97-18539. Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 135 (Tuesday, July 15, 1997)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 37834-37847]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-18539]
    44 CFR Part 67
    [Docket No. FEMA-7223]
    Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations
    AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: Technical information or comments are requested on the 
    proposed base (1% annual chance) flood elevations and proposed base 
    flood elevation modifications for the communities listed below. The 
    base flood elevations are the basis for the floodplain management 
    measures that the community is required either to adopt or to show 
    evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or remain 
    qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program 
    DATES: The comment period is ninety (90) days following the second 
    publication of this proposed rule in a newspaper of local circulation 
    in each community.
    ADDRESSES: The proposed base flood elevations for each community are 
    available for inspection at the office of the Chief Executive Officer 
    of each community. The respective addresses are listed in the following 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Frederick H. Sharrocks, Jr., Chief, 
    Hazard Identification Branch, Mitigation Directorate, 500 C Street SW., 
    Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646-2796.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Federal Emergency Management Agency 
    (FEMA or Agency) proposes to make determinations of base flood 
    elevations and modified base flood elevations for each community listed 
    below, in accordance with section 110 of the Flood Disaster Protection 
    Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, and 44 CFR 67.4(a).
        These proposed base flood and modified base flood elevations, 
    together with the floodplain management criteria required by 44 CFR 
    60.3, are the minimum that are required. They should not be construed 
    to mean that the community must change any existing ordinances that are 
    more stringent in their floodplain management requirements. The 
    community may at any time enact stricter requirements of its own, or 
    pursuant to policies established by other Federal, state or regional 
    entities. These proposed elevations are used to meet the floodplain 
    management requirements of the NFIP and are also used to calculate the 
    appropriate flood insurance premium rates for new buildings built after 
    these elevations are made final, and for the contents in these 
    National Environmental Policy Act
        This proposed rule is categorically excluded from the requirements 
    of 44 CFR Part 10, Environmental Consideration. No environmental impact 
    assessment has been prepared.
    [[Page 37835]]
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Executive Associate Director, Mitigation Directorate, certifies 
    that this proposed rule is exempt from the requirements of the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act because proposed or modified base flood 
    elevations are required by the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 
    42 U.S.C. 4104, and are required to establish and maintain community 
    eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program. As a result, a 
    regulatory flexibility analysis has not been prepared.
    Regulatory Classification
        This proposed rule is not a significant regulatory action under the 
    criteria of section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 
    1993, Regulatory Planning and Review, 58 FR 51735.
    Executive Order 12612, Federalism
        This proposed rule involves no policies that have federalism 
    implications under Executive Order 12612, Federalism, dated October 26, 
    Executive Order 12778, Civil Justice Reform
        This proposed rule meets the applicable standards of section 
    2(b)(2) of Executive Order 12778.
    List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 67
        Administrative practice and procedure, Flood insurance, Reporting 
    and recordkeeping requirements.
        Accordingly, 44 CFR part 67 is proposed to be amended as follows:
    PART 67--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 67 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 
    1978, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR, 
    1979 Comp., p. 376.
    Sec. 67.4  [Amended]
        2. The tables published under the authority of Sec. 67.4 are 
    proposed to be amended as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                              # Depth in feet above 
                                                                                                                                                                              ground. *Elevation in 
                    State                      City/town/county                  Source of flooding                                      Location                                 feet  (NGVD)      
                                                                                                                                                                              Existing     Modified 
    Alabama..............................  Chickasaw (City) Mobile   Chickasaw Creek..........................  Downstream side of U.S. Route 43..........................          *10          *11
                                                                                                                Upstream side of I-65.....................................          *10          *12
      Maps available for inspection at the Chickasaw City Hall, 224 North Craft Highway, Chickasaw, Alabama.                                                                                        
      Send comments to The Honorable J.C. Davis, Jr., Mayor of the City of Chickasaw, P.O. Box 11307, Chickasaw, Alabama 36671.                                                                     
    Alabama..............................  Dauphin Island (Town)     Gulf of Mexico...........................  Approximately 570 feet due south of intersection of                None           *9
                                            Mobile County.                                                       Audubon and Admiral Streets.                                                       
                                                                                                                Approximately 660 feet due south of intersection of                  *9          *12
                                                                                                                 Audubon and Admiral Streets.                                                       
                                                                                                                Approximately 700 feet due south of intersection of                 *11          *12
                                                                                                                 Audubon and Admiral Streets.                                                       
      Maps available for inspection at the Dauphin Island Town Hall, 1011 Bienville Boulevard, Dauphin Island, Alabama.                                                                             
      Send comments to The Honorable William C. Patronas, Mayor of the Town of Dauphin Island, P.O. Box 610, Dauphin Island, Alabama 36528.                                                         
    Alabama..............................  Mobile (City) Mobile      Bolton Branch East.......................  Upstream side of Halls Mill Road..........................          *10          *11
                                                                                                                Approximately 50 feet upstream of Grayson Drive...........         None          *27
                                                                     Bolton Branch West.......................  At confluence with Montlimer Creek........................          *33          *35
                                                                                                                Approximately 130 feet upstream of University Boulevard...         None         *119
                                                                     Campground Branch........................  Approximately 120 feet downstream of Girby Road...........         None          *36
                                                                                                                Approximately 1.1 miles upstream of Girby Road............         None          *96
                                                                     Eightmile Creek..........................  At the upstream side of Bear Fork Road....................          *40          *43
                                                                                                                Approximately 4,450 feet upstream of Bear Fork Road.......          *42          *43
                                                                     East Eslava Creek........................  Approximately 400 feet downstream of Government Boulevard           *10          *11
                                                                                                                 (U.S. Highway 90).                                                                 
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.64 mille upstream of Airport Boulevard....         None          *26
                                                                     West Eslava Creek........................  Approximately 75 feet upstream of confluence with                   *39          *38
                                                                                                                 Montlimar Creek.                                                                   
                                                                                                                Approximately 120 feet upstream of Soost Court............         None         *105
                                                                     Halls Mill Creek.........................  Approximately 1,700 feet upstream of Interstate 10........          *10          *11
                                                                                                                Just downstream of Sollie Road............................          *43          *41
                                                                     Little Stickney..........................  At confluence with Threemile Creek........................          *14          *12
                                                                                                                At Tuscaloosa Street......................................         None          *26
    [[Page 37836]]
                                                                     Milkhouse Creek..........................  At the confluence with Halls Mill Creek...................          *27          *31
                                                                                                                Approximately 480 feet downstream of Cody Road............         *106         *105
                                                                     Milkhouse Creek Tributary No. 1..........  At the confluence with Milkhouse Creek....................          *82          *83
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of the confluence of               None         *153
                                                                                                                 Milkhouse Creek Tributary No. 2.                                                   
                                                                     Milkhouse Creek Tributary No. 2..........  At confluence with Milkhouse Creek Tributary No. 1........         None         *111
                                                                                                                Approximately 400 feet upstream of Wall Street............         None         *135
                                                                     Montlimar Creek..........................  Upstream side of Azalea Road..............................          *10          *11
                                                                                                                Approximately 120 feet upstream of College Road South.....         None          *48
                                                                     Moore Creek..............................  Approximately 25 feet upstream of confluence with                    10          *11
                                                                                                                 Montlimar Creek.                                                                   
                                                                                                                At confluence of Spencer Branch...........................          *38          *42
                                                                     Saltwater Branch.........................  At confluence with Eslava Creek East......................         None          *10
                                                                                                                Approximately 75 feet upstream of Cardinal Drive..........         None          *24
                                                                     Second Creek.............................  At confluence with Milkhouse Crrek........................          *30          *31
                                                                                                                At confluence of Second Creek Tributary...................          *64          *66
                                                                     Spencer Branch...........................  At confluence with Moore Creek............................          *38          *42
                                                                                                                Approximately 75 feet upstream of Wildwood Place..........         None         *123
                                                                     Spring Creek.............................  Approximately 550 feet downstream of Halls Mill Road......          *12          *11
                                                                                                                Approximately 885 feet upstream of Woodland Road..........         None         *140
                                                                     Spring Creek Tributary...................  At the confluence with Spring Creek.......................         None         *107
                                                                                                                Approximately 75 feet upstream of Woodland Road...........         None         *130
                                                                     Tennessee Street Drainage................  At Baker Street...........................................         None          *12
                                                                                                                Approximately 750 feet upstream of Owens Street...........         None          *30
                                                                     Threemile Creek..........................  Approximately 600 feet upstream of Saint Stephens Road....          *13          *12
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,250 feet upstream of Orangeburg Drive              None         *186
                                                                     Threemile Creek Tributary................  At confluence with Threemile Creek........................          *91          *90
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,040 feet upstream of Overlook Road........         None         *148
                                                                     Toulmins Spring Branch...................  Approximately 100 feet downstream of Craft Highway........          *12          *13
                                                                                                                At downstream side of West Prichard Avenue................         None          *24
                                                                     Toulmins Spring Branch Tributary No. 2...  At confluence with Toulmins Spring Branch.................         None          *19
                                                                                                                Approximately 125 feet upstream of O'Connor Street........         None          *29
                                                                     Twelvemile Creek.........................  At Arnold Road............................................         None         *161
                                                                                                                Approximately 65 feet upstream of Dickens Ferry Road......         None         *199
                                                                     Woodcock Branch..........................  Approximately 900 feet upstream of confluence with East             *10          *11
                                                                                                                 Eslava Creek.                                                                      
                                                                                                                Approximately 480 feet upstream of Brierwood Drive........         None          *24
                                                                     Woodcock Branch East.....................  At confluence with Woodcock Branch........................         None          *15
                                                                                                                Approximately 290 feet upstream of Westwood Street........         None          *19
      Maps available for inspection at the Mobile City Hall, 205 Government Street, 3rd Floor, Mobile, Alabama.                                                                                     
      Send comments to The Honorable Michael C. Dow, Mayor of the City of Mobile, P.O. Box 1827, Mobile, Alabama 36633-1827.                                                                        
    Alabama..............................  Mobile County             Chickasaw Creek..........................  Approximately 1,440 feet upstream of Old Saint Stevens              *36          *35
                                            (Unincorporated Areas).                                              Road.                                                                              
                                                                                                                Approximately 1.04 miles downstream of confluence of Coon           *41          *42
    [[Page 37837]]
                                                                     Clear Creek..............................  Approximately 650 feet downstream of the Illinois Central          *106         *107
                                                                                                                 Gulf Railroad.                                                                     
                                                                                                                Approximately 170 feet downstream of the Illinois Central          *110         *111
                                                                                                                 Gulf Railroad.                                                                     
                                                                     Crooked Creek............................  Approximately 2.75 miles downstream of Wulff Road (County          *118         *119
                                                                                                                 Highway 68).                                                                       
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.8 mile upstream of Wulff Road (County              *175         *176
                                                                                                                 Highway 68).                                                                       
                                                                     Halls Mill Creek.........................  Approximately 1,800 feet upstream of Interstate Route 10..          *10          *11
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,110 feet upstream of Leroy Stevens Road...          *81          *84
                                                                     Long Branch..............................  On the west bank, approximately 1,200 feet upstream of the         None         *113
                                                                                                                 confluence with Big Creek Lake.                                                    
                                                                                                                On the west bank, approximately 2,200 feet upstream of the         None         *113
                                                                                                                 confluence with Big Creek Lake.                                                    
                                                                     Milkhouse Creek..........................  At Cody Road..............................................         *109         *110
                                                                                                                Approximately 100 feet downstream of Airport Boulevard....         *163         *162
                                                                     Miller Creek.............................  Approximately 0.7 mile downstream of Johnson Road.........          *95          *94
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.2 mile upstream of Snow Road..............         *139         *140
                                                                     Miller Creek Tributary...................  At confluence with Miller Creek...........................         None         *119
                                                                                                                Approximately 140 feet upstream of Snow Road..............         None         *157
                                                                     Muddy Creek..............................  Approximately 1.9 miles downstream of Laurendine Road.....           *9           *8
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,050 feet upstream of Swedetown Road.......          *63          *64
                                                                     Rabbit Creek.............................  Approximately 820 feet upstream of U.S. Highway 90........          *43          *42
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of Old Pascagoula Road....          *82          *81
                                                                     Second Creek.............................  Upstream side of Solle Road...............................          *45          *44
                                                                                                                Approximately 650 feet downstream of the confluence of              *62          *63
                                                                                                                 Second Creek Tributary.                                                            
                                                                     Second Creek Tributary...................  Approximately 110 feet upstream of confluence with Second           *66          *67
                                                                                                                Downstream side of Schillinger Road.......................          *97          *96
      Maps available for inspection at the Mobile County Public Works Department, Mobile County Government Building, 205 Government Street, Mobile, Alabama.                                        
      Send comments to Mr. Douglas C. Modling, Mobile County Administrator, 205 Government Street, 8th Floor, Mobile, Alabama 36644.                                                                
    Alabama..............................  Mount Vernon (Town)       Cedar Creek..............................  Approximately 3,000 feet downstream of U.S. Route 43......         None          *17
                                            Mobile County.                                                      Approximately 250 feet downstream of U.S. Route 43........                          
                                                                                                                                                                                   None          *17
      Maps available for inspection at the Mount Vernon Town Hall, 1565 Boyles Avenue, Mount Vernon Alabama.                                                                                        
      Send comments to The Honorable Cleon Bolden, Mayor of the Town of Mount Vernon, P.O. Box 309, Mount Vernon, Alabama 36560.                                                                    
    Alabama..............................  Prichard (City) Mobile    Chickasaw Creek..........................  At upstream side of Interstate Route 65...................          *14          *12
                                            County.                                                             Approximately 1,450 feet upstream of Old Saint Stevens              *36          *35
                                                                     Eightmile Creek..........................  At upstream side of Bear Fork Road........................          *41          *40
                                                                                                                Approximately 100 feet upstream of Bear Fork Road.........          *41          *40
                                                                     Magee Creek..............................  At confluence with Chickasaw Creek........................          *36          *35
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,160 feet upstream of Illinois Central Gulf          *37          *36
                                                                     Toulmins Spring Branch...................  Approximately 760 feet downstream of Craft Highway........          *11          *12
                                                                                                                Approximately 400 feet downstream of Chastang Avenue......          *25          *24
    [[Page 37838]]
      Maps available for inspection at the Prichard City Hall, 216 East Prichard Avenue, Prichard, Alabama.                                                                                         
      Send comments to the Honorable Jesse Norwood, Mayor of the City of Prichard, P.O. Box 10427, Prichard, Alabama 36610.                                                                         
    Alabama..............................  Saraland (City) Mobile    Chickasaw Creek..........................  Downstream corporate limits...............................          *10          *11
                                            County.                                                             Upstream corporate limits.................................          *10          *11
      Maps available for inspection at the Saraland City Hall, 716 Highway 43, Saraland, Alabama.                                                                                                   
      Send comments to The Honorable Ken Williams, Mayor of the City of Saraland, 716 Highway 43, Saraland, Alabama 36571.                                                                          
    Georgia..............................  Alpharetta (City) Fulton  Foe Killer Creek.........................  Confluence with Big Creek.................................         *962         *965
                                            County.                                                             Approximately 2,600 feet upstream of Mayfield Road........       *1,084       *1,085
                                                                     Tributary No. 5 to Big Creek.............  Confluence with Big Creek.................................         *983         *984
                                                                                                                Approximately 2,500 feet upstream of confluence with Bid           *983         *984
                                                                     Tributary No. 2 to Big Creek.............  Confluence with Bid Creek.................................         *966         *969
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,600 feet upstream of Morrison Parkway.....         None       *1,035
                                                                     Long Indian Creek........................  At its confluence with Big Creek..........................         *972         *973
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,400 feet upstream of confluence with Big           *972         *973
                                                                     Camp Creek No. 1.........................  Confluence with Big Creek.................................         *992         *993
                                                                                                                Approximately 150 feet upstream of Windward Parkway.......         *993         *994
                                                                     Big Creek................................  Approximately 6,000 feet upstream of Old Holcomb Bridge            *960         *964
                                                                                                                At McGinnis Ferry Road....................................         *998         *997
                                                                     Tributary No. 3 to Big Creek.............  At confluence with Big Creek..............................         *976         *974
                                                                                                                At Norcross Street........................................         None       *1,090
                                                                     Caney Creek..............................  At confuence with Big Creek...............................         *992         *994
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.19 mile upstream of Lake Windward Drive...         *993         *994
      Maps available for inspection at the City Engineer's Office, 11875 Haynes Bridge Road, Alpharetta, Georgia.                                                                                   
      Send comments to Mr. Michael Wilkes, Alpharetta City Administrator, City Hall, 2 South Main Street, Alpharetta, Georgia 30201.                                                                
    Georgia..............................  Atlanta (City) Fulton     Caldwell Branch..........................  Approximately 0.37 mile downstream of Melvin Road.........         *824         *826
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.32 mile downstream of Melvin Road.........         *825         *826
                                                                     South Utoy Creek.........................  Approximately 800 feet upstream of Interstate Route 285...         None         *817
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of Interstate Route 285...         None         *821
                                                                     Long Island Creek........................  At its confluence with Chattahoochee River................         None         *778
                                                                                                                Approximately 750 feet upstream of the confluence with             None         *778
                                                                                                                 Chattahoochee River.                                                               
                                                                     North Fork Camp Creek....................  At confluence with South Fork Camp Creek..................         *818         *819
                                                                                                                Approximately 100 feet upstream of the confluence with             *818         *819
                                                                                                                 South Fork Camp Creek.                                                             
      Maps available for inspection at the Atlanta City Hall, Bureau of Planning, 55 Trinity Avenue, S.W., Suite 3350, Atlanta, Georgia.                                                            
      Send comments to The Honorable William Campbell, Mayor of the City of Atlanta, 55 Trinity Avenue, S.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30335.                                                               
    Georgia..............................  College Park (City)       Fur Creek................................  Approximately 400 feet upstream of Pelot Road at the               None         *879
                                            Fulton County.                                                       downstream corporate limits.                                                       
                                                                                                                Approximately 600 feet upstream of the corporate limits...         None         *879
                                                                     Sun Valley Creek.........................  Approximately 120 feet downstream of the corporate limits.         None         *918
                                                                                                                Approximately 50 feet upstream of Janice Drive............         None         *934
                                                                     Unnamed Tributary to Flint River West      At confluence with Flint River West Fork (Approximately            None         *986
                                                                      Fork.                                      400 feet downstream of Myrtle Street).                                             
                                                                                                                Approximately 100 feet upstream of Jackson Street.........         None        *1001
    [[Page 37839]]
      Maps available for inspection at the City Engineer's Office, 3667 Main Street, College Park, Georgia.                                                                                         
      Send comments to The Honorable Jack Longino, Mayor of the City of College Park, City Hall, 3667 Main Street, College Park, Georgia 30337.                                                     
    Georgia..............................  East Point (City) Fulton  Smith Creek..............................  Approximately 600 feet upstream of confluence with north           None         *828
                                            County.                                                              Fork Camp Creek.                                                                   
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.22 mile upstream of confluence with North          *827         *828
                                                                                                                 Fork Camp Creek.                                                                   
                                                                     Headland Branch..........................  At confluence with South Utoy Creek.......................         *858         *855
                                                                                                                Approximately 600 feet upstream of the confluence with             *858         *857
                                                                                                                 South Utoy Creek.                                                                  
                                                                     Farley Branch............................  At confluence with Headland Branch........................         *858         *855
                                                                                                                Approximately 400 feet upstream of the confluence with             *858         *857
                                                                                                                 Headland Branch.                                                                   
                                                                     North Fork Camp Creek....................  At downstream corporate limit.............................         *852         *856
                                                                                                                Approximately 500 feet downstream of Dogwood Drive........         *860         *861
      Maps available for inspection at the City Engineer's Office, 2777 East Point Street, East Point, Georgia.                                                                                     
      Send comments to The Honorable Patsy Jo Hilliard, Mayor of the City of East Point, 2777 East Point Street, East Point, Georgia 30344.                                                         
    Georgia..............................  Fairburn (City) Fulton    Whitewater Creek.........................  Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of Fayetteville Road......         None         *921
                                            County.                                                             Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of Fayetteville Road......                          
                                                                                                                                                                                   None         *925
                                                                     Line Creek...............................  Approximately 1.3 miles downstream of Rivertown Road......         *906         *909
                                                                                                                Approximately 1.2 miles downstream of Rivertown Road......         *910         *911
      Maps available for inspection at the Fairburn City Administrator's Office, Fairburn City Hall, 56 Malone Street, Fairburn, Georgia.                                                           
      Send comments to The Honorable Betty Hannah, Mayor of the City of Fairburn, P.O. Box 145, Fairburn, Georgia 30213.                                                                            
    Georgia..............................  Fulton County             Deep Creek...............................  Approximately 600 feet upstream of Cascade Palmetto                *749         *750
                                            (Unincorporated Areas).                                              Highway.                                                                           
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of Koweta Road............         *829         *833
                                                                     Camp Creek...............................  Approximately 350 feet downstream of Cascade Palmetto              *749         *750
                                                                                                                Approximately 750 feet upstream of Welcome All Road.......         *817         *819
                                                                     South Fork Camp Creek....................  Approximately 750 feet upstream of Welcome All Road.......         *817         *819
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.93 mile upstream of Welcome All Road......         *826         *828
                                                                     Line Creek...............................  At confluence with Deep Creek.............................         *754         *759
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.38 mile upstream of White Mill Road.......         *906         *909
                                                                     Little River.............................  Downstream county boundary................................         None         *889
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,700 feet upstream of county boundary......         None         *891
                                                                     Rocky Creek..............................  Approximately 1,650 feet upstream of Mountain Park Road...         None         *915
                                                                                                                Approximately 2,800 feet upstream of Mountain Park Road...         None         *919
                                                                     Foe Killer Creek.........................  Approximately 2,000 feet upstream of Alpharetta Road......       *1,017       *1,019
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,950 feet upstream of Mayfield Road........         None       *1,078
                                                                     Big Creek................................  Approximately 2,750 feet upstream of Mansell Road.........         *967         *969
                                                                                                                Approximately 2,000 feet upstream of Webb Road Bridge.....         *990         *991
                                                                     Johns Creek..............................  Approximately 2,050 feet upstream of confluence with               *893         *892
                                                                                                                 Chattahoochee River.                                                               
                                                                                                                At McGinnis Ferry Road....................................       *1,023       *1,024
                                                                     South Fork Marsh Creek...................  At confluence with Marsh Creek............................         *916         *920
                                                                                                                Approximately 75 feet upstream of confluence with Marsh            *919         *920
    [[Page 37840]]
                                                                     Marsh Creek..............................  Approximately 550 feet downstream of Riverside Drive......         *812         *811
                                                                                                                At Turner McDonald Parkway (Route 400)....................         *950         *947
                                                                     Tributary to Camp Creek..................  At its confluence with Camp Creek.........................         *777         *781
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of Erin Road..............         None         *830
                                                                     Red Mill Creek...........................  At its confluence with Deep Creek.........................         *789         *793
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of South Fulton Parkway...         *804         *805
                                                                     Long Island Creek........................  Approximately 1,400 feet upstream of confluence with               *778         *779
                                                                                                                 Chattahoochee River.                                                               
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,150 feet upstream of Kingsport Drive......         *900         *898
                                                                     Cowart Lake Tributary....................  At confluence of Camp Creek...............................         *795         *794
                                                                                                                Approximately 1.2 miles upstream of Cowart Lake Dam at the         None         *830
                                                                                                                 upstream corporate limits.                                                         
                                                                     North Fork Camp Creek....................  At confluence with Camp Creek.............................         None         *819
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.1 mile upstream of confluence with Camp            None         *822
                                                                     Wolf Creek...............................  At confluence with Camp Creek.............................         *787         *789
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,300 feet upstream of confluence with Camp          *788         *789
                                                                     Niskey Creek.............................  At confluence with Utoy Creek.............................         None         *776
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,750 feet upstream of Danforth Road........         None         *808
                                                                     Long Indian Creek........................  Approximately 2,000 feet upstream of the confluence of Big         *973         *974
                                                                                                                Approximately 800 feet upstream of State Bridge Road             *1,080       *1,081
                                                                                                                 (State Route 120).                                                                 
                                                                     Tributary No. 2 to Big Creek.............  Approximately 250 feet upstream of State Route 400........         None         *990
                                                                     Enon Creek...............................  At confluence with Camp Creek.............................         *767         *768
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with             *767         *768
                                                                                                                 Camp Creek.                                                                        
                                                                     Morning Creek............................  Approximately 1,000 feet downstream of Jonesboro Road.....         *841         *842
                                                                                                                Approximately 50 feet downstream of Jonesboro Road........         *841         *842
                                                                     Valley Brook Creek.......................  At confluence with Camp Creek.............................         *817         *818
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.2 mile downstream of Ben Hill Road........         *818         *819
      Maps available for inspection at the Fulton County Government Building, 141 Pryor Street, S.W., 10th Floor, Atlanta, Georgia.                                                                 
      Send comments to Mr. Mitch Skandalakis, Chairman of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, 141 Pryor Street, S.W., 10th Floor, Atlanta, Georgia 30308.                                     
    Georgia..............................  Roswell (City), Fulton    Foe Killer Creek.........................  Approximately 200 feet upstream of Old Roswell Road.......         *976         *977
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,100 feet upstream of Upper Hembree Road...         None       *1,027
                                                                     Crossville Creek.........................  Approximately 500 feet upstream of confluence with Hog           *1,020       *1,018
                                                                                                                 Wallow Creek.                                                                      
                                                                                                                Approximately 3,300 feet upstream of Wavetree Drive.......         None       *1,077
                                                                     Strickland Creek.........................  Confluence with Foe Killer Creek..........................       *1,014       *1,017
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,250 feet upstream of confluence with Foe         *1,016       *1,017
                                                                                                                 Killer Creek.                                                                      
                                                                     Crossville Branch........................  Confluence with Crossville Creek..........................       *1,059       *1,062
                                                                                                                Approximately 450 feet upstream of confluence with               *1,061       *1,062
                                                                                                                 Crossville Creek.                                                                  
                                                                     Hog Wallow Creek.........................  Confluence with Big Creek.................................         *946         *952
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,050 feet upstream of confluence with Big           *951         *952
                                                                     Riverside Creek..........................  Approximately 100 feet downstream of Azalea Drive.........         *863         *864
                                                                                                                Approximately 600 feet upstream of Corinth Road...........         None         *987
                                                                     Seven Branches...........................  Approximately 50 feet upstream of Martins Lake Dam........         *889         *887
    [[Page 37841]]
                                                                                                                Approximately 2,000 feet upstream of Calibree Creek                None         *966
                                                                     Big Creek................................  Approximately 400 feet upstream of Riverside Drive........         *868         *867
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,000 feet upstream of Mansell Road.........         *966         *968
                                                                     Tributary No. 2 to Big Creek.............  Approximately 1,000 feet upstream of Morrison Parkway.....         None       *1,032
                                                                                                                At Maxwell Street.........................................         None       *1,054
                                                                     Hughes Creek.............................  Confluence with Foe Killer Creek..........................       *1,024       *1,026
                                                                                                                Approximately 750 feet upstream of confluence with Foe           *1,025       *1,026
                                                                                                                 Killer Creek.                                                                      
      Maps available for inspection at the Fulton County City Hall, Suite G-50, 38 Hill Street, Roswell, Georgia.                                                                                   
      Send Comments to The Honorable W. L. ``Pug'' Mabry, Mayor of the City of Roswell, Fulton County City Hall, 38 Hill Street, Roswell, Georgia 30075                                             
    Georgia..............................  Union (City) Fulton       Deep Creek...............................  Approximately 500 feet upstream of Koweta Road............         *823         *826
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.9 mile upstream of Koweta Road............         *836         *839
      Maps available for inspection at the Union City Hall Map Room, 5047 Union Street, Union City, Georgia.                                                                                        
      Send comments to Ms. Sonya Carter, Union City Administrator, City Hall, 5047 Union Street, Union City, Georgia 30291.                                                                         
    Indiana..............................  Allen County              Roy Delagrange Ditch.....................  At upstream face of Auburn Road...........................         None         *827
                                            (Unincorporated Areas).                                                                                                                                 
                                                                                                                Approximately 500 feet upstream of Grass Lane.............         None         *842
      Maps available for inspection at the Allen County Planning Services, City-County Building, Room 630, 1 Main Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana.                                                      
      Send comments to Mr. Jack McComb, Allen County Commissioner, City-County Building, East Main Street, Room 220, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802.                                                     
    Indiana..............................  Boone County              New Reynolds Ditch.......................  Approximately 500 feet downstream of Golf Course Road.....         *932         *930
                                            (Unincorporated Areas).                                                                                                                                 
                                                                                                                At downstream side of Elm Swamp Road......................         *940         *937
      Maps available for inspection at the Boone Area Planning Commission, Building Inspector's office, Boone County Courthouse Square, Room B-3, Lebanon, Indiana.                                 
      Send comments to Mr. Paul Green, President of the Boone County Council, Boone County Auditor's Office, 201 Courthouse Square, Lebanon, Indiana 46052.                                         
    Indiana..............................  Peru (City) Miami County  Prairie Ditch............................  Approximately 0.8 mile downstream of North Broadway Street         None         *646
                                                                                                                At downstream side of Lovers Lane (upstream corporate              None         *670
                                                                     Shallow Flooding Area....................  Approximately 800 feet south of Lovers Lane...............         None           *2
                                                                                                                Approximately 400 feet west of Chili Street...............         None           *2
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,000 feet north of Harrison Avenue.........         None           *2
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,800 feet west of Chili Street.............         None           *2
      Maps available for inspection at the Miami County Courthouse, Room 102, Corner of Main and Broadway Streets, Peru, Indiana.                                                                   
      Send comments to The Honorable Richard Blair, Mayor of the City of Peru, 35 South Broadway Street, Peru, Indiana 46970.                                                                       
    Maine................................  Alfred (Town) York        Mousam River.............................  At downstream corporate limits............................         None         *154
                                                                                                                At downstream side of Estes Lake Dam......................         None         *184
                                                                     Tributary to Middle Branch Mousam River..  Approximately 225 feet downstream of Middle Branch Drive..         None         *349
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.53 mile upstream of Middle Branch Drive...         None         *379
      Maps available for inspection at the Alfred Town Hall, Saco Road, Alfred, Maine.                                                                                                              
      Send comments to Mr. Earland Morrison, Chairman of the Town of Alfred Board of Selectmen, P.O. Box 667, Alfred, Maine 04002.                                                                  
    Michigan.............................  Cherry Grove (Township)   Lake Mitchell............................  Entire shoreline within the community.....................         None       *1,291
                                            Wexford County.                                                                                                                                         
    [[Page 37842]]
      Maps available for inspection at the Cherry Grove Township Hall, South 33 Mile Road, Cadillac, Michigan.                                                                                      
      Send comments to Mr. Lawrence Jobson, Cherry Grove Township Supervisor, 492 Horseshoe Drive, Cadillac, Michigan 49601.                                                                        
    Michigan.............................  Clam Lake (Township)      Lake Cadillac............................  Entire shoreline within the community.....................         None       *1,291
                                            Wexford County.                                                                                                                                         
      Maps available for inspection at the Clam Lake Township Hall, South 43 Road, Cadillac, Michigan.                                                                                              
      Send comments to Mrs. Diane C. Powell, Clam Lake Township Supervisor, 10631 East 46 Road, Cadillac, Michigan 49601.                                                                           
    Michigan.............................  Haring (Charter           Clam River...............................  At Seeley Road No. 49.....................................         None       *1,265
                                            Township) Wexford                                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                                At 13th Street and No. 36 Road............................         None       *1,287
      Maps available for inspection at the Haring Township Hall, 505 Bell Avenue, Cadillac, Michigan                                                                                                
      Send comments to Mr. John L. Long, Haring Charter Township Supervisor, P.O. Box 282, Cadillac, Michigan 49601.                                                                                
    Minnesota............................  Cambridge (City) Isanti   Rum River................................  Approximately 3.1 miles downstream of 2nd Avenue SW (most          None         *915
                                            County.                                                              downstream corporate limit).                                                       
                                                                                                                Approximately 1.0 mile upstream of 1st Avenue West (most           None         *918
                                                                                                                 upstream corporate limit).                                                         
      Maps available for inspection at the Cambridge City Hall, 626 North Main Street, Cambridge, Minnesota.                                                                                        
      Send comments to The Honorable Carsten Seecamp, Mayor of the City of Cambridge, 626 North Main Street, Cambridge, Minnesota 55008.                                                            
    Minnesota............................  Isanti County             Rum River................................  Approximately 3.1 miles downstream of 2nd Avenue SW (most          None         *915
                                            (Unincorporated Areas).                                              downstream corporate limit of the City of Cambridge).                              
                                                                                                                Approximately 1.6 miles upstream of 1st Avenue West.......         None         *918
      Maps available for inspection at the Isanti County Zoning Office, 555 18th Avenue, SW., Cambridge, Minnesota.                                                                                 
      Send comments to Mr. Lyle Schlief, Chairman of the Isanti County Board of Commissioners, 555 18th Avenue, SW., Cambridge, Minnesota 55008.                                                    
    New Jersey...........................  Glen Rock (Borough)       Diamond Brook............................  At Harristown Road........................................          *49          *50
                                            Bergen County.                                                      Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of Rutland Road...........          *81          *82
      Maps available for inspection at the Borough of Glen Rock Municipal Building, Rock Road, Glen Rock, New Jersey.                                                                               
      Send comments to The Honorable Jacqueline Kort, Mayor of the Borough of Glen Rock, Glen Rock Municipal Building, Glen Rock, New Jersey 07452-1798.                                            
    New Jersey...........................  Midland Park (Borough)    Goffle Brook Tributary...................  At the confluence with Goffle Brook.......................         *261         *262
                                            Bergen County.                                                      Approximately 900 feet upstream of Myrtle Avenue..........         *273         *275
                                                                     Goffle Brook.............................  Approximately 70 feet downstream of Lake Avenue...........         *172         *171
                                                                                                                Approximately 125 feet upstream of CONRAIL................         *267         *268
      Maps available for inspection at the Midland Park Borough Hall, 280 Godwin Avenue, Midland Park, New Jersey.                                                                                  
      Send comments to The Honorable Ester Vierheilig, Mayor of the Borough of Midland Park, 280 Godwin Avenue, Midland Park, New Jersey 07432.                                                     
    New Jersey...........................  Ramsey (Borough) Bergen   Pleasant Brook Tributary.................  At the southeast intersection of Sherwood Drive and                None         *278
                                            County.                                                              Nottingham Road.                                                                   
      Maps available for inspection at the Ramsey Engineering Department, 33 North Central Avenue, Ramsey, New Jersey.                                                                              
      Send comments to The Honorable John Scerbo, Mayor of the Borough of Ramsey, 33 North Central Avenue, Ramsey, New Jersey 07466.                                                                
    New Jersey...........................  Ridgewood (Village)       Diamond Brook............................  At the downstream corporate limits........................         None          *82
                                            Bergen County.                                                      Approximately 450 feet upstream of the downstream                  None          *82
                                                                                                                 corporate limits.                                                                  
      Maps available for inspection at the Department of Public Works, Engineering Division, 131 North Maple Avenue, Ridgewood, New Jersey.                                                         
       Send comments to The Honorable Patrick Mancuso, Mayor of the Village of Ridgewood, 131 North Maple Avenue, Ridgewood, New Jersey 07451.                                                      
    New Jersey...........................  Saddle River (Borough)    Saddle River.............................  Approximately 0.9 mile downstream of Lower Cross Road.....         *106         *105
                                            Bergen County.                                                      At Locust Lane............................................                          
                                                                                                                                                                                   *172         *173
    [[Page 37843]]
      Maps available for inspection at the Saddle River Municipal Building, 100 East Allendale Road, Saddle River, New Jersey.                                                                      
      Send comments to The Honorable Theodore E. Anthony, Mayor of the Borough of Saddle River, 100 East Allendale Road, Saddle River, New Jersey 07458.                                            
    New Jersey...........................  Upper Saddle River        Saddle River.............................  Approximately 1,275 feet downstream of confluence of               *165         *166
                                            (Borough) Bergen County.                                             Pleasant Brook.                                                                    
                                                                                                                At the confluence of West Branch and East Branch Saddle            *205         *207
                                                                     East Branch Saddle River.................  At the confluence with Saddle River.......................         *205         *207
                                                                                                                At the State boundary.....................................         *284         *286
                                                                     Oost Val Brook...........................  At the confluence with East Branch Saddle River...........         *248         *249
                                                                                                                At the State boundary.....................................         None         *305
                                                                     Pleasant Brook...........................  At the confluence with Saddle River.......................         *170         *171
                                                                                                                Approximately 80 feet upstream of Blue Spruce Road........         None         *368
                                                                     West Branch Saddle River.................  At the confluence with Saddle River.......................         *205         *207
                                                                                                                Approximately 70 feet upstream of Hillside Road...........         *326         *325
                                                                     Sparrow Bush Brook.......................  At the confluence with West Branch Saddle River...........         *263         *262
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,556 feet upstream of West Saddle River             None         *324
                                                                     Kroner's Brook...........................  Approximately 275 feet upstream of confluence with Saddle          None         *179
                                                                                                                Approximately 70 feet downstream of Old Chimney Road......         None         *277
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.72 mile upstream of Lake Street...........         None         *277
                                                                     Pleasant Brook Tributary.................  At the confluence with Pleasant Brook.....................         None         *261
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,200 feet upstream of Ware Road............         None         *361
      Maps available for inspection at the Upper Saddle River Borough Hall, 376 West Saddle River Road, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.                                                             
      Send comments to The Honorable Francis J. Grout, Mayor of the Borough of Upper Saddle River, 376 West Saddle River Road, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458.                                
    New Jersey...........................  Waldwick (Borough)......  Saddle River.............................  Approximately 0.9 mile downstream of Lower Cross Road.....         *106         *105
                                           Bergen County                                                        At the upstream corporate limits..........................         *113         *111
      Maps available for inspection at the Waldwick Borough Clerk's Office, 15 East Prospect Street, Waldwick, New Jersey.                                                                          
      Send comments to The Honorable Rick Vander Wende, Mayor of the Borough of Waldwick, 15 East Prospect Street, Waldwick, New Jersey 07463.                                                      
    New York.............................  Andover (Town) Allegany   Andover Pond.............................  Approximately 500 feet southwest of intersection of State          None       *1,669
                                            County.                                                              Route 21 and Bines Hill Road.                                                      
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.45 mile southwest of intersection of State         None       *1,669
                                                                                                                 Route 21 and Bines Hill Road.                                                      
                                                                     Dyke Creek...............................  Approximately 1,200 feet downstream of CONRAIL............         None       *1,573
                                                                                                                Approximately 1.03 mile upstream of State Route 417.......         None       *1,641
                                                                     Dyke Creek Split Flow....................  At confluence with Dyke Creek.............................         None       *1,580
                                                                                                                At divergence from Dyke Creek.............................         None       *1,587
      Maps available for inspection at the Andover Town Hall, Main and West Center Streets, Andover, New York.                                                                                      
      Send comments to Mr. Karl E. Graves, Supervisor of the Town of Andover, 25 Elm Street, Andover, New York 14806.                                                                               
    New York.............................  Elma (Town) Erie County.  Little Buffalo Creek.....................  Just upstream of Hall Road................................         None         *745
                                                                                                                At upstream corporate limits..............................         None         *782
                                                                     Pond Creek...............................  Approximately 500 feet upstream...........................         *715         *716
                                                                                                                Just downstream of Rice Road..............................         None         *809
                                                                     South Branch Slate Bottom Creek..........  Approximately 0.7 mile downstream of Aurora Road..........         None         *674
                                                                                                                Approximately 840 feet upstream of Aurora Road............         None         *684
                                                                     Cazenovia Creek..........................  At downstream corporate limits............................         *685         *687
                                                                                                                At upstream corporate limits..............................         *770         *773
    [[Page 37844]]
      Maps available for inspection at the Elma Town Hall, 1910 Bowen Road, Elma, New York.                                                                                                         
      Send comments to Ms. Audrey Murdoch, Supervisor of the Town of Elma, 1910 Bowen Road, Elma, New York 14059.                                                                                   
    New York.............................  Vestal (Town) Broome      Susquehanna River........................  Approximately 600 feet upstream of Main Street............         *831         *830
                                            County.                                                             Approximately 200 feet upstream of the downstream                                   
                                                                                                                 corporate limits.                                                 *828         *827
      Maps available for inspection at the Vestal Engineering Department, 601 Vestal Parkway West, Vestal, New York.                                                                                
      Send comments to Mr. Robert J. Nasiatka, Vestal Town Supervisor, 605 Vestal Parkway West, Vestal, New York 13850.                                                                             
    North Carolina.......................  Brevard (City)            Davidson River Original Channel..........  Confluence with Davidson River............................       *2,115       *2,114
                                            Transylvania County.                                                Divergence from Davidson River............................       *2,126       *2,123
                                                                     Davidson River...........................  Confluence with French Broad River........................       *2,104       *2,103
                                                                                                                Downstream side of U.S. Highway 64/276 Eastbound..........       *2,126       *2,124
                                                                     French Broad River.......................  Approximately 400 feet downstream of confluence of               *2,104       *2,103
                                                                                                                 Davidson River.                                                                    
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.53 mile upstream of confluence of Unnamed        *2,127       *2,124
                                                                                                                 Tributary to French Broad River.                                                   
                                                                     Lamb Creek...............................  Confluence with French Broad River........................       *2,106       *2,104
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,630 feet upstream of Lambs Creek Road.....       *2,250       *2,251
                                                                     Lambo Creek..............................  Confluence with French Broad River........................       *2,107       *2,104
                                                                                                                At footbridge dam.........................................         None       *2,184
                                                                     Nicholson Creek..........................  Confluence with French Broad River........................       *2,119       *2,116
                                                                                                                Approximately 25 feet downstream of Southern Railway......       *2,150       *2,149
                                                                     King Creek...............................  Confluence with French Broad River........................       *2,109       *2,105
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,430 feet upstream of Mill Brook Drive.....       *2,265       *2,266
                                                                     Long Branch..............................  Confluence with King Creek................................       *2,140       *2,139
                                                                                                                Approximately 600 feet downstream of Southern Railway.....       *2,144       *2,143
                                                                     Unnamed Tributary to Davidson River......  Confluence with Davidson River............................       *2,109       *2,108
                                                                                                                Approximately 260 feet upstream Southern Railway Spur.....       *2,109       *2,108
                                                                     Gilbreath Branch.........................  Confluence with Lambo Creek...............................       *2,108       *2,105
                                                                                                                Approximately 320 feet downstream of Old U.S. Highway 64..       *2,108       *2,107
                                                                     Unnamed Tributary to French Broad River..  Confluence with French Broad River........................       *2,126       *2,124
                                                                                                                Approximately 620 feet downstream of Country Club Road....       *2,129       *2,128
       Maps available for inspection at the City of Brevard Planning Department, 151 West Main Street, Brevard, North Carolina.                                                                     
      Send comments to Mr. Steve Warren, Brevard City Planner, 151 West Main Street, Brevard, North Carolina 28712.                                                                                 
    North Carolina.......................  North Wilkesboro (City)   Yadkin River.............................  Approximately 2.3 miles downstream of confluence with              *964         *957
                                            Wilkes County.                                                       Reddies River.                                                                     
                                                                                                                Approximately 1.4 miles upstream of confluence with                *970         *967
                                                                                                                 Reddies River.                                                                     
                                                                     Reddies River............................  At confluence with Yadkin River...........................         *970         *963
                                                                                                                Approximately 2,950 feet upstream of confluence with               *970         *969
                                                                                                                 Yadkin River.                                                                      
                                                                     Tributary M-1............................  Approximately 375 feet downstream of confluence with               None       *1,065
                                                                                                                 Tributary M-1-1.                                                                   
                                                                                                                Approximately 225 feet upstream of confluence with                 None       *1,075
                                                                                                                 Tributary M-1-1.                                                                   
                                                                     Tributary Y-1............................  From confluence with Yadkin River.........................         *965         *959
                                                                                                                Approximately 750 feet upstream of confluence with Yadkin          *965         *959
       Maps available for inspection at the North Wilkesboro Town Hall, 801 Main Street, North Wilkesboro, North Carolina.                                                                          
      Send comments to Mr. James H. Bently, North Wilkesboro City Manager, P.O. Box 218, North Wilkesboro, North Carolina 28659.                                                                    
    North Carolina.......................  Rosman (Town)             French Broad River.......................  Approximately 0.55 mile downstream of U.S. Highway 178....       *2,183       *2,182
                                            Transylvania County.                                                Approximately 0.55 mile upstream of Turnpike Road.........                          
                                                                                                                                                                                 *2,203       *2,202
    [[Page 37845]]
      Maps available for inspection at the Rosman Town Hall, Main Street, Rosman, North Carolina.                                                                                                   
      Send comments to The Honorable John H. Rodgers, Mayor of the Town of Rosman, P.O. Box 636, Rosman, North Carolina 28772.                                                                      
    North Carolina.......................  Transylvania County       Davidson River...........................  Confluence with French Broad River........................       *2,104       *2,103
                                            (Unincorporated Areas).                                             Approximately 5,200 feet upstream of U.S. Highway 64/276..       *2,143       *2,142
                                                                     East Fork of French Broad River..........  Confluence with French Broad River........................       *2,180       *2,177
                                                                                                                Approximately 4.45 miles upstream of confluence with             *2,292       *2,291
                                                                                                                 French Broad River.                                                                
                                                                     Cathey's Creek...........................  Confluence with French Broad River........................       *2,148       *2,147
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,250 feet upstream of U.S. Highway 64......       *2,196       *2,193
                                                                     Patterson Creek..........................  At confluence with French Broad River.....................       *2,151       *2,150
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,500 feet upstream of Cathey's Creek Church       *2,202       *2,203
                                                                     Carson Creek.............................  Confluence with French Broad River........................       *2,140       *2,136
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,225 feet upstream of confluence with             *2,140       *2,139
                                                                                                                 French Broad River.                                                                
                                                                     Little River.............................  Confluence of French Broad River..........................       *2,095       *2,093
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,795 feet downstream of confluence of Crab        *2,095       *2,094
                                                                     Lamb Creek...............................  Approximately 1,675 feet upstream of Lambs Creek Road.....         None       *2,252
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of Lambs Creek Road.......         None       *2,261
                                                                     French Broad River.......................  Upstream side of Crab Creek Road..........................       *2,094       *2,093
                                                                                                                Approximately 1 mile upstream of Turnpike Road............       *2,209       *2,206
                                                                     North Fork French Broad River............  At confluence with French Broad River.....................       *2,209       *2,206
                                                                                                                Upstream side of U.S. Highway 64..........................       *2,209       *2,208
                                                                     West Fork French Broad River.............  At confluence with French Broad River.....................       *2,209       *2,206
                                                                                                                Approximately 475 feet upstream from confluence with North       *2,209       *2,208
                                                                                                                 Fork French Broad River.                                                           
                                                                     Middle Fork French Broad River...........  At confluence with French Broad River.....................       *2,181       *2,177
                                                                                                                Approximately 26 feet downstream of East Fork Road........       *2,182       *2,181
      Maps available for inspection at the Transylvania County Community Services Building, 203 East Morgan Street, Brevard, North Carolina.                                                        
      Send comments to Mr. Robert Masengill, Chairman of the Transylvania County Board of Commissioners, 28 East Main Street, Brevard, North Carolina 28712.                                        
    North Carolina.......................  Wayne County              Mills Creek..............................  Approximately 1,000 feet upstream of confluence with West          None          *95
                                            (Unincorporated Areas).                                              Bear Creek.                                                                        
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.45 mile upstream of confluence with West           None          *98
                                                                                                                 Bear Creek.                                                                        
      Maps available for inspection at the Wayne County Planning Department, 224 East Walnut Street, Goldsboro, North Carolina.                                                                     
      Send comments to Mr. Will Sullivan, Wayne County Manager, P.O. Box 227, Goldsboro, North Carolina 27533.                                                                                      
    Ohio.................................  Butler County             Mill Creek...............................  At East Crescentville Road................................         *583         *585
                                            (Unincorporated Areas).                                                                                                                                 
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.9 mile upstream of Tylersville Road.......         None         *628
                                                                     East Fork MIll Creek.....................  At East Crescentville Road................................         None         *586
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,450 feet upstream of Station Road.........         None         *661
                                                                     Tributary to East Fork Mill Creek........  At confluence with East Fork Mill Creek...................         None         *602
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,900 feet upstream of Dimmick Road.........         None         *655
                                                                     Gregory Creek............................  Approximately 1,280 feet downstream of Hamilton Mason Road         None         *703
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,160 feet upstream of Shawnee Lane.........         None         *737
    [[Page 37846]]
      Maps available for inspection at the Butler County Administrative Center, 130 High Street, 3rd Floor, Hamilton, Ohio.                                                                         
      Send comments to Ms. Janet Clemmons, President of the Butler County Commissioners, 130 High Street, 6th Floor, Hamilton, Ohio 45011.                                                          
    Pennsylvania.........................  Etna (Borough),           Little Pine Creek West...................  At confluence with Pine Creek.............................         *745         *747
                                            Allegheny County.                                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                                Approximately 600 feet upstream of Greely Avenue..........         *761         *763
                                                                     Pine Creek...............................  Confluence with Allegheny River...........................         *735         *736
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,250 feet upstream of Grant Avenue.........         *752         *751
      Maps available for inspection at the Etna Borough Hall, 437 Butler Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.                                                                                          
      Send comments to Mr. Peter Ramage, President of the Etna Borough Council, 437 Butler Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15223.                                                                  
    Pennsylvania.........................  Franklin Park (Borough)   Pine Creek...............................  Approximately 1,550 feet upstream of Meinert Road.........         None       *1,030
                                            Allegheny County.                                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.43 mile upstream of Meinert Road..........         None       *1,033
      Maps available for inspection at the Franklin Park Borough Hall, 2428 Rochester Road, Sewickley, Pennsylvania.                                                                                
      Send comments to Mr. Ronald Merriman, Franklin Park Acting Borough Manager, 2428 Rochester Road, Sewickley, Pennsylvania 15143.                                                               
    Pennsylvania.........................  Hampton (Township)        Gourdhead Run............................  At confluence with Pine Creek.............................         *847         *850
                                            Allegheny County.                                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.62 mile upstream of Harts Run Road........         None         *989
                                                                     Harts Run................................  At confluence with Gourdhead Run..........................         *921         *925
                                                                                                                Approximately 350 feet upstream of Harts Run Road.........         None       *1,034
                                                                     McCaslin Run.............................  At confluence with Gourdhead Run..........................         None         *894
                                                                                                                Approximately 320 feet upstream of McCully Road...........         None       *1,002
                                                                     Montour Run No. 1........................  At confluence with Pine Creek.............................         None         *939
                                                                                                                Approximately 1.53 miles upstream of Wildwood Road........         None         *990
                                                                     Pine Creek...............................  Approximately 1,500 feet downstream of State Route 8......         *839         *846
                                                                                                                Approximately 160 feet upstream of Wildwood Road..........         None         *944
                                                                     Crouse Run...............................  At confluence with Pine Creek.............................         *887         *889
                                                                                                                Approximately 50 feet downstream of Royalview Drive.......         *888         *889
      Maps available for inspection at the Hampton Township Hall, 3101 McCully Road, Allison Park, Pennsylvania.                                                                                    
      Send comments to Mr. W. Christopher Lochner, Municipal Manager for the Township of Hampton, 3101 McCully Road, Allison Park, Pennsylvania.                                                    
    Pennsyvlania.........................  Indiana (Township)        Little Pine Creek East...................  Approximately 575 feet downstream of Saxonburg Boulevard..         None         *897
                                            Allegheny County.                                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,850 feet upstream of Klein Road...........         None         *955
      Maps available for inspection at the Indiana Township Municipal Building, Route 910, Indianola, Pennsylvania.                                                                                 
      Send comments to Mr. Kevin Brozek, Indiana Township Secretary, P.O. Box 788, Indianola, Pennsylvania 15051.                                                                                   
    Pennsylvania.........................  McCandless (Township)     Little Pine Creek West...................  Approximately 900 feet upstream of McIntyre Road..........       *1,016       *1,015
                                            Allegheny County.                                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                                Approximately 40 feet upstream of Babcock Boulevard.......         None       *1,060
                                                                     Pine Creek...............................  Approximately 650 feet downstream of Wildwood Road........         None         *942
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,800 feet upstream of Meinert Road.........       *1,028       *1,030
      Maps available for inspection at the McCandless Township Hall, 9955 Grubbs Road, Wexford, Pennsylvania.                                                                                       
      Send comments to Mr. Tobias Cordek, McCandless Township Manager, 9955 Grubbs Road, Wexford, Pennsylvania 15090.                                                                               
    Pennsylvania.........................  O'Hara (Township)         Little Pine Creek East...................  Approximately 650 feet downstream of Saxonburg Boulevard..         None         *799
                                            Allegheny County.                                                                                                                                       
    [[Page 37847]]
                                                                                                                Approximately 0.43 mile upstream of Browns Hill Road......         None         *897
      Maps available for inspection at the O'Hara Township Hall, 325 Fox Chapel Road, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.                                                                                     
      Send comments to Mr. Douglas C. Arndt, O'Hara Township Manager, 325 Fox Chapel Road, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15238.                                                                          
    Pennsylvania.........................  Ross (Township)           Little Pine Creek West...................  Approximately 0.39 mile downstream of Sutter Road.........         *977          978
                                            Allegheny County.                                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,050 feet upstream of McIntyre Road........       *1,016       *1,015
      Maps available for inspection at the Ross Township Hall, 5325 Perrysville Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.                                                                                   
      Send comments to Mr. Thomas Lavorini, Ross Township Manager, 5325 Perrysville Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15229.                                                                         
    Pennsylvania.........................  Shaler (Township)         Little Pine Creek East...................  At confluence with Pine Creek.............................         *757         *753
                                            Allegheny County.                                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                                Approximately 750 feet upstream of Saxonburg Boulevard....         *796         *799
                                                                     Little Pine Creek West...................  Approximately 850 feet upstream of confluence with Pine            *745         *747
                                                                                                                Approximately 733 feet upstream of Clair Street...........         *976         *975
                                                                     Pine Creek...............................  Approximately 375 feet upstream of Bridge Street..........         *736         *738
                                                                                                                Approximately 1,600 feet upstream of Elfinwild Road.......         *839         *846
      Maps available for inspection at the Shaler Township Building, 300 Wetzel Road, Glenshaw, Pennsyvania.                                                                                        
      Send comments to Mr. Timothy Rogers, Shaler Township Manager, 300 Wetzel Road, Glenshaw, Pennsylvania 15116.                                                                                  
    Pennsylvania.........................  Sharpsburg (Borough)      Pine Creek...............................  Backwater area between Main Street and CONRAIL............         *736         *737
                                            Allegheny County.                                                                                                                                       
      Maps available for inspection at the Sharpsburg Borough Office, 1021 North Canal, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.                                                                                   
      Send comments to The Honorable Marion Gerardi, Mayor of the Borough of Sharpsburg, 121 13th Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15215.                                                           
    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 83.100, ``Flood 
        Dated: June 19, 1997.
    Richard W. Krimm,
    Executive Associate Director, Mitigation Directorate.
    [FR Doc. 97-18539 Filed 7-14-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6718-04-P

Document Information

Federal Emergency Management Agency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
The comment period is ninety (90) days following the second publication of this proposed rule in a newspaper of local circulation in each community.
37834-37847 (14 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. FEMA-7223
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
44 CFR 67.4