98-18723. Final Flood Elevation Determinations  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 134 (Tuesday, July 14, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 37786-37789]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-18723]
    44 CFR Part 67
    Final Flood Elevation Determinations
    AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: Base (1% annual chance) flood elevations and modified base 
    flood elevations are made final for the communities listed below. The 
    base flood elevations and modified base flood elevations are the basis 
    for the floodplain management measures that
    [[Page 37787]]
    each community is required either to adopt or to show evidence of being 
    already in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for 
    participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
    EFFECTIVE DATE: The date of issuance of the Flood Insurance Rate Map 
    (FIRM) showing base flood elevations and modified base flood elevations 
    for each community. This date may be obtained by contacting the office 
    where the FIRM is available for inspection as indicated in the table 
    ADDRESSES: The final base flood elevations for each community are 
    available for inspection at the office of the Chief Executive Officer 
    of each community. The respective addresses are listed in the table 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Matthew B. Miller, P.E., Chief, 
    Hazards Study Branch, Mitigation Directorate, 500 C Street SW., 
    Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646-3461.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Federal Emergency Management Agency 
    makes final determinations listed below of base flood elevations and 
    modified base flood elevations for each community listed. The proposed 
    base flood elevations and proposed modified base flood elevations were 
    published in newspapers of local circulation and an opportunity for the 
    community or individuals to appeal the proposed determinations to or 
    through the community was provided for a period of ninety (90) days. 
    The proposed base flood elevations and proposed modified base flood 
    elevations were also published in the Federal Register.
        This final rule is issued in accordance with Section 110 of the 
    Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, and 44 CFR part 
        FEMA has developed criteria for floodplain management in floodprone 
    areas in accordance with 44 CFR Part 60.
        Interested lessees and owners of real property are encouraged to 
    review the proof Flood Insurance Study and FIRM available at the 
    address cited below for each community.
        The base flood elevations and modified base flood elevations are 
    made final in the communities listed below. Elevations at selected 
    locations in each community are shown.
    National Environmental Policy Act
        This rule is categorically excluded from the requirements of 44 CFR 
    Part 10, Environmental Consideration. No environmental impact 
    assessment has been prepared.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Associate Director for Mitigation certifies that this rule is 
    exempt from the requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act because 
    final or modified base flood elevations are required by the Flood 
    Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, and are required to 
    establish and maintain community eligibility in the NFIP. No regulatory 
    flexibility analysis has been prepared.
    Regulatory Classification
        This final rule is not a significant regulatory action under the 
    criteria of Section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 
    1993, Regulatory Planning and Review, 58 FR 51735.
    Executive Order 12612, Federalism
        This rule involves no policies that have federalism implications 
    under Executive Order 12612, Federalism, dated October 26, 1987.
    Executive Order 12778, Civil Justice Reform
        This rule meets the applicable standards of Section 2(b)(2) of 
    Executive Order 12778.
    List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 67
        Administrative practice and procedure, Flood insurance, Reporting 
    and recordkeeping requirements.
        Accordingly, 44 CFR Part 67 is amended to read as follows:
    PART 67--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 67 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 
    1978, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR, 
    1979 Comp., p. 376.
    Sec. 67.11  [Amended]
        2. The tables published under the authority of Sec. 67.11 are 
    amended as follows:
                                                                   #Depth in
                                                                  feet above
                                                                  ground.  *
                   Source of flooding and location                 Elevation
                                                                    in feet 
       West Memphis (City), Crittenden County (FEMA Docket No.              
    Fifteen Mile Bayou:                                                     
      Approximately 1.6 miles downstream of U.S. Highways 70 and            
       79.......................................................        *209
      At confluence with Ten Mile Bayou Diversion Ditch.........        *211
      At Missouri Pacific Railroad..............................        *212
    Ten Mile Bayou Diversion Ditch:                                         
       At confluence with Fifteen Mile Bayou....................        *211
      Approximately 850 feet downstream of North Frontage Road..        *214
      At confluence with Ten Mile Bayou.........................        *215
    Ten Mile Bayou:                                                         
      At confluence with Ten Mile Bayou Diversion Ditch.........        *215
      At Missouri Pacific Railroad..............................        *215
      Approximately 1 mile upstream of Missouri Pacific Railroad        *215
    Maps are available for inspection at 205 South Redding, West            
     Memphis, Arkansas.                                                     
      Firebaugh (City), Fresno and Madera Counties (FEMA Docket             
                              No. 7242)                                     
    San Joaquin River:                                                      
      Approximately 2.1 miles downstream of 7 1/2 Avenue........        *141
      Approximately 1.9 miles upstream of 7 1/2 Avenue..........        *146
    Maps are available for inspection at the City of Firebaugh              
     City Hall, 1575 11th Street, Firebaugh, California.                    
     Fresno County (Unincorporated Areas) (FEMA Docket No. 7242)            
    San Joaquin River:                                                      
      Approximately 5.6 miles downstream of confluence of                   
       Firebaugh Wasteway.......................................        *138
      0.2 mile upstream of confluence of Firebaugh Wasteway with            
       San Joaquin River........................................        *147
    Maps are available for inspection at the Fresno County                  
     Office, 2220 Tulare Street, Fresno, California.                        
     Madera County (Unincorporated Areas) (FEMA Docket No. 7242)            
    San Joaquin River:                                                      
      Approximately 5.6 miles downstream of confluence of                   
       Firebaugh Wasteway.......................................        *138
      Approximately 0.2 mile upstream of confluence of Firebaugh            
       Wasteway with San Joaquin River..........................        *147
    Maps are available for inspection at the Madera County                  
     Engineering Department, 135 West Yosemite Avenue, Madera,              
         Winters (City), Yolo County (FEMA Docket No. 7242)                 
    Dry Creek:                                                              
      Approximately 1,900 feet downstream of private road                   
       (wooden bridge)..........................................        *121
    [[Page 37788]]
      Approximately 450 feet downstream of private road (wooden             
       bridge)..................................................        *121
      Approximately 5,010 feet (0.95 mile) upstream of State                
       Highway 128..............................................        *150
    Maps are available for inspection at the City of Winters                
     Department of Public Works, 318 First Street, Winters,                 
       Warren County (and Incorporated Areas) (FEMA Docket No.              
    North River:                                                            
      Approximately 1,000 feet downstream of Chicago, Rock                  
       Island and Pacific Railroad..............................        +780
      Approximately 1,400 feet upstream of 33rd Avenue..........        +832
    Plug Run:                                                               
      Approximately 500 feet downstream of Summerset Road.......        +796
      Approximately 3,700 feet upstream of Chicago, Rock Island             
       and Pacific Railroad.....................................        +845
    Unnamed Tributary No. 1:                                                
      Approximately 160 feet downstream of 165th Place..........        +782
      Approximately 400 feet downstream of South Fifth Street...        +802
    Unnamed Tributary No. 2:                                                
      Approximately 800 feet downstream of Chicago, Rock Island             
       and Pacific Railroad.....................................        +780
      Approximately 1,300 feet upstream of South Fifth Street...        +800
    Middle Creek:                                                           
      Approximately 1,900 feet downstream of 50th Avenue........        +859
      Just upstream of 20th Avenue..............................        +948
    Cavitt Creek:                                                           
      Approximately 1,200 feet downstream of Grimes Street......        +802
      Just upstream of West Iowa Avenue.........................        +868
    Maps are available for inspection at the Warren County                  
     Courthouse Annex, 217 West Salem, Indianola, Iowa.                     
    Maps are available for inspection at the City of Carlisle               
     City Hall, 195 North First Street, Carlisle, Iowa.                     
    Maps are available for inspection at the City of Norwalk                
     City Hall, 705 North Avenue, Norwalk, Iowa.                            
    Maps are available for inspection at the City of Indianola              
     City Hall, 110 North First Street, Indianola, Iowa.                    
    Maps are available for inspection at the City of Ackworth               
     City Hall, 104 Main Street, Ackworth, Iowa.                            
    Maps are available for inspection at the City of Cumming                
     City Hall, 607 Station Street, Cumming, Iowa.                          
     Acadia Parish (Unincorporated Areas) (FEMA Docket No. 7242)            
    Bayou Queue de Tortue:                                                  
      Approximately 2,400 feet downstream of State Route 719....         *27
      Approximately 50 feet downstream of State Route 719.......         *28
    Maps are available for inspection at 568 Court Circle,                  
     Crowley, Louisiana.                                                    
       Ville Platte (Town), Evangeline Parish (FEMA Docket No.              
    Tributary No. 1:                                                        
      Approximately 5,000 feet above confluence with Bayou Joe              
       Marcel (at the downstream corporate limit)...............         *65
      Approximately 7,000 feet above confluence with Bayou Joe              
       Marcel...................................................         *67
    Tributary No. 2:                                                        
       Approximately 900 feet above confluence with Bayou Joe               
       Marcel...................................................         *64
       Approximately 400 feet upstream of Reed Street...........         *73
    Tributary No. 3:                                                        
      Approximately 500 feet above confluence with Bayou Joe                
       Marcel...................................................         *65
      Approximately 100 feet downstream of Northeast Avenue.....         *74
    Coulee de Manuel:                                                       
       Approximately 70 feet downstream of the Louisiana Highway            
       10 bridge................................................         *68
       Approximately 170 feet upstream of the Louisiana Highway             
       10 bridge................................................         *68
    Maps are available for inspection at 342 West Main Street,              
     Ville Platte, Louisiana.                                               
      Lyon County (Unincorporated Areas) (FEMA Docket No. 7242)             
     Overflow Area North of Truckee Canal:                                  
      Approximately 100 feet downstream of Southern Pacific                 
       Railroad.................................................      *4,133
       Approximately 6,350 feet upstream of Main Street.........      *4,193
    Overflow Area North of Truckee Canal (Unnamed Ditch):                   
      At confluence with Overflow Area North of Truckee Canal...      *4,158
      Approximately 5,020 feet upstream of confluence with                  
       Overflow Area North of Truckee Canal.....................      *4,193
    Maps are available for inspection at Lyon County Community              
     Development, 16 South Center Street, Yerington, Nevada.                
    Ector County (and Incorporated Areas) (FEMA Docket No. 7242)            
                           Monahans Draw:                                   
    Approximately 6,200 feet downstream of Grandview Road.......      *2,834
    Approximately 100 feet downstream of Crane Avenue...........      *2,876
    At intersection of Tripp Avenue and 23rd Street.............      *2,940
    Approximately 50 feet upstream of State Route 866...........      *3,042
                     Monahans Draw Tributary 1:                             
    At confluence with Monahans Draw............................      *2,930
    Just downstream of Cypress Road.............................      *2,963
                     Monahans Draw Tributary 2:                             
    At confluence with Monahans Draw Tributary 2................      *2,977
    Approximately 350 feet upstream of Damascus Drive...........      *2,985
    Approximately 300 feet upstream of Westcliff Drive..........      *3,000
    Approximately 3,500 feet upstream of Westcliff Drive, just              
     downstream of an unnamed road..............................      *3,015
                           Muskingum Draw:                                  
    At confluence with Monahans Draw............................      *2,868
    At 57th Street..............................................      *2,942
    Just upstream of Loop 338, located just upstream of Sprague             
     Avenue.....................................................      *2,967
                   Muskingum Draw-South Tributary:                          
    At confluence with Muskingum Draw...........................      *2,955
    At divergence from Muskingum Draw at Sprague Avenue.........      *2,963
               Muskingum Draw-South Overflow Channel:                       
    At Stoner Road..............................................      *2,960
                     West Side Drainage Channel:                            
    At confluence with Monahans Draw............................      *2,896
    Just upstream of Park Boulevard.............................      *2,905
    Approximately 200 feet upstream of Santa Monica Drive.......      *2,914
                           Stream WSDC-D:                                   
    At intersection of Third and Edison Streets.................      *2,896
    At Harless Avenue near the intersection of West 13th Street.      *2,906
                           Stream WSDC-DD:                                  
    At intersection of Third Street and Kelly Avenue............      *2,895
    Just east of West County Road near its intersection with                
     Park Boulevard.............................................      *2,901
    East Side Channel:                                                      
      At confluence with Far East Channel.......................      *2,855
      Approximately 500 feet upstream of U.S. 80 Frontage Road..      *2,888
    [[Page 37789]]
      Just downstream of Custer Avenue..........................       2,910
    East Side Channel Split Flow:                                           
      Approximately 800 feet upstream of confluence with East               
       Side Channel.............................................      *2,888
      Approximately 600 feet upstream of Pueblo Avenue..........      *2,905
    Stream ESC-1:                                                           
      At confluence with East Side Channel......................      *2,888
      Approximately 780 feet upstream of Pagewood Avenue........      *2,895
    Far East Channel:                                                       
      Approximately 670 feet upstream of confluence of East Side            
       Channel..................................................      *2,856
      Approximately 1,000 feet upstream of U.S. 80 Frontage Road      *2,878
      Approximately 150 feet upstream of Maple Avenue...........      *2,906
    Stream FEC-1:                                                           
      At confluence with Far East Channel.......................      *2,887
      Approximately 300 feet downstream of 42nd Street (or 2,800            
       feet upstream of confluence with Far East Channel).......      *2,899
    Stream FEC-1A:                                                          
      At confluence with Stream FEC-1...........................      *2,892
      At divergence from Far East Channel.......................      *2,905
    Stream FEC-S:                                                           
      At confluence with Far East Channel.......................      *2,900
      At divergence from Stream FEC-1A..........................      *2,903
    Maps are available for inspection at the Public Works                   
     Department, County Annex Building, 1010 East Eighth Street,            
     Odessa, Texas.                                                         
    Maps are available for inspection at the City of Odessa City            
     Hall, 411 West Eighth, Odessa, Texas.                                  
       Gonzales County (Unincorporated Areas) (FEMA Docket No.              
    San Marcos River:                                                       
      Approximately 1,600 feet downstream of the confluence of              
       Plum Creek at the County boundary........................        *340
      Approximately 200 feet upstream of U.S. Highway 10 at the             
       County boundary..........................................        *356
    Maps are available for inspection at the Gonzales County                
     Courthouse, 1709 Sarah DeWitt Drive, Gonzales, Texas.                  
      Guadalupe County (Unincorporated Areas) (FEMA Docket No.              
    San Marcos River:                                                       
      Approximately 175 feet upstream of U.S. Highway 10 at the             
       easternmost County boundary..............................        *355
      Just upstream of U.S. Highway 90..........................        *379
      Just upstream of State Highway 671........................        *409
      Just upstream of State Highway 20.........................        *442
      At Farm Market Road 1977..................................        *485
      Approximately 1.9 miles upstream of Access Road at the                
       northernmost County boundary.............................        *551
       Maps are available for inspection at 415 East Donegan,               
                           Seguin, Texas.                                   
     Henderson County (and Incorporated Areas) (FEMA Docket No.             
    Cedar Creek Lake:                                                       
      Along shoreline of Cedar Creek Lake.......................        *323
    Maps are available for inspection at the City of Payne                  
     Springs Community Center, Highway 198, Payne Springs,                  
    Maps are available for inspection at the City of Tool City              
     Hall, Highway 274, Tool, Texas.                                        
     Maps are available for inspection at the City of Log Cabin             
     City Hall, 14387 Alamo Road, Log Cabin, Texas.                         
    Maps are available for inspection at the City of Caney City             
     City Hall, 15241 Barron Road, Caney City, Texas.                       
    Maps are available for inspection at the City of Seven                  
     Points City Hall, Highway 85, Seven Points, Texas.                     
    Maps are available for inspection at the City of Star Harbor            
     City Hall, 99 Sunset Street, Malakoff, Texas.                          
    Maps are available for inspection at the Town of Enchanted              
     Oaks Town Hall, 111 Deerwood, Mabank, Texas.                           
    Maps are available for inspection at the City of Gun Barrel             
     City City Hall, 1810 West Main, Gun Barrel City, Texas.                
    Maps are available for inspection at 102 East Tyler Avenue,             
     Athens, Texas.                                                         
    Hunt County (and Incorporated Areas) (FEMA Docket No. 7218)             
    Farber Creek:                                                           
      Just downstream of FM 1903................................        *488
      Just upstream of southwestbound Interstate Highway 30.....        *513
      Approximately 200 feet upstream of Shelby Avenue..........        *549
      Approximately 2,750 feet upstream of Shelby Avenue........        *560
    Long Branch Creek:                                                      
      Approximately 3,550 feet above mouth......................        *498
      Approximately 6,200 feet above mouth......................        *504
      Approximately 100 feet upstream of Stonewall Street.......        *523
      Just upstream of State Highways 66 and 315 and U.S.                   
       Highway 69...............................................        *560
    Mullaney Creek:                                                         
      Approximately 1,600 feet above mouth......................        *498
      At City of Greenville corporate limits....................        *507
      Just upstream of Tracy Street.............................        *546
    Mustang Branch:                                                         
      Approximately 1,300 feet downstream of FM 1570............        *505
      Approximately 6,750 feet upstream of County Road 2126.....        *533
    Turtle Creek:                                                           
      At confluence with Long Branch Creek......................        *508
      Approximately 400 feet upstream of Moulton Street.........        *518
      Approximately 150 feet downstream of Dent Road............        *529
    Maps are available for inspection at the Hunt County                    
     Courthouse, 2500 Lee Street, Greenville, Texas.                        
    Maps are available for inspection at the City of Greenville             
     Public Works Department, 2315 Johnson Street, Greenville,              
       Victoria County (Unincorporated Areas) (FEMA Docket No.              
    Coleto Creek:                                                           
      Just upstream of FM 466...................................         *66
      Approximately 1.1 miles upstream of Southern Pacific                  
       Railroad.................................................         *86
    Whispering Creek:                                                       
      Approximately 830 feet upstream of John Stockbauer Drive..        *111
      Approximately 3,600 feet upstream of Loop 463.............        *118
    Maps are available for inspection at the Victoria County                
     Floodplain Administration, 2805A North Navarro, Victoria,              
    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 83.100, Flood Insurance)
        Dated: July 7, 1998.
    Michael J. Armstrong,
    Associate Director for Mitigation.
    [FR Doc. 98-18723 Filed 7-13-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6718-04-P

Document Information

Federal Emergency Management Agency
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
The date of issuance of the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) showing base flood elevations and modified base flood elevations for each community. This date may be obtained by contacting the office where the FIRM is available for inspection as indicated in the table below.
37786-37789 (4 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
44 CFR 67.11