96-18109. Notice of Intent to Prepare An Environmental Impact Statement Concerning Interim Storage of Plutonium at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 138 (Wednesday, July 17, 1996)]
    [Pages 37247-37251]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-18109]
    [FR Doc. 96-18076 Filed 7-16-96; 8:45 am]
    Notice of Intent to Prepare An Environmental Impact Statement 
    Concerning Interim Storage of Plutonium at the Rocky Flats 
    Environmental Technology Site
    AGENCY: Department of Energy.
    ACTION: Notice of Intent.
    SUMMARY: The Department of Energy (DOE) announces its intent to prepare 
    an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National 
    Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), in accordance with the Council on 
    Environmental Quality (CEQ) Regulations for Implementing the Procedural 
    Provisions of NEPA and the DOE NEPA implementing regulations. DOE has 
    identified a need to provide safe interim storage of approximately 10 
    metric tons of plutonium at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology 
    Site (RFETS). The plutonium at RFETS is in the form of both metals 
    (including plutonium-bearing weapons components known as ``pits'') and 
    oxides. The 10 metric ton amount includes the current plutonium 
    inventory at RFETS as well as the additional inventory projected to be 
    generated from future processing of plutonium residues into more stable 
    forms suitable for safe storage. DOE intends to prepare an EIS to 
    evaluate the potential environmental impacts associated with reasonable 
    alternative means of providing the needed storage.
    DATES: The public scoping period begins with the publication of this 
    NOI and will continue until August 16, 1996. Written comments 
    postmarked by that date will be considered in the preparation of the 
    Rocky Flats Plutonium Storage Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). 
    [[Page 37248]]
    postmarked after that date will be considered to the extent 
        A public meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 6, 1996, from 
    6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., at RFETS, Building 60 (located immediately off 
    State Highway 93 at the RFETS west entrance).
    ADDRESSES: Written comments or suggestions on the scope of the Rocky 
    Flats Plutonium Storage EIS, including issues to be addressed, should 
    be submitted to: Ms. Dorothy Newell, NEPA Document Manager, U.S. 
    Department of Energy, Rocky Flats Field Office, Office of Material 
    Stabilization and Disposition (Building 460), P.O. Box 928, Golden, CO 
    80402-0928, (Facsimile number 303-966-2497).
        Envelopes should be marked ``Rocky Flats Plutonium Storage EIS''.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information on the Rocky 
    Flats Plutonium Storage EIS, please contact: Ms. Dorothy Newell, NEPA 
    Document Manager, U.S. Department of Energy, Rocky Flats Field Office, 
    Office of Material Stabilization and Disposition (Building 460), 
    Telephone number: 303-966-3521.
        For general information on the DOE NEPA process, please contact: 
    Ms. Carol M. Borgstrom, Director, Office of NEPA Policy and Assistance 
    (EH-42), U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W., 
    Washington, D.C. 20585, Telephone number: 202-586-4600 or leave a 
    message at 800-472-2756.
        Addresses of reading rooms where additional Rocky Flats Plutonium 
    Storage EIS information is available are listed in the Public Scoping 
    Process section, below.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The DOE announces its intent to prepare an 
    EIS pursuant to NEPA (42 USC 4321, et seq.), in accordance with the CEQ 
    Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of NEPA (40 CFR 
    Parts 1500-1508) and the DOE NEPA implementing regulations (10 CFR Part 
    1021). DOE has identified the need to provide for safe interim storage 
    of the approximately 10 metric tons of plutonium metals (including 
    pits, which are plutonium-bearing weapons components) and oxides 
    currently at the RFETS or projected to be generated from future 
    processing of plutonium residues into more stable forms suitable for 
    safe storage. DOE intends to prepare an EIS to evaluate the potential 
    environmental impacts associated with alternative reasonable means of 
    providing the needed storage.
        DOE also announces its decision to defer completion of a RFETS 
    Site-wide EIS (SWEIS), pending completion of a new cleanup agreement 
    among DOE, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the State of 
    Colorado for RFETS, and pending decisions that may result from issuance 
    of the Waste Management Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (WM 
    PEIS) (DOE/EIS-0200-D, Draft EIS issued August 1995). At the time of 
    the publication of the Notice of Intent (59 FR 40011, August 5, 1994) 
    for the Rocky Flats SWEIS, the Department anticipated that the SWEIS 
    would analyze reasonable alternatives regarding waste management, 
    cleanup, economic conversion, and special nuclear materials (which 
    include plutonium and highly enriched uranium) management activities at 
    RFETS. Because future activities proposed at RFETS are expected to be 
    heavily influenced by the terms of the new cleanup agreement and the 
    programmatic decisions resulting from the WM PEIS, DOE has determined 
    that it is preferable to defer completion of the SWEIS until these 
    decisions are made.
    Purpose and Need
        RFETS, a Federal Government-owned, contractor-operated facility 
    located near Golden, Colorado, began operations in 1952. RFETS's 
    primary mission was the production of component parts for nuclear 
    weapons. Although weapon component production ceased in 1989, RFETS 
    still has a plutonium metal and oxide inventory (including pits) of 9.8 
    metric tons stored in six major buildings. In addition, current plans 
    for processing plutonium-bearing residues into a more stable form 
    suitable for storage will result in approximately 0.45 metric tons of 
    plutonium oxide: 0.15 metric tons derived from stabilization of 
    solutions and 0.3 metric tons from stabilization of solid residues.
        As discussed further below, the Department needs to improve the 
    storage arrangements for plutonium metals and oxides at RFETS. Although 
    DOE is engaged in a programmatic (Department-wide) evaluation of 
    alternatives for the long-term storage and disposition of plutonium, no 
    decisions regarding long-term storage and disposition have yet been 
    made. The analysis being undertaken by DOE in the Rocky Flats Plutonium 
    Storage EIS for interim storage of plutonium metals and oxides at RFETS 
    will serve to ensure that decisions on safe and cost-effective interim 
    storage can be made and implemented in the event that long-term storage 
    and disposition decisions, or the implementation of these decisions, 
    should be delayed for any reason.
        A number of the buildings at RFETS, including those storing the 
    site's plutonium inventory, are several decades old. In early 1994, 
    RFETS began consolidating its entire plutonium metal and oxide 
    inventory into Building 371, the newest and most structurally sound 
    building at the site. DOE examined issues associated with the 
    consolidation and safe storage of plutonium in Building 371 at levels 
    above the building's historic limit in the Consolidation and Interim 
    Storage of Special Nuclear Material at the Rocky Flats Environmental 
    Technology Site Environmental Assessment (DOE/EA-1060, June 1995). In 
    addition to enhancing the safety of plutonium storage at RFETS, this 
    consolidation, when completed, will also reduce costs associated with 
    operations, maintenance, and security of storage facilities.
        In its Recommendation 94-3 (September 1994), the Defense Nuclear 
    Facilities Safety Board, which oversees nuclear safety at DOE sites, 
    questioned the suitability of Building 371 for storage of the RFETS 
    plutonium inventory, in light of the uncertainty of the duration of the 
    storage mission at RFETS. Recommendation 94-3 questioned the ability of 
    Building 371 to withstand certain accident scenarios, especially 
    earthquakes, that could potentially lead to the release of plutonium 
    and pose a hazard to workers, the public, and the surrounding 
    environment. The Board recommended that DOE formulate an integrated 
    program plan to address the civil engineering, structural, seismic, and 
    safety issues related to the storage activities in Building 371 and to 
    specify building upgrades and improvements consistent with the 
    building's storage mission. In response to the Board's recommendations, 
    DOE initiated studies of safer and more cost effective plutonium 
    storage methods at RFETS in parallel with its ongoing consolidation 
    efforts. These studies provide much of the foundation for the 
    preliminary alternatives identified below for ensuring safe interim 
    storage of the RFETS plutonium inventory.
        When the Notice of Intent for the SWEIS was published in 1994, DOE 
    intended that the SWEIS would examine the environmental impacts 
    associated with RFETS special nuclear materials management activities 
    (including safe storage), waste management, cleanup, and economic 
    conversion activities. With the exception of plutonium metal and oxide 
    storage issues, the remaining activities
    [[Page 37249]]
    to be analyzed in the SWEIS are likely to be influenced by the new 
    RFETS cleanup agreement and decisions based on completion of the 
    Department's WM PEIS (discussed under ``Related Documentation,'' 
    below). The RFETS cleanup agreement is intended to establish a process 
    for setting enforceable cleanup milestones and accelerating cleanup 
    actions. The WM PEIS (Draft EIS issued August 1995) addresses 
    nationwide Departmental management alternatives for various categories 
    of waste, and RFETS is considered in that document as a potential 
    treatment, storage, and/or disposal location for some waste types. Upon 
    completion of the RFETS cleanup agreement (planned for the summer of 
    1996) and issuance of Records of Decision for individual waste types 
    for the WM PEIS (scheduled for early 1997), it is expected that the 
    purpose and need, scope, and proposed actions for the RFETS SWEIS will 
    be better defined. Therefore, completion of the SWEIS will be deferred, 
    pending completion of the cleanup agreement and decisions resulting 
    from the WM PEIS.
        With regard, however, to the storage of RFETS plutonium metals and 
    oxides, a decision on a course of action to ensure the continued safe 
    interim storage of this material is required sooner than, and 
    independently of, the waste management and land use decisions on which 
    the planned SWEIS analysis would focus. For this reason, DOE has 
    decided to proceed at this time to analyze storage alternatives in the 
    Rocky Flats Plutonium Storage EIS rather than deferring this analysis 
    to the SWEIS. However, any decisions made following completion of the 
    Rocky Flats Plutonium Storage EIS will be included as appropriate in 
    the cumulative impacts analysis in the SWEIS.
        The Rocky Flats Plutonium Storage EIS will analyze alternatives for 
    the safe interim storage of RFETS plutonium metals and oxides. Long-
    term storage and disposition options for these materials are being 
    analyzed in DOE's Storage and Disposition of Weapons-Usable Fissile 
    Materials Programmatic EIS (S&D PEIS)(DOE/EIS-0229-D, Draft EIS issued 
    February 1996). Under the No Action alternative in the S&D PEIS, RFETS 
    weapons-usable fissile materials would remain at the RFETS. Other 
    alternatives considered in the S&D PEIS include the transportation and 
    storage of this material to six other DOE sites: the Hanford Site in 
    Washington, the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, the Pantex Plant 
    in Texas, the Savannah River Site in South Carolina, the Nevada Test 
    Site, and the Oak Ridge Reservation in Tennessee. Any decisions 
    resulting from the Rocky Flats Plutonium Storage EIS will be consistent 
    with the decisions made as a result of the S&D PEIS analysis. The draft 
    S&D PEIS was issued for public review in February 1996. The final S&D 
    PEIS is scheduled to be completed in November 1996, and the Record of 
    Decision is scheduled for December 1996, before the Record of Decision 
    for the Rocky Flats Plutonium Storage EIS.
    Public Scoping Process
        To ensure that the Rocky Flats Plutonium Storage EIS addresses the 
    full range of issues and alternatives related to the safe interim 
    storage of RFETS plutonium metals and oxides, DOE invites all 
    interested persons to submit relevant oral or written comments to Ms. 
    Dorothy Newell at the address listed above. DOE also invites all 
    interested persons to present oral and/or written comments at the 
    public scoping meeting scheduled for August 6, 1996. All written and 
    oral comments will be recorded and given equal weight in preparation of 
    the draft Rocky Flats Plutonium Storage EIS.
        Persons desiring to speak at the meeting are requested to submit 
    their written requests by mail or facsimile to Ms. Dorothy Newell, at 
    the address or number listed above, at least two working days before 
    the meeting. Persons who register at the meeting will be called on to 
    speak as time permits, after the pre-registered speakers. This meeting 
    is scheduled for Tuesday, August 6, 1996, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., 
    at RFETS, Building 60 (located immediately off State Highway 93 at the 
    RFETS west entrance). Written comments also will be accepted at the 
    meeting, and speakers are encouraged to provide written versions of 
    their oral comments for the record.
        DOE is committed to providing opportunities for the involvement of 
    interested individuals and groups in the preparation of the EIS. DOE 
    will publish additional notices of the date, time, and location of the 
    public scoping meeting in local newspapers well in advance of the 
    scheduled meeting date. If it becomes necessary to change the date, 
    time, or location of the public scoping meeting, the changes will be 
    announced in appropriate media.
        DOE will record and prepare transcripts of the oral comments 
    received during the public scoping meeting. Interested persons will be 
    able to review the transcripts, written comments, reference material, 
    related NEPA documents, and background information on RFETS during 
    normal business hours at the following locations:
    U.S. Department of Energy, Freedom of Information Room, Room 1E-190, 
    Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 
    20585, Telephone: 202-586-6020
    U.S. Department of Energy, Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site 
    Public Reading Room, Front Range Community College Library, 3645 West 
    112th Avenue, Westminster, CO 80030, Telephone: 303-469-4435
    Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, Citizens Advisory Board, 
    9035 Wadsworth Parkway, Suite 2250, Westminster, CO 80021, Telephone: 
    Preliminary Alternatives
        Discussed below are the preliminary alternatives identified for 
    safe interim storage of RFETS plutonium metal and oxide. DOE welcomes 
    comments on these or other reasonable alternatives and on the 
    identification of a preferred alternative.
        Alternative 1--No Action: As required by Council on Environmental 
    Quality and DOE regulations, the No Action alternative provides a 
    reference point against which the environmental impacts associated with 
    the other alternatives analyzed can be compared. In general, the No 
    Action alternative consists of the continuation of ongoing storage 
    activities and stabilization activities, and the initiation of any new 
    activities for which NEPA analysis has already been completed.
        Specifically, the No Action alternative consists of the continued 
    consolidation of plutonium metals and oxides from other buildings into 
    Building 371, and completion of immediate safety upgrades, such as 
    installation of fasteners between beams and repairs to fire doors, in 
    Building 371. The No Action alternative also includes the continuation 
    of RFETS activities associated with the stabilization and repackaging 
    of plutonium metals and oxides in compliance with DOE's Criteria for 
    Safe Storage of Plutonium Metal and Oxide. These criteria include 
    standards for material form, container specifications, packaging, and 
    surveillance and inspection.
        Alternative 2--On-Site Storage: In addition to the stabilization 
    and repackaging activities and the immediate safety upgrades addressed 
    in Alternative 1, this alternative would encompass the following two 
        a. New Storage Vault--A new storage vault would be constructed to 
    store the entire RFETS plutonium metals and oxides inventory. Until the 
    vault would be ready for operation, DOE would
    [[Page 37250]]
    continue to consolidate plutonium metals and oxides into Building 371 
    and undertake minimal structural and system upgrades in addition to 
    those identified under Alternative 1.
        b. Building 371 with Seismic Upgrades--DOE would continue to 
    consolidate plutonium metals and oxides into Building 371 and would 
    enhance the building's safety envelope with seismic and safety system 
    upgrades. Upgrades to Building 371 under this subalternative would be 
    more extensive than those defined for Alternative 1 or 2(a).
        Alternative 3--Off-site Storage: This alternative incorporates the 
    activities considered in Alternative 1 and provides for the interim 
    storage of the RFETS plutonium metal and oxide at another DOE site. 
    RFETS plutonium metals and oxides, packaged in accordance with the DOE 
    Criteria for Safe Storage of Plutonium Metal and Oxide, would be 
    shipped to one or more of the six sites that are being considered for 
    long-term storage and disposition in the S&D PEIS and that have 
    available storage capacity to meet the interim storage needs for the 
    RFETS materials.
    Preliminary Issues To Be Addressed
        The Rocky Flats Plutonium Storage EIS will address the impacts of 
    alternatives to the extent necessary to make a reasoned choice among 
    the alternatives. The following preliminary issues are presented to 
    facilitate public discussion of the Rocky Flats Plutonium Storage EIS. 
    This presentation is not intended to be all inclusive.
        1. Public and Occupational Safety and Health. The potential 
    radiological and non-radiological impacts of the plutonium storage 
    alternatives, including projected effects on workers and the public 
    from routine operations and potential accidents.
        2. Environmental Media. Potential impacts on soil, water, and the 
        3. Sensitive Environmental Resources. Potential impacts on plants, 
    animals, and habitat, including impacts to flood plains, wetlands, and 
    threatened and endangered species and their habitat.
        4. Resource Consumption. Potential impacts from consumption of 
    natural resources and energy, including water, natural gas, and 
        5. Socioeconomic. Potential impacts on local communities, including 
    labor force employment and support services.
        6. Environmental Justice. Potential for disproportionately high and 
    adverse impacts of DOE activities on minority and low-income 
        7. Cultural Resources. Potential impacts on cultural resources, 
    such as historic, archeological, scientific, or culturally important 
        8. Regulatory Compliance. The impacts of the alternatives on 
    compliance of RFETS with applicable Federal and state laws and 
        9. Cumulative Impacts. The impacts of alternatives in conjunction 
    with other past, present and reasonably foreseeable future actions 
    regardless of agency (Federal or non-Federal) or persons undertaking 
    such other actions.
        10. Potential Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of 
    Resources. The potential irreversible and irretrievable commitments of 
    resources that would be involved in each alternative.
    Related Documentation
        Documents that have been or are being prepared that may relate to 
    the scope of the Rocky Flats Plutonium Storage EIS include the 
        1. Consolidation and Interim Storage of Special Nuclear Material at 
    Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Environmental Assessment 
    (DOE/EA-1060) and Finding of No Significant Impact, issued June 1995. 
    This Environmental Assessment addressed the stabilization and 
    repackaging of plutonium metals and oxides and their consolidation into 
    Building 371. These activities are in the baseline for the No Action 
    alternative for the Rocky Flats Plutonium Storage EIS.
        2. Actinide Solution Processing at the Rocky Flats Environmental 
    Technology Site Environmental Assessment (DOE/EA-1039) and Finding of 
    No Significant Impact, issued June 1994. This Environmental Assessment 
    addressed the processing of approximately 30,000 liters of residue 
    solutions at the RFETS. Decisions made as a result of this analysis are 
    in the baseline for the No Action alternative and will generate 
    approximately 0.15 metric tons of plutonium oxides, the storage of 
    which will be considered in the Rocky Flats Plutonium Storage EIS.
        3. Solid Residue Treatment, Repackaging, and Storage Environmental 
    Assessment (DOE/EA-1120) and Finding of No Significant Impact, issued 
    April 1996. This Environmental Assessment addressed the stabilization 
    of the solid residue inventory and its packaging to meet the interim 
    safe storage criteria. Decisions made as a result of this analysis are 
    in the baseline for the No Action alternative and will generate 
    approximately 0.3 metric tons of plutonium oxides, the storage of which 
    will be considered in the Rocky Flats Plutonium Storage EIS.
        4. Draft Storage and Disposition of Weapons-Usable Fissile 
    Materials Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (S&D PEIS) (DOE/
    EIS-0229-D, February 1996). This EIS analyzes the potential 
    environmental impacts associated with approaches to long-term storage 
    and disposition of the Department's weapons-usable fissile materials, 
    including plutonium. Under the S&D PEIS No Action alternative, RFETS 
    plutonium metals and oxides would remain at the RFETS. Under all other 
    alternatives, RFETS material would be stabilized and packaged in 
    accordance with the DOE Criteria for Safe Storage of Plutonium Metal 
    and Oxide and transferred to another selected DOE site. The alternative 
    sites include the Hanford Site in Washington, the Idaho National 
    Engineering Laboratory, the Pantex Plant in Texas, the Savannah River 
    Site in South Carolina, the Nevada Test Site, and the Oak Ridge 
    Reservation in Tennessee. Any decisions resulting from the Rocky Flats 
    Plutonium Storage EIS will be consistent with DOE decisions made as a 
    result of the S&D PEIS. The S&D PEIS Record of Decision is scheduled to 
    be issued in December 1996.
        5. Rocky Flats Site-wide Environmental Impact Statement Notice of 
    Intent (59 FR 40011, August 5, 1994). This Notice announced DOE's 
    intention to prepare a SWEIS for RFETS. A SWEIS is a broad-scope, 
    programmatic NEPA document that identifies and assesses individual and 
    cumulative environmental effects of ongoing and reasonably foreseeable 
    future actions. The Notice described the intended scope of the RFETS 
    SWEIS as providing a basis for selection of a site-wide strategic 
    approach for nuclear materials storage, waste management, cleanup, and 
    economic conversion, as well as project-level decisions for land use, 
    management of nuclear materials, deactivation of RFETS facilities, 
    decontamination and decommissioning of existing facilities, and 
    possible on-site and off-site transportation of radioactive, hazardous, 
    and mixed waste. For the reasons noted above, the scope of the SWEIS is 
    being modified so that issues associated with the safe interim storage 
    of RFETS plutonium will be analyzed in the Rocky Flats Plutonium 
    Storage EIS, and completion of the SWEIS has been deferred pending 
    completion of a new RFETS cleanup agreement and decisions based on 
    completion of the WM PEIS.
        6. Draft Waste Management Programmatic Environmental Impact 
    Statement (WM PEIS) (DOE/EIS-0200-D, August 1995). The WM PEIS 
    considers programmatic aspects of
    [[Page 37251]]
    managing DOE waste; alternatives regarding the treatment, storage, and/
    or disposal of low-level, low-level mixed, hazardous, transuranic, and 
    high-level waste are analyzed. While waste may be generated under the 
    alternatives discussed in the Rocky Flats Plutonium Storage EIS, DOE 
    expects that the amount would be small. Therefore, the Rocky Flats 
    Plutonium Storage EIS will not materially impact the scope of the WM 
    PEIS. Records of Decision based on the WM PEIS are scheduled for early 
    1997. Decisions to be made as a result of the Rocky Flats Plutonium 
    Storage EIS will be coordinated with the decisions resulting from the 
    WM PEIS.
        7. Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Recommendation 94-3, 
    Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, Implementation Plan: Task 3, 
    Study Site Storage Alternatives. Material Form and Packaging 
    Alternatives (Deliverable 3-2a, November 22, 1995). As part of DOE's 
    Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 94-3, this study analyzes 
    whether changes in material form and packaging could be used, in 
    conjunction with building and location alternatives, to control the 
    risk of interim storage of excess plutonium and highly enriched uranium 
    at RFETS.
        8. Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Recommendation 94-3, 
    Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, Implementation Plan: Task 3, 
    Study Site Storage Alternatives, Interim Plutonium Storage Vault 
    Alternatives Evaluation (Deliverable 3-2b, November 21, 1995). As part 
    of DOE's Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 94-3, this study 
    identifies feasible facility alternatives for the interim storage of 
    the RFETS plutonium and highly enriched uranium inventories.
        Issued in Washington, DC, this 11 day of July 1996.
    Tara O'Toole,
    Assistant Secretary, Environment, Safety and Health.
    [FR Doc. 96-18109 Filed 7-16-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6450-01-P

Document Information

Energy Department
Entry Type:
Notice of Intent.
Document Number:
The public scoping period begins with the publication of this NOI and will continue until August 16, 1996. Written comments postmarked by that date will be considered in the preparation of the Rocky Flats Plutonium Storage Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Comments postmarked after that date will be considered to the extent practicable.
37247-37251 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
FR Doc. 96-18076 Filed 7-16-96, 8:45 am
PDF File: