96-17824. Revisions to Digital Flight Data Recorder Rules  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 137 (Tuesday, July 16, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 37144-37181]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-17824]
    [[Page 37143]]
    Part IV
    Department of Transportation
    Federal Aviation Administration
    14 CFR Parts 121, 125, 129, and 135
    Revisions to Digital Flight Data Recorder Rules; Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 137 / Tuesday, July 16, 1996 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 37144]]
    Federal Aviation Administration
    14 CFR Parts 121, 125, 129, and 135
    [Docket No. 28109; Notice No. 96-7]
    RIN 2120-AF-76
    Revisions to Digital Flight Data Recorder Rules
    AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM).
    SUMMARY: This document proposes to revise and update the Federal 
    Aviation Regulations to require certain operators to record additional 
    digital flight data recorder (DFDR) parameters. These revisions follow 
    a series of safety recommendations issued by the National 
    Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the Federal Aviation 
    Administration's (FAA) decision that the DFDR rules should be revised 
    to upgrade recorder capabilities in most transport airplanes. These 
    revisions would allow additional information to be collected to ensure 
    more thorough accident or incident investigation and to enable industry 
    to predict certain trends and make necessary modifications before an 
    accident or incident occurs.
    DATES: Comments on the proposed revisions to parts 121, 125, and 135 
    must be received by August 15, 1996. Comments on the proposed revisions 
    to part 129 must be received by November 13, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Comments on this notice should be mailed, in triplicate to: 
    Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Chief Counsel, Attention: 
    Rules Docket (AGC-200), Docket No. 28109, 800 Independence Avenue SW., 
    Washington, DC 20591. Comments delivered must be marked Docket No. 
    28109. Comments may also be submitted electronically to the following 
    Internet address: nprmcmts@mail.hq.faa.gov. Comments may be examined in 
    Room 915G weekdays, except on Federal holidays, between 8:30 a.m. and 5 
    Frank Rock, Aircraft Engineering Division, Aircraft Certification 
    Service, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW., 
    Washington, DC 20591, telephone (202) 267-9567.
    Comments Invited
        Interested persons are invited to participate in the making of the 
    proposed rule by submitting such written data, views, or arguments as 
    they may desire. Comments relating to the environmental energy, 
    federalism, or economic impact that might result from adopting the 
    proposal in this notice are also invited. Substantive comments should 
    be accompanied by cost estimates. Comments should identify the 
    regulatory docket or notice number and should be submitted in 
    triplicate to the Rules Docket address specified above. All comments 
    received on or before the closing date for comments specified will be 
    considered by the Administrator before taking action on this proposed 
    rulemaking. The proposal contained in this notice may be changed in 
    light of comments received. All comments received will be available, 
    both before and after the closing date for comments, in the Rules 
    Docket for examination by interested persons. A report summarizing each 
    substantive public contact with FAA personnel concerned with this 
    rulemaking will be filed in the docket. Commenters wishing the FAA to 
    acknowledge receipt of their comments submitted in response to this 
    notice must include a pre-addressed, stamped postcard on which the 
    following statement is made: ``Comments to Docket No. 28109.'' The 
    postcard will be date stamped and mailed to the commenter.
    Availability of NPRM's
        An electronic copy of this document may be downloaded using a modem 
    and suitable communications software from the FAA regulations section 
    of the Fedworld electronic bulletin board service (telephone: 703-321-
    3339), the Federal Register's electronic bulletin board service 
    (telephone: 202-512-1661), or the FAA's Aviation Rulemaking Advisory 
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        Internet users may reach the FAA's web page at http://www.faa.gov 
    or the Federal Register's webpage at http://www.access.gpo.gov/su__docs 
    for access to recently published rulemaking documents.
        Any person may obtain a copy of this NPRM by submitting a request 
    to the Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Rulemaking, ARM-1, 
    800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591, or by calling (202) 
    267-9680. Communications must identify the notice number or docket 
    number of this NPRM.
        Persons interested in being placed on the mailing list for future 
    NPRM's should request from the above office a copy of Advisory Circular 
    No. 11-2A, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Distribution System, that 
    describes the application procedure.
    Statement of the Problem
        The NTSB has submitted recommendations to the FAA to require the 
    recordation of additional parameters on certain flight data recorders. 
    These recommendations were submitted in response to accidents involving 
    two Boeing 737 aircraft that were operated by two different air 
    carriers. Both airplanes were equipped with flight data recorders 
    (FDR's), but in neither case did the FDR provide sufficient information 
    about airplane motion and flight control surface positions during the 
    accident sequence to enable the NTSB to determine a probable cause in 
    either accident.
        The history of aircraft accidents and the lack of information that 
    has inhibited proper investigation of their causes is much broader than 
    recent experience with the Boeing 737. Historical records of airplane 
    incidents suggest that additional, reliable data for the entire fleet 
    of transport category airplanes is necessary to identify causes of 
    these incidents before accidents occur. This proposed rule seeks to 
    expand the data collection requirements to include all parameters that 
    can cost-effectively be collected.
    History of FDR Regulations
        Since the original development of foil flight recorders, both the 
    FAA and the NTSB have relied heavily on the data retrieved from them to 
    aid in accident and incident investigation. The limited capability of 
    the 6-parameter foil recorder made it virtually impossible to fully 
    identify the probable cause of certain accidents, such as those related 
    to windshear. Until the advent of more sophisticated flight data 
    recorders, many accidents were assumed to be caused by pilot error 
    since no other viable alternative could be identified. The high failure 
    rate of those recorders and their limited recording capabilities led 
    Congress to require the use of improved recorders.
        On March 25, 1987, the FAA promulgated a final rule that required 
    operators, by May 26, 1995, to install improved (11-parameter digital) 
    flight data recorders [DFDR's] on all airplanes type certificated on or 
    before September 30, 1969, and operated under part 121 of the Federal 
    Aviation Regulations (52 FR 9622). The final rule, adopted as 14 CFR 
    121.343(c), was issued in response to a recommendation from the NTSB 
    that was based on accident/incident files for January 1983 to February 
    [[Page 37145]]
    that revealed a high failure rate for metal foil flight recorders. The 
    data revealed that 37 recorders (48 percent) had one or more 
    malfunctioning parameters preceding the accident or incident, 
    preventing the recording or readout of pertinent data.
        On July 11, 1988, the FAA promulgated a final rule that required 
    the recording of additional parameters for certain newer airplanes. 
    Airplanes manufactured after May 26, 1989, and certain other airplanes 
    were required to have a DFDR that would record 17 or more parameters.
        In August 1991, the Air Transport Association (ATA) petitioned the 
    FAA for an exemption from Sec. 121.343(c). The ATA stated that the 1994 
    compliance date for the DFDR retrofit was inappropriate when 
    considering the schedule for either retrofitting airplanes with nose 
    abatement equipment or retiring airplanes in order to comply with the 
    Stage 3 transition mandated in September 1991 (56 FR 48628, September 
    25, 1991). The FAA denied the ATA exemption request, stating that the 
    Stage 3 transition rule did not mandate the retirement of any Stage 2 
    airplanes. The FAA pointed out that noise abatement equipment was 
    expected to be available for virtually the entire active fleet.
        In June 1992, the ATA again requested that the FAA extend the May 
    26, 1994, DFDR compliance date for its members and similarly situated 
    operators. In the alternative, the ATA requested that the FAA establish 
    a delayed DFDR retrofit schedule that coincided with the Stage 3 
    transition interim compliance dates to avoid having to install new 
    DFDR's on airplanes that were scheduled to be retired. The ATA asserted 
    that the compliance deadline would require its members to install 
    DFDR's on Stage 2 airplanes that would be retired within 5\1/2\ years 
    of the May 1994 compliance date to remain in compliance with the part 
    91 noise operating rule. The ATA asserted that this DFDR retrofit 
    requirement for State 2 airplanes would impose substantial costs on 
    them with little perceived benefit.
        On January 29, 1993, the FAA granted an exemption to ATA members to 
    operate certain Stage 2 airplanes equipped with DFDR's that have 6 
    rather than 11 operational parameters until the aircraft are retired, 
    but no later than December 31, 1998.
        On November 17, 1993, the ATA submitted a petition for rulemaking 
    to amend Sec. 121.343. The ATA stated that the exemption granted did 
    not provide the scope of relief necessary for its members and similarly 
    situated air carriers, and that a change to the rule was necessary. As 
    justification for this proposed change, the ATA stated in its petition 
    that there would be significant compliance costs and that there were 
    problems with the technical requirements of DFDR installation.
        In January 1994, to further support its petition, the ATA presented 
    updated information indicating that conditions in the industry had 
    changed further, and that meeting the May 26, 1994, compliance date 
    would be impossible for a significant number of Stage 2 airplanes 
    because of changes in fleet plans, and equipment availability and 
    certification difficulties.
        Although the FAA was unable to support the ATA position, the agency 
    stated that some relief was needed from the combined impact of the 
    Stage 3 transition and DFDR retrofit rules and the then-current 
    equipment availability problems, at least as far as Stage 2 airplanes 
    were concerned. Accordingly, in May 1994, the FAA amended 
    Sec. 121.343(c) to provide to part 121 operators up to one year of 
    relief for the retrofit of Stage 2 airplanes that were subject to the 
    noise transition requirements of 14 CFR part 91. The extension of the 
    compliance date for 11-parameter DFDR's on Stage 2 airplanes to May 
    1995 was intended to allow operators to retire some of the affected 
    airplanes as of the December 31, 1994, noise compliance deadline, and 
    to acquire the necessary equipment for the remaining Stage 2 airplanes. 
    No problems with meeting the 1995 compliance date were reported.
    NTSB Recommendations
        On February 22, 1995, the NTSB submitted recommendations A-95-25, 
    A-95-26, and A-95-27, which recommended that the FAA require upgrades 
    of the flight data recorders installed on certain airplanes to record 
    certain additional parameters not required by the current regulations. 
    As justification for these recommendations, the NTSB submitted 
    background information. The full recommendation has been placed in the 
    docket for this rulemaking and is summarized below.
        On September 8, 1994, a USAir Boeing 737-300, flight 427, was on a 
    scheduled passenger flight from Chicago, Illinois, to Pittsburgh, 
    Pennsylvania. During the approach to Pittsburgh, the airplane suddenly 
    rolled to the left and pitched down until it reached a nearly vertical 
    attitude and struck the ground near Aliquippa, Pennsylvania. The 
    airplane was destroyed; none of the 5 crewmembers or 127 passengers 
    survived. The NTSB's investigation of this accident is continuing, and 
    no probable cause has yet been determined.
        On March 3, 1991, a United Airlines Boeing 737-291, flight 585, was 
    on a scheduled passenger flight from Denver to Colorado Springs, 
    Colorado. As the airplane was completing the turn to final approach, it 
    rolled rapidly to the right and pitched down, reaching a nearly 
    vertical attitude before it struck the ground. The airplane was 
    destroyed; none of the five crewmembers or 20 passengers survived. In 
    its report, the NTSB was unable to make a determination of probable 
    cause of the accident.
        Both airplanes were equipped with flight data recorders. In neither 
    case did the recorder provide information about airplane motion and 
    flight control surface positions during the accident sequence that the 
    NTSB has stated would be important in determining a probable cause of 
    the accident.
        In the Colorado Springs accident, five flight data parameters--
    altitude, airspeed, heading, vertical acceleration, and microphone 
    keying--were recorded by the FDR in accordance with Sec. 121.343 for 
    airplanes of its age. The FDR of the airplane involved in the Colorado 
    Springs accident was not required to record other parameters that the 
    NTSB has cited as critical to its accident investigation, including 
    airplane pitch and roll attitude, engine thrust values, lateral and 
    longitudinal acceleration, control wheel position, rudder pedal 
    position, and the position of control surfaces such as the rudder, 
    aileron, and spoiler.
        The Aliquippa accident also involved a Boeing 737, but that 
    airplane's FDR system had been retrofitted with six additional 
    parameters in anticipation of the 1995 deadline for these enhancements. 
    However, the additional parameters did not include information on the 
    positions of cockpit controls, flight control surface position, lateral 
    acceleration, or autopilot status parameters that the NTSB has stated 
    hampered its continuing accident investigation. In a public hearing on 
    the accident, conducted by the NTSB in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on 
    January 23-27, 1995, witnesses from the FAA, aircraft manufacturers, 
    and airlines agreed that additional FDR parameters would have assisted 
    the NTSB in determining the probable cause of this accident.
        Had the airplanes involved in the Colorado Springs and Aliquippa 
    accidents been equipped with enhanced FDR's, the NTSB stated that the 
    information from the additional parameters would have allowed it to 
    quickly identify any abnormal control
    [[Page 37146]]
    surface movements, configuration changes, or autopilot status changes 
    that may have been involved in the loss of airplane control. This 
    information from the additional parameters might also have allowed the 
    NTSB to rule out certain factors, if warranted, and to focus its 
    investigations on other areas.
        The NTSB has stated that the additional data parameters recorded on 
    some FDR's substantially aided its investigation of two regional 
    airline accidents that occurred during 1994. The first accident 
    occurred on October 31, 1994, while an American Eagle ATR-72-210, 
    flight 4184, was on a scheduled flight from Indianapolis, Indiana, to 
    Chicago, Illinois. The flight had been placed in a holding pattern over 
    Roselawn, Indiana, because of weather delays at O'Hare Airport. The 
    flight was cleared to remain in the holding pattern and to descend from 
    10,000 to 8,000 feet. The airplane rolled to the right, entered a steep 
    descent, and struck the ground. None of the 64 passengers or 4 
    crewmembers survived. The NTSB's continuing investigation has not yet 
    determined the probable cause of the accident; however, information 
    from the enhanced FDR enabled the NTSB to identify, within hours after 
    receiving the recorder in its laboratories, the key events leading to 
    the airplane's departure from controlled flight and the events during 
    its final descent.
        The ATR-72 was equipped with an FDR that recorded 98 parameters, 
    including vane angle of attack (VAOA), aileron bellcrank position, flap 
    position, aileron trim position, and autopilot engagement status. The 
    FDR data showed that, as the airplane was descending through 9,400 
    feet, the wing flaps began to retract and the airplane's VAOA 
    increased. As the VAOA reached 5 degrees, the autopilot disengaged, and 
    within \1/4\ second the ailerons deflected to near maximum travel in 
    the right-wing-down direction. The FDR data also showed that the 
    rolling moment was reversed when the VAOA was reduced to below 5 
    degrees and the ailerons deflected in the left-wing-down direction. The 
    right rolling moment recurred as the VAOA again increased to 5 degrees 
    and the ailerons deflected in the right-wing-down direction. Control of 
    the airplane was not restored in time to prevent impact with the 
        The data available from the ATR-72 FDR indicated to investigators 
    that the airplane rolled as expected in response to aileron control 
    surface movements, and that the aileron movements were correlated with 
    increases in the airplane's angle of attack. As a result, the NTSB was 
    able to focus its efforts on possible explanations for the aileron 
    control surface movements and, within days of the accident, the NTSB 
    issued safety recommendations to minimize the likelihood of similar 
    occurrences in the future. As part of its continuing investigation, the 
    NTSB is also examining readouts from FDR's with expanded parameters 
    from seven other ATR airplanes that have reportedly encountered flight 
    control anomalies, three of which have shown similarities to those 
    recorded before the accident.
        In the second accident, on February 1, 1994, an American Eagle Saab 
    340B, flight 3641, was approaching Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on a 
    scheduled passenger flight from Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas. As the 
    airplane descended through 9,000 feet, both engines failed. The 
    flightcrew executed a forced landing at False River Air Park in New 
    Roads, Louisiana, during which the airplane sustained substantial 
    damage. A flight attendant received minor injuries during the emergency 
    evacuation. The 2 pilots and 23 passengers aboard were not injured.
        The FDR installed on the Saab 340B recorded 128 parameters. Data 
    from the FDR showed that as the airplane descended through 9,040 feet, 
    there was a rapid rise of both propellers' rotational speed to well 
    above the maximum allowable revolutions per minute. Because the FDR was 
    equipped to capture the positions of the engine power levers as well as 
    the engine RPM's, the NTSB was able to determine that at the same time 
    the propeller speed increased, the power levers moved from the flight 
    idle gate position to aft of the ground idle detents. The airplane's 
    approved flight manual prohibits such power lever movements while in 
    flight. This flightcrew action explained the propeller overspeed, which 
    resulted in dual engine failure. With the expanded FDR data, the NTSB 
    was able to rule out alternative explanations for the propeller 
    overspeed, including propeller system failures that previously had 
    affected similar propellers installed in another turboprop regional 
        The importance of FDR data is not limited to investigations of 
    catastrophic accidents. Flight recorder data from incidents, which are 
    less serious but more common, can provide information to help prevent 
    accidents involving similar circumstances. Following the Colorado 
    Springs and Aliquippa accidents, the NTSB investigated 28 Boeing 737 
    incidents (U.S. operators) involving anomalous rudder activity or 
    uncommanded roll oscillations. The FDR's aboard these incident 
    airplanes, however, were not equipped to record flight control surface 
    positions, flight control inputs, or lateral acceleration. Like 79 
    percent of all U.S.-registered Boeing 737's, the airplanes involved in 
    the incidents were manufactured prior to May 26, 1989; consequently, 
    they were required to record only the five basic FDR parameters. As a 
    result, certain objective data were not available from the FDR's, and 
    investigators had little more than the flightcrews' subjective 
    recollections of these incidents to aid in determining cause.
        In contrast to the investigations of 28 Boeing 737 incidents, for 
    which important FDR data were not available, investigations of other 
    incidents have been greatly aided by the availability of enhanced 
    recorded information. These incidents involved airplanes equipped with 
    a digital data bus that transmits information from many sensors to the 
    onboard recording devices.
        In 1993, a British Airways Boeing 747-436 experienced a nose-down 
    pitching moment immediately after departure from London Heathrow 
    Airport. The captain avoided ground contact by exerting substantial 
    back pressure on his control column. The incident was investigated by 
    the United Kingdom's Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB). Use of 
    information recorded by a Quick Access Recorder (QAR) was useful in the 
    AAIB's investigation, and led to a recommendation that the FAA require 
    modifications of Boeing 747 hydraulic systems and elevator power 
    control units.
        Between June and August 1993, an Air France Boeing 737-300 airplane 
    experienced three rudder deflection anomalies. For each incident, 
    approximately 206 flight data parameters were available to the French 
    accident investigation authority. The data were recorded on QAR's, and 
    available parameters included control surface positions, flight path 
    data, acceleration in three axes, yaw damper, and autopilot modes. The 
    NTSB is evaluating the data from these incidents for possible 
    applicability to the Aliquippa and Colorado Springs accidents.
        The data parameters currently required to be recorded on FDR's are 
    based on the NTSB's accident investigation experience and the capacity 
    of the recording devices. Historically, many accidents investigated by 
    the NTSB focused on wind shear, takeoff overruns, and instances of 
    controlled flight into terrain; fewer accidents may have involved the 
    inflight loss of lateral or directional control. In response, FDR
    [[Page 37147]]
    parameter requirements focused on airplane performance (such as 
    airspeed, altitude, and longitudinal acceleration) rather than on 
    flight controls (such as rudder position and trim settings). However, 
    recent accidents and incidents have persuaded the NTSB that more 
    information about flight controls should be recorded by FDR's.
        Among the additional flight control parameters cited as important 
    by the NTSB are those that pertain to the positions of flight control 
    inputs and control surface positions. Under current rules. Airplanes 
    fitted with conventional flight controls are permitted to record either 
    the cockpit control input (such as control wheel position) or the 
    control surface position (such as the direction and amount of aileron 
    deflection), if one can be derived from the other. However, in its 
    investigations of the recent Boeing 737 accidents, the NTSB found that 
    in some failure modes, flight control surfaces could move independently 
    of cockpit flight control inputs. Also, under some conditions, 
    additional information is needed by investigators to determine whether 
    the controls on the flight deck caused the control surfaces to move, or 
    vice versa. Consequently, the NTSB strongly recommends that FDR's 
    should record both the control inputs and control surface positions.
        Flight control trim information, including the positions of trim 
    controls for roll and yaw, also has been found to be essential during 
    recent accident investigations. For example, the aileron and rudder 
    trim parameters provided answers to critical questions early in the 
    investigation of the Roselawn accident. The airplane involved had 
    previously experienced trim anomalies; the FDR revealed none on the 
    accident flight.
        Recent technological changes have made feasible the acquisition and 
    storage of large amounts of data on FDR's. Today, even for older 
    airplanes, many FDR systems are capable of recording additional 
    parameters because of unused capacity in the flight recording system. 
    In terms of flight recording systems, there are two general categories 
    of airplanes in the current air carrier fleet: those that operate 
    predominately with analog systems, and those that operate predominately 
    with digital systems.
        On an airplane that operates with an analog system, information 
    from remotely located data sensors (for example, a rudder position 
    sensor located in the tail section) is transmitted in an analog format 
    to the FDR via dedicated wires. The information is then converted to 
    digital format in the FDR or the flight data acquisition unit (FDAU).
        On an airplane equipped with a digital data bus, information is 
    transmitted in digital format from a multitude of sensors, along a 
    single, high-capacity communications pathway (data bus). Information 
    transmitted on the bus is provided to a number of systems, including 
    flight management computers. cockpit displays, QAR's, and FDR's. 
    Additional data can be fed from the bus to the FDR, based on 
    information that is already on the bus for other purposes or added to 
    the bus by new sensors.
        During the public hearing on the Aliquippa accident, a major U.S. 
    air carrier expressed concern about the costs of upgrading FDR's on the 
    carrier's fleet. The NTSB recognized that enhanced FDR capability needs 
    to be weighed against the costs. However, the Board also believes that 
    the costs should be balanced against the remaining useful life and 
    revenue-earning potential of an airplane.
        The NTSB believes that transport category airplanes of a type that 
    is still in production and operated under 14 CFR Parts 121, 125, or 135 
    should be retroffitted with the sensors and FDAU needed to record the 
    parameters listed in its recommendation. Further, certain airplanes 
    that are out of production but continue to be heavily used in U.S. 
    airline fleets should also be retrofitted to record the parameters 
    listed in its recommendation.
        The NTSB recommended that the FAA complete its rulemaking on FDR 
    enhancements by December 31, 1995, and that upgrades be completed by 
    January 1, 1998. Further, since Boeing 737 airplanes account for about 
    23 percent of the U.S. air carrier fleet, the NTSB recommends that FDR 
    enhancement be accomplished sooner for these airplanes. The NTSB 
    recommended that the FAA require all Boeing 737 airplanes operated 
    under 14 CFR Parts 121 and 125 be equipped by December 31, 1995, with 
    FDR's that record the parameters required by current regulations plus 
    lateral acceleration, flight control inputs for pitch, roll, and yaw, 
    and primary flight control surface positions for pitch, roll, and yaw.
        The following recommendations were submitted by the NTSB to the 
    Federal Aviation Administration:
        I. Require that each Boeing 737 airplane operated under 14 CFR Part 
    121 or 125 be equipped, by December 31, 1995, with a flight data 
    recorder system that records, as a minimum, the parameters required by 
    current regulations applicable plus the following parameters: lateral 
    acceleration, flight control inputs for pitch, roll, and yaw, and 
    primary flight control surface positions for pitch, roll, and yaw. 
    (Classified as Class I, Urgent Action) (Recommendation No. A-95-25)
        II. Amend, by December 31, 1995, 14 CFR Secs. 121.343, 125.225, and 
    135.152 to require that Boeing 727 airplanes, Lockheed L-1011 
    airplanes, and all transport category airplanes operated under 14 CFR 
    Parts 121, 125, or 135 whose type certificates apply to airplanes still 
    in production, be equipped to record on a flight data recorder system, 
    as a minimum, the parameters listed in ``Proposed Minimum FDR Parameter 
    Requirements for Airplanes in Service'' plus any other parameters 
    required by current regulations applicable to each individual airplane. 
    Specify that the airplanes be so equipped by January 1, 1998, or by the 
    later date when they meet Stage 3 noise requirements but, regardless of 
    Stage 3 compliance status, no later than December 31, 1999. (Classified 
    as Class II, Priority Action) (Recommendation No. A-95-26)
        III. Amend, by December 31, 1995, 14 CFR 121.343, 125.225, and 
    135.152 to require that all airplanes operated under 14 CFR Parts 121, 
    125, or 135, having 10 or more seats, and for which an original 
    airworthiness certificate is received after December 31, 1996, record 
    the parameters listed in ``Proposed FDR Enhancements for Newly 
    Manufactured Airplanes'' on a flight data recorder having at least a 
    25-hour recording capacity. (Classified as Class II, Priority Action) 
    (Recommendation No. A-95-27)
    FAA Response to the NTSB Recommendation
        The FAA responded to the above NTSB recommendations in a letter 
    dated May 16, 1995, which is summarized below.
        In response to Safety Recommendation A-95-25, the FAA stated that 
    it agrees that Boeing 737 airplanes that operate under 14 CFR Part 121 
    or 125 should be equipped with flight data recorders that include, as a 
    minimum, the parameters referenced in this safety recommendation. The 
    proposed rule would require all Boeing 737 airplanes as well as certain 
    other airplanes operated under 14 CFR Parts 121, 125, or 135 having 10 
    or more seats to be equipped to record the parameters that were 
    specified by the NTSB.
        The FAA received enough valid information from the public to 
    determine that the schedule for retrofit completion by December 31, 
    [[Page 37148]]
    could not be met. The proposed date would have imposed an extremely 
    aggressive retrofit schedule that, if it were physically possible, 
    would have resulted in substantial airplane groundings and very high 
    associated costs. Furthermore, if operators had been required to 
    retrofit all Boeing 737 airplanes before the end of 1995, each of these 
    airplanes might have had to undergo a second retrofit to meet the 
    expanded requirements that are being proposed in response to NTSB 
    Recommendations A-95-26 and -27.
        In response to NTSB recommendation A-95-26, the FAA agrees that 
    airplanes still in production should be required to be equipped with 
    DFDR's that record, as a minimum, the parameters listed in the NTSB 
        In response to NTSB recommendation A-95-27, the FAA agrees that 
    airplanes operated under parts 121, 125, or 135 having 10 or more seats 
    for which an original airworthiness certificate is received after 
    December 31, 1996, should record the parameters listed in ``proposed 
    FDR Enhancements for Newly Manufactured Airplanes'' on a flight data 
    recorder having at least a 25 -hour recording capacity.
        On March 14, 1995, the FAA published in the Federal Register a 
    notice of a public hearing, and solicited public comment pursuant to 
    the NTSB recommendations. On April 20, 1995, the public hearing was 
    held in Washington, DC. Eight speakers from the aviation community gave 
    presentations. Copies of the presentations have been placed in the 
    docket for this rulemaking.
        After reviewing the comments submitted and listening to the 
    presentations, the FAA determined that it would be beneficial to have 
    aviation industry personnel assist in any related rulemaking efforts. 
    On June 27, 1995, the FAA published a notice in the Federal Register 
    that the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC) established the 
    Flight Data Recorder Working Group (60 FR 33247), which included 
    members representing the Air Transport Association, Aerospace 
    Industries Association of America. General Aviation Manufacturers 
    Association, Regional Airline Association, Air Line Pilots Association, 
    and the FAA. The NTSB was invited to participate in working group 
    efforts in an advisory capacity. The working group's task was to 
    recommend to ARAC rulemaking proposals or other alternatives that would 
    satisfactorily address the NTSB recommendations. The ARAC could then 
    make one or more recommendations to the FAA, and the FAA would 
    determine whether to issue a proposal based on the ARAC recommendation.
        The ARAC DFDR working group first met in June 1995 in Washington, 
    DC. Work continued on a draft proposed rulemaking until November, with 
    members communicating by electronic mail, fax, telephone conference 
    calls, and in person at subsequent working group meetings.
        Several elements of the proposed rule were discussed many times, 
    including the characteristics that would define various classes of 
    aircraft (e.g., date of certification, date of manufacture, current FDR 
    equipment installations and configurations, equipment availability), 
    the inclusion of certain airplane types in the applicability of a new 
    rule, the compliance times attached to each category of airplane 
        Despite numerous meetings and proposals, no consensus was reached 
    as to the requirements that would be acceptable to the FAA, NTSB, 
    airplane operators and airplane manufacturers. On November 15, 1995, 
    the working group presented to the ARAC Executive Committee a summary 
    of the work undertaken by the working group. The presentation 
    highlighted the areas where consensus had not been reached, including 
    some of the actual parameters that would be included in the final list 
    of requirements and the differences between the proposed list and those 
    required under the European Joint Aviation Requirements for Operations 
    (JAR-Ops), whether airplanes with 10-19 passenger seats should be 
    covered since they were not specifically mentioned in the NTSB 
    recommendation, whether expected but not currently existing technology 
    could be mandated in future requirements for new airplanes, and several 
    issues concerning the cost figures used in the draft regulatory 
    evaluation. The ARAC Executive Committee decided that each committee 
    member would review the two versions of the proposed rulemaking 
    document that were presented and make individual comments to be 
    submitted to the FAA by December 1.
        Comments from several ARAC Executive Committee members were 
    forwarded to the FAA on December 4. The ARAC Executive Committee made 
    no formal recommendation to the FAA concerning the proposed rule 
    documents reviewed and discussed at the November 15 meeting. Of the 
    comments received on December 4, the general comments are addressed 
    here; specific comments as to the inclusion or exclusion of certain 
    provisions from the proposed rule are included in the explanation of 
    the proposed rule provisions below.
    General Comments From the ARAC Executive Committee Members
        Several members stated that the decision to propose to require up 
    to 88 parameters for airplanes manufactured five years after the final 
    rule is effective will create a disharmony with the European JAR-Ops 
    and will create a disparity in the configuration of U.S. and European 
    airplanes, limiting their exchange.
        The FAA acknowledges that the proposed requirement to record 88 
    paramenters exceeds the 57 parameters being required by JAR-Ops, but no 
    disharmony is created. The first 57 parameters (and their values in 
    proposed Appendix M to part 121) were arranged so as to be the same as 
    those rquired by JAR-Ops, at the suggestion and request of the working 
    group members, including two U.S. manufacturers, they are considered 
    harmonized. The fact that the U.S. requirement would exceed the 
    European requirement is not disharmony, since there is no further JAR 
    requirement with which the proposed rule could disagree. The 88 
    paramenters came from the NTSB recommendation already discussed, which 
    served as a basis for implementing a rule change. The FAA never 
    represented that the proposed rule would be limited to JAR-Ops, since 
    the agency understood that this would not satisfy the NTSB 
    recommendation. In fact, the original NSTB recommendation included more 
    than 88 parameters. The number was reduced slightly through certain 
    parameter combinations and their rearrangement to coincide with JAR-
        The NTSB has also indicated to the FAA that at least some of the 
    European manufacturers are already equipping their airplanes to record 
    88 or more parameters and that it does not anticipate a problem with 
    the proposed requirement. Further, the NTSB is proposing through ICAO 
    that the 88 parameters become the international standard; it is using 
    the list and Appendix values developed for this proposed rule as its 
    proposal to ICAO.
        Some members commented that it is difficult to visualize the 
    proposed DFDR upgrade scheme by reading the rule language alone, and 
    proposed that a flow chart be included to assist with a rule overview. 
    The FAA agrees and is including a chart in the form of a matrix, but 
    cautions that the chart is a summary and should not be regarded as a 
    substitute for the actual rule language. The chart can be found in this
    [[Page 37149]]
    document, immediately following the general discussion of the proposed 
        At least one member recommends that a phased compliance schedule be 
    adopted for upgraded DFDR installation, rather than the proposed 4-year 
    compliance time to provide more flexibility to operators.
        The FAA does not understand why a mandatory schedule of compliance 
    (with a suggested 35% of an operator's fleet requiring the upgrade 
    within 2 years) is considered more flexible than a simple final 
    compliance date in four years--an operator may comply as early as it 
    likes within the proposed 4 years. The FAA's experience with compliance 
    schedules has not always been positive, and several other operator 
    compliance schedules already exist for other requirements. Adding yet 
    another schedule for DFDR equipment modifications could lead to several 
    schedule conflicts and result in numerous requests for exemptions and 
    extensions compromising the intent of each rule involved. Accordingly, 
    the FAA does not consider an additional compliance schedule to be 
        Another comment suggesting that a 6-year compliance schedule be 
    considered rather than 4 years is not addressed in this document 
    because it was never proposed at the working group level, nor has any 
    data been submitted as to the comparative costs of compliance. The FAA 
    notes that longer compliance schedules almost always result in reduced 
    costs. However, the proposed rule already exceeds the NTSB time 
    recommendation for implementation of the upgrades, and the safety 
    considerations of upgraded DFDR equipment are too serious to consider 
    lengthening the proposed 4-year compliance time. The proposed 
    compliance is the product of significant working group discussion and 
    elimination of a 2-year alternative that was predicted to be nearly 
    impossible because of equipment approval, availability and airplane 
    down time. Without similar cost data from the commenter, a 6-year 
    compliance time cannot be evaluated properly.
        The comments concerning the proposed compliance time imply some 
    disagreement with the provision that upgrades must be installed 
    beginning at the next heavy maintenance check that occurs two years 
    after the effective date of the final rule (but in any case within four 
    years). That provision was added to prevent operators from waiting 
    until the last minute to install upgrades, causing a logjam in 
    scheduling and equipment availability; a similar provision was shown to 
    have worked well when the last amendment to the DFDR rules was done in 
    1994. Further, at the working group meetings, this provision was not 
    only acknowledged as necessary, the language was discussed and changed 
    several times at the request of the member operators. Accordingly, the 
    language that defines a heavy maintenance check as any time an airplane 
    is scheduled to be out of service for 4 or more days and is scheduled 
    to include access to major structural components is included in the 
    proposed rule as a result of working group discussions and general 
    agreement. No proposed phased compliance schedule or problem with the 
    included provision was raised at the working group meetings.
        Similarly, operators of small airplanes comment that the same heavy 
    maintenance check provision is inappropriate for their operations. The 
    FAA has changed the proposed rule to include the words ``or 
    equivalent'' in the provision that relates to smaller airplanes, and 
    specifically requests that if operators of these airplanes have a more 
    appropriate way of describing their maintenance practices so as to 
    achieve a similar result, they should submit that language as a comment 
    to the proposed rule. This issue was not raised at the working group 
    level during drafting of the proposed rule.
        Several commenters stated that they felt that the proposed 
    requirement to record lateral acceleration is unnecessary if both 
    rudder pedal and rudder position are also recorded. The NTSB disagrees 
    that lateral acceleration is redundant since it may show the effect of 
    outside forces on an airplane that are separate from the effect of 
    rudder movement. The NTSB cautions that the concern over lateral 
    acceleration and rudder pedal and position is not limited to the 
    accidents and incidents reported on the Boeing 737; the proposed 
    requirement to record those parameters takes into account all airplane 
    types and the critical nature of the information that such recordation 
    may uncover. The NTSB also notes that the upgrade from dual to triaxial 
    accelerometers may not necessarily be costly, as one commenter states, 
    since at least one manufacturer has a ``trade-in'' program for that 
    equipment. Manufacturers of this equipment are urged to supply the FAA 
    with further data concerning the cost and availability of this 
        Commenters also expressed some confusion over the effect of the 
    proposed rule on airplanes currently covered by exemption No. 5593, 
    Stage 2 airplanes that are scheduled to be retired and are allowed to 
    operate with 6-parameter recorders through 1998. The terms of the 
    exemption were clear when granted--it was only to be used for airplanes 
    that were scheduled to be retired by the end of 1998; it was not an 
    exemption that could be used to delay the upgrade to an 11-parameter 
    recorder that was due in 1995. Accordingly, since any airplane covered 
    by the exemption should be retired before the proposed compliance date, 
    this proposed rule should have no effect on the exempted airplanes.
        As the FAA has stated previously, any airplane covered by the 
    exemption that is not retired but is instead retrofitted to meet the 
    Stage 3 noise requirements must also upgrade to an 11-parameter 
    recorder before it is allowed to operate. If a decision to noise 
    retrofit causes an airplane to have to undergo two DFDR retrofits--to 
    an 11-parameter recorder to operate past 1998 and then to the 
    requirement of this proposed rule--it is a decision of an individual 
    operator, and will only result from a failure to effectively plan its 
    fleet composition or by an abuse of the previous DFDR upgrade 
    requirement and exemption No. 5593. The FAA does not intend to lengthen 
    the term of the exemption for any operator.
        Finally, more than one commenter objected to the change that would 
    require the recordation of both pilot inputs and actual control surface 
    positions. The current requirements call for one or the other to be 
    recorded. Discussion of this issue consumed an appreciable amount of 
    time in the working group, and covered the perceived need for the data 
    and the cost and capability of recording both parameters (input and 
    output). Although consensus was not reached, the FAA is including this 
    provision in the proposed rule because the NTSB considers it among the 
    most critical of the recommended parameters. As stated previously, NTSB 
    investigations have shown that in some failure modes, flight control 
    surfaces can move independent of cockpit flight controls. Under some 
    conditions, additional information is necessary to determine whether 
    flight deck controls caused the control surfaces to move, or if the 
    movement of the control surface caused the cockpit controls to move. 
    The FAA accepts the NTSB recommendation since the current practice of 
    allowing one input to be recorded to demonstrate the movement of both 
    the control surfaces and cockpit controls has been shown to be 
    General Discussion of the Proposal
        The FAA stresses that the ARAC working group provided valuable 
    input to the proposed rule, and that many
    [[Page 37150]]
    issues were brought forth and the position of the members explained, 
    even if consensus could not be reached on each issue. For example, 
    there was basic agreement among the working group members as to the 
    framework of the proposed rule, including the categories of airplanes 
    to be upgraded in various phases. As described below, consensus could 
    not be reached on the description of future-manufactured airplanes or 
    the number of parameters that they would be required to record. 
    Similarly, because of the considerable amount of time required to 
    complete the economic analysis, the efforts of the working group were 
    often well ahead of supporting economic data analysis, which included 
    data that were supplied by the working group member organizations.
        As noted previously, the ARAC did not formally recommend either 
    version of the draft proposed rules it received from the working group. 
    Accordingly, the FAA is promulgating this NPRM based on the 
    recommendations of the NTSB and the results of the significant working 
    group efforts that it can support.
        If adopted, this proposed rule would amend the DFDR rules, and 
    associated appendices, as they apply to airplanes operating under parts 
    121, 125, 129, and 135. The current regulations, depending on the age 
    of the airplanes, require as a minimum that either 11 or 17 parameters 
    be recorded in every airplane; in some cases, more parameters must be 
    recorded. Proposed requirements for part 125 closely parallel part 121 
    requirements, except for minor differences in the age and configuration 
    of affected airplanes. Part 129 does not currently have a DFDR 
    requirement; however, the FAA is now proposing a DFDR requirement in 
    part 129 for U.S.-registered airplanes. Proposed requirements for part 
    135 would apply only to newly manufactured airplanes that will be used 
    in schedules service; there are not retrofit requirements proposed for 
    on-demand, nonschedules airplanes.
        The FAA recognizes that the program envisioned by the proposed rule 
    would require a substantial financial undertaking by the airline 
    industry. Accordingly, commenters are expressly invited to recommend 
    alternative approaches that could reduce the cost burden. For example, 
    are there certain airplanes or certain models of airplanes not 
    discussed in this document that should be excluded from this proposed 
    rule, and if so, what is the rationale for excluding these airplanes? 
    Recognizing that a change in the proposed number of required parameters 
    or the elimination of certain proposed parameters could significantly 
    alter the costs involved, are there other, less costly means to obtain 
    the information needed for accident and incident investigations? The 
    FAA recognizes that cost could be reduced by further extending the 
    compliance schedule; at the same time, NTSB needs critical information 
    in a timely manner to complete its investigations effectively. If the 
    compliance schedule is extended further, are there incentives that 
    would encourage operators to comply earlier?
        Commenters advocating a different regulatory approach are strongly 
    encouraged to set forth specific recommendations and explain both the 
    costs and benefits involved in the changes recommended. The FAA will 
    weigh any recommendations with particular care, and it can do so only 
    if meaningful cost and safety data are provided.
    Part 121
        The FAA proposes to amend Sec. 121.344 and add a new Sec. 121.344a. 
    Current Sec. 121.343 is not being revised because it is necessary to 
    retain the current regulations for airplanes that are excluded from 
    compliance with these proposed amendments. Airplanes specifically 
    excluded from the proposed FDR upgrade include State 2 airplanes that 
    are subject to the phased compliance rules of Sec. 91.801(c). Following 
    considerable analysis, the FAA has determined that, if they remain 
    Stage 2, these airplanes do not have enough remaining useful life to 
    justify the cost of FDR retrofit proposed by this document. The FAA has 
    also proposed that certain other aircraft types that are no longer in 
    production and are in limited use in air carrier operations be excluded 
    because the cost associated with retrofitting these airplanes with new 
    DFDR's would cause undue economic burden and would yield little safety 
        The proposed amendments to Sec. 121.344 would require that all 
    turbine-engine powered transport category airplanes--including 
    airplanes having a seating capacity of 20-30 that were formerly 
    operated under part 135--record at least 18 specified parameters, 
    except for airplanes with more than two engines. In some cases, 
    compliance would require a retrofit of a flight data recorder and/or 
    the addition of sensors and wiring capable of recording the specified 
    parameters, or a reprogramming of the current recorder to accommodate 
    the specified parameters. Requirements for DFDR's on newer airplanes 
    and newly manufactured airplanes are also being revised to require the 
    recordation of additional parameters.
        On December 20, 1995, the FAA published a final rule ``Commuter 
    Operations and General Certification and Operations Requirements'' (60 
    FR 65832, FAA Docket No. 28154), which requires airplanes having a 
    passenger seating configuration, excluding any required crewmember 
    seat, of 10 to 19 seats to be operated under part 121. That rule did 
    not address FDR's because this rulemaking project was in process. 
    Proposed new Sec. 121.344a would apply to those airplanes formerly 
    operated under part 135.
        Proposed Sec. 121.344 would require Boeing 737 airplanes to be 
    equipped with the expanded flight data recorder systems recommended by 
    the NTSB as part of the retrofit of the overall active fleet. The FAA 
    determined that compliance with the NTSB recommendation to retrofit 
    these airplanes by December 31, 1995, would have resulted in 
    substantial airplane groundings and very high associated costs. 
    Furthermore, if operators had been required to retrofit all Boeing 737 
    airplanes before the end of 1995, each of these airplanes might have 
    had to undergo a second retrofit to meet the expanded requirements 
    depending on what is adopted as a result of NTSB Safety Recommendation 
    A-95-26 and-27, discussed earlier in this document.
        Accordingly, this proposed rule reflects the FAA's adoption of the 
    ARAC working group suggestion that NTSB recommendations A-95-25 and A-
    95-26 be consolidated for rulemaking purposes.
    Requirements for Transport Category Airplanes
        Proposed Sec. 121.344(a): This paragraph lists the operating 
    parameters that would be required to be recorded by DFDR's required by 
    this section. The list is consistent with both European standards and 
    the parameters recommended by the NTSB in its ``Proposed FDR 
    enhancements for newly manufactured airplanes.'' The ARAC working group 
    used the European standards and the NTSB proposal as a basis for this 
    list of parameters and made minor revisions to it that would apply to 
    both new and in-service airplanes.
        The parameters listed in this paragraph are presented in order of 
    their priority. Where the rule requires the recording of additional 
    parameters based on the capability of installed equipment, the 
    additional parameters should be selected in the order given in this 
    paragraph. In some instances, individual parameters need only be
    [[Page 37151]]
    recorded if the equipment needed is already installed in the airplane. 
    For example, angle of attack, Sec. 121.344(a)(32) need only be recorded 
    if the sensor for that parameter is already installed. These parameters 
    are designated ``when an information source is installed.'' In any 
    instance, if a sensor is installed, the data must be made available to 
    the FDR, unless it would compromise a critical function. Individual 
    members of the ARAC working group suggested that something other than a 
    ``critical function'' be used as a basis. After further consideration, 
    the FAA has determined that the term critical function is well 
    understood by aircraft manufacturers in terms of FDR functions, and no 
    new terms will be introduced.
        The introductory text to paragraph (a) also explains that when the 
    phrase ``when an information source is installed'' is used, it 
    indicates that no change in equipment was intended in requiring this 
    parameter to be recorded. Although the parameters are listed in 
    priority order in this paragraph, the ARAC considered that some of the 
    parameters that carry the designated text should be required only when 
    the recording system on the airplane is sufficient to record these 
    parameters. Where recording one of the parameters that includes the 
    noted phrase would require new equipment such as a DFDAU or recorder, 
    that parameter is not required to be recorded.
    Airplanes Manufactured on or Before October 11, 1991
        Proposed Sec. 121.344(b): Except for certain older airplanes 
    (identified below), this paragraph establishes a final compliance date 
    of [insert date 4 years from the effective date of the final rule], for 
    all turbine-engine powered transport category airplanes manufactured on 
    or before October 11, 1991. By that date, all affected airplanes must 
    be equipped with a DFDR that is capable of recording the first 17 (or 
    18) parameters listed in Sec. 121.344(a).
        Proposed Sec. 121.344(b)(1) would apply to airplanes that were not 
    equipped with a flight data acquisition unit on [insert date of 
    publication of NPRM], and currently record 11 parameters of flight 
    data. The recordation of lateral acceleration, paragraph (a)(18), would 
    be required for certain airplanes with more than two engines only if 
    the capacity to record this parameter is available on the FDR. 
    Information obtained during the rulemaking process indicated that for 
    airplanes that were manufactured on or before October 11, 1991 that 
    have more than two engines, the recording of lateral acceleration could 
    exceed the capacity of installed recorders and would require an 
    expensive equipment retrofit for the sake of one parameter.
        These non-FDAU airplanes would be required to record these 
    parameters within the ranges, accuracies, and intervals specified in 
    current Appendix B to part 121. Although this rule would create a new 
    Appendix M, these older airplanes would continue to use the values in 
    Appendix B that are currently in effect in order to stay within the 
    capacity of installed recorders and other data acquisition equipment.
        Proposed Sec. 121.344(b)(2) would apply to airplanes that were 
    equipped with a FDAU on [insert date of publication of NPRM] and 
    currently are required under Sec. 121.343 to record 17 parameters of 
    flight data. These airplanes would be required to record the parameters 
    listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(22) by [insert date 4 years 
    from publication of the NPRM]. This installation would be required at 
    the next heavy maintenance check that occurs after 2 years from the 
    effective date of the final rule, but no later than [insert date 4 
    years after date of final rule]. Airplanes with FDAU's would be 
    required to record the parameters within the ranges, accuracies, 
    resolutions and recording intervals specified in proposed Appendix M to 
    part 121. Proposed new Appendix M provides the ranges, accuracies, 
    resolutions, and recording intervals for all parameters listed in 
    paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(88). In some instances, the values for 
    certain parameters have been increased over those in current Appendix 
        For all airplanes covered by proposed Sec. 121.344(b), the 
    parameters listed in paragraphs (a)(12) through (a)(17) may be recorded 
    from a single source.
        Proposed Sec. 121.344(c)(1) would require that as of [insert date 4 
    years after effective date of final rule], all turbine-engine powered 
    transport category airplanes that were manufactured on or before 
    October 11, 1991, and that were equipped with a digital data bus and an 
    ARINC 717 digital flight data acquisition unit (DFDAU) or its 
    equivalent on [insert publication date of NPRM], record the parameters 
    listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(22). Paragraph (c)(1) would 
    also require that the parameters be recorded in accordance with the 
    specifications in proposed Appendix M. This paragraph would also permit 
    the parameters described in paragraphs (a)(12) through (a)(14) to be 
    recorded from a single source.
        Proposed Sec. 121.344(c)(2) introduces the term ``recording 
    system'' which includes the DFDAU or equivalent and the DFDR. This 
    paragraph would require that, based on the capacity of the recording 
    system, all additional parameters (beyond those required by (c)(1)) for 
    which there is capacity on the recorder system must be recorded in the 
    order given in paragraph (a) and in accordance with the values listed 
    in Appendix M.
        The term ``recording system'' was adopted to identify the 
    components in question so as not to require upgraded equipment on 
    airplanes retrofitted to meet the proposed requirements. Thus, 
    additional parameters need only be recorded when such parameters are 
    within the capacity of the flight data recordation system installed on 
    any airplane. That term is used again later in the regulation.
        Proposed Sec. 121.344(c)(3) would require airplanes that were 
    subject to Sec. 121.343(e) to continue to meet the requirements of that 
    section until compliance with paragraph (c)(1) is accomplished.
        Paragraph (c) brings forward and upgrades the requirements of 
    current Sec. 121.343(e). That section was originally adopted to require 
    airplanes that were capable of recording more than the minimum required 
    parameters to do so. At the time it was adopted, Sec. 121.343(e) 
    referenced the ARINC 717 DFDAU because it was the ``state of the art,'' 
    and the capability of recording additional parameters existed. The 
    adoption of Sec. 121.343(e) reflected the FAA's growing awareness that 
    the information gained by recording additional FDR parameters was 
    important. Accordingly, Sec. 121.344(c) of the proposed rule requires 
    that airplanes subject to that section continue to record those 
    parameters that they are capable of recording, whether they are 
    equipped with an ARINC 717 or an equivalent DFDAU. When these airplanes 
    comply with proposed paragraph (c)(1), they would be recording the 
    parameters listed in (a)(1) through (a)(22), plus all additional 
    parameters they are capable of recording, and all of these must be 
    recorded in accordance with proposed new Appendix M. These provisions 
    are proposed to prevent a possible decrease in the number of parameters 
    already being recorded before the compliance date of the proposed 
    Airplanes Manufactured After October 11, 1991
        A significant portion of the work of the ARAC working group was 
    focused on the requirements for airplanes not yet built. Airplanes for 
    which no type certificate yet exists were seen as less of a problem. To 
    that end, discussions focused on the ability of manufacturers
    [[Page 37152]]
    to re-engineer airplanes that are already type certificated, and the 
    time needed to accomplish that engineering, get FAA approval of the 
    change in type design, and incorporate it into airplanes on the 
    production line. Significant discussion also occurred on the best way 
    to describe the airplanes that were to be covered by future 
    requirements. For example, a newer ``model'' of an airplane recently 
    type certificated might already be in the works, with a significant 
    investment in the engineering. Further, there is no standard industry 
    terminology for what the ``next version'' of an already certificated 
    airplane might be called. Finally, the number of parameters to be 
    recorded by these future airplanes was also part of the discussion, and 
    included consideration of flight data recorder requirements that will 
    be included in the operating rules of the Joint Aviation Authorities of 
    Europe (JAR-Ops).
        The proposed regulation places airplanes manufactured after October 
    11, 1991, into three groups, with DFDR requirements increasing as age 
    decreases. These airplane groups and the requirements that apply to 
    each were the subject of considerable discussion within the ARAC 
    working group.
        Because there was little agreement on the terminology to be used or 
    the time necessary to incorporate upgrades into future aircraft models 
    at the least cost, the requirements that would apply to future 
    production airplanes remained one of the most contentious issues in the 
    working group.
        The FAA began discussions with the recommendations of the NTSB that 
    would require an upgrade to 88 parameters of recorded data for all 
    airplanes manufactured after 1998, regardless of the date of type 
    certification of models then in production. Representatives of airplane 
    manufacturers on the working group indicated that this was unrealistic 
    given the time needed to re-engineer airplanes in production, get FAA 
    approval of the design changes, and incorporate the modifications into 
    airplanes on the assembly line that had been on order, in some 
    instances, years before the requirements were written. The ARAC 
    industry members thus suggested an alternative requirement that would 
    apply to airplanes that receive a new or amended type certificate 
    beginning one year after the final rule becomes effective. This 
    alternative would mean that airplanes produced under a type certificate 
    that existed before that date might never be required to upgrade to 88 
    parameters, even if manufactured 10 years after the rule went into 
    effect, if the type design were not amended. The NTSB considers this 
    unacceptable, and describes it as a parallel to the current 
    circumstances where technological development and capability have far 
    outpaced current regulations. Further, the NTSF notes that a letter 
    requirement will in the future place the FAA and the industry in the 
    same circumstances that exist today in attempting to catch up with 
    available technology.
        There was also considerable debate within the working group over 
    the recording equipment that might be necessary to record the 88 
    parameters of information proposed. Little hard data was available 
    concerning whether the current 128-word recorders would be able to 
    handle the 88-parameter requirement. Several members indicated that a 
    256-word recorder would likely be needed, and that since no such 
    recorder was currently available or approved for use, no regulation 
    that would require its use could be promulgated. Similarly, data were 
    available to indicate that while there was no 256-word recorder 
    currently available, the reason was that there was no current market 
    for it. Informal inquiries by the NTSB to equipment manufacturers 
    indicated that a 256-word recorder is well within the bounds of 
    currently available technology, and may well already exist.
        Taking into account the NTSB concern that all new airplanes be able 
    to record the maximum number of parameters, balanced against the 
    knowledge that airplanes in production cannot be re-engineered without 
    sufficient lead time, the FAA has determined that FDR requirements for 
    future airplane production will be based on the date of manufacture, 
    but that the dates suggested by the NTSB cannot realistically be met 
    without incurring overwhelming costs and unacceptable delays in 
    production. Accordingly, the proposed rule would place the following 
    requirements on newly manufactured airplanes.
        The first group of airplanes, addressed in proposed 
    Sec. 121.344(d)(1), are those manufactured after October 11, 1991, but 
    on or before [insert date three years from effective date, i.e. 2000] 
    to record the parameters listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(34), 
    and do so in accordance with Appendix M. Similar to the requirements 
    for older airplanes, the parameters listed in paragraphs (a)(12) 
    through (a)(14) could be recorded from a single source. Proposed 
    Sec. 121.344(d)(2) carries forward the requirements that all additional 
    parameters that are within the capacity of the recording system must 
    also be installed to take advantage of the latest advancements in 
    technology and the capabilities of individual airplanes. Because this 
    requirement will apply to airplanes recently produced, it is a retrofit 
    requirement, but the effect of the retrofit is softened by limiting the 
    requirement to the first 34 parameters.
        The second group of airplanes, addressed in proposed 
    Sec. 121.344(e)(1), are those that will be manufactured after [insert 
    date three years from effective date, i.e. 1999], but on or before 
    [insert date five years from effective date, or 2001]. These airplanes 
    would be required to record the parameters listed in paragraphs (a)(1) 
    through (a)(57), and to do so in accordance with Appendix M. Proposed 
    Sec. 121.344(e)(2) carries forward the requirements that all additional 
    parameters that are within the capacity of the recording system must 
    also be installed to take advantage of the latest advancements in 
    technology and the capabilities of individual airplanes.
        This group of airplanes is considered to include the already 
    engineered versions of currently certificated airplanes, and any 
    airplane getting a new type certificate during this time period. The 
    three year time period was considered by several members of the working 
    group as sufficient lead time to incorporate the upgrades required. The 
    number of parameters was chosen based on the recommendations of the 
    NTSB and the 57 parameters that will be required to be recorded under 
    JAR-Ops, which will become effective in 1998.
        The third group of airplanes, addressed in proposed 
    Sec. 121.344(f), are those that would be manufactured after [insert 
    date five years from effective date]. These airplanes would be required 
    to record the parameters listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(88), 
    and to do so in accordance with Appendix M.
        As indicated in the previous discussion, this requirement would 
    apply to all airplanes manufactured five years after the effective date 
    of the rule. The FAA agrees with the NTSB that it is not acceptable to 
    adopt a requirement that could allow airplanes with 57 parameters to be 
    produced indefinitely. The concept of ``manufactured after'' was 
    established in the FDR requirements of Sec. 121.343 and is being used 
    in other sections of this proposed rule. The ``manufactured after'' 
    standard is viewed as being the most straightforward for the agency to 
    administer and for the industry to comply with. Further, during the 
    meetings of the ARAC working group, a lead time of five years was 
    consistently mentioned as the working standard for new airplane design.
    [[Page 37153]]
        The FAA did raise another alternative that would require all 88 
    parameters to be recorded on any airplane for which a new, amended, or 
    supplemental type certificate is applied for one year after the 
    effective date of the final rule. That proposal would have included, by 
    necessity, significant deviation authority for any changes to airplanes 
    that did not affect the operational or performance characteristics of 
    airplanes, or that did not provide sufficient opportunity to accomplish 
    the necessary modifications. That proposal was made after considerable 
    discussion regarding the lack of consistent terminology regarding new 
    airplane models. In designing the proposal, the FAA looked to its 
    experience in similar equipment upgrade requirements and concluded that 
    it would be necessary for the agency to retain exclusive discretion as 
    to what constituted enough of a change to an airplane design (by 
    amended or supplemental type certificate) to cause the FDR upgrade 
    requirements to apply, or for a deviation to be granted.
        The FAA determined that, while that proposal had a sound regulatory 
    foundation and would be triggered by well-established events that would 
    not be the source of semantic debate, it would be unwieldy in practice 
    and would lead to considerable extra work and expenditures for the 
    agency and every future applicant for an amended or supplemental type 
        The proposed requirement to record 88 parameters may require the 
    installation of the 256-word recorder described previously. The FAA is 
    unable to accept the argument that simply because a 256-word recorder 
    is not currently marketed or approved for installation in aircraft, it 
    would not be available by the time the proposed requirement would take 
    effect, five years after the effective date of a final rule. The FAA 
    has experience in proposing requirements for new technology. For 
    example, the technology for TCAS systems existed at the time the FAA 
    promulgated a requirement for the equipment, but it was not 
    commercially available in the format into which it eventually evolved. 
    In a similar sense, air carriers strongly urged the FAA to authorize 
    the use of predictive windshear technology in lieu of current reactive 
    technology despite the fact that the technology was only expected to be 
    available at some unspecified future date.
        In this case, information available to the FAA and the NTSB 
    suggests that the 256-word recorder that may be needed to record 88 
    parameters is close to being a reality, since the technology already 
    exists. The FAA and NTSB expect the 256-word recorder to be 
    commercially available as soon as some commercial demand exists. 
    Neither the FAA nor NTSB can accept the argument of current 
    unavailability as a basis for not imposing a more stringent requirement 
    on future-production airplanes, and the FAA has received no evidence 
    indicating that this position is not realistic. The FAA specifically 
    requests comment on this issue concerning the probable availability of 
    such equipment.
        Except for paragraphs (j) and (l), the balance of proposed 
    Sec. 121.344 carries forward the rest of the requirements of 
    Sec. 121.343.
        Proposed Sec. 121.344(g) would duplicate current Sec. 121.343(g), 
    which requires an FDR's continuous operation from the time of an 
    airplane's takeoff roll to its landing roll, except for a minor, 
    nonsubstantive editorial change.
        Proposed Sec. 121.344(h) would duplicate Sec. 121.343(h), which 
    addresses the number of hours of recorded data that needs to be kept, 
    and erasures of that data, except for minor, nonsubstantive editorial 
        Proposed Sec. 121.344(i) would duplicate current Sec. 121.343(i), 
    which addresses requirements pursuant to flight data in the event of an 
    accident or occurrence that requires immediate notification of the 
    NTSB, except for minor, nonsubstantive editorial changes.
        Proposed Sec. 121.344(j) addresses the equipment installation and 
    correlation requirements of 14 CFR part 25 for transport category 
    airplanes. This paragraph was rewritten to reflect current technology 
    and the need for correlation data retention. No significant change in 
    the duty of air carriers to retain this data is intended by this update 
    of this regulation.
        Proposed Sec. 121.344(k) would duplicate current Sec. 121.343(k), 
    which requires an approved device to locate a flight data recorder 
    under water, except for minor, nonsubstantive editorial changes.
        Proposed Sec. 121.344(l) would identify those airplanes to which 
    these proposals would not apply.
        Paragraph (l)(1) addresses Stage 2 airplanes that are scheduled to 
    be retired under the noise transition regulations of Part 91. These 
    airplanes would not have to be retrofitted with upgraded DFDR's prior 
    to December 31, 1999. However, no Stage 2 airplane would be allowed to 
    be operated after December 31, 1999, unless it meets the upgraded FDR 
    requirements. Although the noise transition regulations allow for the 
    possibility that some Stage 2 airplanes would be allowed to operate 
    under certain limited waivers, the intent behind the noise operating 
    rules differs significantly from the intent behind the FDR 
    requirements. Accordingly, the FAA is not willing to allow the 
    continued operation of these airplanes with 11-parameter recorders 
    beyond the final noise compliance date regardless of an airplane's 
    noise operating status, and the agency will not put itself in a 
    position of having to forgo the safety considerations behind FDR 
    upgrades as an economic matter if a change in circumstances causes a 
    change in the noise operating rules whether by waiver or a change in 
    the regulations. Noise waivers are not a certainty, and operators have 
    been warned not to presume that they will be granted as a matter of 
    course and to plan for full compliance. No such waiver is included in 
    these proposed FDR requirements; the FAA views the grant of any such 
    FDR waiver as encouraging operators to gamble on the availability of 
    noise waivers as an excuse not to install upgraded flight data 
    recorders, undermining the intent of both the noise transition and FDR 
    upgrade rules.
        Paragraph (l)(2) lists those airplanes that are out of production. 
    After considering analysis of data presented by aircraft operators and 
    manufacturers, the ARAC working group determined that the remaining 
    economic life of these airplanes is insufficient to justify the cost 
    associated with extensive DFDR retrofit. Further, the number of these 
    airplanes in operation is sufficiently small and is declining, such 
    that any safety return from expanded FDR's would be minimal. The FAA 
    agrees in the selection of the aircraft types listed. The FAA also 
    specifically requests that commenters submit other aircraft types, if 
    any, that should be included in this list. Submissions for inclusion 
    should include a detailed explanation of the reasons why these aircraft 
    should be included on the list, and the number of aircraft that would 
    be affected.
    Specific Comments Concerning Proposed Sec. 121.344
        A significant comment was submitted through the ARAC Executive 
    Committee from Trans World Airlines (TWA), which did not have a 
    separate representative on the working group. In general, TWA expressed 
    difficulty with the proposed requirements for certain of its older 
    airplanes, the Lockheed L-1011 and the Boeing 747-100. TWA indicates 
    that, to meet the requirements of the proposed rule, it would have to 
    replace recording equipment in more than a third of its airplanes, and 
    one of the premises of the working group was that significant equipment 
    replacement would not be required for older
    [[Page 37154]]
    airplanes. To that end, TWA recommended several specific changes to the 
    proposed rule language and Appendix values that would allow its Loral 
    F800 flight data recorders to continue to be used.
        The existence of older recording systems, including the Loral F800, 
    was the subject of considerable discussion at the working group 
    meetings. In an attempt to accommodate some of this older equipment, 
    for example, Sec. 121.344(b)(1)(i) was added to not require the 
    recordation of lateral acceleration on airplanes with more than two 
    engines unless recording that parameter could be accommodated on 
    installed equipment. That provision was added to accommodate the Loral 
    F800 recorder installed on the L-1011. The FAA is concerned that 
    broader changes to the proposed rule--including revisions to the values 
    in current Appendix B and a new category of aircraft that would change 
    the established manufacturing-date groups--would weaken the intent of 
    the rule by allowing loopholes and exceptions that would be almost 
    impossible to track, and would result in an unmanageable number of 
    different recording capabilities within the part 121 fleet. The FAA 
    will not promulgate rules to accommodate one or two older pieces of 
    equipment, especially when the intent of the rule is to upgrade 
    equipment in airplanes that remain viable portions of the fleet.
        However, the FAA is willing to make what accommodations are within 
    the spirit of the rulemaking, as in the example cited above, where such 
    accommodation does not change the effect of the rule in general on the 
    rest of the fleet. Accordingly, while the agency will not consider 
    changes to existing rules that are a step back from current 
    requirements, TWA, and other operators that may find themselves in 
    unique circumstances because of equipment configurations, are urged to 
    comment specifically on provisions that they feel they will not be able 
    to meet without undue burden, and to suggest limited provisions such as 
    the one cited that may alleviate some of that burden.
        A U.S. aircraft manufacturer commented through the ARAC Executive 
    Committee that to record parameters (a)(58) through (a)(88) would 
    ``require the installation of sensors [that have] a poor reliability 
    history.'' The NTSB agrees that there is a question as to the 
    reliability of control force sensors over the full range of forces, but 
    it is this very unreliability of the current generation of sensors for 
    control forces that has caused the NTSB to recomment that 88 parameters 
    be recorded. The FAA requests comment from manufacturers and operators 
    as to the current reliability rates for control force sensors, and what 
    plans may exist for increasing their reliability before they would be 
    required in five years.
    Airplanes With 10-19 Passenger Seats
        The February 1995 recommendations of the NTSB did not specifically 
    address airplanes that carry 10-19 passengers. However, the adoption of 
    new operating rules for certain airplanes formerly operated under part 
    135 has led to a need for the FAA to address FDR requirements for these 
    airplanes. Since these airplanes will, in scheduled service, be 
    operated under part 121, the FAA has determined that the FDR 
    requirements that would apply to these airplanes are best provided in a 
    separate section. Accordingly, the FAA is proposing the adoption of a 
    new Sec. 121.344a, to separate these requirements from those applicable 
    to transport category airplanes and prevent confusion as to 
    applicability and compliance times.
        Proposed Sec. 121.344a(a) would require all turbine-engine powered 
    airplanes having a passenger seating configuration, excluding any 
    required crewmember seat, of 10 to 19 seats that were brought onto the 
    U.S. register after October 11, 1991, to be equipped with a DFDR that 
    is capable of recording, at a minimum, the parameters required in 
    Sec. 135.152. This provision would carry over the current requirements 
    of part 135 until the upgraded standard in the proposed rule is met.
        By [4 years from the effective date of the final rule], those 
    airplanes would be required to be equipped with a DFDR that is capable 
    of recording the parameters listed in Sec. 121.344 (a)(1) through 
    (a)(11). In addition, these airplanes must record either three 
    additional parameters of control input or control surface position. If 
    capable of being recorded, these airplanes must also record the 
    parameters described in Sec. 121.344 (a)(19) through (a)(22).
        As stated in the proposed rule language, parameter (a)(18) would 
    not be required for airplanes with more than two engines, unless 
    sufficient capacity is available on the existing recorder. Further, the 
    parameters listed in paragraphs (a)(12) through (a)(17) would be 
    permitted to be recorded from a single source. All of the parameters 
    would be required to be recorded in accordance with the values listed 
    in Appendix B to part 135, the standard in the current rule, unless the 
    parameter to be recorded has no value indicated in that appendix. In 
    that case, the values in Appendix B to part 121 would be used.
        Consistent with current regulation, airplanes with 10 to 19 
    passenger seats that were brought onto the U.S. register on or before 
    October 11, 1991, would not be required to comply with this regulation. 
    The FAA has determined that the cost of retrofitting this fleet of 
    airplanes would be substantial.
        However, the FAA is concerned that all airplanes used in air 
    carrier operations be equipped with FDR equipment. Accordingly, the FAA 
    has determined that the already established date for installation of 
    FDR equipment--airplanes brought onto the U.S. register after October 
    11, 1991--will remain the standard for FDR installation if these 
    airplanes are operated under part 121.
        Further, the FAA emphasizes that, consistent with current 
    regulation, airplanes that may have been on the register on or before 
    October 11, 1991, but were removed from the U.S. register, and brought 
    back onto the U.S. register after October 11, 1991, would be required 
    under this proposed rule to have a DFDR capable of recording the 
    required 18 to 22 parameters. There has been at least one previous 
    policy determination made concerning airplanes that have been removed 
    from the U.S. register after 1991 and then brought back; that policy 
    stated that compliance with the FDR rules of part 135 is not necessary 
    because the airplane was on the register before October 11, 1991. After 
    further consideration, however, the FAA has determined that this policy 
    is inconsistent with the language of the regulation itself and with the 
    intent of the recently adopted rules bringing part 135 scheduled 
    commuters under part 121. Airplanes that have been operated without 
    FDR's based on this policy determination will have to be retrofitted 
    with the FDR equipment required under Sec. 121.344a(a) by the 
    compliance date proposed in that paragraph, as they would have if they 
    remained under part 135.
        Although the basic requirements for 10-19 seat airplanes are not 
    identical to those for transport category airplanes in Sec. 121.344, it 
    was determined that some differences could exist without compromising 
    safety. These airplanes currently are required to record 17 parameters 
    of information under part 135.152; the 18 parameters to be recorded 
    under the proposed rule differ slightly and will require that some 
    FDR's be reprogrammed. The FAA found, however, that requiring an 
    increase to the first 23 parameters would result in substantial costs. 
    Since the NTSB recommendations do not
    [[Page 37155]]
    address these airplanes or any specific upgrade for their flight data 
    recorders, a determination has been made that recordation of the first 
    18 parameters--or 22 where capable--is sufficient for this class of 
        The ARAC Executive Committee submitted a comment from a member 
    indicating that the applicability of proposed Sec. 121.344a(a) should 
    be changed to airplanes that were manufactured after October 11, 1991, 
    rather than airplanes brought onto the U.S. register after that date. 
    The FAA disagrees. This distinction by date of registration was 
    maintained as established in part 135, and the use of the registration 
    date has resulted in a specific set of airplanes to which these rules 
    apply. A change in the applicability of the regulation now could cause 
    airplanes that were previously required to have DFDR's to no longer 
    need them, with the consequences of recorders being removed from in-
    service airplanes. A change in applicability under part 121 would also 
    have the confusing effect of establishing different applicability 
    provisions for the same airplanes, depending on the part under which 
    they are operated. The FAA will not introduce such complication into 
    the regulations nor promulgate a rule that would reduce the number of 
    airplanes required to have DFDR's.
        Another comment stated that the FAA is proposing to cover 10-19 
    seat airplanes operated under part 121 ``with no technical support * * 
    * for their inclusion.'' The commenter suggests that the FAA ``abide by 
    the NTSB recommendation and remove these'' airplanes from the proposed 
        As stated previously, the NTSB recommendation was considered the 
    starting point for this rulemaking action. The NTSB recommendation did 
    not include consideration of the FAA's proposal to bring smaller 
    aircraft operated in scheduled service under part 135 into part 121, so 
    no recommendation for DFDR requirements on those airplanes could have 
    been included. However, as part of the FAA's goal of regulating all 
    scheduled operators under a single part, it would be inconsistent not 
    to propose that all airplanes operated in part 121 service be covered 
    by the same or comparable requirements. It is up to the FAA to 
    determine the proper scope and consistency of its regulations, and the 
    agency cannot be constrained by a recommendation of the NTSB that did 
    not consider other ongoing agency actions and initiatives. The NTSB did 
    not state that these airplanes not be covered--it simply never 
    addressed them. Further, it is not clear what the commenter means as to 
    the existence of ``technical support'' for a proposal that is but one 
    part of an overall agency safety initiative.
        Proposed Sec. 121.344a(b) would require recorders on all turbine-
    engine powered airplanes having a passenger seating configuration, 
    excluding any required crewmember seat, of 10 to 19 seats, that are 
    manufactured after [insert date 3 yrs after effective date of final 
    rule], to record the parameters listed in Sec. 121.344 (a)(1) through 
    (a)(57), as well as all additional parameters that are within the 
    capacity of the recording system within the ranges, accuracies, 
    resolutions, and recording intervals specified in Appendix M to part 
        Proposed Sec. 121.344a(c) would require recorders on all turbine-
    engine powered airplanes having a passenger seating configuration, 
    excluding any required crewmember seat, of 10 to 19 seats, that are 
    manufactured after [insert date 5 yrs after effective date of final 
    rule], to record the parameters listed in Sec. 121.344 (a)(1) through 
    (a)(88), within the ranges, accuracies, resolutions, and recording 
    intervals specified in Appendix M to part 121. This is the same 
    requirement that would apply to transport category airplanes as 
    proposed in Sec. 121.344, and the same reasons for its adoption 
        Proposed Sec. 121.344a(d) would bring forward the appropriate 
    references in current Sec. 135.152(f), pursuant to airplanes only, 
    which includes requirements for installation of flight recorders and 
    correlation of flight data. Rotorcraft requirements would remain in 
    Sec. 135.152(f); they are not being addressed in this rulemaking.
        Proposed Sec. 121.344a(e) would require all airplanes subject to 
    this section to also comply with paragraphs (g)-(k) of Sec. 121.344.
        Proposed Sec. 121.344a(f) would identify those airplanes to which 
    these proposals would not apply. Included are airplanes that are no 
    longer in production. After considering analysis of data presented by 
    aircraft operators and manufacturers, the ARAC working group determined 
    that the remaining economic life of these airplanes is insufficient to 
    justify the cost associated with extensive DFDR retrofit. Further, the 
    number of these airplanes in operation is sufficiently small that any 
    safety return from expanded FDR's would be minimal. The FAA agrees in 
    the selection of the aircraft types listed. The FAA also specifically 
    requests that commenters submit other aircraft types, if any, that 
    should be included in this list. Submissions for inclusion should 
    include a detailed explanation of the reasons why these aircraft should 
    be included on the list, and the number of aircraft that would be 
    New Appendix
        Proposed Appendix M: This new appendix would correspond directly to 
    the parameter list set forth in Sec. 121.344(a), and would present the 
    ranges, accuracies, resolutions, and recording intervals for each 
    parameter. Values for these items were determined based on the capacity 
    of current equipment and take into consideration the European 
    standards. Where possible, the standards in Appendix M are the same as 
    those in the European requirements.
    Specific Comments Concerning Proposed Appendix M
        Several specific changes to Appendix M were submitted in the 
    comments from the ARAC Executive Committee. The addition of TSO C51a to 
    the Accuracy column of the Pressure Altitude parameter was reviewed and 
    accepted. One comment stated that the Heading parameter, which would 
    require a true/mag discrete is unclear and that the two should be 
    separated. A significant amount of time was expended in working group 
    discussions on this topic, and the designation as it appears in the 
    proposed Appendix was agreed to by working group members. A comment 
    concerning Manual radio transmitter keying states that existing 
    installations should only require a single discrete. That is all that 
    is required, and only for air traffic communications. A further comment 
    that language should be added to exclude digital voice and data 
    transmissions is not being addressed because there is no requirement 
    that digital data link transmissions be included as part of this 
    Part 125
        The FAA proposes to add a new Sec. 125.226 to require the existing 
    airplane fleet operated under part 125 to be retrofitted with FDR's 
    that record additional parameters. Requirements for DFDR's on newer 
    airplanes and newly manufactured airplanes would also be revised to 
    require that additional parameters be recorded. The preceding 
    discussion for the proposed amendments to part 121 also applies to 
    aircraft operated under part 125. The text in Sec. 125.225 would remain 
    unchanged because airplanes excluded from these proposed amendments 
    would be required to continue to comply with that section.
        Proposed Appendix E: This new appendix to part 125 would be 
    [[Page 37156]]
    to the proposed Appendix M to part 121 above.
    Part 129
        The FAA proposes to add a new Sec. 129.20, Digital Flight Data 
    Recorders, to address flight data recorder regulations for U.S.-
    registered airplanes operated outside the United States. Although the 
    NTSB recommendations did not apply to part 129 operators, the FAA has 
    determined that U.S.-registered airplanes, regardless of where they are 
    operated, should be required to comply with the same FDR requirements 
    as though they were operated domestically. Accordingly, the proposed 
    rule indicates that, depending on the airplane type, airplanes that are 
    U.S.-registered but operated outside the United States must comply with 
    the applicable flight data recorder regulations of part 121, 125, or 
    135. Descriptions of these requirements can be found above in the 
    sections describing the proposed amendments to those parts. 
    Consequently, the FAA proposes to revise the applicability of 
    Sec. 129.1(b) to include reference to the proposed Sec. 129.20.
        The period for public comment to the proposed part 129 amendment is 
    no longer than that provided for the other proposals in this NPRM to 
    allow sufficient time for international entities to comment. Therefore, 
    the comment period for revisions to part 129 will be 120 days from the 
    date of publication of the NPRM, and the final rule for any revisions 
    to part 129 will be issued separately, although the compliance time 
    adopted may be the same as that proposed for parts 121, 125, and 135.
    Part 135
        These proposed flight data recorder amendments would apply to 
    turbine-engine-powered airplanes having a passenger seating 
    configuration, excluding any required crewmember seat, of 10 to 30 
    seats, that are manufactured after [insert date 3 years after effective 
    date of final rule] and operated under part 135. These requirements are 
    being proposed to parallel the requirements for the same airplanes 
    operated under part 121. These amendments would not apply to any 
    airplane type certificated to be configured with nine or fewer 
    passenger seats or any rotorcraft.
        Proposed Sec. 135.152(f)(1) would retain the requirement from 
    current Sec. 135.152(f). A new Sec. 135.152(f)(2) is proposed that 
    would update the correlation data requirements for newly manufactured 
        Proposed new Sec. 135.152(h) would list the parameters that apply 
    to newly manufactured airplanes. This list is identical to the 
    parameter list proposed in Sec. 121.344.
        Proposed Sec. 135.152(i) would require all turbine-engine powered 
    airplanes that are manufactured after [insert date three years after 
    effective date of final rule] to record the parameters listed in 
    paragraphs (h)(1) through (h)(57) of this part, as well as any 
    additional parameters capable of being recorded on the installed FDR 
    equipment, in accordance with proposed Appendix F to part 135.
        Proposed Sec. 135.152(j) would require all turbine-engine powered 
    airplanes that are manufactured after [insert date 5 yrs after 
    effective date of final rule], to record the parameters listed in 
    paragraph (h)(1) through (88) of this section within the ranges, 
    accuracies, resolutions, and recording intervals specified in Appendix 
    F. This provision is identical as proposed in Sec. 121.344a(c), since 
    it would apply to the same airplanes, and the same reasons for its 
    adoption applies.
        Proposed Appendix F: This new appendix would correspond directly to 
    the parameter list set forth in Sec. 135.152(h), and would present the 
    ranges, accuracies, resolutions, and recording intervals for each 
    parameter. This proposed appendix is identical to proposed Appendix M 
    to part 121.
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-M
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    BILLING CODE 4910-13-C
    [[Page 37158]]
    International Compatibility
        The FAA has reviewed corresponding International Civil Aviation 
    Organization regulations and Joint Aviation Authority regulations, 
    where they exist. Any differences between those documents and these 
    regulations are of a minor, technical nature, and are deemed 
    insignificant. They would not adversely affect harmonization.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        No information collection is required by this proposed rule.
    Regulatory Evaluation Summary
        Proposed changes to Federal regulations must undergo several 
    economic analyses. First, Executive Order 12866 directs that each 
    Federal agency shall propose or adopt a regulation only upon a reasoned 
    determination that the benefits of the intended regulation justify its 
    costs. Second, the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 requires agencies 
    to analyze the economic effect of regulatory changes on small entities. 
    Third, the Office of Management and Budget directs agencies to assess 
    the effect of regulatory changes on international trade. A regulatory 
    evaluation of the proposal is in the docket.
        To obtain representative and comprehensive information from which 
    to develop the industry costs of this proposed rule, the FAA relied on 
    the responses of ATA and RAA members to an air carrier cost survey 
    developed by the ARAC working group. (The FAA augmented this 
    information with adjusted costs analysis from the recently approved 
    commuter rule.) The principle aggregate cost detailed in the cost 
    survey were (1) equipment and inventory/spares; (2) engineering, 
    installation, and other costs, inclusive of recurrent maintenance 
    costs; and (3) aircraft out-of-service costs which reflect revenue 
    losses resulting from unscheduled aircraft downtime.
        The total turbojet fleet costs for air carriers operating under 
    part 121 for the projected retrofits are $472.0 million ($420.4 
    million, discounted) if required to be done within a 2-year compliance 
    time frame. For a 4-year compliance time frame, the FAA estimates the 
    costs would be $308.9 million ($259.1 million, discounted). The 
    equivalent total turboprop fleet costs for air carriers operating under 
    part 121 are $39.0 million ($35.2 million, discounted) for the 2-year 
    compliance time frame, and $30.4 million ($25.8 million, discounted) 
    for the 4-year compliance time frame. The total 4-year compliance time 
    frame costs for part 135, 10-19 seat aircraft required to now operate 
    under part 121 are estimated to be $26.4 million ($22.3 million, 
    discounted) and for part 135, 20-30 seat aircraft, $10.9 million ($9.2 
    million, discounted), or $37.3 million ($31.5 million, discounted) 
    total part 135 costs. Thus, the total 4-year compliance time frame 
    discounted costs for the proposed retrofits required under this 
    proposed rule are $316.3 million.
        With regard to the total turbojet fleet costs for air carriers 
    operating under part 121, nearly one-half the total cost for the 2-year 
    alternative represents the out-of-service costs or lost revenues that 
    would be imposed by the shorter compliance time requirement. The other 
    one-half of the total cost represents the basic costs which include 
    capital investment and expenses. In the 4-year time frame, just over 20 
    percent of the total cost represents the out-of-service costs or lost 
    revenues that would be imposed by this compliance time requirement. No 
    similar assessment can be made for either the turboprop fleet or part 
    135 carriers that will now be required to operate under part 121. 
    However, because the total turbojet fleet costs represent over 80 
    percent of the air carrier industry cost analyzed for this proposed 
    rule, the two year time frame suggests itself to clearly be a more 
    costly option than the four year time frame. The FAA's estimates of out 
    of service costs by aircraft type are summarized in the appendix to the 
    full Regulatory Evaluation. That document is available for review in 
    the regulatory docket.
        DFDR's do not in and of themselves prevent accidents; they are used 
    as an investigative tool when accidents or incidents occur. From the 
    DFDR information, a greater understanding of the dynamics and probable 
    causes of accidents and incidents can be obtained. With this knowledge, 
    a ``fix'' can be made to reduce the chance of a similar occurrence in 
    the future.
        Due to the very nature of the DFDR requirements (i.e., that we 
    currently do not know how or why certain accidents occur), the FAA is 
    not able to quantify the likely benefits that will ultimately result 
    from this proposal. Nevertheless, the FAA has determined, particularly 
    in light of the NTSB recommendations, that information concerning 
    enhanced parameters can be collected cost-effectively. The FAA will be 
    able to use incident information to reduce accidents of the nature that 
    are currently of undetermined cause.
    Benefit Cost Comparison
        The FAA cautions that the cost analysis detailed in the preceding 
    sections is not necessarily exhaustive. The purpose of this rulemaking 
    is to require the installation of DFDR's that provide more flight 
    information about aviation accidents or incidents. This in turn, would 
    allow industry to predict certain trends in order to make the necessary 
    modifications prior to future accidents or incidents. Thus, it is 
    assumed that as a result of this rulemaking the quantity and quality of 
    information is increased about those accidents for which the NTSB 
    currently cannot determine the probable cause. To the extent that this 
    occurs, then the FAA would take appropriate additional action to 
    prevent a recurrence of those kinds of accidents.
        Future FAA actions could take the form of Advisory Circulars, 
    Airworthiness Directives, or possibly, additional rulemakings. The 
    costs of these follow-on FAA actions could vary from negligible costs 
    to considerable costs of some unknown amount. The costs of such future 
    follow-on actions by the FAA should be taken into consideration as part 
    of the costs of this rulemaking. However, the costs of potential future 
    actions have not been included because the costs of such follow-on 
    actions cannot be estimated. It should be understood, therefore, that, 
    to the extent that the cost of the follow-on actions are more than 
    negligible, the current costs estimates would tend to underestimate the 
    total cost of this rulemaking.
    Initial Regulatory Flexibility Determination
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (RFA) was enacted by 
    Congress to ensure that small entities are not unnecessarily or 
    disproportionately burdened by Federal regulations. The RFA requires 
    regulatory agencies to review rules which may have ``a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.'' For this 
    proposed rulemaking, a ``small entity'' is an operator of aircraft for 
    hire owning, but not necessarily operating, nine (9) aircraft or less. 
    A ``substantial number of small entities'', as defined in FAA order 
    2100.14A-Regulatory Flexibility Criteria and Guidance, is a number (in 
    this instance, the number of operators) which is not less than eleven 
    and is more then one-third of the small entities subject to a proposed 
    or existing rule.
        A ``significant economic impact'' or cost threshold, is defined as 
    an annualized net compliance cost level
    [[Page 37159]]
    that exceeds 1) $119,900 (1994 dollars) in the case of scheduled 
    operators of aircraft for hire whose entire fleet has a seating 
    capacity in excess of 60 seats; 2) $67,000 (1994 dollars) in the case 
    of scheduled operators of aircraft for hire for which the entire fleet 
    has a seating capacity less than or equal to 60 seats; and 3) $4,800 
    (1994 dollars) in the case of unscheduled operators of aircraft for 
        The FAA has determined the annualized costs (20 years) for 
    scheduled operators of large aircraft to be $9,128 per aircraft for the 
    2-year time frame and $5,611 per aircraft for the 4-year time frame. 
    Multiplying each of these estimates by 9, (the upper bound of the small 
    entity criteria) yields results of $82,155 and $50,501 for the 2-year 
    and 4-year time frames, respectively. Each of these estimates is 
    significantly below the minimum compliance cost criteria of $119,900 
    for scheduled operators of large aircraft.
        The FAA has also determined the annualized costs (20 years) for 
    scheduled operators of small aircraft to be $4,378 per aircraft for the 
    2-year time frame and $3,067 per aircraft for the 4-year time frame. 
    The upper bound costs for consideration within the small entity (9 
    aircraft) criteria are $39,398 for the 2-year time frame and $27,603 
    for the 4-year time frame, respectively. Both are well below the 
    minimum compliance cost of $67,000.
    International Trade Impact Assessment
        The FAA has determined that revisions to digital flight data 
    recorder rules could have a significant impact on international trade. 
    The FAA is of the opinion that while the proposed rule will not effect 
    non-U.S. operators of foreign aircraft operating outside the United 
    States, it could have a significant impact on the suppliers of 
    materials required for retrofitting the affected aircraft in the 
    domestic fleet. Domestic sources of the required retrofit products may 
    not be able to meet the increased demand of the domestic air carriers 
    for DFDR's as these air carriers increased orders to meet the tight 
    compliance time-frame imposed by this proposed rule. Foreign producers 
    may benefit by supplying the unfilled orders. The FAA welcomes comments 
    on this issue from manufacturers and suppliers of the proposed retrofit 
    materials as well as other interested parties.
        For the reasons discussed in the preamble, and based on the 
    findings in the Regulatory Flexibility Determination and the 
    International Trade Impact Analysis, the FAA has determined that this 
    proposed regulation would be a significant regulatory action under 
    Executive Order 12866, and is considered significant under DOT 
    Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February 26, 1979).
    List of Subjects
    14 CFR Part 121
        Air carriers, Aviation safety, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Transportation
    14 CFR Part 125
        Aviation safety, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
    14 CFR Part 129
        Air carriers, Aviation safety, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    14 CFR Part 135
        Aviation safety, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
    The Proposed Amendment
        In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation 
    Administration proposes to amend 14 CFR parts 121, 125, 129, and 135 of 
    the Federal Aviation Regulations as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 121 continues to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 40119, 44101, 44701-44702, 
    44705, 44709-44711, 44713, 44716-44717, 44722, 44901, 44903-44904, 
    44912, 46105.
        2. Section 121.344 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 121.344  Digital flight data recorders for transport category 
        (a) Except as provided in paragraph (l) of this section, no person 
    may operate under this part a turbine-engine-powered transport category 
    airplane unless it is equipped with one or more approved flight 
    recorders that use a digital method of recording and storing data and a 
    method of readily retrieving that data from the storage medium. The 
    operational parameters required to be recorded by digital flight data 
    recorders required by this section are as follows; the phrase ``when an 
    information source is installed'' following a parameter indicates that 
    recording of that parameter is not intended to require a change in 
    installed equipment:
        (1) Time;
        (2) Pressure altitude;
        (3) Indicated airspeed;
        (4) Heading--primary flight crew reference (if selectable, record 
    discrete, true or magnetic);
        (5) Normal acceleration (Vertical);
        (6) Pitch attitude;
        (7) Roll attitude;
        (8) Manual radio transmitter keying, or CVR/DFDR synchronization 
        (9) Thrust/power of each engine--primary flight crew reference;
        (10) Autopilot engagement status;
        (11) Longitudinal acceleration;
        (12) Pitch control input;
        (13) Lateral control input;
        (14) Rudder pedal input;
        (15) Primary pitch control surface position;
        (16) Primary lateral control surface position;
        (17) Primary yaw control surface position;
        (18) Lateral acceleration;
        (19) Pitch trim surface position or the parameters of paragraph 
    (a)(82) of this section, if currently recorded;
        (20) Trailing edge flap or cockpit flap control selection (except 
    when the parameters of paragraph (a)(85) of this section apply);
        (21) Leading edge flap or cockpit flap control selection (except 
    when the parameters of paragraph (a)(86) of this section apply);
        (22) Each Thrust reverser position (or equivalent for propeller 
        (23) Ground spoiler position or speed brake selection (except when 
    the parameters of paragraph (a)(87) of this section apply);
        (24) Outside or total air temperature;
        (25) Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) modes and engagement 
    status, including autothrottle;
        (26) Radio altitude (when an information source is installed);
        (27) Localizer deviation, MLS Azimuth;
        (28) Glideslope deviation, MLS Elevation;
        (29) Marker beacon passage;
        (30) Master warning;
        (31) Air/ground sensor (primary airplane system reference nose or 
    main gear);
        (32) Angle of attack (when information source is installed);
        (33) Hydraulic pressure low (each system);
        (34) Ground speed (when an information source is installed);
        (35) Ground proximity warning system;
        (36) Landing gear position or landing gear cockpit control 
        (37) Drift angle (when an information source is installed);
        (38) Wind speed and direction (when an information source is 
    [[Page 37160]]
        (39) Latitude and longitude (when an information source is 
        (40) Stick shaker/pusher (when an information source is installed);
        (41) Windshear (when an information source is installed);
        (42) Throttle/power lever position;
        (43) Additional engine parameters (as designated in appendix M of 
    this part);
        (44) Traffic alert and collision avoidance system;
        (45) DME 1 and 2 distances;
        (46) Nav 1 and 2 selected frequency;
        (47) Selected barometric setting (when an information source is 
        (48) Selected altitude (when an information source is installed);
        (49) Selected speed (when an information source is installed);
        (50) Selected mach (when an information source is installed);
        (51) Selected vertical speed (when an information source is 
        (52) Selected heading (when an information source is installed);
        (53) Selected flight path (when an information source is 
        (54) Selected decision height (when an information source is 
        (55) EFIS display format;
        (56) Multi-function/engine/alerts display format;
        (57) Thrust command (when an information source is installed);
        (58) Thrust target (when an information source is installed);
        (59) Fuel quantity in CG trim tank (when an information source is 
        (60) Primary Navigation System Reference;
        (61) Icing (when an information source is installed);
        (62) Engine warning each engine vibration (when an information 
    source is installed);
        (63) Engine warning each engine over temp. (when an information 
    source is installed);
        (64) Engine warning each engine oil pressure low (when an 
    information source is installed);
        (65) Engine warning each engine over speed (when an information 
    source is installed);
        (66) Yaw trim surface position;
        (67) Roll trim surface position;
        (68) Brake pressure (selected system);
        (69) Brake pedal application (left and right);
        (70) Yaw or sideslip angle (when an information source is 
        (71) Engine bleed value position (when an information source is 
        (72) De-icing or anti-icing system selected (when an information 
    source is installed);
        (73) Computed center of gravity (when an information source is 
        (74) AC electrical bus status;
        (75) DC electrical bus status;
        (76) APU bleed valve position (when an information source is 
        (77) Hydraulic pressure (each system);
        (78) Loss of cabin pressure;
        (79) Computer failure;
        (80) Heads-up display (when an information source is installed);
        (81) Para-visual display (when an information source is installed);
        (82) Cockpit trim control input position--pitch;
        (83) Cockpit trim control input position--roll;
        (84) Cockpit trim control input position--yaw;
        (85) Trailing edge flap and cockpit flap control position;
        (86) Leading edge flap and cockpit flap control position;
        (87) Ground spoiler position and speed brake selection; and
        (88) All cockpit flight control input forces (control wheel, 
    control column, rudder pedal).
        (b) For all turbine-engine powered transport category airplanes 
    manufactured on or before October 11, 1991, by [four years from 
    effective date of final rule]--
        (1) For airplanes not equipped as of July 15, 1996 with a flight 
    data acquisition unit (FDAU), the parameters listed in paragraphs 
    (a)(1) through (a)(18) of this section must be recorded within the 
    ranges and accuracies specified in Appendix B of this part, and--
        (i) For airplanes with more than two engines, the parameter 
    described in paragraph (a)(18) is not required unless sufficient 
    capacity is available on the existing recorder to record that 
        (ii) Parameters listed in paragraphs (a)(12) through (a)(17) each 
    may be recorded from a single source.
        (2) For airplanes that were equipped as July 16, 1996 with a flight 
    data acquisition unit (FDAU), the parameters listed in paragraphs 
    (a)(1) through (a)(22) of this section must be recorded within the 
    ranges, accuracies, and recording intervals specified in appendix M of 
    this part. Parameters listed in paragraphs (a)(12) through (a)(17) each 
    may be recorded from a single source.
        (3) The approved flight recorder required by this section must be 
    installed at the earliest time practicable, but no later than the next 
    heavy maintenance check after [two years after effective date of final 
    rule], and no later than [four years after the effective date of the 
    final rule]. A heavy maintenance check is considered to be any time an 
    airplane is scheduled to be out of service for 4 or more days and is 
    scheduled to include access to major structural components.
        (c) For all turbine-engine powered transport category airplanes 
    manufactured on or before October 11, 1991--
        (1) That were equipped as of July 16, 1996 with one or more digital 
    data bus(es) and an ARINC 717 digital flight data acquisition unit 
    (DFDAU) or equivalent, the parameters specified in paragraphs (a)(1) 
    through (a)(22) of this section must be recorded within the ranges, 
    accuracies, resolutions, and sampling intervals specified in appendix M 
    of this part by [4 years after effective date of the final rule]. 
    Parameters listed in paragraphs (a)(12) through (a)(14) each may be 
    recorded from a single source.
        (2) Commensurate with the capacity of the recording system (DFDAU 
    or equivalent and the DFDR), all additional parameters for which 
    information sources are installed and which are connected to the 
    recording system, must be recorded within the ranges, accuracies, 
    resolutions, and sampling intervals specified in appendix M of this 
    part by [4 years after effective date of the final rule].
        (3) That were subject to Sec. 121.343(e) of this part, all 
    conditions of Sec. 121.343(e) must continue to be met until compliance 
    with paragraph (c)(1) of this section is accomplished.
        (d) For all turbine-engine-powered transport category airplanes 
    that were manufactured after October 11, 1991,--
        (1) The parameters listed in paragraph (a)(1) through (a)(34) of 
    this section must be recorded within the ranges, accuracies, 
    resolutions, and recording intervals specified in appendix M of this 
    part by [4 years after the effective date of the final rule]. 
    Parameters listed in paragraphs (a)(12) through (a)(14) each may be 
    recorded from a single source.
        (2) Commensurate with the capacity of the recording system, all 
    additional parameters for which information sources are installed and 
    which are connected to the recording system, must be recorded within 
    the ranges, accuracies, resolutions, and sampling intervals specified 
    in appendix M of this part by [4 years after effective date of the 
    final rule].
        (e) For all turbine-engine-powered transport category airplanes 
    that are manufactured after [3 years after effective date of final 
        (1) The parameters listed in paragraph (a)(1) through (57) of this 
    section must be recorded within the ranges, accuracies, resolutions, 
    and recording intervals specified in appendix M of this part.
    [[Page 37161]]
        (2) Commensurate with the capacity of the recording system, all 
    additional parameters for which information sources are installed and 
    which are connected to the recording system, must be recorded within 
    the ranges, accuracies, resolutions, and sampling intervals specified 
    in appendix M of this part.
        (f) For all turbine-engine-powered transport category airplanes 
    that are manufactured after [5 years after effective date of final 
    rule], the parameters listed in paragraph (a)(1) through (a)(88) of 
    this section must be recorded within the ranges, accuracies, 
    resolutions, and recording intervals specified in appendix M of this 
        (g) Whenever a flight data recorder required by this section is 
    installed, it must be operated continuously from the instant the 
    airplane begins its takeoff roll until it has completed its landing 
        (h) Except as provided in paragraph (i) of this section, and except 
    for recorded data erased as authorized in this paragraph, each 
    certificate holder shall keep the recorded data prescribed by this 
    section, as appropriate, until the airplane has been operated for at 
    least 25 hours of the operating time specified in Sec. 121.359(a) of 
    this part. A total of 1 hour of recorded data may be erased for the 
    purpose of testing the flight recorder or the flight recorder system. 
    Any erasure made in accordance with this paragraph must be of the 
    oldest recorded data accumulated at the time of testing. Except as 
    provided in paragraph (i) of this section, no record need be kept more 
    than 60 days.
        (i) In the event of an accident or occurrence that requires 
    immediate notification of the National Transportation Safety Board 
    under 49 CFR part 830 of its regulations and the results in termination 
    of the flight, the certificate holder shall remove the recorder from 
    the airplane and keep the recorder data prescribed by this section, as 
    appropriate, for at least 60 days or for a longer period upon the 
    request of the Board or the Administrator.
        (j) Each flight data recorder system required by this section must 
    be installed in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 25.1459 (a), 
    (b), (d), and (e) of this chapter. A correlation must be established 
    between the values recorded by the flight data recorder and the 
    corresponding values being measured. The correlation must contain a 
    sufficient number of correlation points to accurately establish the 
    conversion from the recorded values to engineering units or discrete 
    state over the full operating range of the parameter. Except for 
    airplanes having separate altitude and airspeed sensors that are an 
    integral part of the flight data recorder system, a single correlation 
    may be established for any group of airplanes--
        (1) That are of the same type;
        (2) On which the flight recorder system and its installation are 
    the same; and
        (3) On which there is no difference in the type design with respect 
    to the installation of those sensors associated with the flight data 
    recorder system. Documentation sufficient to convert recorded data into 
    the engineering units and discrete values specified in the applicable 
    appendix must be maintained by the certificate holder.
        (k) Each flight data recorder required by this section must have an 
    approved device to assist in locating that recorder under water.
        (l) The following airplanes need not comply with this section, but 
    must continue to comply with applicable paragraphs of Sec. 121.343 of 
    this chapter, as appropriate:
        (1) Airplanes that meet the Stage 2 noise levels of part 36 of this 
    chapter and are subject to Sec. 91.801(c) of this chapter, until 
    January 1, 2000. On and after January 1, 2000, any Stage 2 airplane 
    otherwise allowed to be operated under part 91 of this chapter must 
    comply with the applicable flight data recorder requirements of this 
    section for that airplane.
        (2) General Dynamics Convair 580, General Dynamics Convair 600, 
    General Dynamics Convair 640, de Havilland Aircraft Company Ltd. DHC-7, 
    Fairchild Aircraft, Inc., FH 227, Fokker F-27 (except Mark 50), F-28 
    Mark 1000 and Mark 4000, Gulfstream Aerospace G-159, Lockheed Aircraft 
    Corporation Electra 10-A, Lockheed Aircraft Corporation Electra 10-B, 
    Lockheed Aircraft Corporation Electra 10-E, Maryland Air Industries, 
    Inc. F27, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. YS-11, Short Bros. Limited 
    SD3-30, Short Bros. Limited SD3-60.
        3. Section 121.344a is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 121.344a  Digital flight data recorders for 10-19 seat airplanes.
        (a) No person may operate a turbine-engine-powered airplane having 
    a passenger seating configuration, excluding any required crewmember 
    seat, of 10 to 19 seats, that was brought onto the U.S. register after 
    October 11, 1991, unless it is equipped with one or more approved 
    flight recorders that use a digital method of recording and storing 
    data and a method of readily retrieving that data from the storage 
    medium. On or before [4 years after the effective data of the final 
    rule], airplanes brought onto the U.S. register after October 11, 1991, 
    must comply with either the requirements in this section or the 
    applicable paragraphs in Sec. 135.152 of this chapter. In addition, by 
    [4 years after the effective date of the final rule]--
        (1) The parameters listed in Secs. 121.344(a)(1) through 
    121.344(a)(11) must be recorded within the ranges, accuracies, and 
    resolutions specified in appendix B of part 135 of this chapter, except 
        (i) Either the parameter listed in Sec. 121.344(a)(12) or (a)(15) 
    must be recorded; either the parameter listed in Sec. 121.344(a)(13) or 
    (a)(16) must be recorded; and either the parameter listed in 
    Sec. 121.344(a)(14) or (a)(17) must be recorded.
        (ii) For airplanes with more than two engines, the parameter 
    described in Sec. 121.344(a)(18) must also be recorded if sufficient 
    capacity is available on the existing recorder to record that 
        (iii) Parameters listed in Secs. 121.344(a)(12) through 
    121.344(a)(17) each may be recorded from a single source;
        (iv) Any parameter for which no value is contained in appendix B of 
    part 135 of this chapter must be recorded within the ranges, 
    accuracies, and resolutions specified in appendix B of this part.
        (2) Commensurate with the capacity of the recording system (FDAU or 
    equivalent and the DFDR), the parameters listed in sections 
    121.344(a)(19) through 121.344(a)(22) also must be recorded within the 
    ranges, accuracies, resolutions, and recording intervals specified in 
    appendix B of part 135 of this chapter.
        (3) The approved flight recorder by this section must be installed 
    as soon as practicable, but no later than the next heavy maintenance 
    check or equivalent after [two years after effective date of final 
    rule]. A heavy maintenance check is considered to be any time an 
    airplane is scheduled to be out of service for 4 or more days and is 
    scheduled to include access to major structural components.
        (b) For all turbine-engine-powered airplanes having a passenger 
    seating configuration, excluding any required crewmember seat of 10 to 
    19 seats, that are manufactured after [three years from effective date 
    of final rule]--
        (1) The parameters listed in sections 121.344(a)(1) through 
    121.344(a)(57) must be recorded within the ranges, accuracies, 
    resolutions, and recording intervals specified in appendix M of this 
        (2) Commensurate with the capacity of the recording system, all 
    [[Page 37162]]
    parameters listed in section 121.344(a) for which information sources 
    are installed and which are connected to the recording system, must be 
    recorded within the ranges, accuracies, resolutions, and sampling 
    intervals specified in appendix M of this part by [4 years after 
    effective date of the final rule].
        (c) For all turbine-engine-powered airplanes having a passenger 
    seating configuration, excluding any required crewmember seats, of 10 
    to 19 seats, that are manufactured after [5 years after effective date 
    of final rule], the parameters listed in section 121.344(a)(1) through 
    (a)(88) must be recorded within the ranges, accuracies, resolutions, 
    and recording intervals specified in appendix M of this part.
        (d) Each flight data recorder system required by this section must 
    be installed in accordance with the requirements of section 23.1459 
    (a), (b), (d), and (e) of this chapter. A correlation must be 
    established between the values recorded by the flight data recorder and 
    the corresponding values being measured. The correlation must contain a 
    sufficient number of correlation points to accurately establish the 
    conversion from the recorded values to engineering units or discrete 
    state over the full operating range of the parameter. A single 
    correlation may be established for any group of airplanes--
        (1) That are of the same type;
        (2) On which the flight recorder system and its installation are 
    the same; and
        (3) On which there is no difference in the type design with respect 
    to the installation of those sensors associated with the flight data 
    recorder system. Correlation documentation must be maintained by the 
    certificate holder.
        (e) All airplanes subject to this section are also subject to the 
    requirements and exceptions stated in sections 121.344(g) through 
        (f) The following airplane types need not comply with this section, 
    but must continue to comply with applicable paragraphs of section 
    135.152 of this chapter, as appropriate: Beech Aircraft--99 Series, 
    Beech Aircraft 1300, Beech Aircraft 1900C, Construcciones Aeronauticas, 
    S.A. (CASA) C-212, deHaviland DHC-6, Dornier 228, HS-748, Embraer EMB 
    110, Jetstream 3101, Jetstream 3201, Fairchild Aircraft SA-226.
        4. Appendix M to part 121 is added to read as follows:
                                                 Appendix M to Part 121.--Airplane Flight Recorder Specification                                            
     [The recorded values must meet the designated range, resolution, and accuracy requirements during dynamic and static conditions. All data recorded must
                                                           be correlated in time to within one second]                                                      
                                                                 Accuracy  (sensor     Seconds per sampling                                                 
                Parameters                      Range                  input)                Interval             Resolution                Remarks         
    1. Time or Relative Time counts...  24 Hrs, 0 to 4095....  +/-0.125% Per Hour...  4....................  1 sec...............  UTC time preferred when  
                                                                                                                                    available. Counter      
                                                                                                                                    increments each 4       
                                                                                                                                    seconds of system       
    2. Pressure Altitude..............  -1000 ft to max        +/-100 to +/-700 ft    1....................  5' to 35'...........  Data should be obtained  
                                         certificated           (see table, TSO                                                     from the air data       
                                         altitude of            C124a or TSO C51a).                                                 computer when           
                                         aircraft. +5000 ft.                                                                        practicable.            
    3. Indicated airspeed or            50 KIAS or minimum     +/-5% and +/-3%......  1....................  1 kt................  Data should be obtained  
     Calibrated airspeed.                value to Max Vso,                                                                          from the air data       
                                         and Vso to 1.2 V.D.                                                                        computer when           
    4. Heading (Primary flight crew     0-360 deg. and         +/-2 deg.............  1....................  0.5 deg.............  When true or magnetic    
     reference).                         Discrete ``true'' or                                                                       heading can be selected 
                                         ``mag''.                                                                                   as the primary heading  
                                                                                                                                    reference, a discrete   
                                                                                                                                    indicating selection    
                                                                                                                                    must be recorded.       
    5. Normal Acceleration (Vertical).  -3g to +6g...........  +/-1% of max range     0.125................  0.01g.                                         
                                                                excluding datum                                                                             
                                                                error of +/-5%.                                                                             
    6. Pitch Altitude.................  +/-75 deg............  +/-2 deg.............  1 or 0.25 for          0.5 deg.............  A sampling rate of 0.25  
                                                                                       airplanes operated                           is recommended.         
                                                                                       under Sec.                                                           
    7. Roll Altitude..................  +/-180 deg...........  +/-2 deg.............  1 or 0.5 for           0.5 deg.............  A sampling rate of 0.5 is
                                                                                       airplanes operated                           recommended.            
                                                                                       under Sec.                                                           
    8. Manual Radio Transmitter Keying  On-Off (Discrete)....  .....................  1....................  ....................  Preferably each crew     
     or CVR/DFDR synchronization                                                                                                    member but one discrete 
     reference.                                                                                                                     acceptable for all      
                                                                                                                                    transmission provided   
                                                                                                                                    the CVR/FDR system      
                                                                                                                                    complies with TSO C124a 
                                                                                                                                    CVR synchronization     
                                                                                                                                    requirements (paragraph 
                                                                                                                                    4.2.1 ED-55).           
    9. Thrust/Power on Each Engine--    Full Range Forward...  +/-2%................  1 (per engine).......  0.2% of full range..  Sufficient parameters    
     primary flight crew reference.                                                                                                 (e.g. EPR, N1 or Torque,
                                                                                                                                    NP) as appropriate to   
                                                                                                                                    the particular engine be
                                                                                                                                    recorded to determine   
                                                                                                                                    power in forward and    
                                                                                                                                    reverse thrust,         
                                                                                                                                    including potential     
                                                                                                                                    overspeed conditions.   
    10. Autopilot Engagement..........  Discrete ``on'' or     .....................  1.                                                                    
    [[Page 37163]]
    11. Longitudinal Acceleration.....  +/-1g................  +/-1.5% max. range     0.25.................  0.01g...............                           
                                                                excluding datum                                                                             
                                                                error of +/-5%.                                                                             
    12a. Pitch Control(s) position      Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5 or 0.25 for        0.2% of full range..  For airplanes that have a
     (non-fly-by-wire systems.                                  Higher Accuracy        airplanes operated                           flight control break    
                                                                Uniquely Required.     under Sec.                                   away capability that    
                                                                                       121.344(f).                                  allows either pilot to  
                                                                                                                                    operate the controls    
                                                                                                                                    independently, record   
                                                                                                                                    both control inputs. The
                                                                                                                                    control inputs may be   
                                                                                                                                    sampled alternately once
                                                                                                                                    per second to produce   
                                                                                                                                    the sampling interval of
                                                                                                                                    0.5 or 0.25, as         
    12b. Pitch Control(s) position      Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5 or 0.25 for        0.2% of full range..                           
     (fly-by-wire systems).                                     Higher Accuracy,       airplanes operated                                                   
                                                                Uniquely Required.     under Sec.                                                           
    13a. Lateral Control position(s)    Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5 or 0.25 for        0.2% of full range..  For airplanes that have a
     (non-fly-by-wire).                                         Higher Accuracy        airplanes operated                           flight control break    
                                                                Uniquely Required.     under Sec.                                   away capability that    
                                                                                       121.344(f).                                  allows either pilot to  
                                                                                                                                    operate the controls    
                                                                                                                                    independently, record   
                                                                                                                                    both control inputs. The
                                                                                                                                    control inputs may be   
                                                                                                                                    sampled alternately once
                                                                                                                                    per second to produce   
                                                                                                                                    the sampling interval of
                                                                                                                                    0.5 or 0.25, as         
    13b. Lateral Control positions(s)   Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5 or 0.25 for        0.2% of full range.   .........................
     (fly-by-wire).                                             Higher Accuracy        airplanes operated                                                   
                                                                Uniquely Required.     under Sec.                                                           
    14a. Yaw Control positions(s) (fly- Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5..................  0.2% of full range..  For airplanes that have a
     by-wire).                                                  Higher Accuracy                                                     flight control break    
                                                                Uniquely Required.                                                  away capability that    
                                                                                                                                    allows either pilot to  
                                                                                                                                    operate the controls    
                                                                                                                                    independently, record   
                                                                                                                                    both control inputs. The
                                                                                                                                    control inputs may be   
                                                                                                                                    sampled alternately once
                                                                                                                                    per second to produce   
                                                                                                                                    the sampling interval of
    14b. Yaw Control positions(s) (fly- Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5..................  0.2% of full range..  .........................
     by-wire).                                                  Higher Accuracy                                                                             
                                                                Uniquely Required.                                                                          
    15. Pitch Control Surface(s)        Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5 or 0.25 for        0.2% of full range..  For airplanes fitted with
     Position.                                                  Higher Accuracy        airplanes operated                           multiple or split       
                                                                Uniquely Required.     under Sec.                                   surfaces, a suitable    
                                                                                       121.344(f).                                  combination of inputs is
                                                                                                                                    acceptable in lieu of   
                                                                                                                                    recording each surface  
                                                                                                                                    separately. The control 
                                                                                                                                    surfaces may be sampled 
                                                                                                                                    alternately to produce  
                                                                                                                                    the sampling interval of
                                                                                                                                    0.5 or 0.25.            
    16. Lateral Control Surface(s)      Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5 or 0.25 for        0.2% of full range..  A suitable combination of
     Position.                                                  Higher Accuracy        airplanes operated                           surface position sensors
                                                                Uniquely Required.     under Sec.                                   is acceptble in lieu of 
                                                                                       121.344(f).                                  recording each surface  
                                                                                                                                    separately. The control 
                                                                                                                                    surfaces may be sampled 
                                                                                                                                    alternately to produce  
                                                                                                                                    the sampling interval of
                                                                                                                                    0.5 or 0.25.            
    17. Yaw Control Surface(s)........  Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5..................  0.2% of full range..  For airplanes with       
                                                                Higher Accuracy                                                     multiple or split       
                                                                Uniquely Required.                                                  surfaces, a suitable    
                                                                                                                                    combination of surface  
                                                                                                                                    position sensors is     
                                                                                                                                    acceptable in lieu of   
                                                                                                                                    recording each surface  
                                                                                                                                    separately. The control 
                                                                                                                                    surfaces may be sampled 
                                                                                                                                    alternately to produce  
                                                                                                                                    the sampling interval of
    18. Lateral Acceleration..........  +/-1g................  +/-1.5% max. range     0.25.................  0.01g.                .........................
                                                                excluding datum                                                                             
                                                                error of +/-5%.                                                                             
    19. Pitch Trim Surface Position...  Full Range...........  +/-3% Unless Higher    1....................  0.3% of full range.   .........................
                                                                Accuracy Uniquely                                                                           
    [[Page 37164]]
    20. Trailing Edge Flap or Cockpit   Full Range or Each     +/-3 deg. or as        2....................  0.5% of full range..  Flap positin and cockpit 
     Control Selection.                  Position (discrete).   Pilot's indicator.                                                  control may each be     
                                                                                                                                    sampled alternately at 4
                                                                                                                                    second intervals, to    
                                                                                                                                    give a data point every 
                                                                                                                                    2 seconds.              
    21. Leading Edge Flap or Cockpit    Full Range or Each     +/-3 deg. or as        2....................  0.5% of full range..  Left and right sides, or 
     Control Selection.                  Discrete Position.     Pilot's indicator                                                   flap position and       
                                                                and sufficient to                                                   cockpit control may each
                                                                determine each                                                      be sampled at 4 second  
                                                                discrete position..                                                 intervals, so as to give
                                                                                                                                    a data point every 2    
    22. Each Thurst Reverser Position   Stowed, In Transit,    .....................  1 (per engine).......  ....................  Turbo-jet--2 discretes   
     (or equivalent for propeller        and Reverse                                                                                enable the 3 states to  
     airplane).                          (Discrete).                                                                                be determined, Turbo--  
                                                                                                                                    prop--1 discrete.       
    23. Ground Spoiler Position or      Full Range or Each     +/-2 deg. Unless       1 0.5 for airplanes    0.2% of full range..  .........................
     Speed Brake Selection.              Position (discrete).   Higher Accuracy        operated under Sec.                                                  
                                                                Uniquely Required.     121.344(f).                                                          
    24. Outside Air Temperature or      -50 deg.C to +90       +/-2 deg.C...........  2....................  0.3 deg.C.            .........................
     Total Air Temperature.              deg.C.                                                                                                             
    25. Autopilot/Autothrottle/AFCS     A suitable             .....................  1....................  ....................  Discretes should show    
     Mode and Engagement Status.         combination of                                                                             which systems are       
                                         discretes.                                                                                 engaged and which       
                                                                                                                                    primary modes are       
                                                                                                                                    controlling the flight  
                                                                                                                                    path and speed of the   
    26. Radio Altitude................  -20 ft to 2,500 ft...  +/-2 ft or +/-3%       1....................  1 ft + 5% above 500   For autoland/category 3  
                                                                Whichever is Greater                          ft.                   operations each radio   
                                                                Below 500 ft and +/-                                                altimeter should be     
                                                                5% Above 500 ft.                                                    recorded, but arranged  
                                                                                                                                    so that at least one is 
                                                                                                                                    recorded each second.   
    27. Localizer Deviation or MLS      +/-400 Microamps or    As installed +/-3%     1....................  0.3% of full range..  For autoland/category 3  
     Azimuth.                            available sensor       recommended.                                                        operations each system  
                                         range as installed,                                                                        should be recorded but  
                                         +/-62 deg..                                                                                arranged so that at     
                                                                                                                                    least one is recorded   
                                                                                                                                    each second. It is not  
                                                                                                                                    necessary to record ILS 
                                                                                                                                    and MLS at the same     
                                                                                                                                    time, only the approach 
                                                                                                                                    aid in use need be      
    28. Glideslope Deviation or MLS     +/-400 Microamps or    As installed +/-3%     1....................  0.3% of full range..  For autoland/category 3  
     Elevation.                          available sensor       recommended.                                                        operations each system  
                                         range as installed,                                                                        should be recorded but  
                                         0.9 to + 30 deg..                                                                          arranged so that at     
                                                                                                                                    least one is recorded   
                                                                                                                                    each second. It is not  
                                                                                                                                    necessary to record ILS 
                                                                                                                                    and MLS at the same     
                                                                                                                                    time, only the approach 
                                                                                                                                    aid in use need be      
    29. Marker Beacon Passage.........  Discrete ``on'' or     .....................  1....................  ....................  A single discrete is     
                                         ``off''.                                                                                   acceptable for all      
    30. Master Warning................  Discrete.............  .....................  1....................  ....................  Record the master warning
                                                                                                                                    and record each `red'   
                                                                                                                                    warning that cannot be  
                                                                                                                                    determined from other   
                                                                                                                                    parameters or from the  
                                                                                                                                    cockpit voice recorder. 
    31. Air/ground sensor (primary      Discrete ``air'' or    .....................  1 (0.25 recommended).                                                 
     airplane system reference nose or   ``ground''.                                                                                                        
     main gear).                                                                                                                                            
    32. Angle of Attack (If measured    As installed.........  As Installed.........  2 or 0.5 for           0.3% of full range..  If left and right sensors
     directly).                                                                        airplanes operated                           are available, each may 
                                                                                       under Sec.                                   be recorded at 4 second 
                                                                                       121.344(f).                                  intervals so as to give 
                                                                                                                                    a data point each half  
    33. Hydraulic Pressure Low, Each    Discrete or available  +/-5%................  2....................  0.5% of full range..  .........................
     System.                             sensor range,                                                                                                      
                                         ``low''or ``normal''.                                                                                              
    34. Groundspeed...................  As Installed.........  Most Accurate Systems  1....................  0.2% of full range.   .........................
    [[Page 37165]]
    35. GPWS (ground proximity warning  Discrete ``warning''   .....................  1....................  ....................  A suitable combination of
     system).                            or ``off''.                                                                                discretes unless        
                                                                                                                                    recorder capacity is    
                                                                                                                                    limited in which case a 
                                                                                                                                    single discrete for all 
                                                                                                                                    modes is acceptable.    
    36. Landing Gear Position or        Discrete.............  .....................  4....................  ....................  A suitable combination of
     Landing gear cockpit control                                                                                                   discretes should be     
     selection.                                                                                                                     recorded.               
    37. Drift Angle...................  As installed.........  As installed.........  4....................  0.1 deg..             .........................
    38. Wind Speed and Direction......  As installed.........  As installed.........  4....................  1 knot, and 1.0                                
    39. Latitude and Longitude........  As installed.........  As installed.........  4....................  0.002 deg...........  Provided by the Primary  
                                                                                                                                    Navigation System       
                                                                                                                                    Reference. Where        
                                                                                                                                    capacity permits        
                                                                                                                                    resolution should be    
                                                                                                                                    0.0002 deg..            
    40. Stick shaker and pusher         Discrete(s) ``on'' or  .....................  1....................  ....................  A suitable combination of
     activation.                         ``off''.                                                                                   discretes to determine  
    4l. Windshear Detection...........  Discrete ``warning''   .....................  1                                                                     
                                         or ``off''.                                                                                                        
    42. Throttle/power lever position.  Full Range...........  +/-2%................  1 for each lever.....  2% of full range....  For airplanes with non-  
                                                                                                                                    mechanically linked     
                                                                                                                                    cockpit engine controls.
    43. Additional Engine Parameters..  As installed.........  As installed.........  Each engine each       2% of full range....  Where capacity permits,  
                                                                                       second.                                      the preferred priority  
                                                                                                                                    is indicated vibration  
                                                                                                                                    level, N2, EGT, Fuel    
                                                                                                                                    Flow, Fuel Cut-off lever
                                                                                                                                    position and N3, unless 
                                                                                                                                    engine manufacturer     
                                                                                                                                    recommends otherwise.   
    44. Traffic Alert and Collision     Discretes............  As installed.........  1....................  ....................  A suitable combination of
     Avoidance System (TCAS).                                                                                                       discretes should be     
                                                                                                                                    recorded to determine   
                                                                                                                                    the status of--Combined 
                                                                                                                                    Control, Vertical       
                                                                                                                                    Control, Up Advisory,   
                                                                                                                                    and Down Advisory. (ref.
                                                                                                                                    ARINC Characteristic 735
                                                                                                                                    Attachment 6E, TCAS     
                                                                                                                                    VERTICAL RA DATA OUTPUT 
    45. DME 1 and 2 Distance..........  0-200 NM.............  As installed.........  4....................  1 NM................  1 mile.                  
    46. Nav 1 and 2 Selected Frequency  Full range...........  As installed.........  4....................  ....................  Sufficient to determine  
                                                                                                                                    selected frequency.     
    47. Selected barometric setting...  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  (1 per 64 sec.)......  0.2% of full range.                            
    48. Selected Altitude.............  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  100 ft.                                        
    49. Selected speed................  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  1 knot.                                        
    50. Selected Mach.................  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  .01.                                           
    51. Selected vertical speed.......  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  100 ft/min.                                    
    52. Selected heading..............  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  1 deg..                                        
    53. Selected flight path..........  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  1 deg..                                        
    54. Selected decision height......  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  64...................  1 ft.                                          
    55. EFIS display format...........  Discrete(s)..........  .....................  4....................                        Discretes should show the
                                                                                                                                    display system status   
                                                                                                                                    (e.g., off, normal,     
                                                                                                                                    fail, composite, sector,
                                                                                                                                    plan, nav aids, weather 
                                                                                                                                    radar, range, copy.     
    56. Multi-function/Engine Alerts    Discrete(s)..........  .....................  4....................  ....................  Discretes should show the
     Display format.                                                                                                                display system status   
                                                                                                                                    (e.g., off, normal,     
                                                                                                                                    fail, and the identity  
                                                                                                                                    of display pages for    
                                                                                                                                    emergency procedures,   
                                                                                                                                    need not be recorded.   
    57. Thrust command................  Full Range...........  +/-2%................  2....................  2% of full range.                              
    58. Thrust target.................  Full Range...........  +/-2%................  4....................  2% of full range.                              
    59. Fuel quantity in CG trim tank.  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  (1 per 64 sec.)......  1% of full range.                              
    [[Page 37166]]
    60. Primary Navigation System       Discrete GPS, INS,     .....................  4....................  ....................  A suitable combination of
     Reference.                          VOR/DME, MLS, Loran                                                                        discretes to determine  
                                         C, Omega, Localizer                                                                        the Primary Navigation  
                                         Glideslope.                                                                                System reference.       
    61. Ice Detection.................  Discrete ``ice'' or    .....................  4.                                                                    
                                         ``no ice''.                                                                                                        
    62. Engine warning each engine      Discrete.............  .....................  1.                                                                    
    63. Engine warning each engine      Discrete.............  .....................  1.                                                                    
     over temp.                                                                                                                                             
    64. Engine warning each engine oil  Discrete.............  .....................  1.                                                                    
     pressure low.                                                                                                                                          
    65. Engine warning each engine      Discrete.............  .....................  1.                                                                    
     over speed.                                                                                                                                            
    66. Yaw Trim Surface Position.....  Full Range...........  +/-3% Unless Higher    2....................  0.3% of full range.                            
                                                                Accuracy Uniquely                                                                           
    67. Roll Trim Surface Position....  Full Range...........  +/-3% Unless Higher    2....................  0.3% of full range.                            
                                                                Accuracy Uniquely                                                                           
    68. Brake Pressure (left and        As installed.........  +/-5%................  1....................  ....................  To determine braking     
     right).                                                                                                                        effort applied by pilots
                                                                                                                                    or by autobrakes.       
    69. Brake Pedal Application (left   Discrete or Analog     +/-5% (Analog).......  1....................  ....................  To determine braking     
     and right).                         ``applied'' or                                                                             applied by pilots.      
    70. Yaw or sideslip angle.........  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  0.5 deg..                                      
    71. Engine bleed valve position...  Discrete ``open'' or   .....................  4.                                                                    
    72. De-icing or anti-icing system   Discrete ``on'' or     .....................  4.                                                                    
     selection.                          ``off''.                                                                                                           
    73. Computed center of gravity....  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  (1 per 64 sec.)......  1% of full range....                           
    74. AC electrical bus status......  Discrete ``power'' or  .....................  4....................  ....................  Each bus.                
    75. DC electrical bus status......  Discrete ``power'' or  .....................  4....................  ....................  Each bus.                
    76. APU bleed valve position......  Discrete ``open'' or   .....................  4.                                                                    
    77. Hydraulic Pressure (each        Full range...........  +/-5%................  2....................  100 psi.                                       
    78. Loss of cabin pressure........  Discrete ``loss'' or   .....................  1.                                                                    
    79. Computer failure (critical      Discrete ``fail'' or   .....................  4.                                                                    
     flight and engine control           ``normal''.                                                                                                        
    80. Heads-up display (when an       Discrete(s) ``on'' or  .....................  4.                                           .........................
     information source is installed).   ``off''.                                                                                                           
    81. Para-visual display (when an    Discrete(s) ``on'' or  .....................  1.                                           .........................
     information source is installed).   ``off''.                                                                                                           
    82. Cockpit trim control input      Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  0.2% of full range..  .........................
    [[Page 37167]]
    83. Cockpit trim control input      Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  0.2% of full range..  .........................
    84. Cockpit trim control input      Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  0.2% of full range..  .........................
    85. Trailing edge flap and cockpit  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  2....................  0.5% of full range..  Trailing edge flaps and  
     flap control position.                                                                                                         cockpit flap control    
                                                                                                                                    position may each be    
                                                                                                                                    sampled alternately at 4
                                                                                                                                    second intervals to     
                                                                                                                                    provide a sample each   
                                                                                                                                    0.5 second.             
    86. Leading edge flap and cockpit   Full Range or          +/-5%................  1....................  0.5% of full range..  .........................
     flap control position.              Discrete.                                                                                                          
    87. Ground spoiler position and     Full Range or          +/-5%................  0.5..................  0.2% of full range..  .........................
     speed brake selection.              Discrete.                                                                                                          
    88. All cockpit flight control      Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  0.2% of full range..  For fly-by-wire flight   
     input forces (control wheel,       Control wheel........  +/-70 lbs............                                                control systems, where  
     control column, rudder pedal).     Control Column.......  +/-85 lbs............                                                flight control surface  
                                        Rudder pedal.........  +/-165 lbs...........                                                position is a function  
                                                                                                                                    of the displacement of  
                                                                                                                                    the control input device
                                                                                                                                    only, it is not         
                                                                                                                                    necessary to record this
    6,000 POUNDS OR MORE
        5. The authority citation for part 125 continues to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701-44702, 44705, 44710-
    44711, 44713, 44716-44717, 44722.
        6. Section 125.226 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 125.226  Digital flight recorders.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraph (l) of this section, no person 
    may operate under this part a turbine-engine-powered transport category 
    airplane unless it is equipped with one or more approved flight 
    recorders that use a digital method of recording and storing data and a 
    method of readily retrieving that data from the storage medium. The 
    operational parameters required to be recorded by digital flights data 
    recorders required by this section are as follows; the phrase ``when an 
    information source is installed'' following a parameter indicates that 
    recording of that parameters is not intended to require a change in 
    installed equipment:
        (1) Time;
        (2) Pressure altitude;
        (3) Indicated airspeed;
        (4) Heading--primary flight crew reference (if selectable, record 
    discrete, true or magnetic);
        (5) Normal acceleration (Vertical);
        (6) Pitch attitude;
        (7) Roll attitude;
        (8) Manual radio transmitter keying, or CVR/DFDR synchorinization 
        (9) Thrust/power of each engine--primary flight crew reference;
        (10) Autopilot engagement status:
        (11) Longitudinal acceleration;
        (12) Pitch control input;
        (13) Lateral control input;
        (14) Rudder pedal input;
        (15) Primary pitch control surface position;
        (16) Primary lateral control surface position;
        (17) Primary yaw control surface position;
        (18) Lateral acceleration;
        (19) Pitch trim surface position or the parameters of paragraph 
    (a)(82) of this section, if currently recorded;
        (20) Trailing edge flap or cockpit flap control selection (except 
    when the parameters of paragraph (a)(85) of this section apply);
        (21) Leading edge flap or cockpit flap control selection (except 
    when the parameters of paragraph (a)(86) of this section apply);
        (22) Each Thrust reverser position (or equivalent for propeller 
        (23) Ground spoiler position or speed brake selection (except when 
    the parameters of paragraph (a)(87) of this section apply);
        (24) Outside or total air temperature;
        (25) Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) modes and engagement 
    status, including autothrottle;
        (26) Radio altitude (when an information source is installed);
        (27) Localizer deviation, MLS Azimuth;
        (28) Glideslope deviation, MLS Elevation;
        (29) Maker beacon passage;
        (30) Master warning;
        (31) Air/ground sensor (primary airplane system reference nose or 
    main gear);
        (32) Angle of attack (when information source is installed);
        (33) Hydraulic pressure low (each system);
        (34) Ground speed (when an information source is installed);
        (35) Ground proximity warning system;
        (36) Landing gear position or landing gear cockpit control 
        (37) Drift angle (when an information source is installed);
        (38) Wind speed and direction (when an information source is 
        (39) Latitude and longitude (when an information source is 
        (40) Stick shaker/pusher (when an information source is installed);
        (41) Windshear (when an information source is installed);
        (42) Throttle/power lever position;
        (43) Additional engine parameters (as designated in appendix E of 
    this part);
        (44) Traffic alert and collision avoidance system;
    [[Page 37168]]
        (45) DME 1 and 2 distances;
        (46) Nav 1 and 2 selected frequency;
        (47) Selected barometric setting (when an information source is 
        (48) Selected altitude (when an information source is installed);
        (49) Selected speed (when an information source is installed);
        (50) Selected mach (when an information source is installed);
        (51) Selected vertical speed (when an information source is 
        (52) Selected heading (when an information source is installed);
        (53) Selected flight path (when an information source is 
        (54) Selected decision height (when an information source is 
        (55) EFIS display format;
        (56) Multi-function/engine/alerts display format;
        (57) Thrust command (when an information source is installed);
        (58) Thrust target (when an information source is installed);
        (59) Fuel quantity in CG trim tank (when an information source is 
        (60) Primary Navigation System Reference;
        (61) Icing (when an information source is installed);
        (62) Engine warning each engine vibration (when an information 
    source is installed);
        (63) Engine warning each engine over temp. (when an information 
    source is installed);
        (64) Engine warning each engine oil pressure low (when an 
    information source is installed);
        (65) Engine warning each engine over speed (when an information 
    source is installed);
        (66) Yaw trim surface position;
        (67) Roll trim surface position;
        (68) Brake pressure (selected system);
        (69) Brake pedal application (left and right);
        (70) Yaw or sideslip angle (when an information source is 
        (71) Engine bleed valve position (when an information source is 
        (72) De-icing or anti-icing system selection (when an information 
    source is installed);
        (73) Computed center of gravity (when an information source is 
        (74) AC electrical bus status;
        (75) DC electrical bus status;
        (76) APU bleed valve position (when an information source is 
        (77) Hydraulic pressure (each system);
        (78) Loss of cabin pressure;
        (79) Computer failure;
        (80) Heads-up display (when an information source is installed);
        (81) Para-visual display (when an information source is installed);
        (82) Cockpit trim control input position--pitch;
        (83) Cockpit trim control input position--roll;
        (84) Cockpit trim control input position--yaw;
        (85) Trailing edge flap and cockpit flap control position;
        (86) Leading edge flap and cockpit flap control position;
        (87) Ground spoiler position and speed brake selection; and
        (88) All cockpit flight control input forces (control wheel, 
    control column, rudder pedal).
        (b) For all turbine-engine powered transport category airplanes 
    manufactured on or before October 11, 1991, by [four years from 
    effective date of final rule]--
        (1) For airplanes not equipped as of July 15, 1996 with a flight 
    data acquisition unit (FDAU), the parameters listed in paragraphs 
    (a)(1) through (a)(18) of this section must be recorded within the 
    ranges and accuracies specified in appendix D of this part, and--
        (i) For airplanes with more than two engines, the parameter 
    described in paragraph (a)(18) is not required unless sufficient 
    capacity is available on the existing recorder to record that 
        (ii) Parameters listed in paragraphs (a)(12) through (a)(17) each 
    may be recorded from a single source.
        (2) For airlines that were equipped as of July 15, 1996 with a 
    flight data acquisition unit (FDAU), the parameters listed in 
    paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(22) of this section must be recorded 
    within the ranges, accuracies, and recording intervals specified in 
    appendix E of this part. Parameters listed in paragraphs (a)(12) 
    through (a)(17) each may be recorded from a single source.
        (3) The approved flight recorder required by this section must be 
    installed at the earliest time practicable, but no later than the next 
    heavy maintenance check after [two years after effective date of final 
    rule], and no later than [four years after the effective date of the 
    final rule]. A heavy maintenance check is considered to be any time an 
    airplane is scheduled to be out of service for 4 or more days and is 
    scheduled to include access to major structural components.
        (c) For all turbine-engine powered transport category airplanes 
    manufactured on or before October 11, 1991--
        (1) That were equipped as of July 15, 1996 with one or more digital 
    data bus(es) and an ARINC 717 digital flight data acquisition unit 
    (DFDAU) or equivalent, the parameters specified in paragraphs (a)(1) 
    through (a)(22) of this section must be recorded within the ranges, 
    accuracies, resolutions, and sampling intervals specified in appendix E 
    of this part by [4 years after effective date of the final rule]. 
    Parameters listed in paragraphs (a)(12) through (a)(14) each may be 
    recorded from a single source.
        (2) Commensurate with the capacity of the recording system (DFDAU 
    or equivalent and the DFDR), all additional parameters for which 
    information sources are installed and which are connected to the 
    recording system, must be recorded within the ranges, accuracies, 
    resolutions, and sampling intervals specified in appendix E of this 
    part by [4 years after effective date of the final rule].
        (3) That were subject to Sec. 125.225(e) of this part, all 
    conditions of Sec. 125.225(c) must continue to be met until compliance 
    with paragraph (c)(1) of this section is accomplished.
        (d) For all turbine-engine-powered transport category airplanes 
    that were manufactured after October 11, 1991,--
        (1) The parameters listed in paragraph (a)(1) through (a)(34) of 
    this section must be recorded within the ranges, accuracies, 
    resolutions, and recording intervals specified in appendix E of this 
    part by [4 years after effective date of the final rule]. Parameters 
    listed in paragraphs (a)(12) through (a)(14) each may be recorded from 
    a single source.
        (2) Commensurate with the capacity of the recording system, all 
    additional parameters for which information sources are installed and 
    which are connected to the recording system, must be recorded within 
    the ranges, accuracies, resolutions, and sampling intervals specified 
    in appendix E of this part by [4 years after effective date of the 
    final rule].
        (e) For all turbine-engine-powered transport category airplanes 
    that are manufactured after [3 years after effective date of the final 
        (1) The parameters listed in paragraph (a)(1) through (57) of this 
    section must be recorded within the ranges, accuracies, resolutions, 
    and recording intervals specified in appendix E of this part.
        (2) Commensurate with the capacity of the recording system, all 
    additional parameters for which information sources are installed and 
    which are connected to the recording system, must be recorded within 
    the ranges, accuracies, resolutions, and sampling intervals specified 
    in appendix E of this part.
    [[Page 37169]]
        (f) For all turbine-engine-powered transport category airplanes 
    that are manufactured after [5 years after effective date of final 
    rule], the parameters listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(88) of 
    this section must be recorded within the ranges, accuracies, 
    resolutions, and recording intervals specified in appendix E of this 
        (g) Whenever a flight data recorder required by this section is 
    installed, it must be operated continuously from the instant the 
    airplane begins its takeoff roll until it has completed its landing 
        (h) Except as provided in paragraph (i) of this section, and except 
    for recorded data erased as authorized in this paragraph, each 
    certificate holder shall keep the recorded data prescribed by this 
    section, as appropriate, until the airplane has been operated for at 
    least 25 hours of the operating time specified in Sec. 121.359(a) of 
    this part. A total of 1 hour of recorded data may be erased for the 
    purpose of testing the flight recorder or the flight recorder system. 
    Any erasure made in accordance with this paragraph must be of the 
    oldest recorded data accumulated at the time of testing. Except as 
    provided in paragraph (i) of this section, no record need be kept more 
    than 60 days.
        (i) In the event of an accident or occurence that requires 
    immediate notification of the National Transportation Safety Board 
    under 49 CFR part 830 of its regulations and that results in 
    termination of the flight, the certificate holder shall remove the 
    recorder from the airplane and keep the recorder data prescribed by 
    this section, as appropriate, for at least 60 days or for a longer 
    period upon the request of the Board or the Administrator.
        (j) Each flight data recorder system required by this section must 
    be installed in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 25.1459 (a), 
    (b), (d), and (e) of this chapter. A correlation must be established 
    between the values recorded by the flight data recorder and the 
    corresponding values being measured. The correlation must contain a 
    sufficient number of correlation points to accurately establish the 
    conversion from the recorded values to engineering units or discrete 
    state over the full operating range of the parameter. Except for 
    airplanes having separate altitude and airspeed sensors that are an 
    integral part of the flight data recorder system, a single correlation 
    may be established for any group of airplanes--
        (1) That are of the same type;
        (2) On which the flight recorder system and its installation are 
    the same; and
        (3) On which there is no difference in the type design with respect 
    to the installation of those sensors associated with the flight data 
    recorder system. Documentation sufficient to convert recorded data into 
    the engineering units and discrete values specified in the applicable 
    appendix must be maintained by the certificate holder.
        (k) Each flight data recorder required by this section must have an 
    approved device to assist in locating that recorder under water.
        (l) The following airplanes need not comply with this section, but 
    must continue to comply with applicable paragraphs of Sec. 125.225 of 
    this chapter, as appropriate:
        (1) Airplanes that meet the Stage 2 noise levels of part 36 of this 
    chapter and are subject to Sec. 91.801(c) of this chapter, until 
    January 1, 2000. On and after January 1, 2000, any Stage 2 airplane 
    otherwise allowed to be operated under part 91 of this chapter must 
    comply with the applicable flight data recorder requirements of this 
    section for that airplane.
        (2) General Dynamics Convair 580, General Dynamics Convair 600, 
    General Dynamics Convair 640, de Havilland Aircraft Company Ltd. DHC-7, 
    Fairchild Aircraft, Inc., FH 227, Fokker F-27 (except Mark 50), F-28 
    Mark 1000 and Mark 4000, Gulfstream Aerospace G-159, Lockheed Aircraft 
    Corporation Electra 10-A, Lockheed Aircraft Corporation Electra 10-B, 
    Lockheed Aircraft Corporation Electra 10-E, Maryland Air Industries, 
    Inc. F27, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. YS-11, Short Bros. Limited 
    SD3-30, Short Bros. Limited SD3-60.
        7. Appendix E to part 125 is added to read as follows:
                                                 Appendix E to Part 125.--Airplane Flight Recorder Specification                                            
     [The recorded values must meet the designated range, resolution, and accuracy requirements during dynamic and static conditions. All data recorded must
                                                           be correlated in time to within one second]                                                      
                                                                 Accuracy  (sensor     Seconds per Sampling                                                 
                Parameters                      Range                  input)                Interval             Resolution                Remarks         
    1. Time or Relative Time Courts...  24 Hrs 0 to 4095.....  +/-0.125% Per Hour...  4....................  1 sec...............  UTC time preferred when  
                                                                                                                                    available. Counter      
                                                                                                                                    increments each 4       
                                                                                                                                    seconds of system       
    2. Pressure Altitude..............  -1000 ft to max        1/-100 to +/-700 ft    1....................  5' to 35'...........  Data should be obtained  
                                         certificated           (see table, TSO                                                     from the air data       
                                         altitude of            C124a or TSO C51A).                                                 computer when           
                                         aircraft.+5000 ft.                                                                         practicable.            
    3. Indicated airspeed or            50 KIAS or minimum     +/-5% and/-3%+.......  1....................  1 kt................  Data should be obtained  
     Calibrated airspeed.                value to Max VSO,                                                                          from the air data       
                                         and VSO to 1.2 V.D.                                                                        computer when           
    4. Heading (Primary flight crew     0-360 deg. and         +/-2 deg.............  1....................  0.5 deg.............  When true or magnetic    
     reference.                          Discrete ``true''or                                                                        heading can be selected 
                                         ``mag''.                                                                                   as the primary heading  
                                                                                                                                    reference, a discrete   
                                                                                                                                    indicating selection    
                                                                                                                                    must be recorded.       
    5. Normal Acceleration (Vertical).  -3g to +6g...........  +/-1% of max range     0.125................  0.01g.                .........................
                                                                excluding datum                                                                             
                                                                error of +/-5%.                                                                             
    [[Page 37170]]
    6. Pitch Attitude.................  +/-75 deg............  +/-2 deg.............  1 or 0.25 for          0.5 deg.............  A sampling rate of 0.25  
                                                                                       airplanes operated                           is recommended.         
                                                                                       under Sec.                                                           
    7. Roll Attitude..................  +/-180 deg...........  +/-2 deg.............  1 or 0.5 for           0.5 deg.............  A sampling rate of 0.5 is
                                                                                       airplanes operated                           recommended.            
                                                                                       under Sec.                                                           
    8. Manual Radio Transmitter Keying  On-Off (Discrete)      .....................  1....................  ....................  Preferably each crew     
     or CVR/DFDR synchronization         none.                                                                                      member but one discrete 
     reference.                                                                                                                     acceptable for all      
                                                                                                                                    transmission provided   
                                                                                                                                    the CVR/FDR system      
                                                                                                                                    complies with TSO C124a 
                                                                                                                                    CVR synchronization     
                                                                                                                                    requirements (paragraph 
                                                                                                                                    4.2.1 ED-55).           
    9. Thrust/Power on Each Engine--    Full Range Forward...  +/-2%................  1 (per engine).......  0.2% of full range..  Sufficient parameters    
     Primary flight crew reference.                                                                                                 (e.g. EPR, N1 or Torque,
                                                                                                                                    NP) as appropriate to   
                                                                                                                                    the particular engine be
                                                                                                                                    recorded to determine   
                                                                                                                                    power in forward and    
                                                                                                                                    reverse thrust,         
                                                                                                                                    including potential     
                                                                                                                                    overspeed conditions.   
    10. Autopilot Engagement..........  Discrete ``on'' or     .....................  1.                                           .........................
    11. Longitudinal Acceleration.....  +/-1g................  +/-1.5% max. range     0.25.................  0.01g                 .........................
                                                                excluding datum                                                                             
                                                                error of +/-5%.                                                                             
    12a. Pitch Control(s) position      Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5 or 0.25 for        0.2% of full range..  For airplanes that have a
     (non-fly-by-wire systems.                                  Higher Accuracy        airplanes operated                           flight control break    
                                                                Uniquely Required.     under Sec.                                   away capability that    
                                                                                       121.344(f).                                  allows either pilot to  
                                                                                                                                    operate the controls    
                                                                                                                                    independently, record   
                                                                                                                                    both control inputs. The
                                                                                                                                    control inputs may be   
                                                                                                                                    sampled alternately once
                                                                                                                                    per second to produce   
                                                                                                                                    the sampling interval of
                                                                                                                                    0.5 or 0.25, as         
    12b. Pitch Control(s) position      Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5 or 0.25 for        0.2% of full range..  .........................
     (fly-by-wire systems).                                     Higher Accuracy        airplanes operated                                                   
                                                                Uniquely Required.     under Sec.                                                           
    13a. Lateral Control position(s)    Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5 or 0.25 for        0.2% of full range..  For airplanes that have a
     (non-fly-by-wire).                                         Higher Accuracy        airplanes operated                           flight control break    
                                                                Uniquely Required.     under Sec.                                   away capability that    
                                                                                       121.344(f).                                  allows either pilot to  
                                                                                                                                    operate the controls    
                                                                                                                                    independently, record   
                                                                                                                                    both control inputs The 
                                                                                                                                    control inputs may be   
                                                                                                                                    sampled alternately once
                                                                                                                                    per second to produce   
                                                                                                                                    the sampling interval of
                                                                                                                                    0.5 or 0.25, as         
    13b. Lateral Control position(s)    Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5 or 0.25 for        0.2% of full range.   .........................
     (fly-by-wire).                                             Higher Accuracy        airplanes operated                                                   
                                                                Uniquely Required.     under Sec.                                                           
    14a. Yaw Control position(s) (non-  Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5..................  0.2% of full range..  For airplanes that have a
     fly-by-wire).                                              Higher Accuracy                                                     flight control break    
                                                                Uniquely Required.                                                  away capability that    
                                                                                                                                    allows either pilot to  
                                                                                                                                    operate the controls    
                                                                                                                                    independently, record   
                                                                                                                                    both control inputs. The
                                                                                                                                    control inputs may be   
                                                                                                                                    sampled alternately once
                                                                                                                                    per second to produce   
                                                                                                                                    the sampling interval of
    14b. Yaw Control position(s) (fly-  Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5..................  0.2% of full range.   .........................
     by-wire).                                                  Higher Accuracy                                                                             
                                                                Uniquely Required.                                                                          
    [[Page 37171]]
    15. Pitch Control Surface(s)        Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5 or 0.25 for        0.2% of full range..  For airplanes fitted with
     Position.                                                  Higher Accuracy        airplanes operated                           multiple or split       
                                                                Uniquely Required.     under Sec.                                   surfaces, a suitable    
                                                                                       121.344(f).                                  combination of inputs is
                                                                                                                                    acceptable in lieu of   
                                                                                                                                    recording each surface  
                                                                                                                                    separately. The control 
                                                                                                                                    surfaces may be sampled 
                                                                                                                                    alternately to produce  
                                                                                                                                    the sampling interval of
                                                                                                                                    0.5 or 0.25.            
    16. Lateral Control Surface(s)      Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5 or 0.25 for        0.2% of full range..  A suitable combination of
     Position.                                                  Higher Accuracy        airplanes operated                           surface position sensors
                                                                Uniquely Required.     under Sec.                                   is acceptable in lieu of
                                                                                       121.344(f).                                  recording each surface  
                                                                                                                                    separately. The control 
                                                                                                                                    surfaces may be sampled 
                                                                                                                                    alternately to produce  
                                                                                                                                    the sampling interval of
                                                                                                                                    0.5 or 0.25.            
    17. Yaw Control Surface(s)          Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5..................  0.2% of full range..  For airplanes with       
     Position.                                                  Higher Accuracy                                                     multiple or split       
                                                                Uniquely Required.                                                  surfaces, a suitable    
                                                                                                                                    combination of surface  
                                                                                                                                    position sensors is     
                                                                                                                                    acceptable in lieu of   
                                                                                                                                    recording each surface  
                                                                                                                                    separately. The control 
                                                                                                                                    surfaces may be sampled 
                                                                                                                                    alternately to produce  
                                                                                                                                    the sampling interval of
    18. Lateral Acceleration..........  +/-1g................  +/-1.5% max. range     0.25.................  0.01g.                .........................
                                                                excluding datum                                                                             
                                                                error of +/-5%.                                                                             
    19. Pitch Trim Surface Position...  Full Range...........  +/-3% Unless Higher    1....................  0.3% of full range.   .........................
                                                                Accuracy Uniquely                                                                           
    20. Trailing Edge Flap or Cockpit   Full Range or Each     +/-3 deg. or as        2....................  0.5% of full range..  Flap position and cockpit
     Control Selection.                  Position (discrete)..  Pilot's indicator.                                                  control may each be     
                                                                                                                                    sampled alternately at 4
                                                                                                                                    second intervals, to    
                                                                                                                                    give a data point every 
                                                                                                                                    2 seconds.              
    21. Leading Edge Flap or Cockpit    Full Range or Each     +/-3 deg. or as        2....................  0.5% of full range..  Left and right sides, or 
     Control Selection.                  Discrete Position.     Pilot's indicator                                                   flap position and       
                                                                and sufficient to                                                   cockpit control may each
                                                                determine each                                                      be sampled at 4 second  
                                                                discrete position.                                                  intervals, so as to give
                                                                                                                                    a data point every 2    
    22. Each Thrust Reverser Position   Stowed, In Transit,    .....................  1 (per engine).......  ....................  Turbo-jet 2 discretes    
     (or equivalent for propeller        and Reverse                                                                                enable the 3 states to  
     airplane).                          (Discrete)..                                                                               be determined, Turbo--  
                                                                                                                                    prop--1 discrete.       
    23. Ground Spoiler Position or      Full Range or Each     +/-2 deg. Unless       1, 0.5 for airplanes   0.2% of full range.   .........................
     Speed Brake Selection.              Position (discrete)..  Higher Accuracy        operated under Sec.                                                  
                                                                Uniquely Required.     121.344(f).                                                          
    24. Outside Air Temperature or      -50 deg.C to +90       +/-2 deg. C..........  2....................  0.3 deg. C.           .........................
     Total Air Temperature.              deg.C.                                                                                                             
    25. Autopilot/Autothrottle/AFCS     A suitable             .....................  1....................  ....................  Discretes should show    
     Mode and Engagement Status.         combination of                                                                             which systems are       
                                         discretes.                                                                                 engaged and which       
                                                                                                                                    primary modes are       
                                                                                                                                    controlling the flight  
                                                                                                                                    path and speed of the   
    26. Radio Altitude................  -20 ft to 2,500 ft...  +/-2 ft or +/-3%       1....................  1 ft +5% above 500    For autoland/category 3  
                                                                Whichever is Greater                          ft.                   operations. each radio  
                                                                Below 500 ft and +/-                                                altimeter should be     
                                                                5% Above 500 ft..                                                   recorded, but arranged  
                                                                                                                                    so that at least one is 
                                                                                                                                    recorded each second.   
    27. Localizer Deviation or MLS      +/-400 Microamps or    As installed +/-3%     1....................  0.3% of full range..  For autoland/category 3  
     Azimuth.                            available sensor       recommended.                                                        operations. each system 
                                         range as installed +/                                                                      should be recorded but  
                                         -62 deg..                                                                                  arranged so that at     
                                                                                                                                    least one is recorded   
                                                                                                                                    each second. It is not  
                                                                                                                                    necessary to record ILS 
                                                                                                                                    and MLS at the same     
                                                                                                                                    time, only the approach 
                                                                                                                                    aid in use need be      
    [[Page 37172]]
    28. Glideslope Deviation or MLS     +/-400 Microamps or    As installed +/-3%     1....................  0.3% of full range..  For autoland/category 3  
     Elevation.                          available sensor       recommended.                                                        operations. each system 
                                         range as installed.                                                                        should be recorded but  
                                         0.9 to +30 deg..                                                                           arranged so that at     
                                                                                                                                    least one is recorded   
                                                                                                                                    each second. It is not  
                                                                                                                                    necessary to record ILS 
                                                                                                                                    and MlS at the same     
                                                                                                                                    time, only the approach 
                                                                                                                                    aid in use need be      
    29. Marker Beacon Passage.........  Discrete ``on'' or     .....................  1....................  ....................  A single discrete is     
                                         ``off''.                                                                                   acceptable for all      
    30. Master Warning................  Discrete.............  .....................  1....................  ....................  Record the master warning
                                                                                                                                    and record each ``red'' 
                                                                                                                                    warning that cannot be  
                                                                                                                                    determined from other   
                                                                                                                                    parameters or from the  
                                                                                                                                    cockpit voice recorder. 
    31. Air/ground sensor (primary      Discrete ``air'' or    .....................  1 (0.25 recommended).                                                 
     airplane system reference nose or   ``ground''.                                                                                                        
     main gear).                                                                                                                                            
    32. Angle of Attack (If measured    As installed.........  As Installed.........  2 or 0.5 for           0.3% of full range..  If left and right sensors
     directly).                                                                        airplanes operated                           are available, each may 
                                                                                       under Sec.                                   be recorded at 4 second 
                                                                                       121.344(f).                                  intervals so as to give 
                                                                                                                                    a data point each half  
    33. Hydraulic Pressure Low, Each    Discrete or available  +/-5%................  2....................  0.5% of full range.                            
     System.                             sensor range,                                                                                                      
                                         ``low'' or                                                                                                         
    34. Groundspeed...................  As Installed.........  Most Accurate Systems  1....................  0.2% of full range.                            
    35. GPWS (ground proximity warning  Discrete ``warning''   .....................  1....................  ....................  A suitable combination of
     system).                            or ``off''.                                                                                discretes unless        
                                                                                                                                    recorder capacity is    
                                                                                                                                    limited in which case a 
                                                                                                                                    singel discrete for all 
                                                                                                                                    modes is acceptable.    
    36. Landing Gear Position or        Discrete.............  .....................  4....................  ....................  A suitable combination of
     Landing gear cockpit control                                                                                                   discretes should be     
     selection.                                                                                                                     recorded.               
    37. Drift Angle...................  As installed.........  As installed.........  4....................  0.1%.                                          
    38. Wind Speed and Direction......  As installed.........  As installed.........  4....................  1 knot, and 1.0.                               
    39. Latitude and Longitude........  As installed.........  As installed.........  4....................  0.002 deg...........  Provided by the Primary  
                                                                                                                                    Navigation System       
                                                                                                                                    Reference. Where        
                                                                                                                                    capacity permits        
                                                                                                                                    resolution should be    
                                                                                                                                    0.0002 deg..            
    40. Stick shaker and pusher         Discrete(s) ``on'' or  .....................  1....................  ....................  A suitable combination of
     activation.                         ``off''.                                                                                   discretes to determine  
    41. Windshear Detection...........  Discrete ``warning''   .....................  1.                                                                    
                                         or ``off''.                                                                                                        
    42. Throttle/power lever position.  Full Range...........  +/-2%................  1 for each lever.....  2% of full range....  For airplanes with non-  
                                                                                                                                    mechanically linked     
                                                                                                                                    cockpit engine controls.
    43. Additional Engine Parameters..  As installed.........  As installed.........  Each engine each       2% of full range....  Where capacity permits,  
                                                                                       second.                                      the preferred priority  
                                                                                                                                    is indicated vibration  
                                                                                                                                    level, N2, EGT, Fuel    
                                                                                                                                    Flow, Fuel Cut-off lever
                                                                                                                                    position and N3, unless 
                                                                                                                                    engine manufacturer     
                                                                                                                                    recommends otherwise.   
    44. Traffic Alert and Collision     Discretes............  As installed.........  1....................  ....................  A suitable combination of
     Avoidance System (TCAS).                                                                                                       discretes should be     
                                                                                                                                    recorded to determine   
                                                                                                                                    the status of--Combined 
                                                                                                                                    Control, Vertical       
                                                                                                                                    Control, Up Advisory,   
                                                                                                                                    and Down Advisory. (ref.
                                                                                                                                    ARINC Characteristic 735
                                                                                                                                    Attachment 6E, TCAS     
                                                                                                                                    VERTICAL RA DATA OUTPUT 
    45. DME 1 and 2 Distance..........  0-200 NM;............  As installed.........  4....................  1 NM................  1 mile.                  
    46. Nav 1 and 2 Selected Frequency  Full range...........  As installed.........  4....................  ....................  Sufficient to determine  
                                                                                                                                    selected frequency.     
    47. Selected barometric setting...  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  (1 per 64 sec.)        0.2% of full range..                           
    [[Page 37173]]
    48. Selected Altitude.............  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  100 ft.                                        
    49. Selected speed................  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  1 knot.                                        
    50. Selected Mach.................  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  .01.                                           
    51. Selected vertical speed.......  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  100 ft/min.                                    
    52. Selected heading..............  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  1 deg..                                        
    53. Selected flight path..........  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  1 deg..                                        
    54. Selected decision height......  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  64...................  1 ft.                                          
    55. EFIS display format...........  Discrete(s)..........  .....................  4....................  ....................  Discretes should show the
                                                                                                                                    display system status   
                                                                                                                                    (e.g., off, normal,     
                                                                                                                                    fail, composite, sector,
                                                                                                                                    plan, nav aids, weather 
                                                                                                                                    radar, range, copy.     
    56. Multi-function/Engine Alerts    Discrete(s)..........  .....................  4....................  ....................  Discretes should show the
     Display format.                                                                                                                display system status   
                                                                                                                                    (e.g., off, normal,     
                                                                                                                                    fail, and the identity  
                                                                                                                                    of display pages for    
                                                                                                                                    emergency procedures,   
                                                                                                                                    need not be recorded.   
    57. Thrust command................  Full Range...........  +/-2%................  2....................  2% of full range.                              
    58. Thrust target.................  Full Range...........  +/-2%................  4....................  2% of full range.                              
    59. Fuel quantity in CG trim tank.  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  (1 per 64 sec.)......  1% of full range.                              
    60. Primary Navigation System       Discrete GPS, INS,     .....................  4....................  ....................  A suitable combination of
     Reference.                          VOR/DME, MLS, Loran                                                                        Discretes to determine  
                                         C, Omega, Localizer                                                                        the Primary Navigation  
                                         Glideslope.                                                                                System reference.       
    61. Ice Detection.................  Discrete ``ice'' or    .....................  4.                                                                    
                                         ``no ice''.                                                                                                        
    62. Engine warning each engine      Discrete.............  .....................  1.                                                                    
    63. Engine warning each engine      Discrete.............  .....................  1.                                                                    
     over temp..                                                                                                                                            
    64. Engine warning each engine oil  Discrete.............  .....................  1.                                                                    
     pressure low.                                                                                                                                          
    65. Engine warning each engine      Discrete.............  .....................  1.                                                                    
     over speed.                                                                                                                                            
    66. Yaw Trim Surface Position.....  Full Range...........  +/-3% Unless Higher    2....................  0.3% of full range.                            
                                                                Accuracy Uniquely                                                                           
    67. Roll Trim Surface Position....  Full Range...........  +/-3% Unless Higher    2....................  0.3% of full range..                           
                                                                Accuracy Uniquely                                                                           
    68. Brake Pressure (left and        As installed.........  +/-5%................  1....................  ....................  To determine braking     
     right).                                                                                                                        effort applied by pilots
                                                                                                                                    or by autobrakes.       
    69. Brake Pedal Application (left   Discrete or Analog     +/-5% (Analog).......  1....................  ....................  To determine braking     
     and right).                         ``applied'' or                                                                             applied by pilots.      
    70. Yaw or sideslip angle.........  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  0.5 deg.                                       
    71. Engine bleed valve position...  Discrete ``open'' or   .....................  4.                                                                    
    72. De-icing or anti-icing system   Discrete ``on'' or     .....................  4.                                                                    
     selection.                          ``off''.                                                                                                           
    73. Computed center of gravity....  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  (1 per 64 sec.)......  1% of full range....                           
    74. AC electrical bus status......  Discrete ``power'' or  .....................  4....................  ....................  Each bus.                
    [[Page 37174]]
    75. DC electric bus status........  Discrete ``power'' or  .....................  4....................  ....................  Each bus.                
    76. APU bleed valve position......  Discrete ``open'' or   .....................  4.                                                                    
    77. Hydraulic Pressure (each        Full Range...........  +/-5%................  2....................  100 psi.                                       
    78. Loss of cabin pressure........  Discrete ``loss'' or   .....................  1.                                                                    
    79. Computer failure (critical      Discrete ``fail'' or   .....................  4.                                                                    
     flight and engine control           ``normal''.                                                                                                        
    80. Heads-up display (when an       Discrete(s) ``on'' or  .....................  4.                                                                    
     information source is installed).   ``off''.                                                                                                           
    81. Para-visual display (when an    Discrete(s) ``on'' or  .....................  1.                                                                    
     information source is installed).   ``off''.                                                                                                           
    82. Cockpit trim control input      Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  0.2% of full range.                            
    83. Cockpit trim control input      Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  0.2% of full range.                            
    84. Cockpit trim control input      Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  0.2% of full range.                            
    85. Trailing edge flap and cockpit  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  2....................  0.5% of full range..  Trailing edge flaps and  
     flap control position.                                                                                                         cockpit flap control    
                                                                                                                                    position may each be    
                                                                                                                                    sampled alternately at 4
                                                                                                                                    second intervals to     
                                                                                                                                    provide a sample each   
                                                                                                                                    0.5 second.             
    86. Leading edge flap and cockpit   Full Range or          +/-5%................  1....................  0.5% of full range.                            
     flap control position.              Discrete.                                                                                                          
    87. Ground spoiler position and     Full Range or          +/-5%................  0.5..................  0.2% of full range..                           
     speed brake selection.              discrete.                                                                                                          
    88. All cockpit flight control      Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  0.2% of full range..  For fly-by-wire flight   
     input forces (control wheel,       Control wheel........  +/-70 lbs............                                                control systems, where  
     control column, rudder pedal).     Control Column.......  +/-85 lbs............                                                flight control surface  
                                        Rudder pedal.........  +/-165 lbs...........                                                position is a function  
                                                                                                                                    of the displacement of  
                                                                                                                                    the control input device
                                                                                                                                    only, it is not         
                                                                                                                                    necessary to record this
        8. The authority citation for part 129 continues to read as 
        Authority: 49 USC 106(g), 40104-40105, 40113, 40119, 44701-
    44702, 44712, 44716-44717, 44722, 44901-44904, 44096.
        9. In Sec. 129.1, the first sentence of paragraph (b) is revised to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 129.1  Applicability.
    * * * * *
        (b) Sections 129.14 and 129.20 also apply to U.S.-registered 
    aircraft operated in common carriage by a foreign person or foreign air 
    carrier solely outside the United States. * * *
        10. Section 129.20 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 129.20  Digital flight data recorders.
        No person may operate an aircraft under this part that is 
    registered in the United States unless it is equipped with one or more 
    approved flight recorders that use a digital method of recording and 
    storing data and a method of readily retrieving that data from the 
    storage medium. The flight data recorder must record the parameters 
    that would be required to be recorded if the aircraft were operated 
    under parts 121 or 135 of this chapter, and must be installed by the 
    compliance times required by those parts, as applicable to the 
        11. The authority citation for part 135 continues to read as 
        Authority: 49 USC 106(g), 40113, 44701-44702, 44705, 44709, 
    44711-44713, 44715-44717, 44722.
        12. Section 135.152 is revised to read as follows:
    [[Page 37175]]
    Sec. 135.152  Flight recorders.
    * * * * *
        (f) (1) For airplanes manufactured on or before [3 years after 
    effective date of final rule], and all other aircraft, each flight 
    recorder required by this section must be installed in accordance with 
    the requirements of Sec. 23.1459, 25.1459, 27.1459, or 29.1459, as 
    appropriate, of this chapter. The correlation required by paragraph (c) 
    of Secs. 23.1459, 25.1459, 27.1459, or 29.1459, as appropriate, of this 
    chapter need be established only on one aircraft of a group of 
        (i) That are of the same type;
        (ii) On which the flight recorder models and their installations 
    are the same; and
        (iii) On which there are no differences in the type design with 
    respect to the installation of the first pilot's instruments associated 
    with the flight recorder. The most recent instrument calibration, 
    including the recording medium from which this calibration is derived, 
    and the recorder correlation must be retained by the certificate 
        (f) (2) For airplanes manufactured after [3 years after effective 
    date of final rule], each flight data recorder system required by this 
    section must be installed in accordance with the requirements of 
    Sec. 23.1459 (a), (b), (d), and (e) of this chapter, or Sec. 25.1459 
    (a), (b), (d), and (e) of this chapter. A correlation must be 
    established between the values recorded by the flight data recorder and 
    the corresponding values being measured. The correlation must contain a 
    sufficient number of correlation points to accurately establish the 
    conversion from the recorded values to engineering units or discrete 
    state over the full operating range of the parameter. Except for 
    airplanes having separate altitude and airspeed sensors that are an 
    integral part of the flight data recorder system, a single correlation 
    may be established for any group of airplanes--
        (i) That are of the same type;
        (ii) On which the flight recorder system and its installation are 
    the same; and
        (iii) On which there is no difference in the type design with 
    respect to the installation of those sensors associated with the flight 
    data recorder system. Documentation sufficient to convert recorded data 
    into the engineering units and discrete values specified in the 
    applicable appendix must be maintained by the certificate holder.
    * * * * *
        13. In Sec. 135.152, new paragraphs (h), (i), and (j) are added to 
    read as follows:
    * * * * *
        (h) The operational parameters required to be recorded by digital 
    flight data recorders required by paragraphs (i) and (j) of this 
    section are as follows; the phrase ``when an information source is 
    installed'' following a parameter indicates that recording of that 
    parameter is not intended to require a change in installed equipment:
        (1) Time;
        (2) Pressure altitude;
        (3) Indicated airspeed;
        (4) Heading--primary flight crew reference (if selectable, record 
    discrete, true or magnetic);
        (5) Normal acceleration (Vertical);
        (6) Pitch attitude;
        (7) Roll attitude;
        (8) Manual radio transmitter keying, or CVR/DFDR synchronization 
        (9) Thrust/power of each engine--primary flight crew reference;
        (10) Autopilot engagement status;
        (11) Longitudinal acceleration;
        (12) Pitch control input;
        (13) Lateral control input;
        (14) Rudder pedal input;
        (15) Primary pitch control surface position;
        (16) Primary lateral control surface position;
        (17) Primary yaw control surface position;
        (18) Lateral acceleration;
        (19) Pitch trim surface position or the parameters of paragraph 
    (h)(82) of this section, if currently recorded;
        (20) Trailing edge flap or cockpit flap control selection (except 
    when the parameters of paragraph (h)(85) of this section apply);
        (21) Leading edge flap or cockpit flap control selection (except 
    when the parameters of paragraph (h)(86) of this section apply);
        (22) Each Thrust reverser position (or equivalent for propeller 
        (23) Ground spoiler position or speed brake selection (except when 
    the parameters of paragraph (h)(87) of this section apply);
        (24) Outside or total air temperature;
        (25) Automatic Flight Control system (AFCS) modes and engagement 
    status, including autothrottle;
        (26) Radio altitude (when an information source is installed);
        (27) Localizer deviation, MLS Azimuth;
        (28) Glideslope deviation, MLS Elevation;
        (29) Market beacon passage;
        (30) Master warning;
        (31) Air/ground sensor (primary airplane system reference nose or 
    main gear);
        (32) Angle of attack (when information source is installed);
        (33) Hydraulic pressure low (each system);
        (34) Ground speed (when an information source is installed);
        (35) Ground proximity warning system;
        (36) Landing gear position or landing gear cockpit control 
        (37) Drift angle (when an information source is installed);
        (38) Wind speed and direction (when an information source is 
        (39) Latitude and longitude (when an information source is 
        (40) Stick shaker/pusher (when an information source is installed);
        (41) Windshear (when an information source is installed);
        (42) Throttle/power lever position;
        (43) Additional engine parameters (as designated in appendix F of 
    this part);
        (44) Traffic alert and collision avoidance system;
        (45) DME 1 and 2 distances;
        (46) Nav 1 and 2 selected frequency;
        (47) Selected barometric setting (when an information source is 
        (48) Selected altitude (when an information source is installed);
        (49) Selected speed (when an information source is installed);
        (50) Selected mach (when an information source is installed);
        (51) Selected vertical speed (when an information source is 
        (52) Selected heading (when an information source is installed);
        (53) Selected flight path (when an information source is 
        (54) Selected decision height (when an information source is 
        (55) EFIS display format;
        (56) Multi-function/engine/alerts display format;
        (57) Thrust command (when an information source is installed);
        (58) Thrust target (when an information source is installed);
        (59) Fuel quantity in CG trim tank (when an information source is 
        (60) Primary Navigation System Reference;
        (61) Icing (when an information source is installed);
        (62) Engine warning each engine vibration (when an information 
    source is installed);
        (63) Engine warning each engine over temp. (when an information 
    source is installed);
        (64) Engine warning each engine oil pressure low (when an 
    information source is installed);
        (65) Engine warning each engine over speed (when an information 
    source is installed);
        (66) Yaw trim surface position;
        (67) Roll trim surface position;
    [[Page 37176]]
        (68) Brake pressure (selected system);
        (69) Brake pedal application (left and right);
        (70) Yaw or sideslip angle (when an information source is 
        (71) Engine bleed valve position (when an information source is 
        (72) De-icing or anti-icing system selection (when an information 
    source is installed);
        (73) Computed center of gravity (when an information source is 
        (74) AC electrical bus status;
        (75) DC electrical bus status;
        (76) APU bleed valve position (when an information source is 
        (77) Hydraulic pressure (each system);
        (78) Loss of cabin pressure;
        (79) Computer failure;
        (80) Heads-up display (when an information source is installed);
        (81) Para-visual display (when an information source is installed);
        (82) Cockpit trim control input position--pitch;
        (83) Cockpit trim control input position--roll;
        (84) Cockpit trim control input position--yaw;
        (85) Trailing edge flap and cockpit flap control position;
        (86) Leading edge flap and cockpit flap control position;
        (87) Ground spoiler position and speed brake selection; and
        (88) All cockpit flight control input forces (control wheel, 
    control column, rudder pedal).
        (i) For all turbine-engine-powered airplanes with a seating 
    configuration, excluding any required crewmember seat, of 10 to 30 
    passenger seats, manufactured after [3 years after effective date of 
    the final rule]--
        (1) The parameters listed in paragraphs (h)(1) through (h)(57) of 
    this section must be recorded within the ranges, accuracies, 
    resolutions, and recording intervals specified in appendix F of this 
        (2) Commensurate with the capacity of the recording system, all 
    additional parameters for which information sources are installed and 
    which are connected to the recording system, must be recorded within 
    the ranges, accuracies, resolutions, and sampling intervals specified 
    in appendix F of this part.
        (j) For all turbine-engine-powered airplanes with a seating 
    configuration, excluding any required crewmember seat, of 10 to 30 
    passenger seats, that are manufactured after [5 years after effective 
    date of final rule], the parameters listed in paragraph (a)(1) through 
    (a)(88) of this section must be recorded within the ranges, accuracies, 
    resolutions, and recording intervals specified in appendix F of this 
        14. Appendix F to part 135 is added to read as follows:
                                                 Appendix F to Part 135.--Airplane Flight Recorder Specification                                            
     [The recorded values must meet the designated range, resolution, and accuracy requirements during dynamic and static conditions. All data recorded must
                                                           be correlated in time to within one second]                                                      
                                                                 Accuracy  (sensor     Seconds per sampling                                                 
                Parameters                      Range                  input)                Interval             Resolution                Remarks         
    1. Time or Relative Time Counts...  24 Hrs 0 to 4095.....  +/-0.125 Per Hour....  4....................  1 sec...............  UTC time preferred when  
                                                                                                                                    available. Counter      
                                                                                                                                    increments each 4       
                                                                                                                                    seconds of system       
    2. Pressure Altitude..............  -1000 ft to max        +/-100 to +/-700 ft    1....................  5' to 35'...........  Data should be obtained  
                                         certificated           (see table, TSO                                                     from the air data       
                                         altitude of            C124a or TSO C51a).                                                 computer when           
                                         aircraft.+5000 ft.                                                                         practicable.            
    3. Indicated airspeed or            50 KIAS or minimum     +/-5% and +/-3%......  1....................  1 kt................  Data should be obtained  
     Calibrated airspeed.                value to Max Vso and                                                                       from the air data       
                                         Vso to 1.2 V.D.                                                                            computer when           
    4. Heading (Primary flight crew     0-360 deg. and         +/-2 deg.............  1....................  0.5 deg.............  When true or magnetic    
     reference).                         Discrete ``true'' or                                                                       heading can be selected 
                                         ``mag''.                                                                                   as the primary heading  
                                                                                                                                    reference, a discrete   
                                                                                                                                    indicating selection    
                                                                                                                                    must be recorded.       
    5. Normal Acceleration (Vertical).  -3g to +6g...........  +/--1% of max range    0.125................  0.01g                 .........................
                                                                excluding datum                                                                             
                                                                error of +/-5%.                                                                             
    6. Pitch Attitude.................  +/-75 deg............  +/-2 deg.............  1 or 0.25 for          0.5 deg.............  A sampling rate of 0.25  
                                                                                       airplanes operated                           is recommended.         
                                                                                       under Sec.                                                           
    7. Roll Attitude..................  +/-180 deg...........  +/-2 deg.............  1 or 0.5 for           0.5 deg.............  A sampling rate of 0.5 is
                                                                                       airplanes operated                           recommended.            
                                                                                       under Sec.                                                           
    8. Manual Radio Transmitter Keying  On-Off (Discrete)....  .....................  1....................  ....................  Preferably each crew     
     or CVR/DFDR synchronization                                                                                                    member but one discrete 
     reference.                                                                                                                     acceptable for all      
                                                                                                                                    transmission provided   
                                                                                                                                    the CVR/FDR system      
                                                                                                                                    complies with TSO C124a 
                                                                                                                                    CVR synchronization     
                                                                                                                                    requirements (paragraph 
                                                                                                                                    4.2.1 ED-55).           
    9. Thrust/Power on Each Engine--    Full Range Forward...  +/-2%................  1 (per engine).......  0.2% of full range..  Sufficient parameters    
     primary flight crew reference.                                                                                                 (e.g. EPR, N1 or Torque,
                                                                                                                                    NP) as appropriate to   
                                                                                                                                    the particular engine be
                                                                                                                                    recorded to determine   
                                                                                                                                    power in forward and    
                                                                                                                                    reverse thrust,         
                                                                                                                                    including potential     
                                                                                                                                    overspeed conditions.   
    [[Page 37177]]
    10. Autopilot Engagement..........  Discrete ``on'' or     .....................  1.                                           .........................
    11. Longitudinal Acceleration.....  +/-1g................  +/-1.5% max. range     0.25.................  0.01g...............  .........................
                                                                excluding datum                                                                             
                                                                error of +/-5%.                                                                             
    12a. Pitch Control(s) position      Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5 or 0.25 for        0.2% of full range..  For airplanes that have a
     (non-fly-wire systems.                                     Higher Accuracy        airplanes operated                           flight control break    
                                                                Uniquely Required.     under Sec.                                   away capability that    
                                                                                       121.344(f).                                  allows either pilot to  
                                                                                                                                    operate the controls    
                                                                                                                                    independently, record   
                                                                                                                                    both control inputs. The
                                                                                                                                    control inputs may be   
                                                                                                                                    sampled alternately once
                                                                                                                                    per second to produce   
                                                                                                                                    the sampling interval of
                                                                                                                                    0.5 or 0.25, as         
    12b. Pitch Control(s) position      Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5 or 0.25 for        0.2% of full range..  .........................
     (fly-by-wire systems).                                     Higher Accuracy        airplanes operated                                                   
                                                                Uniquely Required.     under Sec.                                                           
    13a. Lateral Control position(s)    Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5 or 0.25 for        0.2% of full range..  For airplanes that have a
     (non-fly-by-wire).                                         Higher Accuracy        airplanes operated                           flight control break    
                                                                Uniquely Required.     under Sec.                                   away capability that    
                                                                                       121.344(f).                                  allows either pilot to  
                                                                                                                                    operate the controls    
                                                                                                                                    independently, record   
                                                                                                                                    both control inputs. The
                                                                                                                                    control inputs may be   
                                                                                                                                    sampled alternately once
                                                                                                                                    per second to produce   
                                                                                                                                    the sampling interval of
                                                                                                                                    0.5 or 0.25, as         
    13b. Lateral Control position(s)    Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5 or 0.25 for        0.2% of full range.                            
     (fly-by-wire).                                             Higher Accuracy        airplanes operated                                                   
                                                                Uniquely Required.     under Sec.                                                           
    14a. Yaw Control Position(s) (non-  Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5..................  0.2% of full range..  For airplanes that have a
     fly-by-wire).                                              Higher Accuracy                                                     flight control break    
                                                                Uniquely Required.                                                  away capability that    
                                                                                                                                    allows either pilot to  
                                                                                                                                    operate the controls    
                                                                                                                                    independently, record   
                                                                                                                                    both control inputs. The
                                                                                                                                    control inputs may be   
                                                                                                                                    sampled alternately once
                                                                                                                                    per second to produce   
                                                                                                                                    the sampling interval of
    14b. Yaw Control Position(s) (fly-  Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5..................  0.2% of full range.                            
     by-wire).                                                  Higher Accuracy                                                                             
                                                                Uniquely Required.                                                                          
    15. Pitch Control Surface(s)        Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5 or 0.25 for        0.2% of full range..  For airplanes fitted with
     Position.                                                  Higher Accuracy        airplanes operated                           multiple or split       
                                                                Uniquely Required.     under Sec.                                   surfaces, a suitable    
                                                                                       121.344(f).                                  combination of inputs is
                                                                                                                                    acceptable in lieu of   
                                                                                                                                    recording each surface  
                                                                                                                                    separately. The control 
                                                                                                                                    surfaces may be sampled 
                                                                                                                                    alternately to produce  
                                                                                                                                    the sampling interval of
                                                                                                                                    0.5 or 0.25.            
    16. Lateral Control Surface(s)      Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5 or 0.25 for        0.2% of full range..  A suitable combination of
     Position.                                                  Higher Accuracy        airplanes operated                           surface position sensors
                                                                Uniquely Required.     under Sec.                                   is acceptable in lieu of
                                                                                       121.344(f).                                  recording each surface  
                                                                                                                                    separately. The control 
                                                                                                                                    surfaces may be sampled 
                                                                                                                                    alternately to produce  
                                                                                                                                    the sampling interval of
                                                                                                                                    0.5 or 0.25.            
    17. Yaw Control Surface(s)          Full Range...........  +/-2 deg. Unless       0.5..................  0.2% of full range..  For airplanes with       
     Position.                                                  Higher Accuracy                                                     multiple or split       
                                                                Uniquely Required.                                                  surfaces, a suitable    
                                                                                                                                    combination of surface  
                                                                                                                                    position sensors is     
                                                                                                                                    acceptable in lieu of   
                                                                                                                                    recording each surface  
                                                                                                                                    separately. The control 
                                                                                                                                    surfaces may be sampled 
                                                                                                                                    alternately to produce  
                                                                                                                                    the sampling interval of
    18. Lateral Acceleration..........  +/-1g................  +/-1.5% max. range     0.25.................  0.01g.                                         
                                                                excluding datum                                                                             
                                                                error of +/-5%.                                                                             
    [[Page 37178]]
    19. Pitch Trim Surface Position...  Full Range...........  +/-3% Unless Higher    1....................  0.3% of full range.                            
                                                                Accuracy Uniquely                                                                           
    20. Trailing Edge Flap or Cockpit   Full Range or Each     +/-3 deg. or as        2....................  0.5% of full range..  Flap position and cockpit
     Control Selection.                  Position (discrete).   Pilot's indicator.                                                  control may each be     
                                                                                                                                    sampled alternately at 4
                                                                                                                                    second intervals, to    
                                                                                                                                    give a data point every 
                                                                                                                                    2 seconds.              
    21. Leading Edge Flap or Cockpit    Full Range or Each     +/-3 deg. or as        2....................  0.5% of full range..  Left and right sides, or 
     Control Selection.                  Discrete Position.     Pilot's indicator                                                   flap position and       
                                                                and sufficient to                                                   cockpit control may each
                                                                determine each                                                      be sampled at 4 second  
                                                                discrete position.                                                  intervals, so as to give
                                                                                                                                    a data point every 2    
    22. Each Thrust Reverser Position   Stowed, In Transit,    .....................  1 (per engine).......  ....................  Turbo-jet--2 discretes   
     (or equivalent for propeller        and Reverse                                                                                enable the 3 states to  
     airplane).                          (Discrete)..                                                                               be determined Turbo-prop-
                                                                                                                                    1 discrete.             
    23. Ground Spoiler Position or      Full Range or Each     +/-2 deg. Unless       1 or 0.5 for           0.2% of full range.                            
     Speed Brake Selection.              Position (discrete).   Higher Accuracy        airplanes operated                                                   
                                                                Uniquely Required.     under Sec.                                                           
    24. Outside Air Temperature or      -50 deg.C to +90       +/-2 deg. C..........  2....................  0.3 deg. C.                                    
     Total Air Temperature.              deg.C.                                                                                                             
    25. Autopilot/Autothrottle/AFCS     A suitable             .....................  1....................  ....................  Discretes should show    
     Mode and Engagement Status.         combination of                                                                             which systems are       
                                         discretes.                                                                                 engaged and which       
                                                                                                                                    primary modes are       
                                                                                                                                    controlling the flight  
                                                                                                                                    path and speed of the   
    26. Radio Altitude................  -20 ft to 2,500 ft...  +/-2 ft or +/-3%       1....................  1 ft 5% above 500 ft  For autoland/category 3  
                                                                Whichever is Greater                          of full range.        operations, each radio  
                                                                Below 500 ft and +/-                                                altimeter should be     
                                                                5% Above 500 ft.                                                    recorded, but arranged  
                                                                                                                                    so that at least one is 
                                                                                                                                    recorded each second.   
    27. Localizer Deviation or MLS      +/-400 Microamps or    As installed +/-3%     1....................  0.3% of full range..  For autoland/category 3  
     Azimuth.                            available sensor       recommended.                                                        operations, each system 
                                         range as installed +/                                                                      should be recorded but  
                                         -62 deg..                                                                                  arranged so that at     
                                                                                                                                    least one is recorded   
                                                                                                                                    each second. It is not  
                                                                                                                                    necessary to record ILS 
                                                                                                                                    and MLS at the same     
                                                                                                                                    time, only the approach 
                                                                                                                                    aid in use need to be   
    28. Glideslope Deviation or MLS     +/-400 Microamps or    As installed +/-3%     1....................  0.3% of full range..  For autoland/category 3  
     Elevation.                          available sensor       recommended.                                                        operations, each system 
                                         range as installed.                                                                        should be recorded but  
                                         0.9 to + 30 deg..                                                                          arranged so that at     
                                                                                                                                    least one is recorded   
                                                                                                                                    each second. It is not  
                                                                                                                                    necessary to record ILS 
                                                                                                                                    and MLS at the same     
                                                                                                                                    time, only the approach 
                                                                                                                                    aid in use need to be   
    29. Marker Beacon Passage.........  Discrete ``on'' or     .....................  1....................  ....................  A single discrete is     
                                         ``off''.                                                                                   acceptable for all      
    30. Master Warning................  Discrete.............  .....................  1....................  ....................  Record the master warning
                                                                                                                                    and record each `red'   
                                                                                                                                    warning that cannot be  
                                                                                                                                    determined from other   
                                                                                                                                    parameters or from the  
                                                                                                                                    cockpit voice recorder. 
    31. Air/ground sensor (primary      Discrete ``air'' or    .....................  1 (0.25 recommended).                                                 
     airplane system reference nose or   ``ground''.                                                                                                        
     main gear).                                                                                                                                            
    32. Angle of Attack (If measured    As installed.........  As Installed.........  2 or 0.5 for           0.3% of full range..  If left and right sensors
     directly).                                                                        airplanes operated                           are available, each may 
                                                                                       under Sec.                                   be recorded at 4 second 
                                                                                       121.344(f).                                  intervals so as to give 
                                                                                                                                    a data point each half  
    33. Hydraulic Pressure Low, Each    Discrete or available  +/- 5%...............  2....................  0.5% of full range.                            
     System.                             sensor range,                                                                                                      
                                         ``low'' or                                                                                                         
    [[Page 37179]]
    34. Groundspeed...................  As Installed.........  Most Accurate Systems  1....................  0.2% of full range.                            
    35. GPWS (ground proximity warning  Discrete ``warning''   .....................  1....................  ....................  A suitable combination of
     system).                            or ``off''.                                                                                discretes unless        
                                                                                                                                    recorder capacity is    
                                                                                                                                    limited in which case a 
                                                                                                                                    single discrete for all 
                                                                                                                                    modes is acceptable.    
    36. Landing Gear Position or        Discrete.............  .....................  4....................  ....................  A suitable combination of
     Landing gear cockpit control                                                                                                   discretes should be     
     selection.                                                                                                                     recorded.               
    37. Drift Angle...................  As installed.........  As installed.........  4....................  0.1 deg..                                      
    38. Wind Speed and Direction......  As installed.........  As installed.........  4....................  1 knot, and 1.0                                
    39. Latitude and Longitude........  As installed.........  As installed.........  4....................  0.002 deg...........  Provided by the Primary  
                                                                                                                                    Navigation System       
                                                                                                                                    Reference. Where        
                                                                                                                                    capacity permits        
                                                                                                                                    resolution should be    
                                                                                                                                    0.0002 deg..            
    40. Stick shaker and pusher         Discrete(s) ``on'' or  .....................  1....................  ....................  A suitable combination of
     activation.                         ``off''.                                                                                   discretes to determine  
    41. Windshear Detection...........  Discrete ``warning''   .....................  1.                                           .........................
                                         or ``off''.                                                                                                        
    42. Throttle/power lever position.  Full Range...........  +/- 2%...............  1 for each lever.....  2% of full range....  For airplanes with non-  
                                                                                                                                    mechanically linked     
                                                                                                                                    cockpit engine controls.
    43. Additional Engine Parameters..  As installed.........  As installed.........  Each engine each       2% of full range....  Where capacity permits,  
                                                                                       second.                                      the preferred priority  
                                                                                                                                    is indicated vibration  
                                                                                                                                    level, N2, EGT, Fuel    
                                                                                                                                    Flow, Fuel Cut-off lever
                                                                                                                                    position and N3, unless 
                                                                                                                                    engine manufacturer     
                                                                                                                                    recommends otherwise.   
    44. Traffic Alert and Collision     Discretes............  As installed.........  1....................  ....................  A suitable combination of
     Avoidance System (TCAS).                                                                                                       discretes should be     
                                                                                                                                    recorded to determine   
                                                                                                                                    the status of--Combined 
                                                                                                                                    Control, Vertical       
                                                                                                                                    Control, Up Advisory,   
                                                                                                                                    and Down Advisory. (ref.
                                                                                                                                    ARINC Characteristic 735
                                                                                                                                    Attachment 6E, TCAS     
                                                                                                                                    VERTICAL RA DATA OUTPUT 
    45. DME 1 and 2 Distance..........  0-200 NM;............  As installed.........  4....................  1 NM................  1 mile.                  
    46. Nav 1 and 2 Selected Frequency  Full range...........  As installed.........  4....................  ....................  Sufficient to determine  
                                                                                                                                    selected frequency.     
    47. Selected barometric setting...  Full Range...........  +/- 5%...............  (1 per 64 sec.)......  0.2% of full range.                            
    48. Selected Altitude.............  Full Range...........  +/- 5%...............  1....................  100 ft.                                        
    49. Selected speed................  Full Range...........  +/- 5%...............  1....................  1 knot.                                        
    50. Selected Mach.................  Full Range...........  +/- 5%...............  1....................  .01.                                           
    51. Selected vertical speed.......  Full Range...........  +/- 5%...............  1....................  100 ft/min.                                    
    52. Selected heading..............  Full Range...........  +/- 5%...............  1....................  1 deg...............                           
    53. Selected flight path..........  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  1 deg..                                        
    54. Selected decision height......  Full Range...........  +/- 5%...............  64...................  1 ft.                                          
    55. EFIS display format...........  Discrete(s)..........  .....................  4....................  ....................  Discretes should show the
                                                                                                                                    display system status   
                                                                                                                                    (e.g., off, normal,     
                                                                                                                                    fail, composite, sector,
                                                                                                                                    plan, nav aids, weather 
                                                                                                                                    radar, range, copy.     
    56. Multi-function/Engine Alerts    Discrete(s)..........  .....................  4....................  ....................  Discretes should show the
     Display format.                                                                                                                display system status   
                                                                                                                                    (e.g., off, normal,     
                                                                                                                                    fail, and the identity  
                                                                                                                                    of display pages for    
                                                                                                                                    emergency procedures,   
                                                                                                                                    need not be recorded.   
    57. Thrust command................  Full Range...........  +/- 2%...............  2....................  2% of full range.                              
    58. Thrust target.................  Full Range...........  +/-2%................  4....................  2% of full range.     .........................
    59. Fuel quantity in CG trim tank.  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  (1 per 64 sec.)......  1% of full range.     .........................
    [[Page 37180]]
    60. Primary Navigation System       Discrete GPS, INS,     .....................  4....................  ....................  A suitable combination of
     Reference.                          VOR/DME, MLS, Loran                                                                        discretes to determine  
                                         C, Omega, Localizer                                                                        the Primary Navigation  
                                         Glideslope.                                                                                System Reference.       
    61. Ice Detection.................  Discrete ``ice'' or    .....................  4.                                           .........................
                                         ``no ice''.                                                                                                        
    62. Engine warning each engine      Discrete.............  .....................  1.                                           .........................
    63. Engine warning each engine      Discrete.............  .....................  1.                                           .........................
     over temp.                                                                                                                                             
    64. Engine warning each engine oil  Discrete.............  .....................  1.                                                                    
     pressure low.                                                                                                                                          
    65. Engine warning each engine      Discrete.............  .....................  1.                                                                    
     over speed.                                                                                                                                            
    66. Yaw Trim Surface Position.....  Full Range...........  +/-3% Unless Higher    2....................  0.3% of full range..  .........................
                                                                Accuracy Uniquely                                                                           
    67. Roll Trim Surface Position....  Full Range...........  +/-3% Unless Higher    2....................  0.3% of full range..  .........................
                                                                Accuracy Uniquely                                                                           
    68. Brake Pressure (left and        As installed.........  +/-5%................  1....................  ....................  To determine braking     
     right).                                                                                                                        effort applied by pilots
                                                                                                                                    or by autobrakes.       
    69. Brake Pedal Application (left   Discrete or Analog     +/-5% (Analog).......  4....................  ....................  To determine braking     
     and right).                         ``applied'' or                                                                             applied by pilots.      
    70. Yaw or sideslip angle.........  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  0.5 deg..             .........................
    71. Engine bleed valve position...  Discrete ``open'' or   .....................  4.                                           .........................
    72. Deicing or anti-icing system    Discrete ``on'' or     .....................  4.                                           .........................
     selection.                          ``off''.                                                                                                           
    73. Computed center of gravity....  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  (1 per 64 sec.)......  1% of full range.     .........................
    74. AC electrical bus status......  Discrete ``power'' or  .....................  4....................  ....................  Each bus.                
    75. DC electrical bus status......  Discrete ``power'' or  .....................  4....................  ....................  Each bus.                
    76. APU bleed valve position......  Discrete ``open'' or   .....................  4.                                           .........................
    77. Hydraulic Pressure (each        Full range...........  +/-5%................  2....................  100 psi.              .........................
    78. Loss of cabin pressure........  Discrete ``loss'' or   .....................  1.                                                                    
    79. Computer failure (critical      Discrete ``fail'' or   .....................  4                                                                     
     flight and engine control           ``normal''.                                                                                                        
    80. Heads-up display (when an       Discrete(s) ``on'' or  .....................  4.                                                                    
     information source is installed).   ``off''.                                                                                                           
    81. Para-visual display (when an    Discrete(s) ``on'' or  .....................  1.                                                                    
     information source is installed).   ``off''.                                                                                                           
    82. Cockpit trim control input      Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  0.2% of full range..  .........................
    [[Page 37181]]
    83. Cockpit trim control input      Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  0.2% of full range..  .........................
    84. Cockpit trim control input      Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  0.2% of full range..  .........................
    85. Trailing edge flap and cockpit  Full Range...........  +/-5%................  2....................  0.5% of full range..  Trailing edge flaps and  
     flap control position.                                                                                                         cockpit flap control    
                                                                                                                                    position may each be    
                                                                                                                                    sampled alternately at 4
                                                                                                                                    second intervals to     
                                                                                                                                    provide a sample each   
                                                                                                                                    0.5 second.             
    86. Leading edge flap and cockpit   Full Range or          +/-5%................  1....................  0.5% of full range..  .........................
     flap control position.              Discrete.                                                                                                          
    87. Ground spoiler position and     Full Range or          +/-5%................  0.5..................  0.2% of full range.   .........................
     speed brake selection.              discrete.                                                                                                          
    88. All cockpit flight control      Full Range...........  +/-5%................  1....................  0.2% of full range..  For fly-by-wire flight   
     input forces (control wheel,       Control wheel........  +/-70 lbs.                                                           control systems, where  
     control column, rudder pedal).     Control Column.......  +/-85 lbs.                                                           flight control surface  
                                        Rudder pedal.........  +/-165 lbs.                                                          position is a function  
                                                                                                                                    of the displacement of  
                                                                                                                                    the control input device
                                                                                                                                    only, it is not         
                                                                                                                                    necessary to record this
        Issued in Washington, DC, on July 9, 1996.
    Ava L. Robinson,
    Special Assistant to the Director, Aircraft Certification Service.
    [FR Doc. 96-17824 Filed 7-10-96; 3:17 pm]
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-M

Document Information

Federal Aviation Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM).
Document Number:
Comments on the proposed revisions to parts 121, 125, and 135 must be received by August 15, 1996. Comments on the proposed revisions to part 129 must be received by November 13, 1996.
37144-37181 (38 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 28109, Notice No. 96-7
2120-AF76: Revisions to Digital Flight Data Recorder Rules
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (18)
14 CFR 121.344(a)(14)
14 CFR 129.1(b)
14 CFR 121.344(d)(1)
14 CFR 121.344(d)(2)
14 CFR 121.344(e)(1)
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