97-19063. GPU Nuclear Corporation; Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1; Exemption  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 139 (Monday, July 21, 1997)]
    [Pages 39032-39034]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-19063]
    [Docket No. 50-289]
    GPU Nuclear Corporation; Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating 
    Station, Unit 1; Exemption
        GPU Nuclear Corporation (GPU or the licensee) is the holder of 
    Facility Operating License No. DPR-50 for the Three Mile Island Nuclear 
    Generating Station, Unit 1 (TMI-1 or the facility). The facility 
    consists of one pressurized water reactor located at the licensee's 
    site in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. The license provides, among other 
    things, that it is subject to all rules, regulations and orders of the 
    Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission or NRC) now and hereafter 
    in effect.
        Section III.G.2 to Appendix R of 10 CFR part 50 specifies the fire 
    protection requirements for redundant trains of systems necessary to 
    achieve and maintain safe shutdown conditions
    [[Page 39033]]
    when the redundant trains are located within the same fire area. 
    Subsection III.G.2.c requires that automatic fire suppression systems 
    shall be installed in fire areas where redundant circuits required for 
    safe shutdown are separated by fire barriers having a 1-hour rating and 
    have fire detectors installed. By letter dated August 16, 1996, 
    supplemented by letters dated August 28, 1996, and January 3, 1997, the 
    licensee requested an exemption from the requirements of Section 
    III.G.2.c of Appendix R, to the extent that it requires the 
    installation of automatic fire suppression systems. The exemption was 
    requested for fire areas CB-FA-2b, CB-FA-2c, CB-FA-2d, CB-FA-2e, CB-FA-
    2f, CB-FA-2g, CB-FA-3a, and CB-FA-3b, and fire zone FH-FZ-5 at TMI-1. 
    The licensee is seeking this exemption in accordance with the 
    provisions of 10 CFR 50.12.
        The licensee's request encompasses eight fire areas and one fire 
    zone where Thermo-Lag fire barrier systems were installed on electrical 
    raceways to protect circuits required for safe shutdown. The Thermo-Lag 
    barriers were originally installed to provide 3-hour separation between 
    redundant circuits located in the same fire area. As part of the 
    licensee's review of installed Thermo-Lag fire barriers at TMI-1, the 
    licensee identified locations that do not support a 3-hour rating.
        The licensee requested the exemption after determining that 
    installation of fire suppression systems in the affected areas was not 
    a viable alternative for meeting the regulatory requirements of Section 
    III.G.2.c. The licensee stated that installation of an automatic 
    suppression system is not desirable because of the potential for 
    electrical equipment damage from a water suppression system and because 
    of personnel hazard concerns from a carbon dioxide suppression system. 
    Halon gas suppression systems cannot be used because of environmental 
    considerations. The licensee determined that modification of the 
    existing Thermo-Lag fire barrier envelopes within the affected fire 
    areas to achieve a 3-hour rating, and thereby eliminating the 
    regulatory requirement for fire suppression systems, represented a 
    substantial hardship without a significant increase in the level of 
    protection provided.
        In lieu of installing automatic fire suppression systems, the 
    licensee proposed installing area-wide automatic fire detection systems 
    in each of the affected areas and establishing a minimum 1-hour fire 
    rating for the existing Thermo-Lag fire barriers.
        The NRC staff has completed its safety evaluation of the licensee's 
    request for exemption from certain requirements of Section III.G.2.c of 
    Appendix R. The staff's review included an evaluation of the fire 
    hazards, the fire protection features and the safe shutdown circuits 
    present in each of the affected fire areas.
        The licensee has administrative controls in place for transient 
    combustibles and work in the plant in accordance with Section III.K of 
    Appendix R as documented in an NRC Safety Evaluation dated June 4, 
    1984. These controls require, in part, that total in-situ plus 
    allowable transient fire loads (or cumulative load) in a given fire 
    area/zone be half of that which would challenge the lowest rated fire 
    barrier in the zone. These limits are documented in licensee procedures 
    that are referenced in and implemented by the licensee's Fire 
    Protection Program.
        The licensee completed an evaluation of the Thermo-Lag fire 
    barriers which are the subject in this exemption request in Topical 
    Report #904, ``TMI 1 Evaluation of Thermo-Lag Fire Barriers,'' dated 
    July 10, 1996, and provided in a letter dated August 28, 1996. The 
    licensee found that the subject Thermo-Lag barriers either currently 
    have a fire rating of 1-hour or more (in accordance with an American 
    Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E-119 fire exposure test) or 
    the licensee has committed to upgrade the existing barriers to achieve 
    a 1-hour rating.
        For a postulated fire in areas CB-FA-2b, CB-FA-2c, CB-FA-2d, CB-FA-
    2e, B-FA-2f, CB-FA-2g, CB-FA-3a, and CB-FA-3b, the loss of redundant 
    trains of several different safe shutdown circuits, including reactor 
    make-up and supporting functions, RCS pressure control, steam generator 
    pressure and level functions, source range monitoring, electrical power 
    system function, non-nuclear instrumentation/integrated control system 
    (NNI/ICS) cabinets, and reactor coolant pump (RCP) thermal barrier 
    cooling functions, could occur. These circuits must be maintained 
    functional and free from fire damage to assure shutdown of the plant.
        Fires in these eight fire areas are postulated to be slowly 
    developing cable fires, with possible ignition sources, including 
    electrical switchgear, fan motors, or heater controllers. Exposure of 
    the protected envelopes to fire could be expected in some of the fire 
    areas, should a fire occur. Some of the envelopes are in close 
    proximity to heavily loaded cable trays, which could contribute to a 
    postulated fire. The fire loadings for these fire areas range from low 
    to moderate.
        The licensee has committed to augmenting the existing detection 
    systems in the eight fire areas listed above with area-wide early 
    warning fire detection systems. The systems to be installed are 
    designed to detect invisible molecules generated during the 
    precombustion phases of an incipient fire and to provide active and 
    continuous sampling of the air. The systems operate independently of 
    air movement and are much more sensitive than conventional ionization 
        If a fire were to occur in a given fire area, detection by the 
    proposed area-wide detection system would most likely be rapid. The 
    existing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) smoke 
    detection systems would isolate--5-room ventilation upon detecting 
    smoke in the area. Indication of fire would be received in the control 
    room, and if necessary, the fire brigade would be dispatched. The fire 
    brigade response time to any of the fire areas upon receipt of an alarm 
    has been conservatively estimated at 15 minutes. Manual firefighting 
    equipment (hand-held fire extinguishers and hose stations) is available 
    in, or adjacent to, all of the fire areas. Manual suppression could be 
    brought to bear on a fire within any of these fire areas within 15 
        For fire areas CB-FA-2b, CB-FA-2c, CB-FA-2d, CB-FA-2e, CB-FA-2f, 
    CB-FA-2g, CB-FA-3a, and CB-FA-3b, the exposure threat of the Thermo-Lag 
    protected circuits is low due to the proximity of the Thermo-Lag 
    envelopes to intervening combustibles. Therefore, a 1-hour barrier 
    coupled with an area-wide early warning fire detection system and a 
    rapid fire brigade response meets the defense-in-depth principle. There 
    is reasonable assurance that a fire in any of these fire areas will not 
    adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown.
        The staff does not believe the same assurance has been provided for 
    fire zone FH-FZ-5. The Thermo-Lag protected envelope in fire zone FH-
    FZ-5 passes directly over switchgear and is in close proximity to cable 
    trays which present a combustible hazard. The combustible loading in 
    this zone is higher than the other eight fire areas, and the area-wide 
    detection is not available on all elevations of this fire zone. Given 
    these factors, there is no reasonable assurance that a fire would not 
    damage cables in the protected envelope. There is only one Thermo-Lag 
    envelope in this zone, made up of protected conduit. The staff does not 
    believe an undue hardship exists with
    [[Page 39034]]
    respect to upgrading this envelope to a 3-hour fire rating.
        On the basis of the NRC staff evaluations discussed above, and 
    contingent on the installation of area-wide fire detection systems, 
    upgrading the existing Thermo-Lag fire barriers to ensure a minimum 1-
    hour fire rating, and continued implementation of the administrative 
    controls previously discussed, the staff has concluded that an 
    exemption from the technical requirements of Section III.G.2.c of 
    Appendix R, to the extent that it requires the installation of 
    automatic fire suppression systems, should be granted for fire areas 
    CB-FA-2b, CB-FA-2c, CB-FA-2d, CB-FA-2e, CB-FA-2f, CB-FA-2g, CB-FA-3a, 
    and CB-FA-3b. The staff has concluded that the licensee's exemption 
    request for fire zone FH-FZ-5 should be denied.
        The Commission has determined that, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12, the 
    exemption requested by the licensee in the letter dated August 16, 
    1996, supplemented by letters dated August 28, 1996, and January 3, 
    1997, for fire areas CB-FA-2b, CB-FA-2c, CB-FA-2d, CB-FA-2e, CB-FA-2f, 
    CB-FA-2g, CB-FA-3a, and CB-FA-3b, is authorized by law, will not 
    present an undue risk to public health and safety, and is consistent 
    with the common defense and security. The Commission has further 
    determined that special circumstances are present in that application 
    of the regulation is not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of 
    the rule, which is to establish fire protection features such that the 
    ability to perform safe shutdown functions in the event of a fire is 
        Therefore, contingent on the installation of an area-wide fire 
    detection system in the affected fire areas and upgrading the existing 
    Thermo-Lag fire barriers within the affected fire areas to ensure a 
    minimum 1-hour fire rating, and continued implementation of the 
    administrative controls discussed above, the Commission hereby grants 
    GPU Nuclear Corporation an exemption from the technical requirements of 
    Section III.G.2.c of Appendix R, to the extent that it requires the 
    installation of automatic fire suppression systems, for fire areas CB-
    FA-2b, CB-FA-2c, CB-FA-2d, CB-FA-2e, CB-FA-2f, CB-FA-2g, CB-FA-3a, and 
    CB-FA-3b, at TMI-1. The request for exemption for fire zone FH-FZ-5, 
    included by the licensee in the same submittal, is denied.
        Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.32, the Commission has determined that the 
    granting of this exemption will have no significant impact on the 
    quality of the human environment (62 FR 37082).
        This exemption is effective upon issuance.
        Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 11th day of July 1997.
        For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
    Samuel J. Collins,
    Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
    [FR Doc. 97-19063 Filed 7-18-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7590-01-P

Document Information

Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
39032-39034 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 50-289
PDF File: