98-19832. Notice of Availability; Alternatives for New Source Review (NSR) Applicability for Major Modifications; Solicitation of Comment  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 142 (Friday, July 24, 1998)]
    [Pages 39857-39866]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-19832]
    Notice of Availability; Alternatives for New Source Review (NSR) 
    Applicability for Major Modifications; Solicitation of Comment
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
    ACTION: Notice of availability.
    SUMMARY: The EPA is soliciting comments on a specific alternative for 
    determining the applicability of NSR to modifications of major 
    stationary sources, under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration 
    (PSD) and the nonattainment provisions of the Clean Air Act (Act). This 
    alternative would allow any source to legally avoid major NSR review 
    for a physical or operational change to an existing emissions unit by 
    taking an enforceable temporary limit on emissions from that unit for a 
    period of at least 10 years after the change. In addition, the Agency 
    is seeking comment upon when and under what circumstances permitting 
    authorities should have to revise the emissions level set under a 
    plantwide applicability limitation (PAL) for any given source.
    DATES: Written comments must be received on or before August 24, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Comments must be identified by the docket number [A-90-37], 
    and should be submitted (in duplicate, if possible) to: Air and 
    Radiation Docket and Information Center (6102), Attention Docket Number 
    A-90-36, Room M-1500, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M 
    Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20460. The EPA requests a separate copy 
    also be sent to the contact person listed below (see FOR FURTHER 
        Comments may also be submitted electronically by sending electronic 
    mail (e-mail) to: a-and-r-docket@epamail.epa.gov. Submit comments as an 
    ASCII file avoiding the use of special characters and any form of 
    encryption. Comments and data will also be accepted on a diskette in 
    WordPerfect 5.1 or 6.1 or ASCII file format. Identify all comments and 
    data in electronic form by docket number A-90-37. No Confidential 
    Business Information (CBI) should be submitted through e-mail.
        Information submitted as a comment concerning this document may be 
    claimed confidential by marking any part or all of that information as 
    CBI. Information so marked will not be disclosed except in accordance 
    with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2. A copy of the comment that 
    does not contain CBI must be submitted for inclusion in the public 
    record. Information not marked confidential will be included in the 
    public docket by EPA without prior notice.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: By mail: David Solomon, Integrated 
    Implementation Group, Information Transfer and Program Integration 
    Division, (MD-12), Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle 
    Park, N.C. 27711, telephone 919-541-5375, facsimile 919-541-5509, or e-
    mail solomon.david@epamail.epa.gov. For information on the section of 
    this notice addressing PAL's, contact Mike Sewell at the above address, 
    telephone 919-541-0873, facsimile 919-541-5509, or e-mail 
    Electronic Availability: Internet
        Electronic copies of this document also are available from the EPA 
    home page at the Federal Register--Environmental Documents entry for 
    this document under ``Laws and Regulations'' (http://www.epa.gov/
    fedrgstr/) or from the Office of Air and Radiation home page at http://
    I. Purpose
        The first purpose of this notice is to solicit comment from the 
    interested public on a specific policy option for determining the 
    applicability of NSR to modifications at existing major stationary 
    sources. Although this option was one of many proposed in an earlier 
    Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, EPA now seeks comment on a single 
    alternative in order to ensure that the public has full opportunity to 
    evaluate its merit. Second, the Agency is seeking comment on a specific 
    approach with regard to PAL's. Previously EPA solicited and received 
    several hundred comments on its NSR reform package proposed in July 
    1996. The EPA has reviewed and is duly considering these comments. For 
    purposes of this Notice of Availability, commenters should limit their 
    remarks to the issues discussed below. Because of the opportunity 
    provided previously for comment on the NSR Reform items, comments 
    relating to issues other than those set forth in this Notice will not 
    be considered.
    II. Background
        On July 23, 1996, EPA proposed to make significant changes to the 
    existing major NSR program (``NSR Reform'') [See 61 FR 38249]. In large 
    part, these proposed changes concern the applicability of the major NSR 
    requirements to modifications at existing stationary sources. The 
    Agency solicited comment on a number of methodologies for determining 
    NSR applicability when a source undergoes a modification [See id. at 
    38266-70]. As a result of comments received, changed circumstances, and 
    further review of the issues by the Agency, EPA is seeking further 
    comment on one particular methodology.
        In the same earlier notice, EPA proposed to authorize permitting 
    authorities to establish facility-specific PAL's based on the source's 
    historic actual emissions. The Agency solicited public comment on what 
    circumstances would necessitate revision of PAL limits. Several 
    commenters suggested that PAL's must be periodically changed to reflect 
    recent actual emissions. The EPA is also concerned that legal 
    considerations may require a periodic evaluation of the PAL limit.
    III. Applicability Methodology for Modifications to Existing Major 
    A. Current NSR Applicability Test for Major Modifications
    1. In General
        Major NSR--that is, PSD or nonattainment NSR--applies to all 
    ``major modifications.'' A ``major modification'' is ``any physical 
    change or change in the method of operation of a major stationary 
    source that would result in a significant net emissions increase of any 
    pollutant subject to regulation under the Act.'' In other words, major 
    NSR applies if, as a result of the change, the total emissions from new 
    and existing emission units at the source, which are otherwise affected 
    by or part of the change, exceed the current actual emissions of those 
    units by a significant amount (as defined in the regulations). 
        \1\ When post-change emissions from a changed unit and all other 
    affected units are significant, the proposed change at the source 
    may nevertheless avoid review if, when considering any other 
    contemporaneous emission increases and decreases at the source, the 
    net emissions increase is less than significant. The summing of 
    increases and deceases at a source that are contemporaneous with, 
    but not resulting from, a proposed change for the purpose of 
    avoiding NSR is commonly referred to as a ``netting'' analysis. The 
    alternative discussed in this notice only involves modifications 
    that do not trigger a netting analysis.
    [[Page 39858]]
        Vital, then, to determining NSR applicability is evaluating a 
    source's ``actual emissions'' both before and after a physical or 
    operational change to determine whether it constitutes a major 
    modification. Pre-change actual emissions for the various emissions 
    units at the source constitute the ``baseline'' for this evaluation. 
    Under current regulations, the baseline is calculated based on the 
    average annual emissions during the 2-year period preceding the change 
    (or, where the permitting authority determines that another period is 
    more representative of normal source operations, it uses that period). 
    Eg., 40 CFR 52.21(b)(21)(ii).
        Once the baseline is determined it must be compared to emissions 
    after the change. Since NSR applicability is determined prior to 
    construction, some projection of post-change emissions must be made for 
    the comparison. Existing emissions units that are not undergoing, or 
    otherwise affected by, a physical or operational change are deemed to 
    have ``begun normal operations,'' and baseline actual emissions are 
    simply projected forward to the post-change timeframe; thus, these 
    units fall out of the applicability calculus. Under EPA's current 
    regulations, post-change actual emissions for units which have ``not 
    begun normal operations * * * equal the potential to emit (PTE) of the 
    unit on that date.'' Eg., 40 CFR 52.21(b)(21)(iv). For new units, which 
    obviously have not begun normal operations, the pre-change baseline is 
    zero, and the post-change emissions equal the units' PTE. Determining 
    post-change emissions for existing units that are modified or otherwise 
    affected by the change can be more complex. The regulatory test for 
    these situations has come to be known as the ``actual-to-potential'' 
        In brief, under the current regulations, changes to a unit at a 
    major stationary source that are non-routine or not subject to one of 
    the other major source NSR exemptions are deemed to be of such 
    significance that pre-change emissions for the affected units should 
    not be relied on in projecting post-change emissions. For such units, 
    ``normal operations'' are deemed not to have begun following the 
    change, and are treated like new units. Put another way, the regulatory 
    provision for units which have ``not begun normal operations'' reflects 
    an initial presumption that a unit that has undergone a non-routine 
    physical or operational change will operate at its full capacity year-
    round. A source owner or operator may rebut the presumption that the 
    unit will operate at its full potential by agreeing to limit its PTE 
    through enforceable restrictions that limit the units' ability to emit 
    more than their pre-modification actual emissions (plus an amount that 
    is less than significant''). 2
        \2\ The ``PTE'' is currently defined as the ``maximum capacity 
    of a stationary source to emit a pollutant under its physical and 
    operational design.'' Any physical or operational limitation on the 
    capacity of the source to emit a pollutant, including a permit 
    limitation, is treated as part of its design provided the limitation 
    or its effect on emissions is federally enforceable (e.g., see 
    existing sections 51.165(a)(1)(iii) and 51.166(b)(4)).
        In recent decisions, National Mining Ass'n v. EPA, 59 F.3d 1351 
    (D.C. Cir. 1995) and Chemical Manufacturers Ass'n v. EPA, No. 89-
    1514, slip op. (D.C. Cir. Sept. 15, 1995), the District of Columbia 
    Circuit court addressed challenges related to EPA's requirement that 
    a source which wishes to limit its PTE must obtain a federally 
    enforceable limit. The EPA is currently reviewing its Federal 
    enforceability requirements in light of these court decisions, and 
    has not yet decided how it will address this issue. Once EPA has 
    completed its review of the Federal enforceability requirements in 
    all relevant programs including NSR, the Agency will make available 
    in a Federal Register notice its response to the court decisions.
        The term ``actual-to-potential'' is somewhat of a misnomer, because 
    in practice, this methodology involves a determination of future actual 
    emissions to the atmosphere. That is, source owners and operators 
    contemplating a modification project assess the likely utilization of 
    the affected units following the change. If those levels of 
    utilization, when combined with the hourly emissions rates (and 
    contemporaneous emissions increases and decreases elsewhere at the 
    plant), would result in future actual emissions significantly higher 
    than the pre-change baseline, the owner or operator must obtain a major 
    NSR permit. If the owner or operator projects that future actual 
    emissions will not significantly exceed the baseline, the owner or 
    operator instead obtains a minor NSR permit or other device that 
    legally limits the affected units' emissions to a level that is not 
    significantly above baseline. The end result under this second scenario 
    are individual limits on the emissions of the new, modified, and 
    affected units which assures that net emissions at the plant will not 
    significantly increase as a result of the change. Nevertheless, the 
    owner or operator is always free to change plans in the future. If, for 
    example, a new assessment indicates that it would be economically 
    useful to utilize the affected units at levels that would exceed the 
    established limits, the owner or operator may obtain a major NSR permit 
    at that future time. See e.g., 40 CFR 52.21(r)(4).
        The practical workings of the current regulations, as described 
    above, have long been controversial. Industry representatives maintain 
    that the ``actual-to-potential'' methodology results in 
    ``confiscation'' of unused plant capacity following a modification 
    project. Environmental groups respond that plant capacity unaffected by 
    the modification project can continue to be used at any desired level 
    of utilization (subject to any prior limits on that use), and that any 
    constraints are imposed appropriately, i.e., only where the utilization 
    of pre-existing plant capacity is likely to be affected by the 
    modification project in a way that will significantly increase actual 
    emissions over baseline emissions.
    2. Litigation Over the Actual-to-Potential Test
        Because the presumption discussed above forces sources whose post-
    change potential emissions exceed their pre-change actual emissions to 
    undergo NSR or take a limit on the affected units' potential emissions, 
    industry has, as noted, long objected to the Agency's use of the 
    ``actual-to-potential'' methodology for existing units undergoing a 
    non-routine change. The EPA's interpretation of its regulations 
    consequently has been at issue in two cases, Puerto Rican Cement Co. v. 
    EPA, 889 F.2d 292 (1st Cir. 1989), and Wisconsin Electric Power Co. v. 
    Reilly, 893 F.2d 901 (7th Cir. 1990) (``WEPCO''). Specifically, each of 
    these cases addressed whether the Agency acted reasonably in treating 
    units which had undergone a non-routine physical or operational change 
    as not having ``begun normal operations.''
        In Puerto Rican Cement, the court found reasonable EPA's 
    presumption that a physical or operational change (in this case, the 
    conversion of a cement plant from a wet process to a more efficient dry 
    process) could enable a modified unit to be used at a higher capacity 
    than prior to the change, and endorsed the Agency's use of the actual-
    to-potential test in such circumstances. See 889 F.2d at 297. In 
    particular, the court noted that the company ``operated its old kilns 
    at low levels in the past; its new, more efficient kiln might give it 
    the economic ability to increase production; consequently, EPA could 
    plausibly fear an increase in actual emissions. * * *'' Id. at 298.
        By contrast, in WEPCO, the court held that EPA acted unreasonably 
    in applying the actual-to-potential methodology in the case of WEPCO's
    [[Page 39859]]
    life-extension project, in which WEPCO sought to replace numerous 
    components of the steam generating units at the facility. The court 
    objected to EPA's refusal to consider the past operating conditions of 
    a source in evaluating the likely post-change emissions. It coined the 
    term ``like-kind replacement,'' and ruled that the application of the 
    actual-to-potential test to like-kind replacements of components of an 
    existing emissions unit was not a reasonable interpretation of the 
    regulations. Accordingly, upon remand from the court, EPA assessed the 
    changes at WEPCO based on a comparison of its pre-change actual 
    emissions and its predicted post-change actual emissions. This approach 
    has come to be known as the ``actual-to-future-actual'' methodology.
    3. Electric Utility Steam Generating Units
        In July 1992, the Agency promulgated limited amendments to the 
    existing major NSR regulations, in part to respond to the WEPCO 
    decision. The ``WEPCO rule'' extended a different applicability test--
    an actual-to-future-actual approach--solely to electric utility steam 
    generating units.3 Under this new system, a utility unit's 
    pre-change actual emissions are compared to its post-change 
    ``representative actual emissions,'' defined as ``the average rate, in 
    tons per year, at which the source is projected to emit a pollutant for 
    the 2-year period after a physical change or change in the method of 
    operation of a unit. * * *'' To guard against the possibility that 
    significant unreviewed increases in actual emissions would occur under 
    this methodology, the regulations provide that sources with utility 
    units using the actual-to-future-actual approach must submit to the 
    permitting authority sufficient records annually for 5 years after the 
    change which demonstrate that the change has not resulted in an 
    increase above the baseline levels.
        \3\ For NSR purposes, the definition of ``electric utility steam 
    generating unit'' means any steam electric generating unit that is 
    constructed for the purpose of supplying more than one-third of its 
    potential electric output capacity and more than 25 MW electrical 
    output to any utility power distribution system for sale. Any steam 
    supplied to a steam distribution system for the purpose of providing 
    steam to a steam-electric generator that would produce electrical 
    energy for sale is also considered in determining the electrical 
    energy output capacity of the affected facility. See e.g., 40 CFR 
    52.21(b)(31). References in this notice to utility units is meant to 
    include all units covered by this definition.
        Under EPA's regulations, unless a change ``results in'' an increase 
    in actual emissions, it need not undergo major NSR. In the WEPCO rule, 
    the Agency attempted to define a situation in which EPA would assume 
    that there was no causal link between a post-change emissions increase 
    and a particular physical change or change in the method of operation 
    for electric utility steam generating units. The EPA reasoned that 
    increased utilization due to demand growth at a utility unit did not 
    result from particular physical or operational changes, but rather from 
    market forces unrelated to the change. Consequently, the regulations 
    now provide that, in projecting future actual emissions, electric 
    utility steam generating units may exclude from the estimate any 
    emission increase which results from increased capacity utilization as 
    a consequence of ``independent factors,'' such as demand growth.
        The WEPCO rule applies only to the modification of existing 
    electric utility steam generating units for several reasons. The Agency 
    noted that local public utility commissions (PUC) require utility 
    sources to make reliable estimates of future capacity utilization, and 
    that utilities' historic experience in doing so would make the 
    application of an actual-to-future-actual methodology reasonable for 
    utility units. In addition, EPA concluded that its past regulatory 
    experience with the electric utility industry, especially the 
    requirement from title IV of the Act that generators install highly 
    accurate monitoring, made units in the electric power industry more 
    amenable to the sophisticated tracking essential to make sure that the 
    future actual emission predictions of a source are accurate. The Agency 
    committed to consider in a different rulemaking the propriety of 
    extending the actual-to-future-actual methodology to other source 
    4. Proposal to Change NSR Applicability
        In the July 1996 NSR Reform package, EPA proposed, among other 
    things, to expand the use of the actual-to-future-actual approach. The 
    Agency noted that, in general, sources potentially subject to major NSR 
    would be required to install highly accurate monitoring devices under 
    other provisions of the Act. Consequently, such sources could be 
    similar to the utility units that currently are permitted to use an 
    actual-to-future-actual test. Nonetheless, other industries also differ 
    from the electric power sector insofar as electric utilities are the 
    only sources whose estimates of demand and capacity utilization are 
    subjected to independent review and have been historically limited to a 
    clearly defined local market area. The Agency reasoned that permitting 
    authorities, thus, could rely upon the predictions of post-change 
    utilization in the electric power sector more comfortably than in other 
    industries. To ensure the reliability of future predictions for non-
    utility units, EPA solicited comment on the adequacy of the current 5-
    year tracking requirement (which requires sources to report annually 
    their emissions to the permitting authority for 5 years) and sought 
    suggestions for improving it.4
        \4\ As a result of the NSR Reform proposal, the Agency received 
    comment from certain non-utility industrial stakeholders who claimed 
    that the flexibility given to utilities in the WEPCO rule was not 
    limited to the utility sector. Specifically, these commenters argued 
    that sources generally were entitled to employ the actual-to-future-
    actual methodology for many physical or operational changes, because 
    the changes were not of such significance (such as ``like-kind'' 
    replacements) that it could reasonably be claimed that the source 
    had ``not begun normal operations.'' The EPA disagrees with the 
        The NSR regulations contain only two applicability tests for 
    modified units. One of these, the actual-to-future-actual approach, 
    is limited to electric utility steam generating units. See, e.g., 40 
    CFR section 51.165(a)(1)(xii)(E). The other alternative is the 
    actual-to-potential methodology, applicable when the source has 
    ``not begun normal operations.'' This approach applies to all 
    changes at major sources that are not otherwise excluded from being 
    considered a physical or operational change, such as routine 
    maintenance, repair, and replacement. Under the current rules, 
    therefore, it is improper for a non-utility source to employ 
    anything but an actual-to-potential test for examining physical or 
    operational changes.
    B. Comments Received and Changed Circumstances
        In weighing the desirability of expanding the actual-to-future-
    actual test to other source categories, EPA has considered a number of 
    issues. First, are there principled reasons for treating non-electric 
    utility sources differently? Second, have intervening events or further 
    reflection called into question any of the bases upon which the Agency 
    relied in adopting the test, and are changes therefore necessary?
        In the prior NPRM, the Agency specifically solicited comment on 
    whether sufficient safeguards exist such that other industries should 
    be able to take advantage of the actual-to-future-actual methodology. 
    The EPA received several public comments (see EPA Air Docket A-90-37) 
    claiming that non-utility units are situated similarly enough to 
    utility units that it makes sense to extend the actual-to-future-actual 
    test beyond the limited scope of electric steam generating units to 
    other sectors. These commenters observed that the Act's monitoring 
    requirements, as embodied in the Compliance Assurance Monitoring rule 
    and its title V reporting and recordkeeping requirements, both would 
    ensure that sources' future actual emission predictions would be 
    verifiable. See,
    [[Page 39860]]
    e.g., comments IV-D-112 and -121. In addition, commenters noted that 
    other industry sectors routinely project market demand and, 
    consequently, capacity utilization, and these commenters argued that 
    such predictions are as reliable as those submitted to PUCs by electric 
    companies. See, e.g., comment IV-D-146. Taken together, these comments 
    suggest to EPA that the actual-to-future-actual test should be expanded 
    beyond utility units. However, the Agency also received a number of 
    comments that recommended limiting the methodology to utility units, 
    reasoning that there still exists a disparity between utility and non-
    utility units in terms of their ability to predict and track their 
    future emissions accurately. See, e.g., comments IV-D-109 and -125. 
    Given these divergent views, EPA again requests comment upon the 
    adequacy of existing emission projection and tracking capabilities at 
    non-utility industrial sources for purposes of applying the actual-to-
    future-actual test.
        Notwithstanding strong support from industry for the expansion of 
    the actual-to-future-actual test, EPA believes that its experience with 
    the methodology gives cause for caution in continuing this test in its 
    present form. The regulations provide that sources with utility units 
    employing the actual-to-future-actual approach must maintain and submit 
    to the permitting authority ``information demonstrating that the 
    physical or operational change did not result in an emissions 
    increase'' for a 5-year period. However, the rules do not specifically 
    detail either the means for conducting such verification or the 
    consequences of a source's failure to meet its projected emissions 
    level. For example, since the issuance of the WEPCO rule, it appears 
    that although there are a substantial number of changes to existing 
    units, as well as an increase in the amount of electricity being 
    generated for use outside of the local service district, changes to 
    utility units as well as post-change emissions estimates are not being 
    reported to permitting agencies.
        Moreover, the Agency is concerned that a 5-year overview of 
    emissions is too short a period to encompass all increases in capacity 
    utilization that could result from a particular change. As EPA noted in 
    the NSR Reform proposal's discussion of the baseline for establishing 
    pre-change actual emissions, see 61 FR at 38258, numerous industry 
    commenters claim that 10 years is a fair and representative time period 
    for encompassing a source's normal business cycle, and in the Reform 
    proposal EPA has proposed to adopt a 10-year lookback period for 
    establishing pre-change baseline emissions. If EPA ultimately 
    promulgates a 10-year period for baseline purposes, the rationale for 
    doing so would suggest that 10 years is likewise appropriate for 
    tracking future actual emissions after a change. Accordingly, the 
    Agency requested comment on extending and/or strengthening the existing 
    5-year tracking requirement for future actual emissions. See id. at 
        One particular circumstance where EPA has been dissatisfied with 
    the WEPCO rule is in the exclusion of demand growth from predictions of 
    utility units' future actual emissions. The Agency's promulgation of 
    the WEPCO rule represented a departure from longstanding practice under 
    which emissions increases that followed non-routine and otherwise 
    nonexempt changes at a source were presumed to result from the change. 
    At the time, EPA believed that there was a way to disassociate utility 
    units' post-change emission increases which would have otherwise 
    occurred due to demand growth as a purely independent factor from those 
    that resulted directly from the physical or operational change. The EPA 
    has reconsidered that departure, and has tentatively concluded that its 
    1992 departure is not appropriate and should not be continued, both as 
    a general matter and especially in view of recent developments in the 
    electric power sector.
        The EPA's experience leads to the conclusion that sources generally 
    make non-routine physical or operational changes which are substantial 
    enough that they might trigger NSR in order to increase reliability, 
    lower operating costs, or improve operational characteristics of the 
    unit and do so in order that they may improve their market position. A 
    proximate cause for making such changes may be to respond to increased 
    demand, or to more efficiently compete for share of a market that has 
    flat, or even decreasing, demand. For these reasons, EPA now seriously 
    questions whether market demand should ever be viewed as a significant 
    factor in answering the relevant regulatory question of whether an 
    emissions increase results from a physical or operational change at an 
    existing source, since in a market economy, all changes in 
    utilization--and hence, emissions--might be characterized as a response 
    to market demand. Accordingly, a conclusion that an emissions increase 
    at a plant is in response to market demand does little to determine 
    whether the increase results from a change at the plant; an affirmative 
    answer to the first question is consistent with an affirmative answer 
    to the latter.
        The generation of electricity is currently being transformed from a 
    highly regulated monopoly to a competitive market. More than a dozen 
    states are implementing retail electricity competition where consumers 
    may choose their electricity supplier, and most remaining states have 
    such policies under consideration. Moreover, the Administration in 
    March 1998 proposed a Comprehensive Electricity Competition Plan in 
    order to facilitate more competitive electricity markets and several 
    similar proposals have been introduced in Congress.
        As the electricity industry is restructured, generation planning 
    decisions will be made not by state public utility commissions, but by 
    the forces of a competitive market. State utility regulators are 
    therefore eliminating requirements for electric companies to report 
    generation-related information such as projections of future capacity 
    utilization. Consequently, with respect to the electric power industry 
    in particular, even accepting the viability of the 1992 decisionmaking 
    framework, attempting to discern whether increased utilization and 
    emissions should be attributed to physical or operational changes 
    versus purely independent demand-satisfying increased capacity 
    utilization will be much more difficult in the future, as restructuring 
    in the electric power industry allows electric generating companies to 
    compete for retail customers. As a result, the marketplace will drive 
    electric generators to function as any other consumer-driven industry, 
    that is, to ensure their ability to supply the market and collaterally 
    to increase their revenues. In addition, as utilities respond to a 
    competitive market for the generation of electric power they can no 
    longer be expected to accurately predict their level of operations and 
    post-change emissions. Each physical or operational change that makes 
    it possible for a source to efficiently increase its level of 
    utilization, then, will likely be pursued and turned into electricity 
    for sale. One can therefore predict that any physical or operational 
    change will result in an emissions increase to the extent that there is 
    market demand for additional power.
        For the same reason that the demand growth exclusion would ignore 
    the realities of a deregulated electric power sector, EPA believes that 
    it should not be extended to non-utility units. For consumer-driven 
    industries, demand is inextricably intertwined with changes that 
    improve a source's ability to utilize
    [[Page 39861]]
    its capacity; thus, it cannot be said that demand growth is an 
    ``independent factor,'' separable from a given physical or operational 
    change. Modifications which affect operational characteristics of a 
    unit are not made without reason, and the most likely reason for an 
    economically competitive source to undertake such changes is to enable 
    it to create or respond to increased demand.5 In short, 
    there is a direct causal link between most physical or operational 
    changes that enable a source to use existing capacity and the use of 
    such capacity.
        \5\ The EPA believes that the rulemaking record for NSR Reform 
    supports the conclusion that market demand and source modifications 
    are highly intertwined. Industrial commenters generally were 
    strongly supportive, for instance, of the concept of PAL's. Many 
    industrial interests argued that PAL's, because they allow changes 
    at existing facilities to occur without NSR so long as an emission 
    cap is maintained, are needed in order to give companies flexibility 
    to make physical or operational changes quickly to maintain or 
    acquire a competitive advantage in an ever changing global 
    marketplace. The Agency believes that these claims regarding PAL's 
    do not support the argument that changes at facilities are 
    independent from market demand. Rather, they illustrate that sources 
    frequently undertake modifications to enable them better to compete 
    in an open market.
        In addition, the demand growth exclusion is problematic because it 
    is self-implementing and self-policing. Because there is no specific 
    test available for determining whether an emissions increase indeed 
    results from an independent factor such as demand growth, versus 
    factors relating to the change at the unit, each company with a utility 
    unit presently adopts its own interpretation. Interpretations may vary 
    from source to source, as well as from what a permitting agency would 
    accept as appropriate. Moreover, such companies are not necessarily 
    required to provide their interpretation of demand growth-related 
    emissions to the permitting agency. Thus, with minimal, if any, 
    explanation, a source may merely deduct the emissions increases it 
    believes are attributable to demand growth from the total emissions 
    data its supplies to the permitting agency demonstrating that it is 
    below its projected future actuals. Vesting such unrestricted 
    discretion in the regulated entity inevitably leads to enforcement 
        Finally, the demand growth exclusion may make less sense in the 
    near future in view of the fact that, as proposed in the NSR Reform 
    package, the Agency is considering adopting a regulatory provision that 
    bases the calculation of pre-change actual emissions upon a source's 
    highest capacity utilization in the past ten years. If an emission unit 
    undergoes a physical or operational change, or is affected by such 
    change, and the source projects utilization in excess of its historical 
    high in the preceding ten years, such utilization is likely not 
    attributable to market variability (which is accounted for by a 10-year 
    baseline), but rather results from the change itself.
    C. NSR Applicability Test for All Major Modifications
    1. In General
        The EPA is presently considering, and by this Notice is seeking 
    comment upon, amending the current applicability test for modifications 
    of electric steam generating units and extending it to all source 
    categories. Specifically, the major modification applicability 
    methodology would be to retain the actual-to-future-actual component 
    for utility units and apply it to all source categories, to make 
    enforceable for a 10-year period emissions levels used by the source in 
    projecting future actual emissions for all source categories, and 
    eliminate the demand growth exclusion for all source categories.
        The way that the methodology would work in practice is that owners 
    or operators of units which undergo a non-routine physical or 
    operational change will determine the applicability of NSR solely by 
    reference to actual emissions. First, owners or operators must 
    determine which emissions units are being changed or may be affected by 
    the change, then calculate each unit's baseline actual emissions (EPA 
    has proposed at 61 FR 38258-60 to allow sources generally to set their 
    baseline in reliance on the highest emissions in the past ten years 
    adjusted to reflect current emission factors). Second, post-change 
    actual emissions from the affected units must be forecast. The sum of 
    the pre-change actual emissions is then compared to the sum of the 
    post-change actual emissions. If the difference between these two 
    figures exceeds the significance threshold for a pollutant, major NSR 
    is triggered (unless the source is otherwise able to net the change out 
    of review).6 If the difference is less than significant, the 
    source avoids major NSR. In the latter case, for each unit that is 
    changed or affected by the change, the source must incorporate that 
    unit's future emissions projection into a temporary, practically and 
    legally enforceable condition of a preconstruction permit (most likely 
    a minor NSR permit). The limit must apply for at least 10 years after 
    the source recommences normal operation of the affected 
    unit.7 EPA believes that a source would not purposefully 
    modify a unit and then not use it at its intended capacity for 10 years 
    merely to avoid major NSR permitting. Therefore, EPA believes 10 years 
    represents a realistic period for applying an enforceable temporary 
    emission limit. By adhering to such a limit, the source demonstrates to 
    the permitting authority that the physical or operational change did 
    not result in a significant emission increase. Consequently, subsequent 
    to the expiration of the limit, EPA will presume that any increases in 
    capacity utilization and emissions are not the result of the physical 
    or operational change that necessitated the temporary 
    limit.8 Finally, source owners or operators may not exclude 
    predicted capacity utilization increases due to demand growth from 
    their predictions of future emissions.
        \6\ Although the source may still avoid major NSR by netting out 
    of review, the actual-to-enforceable-future-actual test would not 
    apply in calculating the increase from the proposed change or any 
    other emissions level for use in the netting analysis. Post change 
    emissions for netting purposes would continue to equal potential 
        \7\ Units that have a temporary limit may subsequently undergo 
    or be affected by a modification. In such cases a new temporary 
    limit of at least 10 years will need to be established.
        \8\ This limit is solely for the purpose of demonstrating that 
    the physical change or change in the method of operation did not 
    result in a significant emission increase. The imposition or 
    expiration of this limit does not relieve the source of its 
    obligation to comply with all requirements otherwise applicable to 
    the unit.
        Underlying this new approach is an attempt to mitigate the concerns 
    raised by industry that the actual-to-potential methodology unfairly 
    ignores past operation of a unit and assumes that it will operate at 
    full capacity following a non-routine change. At the same time, the 
    methodology addresses environmental groups' legitimate claims that 
    sources who seek to avoid review based on projected actual emissions 
    must also be prepared to be accountable for adhering to those 
    projections. Finally, the test recognizes that in a market economy, 
    sources often make physical or operational changes in order to respond 
    to market forces and, consequently, there is no plausible distinction 
    between emissions increases due solely to demand growth as an 
    independent factor and those changes at a source that respond to, or 
    create new, demand growth which then result in increased capacity 
        This temporary emissions cap approach also address certain 
    compliance assurance and enforcement concerns. Specifically, under the 
    current regulations, a company need not discuss its determination that 
    projected future emissions from a utility unit will be below a certain 
    level with a permitting agency prior to undertaking
    [[Page 39862]]
    the modification. Rather, it merely needs to supply ``information'' 
    demonstrating that the future actual emissions did not exceed the 
    significance level for the 5-year period following the modification. 
    Thus, a permitting agency is unable to determine if the change will 
    result in an emissions increase and require a major NSR permit before 
    construction at the utility unit; it can only examine data submitted 
    after-the-fact by the source. The NSR program, however, is a pre-
    construction program that requires an applicability determination prior 
    to commencing construction to avoid equity-in-the-ground issues and 
    retroactive control technology costs.
    2. Limitations on Methodology and Solicitation of Comments
        It is important to recognize the limited nature of the proposed 
    methodology. The actual-to-enforceable-future-actual test would not 
    apply when determining an emission level (i.e., increase or decrease) 
    for use in a netting analysis or for the purpose of complying with any 
    major NSR permitting requirement, such as BACT, LAER, offsets or an 
    ambient air impact analysis. Specifically, the test would apply only to 
    modifications to existing units for the sole purpose of determining if 
    a proposed change to that unit, or a change at the facility which 
    otherwise would affect the unit, will result in an emissions increase 
    at the source. New units have no operating history upon which a 
    reliable prediction of future utilization can be made. Thus, under the 
    regulations, such units have not ``begun normal operations,'' and 
    permitting authorities must assess NSR applicability based on the new 
    unit's potential emissions. In addition, the Agency seeks comment on 
    the appropriateness of applying an actual-to-enforceable-future-actual 
    test where a physical or operational change increases the design 
    capacity or PTE of a given unit. Such changes result in alternative 
    modes of operation (and emissions levels) which are not currently 
    achievable in practice for the unit. In such circumstances, the unit's 
    past utilization arguably is a poor proxy for its future operation and, 
    therefore, ``normal operations'' are impossible to identify. 
    Furthermore, emissions levels which can not be achieved in practice but 
    for a physical or operation change are clearly connected to the change. 
    Consequently, the Agency is seeking comment on whether any increase in 
    emissions resulting from a mode of operation which could only have been 
    achieved through a physical or operational change must be presumed to 
    have resulted from the change, even if such increase were to occur 
    later than ten years after the change.
    IV. Adjustments of PAL's
    A. Background
    1. Introduction
        In the July 23, 1996 Reform package, EPA proposed a new method for 
    determining major NSR applicability for existing sources in attainment 
    or unclassifiable areas and existing and proposed sources in 
    nonattainment areas. Under this proposal, an existing major source, if 
    the State's SIP provides, may apply for a permit which bases the 
    source's major NSR applicability on a pollutant-specific plantwide 
    emissions cap, termed a PAL. The EPA proposed that a facility's 
    allowable emissions under a PAL would generally be based on plantwide 
    ``actual emissions'', as that term would be defined under the proposal, 
    plus an additional amount of emissions less than the applicable 
    significant emissions rate. The voluntary 9 source-specific 
    PAL is a straightforward, flexible approach to determining whether 
    changes at existing major stationary sources result in emissions 
    increases which trigger major NSR. So long as source activities do not 
    result in emissions above the cap level, the source will not be subject 
    to major NSR. It also contains proposed regulatory language for PAL's 
    for the PSD rules at 40 CFR 51.166 and 52.21, and the nonattainment NSR 
    rules at 51.165. The July 23, 1996 proposal contains a thorough 
    discussion of the proposed PAL concept and the background information 
    used to develop the proposal.
        \9\ This Notice uses the term ``voluntary'' to mean not required 
    by the regulations or a SIP, rather than not enforceable by a State, 
    local, or Federal agency or the public.
    B. PAL Advantages
        The EPA has determined that the voluntary source-specific PAL is a 
    practical method to provide both flexibility and regulatory certainty 
    to many existing sources, as well as benefits to permitting 
    authorities, while maintaining air quality. For example, PAL's provide 
    the ability to make timely changes to react to market demand, certainty 
    regarding the level of emissions at which a stationary source will be 
    required to undergo major NSR, and a decreased permitting burden for 
    the source and the permitting authority. In addition, because a source 
    with a PAL will have more flexibility to make reductions to create room 
    for growth, PAL's should lead to innovative control technologies, 
    pollution prevention and emissions reductions concurrent with economic 
    C. PAL Adjustment Issues
        The EPA proposed that PAL's, once included in a permit, may be 
    adjusted for a number of reasons. In particular, the Agency solicited 
    ``comment on why, how, and when a PAL should be lowered or increased 
    without being subject to major NSR.'' 61 FR at 38266. Moreover, the 
    rule language permitting PAL's provides for periodic adjustment to 
    reflect, among other things, ``appropriate considerations.'' See id. at 
        The need for adjustments would arise in a number of scenarios: (1) 
    Where technical errors have been made; (2) when new requirements apply 
    to the PAL pollutant, such as RACT, NSPS or SIP-required reductions; 
    10 (3) where emissions reductions below PAL levels are used 
    for offsets; (4) for permanent shutdowns where the State has the 
    authority to remove permanent shutdowns from the emissions inventory 
    after a certain time period; and (5) when any changes (though 
    consistent with the PAL) might cause or contribute to a violation of 
    any NAAQS or PSD increment or would have an adverse impact on air 
    quality related values.
        \10\ In the July 1996 NSR Reform package, EPA proposed that 
    emissions reductions of HAP to meet MACT at emissions units under a 
    PAL would generally not necessitate a downward adjustment to the PAL 
    because the PAL is not designed to limit HAP. However, if MACT 
    reductions are relied on in the SIP (e.g., VOC reductions in 
    nonattainment areas used for RFP or attainment demonstrations) then 
    the PAL rules would require adjustment downward. This position is 
    consistent with EPA's policy that emissions reductions from meeting 
    MACT requirements are generally not precluded from being creditable 
    for NSR netting provided the reductions are otherwise creditable 
    under major NSR. The EPA is concerned that the benefits of HAP 
    reductions to meet MACT at units under the PAL may be diminished 
    since the HAP reduction may be used indefinitely, rather than for a 
    shorter contemporaneous time period, to add new or modified units 
    under the PAL. Therefore, EPA is seeking additional comment on the 
    proposal to not adjust PAL's for MACT purposes.
        The EPA received many comments regarding the appropriate 
    considerations for PAL adjustment. Based on these comments and further 
    deliberation, EPA is considering whether it is appropriate to 
    reevaluate PAL levels and adjust them to reflect actual emissions to 
    address legal concerns associated with the Court's decision in Alabama 
    Power Co. v Costle, 636 F.2d 323 (D.C. Cir. 1979) and because of 
    environmental policy reasons.
    1. Legal Concerns
        As stated, where a facility with a PAL adds a new emitting unit or 
    modifies an
    [[Page 39863]]
    existing unit, the unit would not undergo major NSR (nonattainment or 
    PSD) if the PAL is not exceeded. That is, if the source generates 
    sufficient emission reductions, it may add equivalent emission 
    increases up to the PAL level without triggering NSR.
        Under present regulations, a source that adds or modifies a unit 
    that would result in a significant emissions increase may ``net'' that 
    particular change out of review if the new emission increase plus the 
    sum of all other contemporaneous increases and decreases elsewhere at 
    the source are less than significant. When the netting calculus is 
    triggered (that is, there is a significant emission increase as a 
    result of the addition of a new unit or the modification of an existing 
    unit), the source must also consider those emission increases and 
    decreases that have occurred at the facility during a 
    ``contemporaneous'' period. In the federal PSD regulations, this period 
    is 5 years. See 40 CFR section 52.21(b)(3)(ii). States implementing the 
    PSD program or the nonattainment program under an EPA-approved SIP may 
    define a different reasonable contemporaneous period.
        The current regulations' requirement of contemporaneity derives 
    from the interpretation of the Act's provisions governing modifications 
    set forth in Alabama Power Co. v. Costle. In that case, the court held 
    that EPA's 1978 regulations limiting netting to a less than plantwide 
    scope conflicted with the language and purpose of the Act and ruled 
    that EPA must permit sources to net on a plantwide basis. According to 
    the court, plantwide netting was implicit in the statutory term 
    ``modification'' and the purposes of the Act. At the same time that it 
    required EPA to expand the scope of the netting concept, the court also 
    interpreted the statute as imposing a limit on plantwide netting: 
    contemporaneity. The court stated, ``[t]he Agency retains substantial 
    discretion in applying the bubble concept. First, any offset changes 
    claimed by industry must be substantially contemporaneous. The Agency 
    has discretion, within reason, to define which changes are 
    substantially contemporaneous.'' Id. at 402; see also id. at 403 
    (``Where there is no net increase from contemporaneous changes within a 
    source, we hold that PSD review, whether procedural or substantive, 
    cannot apply.''). Thereafter, EPA codified contemporaneity as a 
    regulatory requirement. See 45 FR 52676, 52700-02 (August 7, 1980).
        As stated, EPA solicited comment on what ``appropriate 
    considerations'' might necessitate revisions to the PAL allowable 
    level. Having again reviewed Alabama Power and the Agency's subsequent 
    interpretations of the case, the Agency is concerned that, because 
    PAL's may be characterized as a form of netting and result in the 
    avoidance of major NSR, the contemporaneity requirement for netting set 
    forth in Alabama Power may also need to be applied to PAL's. Therefore, 
    EPA is soliciting comment on whether and when to provide for subsequent 
    adjustment of PAL's to address contemporaneity issues associated with 
    Alabama Power.
    2. Environmental Concerns
        Several commenters encouraged the Agency to provide for periodic 
    revision to the PAL allowable level to reflect a source's actual 
    emissions in recent years. In the main, these commenters represented 
    State pollution control agencies, the entities which will be charged 
    with implementing individual PAL's. See, e.g., comments IV-D-52 and -
    137. Based on these comments and internal deliberations, the Agency is 
    considering several options that would provide for periodic 
    reevaluation of PAL levels to ensure that they reflect actual emissions 
    and maintain or enhance environmental protection.
        Under the current major NSR regulations, emissions decreases are 
    creditable only if they are contemporaneous with a prospective 
    modification project that would, standing alone, increase emissions at 
    the source. The EPA is soliciting comment on whether the PAL 
    alternative to traditional major NSR applicability can achieve 
    equivalent or better environmental results, while employing a different 
        The EPA believes that there are a number of policy reasons why the 
    final PAL rules might provide for periodic reassessment and adjustment 
    of PAL levels. First, as a general matter, a PAL operates as a form of 
    allowable-to-allowable test, insofar as a source may avoid major NSR 
    review if its emissions after a particular construction activity do not 
    exceed the pre-change allowables. Of course, under the proposed rules 
    PAL's would ensure that the allowable emissions are based on historic 
    actual emissions. Nevertheless, as an allowable-to-allowable scheme, 
    PAL's raise some of the same concerns as did the CMA Exhibit B test 
    discussed in the NSR Reform preamble. Specifically, absent a 
    requirement for periodic adjustment the PAL would allow a source to 
    indefinitely keep, rather than eventually forfeit to the environment, 
    emission reductions at the source, such as those achieved by the 
    replacement of existing, and often higher-polluting, equipment with 
    more efficient, and thus lower-polluting, equipment.
        Second, a rule which provides for the periodic review of PAL's may 
    ensure that individual sources do not indefinitely retain unused 
    emissions credits to the detriment of other sources in the area wishing 
    to use them. For example, where a State treats sources' PAL allowable 
    levels as ``actual'' emissions, a rule which in some instances requires 
    a downward adjustment of PAL's will therefore reduce the area's 
    inventory of actual emissions. Such adjustments would ``free up'' a 
    portion of the PSD increments in attainment areas for use by other 
    sources in the area.
        Third, an indefinite PAL may hinder a State's ability to plan 
    effectively for attainment. If a State does its attainment planning 
    based exclusively on source's actual emissions to the atmosphere, and 
    does not treat a PAL allowable limit as the PAL source's ``actual'' 
    emissions, then an emission credit created long in the past may 
    reappear in the future as real emissions to the air, without being part 
    of the State's attainment planning. For example, if a PAL-covered 
    source replaces an oil boiler today with a more modern and efficient 
    gas turbine and the State, in its next inventory, calculates the 
    source's emissions at the new lower level, then bases its attainment 
    planning on the assumption that the source will continue to emit at the 
    lower level, the State may not meet its attainment goals (or, perhaps, 
    fall out of attainment) if the PAL source decides to utilize its full 
    PAL allowable at some point in the future.
    V. PAL Review and Adjustment Options
        The EPA is seeking comment on how the PAL concept can be reconciled 
    with the legal and environmental policy concerns articulated above. 
    Specifically, the Agency solicits input on the usefulness of a number 
    of different options for periodically reviewing PAL allowable levels 
    and on whether such options adequately address the legal issues 
    associated with Alabama Power and environmental concerns posed by the 
    long-term retention of unused allowable emissions.
        It should be noted that EPA has not made a final decision on the 
    frequency of a permitting authority's review of a PAL or the 
    methodology used to establish a PAL baseline. The Agency is giving 
    serious thought to 10 years as an approach. Therefore, the options 
    discussed in this Notice assume a PAL with a term of 10 years with the 
    PAL baseline established using the highest 1
    [[Page 39864]]
    year in the last ten years of historical emissions for the source. The 
    Agency solicits comment on the appropriateness of reviewing PAL levels 
    every 10 years and whether another period is more reasonable.
        The EPA is considering several options to periodically revisit the 
    appropriate PAL emission level. First, permitting authorities may 
    adjust the PAL to account for emissions reductions from permitted units 
    under the PAL that are shutdown or dismantled and the associated 
    emission reductions remain unused for a period of at least 10 years. 
    Second, the PAL may be reevaluated to account for emissions reductions 
    where an emissions unit under the PAL operated for at least 10 years 
    below the capacity level for that unit which was used to establish the 
    previous PAL level. Third, the Agency is considering an option that 
    would require PAL's to expire after 10 years or be renewed to reflect 
    current actual emissions. Finally, EPA is soliciting comment on whether 
    it is appropriate to adjust a PAL downward at all where all of the 
    emission units subject to the PAL have good controls already in place 
    (i.e., BACT, LAER) or where a source voluntarily implemented pollution 
    prevention strategies which resulted in emissions reductions. The 
    following discussion sets forth additional information on each of the 
    PAL adjustment options.
    A. PAL Adjustments for Shutdown or Dismantled Units
        The first situation in which a downward PAL adjustment might be 
    warranted is where emission reductions resulted from emission units 
    under the PAL that were shutdown or dismantled. A shutdown unit would 
    be one that the source did not operate at all during the 10-year life 
    of the existing PAL. A dismantled unit would be one that was removed 
    prior to the establishment of the current PAL level and the emissions 
    capacity associated with such unit was not used by the source for ten 
    years. Thus, the PAL level would be adjusted to remove only those 
    emissions that could have potentially been emitted from any shutdown or 
    dismantled units. The PAL would not be adjusted downward if the source 
    had utilized those emission reductions from the shutdown or dismantled 
    units elsewhere at the source (e.g., added new units or capacity or 
    increased capacity utilization at existing units) during the period 
    since the unit shut down or was removed. Nor would the PAL be adjusted 
    downward due to underutilization of any units still in operation to any 
    extent under the PAL.
        For example, an initial PAL set in the year 2000 includes 600 tpy 
    of VOC from unit A; unit A is shutdown in 2005. Periodic review occurs 
    in 2010. In 2010, because unit A was used during the ten years prior to 
    readjustment, the adjusted PAL level would assume that unit A was still 
    operating. If by 2020, the next periodic review, the 600 tpy of 
    emissions associated with the shutdown was not used by the source to 
    make changes, the PAL level would be adjusted downward by 600 tpy. 
    However, if between 2010 and 2020 the source used a portion of the 
    shutdown emissions to add new units or make modifications under the 
    PAL, then the PAL would be adjusted downward only for the emissions 
    that remain unused.
        The EPA believes that the periodic downward adjustment of PAL's for 
    the failure to use emissions associated with shutdown or dismantled 
    units is appropriate for air quality planning purposes. However, EPA is 
    concerned that it may be difficult to determine whether an emissions 
    increase under the PAL relied upon previous decreases at a shutdown or 
    dismantled unit as opposed to other activities at the source. The 
    Agency solicits comment on whether limiting the PAL adjustment to the 
    situation of shutdown or dismantled units addresses the legal and 
    policy concerns raised above and welcomes comments and suggestions on 
    how to implement an adjustment option that would adjust downward only 
    for those emissions from shutdown or dismantled units which the source 
    failed to utilize for 10 years.
    B. PAL Adjustments for Unused Capacity
        The EPA is also considering periodic adjustments to a PAL where the 
    emissions units under the PAL operate for a period of ten years below 
    the capacity used initially to establish the PAL. The adjustment would 
    be based on a review of the utilization of all emission units used to 
    establish the PAL baseline, not just those that were shutdown or 
    dismantled. Under this option, and in the example below, PAL adjustment 
    would be based on the highest capacity utilization of each unit during 
    any 12 month period in the past 10 years. Alternatively, EPA also 
    solicits comment on whether the PAL adjustment should be based on the 
    highest capacity utilization at the entire source during a single 12-
    month period within the past 10 years.
        The following example illustrates how an initial review of the PAL 
    and subsequent adjustments to the PAL could be handled under this 
    option. As an example, unit A had operated at 80 percent during a 12-
    month period in the ten years prior to initial PAL establishment in 
    2000. In 2005, the source lowers unit A's utilization from 80 percent 
    to 5 percent. At PAL review in 2010, because unit A's utilization in 
    the past ten years (e.g., 2004) had reached 80 percent, the adjusted 
    PAL level would assume a capacity utilization no lower than 80 percent. 
    Under the alternative to this option the PAL adjustment would be based 
    on the highest capacity for all units at the source during a single 12-
    month period within the past 10 years. If year 2005 is chosen as the 
    single 12-month period for capacity review then the adjusted PAL level 
    for unit A would assume a capacity utilization of 5 percent.
        Where PAL's are adjusted because of long-term underutilization of 
    capacity, EPA is also considering and seeking comments on the following 
    alternatives and safeguards to ensure that an operating cushion exists: 
    (1) Including in the adjusted PAL level an operating cushion that 
    equals a fixed percentage (e.g., 10 percent, 15 percent, or 20 percent) 
    of the current PAL, provided the adjusted PAL level does not exceed the 
    current PAL level; (2) requiring no PAL adjustment due to 
    underutilization of capacity if the emissions under the PAL are within 
    a fixed percentage (e.g., 10 percent, 15 percent or 20 percent) of the 
    current PAL baseline; (3) adjusting the PAL downward for unused 
    capacity, but limit the potential downward PAL adjustment to a fixed 
    percentage (e.g., 10 percent) of the current PAL level; and (4) re-
    setting the PAL as though it were being set initially (e.g., plantwide 
    actual emissions plus an operating margin lower than the applicable 
    significance threshold). The Agency seeks comment on whether these 
    safeguards, if included in the final regulations, would both preserve 
    sources' operational flexibility and address the specific legal and 
    policy concerns raised above.
    C. Capacity Adjustments for PAL Expiration and Renewal
        The EPA is seeking comment on an option where the PAL expires as a 
    major NSR applicability test for subsequent new units or subsequent 
    modifications unless the source decides to renew the PAL. Under this 
    option, a PAL would expire after ten years. When it expires, the PAL 
    ceases to serve as the emissions baseline against which all source 
    additions and modifications are measured for purposes of major NSR 
    applicability. Instead, a source must revert to the traditional netting 
    analysis to determine major NSR applicability for new or modified 
    [[Page 39865]]
        At the time of PAL expiration, the source would choose either to 
    re-establish the PAL for the entire facility after the expiration of 
    the initial 10-year term or to allow it to expire. The source could 
    also re-establish a PAL at some later date. If the renewal option is 
    chosen by the source, the PAL baseline would be adjusted to reflect 
    actual operating conditions and emissions for the 10 years prior to 
    renewal, consistent with the procedures for setting a PAL. If the 
    source elects not to renew the PAL, then subsequent new units and 
    subsequent modifications are subject to the traditional netting 
    analysis to determine major NSR applicability for those units. In 
    addition, where the source elects not to renew the PAL for major NSR 
    applicability purposes, the former PAL allowable limit would still 
    remain in effect as an enforceable limit on total allowable emissions 
    for those units previously covered under the PAL, notwithstanding its 
    expiration as an applicability test.
        The units previously subject to the PAL would remain free to 
    increase emissions up to the former allowable PAL level, provided the 
    increase is not the result of a physical or operational change at the 
    source. The source retains the option to: (1) Reestablish an expired 
    PAL to avoid major NSR for any subsequent physical or operational 
    change at the source that is consistent with the reestablished PAL 
    level, or (2) not to reestablish the PAL for the facility and process 
    any new unit as a modification under the traditional major NSR 
    applicability criteria to determine if a significant net emissions 
    increase will result. In the latter case, emissions increases and 
    decreases which have occurred during the term of the PAL as an 
    applicability trigger would not count for netting purposes.
        As an example, assume that in the year 2000 a source with five 
    units establishes a PAL of 1000 tpy of pollutant X based on actual 
    operations and emissions from the prior 10 years. During the period 
    from 2000-2010 the source modifies three existing units and constructs 
    two new units (Units 6 and 7), but within those 10 years operates the 
    facility so as only to emit 700 tons of X per year. In 2010, the PAL 
    (as an alternative applicability test for major NSR) must expire. If 
    the source chooses to re-establish the PAL, based on the last 10 years 
    of actual operating data the PAL baseline would be adjusted downward to 
    reflect the 700 tpy level. The source could choose to continue the PAL 
    at the adjusted 700 tpy level, or let the current PAL lapse for 
    applicability purposes. If the source lets the PAL lapse, the original 
    1000 tpy cap would still remain for Units 1-7 to ensure that physical 
    and operational changes which occurred during the life of the PAL do 
    not result in actual emission increases that exceed the 1000 tpy cap 
    without being subject to major NSR.
        Suppose further that the PAL is not renewed and that in 2014, the 
    actual plantwide emissions of pollutant X were 800 tpy, the highest 
    actual emissions level for the previous ten years and that, in 2015, 
    the source proposes to construct a new Unit 8 that emits 200 tpy of 
    pollutant X. New Unit 8 would otherwise be subject to the traditional 
    major NSR applicability test. The previous 1000 tpy PAL lapsed in 2010 
    and cannot include new units since 2010. As an alternative, the source 
    may avoid major NSR for the new unit by establishing a new PAL at 800 
    tpy and include the new unit consistent with the newly established 800 
    tpy limit. In addition, once the PAL limit expires as a major NSR 
    applicability limit compliance with the PAL as an allowable limit would 
    still be required.
        The EPA believes that the foregoing option provides sufficient 
    flexibility to a source because it maintains the ability of the source 
    to operate the units previously covered under the PAL at their full 
    rated capacity. Additionally, it allows a source to add new units after 
    the expiration of the PAL in accordance with the traditional NSR 
    applicability determination, including the establishment of a new PAL 
    at such time as it may be advantageous to the source to do so. 
    Nevertheless, EPA solicits comment on whether this option sufficiently 
    addresses the legal and policy concerns associated with PAL 
    D. PAL Adjustments Where Sources Implement Good Controls or Pollution 
    Prevention Initiatives
        The EPA is also seeking comment on whether it is appropriate to 
    adjust a PAL downward, even where unused capacity exists, if all of the 
    emissions units subject to the PAL already have good controls in place 
    (e.g, BACT, LAER), the source has installed innovative controls, or if 
    the source created the emission reductions using pollution prevention 
    strategies. The EPA believes that sources which voluntarily achieve 
    emissions reductions through the installation of good and/or innovative 
    controls throughout the facility or through pollution prevention 
    initiatives should be encouraged to do so. By the terms ``good'' 
    controls and ``innovative'' technology the Agency is referring to the 
    types of controls and technology discussed previously in the July 1996 
    NSR Reform proposal for the ``clean unit'' and ``clean facility'' 
    exclusion and undemonstrated control technology, respectively. See 61 
    FR at 38255 and 38281 (July 23, 1996). Additionally, the types of 
    pollution prevention activities that would qualify are those consistent 
    with the activities described in the July 1996 proposal and previous 
    EPA policies. In light of the Agency's prior guidance and discussions 
    concerning good controls, innovative technology, and pollution 
    prevention initiatives, EPA seeks comment on whether the terms ``good 
    controls'', ``innovative controls'', and ``pollution prevention 
    initiatives'' are appropriately used and clearly defined for purposes 
    of this option.
        To require a PAL adjustment under these circumstances could create 
    a disincentive to engage in these initiatives. However, this option 
    raises certain enforcement concerns for the Agency. In particular, 
    without additional clarification it may be difficult to determine if an 
    emissions unit has good controls, utilizes innovative technology, or 
    has reduced emissions because of pollution prevention initiatives, as 
    opposed to other factors. Furthermore, EPA is concerned that if there 
    is ambiguity about the meaning of these terms the public, sources, and 
    permitting agencies may disagree about whether PAL adjustment is 
    needed. Notwithstanding the Agency's interest in promoting innovative 
    and voluntary pollution control and prevention initiatives, EPA does 
    not believe voluntary emissions reductions achieved through the 
    implementation of good controls, innovative technology and pollution 
    prevention initiatives should necessarily relieve the source from other 
    regulatory requirements. Accordingly, EPA seeks comment on these 
    concerns as well as the types of circumstances that might be 
    appropriate for a source that engages in innovative and positive 
    environmental stewardship to avoid any downward adjustment to its PAL. 
    The EPA also solicits comments on whether and how the policy and legal 
    concerns set forth in this notice concerning PAL adjustments for 
    sources which utilize innovative or good technology or engage in 
    pollution prevention initiatives could otherwise be addressed.
        Finally, given the flexibility and significant opportunities to 
    utilize emissions reductions under the options described in this 
    Notice, EPA solicits comment on whether additional PAL adjustment 
    considerations are appropriate.
    [[Page 39866]]
        Dated: July 16, 1998.
    Richard D. Wilson,
    Acting Assistant Administrator.
    [FR Doc. 98-19832 Filed 7-23-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Notice of availability.
Document Number:
Written comments must be received on or before August 24, 1998.
39857-39866 (10 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
Supporting Documents:
» Legacy Index for Docket A-90-36
» Notice of Availability; Alternatives for New Source Review (NSR) Applicability for Major Modifications; Solicitation of Comment