96-18462. ARS Strategic Plan  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 141 (Monday, July 22, 1996)]
    [Pages 37980-37992]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-18462]
    [[Page 37979]]
    Part III
    Department of Agriculture
    Agricultural Research Service
    Agricultural Research Services' Strategic Plan; Notice
    Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 141 / Monday, July 22, 1996 / 
    [[Page 37980]]
    Agricultural Research Service
    ARS Strategic Plan
    AGENCY: Agricultural Research Service, Department of Agriculture.
    ACTION: Request for Comments on the Agricultural Research Services' 
    Draft Strategic Plan.
    SUMMARY: The Agricultural Research Service, in compliance with the 
    Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993 (Pub. L. 103-62), 
    has developed a five year strategic plan covering Fiscal Years 1998 to 
    2002. The proposed ARS Draft Strategic Plan presents the work of the 
    Agency against five broad societal outcomes and twelve general goals/
    initiatives, most of the latter are taken, verbatim, from Section 801 
    ``Purposes of Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education'' of the 
    Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-
    127). When finalized, the ARS Strategic Plan will be supplemented by 
    one or more implementation plans that will link, in greater detail, the 
    scientific work of the Agency to this plan. Within the U.S. Department 
    of Agriculture, the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has 
    been given lead responsibility for securing Departmental, Congressional 
    and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) review of Subagency plans. 
    Each agency is responsible for securing input from its employees, 
    customers, stakeholders, and partners. The finalized Strategic Plan 
    will take effect on October 1, 1997. The ARS Draft Strategic Plan can 
    also be found, electronically, on the ARS Home Page on Internet (http:/
    DATES: Comments on the ARS Draft Strategic Plan must be submitted, in 
    writing or electronically, to the addresses shown below by August 21, 
    ADDRESSES: Interested persons should submit comments to David A. Rust, 
    Program Planning Advisor, Agricultural Research Service, Building 005, 
    Room 112, 10300 Baltimore Road, Beltsville, Maryland 20705; FAX to 301-
    504-6191; or electronically [email protected]
    David A. Rust, Program Planning Advisor, Agricultural Research Service, 
    Building 005, Room 112, 10300 Baltimore Road, Beltsville, Maryland 
    20705; FAX 301-504-6191; electronically [email protected]; or telephone 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: ARS is the principal in-house research 
    agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In Fiscal Year 1996, ARS 
    received an appropriations from Congress of $710 million which 
    supported 1,200 research projects at 104 locations involving 
    approximately 1,950 scientists.
        Dated: July 11, 1996.
    Robert J. Reginato,
    Associate Administrator.
    Vision, Mission, Guiding Principles, and Values
    Key External Factors
    Key Internal Factors
    Customers, Beneficiaries, Stakeholders, and Partners
    Strategic Plan
    ARS Outcomes, General Goals, Explanatory Statements, Specific Goals, 
    Program Activities, and Performance Measures
        Outcome 1. An agricultural production system that is highly 
    competitive in the global economy
        Outcome 2. A safe and secure food and fiber system
        Outcome 3. A healthy and properly nourished population
        Outcome 4. Greater harmony between agriculture and the 
        Outcome 5. Enhanced economic opportunity and quality of life for 
    farmers, ranchers, rural citizens and communities
    Initiatives, Explanatory Statements, Specific Initiatives, Program 
    Activities, and Performance Measures
        Initiative 1. Support Education
        Initiative 2. National Agricultural Library
        Initiative 3. Creative Leadership
    ARS Resource Summary
    ARS Customer Pledge
    ARS Approach to GPRA
        Since 1983, ARS has developed as series of multiyear strategic 
    plans to help guide development and management of the agency's work. In 
    1993, the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), Public Law 
    103-62, was enacted. It seeks to make all Federal departments and 
    agencies more accountable to Congress and the U.S. taxpayers. The ARS 
    Strategic Plan, covering fiscal years 1998-2002, was developed in 
    accordance with the GPRA requirements.
        In the spring of 1994, the agency established a work group to study 
    how best to implement GPRA within ARS. After completion of the work 
    group's report, ARS undertook an extensive outreach effort to gain 
    individual input from a broad cross section of the agency's customers, 
    stakeholders, and partners. This visioning process consisted of a pilot 
    conference in January 1995, followed by five regional conferences held 
    in June and July of 1995. The conferences brought together over 400 
    participants who worked in more than 30 breakout groups to provide 
    individual input regarding:
         The key forces that will influence American agriculture 
    during the next 20 to 25 years.
         How these changes will affect agricultural research.
         More specifically how ARS should respond to these changes.
        Using input and information gathered from this process ARS 
    identified 10 major issue areas that will affect agriculture and 
    agricultural research over the next 25 years:
    International/Global Issues
         Competition will increase for international markets and 
         International trade and treaties will influence the 
    profitability of U.S. agriculture.
         The political climate in foreign nations will impact U.S. 
    Population/Demographics Issues
         Growth in world population will increase demand for food, 
    fiber, energy, and land.
    Environmental Issues
         Resource competition among agricultural and industrial 
         Need to address current and potential environmental 
         Impact of pesticide and herbicide use.
         Ecosystem management.
         Maintaining biological and genetic diversity.
    Sustainability of Production Systems Issues
         Need to respond to changes in biological resistance 
    (resistance to pesticides).
         Need to address environmental restrictions to expand the 
    range where plants can grow in response to changes in climate and other 
    Economic Issues
         The profitability of U.S. agriculture is impacted by the 
    cost of labor, the transportation and distribution of foods, and the 
    quantity of food versus its price.
         The concern over the federal deficit will continue to 
    impact agricultural subsidy programs.
         The trend in U.S. agriculture is a shift from family farms 
    to agribusiness/corporate farms.
    Government and Political Issues
         Budget constraints are changing the relationship between 
    the federal, state, and private sectors.
    [[Page 37981]]
         Changes in demographics are resulting in decreased 
    political influence for the agriculture community.
         There is a declining knowledge of agriculture among 
    agricultural policy makers.
         There is concern about the type of regulations, their 
    interpretation, and the resulting increase in litigation.
         Maintaining a safe and secure food supply will continue to 
    be a critical element of national security.
    Consumer/Societal Issues
         Consumers changing preferences, their needs and 
    expectations for food security, and their demands for better quality of 
    life will impact U.S. agriculture.
         U.S. agriculture needs to increase acceptance of new 
    technologies and new products among consumers and to allay their fears 
    of science and technology.
         Consumer perceptions and concerns over bioethics and 
    animal welfare will impact U.S. agriculture.
    Food and Health Issues
         Issues concerning nutrition, disease prevention, and food 
    security will influence U.S. food production.
    --Food security issues encompass food safety, quantity, and quality.
         Changing dietary consumption patterns will impact U.S. 
    food production.
    Technological Advancement Issues
         Some of the key technological issues influencing U.S. 
    agriculture are:
    --Information and communication technology
    --New uses of food and fiber and non-food uses of agriculture products
    --Development of new production and delivery systems
    --Intellectual property rights
         The concern over ethics of biotechnology and genetic 
    engineering will influence the development of new U.S. technology and 
    its implementation.
    Education and Information Issues
         Education programs need to be developed to address the 
    following issues that influence the American public.
    --The environment
    --The economy
    --Nutrition, food and health
    --Science and agriculture
        In analyzing the input and information gathered at the five 
    conferences, nine major roles were identified for ARS in meeting the 
    research needs of the next 25 years. The nine roles are as follows: 
    provide leadership in the agricultural research agenda; strengthen 
    relationships with ARS partners; educate and relate to consumers and 
    other constituents; develop and transfer information systems and 
    technology; carry out and support strong, relevant science; focus on 
    long-term, high-risk research; address environmental issues; promote 
    interdisciplinary team and systems approaches; and develop and 
    strengthen institutional and human resources.
        The ARS guiding principles that appear on page 14 are based on the 
    input and information gathered at the visioning conferences. In 
    addition, the visioning process provides a broad thematic framework 
    that runs throughout the ARS strategic plan. Shortly after the 
    visioning process was completed, the agency established a strategic 
    planning team (SPT) charged with drafting a new ARS strategic plan that 
    meets the GPRA requirements.
    GPRA Outcomes and General Goals
        In GPRA, Congress intended for each agency to identify the societal 
    impact or outcome of its work. These outcomes are usually long-term and 
    reflect the agency's general direction and purpose.
        ARS' research focuses on achieving five broad outcomes that 
    parallel almost verbatim the outcomes identified in the strategic plan 
    of the Research, Education, and Economics (REE) mission area. GPRA 
    calls on each agency to establish general goals that will contribute to 
    achieving the long-term outcomes and that shape and drive the work of 
    the agency during the 5 years covered by the plan. ARS derives its 
    general goals and some of its initiatives from statutory language, 
    specifically the ``Purposes of Agricultural Research, Extension, and 
    Education'' set forth in section 801 of the Federal Agriculture 
    Improvement and Reform Act of 1996.
    The Agricultural Research Service
        The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is the principal in-house 
    research agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Congress 
    first authorized federally supported agricultural research in the 
    Organic Act of 1862, which established what is now USDA. That statute 
    directed the Commissioner of Agriculture ``* * * To acquire and 
    preserve in his Department all information he can obtain by means of 
    books and correspondence, and by practical and scientific experiments, 
    * * *'' The scope of USDA's agricultural research programs has been 
    expanded and extended more than 60 times in the 134 years since the 
    Department was created.
        Before the enactment of large scale crop support and nutrition 
    programs, agricultural research was a substantial part of the 
    Department's budget. Shortly before World War II, USDA received about 
    40 percent of all Federal funds appropriated for research. To better 
    support the war effort, the Department's various research components 
    were brought together into the Agricultural Research Administration 
    (ARA). In 1953 the ARA was reorganized into the Agricultural Research 
    Service. In FY 1996, ARS received an appropriation from Congress of 
    $710 million (less than 1 percent of the Federal research funds 
    appropriated for that year) which supported 1,200 research projects at 
    104 locations involving about 1,950 scientists.
    ARS Research
        ARS research has long been associated with higher yields and more 
    environmentally sensitive farming techniques. But the impact of ARS 
    research extends far beyond the farm gate and the dinner table. 
    Agricultural research is as much about human health as it is about 
    growing corn. For example, ARS recently developed a fat substitute 
    called Oatrim. Not only does this technology benefit farmers by 
    providing a new use for oats, it enables processors to produce tastier 
    low-fat foods. Consumers may reap the biggest benefits: Oatrim-rich 
    diets lower the bad (LDL) type of cholesterol without decreasing the 
    good (HDL) type, and it improves glucose tolerance. ARS research is 
    also as much about development of industrial products such as printing 
    ink from crops like soybeans as it is about development of high-
    yielding wheat varieties. And as with Oatrim, printing inks made from 
    100-percent soybean oil instead of petroleum solve more than one 
    problem: Unlike petroleum, soybeans are a renewable resource, and this 
    technology diversifies markets for soybean farmers and choices for ink 
    manufacturers and printers.
        ARS research provides solutions to a wide range of problems related 
    to agriculture--problems requiring long-term commitment of resources or 
    unlikely to have solutions with quick commercial payoff that would 
    tempt private industry to do the research. These problems range from 
    the ongoing battle to protect crops and livestock from costly pests and 
    diseases to improving quality and safety of agricultural commodities 
    and products determining the right mix of nutrients for humans from 
    infancy to old age,
    [[Page 37982]]
    making the best use of natural resources, and all the while ensuring 
    profitability for producers and processors while keeping costs down for 
        To develop these solutions, ARS scientists carry out basic, 
    applied, and developmental research. These are inextricably linked. 
    Scientists cannot do applied and developmental research without the 
    foundation provided by basic research; and ARS basic research must 
    point toward specific uses for new knowledge resulting from the 
    research. Also, basic research is necessary in anticipation of new 
    problems and to provide information needed for rational nationwide 
        ARS scientists communicate research results and transfer new 
    technologies from ARS to other scientists, institutions of higher 
    education, products and process developers, and consumers, producers, 
    and other end users through:
        Publications: ARS scientists write several thousand articles each 
    year for scientific journals and trade magazines. Such publications are 
    a primary means of sharing information with other scientists and are 
    the first step in transferring results from the laboratory to everyday 
    use. Equally important, peer review of articles published in scientific 
    journals helps ensure that ARS research is of the highest quality.
        Conferences, Workshops, and Consultations: ARS scientists 
    participate in selected conferences and workshops each year to ensure 
    timely exchange of information with other scientists in the same and 
    related fields and to work with customers in identifying research needs 
    and opportunities. They also correspond extensively with other 
    scientists and customers via paper and electronic mail, serve as expert 
    consultants both locally and nationally, and otherwise stay connected 
    with their scientific and customer communities. An expanding ARS 
    involvement with electronic communications networks such as the 
    Internet ensures that agency scientists will be participants in this 
    relatively low-cost global information exchange.
        Cooperative Agreements and Patent Licenses: ARS aggressively 
    pursues cooperative relationships with private industry, academia, and 
    other Government agencies for further development of new technology. 
    The agency also markets both patented and nonpatented technology for 
    immediate use or further refinement. ARS continues to be an 
    acknowledged leader among Federal agencies in technology transfer as 
    judged by the relative number of patents, partnerships, patent 
    licenses, and technology transfer awards.
    International Collaboration
        The combined government funding for agricultural research in 
    foreign countries far exceeds U.S. Federal funding for agricultural 
    research. Recognizing this resource, ARS has set up carefully selected 
    international collaborations, consistent with ARS program goals. This 
    has led to a cost-effective supplementation of ARS technology 
    development and germplasm. At present, the agency has 368 cooperative 
    linkages with 51 countries. Collaborations often result in co-
    publication of research results. Where appropriate, intellectual 
    property is mutually protected with co-patents. Through its tactically 
    constructed network of international research interchanges. ARS in 
    cooperation with the U.S. Department of State, helps to advance techno-
    scientific diplomacy for the U.S. Government.
    National Agricultural Library
        The National Agricultural Library (NAL) was established by Congress 
    in 1862. It is the largest agricultural library in the world and one of 
    only four national libraries in the United States. In 1994 it became 
    part of the Agricultural Research Service. The library's unique, 
    comprehensive collection of more than 2.2 million volumes forms the 
    fundamental base of knowledge on agriculture and related basic and 
    applied sciences and social sciences for the Nation. Traditional as 
    well as innovative and specialized information services and products 
    enable customers to identify, locate, and obtain needed information on 
    agriculture and related topics. Through preservation activities, NAL 
    ensures that the collection is available for current and future use. 
    NAL produces AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access), a bibliographic 
    database of more than 3 million citations to agriculture literature, 
    and provides leadership in development and application of information 
    technologies that help ensure access to knowledge and information such 
    as gene maps.
    Technology Transfer Activities
        Products, techniques, and information generated from ARS research 
    must be transferred to customers, if the United States is to maintain 
    its global competitive edge in agriculture. The technology transfer 
    process ranges from the controlled release of information via oral, 
    written, or electronic form, to the establishment of research and 
    development partnerships with private industry, other Government 
    agencies, and universities. Intellectual property is guarded by patents 
    and plant variety protection, and commercialization is achieved by 
    patent licensing and Cooperative Research and Development Agreements 
    Vision, Mission, Guiding Principles, and Values
        Leading America toward a better future through agricultural 
    research and information.
        Provide access to agricultural information and develop new 
    knowledge and technology needed to solve technical agricultural 
    problems of broad scope and high national priority to ensure adequate 
    availability of high-quality, safe food, and other agricultural 
    products to meet the nutritional needs of the American consumer, to 
    sustain a viable and competitive food and agricultural economy, to 
    enhance quality of life and economic opportunity for rural citizens and 
    society as a whole, and to maintain a quality environment and natural 
    resource base.
    Guiding Principles
        Provide leadership for the national agricultural research agenda.
        Carry out and support excellent, relevant science.
        Support long-term research to provide a foundation of problem 
        Apply the science base to address critical emerging problems.
        Provide the science base for informed policymaking.
        Strenghten relationships with ARS partners.
        Educate and relate to consumers and other constituents.
        Respond to societal, consumer, and environmental concerns.
        Promote interdisciplinary team and systems approaches.
        Develop and strengthen institutional and human resources.
        Develop and transfer information systems and technology.
        Accountability: We are responsible to the public.
        Appreciation: We respect one another and value everyone's 
        Cooperation: We work with others to most effectively use available 
    knowledge, resources, and technologies.
        Creativity: We nurture and reward creativity.
        Global Perspective: We encourage and promote an international 
    perspective and global collaboration on agricultural issues.
    [[Page 37983]]
        Integrity: We are committed to the highest standards of honesty and 
    ethical conduct.
        Leadership: We promote leadership in information and agricultural 
        Objectivity: We are proud of our scientific objectivity and will 
    continue to provide unbiased information.
        Partnerships: We encourage partnerships with other organizations 
    and individuals.
        Quality: We are dedicated to the highest standards of quality in 
    agricultural research and information dissemination.
        Relevance: We respond to the needs of the agricultural community 
    and all of society.
        Service: We listen to our customers, both internal and external, 
    and provide them quality scientific research, technologies, and 
        Sharing: We are committed to share information broadly and in a 
    timely fashion.
        Strategy: We shape the future by strategically positioning our 
    resources and capabilities.
        Teamwork: We support teams that approach holistically by looking at 
    the total implications of their work.
    Key External Factors
    Consumer, Socio-Economic, and Policy Trends
        The abundance and affordability of the American food supply is 
    chiefly due to U.S. agricultural research. The Nation's ability to 
    sustain this plentiful and inexpensive food supply continues to be 
    paramount. But in recent years, consumer and producer attention has 
    expanded somewhat to other areas of concern such as food safety and 
    quality, the relationship of agriculture and the environment, the 
    profitability of the agricultural enterprise, the impact of government 
    regulations, land use restrictions, and economic options that diminish 
    the supply of farmable, grazable land.
        The long-term sustainability of the Nation's food and fiber 
    production systems will be determined not only by the continued 
    profitability of farming and ranching, but also by how these production 
    systems affect the environment. The capacity of U.S. agriculture to 
    adapt to environmental changes is also a concern as are the 
    availability and quality of natural resources. Another key 
    environmental issue is how human activities affect weather patterns, 
    atmospheric composition, and soil and water quality and productivity.
        Global population increases, demographic changes, and economic 
    growth will substantially increase the demand for agricultural 
    products. These changes should promote development of new markets. At 
    the same time, increased agricultural efficiency in other countries 
    will require that U.S. agriculture be more competitive. Meanwhile, 
    budget deficits and external pressures on the domestic economy may 
    reduce funding for agricultural research in both the public and private 
    Congressional Support
        The ability of ARS to respond to the many and diverse needs of 
    producers and consumers is determined by congressional appropriations. 
    Adjusted for inflation, these appropriated funds are substantially 
    smaller now than they were two to three decades ago. As a consequence 
    of inflation and the higher operating costs associated with advances in 
    research equipment and techniques, the ARS scientific workforce, which 
    reached a maximum of about 3,400 scientists in 1970, decreased by 
    almost 40 percent during the following 25 years. In recent years, 
    Congressional appropriations, expressed in current dollars, have 
    remained static. Because of widespread concern about Federal budget 
    deficits, and the commitment by both the Administration and the 
    Congress to reduce Federal expenditures, future ARS budgets are 
    expected to remain at or near the current level of $710 million. Even 
    with the current low rate of inflation, this scenario is expected to 
    lead to further decreases in both the strength of the scientific 
    workforce and the scope of the research program.
    Workforce Competition
        The Department of Labor projects an increase of 19 percent in the 
    size of the general workforce in the next decade, which is slightly 
    lower than the rate of growth for the preceding decade. The labor 
    market during this period is also expected to be highly comptetive for 
    many occupations that require and advanced education, including 
    scientists, engineers, economists, and computer specialists. The high 
    earning potential of professions, such as law and medicine, will 
    continue to make a career in science less attractive to many young men 
    and women who have the creative intelligence needed for professional 
    success in agricultural research. Consequently, a major emphasis on 
    recruitment, student employment, upward mobility, and training programs 
    will be needed to attract and retain a quality workforce. The trend 
    toward increasing workforce diversity is also expected to continue, and 
    opportunities for encouraging women and minorities into careers in 
    science, engineering, and economics will need to be given a high 
    Key Internal Factors
        ARS owns and manages nearly 3,000 laboratory and office buildings 
    and about 400,00 acres of land in support of its research mission 
    carried out at 104 domestic and foreign locations. The quality of ARS 
    facilities' infrastructure directly affects the ability of ARS 
    scientists to accomplish their research mission objectives and 
    projects. ARS implemented a comprehensive facilities modernization 
    program through which it determines priorities for allocation of 
    resources for facilities modernization related to and consistent with 
    the research priorities of the agency.
        In addition, ARS is currently participating in the Under 
    Secretary's Agriculture Research Facilities Study Commission. The 
    commission is charged with reviewing existing and proposed federally 
    funded facilities to determine which ones should be closed, 
    consolidated, or modernized.
    Information Infrastructure
        The confluence of computers, advanced communications, and space 
    technology has brought about an information systems revolution that is 
    resulting in change comparable to that which occurred during the 
    Industrial Revolution. The National Information Infrastructure (NII) 
    will have the capacity to transmit information anywhere in the world at 
    both high and low speeds, in a variety of data formats, including 
    image, voice, and video.
        Scientists searching for research information will find it on the 
    Internet; companies searching for new research findings and technology 
    will find them on the Internet. Information is a key to opportunities 
    and an economic resource. Those who learn to exploit database 
    technology and electronic networks as a utility will be the ones to get 
        As one example, the NII presents a unique opportunity to the 
    National Agricultural Library (NAL). NAL has traditionally collected, 
    managed, and housed food and agricultural research information to 
    respond to requests by scientists, educators, consumers, and other 
    constituents. But accumulation is no longer the answer: proper access 
    is. Strategic alliances and partnerships are required to capitalize on 
    the greater breadth of information available, while at the same time 
    targeting audiences and tailoring information and delivery
    [[Page 37984]]
    formats to meet the needs of internal and external customers.
    Human Resources
        ARS will need to continue using innovative approaches to human 
    resources management to attract and retain critical core scientific, 
    technical, and support capability. To meet the agency's human resources 
    requirements and maintain the quality, relevance, and excellence of its 
    core research programs, ARS must ensure continued innovations in human 
    resources management such as the USDA' ARS and Forest Service 
    Demonstration Project and the ARS Research Peer Evaluation System as a 
    part of its overall strategic plan.
    Core Capabilities
        ARS' policy is to maintain the essential combination of scientific 
    expertise, fiscal and information resources, and facilities required to 
    meet the needs of the agency's national programs. These core 
    capabilities are a defining feature of the agency and can be mobilized 
    to address national crises and other emerging problems.
    Customers, Beneficiaries, Stakeholders, and Partners
        A listing of ARS' customers, beneficiaries, stakeholders, and 
    partners is shown below. Although the list is constantly changing, it 
    gives an indication of the breadth of ARS' customer base. Sometimes the 
    same organization can be a customer, beneficiary, stakeholder, and/or 
        Customers--Individuals or organizations that directly use ARS 
    Producers and processors
    National and international organizations
        Advocacy groups
        Commodity and futures markets
        International trade organizations
        International science and research organizations
    Legislative Branch
    Executive Branch
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
        Secretary of Agriculture
        Other mission areas
        Action and regulatory agencies
        Office of Budget and Program Analysis
        Inspector General
        Chief Financial Officer
    Other Federal agencies
    Scientific community
    Medical community
    Health and dietary community
    State and local Governments
    News media
        Beneficiaries--Individuals whose well-being is enhanced by the 
    agency's activities.
    Domestic consumers
    Foreign consumers of U.S. agricultural exports and technologies.
        Stakeholders--Orginzations or individuals that have an interest in 
    the work of ARS but do not directly use the agency's products.
    Legislative branch
    Executive branch
    ARS employees
        National and international organizations
        Producer and processor organizations
        Food and commodity organizations
        Foreign countries/governments
        Trade organizations
        Environmental organizations
        Retail organizations
        Consumer organizations
        Partners--Organizations that ARS works with collaboratively.
    Institutions of higher education
    Federal research agencies
    Private industry
    Strategic Plan
    ARS Outcomes
        ARS' general goals and specific goals are focused on achieving five 
    outcomes, which are expressions of long-term desirable societal results 
    toward which the work of ARS is ultimately directed. The five ARS 
    outcomes parallel, almost verbatim, the outcomes identified in the REE 
    mission area strategic plan. The ARS general goals directly support the 
    agency's ongoing efforts to achieve these five broad societal outcomes. 
    Under each outcome is a brief explanatory statement that describes how 
    ARS relates the outcome to the work of the agency. In addition, there 
    are performance measures that indicate progress towards achieving each 
    General Goals and Explanatory Statements
        Under each outcome is one or more general goals and a brief 
    explanatory statement that describes how ARS interprets the general 
    goal and relates it to the work of the agency. ARS derives its general 
    goals and some of its initiatives from statutory language, specifically 
    the ``Purposes of Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education'' set 
    forth in section 801 of the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Return 
    Act of 1996. The general goals are broad enough to allow activities to 
    overlap. In those instances, explanatory statements cross-reference the 
    general goals where certain areas of related research would be covered. 
    Each general goal has been given a short title.
    Specific Goals
        Under each of the ARS general goals there are several subgoals. 
    These focus the general goal on the mission and work of ARS. Many 
    departments and agencies are using the term ``objective'' to identify 
    their subgoals. ARS has an existing classification system that uses the 
    term ``objective'' to describe areas of research. To avoid confusion, 
    the ARS strategic plan uses the designation ``specific goal.'' Each 
    specific goal has been given a short title.
    Program Activities
        GPRA requires agencies to describe how the goals are to be achieved 
    and how the performance measures relate to the general goals. The 
    program activities describe briefly and broadly what activities ARS 
    will undertake to accomplish the specific and general goals.
    Performance Measures
        The performance measures describe specific achievements that 
    indicate progress toward reaching the goals.
    Agencywide Performance Measures
        The following performance measures are across the agency (not 
    broken out by outcome or goal) over the 5 years covered by the plan.
    --200 new patent applications*
    --250 new CRADAs
    --100 new Licenses
    --650 new interagency agreements
    --350 new plant germplasm releases to industry for further development
        ** 1,750 postdoctoral students will be involved in ARS research 
    activities; 10 percent will be hired as full-time employees of the 
        Conduct 2,250 reviews under the research position evaluation system 
    (RPES) to ensure the quality of the agency's scientists; 95 percent 
    will achieve fully successful to outstanding ratings and 40 percent 
    will be found qualified to work at a higher level of scientific 
        Conduct 1,250 peer reviews of research projects.
        Conduct 100 location reviews at research laboratories.
        Outcome 1. An agricultural production system that is highly 
    competitive in the global economy.
        Explanatory Statement: ARS will conduct research designed to 
    generate new knowledge; improve production systems; enhance resource 
    efficiencies; improve processing quality, performance, and the value of 
    commodities; and develop technologies to reduce nontariff trade 
    barriers. The national needs for scientific agricultural
    [[Page 37985]]
    information will be met in a timely manner. U.S. agricultural producers 
    and processors will have access to current knowledge and technologies. 
    Performance Goals: During the 5 years covered by this strategic plan, 
    ARS will report:
         In basic research.
    --1,300 scientific papers published in refereed journals
    --1,100 presentations to scientific organizations
    --50 basic research accomplishments with significant potential long-
    term benefits to U.S. agricultural industry and American society
         In applied research.
    --270 scientific papers published in refereed journals
    --230 presentations to scientific organizations
    --50 applied research accomplishments with significant potential long-
    term benefits to U.S. agricultural industry and American society
         In development research and technology transfers.
    --New patent applications*
    --New CRADAs*
    --New licenses*
    --New interagency agreements*
    --New plant germplasm releases to industry for further development*
         In nonformal education.
    --95 percent of customer requests received and handled within 
    established time frames
    --12 presentations to lay and professional organizations
         In higher education.
    --Knowledge and technologies promptly communicated to institutions of 
    higher education within established time frames
    --Graduate and postgraduate students involved in ARS research 
    General Goal 1.1  Strengthen Competitiveness
        ``Enhance the competitiveness of the United States agriculture and 
    food industry in an increasingly competitive world environment.''
        Explanatory Statement: ARS will generate new knowledge and develop 
    new and improved production systems with greater resource efficiencies; 
    improve the processing quality, performance, and value of commodities 
    to meet domestic and global market needs; develop technologies to 
    eliminate trade barriers due to quarantine issues and other nontariff 
    trade constraints; and develop sustainable and cost-competitive food 
    and industrial commodity processing technologies and concepts.
    Specific Goal 1.1.1  Cost-Effective Agricultural Program Systems
        Develop new knowledge and integrated technologies for more 
    efficient and economically sustainable agricultural production systems.
        Program Activity: Integrate the production, processing, and 
    marketing technologies and knowledge into systems that optimize 
    resource management, improve environmental quality, and facilitate 
    technology transfer.
        Performance Measures: Demonstrate and transfer to users integrated 
    systems. Demonstrate and transfer to users computer-based simulation 
    models and decision-support systems.
    Specific Goal 1.1.2  Postharvest Technologies
        Develop technologies and processes to reduce or overcome nontariff 
    trade and quarantine barriers.
        Program Activity: Develop and evaluate alternative means of 
    controlling or eliminating postharvest insects, diseases, and spoilage 
    organisms in agricultural commodities and products.
        Performance Measure: Demonstrate techniques to control or eliminate 
    postharvest insects and diseases and increase market quality and 
    product longevity.
        Program Activity: Develop technologies to replace methyl bromide to 
    meet phytosanitary requirements, and to improve export opportunities 
    for agricultural commodities.
        Performance Measure: Demonstrate technologies to control quarantine 
    insects and diseases on fruit.
        Program Activity: Develop diagnostic methods to identify weeds, 
    diseases, and pests that must be controlled to permit the international 
    movement of animals, plants, or animal and plant products.
        Performance Measure: New and improved diagnostic tests are 
    developed and available.
    Specific Goal 1.1.3  Product Quality and Marketability
        Improve quality, uniformity, value, and marketability of 
    commodities and other agricultural products.
        Program Activity: Support the mission of action/regulatory agencies 
    by defining and characterizing the desired physical, chemical, and 
    aesthetic properties of agricultural commodities.
        Performance Measure: Provide knowledge and technology to expand and 
    improve the grading systems for agricultural commodities and products.
        Program Activity: Advance the technology for measuring important 
    nutrients and other quality components.
        Performance Measure: Demonstrate methods to measure the critical 
    processing and end-use properties of agricultural commodities important 
    to the agricultural marketing system and to the processing industry.
    Specific Goal 1.1.4  International Technology Interchange
        Develop a strategy for selective international research interchange 
    to supplement ARS technology developments and strengthen 
    competitiveness of U.S. agriculture.
        Program Activity: Gain access to foreign technology developments 
    through tactical selection of opportunities for international research 
    cooperation coherent with ARS domestic programs.
        Performance Measure: Strategic alliances formed with specific 
    foreign institutions, leading to the joint development of germplasm and 
    value-added technologies, mutually protected through intellectual 
    property agreements.
    General Goal 1.2  Develop New Uses and Products
        ``Develop new uses and new products for agricultural commodities, 
    such as alternative fuels, and develop new crops'' Explanatory 
    Statement: ARS will contribute to development of new and alternative 
    crops, new food and nonfood uses and products from plants and animals, 
    alternative fuels, and new processes and other technologies using these 
    Specific Goal 1.2.1  New and Alternative Crops
        Develop new and alternative crops with economic and social value.
        Program Activity: Introduce and genetically improve new and 
    alternative crops to increase diversity of agricultural commodities and 
    satisfy societal needs.
        Performance Measure: Experimentally demonstrate genetically 
    improved crops with potential for successful introduction.
        Program Activity: Develop management practices for production, 
    harvesting, and postharvest handling of new alternative crops.
        Performance Measure: Experimentally demonstrate new and improved 
    production, harvest and postharvest handling procedures of these crops.
    Specific Goal 1.2.2  New Uses and Products
        Develop new food and nonfood uses and products from plants and 
    [[Page 37986]]
    and new processes and other technologies that add value.
        Program Activity: Improve process technologies and develop new 
    bioproducts and uses that will increase the demand for agricultural 
        Performance Measure: Experimentally demonstrate improvements in 
    processing technologies and develop new bioproducts and uses that have 
    potential to increase demand for agricultural commodities.
    Outcome 2. A Safe and Secure Food and Fiber System
        Explanatory Statement: ARS will conduct research designed to 
    generate knowledge regarding new and improved management practices, 
    pest management strategies, sustainable production systems, and the 
    control of potential contaminants. Food safety research seeks ways to 
    assess and control potentially harmful food contaminants. These 
    activities will ensure a safe, plentiful, diverse, and affordable 
    supply of food, fiber and other agricultural products.
        Performance Goals: During the 5 years covered by this strategic 
    plan, ARS will report:
         In basic research.
    --2,470 scientific papers published in refereed journals
    --2,090 presentations to scientific organizations
    --50 basic research accomplishments with significant potential long-
    term benefits to U.S. agricultural industry and American society
         In applied research.
    --435 scientific papers published in refereed journals
    --365 presentations to scientific organizations
    --50 applied research accomplishments with significant potential long-
    term benefits to U.S. agricultural industry and American society
         In developmental research and technology transfers.
    --New patent applications*
    --New CRADAs*
    --New licenses*
    --New interagency agreements*
    --New plant germplasm release to industry for further development*
         In nonformal education.
    --95 percent of customer requests received and handled within 
    established time frames
    --12 presentations to lay and professional organizations
         In higher education.
    --knowledge and technologies promptly communicated to institutions of 
    higher education within established time frames
    --graduate and postgraduate students involved in ARS research 
    General Goal 2.1 Secure Food and Fiber System
        Maintain a safe and secure food and fiber system that meets the 
    Nation's needs now and in the future.
        Explantory Statement: ARS' research program will conserve and 
    enhance genetic resources and improve the efficiency of agricultural 
    production and processing systems to provide America with a safe, 
    adequate, secure, affordable and nutritious supply of food and fiber.
    Specific Goal 2.1.1  Plant and Animal Production Systems
        Improve efficiency of agricultural production and protection 
    systems to ensure the security of the Nation's food, fiber, and energy 
        Program Activity: Enhance output of agricultural products through 
    development of new production methods that maximize net economic 
    returns and minimize input costs while using environmentally 
    sustainable technologies.
        Performance Measures: Demonstrate increases in productivity above 
    current levels, using sustainable technologies.
        Demonstrate a more efficient and cost-effective use of resource 
    inputs while increasing productivity above current levels.
        Develop and demonstrate new integrated technologies for improved 
    protection of plants and animals.
    Specific Goal 2.1.2  Plant and Animal Germplasm Resources
        Acquire, preserve, evaluate, and enhance genetic resources and 
    develop new knowledge and technologies to increase the productive 
    capacity of plants and animals.
        Program Activity: Develop improved genetic engineering and 
    conventional methods and use them to produce new germplasm with 
    increased production potential, improved resistance to pests and 
    diseases, and enhanced productive capacity.
        Performance Measures: Release of improved germplasm, varieties, and 
    breeds based on effective use of genetic resources.
        Improved methods for identifying useful properties of plants and 
    animals and for manipulating the genes associated with these 
        Program Activity: Collect, preserve, evaluate, and make available a 
    diverse range of germplasm that increases genetic variability and 
    enhances productive capacity and food and fiber security.
        Performance Measures: Maintenance of collections of well-documented 
    plant and animal germplasm of importance to U.S. agricultural security.
    Specific Goal 2.1.3  Plant and Animal Biological Processes
        Develop biologically based technologies to improve productivity, 
    safety, nutrient content, and quality of plants and animals and their 
        Program Activity: Conduct fundamental and applied investigations of 
    plant and animal biological processes that influence productivity, 
    safety, nutrient content, and quality.
        Performance Measure: Make technologies available for improving 
    productivity, safety, and quality.
    General Goal 2.2  Safe Food
        ``Maintain an adequate, nutritious, and safe supply of food to meet 
    human nutritional needs and requirements.''
        Explanatory Statement: ARS' food safety research program will 
    assess the safety of animal and plant products and develop methods to 
    control potential food contaminants. The human nutrition research 
    activities covered in this general goal are addressed in outcome 3, 
    general goal 3.
    Specific Goal 2.2.1  Plant and Animal Product Safety
        Provide knowledge and means for production of safe plant and animal 
        Program Activity: Develop methods to reduce toxin-producing and/or 
    pathogenic bacteria and fungi, parasites, mycotoxins, chemical 
    residues, and plant toxins.
        Performance Measure: Transfer knowledge developed by ARS to 
    industry and regulatory agencies.
        Outcome 3. A healthy and properly nourished population.
        Explanatory Statement: ARS will conduct research to generate new 
    knowledge in human nutrition that will establish the relationship 
    between diet and health, measure food consumption patterns, and develop 
    new methods to measure the nutrient composition of food. The outcomes 
    of these efforts will be a safe, and nutritious food supply and a 
    knowledge base that enables people to make healthful food choices. 
    Performance Goals: During the 5 years covered by this strategic plan, 
    ARS will report:
         In basic research.
    --325 scientific papers published in refereed journals
    --275 presentations to scientific organizations
    --50 basic research accomplishments with significant potential long-
    [[Page 37987]]
    benefits to U.S. agricultural industry and American society
         In applied research.
    --25 scientific papers published in refereed journals
    --22 presentations to scientific organizations
    --50 applied research accomplishments with significant potential long-
    term benefits to U.S. agricultural industry and American society
         In developmental research and technology transfers.
    --New patent applications*
    --New CRADAs*
    --New licenses*
    --New interagency agreements*
    --New plant germplasm releases to industry for further development*
         In nonformal education.
    --95 percent of customer requests received and handled within 
    established time frames
    --12 presentations to lay and professional organizations
         In higher education.
    --Knowledge and technologies promptly communicated to institutions of 
    higher education within established time frames
    --Graduate and postgraduate students involved in ARS research 
    General Goal 3.1  Nutritious Food
        ``Maintain an adequate, nutritious, and safe supply of food to meet 
    human nutritional needs and requirements.''
        Explanatory Statement: ARS' human nutrition research program will 
    establish the relationship between diet, nutritional status, and health 
    throughout life and the contribution of diet to disease resistance and 
    the reduction of disorders related to nutrition. The program will 
    develop methods for determining food components and maintain national 
    food composition databases. ARS will monitor food consumption, 
    knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of the U.S. population and design 
    and test techniques that enable people to improve their nutritional 
    status. The food safety activities covered in this general goal are 
    addressed in outcome 2.
    Specific Goal 3.1.1  Human Nutrition Requirements
        Determine requirements for nutrients and other food components of 
    children, pregnant and lactating women, adults, and elderly of diverse 
    racial and ethnic backgrounds.
        Program Activity: Using population and survey data, human feeding 
    studies, genetic models of metabolism, animal studies, and other 
    methods, establish indicators of nutrient functions that show 
    requirements and bioavailability of food components and their effects 
    on health.
        Performance Measure: Indicators of function determined and related 
    to diet and health.
    Specific Goal 3.1.2  Food Composition and Consumption
        Develop techniques for determining food composition, maintain 
    national food composition databases, monitor the food and nutrient 
    consumption of the U.S. population, and develop and transfer effective 
    nutrition intervention strategies.
        Program Activity: Develop new methods for measuring selected 
    nutrients and food components, conduct surveys of food consumption, 
    analyze survey results to determine consumption of nutrients, and 
    design strategies for improvement.
        Performance Measure: Transfer new measurement techniques and data 
    to users, release results of surveys, transfer effective nutrition 
    intervention strategies.
    Specific Goal 3.1.3  Nutritious Plant and Animal Products
        Develop more nutritious plant and animal products for human 
        Program Activity: Improve the nutritional value of animal and plant 
        Performance Measure: Demonstrate improved nutritional quality.
        Outcome 4. Greater harmony between agriculture and the environment.
        Explanatory Statement: ARS will conduct multidisciplinary research 
    to solve problems arising from the interaction between agriculture and 
    the environment. New practices and technologies will be developed to 
    conserve the Nation's natural resource base and balance production 
    efficiency and environmental quality. Since environmental quality is a 
    global problem, ARS will expand collaboration with foreign research 
    institutions. The outcome will be technology and practices that will 
    mitigate the adverse impact of agriculture on the environment.
        Performance Goals: During the 5 years covered by this strategic 
    plan, ARS will report:
         In basic research.
    --1,070 scientific papers published in refereed journals
    --900 presentations to scientific organizations
    --50 basic research accomplishments with significant potential long-
    term benefits to U.S. agricultural industry and American society
         In applied research.
    --215 scientific papers published in refereed journals
    --180 presentations to scientific organizations
    --50 applied research accomplishments with significant potential long-
    term benefits to U.S. agricultural industry and American society
         In developmental research and technology transfers.
    --New patent applications *
    --New CRADAs *
    --New licenses *
    --New interagency agreements *
    --New plant germplasm releases to industry for further development *
         In nonformal education.
    --95 percent of customer requests received and handled within 
    established time frames
    --12 presentations to lay and professional organizations
         In higher education.
    --Knowledge and technologies promptly communicated to institutions of 
    higher education within established time frames
    --Graduate and postgraduate students will be involved in ARS research 
    activities **
    General Goal 4.1  Balance Agriculture and the Environment
        ``Increase the long-term productivity of the United States 
    agriculture and food industry while maintaining and enhancing the 
    natural resource base on which rural America and the United States 
    agricultural economy depend.''
        Explanatory Statement: ARS will conserve and enhance genetic 
    resources, improve the efficiency of agricultural production systems, 
    and develop new and improved high-quality food and nonfood agricultural 
    and industrial products with improved pest and disease resistance and 
    better adaptability to a wider range of climatic conditions. ARS will 
    develop new and improved management practices, elucidate the potential 
    effects of global climate change, and develop new ways to manage crop 
    and animal production systems in the changing global climate, develop 
    integrated pest management strategies, and integrated sustainable 
    agricultural production systems to enhance the quality and productivity 
    of the Nation's soil, water, and air, ensuring conservation of the 
    natural resource bases essential to meet future needs.
    [[Page 37988]]
    Specific Goal 4.1.1  Natural Resource Quality and Quantity
        Develop new and improved management practices that will enhance the 
    quality and productivity of the Nation's soil, water, and air 
        Program Activity: Develop on-farm agricultural practices and 
    technologies to assess, predict, and improve soil, water, and air 
        Performance Measure: Demonstrate agricultural management practices 
    and technologies that protect and enhance the environment and natural 
    resource base.
        Program Activity: Develop agricultural practices and technologies 
    at the watershed scale that conserve and maintain the quality of 
    natural resources.
        Performance Measure: Experimentally demonstrate the appropriateness 
    of watershed-scale practices and technologies that protect the 
    environment and natural resources.
    Specific Goal 4.1.2  Global Climate Change
        Increase understanding of the responses of terrestrial ecosystems 
    to manmade and natural changes in the global environment.
        Program Activity: Quantify the positive and negative aspects of 
    agriculture's role in global change.
        Performance Measure: Documentation of agriculture's effects on the 
    global environment.
        Program Activity: Assess and predict how changes in the global 
    environment will affect agriculture.
        Performance Measure: Documentation of how changes in the global 
    environment affect agriculture.
        Program Activity: Develop technologies that promote operational 
    efficiency for agriculture in a changing global climate.
        Performance Measure: Demonstrate techniques that can improve 
    Specific Goal 4.1.3  Cropland and Rangeland Management Strategies
        Develop cropland and rangeland management strategies that will 
    improve quality and quantity of food and fiber products needed for U.S. 
        Program Activity: Develop concepts and practices for managing 
    croplands and rangelands that will accommodate major increases in the 
    quantity and quality of food and fiber products.
        Performance Measures: Demonstrate cropland and rangeland management 
    strategies that improve productivity and efficiency of croplands and 
        Provide information directly to farmers and through public agencies 
    and private organizations that will lead to adoption of improved 
    cropland and rangeland management strategies.
    General Goal 4.2  Risk Management
        ``Improve risk management in the United States agriculture 
        Explanatory Statement: ARS will address the multifaceted risks that 
    are inherent in the U.S. food and fiber production and processing 
    systems. They can have economic, environmental, and human health 
    components. The risks associated with weather extremes, such as 
    droughts and floods, often result in serious economic losses and major 
    environmental damage. Serious crop and animal losses can also result 
    from temperature extremes, hail, and other weather conditions. Crop and 
    animal producers frequently suffer severe economic losses from 
    diseases, insects, and other pests. This general goal is targeted 
    toward minimizing and, where feasible, eliminating the impact of these 
    risks through development of better animals and plants and improved 
    production and processing systems. The presence of toxic elements and 
    bacterial contaminants in the food supply is addressed under general 
    goal 8.
    Specific Goal 4.2.1  Economic and Environmental Risks
        Reduce economic and environmental risks through improved management 
    of agricultural production systems.
        Program Activity: Develop strategies and methods for conserving 
    soil, water, and energy; managing pests and diseases; and reducing 
    plant and animal stresses to minimize economic and environmental risks 
    in agricultural production systems.
        Performance Measure: Risk-reduction strategies and methods 
    transferred to the Nation's agricultural industry.
    Specific Goal 4.2.2  Weather and Environmental Risks
        Develop technologies for predicting and reducing the socio-economic 
    costs and resource damages associated with extreme weather variability.
        Program Activity: Develop improved strategies and technologies 
    including crop residue management, irrigation systems, crop pest and 
    disease forecast systems, and plant and animal genetic improvements 
    that reduce the effects of extreme weather variability on food and 
    fiber production.
        Performance Measure: Improve strategies and technologies that 
    reduce the effects of extreme weather variability.
    General Goal 4.3  Safe Production and Processing
        ``Improve the safe production and processing of, and adding of 
    value to, United States food and fiber resources using methods that 
    maintain the balance between yield and environmental soundness.''
        Explanatory Statement: ARS will develop new and improved management 
    practices, integrated pest management strategies and integrated 
    sustainable agricultural production systems to enhance the safety, 
    quality, and productivity of the U.S. agricultural production and 
    processing systems while protecting the National environment.
    Specific Goal 4.3.1  Pest and Disease Management Strategies
        Develop environmentally safe methods to prevent or control pests 
    and diseases in plants and animals.
        Program Activity: Develop knowledge and strategies for 
    environmentally safe pest and disease management.
        Performance Measure: Deliver integrated pest and disease management 
    strategies that are cost effective and protect natural resources, human 
    health, and the environment.
    Specific Goal 4.3.2  Integrated Agricultural Production Systems
        Deveop knowledge and integrated technologies for promoting the use 
    of environmentally sustainable agricultural production systems.
        Program Activity: Develop integrated agricultural production 
    systems that sustain soil, water, air, plant, and animal resources and 
    recognize the importance of social and economic considerations.
        Performance Measures: Demonstrate the effectiveness of integrated 
    agricultural production systems in the improvement of natural resources 
    and protection of the environment.
        Provide computer-based models and decision-support systems to 
    farmers, public agencies, and private organizations.
    Specific Goal 4.3.3  Waste Management and Utilization
        Develop and transfer cost-effective technologies and systems to use 
    agricultural, urban, and industrial wastes for production of food, 
    fiber, and other products.
        Program Activity: Improve waste-management practices and systems to 
    recycle agricultural, municipal, and industrial wastes on agricultural 
    lands in more profitable and environmentally beneficial ways.
    [[Page 37989]]
        Performance Measure: Demonstrate technologies to store, mix, 
    compost, inoculate, incubate, and apply wastes to obtain consistent 
    economic benefits while at the same time minimizing environmental 
    degradation, nutrient loss, and noxious odors.
        Program Activity: Devise technologies and processes that are cost 
    effective on a small scale for converting agricultural residues and 
    wastes into renewable energy and industrial feedstocks.
        Performance Measure: Demonstrate the conversion of agricultural 
    waste into liquid fuels and industrial feedstocks.
        Outcome 5. Enhanced economic opportunity and quality of life for 
    farmers, ranchers, rural citizens and communities.
        Explanatory Statement: ARS will conduct research to identify new 
    crops, products, technologies, and practices to increase profitability, 
    expand markets, add value, and make small-scale processing capabilities 
    available in rural communities. Access to technologies and information 
    will be expanded and simplified so that farmers, ranchers, and rural 
    residents can obtain information in a timely manner. Progress towards 
    this outcome will be seen in the gradual strengthening of rural 
    economic growth and improvements in the quality and stability of rural 
        Performance Goals: During the 5 years covered by this strategic 
    plan, ARS will report:
         In basic research.
    --1,285 scientific papers published in refereed journals
    --1,080 presentations to scientific organizations
    --50 basic research accomplishments with significant potential long-
    term benefits to U.S. agricultural industry and American society
         In applied research.
    --150 scientific papers published in refereed journals
    --125 presentations to scientific organizations
    --50 applied research accomplishments with significant potential long-
    term benefits to U.S. agricultural industry and American society
         In development research and technology transfers.
    --New patient applications*
    --New CRADAs*
    --New licenses*
    --New interagency agreements*
    --New plant germplasm releases to industry for further development*
         In nonformal education.
    --95 percent of customer requests and received and handled within 
    established time frames
    --12 presentations to lay and professional organizations
         In higher education.
    --knowledge and technologies promptly communicated to institutions of 
    higher education within established time frames
    --graduate and postgraduate students involved in ARS research 
    General Goal 5.1  Economic Opportunity and Technology Transfer
        Conduct'' agricultural research * * * to promote economic 
    opportunity in rural communities and to meet the increasing demand for 
    information and technology transfer throughout the United States 
    agriculture industry.''
        Explanatory Statement: ARS will integrate basic long-term research 
    and targeted short-term research to develop new technologies, 
    practices, and production enterprises that increase profits, enhance 
    the farm ecosystem, and develop small-scale processing technologies to 
    create value-added products from agricultural commodities. In addition, 
    ARS will improve access to research information, target information 
    dissemination, transfer technology more effectively, and enhance 
    exchange of problem-solving information with domestic and international 
    research organizations. While the introductory focus of this goal is 
    expanding economic opportunities, ARS interprets the information and 
    technology transfer provisions to apply across the board to all areas 
    of agricultural research. Activities specifically related to the work 
    of the National Agricultural Library are addressed in initiative 2.
    Specific Goal 5.1.1  Rural Development Opportunities
        Develop farming systems tailored to diverse agricultural production 
    enterprises to enhance profits, sustainability, and environmental 
        Program Activity: Devise new technologies and practices and adapt 
    existing ones to create new and diverse farming enterprises, products, 
    and markets.
        Performance Measure: Experimentally demonstrate the successful 
    operation of aquaculture systems, evaluate small-scale animal 
    production systems, and enhance high-value horticultural products.
    Specific Goal 5.1.2  Information Access and Delivery
        Provide improved access to and dissemination of information to 
    increase public knowledge and awareness of agricultural research to aid 
    technology transfer, and to speed up sharing of new knowledge.
        Program Activity: Expand the use of electronic means for 
    information delivery.
        Performance Measure: Make information on ARS research results and 
    inventions available electronically via the Internet and similar 
        Program Activity: Increase use of marketing techniques in targeting 
    of public information and technology transfer products and activities.
        Performance Measure: Provide more cost-effective and efficient 
    public information and technology transfer.
        Program Activity: Develop mechanisms to ensure proper consideration 
    is given to public information and technology transfer needs during the 
    planning and execution of research programs.
        Performance Measure: Research programs include information and 
    technology transfer considerations.
        Specific Goal 5.1.3  Commercialize Research Results
        Develop technology transfer systems that lead to commercialization 
    of research results by industry.
        Program Activity: Enhance the probability of success in 
    commercializing ARS technology by ensuring that potential cooperators 
    and businesses have access to non-ARS information on financing and 
    business and product development.
        Performance Measure: Provide small businesses with contacts and 
    information on the programs available from public and private sources.
        Program Activity: Increase the flexibility and decrease development 
    time for technology transfer agreements.
        Performance Measure: Expand the types of agreements used by ARS and 
    delegate signatory authority to the lowest feasible level.
    ARS Administrative, Programmatic and Management Initiatives
        ARS' general goals and specific goals focus primarily on the 
    Agency's research activities. The three ARS initiatives represent major 
    activities that are of overaching important to the agency because they 
    relate to and support all of the critical work of the agency. Each 
    initiative has been given a short title.
    Explanatory Statements
        Under each initiative is a brief explanatory statement that 
    describes how ARS interprets the initiative and relates it to the work 
    of the agency.
    Specific Initiatives
        Under each of the initiatives are several subinitiatives that focus 
    [[Page 37990]]
    initiative on the mission and work of ARS. Each specific initiative has 
    been given a short title.
    Program Activities
        The program activities describe briefly and broadly what activities 
    ARS will undertake to accomplish each initiative.
    Performance Measures
        The performance measures describe specific achievements that 
    indicate progress toward reaching the objectives of each initiative.
    Administrative, Programmatic, and Management Initiatives
    Initiative 1  Support Education
        ``Support higher education in agriculture to give the next 
    generation of Americans the knowledge, technology, and applications 
    necessary to enhance the competitiveness of United States 
        Explanatory Statement: ARS has a very limited role to play in 
    directly supporting higher education. The agency provides training 
    opportunities for graduate and postdoctoral students to enable them to 
    gain valuable knowledge and experience. Some of these scientists are 
    eventually hired as full-time employees where they serve to maintain 
    and enhance the agency's core scientific capabilities. Most go on to 
    serve U.S. agriculture in other Federal, State, and local agencies, 
    private industry, or academia. See initiative 3, specific initiative 
    3.4 ARS, through the programs and services of the National Agricultural 
    Library, provides access to information for institutions of higher 
    education, their faculties, researchers, and students. See initiative 
    2. In addition, ARS supports public information, outreach, and 
    educational activities. See general goal 5.1, specific goal 5.1.2, and 
    initiative 2, specific initiative 2.1.
    Initiative 2  National Agricultural Library
        ``Ensure and enhance worldwide access to agricultural information 
    through the programs of the National Agricultural Library (NAL).''
        Explanatory Statement: ARS, through the programs and services of 
    the National Agricultural Library, will ensure that agricultural 
    information essential to the Nation is acquired, organized, 
    disseminated, and preserved for current and future use, and that 
    appropriate advances are made to improve access to such information.
    Specific Initiative 2.1  Access to Information
        Collect, organize, and provide access to information that supports 
    agricultural programs and responds to information needs.
        Program Activity: Ensure that the NAL collection supports the 
    information needs of current and future customers.
        Performance Measures: Implemented selection guidelines for the 
    electronic resources to be acquired and use by NAL.
        Expanded representation of electronic formats such as Internet 
    resources, online databases, and digital documents in AGRICOLA (NAL's 
    bibliographic database of references to the literature of agriculture), 
    and NAL's online catalog.
        Program Activity: Provide access to agriculture-related information 
    and resources over a network where connections are transparent to the 
        Performance Measure: A gateway is provided to a large body of 
    electronic information on agriculture over a network such as the 
        Program Activity: Collaborate with land-grant universities and 
    other institutions of higher education to improve access to information 
    for faculty and students.
        Performance Measure: Demonstrate increased use of agricultural 
    information by institutions of higher education.
    Specific Initiative 2.2  Meet Customer Needs for Information
        Anticipate and provide information products and services, including 
    educational programs, that enable NAL's diverse customers to identify, 
    locate, and obtain desired information on agricultural topics.
        Program Activity: Use new technologies and methods to promote 
    faster delivery of information services.
        Performance Measure: The time for processing requests for services 
    and delivering the information requested is further reduced.
        Program Activity: Enhance the coverage, currency, and accessibility 
    of NAL-produced databases.
        Performance Measure: The gap between the time that information is 
    published and made available in NAL-produced databases is further 
        Program Activity: Develop and implement a multifaceted, integrated 
    training program that enables customers to take full advantage of 
    current and emerging technologies and information systems.
        Performance Measure: Expanded provision of Internet and other 
    technology-related training programs for NAL customers.
    Specific Initiative 2.3  Preservation of Significant Materials
        Preserve significant and important works in agriculture and the 
    fields related to agriculture to ensure availability of NAL's 
    collections to current and future generations.
        Program Activity: Work with the land-grant universities and other 
    national and international organizations to coordinate preservation of 
    USDA documents, agriculture-related publications of other Federal and 
    State agencies, and other materials important to agriculture.
        Performance Measure: Establishment of a national archive for 
    agricultural literature that serves as a centralized storage facility 
    for archival copies prepared by cooperators in the program.
        Program Activity: Coordinate evaluation of digital preservation 
    technologies and recommend policies and procedures for cooperators in 
    the national preservation program for agricultural materials.
        Performance Measure: Development of a program for monitoring 
    quality of electronically archived materials to ensure that the data 
    remain accessible.
    Initiative 3  Creative Leadership
        Promote excellence, relevance, and recognition of agricultural 
    research through creative leadership in management and development of 
    resources, communications systems, and partnerships with our customers 
    and stakeholders.
        Explanatory Statement: ARS research administrators, research 
    leaders, and scientific staffs are responsible for promoting the 
    excellence, relevance, and recognition of ARS research programs as part 
    of the U.S. agricultural research community. This includes exercising 
    leadership in developing a national research agenda, strengthening 
    relationships with States and private partners, and effectively 
    managing the agency's research infrastructure to preserve its core 
    capacity for agricultural research.
    Specific Initiative 3.1  Develop Research Agenda
        Identify ARS program priorities and core research capabilities and 
    use them to provide leadership in development of the coordinated REE 
    and national research agendas.
        Program Activity: Develop the annual performance plan as required 
    by GPRA.
        Performance Measure: The annual performance plan is delivered on 
    [[Page 37991]]
        Program Activity: Recommend priorities for inclusion in the REE 
    Coordinated Research Agenda.
        Performance Measure: Meet REE deadlines for submission of material 
    for inclusion in the Coordinated Research Agenda.
        Program Activity: Articulate approaches to addressing the Nation's 
    most critical agricultural research needs.
        Performance Measure: Annual conferences of public and private 
    individuals are convened to discuss major researchable issues in 
    agriculture and to articulate approaches to addressing these problems.
        Program Activity: Respond to urgent national problems that require 
    reallocation of resources.
        Performance Measure: Rapid responses to crises.
    Specific Initiative 3.2  Customer Service
        Improve customer service.
        Program Activity: Develop and implement customer service plans, and 
    evaluate their effectiveness.
        Performance Measure: Improved customer satisfaction.
        Program Activity: Solicit customer input in improving ARS programs, 
    products, and services.
        Performance Measure: Customer needs are identified.
    Specific Initiative 3.3  Management of Facilities
        Provide appropriately equipped Federal facilities required to 
    support the research and information activities of ARS into the next 
        Program Activity: Develop criteria and priorities for the 
    construction, consolidation, modernization, and closure of facilities.
        Performance Measure: Criteria and priorities identified.
    Specific Initiative 3.4  Maintenance of Core Research Capabilities
        Develop and implement comprehensive human resource systems and 
    policies to support and enhance ARS' core research capabilities while 
    maintaining the flexibility to shift research and form 
    interdisciplinary teams to address emerging problems.
        Program Activity: Develop a comprehensive plan to assemble a core 
    capability of scientific expertise to meet the needs of long-term 
    research objectives and goals with the ability to respond quickly to 
    emerging needs.
        Provide training opportunities for graduate and postdoctoral 
        Performance Measures: Identify core capability requirements and 
    develop a scientific staff to meet long-term research needs.
        Establish a database of ARS experts by discipline and research 
    areas of expertise.
        Train 1,750 postdoctoral students, select 10 percent to fill 
    fulltime positions.
    Specific Initiative 3.5  Provide Administrative Support to REE
        Serve as the lead agency in providing administrative and financial 
    management services for Research, Education, and Economics.
        Program Activity: Solicit customer input and develop strategic plan 
    for administrative and financial management services.
        Performance Measures: Customer participation in planning processes. 
    Strategic plan is developed and communicated to REE customers.
    Specific Initiative 3.6  Program Excellence and Relevance
        Ensure excellence and relevance of ARS programs through a variety 
    of comprehensive reviews.
        Program Activity: Obtain broad-based peer review of all ARS 
    research projects.
        Performance Measure: Internal and external peer reviews are 
    conducted on all research projects before implementation.
        Program Activity: Periodically review the quality, quantity, and 
    impact of the work of ARS scientists.
        Performance Measure: Review of the productivity, quality, and 
    impact of individual scientists is conducted as scheduled in the 
    Research Position Evaluation System (RPES).
        Program Activity: Continuous input on the relevance and quality of 
    ARS research programs is solicited from peer scientists and users, 
    evaluated, and implemented where appropriate to the ARS mission.
        Performance Measure: Program reviews are conducted periodically, 
    and programs are sustained or redirected as appropriate.
                                                                      ARS Resource Summary                                                                  
                                                                   [Million dollars per year]                                                               
                                                    [The values in this table are approximate and not final]                                                
                                                                                                     Developmental    outreach, and                         
                                ARS outcomes                                Basic        Applied      research and       public        Higher   ARS total by
                                                                           research     research       technology      information   education     outcome  
                                                                                                        transfer      and education                         
    Competitive agricultural system in the global economy..............       61.6         13.68            53.5            19.5     .........      148.28  
    Safe and secure food and fiber system..............................      128.8         21.72            95.14    ..............  .........      245.66  
    Healthy, well-nourished............................................       48.6          1.76            15.3     ..............  .........       65.66  
    Agriculture's interface with the environment.......................       53.3         11.06            54.22    ..............  .........      118.58  
    Economic enhancement and quality of life...........................       69.95         8.22            53.66    ..............  .........      131.28  
          Total by function............................................      362.25        56.44           271.82        \3\19.5          \4\0      710.0   
                                                                           (51%)           (7.9%)          (38.3%)          (2.8%)   .........   (100%)     
    \1\ All of the above budget values are based on FY 1996 appropriated dollars.                                                                           
    \2\ Allocation of budget across functions and program outcomes is based on scientists' division of funds.                                               
    \3\ $19.5 million constitutes the budget for the National Agricultural Library which supports work in all 5 outcomes.                                   
    \4\ The financial and human resources needed to support the non-NAL public information activities are included in the basic, applied and developmental/ 
      technology transfer activities.                                                                                                                       
    [[Page 37992]]
        The following will appear on the inside back cover of the published 
    The ARS Pledge to Customer Service
        In addition to the customer focus in GPRA, the President's 
    Executive Order 12862 Customer Service Standards mandated each agency 
    to, among other things, ``identify the customers who are served by the 
    agency'' and establish and ``post service standards and measure results 
    against them.'' A work group developed the following customer service 
    pledge, which applies to all ARS employees:
        Our vision of customer service:
        To practice the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct.
        To dedicate ourselves to quality and excellence.
        To provide objective and factual information to our customers.
        To value and treat each customer courteously.
        To listen to our customers and strive to understand their needs.
        To appreciate the diversity of our customers and respect their 
        To provide timely, complete, and understandable responses to 
    customer requests.
        To treat our coworkers as customers.
    [FR Doc. 96-18462 Filed 7-17-96; 1:47 pm]
    BILLING CODE 3410-03-M

Document Information

Agricultural Research Service
Entry Type:
Request for Comments on the Agricultural Research Services' Draft Strategic Plan.
Document Number:
Comments on the ARS Draft Strategic Plan must be submitted, in
37980-37992 (13 pages)
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