apr. 14, 1998). The Board also made the sample reports available 
    via the Internet at its Web site (www.msrb.org).
        \22\ Letter from John Loza, Bloomberg L.P. , to Harold L. 
    Johnson, MSRB (April 20, 1998).
        \23\ Electronic mail from Bruce Hechler, TradeHistory, LLC, to 
    Thomas A. Hutton, (May 4, 1998).
        \24\ TradeHistory.
        \25\ The Board will continue to provide, as it has since January 
    1995, daily reports of inter-dealer transactions in municipal 
    securities in a service whose annual fee will remain unchanged at 
    $15,000. The Board has chosen to make the price of the proposed 
    Service the same as the price of the existing Inter-Dealer Service.
        \26\ Bloomberg.
    III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change and Timing 
    for Commission Action
        Within 35 days of the date of publication of this notice in the 
    Federal Register or within such longer period (i) as the Commission may 
    designate up to 90 days of such date if it finds such longer period to 
    be appropriate and published its reasons for so finding or (ii) as to 
    which the MSRB consents, the Commission will:
        (A) By order approve such proposed rule change, or
        (B) Institute proceedings to determine whether the proposed rule 
    change should be disapproved.
    IV. Solicitation of Comments
        Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views and 
    arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposed rule 
    change is consistent with the Act. Persons making written submissions 
    should file six copies thereof with the Secretary, Securities and 
    Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street N.W., Washington, DC 20549. 
    Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all written 
    statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed with 
    the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed 
    rule change between the Commission and any person, other than those 
    that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions 
    of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for inspection and copying in the 
    Commission's Public Reference Room, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, 
    DC 20549. Copies of such filing will also be available for inspection 
    and copying at the principal office of the MSRB. All submissions should 
    refer to File No. SR-MSRB-98-9 and should be submitted by August 3, 
        For the Commission, by the Division of Market Regulation, 
    pursuant to delegated authority.\27\
        \27\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).
    Margaret H. McFarland,
    Deputy Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 98-18590 Filed 7-10-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8010-01-M

Document Information

Securities and Exchange Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
In some cases, it is necessary to assume a settlement date to calculate price from yield for inclusion of the price in the Daily Report. The assumed settlement date for both inter- dealer and customer trades will be 15 business days after the trade date (T+15). When it has been necessary to assume a settlement date, this date will be shown on the Daily Report.
37608-37611 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Release No. 34-40176, File No. SR-MSRB-98-9
PDF File: