99-16865. Self-Regulatory Organizations; Order Granting Approval to Proposed Rule Change by the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. Relating to Amendments to Forms U-4 and U-5  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 127 (Friday, July 2, 1999)]
    [Pages 36059-36062]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-16865]
    [Release No. 34-41560; File No. SR-NASD-98-96]
    Self-Regulatory Organizations; Order Granting Approval to 
    Proposed Rule Change by the National Association of Securities Dealers, 
    Inc. Relating to Amendments to Forms U-4 and U-5
    June 25, 1999.
    I. Introduction
        On December 18, 1998, the National Association of Securities 
    Dealers, Inc. (``NASD'' or ``Association''), through its wholly owned 
    subsidiary NASD Regulation, Inc. (``NASD Regulation'' or ``NASDR''), 
    filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (``SEC'' or 
    ``Commission'') a proposed rule change pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of 
    the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (``Act''),\1\ and Rule 19b-4 
    thereunder.\2\ In its proposal, NASD Regulation seeks to amend 
    disclosure question on Form U-4, The Uniform Application for Securities 
    Industry Registration or Transfer, and Form U-5, The Uniform 
    Termination Notice for Securities Industry Registration, (collectively 
    ``Proposed Forms'') and to implement the World Wide Web-based Central 
    Registration Depository (``Web CRD''). Notice of the proposal, as 
    amended by Amendment No. 1, Amendment No. 2, and Amendment No. 3, was 
    published in the Federal Register on April 30, 1999 (``Notice'').\3\
        \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
        \2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
        \3\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 41326 (April 22, 
    1999), 64 FR 23366 (File No. SR-NASD-98-96).
    [[Page 36060]]
        On April 28, 1999, NASDR filed Amendment No. 4 to the proposed rule 
    change (``Amendment No. 4''). Notice of Amendment No. 4 was published 
    in the Federal Register on May 13, 1999.\4\ Amendment No. 4 clarifies 
    the processing of Forms U-4 and U-5 during and after the period Web CRD 
    becomes effective. On June 8, 1999, NASDR submitted Amendment No. 5 to 
    the proposal. Amendment No. 5 makes technical, non-substantive, changes 
    to the proposal.\5\ On June 18, 1999, NASDR filed Amendment No. 6 to 
    the proposal. Amendment No. 6 also makes technical, non-substantive, 
    changes to the proposal.\6\ The Commission received no comment letters 
    on the filing. This order approves the proposal, as amended.
        \4\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 41371 (May 5, 1999), 
    64 FR 25945 (File No. SR-NASD-98-96).
        \5\ See letter from Alden S. Adkins, Senior Vice President and 
    General Counsel, NASD Regulation, to Katherine A. England, Assistant 
    Director, Division of Market Regulation, Commission, dated June 7, 
    1999. In Amendment No. 5, NASD Regulation changed the abbreviations 
    of the American Stock Exchange from ``ASE'' to ``AMEX'' and the 
    Pacific Stock Exchange from ``PSE'' to ``PCX'' on the Proposed Forms 
    U-4 and U-5. Because this is a technical change, it does not need to 
    be published for comment.
        \6\ See letter from John M. Ramsay, Vice President and Deputy 
    General Counsel, NASD Regulation, to Katherine A. England, Assistant 
    Director, Division of Market Regulation, Commission, dated June 18, 
    1999. In Amendment No. 6, NASDR further clarifies the processing of 
    Forms U-4 and U-5 during the period Web CRD becomes effective. 
    Because this is a technical change, it does not need to be published 
    for comment.
    II. Description of the Proposal
        As part of NASDR's efforts to modernize the Central Registration 
    Depository (``CRD''), NASDR seeks to streamline the registration and 
    termination process for individuals. NASDR proposes to amend Forms U-4 
    and U-5 so that these forms can be electronically submitted through the 
    World Wide Web. Under the NASDR's proposal, an individual seeking 
    registration will be required to fill out and submit an electronic Form 
    U-4, which will be available on NASDR's website (``Proposed Form U-
    4'').\7\ Further, when an associated person terminates his association 
    with a broker-dealer, the broker-dealer will be required to fill out 
    and submit an electronic Form U-5, which will also be available on the 
    NASDR's website (``Proposed Form U-5'') \8\ In addition, the NASD seeks 
    to amend certain disclosure questions on Forms U-4 and U-5.
        \7\ The address for NASDR's website is http://www.nasdr.com.
        \8\ Id.
        The NASD originally planned to implement a redesigned CRD in 1996. 
    At that time, the NASD proposed a network-based system in which 
    individuals and firms would electronically submit Forms U-4 and U-5 
    directly to the CRD. To accomplish this change, the NASD redesigned 
    Forms U-4 and U-5. The Commission approved these forms in 1996 (``1996 
        \9\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 37407 (July 5, 
    1996), 61 FR 36595 (July 11, 1996) (File No. SR-NASD-96-19).
        However, following a technological reassessment in 1997, the NASD 
    decided to abandon the network-based system. Instead, the NASD decided 
    to create a web-based system where individuals and firms could 
    electronically submit Forms U-4 and U-5 through the NASDR's World Wide 
    Website. Because the network-based system was abandoned, the 1996 Forms 
    could not be used. As a result, the NASD received Commission approval 
    for Interim Forms U-4 and U-5 while Web CRD was being developed 
    (``Interim Forms'').\10\ The Interim Forms, which are submitted on 
    paper, included all of the substantive changes to the disclosure 
    questions and some of the changes to instructions that were approved in 
    the 1996 Forms. The Interim Forms are currently in effect.
        \10\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 39322 (Nov. 13, 
    1997), 62 FR 62391 (Nov. 21, 1997) (File No. SR-NASD-97-98).
    Changes to the 1996 Forms
        To accomplish the transition to Web CRD, the NASD now proposes 
    certain formatting and technical changes to the 1996 Forms, which were 
    the original proposed electronic forms. First, the Disclosure Reporting 
    Pages (``DRPs'') were reformatted. Due to the complexity of the data 
    structure of the 1996 DRPs, NASDR felt that Web CRD would not be able 
    to efficiently process the 1996 Forms without revisions.\11\
        \11\ For a detailed history of the development of Web CRD, Forms 
    U-4 and U-5, and the procedures associated with filing the forms, 
    refer to the Notice and Amendment No. 4. See supra Notes 3, 4.
        Second, the ``other business activities'' DRP on the 1996 Form U-4 
    was replaced with a separate attachment sheet, which also can be used 
    to provide additional information about residential, employment or 
    personal history. The other business activity section of Question 20B 
    on the 1996 Form U-4 renumbered as Question 21. (All subsequent 
    questions are likewise renumbered.) Correspondingly, the instructions 
    to Question 21 on the Proposed Form U-4 list the types of information 
    that must be provided on the attachment sheet, and request the 
    information that would be reportable on the ``other business 
    activities'' DRP.
        Third, Sections 11 and 12 on the 1996 Form U-4 and Section 11 on 
    the 1996 Form U-5 have been reformatted to ensure more accurate 
    selections of registration categories. The Proposed Forms were 
    reformatted to reduce erroneous requests for registrations that are not 
    available for a particular self-regulatory organization (``SRO''). In 
    addition, the instructions on the Proposed Forms clarify that CRD does 
    not process Investment Adviser Representative and Agent of the Issuer 
    registrations, even though the paper versions of the Proposed Forms 
    contain boxes for such registrations. When an individual views the 
    electronic version of the Proposed Forms on the Web CRD system, the 
    boxes for these registrations will be shaded and the individual will 
    not be allowed to select these options. The boxes for these 
    registrations are included on the paper versions of the Proposed Forms 
    solely for the convenience of states that wish to use the paper 
    Proposed Forms for these registrations.
        Fourth, the General Instructions on the Proposed Forms were 
    changed. The General Instructions regarding the submission of documents 
    on the 1996 Forms provide that documents are not required to be 
    submitted, but that the individual may submit them because documents 
    may be requested as part of the review process. The Proposed Forms 
    amend this instruction slightly to conform to the current practice of 
    the states and SROs by stating that, although documents are not 
    generally required to be filed with the Forms, it may be necessary to 
    provide them to clarify or support responses on the Forms.
        Finally, the proposed Forms retain the definitions of 
    ``investigation'' and ``sales practice violations'' that were adopted 
    in the Interim Forms, with slight changes to function. The NASD 
    believes these definitions are more precise than the corresponding 
    definitions used in the 1996 Forms and generally have worked will in 
        The Proposed Forms also contain DRP ``pick lists'' that will appear 
    for users filing the forms electronically. The pick lists, which only 
    appear in the DRP portions of the Proposed Forms, provide choices that 
    an individual or firm must select when answering a question. For 
    example, on the Proposed U-5 Customer Complaint DRP, when a firm clicks 
    on the field for ``Litigation Disposition,'' the following choices will 
    appear on the screen: Decision for
    [[Page 36061]]
    Applicant , Decision for Customer, Denied, Dismissed, Judgment (other 
    than monetary), Monetary Judgment to Applicant, Monetary Judgment to 
    Customer, No Action, Other, Settled, Withdrawn. Like every pick list on 
    the Proposed Forms, the firm submitting the electronic DRP will be 
    limited to one of the choices on the list. In all pick lists (except 
    states of residence and types of judgments/liens), a firm or individual 
    may select ``Other'' if none of the choices presented in the pick list 
    is applicable.
    Changes to the Disclosure Questions
        In addition, four disclosure questions from the 1996 Forms are 
    amended on the Proposed Forms. These substantive amendments involve: 
    (1) An expansion of the Form U-4 question eliciting information on 
    settled customer complaints to include those oral complaints involving 
    sales practice allegations that are settled for $10,000 or more;\12\ 
    (2) a modification of the Form U-5 question eliciting information on 
    customer complaints to make that reporting requirement consistent with 
    the parallel question on the Form U-4 (effectively eliminating the 
    reporting requirement for and permitting the archiving of customer 
    complaints that are over 24 months old and are not otherwise 
    reportable);\13\ and (3) an expansion of the reporting requirement on 
    the Form U-5 to include criminal or regulatory actions initiated on the 
    basis of events that occurred while and individual was employed by the 
    firm, even if the actions were initiated after the individual had been 
        \12\ Question 22i(2) on the Proposed U-4,
        \13\ Question 17 on the Proposed U-5.
        \14\ Questions 14 and 15 on the Proposed U-5.
    Transition Period and Afterward
        From July 31 to August 15, 1999, the CRD system will not process 
    Forms U-4 and U-5. This two week period (termed the ``System Transition 
    Period'') is needed to complete the final data conversions from the 
    current CRD system to the Web CRD system.\15\ NASDR requests that 
    August 1, 1999 be the effective date for the Proposed Forms.
        \15\ NASDR's Public Disclosure Program, which provides 
    disciplinary and other information about NASD members and their 
    associated persons, will continue to be available to the public and 
    regulators during the System Transition Period. Regulators also will 
    continue to have query access (i.e., read only access) to the 
    current CRD system during the System Transition Period.
        Based on this effective date, NASDR WILL NOT accept paper Interim 
    Forms U-4 and U-5 after July 29, 1999. However, firms that use the Firm 
    Access Query System and firms that use the Electronic Filing Transfer 
    system will be able to electronically submit pages one and two a forms 
    U-4 and U-5 to NASDR through July 30, 1999.\16\ In addition, NASDR WILL 
    NOT accept Proposed Form U-4 until August 16, 1999, which is when the 
    CRD system will again be operational. In practice, this means that 
    NASDR WILL NOT accept new applications for registration from July 30 to 
    August 16, 1999.
        \16\ See supra Note 6.
        However, during the System Transition Period, NASDR WILL accept 
    paper versions of the Proposed From U-5 provided these forms are 
    submitted to report full termination (i.e., a termination of an 
    individual's registration with all SROs and jurisdictions). 
    Additionally, during this period, NASDR will review all paper Proposed 
    Forms U-5 reporting full termination and will provide notice to the 
    appropriate regulators/jurisdictions if these forms contain disclosure 
        In addition, NASDR has developed a plan, which is based on the 
    current Temporary Agent Transfer (``TAT'') program, to allow registered 
    representatives to transfer their registrations during the System 
    Transition Period. During this period, NASDR will accept Transition TAT 
    Requests for registered representatives who have left their previous 
    employer within the last seven days and who have no reportable 
    disclosure information. NASDR will only accept Transition TAT Requests 
    for participating jurisdictions.\17\
        \17\  See CRD/PD Bulletin, June 1999, Volume 7, No. 2. This 
    Bulletin contains detailed information about the transition to Web 
        After August 1, 1999 and continuing after the System Transition 
    Period, NASDR also WILL accept paper versions of Part II of the 
    ``Internal Review DRP'' in the Proposed Form U-5. The 1996 Form U-5 
    ``Internal Review DRP'' contains a Part II that allows a registered 
    representative who has been terminated to provide a summary of the 
    circumstances relating to an internal review disclosure submitted by 
    the individual's former employer on the Form U-5. Once the Proposed 
    Forms become effective, NASDR WILL accept paper submissions of this 
    Part II information by a terminated registered representative and NASDR 
    staff will enter the information on to the Web CRD system on behalf of 
    the terminated registered representative.
        After the System Transition Period (i.e., August 16, 1999), when a 
    firm amends a Form U-4 filing on Web CRD for the first time for an 
    individual with disclosure information, a blank Page 3 of the Proposed 
    Form U-4 will appear on the screen. A firm then will be required to 
    fill out the entire Page 3 to reflect all currently reportable 
    disclosure information, some or all of which may already have been 
    reported to CRD.\18\ Thereafter, a member will be able to retrieve the 
    most recently filed electronic Page 3 of the Form U-4 and edit for 
    submission, rather than filling out the blank Page 3 for each 
    subsequent filing.
        \18\ In Amendment No. 4, the NASDR stated that firms were 
    already subject to this requirement. The Commission notes that under 
    the Interim Form U-4, forms did not need to file a new Page 3 every 
    time a firm amended an individual's U-4. While the Interim U-4 was 
    effective, the instructions stated, ``Information contained on Form 
    U-4 must be kept current. As changes occur, the CRD should be 
    updated by an amendment filing. Amendments are accomplished by 
    filing the appropriate page(s) containing only the information in 
    need of revision.'' See instructions under the section titled. ``How 
    to Use Form U-4.''
    Beginning August 16, 1999, All Forms U-4 and U-5 Must Be Submitted 
    II. Discussion
        The Commission finds that the proposal is consistent with the 
    requirements of Section 15A \19\ of the Act \20\ and the rules and 
    regulations thereunder that govern the NASD.\21\ In particular, the 
    Commission finds that the proposed rule change is consistent with 
    Section 15A(b)(6) \22\ which requires, among other things, that the 
    rules of an association be designed to foster cooperation and 
    coordination with persons engaged in regulating, clearing, settling, 
    processing information with respect to, and facilitating transactions 
    in securities, and, in general, to protect investors and the public 
    interest; and are not designed to permit unfair discrimination among 
    customers, issuers, brokers, or dealers.
        \19\ 15 U.S.C. 78o-3.
        \20\ Pursuant to Section 3(f) of the Act, the Commission has 
    considered the proposed rule's impact on efficiency, competition, 
    and capital formation. The Commission notes that the forms provide 
    SROs and states with a centralized, cost-effective, and efficient 
    means of maintaining information on associated persons. Moreover, 
    the impact on competition is negligible because all SROs currently 
    use a version of Forms U-4 and U-5. 15 U.S.C. 78c(f).
        \21\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b).
        \22\ 15 U.S.C. 78o-3(b)(6).
        The Commission has determined to approve the Association's proposal 
    implementing Web CRD and amending certain disclosure questions on Forms 
    U-4 and U-5. The Commission believes that Web CRD will streamline the 
    registration and termination process for individuals and firms. Under 
    the NASDR's proposal, an individual
    [[Page 36062]]
    seeking registration will be required to fill out an electronic Form U-
    4, which will be available on NASDR's website, and submit it 
    electronically. Further, when an associated person ends his association 
    with a broker-dealer, the broker-dealer will be required to fill out an 
    electronic Form U-5, which will also be available on the NASDR's 
    website, and submit it electronically.
        Further, the Commission believes that Web CRD will expedite the 
    registration and termination process for individuals and firms. Under 
    the proposal, firms and individuals will no longer rely on the mail 
    system to transmit the forms to NASDR. Now, individuals and firms will 
    electronically submit Forms U-4 and U-5 through the World Wide Web, 
    which means NASDR should receive the forms more quickly. The Commission 
    also believes that investors will benefit from the expedited 
    registration and termination process because the faster NASDR receives 
    the forms, the faster information on the forms can be disclosed to 
    investors through the NASD's Public Disclosure Program (``PDP'').
        In addition, based on demonstrations of Web CRD, the Commission 
    believes that the CRD system will be easier for regulators and SROs to 
    use. For example, Form U-4 disclosure information will be in a format 
    that is easier to understand than what is currently displayed in CRD. 
    With Web CRD, regulators and SROs will be able to quickly access 
    relevant information in an easy-to-read format.
        Additionally, the Commission believes that the amended disclosure 
    questions, coupled with the NASD's PDP, will provide the public with 
    more information about an associated person's disciplinary history. The 
    Commission believes that this information will help investors determine 
    whether to conduct or continue to conduct business with particular 
    associated persons. The Commission notes that disclosure of this 
    additional information may serve as a deterrent to fraudulent activity 
    as well.
        Lastly, the Commission notes that the pick lists, even with the 
    ``Other'' choice, will standardize individuals' and firms' responses to 
    DRP questions. Previously, when an individual or firm responded to DRP 
    questions on the Interim Forms U-4 and U-5, the individual or firm had 
    the ability to write whatever he thought was appropriate. Now, when 
    responding to a DRP question, an individual or firm is limited to the 
    choices provided in the pick lists. Because future changes to the lists 
    might affect individuals and firms' ability to respond to DRP 
    questions, the Commission expects NASDR to file substantive changes to 
    the pick lists.
        It is therefore ordered, pursuant to Section 19(b)(2) of the 
    Act,\23\ that the proposed rule change (SR-NASD-98-96), as amended, is 
    hereby approved.
        \23\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
        For the Commission, by the Division of Market Regulation, 
    pursuant to delegated authority.\24\
        \24\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).
    Margaret H. McFarland,
    Deputy Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 99-16865 Filed 7-1-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8010-01-M

Document Information

Securities and Exchange Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
36059-36062 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Release No. 34-41560, File No. SR-NASD-98-96
PDF File: