97-19209. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final Determination of Critical Habitat for the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 140 (Tuesday, July 22, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 39129-39147]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-19209]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 17
    RIN 1018-AB97
    Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final 
    Determination of Critical Habitat for the Southwestern Willow 
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) designates 
    critical habitat for the southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax 
    traillii extimus), a species federally listed as endangered under the 
    authority of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). The 
    Fish and Wildlife Service has identified 18 critical habitat units 
    totaling 964 river kilometers (km) (599 river miles) in Arizona, 
    California, and New Mexico. As required by section 4 of the Act, the 
    Service considered economic and other relevant impacts prior to making 
    a final decision on the size and configuration of critical habitat.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: August 21, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: The complete administrative record for this rule is on file 
    at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona Ecological Services 
    Office, 2321 W. Royal Palm Road, Suite 103, Phoenix, Arizona 85021. The 
    complete file for this rule will be available for public inspection, by 
    appointment, during normal business hours at the above address.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Sam F. Spiller, Field Supervisor, 
    Arizona Ecological Services Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, at 
    the above address (Telephone 602/640-2720).
    Ecological Considerations
        The southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) is 
    a small passerine bird, approximately 15 centimeters (cm) (5.75 inches) 
    in length. It is one of four subspecies of the willow flycatcher 
    recognized in North America (Hubbard 1987, Unitt 1987, Browning 1993). 
    The southwestern willow flycatcher's breeding range includes southern 
    California, Arizona, New Mexico, western Texas, southwestern Colorado, 
    southern portions of Nevada and Utah, and extreme northwestern Mexico 
    (Hubbard 1987, Unitt 1987, Wilbur 1987). During the breeding season, 
    the species occurs in riparian habitats along rivers, streams, open 
    water, cienegas, marshy seeps, or saturated soil where dense growths of 
    willows (Salix sp.), Baccharis, arrowweed (Pluchea sp.), tamarisk 
    (Tamarix sp.) or other plants are present, sometimes with a scattered 
    overstory of cottonwood (Populus sp.) (Grinnell and Miller 1944, 
    Phillips 1948, Zimmerman 1970, Whitmore 1977, Hubbard 1987, Unitt 1987, 
    Whitfield 1990, Brown and Trosset 1989, Brown 1991, Sogge et al. 1997). 
    These riparian communities, which tend to be rare and widely separated, 
    provide nesting, foraging, and migratory habitat for the southwestern 
    willow flycatcher. Empidonax traillii extimus is an insectivore that 
    forages within and occasionally above dense riparian vegetation, taking 
    insects on the wing and gleaning them from foliage (Wheelock 1912, Bent 
        Empidonax traillii extimus nests in dense riparian vegetation 
    approximately 4-7 meters (m) (13-23 feet) tall, often with a high 
    percentage of canopy cover. Historically, E. t. extimus nested 
    primarily in willows, with a scattered overstory of cottonwood 
    (Grinnell and Miller 1944, Phillips 1948, Whitmore 1977, Unitt 1987, 
    Sogge et al. 1997). In addition to nesting in riparian woodland 
    vegetation consisting of willows, arrowweed, tamarisk ``or other 
    species'', southwestern willow flycatchers nest almost exclusively in 
    coast live oaks (Quercus agrifolia) on the Upper San Luis Rey River in 
    San Diego County, California, which may be defined as an oak ``riparian 
    woodland.'' Following modern changes in riparian plant communities in 
    the southwest, E. t. extimus still nests in willows where available but 
    is also known to nest in areas dominated by tamarisk and Russian olive 
    (Zimmerman 1970, Hubbard 1987, Brown 1988). Sedgewick and Knopf (1992) 
    found that sites selected as song perches by male willow flycatchers 
    exhibited higher variability in shrub size than did nest sites and 
    often included large central shrubs. Habitats not selected for either 
    nesting or singing were narrower riparian zones, with greater distances 
    between willow patches and individual willow plants.
        Large scale losses of southwestern wetlands have occurred, 
    particularly the cottonwood-willow riparian habitat of the southwestern 
    willow flycatcher (Phillips et al. 1964, Johnson and Haight 1984, 
    Katibah 1984, Johnson et al. 1987, Unitt 1987, General Accounting 
    Office 1988, Dahl 1990, State of Arizona 1990). Changes in the riparian 
    plant community have reduced, degraded and eliminated nesting habitat 
    for the willow flycatcher, curtailing its
    [[Page 39130]]
    distribution and numbers (Serena 1982, Cannon and Knopf 1984, Taylor 
    and Littlefield 1986, Unitt 1987, Schlorff 1990). Habitat losses and 
    changes have occurred (and continue to occur) because of urban, 
    recreational and agricultural development, fires, water diversion and 
    impoundment, channelization, livestock grazing, and replacement of 
    native habitats by introduced plant species (see 58 FR 39495 and 
    Tibbitts et al. 1994 for detailed discussions of threats and impacts).
        Brood parasitism by the brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) is 
    another significant and widespread threat to the southwestern willow 
    flycatcher (Rowley 1930, Garret and Dunn 1981, Unitt 1987, Sogge 1995a 
    and 1995b, Whitfield and Strong 1995, Sferra et al. 1997). Although 
    some host species seem capable of simultaneously raising both cowbirds 
    and their own chicks, such is not the case with southwestern willow 
    flycatchers. Of all the nests monitored throughout the southwest 
    between 1988 and 1996, there are only two cases known where 
    southwestern willow flycatchers successfully fledged both flycatchers 
    and cowbirds. In all other cases, parasitism caused complete nest 
    failure or the successful rearing of only cowbird chicks (Brown 1988, 
    Whitfield 1990, Whitfield and Strong 1995, Sogge 1995a and 1995b, 
    Maynard 1995, Sferra et al. 1997).
        In a review of historical and contemporary records of Empidonax 
    traillii extimus throughout its range, Unitt (1987) noted that the 
    species has ``declined precipitously * * *'' and that ``the population 
    is clearly much smaller now than 50 years ago.'' He believed the total 
    was ``well under'' 1000 pairs, more likely 500 (Unitt 1987). Nesting 
    groups monitored since that time have continued to decline (Whitfield 
    1990, Brown 1991, Sogge and Tibbitts 1992, Whitfield and Laymon, 
    unpubl. data). Since 1992, more than 800 historic and new locations 
    have been surveyed range wide to document the status of the 
    southwestern willow flycatcher (USFWS, unpubl. data). The current known 
    population of southwestern willow flycatchers is estimated at between 
    300 and 500 pairs (Sogge et al. 1997). This indicates a critical 
    population status, with more than 75 percent of the locations where 
    flycatchers are found having five or fewer territorial birds and up to 
    20 percent of the locations having single, unmated individuals. The 
    distribution of breeding groups is highly fragmented, with groups often 
    separated by considerable distances (e.g., approximately 88 kilometers 
    (km) (55 miles) straight-line distance between breeding flycatchers at 
    Roosevelt Lake, Gila County, Arizona, and the next closest breeding 
    groups known on either the San Pedro River (Pinal County) or Verde 
    River (Yavapai County). Additional survey effort, particularly in 
    southern California, may discover additional small breeding groups. 
    However, rangewide survey efforts have yielded positive results in 
    fewer than 10 percent of surveyed locations. Moreover, survey results 
    reveal a consistent pattern range wide; the southwestern willow 
    flycatcher population as a whole is comprised of extremely small, 
    widely-separated breeding groups or unmated flycatchers.
        For a thorough discussion of the ecology and life history of the 
    southwestern willow flycatcher, see Sogge et al. (1997), the proposed 
    rule to list the southwestern willow flycatcher as endangered with 
    critical habitat (58 FR 39495) or the final rule listing the 
    southwestern willow flycatcher as endangered (60 FR 10694).
    Previous Federal Actions
        On January 25, 1992, a coalition of conservation organizations 
    petitioned the Service, requesting listing of Empidonax traillii 
    extimus as an endangered species, under the Act. The petitioners also 
    appealed for emergency listing, and designation of critical habitat. On 
    September 1, 1992, the Service published a finding that the petition 
    presented substantial information indicating that listing may be 
    warranted and requested public comments and biological data on the 
    species (57 FR 39664). On July 23, 1993, the Service published a 
    proposal to list E. t. extimus as endangered with critical habitat (58 
    FR 39495), and again requested public comments and biological data on 
    the species. The Service published a final rule to list E. t. extimus 
    as endangered on February 27, 1995 (60 FR 10694). The Service deferred 
    the designation of critical habitat for this endangered species until 
    July 23, 1995, pursuant to 16 U.S.C. Sec. 1533(b)(6)(C), citing issues 
    raised in public comments, new information, and the lack of the 
    economic information necessary to perform the required economic 
    analysis. The Service reopened the comment period on the proposal to 
    designate critical habitat. During and following the listing moratorium 
    and a series of rescissions of listing funds imposed by Congress from 
    April 1995 to April 1996, the Service took no action on the proposal to 
    designate critical habitat due to resource constraints. On March 20, 
    1997, the U.S. District Court of Arizona, in response to a suit by the 
    Southwest Center for Biological Diversity, ordered the Service to 
    designate critical habitat for the southwestern willow flycatcher 
    within 120 days. On July 3, 1997, the Court clarified that order, 
    noting that the 120-day timeframe was provided for the Service to make 
    a decision as to whether or not to designate critical habitat and not 
    to make a substantive determination of designation.
        The Service has not previously designated critical habitat for the 
    flycatcher because, as discussed in detail below, critical habitat 
    designation provides little or no conservation benefit despite the 
    great cost to put it in place. The Service's conclusion in this regard 
    is reflected in its Listing Priority Guidance (61 FR 64475), under 
    which designation of critical habitat is accorded the lowest priority 
    among the Service's various listing activities. In accordance with the 
    Listing Priority Guidance, since the lifting of the moratorium the 
    Service has spent the scarce resources available to it for listing 
    activities on meeting other requirements of the Act that provide 
    significantly more conservation benefit. Nonetheless, the Service has 
    been ordered to make a final determination with regard to critical 
    habitat in an exceedingly short period of time. This final rule is 
    issued to comply with that order. The rule meets the technical 
    requirements of the Act; however, because of the unprecedented time 
    constraints resulting from the court order, the Service was not able to 
    provide the level of analysis and completeness that it has in the past 
    on such rules. The Service is designating critical habitat for the 
    southwestern willow flycatcher as it was proposed in 1993, with the 
    deletion of some minor areas that were found to have been proposed in 
    error because they have little or no potential for flycatcher habitat 
    (see Issue 4 in Summary of Comments and Recommendations). The Service 
    concedes that there may be additional areas that could be excluded 
    because they no longer require special management considerations or 
    protection due to ongoing management agreements, such as that with 
    respect to Camp Pendleton. Similarly, the Service has been unable to 
    consider additional areas for inclusion in this rule in response to the 
    comments received.
        Even promulgating this rule stripped down to its essentials has 
    placed an enormous burden on the Service. The Service had no option but 
    to disrupt significant work at the Field Office, Regional, and National 
    levels in order to provide the resources to generate this
    [[Page 39131]]
    final rule. The Service intends to further articulate its views 
    concerning critical habitat, and to provide the public with an 
    opportunity to comment on those views, in the development of a specific 
    critical habitat policy in the very near future. However, the below 
    analysis is provided to elaborate on why the Service has placed 
    critical habitat designation among the lowest priorities in the Listing 
    Priority Guidance, and therefore why critical habitat for the 
    flycatcher was not designated prior to this time.
    Critical Habitat
        Designation of critical habitat for endangered or threatened 
    species has been among the most costly and controversial classes of 
    administrative actions undertaken by the Service in administering the 
    Act. Over 20 years of experience in designating critical habitat and 
    applying it as a tool in conserving species leads the Service to 
    seriously question its utility and the value it provides in comparison 
    to the monetary, administrative, and other resources it absorbs. 
    Although the Service is, in this case, designating critical habitat 
    pursuant to a Court order that requires the Service to make a final 
    determination, the Service believes that critical habitat is not an 
    efficient or effective means of securing the conservation of species. 
    An analysis supporting this conclusion is presented below.
    The Designation Process
        When the Service lists a species as threatened or endangered, the 
    Act requires that it specify, ``to the maximum extent prudent and 
    determinable,'' the species' critical habitat. If critical habitat is 
    not considered determinable at the time a final rule is adopted to list 
    a species, it must be designated ``to the maximum extent prudent'' 
    within 1 additional year. Thus the ultimate test in determining whether 
    or not critical habitat is designated for a species is one of prudence. 
    The basis for the Court order directing the present designation was the 
    Service's failure to either designate critical habitat or to find that 
    its designation would not be prudent within 1 year of the listing of 
    the southwestern willow flycatcher as an endangered species.
        The Act's definitions of ``critical habitat'' and ``conservation'' 
    are central to any interpretation of critical habitat's attributes and 
    effects. Critical habitat is defined in Section 3(5)(A) of the Act as 
    ``(i) the specific areas within the geographical area occupied by a 
    species, at the time it is listed in accordance with the Act, on which 
    are found those physical or biological features (I) essential to the 
    conservation of the species and (II) that may require special 
    management considerations or protection; and (ii) specific areas 
    outside the geographical area occupied by a species at the time it is 
    listed, upon a determination that such areas are essential for the 
    conservation of the species.'' The term ``conservation,'' as defined in 
    section 3(3) of the Act, means ``. . . to use and the use of all 
    methods and procedures which are necessary to bring any endangered 
    species or threatened species to the point at which the measures 
    provided pursuant to this Act are no longer necessary.'' A designation 
    of critical habitat thus implies not only specific knowledge of the 
    habitat needs of a species, but also an idea of what would be needed in 
    the way of habitat protection and management to bring about the 
    species' recovery.
        The Act also requires a consideration of economic and other 
    consequences as part of the designation process, with the option of 
    excluding areas from designation if the benefits of such exclusion 
    outweigh the benefits of designation, and if exclusion would not result 
    in the extinction of the species. A good understanding of the effects 
    of designation, both in general and for particular cases, is required 
    to carry out this analytic requirement and to provide a basis for the 
    consideration of potential exclusions.
        At the time a species is listed, there is generally no detailed 
    understanding of the management measures that will be required for its 
    recovery, so that designation at this time can only crudely reflect its 
    conservation needs. Meanwhile, the required analysis is necessarily 
    highly speculative in that it must incorporate assumptions regarding 
    future economic activity that may be difficult to characterize, and it 
    is aimed at the increment of effect on these activities attributable to 
    designation over and above those consequent to the species' listing. 
    Finally, the economic balancing that is the object of the analysis is 
    only possible to the extent that these two sets of effects can be 
    differentiated, and the limit on this balancing (i.e., that exclusion 
    may not cause extinction) is not meaningful if the failure to designate 
    critical habitat cannot plausibly have this effect.
        In determining the extent to which designation of critical habitat 
    is prudent, Congress directed the Service to consider whether the 
    designation would be of benefit to the species concerned. In recent 
    years, the Service has foregone designating critical habitat for most 
    species it has listed on the basis that it would not provide any net 
    benefit to their conservation.
    Designation by regulation
        Critical habitats are designated in the Code of Federal Regulations 
    and can be altered only through a rulemaking process that commonly 
    requires over a year from start to finish. In fact, revision is a 
    sufficiently complex undertaking that the Service has never revised a 
    critical habitat designation, in spite of it being possible to do so. 
    The range and habitat use of a species do not necessarily remain 
    unchanged over time or change so slowly as to be readily tracked by 
    costly and time-consuming regulatory amendments.
    The Consequences of Designation
        Section 7 of the Act requires that Federal agencies refrain from 
    contributing to the destruction or adverse modification of critical 
    habitat. This requirement is in addition to the prohibition against 
    jeopardizing the continued existence of a listed species, and it is the 
    only mandatory legal consequence of a critical habitat designation. An 
    understanding of the interplay of the ``jeopardy'' and ``adverse 
    modification'' standards is necessary to the proper evaluation of the 
    prudence of designation as well as the conduct of consultation under 
    section 7. Implementing regulations (50 CFR part 402) define 
    ``jeopardize the continued existence of'' and ``destruction or adverse 
    modification of'' in virtually identical terms. Jeopardize the 
    continued existence of means to engage in an action ``that reasonably 
    would be expected * * * to reduce appreciably the likelihood of both 
    the survival and recovery of a listed species.'' Destruction or adverse 
    modification means an ``alteration that appreciably diminishes the 
    value of critical habitat for both the survival and recovery of a 
    listed species.'' Common to both definitions is an appreciable 
    detrimental effect on both survival and recovery of a listed species, 
    in the case of critical habitat by reducing the value of the habitat so 
    designated. Thus, actions satisfying the standard for adverse 
    modification are nearly always found to also jeopardize the species 
    concerned, and the existence of a critical habitat designation does not 
    materially affect the outcome of consultation. This is in contrast to 
    the public perception that the adverse modification standard sets a 
    lower threshold for violation of section 7 than that for jeopardy. In 
    fact, biological opinions which conclude that a Federal agency action 
    is likely to adversely
    [[Page 39132]]
    modify critical habitat but not to jeopardize the species for which it 
    is designated are extremely rare historically, and none have been 
    issued in recent years.
    Scope of Analysis
        Given the difficulty of separating the independent incremental 
    effects of designation of critical habitat from those associated with 
    the listing of a species, it should not be surprising that the approach 
    to economic analysis is problematic. A recent analysis for the 
    designation of nearly 4 million acres of critical habitat for the 
    marbled murrelet concluded, in part, that the designation ``is not 
    likely to restrict the activities of any federal agency'' and that it 
    ``will not cause these agencies (the Forest Service and Bureau of Land 
    Management) to manage federal lands in a manner that will have 
    immediate, direct impacts on the flow of goods and services from these 
    lands.'' Critics have complained that economic analyses of critical 
    habitat designations greatly underestimate the effects of the ESA on 
    the economy, or alternatively that environmental benefits are generally 
    given cursory coverage. Both points of view have elements of validity. 
    On the one hand, the effects of the ESA on society stem overwhelmingly 
    from the protection afforded by the listing of species, but the tenuous 
    effects of critical habitat designation are the only ones subject to 
    the requirement of economic analysis. On the other hand, the object of 
    the analysis is an examination of areas for possible exclusion from 
    critical habitat, leading to a focus on possible deleterious economic 
    effects that might provide grounds for exclusion, rather than the 
    benefits society derives from the operation of the ESA.
    The Cost of Designation
        In a recent declaration filed in a Federal District Court, the 
    Service's Assistant Director estimated that economic analyses alone for 
    the designation of critical habitat for the marbled murrelet (quoted 
    above) and Mexican spotted owl cost in excess of $100,000 each. The 
    total cost of other recent designations, as those for the desert 
    tortoise and Colorado River fishes, have been estimated at 
    approximately $1,000,000 each. The Service currently has on hand 
    information sufficient to propose nearly 200 candidate species for 
    listing, and several hundred other species are known to require status 
    surveys to determine whether they qualify. The resources required to 
    designate a critical habitat typically are ten times what would be 
    required to list a backlogged candidate species. On conservation 
    grounds, the Service cannot justify devoting resources to a critical 
    habitat designation that would otherwise be available to afford basic 
    protection to ten or more candidate species. Critical habitat 
    designations have too little effect on the way land and water is 
    managed for the conservation of species to justify the drain they 
    represent on Federal resources.
    Public Perception of Designation
        Controversy over critical habitat designation arises in substantial 
    part from public misunderstanding of the effects designation has on 
    potential resource uses. The common public perception is that critical 
    habitat is an inviolate preserve within which human activities are 
    excluded entirely or drastically curtailed. It is not difficult to 
    understand this misperception given the common-sense meaning of 
    ``critical habitat.'' In fact, the designation of critical habitat may 
    provide some benefits to a species by identifying areas important to 
    the species' conservation, particularly until a recovery plan is 
    adopted, including habitat that is not presently occupied and that may 
    require restoration efforts to support recovery. However, these 
    benefits are minor, apply only where there is Federal agency 
    involvement, and consume considerable funds that could be spent 
    elsewhere to much greater benefit.
    Identification of Critical Habitat for the Southwestern Willow 
        Empidonax traillii extimus is endangered by extensive loss of 
    nesting habitat and is now extirpated across much of its former 
    breeding range. A neotropical migratory bird, E. t. extimus is present 
    in its breeding habitat from late April until August or September. It 
    then migrates to wintering grounds in Mexico, Central America, and 
    perhaps northern South America (Gorski 1969, McCabe 1991). Little is 
    known about threats in its wintering grounds. However, even during the 
    nonbreeding season when the species is not present, nesting habitat and 
    especially potentially recoverable nesting habitat remain vulnerable. 
    Conserving and enhancing the constituent elements of current and 
    potential nesting habitat is necessary to facilitate recovery of the 
    species. The Service may designate as critical habitat areas outside 
    the geographical area presently occupied by a species when a 
    designation limited to its present range would be inadequate to ensure 
    the conservation of the species (50 CFR 424.12(e)). Such a situation 
    exists for the southwestern willow flycatcher, for which recovery of 
    the physical and biological features and constituent elements of 
    nesting habitat and space for population growth are needed to ensure 
    the conservation and recovery of the species.
    Primary Constituent Elements
        The Service is required to base critical habitat determinations on 
    the best available scientific information (50 CFR 424.12). In 
    determining what areas to designate as critical habitat, the Service 
    considers those physical and biological features that are essential to 
    the conservation of the species and that may require special management 
    considerations or protection. Such requirements include but are not 
    limited to the following: (1) Space for individual and population 
    growth; (2) food, water, air, light, minerals, or other nutritional or 
    physiological requirements; (3) cover or shelter; (4) sites for 
    breeding, reproduction, rearing of offspring, germination, or seed 
    dispersal; and (5) habitats that are protected from disturbance or are 
    representative of the historic geographical and ecological 
    distributions of a species. The Service is proposing to designate as 
    critical habitat areas which provide or with rehabilitation will 
    provide the above five physical and biological features and primary 
    constituent elements.
        For all areas of critical habitat designated here, these physical 
    and biological features and primary constituent elements are provided 
    or will be provided by dense thickets of riparian shrubs and trees 
    (native and exotic species). This vegetation, by definition, occurs 
    near rivers, streams, open water, cienegas, marshy seeps, or saturated 
    soil. Constituent elements of critical habitat include the riparian 
    ecosystem within the 100-year floodplain, including areas where dense 
    riparian vegetation is not present, but may become established in the 
    future. The species composition of vegetation ranges from nearly 
    monotypic stands (i.e., single species) to stands with multiple species 
    (see Sogge et al. 1997). Vegetation structure ranges from simple, 
    single stratum patches as low as 3 meters (9 feet) in height and 
    lacking a distinct overstory to complex patches with multiple strata 
    and canopies nearing 18 meters (60 feet) in height. Vegetation patches 
    may be uniformly dense throughout, or occur as a mosaic of dense 
    thickets interspersed with small openings, bare soil, open water, or 
    shorter/sparser vegetation. Riparian patches used by breeding 
    flycatchers vary in size and shape, and may be relatively dense, linear 
    [[Page 39133]]
    stands or irregularly-shaped mosaics of dense vegetation with open 
    areas. The size of vegetation patches or habitat mosaics used by 
    southwestern willow flycatchers varies considerably and ranges from as 
    small as 0.8 hectares (2 acres) to several hundred hectares. However, 
    narrow linear riparian patches only one to two trees deep that have no 
    potential (absent limiting factors) to increase in depth are not 
    considered breeding habitat, although they may be used by southwestern 
    willow flycatchers during migration.
        A total of approximately 964 km (599 miles) of stream and river are 
    being designated as critical habitat. The areas described were chosen 
    for critical habitat designation because they contain the remaining 
    known southwestern willow flycatcher nesting sites, and/or formerly 
    supported nesting southwestern willow flycatchers, and/or have the 
    potential to support nesting southwestern willow flycatchers. All areas 
    contain or with restoration will contain suitable nesting habitat in a 
    patchy, discontinuous distribution. This distribution is partially the 
    result of natural regeneration patterns of riparian vegetation (e.g. 
    cottonwood-willow). The distribution of these habitat patches is 
    expected to shift over time. Because of this spatial and temporal 
    distribution of habitat patches, it is important that the entirety of 
    the proposed river reaches be considered critical habitat. All areas 
    contain some unoccupied habitat or former (degraded) habitat, needed to 
    recover ecosystem integrity and support larger southwestern willow 
    flycatcher numbers during the species' recovery. A number of separate, 
    protected, healthy populations of southwestern willow flycatchers are 
    needed to protect the species from extinction by functioning as 
    population sources (Pulliam 1988). Protection of this proposed critical 
    habitat should ensure sufficient quantity and quality of habitat to 
    stabilize and recover this species. The southwestern willow flycatcher 
    is already extirpated from a significant portion of its former range.
        Critical habitat for the southwestern willow flycatcher will 
    include riparian areas within the 100-year floodplain along streams and 
    rivers in southern California, Arizona, and New Mexico (Figure 1). 
    Descriptions and maps of each area are located in this rule under 
    ``Regulation Promulgation.''
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-P
    [[Page 39134]]
    Available Conservation Measures
        Because Empidonax traillii extimus is a listed species, the Act 
    provides conservation measures, including recognition, recovery 
    actions, requirements for Federal protection, and prohibitions against 
    certain practices. Recognition through listing encourages and results 
    in conservation actions by Federal, State, and private agencies, 
    groups, and individuals. The Act provides for possible land acquisition 
    and cooperation with the States and authorizes recovery plans for all 
    listed species. The protection required of Federal agencies and the 
    prohibitions against taking and harm are discussed, in part, below.
        Section 7(a) of the Act requires Federal agencies to evaluate their 
    actions with respect to any species that is proposed or listed as 
    endangered or threatened and with respect to its critical habitat, if 
    any is being designated. Regulations implementing this interagency 
    cooperation provision of the Act are codified in 50 CFR part 402. 
    Section 7(a)(2) requires Federal agencies to ensure that activities 
    they authorize, fund, or carry out are not likely to jeopardize the 
    continued existence of such a species or to destroy or adversely modify 
    its critical habitat. If a Federal action may affect a listed species 
    or its critical habitat, the responsible Federal agency must enter into 
    formal consultation with the Service.
        The U.S. Marine Corps and Service have worked together to develop a 
    comprehensive, ecosystem-oriented wildlife conservation management plan 
    covering all riparian and coastal wetland habitat areas on the base at 
    Camp Pendleton. This effort culminated in a mutually agreed upon 
    conservation strategy and implementation program that was endorsed by 
    the Secretary of the Interior and Service at a signing ceremony with 
    the Commanding General in October 1995. The conservation program has 
    contributed substantially to the protection and recovery of the least 
    Bell's vireo, southwestern willow flycatcher, and other listed species 
    (i.e., arroyo toad, tidewater goby, California least tern, and western 
    snowy plover) found in riparian and coastal wetland habitats along the 
    Santa Margarita River and Pacific Ocean. Indeed, the Department of 
    Defense awarded Camp Pendleton the Department's Natural Resources Award 
    for 1996 largely because of the successful implementation of the 
    riparian and coastal wetland conservation program. The Service does not 
    intend the designation of critical habitat to result in the imposition 
    of any additional restrictions for actions taken at Camp Pendleton 
    which are consistent with the conservation measures outlined under the 
    management plan. Thus, for example, if the Marine Corps needed a permit 
    under the Clean Water Act for an activity which was consistent with the 
    conservation management plan, the Service would not view such activity 
    as adversely modifying or destroying critical habitat for the willow 
        On other Federal lands, various ongoing activities within riparian 
    areas may benefit the flycatcher. The Forest Service and Bureau of Land 
    Management have focused attention on modifying livestock grazing 
    practices in recent years, particularly as they affect riparian 
    ecosystems. The Bureau of Land Management's San Pedro National Riparian 
    Conservation Area in Arizona has excluded livestock for 10 years which 
    has resulted in significant restoration of riparian habitats and 
    increased populations of bird species associated with riparian habitat, 
    including the willow flycatcher. The Forest Service, in cooperation 
    with others, is monitoring the southwestern willow flycatcher 
    population on the San Luis Rey River on Forest Service lands, and has 
    an on-going brown-headed cowbird trapping program on the San Luis Rey 
    River and other streams within the Cleveland National Forest. As 
    mitigation for other projects impacting riparian habitats, the Bureau 
    of Reclamation is engaged in a cowbird management program and riparian 
    habitat restoration projects in several areas in the range of Empidonax 
    traillii extimus, including some historical nesting locations. Riparian 
    habitat rehabilitation is also underway at several National Wildlife 
    Refuges in the breeding range of E. t. extimus, which are managed by 
    the Service. Grand Canyon National Park has instituted a seasonal 
    recreation closure at the remaining site with nesting willow 
    flycatchers in the Grand Canyon.
        In addition to conservation on Federal lands, in 1991, the State of 
    California established the Natural Communities Conservation Planning 
    (NCCP) Program to address conservation needs of natural ecosystems 
    throughout the State. The Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP) 
    in southwestern San Diego County is one of the first subregional plans 
    under the NCCP to be developed. The MSCP planning area consists of 12 
    jurisdictions and several water districts, each of which will develop 
    subarea plans to implement the MSCP within their boundaries. The City 
    of San Diego has approved the MSCP and finalized their subarea plan. 
    The remaining jurisdictions and the Otay Water District are expected to 
    finalize their subarea plans within the near future.
        The southwestern willow flycatcher is considered a covered species 
    under the MSCP based on the proposed level of conservation. The MSCP 
    will preserve over 9,000 acres or 75 percent of the remaining riparian 
    habitats within the planning boundary. Impacts to riparian areas 
    outside of the preserve will be avoided, minimized, and mitigated under 
    local guidelines and ordinances, and existing State and Federal wetland 
    regulations. Thus, no net loss of acreage of riparian habitat is 
    proposed within the MSCP, and no additional restrictions are 
    anticipated as a result of critical habitat designation.
        All of the designated critical habitat for the southwestern willow 
    flycatcher along the San Dieguito, San Diego, and Tijuana Rivers will 
    be conserved and managed within the MSCP preserve system. The MSCP 
    assures permittees that compliance with the Federal policy of ``no net 
    loss'' of wetland functions and values, the U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency's section 404(b)(1) guidelines, and the requirements 
    of the MSCP and local subarea plan will constitute the full extent of 
    mitigation measures directed specifically at the incidental take of 
    covered species recommended by the Service pursuant to the Act and the 
    National Environmental Policy Act. In addition, the Service has agreed 
    that, if the subarea plans for each jurisdiction under the MSCP are 
    properly functioning, the Service will not require that permittees or 
    third party beneficiaries commit additional land, additional land 
    restrictions, or additional financial compensation beyond that provided 
    in each implementing agreement should critical habitat for a covered 
    species be designated.
        The approved NCCP/Habitat Conservation Plan for the Central and 
    Coastal Subregions of Orange County, California, provides benefits to 
    the southwestern willow flycatcher. The plan establishes an 
    approximately 37,300-acre nature preserve and requires surveys for the 
    southwestern willow flycatcher to ensure that occupied habitat with 
    potentially significant long-term conservation value will be conserved. 
    The adaptive management program for the preserve includes monitoring, 
    cowbird control, and habitat enhancement measures for the flycatcher. 
    Again, the Service anticipates that no additional restrictions will 
    apply to activities undertaken in accordance with the
    [[Page 39135]]
    approved Orange County NCCP plan as a result of this critical habitat 
        The Audubon Society manages one of the largest remaining flycatcher 
    populations in California, and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) manages 
    several areas with high recovery potential. TNC maintains a cowbird 
    trapping program in Orange County that provides indirect benefits to 
    potential nesting habitat for the southwestern willow flycatcher.
        In addition to public and private lands, critical habitat occurs on 
    land belonging to the Yavapai-Apache Tribe in Arizona and on land 
    belonging to the Pala Mission Tribe in California. Pursuant to Tribal 
    sovereignty and the Service's associated responsibilities, as well as 
    the recent Secretarial Order for American Indian Tribal Rights, 
    Federal-Tribal Trust Responsibilities and the Endangered Species Act, 
    the Service has consulted with both tribes prior to completion of this 
    rule in order to ensure that tribal cultural values, and reserved 
    hunting, fishing, gathering and other rights were considered in this 
    designation. The Service will continue to work cooperatively with the 
    tribes and remain available to assist in development of conservation 
    plans for the area that meet both the intent of the Act and Tribal 
        It is the policy of the Service to identify to the maximum extent 
    practicable at the time of listing those activities that would or would 
    not constitute a violation of section 9 of the Act. The intent of this 
    policy is to increase public awareness of the effect of the listing on 
    proposed or on-going activities. These activities are listed in the 
    final rule listing the southwestern willow flycatcher (60 FR 10694). 
    Likewise, section 4(b)(8) requires, for any proposed or final 
    regulation that designates critical habitat, a brief description and 
    evaluation of those activities (public or private) that may adversely 
    modify such habitat or may be affected by such designation. Such 
    activities may include:
        (1) Removing, thinning or destroying riparian vegetation. 
    Activities which remove, thin, or destroy riparian vegetation, by 
    mechanical, chemical (herbicides or burning), or biological (grazing) 
    means reduce constituent elements for southwestern willow flycatcher 
    sheltering, feeding, breeding, and migrating.
        (2) Surface water diversion or impoundment, groundwater pumping, or 
    any other activity which may alter the quantity or quality of surface 
    or subsurface water flow. Activities which alter the quantity or 
    quality of surface or subsurface water flow may affect riparian 
    vegetation, food availability, or the general suitability of the site 
    for nesting or migrating.
        (3) Destruction/alteration of the species' habitat by discharge of 
    fill material, draining, ditching, tiling, pond construction, and 
    stream channelization (i.e., due to roads, construction of bridges, 
    impoundments, discharge pipes, stormwater detention basins, etc.).
        (4) Overstocking of livestock. Excessive use of riparian areas and 
    uplands for livestock grazing may affect the volume and composition of 
    riparian vegetation, may physically disturb nests, may alter floodplain 
    dynamics such that regeneration of riparian habitat is impaired or 
    precluded, and may facilitate brood parasitism by brown-headed 
        (5) Development of recreational facilities and off-road vehicle 
    operation. Activities which facilitate recreational activities and off-
    road vehicle use may affect riparian vegetation, result in compaction 
    of soils degrading areas where riparian vegetation is established or 
    would become established, alter floodplain dynamics such that riparian 
    regeneration is impaired or precluded, promote fires in riparian 
    habitats, reduce space for individual and population growth, and 
    inhibit normal behavior.
        In general, activities that do not remove or degrade constituent 
    elements of habitat for Empidonax traillii extimus are not likely to 
    destroy or adversely modify critical habitat. Each proposed action will 
    be examined pursuant to section 7 of the Act in relation to its site-
    specific impacts.
        The designation of critical habitat does not imply that lands 
    outside of critical habitat do not play an important role in the 
    conservation of Empidonax traillii extimus. Federal activities outside 
    of critical habitat are still subject to review under section 7 if they 
    may affect E. t. extimus. Prohibitions of Section 9 also continue to 
    apply both inside and outside of designated critical habitat.
    Summary of Comments and Recommendations
        In the July 23, 1993, proposed rule to list the Empidonax traillii 
    extimus as endangered with critical habitat (58 FR 39495), all 
    interested parties were requested to submit comments or information 
    that might bear on the listing of or designation of critical habitat 
    for the southwestern willow flycatcher. The comment period was 
    originally scheduled to close October 21, 1993, but was extended to 
    November 30, 1993. Appropriate State agencies, Federal agencies, county 
    governments, scientific organizations, and other interested parties 
    were contacted and requested to comment. Newspaper notices inviting 
    public comment were published in the following newspapers: In 
    California, the Los Angeles Times, L.A. Watts Times, Kern Valley Sun, 
    and San Diego Union-Tribune; in Arizona, the Arizona Daily Sun, Arizona 
    Republic, Tucson Daily Citizen, White Mountain Independent, and Arizona 
    Daily Star; in New Mexico, the Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque 
    Tribune, Santa Fe New Mexican, Carlsbad Current-Argus, Silver City 
    Daily Press; in Nevada, the Las Vegas Sun; in Colorado, the Durango 
    Herald; in Utah, the Daily Spectrum; and in Texas, the El Paso Times. 
    The inclusive dates of publications were August 31 through September 
    13, 1993, for the initial comment period and October 28 through 
    November 5, 1993, for the public hearings and extension of public 
    comment period.
        The Service held six public hearings. Three of these were held in 
    anticipation of interest in the proposed rule, and three additional 
    were held in response to requests from the public. A notice of the 
    hearing dates and locations was published in the Federal Register on 
    October 18, 1993 (58 FR 53702). Approximately 424 people attended the 
    hearings. Approximately 17 people attended the hearing in Tucson, AZ; 
    27 in Flagstaff, AZ; 10 in Las Cruces, NM; 12 in Albuquerque, NM; 350 
    in Lake Isabella, CA; and 8 in San Diego, CA. Transcripts of these 
    hearings are available for inspection (see ADDRESSES section).
        A second public comment period was held from February 27, 1995, to 
    April 28, 1995, during which comments were solicited on proposed 
    critical habitat. A total of 3,240 written and oral responses was 
    received during the two public comment periods. All comments received 
    were reviewed for substantive issues and new data regarding critical 
    habitat and the southwestern willow flycatcher. Comments of a similar 
    nature are grouped into a number of general issues. Ten general issues 
    were identified relating specifically to proposed critical habitat. 
    These are addressed in the following summary.
        Issue 1: Development of conservation agreements would be more 
    effective in providing a net benefit to the southwestern willow 
    flycatcher than designation of critical habitat, and existing 
    agreements make designation of critical habitat unnecessary in some 
    [[Page 39136]]
        Service Response: The Service agrees that implementation of 
    comprehensive conservation agreements could effectively protect and 
    enhance both occupied and unoccupied habitat for the southwestern 
    willow flycatcher, and also have the potential to provide for recovery 
    of the species. Toward this end, the U.S. Marine Corps and the State of 
    California have both worked with the Service to develop ecosystem-
    oriented conservation plans that the Service believes will be highly 
    effective in providing for the conservation needs of the southwestern 
    willow flycatcher at Camp Pendleton and in portions of San Diego and 
    Orange counties. Unfortunately, due to imposed time constraints and 
    lack of funding, at this time the Service is not able to undertake 
    further analysis with regard to critical habitat designation although 
    such analysis might ultimately negate the need for designation in areas 
    such as these.
        Issue 2: Designation of critical habitat would offer no additional 
    protection above listing; critical habitat can only be designated for 
    areas on which essential biological and physical features are currently 
        Service Response: The designation of critical habitat may provide 
    some benefits to the southwestern willow flycatcher by identifying for 
    the public areas important to the species' conservation and 
    highlighting areas important to the species until a recovery plan is 
    adopted, including habitat that is not presently occupied by 
    flycatchers and that may require restoration efforts to support 
    recovery. The areas included in this designation are believed to be 
    justified as providing biological and physical features essential to 
    the flycatcher's conservation. Nevertheless, the Service generally 
    agrees that the protection afforded by the designation of critical 
    habitat is marginal in comparison to the protective measures provided 
    by the species' listing. Regardless of the perceived benefit of this 
    designation, however, the Service is required to comply with the Court 
    order requiring a final determination on designation within a specified 
    time limit.
        Issue 3: Critical habitat would not improve the status of the 
    southwestern willow flycatcher because cowbirds, rather than habitat, 
    are the limiting factor.
        Service Response: The Service recognizes that cowbird parasitism is 
    a major threat to the viability of the southwestern willow flycatcher. 
    That threat is exacerbated by the small size and highly fragmented 
    nature of extant riparian habitats. Habitat suitability for cowbirds, 
    and thus cowbird abundance and rates of parasitism, appear to decrease 
    as habitat size and extent increases, ostensibly because patches with 
    higher ratios of interior to edge habitat are more difficult for 
    cowbirds to penetrate. In addition, larger habitat patches should have 
    more host species. Thus, increasing the size and extent of riparian 
    habitat on a local scale should reduce the rate of cowbird parasitism 
    on southwestern willow flycatchers by decreasing habitat suitability 
    for the cowbird and by increasing the number of non-flycatcher host 
    species that can be parasitized. In many of the small riparian stands 
    inhabited by flycatchers the number of cowbirds may outnumber host 
    species, including the flycatcher. In those areas cowbird management 
    programs will be needed to increase flycatcher reproductive success in 
    the short-term. The Service believes, however, that over the long-term 
    the most effective strategy to reduce the rate and extent of cowbird 
    parasitism is to reduce riparian habitat fragmentation on a regional 
    scale and to vastly increase the size and extent of riparian habitat on 
    a local scale.
        Issue 4: The proposed critical habitat includes areas with little 
    potential for appropriate habitat and omits areas with known flycatcher 
    breeding groups or areas with high potential for occupancy by 
        Service Response: The Service received many comments from Federal, 
    State, and private entities recommending deletions and additions to 
    proposed critical habitat. In response to public comments, some areas 
    that were included in the proposed rule were found to be proposed in 
    error because they have little or no potential for flycatcher habitat, 
    and were omitted from the final designation. These include: 
    Approximately 5 miles of shoreline at Lake Isabella downstream of the 
    South Fork Wildlife Area, removed due to a lack of potential for 
    habitat to develop along the lakeshore (Kern County, CA); Peck's Lake, 
    removed due to a lack of potential for habitat to develop around 
    shoreline (Yavapai County, AZ); approximately 5 miles along the upper 
    portion of Wet Beaver Creek, removed due to lack of potential for 
    suitable habitat to develop (Yavapai County, AZ); approximately 14 
    miles along the upper portion of West Clear Creek, removed due to lack 
    of potential for suitable habitat to develop (Yavapai County, AZ); 
    approximately 20 miles along the Rio Grande, removed due to lack of 
    potential for suitable habitat to develop (Bernalillo County, NM).
        The Service did not consider omissions for other reasons or 
    additions to the critical habitat proposed in 1993 because imposed time 
    constraints and lack of resources made this impracticable. This does, 
    not, however, preclude the Service from considering further omissions 
    and additions to critical habitat for this species at some time in the 
    future as resources allow.
        Issue 5: Existing regulatory mechanisms and agency management plans 
    targeted at listed species provide adequate protection.
        Service Response: The Service agrees that some existing regulatory 
    mechanisms and management plans provide conservation benefits to the 
    flycatcher. As mentioned in Issue 1, the U.S. Marine Corps and the 
    State of California have both worked with the Service to develop 
    ecosystem-oriented conservation plans that the Service believes will be 
    highly effective in providing for the conservation needs of the 
    southwestern willow flycatcher at Camp Pendleton and in portions of San 
    Diego and Orange counties. Although designation of critical habitat 
    should not impose any additional restrictions on actions consistent 
    with the management agreements in these areas now or in the future, 
    they do not cover sufficient area to provide adequate protection for 
    the species as a whole. Furthermore, the Service is obliged to comply 
    with a Court order to designate critical habitat for the flycatcher.
        Provisions of section 404 of the Clean Water Act do not 
    specifically protect the southwestern willow flycatcher or its habitat, 
    but do provide some protection to the aquatic and riparian ecosystems 
    of which it is a part. Section 404 also provides for mitigation for 
    destruction of these habitats, although even temporary destruction and 
    subsequent replacement of important riparian habitat may adversely 
    affect the southwestern willow flycatcher. Regardless of the possible 
    conservation benefits of the Clean Water Act, however, this designation 
    is required by Court order.
        Issue 6: The Service is required to comply with the National 
    Environmental Policy Act in designating critical habitat.
        Service Response: An Environmental Assessment (EA) and a draft 
    Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) have been prepared for this 
    rule in accordance with 40 CFR 1501.3 (see following section entitled 
    National Environmental Policy Act). The EA and FONSI are available upon 
    request from the Field Supervisor, Arizona Ecological Services Field 
    Office (see ADDRESSES above).
    [[Page 39137]]
        Issue 7: Designation of critical habitat would result in loss of 
    revenues that local communities derive from use of public lands; 
    critical habitat will adversely affect State, Municipal, and private 
        Service Response: Critical habitat only applies to Federal actions 
    on Federal lands or Federally-permitted actions on private lands. The 
    economic analysis provided in this final rule demonstrates that there 
    will be no adverse economic effects above the effects that would result 
    from the listing of the species.
        Issue 8: Riparian habitats are in a constant state of change, 
    making any boundaries established under critical habitat also subject 
    to change; lateral boundaries of critical habitat do not meet 
    regulatory requirements because they are difficult to interpret and 
    change seasonally; the constituent elements of critical habitat for the 
    southwestern willow flycatcher have not been adequately described.
        Service Response: The upstream/downstream boundaries established 
    with this final rule, to a limited extent, incorporated the dynamic 
    nature of riparian habitats that commentors referred to and that is 
    discussed under issue number two. The Service agrees, however, that the 
    lateral boundaries of critical habitat are inadequate and do not 
    incorporate the dynamic nature of riparian systems. For example, 
    changes in the distribution of riparian habitats in response to natural 
    flooding events, or changes in stream flow due to droughts, 
    impoundments, etc., sometimes leave suitable habitat more than 100 
    meters from surface water. To alleviate this inadequacy, the lateral 
    boundaries of critical habitat were established by the 100-year 
    floodplain, which is delineated on maps available at county offices and 
    the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
        Issue 9: The Service is focusing management efforts for the 
    southwestern willow flycatcher too narrowly on factors affecting the 
    species only on its breeding grounds.
        Service Response: The Service agrees that factors affecting the 
    southwestern willow flycatcher during the non-breeding season could be 
    playing a significant role in the status of this species. To that end 
    the Service has supported work currently funded by the Bureau of 
    Reclamation to identify the distribution of the southwestern willow 
    flycatcher during the non-breeding season. If research demonstrates 
    adverse effects outside of the United States, the Secretary has the 
    authority under section 8 of the Act to provide assistance to foreign 
    governments in developing management programs necessary for the 
    conservation of the southwestern willow flycatcher. This opportunity, 
    however, does not eliminate, reduce, or change the obligations of 
    Federal agencies under sections 7 and 9 of the Act, nor does it change 
    the obligations of citizens under section 9 of the Act.
        Issue 10: The goal of the critical habitat designation is 
    protection of riparian habitat, not protection of the flycatcher.
        Service Response: Section 2(b) of the Act states, ``(t)he purposes 
    of this Act are to provide a means whereby the ecosystems upon which 
    endangered species and threatened species depend may be conserved, to 
    provide a program for the conservation of such endangered species and 
    threatened species, and to take such steps as may be appropriate to 
    achieve the purposes of the treaties and conventions set forth in 
    subsection (a) of this section.'' The purpose established in section 
    2(b) of the Act explicitly recognizes the critical role of ecosystems 
    and, therefore, habitat, in the protection of endangered species. In so 
    far as the southwestern willow flycatcher is a neotropical migratory 
    bird species that is dependent solely on riparian areas to carry out 
    the portion of its life cycle devoted to breeding, the Service 
    acknowledges and supports the concept of protecting habitat in order to 
    conserve the southwestern willow flycatcher. However, the goal of the 
    critical habitat designation for the southwestern willow flycatcher is 
    to protect areas essential to the conservation of this species. Other 
    riparian areas that were not found to be essential to the conservation 
    of the flycatcher have been omitted from this final rule.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        The Service has examined this regulation under the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act of 1995 and found it to contain no information collection 
    Economic Effects
        Section 4(b)(2) of the Act requires the Service to consider 
    economic and other impacts of designating a particular area as critical 
    habitat. The Secretary may exclude areas from critical habitat if the 
    benefits of exclusion outweigh the benefits of including the area in 
    critical habitat, unless failure to designate a specific area would 
    result in extinction of the species. The economic analysis assists in 
    making that determination by examining how the designation may affect 
    Federal lands, and any non-Federal activity with some Federal 
    involvement. Activities on private or State-owned lands that do not 
    involve Federal permits, funding or other Federal actions are not 
    restricted by the designation of critical habitat.
        Economic effects caused by the listing of the flycatcher as 
    endangered and by other statutes are the baseline upon which critical 
    habitat is imposed. The analysis examines the incremental economic and 
    conservation effects of the critical habitat addition. Economic effects 
    are measured as changes in National income, and regional jobs and 
    household income.
        Fourteen counties in three States are affected by the designation 
    of critical habitat: Cochise, Pima, Pinal, Yavapai, Gila, Coconino, and 
    Apache counties in Arizona; Kern, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San 
    Diego counties in California; and Catron, Grant, and Hidalgo counties 
    in New Mexico. In total, nearly 964 river km (599 miles) are being 
    designated as critical for the southwestern willow flycatcher. The 
    percent of total length of rivers in each State affected by critical 
    habitat designation is relatively small: 12.4 percent for Arizona; 0.5 
    percent for California; and 6.6 percent for New Mexico. A high 
    percentage of public access to rivers and streams exists in all three 
        By focusing attention on a certain area, designating critical 
    habitat may result in minor economic benefits provided directly by the 
    species and indirectly by its habitat, including aesthetic or scenic 
    beauty, biodiversity, ecosystem and passive use (existence) values. 
    Quantitative or monetary values for such benefits are not now possible 
    due to data limitations.
        The Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of 
    Reclamation, Marine Corps, and Army Corps of Engineers manage areas of 
    proposed critical habitat for the flycatcher. The Corps of Engineers 
    and other Federal agencies that may be involved with funding or permits 
    for projects in the critical habitat areas may also be affected. 
    Because the Service believes that virtually all ``adverse 
    modification'' calls would also result in ``jeopardy'' calls under 
    section 7 of the Act, designation of critical habitat for the 
    flycatcher is not expected to result in any incremental restrictions on 
    agency activities. Critical habitat designation will, therefore, result 
    in no additional protection for the flycatcher nor any additional 
    economic effects beyond those that may have been caused by listing and 
    by other statutes. Additionally, all previously completed biological 
    opinions would not require reinitiation to reconsider any critical 
    habitat designated in this rulemaking.
    [[Page 39138]]
        If no Federal agency is involved in management, funding, or by 
    other means of non-Federal areas with critical habitat for the 
    flycatcher, they are not subject to the section 7 consultation process 
    for critical habitat.
        Economic effects caused by the listing of the flycatcher as 
    endangered and by other statutes are the baseline upon which critical 
    habitat is imposed. The analysis examines the incremental economic and 
    conservation effects of the critical habitat addition. Economic effects 
    are measured as changes in national income, and regional jobs and 
    household income. Of the 14 counties where critical habitat is 
    proposed, 9 would qualify as small businesses. However, because 
    critical habitat designation is not expected to cause additional 
    habitat restrictions in any biological opinions issued under the Act, 
    there are no incremental economic effects attributable to the 
    designation. A copy of the economic analysis and description of the 
    exclusion process with supporting documents are included in the 
    Service's administrative record and may be obtained by contacting the 
    Service (see ADDRESSES section).
        The Service reviewed the proposal to designate critical habitat for 
    the flycatcher and the assessment of associated benefits and costs. 
    Because the economic analysis identified no economic benefits from 
    excluding any of the areas, the Service has made a determination to 
    designate all of the 18 areas as critical habitat for the southwestern 
    willow flycatcher.
        In addition, the Service has determined that this rulemaking would 
    not have a significant effect on a substantial number of small entities 
    in the area, such as businesses, organizations and governmental 
    jurisdictions, under the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (5 U.S.C. 
    601 et seq.). This rulemaking was reviewed under Executive Order 12866.
    Unfunded Mandates
        The Service has determined and certifies pursuant to the Unfunded 
    Mandates Act, 2 U.S.C. 1502 et seq., that this rulemaking will not 
    impose a cost of $100 million or more in any given year on local or 
    State governments or private entities.
    Civil Justice Reform
        The Department has determined that these final regulations meet the 
    applicable standards provided in Sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of Executive 
    Order 12988.
    National Environmental Policy Act Compliance
        An Environmental Assessment (EA) and a draft Finding of No 
    Significant Impact (FONSI) have been prepared for the final rule to 
    designate critical habitat for the southwestern willow flycatcher 
    (Empidonax traillii extimus), in accordance with 40 CFR 1501.3. The EA 
    and FONSI are available upon request from the Field Supervisor, Arizona 
    Ecological Services Field Office (see ADDRESSES above).
    References Cited
        A complete list of all references cited herein, as well as others, 
    is available upon request from the Field Supervisor, Arizona Ecological 
    Services Field Office (see ADDRESSES above).
        Author: The primary author of this final rule is Sam Spiller, 
    Arizona Ecological Services Office (see ADDRESSES above).
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
        Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Transportation.
    Regulation Promulgation
        Accordingly, part 17, subchapter B of chapter I, title 50 of the 
    Code of Federal Regulations is amended as set forth below:
    PART 17--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 16 U.S.C. 1531-1544; 16 U.S.C. 
    4201-4245; Pub. L. 99-625, 100 Stat. 3500; unless otherwise noted.
    Sec. 17.11  [Amended]
        2. Section 17.11 (h) is amended by revising the ``Critical 
    habitat'' entry for ``Flycatcher, southwestern willow,'' under Birds, 
    to read ``17.95(b)'.
        3. Section 17.95(b) is amended by adding critical habitat for the 
    Southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus), in the 
    same alphabetical order as this species occurs in Sec. 17.11(h).
    Sec. 17.95  Critical habitat--fish and wildlife.
    * * * * *
        (b) Birds.
    * * * * *
    [[Page 39139]]
    Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus)
        California: Areas of land and water as follows:
        1. Santa Ana River, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties: from 
    Rio Road (T2S, R5W, no surveyed section but at 34 deg. 59' 00'' 
    North, 117 deg. 25' 15'' West) downstream to Prado Flood Control 
    Basin Dam (T3S, R7W, Section 20). Approximately 25 km (16 miles). 
    The boundaries include areas within the 100-year floodplain where 
    thickets of riparian trees and shrubs occur or may become 
    established as a result of natural floodplain processes or 
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-P
    [[Page 39140]]
        2. Santa Margarita River, San Diego County: from the unnamed 
    trail at T8S, R3W, Section 34) downstream to northbound Interstate 5 
    (T11S, R5W, Section 19). Approximately 33 km (20 miles). The 
    boundaries include areas within the 100-year floodplain where 
    thickets of riparian trees and shrubs occur or may become 
    established as a result of natural floodplain processes or 
        3. San Luis Rey River, San Diego County: from Mission Road (T9S, 
    R2W, Section 27) downstream to northbound Interstate 5 (T11S, R5W, 
    Section 22). Approximately 39 km (24 miles). The boundaries include 
    areas within the 100-year floodplain where thickets of riparian 
    trees and shrubs occur or may become established as a result of 
    natural floodplain processes or rehabilitation.
        4. San Diegito River, San Diego County: from southbound 
    Interstate 15 (T13S, R2W, no section surveyed, but at 33 deg. 3' 
    45'' North, 117 deg. 4' 00'' West) downstream to northbound 
    Interstate 5 (T14S, R4W, Section 12). Approximately 24 km (15 
    miles). The boundaries include areas within the 100-year floodplain 
    where thickets of riparian trees and shrubs occur or may become 
    established as a result of natural floodplain processes or 
    [[Page 39141]]
        5. San Diego River, San Diego County: from Carlton Hills 
    Boulevard (T15S, R1W, no section surveyed, but at 32 deg. 50' 45'' 
    North, 117 deg. 59' 30'' West) downstream to the Second San Diego 
    Aqueduct T15S, R2W, no section surveyed, but at 32 deg. 49' 30'' 
    North, 117 deg. 3' 45'' West). Approximately 8 km (5.5 miles). The 
    boundaries include areas within the 100-year floodplain where 
    thickets of riparian trees and shrubs occur or may become 
    established as a result of natural floodplain processes or 
        6. Tijuana River, San Diego County: from Larsen Field (T19S, 
    R2W, Section 1) downstream to the windmill at T19S, R2W, Section 4. 
    Approximately 5.5 km (3.3 miles). The boundaries include areas 
    within the 100-year floodplain where thickets of riparian trees and 
    shrubs occur or may become established as a result of natural 
    floodplain processes or rehabilitation.
    [[Page 39142]]
        7. South Fork of the Kern River, Kern County: from the 
    confluence of Canebrake Creek (T25S, R36E, Section 30) downstream to 
    a line running north-south between Lyme Dyke and Lime Point 
    encompassing the South Fork Wildlife Area at the eastern end of Lake 
    Isabella (T26S, R34E, Sections 13 and 14). Approximately 26 km (16 
    miles). The boundaries include areas within the 100-year floodplain 
    where thickets of riparian trees and shrubs occur or may become 
    established as a result of natural floodplain processes or 
        Arizona: Areas of land and water as follows:
        1. San Pedro River, Cochise County: from the Hereford Bridge 
    (T23S, R22E, Section 9), downstream to eastbound Interstate 10 
    bridge at Benson (T17S R20E, Section 11). Approximately 87 km (54 
    miles). The boundaries include areas within the 100-year floodplain 
    where thickets of riparian trees and shrubs occur or may become 
    established as a result of natural floodplain processes or 
        2. San Pedro River, Cochise, Pima and Pinal Counties: from the 
    Gaging Station near Aguaja Canyon (T12S, R18E, Section 19), 
    downstream to the confluence with the Gila River (T5S, R15E, Section 
    23). Approximately 106 km (66 miles). The boundaries include areas 
    within the 100-year floodplain where thickets of riparian trees and 
    shrubs occur or may become established as a result of natural 
    floodplain processes or rehabilitation.
    [[Page 39143]]
        3. Verde River, Yavapai and Gila Counties: from Sob Canyon 
    (T17N, R3E, Section 29) to its inflow into Horseshoe Reservoir (T8N, 
    R6E, Section 15), including Tavasci Marsh and Ister Flat. 
    Approximately 145 km (90 miles). The boundaries include areas within 
    the 100-year floodplain where thickets of riparian trees and shrubs 
    occur or may become established as a result of natural floodplain 
    processes or rehabilitation.
        4. Wet Beaver Creek, Yavapai County: from the gauging station 
    upstream of the Beaver Creek Ranger Station (T15N, R6E, Section 24), 
    downstream to the confluence of Beaver Creek and the Verde River 
    (T14N, R5E, Section 30). Approximately 32 km (20 miles). The 
    boundaries include areas within the 100-year floodplain where 
    thickets of riparian trees and shrubs occur or may become 
    established as a result of natural floodplain processes or 
        5. West Clear Creek, Yavapai County: from the section line 
    dividing sections 18 and 17 in T13N, R6E downstream to the 
    confluence with the Verde River (T13N, R5E, Section 17). 
    Approximately 14 km (9 miles). The boundaries include areas within 
    the 100-year floodplain where thickets of riparian trees and shrubs 
    occur or may become established as a result of natural floodplain 
    processes or rehabilitation.
    [[Page 39144]]
        6. Colorado River, Coconino County: from river mile 39 (T35N, 
    R5E, Section 16) downstream to river mile 71.5 (T31N, R5E Section 
    8). (River mile 0 = Lee's Ferry). Approximately 52 km (32 miles). 
    The boundaries include areas within the 100-year floodplain where 
    thickets of riparian trees and shrubs occur or may become 
    established as a result of natural floodplain processes or 
        7. Little Colorado River, and the West, East, and South Forks of 
    the Little Colorado River, Apache County: from the diversion ditch 
    at T8N, R28E, Section 16, upstream to Forest Road 113 on the West 
    Fork (T7N, R27E, Section 33), upstream to Forest Road 113 on the 
    East Fork (T6N, R27E, Section 10), and upstream to Joe Baca Draw on 
    the South Fork (T8N, R28E, Section 34). Approximately 48 km (30 
    miles). The boundaries include areas within the 100-year floodplain 
    where thickets of riparian trees and shrubs occur or may become 
    established as a result of natural floodplain processes or 
    [[Page 39145]]
        New Mexico: Areas of land and water as follows:
        1. Gila River and the East and West Forks of the Gila River, 
    Catron and Grant Counties: from El Rincon on the Gila River (T13S, 
    R14W, S36) upstream to Hell's Hole Canyon on the West Fork of the 
    Gila River T12S, R15W, S4), and upstream to the confluence of Taylor 
    Creek and Beaver Creek on the East Fork of the Gila River (T11S, 
    R12W, S17). Approximately 63 km (39 miles). The boundaries include 
    areas within the 100-year floodplain where thickets of riparian 
    trees and shrubs occur or may become established as a result of 
    natural floodplain processes or rehabilitation.
    [[Page 39146]]
        2. Gila River, Grant and Hidalgo Counties: from the confluence 
    of Hidden Pasture Canyon (T14S, R16W, Section 14) downstream to the 
    confluence of Steeple Rock Canyon (T18S, R21W, Section 33). 
    Approximately 90 km (56 miles). The boundaries include areas within 
    the 100-year floodplain where thickets of riparian trees and shrubs 
    occur or may become established as a result of natural floodplain 
    processes or rehabilitation.
        3. San Francisco River, Catron County: from the confluence of 
    Trail Canyon (T6S, R20W, Section 4) downstream to San Francisco Hot 
    Springs, near the confluence with Box Canyon (T12S, R20W, Section 
    23). Approximately 105 km (65 miles). The boundaries include areas 
    within the 100-year floodplain where thickets of riparian trees and 
    shrubs occur or may become established as a result of natural 
    floodplain processes or rehabilitation.
        4. Tularosa River and Apache Creek, Catron County: from the 
    confluence of the Tularosa and San Francisco Rivers (T7S, R19W, 
    Section 23) upstream, to the source of the Tularosa River near the 
    continental divide (T4S, R15W, Section 33), and upstream on Apache 
    Creek to the confluence with Whiskey Creek (T4S, R18W, Section 25). 
    Approximately 60 km (37 miles). The boundaries include areas within 
    the 100-year floodplain where thickets of riparian trees and shrubs 
    occur or may become established as a result of natural floodplain 
    processes or rehabilitation.
    [[Page 39147]]
        Dated: July 16, 1997.
    Joseph E. Doddridge,
    Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks.
    [FR Doc. 97-19209 Filed 7-21-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-C

Document Information

Effective Date:
Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
August 21, 1997.
39129-39147 (19 pages)
1018-AB97: Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
50 CFR 17.11
50 CFR 17.95