94-17656. Self-Regulatory Organizations; Order Approving Proposed Rule Change by the Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc., Relating to Modification of Fees for Failure To Observe OEX RAES Requirements  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 138 (Wednesday, July 20, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-17656]
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    [Federal Register: July 20, 1994]
    [Release No. 34-34376; File No. SR-CBOE-94-12]
    Self-Regulatory Organizations; Order Approving Proposed Rule 
    Change by the Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc., Relating to 
    Modification of Fees for Failure To Observe OEX RAES Requirements
    July 14, 1994.
        On April 1, 1994, the Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc. 
    (``CBOE'' or ``Exchange'') submitted to the Securities and Exchange 
    Commission (``SEC'' or ``Commission''), pursuant to Section 19(b) of 
    the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (``Act'')\1\ and Rule 19b-4 
    thereunder,\2\ a proposal to amend CBOE Rule 24.17, ``RAES Eligibility 
    in OEX,'' to change the eligibility standards under which individuals, 
    member organizations and joint accounts may participate in the CBOE's 
    Retail Automatic Execution System (``RAES'') for Standard & Poor's 100 
    Index (``OEX'') options. Among other things, the CBOE proposes to 
    eliminate the automatic disqualification provision from CBOE Rule 24.17 
    and replace the rule's current $500.00 fee for failures to comply with 
    RAES log-on and log-off requirements with the following fee schedule: a 
    $100.00 fee for each of the first three failures to comply with the 
    log-on or log-off requirements in one calendar year; a $250.00 fee for 
    each of the fourth through sixth such failures in one calendar year; 
    and a $500.00 fee for all subsequent failures to comply with the log-on 
    and log-off requirements in one calendar year.
        \1\15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1) (1982).
        \2\17 CFR 240.19b-4 (1993).
        Notice of the proposed rule change was published for comment in the 
    Federal Register in Securities Exchange Act Release No. 34128 (May 27, 
    1994), 59 FR 28907 (June 3, 1994). No comments were received on the 
        In May 1993 Exchange Rule 24.17 was amended to establish, among 
    other things, more rigorous log-on and log-off requirements for 
    participants in OEX RAES.\3\ For example, group members who previously 
    were logged on automatically by the Exchange must now log on at their 
    own initiative each time they enter the trading crowd. Likewise, 
    members who previously were not required to log off the system each 
    time they left the trading crowd must now do so.
        \3\See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 32248 (April 30, 
    1993), 58 FR 27596 (``RAES Approval Order'').
        In view of these additional log-on and log-off requirements, the 
    Exchange believes that the $500.00 fees currently due from members who 
    do not log on or log off as required are excessive. The proposed rule 
    change therefore establishes a new graduated fee schedule, under which 
    the fee amount will increase in relation to the number of times within 
    any one calendar year that a member does not log on or log off as 
    required. Specifically, during each calendar year, a $100.00 fee will 
    be due for each of the first three times that a member fails to observe 
    the log-on or log-off requirements; a $250.00 fee will be due for each 
    of the fourth through sixth such times; and a $500.00 fee will be due 
    for all subsequent times. In addition, the CBOE proposes to assess a 
    $500.00 fee on any member participating in a joint account or nominee 
    account held by a member organization if the member logs onto OEX RAES 
    but thereafter terminates participation prior to the next succeeding 
    expiration date without either joining another OEX RAES account or 
    terminating membership on the Exchange.
        In addition, the CBOE proposes to eliminate the automatic 
    disqualification provisions in CBOE Rule 24.17. Specifically, the 
    Exchange proposes to delete the provisions which provide that a 
    individuals's, participating nominee's, or joint account member's 
    failure to meet his RAES obligations will disqualify him from signing 
    onto RAES for such time period as the OEX Floor Procedure Committee 
    (``OFPC'') determines. The CBOE also proposes to allow an individual 
    required to sign onto RAES immediately prior to expiration to apply to 
    the OFPC for prospective relief from the log-on requirements during a 
    particular expiration cycle. The proposal states that in deciding such 
    applications, the OFPC may limit the grant of relief by imposing time 
    periods during which the applicant will not be eligible to participate 
    in RAES.
        Members who fail to observe CBOE Rule 24.17 can be subject to a 
    variety of sanctions.\4\ The CBOE states that the fees suggested in the 
    proposed rule change, like the fees imposed currently under CBOE Rule 
    24.17, do not constitute disciplinary action. Nevertheless, the review 
    procedures in Chapter 19, ``Hearings and Review,'' of the Exchange's 
    rules will be available with respect to the assessment of the proposed 
    fees. Under those procedures, a member may seek verification of fees 
    charged by the Exchange. If the member is not satisfied with the 
    verification of fees, he may request a hearing before a panel of three 
    or more members of the Exchange's Appeals Committee. At the hearing the 
    appellant may be represented by counsel and may cross examine 
        \4\Under CBOE Rule 24.17(b)(v), the OFPC may bar, restrict, or 
    condition a joint account's participation in RAES if any member 
    fails to meet the OEX market maker requirements. Under CBOE Rule 
    24.17(c)(vi), the OFPC may bar, restrict, or condition a member 
    organization's participation in RAES if any nominee on RAES in OEX 
    fails to meet the OEX market maker requirements. CBOE Rule 
    24.17(e)(ii) provides several sanctions for failures to comply with 
    the requirements of CBOE Rule 24.17, including disciplinary action 
    under, among others, CBOE Rule 6.20, ``Admission to and Conduct on 
    the Trading Floor,'' and Chapter XVII, ``Discipline,'' of the CBOE's 
    rules. In addition, the OFPC may take remedial action, including 
    suspension of a member's eligibility for participation on RAES and 
    other remedies appropriate under Chapter VIII, ``Market Makers, 
    Trading Crowds, and Modified Trading Systems,'' of the CBOE's rules.
        \5\See CBOE Rules 19.3, ``Procedure Following Applications for 
    Hearing,'' and 19.4, ``Hearing.''
        In addition, the decision of the Exchange's Appeals Committee panel 
    is subject to review by the Board of Directors of the Exchange on the 
    Board's own motion, on the written request of the appellant, or at the 
    request of the Exchange's President or the relevant Exchange Committee 
    Chairman. The review must be conducted by the Board or by a Board 
    Committee consisting of at least three Directors (other than Directors 
    who sat on the Appeals Committee in the matter). An appellant has an 
    opportunity to address issues raided specifically by the Board or the 
    Committee, and in addition may submit oral or written arguments if the 
    Board so allows in its discretion.\6\
        \6\See CBOE Rule 19.5, ``Review.''
        The Exchange believes that the proposed fee schedule is appropriate 
    and equitable given the additional requirements imposed on participants 
    in OEX RAES in the RAES Approval Order. Furthermore, to ensure that all 
    members are treated alike under the RAES Approval Order, the Exchange 
    will apply the revised fee schedule retroactively from April 30, 1993, 
    the effective date of the RAES Approval Order.\7\
        \7\By an Exchange Bulletin dated May 11, 1994, the CBOE notified 
    its members of the proposed reduction in the fees due for failures 
    to comply with the log-on and log-off requirements of CBOE Rule 
    24.17 and the retroactive application of the reduced fees.
        The CBOE believes that the proposed rule change is consistent with 
    Section 6(b) of the Act, in general, and furthers the objectives of 
    Sections 6(b)(4) and 6(b)(5), in particular, in that it is designed to 
    allocate reasonable dues, fees and charges among CBOE members and to 
    promote the efficiency and effectiveness of the CBOE's automatic 
    execution system.
        The Commission finds that the proposed rule change is consistent 
    with the requirements of the Act and the rules and regulations 
    thereunder applicable to a national securities exchange and, in 
    particular, the requirements of Section 6(b)(5).\8\ The Commission 
    believes that the elimination of the automatic disqualification 
    provisions of CBOE Rule 24.17, the introduction of a graduated fee 
    schedule for failures to comply with the RAES log-on and log-off 
    requirements, and the provision allowing individuals to apply to the 
    OFPC for prospective relief from the requirement to log onto RAES on 
    the business day immediately prior to expiration are designed to make 
    the rules applicable to OEX RAES participation fairer and more flexible 
    while maintaining the integrity of the RAES system for OEX options. The 
    proposal is designed to ensure that there is adequate market maker 
    participation at all times in OEX RAES and that market makers are 
    properly logged onto the system. The presence of an adequate number of 
    market makers protects investors and contributes to the maintenance of 
    fair and orderly markets by helping the Exchange to maintain the 
    continued availability to RAES for OEX, thereby contributing to the 
    effective and efficient execution of public investor orders at the best 
    available prices.
        \8\15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5) (1982).
        The Commission also believes that it is reasonable for the CBOE to 
    eliminate the provisions of CBOE Rule 24.17 allowing for automatic 
    disqualification from RAES for failures to satisfy RAES obligations 
    because the fees imposed for failing to meet participation requirements 
    should provide a sufficient deterrent to ensure adequate market maker 
    participation in OEX RAES.\9\ In this regard, the Commission notes that 
    in addition to the graduated fees for failures to comply with the RAES 
    log-on and log-off requirements, the proposal establishes a $500.00 fee 
    for any member organization who logs onto RAES and later terminates 
    participation on RAES prior to the next expiration cycle without 
    participating in another OEX RAES account or terminating membership 
    with the Exchange. The Commission believes that these fees should deter 
    participating OEX RAES market makers from abandoning their commitment 
    to RAES for other than good cause. Nevertheless, the Commission expects 
    the CBOE to monitor OEX RAES participation and to consider altering the 
    requirements should adequate participation not be maintained after 
    these changes are implemented, particularly during periods of high 
        \9\The Commission notes that under CBOE Rule 24.17(e)(i) the 
    chairperson of the OFPC, in consultation with a senior Exchange 
    executive officer, may require members of the trading crowd as 
    defined in CBOE Rule 8.50 to log onto RAES if OEX RAES participation 
    appears to be inadequate. If inadequate, RAES participation 
    continues, then the chairperson of the OFPC, in consultation with a 
    senior Exchange executive officer, may request the participation of 
    all market makers whether or not they are members of the OEX crowd.
        In addition, the Commission believes that the proposal to allow a 
    member to apply to the OFPC for prospective relief from the requirement 
    to log onto RAES on the business day prior to expiration is designed to 
    provide flexibility and to accommodate the needs of individual members 
    while continuing to ensure adequate RAES participation. The Commission 
    notes that the proposal allows the OFPC to limit the grant of relief by 
    imposing time periods during which the applicant will not be eligible 
    to participate in RAES.
        The Commission believes that the proposal is also consistent with 
    section 6(b)(5) under the Act in that it is designed to facilitate 
    transactions in securities. The CBOE believes that the current $500.00 
    fee for failures to comply with the OEX RAES log-on and log-off 
    requirements is excessive in light of the log-on and log-off 
    requirements established under the RAES Approval Order. Based upon this 
    determination, the Commission believes that it is reasonable for the 
    Exchange to replace the current $500.00 fee with a graduated fee 
    schedule and allow the Exchange to impose higher fees for repeated 
    failures, which should encourage compliance with the log-on and log-off 
    requirements and may increase the Exchange's ability to deter repeat 
    offenders. The CBOE has distributed an Exchange Bulletin describing the 
    new fee schedule and the application of the fees to April 30, 1993, the 
    effective date for implementation of the original $500.00 fee. The 
    Commission believes that this notification, and the fact that the 
    graduated fees will be lower than the fees that the CBOE can impose 
    currently under the original $500.00 fee, help to ensure that the fees 
    for failures to comply with the log-on and log-off requirements are 
    imposed fairly.
        Moreover, the Commission believes that the right to appeal the fees 
    imposed under CBOE Rule 24.17 pursuant to Chapter 19 of the CBOE's 
    rules should help to safeguard the procedural rights of OEX RAES 
    participants. In summary, under these limited and unusual 
    circumstances, the Commission believes that the CBOE may implement 
    these lower fees as of April 30, 1993.
        It is therefore ordered, pursuant to section 19(b)(2) of the 
    Act,\10\ that the proposed rule change (SR-CBOE-94-12), is hereby 
        \10\15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2) (1982).
        For the Commission, by the Division of Market Regulation, 
    pursuant to delegated authority.\11\
        \11\17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12) (1993).
    Margaret H. McFarland,
    Deputy Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 94-17656 Filed 7-19-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8010-01-M

Document Information

Securities and Exchange Commission
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: July 20, 1994, Release No. 34-34376, File No. SR-CBOE-94-12