95-17434. Denial of Petition for Rulemaking; Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 136 (Monday, July 17, 1995)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 36378-36380]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-17434]
    National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
    49 CFR Part 571
    Denial of Petition for Rulemaking; Federal Motor Vehicle Safety 
    AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 
    Department of Transportation.
    ACTION: Denial of petition for rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: This document denies a petition from Koito Manufacturing Co., 
    Ltd. for rulemaking to permit an alternative performance requirement 
    (allowing permissible moisture presence) for certain types of headlamps 
    after completion of the humidity test. The humidity test of Federal 
    Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 108, Lamps, Reflective Devices, and 
    Associated Equipment, was shortened in duration in 1991 to accommodate 
    another petition from Koito; thus, this petition is somewhat 
    repetitive. The requirement of no visible moisture inside the headlamp 
    has existed for replaceable bulb headlamps since their inception in 
    1983. The claim by Koito that the requirement is not a performance 
    standard but a design standard is without merit. Koito's proposed 
    supplementary corrosion test for headlamps with visible moisture 
    present after a humidity test does not seem to support its claim of no 
    long-term photometric degradation in these headlamps passing the test.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Jere Medlin, Office of Rulemaking, 
    NHTSA, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590. Mr. Medlin's 
    telephone number is: (202) 366-5276; FAX (202) 366-4329.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On April 19, 1995, Koito Manufacturing Co., 
    Ltd. (Koito) petitioned for a change to the humidity test performance 
    requirements for replaceable bulb, integral beam, and some types of 
    combination headlighting systems. The present humidity performance 
    requirement originated in 1983 and requires that no evidence of 
    delamination or moisture, fogging or condensation be present to the eye 
    (without magnification) upon completion of the humidity test sequence. 
    Koito proposed an alternative requirement for those headlamps that 
    cannot pass this requirement. Koito did not provide any test data to 
    substantiate its claim that there is no long-term performance 
    degradation in photometric 
    [[Page 36379]]
    output from allowing moisture in headlamps over long periods. Koito 
    claims that such headlamps perform adequately in Europe and Japan.
        In 1991, the humidity test was changed as a result of a petition by 
    Koito and Robert Bosch GmbH. The duration of the test was shortened 
    from 20 consecutive 6-hour cycles to 24 consecutive 3-hour cycles; the 
    photometric test immediately after the humidity test was deleted and 
    other test details were changed. The sole remaining requirement was 
    that ``the headlamp show no evidence of delamination or moisture, 
    fogging or condensation visible without magnification.''
        Now, Koito states that the requirement that no visible moisture be 
    present inside the headlamp following the humidity test is a design 
    restriction and that the criteria are excessively stringent ``design 
    standards'' as opposed to ``performance standards.''
        Koito also states that the present humidity test requirement causes 
    it to design its headlamps with long vent tubes, which it states has 
    increased the cost to the consumer. Koito furnished no data to support 
    its claim of increased costs or burden.
        Koito recommended that the new corrosion test set forth in Docket 
    No. 93-57; Notice 2, (59 FR 59975 of November 21, 1994) be applied to 
    lamps failing the humidity test. In that Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 
    the agency proposed only for replaceable lens headlamps, to set forth 
    additional requirements for headlamps that would have replaceable 
    lenses. Such lamps would be designed not to corrode if the interiors 
    were exposed briefly to the outside environment until such time that a 
    lens replacement occurred (lens replacement is not now permitted). That 
    lens replacement proposal had an additional chemical resistance test on 
    the reflector, an additional 24-hour salt spray and 48-hour storage 
    tests (all with the lens removed), and a cleaning test in accordance 
    with the instructions supplied by the manufacturer with the headlamp. A 
    final amendment to FMVSS No. 108 on this subject has not been issued 
        In response to Koito's claims, NHTSA's technical review follows. 
    Regarding the claim that headlamps that have visible moisture that are 
    in use in Europe and Japan perform adequately, those regions have a 
    greater preponderance of vehicle inspection performed than in the 
    United States (U.S.) Timely headlamp replacement after failure is 
    assisted by the routine inspection process. As a consequence, history 
    has shown that the dominant cause of headlamp inspection failure and 
    lamp replacement in Europe has been corroded reflectors. While it is 
    possible that this situation may have changed, NHTSA is not aware of 
    any change. The U.S. permitted replaceable bulb headlamps that are 
    conceptually similar to those in Europe and Japan on the premise that 
    headlamps introduced into the U.S. market would not exhibit the 
    traditionally poor resistance to environmental degradation that had 
    been typical of non-U.S. code headlamps. Additionally, because of the 
    fewer and less thorough inspections in the U.S., there is the 
    likelihood that lamps of reduced or failed performance would continue 
    to be used on U.S. highways in greater numbers than in Europe or Japan. 
    Thus, Koito's claim that adequate performance can be achieved by using 
    lamps of non-U.S. market design is not substantiated.
        Koito did not provide any data to show that headlamps would not 
    eventually degrade over the life of the vehicle when they are 
    occasionally or perpetually wet from moisture that is purposefully 
    allowed to be in the interior of the lamp. The existence of visible 
    moisture as an acceptable operational condition for headlamps is 
    contrary to all State and Federal efforts to date to maintain a safe 
    level of headlamp illumination performance, against a history of 
    environmental degradation. It is difficult to accept that water in 
    headlamps is not deleterious to headlamp performance; although, if lamp 
    cost is no object, then it is conceivable that headlamps could be made 
    to perform under such duress. NHTSA is not convinced that the public is 
    ready to accept or understand that it is acceptable for water to be in 
    certain headlamps and not be in others.
        This is the second time that Koito has requested that the humidity 
    requirements be amended to accommodate its needs. The last time was 
    four years ago. While the present request is of a subtly different 
    nature, the fact is that it is repetitive in nature: the humidity test 
    prevents Koito from selling a design that cannot comply with the 
    humidity requirements. NHTSA is not persuaded by Koito's claims that it 
    is prevented from selling headlamps that have acceptable performance. 
    The standard's requirements determine acceptable performance for the 
    U.S. Unsubstantiated claims of real-world performance in some other 
    region of the world, cannot be used as a basis for changing U.S. safety 
        Koito claims that the present requirement is design restrictive and 
    establishes a design and not a performance standard. The requirement is 
    intended to address a headlamp's susceptibility to the ingress of 
    moisture, which over the life of the lamp will cause deterioration of 
    the lamp's photometric performance. The requirement is not solely for 
    the purpose of testing in the instant the loss or failure of 
    photometric performance as Koito believes. The test was never intended 
    to simulate a lifetime of heating/cooling/dry/wet events that could 
    occur with a lamp installed on a real vehicle. The test appears to 
    discriminate well against lamps that are susceptible to the ingress of 
    moisture, as evidenced by Koito's concern that traditional Japanese and 
    European headlamp designs, susceptible to interior damage, cannot 
    comply. While the test can be characterized as restrictive of certain 
    headlamp designs, it is because those design cannot meet the 
    performance demanded of them for passing the test. NHTSA does not view 
    the requirement as a design standard, because the standard does not 
    dictate to lamp manufacturers the design characteristics which they 
    must choose. Manufacturers have complete freedom of design as long as 
    the performance (not allowing moisture) is met.
        Koito claims that the newly proposed corrosion test for headlamps 
    that have removable lenses is an appropriate requirement for lamps to 
    pass should they first fail the present humidity test. This is an 
    incorrect application of that requirement. The newly proposed corrosion 
    test is to address a headlamp's susceptibility to corrosion from the 
    effects of having a broken lens. The exposure time due to a broken lens 
    may vary widely case to case, but it is not continual for the life of 
    the vehicle. This corrosion test is not an adequate requirement for 
    headlamps that by their design could have very open interiors, as if 
    they had broken lenses, over their entire existence. A very different 
    and more stringent requirement would appear to be appropriate for such 
    lamps. However, such a test would not determine lamps' susceptibility 
    to condensing moisture that could disrupt photometry in the instant. 
    Thus, it does not fulfill the safety need either.
        In accordance with 49 CFR Part 552, this completes the agency's 
    technical review of the petition. The agency has concluded that there 
    is no reasonable possibility that the amendment requested by the 
    petitioner would be issued at the conclusion of a rulemaking 
    proceeding. The possible value of the requested amendment is 
    particularly small in view of the petitioner's ability to build 
    complying headlamps under the existing requirements and the lack of any 
    inhibition in the standard against 
    [[Page 36380]]
    innovative solutions for achieving compliance. After considering all 
    relevant factors, including the need to allocate and prioritize scarce 
    agency resources to best accomplish the agency's safety mission, the 
    agency has decided to deny the petition.
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 30103, 30162; delegation of authority at 49 
    CFR 1.50 and 501.8.
        Issued on: July 12, 1995.
    Barry Felrice,
    Associate Administrator for Safety Performance Standards.
    [FR Doc. 95-17434 Filed 7-14-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-59-P

Document Information

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Denial of petition for rulemaking.
Document Number:
36378-36380 (3 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
49 CFR 571