95-17392. Revision of Emergency Evacuation Demonstration Procedures To Improve Participant Safety  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 137 (Tuesday, July 18, 1995)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 36932-36937]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-17392]
    [[Page 36931]]
    Part V
    Department of Transportation
    Federal Aviation Administration
    14 CFR Parts 25 and 121
    Revision of Emergency Evacuation Demonstration Procedures To Improve 
    Participant Safety; Proposed Rule
    Federal Register  /  Vol. 60, No. 137  /  Tuesday, July 18, 1995  /  
    Proposed Rule
    [[Page 36932]]
    Federal Aviation Administration
    14 CFR Parts 25 and 121
    [Docket No. 28272; Notice No. 95-9]
    RIN 2120-AF21
    Revision of Emergency Evacuation Demonstration Procedures To 
    Improve Participant Safety
    AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: This notice proposes to revise the emergency evacuation 
    demonstration procedures requirements for transport category airplanes 
    to allow certain alternative procedures in conducting full-scale 
    emergency evacuation demonstrations. These proposals are in response to 
    recommendations from the Performance Standards Working Group (PSWG) of 
    the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC). Additionally, the 
    operational requirements for domestic, flag, and supplemental air 
    carriers and commercial operators of large airplanes would be revised 
    to require each operator to conduct a partial demonstration of 
    emergency evacuation procedures upon initial introduction of a type of 
    model of airplane into passenger-carrying operation. The proposed 
    changes are intended to make full-scale emergency evacuation 
    demonstrations safer for participants, to codify existing practices, 
    and to ensure that each operator demonstrates the effectiveness of 
    crewmember training by conducting at least a partial evacuation 
    demonstration. These proposed changes would affect manufacturers and 
    operators of transport category airplanes.
    DATES: Comments must be received on or before October 16, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: Comments on this notice may be mailed in triplicate to: 
    Federal Aviation Administration, Office of the Chief Counsel, 
    Attention: Rules Docket (AGC-200), Docket No. 28272, 800 Independence 
    Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591; or delivered in triplicate to: Room 
    915G, 800 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591. Comments 
    delivered must be marked Docket No. 28272. Comments may be examined in 
    Room 915G weekdays, except Federal holidays, between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 
    p.m. In addition, the FAA is maintaining an information docket of 
    comments in the Transport Airplane Directorate (ANM-100), Federal 
    Aviation Administration, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA 98055-4056. 
    Comments in the information docket may be examined weekdays, except 
    Federal holidays, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
    Franklin Tiangsing, Regulations Branch, ANM-114, Transport Airplane 
    Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service, FAA, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., 
    Renton, WA 98055-4056; telephone (206) 227-2121.
    Comments Invited
        Interested persons are invited to participate in this proposed 
    rulemaking by submitting such written data, views, or arguments as they 
    may desire. Comments relating to any environmental, energy, or economic 
    impact that might result from adopting the proposals contained in this 
    notice are invited. Substantive comments should be accompanied by cost 
    estimates. Commenters should identify the regulatory docket or notice 
    number and submit comments in triplicate to the Rules Docket address 
    above. All comments received on or before the closing date for comments 
    will be considered by the Administrator before taking action on this 
    proposed rulemaking. The proposals contained in this notice may be 
    changed in light of comments received. All comments received will be 
    available in the Rules Docket, both before and after the comment period 
    closing date, for examination by interested persons. A report 
    summarizing each substantive public contact with FAA personnel 
    concerning this rulemaking will be filed in the docket. Persons wishing 
    the FAA to acknowledge receipt of their comments must submit with those 
    comments a self-addressed, stamped postcard on which the following 
    statement is made: ``Comments to Docket No. 28272.'' The postcard will 
    be date stamped and returned to the commenter.
    Availability of the NPRM
        Any person may obtain a copy of this notice by submitting a request 
    to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Office of Public Affairs, 
    Attention: Public Inquiry Center, APA-230, 800 Independence Avenue SW., 
    Washington, DC 20591; or by calling (202) 267-3484. The notice number 
    of this notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) must be identified in all 
    communications. Persons interested in being placed on a mailing list 
    for future rulemaking documents should also request a copy of Advisory 
    Circular No. 11-2A, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Distribution System, 
    which describes the application procedure.
        Part 25 of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 
    contains the airworthiness standards for transport category airplanes. 
    Manufacturers of transport category airplanes must show that each 
    airplane they produce complies with the relevant standards of part 25. 
    These standards apply to airplanes manufactured within the U.S. and to 
    airplanes manufactured in other countries and imported under a 
    bilateral airworthiness agreement. One of the standards that must be 
    met is that of demonstrating that passengers and crewmembers can be 
    evacuated in a timely manner in an emergency. This standard is 
    addressed by the requirements contained in Sec. 25.803 and Appendix J 
    to part 25. This standard is intended to demonstrate emergency 
    evacuation capability under a consistent set of prescribed conditions 
    but is not intended to demonstrate that all passengers can be evacuated 
    under all conceivable emergency conditions.
        Part 121 contains the requirements governing the operations of 
    domestic, flag, and supplemental air carriers, and commercial operators 
    of large airplanes. One of the requirements is that the certificate 
    holder must demonstrate the effectiveness of the crewmember training 
    and operating procedures in opening floor level and non floor level 
    exits and deploying the evacuation slides, if installed, in a timely 
    History of the Emergency Evacuation Regulations
        Amendment 121-2, effective March 3, 1965, first introduced the 
    requirements for an emergency evacuation demonstration to the FAA 
    regulations. Entities operating under part 121 of Title 14 of the CFR 
    were required to conduct full-scale emergency evacuation demonstrations 
    using 50 percent of the airplane's exits. Half of the exits were 
    rendered inoperative to simulate the type of emergency where fire, 
    structural, or other adverse condition would prevent those exits from 
    being used. A time limit of 120 seconds was given. The demonstration 
    was required upon initial introduction of a type and model of airplane 
    into passenger carrying operations, an increase of 5 percent or greater 
    in passenger seating capacity, or a major change to the interior 
    arrangement that would affect emergency evacuation. The purposes of the 
    demonstration were to demonstrate the ability of crewmembers 
    [[Page 36933]]
    to execute established emergency evacuation procedures, and to ensure 
    realistic assignments of crewmember functions.
        Amendment 25-15, effective October 24, 1967, introduced the 
    emergency evacuation requirements into part 25. Newly created 
    Sec. 25.803 required airplane manufacturers to conduct an emergency 
    evacuation demonstration for airplanes with a passenger seating 
    capacity of 44 or more. The purpose of this demonstration was to 
    establish the evacuation capability of the airplane. The time limit for 
    this demonstration was established at 90 seconds. Concurrently, the 
    time limit for the part 121 demonstration was reduced to 90 seconds by 
    Amendment 121-30, also effective October 24, 1967. This reduction was 
    primarily attributable to significant gains made in the efficacy of 
    devices, such as inflatable slides, to assist in the evacuation. The 
    purpose of the part 121 demonstration still focused on crew training 
    and crew procedures so that demonstration conditions remained somewhat 
    different between the two parts.
        Section 25.803(d) listed conditions under which analysis could be 
    used in lieu of a full-scale demonstration to demonstrate compliance 
    with the regulation. The section stated that the full-scale 
    demonstration did not have to be repeated for a change in the interior 
    arrangement, or for an increase in passenger capacity of less than five 
    percent, if it could be substantiated by analysis that all occupants 
    could be evacuated in less than 90 seconds.
        Amendment 25-46, effective December 1, 1978, revised Sec. 25.803 to 
    allow means other than actual demonstration to show the evacuation 
    capability of the airplane and to replace the existing part 25 
    demonstration conditions with conditions that would satisfy both part 
    25 and part 121. In this way, one demonstration could be used to 
    satisfy both requirements. In addition, Amendment 25-46 revised 
    Sec. 25.803 to allow analysis to be used to substantiate compliance for 
    an increase in seating capacity of more than five percent. Part 121 was 
    revised, by Amendment 121-149, effective December 1, 1978, to accept 
    the results of demonstrations conducted in compliance with Sec. 25.803 
    as of Amendment 25-46.
        Amendment 25-72, effective August 20, 1990, placed the 
    demonstration conditions previously listed in Sec. 25.803(c) into a new 
    Appendix J to part 25. This change was done for clarity and editorial 
    consistency with part 121. In addition, emergency escape route 
    requirements formerly contained in Sec. 25.803(e) were transferred to a 
    new Sec. 25.810(c).
        Amendment 25-79, effective September 27, 1993, revised Appendix J 
    to part 25 by revising the age/gender mix to be used when conducting an 
    emergency evacuation demonstration, by allowing the use of stands or 
    ramps for descending from overwing exits only when the airplane is not 
    equipped with an off-wing descent means, and by prohibiting the flight 
    crew from taking an active role in assisting in the passenger cabin.
        Amendment 121-233, effective September 27, 1993, revised 
    Sec. 121.291(a), (a)(1), and (a)(2) to remove the requirement that the 
    certificate holder conduct a full-scale evacuation demonstration if the 
    airplane type and model had been shown to be in compliance with 
    Sec. 121.219(a) in effect on or after October 24, 1967, or, if during 
    type certification the airplane had been shown to be in compliance with 
    Sec. 25.803 in effect on or after December 1, 1978. Additionally, an 
    actual demonstration could be conducted in accordance with Appendix D 
    to part 121 in effect on or after September 27, 1993, or in accordance 
    with Sec. 25.803 in effect on or after that date.
    The Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee
        The ARAC was formally established by the FAA on January 22, 1991 
    (56 FR 2190) to provide advice and recommendations to the FAA 
    concerning the full range of the FAA's safety-related rulemaking 
    activity. This advice was sought to develop better rules in less 
    overall time using fewer FAA resources than are currently needed. The 
    committee provides the opportunity for the FAA to obtain firsthand 
    information and insight from interested parties regarding proposed new 
    rules or revisions of existing rules.
        There are approximately 60 member organizations on the committee, 
    representing a wide range of interests within the aviation community. 
    Meetings of the committee are open to the public, except as authorized 
    by Section 10(d) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act.
        The ARAC establishes working groups to develop proposals to 
    recommend to the FAA for resolving specific issues. Tasks assigned to 
    working groups are published in the Federal Register. Working group 
    meetings are not generally open to the public; however, all interested 
    persons are invited to become working group members when the group is 
    formed. Working groups report directly to ARAC, and the ARAC must adopt 
    a working group proposal before that proposal can be presented to the 
    FAA as an ARAC recommendation.
        The activities of the ARAC do not, however, circumvent the public 
    rulemaking procedures. After an ARAC recommendation is received and 
    found acceptable by the FAA, the agency proceeds with the normal public 
    rulemaking procedures. Any ARAC participation in a rulemaking package 
    will be fully disclosed in the public docket.
    Activities of the Performance Standards Working Group
        On May 23, 1991, the first meeting of the ARAC was held in 
    Baltimore, Maryland, pursuant to a notification in the Federal Register 
    (56 FR 2190, January 22, 1991).
        Members of the ARAC interested in issues involving emergency 
    evacuation met on May 24, 1991, in Baltimore. At that meeting the 
    charter for a working group that would report to ARAC was established 
    as well as the group membership, which includes representatives from 
    airplane and parts manufacturers, pilot, flight attendant and machinist 
    unions, airlines, airworthiness authorities, passenger associations and 
    other public interest groups. This diverse working group includes 
    representatives from the United States, Canada, and Europe. The charter 
    of the working group is to recommend to the ARAC whether new or revised 
    emergency evacuation standards can and should be stated in terms of 
    performance standards rather than design standards. The first meeting 
    of the new PSWG was held on June 26, 1991, and the group has continued 
    to meet on a bi-monthly basis since then.
        Following two unsuccessful emergency evacuation demonstrations of 
    an airplane on October 26, 1991, for which increased seating capacity 
    was sought, and during which a participant was seriously injured, the 
    ARAC was tasked by the FAA to work on recommendations for revising the 
    emergency evacuation demonstration requirements and compliance methods 
    to eliminate or minimize the potential for injury to demonstration 
    participants. The ARAC decided to add this task to the charter of the 
        In response to this additional task, the PSWG created a draft 
    report for discussion. The draft report consisted primarily of two 
    significant parts: recommendations of changes that could be made to the 
    current demonstration that would improve participant safety, but that 
    would not alter the basic character of the demonstrations; and, 
    recommendations for when analysis 
    [[Page 36934]]
    could be used in lieu of the full scale demonstration, plus an outlined 
    step-by-step methodology for preparing such an analysis. The former 
    recommendation would require a revision to Appendix J to part 25, while 
    the latter recommendations would expand FAA guidance now in Advisory 
    Circular 25.803-1, Emergency Evacuation Demonstrations. The report was 
    revised numerous times, over several PSWG meetings, based on comments 
    from PSWG members. Nonetheless, after numerous attempts to develop a 
    report that was acceptable to all members of the working group, it was 
    determined that a consensus on the full report could not be attained. 
    Areas of disagreement were, however, defined and discussed in an 
    attempt to reach consensus. Representatives of three organizations on 
    the PSWG have written letters stating their objections to the report as 
    finalized. These letters are included as Appendix 2 of the report. In 
    summary, the objectors expressed concern that the committee did not 
    systematically review the causes of injuries in emergency evacuation 
    demonstrations, and thus could not make meaningful recommendations to 
    reduce or eliminate those injuries. Instead, the objectors felt that 
    the committee had concentrated on an approach which would effectively 
    eliminate the full scale demonstration. It should be noted that the 
    comments are primarily aimed at the proposed revisions to the existing 
    advisory circular and not to the revisions to Appendix J of part 25 
    contained in this NPRM.
        The PSWG accepted the report, although a consensus could not be 
    reached on all issues covered in the report, after discussing all items 
    members raised, including the letters of objection. The report was 
    forwarded to the ARAC on January 28, 1993, and accepted by that body 
    with one negative vote. The vote was taken after an opportunity was 
    given to all members to raise questions or to discuss any item in the 
    report. The ARAC then tasked the PSWG to draft the appropriate 
    rulemaking document and revise the advisory material as recommended in 
    the report. This NPRM covers the recommended revisions to part 25 
    covered in the report, ``Emergency Evacuation Requirements and 
    Compliance Methods that Would Eliminate or Minimize the Potential for 
    Injury to Full Scale Evacuation Demonstration Participants.'' A copy of 
    the report has been placed in the docket for examination by interested 
    Harmonization With the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA)
        This document has not been formally harmonized with the JAA in that 
    the JAA has not agreed, as yet, to proceed with parallel rulemaking. A 
    representative of the JAA, however, has been involved with the PSWG 
    since its inception; and the views of the JAA representative have been 
    considered in the development of this notice. Additionally, a 
    representative of the JAA participated as a member of the PSWG writing 
    group, which produced the report noted above upon which this notice is 
    Injuries During Full Scale Emergency Evacuation Demonstrations
        Hundreds of people jumping out of an airplane in simulated dark of 
    night conditions onto inflated slides, sliding as many as 25 feet to 
    the ground below, can result in some injuries. As stated in the report, 
    FAA records (``An FAA Analysis of Aircraft Emergency Evacuation 
    Demonstrations: 1982, Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper 
    Series #821486 by Sharon A. Barthelmess) noted 166 injuries to 
    participants in a sampling of seven full scale evacuation 
    demonstrations conducted between 1972 and 1980, involving 2,571 
    passengers and crewmembers. Additionally, a review of 19 full scale 
    evacuation demonstrations during the 1972-1991 time frame identified 
    269 injuries among 5,797 passengers and crewmembers. Detailed 
    descriptions of most of the injuries discussed above are not available. 
    Not all the injuries, therefore, could be classified as to their 
    severity. Some injuries have been serious; however, the majority 
    probably would not be classified as serious (see 49 CFR 830.2 for 
    injury classification definitions). To date, the most serious injury 
    has resulted in paralysis.
    Discussion of the Proposals
        The FAA proposes amending Appendix J to part 25, as recommended by 
    the ARAC, to reduce the possibility of injury to participants in a 
    full-scale emergency evacuation demonstration and to codify existing 
    practice regarding airplanes equipped with overwing slides.
        Paragraph (a) of Appendix J would be amended to allow exterior 
    light levels of 0.3 foot-candles or less prior to the activation of the 
    airplane emergency lighting system in lieu of the currently required 
    ``dark of night'' conditions. The proposed light level is approximately 
    the level that would be found in the passenger cabin when the emergency 
    lighting system is the only source of illumination. Allowing this low 
    level lighting outside the airplane will enhance the ability of the 
    demonstration director to see and react more quickly to problems that 
    may develop during the demonstration. While this would not prevent 
    injuries incurred at the onset of the problems, it could result in 
    reducing the number of injuries by halting the demonstration sooner 
    than in the past. Tests were not run to ascertain whether or not such 
    exterior ambient lighting would enhance or detract from evacuation 
    performance, since it was considered that crew performance, escape 
    system efficiency, and illumination provided by the airplane emergency 
    lighting system have the predominant impact on evacuation performance.
        Paragraph (p) would be revised to allow exits with inflatable 
    slides to have the slides deployed and available for use prior to the 
    start of the demonstration timing. If this method is used, the exit 
    preparation time, which would be established in separate component 
    tests, would need to be accounted for in some manner. This change would 
    prevent what has occurred in at least two instances, a participant 
    exiting the airplane before the slide was fully available for use. 
    Neither participant was seriously injured; however, if this were to 
    occur again, the potential for serious injury would remain. An 
    additional benefit is that slides being pre-deployed and inflated would 
    not be subject to damage from equipment, such as light stanchions, that 
    is near the airplane only because a demonstration is being run. The 
    predeployment and inflation of slides also allows the proper placement 
    and opportunity for inspection of safety mats around the slide prior to 
    the start of the demonstration. Additionally, the paragraph would be 
    revised to require that the exits that are not used in the 
    demonstration must be clearly indicated once the demonstration has 
    started. This revision to the regulation would contain wording more 
    general than currently in the rule to accommodate the additional 
    flexibility in exit configuration (slide stowed or pre-deployed and 
    inflated) allowed by this proposal. Finally, the opening sentence in 
    the paragraph would be revised to more succinctly describe the exits 
    that are to be used in the demonstration. The exit pairs in the 
    proposed regulation are as required in the passenger seating tables in 
    Sec. 25.807(d). As in the past, exits that are not installed in pairs, 
    typically tail cone or ventral exits, would not be used in the 
    demonstration. This proposal is in 
    [[Page 36935]]
    response to numerous requests to the FAA for clarification of the 
    existing text.
        Paragraph (f) would be revised to remove the requirement that each 
    external door and exit be in the takeoff configuration. This proposal 
    is a result of the proposed change to paragraph (p), noted above, which 
    would allow slides to be deployed and inflated prior to the start of 
    the demonstration. If the option to predeploy the slide is selected by 
    the applicant, an agreement must be reached with the FAA prior to the 
    demonstration regarding how to prevent demonstration participants from 
    determining which exits will be used in the demonstration, as well as 
    when, how, and by whom the covers (a likely solution to the issue) in 
    the doorways will be removed and the impact on the resulting times for 
    each of the used exits. Internal doors would still be required to be in 
    takeoff configuration.
        Paragraph (o) would be revised to state more generally the intent 
    of the requirement rather than requiring specific actions. The intent 
    is that participants inside the airplane should not be able to 
    identify, prior to the start of the demonstration, which exits will be 
    used during the demonstration. Although this may be made more difficult 
    by the proposed change to paragraph (p), this change is not 
    specifically related to reducing injuries.
        Paragraph (n) would be revised to allow passengers to be briefed on 
    safety procedures that are in place for the particular demonstration, 
    e.g., demonstration abort procedures, or procedures that have to do 
    with the demonstration site, e.g., how to evacuate the building in 
    which the demonstration is being conducted, and to note when that 
    briefing could take place. This briefing would be useful by stopping 
    some participants from adding to an already potential injurious 
    situation in the event of problems, such as a collapsed evacuation 
    slide, occurring during the demonstration, or by providing information 
    that would be helpful in case of a problem at the demonstration site, 
    e.g., a fire in the building. The briefing would have to be carefully 
    constructed so as not to impart any information that would enable the 
    participants to evacuate the airplane faster. Additionally, the 
    appropriate time for the passenger briefing required by Sec. 121.571 
    has been added.
        One of the ARAC recommendations, that paragraph (c) be amended to 
    allow the use of stands or ramps for overwing exits only if assist 
    means are not required as part of the airplane type design, is not 
    being proposed because that change has already been implemented by 
    Amendment 25-79.
        Another of the recommendations, involving revising the age/gender 
    mix to require using only the age/gender groups least susceptible to 
    injury, is not being proposed at this time, pending research to 
    identify the groups and develop an appropriate mix. A group of 
    participants based on the new mix would have the same evacuation 
    capability as a group based on the existing mix. This possible future 
    proposal would be in addition to the recent change to the mix 
    promulgated by Amendment 25-79.
        In addition to the amendments to part 25 proposed in this notice, 
    revisions to Advisory Circular (AC) 25.803-1, Emergency Evacuation 
    Demonstrations, are proposed in response to the recommendations 
    contained in the ARAC report. Advisory Circular 25.803-1 provides 
    guidelines that the FAA has found acceptable regarding emergency 
    evacuation demonstrations. Public comments concerning the proposed 
    revisions to AC 25.803 will be invited by separate notice.
        Finally, although not recommended by the ARAC, the FAA has 
    determined that a revision to Sec. 121.291(b)(1) is necessary to 
    accommodate the revision to Sec. 121.291(a), (a)(1), and (a)(2) 
    promulgated by Amendment 121-233, and the proposed change to paragraph 
    (p) of Appendix J to part 25 contained herein. Amendment 121-233 allows 
    a certificate holder to conduct a full-scale emergency evacuation 
    demonstration in accordance with Sec. 25.803 in effect on or after 
    September 27, 1993. The proposed revision to paragraph (p) of Appendix 
    J to part 25 would allow the full-scale emergency evacuation to be run 
    with exits opened and slides deployed and inflated prior to the start 
    of the demonstration. If this proposal were to be incorporated into 
    part 25, it would then be possible for a certificate holder to conduct 
    a full-scale emergency evacuation demonstration without having to have 
    the flight attendants open the exits and deploy the exit slides, if 
    installed. The efficacy of the certificate holder's training and line 
    operating procedures regarding the exits and slides would, therefore, 
    not be demonstrated.
        The FAA proposes to remove the qualifying phrase ``if the 
    certificate holder has not conducted an actual demonstration under 
    paragraph (a) of this section'' from Sec. 121.291(b)(1), thereby 
    requiring each certificate holder to conduct at least a partial 
    demonstration of emergency evacuation procedures for each new type and 
    model of airplane placed into passenger-carrying service. The FAA 
    considers this a necessary and significant demonstration that must be 
    accomplished prior to any new airplane type and model being placed into 
    passenger-carrying service by every certificate holder. This proposal 
    would require a certificate holder to conduct a partial demonstration, 
    even if the certificate holder ran a full-scale evacuation 
    demonstration with the exits in the takeoff and landing configuration. 
    It is extremely unlikely that a certificate holder would voluntarily 
    choose to conduct a full-scale demonstration in lieu of utilizing the 
    results of the airplane manufacturer's demonstration as part of showing 
    compliance with Sec. 25.803, considering the considerable expense of a 
    full-scale evacuation demonstration versus the minimal expense of a 
    partial evacuation demonstration.
    Regualtory Evaluation Summary
        Proposed changes to Federal regulations must undergo several 
    economic analyses. First, Executive Order 12866 directs that each 
    Federal agency shall propose or adopt a regulation only upon a reasoned 
    determination that the benefits of the intended regulation justify its 
    costs. Second, the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 requires agencies 
    to analyze the economic impact of regulatory changes on small entities. 
    Third, the Office of Management and Budget directs agencies to assess 
    the effect of regulatory changes on international trade. In conducting 
    these analyses, the FAA has determined that this rule: (1) would 
    generate benefits that would justify its costs, but is a ``significant 
    regulatory action'' as defined in the Executive Order; (2) is 
    ``significant'' as defined in DOT's Policies and Procedures; (3) would 
    not have a significant impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities; and (4) would not have a negative impact on international 
    trade. These analyses, available in the docket, are summarized below.
        The proposed rule would not necessarily result in additional 
    compliance costs, because it would allow alternative procedures in 
    conducting demonstrations, rather than mandating them. If manufacturers 
    elect to use the proposed procedures, however, the FAA estimates that 
    there would be incremental costs of approximately $1,100 per transport 
    airplane certification.
        The primary benefit of the proposed rule would be reduced risks of 
    injuries to demonstration participants. Allowing low-level exterior 
    light would enhance the ability of the demonstration director to react 
    more quickly to problems which 
    [[Page 36936]]
    could develop during the demonstration. Pre-deploying and inflating 
    slides would prevent participants from injuring themselves by exiting 
    the airplane before the slides are fully available for use.
        The FAA reviewed 19 demonstrations conducted between 1972 and 1991. 
    Of the 5,797 participants in the demonstrations, 269, or 4.6 percent, 
    were injured. In the seven demonstrations for which there was 
    information on the types of injuries, 13 suffered fractures, 63 sprains 
    or strains, 32 contusions, and 108 suffered lacerations or abrasions, a 
    total of 216 people injured.
        In one of these demonstrations, a participant was seriously 
    injured. In general, however, fractures, sprains, strains, contusions, 
    lacerations, and abrasions are generally classified as ``minor'' or 
    ``moderate,'' according to the abbreviated injury scale (AIS) used by 
    the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). The FAA estimates that 
    the average costs of a minor injury are $6,900 and the average costs of 
    a moderate injury are $44,000. Avoiding only one minor injury during an 
    evacuation demonstration would result in cost savings exceeding the 
    estimated $1,100 incremental costs of the proposed alternative 
    procedures. The FAA has determined, therefore, that the proposed rule 
    would be cost-beneficial.
    Regulatory Flexibility Determination
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (RFA) was enacted by 
    Congress to ensure that small entities are not unnecessarily and 
    disproportionately burdened by Federal regulations. The RFA requires a 
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis if a proposed rule would have a 
    significant economic impact, either positive or negative, on a 
    substantial number of small entities. Based on FAA Order 2100.14A, 
    Regulatory Flexibility Criteria and Guidance, the FAA has determined 
    that the proposed amendments would not have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities because no small 
    entities would be affected.
    International Trade Impact Assessment
        The proposed rule would not constitute a barrier to international 
    trade, including the export of American airplanes to foreign countries 
    and the import of foreign airplanes into the Untied States.
    Federalism Implications
        The regulations proposed herein would not have substantial direct 
    effects on the states, on the relationship between the national 
    government and the states, or on the distribution of power and 
    responsibilities among the various levels of government. Thus, in 
    accordance with Executive Order 12612, it is determined that this 
    proposal does not have sufficient federalism implications to warrant 
    the preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
        Although the proposed changes to revise the emergency evacuation 
    demonstration requirements of part 25 of the FAR are not expected to 
    result in substantial economic cost, the FAA has determined that this 
    proposed regulation would be ``significant'' under Executive Order 
    12866, and ``significant'' under DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures 
    (44 FR 11034, February 25, 1979) because of the public interest 
    involved. Since there are no small entities affected by this proposed 
    rulemaking, the FAA certifies that the rule, at promulgation, would not 
    have a significant economic impact, positive or negative, on a 
    substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act. A copy of the regulatory evaluation 
    prepared for this project may be examined in the Rules Docket or 
    obtained from the person identified under the caption FOR FURTHER 
    List of Subjects
    14 CFR Part 25
        Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    14 CFR Part 121
        Air carriers, Aircraft, Airmen, Aviation safety, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Safety, Transportation.
    The Proposed Amendments
        Accordingly, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) proposes to 
    amend 14 CFR parts 25 and 121 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) 
    as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 25 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40110, 40113, 44701, 44702, 44711, 
    44713; 49 CFR 1.47(a).
        2. By amending Appendix J to part 25 by revising paragraphs (a), 
    (f), (n), (o), and (p) to read as follows:
    Appendix J to Part 25--Emergency Evacuation
    * * * * *
        (a) The emergency evacuation must be conducted with exterior 
    ambient light levels of 0.3 foot-candles or less, prior to the 
    evacuation of the airplane emergency lighting system. The source(s) 
    of the initial exterior ambient light level may remain active or 
    illuminated during the actual demonstration. There must, however, be 
    no increase in the exterior ambient light level except for that due 
    to activation of the airplane emergency lighting system.
    * * * * *
        (f) Each internal door or curtain must be in the takeoff 
    * * * * *
        (n) Prior to entering the demonstration aircraft, the passengers 
    may also be advised to follow directions of crewmembers but not be 
    instructed on the procedures to be followed in the demonstration, 
    except with respect to safety procedures in place for the 
    demonstration or that have to do with the demonstration site. Prior 
    to the start of the demonstration, the pre-takeoff passenger 
    briefing required by Sec. 121.571 of this chapter may be given. 
    Flight attendants may assign demonstration subjects to assist 
    persons from the bottom of a slide, consistent with their approved 
    training program.
        (o) The airplane must be configured to prevent closure of the 
    active emergency exits to demonstration participants in the 
    airplane, until the start of the demonstration.
        (p) Exits used in the demonstration will consist of one exit 
    from each exit pair. The demonstration may be conducted with the 
    escape slides, if provided, inflated and the exits open at the 
    beginning of the demonstration. In this case, all exists will be 
    configured such that the active exits are not disclosed to the 
    occupants. If this method is used, the exit preparation time for 
    each exit utilized must be accounted for, and exits that are not to 
    be used in the demonstration must not be indicated before the 
    demonstration has started. The exits to be used must be 
    representative of all of the emergency exits on the airplane and 
    must be designated by the applicant, subject to approval by the 
    Administrator. At least one floor level exit must be used.
    * * * * *
        3. The authority citation for part 121 continues to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40101, 40105, 40113, 44701-44702, 
    and 44704-44705.
        4. By amending Sec. 121.291 by revising paragraph (b)(1) to read as 
    Sec. 121.291  Demonstration of emergency evacuation procedures.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (1) Initial introduction of a type and model of airplane into 
    passenger-carrying operation;
    * * * * *
    [[Page 36937]]
        Issued in Washington, D.C. on July 11, 1995.
    Thomas E. McSweeny,
    Director, Aircraft Certification Service.
    [FR Doc. 95-17392 Filed 7-17-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-M

Document Information

Federal Aviation Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments must be received on or before October 16, 1995.
36932-36937 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 28272, Notice No. 95-9
2120-AF21: Revision of Emergency Evacuation Demonstration Procedures To Improve Participant Safety
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (5)
14 CFR 121.291(a)
14 CFR 121.219(a)
14 CFR 25.807(d)
14 CFR 25.803
14 CFR 121.291