99-17998. Electrade Corporation, et al. Electric Rate and Corporate Regulation Filings  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 135 (Thursday, July 15, 1999)]
    [Pages 38192-38195]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-17998]
    Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
    [Docket No. ER94-1478-016, et al.]
    Electrade Corporation, et al. Electric Rate and Corporate 
    Regulation Filings
    July 8, 1999.
        Take notice that the following filings have been made with the 
    1. Electrade Corporation
    [Docket No. ER94-1478-016]
        Take notice that on June 30, 1999, the above-mentioned power 
    marketer filed a quarterly report with the Commission in the above-
    mentioned proceeding for information only. This filing is available for 
    public inspection and copying in the Public Reference Room or on the 
    web at www.ferc.fed.us/online/rims.htm for viewing and downloading 
    (call 202-208-2222 for assistance).
    2. Nordic Electric, L.L.C. and Alliance Energy Services
    [Docket No. ER96-127-007 and Docket No. ER99-1945-001]
        Take notice that on June 28, 1999, the above-mentioned power 
    marketers filed quarterly reports with the Commission in the above-
    mentioned proceedings for information only. These filings are available 
    for public inspection and copying in the Public Reference Room or on 
    the web at www.ferc.fed.us/online/rims.htm for viewing and downloading 
    (call 202-208-2222 for assistance).
    3. Wisconsin Power & Light Company
    [Docket No. ER98-3722-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, Wisconsin Power & Light Company 
    tendered for filing an amendment to its December 10, 1998 filing, in 
    the above-referenced docket.
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    3. Carolina Power & Light Company
    [Docket No. ER99-3448-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, Carolina Power & Light Company 
    (CP&L), tendered for filing an executed Service Agreement with West 
    Penn Power Company under the provisions of CP&L's Market-Based Rates 
    Tariff, FERC Electric Tariff No. 4.
        CP&L is requesting an effective date of June 23, 1999, for this 
        Copies of the filing were served upon the North Carolina Utilities 
    Commission and the South Carolina Public Service Commission.
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    4. Southern Company Services, Inc.
    [Docket No. ER99-3449-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, Southern Company Services, Inc. 
    (SCS), acting on behalf of Alabama Power Company, Georgia Power 
    Company, Gulf Power Company, Mississippi Power Company, and Savannah 
    Electric and Power Company (collectively referred to as Southern 
    Company), tendered for filing four (4) service agreements for firm 
    point-to-point transmission service between SCS, as agent for Southern 
    Company, and (i) Public Service Company of Colorado, (ii) AEP 
    Companies, (iii) Alabama Electric Cooperative. and (iv) El Paso Power 
    Services Company; one (1) service agreement for non-firm point-to-point 
    transmission service between SCS, as agent for Southern Company, and 
    Public Service Company of Colorado; and one Notice of Cancellation of 
    the non-firm point-to-point transmission service agreement between SCS, 
    as agent for Southern Company, and Engage Energy US, L.P., under the 
    Open Access Transmission Tariff of Southern Company (FERC Electric 
    Tariff, Original Volume No. 5).
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    5. Foote Creek II, LLC
    [Docket No. ER99-3450-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, Foote Creek II, LLC a Delaware 
    limited liability company, tendered for filing pursuant to Rule 205, 18 
    CFR 385.205, a petition for blanket waivers and blanket approvals under 
    various regulations of the Commission including authority to sell 
    electricity at market-based rates and for an order accepting its FERC 
    Electric Rate Schedule No. 1 to be effective on June 30, 1999.
        Foote Creek II, LLC's FERC Electric Rate Schedule No. 1 provides 
    for sales under the Power Purchase Agreement between Foote Creek II, 
    LLC and Bonneville Power Administration. Foote Creek II, LLC is a 
    Delaware limited liability company that proposes to engage in the 
    wholesale sale of Electric power in the state of Wyoming and has its 
    address in San Diego, California.
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    6. New England Power Pool
    [Docket No. ER99-3452-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, the New England Power Pool 
    Participants Committee tendered for filing for acceptance six signature 
    pages to the New England Power Pool (NEPOOL), Agreement dated September 
    1, 1971, as amended, signed by American Electric Power Service 
    Corporation (AEP Service Corporation), Kentucky Power Company (Kentucky 
    Power), Indiana Michigan Power Company (Indiana Michigan Power), Ohio 
    Power Company (Ohio Power), Columbus Southern Power Company (Columbus 
    Southern) and Appalachian Power Company (Appalachian Power). The NEPOOL 
    Agreement has been designated NEPOOL FPC No. 2.
        The Participants Committee states that the Commission's acceptance 
    of the signature pages of AEP Service Corporation, Kentucky Power, 
    Indiana Michigan Power, Ohio Power, Columbus Southern and Appalachian 
    Power (the AEP Companies) would permit NEPOOL to expand its membership 
    to include the AEP Companies. The Participants Committee further states 
    that the filed signature pages do not change the NEPOOL Agreement in 
    any manner, other than to make the AEP Companies members in NEPOOL.
        The Participants Committee requests an effective date of July 1, 
    1999, for commencement of participation in NEPOOL by the AEP Companies.
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    7. The Dayton Power and Light Company
    [Docket No. ER99-3454-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, The Dayton Power and Light 
    Company (Dayton), tendered for filing service agreements with Consumers 
    Energy Company under the terms of Dayton's Open Access Transmission 
        Dayton requests an effective date of one day subsequent to this 
    filing for the
    [[Page 38193]]
    service agreements. Accordingly, Dayton requests waiver of the 
    Commission's notice requirements.
        Copies of this filing were served upon with Consumers Energy 
    Company and the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    8. The Dayton Power and Light Company
    [Docket No. ER99-3455-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, The Dayton Power and Light 
    Company (Dayton), tendered for filing service agreements with South 
    Carolina Electric & Gas Company under the terms of Dayton's Market-
    Based Sales Tariff.
        Dayton requests an effective date of one day subsequent to this 
    filing for the service agreements. Accordingly, Dayton requests waiver 
    of the Commission's notice requirements.
        Copies of this filing were served upon South Carolina Electric & 
    Gas Company and the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    9. Central Vermont Public Service Corporation
    [Docket No. ER99-3456-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, Central Vermont Public Service 
    Corporation (Central Vermont), tendered for filing Service Agreements 
    with Cinergy Services, Inc., Southern Energy Trading and Marketing, 
    Inc., and Avista Energy, Inc. The service agreements provide for the 
    sale, from time to time, of transmission services by Central Vermont 
    pursuant to its FERC Electric Tariff Original Volume No. 7 (Tariff No. 
    7). Central Vermont also tendered for filing an amendment to its Index 
    of purchasers under Tariff No. 7.
        Central Vermont requests the Commission to waive its notice of 
    filing requirement to permit the service agreements to become effective 
    on the day they were filed. Central Vermont states that it has not yet 
    provided service under the agreements.
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    10. Union Electric Company
    [Docket No. ER99-3457-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, Union Electric Company (UE), 
    tendered for filing an Amendment to the Wholesale Electric Service 
    Agreement between UE and the City of Owensville, Missouri (Owensville). 
    UE states that the amendment will allow Owensville to participate in a 
    voluntary curtailment program similar to that applicable to its retail 
    electric service customers in Missouri.
        UE has proposed to make the Second Amendment effective on July 2, 
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    11. Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
    [Docket No. ER99-3458-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation 
    (Niagara Mohawk), tendered for filing with the Federal Energy 
    Regulatory Commission an executed Transmission Service Agreement 
    between Niagara Mohawk and Route 20 Consortium, Inc., (Route 20). This 
    Transmission Service Agreement specifies that Route 20 has signed on to 
    and has agreed to the terms and conditions of Niagara Mohawk's Open 
    Access Transmission Tariff as filed in Docket No. OA96-194-000. This 
    Tariff, filed with FERC on July 9, 1996, will allow Niagara Mohawk and 
    Route 20 to enter into separately scheduled transactions under which 
    Niagara Mohawk will provide transmission service for Route 20 as the 
    parties may mutually agree.
        Niagara Mohawk requests an effective date of June 24, 1999. Niagara 
    Mohawk has requested waiver of the notice requirements for good cause 
        Niagara Mohawk has served copies of the filing upon the New York 
    State Public Service Commission and Route 20.
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    12. Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
    [Docket No. ER99-3459-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation 
    (Niagara Mohawk), tendered for filing with the Federal Energy 
    Regulatory Commission an executed Transmission Service Agreement 
    between Niagara Mohawk and Agway Energy Services, Inc. (Agway). This 
    Transmission Service Agreement specifies that Agway has signed on to 
    and has agreed to the terms and conditions of Niagara Mohawk's Open 
    Access Transmission Tariff as filed in Docket No. OA96-194-000. This 
    Tariff, filed with FERC on July 9, 1996, will allow Niagara Mohawk and 
    Agway to enter into separately scheduled transactions under which 
    Niagara Mohawk will provide transmission service for Agway as the 
    parties may mutually agree.
        Niagara Mohawk requests an effective date of June 24, 1999. Niagara 
    Mohawk has requested waiver of the notice requirements for good cause 
        Niagara Mohawk has served copies of the filing upon the New York 
    State Public Service Commission and Agway.
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    13. Cinergy Services, Inc.
    [Docket No. ER99-3460-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, Cinergy Services, Inc. (Cinergy), 
    tendered for filing a Network Service Agreement under Cinergy's Open 
    Access Transmission Service Tariff (the Tariff) entered into between 
    Cinergy and Cinergy Services, Inc. `` Energy Commodities Business Unit 
    (CSI ECBU).
        An Application For Network Integration Service for the City of 
    Williamstown, Kentucky has been included as part of the service 
    agreement under the Tariff.
        Cinergy and CSE ECBU are requesting an effective date of June 1, 
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    14. California Independent System Operator Corporation
    [Docket No. ER99-3461-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, the California Independent System 
    Operator Corporation (ISO), tendered for filing a Participating 
    Generator Agreement between PacifiCorp and the ISO for acceptance by 
    the Commission.
        The ISO states that this filing has been served on PacifiCorp and 
    the California Public Utilities Commission.
        The ISO is requesting waiver of the 60-day notice requirement to 
    allow the Participating Generator Agreement to be made effective as of 
    June 18, 1999.
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    15. California Independent System Operator Corporation
    [Docket No. ER99-3463-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, the California Independent System 
    Operator Corporation (ISO), tendered for filing a Scheduling 
    Coordinator Agreement between the ISO and City of Pasadena for 
    acceptance by the Commission.
        The ISO states that this filing has been served on City of Pasadena 
    and the California Public Utilities Commission.
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    [[Page 38194]]
    16. West Texas Utilities Company
    [Docket No. ER99-3464-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, West Texas Utilities Company 
    (WTU), tendered for filing Amendment No. 1 to the Power Supply 
    Agreement (PSA), dated June 21, 1996, between WTU and the City of 
    Weatherford, Texas (Weatherford). Amendment No. 1 extends service under 
    the PSA beyond the initial five-year term and provides for market-based 
    rates at the end of the initial term.
        WTU seeks an effective date of January 1, 2002 and, accordingly, 
    seeks waiver of the Commission's notice requirements.
        WTU served copies of the filing on Weatherford and the Public 
    Utility Commission of Texas.
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    17. Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) and Northern States 
    Power Company (Wisconsin)
    [Docket No. ER99-3465-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, Northern States Power Company 
    (Minnesota) and Northern States Power Company (Wisconsin) (jointly 
    NSP), tendered for filing a proposed First Revised Attachment J to the 
    NSP Open Access Transmission Tariff (Tariff). The filing incorporates 
    the Mid-Continent Area Power Pool (MAPP) regional Line Loading Relief 
    (LLR) transmission curtailment procedures into Attachment J to the NSP 
    OATT, in compliance with ordering paragraphs (C) and (D) of the 
    Commission's December 16, 1998 order in North American Electric 
    Reliability Council, 85 FERC para. 61,353 (1998).
        The Commission previously accepted the NSP Attachment J procedure 
    for filing effective May 1, 1999, in Docket No. ER99-2013-000. The 
    Commission recently accepted the MAPP LLR regional procedures for 
    filing effective June 1, 1999. Mid-Continent Area Power Pool, 87 FERC 
    para. 61,333 (MAPP Order). NSP is a MAPP member pursuant to the MAPP 
    Restated Agreement and is therefore subject to the LLR procedures.
        NSP proposes the change be effective June 1, 1999, the date 
    provided in the MAPP Order. NSP also makes minor conforming changes to 
    its Tariff.
        The NSP Companies state they have served a copy of the filing on 
    the utility commissions in Minnesota, Michigan, North Dakota, South 
    Dakota and Wisconsin and affected transmission service customers.
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    18. Southern Company Services, Inc.
    [Docket No. ER99-3466-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, Southern Company Services, Inc. 
    (SCS), acting on behalf of Alabama Power Company (APC), tendered for 
    filing an agreement with the Alabama Municipal Electric Authority 
    (AMEA) whereby APC will construct a second feed into the City of 
    Fairhope 115 kV delivery point. APC provides wholesale service to AMEA 
    at that delivery point under the Amended and Restated Agreement for 
    Partial Requirements and Complimentary Services Between Alabama Power 
    Company and the Alabama Municipal Electric Authority (APCo No. 168).
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    19. Montaup Electric Company
    [Docket No. ER99-3467-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, Montaup Electric Company 
    (Montaup), tendered for filing its modification to its open access 
    transmission tariff, reducing the rate of return on common equity from 
    11.1% to 10.65%.
        Montaup asks that this filing become effective on August 1, 1999.
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    20. Delmarva Power & Light Company
    [Docket No. ER99-3468-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, Delmarva Power & Light Company 
    tendered for filing an unexecuted Interconnection Agreement with 
    Commonwealth Chesapeake Company, LLC (CCC).
        Delmarva requests that the Interconnection Agreement become 
    effective on July 1, 1999.
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    21. New England Power Pool
    [Docket No. ER99-3469-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, the New England Power Pool 
    (NEPOOL) Participants Committee filed a Service Agreement for Through 
    or Out Service or In Service pursuant to Section 205 of the Federal 
    Power Act and 18 CFR 35.12 of the Commission's Regulations.
        Acceptance of this Service Agreement will recognize the provision 
    of Firm In Service transmission to Central Vermont Public Service 
    Corp., in conjunction with Regional Network Service, in accordance with 
    the provisions of the NEPOOL Open Access Transmission Tariff filed with 
    the Commission on December 31, 1996, as amended and supplemented. A 
    retroactive effective date of June 1, 1999 for commencement of 
    transmission service has been requested. Copies of this filing were 
    sent to all NEPOOL members, the New England public utility 
    commissioners and all parties to the transaction.
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    22. New England Power Pool
    [Docket No. ER99-3470-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, the New England Power Pool 
    (NEPOOL) Participants Committee tendered for filing a Service Agreement 
    for Through or Out Service or In Service pursuant to Section 205 of the 
    Federal Power Act and 18 CFR 35.12 of the Commission's Regulations.
        Acceptance of this Service Agreement will recognize the provision 
    of Firm In Service transmission to PG&E Energy Trading--Power LP, in 
    conjunction with Regional Network Service, in accordance with the 
    provisions of the NEPOOL Open Access Transmission Tariff filed with the 
    Commission on December 31, 1996, as amended and supplemented.
        A retroactive effective date of June 1, 1999 for commencement of 
    transmission service has been requested.
        Copies of this filing were sent to all NEPOOL members, the New 
    England public utility commissioners and all parties to the 
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    23. New England Power Pool
    [Docket No. ER99-3471-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, the New England Power Pool 
    (NEPOOL) Participants Committee tendered for filing a Service Agreement 
    for Through or Out Service or In Service pursuant to Section 205 of the 
    Federal Power Act and 18 CFR 35.12 of the Commission's Regulations.
        Acceptance of this Service Agreement will recognize the provision 
    of Firm In Service transmission to Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc., 
    in conjunction with Regional Network Service, in accordance with the 
    provisions of the NEPOOL Open Access Transmission Tariff filed with the 
    Commission on December 31, 1996, as amended and supplemented.
        A retroactive effective date of June 1, 1999 for commencement of 
    transmission service has been requested.
        Copies of this filing were sent to all NEPOOL members, the New 
    [[Page 38195]]
    public utility commissioners and all parties to the transaction.
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    24. New England Power Pool
    [Docket No. ER99-3472-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, the New England Power Pool 
    Participants Committee filed for acceptance a signature page to the New 
    England Power Pool (NEPOOL) Agreement dated September 1, 1971, as 
    amended, signed by StratErgy, Inc. (StratErgy). The NEPOOL Agreement 
    has been designated NEPOOL FPC No. 2.
        The Participants Committee states that the Commission's acceptance 
    of StratErgy's signature page would permit NEPOOL to expand its 
    membership to include StratErgy. The Participants Committee further 
    states that the filed signature page does not change the NEPOOL 
    Agreement in any manner, other than to make StratErgy a member in 
        The Participants Committee requests an effective date of July 1, 
    1999, for commencement of participation in NEPOOL by StratErgy.
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    25. California Power Exchange Corporation
    [Docket No. ER99-3473-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, the California Power Exchange 
    Corporation (PX), on behalf of its newly-created division, CalPx 
    Trading Services (CTS), tendered for filing an amendment to the CTS 
    Administrative Fee Schedule for its Block Forward Market. The sole 
    purpose of the amendment is to provide the option for CTS to discount 
    its administrative fees below the levels already authorized by the 
    Commission. The amendment is proposed to take effect on the date of 
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    26. The Dayton Power and Light Company
    [Docket No. ER99-3453-000]
        Take notice that on July 1, 1999, The Dayton Power and Light 
    Company (Dayton), tendered for filing service agreement establishing 
    Cargill-Alliant, LLC and Consumers Energy Company as customers under 
    the terms of Dayton's Open Access Transmission Tariff.
        Dayton requests an effective date of one day subsequent to this 
    filing for the service agreements. Accordingly, Dayton requests waiver 
    of the Commission's notice requirements.
        Copies of this filing were served upon Cargill-Alliant, LLC and 
    Consumers Energy Company and the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
        Comment date: July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    Standard Paragraphs
        E. Any person desiring to be heard or to protest such filing should 
    file a motion to intervene or protest with the Federal Energy 
    Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20426, in 
    accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of the Commission's Rules of Practice 
    and Procedure (18 CFR 385.211 and 385.214). All such motions or 
    protests should be filed on or before the comment date. Protests will 
    be considered by the Commission in determining the appropriate action 
    to be taken, but will not serve to make protestants parties to the 
    proceeding. Any person wishing to become a party must file a motion to 
    intervene. Copies of these filings are on file with the Commission and 
    are available for public inspection. This filing may also be viewed on 
    the Internet at http://www.ferc.fed.us/online/rims.htm (call 202-208-
    2222 for assistance).
    Linwood A. Watson, Jr.,
    Acting Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 99-17998 Filed 7-14-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6717-01-P

Document Information

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
July 21, 1999, in accordance with Standard Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
38192-38195 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. ER94-1478-016, et al.
PDF File: