98-19876. Marine Mammals; Stock Assessment Reports; Notice of Availability  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 142 (Friday, July 24, 1998)]
    [Pages 39814-39821]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-19876]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    [I.D. 033198C]
    Marine Mammals; Stock Assessment Reports; Notice of Availability
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Notice of availability; request for comments.
    SUMMARY: NMFS has revised marine mammal stock assessment reports in 
    accordance with the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). Draft revised 
    1998 reports are available for public review and comment.
    DATES: Comments must be received by October 22, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Send comments and requests for copies of reports to Chief, 
    Marine Mammal Division, Office of Protected Resources, National Marine 
    Fisheries Service, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910-
    3226, Attn: Stock Assessments. Copies of the reports may also be 
    requested from Douglas DeMaster, Alaska Fisheries Science Center (F/
    AKC), NMFS, 7600 Sand Point Way, NE, BIN 15700, Seattle, WA 98115-0070; 
    Irma Lagomarsino, Southwest Regional Office (F/SWO3), NMFS, 501 West 
    Ocean Boulevard, Long Beach, CA 90802-4213; or Richard Merrick, 
    Northeast Fisheries Science Center, 166 Waters Street, Woods Hole, MA 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Thomas Eagle, (301) 713-2322; Douglas 
    DeMaster, (206) 526-4045, regarding Alaska regional stock assessments; 
    Irma Lagomarsino, (310) 980-4020, regarding Pacific regional stock 
    assessments; or Richard Merrick, (508) 495-2291, or Steven Swartz, 
    (305) 361-4487, regarding Atlantic regional stock assessments.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 117 of the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et 
    seq.) requires NMFS and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to 
    prepare stock assessments reports for each stock of marine mammals that 
    occurs in waters under the jurisdiction of the United States. These 
    reports contain information regarding the distribution and abundance of 
    the stock, population growth rates and trends, estimates of annual 
    human-caused mortality from all sources, descriptions of the fisheries 
    with which the stock interacts, and the status of the stock.
        The MMPA also requires NMFS and FWS to review these reports 
    annually for strategic stocks of marine mammals and, at least, every 3 
    years for stocks determined to be non-strategic. NMFS, in conjunction 
    with the regional Scientific Review Groups, has reviewed the MMPA 
    status of the Alaska, Pacific, and Atlantic stocks and has revised 
    those reports for which significant new information was available. 
    Table 1 contains a summary of the information included in the reports 
    and also indicates which reports have been revised since the 
    publication of the 1996 stock assessment reports. NMFS solicits public 
    comments on these draft revised marine mammal stock assessment reports.
        As required by the MMPA, NMFS has reviewed, and will continue to 
    review, reports for strategic stocks of marine mammals and new 
    information annually. The reports are not necessarily revised annually 
    because revisions are required only when there is significant new 
        NMFS, in conjunction with the Alaska Scientific Review Group, 
    reviewed new information available for all strategic stocks of Alaska 
    marine mammals under its authority, as well as for several other 
    stocks. A total of 15 of the 33 Alaska stock assessment reports were 
    revised for 1998. Most proposed changes to the stock assessment reports 
    incorporate new information into abundance or mortality estimates. The 
    revised stock assessments include all 10 of the strategic stocks: 
    western U.S. Steller sea lion, eastern U.S. Steller sea lion, northern 
    fur seal, Cook Inlet beluga whale, North Pacific sperm whale, western 
    North Pacific humpback whale, central North Pacific humpback whale, 
    northeast Pacific fin whale, North Pacific right whale, and western 
    Arctic bowhead whale. Additionally, five reports of non-strategic 
    stocks were revised: Gulf of Alaska harbor seals, Bering Sea harbor 
    seals, Southeast Alaska harbor seals, Eastern North Pacific transient 
    killer whales, and Northern Pacific resident killer whales (eastern 
    North Pacific transient and Northern resident stocks). The new 
    information on abundance and mortality did not change the status 
    (strategic or not) of any of these 15 Alaska stocks relative to the 
    1996 reports.
        Fishery mortality sections in the revised Alaska reports have been 
    updated to include data from observer programs, fisher self-reporting, 
    and stranding reports through 1996, where possible. Similarly, 
    subsistence harvest information through 1996 has been included for 
    those stocks that are taken by Alaska Natives for subsistence
    [[Page 39815]]
    purposes. New abundance estimates are available and have been included 
    in the revised assessments for nine stocks: western U.S. Steller sea 
    lions, eastern U.S. Steller sea lions, northern fur seals, Cook Inlet 
    beluga whales, western North Pacific humpback whales, central North 
    Pacific humpback whales, Gulf of Alaska harbor seals, and both killer 
    whale stocks. Revised Potential Biological Removal (PBR) levels have 
    been calculated for all Alaska stocks having new abundance estimates. 
    Additionally, habitat concerns have been addressed for all strategic 
        NMFS, in conjunction with the Pacific Scientific Review Group, 
    reviewed new information on the MMPA status of all 50 stocks of marine 
    mammals in the Pacific region (predominantly stocks along the coast of 
    California, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii) that are under its 
    authority. NMFS found that the MMPA status of the California/Oregon/
    Washington stock of minke whales and the California/Oregon/Washington 
    stock of mesoplodont beaked whales should be changed from ``strategic'' 
    to ``non-strategic'', and these draft reports were revised accordingly. 
    This change was prompted by the greater abundance of these species 
    estimated from a 1996 ship survey that covered California and (for the 
    first time) Oregon and Washington. The review of all other stocks did 
    not indicate any significant new information that would change their 
        An additional five Pacific stock assessment reports were revised 
    for 1998 to incorporate new information, including Oregon/Washington 
    coastal waters harbor seal, Washington inland waters harbor seal, San 
    Miguel Island northern fur seal, Oregon/Washington coast harbor 
    porpoise, and Inland Washington harbor porpoise.
        Fishery mortality sections in the revised Pacific reports have been 
    updated to include data from observer programs, fisher self-reporting, 
    and stranding reports through 1996, where possible. New abundance 
    estimates are available and have been included in the revised 
    assessments for the California/Oregon/Washington minke whale, the 
    California/Oregon/Washington mesoplodont beaked whale, the Oregon/
    Washington coastal waters harbor seal, the Washington inland waters 
    harbor seal, San Miguel Island northern fur seal, and the Inland 
    Washington harbor porpoise stocks. New PBR estimates have been 
    calculated for each stock having a revised abundance estimate.
        NMFS, in conjunction with the Atlantic Scientific Review Group, 
    reviewed new information available for all strategic stocks of Atlantic 
    marine mammals under their authority, as well as for several other 
    stocks. A total of 26 of the 57 Atlantic stock assessment reports were 
    revised for 1998. Most proposed changes to the stock assessment reports 
    incorporate new information into abundance or mortality estimates. The 
    revised stock assessments include 14 of the strategic stocks: Gulf of 
    Maine/Bay of Fundy harbor porpoise, Western North Atlantic common 
    dolphin, Western North Atlantic spotted dolphin, Western North Atlantic 
    pantropical spotted dolphin, Western North Atlantic dwarf sperm whale, 
    Western North Atlantic pygmy sperm whale, Western North Atlantic 
    Cuvier's beaked whale, Western North Atlantic Mesplodon beaked whale, 
    Western North Atlantic short-finned pilot whale, Western North Atlantic 
    sperm whale, North Atlantic humpback whale, Western North Atlantic 
    right whale, Western North Atlantic fin whale, and Western North 
    Atlantic blue whale. Additionally, 12 reports of non-strategic stocks 
    were revised: Western North Atlantic harbor seals, Western North 
    Atlantic gray seals, Western North Atlantic harp seals, Western North 
    Atlantic hooded seals, Western North Atlantic Risso's dolphin, Western 
    North Atlantic Atlantic white-sided dolphin, Western North Atlantic 
    striped dolphin, Western North Atlantic spinner dolphin, Western North 
    Atlantic Bottlenose dolphin (offshore), Western North Atlantic Northern 
    bottlenose whale, Western North Atlantic long-finned pilot whale, and 
    Canadian east coast minke whale.
        The new information on abundance and mortality changed the status 
    (strategic or non-strategic) of three Atlantic stocks relative to the 
    1996 reports. NMFS found that the status of Atlantic white-sided 
    dolphins and Atlantic long-finned pilot whales should be changed from 
    non-strategic to strategic, and these draft reports were revised 
    accordingly. This change was prompted by the (1992-1996) average annual 
    mortality estimates. The review of all other stocks and advice from the 
    Atlantic Scientific Review Group indicated that the Western North 
    Atlantic pygmy sperm whale stock should be changed from strategic to 
        Fishery mortality sections in the revised Atlantic reports have 
    been updated to include data from observer programs and stranding 
    reports through 1996, where possible. New abundance estimates are 
    available and have been included in the revised assessments for four 
    stocks (Western North Atlantic harbor seals, Western North Atlantic 
    gray seals (earlier value revised), Western North Atlantic common 
    dolphins, North Atlantic humpback whales, and Canadian east coast minke 
    whales). PBR levels have been calculated for all Atlantic stocks having 
    new abundance estimates and for Western North Atlantic striped 
    dolphins, for which the recovery factor was revised.
        New information may become available during the comment period for 
    these stock assessment reports. This new information may be 
    incorporated into final stock assessment reports without additional 
    public review and comment if incorporation of the new information does 
    not change the status of the affected stock (e.g., strategic to non-
        Dated: July 20, 1998.
    Hilda Diaz-Soltero,
    Director, Office of Protected Resources, MFS.
     Table 1.--Summary of Alaska and Pacific (Including Hawaii) Marine Mammal Stock Assessment Reports for Stocks of Marine Mammals Under NMFS Authority That Occupy Waters Under U.S. Jurisdiction.
                                 A ``Y'' Under the Heading ``SAR Revised?'' Indicates That the 1998 Stock Assessment Report Has Been Revised Relative to the 1996 Report                            
                                                                                                                                                 Total    Annual                                    
                  Species                     Stock area           SRG  region        NMFS center        Nmin      Rmax       Fr        PBR      annual   fish.    Strategic status   SAR  revised ?
                                                                                                                                                 mort.    mort.                                     
    Steller sea lion..................  Western U.S..........  AKA                 AKC                   38,893     0.12       0.15        350      443       31  Y                  Y              
    Steller sea lion..................  Eastern U.S..........  AKA                 AKC                   30,403     0.12       0.75      1,368       18       14  Y                  Y              
    [[Page 39816]]
    Northern fur seal.................  Eastern Pacific......  AKA                 AKC                  848,539     0.086      0.5      18,244    1,722       14  Y                  Y              
    Harbor seal.......................  Southeast Alaska.....  AKA                 AKC                   35,226     0.12       1.0       2,114    1,778       29  N                  Y              
    Harbor seal.......................  Gulf of Alaska.......  AKA                 AKC                   28,917     0.12       0.5         868      824       33  N                  Y              
    Harbor seal.......................  Bering Sea...........  AKA                 AKC                   12,648     0.12       0.5         379      187       26  N                  Y              
    Spotted seal......................  Alaska...............  AKA                 AKC                    1 N/A     0.12       0.5         N/A      N/A        2  N                  ...............
    Bearded seal......................  Alaska...............  AKA                 AKC                      N/A     0.12       0.5         N/A      N/A        2  N                  ...............
    Ringed seal.......................  Alaska...............  AKA                 AKC                      N/A     0.12       0.5         N/A      N/A        1  N                  ...............
    Ribbon seal.......................  Alaska...............  AKA                 AKC                      N/A     0.12       0.5         N/A      N/A        1  N                  ...............
    Beluga............................  Beaufort Sea.........  AKA                 AKC                   32,453     0.04       1.0         649      160        0  N                  ...............
    Beluga............................  Eastern Chukchi Sea..  AKA                 AKC                    3,710     0.04       1.0          74       54        0  N                  ...............
    Beluga............................  Eastern Bering Sea...  AKA                 AKC                    6,439     0.04       1.0         129      127        0  N                  ...............
    Beluga............................  Bristol Bay..........  AKA                 AKC                    1,316     0.04       1.0          26       20        1  N                  ...............
    Beluga............................  Cook Inlet...........  AKA                 AKC                      712     0.04       1.0          14       71        0  Y                  Y              
    Killer whale......................  Eastern North          AKA                 AKC                      642     0.04       0.5         6.4      0.8      0.8  N                  Y              
                                         Pacific, Northern                                                                                                                                          
    Killer whale......................  Eastern North          AKA                 AKC                      197     0.04       0.5         2.0      0.8      0.8  N                  Y              
                                         Pacific, Transient.                                                                                                                                        
    Pacific white-sided dolphin.......  Central North Pacific  AKA                 AKC                  486,719     0.04       0.5       4,867        4        4  N                  ...............
    Harbor porpoise...................  Southeast Alaska.....  AKA                 AKC                    8,156     0.04       0.5          82        4        4  N                  ...............
    Harbor porpoise...................  Gulf of Alaska.......  AKA                 AKC                    7,085     0.04       0.5          71       25       25  N                  ...............
    Harbor porpoise...................  Bering Sea...........  AKA                 AKC                    8,549     0.04       0.5          86        2        2  N                  ...............
    Dall's porpoise...................  Alaska...............  AKA                 AKC                   76,874     0.04       1.0       1,537       42       42  N                  ...............
    Sperm whale.......................  North Pacific........  AKA                 AKC                      N/A     0.04       0.1         N/A      0.0      0.0  Y                  Y              
    Baird's beaked whale..............  Alaska...............  AKA                 AKC                      N/A     0.04       0.5         N/A      0.0      0.0  N                  ...............
    Cuvier's beaked whale.............  Alaska...............  AKA                 AKC                      N/A     0.04       0.5         N/A      0.0      0.0  N                  ...............
    Stejneger's beaked whale..........  Alaska...............  AKA                 AKC                      N/A     0.04       0.5         N/A      0.0      0.0  N                  ...............
    Gray whale........................  Eastern North Pacific  AKA                 AKC                   21,597     0.04       1.0         432       48        4  N                  ...............
    Humpback whale....................  Western North Pacific  AKA                 AKC                      367     0.04       0.1         0.7      0.0      0.0  Y                  Y              
    Humpback whale....................  Central North Pacific  AKA                 AKC                    3,698     0.04       0.1         7.4      1.2      1.0  Y                  Y              
    Fin whale.........................  Northeast Pacific....  AKA                 AKC                      N/A     0.04       0.1         N/A      0.0      0.0  Y                  Y              
    Minke whale.......................  Alaska...............  AKA                 AKC                      N/A     0.04       0.5         N/A      0.0      0.0  N                  ...............
    Northern right whale..............  North Pacific........  AKA                 AKC                      N/A     0.04       0.1         N/A      0.0      0.0  Y                  Y              
    Bowhead whale.....................  Western Arctic.......  AKA                 AKC                    7,738     0.04       0.5        2 77       49     0.00  Y                  Y              
    Harbor seal.......................  Western North          ATL                 NEC                   30,990     0.12       1.0       1,859      893      893  N                  Y              
    Gray seal.........................  Northwest North        ATL                 NEC                    2,010     0.12       1.0         120       35       35  N                  Y              
    [[Page 39817]]
    Harp seal.........................  Northwest North        ATL                 NEC                      N/A   N/A        N/A           N/A   325.00   325.00  N                  Y              
    Hooded seal.......................  Northwest North        ATL                 NEC                      N/A   N/A        N/A           N/A     5.60     5.60  N                  Y              
    Harbor porpoise...................  Gulf of Maine/Bay of   ATL                 NEC                   48,289     0.04       0.5         483    1,667    1,667  Y                  Y              
    Risso's dolphin...................  Western North          ATL                 NEC                   11,140     0.04       0.5         111       18       18  N                  Y              
    Atlantic white-sided dolphin......  Western North          ATL                 NEC                   19,196     0.04       0.5         192      217      217  Y                  Y              
    White-beaked dolphin..............  Western North          ATL                 NEC                      N/A     0.04     N/A           N/A      0.0      0.0  N                  N              
    Common dolphin....................  Western North          ATL                 NEC                   15,470     0.04       0.5         155  \3\ 221  \3\ 221  Y                  Y              
    Atlantic spotted dolphin..........  Western North          ATL                 NEC                \4\ 1,617     0.04       0.5          16   \4\ 20   \4\ 20  Y                  Y              
    Pantropical spotted dolphin.......  Western North          ATL                 NEC                \4\ 1,617     0.04       0.5          16   \4\ 20   \4\ 20  Y                  Y              
    Striped dolphin...................  Western North          ATL                 NEC                   18,220     0.04       0.5         182       11       11  N                  Y              
    Spinner dolphin...................  Western North          ATL                 NEC                      N/A   N/A        N/A           N/A     0.31     0.31  N                  Y              
    Bottlenose dolphin................  Western North          ATL                 NEC                \5\ 8,794     0.04       0.5          88       58       58  N                  Y              
                                         Atlantic, offshore.                                                                                                                                        
    Bottlenose dolphin................  Western North          ATL                 SEC                    2,482     0.04       0.5          25       29   \6\ 29  Y                                 
                                         Atlantic, coastal.                                                                                                                                         
    Dwarf sperm whale.................  Western North          ATL                 NEC                      N/A     0.04     N/A           N/A      0.2      0.2  Y                  Y              
    Pygmy sperm whale.................  Western North          ATL                 NEC                      N/A     0.04     N/A           N/A      N/A      N/A  N                  Y              
    Killer whale......................  Western North          ATL                 NEC                      N/A     0.04     N/A           N/A      0.0      0.0  N                                 
    Pygmy killer whale................  Western North          ATL                 SEC                        6     0.04       0.5         0.1      0.0      0.0  N                                 
    Northern bottlenose whale.........  Western North          ATL                 NEC                      N/A     0.04     N/A           N/A      0.0      0.0  N                  Y              
    Cuvier's beaked whale.............  Western North          ATL                 NEC                  \7\ 895     0.04       0.5         8.9      9.7  \8\ 9.7  Y                  Y              
    Mesoplodon beaked whale...........  Western North          ATL                 NEC                  \7\ 895     0.04       0.5         8.9      9.7  \8\ 9.7  Y                  Y              
    Pilot whale, long-finned            Western North          ATL                 NEC                \9\ 49,68     0.04       0.5          50       32   \9\ 32  \10\ Y             Y              
     (Globicephala spp.).                Atlantic.                                                            5                                                                                     
    [[Page 39818]]
    Pilot whale, short-finned.........  Western North          ATL                 NEC                      457     0.04       0.5         4.6       32   \9\ 32  Y                  Y              
    Sperm whale.......................  Western North          ATL                 NEC                    1,617     0.04       0.1         3.2      0.0      0.0  N                  Y              
    North Atlantic right whale........  Western North          ATL                 NEC                      295     0.025      0.1         0.4      2.3  \11\ 1.  Y                  Y              
                                         Atlantic.                                                                                                             0                                    
    Humpback whale....................  Western North          ATL                 NEC                   10,019     0.065      0.1        32.6      5.8  \12\ 4.  Y                  Y              
                                         Atlantic.                                                                                                             5                                    
    Fin whale.........................  Western North          ATL                 NEC                    1,704     0.04       0.1         3.4      0.0      0.0  Y                  Y              
    Sei whale.........................  Western North          ATL                 NEC                      N/A     0.04       0.1         N/A      0.0      0.0  Y                                 
    Minke whale.......................  Canadian east coast..  ATL                 NEC                    2,145     0.04       0.45         17      0.8      0.8  N                  Y              
    Blue whale........................  Western North          ATL                 NEC                      N/A     0.04       0.1         N/A      0.0      0.0  Y                  Y              
    Bottlenose dolphin................  Gulf of Mexico, outer  ATL                 SEC                   43,233     0.04       0.5         432      2.8  \13\ 2.  N                                 
                                         continental shelf.                                                                                                    8                                    
    Bottlenose dolphin................  Gulf of Mexico,        ATL                 SEC                    4,530     0.04       0.5          45      2.8  \13\ 2.  N                                 
                                         continental shelf                                                                                                     8                                    
                                         edge and slope.                                                                                                                                            
    Bottlenose dolphin................  Western Gulf of        ATL                 SEC                    2,938     0.04       0.5          29       13  14,15 1  N                                 
                                         Mexico coastal.                                                                                                       3                                    
    Bottlenose dolphin................  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 SEC                    3,518     0.04       0.5          35       10  \15\ 10  N                                 
                                         Mexico coastal.                                                                                                                                            
    Bottlenose dolphin................  Eastern Gulf of        ATL                 SEC                    8,963     0.04       0.5          90        8   \15\ 8  N                                 
                                         Mexico coastal.                                                                                                                                            
    Bottlenose dolphin................  Gulf of Mexico bay,    ATL                 SEC                    3,933     0.04       0.5        39.7       30  \15\ 30  Y                                 
                                         sound, and estuarine                                                                                                                                       
    Atlantic spotted dolphi...........  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 SEC                    2,255     0.04       0.5          23  \4\ 1.5  \4\ 1.5  N                                 
    Pantropical spotted dolphin.......  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 SEC                   26,510     0.04       0.5         265  \4\ 1.5  \4\ 1.5  N                                 
    Striped dolphin...................  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 SEC                    3,409     0.04       0.5          34      0.0      0.0  N                                 
    Spinner dolphin...................  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 SEC                    4,465     0.04       0.5          45      0.0      0.0  N                                 
    Rough-toothed dolphin.............  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 SEC                      660     0.04       0.5         6.6      0.0      0.0  N                                 
    Clymene dolphin...................  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 SEC                    4,120     0.04       0.5          41      0.0      0.0  N                                 
    Fraser's dolphin..................  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 SEC                       66     0.04       0.5         0.7      0.0      0.0  N                                 
    Killer whale......................  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 SEC                      197     0.04       0.5         2.0      0.0      0.0  N                                 
    False killer whale................  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 SEC                      236     0.04       0.5         2.4      0.0      0.0  N                                 
    [[Page 39819]]
    Pygmy killer whale................  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 NEC                      285     0.04       0.05        2.8      0.0      0.0  N                                 
    Dwarf sperm whale.................  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 SEC                      N/A     0.04     N/A           N/A      0.0      0.0  Y                                 
    Pygmy sperm whale.................  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 SEC                      N/A     0.04     N/A           N/A      0.0      0.0  Y                                 
    Melon-headed whale................  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 SEC                    2,888     0.04       0.5          29      0.0      0.0  N                                 
    Risso's dolphin...................  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 SEC                    2,199     0.04       0.5          22       19       19  N                                 
    Cuvier's beaked whale.............  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 SEC                       20     0.04       0.5         0.2      0.0      0.0  N                                 
    Blainville's beaked whale.........  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 SEC                      N/A   N/A        N/A           N/A      0.0      0.0  N                                 
    Gervais' beaked whale.............  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 SEC                      N/A   N/A        N/A           N/A      0.0      0.0  N                                 
    Pilot whale, short-finned.........  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 SEC                      186     0.04       0.5         1.9      0.3      0.3  Y                                 
    Sperm whale.......................  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 SEC                      411     0.04       0.1         0.8      0.0      0.0  Y                                 
    Bryde's whale.....................  Northern Gulf of       ATL                 SEC                       17     0.04       0.5         0.2      0.0      0.0  N                                 
    California sea lion...............  U.S..................  PAC                 SWC                  111,339     0.12       1.0       6,680      974      915  N                                 
    Harbor seal.......................  California...........  PAC                 SWC                   27,962     0.12       1.0       1,678      243      234  N                                 
    Harbor seal.......................  Oregon/Washington      PAC                 AKC                   24,733     0.12       1.0       1,484       18       16  N                  Y              
    Harbor seal.......................  Washington inland      PAC                 AKC                   16,104     0.12       1.0         966       41       36  N                  Y              
    Northern elephant seal............  California breeding..  PAC                 SWC                   51,625     0.083      1.0       2,142      145      145  N                                 
    Guadalupe fur seal................  Mexico to California.  PAC                 SWC                    3,028     0.137      0.5         104      0.0      0.0  Y                                 
    Northern fur seal.................  San Miguel Island....  PAC                 AKC                    6,720     0.086      1.0         270      0.0      0.0  N                  Y              
    Hawaiian monk seal................  Hawaii...............  PAC                 SWC                    1,366     0.07       0.1    \17\ 4.8      N/A      N/A  Y                                 
    Harbor porpoise...................  Central California...  PAC                 SWC                    3,431     0.04       0.48         33       14       14  N                                 
    Harbor porpoise...................  Northern California..  PAC                 SWC                    7,640     0.04       0.5          76      0.0      0.0  N                                 
    Harbor porpoise...................  Oregon/Washington      PAC                 AKC                   22,046     0.04       0.5         220       17       17  N                  Y              
    Harbor porpoise...................  Inland Washington PAC  AKC                 2,545                   0.04     0.4       20            16       16        N  Y                                 
    Dall's porpoise...................  California/Oregon/     PAC                 SWC                   34,393     0.04       0.48        330       22       22  N                                 
    Pacific white-sided dolphin.......  California/Oregon/     PAC                 SWC                   82,939     0.04       0.48        796       22       22  N                                 
    Risso's dolphin...................  California/Oregon/     PAC                 SWC                   22,388     0.04       0.5         224       37       37  N                                 
    Bottlenose dolphin................  California coastal...  PAC                 SWC                      134     0.04       0.5         1.3      0.0      0.0  N                                 
    Bottlenose dolphin................  California/Oregon/     PAC                 SWC                    1,904     0.04       0.4          15      4.4      4.4  N                                 
                                         Washington offshore.                                                                                                                                       
    [[Page 39820]]
    Striped dolphin...................  California/Oregon/     PAC                 SWC                   19,248     0.04       0.4         154      1.2      1.2  N                                 
    Common dolphin, short-beaked......  California/Oregon/     PAC                 SWC                  309,717     0.04       0.5       3,097      272      272  N                                 
    Common dolphin, long-beaked.......  California...........  PAC                 SWC                    5,504     0.04       0.48         53       14       14  N                                 
    Northern right whale dolphin......  California/Oregon/     PAC                 SWC                   15,080     0.04       0.5         151       47       47  N                                 
    Killer whale......................  California/Oregon/     PAC                 SWC                      436     0.04       0.4         3.5      1.2      1.2  N                                 
    Killer whale......................  Southern Resident      PAC                 AKC                       96     0.04       1.0         1.9      0.0      0.0  N                                 
    Pilot whale, short-finned.........  California/Oregon/     PAC                 SWC                      741     0.04       0.4         5.9       13       13  Y                                 
    Baird's beaked whale..............  California/Oregon/     PAC                 SWC                      252     0.04       0.4         2.0      1.2      1.2  N                                 
    Mesoplodont beaked whales.........  California/Oregon/     PAC                 SWC                \18\ 2,84     0.04       0.45    \19\ 26   9.2-13   9.2-13  N                  Y              
                                         Washington.                                                          0                                                                                     
    Cuvier's beaked whale.............  California/Oregon/     PAC                 SWC                    6,070     0.04       0.5          61       28       28  N                                 
    Pygmy sperm whale.................  California/Oregon/     PAC                 SWC                    2,059     0.04       0.45         19      2.8      2.8  N                                 
    Dwarf sperm whale.................  California/Oregon/     PAC                 SWC                      N/A     0.04       0.5         N/A      0.0      0.0  N                                 
    Sperm whale.......................  California to          PAC                 SWC                      896     0.04       0.1         1.8      4.5      4.5  Y                                 
    Humpback whale....................  California/Mexico....  PAC                 SWC                      563     0.04       0.1         0.5      1.8      1.2  Y                                 
    Blue whale........................  California/Mexico....  PAC                 SWC                    1,463     0.04       0.1         1.5      0.2      0.0  Y                                 
    Fin whale.........................  California to          PAC                 SWC                      747     0.04       0.1         1.5       <1 0.0="" y="" washington.="" bryde's="" whale.....................="" eastern="" tropical="" pac="" swc="" 11,163="" 0.04="" 0.5="" \20\="" 0.2="" 0.0="" 0.0="" n="" pacific.="" sei="" whale.........................="" eastern="" north="" pacific="" pac="" swc="" n/a="" 0.04="" 0.1="" n/a="" n/a="" 0.0="" y="" minke="" whale.......................="" california/oregon/="" pac="" swc="" 440="" 0.04="" 0.45="" 4.0="" 3.6="" 3.6="" n="" y="" washington.="" rough-toothed="" dolphin.............="" hawaii...............="" pac="" swc="" n/a="" 0.04="" 0.5="" n/a="" n/a="" n/a="" n="" risso's="" dolphin...................="" hawaii...............="" pac="" swc="" n/a="" 0.04="" 0.5="" n/a="" n/a="" n/a="" n="" bottlenose="" dolphin................="" hawaii...............="" pac="" swc="" n/a="" 0.04="" 0.5="" n/a="" n/a="" n/a="" n="" pantropical="" spotted="" dolphin.......="" hawaii...............="" pac="" swc="" n/a="" 0.04="" 0.5="" n/a="" n/a="" n/a="" n="" spinner="" dolphin...................="" hawaii...............="" pac="" swc="" 677="" 0.04="" 0.5="" 6.8="" n/a="" n/a="" n="" striped="" dolphin...................="" hawaii...............="" pac="" swc="" n/a="" 0.04="" 0.5="" n/a="" n/a="" n/a="" n="" [[page="" 39821]]="" melon-headed="" whale................="" hawaii...............="" pac="" swc="" n/a="" 0.04="" 0.5="" n/a="" n/a="" n/a="" n="" pygmy="" killer="" whale................="" hawaii...............="" pac="" swc="" n/a="" 0.04="" 0.5="" n/a="" n/a="" n/a="" n="" false="" killer="" whale................="" hawaii...............="" pac="" swc="" n/a="" 0.04="" 0.5="" n/a="" n/a="" n/a="" n="" killer="" whale......................="" hawaii...............="" pac="" swc="" n/a="" 0.04="" 0.5="" n/a="" n/a="" n/a="" n="" pilot="" whale,="" short-finned.........="" hawaii...............="" pac="" swc="" n/a="" 0.04="" 0.5="" n/a="" n/a="" n/a="" n="" blainville's="" beaked="" whale.........="" hawaii...............="" pac="" swc="" n/a="" 0.04="" 0.5="" n/a="" n/a="" n/a="" n="" cuvier's="" beaked="" whale.............="" hawaii...............="" pac="" swc="" n/a="" 0.04="" 0.5="" n/a="" n/a="" n/a="" n="" pygmy="" sperm="" whale.................="" hawaii...............="" pac="" swc="" n/a="" 0.04="" 0.5="" n/a="" n/a="" n/a="" n="" ...............="" dwarf="" sperm="" whale.................="" hawaii...............="" pac="" swc="" n/a="" 0.04="" 0.5="" n/a="" n/a="" n/a="" n="" ...............="" sperm="" whale.......................="" hawaii...............="" pac="" swc="" n/a="" 0.04="" 0.1="" n/a="" n/a="" n/a="" y="" ...............="" blue="" whale........................="" hawaii...............="" pac="" swc="" n/a="" 0.04="" 0.1="" n/a="" n/a="" n/a="" y="" ...............="" fin="" whale.........................="" hawaii...............="" pac="" swc="" n/a="" 0.04="" 0.1="" n/a="" n/a="" n/a="" y="" ...............="" bryde's="" whale.....................="" hawaii...............="" pac="" swc="" n/a="" 0.04="" 0.5="" n/a="" n/a="" n/a="" n="" ...............="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" \1\="" n/a="" means="" that="" an="" estimate="" for="" the="" affected="" value="" is="" not="" available.="" \2\="" the="" iwc="" subsistence="" quota="" is="" not="" affected="" by="" the="" calculation="" of="" pbr="" using="" the="" formula="" specified="" in="" the="" mmpa.="" \3\="" effort="" data="" for="" the="" 1995-1996="" mid-atlantic="" coastal="" sink="" gillnet="" and="" 1996="" atlantic="" squid,="" mackerel,="" butterfish="" trawl="" fisheries="" are="" currently="" under="" review.="" the="" estimated="" mortalities="" attributed="" to="" these="" fisheries="" will="" be="" included="" in="" the="" final="" 1998="" sar.="" \4\="" this="" value="" includes="" either="" or="" both="" of="" stenella="" frontalis="" or="" stenella="" attenuata.="" \5\="" estimates="" may="" include="" sightings="" of="" the="" coastal="" form.="" \6\="" effort="" data="" for="" the="" 1995-1996="" mid-atlantic="" coastal="" sink="" gillnet="" fishery="" is="" currently="" under="" review.="" the="" estimated="" mortalities="" will="" be="" available="" in="" the="" final="" 1998="" sar.="" \7\="" this="" estimate="" includes="" cuvier's="" beaked="" whales="" and="" mesoplodon="" beaked="" whales.="" \8\="" this="" is="" the="" average="" mortality="" of="" beaked="" whales="" (mesoplodon="" sp.)="" based="" on="" 5="" years="" of="" observer="" data.="" this="" annual="" mortality="" rate="" includes="" an="" unknown="" number="" of="" cuvier's="" beaked="" whales.="" \9\="" this="" estimate="" includes="" both="" long-finned="" and="" short-finned="" pilot="" whales.="" \10\="" effort="" data="" for="" the="" atlantic="" squid,="" mackeral,="" butterfish="" trawl="" fishery="" are="" currently="" under="" review;="" it="" is="" likely="" that="" the="" additional="" estimated="" mortality="" from="" this="" fishery="" will="" cause="" the="" 1992-1996="" average="" total="" mortality="" to="" exceed="" pbr.="" \11\="" this="" is="" the="" average="" mortality="" of="" right="" whales="" based="" on="" 5="" years="" of="" observer="" data="" (0.0)="" and="" additional="" fishery="" impact="" records="" (1.0).="" \12\="" this="" is="" the="" average="" mortality="" of="" humpback="" whales="" based="" on="" 5="" years="" of="" observer="" data="" (0.7)="" and="" additional="" fishery="" impact="" records="" (3.8).="" \13\="" this="" value="" may="" include="" either="" or="" both="" of="" the="" gulf="" of="" mexico,="" continental="" shelf="" edge="" and="" slope="" and="" the="" outer="" continental="" shelf="" stocks="" of="" bottlenose="" dolphins.="" \14\="" low="" levels="" of="" bottlenose="" dolphin="" mortality="" (0-4="" per="" year)="" incidental="" to="" commercial="" fisheries="" have="" been="" reported.="" it="" is="" unknown="" to="" which="" stock="" this="" mortality="" can="" be="" attributed.="" \15\="" estimates="" derived="" from="" stranded="" animals="" with="" signs="" of="" fishery="" interactions,="" and="" these="" could="" be="" either="" coastal="" or="" estuary="" stocks.="" \16\="" this="" entry="" encompasses="" 33="" stocks="" of="" bottlenose="" dolphins.="" all="" stocks="" are="" considered="" strategic;="" see="" the="" full="" report="" for="" information="" on="" individual="" stocks.="" the="" listed="" estimates="" for="" abundance,="" pbr="" and="" mortality="" are="" sums="" across="" all="" bays,="" sounds,="" and="" estuaries.="" \17\="" although="" the="" calculated="" pbr="" is="" 4.8,="" the="" allowable="" take="" is="" zero="" due="" to="" findings="" under="" the="" esa.="" \18\="" this="" value="" includes="" a="" species-specific="" minimum="" abundance="" estimate="" of="" 123="" blainville's="" beaked="" whales,="" mesoplodon="" densirostris.="" \19\="" this="" pbr="" includes="" 2.2="" blainville's="" beaked="" whales.="" \20\="" this="" pbr="" has="" been="" adjusted="" because="" only="" 0.2="" percent="" of="" this="" stock="" is="" estimated="" to="" be="" in="" u.s.="" waters.="" [fr="" doc.="" 98-19876="" filed="" 7-23-98;="" 8:45="" am]="" billing="" code="" 3510-22-p="">

Document Information

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Notice of availability; request for comments.
Document Number:
Comments must be received by October 22, 1998.
39814-39821 (8 pages)
Docket Numbers:
I.D. 033198C
PDF File: