97-18370. Coffee, Sugar & Cocoa Exchange, Inc. Petition for Exemption From the Dual Trading Prohibition in Affected Contract Markets  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 134 (Monday, July 14, 1997)]
    [Pages 37563-37566]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-18370]
    Coffee, Sugar & Cocoa Exchange, Inc. Petition for Exemption From 
    the Dual Trading Prohibition in Affected Contract Markets
    AGENCY: Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
    ACTION: Order.
    SUMMARY: The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (``Commission'') is 
    granting the petition of the Coffee, Sugar & Cocoa Exchange, Inc. 
    (``CSCE'' or ``Exchange'') for exemption from the prohibition against 
    dual trading in its Sugar #11 futures contracts.
    DATES: This Order is effective July 8, 1997.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Duane C. Andresen, Special Counsel, 
    Division of Trading and Markets, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 
    Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st St., N.W., Washington, DC 20581; 
    telephone (202) 418-5490.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On October 19, 1993, the Coffee, Sugar & 
    Cocoa Exchange, Inc., (``CSCE'' or ``Exchange'') submitted a Petition 
    for Exemption from the Dual Trading Prohibition for its Sugar #11 and 
    Coffee ``C'' futures contracts. Subsequently, the Exchange submitted an 
    amended petition on March 21, 1997.1 Upon consideration of 
    these petitions and other matters of record, including Exchange 
    submissions and undertakings
    [[Page 37564]]
    in response to the November 1994 audit trail tests designed and 
    reviewed by the Commission and conducted by the Exchange, compliance 
    with the order ticket customer identification requirement of Commission 
    Regulation 1.35, dual trading surveillance data required under the 
    Commission's August 12, 1996 Audit Trail Report, and disciplinary and 
    investigatory actions undertaken by the Exchange between September 1995 
    and December 1996, the Commission hereby finds that CSCE meets the 
    standards for granting a dual trading exemption contained in Section 
    4j(a) of the Commodity Exchange Act (``Act'') as interpreted in 
    Commission Regulation 155.5. 2
        \1\ In its amended petition, the Exchange petitioned for the 
    dual trading exemption for six contract markets: Coffee ``C'', Sugar 
    #11 and Cocoa futures and futures option contracts. This Order is 
    applicable to the Sugar #11 futures contract market, which currently 
    is the only affected contract market at the Exchange.
        \2\ The record consists of the CSCE's petition and amendment 
    thereto and supporting and supplemental documents, the November 1994 
    audit trail accuracy and sequencing tests conducted by the Exchange 
    that were designed and reviewed by the Commission, dual trading 
    surveillance, windows data and customer identification information, 
    and documents submitted by the Exchange in support of a rule 
    enforcement review of the Exchange presented to the Commission on 
    September 30, 1996.
        Subject to CSCE's continuing ability to demonstrate that it meets 
    applicable requirements, in particular, appropriately investigating 
    potential trading to disadvantage a customer order and passing a 
    Commission re-test of the performance of the Exchange's audit trail 
    system in January 1998, 3 the Commission specifically finds 
    that CSCE maintains a trade monitoring system which is capable of 
    detecting and deterring, and is used on a regular basis to detect and 
    to deter, all types of violations attributable to dual trading and, to 
    the full extent feasible, all other violations involving the making of 
    trades and execution of customer orders, as required by Section 5a(b) 
    and Commission Regulation 155.5. The Commission further finds that 
    CSCE's trade monitoring system includes audit trail and recordkeeping 
    systems that satisfy the Act and regulations. 4 In assessing 
    the Exchange system, the Commission has considered that system as a 
        \3\ In this connection, the Commission will review the CSCE's 
    implementation of the upgrade to its electronic Ring Reporter System 
    to include entry of the selling broker's identity to enhance 
    matching of time and sales prints to specific trades. Subsequent to 
    the CSCE committing to undertake this audit trail improvement, it 
    became one of the changes offered by the Exchange in order to be 
    found by the Commission to be within a safe harbor with respect to 
    the enhanced independence and sequencing requirements of Section 
    5a(b)(3) of the Act, which became effective in October 1995. Among 
    other things, such an upgrade can provide improved calibration of 
    the Exchange's imputed timing system based on independent 
    observations of trades verifying attributed times. At the time that 
    the Commission informed the Exchange that it qualified for a safe 
    harbor, the Exchange had represented that it would implement the 
    upgrade in the second quarter of 1996. The Exchange has represented 
    in connection with updating its petition that it will commence a 
    test pilot in July 1997.
        \4\ Sections 4j(a)(3) and 5a(b) of the Commodity Exchange Act 
    and Commission Regulations 1.35 and 155.5, 17 CFR Secs. 1.35, 155.5. 
    Section 4j(a)(3) requires the Commission to exempt a contract market 
    from the prohibition against dual trading, either unconditionally or 
    on stated conditions, upon finding that the trade monitoring system 
    in place at the contract market satisfies the requirements of 
    Section 5a(b), governing audit trails and trade monitoring systems, 
    with regard to violations attributable to dual trading at such 
    contract market. Commission Regulation 155.5 requires a contract 
    market to demonstrate that its trade monitoring system is capable of 
    and is used to detect and to deter dual trading abuses and to 
    demonstrate that it meets each element required of the components of 
    such a system.
        With respect to each required component of the trade monitoring 
    system, the Commission finds as follows:
    1(a) Physical Observation of Trading Areas
        CSCE's trade monitoring system satisfies the requirements of 
    Section 5a(b)(1)(A) in that CSCE maintains and executes an adequate 
    program for physical observation of Exchange trading areas and 
    integrates the information obtained from such observation into its 
    compliance programs. The Exchange physically observes trading areas by 
    conducting daily floor surveillance during the open, close, and at 
    random times during each trading day. CSCE also performs floor 
    surveillance when warranted by special market conditions, such as 
    exceptional volatility or contract expirations. The Exchange uses 
    information obtained from such surveillance in evaluating audit trail 
    data and otherwise in executing its compliance programs.
    (b) Audit Trail System
        The Exchange's trade monitoring system satisfies the audit trail 
    standards of Section 5a(b)(1) in that it is capable of capturing 
    essential data on the terms, participants and sequence of transactions. 
    The system obtains relevant data on unmatched trades, errors and 
    outtrades as required by Section 5a(b)(1) of the Act. The Commission 
    further finds that CSCE accurately and promptly records the essential 
    data on terms, participants, times (in increments of no more than one 
    minute in length) and sequence through a means that is unalterable, 
    continual, independent, reliable and precise, as required by Section 
    5a(b)(3) of the Act. Consistent with the guidelines to Regulation 
    155.5, the Commission finds that CSCE also demonstrated the use of 
    trade timing data in its surveillance systems for dual trading-related 
    and other abuses.
    (1) One-Minute Execution Time Accuracy and Sequencing
        CSCE's trade timing system imputes a one-minute execution time for 
    every trade.5 Trade times are imputed based upon time and 
    sequencing data entered by both buyers and sellers for customer and 
    proprietary trades, including trading card and line order entry 
    sequence numbers, certain execution times required to be manually 
    entered, time and sales data and 30-minute bracket codes.6 
    The manually-recorded time for the first trade on the card provides a 
    starting reference point for each subsequent trade on that card. The 
    ending reference point is derived from the next verified manually-
    recorded time following the trade, either on the same card or the first 
    time on the next trading card.
        \5\ An imputed timing system does not capture the actual trade 
    execution time but derives a time from other timing and trade data. 
    As the Commission previously has noted with respect to audit trail 
    generally, its tests have focused on assessing the consistency of 
    the underlying trade data with execution times submitted according 
    to Commission Regulation 1.35(g) ``because there is no benchmark for 
    determining actual execution times and sequence.'' Commission Report 
    on Audit Trail Accuracy and Sequencing Tests at 5 (June 1995).
        \6\ CSCE does not use order ticket timestamp data in the 
    processing logic for imputing times. Instead, the system attempts to 
    obtain and use a time and sales print for all trades, extensive 
    sequencing data (such as line numbers) and the various required 
    manually entered times to impute trade execution times. Order ticket 
    entry and exit times have been verified in the course of tests of 
    the CSCE audit trail as being consistent with imputed times. CSCE's 
    planned enhanced system would add third party confirmation of the 
    selling broker's identity in a majority of cases, thereby further 
    ratifying sequence information.
        The November 1994 audit trail tests designed and reviewed by the 
    Commission and conducted by the Exchange involved a determination of 
    the consistency of imputed trade execution times with all underlying 
    audit trail records and data. Based upon that process, trade timing 
    accuracy and sequencing rates for CSCE's imputed system were computed. 
    The level of consistency and verifiability of imputed times with 
    underlying documentation sorted by the computer algorithm exceeded 90 
    percent. Additionally, the time imputed by the system was within a 
    window length of two minutes or less for more than 90 percent of the 
    trades deemed accurate.7 More recently, data
    [[Page 37565]]
    for April 1997 reflect window lengths of two minutes or less for more 
    than 90 percent of all trades in the affected contract market. 
    Separately, the Exchange provided the Commission with the results of 
    four Audit Trail System reviews conducted during the period of 
    September 1995 through December 1996 demonstrating that more than 90 
    percent of trade times in three different futures contracts were 
    consistent with time and sales data during this time 
        \7\ To the extent that the time imputed by a computer algorithm 
    is consistent with required trade documentation, time and sequence 
    data and time and sales information for the subject trade and 
    surrounding trades, and the imputed time falls within a two-minute 
    level of precision as measured by the size of the final time window 
    assigned by such algorithm, that imputed time will be considered to 
    be reliable and precise under Commission test procedures.
        \8\ This is a less stringent measure than the full 
    reconciliation with underlying manual information and records that 
    will be accomplished by Commission staff during the course of the 
    audit trail re-test.
    (2) Unalterable, Continual, Independent, Reliable, and Precise Times
        The Commission finds that trade records generated by CSCE, 
    including order tickets and trading cards, are recorded in nonerasable 
    ink and that alterations are completely recorded. Trading card 
    collections occur within 15 minutes after each half-hour time bracket, 
    and members must submit trade data by one-half hour after the end of 
    the bracket period in which the trade was executed. Trade data, 
    therefore, are provided periodically to the Exchange at no more than 
    hourly intervals, which is continual.
        Trade times are independently obtained through a reliable means, to 
    the extent practicable. Specifically, trade time and sequence data, 
    which include separate entries by buying and selling brokers or 
    traders, are entered into an electronic data base which then sorts all 
    relevant data pursuant to a computer algorithm.9
        \9\ The enhanced Ring Reporter System will further improve the 
    Exchange's level of compliance with the Act's standards of 
    independence, continual provision of timing data and precise 
    (3) Broker Receipt Time
        The Commission finds that it is not practicable at this time for 
    CSCE to record the time that each order is received by a floor broker 
    for execution at CSCE.
    (c) Recordkeeping System
        CSCE satisfies the requirements of Section 5a(b)(1)(B) by 
    maintaining an adequate recordkeeping system that is capable of 
    capturing essential data on the terms, participants, and sequence of 
    transactions. The Exchange uses such information and information on 
    violations of such requirements on a consistent basis to bring 
    appropriate disciplinary actions.
        CSCE conducts trading card and order ticket reviews three times a 
    year for a representative sample of customer orders and personal trades 
    and uses information from these reviews to generate investigations. The 
    Commission's review of a sample of order ticket account identifiers 
    demonstrated in excess of 95 percent compliance with the requirement 
    that the account identifier relate back to the ultimate customer 
    (d) Surveillance Systems and Disciplinary Actions
        As required by Sections 5a(b)(1) (C), (D) and (F), in general CSCE 
    uses information generated by its trade monitoring and audit trail 
    systems on a consistent basis to bring appropriate disciplinary action 
    for violations relating to the making of trades and execution of 
    customer orders. In addition, CSCE assesses meaningful penalties 
    against violators and refers appropriate cases to the Commission.
        On a daily basis, CSCE's different management information system 
    programs analyze trade data to detect possible instances of dual 
    trading-related and other trading abuses. Systems are designed to 
    permit subjection of all relevant trade data to these reviews. The 
    computerized exception reports generated by the Exchange are designed 
    to identify such suspicious trading activity as accommodation trading, 
    including direct and indirect trading against, direct and indirect 
    trading ahead, and improper cross trading.10 Investigators 
    can design customized exception reports to identify certain specific 
    trading activity to isolate suspicious trading patterns, to filter and 
    to sort data within reports and to expand review activities.
        \10\ On a recent date, for example, CSCE's trading ahead 
    reviews, which isolate brokers receiving better prices than 
    customers fairly contemporaneously, identified .493 percent of 
    trades in all futures and futures option contracts for further 
        During the period of September 1995 through December 1996, the 
    Exchange initiated 181 investigations and/or reviews into all types of 
    possible abuses. Based on examination of its computerized surveillance 
    reports, CSCE initiated 87 dual trading-related investigations during 
    that period, of which seven resulted in referrals to the BCC. With 
    regard to disciplinary actions, CSCE assessed $65,175 in fines and 
    ordered $1,926.40 in restitution in eleven dual trading-related cases 
    involving 14 members.
    (e) Commitment of Resources
        The Commission finds that CSCE meets the requirements of Section 
    5a(b)(1)(E) by committing sufficient resources for its trade monitoring 
    system, including automating elements of such trade surveillance 
    system, to be effective in detecting and deterring violations and by 
    maintaining an adequate staff to investigate and to prosecute 
    disciplinary actions. For fiscal year 1996, CSCE committed 25 personnel 
    to Compliance and Market Surveillance and reported its total self-
    regulatory costs to be $4,113,400. CSCE reported volume for this period 
    as 11,315,979 contracts and number of trades as 2,084,916.
        Accordingly, on this date, the Commission hereby grants CSCE's 
    Petition for Exemption from the dual trading prohibition for trading in 
    its Sugar #11 futures contract, subject to the Exchange passing a 
    Commission re-test of its audit trail system.
        For this exemption to remain in effect, CSCE must demonstrate on a 
    continuing basis that it meets the relevant statutory and regulatory 
    requirements. The Commission will monitor continued compliance through 
    review of specific investigations and through its rule enforcement 
    review program and any other information it may obtain about CSCE's 
    program. It is the Commission's understanding that CSCE intends to 
    complete its upgrade to its Ring Reporter System to include the entry 
    of the selling broker's identity to enhance matching of time and sales 
    prints to specific trades. Although the Commission has found that CSCE 
    can meet the standards of continual provision of data, and independence 
    to the extent practicable, and has found that it is not practicable at 
    this time to capture a broker receipt time, the Commission reserves the 
    ability to reconsider what is practicable as technology for order 
    routing becomes more widely available.
        The provisions of this Opinion and Order shall be effective on the 
    date on which it is issued and shall remain in effect unless and until 
    it is revoked in accordance with Section 8e(b)(3)(B) of the Commodity 
    Exchange Act, 7 U.S.C. Sec. 12e(b)(3)(B). If other CSCE contracts 
    become affected contracts after the date of this Order, the Commission 
    may expand this Order in response to an updated petition that includes 
    those contracts.
        It is so Ordered.
    [[Page 37566]]
        Dated: July 8, 1997.
    Jean A. Webb,
    Secretary to the Commission.
    [FR Doc. 97-18370 Filed 7-11-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6351-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
This Order is effective July 8, 1997.
37563-37566 (4 pages)
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