96-18105. Digital Phonorecord Delivery Rate Adjustment Proceeding  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 138 (Wednesday, July 17, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 37213-37216]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-18105]
    Copyright Office
    37 CFR Part 251
    [Docket No. 96-4 CARP DPRA]
    Digital Phonorecord Delivery Rate Adjustment Proceeding
    AGENCY: Copyright Office, Library of Congress.
    ACTION: Final regulations, notice of initiation of negotiation period.
    SUMMARY: The Copyright Office is announcing the initiation of the 
    negotiation period for determining reasonable rates and terms for 
    digital transmissions that constitute a digital phonorecord delivery. 
    This negotiation period is mandated by the Digital
    [[Page 37214]]
    Performance Right in Sound Recordings Act of 1995 and is intended to 
    promote the private settlement of the rates and terms for digital 
    phonorecord delivery. In addition, the Office is adopting procedural 
    regulations implementing the Digital Performance Right in Sound Records 
    Act of 1995. The Office also solicits comments on the advisability of 
    consolidating the digital phonorecord delivery rate adjustment 
    proceeding with the physical phonorecord rate adjustment proceeding.
    EFFECTIVE DATES: The regulations are effective August 16, 1996. The 
    negotiation period begins July 17, 1996 and ends December 31, 1996. 
    Comments on consolidation are due November 8, 1996. Petitions for rate 
    adjustment are due January 10, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Comments, copies of voluntary license agreements, and 
    petitions, when sent by mail should be addressed to: Copyright 
    Arbitration Royalty Panel (CARP), P.O. Box 70977, Southwest Station, 
    Washington, D.C. 20024. Comments, copies of voluntary license 
    agreements, and petitions, when hand delivered, should be brought to: 
    Office of the General Counsel, Copyright Office, James Madison Memorial 
    Building, Room LM-407, First and Independence Avenue, SE., Washington, 
    Marilyn J. Kretsinger, Acting General Counsel, or William Roberts, 
    Senior Attorney, Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panel, P.O. Box 70977, 
    Southwest Station, Washington, DC 20024, (202) 707-8380.
        On November 1, 1995, Congress passed the Digital Performance Right 
    in Sound Recordings Act of 1995 (``Digital Performance Act''). Public 
    Law 104-39, 109 Stat. 336. Among other things, it confirms and 
    clarifies that the scope of the compulsory license to make and 
    distribute phonorecords of nondramatic musical compositions includes 
    digital transmissions which constitute ``digital phonorecord 
    deliveries.'' 17 U.S.C. 115(c)(3). A ``digital phonorecord delivery'' 
    is each individual delivery of a phonorecord by digital transmission of 
    a sound recording which results in a specifically identifiable 
    reproduction by or for any transmission recipient. 17 U.S.C. 115(d), 37 
    CFR 255.4.
        The Digital Performance Act also provides that the rate for all 
    digital phonorecord deliveries made or authorized under a compulsory 
    license on or before December 31, 1997, shall be the same as the rate 
    in effect for the making and distribution of physical phonorecords. 
    Accordingly, the Copyright Office and the Library of Congress amended 
    part 255 of the Copyright Office's rules to set the rate for digital 
    phonorecord deliveries at 6.95 cents for each work embodied in a 
    phonorecord, or 1.3 cents per minute of playing time or fraction 
    thereof, whichever amount is larger. 60 FR 61655 (December 1, 1995); 37 
    CFR 255.5. This is the same rate that applies to the manufacture and 
    distribution of physical phonorecords.
    This Rate Adjustment Proceeding
        The current rate for digital phonorecord deliveries expires 
    December 31, 1997. Accordingly, in the Digital Performance Act, 
    Congress established a two-step process for adjusting the royalty rate: 
    a negotiation period during the second half of 1996 wherein the owners 
    and the users attempt to reach their own voluntary licenses, and the, 
    if necessary, and upon petition in 1997, the convening of a copyright 
    arbitration panel (CARP) to establish rates and terms for those persons 
    who are not covered by such voluntary licenses. 17 U.S.C. 115(c)(3)(C) 
    and (D).
        For the first step in the process, the negotiation period, the 
    Digital Performance Act provides that during the period of June 30, 
    1996, through December 31, 1996, the Librarian of Congress shall cause 
    notice to be published in the Federal Register of the initiation of 
    voluntary negotiation proceedings for the purpose of determining 
    reasonable terms and rates for digital phonorecord deliveries. 17 
    U.S.C. 115(c)(3)(C).
        The Digital Performance Act does not require the negotiation period 
    to begin on June 30, 1996, nor does it require that the negotiation 
    period be six months long. It is the Office's understanding that the 
    Act leaves the commencement and the length of the negotiation period to 
    the discretion of the Librarian.
        Upon consideration, the Office believes that the negotiation period 
    should begin in July, 1996, and should conclude by December 31, 1996, 
    and that petitions to convene a CARP should be filed by January 10, 
    1997, for the following reason. The current rate for digital 
    phonorecord deliveries, by operation of law, is set to expire December 
    31, 1997. Should negotiations fail and the Librarian be petitioned to 
    convene a CARP, written direct cases would have to be filed by January 
    31, 1997, if the precontroversy period (three months), the arbitration 
    proceeding (six months) and the Librarian's review of the CARP's 
    decision (two moths) is to conclude by December 31, 1997. Otherwise, 
    there will be a lapse in time when no rates apply to digital 
    phonorecord deliveries.
        Therefore, the following procedural dates shall apply:
         From today's publication in the Federal Register to 
    December 31, 1996, there is established the voluntary negotiation 
    proceeding for determining reasonable terms and rates of royalty 
    payments for digital phonorecord deliveries. Such terms and rates shall 
    distinguish between (a) digital phonorecord deliveries where the 
    reproduction or distribution of a phonorecord is incidental to the 
    transmission which constitutes the digital phonorecord delivery, and 
    (b) digital phonorecord deliveries in general.
         If negotiations are successful, any copyright owners of 
    nondramatic musical works and any persons entitled to obtain a 
    compulsory license for digital phonorecord deliveries may submit to the 
    Librarian of Congress licenses covering such activities. 17 U.S.C. 
         In addition, if negotiations are successful, the Librarian 
    may, upon the request of the parties to the negotiation proceeding, 
    submit the agreed upon rates and terms to the public in a notice-and-
    comment proceeding. The Librarian may adopt the rates and terms 
    embodied in the proposed settlement without convening a CARP, provided 
    that no opposing comment is received by the Librarian from a party with 
    an intent to participate in a CARP proceeding. 37 CFR 251.63(a). Such 
    petitions are to be filed by January 10, 1997.
         If negotiations are not successful, petitions to convene a 
    CARP are to be filed by January 10, 1997.\1\ The petition shall detail 
    petitioner's interest in the royalty rate sufficiently to permit the 
    Librarian of Congress to determine whether the petitioner has a 
    ``significant interest'' in the rate. The petition must also identify 
    the extent to which the petitioner's interest is shared by other owners 
    or users; owners or users with similar interests may file a joint 
    petition. 37 CFR 251.62.
        \1\ Because the law requires petitions to be filed in 1997, and 
    because written direct cases must be filed by January 31, 1997, if 
    the proceeding is to conclude by December 31, 1997, the petitions 
    must be received by the Copyright Office by January 10, 1997. 
    Therefore, it is advisable for petitioners to deliver their 
    petitions to the Copyright Office. If petitions are mailed to the 
    CARP post office box, it is advisable that they be sent well in 
         Notices of Intent to Participate in a CARP proceeding to 
    adjust the rates and establish the terms of the digital
    [[Page 37215]]
    phonorecord delivery compulsory license are to be filed by January 17, 
         Written direct cases in the CARP proceeding shall be filed 
    by January 31, 1997.
         After the precontroversy discovery period, the Librarian 
    will initiate the CARP proceeding on May 1, 1997.
    Relationship to Rate Adjustment Proceeding for Physical 
        The year 1997 is also when the mechanical royalty rate for physical 
    phonorecords may be adjusted. This rate can be the same as, or 
    different from, the rate that applies to digital phonorecord 
    deliveries. While the rate for digital phonorecord deliveries expires, 
    by law, on December 31, 1997, and needs to be replaced, there is no 
    similar urgency to adjust the mechanical royalty rate for physical 
    phonorecords. If no rate adjustment proceeding for physical 
    phonorecords is concluded by December 31, 1997, the rate in existence 
    now will simply continue until such time as it is adjusted.
        The question is still raised whether it wouldn't be more efficient 
    and less costly to have the same CARP panel, if one is to be convened, 
    consider the mechanical royalty rates for both physical phonorecords 
    and digital phonorecord deliveries. To consolidate such proceedings, it 
    would be necessary to have a petition to adjust the physical 
    phonorecord rate filed at the same time as the petition to adjust the 
    digital phonorecord deliveries rate, January 10, 1997.
        However, to require petitions to be filed by January 10, 1997, 
    might deprive the interested copyright owners and users of time in 1997 
    to negotiate the rate. Therefore, the Office solicits comments on the 
    advisability of consolidating the two rate adjustment proceedings. 
    Comments are due by November 8, 1996. If the comments favor 
    consolidation, the Office will issue an order indicating that the two 
    proceedings will be consolidated. The order will also call for physical 
    phonorecord petitions to be filed by January 10, 1997, Notices of 
    Intent to Participate to be filed by January 17, 1997, written direct 
    cases to be filed by January 31, 1997, and list all other procedural 
    dates. The order will also cancel, because of time constraints, the 30-
    day negotiation period that follows the filing of a physical 
    phonorecord petition set out in 37 CFR 251.63(a). The Librarian will 
    initiate the consolidated proceeding on May 1, 1997.
    Amendment of CARP Rules to Reflect Passage of Digital Performance Act
        In addition to expanding the scope of the mechanical compulsory 
    license to include digital phonorecord deliveries, the Digital 
    Performance Act also added a new compulsory license: the license for 
    qualifying subscription digital audio transmission services to perform 
    sound recordings. The rates and terms for both these licenses are to be 
    set by the CARP, if negotiations prove successful. Therefore, the 
    current CARP rules need to be amended to reflect these additional 
        Section 553(b)(3)(A) of the Administrative Procedure Act states 
    that general notice of proposed rulemaking is not required for rules of 
    agency organization, procedure, or practice. Since the Office finds 
    that the following final regulations are rules of agency organization, 
    procedure, or practice, no notice of proposed rulemaking is required.
    List of Subjects in 37 CFR Part 251
        Administrative practice and procedure, Cable television, Copyright, 
    Jukeboxes, Organization and functions (government agencies), 
    Recordings, Satellites.
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Copyright Office and 
    the Library of Congress amend 37 CFR part 251 as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 251 continues to read as 
        Authority: 17 U.S.C. 801-803.
        2. Section 251.2 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 251.2   Purpose of Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panels.
        The Librarian of Congress, upon the recommendation of the Register 
    of Copyrights, may appoint and convene a Copyright Arbitration Royalty 
    Panel (CARP) for the following purposes:
        (a) To make determinations concerning royalty rates for the cable 
    compulsory license, 17 U.S.C. 111;
        (b) To make determinations concerning royalty rates and terms for 
    the subscription digital audio transmissions compulsory license, 17 
    U.S.C. 114;
        (c) To make determinations concerning royalty rates for making and 
    distributing phonorecords, and royalty rates and terms for digital 
    transmissions that constitute digital phonorecord deliveries, 17 U.S.C. 
        (d) To make determinations concerning royalty rates for coin-
    operated phonorecord players (jukeboxes) whenever a negotiated license 
    expires or is terminated and is not replaced by another such license 
    agreement, 17 U.S.C. 116;
        (e) To make determinations concerning royalty rates and terms for 
    the use by noncommercial educational broadcast stations for certain 
    copyrighted works, 17 U.S.C. 118;
        (f) To make determinations concerning royalty rates for the 
    satellite carrier compulsory license, 17 U.S.C. 119; and
        (g) To make determinations concerning the distribution of cable and 
    satellite carrier royalty fees and digital audio recording devices and 
    media payments deposited with the Register of Copyrights, 17 U.S.C. 
    111, 119, and chapter 10, respectively.
        3. Section 251.58(c) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 251.58   Judicial review.
    * * * * *
        (c) The pendency of any appeal shall not relieve persons obligated 
    to make royalty payments under 17 U.S.C. 111, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 
    or 1003, and who would be affected by the determination on appeal, from 
    depositing statements of account and royalty fees by those sections.
        4. The first sentence of Sec. 251.60 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 251.60   Scope.
        This subpart governs only those proceedings dealing with royalty 
    rate adjustments affecting cable (17 U.S.C. 111), subscription digital 
    audio transmission (17 U.S.C. 114), the manufacture and distribution of 
    phonorecords, including digital phonorecord deliveries (17 U.S.C. 115), 
    performances on coin-operated phonorecord players (jukeboxes) (17 
    U.S.C. 116), noncommercial educational broadcasting (17 U.S.C. 118) and 
    satellite carriers (17 U.S.C. 119). * * *
        5. In Sec. 251.61, paragraph (a) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 251.61   Commencement of adjustment proceedings.
        (a) In the case of cable, subscription digital audio transmissions, 
    phonorecords, digital phonorecord deliveries, and coin-operated 
    phonorecord players (jukeboxes), rate adjustment proceedings shall 
    commence with the filing of a petition by an interested party according 
    to the following schedule:
        (1) Cable: During 1995, and each subsequent fifth calendar year.
    [[Page 37216]]
        (2) Subscription Digital Audio Transmissions: During a 60-day 
    period prescribed by the Librarian in 1996, 2000, and each subsequent 
    fifth calendar year.
        (3) Phonorecords: During 1997 and each subsequent tenth calendar 
        (4) Digital Phonorecord Deliveries: During 1997 and each subsequent 
    fifth calendar year except to the extent that different years may be 
    determined by the parties to a negotiated settlement or by the 
    copyright arbitration royalty panel.
        (5) Coin-operated phonorecord players (jukeboxes): Within one year 
    of the expiration or termination of a negotiated license authorized by 
    17 U.S.C. 116.
    * * * * *
        6. In Sec. 251.62, the first sentence of paragraph (a) is revised 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 251.62   Content of petition.
        (a) In the case of a petition for rate adjustment proceedings for 
    cable, subscription digital audio transmissions, phonorecords, digital 
    phonorecord deliveries,and coin-operated phonorecord players 
    (jukeboxes), the petition shall detail the petitioner's interest in the 
    royalty rate sufficiently to permit the Librarian of Congress to 
    determine whether the petitioner has a ``significant interest'' in the 
    matter. * * *
    * * * * *
        7. In Sec. 251.63, the first sentence of paragraph (a) is revised 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 251.63   Consideration of petition; settlements.
        (a) To allow time for the parties to settle their differences 
    concerning cable, phonorecord, and jukebox rate adjustments, the 
    Librarian of Congress shall, after the filing of the petition under 
    Sec. 251.62 and before the 45-day period specified in 
    Sec. 251.45(b)(2)(i), designate a 30-day period for consideration of 
    their settlement. * * *
    * * * * *
        Dated: July 12, 1996.
    Recommended by:
    Marybeth Peters,
    Register of Copyrights.
    Approved by:
    James H. Billington,
    The Librarian of Congress.
    [FR Doc. 96-18105 Filed 7-16-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 1410-33-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
U.S. Copyright Office, Library of Congress
Entry Type:
Final regulations, notice of initiation of negotiation period.
Document Number:
The regulations are effective August 16, 1996. The negotiation period begins July 17, 1996 and ends December 31, 1996. Comments on consolidation are due November 8, 1996. Petitions for rate adjustment are due January 10, 1997.
37213-37216 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 96-4 CARP DPRA
PDF File:
CFR: (7)
37 CFR 251.45(b)(2)(i)
37 CFR 251.2
37 CFR 251.58
37 CFR 251.60
37 CFR 251.61
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