99-18556. Federal Management Regulation (FMR)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 139 (Wednesday, July 21, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 39083-39087]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-18556]
    41 CFR Part 102-2
    RIN 3090-AG83
    Federal Management Regulation (FMR)
    AGENCY: Office of Governmentwide Policy, GSA.
    ACTION: Interim rule.
    SUMMARY: This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Federal Property 
    and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (the Act), as amended. In 
    support of the Act's original intent of efficiently managing Government 
    assets, GSA is improving its regulatory system by establishing the 
    Federal Management Regulation (FMR) as the successor regulation to the 
    Federal Property Management Regulations (FPMR). The FMR will provide 
    Federal managers with the regulatory materials they need to efficiently 
    manage real and personal property and administrative services. Non-
    regulatory FMR bulletins will provide related FMR materials.
    DATES: Effective Date: July 21, 1999.
        Comment Date: Your comments must reach us by September 20, 1999 to 
    be considered in the formulation of a final rule.
    ADDRESSES: Send written comments to: Ms. Sharon A. Kiser, Regulatory 
    Secretariat (MVRS), Federal Acquisition Policy Division, General 
    Services Administration, 1800 F Street, NW, Washington, DC 20405.
        Send comments by e-mail to: RIN.3090-AG83@gsa.gov.
    [[Page 39084]]
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Sharon A. Kiser, Regulatory 
    Secretariat, 202-208-7312.
    A. Background
    What Content Changes Will Be Part of the Transition From the FPMR to 
    the FMR?
        GSA will update, streamline, eliminate and clarify FPMR contents 
    before transferring them to the FMR. The FMR will then contain a 
    refined set of policies and regulatory requirements on managing 
    property and administrative services.
        Non-regulatory materials, such as guidance, procedures, information 
    and standards now in the FPMR, will be removed from the regulation and 
    will be available in separate documents, such as customer service 
    guides, handbooks, brochures, Internet websites, and FMR bulletins. The 
    FMR will specify how to find this additional information; e.g., 
    ordering and billing information. Content changes will bring the FMR 
    into conformance with recommendations from the National Partnership for 
    Reinventing Government to reduce regulations and to use plain language.
    Is the FMR's Style Different From That in the FPMR?
        Yes, the FMR is written in a ``plain language'' regulatory style. 
    This style is directed at the reader and uses a question and answer 
    format, active voice, shorter sentences, and, where appropriate, 
    pronouns such as, but not limited to, we, you and I. These changes 
    comply with the National Partnership for Reinventing Government's 
    recommendations to make regulations more efficient and easier to 
    Does the Deviation Policy in the FMR Differ From That in the FPMR?
        Yes, there are changes in the deviation policy. The new approach 
    consists of both informal discussions about deviating from the FMR and 
    formal correspondence requesting deviation authority. Because the FMR 
    consists primarily of set policies and mandatory requirements, FMR 
    deviations should occur infrequently and under unique circumstances. 
    Agencies should pursue deviations first by informally consulting with 
    appropriate GSA officials about whether a deviation is needed and 
    whether it would be in accordance with governing statutes, Executive 
    orders, or other controlling policies. If informal consultations 
    indicate that a formal deviation is needed and can be allowed, agencies 
    must request it from GSA in writing. The written request must fully 
    explain the reasons for the deviation and how it will be in the 
    Government's best interests.
    Will the Conversion From the FPMR to the FMR Occur All at Once or 
        The conversion from the FPMR to the FMR will occur incrementally as 
    the regulations are rewritten.
    Must Agencies Reference Both the FPMR and the FMR During This 
        Yes. Given an incremental conversion of content from the FPMR to 
    the FMR, both regulations will exist concurrently. Depending on the 
    subject matter, you may need to read both documents to obtain all 
    related material. However, except for parts 101-1 of the FPMR and 102-2 
    of the FMR, the same content will not appear in both regulations. These 
    two parts will exist concurrently. The general provisions of part 101-1 
    of the FPMR (including the FPMR deviation procedures) will apply to any 
    aspects of the FPMR not yet replaced by the FMR. The general provisions 
    at 102-2 (including the rewritten deviation procedures) will apply to 
    new material in the FMR.
    B. Executive Order 12866
        GSA has determined that this interim rule is not a significant 
    regulatory action for the purposes of Executive Order 12866 of 
    September 30, 1993.
    C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        Since its primary purpose is to establish the structure for a new 
    regulation, the FMR, the interim rule is not expected to have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities 
    within the meaning of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601-612. 
    Additionally, since this interim rule applies to matters concerning 
    agency management and personnel, no proposed rule is required.
    D. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The Paperwork Reduction Act does not apply because the interim rule 
    does not impose recordkeeping or information collection requirements, 
    or the collection of information from offerors, contractors, or members 
    of the public which require the approval of the Office of Management 
    and Budget (OMB) under 44 U.S.C. 501-517.
    E. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
        This interim rule is exempt from Congressional review prescribed 
    under 5 U.S.C. 801 since it relates solely to agency management and 
    F. Determination to Issue an Interim Rule
        Publication for public comment is not required under the 
    Administrative Procedures Act because the rule relates solely to agency 
    management and personnel, and, therefore, GSA could issue it as a final 
    rule. However, GSA would like to receive comments about this action 
    before publishing it as a final rule. An interim rule provides two 
    benefits. First, it gives agencies a chance to comment on aspects of 
    the new regulation. Second, by making the FMR's contents effective 
    immediately, it establishes the structure for use by GSA in publishing 
    additional parts of the regulation that have already been approved.
    List of Subjects in 41 CFR Part 102
        Government property management.
        Dated: June 24, 1999.
    David J. Barram,
    Administrator of General Services.
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble and under the authority 
    of 40 U.S.C. 486(c), Title 41 of the Code of Federal Regulations is 
    amended by establishing chapter 102 to read as follows:
    102-1  General [Reserved]
    102-2  Federal management regulation system
    102-3  Advisory committee management [Reserved]
    102-4  Nondiscrimination in Federal financial assistance programs 
    102-5-102-30  [Reserved]
    102-31  General [Reserved]
    102-32  Management of personal property [Reserved]
    102-33  Management of aircraft [Reserved]
    102-34  Motor vehicle management [Reserved]
    102-35  Disposition of personal property [Reserved]
    102-36  Transfer of excess personal property [Reserved]
    102-37-102-70  [Reserved]
    102-71  General [Reserved]
    102-72  Delegation of authority [Reserved]
    102-73  Real estate acquisition [Reserved]
    102-74  Facility management [Reserved]
    102-75  Disposition of real property [Reserved]
    102-76  Design and construction [Reserved]
    102-77  Art-in-architecture [Reserved]
    102-78  Historic preservation [Reserved]
    102-79  Assignment and utilization of space [Reserved]
    102-80  Safety and environmental management [Reserved]
    [[Page 39085]]
    102-81  Security [Reserved]
    102-82  Utility services [Reserved]
    102-83  Centralized services in Federal buildings and complexes 
    102-84  Annual real property inventories [Reserved]
    102-85--102-115  [Reserved]
    102-116  General [Reserved]
    102-117  Transportation management [Reserved]
    102-118--102-140  [Reserved]
    102-141  General [Reserved]
    102-142--102-170  [Reserved]
    102-171  General [Reserved]
    102-172  Telecommunications management policy [Reserved]
    102-173--102-190  [Reserved]
    102-191  General [Reserved]
    102-192  Mail management [Reserved]
    102-193  Records management [Reserved]
    102-194  Standard and optional forms program [Reserved]
    102-195  Interagency reports management program [Reserved]
    102-196  Federal facility ridesharing [Reserved]
    102-197--102-220  [Reserved]
    Subpart A--Regulation System
    102-2.5  What is the Federal Management Regulation (FMR)?
    102-2.10  What is the FMR's purpose?
    102-2.15  What is the authority for the FMR system?
    102-2.20  Which agencies are subject to the FMR?
    102-2.25  When are other agencies involved in developing the FMR?
    102-2.30  Where and in what formats is the FMR published?
    102-2.35  How is the FMR distributed?
    102-2.40  May an agency issue implementing and supplementing 
    regulations for the FMR?
    102-2.45  How is the FMR numbered?
    102-2.50  How do I number my agency's implementing regulations?
    102-2.55  How do I number my agency's supplementing regulations?
    102-2.60  What is a deviation from the FMR?
    102-2.65  When may agencies deviate from the FMR?
    102-2.70  What are individual and class deviations?
    102-2.75  What timeframes apply to deviations?
    102-2.80  What steps must an agency take to deviate from the FMR?
    102-2.85  What are the reasons for writing to GSA about FMR 
    102-2.90  Where should my agency send its correspondence on an FMR 
    102-2.95  What information must agencies include in their deviation 
    letters to GSA?
    102-2.100  Must agencies provide GSA with a follow-up analysis of 
    their experience in deviating from the FMR?
    102-2.105  What information must agencies include in their follow-up 
    102-2.110  When must agencies provide their follow-up analysis?
    Non-Regulatory Material
    102-2.115  What kinds of non-regulatory material does GSA publish 
    outside of the FMR?
    102-2.120  How do I know whom to contact to discuss the regulatory 
    requirements of programs addressed in the FMR?
    102-2.125  What source of information can my agency use to identify 
    materials that describe how to do business with GSA?
    Subpart B--Forms
    102-2.130  Where are FMR forms prescribed?
    102-2.135  How do agencies obtain forms prescribed by the FMR?
    Subpart C--Plain Language Regulatory Style
    102-2.140  What elements of plain language appear in the FMR?
    102-2.145  To what do pronouns refer when used in the FMR?
        Authority: 40 U.S.C. 486(c).
    Subpart A--Regulation System
    Sec. 102-2.5  What is the Federal Management Regulation (FMR)?
        The Federal Management Regulation (FMR) is the successor regulation 
    to the Federal Property Management Regulations (FPMR). It contains 
    updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR. However, it 
    does not contain FPMR material that described how to do business with 
    the General Services Administration (GSA). ``How to'' materials on this 
    and other subjects are available in customer service guides, handbooks, 
    brochures and Internet websites provided by GSA. (See Sec. 102-2.125.)
    Sec. 102-2.10  What is the FMR's purpose?
        The FMR prescribes policies concerning property management and 
    related administrative activities. GSA issues the FMR to carry out the 
    Administrator of General Services' functional responsibilities, as 
    established by statutes, Executive orders, Presidential memoranda, 
    Circulars and bulletins issued by the Office of Management and Budget 
    (OMB), and other policy directives.
    Sec. 102-2.15  What is the authority for the FMR system?
        The Administrator of General Services prescribes and issues the FMR 
    under the authority of the Federal Property and Administrative Services 
    Act of 1949, as amended, 40 U.S.C. 486(c), as well as other applicable 
    Federal laws and authorities.
    Sec. 102-2.20  Which agencies are subject to the FMR?
        The FMR applies to executive agencies unless otherwise extended to 
    Federal agencies in various parts of this chapter. The difference 
    between the two terms is that Federal agencies include executive 
    agencies plus establishments in the legislative or judicial branch of 
    the Government. See paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section for the 
    definitions of each term.
        (a) What is an executive agency? An executive agency is any 
    executive department or independent establishment in the executive 
    branch of the Government, including any wholly-owned Government 
    corporation. (See 40 U.S.C. 472(a).)
        (b) What is a Federal agency? A Federal agency is any executive 
    agency or any establishment in the legislative or judicial branch of 
    the Government (except the Senate, the House of Representatives, and 
    the Architect of the Capitol and any activities under that person's 
    direction). (See 40 U.S.C. 472(b).)
    Sec. 102-2.25  When are other agencies involved in developing the FMR?
        Normally, GSA will ask agencies to collaborate in developing parts 
    of the FMR.
    Sec. 102-2.30  Where and in what formats is the FMR published?
        Proposed rules are published in the Federal Register. FMR bulletins 
    are published in looseleaf format. FMR interim and final rules are 
    published in the following formats--
        (a) Federal Register under the ``Rules and Regulations'' section.
        (b) Loose-leaf. (See Sec. 102-2.35.)
        (c) Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), which is an annual 
    codification of the general and permanent rules published in the 
    Federal Register. The CFR is available on line and in a bound-volume 
        (d) Electronically on the Internet.
    Sec. 102-2.35  How is the FMR distributed?
        (a) A liaison appointed by each agency provides GSA with their
    [[Page 39086]]
    agency's distribution requirements of the looseleaf version of the FMR. 
    Agencies must submit GSA Form 2053, Agency Consolidated Requirements 
    for GSA Regulations and Other External Issuances, to--General Services 
    Administration, Office of Communications (X), 1800 F Street, NW, 
    Washington, DC 20405.
        (b) Order Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations copies 
    of FMR material through your agency's authorizing officer.
    Sec. 102-2.40  May an agency issue implementing and supplementing 
    regulations for the FMR?
        Yes, an agency may issue implementing regulations (see Sec. 102-
    2.50) to expand upon related FMR material and supplementing regulations 
    (see Sec. 102-2.55) to address subject material not covered in the FMR. 
    The Office of the Federal Register assigns chapters in Title 41 of the 
    Code of Federal Regulations for agency publication of implementing and 
    supplementing regulations.
    Sec. 102-2.45  How is the FMR numbered?
        (a) All FMR sections are designated by three numbers. The following 
    example illustrates the chapter (it's always 102), part, and section 
    BILLING CODE 6820-34-P
    BILLING CODE 6820-34-C
        (b) In the looseleaf version, the month, year, and number of FMR 
    amendments appear at the bottom of each page.
    Sec. 102-2.50  How do I number my agency's implementing regulations?
        The first three-digit number represents the chapter number assigned 
    to your agency in Title 41 of the CFR. The part and section numbers 
    correspond to FMR material. For example, if your agency is assigned 
    Chapter 130 in Title 41 of the CFR and you are implementing Sec. 102-
    2.60 of the FMR, your implementing section would be numbered Sec. 130-
    Sec. 102-2.55  How do I number my agency's supplementing regulations?
        Since there is no corresponding FMR material, number the 
    supplementing material ``601'' or higher. For example, your agency's 
    supplementing regulations governing special services to states might 
    start with Sec. 130-601.5.
    Sec. 102-2.60  What is a deviation from the FMR?
        A deviation from the FMR is an agency action or policy that is 
    inconsistent with the regulation. (The deviation policy for the FPMR is 
    in 41 CFR part 101-1.)
    Sec. 102-2.65  When may agencies deviate from the FMR?
        Because, it consists primarily of set policies and mandatory 
    requirements, deviation from the FMR should occur infrequently. 
    However, to address unique circumstances or to test the effectiveness 
    of potential policy changes, agencies may be able to deviate from the 
    FMR after following the steps described in Sec. 102-2.80.
    Sec. 102-2.70  What are individual and class deviations?
        An individual deviation is intended to affect only one action. A 
    class deviation is intended to affect more than one action (e.g., 
    multiple actions, the actions of more than one agency, or individual 
    agency actions that are expected to recur).
    Sec. 102-2.75  What timeframes apply to deviations?
        Timeframes vary based on the nature of the deviation. However, 
    deviations cannot be open-ended. When consulting with GSA about using 
    an individual or class deviation, you must set a timeframe for the 
    deviation's duration.
    Sec. 102-2.80  What steps must an agency take to deviate from the FMR?
        (a) Consult informally with appropriate GSA program personnel to 
    learn more about how your agency can work within the FMR's requirements 
    instead of deviating from them. The consultation process may also 
    highlight reasons why an agency would not be permitted to deviate from 
    the FMR; e.g., statutory constraints.
        (b) Formally request a deviation, if consultations indicate that 
    your agency needs one. The head of your agency or a designated official 
    should write to GSA's Regulatory Secretariat to the attention of a GSA 
    official in the program office that is likely to consider the 
    deviation. (See the FMR bulletin that lists contacts in GSA's program 
    offices and Sec. 102-2.90.) The written request must fully explain the 
    reasons for the deviation, including the benefits that the agency 
    expects to achieve.
    Sec. 102-2.85  What are the reasons for writing to GSA about FMR 
        The reasons for writing are to:
        (a) Explain your agency's rationale for the deviation. Before it 
    can adequately comment on a potential deviation from the FMR, GSA must 
    know why it is needed. GSA will compare your need against the 
    applicable policies and regulations.
        (b) Obtain clarification from GSA as to whether statutes, Executive 
    orders, or other controlling policies, which may not be evident in the 
    regulation, preclude deviating from the FMR for the reasons stated.
        (c) Establish a timeframe for using a deviation.
        (d) Identify potential changes to the FMR.
        (e) Identify the benefits and other results that the agency expects 
    to achieve.
    Sec. 102-2.90  Where should my agency send its correspondence on an FMR 
        Send correspondence to: General Services Administration, Regulatory 
    Secretariat (MVRS), Office of Governmentwide Policy, 1800 F Street, NW, 
    Washington, DC 20405.
    Sec. 102-2.95  What information must agencies include in their 
    deviation letters to GSA?
        Agencies must include:
        (a) The title and citation of the FMR provision from which the 
    agency wishes to deviate;
        (b) The name and telephone number of an agency contact who can 
    discuss the reason for the deviation;
        (c) The reason for the deviation;
        (d) A statement about the expected benefits of using the deviation 
    (to the extent possible, expected benefits should be stated in 
    measurable terms);
    [[Page 39087]]
        (e) A statement about possible use of the deviation in other 
    agencies or Governmentwide; and
        (f) The duration of the deviation.
    Sec. 102-2.100  Must agencies provide GSA with a follow-up analysis of 
    their experience in deviating from the FMR?
        Yes, agencies that deviate from the FMR must also write to the 
    relevant GSA program office at the Regulatory Secretariat's address 
    (see Sec. 102-2.90) to describe their experiences in using a deviation.
    Sec. 102-2.105  What information must agencies include in their follow-
    up analysis?
        In your follow-up analysis, provide information that may include, 
    but should not be limited to, specific actions taken or not taken as a 
    result of the deviation, outcomes, impacts, anticipated versus actual 
    results, and the advantages and disadvantages of taking an alternative 
    course of action.
    Sec. 102-2.110  When must agencies provide their follow-up letters?
        (a) For an individual deviation, once the action is complete.
        (b) For a class deviation, at the end of each twelve-month period 
    from the time you first took the deviation and at the end of the 
    deviation period.
    Non-Regulatory Material
    Sec. 102-2.115  What kinds of non-regulatory material does GSA publish 
    outside of the FMR?
        As GSA converts the FPMR to the FMR, non-regulatory materials in 
    the FPMR, such as guidance, procedures, standards, and information, 
    that describe how to do business with GSA, will become available in 
    separate documents. These documents may include customer service 
    guides, handbooks, brochures, Internet websites, and FMR bulletins. GSA 
    will eliminate non-regulatory material that is no longer needed.
    Sec. 102-2.120  How do I know whom to contact to discuss the regulatory 
    requirements of programs addressed in the FMR?
        Periodically, GSA will issue for your reference an FMR bulletin 
    that lists program contacts with whom agencies can discuss regulatory 
    requirements. At a minimum, the list will contain organization names 
    and telephone numbers for each program addressed in the FMR.
    Sec. 102-2.125  What source of information can my agency use to 
    identify materials that describe how to do business with GSA?
        The FMR establishes policy; it does not specify procedures for the 
    acquisition of GSA services. However, as a service to users during the 
    transition from the FPMR to the FMR and as needed thereafter, GSA will 
    issue FMR bulletins to identify where to find information on how to do 
    business with GSA. References include customer service guides, 
    handbooks, brochures, Internet websites, etc.
    Subpart B--Forms
    Sec. 102-2.130  Where are FMR forms prescribed?
        In any of its parts, the FMR may prescribe forms and the 
    requirements for using them.
    Sec. 102-2.135  How do agencies obtain forms prescribed by the FMR?
        For copies of the forms prescribed by in the FMR, do any of the 
        (a) Write to us at: General Services Administration, National Forms 
    and Publications Center (7CPN), Warehouse 4, Dock No. 1, 501 West Felix 
    Street, Fort Worth, TX 76115.
        (b) Send e-mail messages to: [email protected]
        (c) Visit our web site at: www.gsa.gov/forms/forms.htm.
    Subpart C--Plain Language Regulatory Style
    Sec. 102-2.140  What elements of plain language appear in the FMR?
        The FMR is written in a ``plain language'' regulatory style. This 
    style is easy to read and uses a question and answer format directed at 
    the reader, active voice, shorter sentences, and, where appropriate, 
    personal pronouns.
    Sec. 102-2.145  To what do pronouns refer when used in the FMR?
        Throughout its text, the FMR may contain pronouns such as, but not 
    limited to, we, you, and I. When pronouns are used, each subchapter of 
    the FMR will indicate whether they refer to the reader, an agency, GSA, 
    or some other entity. In general, pronouns refer to who or what must 
    perform a required action.
    [FR Doc. 99-18556 Filed 7-20-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6820-34-P

Document Information

General Services Administration
Entry Type:
Interim rule.
Document Number:
39083-39087 (5 pages)
3090-AG83: Federal Property and Administrative Services Regulation
RIN Links:
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CFR: (31)
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