99-18486. Special Local Regulations and Safety Zone; Northern California Annual Marine Events  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 139 (Wednesday, July 21, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 39027-39032]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-18486]
    Coast Guard
    33 CFR Parts 100 and 165
    RIN 2115-AE46
    Special Local Regulations and Safety Zone; Northern California 
    Annual Marine Events
    AGENCY: Coast Guard, DOT.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Coast Guard is removing a number of outdated sections of 
    Special Local Regulations, the marine events regulations, and replacing 
    them with a single section containing an updated master list of 
    recurring marine events in Northern California, for which Special Local 
    Regulations are required. The Special Local Regulations are necessary 
    to control vessel traffic within the immediate vicinity of these marine 
    events to ensure the safety of life and property during each event. The 
    Coast Guard is also adding a master list of recurring fireworks events 
    to the Code of Federal Regulations. These comprehensive, permanent 
    listings will enable mariners and members of the public to better 
    anticipate major marine events and fireworks displays and will also 
    greatly ease the administration of these events by the Coast Guard.
    DATES: July 2, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: U.S. Coast Guard Group San Francisco, Yerba Buena Island, 
    San Francisco, California 94130-9309, Commander, Coast Guard Group San 
    Francisco maintains the public docket for this rulemaking. The docket 
    will be available for inspection and copying at Group San Francisco 
    between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays. 
    Please call before visiting.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Petty Officer Doug Adams of Coast 
    Guard Group San Francisco, telephone number (415) 399-3440.
    Regulatory History
        On August 31, 1998, the Coast Guard published a Notice of Proposed 
    Rulemaking (NPRM) for this regulation in the Federal Register (63 FR 
    46206). The comment period ended October 30, 1998. The Coast Guard 
    received no comments on the proposal. A public hearing was not 
    requested and no hearing was held.
        Good cause exists for making this rule effective prior to 
    publication of the Final Rule because the events necessitating these 
    Special Local Regulations will occur throughout the summer beginning 
    with various firework displays in July. Consequently, the marine events 
    and fireworks events would occur prior to the effective date of this 
    regulation if the regulation did not become effective until 30 days 
    after publication of this Final Rule in the Federal Register, 
    jeopardizing the safety of lives and property of event participants and 
        The Coast Guard has made two minor changes to the final rule that 
    were initiated at the request of sponsors after the publication of the 
    NPRM (CGD11-98-007) in 63 FR 46206. The Coast Guard has changed Table 1 
    of 33 CFR part 100 to reflect the new name of the fireworks event 
    sponsored annually on the last Saturday of May by KFOG Radio, San 
    Francisco. The Coast Guard has changed the table to reflect the change 
    in event name from ``KFOG Sky Concert'' to ``KFOG KaBoom.'' The Coast 
    Guard has also changed the location of the safety zone for San 
    Francisco Chronicle Fireworks Display sponsored annually by the San 
    Francisco Chronicle on July 4. The Coast Guard was notified by the San 
    Francisco Chronicle that there was a need for safety zone around a 
    second barge located in the vicinity of Aquatic Park. Rather than 
    increase the size of the safety zone published in the NPRM to include 
    the waters surrounding Aquatic Park, the Coast Guard has replaced the 
    safety zone with two smaller safety zones. Each zone will encompass the 
    navigable waters within 1,000 feet of each launch platform, thereby 
    decreasing the burden on the boating public. The safety zone around the 
    barge near Pier 39 will encompass the waters within a 1,000 foot radius 
    of the barge, which will be located at approximately 37 deg.48'49.0''N, 
    122 deg.24'46.5''W. The safety zone near Aquatic Park will encompass 
    the navigable waters within a 1,000 foot radius of the launch platform 
    which will be located at the end of the San Francisco Municipal Pier at 
    Aquatic Park at approximately: 37 deg.48'38.5''N, 122 deg.25'30.0''W. 
    The Coast Guard has added these minior changes to the final rule. The 
    Coast Guard expects that these changes will not impose any burden on 
    the public.
        The Coast Guard has also moved the regulations pertaining to 
    fireworks events, previously listed under 33 CFR 100.1103 in the Notice 
    of Proposed Rulemaking, to a separate listing under 33 CFR part 165. 
    The Coast Guard has created a separate listing for the fireworks events 
    previously listed under 33 CFR 100.1103 to ensure that the general 
    regulations for safety zones, 33 CFR 165.23, apply to the fireworks 
    events. No substantive change has been made in the regulatory 
    provisions for these fireworks events. The Coast Guard is making this 
    minor technical change from the text of the NPRM in order to 
    incorporate the general regulations that are more closely tailored to 
    ensuring the safety of the public during fireworks events.
    Background and Purpose
        In accordance with the Coast Guard's responsibility to promulgate 
    special local regulations and safety zones to insure the safety of life 
    and protection of property on the navigable waters where marine events 
    are held, Commander, Eleventh Coast Guard District, is replacing the 
    outdated text of 33 CFR 100.1103 with a complete table of the annually 
    recurring marine events in the Northern California area and is adding a 
    table of recurring fireworks events to 33 CFR Part 165. The regulations 
    currently contained in 33 CFR 100.1104 and 33 CFR 100.1203, which have 
    also become outdated, will be deleted and superseded by the new text of 
    33 CFR 100.1103 as part of this revision as well.
        To streamline the administration of its safety enforcement 
    responsibilities the Coast Guard has revised 33 CFR 100.1103. The 
    former text in 33 CFR 100.1103 is deleted and new Special
    [[Page 39028]]
    Local Regulations will replace its content. Within this section will be 
    a listing of recurring marine regattas and races, non-competitive 
    marine parades, for which Special Local Regulations are required. This 
    listing will be placed under the heading ``Table 1.''
        Generic requirements for all Special Local Regulations will be 
    explained in the paragraphs that precede Table 1 in 33 CFR 100.1103. 
    Any requirements that are event-specific will accompany the individual 
    listings in Table 1. Notification of the implementation of these 
    Special Local Regulations for the duration of each individual event 
    will be effectuated by announcement in the Local Notice to Marines. 
    This list of regulated events does not necessarily reflect all 
    recurring marine events in the Northern California area. Only those 
    recurring events that the Coast Guard has knowledge of and that are 
    necessary to insure the safety of life and protection of property on 
    the navigable waters of Northern California are listed.
        Commander, Coast Guard Group San Francisco, is designated Patrol 
    Commander for the events listed in 33 CFR 100.1103; he has the 
    authority to delegate this responsibility to any commissioned, warrant, 
    or petty officer of the Coast Guard. Once the zone is established, 
    authorization to remain within the zone is subject to termination by 
    the Patrol Commander at any time. The Patrol Commander may impose other 
    restrictions within this zone if circumstances dictate. Restrictions 
    will be tailored to impose the least impact on maritime interests yet 
    provide the level of security deemed necessary to safely conduct these 
        The Coast Guard is also adding a new section 33 CFR 165.1112. This 
    section will contain a listing of recurring fireworks events that will 
    be placed in Table 1 of 33 CFR 165.1112. The general requirements for 
    fireworks events will be explained in the paragraphs that precede Table 
    1 in 33 CFR 100.1112. Notification of the implementation of these 
    safety zones for the duration of each individual event will be 
    effectuated by announcement in the Local Notice to Mariners. This list 
    of regulated events does not necessarily reflect all recurring 
    fireworks events in the Northern California area. Only those recurring 
    events that the Coast Guard has knowledge of and that are necessary to 
    insure the safety of life and protection of property on the navigable 
    waters of Northern California are listed.
        Commander, Coast Guard Group San Francisco, is designated Patrol 
    Commander for the events listed under Table 1 of 33 CFR 165.1112. He 
    has the authority to delegate this responsibility to any commissioned, 
    warrant, or petty officer of the Coast Guard. Once the safety zone is 
    established, no person may enter the safety zone unless authorized by 
    the Patrol Commander. No person may remain in the safety zone or allow 
    any vehicle, vessel or object to remain in the safety zone unless 
    authorized by the Patrol Commander. Each person in the safety zone who 
    has notice of a lawful order or direction shall obey the order of the 
    Patrol Commander.
    Discussion of Comments
        No comments were received.
    Regulatory Evaluation
        This regulation is not a significant regulatory action under 
    section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 and does not require assessment 
    of potential cost and benefits under section 6(a)(3) of that order. It 
    has been exempted from review by the Office of Management and Budget 
    under that Order. It is not significant under the regulatory policies 
    and procedures of the Department of Transportation (DOT) (44 FR 11040, 
    February 26, 1979). Due to the short duration of these marine events 
    and fireworks events and the advance notice provided to the maritime 
    community, the Coast Guard expects the economic impact of this 
    regulation to be so minimal that a full Regulatory Evaluation under 
    paragraph 10(e) of the regulatory policies and procedures of the 
    Department of Transportation is unnecessary.
    Small Entities
        Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), the 
    Coast Guard must consider whether this rule will have a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. ``Small 
    entities'' may include small businesses and not-for-profit 
    organizations that are not dominant in their fields and governmental 
    jurisdictions with populations less than 50,000. Because it expects the 
    impact of this rule to be so minimal, the Coast Guard certifies under 
    section 605(b) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) 
    that this rule will not have a substantial impact on a significant 
    number of small entities.
    Assistance For Small Entities
        In accordance with Sec. 213(a) of the Small Business Regulatory 
    Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-121), the Coast Guard 
    wants to assist small entities in understanding this rule so that they 
    can better evaluate its effects on them and participate in the 
    rulemaking process. If your small business or organization is affected 
    by this rule and you have questions concerning its provisions or 
    options for compliance, please contact Lieutenant Andrew B. Cheney, 
    U.S. Coast Guard Marine Office San Francisco Bay at (510) 437-3073.
    Collection of Information
        This rule contains no collection of information requirements under 
    the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
        The Coast Guard has analyzed this rule under the principles and 
    criteria in Executive Order 12612 and has determined that this rule 
    does not have sufficient federalism implications to warrant the 
    preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
    Environmental Assessment
        The Coast Guard considered the environmental impact of this rule 
    and concluded that under section 2.B.2 of Commandant Instruction 
    M16475.1C, figure 2-1, paragraphs (34) (g) and (h), it will have no 
    significant environmental impact and it is categorically excluded from 
    further environmental documentation. A Categorical Exclusion 
    Determination and environmental analysis checklist will be available 
    for inspection and copying in the docket to be maintained by Group San 
    Francisco at the address listed under ADDRESSES.
    Unfunded Mandates
        Under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-4), 
    the Coast Guard must consider whether this rule will result in an 
    annual expenditure by state, local, and tribal governments, in the 
    aggregate of $100 million (adjusted annually for inflation). If so, the 
    Act requires that a reasonable number of regulatory alternatives be 
    considered, and that from those alternatives, the least costly, most 
    cost-effective, or least burdensome alternative that achieves the 
    objective of the rule be selected.
        No state, local, or tribal government entities will be effected by 
    this rule, so this rule will not result in annual or aggregate costs of 
    $100 million or more. Therefore, the Coast Guard is exempt from any 
    further regulatory requirements under the Unfunded Mandates Act.
    Other Executive Orders on the Regulatory Process
        In addition to the statutes and Executive Orders already addressed 
    in its preamble, the Coast Guard
    [[Page 39029]]
    considered the following executive orders in developing this final rule 
    and reached the following conclusions:
        E.O. 12630, Governmental Actions and Interference with 
    Constitutionally Protected Property Rights. This Rule will not effect a 
    taking of private property or otherwise have taking implications under 
    this Order.
        E.O. 12875, Enhancing the Intergovernmental Partnership. This Rule 
    will not impose, on any State, local, or tribal government, a mandate 
    that is not required by statute and that is not funded by the Federal 
        E.O. 12988, Civil Justice Reform. This Rule meets applicable 
    standards in section 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of this Order to minimize 
    litigation, eliminate ambiguity, and reduce burden.
        E.O. 13045, Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks 
    and Safety Risks. This Rule is not an economically significant rule and 
    does not concern an environmental risk to safety disproportionately 
    affecting children.
    List of Subjects
    33 CFR Part 100
        Marine safety, Navigation (water), Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Waterways.
    33 CFR Part 165
        Harbors, Marine safety, Navigation (water), Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Security measures, Waterways.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, the Coast Guard amends 
    parts 100 and 165 of Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations, as follows:
    PART 100--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 100 continues to read as 
        Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1233 through 1236; 49 CFR 1.46; 33 CFR 
        2. Revise 33 CFR 100.1103 to read as follows:
    Sec. 100.1103  Northern California annual marine events.
        (a) General. Special local regulations are established for the 
    events listed in table 1 of this section. Further information on exact 
    dates, times, and other details concerning the number and type of 
    participants and an exact geographical description of the areas are 
    published by the Eleventh Coast Guard District in the Local Notice to 
    Mariners at least 20 days prior to each event. To be placed on the 
    mailing list contact: Commander (oan), Eleventh Coast Guard District, 
    Coast Guard Island, Building 50-6, Alameda, CA 94501-5100.
        Note to Paragraph (a): Sponsors of events listed in Table 1 of 
    this section must submit an application each year as required by 33 
    CFR Part 100, Subpart A, to Commander, Coast Guard Group San 
    Francisco, Yerba Buerna Island, San Francisco, CA 94130-9309.
        (b) Special local regulations. All persons and vessels not 
    registered with the sponsor as participants or with Commander, Coast 
    Guard Group San Francisco as official patrol vessels are considered 
    spectators. The ``official patrol'' consists of any Coast Guard, other 
    Federal, state or local law enforcement, and any public or sponsor-
    provided vessels assigned or approved by Commander, Coast Guard Group 
    San Francisco, to patrol each event.
        (1) No spectator shall anchor, block, loiter, nor impede the 
    through transit of participants or official patrol vessels, in the 
    regulated areas during all applicable effective dates and times, unless 
    cleared to do so by or through an official patrol vessel.
        (2) When hailed and/or signaled by an official patrol vessel, any 
    spectator located within a regulated area during all applicable 
    effective dates and times shall come to an immediate stop.
        (3) The Patrol Commander (PATCOM) is empowered to forbid and 
    control the movement of all vessels in the regulated area. The Patrol 
    Commander shall be designated by the Commander, Coast Guard Group San 
    Francisco; will be a U.S. Coast Guard commissioned officer, warrant 
    officer or petty officer to act as the Group Commander's official 
    representative; and will be located aboard the lead official patrol 
    vessel. As the Group Commander's representative, the PATCOM may 
    terminate the event any time it is deemed necessary for the protection 
    of life and property. PATCOM may be reached on VHF-FM Channel 13 
    (156.65MHz) when required, by the call sign ``PATCOM''.
        (4) The Patrol Commander may, upon request, allow the transit of 
    commercial vessels through regulated areas when it is safe to do so.
                            Table 1 to Sec.  100.1103
                 [All coordinates referenced use datum NAD 83.]
                            San Francisco Grand Prix
    Sponsor...................................  Pacific Offshore Powerboat
                                                 Racing Association.
    Event Description.........................  Professional High-speed
                                                 powerboat race.
    Date......................................  Saturday or Sunday in April.
    Location..................................  San Francisco Waterfront to
                                                 South Tower of Golden Gate
    Regulated Area............................  37 deg.-49'-10''N, 122 deg.-
                                                 24'-07''W; thence to
                                                37 deg.-48'-50''N, 122 deg.-
                                                 24'-07''W; thence to
                                                37 deg.-48'-56''N, 122 deg.-
                                                 28'-48''W; thence to
                                                37 deg.-48'-48''N, 122 deg.-
                                                 28'-48''W; thence returning
                                                 to the point of origin.
                              Blessing of the Fleet
    Sponsor...................................  Corinthian Yacht Club.
    Event Description.........................  Boat parade during which
                                                 vessels pass by a pre-
                                                 designated platform or
    Date......................................  Last Sunday in April.
    Location..................................  Raccoon Strait.
    Regulated Area............................  The area between a line
                                                 drawn from Bluff Point on
                                                 the southeastern side of
                                                 Tiburon Peninsula to Point
                                                 Campbell on the northern
                                                 edge of Angel Island, and a
                                                 line drawn from Peninsula
                                                 Point on the southern edge
                                                 of Tiburon Peninsula to
                                                 Point Stuart on the western
                                                 edge of Angel Island.
    [[Page 39030]]
                        Opening Day on San Francisco Bay
    Sponsor...................................  Pacific inter-Club Yacht
                                                 Association and Corinthian
                                                 Yacht Club.
    Event Description.........................  Boat parade during which
                                                 vessels pass by a pre-
                                                 designated platform or
    Date......................................  Sunday in April.
    Location..................................  San Francisco waterfront,
                                                 Crissy Field to Pier 35.
    Regulated Area............................  The area defined by a line
                                                 drawn from Fort Point (37
                                                 deg.48.66N, 122
                                                 deg.28.64W); thence
                                                 easterly approximately
                                                 5,000 yards to a point
                                                 located at 37 deg.49.15N,
                                                 122 deg.25.61'W; thence
                                                 easterly to the Blossom
                                                 Rock Bell Buoy (37
                                                 deg.49.10N122 deg.24.20W);
                                                 thence westerly to the
                                                 Northeast corner of Pier
                                                 35; thence returning along
                                                 the shoreline to the point
                                                 of origin.
                                                Special Requirements. All
                                                 vessels entering the
                                                 regulated area shall follow
                                                 the parade route
                                                 established by the sponsor
                                                 and be capable of
                                                 maintaining an approximate
                                                 speed of 6 knots.
                                                Commercial Vessel Traffic
                                                 Allowances. The parade will
                                                 be interrupted, as
                                                 necessary, to permit the
                                                 passage of commercial
                                                 vessel traffic. Commercial
                                                 traffic must cross the
                                                 parade route at a no-wake
                                                 speed and perpendicular to
                                                 the parade route.
                  Race the Straits Offshore Grand Prix Festival
    Sponsor...................................  Pacific Offshore Powerboat
                                                 Racing Association.
    Event Description.........................  Professional high-speed
                                                 powerboat race.
    Date......................................  Sunday in July.
    Location..................................  Carquinez Strait and San
                                                 Pablo Strait.
    Reglated Area.............................  38 deg.02'12''N, 122
                                                 deg.08'31''W thence to
                                                38 deg.02'38''N, 122
                                                 deg.10'00''W thence to
                                                38 deg.03'20''N, 122
                                                 deg.10'20''W thence to
                                                38 deg.03'48''N, 122
                                                 deg.13'32''W thence to
                                                38 deg.03'36''N, 122
                                                 deg.17'37''W thence to
                                                38 deg.03'19''N, 122
                                                 deg.17'34''W thence to
                                                38 deg.03'35''N, 122
                                                 deg.13'32''W thence to
                                                38 deg.03'24''N, 122
                                                 deg.12'01''W thence to
                                                38 deg.02'58''N, 122
                                                 deg.10'58''W thence to
                                                38 deg.01'55''N, 122
                                                 deg.09'47''W thence to
                                                38 deg.01'58''N, 122
                                                 deg.08'31''W thence
                                                 returning to the point of
                          Delta Thunder Powerboat Race
    Sponsor...................................  Pacific Offshore Power
                                                 Racing Association.
    Event Description.........................  Professional high-speed
                                                 powerboat race.
    Date......................................  Sunday in September.
    Location..................................  Off Pittsburgh, CA in the
                                                 waters around Winter Island
                                                 and Brown Island.
    Regulated Area............................  The water area of Suisun Bay
                                                 commencing at Simmons Point
                                                 on Chipps Island; thence
                                                 southwesterly to Stake
                                                 Point on the southern shore
                                                 of Suisun Bay; thence
                                                 easterly following the
                                                 southern shoreline of
                                                 Suisun Bay and New York
                                                 Slough to New York Slough
                                                 Buoy 13; thence north-
                                                 northwesterly to the
                                                 Northwestern corner of
                                                 Fraser Shoal; thence
                                                 northwesterly to the
                                                 western tip of Chain
                                                 Island; thence west-
                                                 northwesterly to the
                                                 northeast tip of Van Sickle
                                                 Island; thence following
                                                 the shoreline of Van Sickle
                                                 Island and Chipps Island
                                                 and returning to the point
                                                 of origin.
                               Festival of the Sea
    Sponsor...................................  San Francisco Maritime
                                                 National Historical Park.
    Event Description.........................  Tugboat Race.
    Date......................................  Sunday in September.
    Location..................................  From Crissy Field to Aquatic
    Regulated Area............................  San Francisco Bay
                                                 approximately 500 yards
                                                 offshore of Golden Gate
                                                 Yacht club, Gas house Cove,
                                                 and extending east to Pier
                                                 45. All mariners may
                                                 proceed with caution but
                                                 must keep at least 500 foot
                                                 distance from the competing
    Sec. 100.1104  [Removed]
        3. Remove 33 CFR 100.1104.
    Sec. 100.1203  [Removed]
        4. Remove 33 CFR 100.1203.
    PART 165--[AMENDED]
        5. The authority citation for Part 165 continues to read as 
        Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1231; 50 U.S.C. 191; 33 CFR 1.05-1(g), 
    6.04-1, 6.04-6, 160.5; 49 CFR 1.46.
        6. A new Sec. 165.1112 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 165.1112  Safety zones: Northern California annual fireworks 
        (a) General. Safety zones are established for the events listed in 
    Table 1 of this section. Further information on exact dates, times, and 
    other details concerning the exact geographical description of the 
    areas are published by the Eleventh Coast Guard District in the Local 
    Notice to Mariners prior to each event.
        (b) Regulations. ``Official Patrol Vessels'' consist of any Coast 
    Guard, other Federal, state or local law enforcement, and any public or 
    sponsor-provided vessels assigned or approved
    [[Page 39031]]
    by Commander, Coast Guard Group San Francisco, to patrol each event.
        (1) In accordance with the general regulations in Sec. 165.23 of 
    this part, entering into, transiting through, or anchoring within these 
    zones is prohibited, unless authorized by the Patrol Commander.
        (2) Each person in a safety zone who receives notice of a lawful 
    order or direction issued by an official patrol vessel shall obey the 
    order or direction.
        (3) The Patrol Commander (PATCOM) is empowered to forbid and 
    control the movement of all vessels in the regulated area. The Patrol 
    Commander shall be designated by the Commander, Coast Guard Group San 
    Francisco; will be a U.S. Coast Guard commissioned officer, warrant 
    officer or petty officer to act as the Group Commander's official 
    representative; and will be located aboard the lead official patrol 
        (4) The Patrol Commander may, upon request, allow the transit of 
    commercial vessels through regulated areas when it is safe to do so.
                            Table 1 to Sec.  165.1112
                  [All coordinates referenced use datum NAD 83]
                                  KFOG KaBoom
    Sponsor...................................  KFOG Radio, San Francisco.
    Event Description.........................  Fireworks display.
    Date......................................  Last Saturday in May.
    Location..................................  1,000 feet off Pier 30/32.
    Regulated Area............................  That area of navigable
                                                 waters within a 1,000 foot
                                                 radius of the launch
                   Fourth of July Fireworks, City of Monterey
    Sponsor...................................  City of Monterey, Recreation
                                                 & Community Services
    Event Description.........................  Fireworks Display.
    Date......................................  July 4th.
    Location..................................  Monterey Bay, East of
                                                 Municipal Wharf #2.
    Regulated Area............................  That area of navigable
                                                 waters within a 1,000 foot
                                                 radius of the launch
                  Fourth of July Fireworks, City of Sausalito
    Sponsor...................................  City of Sausalito.
    Event Description.........................  Fireworks Display.
    Date......................................  July 4th.
    Location..................................  1,000 feet off-shore from
                                                 Sausalito waterfront, North
                                                 of Spinnaker Rest.
    Regulated Area............................  That area of navigable
                                                 waters within a 1,000 foot
                                                 radius of the launch
                      Fourth of July Fireworks, Lake Tahoe
    Sponsor...................................  Anchor Trust.
    Event Description.........................  Fireworks Display.
    Date......................................  July 4th.
    Location..................................  1,000 feet off Incline
                                                 Village, Nevada in Crystal
    Regulated Area............................  That area of navigable
                                                 waters within a 1,000 foot
                                                 radius of the launch
           Fourth of July Fireworks, South Lake Tahoe Gaming Alliance
    Sponsor...................................  Harrah's Lake Tahoe.
    Event Description.........................  Fireworks Display.
    Date......................................  July 4th.
    Location..................................  Off South Lake Tahoe,
                                                 California near Nevada
    Regulated Area............................  That area of navigable
                                                 waters within a 1,000 foot
                                                 radius of the launch
                           Independence Day Fireworks
    Sponsor...................................  North Tahoe Fire Protection
    Event Description.........................  Fireworks Display.
    Date......................................  July 4th.
    Location..................................  Offshore from Kings Beach
                                                 State Beach.
    Regulated Area............................  That area of navigable
                                                 waters within a 1,000 foot
                                                 radius of the launch
                           July 4th Fireworks Display
    Sponsor...................................  North Tahoe Fire Protection
    Event Description.........................  Fireworks Display.
    Date......................................  July 4th.
    Location..................................  Offshore of Common Beach,
                                                 Tahoe City, CA.
    Regulated Area............................  That area of navigable
                                                 waters within a 1,000 foot
                                                 radius of the launch
                   San Francisco Chronicle Fireworks Display
    Sponsor...................................  San Francisco Chronicle.
    Event Description.........................  Fireworks Display.
    [[Page 39032]]
    Date......................................  July 4th.
    Location 1................................  A barge located
                                                 approximately 1,000 feet
                                                 off of San Francisco Pier
                                                 39 at approximately: 37
                                                 deg.48'49.0'' N, 122
                                                 deg.24'46.5'' W.
    Regulated Area............................  The area of navigable waters
                                                 within a 1,000 foot radius
                                                 of the launch platform.
    Location 2................................  The end of the San Francisco
                                                 Municipal Pier at Aquatic
                                                 Park at approximately: 37
                                                 deg.48'38.5'' N, 122
                                                 deg.25'30.0'' W.
    Regulated Area............................  The area of navigable waters
                                                 within a 1,000 foot radius
                                                 of the launch platform.
                        Vallejo Fourth of July Fireworks
    Sponsor...................................  Vallejo Marina.
    Event Description.........................  Fireworks Display.
    Date......................................  July 4th.
    Location..................................  Mare Island Strait.
    Regulated Area............................  That area of navigable
                                                 waters within a 1,000 foot
                                                 radius of the launch
        Dated: July 1, 1999.
    T.H. Collins,
    Vice Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, Commander, Eleventh Coast Guard 
    [FR Doc. 99-18486 Filed 7-20-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-15-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Coast Guard
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
July 2, 1999.
39027-39032 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
2115-AE46: Regatta Regulations
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (4)
33 CFR 100.1103
33 CFR 100.1104
33 CFR 100.1203
33 CFR 165.1112