94-17994. Airworthiness Standards; Flight Proposals Based on European Joint Aviation Requirements Proposals; Proposed Rule DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 141 (Monday, July 25, 1994)]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-17994]
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    [Federal Register: July 25, 1994]
    Part IV
    Department of Transportation
    Federal Aviation Administration
    14 CFR Parts 1 and 23
    Airworthiness Standards; Flight Proposals Based on European Joint 
    Aviation Requirements Proposals; Proposed Rule
    Federal Aviation Administration
    14 CFR Parts 1 and 23
    [Docket No. 27807; Notice No. 94-22]
    RIN 2120-AE61
    Airworthiness Standards; Flight Proposals Based on European Joint 
    Aviation Requirements Proposals
    AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: This document proposed changes to the flight airworthiness 
    standards for normal, utility, acrobatic, and commuter category 
    airplanes. These proposals arise from the joint effort of the Federal 
    Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Joint Aviation 
    Authorities (JAA) to harmonize the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) 
    and the Joint Aviation Requirements (JAR) for airplanes that will be 
    certificated in these categories. The proposed changes would provide 
    nearly uniform flight airworthiness standards for airplanes 
    certificated in the United States under 14 CFR part 23 (part 23) and in 
    the JAA countries under Joint Aviation Requirements 23 (JAR 23) 
    simplifying airworthiness approvals for import and export purposes.
    DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before November 22, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: Comments on this notice should be mailed in triplicate to: 
    Federal Aviation Administration, Office of the Chief Counsel, 
    Attention: Rules Docket (AGC-200), Docket No. 27807, 800 Independence 
    Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591. Comments delivered must be marked 
    Docket No. 27807. Comments may be inspected in Room 915G weekdays 
    between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., except on Federal holidays.
        In addition, the FAA is maintaining a duplicate information docket 
    of comments in the Office of the Assistant Chief Counsel, ACE-7, 
    Federal Aviation Administration, Central Region, 601 East 12th Street, 
    Kansas City, Missouri 64106. Comments in the duplicate information 
    docket may be inspected in the Office of the Assistant Chief Counsel 
    weekdays, except Federal holidays, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 
    4:00 p.m.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lowell Foster, ACE-111, Small Airplane 
    Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service, Federal Aviation 
    Administration, 601 East 12th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64106; 
    telephone (816) 426-5688.
    Comments Invited
        Interested persons are invited to participate in the making of the 
    proposed rule by submitting such written data, views, or arguments as 
    they may desire. Comments relating to the environmental, energy, or 
    economic impact that might result from adopting the proposals in this 
    notice are also invited. Substantive comments should be accompanied by 
    cost estimates. Comments should identify the regulatory docket or 
    notice number and should be submitted in triplicate to the Rules Docket 
    address specified above. All comments received on or before the 
    specified closing date for comments will be considered by the 
    Administrator before taking action on this proposed rulemaking. The 
    proposals contained in this notice may be changed in light of comments 
    received. All comments received will be available, both before and 
    after the closing date for comments, in the Rules Docket for 
    examination by interested persons. A report summarizing each FAA-public 
    contact concerned with the substance of this proposal will be filed in 
    the docket. Commenters wishing the FAA to acknowledge receipt of their 
    comments submitted in response to this notice must include a 
    preaddressed, stamped postcard on which the following statement is 
    made: ``Comments to Docket No. 27807.'' The postcard will be date 
    stamped and returned to the commenter.
    Availability of NPRM
        Any person may obtain a copy of this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 
    (NPRM) by submitting a request to the Federal Aviation Administration, 
    Office of Public Affairs, Attention: Public Inquiry Center, APA-200, 
    800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591, or by calling (202) 
    267-3484. Communications must identify the notice number of this NPRM.
        Persons interested in being placed on the mailing list for future 
    NPRM's should request, from the above office, a copy of Advisory 
    Circular No. 11-2A, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Distribution System, 
    which describes the application procedure.
        At the June 1990 meeting of the JAA Council (consisting of JAA 
    members from European countries) and the FAA, the FAA Administrator 
    committed the FAA to support the harmonization of the FAR with the JAR 
    being developed for use by the European authorities who are members of 
    the JAA. In response to this commitment, the FAA Small Airplane 
    Directorate established an FAA Harmonization Task Force to work with 
    the JAR 23 Study Group to harmonize part 23 and the proposed JAR 23. 
    The General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) also established 
    a JAR 23/part 23 Committee to provide technical assistance in this 
        Following a review of the first draft of proposed JAR 23, members 
    of the FAA Harmonization Task Force and the GAMA Committee met in 
    Brussels, Belgium for the October 1990 meeting of the JAR 23 Study 
    Group. Representatives from the Association Europeenne des 
    Constructeures de Material Aerospatial (AECMA), an organization of 
    European airframe manufacturers, also attended. The main agenda item 
    for this meeting was the establishment of procedures to accomplish 
    harmonization of the airworthiness standards for normal, utility, and 
    acrobatic category airplanes. The JAA had decided that its initial 
    rulemaking effort should be limited to these three categories and that 
    commuter category airworthiness standards should be addressed 
        After that meeting, technical representatives from each of the four 
    organizations (GAMA, AECMA, FAA and JAA) met to resolve differences 
    between the proposed JAR and part 23. This portion of the harmonization 
    effort involved a number of separate meetings of specialists in the 
    flight, airframe, powerplant, and systems disciplines. These meetings 
    showed that harmonization would require revisions to both part 23 and 
    the proposed JAR 23.
        Near the end of the effort to harmonize the normal, utility, and 
    acrobatic category airplane airworthiness standards, the JAA requested 
    and received recommendations from its member countries on proposed 
    airworthiness standards for commuter category airplanes. The JAA and 
    the FAA held specialist and study group meetings to discuss these 
    recommendations, which resulted in proposals to revise portions of the 
    part 23 commuter category airworthiness standards.
        Unlike the European rules, where commuter category airworthiness 
    standards are separate, for U.S. rulemaking, it is advantageous to 
    adopt normal, utility, acrobatic, and commuter category airworthiness 
    standards simultaneously, since commuter category airworthiness 
    standards are already contained in part 23. Accordingly, this NPRM 
    proposes to revise the flight airworthiness standards for all part 23 
        During the part 23 harmonization effort, the FAA established an 
    Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC) (56 FR 2190, January 22, 
    1991), which held its first meeting on May 23, 1991. The ARAC on 
    General Aviation and Business Airplane (GABA) Issues was established at 
    that meeting to provide advice and recommendations to the Director, 
    Aircraft Certification Service, FAA, regarding the airworthiness 
    standards in part 23 as well as related provisions of parts 91 and 135 
    of the regulations.
        The FAA announced, on June 2-5, 1992, at the JAA/FAA Harmonization 
    Conference in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, that it would consolidate 
    within the ARAC structure an ongoing objective to ``harmonize'' the JAR 
    and the FAR. Coinciding with that announcement, the FAA assigned the 
    ARAC on GABA Issues those rulemaking projects related to JAR 23/part 23 
    harmonization that were in final coordination between the JAA and the 
    FAA. The harmonization process included the intention to present the 
    results of JAA/FAA coordination to the public as NPRM's. Subsequently, 
    the ARAC on GABA Issues established an ARAC-JAR 23 Study Group.
        The JAR 23 Study Group made recommendations to the ARAC on GABA 
    Issues concerning the FAA's disposition of the rulemaking issues 
    coordinated between the JAA and the FAA. The draft NPRM's previously 
    prepared by the FAA harmonization team were made available to the 
    harmonization working group to assist them in their effort.
        A notice of the formation of the JAR/FAR 23 Harmonization Working 
    Group was published on November 30, 1992 (57 FR 56626). The group held 
    its first meeting on February 2, 1993. These efforts resulted in the 
    proposals for flight airworthiness standards contained in this notice. 
    The ARAC on GABA Issues agreed with these proposals.
        The FAA received unsolicited comments from the JAA dated January 
    20, 1994, concerning issues that were left unresolved with the JAR 23 
    Study Group. The JAR/FAR 23 Harmonization Working Group did not address 
    some of the unresolved issues because the JAA had not yet reached 
    positions on those issues. Unresolved issues will be dealt with at 
    future FAR/JAR Harmonization meetings. With respect to other issues 
    unresolved by the JAR 23 Study Group, the JAR/FAR 23 Harmonization 
    Working Group recommendations did not reflect harmonization, but 
    reflected the technical discussion of the merits of each issue that had 
    been throroughly debated at the JAR/FAR 23 Harmonization meetings. (The 
    Working Group Chairperson had been present at the Harmonization 
    meetings.) The JAA comments have been placed in the docket for this 
    proposal, and will be considered along with those received during the 
    comment period.
        Following completion of these harmonization efforts, the FAA 
    determined that the proposed revisions to part 23 were too numerous for 
    a single NPRM. The FAA decided to simplify the issues by issuing four 
    NPRM's. These NPRM's address the airworthiness standards in the 
    specific areas of systems and equipment, powerplant, flight, and 
    airframe. These NPRM's propose changes in all seven subparts of part 
    23. Since there is some overlap, interested persons are advised to 
    review all four NPRM's to identify all proposed changes to a particular 
    Discussion of Proposals
    Section 1.1  General Definitions
        This proposal would amend Sec. 1.1 to add a definition of ``maximum 
    speed for stability characteristics, VFC/MFC.'' This proposed 
    change would harmonize part 1 and JAR 1. The definition is currently 
    contained in Sec. 23.175(b)(2) and also in Sec. 25.253(b). Moving the 
    definition to part 1 would simplify the text of part 23 and ease the 
    referencing of the term VFC/MFC. The definition would be 
    deleted from Sec. 23.175(b)(2).
    Section 23.3  Airplane Categories
        This proposal would make a change to the limited aerobatic 
    operations authorized for utility category certification, change the 
    authorized commuter category certification maneuvers and prohibit dual 
    type certification of commuter category airplanes.
        The limitation for utility category airplanes in Sec. 23.3(b)(2) 
    would be revised to add an outside limit of 90 degrees in angle of bank 
    for lazy eights, chandelles, and steep turns.
        Section 23.3(d) would be revised to delete chandelles and lazy 
    eights as approved operations in commuter category airplanes because 
    the FAA does not anticipate any operational need for such maneuvers.
        Further, Sec. 23.3(e) would be revised to prohibit type 
    certification of commuter category airplanes in any other category. In 
    the preamble discussion of Proposal 3 for Amendment No. 23-34 (52 FR 
    1806, January 15, 1987), the FAA discussed the issue of dual 
    certification, with emphasis on the issuance of airworthiness 
    certificates. Since then, the FAA has gained experience with airplanes 
    certificated in both normal and commuter categories. The FAA has found 
    confusion among pilots and operators about the appropriate performance 
        Although the proposed performance requirements, based on weight, 
    altitude, and temperature (WAT) criteria (see proposal for Sec. 23.45), 
    would alleviate some of the problems with current airplanes, the FAA 
    proposes that commuter category airplanes not have dual type 
    certificates. One problem with dual type certification is pilot 
    confusion. WAT limits would differ between normal and commuter 
    categories, requiring pilots who get type rated in these airplanes to 
    know two sets of limitations and to remember when each set of 
    limitations is applicable. This proposed rule would not preclude the 
    type certification of similar airplanes with different model numbers, 
    such as the present Cessna models 500 and 501.
    Section 23.25  Weight Limits
        This proposal would make changes to Sec. 23.25(a) and remove 
    references to commuter category zero fuel weight in paragraph (a) and 
    standby power rocket engines in paragraph (a)(1)(iii).
        Revised Sec. 23.25(a) would clarify that the maximum weight that 
    must be selected is the least of the three choices given in 
    Sec. 23.25(a)(1). The airframe NPRM proposes moving the commuter 
    category zero fuel weight requirement in Sec. 23.25(a) to Sec. 23.343. 
    The FAA proposes removing the reference to both standby power rocket 
    engines and to appendix E in Sec. 23.25(a)(1)(iii) because this is a 
    rare and obsolete design feature. If standby power rocket engines were 
    proposed as a design feature, the FAA would issue special conditions to 
    ensure adequate airworthiness.
    Section 23.33  Propeller Speed and Pitch Limits
        Proposed revisions to Sec. 23.33(b)(1) would delete the reference 
    to Vy and replace it with ``the all engine(s) operating climb 
    speed specified in Sec. 23.65.'' This would be done for consistency 
    with other changes in performance requirements. Section 23.33(b)(2) 
    would be revised to use ``VNE'' in place of ``never exceed 
    speed,'' since VNE is defined in part 1, and to delete the world 
    ``placarded'' which is unnecessary.
    Section 23.45  General
        In Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Small Airplane Airworthiness 
    Review Program Notice No. 4, Notice No. 90-18 (55 FR 26534, June 28, 
    1990), the FAA requested comments on the need for weight, altitude, and 
    temperature (WAT) criteria, as information or as a limitation on 
    piston-powered, twin-engine part 23 airplanes. The FAA also requested 
    comments about WAT criteria on turbine-powered twin-engine part 23 
    airplanes, specifically during takeoff and landing.
        WAT criteria is used to determine the maximum weight an airplane 
    can have in relation to altitude and temperature for safe takeoff. This 
    criteria provides a pilot with the information needed to determine if a 
    takeoff and climb can be successfully completed, including for 
    multiengine airplanes, if one engine becomes inoperative. WAT criteria 
    has been required under part 23 for commuter category airplanes, at all 
    approved altitudes. A limited WAT criteria has been required for 
    turbine engine powered airplanes at 5,000 feet and at standard 
    temperatures plus 40 deg.F, but not for higher altitudes or 
    temperatures. For some multiengine powered airplanes WAT data has been 
    provided by the manufacturer as information to pilots but is not 
    required to be followed.
        The FAA received three comments on mandating WAT criteria in part 
    23. One commenter (GAMA) ``believes that WAT information is useful but 
    certainly not the only way to present operating data for any airplane'' 
    and that making WAT criteria an airplane or operating limitation for 
    part 23 airplanes is ``an unnecessary and unjustified expansion or 
    redirection of operating criteria.''
        Another commenter (the Airline Pilots Associaton--ALPA) wants WAT 
    information furnished during the certification process. The commenter 
    cites the variety of operational uses of these airplanes including in 
    scheduled air carrier and regional airline service. The commenter also 
    cities the need for ``one level'' of safety as justification for 
    expanding the WAT requirements.
        The other commenter (JAA) also supports WAT criteria. This 
    commenter believes that the chance of a single-engine failure on any 
    airplane is high. Also, this commenter warns that safety considerations 
    include airplane occupants and personnel on the ground. According to 
    the commenter, transport category airplanes follow WAT criteria by 
    limiting the operation of the airplane. Beyond the point where takeoff 
    can be rejected, one-engine-inoperative climbs must guarantee obstacle 
    clearance. The commenter recognizes a need for generally similar 
    requirements for commuter category airplanes.
        The JAA believes that requiring a continued flight capability would 
    preclude the operation of single-engine airplanes. Also, the commenter 
    believes that airplane size and stall speed provide characteristics 
    that permit safe landings in the event of an inoperative engine for 
    single-engine airplanes and smaller multiengine airplanes.
        The commenter points out that between the two extremes of the 
    transport category airplane and the single-engine airplane lies the 
    light twin-engine reciprocating airplanes and turbine engine airplanes, 
    ranging from four seats to nine and from 4,000 to 12,500 pounds. The 
    commenter notes that, for these types of airplanes, it would be 
    burdensome to require compliance with full net flight path obstacle 
    clearance. In the commenter's opinion, a safe forced landing becomes 
    less satisfactory with increased takeoff weight, involving longer 
    stopping distances even for the same landing speed. The commenter notes 
    that the twin-engine airplanes have other significant adverse 
    characteristics compared to single-engine airplanes. First, an engine 
    failure is twice as probable; second, asymmetric power demands 
    immediate pilot action.
        The commenter also points out that the inability to continue flight 
    with one engine inoperative creates the following situation: the chance 
    of a second engine failure is increased; a suitable site for an 
    emergency landing is reduced; and the pilot resists the inevitable 
    forced landing and tries to maintain flight. Training under more 
    favorable conditions may have taught the pilot to expect success in 
    those situations. In unfavorable conditions, attempts to maintain 
    flight may lead to loss of airspeed at high asymmetric power and, 
    commonly, loss of directional control that results in a stall/spin 
        The commenter advocates certification and operating criteria for 
    multiengine airplanes that blend the performance requirements for a 
    single-engine airplane and a transport category airplane. The commenter 
    believes that the existing requirements accept a limited period of risk 
    just before and just after liftoff, where engine failure may not be 
    fully accounted for. The commenter believes that the application of WAT 
    limits clearly accounts for actual conditions, although the climb 
    gradient requirements are lower than the requirements of part 25/JAR 
        The commenter proposes no distinction between reciprocating and 
    turbine engines. In the commenter's opinion, the WAT criteria should be 
    imposed, where applicable, as limitations through the Airplane Flight 
    Manual (AFM).
        The commenter does not believe that such proposals would involve 
    costs disproportionate to the benefit. The commenter suggests that the 
    comment from the Small Airplane Airworthiness Review Conference, held 
    October 22-26, 1984, that such criteria would ``eliminate the 
    certification of an entire class of airplanes,'' is an exaggeration. 
    The proposals are achievable, in the commenter's view, by typical 
    modern light twin-engine airplanes with realistic payloads, 
    particularly the more significant executive/air taxi airplanes. The 
    adoption of the WAT concept, in the commenter's opinion, would instill 
    a greater awareness of performance consideration in pilots from an 
    early stage of their training.
        The commenter also believes that the requirements on climb and 
    handling qualities of the present Secs. 23.65 and 23.67 are illogical 
    and unreasonable. The commenter recommends using WAT criteria so that 
    it applies equally to all airplane operations because it offers 
    improved airplane capability.
        The commenter points out that manufacturers of ``WAT type'' 
    airplanes routinely determine performance under a wide range of 
    conditions. The commenter also notes that flight manuals produced to 
    the widely accepted General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) 
    specification already contain performance data beyond the minimum 
    requirements of part 23. In the commenter's opinion, additional testing 
    or data scheduling create no additional costs.
        To determine the necessity of applying WAT criteria to other than 
    transport and commuter airplanes, the commenter notes that present 
    draft JAR 23 applies WAT limits only to piston-engine airplanes above 
    6,000 pounds and turbine-engine airplanes. The JAR Operations Study 
    Group proposes applying WAT limits to all JAR 23 airplanes in 
    commercial operations.
        In 1991, the FAA studied the accident record of reciprocating 
    engine-powered, multiengine part 23 airplanes of over 6,000 pounds 
    maximum takeoff weight with a substantial fleet size. The FAA completed 
    the study using the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) 
    accident briefs and evaluated those statistics over the study period of 
    the individual airplanes. The statistics show the following:
        (a) Over 100 accidents and 200 fatalities occurred due to engine 
    failure during the study period.
        (b) Forty-seven of the engine failure accidents occurred because 
    the pilot failed to maintain flying speed and/or directional control.
        (c) Engine reliability is a significant factor in the accident 
    study. (For example, airplanes of similar or the same aerodynamic 
    configuration, but with different engines, have significantly different 
    accident records.)
        After reviewing the accident statistics, and recognizing the 
    performance capabilities of the accident airplanes, the FAA concludes 
    the following:
        (a) Engine reliability would not be of major concern if the 
    airplane had adequate performance on the remaining operative engine.
        (b) The loss of flying speed and subsequent loss of airplane 
    control would not be a significant problem if the airplane exhibited 
    adequate climb performance capabilities to fly out of an engine loss 
    situation at low speeds.
        Based on these statistics and conclusions from the FAA 1991 study 
    and on comments, the FAA has determined that WAT limits are necessary 
    for safe operation of multiengine airplanes of the type that will be 
    involved in transporting passengers for hire. Operating rules (part 
    135) are already in place that specify some performance limitations. 
    The cutoff weight for reciprocating engine-powered airplanes of 6,000 
    pounds would encompass most airplanes of concern. All turbine engine-
    powered airplanes are included because of the adverse effect of 
    increasing temperatures on turbine engine performance.
        This proposal would change Sec. 23.45 to require weight, altitude, 
    and temperature (WAT) performance accountability for normal, utility, 
    and acrobatic airplanes with a maximum takeoff weight over 6,000 pounds 
    and all turbine-powered airplanes. Including WAT accountability 
    necessitates reorganization and revisions to all paragraphs of this 
    section. The inclusion of WAT accountability in part 23 also requires 
    changes to several other sections in part 23.
        Paragraph (a)(1) would be revised to require that performance 
    requirements be met for still air and ``standard atmosphere.'' Current 
    (a)(1) uses the term ``standard atmospheric conditions.''
        The applicability of paragraph (a) (1) and (2) would be revised to 
    require that all airplanes meet the performance requirements in still 
    air and standard atmosphere, and that ambient atmospheric conditions, 
    which currently must be met by commuter category airplanes, would have 
    to be met by (1) commuter category airplanes, (2) reciprocating engine-
    powered airplanes of more than 6,000 pounds maximum weight, and (3) 
    turbine engine-powered airplanes.
        Proposed paragraph (b) would replace current requirements of 
    paragraph (b), pertaining to power or thrust available, with the 
    altitude and temperature requirements for performance data.
        Proposed Sec. 23.45(c) is modified Sec. 23.51. It would require 
    that performance data be determined with the cowl flaps in the position 
    used in cooling tests required by Sec. 23.1041 to Sec. 23.1047 and 
    permits the cowl flap position to be addressed uniformly.
        Proposed paragraph (d) is the same as current paragraph (c) 
    pertaining to the determination of available propulsion thrust. 
    Proposed changes to Sec. 23.45 (b), (c), (d), and (e) would delete 
    references to ``thrust'' and retain just ``power,'' for standardization 
    with the JAR. This is considered appropriate since power covers engine 
    output, despite how the absorbed power is transmitted to the 
    atmosphere. The FAA proposes this change in subsequent sections where 
    the term ``power or thrust'' is used.
        Proposed paragraph (e) is the same as requirements of current 
    paragraph (d) with a minor editorial revision.
        Proposed new paragraph (f) is based on current paragraphs (e)(3) 
    and (e)(5)(i), which apply only to commuter category airplanes. 
    Proposed changes to Sec. 23.45(f) would extend to all airplane 
    categories the requirement for all takeoff and landing procedures to be 
    consistently executable by pilots of average skill. This is considered 
    appropriate since takeoffs and landings must be made routinely by 
    operational pilots. It is also appropriate that takeoff and landing 
    performance data published in the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) can be 
    consistently achieved by operational pilots.
        Proposed new paragraph (g) would require determining takeoff 
    distance, accelerate-stop distance, takeoff distance and takeoff run, 
    and landing distance on a smooth, dry, hard-surfaced runway. The FAA 
    considers these limitations necessary for WAT limited airplanes since 
    the WAT takeoff performance is only valid on a particular defined 
    surface. The FAA does not consider the testing necessary to extend the 
    same limitations to non-WAT airplanes burdensome to applicants since 
    that information is already available in GAMA Spec. No. 1 AFM's. 
    Additionally, the proposal allows for the derivation of landing and 
    takeoff data on non-hard surfaces, such as grass and gravel and, thus, 
    may not require additional flight testing.
        Proposed paragraph (h) is the same as current paragraph (e), which 
    covers additional performance requirements for commuter category 
    airplanes, except for some minor revisions. In the list of items to be 
    determined in paragraph (h)(3), ``landing distance'' would not be 
    included since it would already be covered in proposed Sec. 23.45(g). A 
    reference to Sec. 23.67 in paragraph (h)(4) would be updated to be 
    consistent with proposed revisions to that section in this notice; and 
    the phrase ``missed approaches'' would be changed to ``discontinued 
    approaches'' to be consistent with the proposed change to Sec. 23.143. 
    Proposed paragraph (h)(5)(i) requiring that the procedures must be able 
    to be consistently executed by a crew of average skill would have added 
    to it ``in atmospheric conditions reasonably expected to be encountered 
    in service.'' These clarifying words would also appear in paragraph 
    Section 23.49  Stalling Speed
        Section 23.49 would be reorganized and edited for clarification. 
    Currently the requirements for VS0 and VS1 are separated with 
    parallel configuration items under paragraphs (a) and (d). The proposed 
    clarification would merge the VS0 and VS1 requirements under 
    paragraph (a). Existing paragraph (b) would be moved to paragraph (c) 
    and existing paragraph (c) would be moved to paragraph (d). Existing 
    paragraph (e) would become paragraph (b) and the thrust conditions in 
    paragraph (f) would be incorporated under paragraph (a) items (1) and 
        Proposed changes to paragraph (a) are as follows:
        (1) Proposed paragraph (a)(4) would be a requirement that the 
    airplane be in the condition existing in the test, in which VS0 
    and VS1 are being used.
        (2) Proposed paragraph (a)(5) would be a revised version of current 
    paragraph (a)(6). The current requirement states that the center of 
    gravity must be in the most unfavorable position within the allowable 
    landing range. The proposed requirement would state that the center of 
    gravity must be in the position that results in the highest value of 
    VS0 and VS1.
        (3) As mentioned under Sec. 23.45, the current paragraph (a)(5) 
    would be moved to Sec. 23.45(c).
        All of the changes are clarifying and not an increase in 
    Section 23.51  Takeoff Speeds
        This proposal would revise the paragraph heading from ``Takeoff'' 
    to ``Takeoff speeds'' and incorporate the takeoff speed requirements 
    currently contained in Sec. 23.53. This revision to the heading and 
    reorganization of takeoff requirements is proposed for harmony with JAR 
        Current Sec. 23.51(a) would be moved to Sec. 23.53(a). Current 
    paragraph (a) requires that the distance required to take off and climb 
    over a 50-foot obstacle must be determined with the engines operating 
    within approved operating limitations and with cowl flaps in the normal 
    takeoff position. These requirements as modified would be covered under 
    proposed Secs. 23.45 (c) and (d) and 23.1587.
        Current Sec. 23.51(b) in measuring seaplane and amphibian takeoff 
    distances would be deleted because it is a statement of an acceptable 
    method of compliance. Also, there is not a need for addressing a 
    separate seaplane starting point.
        Current Sec. 23.51(c) concerning pilot skills and conditions would 
    be deleted since it would be covered under the general requirements in 
    proposed Sec. 23.45(f).
        Current Sec. 23.51(d) would be deleted because the requirements are 
    partly covered under Sec. 23.45 in commuter category performance and 
    other performance requirements. In addition, the information 
    requirements would be covered under Sec. 23.1587. Subpart G, under 
    which Sec. 23.1587 appears, is generally used to specify what 
    information must be in the AFM.
        For multiengine normal, utility, and acrobatic category airplanes, 
    the determination of VR is transferred from Sec. 23.53(a) to 
    proposed Sec. 23.51(a) with minor changes in the specified rotation 
    speed. For multiengine airplanes, in proposed paragraph (a)(1), the 
    margin between rotation speed and VMC increases to 1.05 VMC, 
    or a margin of 1.10 VS1 is established between VR and stall.
        Proposed paragraph (a) would define VR as the speed at which 
    the pilot makes a control input, with the intention of lifting the 
    airplane out of contact with the runway or water surface. This 
    definition would apply to tail wheel and tricycle gear airplanes, 
    seaplanes, and single-engine airplanes.
        In addition to the multiengine rotation speed discussed above, 
    proposed paragraph (a) would include rotation speeds for single-engine 
    airplanes and seaplanes and amphibians. This proposed rule would extend 
    VR applicability to all part 23 airplanes to establish a safe and 
    standardized procedure that can be used by operational pilots to 
    achieve AFM takeoff performance. This proposed use of rotation speed is 
    consistent with part 25.
        In proposed paragraph (b) the speed at 50 feet is based on current 
    Sec. 23.53(b) with no change in requirements.
        For commuter category airplanes, the takeoff speed requirements 
    move from Sec. 23.53(c) to proposed Sec. 23.51(c) with editorial 
    changes. The option in proposed (c)(1)(i) for an applicant to determine 
    a VMCG and establish a V1 based on VMCG rather than a 
    margin above VMCA is added.
    Section 23.53  Takeoff Performance
        The heading of Sec. 23.53 would be new and the content would come 
    primarily from existing Sec. 23.51. This section would now provide 
    general takeoff performance requirements.
        The proposal would move the takeoff speed requirements of the 
    current Sec. 23.53 to Sec. 23.51. (See proposal for Sec. 23.51.) 
    Proposed Sec. 23.53 provides general takeoff performance requirements 
    for normal, utility, acrobatic, and commuter category airplanes. 
    Proposed paragraph (a) is based on current Sec. 23.51(a). Proposed 
    paragraph (b) is a modification of current Sec. 23.1587(a)(5). Proposed 
    paragraph (c) is based on Sec. 23.51(d).
    Section 23.55  Accelerate-stop Distance
        This proposal would revise Sec. 23.55 to clarify the accelerate-
    stop segments and to make editorial changes.
        This proposal would divide the accelerate-stop maneuver into three 
    segments, rest to VEF (proposed (a)(1)), VEF to V1 
    (proposed (a)(2)), and V1 to rest (proposed (a)(3)). This is not a 
    new requirement, but it divides the total distance into three segments 
    to be considered. The phrase, ``in the case of engine failure,'' in 
    current Sec. 23.55(a)(2) would be deleted because it would be included 
    in proposed (a)(2). Also, the phrase, ``assuming that * * * the pilot 
    has decided to stop as indicated by application of the first retarding 
    means at the speed V1,'' is deleted because it is stated in 
    proposed Sec. 23.51(c)(1)(ii). The ``exceptional skill'' phrase of 
    Sec. 23.55(b)(3) would be deleted because it will remain in proposed 
    Sec. 23.45(h)(5)(i). The Sec. 23.55(b) phrase ``if that means is 
    available with the critical engine inoperative'' would be deleted 
    because it is covered by the safe and reliable requirements.
    Section 23.57  Takeoff Path
        Section 23.57 would be revised to clarify and specify which takeoff 
    path segments must be determined in flight. Proposed paragraph (a) 
    would clarify that the transition to the enroute configuration should 
    be completed on or before reaching 1500 feet above the takeoff surface. 
    In current Sec. 23.57(c)(1), the slope of the airborne part of the 
    takeoff path must be ``positive at each point''; this is changed in 
    proposed (c)(1) to ``not negative at any point,'' to allow acceleration 
    in level flight, which is implied by current Sec. 23.61(c). A proposed 
    editorial change to Sec. 23.57(c)(3) would specify that the climb 
    gradient ``must not be less than * * *,'' as opposed to ``may not be 
    less than. * * *'' The option in current Sec. 23.57(d) of determining 
    the takeoff path, either by continuous demonstration or by synthesis 
    from segments, no longer reflects current practice, nor is it entirely 
    desirable. The only viable option in determining the takeoff path from 
    rest to 35 feet above the takeoff surface is by a continuous 
    demonstration. The most practical method of determining the takeoff 
    path from 35 feet to 1500 feet above the takeoff surface is by 
    synthesis from segments. Accordingly, proposed Sec. 23.57(d) and (e) 
    would incorporate these changes.
    Section 23.59  Takeoff Distance and Takeoff Run
        This proposal would clarify Sec. 23.59 with no substantial change 
    in requirements. The proposal would change the opening text to clarify 
    that the determination of takeoff run is the applicant's option since 
    the applicant may choose not to present clearway data. The reference in 
    current Sec. 23.59(a)(2) and (b)(2) to ``along the takeoff path,'' in a 
    takeoff with all engines operating, would be deleted since takeoff path 
    is a one-engine-inoperative condition. Additionally, the reference to 
    VLOF is replaced with the words ``liftoff point'' to clarify that 
    the requirements specify a point and related distance, not a speed.
    Section 23.63  Climbs: General
        Proposed new Sec. 23.63 would assemble general climb requirements 
    from Secs. 23.65 and 23.67 into a single section and differentiate 
    between WAT limited airplanes (reciprocating engine powered airplanes 
    of above 6,000 pounds maximum takeoff weight and all turbine engine 
    powered airplanes) and those airplanes that are not WAT limited 
    (reciprocating engine powered airplanes of 6,000 pounds or less). (See 
    the proposed change to Sec. 23.45 for discussion of WAT limits.) 
    Proposed new Sec. 23.63(a)(1) would require that compliance be shown 
    out of ground effect. This requirement is in current Sec. 23.67(e), 
    which applies to commuter category airplanes. Proposed new 
    Sec. 23.63(a)(3) requires that compliance must be shown, unless 
    otherwise specified, with one engine inoperative, at a bank angle not 
    exceeding 5 degrees. This requirement is in current Sec. 23.149 and has 
    been applied generally for part 23 airplanes except commuter category 
    airplanes in certain circumstances.
    Section 23.65  Climb: All Engines Operating
        This proposal would clarify Sec. 23.65 and would change minimum 
    climb speeds for multiengine airplanes.
        Proposed revisions to Sec. 23.65(a) would change the applicability 
    from ``each airplane'' as adopted in Amendment No. 23-45 (58 FR 42136, 
    August 6, 1993) to ``each normal, utility, and acrobatic category 
    reciprocating engine-powered airplane of 6,000 pounds or less maximum 
    weight.'' It would change the phrase ``angle of climb'' to ``climb 
    gradient'' and establish the climb gradient at 8.3 percent for 
    landplanes and 6.7 percent for seaplanes and amphibians with certain 
    specified performance conditions.
        Proposed (a)(4) would establish a minimum climb speed for 
    multiengine airplanes of not less than the greater of 1.1 VMC and 
    1.2 VS1, which would provide a margin above VMC.
        The cowl flap requirements currently in paragraph (a)(5) would be 
    moved to Sec. 23.45(c).
        Current Sec. 23.65(b) would be deleted. These requirements should 
    have been deleted in Amendment No. 23-45 (58 FR 42136, August 6, 1993), 
    but they were overlooked. Since the adoption of Amendment No. 23-45 
    there is no longer a rate of climb requirement in Sec. 23.65(a). The 
    alternative means of compliance allowed by paragraph (b), therefore, is 
    obsolete and not consistent with the more stringent performance 
    requirements proposed by this NPRM. Also, the alternative means of 
    compliance in paragraph (b) was rarely used by applicants.
        The proposed Sec. 23.65(b) would add WAT limits for reciprocating 
    engine-powered airplanes of more than 6,000 pounds maximum weight and 
    turbine engine-powered airplanes. (See proposal for Sec. 23.45 for 
    discussion of WAT limits.)
        Current Sec. 23.65(c) would be moved to Sec. 23.65(b) and the 
    temperature and altitude requirements would be deleted since WAT limits 
    are proposed for turbine engine-powered airplanes and the four percent 
    gradient would apply at any approved takeoff ambient condition. 
    Proposed Sec. 23.65(b)(2) provides for landing gear down unless the 
    gear can be retracted in not more than seven seconds. This is more 
    stringent than the present requirement, but the same as the proposed 
    one-engine-inoperative takeoff climb requirements, and is considered 
    appropriate to this weight and class of airplane with WAT limits.
        Current Sec. 23.65(d) would be deleted since the requirements would 
    be covered in the proposed Sec. 23.45(h)(2) and current Sec. 23.21.
    Section 23.66  Takeoff Climb; One-engine Inoperative
        Proposed new Sec. 23.66 would require the determination of the one-
    engine-inoperative climb capacity of all WAT limited reciprocating 
    engine-powered and turbine engine-powered airplanes immediately after 
    takeoff. Since most reciprocating engine-powered airplanes do not have 
    autofeather, the condition immediately after takeoff can be critical. 
    There is not a minimum climb requirement in this configuration, only 
    the determination of the climb or descent gradient. This information 
    does not become a limitation; it is provided to the pilot in the AFM 
    (see Sec. 23.1587) to allow the pilot to make informed judgments before 
    Section 23.67  Climb: One Engine Inoperative
        This proposal would reorganize Sec. 23.67 for harmonization with 
    the JAR; and would require WAT limits for some airplanes; require wings 
    level climb up to 400 feet for commuter category airplanes, and make 
    minor changes in airplane configuration requirements.
        Revised Sec. 23.67(a) would specify the climb requirements for non-
    WAT airplanes with no change in requirements for those airplanes.
        Proposed Sec. 23.67(b) would specify climb requirements for WAT 
    airplanes. WAT criteria would be applied for both reciprocating engine-
    powered airplanes of more than 6,000 pounds maximum weight and turbine 
    engine-powered airplanes. (See the discussion of WAT limits in the 
    proposed change to Sec. 23.45.) Turbine engine-powered airplanes are 
    currently subject to limited WAT limitations under Sec. 23.67(c), which 
    would be incorporated into proposed Sec. 23.67(b).
        The takeoff flap position for normal, utility, and acrobatic 
    category reciprocating engine-powered airplanes of 6,000 pounds or less 
    is changed to ``wing flaps retracted'' from ``most favorable position'' 
    (current Sec. 23.67(4)). Wing flaps retracted is the position most used 
    in certification and in service for this size of airplane. The proposed 
    change is contained in Sec. 23.67(a)(1)(iv), (a)(2)(iv), and 
        Current Sec. 23.67(d) is deleted since all climb speeds (both all-
    engine and one engine inoperative) are scheduled and the determination 
    of VY is no longer required. VY is also proposed to be 
    deleted in all other sections of part 23 for the same reason.
        Current Sec. 23.67(e) for commuter category airplanes would be 
    redesignated as Sec. 23.67(c) with no change in requirements except 
    that the takeoff climb with landing gear extended must be conducted 
    with the landing gear doors open. This is a conservative approach 
    offered by the JAA to specify a definite gear door configuration and to 
    delete the requirement to determine performance during the transient 
    condition of gear doors opening and closing. Proposed Sec. 23.67(c)(1) 
    specifies that the first segment climb must be conducted with the wings 
    level and further specifies that the climb speed for the segment must 
    be V2 instead of the current requirement for a range of speeds 
    from VLOF and whatever the applicant selects at gear retraction. 
    Proposed Sec. 23.67(c)(2) requires conducting the second segment climb 
    with wings level, which would be appropriate for operational scenarios.
        The current Sec. 23.67(e)(1) requirements are partially moved to 
    Sec. 23.67(c) and the remainder are contained in Sec. 23.63(a)(1) and 
        Proposed Sec. 23.67(c)(3), enroute climb, adds a minimum climb 
    speed to ensure an adequate margin above stall speed.
        The proposed Sec. 23.67(c)(4) makes no substantive changes in the 
    current requirements of Sec. 23.67(e)(3) but does change the paragraph 
    heading from ``Approach'' to ``Discontinued approach.'' In addition, 
    proposed Sec. 23.67(c)(4) clarifies that the climb gradients must be 
    met at an altitude of 400 feet above the landing surface.
    Section 23.69  Enroute Climb/Descent
        Proposed new Sec. 23.69 would require the determination of all 
    engine and one-engine-inoperative climb/descent rates and gradients in 
    the enroute configuration under all operational WAT conditions. This 
    information is necessary for enroute flight planning and dispatch. 
    Climb speeds are specified to provide a margin above VSI.
    Section 23.71  Glide: Single-engine Airplanes
        Proposed new Sec. 23.71 would require the determination of glide 
    distance and speed for single-engine airplanes. The information is 
    necessary for flight planning and for providing the pilot with 
    information from which to make informed decisions.
    Section 23.73  Reference Landing Approach Speed
        Proposed new Sec. 23.73 would define the reference landing approach 
    speeds, VREF. Establishing a definition for these speeds 
    simplifies the use of VREF in other portions of the rule. The 
    VREF speeds for the various category airplanes are established as 
    not less than 1.3 V S0. Also, the established speeds consider the 
    appropriate relationship to VMC determined under Sec. 23.149.
    Section 23.75  Landing Distance
        This proposal would revise the heading, reorganize Sec. 23.75 for 
    harmonization with the JAR, add the landing reference speed, VREF, 
    and move the portion on brake pressures to Sec. 23.735, Brakes.
        The introductory paragraph of this section would be revised to 
    delete the reference to the AFM because part 23, subpart B, is 
    generally used to specify what must be determined during flight test 
    and part 23, subpart G, is generally used to specify what must be 
    placed in the AFM. The introductory paragraph would also be revised to 
    require landing distances to be determined at standard temperature for 
    each weight and altitude. Service experience has shown that landing 
    distances are not sensitive to temperatures. The use of standard 
    temperature is consistent with WAT requirements and the increased level 
    of safety introduced in this NPRM. The revised introductory paragraph 
    deletes the reference to ``approximately 3 knots'' for seaplanes and 
    amphibians because this information will be moved to advisory material 
    on acceptable methods of compliance.
        Revised Sec. 23.75(a) adds VREF and requires its use. (See 
    proposal for Sec. 23.73.)
        The text of the current Sec. 23.75(b) is deleted because proposed 
    Sec. 23.45 would specify these general requirements. Proposed new 
    Sec. 23.75(b) clarifies that a constant configuration must be 
    maintained throughout the maneuver.
        Revised Sec. 23.75(d) would continue the current requirement for 
    showing that a safe transition to the balked landing conditions can be 
    made and specify the weight that must be considered for the transition 
    to the balked landing conditions. This proposed new requirement 
    reflects current industry practice.
        Proposed new Sec. 23.75(e) is a general requirement to ensure the 
    reliability of the brakes and tires.
        Proposed Sec. 23.75(f) is revised by changing the first use of the 
    word ``means'' to ``retardation means,'' and by deleting paragraph 
    (f)(3). Paragraph (f)(3) requires that no more than average skill shall 
    be required to control the airplane. This topic is covered in proposed 
    Sec. 23.45(f).
        Section Sec. 23.75(h) is deleted because the introductory paragraph 
    of proposed Sec. 23.75 would contain commuter category requirements and 
    proposed Sec. 23.1587 would require landing distance correction 
    Section 23.77  Balked Landing
        This section would be revised to include additional WAT 
    requirements and to make editorial changes.
        Proposed revisions to Sec. 23.77 (a) and (b) would differentiate 
    between WAT and non-WAT; and, in paragraph (b), would include the more 
    stringent WAT limited airplane requirements. (See proposal for 
    Sec. 23.45.) Section 23.77(a)(4) adds a new climb speed requirement to 
    ensure that acceleration is not required during the transition from 
    landing to balked landing. The climb gradient of Sec. 23.77(b) was 
    selected to be slightly less than the non-WAT airplane sea level 
    requirement as a tradeoff for a balked landing climb capability at all 
    altitudes and temperatures.
        The commuter category climb gradient of 3.3 percent specified in 
    Sec. 23.77(c) changes to 3.2 percent for consistency with part 25. 
    Additional editorial changes and deletions are proposed for 
    Sec. 23.77(c) because the general requirements would be covered in the 
    proposed Sec. 23.45.
    Section 23.143  General
        Proposed Sec. 23.143(a) would be revised to add the phrase ``during 
    all flight phases'' to the lead-in of the paragraph. ``Go-around'' 
    would be added to the list of flight phases.
        The JAA/FAA decided, during FAR/JAR Harmonization meetings, that 
    the term ``go-around'' included the all engine balked landings of 
    Sec. 23.77, various all engine and one-engine-inoperative aborted 
    landings specified in the AFM, and the commuter category discontinued 
    approach of Sec. 23.67(c)(4). In this NPRM, balked landing refers only 
    to the all engine balked landing of Sec. 23.77.
        The table in paragraph (c) would be changed to show a change in 
    two-hand roll force from 60 to 50 pounds, which is consistent with JAR 
    25. The table also would be changed to show a one-hand on the rim roll 
    force of 25 pounds. This is a JAA/FAA harmonized value.
    Section 23.145  Longitudinal Control
        Proposed Sec. 23.145 would be revised by changing the speed ranges 
    applicable to the takeoff, enroute, and landing configurations. In 
    proposing paragraph (b)(2) the requirement for ``altering and 
    maintaining, as a minimum, the speed used to show compliance with 
    Sec. 23.77'' would be changed ``to allow the airspeed to transition 
    from 1.3 VS0 to 1.3 VS1.'' In proposed paragraph (b)(5) for 
    landing configuration, the speed reference would be changed from 1.4 
    VS0 to VREF.
        Editorial changes are also proposed for the lead-in to paragraphs 
    (b) with no substantive change.
        Current paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (ii) would be redesignated as 
    (b)(2) and (b)(3), respectively.
        Proposed paragraph (b)(3) would add more specific requirements if 
    gated flap positions are used.
        Proposed paragraph (b)(4) is the same as current paragraph (b)(4). 
    Proposed paragraph (b)(5) is the same as current paragraph (b)(5) 
    except for changes in trim speed to VREF and the allowance of a 
    two-handed control. Use of two hands is considered appropriate because 
    the pilot does not need to change power settings.
        Proposed paragraph (b)(6) is current paragraph (b)(3).
        Proposed paragraph (c) could change the speed range for maneuvering 
    capability from ``above VMO/MMO and up to VD/MD'' 
    to ``above VMO/MMO and up to the maximum speed shown under 
    Sec. 23.251.'' This change is considered necessary because a range of 
    speeds can be chosen as VD/MD. Reference to Sec. 23.251 would 
    ensure a flight demonstrated speed instead of a design speed.
        Proposed paragraph (d) would change the speed that must be 
    maintained for power-off glide from 1.3 VSO to VREF.
    Section 23.147  Directional and Lateral Control
        This proposal would make minor revisions to Sec. 23.147(a) and add 
    two new requirements in proposed paragraphs (b) and (c). The flaps 
    retracted configuration for Sec. 23.127(a)(4) would be consistent with 
    the proposed Sec. 23.67.
        Proposed Sec. 23.147(b) would add a test for the condition when, 
    during enroute climb, an engine fails and a time delay of two seconds 
    occurs before the pilot takes corrective action. The intent of this 
    proposed change is to test for a likely operational scenario and to 
    ensure a satisfactory result.
        Proposed Sec. 23.147(c) would test for the failure or disconnection 
    of the primary lateral control. This paragraph requires that the 
    airplane exhibit adequate dihedral effect throughout the airplane's 
    operational envelope to ensure continued safe flight and landings if a 
    lateral control disconnects. In addition, this requirement provides 
    compatibility with the relaxed requirements of proposed Sec. 23.177(b) 
    (see proposal for Sec. 23.177).
    Section 23.149  Minimum Control Speed
        This proposal would clarify Sec. 23.149, add a VMC in the 
    landing configuration, and provide the procedure for determining a 
    ground VMC.
        Current Sec. 23.149(a) would be revised in the proposal by making 
    clarifying and editorial changes with no change in requirements. 
    Section 23.149(b) would be revised by making clarifying changes and 
    deleting the reference to lesser weights in paragraph (b)(4) because 
    the range of weights is covered in Sec. 23.21.
        Proposed Sec. 23.149(c) specifies the requirement for a VMC in 
    the landing configuration for WAT and commuter airplanes. This proposed 
    new requirement is necessary for airplanes in this category to provide 
    a VREF margin above the VMC determined in the landing 
    configuration. (See proposal for Sec. 23.73.)
        The new Sec. 23.149(f) proposes the requirements for determining a 
    VMCG for commuter category airplanes, at the option of the 
    applicant, to comply with Sec. 23.51. (See proposal for Sec. 23.51.)
    Section 23.153  Control During Landings
        This proposal would revise Sec. 23.153 to reference landing speeds 
    to VREF and to reorganize the section.
    Section 23.155  Elevator Control Forces in Maneuvers
        Proposed Sec. 23.155 would make changes to the power and gradient 
    of the stick force curve.
        Proposed Sec. 23.155(b) specifies the maximum continuous power for 
    the test instead of allowing a power selected by the applicant as an 
    operating limitation. This revision would eliminate a power 
    specification that is unnecessary and would simplify normal operations 
    for the pilot.
        Proposed Sec. 23.155(c) addresses stick force gradient to ensure 
    that stick force lightening is not excessive. The FAA will issue 
    advisory material on acceptable methods of compliance.
    Section 23.157  Rate of Roll
        This proposal would revise Sec. 23.157(d) power and trim 
    requirements and would clarify the flap position. Proposed 
    Sec. 23.157(d)(1) would clarify that the flaps should be in the landing 
    position. Proposed Sec. 23.157(d)(3) would make the power consistent 
    with the approach configuration, which is the configuration being 
    tested. Proposed Sec. 23.157(d)(4) would relate the trim speed to the 
    proposed VREF. (See proposal for Sec. 23.73.)
    Section 23.161  Trim
        This proposal would revise Sec. 23.161 power, configurations, and 
        Proposed Sec. 23.161(a) would state the safety principles 
    underlying the trim requirements and would provide a regulatory 
    requirement for considering conditions that might be encountered 
    outside the requirements addressed in paragraphs (b) through (d).
        Proposed Sec. 23.161(b)(1) would add a requirement to trim at 
    MMO in addition to VMO. This proposed change only clarifies 
    that the airplane must trim in the Mach limited speed range.
        Proposed Sec. 23.161(b)(2) would require lateral and directional 
    trim over a range of 1.4 VS1 to VH or VMO/MMO for 
    commuter category airplanes instead of only the high speed requirement 
    in the present rules. It is appropriate for commuter category airplanes 
    to trim in the proposed range. It would not be burdensome because all 
    present commuter category airplanes were designed to the proposed 
        The proposed introductory paragraph of Sec. 23.161(c) would delete 
    the reference to VMO/MMO, since it is addressed in other 
    appropriate places. Proposed Sec. 23.161(c)(1) would require trim at 
    takeoff power, as this is a likely operational scenario for most 
    airplanes and the condition should be tested. In addition, the proposed 
    change would relate the maximum continuous power climb speeds and 
    configuration to Sec. 23.69, the enroute climb requirement. Current 
    Sec. 23.161(c)(2) moves to Sec. 23.161(c)(4), changes the reference 
    VREF for a landing speed, and adds a requirement for the airplane 
    to trim at the steepest landing approach gradient the applicant chooses 
    under Sec. 23.75. It is appropriate for the airplane to trim at all 
    landing conditions. Current Sec. 23.161(c)(3) moves to 
    Sec. 23.161(c)(2) with editorial changes. Current Sec. 23.161(c)(4) 
    moves to Sec. 23.161(c)(3) with an increase in the trim speed from 0.9 
    VNO or VMO to VNO or VMO/MMO. The increase in 
    trim speed is appropriate because descent is permitted and is common at 
        Proposed Sec. 23.161(d) would make editorial changes in the 
    introductory paragraph. It would reference the appropriate Sec. 23.67 
    requirements and delete commuter category speed ranges, which are moved 
    to the new Sec. 23.161(e). Section Sec. 23.161(d)(4) is revised to 
    specify flaps retracted instead of referencing the Sec. 23.67 
    configurations. Flaps retracted is the likely sustained configuration 
    where a pilot would need to trim. Also, the flaps retracted 
    configuration for Sec. 23.161(d)(4) would be consistent with the 
    proposed Sec. 23.67.
        Proposed new Sec. 23.161(e) would ensure that excessive forces are 
    not encountered in commuter category airplanes during extended climbs 
    at V2 in the takeoff configuration, when climb above 400 feet is 
    Section 23.175  Demonstration of Static Longitudinal Stability
        This proposal would make changes to Sec. 23.175 power, 
    configurations, and speeds.
        Proposed Sec. 23.175(a)(1) would change the flap position from the 
    climb position to the flaps retracted position. This is a clarifying 
    change since virtually all part 23 airplanes use flaps retracted for 
    climb. Also, this proposed change would align the part 23 and part 25 
    climb static longitudinal stability requirements.
        Proposed Sec. 23.175(a)(3) would delete the option for the 
    applicant to select some power other than maximum continuous power as 
    an operating limitation. As noted in the proposed change to 
    Sec. 23.155, this would eliminate a power specification that is 
    unnecessary and simplify normal operations for the pilot. Proposed 
    Sec. 23.175(a)(4) would make the trim speed consistent with the enroute 
    all-engine climb speed.
        The proposed change to Sec. 23.175(b) would rearrange the section 
    with no change in requirements. The definition of VFC/MMC 
    contained in Sec. 23.175(b)(2) is proposed to be moved to part 1, to 
    harmonize with JAR 1. (See the proposed change to Sec. 1.1.)
        Current Sec. 23.175(c), which requires the test for gear down 
    cruise static longitudinal stability, would be deleted. This test is 
    considered superfluous to the land configuration static longitudinal 
    stability test and does not represent a likely operating scenario.
        Proposed Sec. 23.175(c) would be current Sec. 23.175(d) with only a 
    change to use VREF as the trim speed.
    Section 23.177  Static Directional and Lateral Stability
        Proposed revisions to Sec. 23.177 would delete the requirements for 
    two-control airplanes, make minor clarifying changes, and specify an 
    exclusion for acrobatic category airplanes.
        Proposed Sec. 23.177 would delete the introductory phrase 
    concerning three-control airplanes, which is consistent with the 
    deletion of the requirements for two-control airplanes in current 
    paragraph (b). The two-control airplane regulations were introduced in 
    1945 but no two-control airplanes have been certificated for several 
    decades and no need is foreseen for these regulations. If an applicant 
    proposes a two-control airplane, the FAA would issue special 
    conditions. After deleting the introductory portion of Sec. 23.177(a), 
    paragraph (a)(1) would be redesignated as (a). In the first sentence, 
    the proposed change replaces ``skid'' with ``wings level sideslip'' to 
    clarify the intended maneuver. Also, the proposed change increases the 
    power requirement for demonstration of directional stability in the 
    landing configuration. The current requirement specifies power 
    necessary to maintain a three degree angle of decent. Maximum 
    continuous power is considered appropriate since directional stability 
    should be maintained during a balked landing, particularly since 
    directional instability is an undesirable characteristic at any point 
    in the flight envelope. Also, VA is replaced by VO to be 
    consistent with Sec. 23.1507.
        Proposed Sec. 23.177(b), currently (a)(2), replaces ``any'' with 
    ``all'' in the first sentence to clarify that all landing gear and flap 
    positions must be addressed. Also, the proposed paragraph would specify 
    a minimum speed at which static lateral stability may not be negative, 
    as 1.3 VS, for all configurations except takeoff. This is 
    consistent with the other speeds specified in Sec. 23.177(b) and 
    relieves the requirement for other than takeoff speeds.
        Proposed new Sec. 23.177(c) would provide an exclusion for the 
    dihedral effect for acrobatic category airplanes approved for inverted 
    flight. The proposed change recognizes that, in fully acrobatic 
    airplanes, the dihedral effect is not a desired characteristic.
        The addition of proposed Sec. 23.147(c), which ensures lateral 
    control capability without the use of the primary lateral control 
    system, compensates for the relieving nature of proposed Sec. 23.177(b) 
    and the exception from the requirements of Sec. 23.177(b) for acrobatic 
    category airplanes.
        Present Sec. 23.177(a)(3) is redesignated as Sec. 23.177(d). The 
    proposed Sec. 23.177(d) deletes the next to the last sentence, 
    concerning bank angle and heading, because the current requirement is 
    not a necessary test condition and a constant heading during the 
    sideslip may be impossible in some airplanes.
        Present Sec. 23.177(b) is deleted, as previously discussed, because 
    it applies to two-control airplanes.
    Section 23.201  Wings Level Stall
        This proposal would delete both two-control airplanes and altitude 
    loss requirements and would make clarifying changes in Sec. 23.201.
        The proposed change to Sec. 23.201(a) deletes the applicability 
    reference for an airplane with independently controlled roll and 
    directional controls. The last word, ``pitches'' is replaced by 
    ``stalls'' since stalls may be defined by other than nose-down 
        Present Sec. 23.201(b) is deleted since it applies to two-control 
    airplanes. (See proposed change for Sec. 23.177 for discussion of two-
    control airplane requirements.)
        Current Sec. 23.201(c) is divided into proposed Sec. 23.201 (b) and 
    (c). Proposed Sec. 23.201(b) covers stall recognition and proposed 
    Sec. 23.201(c) addresses stall recovery. Proposed Sec. 23.201(b) 
    clarifies that the test should start from a speed at least 10 knots 
    above the stall speed. Proposed Sec. 23.201(b) has no change in 
    requirements. Section 23.201(c) is changed to specify how long the 
    control must be held against the stop. This change would ensure that 
    the procedure for determining stall speed is the same procedure used to 
    test stall characteristics. The last sentence of current paragraph (c) 
    on the increase of power is deleted because it would only apply to 
    altitude loss.
        Present Sec. 23.201(d) would be deleted, as suggested by the JAA, 
    since the determination of altitude loss, and its subsequent furnishing 
    in the AFM, is not considered information useful to the pilot for safe 
    operation of the airplane.
        Proposed Sec. 23.201(d) would be based on present Sec. 23.210(e) 
    and would be revised to clarify that the roll and yaw limits apply 
    during both entry and recovery.
        Proposed Sec. 23.201(e) is present paragraph (f) with some 
    revisions. During FAR/JAR harmonization meetings, the JAA pointed out 
    to the FAA that in high power-to-weight ratio airplanes, extreme nose-
    up attitudes were the principal criteria for use of reduced power, not 
    the presence of undesirable stall characteristics. The FAA concurs and 
    proposes to delete the phrase concerning stall characteristics.
    Section 23.203  Turning Flight and Accelerated Turning Stalls
        Proposed Sec. 23.203 would be revised by adding the word 
    ``turning'' before ``stalls'' and after ``accelerated'' in the heading, 
    the introductory text, and in proposed paragraphs (a)(2) and (b)(5). 
    This proposed change clarifies that accelerated stalls are performed in 
    turning flight. Also, it clarifies the definition to show that 
    accelerated stalls are not intended to be performed in straight flight. 
    This clarification reflects current practice.
        Proposed Sec. 23.203 (a) and (b) would reference the stall 
    definition in Sec. 23.201(b), which is more specific than the present 
    general words ``when the stall has fully developed or the elevator has 
    reached its stop.''
        For clarification, current paragraph (b)(4) would be separated into 
    proposed paragraphs (b)(4) and (b)(5) without substantive change, and 
    current paragraph (b)(5) would be redesignated as paragraph (b)(6).
        Proposed Sec. 23.203(c)(1) would clarify the wing flap positions by 
    changing ``each intermediate position'' to ``each intermediate normal 
    operating position.''
        The proposed change to Sec. 23.203(c)(4) would clarify the use of 
    reduced power. (See the proposed change to Sec. 23.201(f).)
        Proposed new paragraph (c)(6) has been added to be consistent with 
    new Sec. 23.207(c)(6) configurations (Amendment No. 23-45).
    Section 23.205  Critical Engine-Inoperative Stalls
        This proposal would delete Sec. 23.205. The present requirement to 
    demonstrate stalls with the critical engine inoperative is restricted 
    to the enroute configuration and to a level of power asymmetry with 
    which the airplane is controllable with wings level at the stalling 
    speed. As a result, the power on the operating engines at the stall is 
    normally fairly low, and neither the configuration nor the power 
    setting represent the conditions most likely to accompany an 
    inadvertent stall in service. Reduction of power of the operating 
    engine(s) during the recovery is permitted, and it is questionable 
    whether such action would be taken promptly in an inadvertent stall in 
    service. Experience shows that stalls with significant power asymmetry 
    can result in a spin, even on airplanes that are certificated to the 
    present requirement. Apparently the requirement for demonstrating one-
    engine-inoperative stalls is not effective in ensuring that inadvertent 
    stalls in service with one engine inoperative will have satisfactory 
    characteristics and be recoverable. Sufficient protection against the 
    hazard of stalling with one engine inoperative is provided by the one-
    engine-inoperative performance requirements and operating speed 
    margins, coupled with the requirements for determination of VMC, 
    the addition of a directional and lateral control test under 
    Sec. 23.147(b), and demonstration of stalling characteristics with 
    symmetric power.
    Section 23.207  Stall Warning
        This proposal would delete the upper limit on stall speed margin 
    and provide for mutable stall warning on acrobatic category airplanes 
    in Sec. 23.207.
        Proposed Sec. 23.207(c) would reference the stall tests required by 
    Sec. 23.201(b) and Sec. 23.203(a)(1) and specify that during such tests 
    for one knot per second deceleration stalls, both wings level and 
    turning, the stall must begin at a speed exceeding the stalling speed 
    by a margin of not less than 5 knots. The quantified upper limit in the 
    current rule of 10 knots or 15 percent of the stalling speed would be 
    deleted. The upper limit has created problems for manufacturers because 
    of the complex design features required to show compliance. The upper 
    limit requirement was in effect replaced by the nuisance stall warning 
    requirement in Sec. 23.207.(d).
        Present Sec. 23.207(d) would be divided and moved to proposed 
    Sec. 23.207 (d) and (e). Proposed Sec. 23.207(d) on nuisance stall 
    warnings would have no change in requirements. Proposed Sec. 23.207(e) 
    would delete the bottom limit of five knots for decelerations greater 
    than one knot per second. Also, it would specify that the stall warning 
    must begin sufficiently before the stall so that the pilot can take 
    corrective action. This is considered appropriate because, at the 
    higher deceleration rates of three to five knots per second, a 
    specified five knots may not be enough stall warning.
        Proposed new Sec. 23.207(f) allows for a mutable stall warning 
    system for acrobatic category airplanes, with automatic arming for 
    takeoff and rearming for landing. This feature is useful for acrobatic 
    pilots and provides safeguards for takeoff and landing.
    Secion 23.221  Spinning
        This proposal would revise the point to start the one-turn-spin 
    recovery count, delete the ``characteristically incapable of spinning'' 
    option, and make minor changes in acrobatic category spins in 
    Sec. 23.221.
        Proposed Sec. 23.221(a) would replace the exception for airplanes 
    characteristically incapable of spinning with an exception for 
    airplanes that demonstrate compliance with the optional spin resistant 
    requirements of paragraph (a)(2) of this section. Criteria for an 
    airplane incapable of spinning are unnecessary since criteria for spin 
    resistant airplanes are provided. Proposed Sec. 23.221(a) would change 
    the point at which the count for the one-turn-spin recovery begins. The 
    change would specify a more specific point to begin the count by 
    replacing the current phrase ``after the controls have been applied'' 
    with ``after initiation of the first control action for recovery.'' 
    Under the present rules, if an applicant proposes a multiple step 
    recovery procedure that starts with the rudder, then the airplane may 
    be effectively recovered before the start of the recovery count.
        Proposed Sec. 23.221(a)(1)(ii) would specify that no control force 
    or characteristic can adversely affect prompt recovery. This would be 
    an improvement over the present prohibition of excessive back pressure 
    in current Sec. 23.221(a)(1)(ii).
        Present Sec. 23.221(a)(1) is proposed to be recodified into 
    Sec. 23.221(a)(1)(i) through (a)(1)(iv) with no changes in the 
    requirements. Present Sec. 23.221(a)(2) on spin resistant airplanes 
    would be restated with minor editorial changes but with no change in 
        Proposed Sec. 23.221(b) would specify the emergency egress 
    requirements of Sec. 23.807(b)(5) for those utility category airplanes 
    approved for spinning. This is considered an appropriate way to cross-
    reference the requirements of Sec. 23.807 to the flight requirements.
        The proposed Sec. 23.221(c) introductory paragraph would require 
    acrobatic category airplanes to meet the one-turn-spin requirements of 
    Sec. 23.221(a). This change is proposed because acrobatic category 
    airplanes should have sufficient controllability to recover from the 
    developing one-turn-spin under the same conditions as normal category 
    airplanes. The proposed introductory paragraph would also cross-
    reference Sec. 23.807 for emergency egress requirements.
        Proposed Sec. 23.221(c) pertaining to acrobatic category airplanes 
    would add a requirement in proposed paragraph (c)(1) for spin recovery 
    after six turns or any greater number of turns for which certification 
    is requested. The proposed rule would require recovery within 1.5 turns 
    after initiation of the first control action for recovery. This 
    proposed requirement would ensure recovery within 1.5 turns if the spin 
    mode changes beyond six turns. As an alternative, the applicant may 
    stop at six turns and provide a limitation of six turns.
        Proposed Sec. 23.221(c)(2) would delete the option to retract flaps 
    during recovery and would provide the applicant with a choice of flaps 
    up or flaps deployed for spin approval. The paragraph would continue to 
    prohibit exceeding applicable airspeed limits and limit maneuvering 
    load factors.
        A new Sec. 23.221(c)(4) is proposed to ensure that the acrobatic 
    spins do not cause pilot incapacitation.
        The present Sec. 23.221(d) is proposed to be deleted. The 
    recognition of airplanes that are ``characteristically incapable of 
    spinning'' has been in the regulation since at least 1937. In 1942, the 
    present weight, center of gravity, and control mis-rig criteria were 
    introduced into Civil Air Regulation (CAR) 03. Since then, the National 
    Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) spin resistant 
    requirements, which are based on research, have been developed and 
    incorporated in the regulations by Amendment No. 23-42 (56 FR 344, 
    January 3, 1991). If an applicant proposes a non-spinable airplane, it 
    would be appropriate to apply the more technologically advanced 
    requirements of proposed Sec. 23.221(a)(2); therefore, Sec. 23.221(d) 
    would be deleted.
    Section 23.233  Directional Stability and Control
        This proposal would make minor word changes to Sec. 23.233(a) to 
    harmonize this section with the corresponding JAR section.
    Section 23.235  Operation on Unpaved Surfaces
        This proposal would revise the heading of Sec. 23.235 and delete 
    water operating requirements, which are moved to proposed new 
    Sec. 23.237.
    Section 23.237  Operation on Water
        Proposed new Sec. 23.237, for operation on water, is essentially 
    the same as the current Sec. 23.235(b).
    Section 23.253  High Speed Characteristics
        This proposal would delete the current paragraph (b)(1), since the 
    requirement for piloting strength and skill is covered in Sec. 23.141.
    Section 23.562  Emergency Landing Dynamic Conditions
        This proposal would change the one engine inoperative climb 
    reference in Sec. 23.562(d) to Sec. 23.67(a)(1).
    Section 23.1325  Static Pressure System
        This proposal would revise Sec. 23.1325(e) to clarify that the 
    calibration must be conducted in flight, which is standard practice. 
    The text of Sec. 23.1325(f) would be removed and the paragraph would be 
    reserved. The text of paragraph (g) would be moved to paragraph (f) in 
    a future rulemaking action. The results of the calibration would be 
    required in the proposed Sec. 23.1587.
    Section 23.1511  Flap Extended Speed
        This proposal would delete from Sec. 23.1511(a) references to 
    Sec. 23.457 because Sec. 23.457 is proposed to be deleted from the FAR 
    in a related NPRM on airframes, Notice No. 94-20 (59 FR 35196, July 8, 
    Section 23.1521  Powerplant Limitations
        This proposal would require, under Sec. 23.1521, maximum 
    temperature to be established for takeoff operation and would require 
    an ambient temperature limit for reciprocating engines in airplanes of 
    more than 6,000 pounds.
        Proposed Sec. 23.1521(b)(5) would require the establishment of 
    maximum cylinder head, liquid coolant, and oil temperature limits for 
    takeoff operation without regard to the allowable time. Presently, 
    temperature limits are required only if the takeoff power operation is 
    permitted for more than two minutes. It is appropriate to require 
    operating temperature limitations because most takeoff operations will 
    exceed two minutes.
        Proposed Sec. 23.1521(e) would require an ambient temperature limit 
    for turbine engine-powered airplanes and reciprocating engine-powered 
    airplanes over 6,000 pounds. This change is proposed because these 
    airplanes are subject to WAT limits and it will ensure that airplane 
    engines will cool at the ambient temperature limit.
    Section 23.1543  Instrument Markings: General
        Proposed new Sec. 23.1543(c) would require that all related 
    instruments be calibrated in compatible units. This is considered 
    essential for safe operation.
    Section 23.1545  Airspeed Indicator
        Proposed revisions to Sec. 23.1545 would differentiate between WAT 
    limited and non-WAT limited airplanes in Sec. 23.1545.
        Proposed Sec. 23.1545(b)(5) would delete any one-engine-inoperative 
    best rate of climb speed marking requirements for WAT limited 
    airplanes. These airplanes would already have scheduled speeds in case 
    of an engine failure. Proposed paragraph (b)(5) would apply only to 
    non-WAT airplanes for which the one-engine-inoperative best rate of 
    climb speed marking has been simplified to sea level at maximum weight. 
    Since the blue arc rule was promulgated in Amendment No. 23-23 (43 FR 
    50593, October 30, 1978), certification experience has shown that the 
    marking of an arc is unnecessarily complicated. For many airplanes, the 
    arc was so narrow that the arc was a line. Therefore, proposed 
    paragraph (b)(5) would require a blue radial line instead of an arc.
        Proposed Sec. 23.1545(b)(6) would retain the same VMC 
    requirement for non-WAT airplanes and delete any VMC markings for 
    WAT airplanes since WAT airplanes already have scheduled speeds in case 
    of engine failure.
    Section 23.1553  Fuel Quantity Indicator
        This proposal would delete, from Sec. 23.1553, the use of an arc to 
    show a quantity of unusable fuel. The proposed rule references the 
    unusable fuel determination and requires only a red radial line, which 
    would provide a clearer indication of fuel quantity for pilots.
    Section 23.1555  Control Markings
        This proposal would add to Sec. 23.1555(e)(2) the requirement that 
    no other control be red. This would help prevent use of a wrong control 
    in an emergency.
    Section 23.1559  Operating Limitations Placard
        This proposal would simplify the present Sec. 23.1559 and delete 
    duplicate material.
        Proposed Sec. 23.1559(a), (b), and a new paragraph (c), would 
    provide essentially the same information as the current rule. All 
    airplanes currently operate with an AFM and the new rule places 
    emphasis on using the AFM to define required operating limitations.
    Section 23.1563  Airspeed Placards
        This proposal would add a new paragraph (c) to Sec. 23.1563. The 
    new paragraph would be applicable to WAT limited airplanes and would 
    require providing the maximum VMC in the takeoff configuration 
    determined under Sec. 23.149(b). This is desirable since the VMC 
    is not marked on the airspeed indicator for these airplanes.
    Section 23.1567  Flight Maneuver Placard
        Proposed new Sec. 23.1567(d), which would be applicable to 
    acrobatic and utility airplanes approved for intentional spinning, 
    would require a placard listing control actions for recovery. Also, it 
    would require a statement on the placard that the airplane be recovered 
    when spiral characteristics occur, or after six turns, or at any 
    greater number of turns for which certification tests have been 
    conducted. This paragraph would replace the similar placard requirement 
    in current Sec. 23.1583(e)(3) for acrobatic category airplanes, and the 
    placard requirement would be deleted from Sec. 23.1583(e).
    Section 23.1581  General
        This proposal would make editorial changes in Sec. 23.1581 and 
    would recognize WAT limited and non-WAT limited airplanes.
        Proposed new Sec. 23.1581(a)(3) would require information necessary 
    to comply with relevant operating rules. This is a FAR/JAR 
    harmonization item and is considered necessary because some operational 
    rules, such as Sec. 135.391, require flight planning with one-engine-
    inoperative cruise speed and/or driftdown data. For airplanes operated 
    under part 135 in the United States, it represents no change in 
        Proposed Sec. 23.1581(b)(2) would require that only WAT limited 
    airplane AFM's provide data necessary for determining WAT limits.
        Proposed new Sec. 23.1581(c) would require the AFM units to be the 
    same as on the instruments. This requirement would enhance operational 
        Proposed Sec. 23.1581(d) would delete the current requirement for a 
    table of contents. This is considered to be a format requirement and 
    not appropriate for this section, which specifies AFM content. Current 
    Sec. 23.1581(d) is being replaced by a requirement to present all 
    operational airspeeds as indicated airspeeds. Although not currently 
    required, this is current practice.
    Section 23.1583  Operating Limitations
        Proposed revisions to Sec. 23.1583 would make minor changes in the 
    operating limitations information furnished in the AFM. These proposed 
    changes include revising airspeed limitations for commuter category 
    airplanes, requiring AFM limitations for WAT limited airplanes, 
    furnishing ambient temperature limitations, furnishing smoking 
    restriction information, and furnishing information specifying types of 
    runway surfaces.
        Proposed Sec. 23.1583(a)(3) would make the VMO/VMO 
    airspeed operating limitations applicable only to turbine powered 
    commuter category airplanes. This is consistent with current practice 
    since no reciprocating engine-powered commuter category airplanes have 
    been proposed.
        Proposed Sec. 23.1583(c)(3) would add takeoff and landing weight 
    limitations for WAT limited airplanes. (See the Sec. 23.45 proposal for 
    discussion of WAT limited airplanes.)
        Proposed Sec. 23.1583(c)(4) and (5) renumber the present 
    Sec. 23.1583(c)(3) and (4). These proposed paragraphs are revised 
    editorially and cross-references are updated. Proposed paragraph 
    (c)(4)(ii) would impose a new requirement that the AFM include the 
    maximum takeoff weight for each airport altitude and ambient 
    temperature within the range selected by the applicant at which the 
    accelerate-stop distance determined under Sec. 23.55 is equal to the 
    available runway length plus the length of any stopway, if available. 
    This is currently required for transport category airplanes and is 
    necessary for harmonization with the JAR.
        Proposed new Sec. 23.1583(c)(6) would establish the zero wing fuel 
    weight of Sec. 23.343 as a limitation. This would provide the pilot 
    with information necessary to prevent exceeding airplane structural 
        Proposed new Sec. 23.1583(d) has editorial changes only.
        Proposed new Sec. 23.1583(e)(1) and (2) would delete references to 
    ``characteristically incapable of spinning.'' As discussed under 
    Sec. 23.221, requirements for ``characteristically incapable of 
    spinning'' would be deleted.
        Proposed new Sec. 23.1583(e)(3) and (4) would replace present 
    paragraph (e)(3). Proposed Sec. 23.1583(e)(4) would add the requirement 
    for specifying limitations associated with spirals, six turn spins, or 
    more than six turn spins. The requirement for a placard has been 
    deleted since the requirement would be covered in Sec. 23.1567.
        Proposed new Sec. 23.1583(e)(5) would be based on current paragraph 
    (e)(4) for commuter category airplanes. It would be revised to define 
    the maneuvers as those proposed for commuter category airplanes in 
    Sec. 23.3.
        Proposed new Sec. 23.1583(f) would revise the heading of the 
    paragraph and add the limit negative load factor for acrobatic category 
    airplanes. The limit negative load factor is essential for safe 
    operational use.
        Proposed new Sec. 23.1583(g) would make editorial changes with no 
    change in requirements. The paragraph would reference the requirements 
    of flight crews in Sec. 23.1523.
        Proposed Sec. 23.1583 (i), (j) and (k) are the current 
    Sec. 23.1583(k), (l) and (m), as redesignated.
        Proposed new Sec. 23.1583(l) would require furnishing baggage and 
    cargo loading limits.
        Proposed new Sec. 23.1583(m) would require furnishing any special 
    limitations on systems and equipment. This would provide the pilot with 
    information necessary for safe operation of the airplane systems and 
        Proposed new Sec. 23.1583(n) would require a statement on ambient 
    temperature limitations. Maximum cooling temperature limits have been 
    required for turbine powered airplanes by Sec. 23.1521(e); however, the 
    requirement for the limitation has never been specified in 
    Sec. 23.1583. Proposed Sec. 23.1583(n) would require furnishing both 
    maximum and minimum temperature limits if appropriate. A minimum 
    temperature limit would provide the pilot with information necessary to 
    avoid airplane damage during low temperature operations.
        Proposed new Sec. 23.1583(o) would require furnishing any occupant 
    smoking limitations on the airplane. This would enhance safe operation 
    of the airplane.
        Proposed new Sec. 23.1583(p) would require the applicant to state 
    what runway surfaces have been approved. This provides the pilot with a 
    positive indication of which runway types may be used.
    Section 23.1585  Operating Procedures
        This proposal would rearrange the current material in Sec. 23.1585 
    and add additional requirements as discussed below.
        Proposed Sec. 23.1585(a) would contain the requirements applicable 
    to all airplanes. The requirements would be arranged in a different 
    order from the current requirements in paragraph (a). The requirements 
    for information that must be included cover--unusual flight or ground 
    handling characteristics; maximum demonstrated values of crosswinds; 
    recommended speed for flight in rough air; restarting an engine in 
    flight; and making a normal approach and landing in accordance with 
    Sec. 23.73 and Sec. 23.75. All of these requirements are in current 
    Sec. 23.1585(a) except for restarting a turbine engine in flight, which 
    is in current paragraph (c)(5) pertaining only to multiengine 
    airplanes. The FAA decided that a restart capability is not required 
    for single reciprocating engine airplanes for the reasons given in the 
    preamble discussion of proposal 3 in Amendment No. 23-43 (58 FR 18958, 
    April 9, 1993). The requirement for providing restart information 
    should apply to single turbine engines, since turbine engine designs 
    incorporate a restart capability and inadvertent shutdowns may occur. 
    Normal approach and landing information in accordance with the landing 
    requirement in proposed Sec. 23.73 and Sec. 23.75 is new. This is 
    necessary to enable pilots to achieve the published landing distances 
    and, if necessary, to safely transition to a balked landing.
        Proposed Sec. 23.1585(b) would be a revision of Sec. 23.1585(b) on 
    gliding after an engine failure for single-engine airplanes. The 
    proposed version would reference requirements in proposed Sec. 23.71.
        Proposed Sec. 23.1585(c) for multiengine airplanes would require 
    compliance with (a) plus the following information requirements from 
    current paragraph (c): approach and landing with an engine inoperative; 
    balked landing with an engine inoperative; and VSSE as determined 
    in Sec. 23.149. Current paragraph (c) requirements for information on 
    procedures for continuing a takeoff following an engine failure and 
    continuing a climb following an engine failure would be moved to 
    proposed (e) for normal, utility, and acrobatic multiengines.
        Proposed Sec. 23.1585(d) would apply to normal, utility and 
    acrobatic airplanes. These airplanes would have to comply with 
    paragraph (a) and either (b) or (c). These airplanes would also have to 
    comply with the normal takeoff, climb, and the abandoning a takeoff 
    procedures, which are currently contained in paragraph (a).
        As discussed above, Sec. 23.1585(c), for normal, utility and 
    acrobatic multiengine airplanes, would require compliance with proposed 
    (a), (c), and (d) plus requirements for continuing a takeoff or climb 
    with one engine inoperative, which are now in current paragraph (c) (1) 
    and (2).
        Proposed Sec. 23.1585(f) would require commuter category airplanes 
    to comply with paragraphs (a) and (c) plus the normal takeoff 
    requirements from current paragraph (a)(2) revised; accelerate-stop 
    requirements, which are new, and continuing takeoff after engine 
    failure, which are in current paragraph (c)(1).
        Proposed Sec. 23.1585(g) would be the same as current paragraph (d) 
    on identifying operating conditions, which necessitate fuel system 
        Proposed Sec. 23.1585(h) would be the same as current paragraph (e) 
    for disconnecting the battery from its charging source.
        Proposed Sec. 23.1585(i) is based on current paragraph (g) on the 
    total quantity of usable fuel and adds information on the effect of 
    pump failure on unusable fuel.
        Proposed new Sec. 23.1585(j) would require procedures for safe 
    operation of the airplanes' systems and equipment. Although not 
    currently required, this is current industry practice.
        Present Sec. 23.1585(h), commuter category airplane procedures for 
    restarting turbine engines in flight, would no longer be necessary 
    because the requirement would be covered under paragraph (a)(4).
    Section 23.1587  Performance Information
        Proposed Sec. 23.1587 would rearrange existing material, delete ski 
    plane performance exceptions, delete the option of calculating 
    approximate performance, delete stall altitude loss data, and require 
    overweight landing performance in Sec. 23.1587. Stalling speed 
    requirements of current paragraph (c) (2) and (3) would be combined and 
    moved to paragraph (a)(1) and would reference the stalling speed 
    requirement of Sec. 23.49. Information on the steady rate and gradient 
    of climb with all engines operating would be required by proposed 
    paragraph (a)(2). This is revised from current paragraph (a)(2). The 
    reference would be changed to proposed Sec. 23.69(a).
        Proposed (a)(3) would require, as is now required, that landing 
    distance be determined under Sec. 23.75, and would add that this must 
    be provided for each airport altitude, standard temperature, and type 
    of surface for which it is valid. Proposed paragraph (a)(4) would 
    require information on the effect on landing distance when landing on 
    other than hard surface, as determined under Sec. 23.45(g). Proposed 
    paragraph (a)(5) would cover information on the effects on landing 
    distance of runway slope and wind. This would provide the pilot with 
    data with which to account for these factors in his or her takeoff 
        Current requirements in Sec. 23.1587(b) on ski planes would be 
    deleted. Proposed paragraph (b) would add a steady angle of climb/
    descent requirement as determined under Sec. 23.77(a). This requirement 
    would apply to all non-WAT airplanes.
        Proposed paragraph (c) would apply to normal, utility, and 
    acrobatic category airplanes, rather than all airplanes as in current 
    paragraph (c). The proposed (c) would delete stall altitude loss 
    requirements that are in current paragraph (c)(1). As mentioned, 
    current stalling speed requirements would be moved to proposed 
    paragraph (a)(1). Current paragraph (c)(4) on cooling climb speed data 
    would also be deleted since all airplanes would cool at scheduled 
        Proposed paragraph (c)(1) would pertain to the takeoff distance 
    determined under Sec. 23.53 and the type of surface. Proposed paragraph 
    (c)(2) and (c)(3) pertain to the effect on takeoff distance of the 
    runway surface, slope, and headwind and tailwind component.
        Proposed paragraph (c)(4) would impose a new requirement pertaining 
    to the one-engine inoperative takeoff climb/descent performance for 
    WAT-limited airplanes. This pertains only to reciprocating engine-
    powered airplanes. It would provide the pilot with the information 
    determined under proposed Sec. 23.66.
        Proposed paragraph (c)(5) pertains to enroute rate and gradient of 
    climb/descent determined under Sec. 23.69(b), for multiengine 
        Proposed Sec. 23.1587(d) for commuter category airplanes would 
    incorporate the present data plus the addition of accelerate-stop data, 
    overweight landing performance, and the effect of operation on other 
    than smooth hard surfaces. In addition, in order to consolidate all of 
    the requirements for what must appear in the AFM in subpart G, proposed 
    Sec. 23.1587(d)(10) would contain the requirement, found in existing 
    Sec. 23.1323(d), to show the relationship between IAS and CAS in the 
    Section 23.1589  Loading Information
        Proposed Sec. 23.1589(b) would make editorial changes to simplify 
    the text, with no change in requirements.
    Appendix E
        Appendix E would be deleted for the reasons given in the proposed 
    change to Sec. 23.25.
    Preliminary Regulatory Evaluation, Initial Regulatory Flexibility 
    Determination, and Trade Impact Assessment
        Proposed changes to Federal regulations must undergo several 
    economic analyses. First, Executive Order 12866 directs that each 
    Federal agency shall propose or adopt a regulation only upon a reasoned 
    determination that the benefits of the intended regulation justify its 
    costs. Second, the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 requires agencies 
    to analyze the economic impact of regulatory changes on small entities. 
    Third, the Office of Management and Budget directs agencies to assess 
    the effects of regulatory changes on international trade. In conducting 
    these analyses, the FAA has determined that this rule: (1) Would 
    generate benefits that justify its costs and is not a ``significant 
    regulatory action'' as defined in the Executive Order; (2) is not 
    significant as defined in DOT's Policies and Procedures; (3) would not 
    have a significant impact on a substantial number of small entities; 
    and (4) would not constitute a barrier to international trade. These 
    analyses, available in the docket, are summarized below.
    Regulatory Evaluation Summary
        Of the 57 sections that would be amended or added in this proposed 
    rule, the FAA has identified 15 that could result in additional 
    compliance costs in one or more airplane categories. Amendments to five 
    sections could result in cost savings. The greatest costs would be 
    incurred by manufacturers of WAT limited airplanes (e.g., multiengine 
    airplanes with maximum weights of more than 6,000 pounds). When 
    amortized over a production run, the quantified incremental costs would 
    be relatively modest--less than $100 per airplane. The FAA solicits 
    comments concerning the incremental certification/development costs 
    attributable to the proposed rule.
        The primary benefit of the proposed rule would be the cost 
    efficiencies of harmonization with the JAR for those manufacturers that 
    choose to market airplanes in JAA countries as well as to manufacturers 
    in JAA countries that choose to market airplanes in the U.S. Other 
    benefits of the proposed rule would be decreased reliance on special 
    conditions, simplification of the certification process through 
    clarification of existing requirements, and increased flexibility 
    through optional designs.
    Regulatory Flexibility Determination
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (RFA) was enacted by 
    Congress to ensure that small entities are not unnecessarily and 
    disproportionately burdened by Federal regulations. The RFA requires a 
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis if a proposed rule would have a 
    significant economic impact, either detrimental or beneficial, on a 
    substantial number of small entities. Based on FAA Order 2100.14A, 
    Regulatory Flexibility Criteria and Guidance, the FAA has determined 
    that the proposed amendments would not have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities.
    International Trade Impact Assessment
        The proposed rule would not constitute a barrier to international 
    trade, including the export of American airplanes to foreign countries 
    and the import of foreign airplanes into the United States. Instead, 
    the proposed flight certification procedures would be harmonized with 
    those of the JAA and would lessen restraints on trade.
    Federalism Implications
        The regulation proposed herein would not have substantial direct 
    effects on the States, on the relationship between the national 
    government and the States, or on the distribution of power and 
    responsibilities among the various levels of government. Therefore, in 
    accordance with Executive Order 12612, it is determined that this 
    proposal would not have sufficient federalism implications to warrant 
    the preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
        The FAA proposes to revise the flight airworthiness standards for 
    normal, utility, acrobatic, and commuter category airplanes to be 
    compatible with the same standards that will be proposed for the same 
    category airplanes by the Joint Airworthiness Authority in Europe. If 
    adopted, the proposed revision would reduce the regulatory burden on 
    the United States and European airplane manufacturers by relieving them 
    of the need to show compliance with different standards each time they 
    seek certification approval of an airplane in a different country.
        For the reasons discussed in the preamble, and based on the 
    findings in the Regulatory Evaluation, the FAA has determined that this 
    proposed regulation is not a significant regulatory action. In 
    addition, the FAA certifies that this proposal, if adopted, will not 
    have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities under the criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. This 
    proposal is not considered significant under DOT Regulatory Policies 
    and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979). An initial regulatory 
    evaluation of the proposal has been placed in the docket. A copy may be 
    obtained by contacting the person identified under FOR FURTHER 
    List of Subjects
    14 CFR Part 1
        Air transportation.
    14 CFR Part 23
        Aircraft, Aviation safety, Signs and symbols.
    The Proposed Amendment
        In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation 
    Administration proposes to amend parts 1 and 23 of the Federal Aviation 
    Regulations (14 CFR parts 1 and 23) as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 1 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. app. 1347, 1348, 1354(a), 1357(d)(2), 1372, 
    1421 through 1430, 1432, 1442, 1443, 1472, 1510, 1522, 1652(e), 
    1655(c), 1657(f); 49 U.S.C. 106(g).
        2. A new definition is added in alphabetical order to Sec. 1.1 to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 1.1  General definitions.
    * * * * *
        Maximum speed for stability characteristics, VFC/MFC 
    means a speed that may not be less than a speed midway between maximum 
    operating limit speed (VMO/MMO) and demonstrated flight 
    diving speed (VDF/MDF), except that, for altitudes where the 
    Mach number is the limiting factor, MFC need not exceed the Mach 
    number at which effective speed warning occurs.
    * * * * *
        3. The authority citation for part 23 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. app. 1344, 1354(a), 1355, 1421, 1423, 1425, 
    1428, 1429, 1430; 49 U.S.C. 106(g).
        4. Section 23.3 is amended by revising paragraphs (b)(2), (d), and 
    (e) to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.3  Airplane categories.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (2) Lazy eights, chandelles, and steep turns, or similar maneuvers, 
    in which the angle of bank is more than 60 degrees but not more than 90 
    * * * * *
        (d) The commuter category is limited to propeller-driven, 
    multiengine airplanes that have a seating configuration, excluding 
    pilot seats, of 19 or less, and a maximum certificated takeoff weight 
    of 19,000 pounds or less. The commuter category operation is limited to 
    any maneuver incident to normal flying, stalls (except whip stalls), 
    and steep turns, in which the angle of bank is not more than 60 
        (e) Except for commuter category, airplanes may be type certified 
    in more than one category if the requirements of each requested 
    category are met.
        5. Section 23.25 is amended by revising paragraphs (a) introductory 
    text and (a)(1) introductory text, and paragraphs (a)(1)(i) and 
    (a)(1)(iii) to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.25  Weight limits.
        (a) Maximum weight. The maximum weight is the highest weight at 
    which compliance with each applicable requirement of this part (other 
    than those complied with at the design landing weight) is shown. The 
    maximum weight must be established so that it is--
        (1) Not more than the least of--
        (i) The highest weight selected by the applicant; or
    * * * * *
        (iii) The highest weight at which compliance with each applicable 
    flight requirement is shown, and
    * * * * *
        6. Section 23.33 is amended by revising paragraphs (b) (1) and (2) 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.33  Propeller speed and pitch limits.
        (b) * * *
        (1) During takeoff and initial climb at the all engine(s) operating 
    climb speed specified in Sec. 23.65, the propeller must limit the 
    engine r.p.m., at full throttle or at maximum allowable takeoff 
    manifold pressure, to a speed not greater than the maximum allowable 
    takeoff r.p.m.; and
        (2) During a closed throttle glide, at VNE, the propeller may 
    not cause an engine speed above 110 percent of maximum continuous 
    * * * * *
        7. Section 23.45 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.45  General.
        (a) Unless otherwise prescribed, the performance requirements of 
    this part must be met for--
        (1) Still air and standard atmosphere; and
        (2) Ambient atmospheric conditions, for commuter category 
    airplanes, for reciprocating engine-powered airplanes or more than 
    6,000 pounds maximum weight, and for turbine engine-powered airplanes.
        (b) Performance data must be determined over not less than the 
    following ranges of conditions--
        (1) Airport altitudes from sea level to 10,000 feet; and
        (2) For reciprocating engine-powered airplanes of 6,000 pounds, or 
    less, maximum weight, temperature from standard to 30 deg.C above 
    standard; or
        (3) For reciprocating engine-powered airplanes of more than 6,000 
    pounds maximum weight and turbine engine-powered airplanes, temperature 
    from standard to 30 deg.C above standard, or the maximum ambient 
    atmospheric temperature at which compliance with the cooling provisions 
    of Sec. 23.1041 to Sec. 23.1047 is shown, if lower.
        (c) Performance data must be determined with the cowl flaps or 
    other means for controlling the engine cooling air supply in the 
    position used in the cooling tests required by Sec. 23.1041 to 
    Sec. 23.1047.
        (d) The available propulsive thrust must correspond to engine 
    power, not exceeding the approved power, less--
        (1) Installation losses; and
        (2) The power absorbed by the accessories and services appropriate 
    to the particular ambient atmospheric conditions and the particular 
    flight condition.
        (e) The performance, as affected by engine power or thrust, must be 
    based on a relative humidity:
        (1) Of 80 percent, at and below standard temperature; and
        (2) From 80 percent at the standard temperature, varying linearly 
    down to 34 percent at the standard temperature plus 50 deg.F.
        (f) Unless otherwise prescribed, in determining the takeoff and 
    landing distances, changes in the airplane's configuration, speed, and 
    power must be made in accordance with procedures established by the 
    applicant for operation in service. These procedures must be able to be 
    executed consistently by pilots of average skill in atmospheric 
    conditions reasonably expected to be encountered in service.
        (g) The following, as applicable, must be determined on a smooth, 
    dry, hard-surfaced runway--
        (1) Takeoff distance of Sec. 23.53(b);
        (2) Accelerate-stop distance of Sec. 23.55;
        (3) Takeoff distance and takeoff run of Sec. 23.59; and
        (4) Landing distance of Sec. 23.75.
    The effect on these distances of operation on other types of surfaces 
    (for example, grass, gravel) when dry, may be determined or derived and 
    these surfaces listed in the Airplane Flight Manual in accordance with 
    Sec. 23.1583(p).
        (h) For commuter category airplanes, the following also apply:
        (1) Unless otherwise prescribed, the applicant must select the 
    takeoff, enroute, approach, and landing configurations for the 
        (2) The airplane configuration may vary with weight, altitude, and 
    temperature, to the extent that they are compatible with the operating 
    procedures required by paragraph (h)(3) of this section.
        (3) Unless otherwise prescribed, in determining the critical-
    engine-inoperative takeoff performance, takeoff flight path, and 
    accelerate-stop distance, changes in the airplane's configuration, 
    speed, and power must be made in accordance with procedures established 
    by the applicant for operation in service.
        (4) Procedures for the execution of discontinued approaches and 
    balked landings associated with the conditions prescribed in 
    Sec. 23.67(c)(4) and Sec. 23.77(c) must be established.
        (5) The procedures established under paragraphs (h)(3) and (h)(4) 
    of this section must--
        (i) Be able to be consistently executed by a crew of average skill 
    in atmospheric conditions reasonably expected to be encountered in 
        (ii) Use methods or devices that are safe and reliable; and
        (iii) Include allowances for any reasonably expected time delays in 
    the execution of the procedures.
        8. Section 23.49 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.49  Stalling speed.
        (a) VS0 and VS1 are the stalling speeds or the minimum 
    steady flight speeds, in knots (CAS), at which the airplane is 
    controllable with--
        (1) For reciprocating engine-powered airplanes, the engine(s) 
    idling, the throttle(s) closed or at not more than the power necessary 
    for zero thrust at a speed not more than 110 percent of the stalling 
        (2) For turbine engine-powered airplanes, the propulsive thrust not 
    greater than zero at the stalling speed, or, if the resultant thrust 
    has no appreciable effect on the stalling speed, with engine(s) idling 
    and throttle(s) closed;
        (3) The propeller(s) in the takeoff position;
        (4) The airplane in the condition existing in the test, in which 
    VS0 and VS1 are being used;
        (5) The center of gravity in the position that results in the 
    highest value of VS0 and VS1; and
        (6) The weight used when VS0 or VS1 are being used as a 
    factor to determine compliance with a required performance standard.
        (b) VS0 and VS1 must be determined by flight tests, using 
    the procedure and meeting the flight characteristics specified in 
    Sec. 23.201.
        (c) Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, VS0 
    at maximum weight must not exceed 61 knots for--
        (1) Single-engine airplanes; and
        (2) Multiengine airplanes of 6,000 pounds or less maximum weight 
    that cannot meet the minimum rate of climb specified in 
    Sec. 23.67(a)(1) with the critical engine inoperative.
        (d) All single-engine airplanes, and those multiengine airplanes of 
    6,000 pounds or less maximum weight with a VS0 of more than 61 
    knots that do not meet the requirements of Sec. 23.67(a)(1), must 
    comply with Sec. 23.562(d).
        9. Section 23.51 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.51  Takeoff speeds.
        (a) For normal, utility, and acrobatic category airplanes, rotation 
    speed, VR, is the speed at which the pilot makes a control input, 
    with the intention of lifting the airplane out of contact with the 
    runway or water surface.
        (1) For multiengine landplanes, VR must not be less than the 
    greater of 1.05 VMC or 1.10 VS1;
        (2) For single-engine landplanes, VR, must not be less than 
    VS1; and
        (3) For seaplanes and amphibians taking off from water, VR, 
    may be any speed that is shown to be safe under all reasonably expected 
    conditions, including turbulence and complete failure of the critical 
        (b) For normal, utility, and acrobatic category airplanes, the 
    speed at 50 feet above the takeoff surface level must not be less than:
        (1) For multiengine airplanes, the highest of--
        (i) A speed that is shown to be safe for continued flight (or 
    emergency landing, if applicable) under all reasonably expected 
    conditions, including turbulence and complete failure of the critical 
        (ii) 1.10 VMC; or
        (iii) 1.20 VS1.
        (2) For single-engine airplanes, the higher of--
        (i) A speed that is shown to be safe under all reasonably expected 
    conditions, including turbulence and complete engine failure; or
        (ii) 1.20 VS1.
        (c) For commuter category airplanes, the following apply:
        (1) V1 must be established in relation to VEF as follows:
        (i) VEF is the calibrated airspeed at which the critical 
    engine is assumed to fail. VEF must be selected by the applicant 
    but must not be less than 1.05 VMC determined under Sec. 23.149(b) 
    or, at the option of the applicant, not less than VMCG determined 
    under Sec. 23.149(f).
        (ii) The takeoff decision speed, V1, is the calibrated 
    airspeed on the ground at which, as a result of engine failure or other 
    reasons, the pilot is assumed to have made a decision to continue or 
    discontinue the takeoff. The takeoff decision speed, V1, must be 
    selected by the applicant but must not be less than VEF plus the 
    speed gained with the critical engine inoperative during the time 
    interval between the instant at which the critical engine is failed and 
    the instant at which the pilot recognizes and reacts to the engine 
    failure, as indicated by the pilot's application of the first retarding 
    means during the accelerate-stop determination of Sec. 23.55.
        (2) The rotation speed, VR, in terms of calibrated airspeed, 
    must be selected by the applicant and must not be less than the 
    greatest of the following:
        (i) V1;
        (ii) 1.05 VMC determined under Sec. 23.149(b);
        (iii) 1.10 VS1; or
        (iv) The speed that allows attaining the initial climb-out speed, 
    V2, before reaching a height of 35 feet above the takeoff surface 
    in accordance with Sec. 23.57(c)(2).
        (3) For any given set of conditions, such as weight, altitude, 
    temperature, and configuration, a single value of VR must be used 
    to show compliance with both the one-engine-inoperative takeoff and 
    all-engines-operating takeoff requirements.
        (4) The takeoff safety speed, V2, in terms of calibrated 
    airspeed, must be selected by the applicant so as to allow the gradient 
    of climb required in Sec. 23.67(c)(1) and (c)(2) but must not be less 
    than 1.10 VMC or less than 1.20 Vs1.
        (5) The one-engine-inoperative takeoff distance, using a normal 
    rotation rate at a speed 5 knots less than VR, established in 
    accordance with paragraph (c)(2) of this section, must be shown not to 
    exceed the corresponding one-engine-inoperative takeoff distance, 
    determined in accordance with Sec. 23.57 and Sec. 23.59(a)(1), using 
    the established VR. The takeoff, otherwise performed in accordance 
    with Sec. 23.57, must be continued safely from the point at which the 
    airplane is 35 feet above the takeoff surface and at a speed not less 
    than the established V2 minus 5 knots.
        (6) The applicant must show, with all engines operating, that 
    marked increases in the scheduled takeoff distances, determined in 
    accordance with Sec. 23.59(a)(2), do not result from over-rotation of 
    the airplane or out-of-trim conditions.
        10. Section 23.53 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.53  Takeoff performance.
        (a) For normal, utility, and acrobatic category airplanes, the 
    takeoff distance must be determined in accordance with paragraph (b) of 
    this section, using speeds determined in accordance with Sec. 23.51(a) 
    and (b).
        (b) For normal, utility, and acrobatic category airplanes, the 
    distance required to takeoff and climb to a height of 50 feet above the 
    takeoff surface must be determined for each weight, altitude, and 
    temperature within the operational limits established for takeoff 
        (1) Takeoff power on each engine;
        (2) Wing flaps in the takeoff position(s); and
        (3) Landing gear extended.
        (c) For commuter category airplanes, takeoff performance, as 
    required by Secs. 23.55 through 23.59, must be determined with the 
    operating engine(s) within approved operating limitations.
        11. Section 23.55 is amended by revising paragraph (a) and the 
    introductory text of paragraph (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.55  Accelerate-stop distance.
    * * * * *
        (a) The accelerate-step distance is the sum of the distances 
    necessary to--
        (1) Accelerate the airplane from a standing start to VEF with 
    all engines operating;
        (2) Accelerate the airplane from VEF, to V1, assuming the 
    critical engine fails at VEF; and
        (3) Come to a full stop from the point of which V1 is reached.
        (b) Means other than wheel brakes may be used to determine the 
    accelerate-stop distances if that means--
    * * * * *
        12. Section 23.57 is amended by revising paragraphs (a) 
    introductory text, (b), (c)(1), (c)(3) introductory text, (c)(4), and 
    (d); and by adding a new paragraph (e) to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.57  Takeoff path.
    * * * * *
        (a) The takeoff path extends from a standing start to a point in 
    the takeoff at which the airplane is 1500 feet above the takeoff 
    surface at or below which height the transition from the takeoff to the 
    enroute configuration must be completed; and
    * * * * *
        (b) During the acceleration to speed V2, the nose gear may be 
    raised off the ground at a speed not less than VR. However, 
    landing gear retraction must not be initiated until the airplane is 
        (c) * * *
        (1) The slope of the airborne part of the takeoff path must not be 
    negative at any point;
    * * * * *
        (3) At each point along the takeoff path, starting at the point at 
    which the airplane reaches 400 feet above the takeoff surface, the 
    available gradient of climb must not be less than--
    * * * * *
        (4) Except for gear retraction and automatic propeller feathering, 
    the airplane configuration must not be changed, and no change in power 
    that requires action by the pilot may be made, until the airplane is 
    400 feet above the takeoff surface.
        (d) The takeoff path to 35 feet above the takeoff surface must be 
    determined by a continuous demonstrated takeoff.
        (e) The takeoff flight path from 35 feet above the takeoff surface 
    must be determined by synthesis from segments; and
        (1) The segments must be clearly defined and must be related to 
    distinct changes in configuration, power, and speed;
        (2) The weight of the airplane, the configuration, and the power 
    must be assumed constant throughout each segment and must correspond to 
    the most critical condition prevailing in the segment; and
        (3) The takeoff flight path must be based on the airplane's 
    performance without utilizing ground effect.
        13. Section 23.59 is amended by revising the introductory text for 
    this section, paragraph (a)(2), and paragraph (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.59  Takeoff distance and takeoff run.
        For each commuter category airplane, the takeoff distance and, at 
    the option of the applicant, the takeoff run, must be determined.
        (a) * * *
        (2) With all engines operating, 115 percent of the horizontal 
    distance from the start of the takeoff to the point at which the 
    airplane is 35 feet above the takeoff surface, determined by a 
    procedure consistent with Sec. 23.57.
        (b) If the takeoff distance includes a clearway, the takeoff run is 
    the greater of--
        (1) The horizontal distance along the takeoff path from the start 
    of the takeoff to a point equidistant between the liftoff point and the 
    point at which the airplane is 35 feet above the takeoff surface as 
    determined under Sec. 23.57; or
        (2) With all engines operating, 115 percent of the horizontal 
    distance from the start of the takeoff to a point equidistant between 
    the liftoff point and the point at which the airplane is 35 feet above 
    the takeoff surface, determined by a procedure consistent with 
    Sec. 23.57.
        14. A new Sec. 23.63 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.63  Climb: general.
        (a) Compliance with the requirements of Secs. 23.65, 23.66, 23.67, 
    23.69, and 23.77 must be shown--
        (1) Out of ground effect; and
        (2) At speeds that are not less than those at which compliance with 
    the powerplant cooling requirements of Secs. 23.1041 to 23.1047 has 
    been demonstrated; and
        (3) Unless otherwise specified, with one engine inoperative, at a 
    bank angle not exceeding 5 degrees.
        (b) For normal, utility, and acrobatic category reciprocating 
    engine-powered airplanes of 6,000 pounds or less maximum weight, 
    compliance must be shown with Sec. 23.65(a), Sec. 23.67(a), where 
    appropriate, and Sec. 23.77(a) at maximum takeoff or landing weight, as 
    appropriate, in a standard atmosphere.
        (c) For normal, utility, and acrobatic category reciprocating 
    engine-powered airplanes of more than 6,000 pounds maximum weight, and 
    turbine engine-powered airplanes in the normal, utility, and acrobatic 
    category, compliance must be shown at weights as a function of airport 
    altitude and ambient temperature, within the operational limits 
    established for takeoff and landing, respectively, with--
        (1) Sections 23.65(b) and 23.67(b) (1) and (2), where appropriate, 
    for takeoff, and
        (2) Section 23.67(b)(2), where appropriate, and Sec. 23.77(b), for 
        (d) For commuter category airplanes, compliance must be shown at 
    weights as a function of airport altitude and ambient temperature 
    within the operational limits established for takeoff and landing, 
    respectively, with--
        (1) Sections 23.67(c)(1), 23.67(c)(2), and 23.67(c)(3) for takeoff; 
        (2) Sections 23.67(c)(3), 23.67(c)(4), and 23.77(c) for landing.
        15. Section 23.65 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.65  Climb: all engines operating.
        (a) Each normal, utility, and acrobatic category reciprocating 
    engine-powered airplane of 6,000 pounds or less maximum weight must 
    have a steady climb gradient at sea level of at least 8.3 percent for 
    landplanes or 6.7 percent for seaplanes and amphibians with--
        (1) Not more than maximum continuous power on each engine;
        (2) The landing gear retracted;
        (3) The wing flaps in the takeoff position(s); and
        (4) A climb speed not less than the greater of 1.1 VMC and 1.2 
    VS1 for multiengine airplanes and not less than 1.2 VS1 for 
    single-engine airplanes.
        (b) Each normal, utility, and acrobatic category reciprocating 
    engine-powered airplane of more than 6,000 pounds maximum weight and 
    turbine engine-powered airplanes in the normal, utility, and acrobatic 
    category must have a steady gradient of climb after takeoff of at least 
    4 percent with--
        (1) Takeoff power on each engine;
        (2) The landing gear extended, except that if the landing gear can 
    be retracted in not more than seven seconds, the test may be conducted 
    with the gear retracted;
        (3) The wing flaps in the takeoff position(s); and
        (4) A climb speed as specified in Sec. 23.65(a)(4).
        16. A new Sec. 23.66 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.66  Takeoff climb: one-engine inoperative.
        For normal, utility, and acrobatic category reciprocating engine-
    powered airplanes of more than 6,000 pounds maximum weight, and turbine 
    engine-powered airplanes in the normal, utility, and acrobatic 
    category, the steady gradient of climb or descent must be determined at 
    each weight, altitude, and ambient temperature within the operational 
    limits established by the applicant with--
        (a) The critical engine inoperative and its propeller in the 
    position it rapidly and automatically assumes;
        (b) The remaining engine(s) at takeoff power;
        (c) The landing gear extended, except that if the landing gear can 
    be retracted in not more than seven seconds, the test may be conducted 
    with the gear retracted;
        (d) The wing flaps in the takeoff position(s);
        (e) The wings level; and
        (f) A climb speed equal to that achieved at 50 feet in the 
    demonstration of Sec. 23.53.
        17. Section 23.67 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.67  Climb: one engine inoperative.
        (a) For normal, utility, and acrobatic category reciprocating 
    engine-powered airplanes of 6,000 pounds or less maximum weight, the 
    following apply:
        (1) Except for those airplanes that meet the requirements 
    prescribed in Sec. 23.562(d), each airplane with a VSO of more 
    than 61 knots must be able to maintain a steady climb gradient of at 
    least 1.5 percent at a pressure altitude of 5,000 feet with the--
        (i) Critical engine inoperative and its propeller in the minimum 
    drag position;
        (ii) Remaining engine(s) at not more than maximum continuous power;
        (iii) landing gear retracted;
        (iv) Wing flaps retracted; and
        (v) Climb speed not less than 1.2 VS1.
        (2) For each airplane that meets the requirements prescribed in 
    Sec. 23.562(d), or that has a VSO of 61 knots or less, the steady 
    gradient of climb or descent at a pressure altitude of 5,000 feet must 
    be determined with the--
        (i) Critical engine inoperative and its propeller in the minimum 
    drag position;
        (ii) Remaining engine(s) at not more than maximum continuous power;
        (iii) Landing gear retracted;
        (iv) Wing flaps retracted; and
        (v) Climb speed not less than 1.2 VS1.
        (b) For normal, utility, and acrobatic category reciprocating 
    engine-powered airplanes of more than 6,000 pounds maximum weight, and 
    turbine engine-powered airplanes in the normal, utility, and acrobatic 
        (1) The steady gradient of climb at an altitude of 400 feet above 
    the takeoff surface must be measurably positive with the--
        (i) Critical engine inoperative and its propeller in the minimum 
    drag position;
        (ii) Remaining engine(s) at takeoff power;
        (iii) Landing gear retracted;
        (iv) Wing flaps in the takeoff position(s); and
        (v) Climb speed equal to that achieved at 50 feet in the 
    demonstration of Sec. 23.53.
        (2) The steady gradient of climb must not be less than 0.75 percent 
    at an altitude of 1,500 feet above the takeoff surface, or landing 
    surface, as appropriate, with the--
        (i) Critical engine inoperative and its propeller in the minimum 
    drag position;
        (ii) Remaining engine(s) at not more than maximum continuous power;
        (iii) Landing gear retracted;
        (iv) Wing flaps retracted; and
        (v) Climb speed not less than 1.2 VS1.
        (c) For commuter category airplanes, the following apply:
        (1) Takeoff; landing gear extended. The steady gradient of climb at 
    the altitude of the takeoff surface must be measurably positive for 
    two-engine airplanes, not less than 0.3 percent for three-engine 
    airplanes, or 0.5 percent for four-engine airplanes with--
        (i) The critical engine inoperative and its propeller in the 
    position it rapidly and automatically assumes;
        (ii) The remaining engine(s) at takeoff power;
        (iii) The landing gear extended, and all landing gear doors open;
        (iv) The wing flaps in the takeoff position(s);
        (v) The wings level; and
        (vi) A climb speed equal to V2.
        (2) Takeoff; landing gear retracted. The steady gradient of climb 
    at an altitude of 400 feet above the takeoff surface must be not less 
    than 2.0 percent for two-engine airplanes, 2.3 percent for three-engine 
    airplanes, and 2.6 percent for four-engine airplanes with--
        (i) The critical engine inoperative and its propeller in the 
    position it rapidly and automatically assumes;
        (ii) The remaining engine(s) at takeoff power;
        (iii) The landing gear retracted;
        (iv) The wing flaps in the takeoff position(s);
        (v) A climb speed equal to V2.
        (3) Enroute. The steady gradient of climb at an altitude of 1,500 
    feet above the takeoff or landing surface, as appropriate, must be not 
    less than 1.2 percent for two-engine airplanes, 1.5 percent for three-
    engine airplanes, and 1.7 percent for four-engine airplanes with--
        (i) The critical engine inoperative and its propeller in the 
    minimum drag position;
        (ii) The remaining engine(s) at not more than maximum continuous 
        (iii) The landing gear retracted;
        (iv) The wing flaps retracted; and
        (v) A climb speed not less than 1.2 VS1.
        (4) Discontinued approach. The steady gradient of climb at an 
    altitude of 400 feet above the landing surface must be not less than 
    2.1 percent for two-engine airplanes, 2.4 percent for three-engine 
    airplanes, and 2.7 percent for four-engine airplanes, with--
        (i) The critical engine inoperative and its propeller in the 
    minimum drag position;
        (ii) The remaining engine(s) at takeoff power;
        (iii) Landing gear retracted;
        (iv) Wing flaps in the approach position(s) in which VS1 for 
    these position(s) does not exceed 110 percent of the VS1 for the 
    related all-engines-operating landing position(s); and
        (v) A climb speed established in connection with normal landing 
    procedures but not exceeding 1.5 VS1.
        18. A new Sec. 23.69 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.69  Enroute climb/descent.
        (a) All engines operating. The steady gradient and rate of climb 
    must be determined at each weight, altitude, and ambient temperature 
    within the operational limits established by the applicant with--
        (1) Not more than maximum continuous power on each engine;
        (2) The landing gear retracted;
        (3) The wing flaps retracted; and
        (4) A climb speed not less than 1.3 VS1.
        (b) One engine inoperative. The steady gradient and rate of climb/
    descent must be determined at each weight, altitude, and ambient 
    temperature within the operational limits established by the applicant 
        (1) The critical engine inoperative and its propeller in the 
    minimum drag position;
        (2) The remaining engine(s) at not more than maximum continuous 
        (3) The landing gear retracted;
        (4) The wing flaps retracted; and
        (5) A climb speed not less than 1.2 VS1.
        19. A new Sec. 23.71 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.71  Glide: Single-engine airplanes.
        The maximum horizontal distance traveled in still air, in nautical 
    miles, per 1,000 feet of altitude lost in a glide, and the speed 
    necessary to achieve this must be determined with the engine 
    inoperative, its propeller in the minimum drag position, and landing 
    gear and wing flaps in the most favorable available position.
        20. A new Sec. 23.73 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.73  Reference landing approach speed.
        (a) For normal, utility, and acrobatic category reciprocating 
    engine-powered airplanes of 6,000 pounds or less maximum weight, the 
    reference landing approach speed, VREF, must not be less than the 
    greater of VMC, determined in Sec. 23.149(b) with the wing flaps 
    in the most extended takeoff position, and 1.3 VSO.
        (b) For normal, utility, and acrobatic category reciprocating 
    engine-powered airplanes of 6,000 pounds maximum weight, and turbine 
    engine-powered airplanes in the normal, utility, and acrobatic 
    category, the reference landing approach speed, VREF, must not be 
    less than the greater of VMC, determined in Sec. 23.149(c), and 
    1.3 VSO.
        (c) For commuter category airplanes, the reference landing approach 
    speed, VREF, must not be less than the greater of 1.05 VMC, 
    determined in Sec. 23.149(c), and 1.3 VSO.
        21. Section 23.75 is amended by revising the section heading, 
    introductory text for the section; the introductory text of paragraph 
    (a); and paragraphs (b), (d), (e), and (f), and by removing paragraph 
    (h), to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.75  Landing distance.
        The horizontal distance necessary to land and come to a complete 
    stop from a point 50 feet above the landing surface must be determined, 
    for standard temperatures at each weight and altitude within the 
    operational limits established for landing, as follows:
        (a) A steady approach at not less than VREF, determined in 
    accordance with Sec. 23.73 (a), (b), or (c), as appropriate, must be 
    maintained down to the 50 foot height and--
    * * * * *
        (b) A constant configuration must be maintained throughout the 
    * * * * *
        (d) It must be shown that a safe transition to the balked landing 
    conditions of Sec. 23.77 can be made from the conditions that exist at 
    the 50 foot height, at maximum landing weight, or at the maximum 
    landing weight for altitude and temperature of Sec. 23.63(c)(2) or 
    (d)(2), as appropriate.
        (e) The brakes must be used so as to not cause excessive wear of 
    brakes or tires.
        (f) Retardation means other than wheel brakes may be used if that 
        (1) Is safe and reliable; and
        (2) Is used so that consistent results can be expected in service.
    * * * * *
        22. Section 23.77 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.77  Balked landing.
        (a) Each normal, utility, and acrobatic category reciprocating 
    engine-powered airplane of 6,000 pounds or less maximum weight must be 
    able to maintain a steady gradient of climb at sea level of at least 
    3.3 percent with--
        (1) Takeoff power on each engine;
        (2) The landing gear extended;
        (3) The wing flaps in the landing position, except that if the 
    flaps may safely be retracted in two seconds or less without loss of 
    altitude and without sudden changes of angle of attack, they may be 
    retracted; and
        (4) A climb speed equal to VREF, as defined in Sec. 23.73(a).
        (b) Each normal, utility, and acrobatic category reciprocating 
    engine-powered airplane of more than 6,000 pounds maximum weight and 
    each normal, utility, and acrobatic category turbine engine-powered 
    airplane must be able to maintain a steady gradient of climb of at 
    least 2.5 percent with--
        (1) Not more than the power that is available on each engine eight 
    seconds after initiation of movement of the power controls from minimum 
    flight-idle position;
        (2) The landing gear extended;
        (3) The wing flaps in the landing position; and
        (4) A climb speed equal to VREF, as defined in Sec. 23.73(b).
        (c) Each commuter category airplane must be able to maintain a 
    steady gradient of climb of at least 3.2 percent with--
        (1) Not more than the power that is available on each engine eight 
    seconds after initiation of movement of the power controls from the 
    minimum flight idle position;
        (2) Landing gear extended;
        (3) Wing flaps in the landing position; and
        (4) A climb speed equal to VREF, as defined in Sec. 23.73(c).
        23. Section 23.143 is amended by revising paragraphs (a) and (c) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 23.143  General.
        (a) The airplane must be safely controllable and maneuverable 
    during all flight phases including--
        (1) Takeoff;
        (2) Climb;
        (3) Level flight;
        (4) Descent;
        (5) Go-around; and
        (6) Landing (power on and power off) with the wing flaps extended 
    and retracted.
    * * * * *
        (c) If marginal conditions exist with regard to required pilot 
    strength, the control forces required must be determined by 
    quantitative tests. In no case may the control forces under the 
    conditions specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section exceed 
    those prescribed in the following table:
        Values in pounds force applied to the                               
                   relevant control                 Pitch     Roll     Yaw  
    (a) For temporary application:                                          
      Stick......................................       60       30         
      Wheel (Two hands on rim)...................       75       50         
      Wheel (One hand on rim)....................       50       25         
      Rudder Pedal...............................  .......  .......      150
    (b) For prolonged application................       10        5       20
        24. Section 23.145 is amended by revising paragraph (b) 
    introductory text, paragraphs (b)(2) through (b)(5); adding a new 
    paragraph (b)(6); and revising paragraphs (c) and (d) to read as 
    Sec. 23.145  Longitudinal control.
    * * * * *
        (b) Unless otherwise required, it must be possible to carry out the 
    following maneuvers without requiring the application of single-handed 
    control forces exceeding those specified in Sec. 23.143(c). The 
    trimming controls must not be adjusted during the maneuvers:
    * * * * *
        (2) With landing gear and flaps extended, power off, and the 
    airplane as nearly as possible in trim at 1.3 VSO, quickly apply 
    takeoff power and retract the flaps as rapidly as possible to the 
    recommended go around setting and allow the airspeed to transition from 
    1.3 VSO to 1.3 VS1. Retract the gear when a positive rate of 
    climb is established.
        (3) With landing gear and flaps extended, in level flight, power 
    necessary to attain level flight at 1.1 VSO, and the airplane as 
    nearly as possible in trim, it must be possible to maintain 
    approximately level flight while retracting the flaps as rapidly as 
    possible with simultaneous application of not more than maximum 
    continuous power. If gated flap positions are provided, the flap 
    retraction may be demonstrated in stages with power and trim reset for 
    level flight at 1.1 VS1 in the initial configuration for each 
        (i) From the fully extended position to the most extended gated 
        (ii) Between intermediate gated positions, if applicable; and
        (iii) From the least extended gated position to the fully retracted 
        (4) With power off, flaps and landing gear retracted and the 
    airplane as nearly as possible in trim at 1.4 VS1, apply takeoff 
    power rapidly while maintaining the same airspeed.
        (5) With power off, landing gear and flaps extended, and the 
    airplane as nearly as possible in trim at VREF, obtain and 
    maintain airspeeds between 1.1. VSO and either 1.7 VSO or 
    VFE, whichever is lower without requiring the application of two-
    handed control forces exceeding those specified in Sec. 23.143(c).
        (6) With maximum takeoff power, landing gear retracted, flaps in 
    the takeoff position, and the airplane as nearly as possible in trim at 
    VFE appropriate to the takeoff flap position, retract the flaps as 
    rapidly as possible while maintaining constant speed.
        (c) At speeds above VMO/MMO, and up to the maximum speed 
    shown under Sec. 23.251, a maneuvering capability of 1.5 g must be 
    demonstrated to provide a margin to recover from upset or inadvertent 
    speed increase.
        (d) It must be possible, with a pilot control force of not more 
    than 10 pounds, to maintain a speed of not more than VREF during a 
    power-off glide with landing gear and wing flaps extended, for any 
    weight of the airplane, up to and including the maximum weight.
    * * * * *
        25. Section 23.147 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.147  Directional and lateral control.
        (a) For each multiengine airplane, it must be possible, while 
    holding the wings level within five degrees, to make sudden changes in 
    heading safely in both directions. This ability must be shown at 1.4 
    VS1 with heading changes up to 15 degrees, except that the heading 
    change at which the rudder force corresponds to the limits specified in 
    Sec. 23.143 need not be exceeded, with the--
        (1) Critical engine inoperative and its propeller in the minimum 
    drag position;
        (2) Remaining engines at maximum continuous power;
        (3) Landing gear--
        (i) Retracted; and
        (ii) Extended; and
        (4) Flaps retracted.
        (b) For each multiengine airplane, it must be possible to regain 
    full control of the airplane without exceeding a bank angle of 45 
    degrees, reaching a dangerous attitude or encountering dangerous 
    characteristics, in the event of a sudden and complete failure of the 
    critical engine, making allowance for a delay of two seconds in the 
    initiation of recovery action appropriate to the situation, with the 
    airplane initially in trim, in the following conditions:
        (1) Maximum continuous power on each engine;
        (2) The wing flaps retracted;
        (3) The landing gear retracted;
        (4) A speed equal to that at which compliance with Sec. 23.69(a) 
    has been shown; and
        (5) All propeller controls in the position at which compliance with 
    Sec. 23.69(a) has been shown.
        (c) For all airplanes, it must be shown that the airplane is safely 
    controllable without the use of the primary lateral control system in 
    any all-engine configuration(s) and at any speed or altitude within the 
    approved operating envelope. It must also be shown that the airplane's 
    flight characteristics are not impaired below a level needed to permit 
    continued safe flight and the ability to maintain attitudes suitable 
    for a controlled landing without exceeding the operational and 
    structural limitations of the airplane. If a single failure of any one 
    connecting or transmitting link in the lateral control system would 
    also cause the loss of additional control system(s), the above 
    requirement is equally applicable with those additional systems also 
    assumed to be inoperative.
        26. Section 23.149 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.149  Minimum control speed.
        (a) VMC is the calibrated airspeed at which, when the critical 
    engine is suddenly made inoperative, it is possible to maintain control 
    of the airplane with that engine still inoperative, and thereafter 
    maintain straight flight at the same speed with an angle of bank of not 
    more than 5 degrees. The method used to simulate critical engine 
    failure must represent the most critical mode of powerplant failure 
    with respect to controllability expected in service.
        (b) VMC for takeoff must not exceed 1.2 VS1, where 
    VS1 is determined at the maximum takeoff weight. VMC must be 
    determined with the most unfavorable weight and center of gravity 
    position and with the airplane airborne and the ground effect 
    negligible, for the takeoff configuration(s) with--
        (1) Maximum available takeoff power initially on each engine;
        (2) The airplane trimmed for takeoff;
        (3) Flaps in the takeoff position(s);
        (4) Landing gear retracted; and
        (5) All propeller controls in the recommended takeoff position 
        (c) For all airplanes except reciprocating engine-powered airplanes 
    of 6,000 pounds or less maximum weight, the conditions of paragraph (a) 
    must also be met for the landing configuration with--
        (1) Maximum available takeoff power initially on each engine;
        (2) The airplane trimmed for an approach, with all engines 
    operating, at VREF, at an approach gradient equal to the steepest 
    used in the landing distance demonstration of Sec. 23.75;
        (3) Flaps in the landing position;
        (4) Landing gear extended; and
        (5) All propeller controls in the position recommended for approach 
    with all engines operating.
        (d) A minimum speed to intentionally render the critical engine 
    inoperative must be established and designated as the safe, 
    intentional, one-engine-inoperative speed, VSSE.
        (e) At VMC, the rudder pedal force required to maintain 
    control must not exceed 150 pounds and it must not be necessary to 
    reduce power of the operative engine(s). During the maneuver, the 
    airplane must not assume any dangerous attitude and it must be possible 
    to prevent a heading change of more than 20 degrees.
        (f) At the option of the applicant, to comply with the requirements 
    of Sec. 23.51(c)(1), VMCG may be determined. VMCG is the 
    minimum control speed on the ground, and is the calibrated airspeed 
    during the takeoff run at which, when the critical engine is suddenly 
    made inoperative, it is possible to maintain control of the airplane 
    using the rudder control alone (without the use of nosewheel steering), 
    as limited by 150 pounds of force, and using the lateral control to the 
    extent of keeping the wings level to enable the takeoff to be safely 
    continued. In the determination of VMCG, assuming that the path of 
    the airplane accelerating with all engines operating is along the 
    centerline of the runway, its path from the point at which the critical 
    engine is made inoperative to the point at which recovery to a 
    direction parallel to the centerline is completed may not deviate more 
    than 30 feet laterally from the centerline at any point. VMCG must 
    be established with--
        (1) The airplane in each takeoff configuration or, at the option of 
    the applicant, in the most critical takeoff configuration;
        (2) Maximum available takeoff power on the operating engines;
        (3) The most unfavorable center of gravity;
        (4) The airplane trimmed for takeoff; and
        (5) The most unfavorable weight in the range of takeoff weights.
        27. Section 23.153 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.153  Control during landings.
        It must be possible, while in the landing configuration, to safely 
    complete a landing without exceeding the one-hand control force limits 
    specified in Sec. 23.143(c) following an approach to land--
        (a) At a speed of VREF minus 5 knots;
        (b) With the airplane in trim, or as nearly as possible in trim and 
    without the trimming control being moved throughout the maneuver;
        (c) At an approach gradient equal to the steepest used in the 
    landing distance demonstration of Sec. 23.75; and
        (d) With only those power changes, if any, that would be made when 
    landing normally from an approach at VREF.
        28. Section 23.155 is amended by revising the introductory text of 
    paragraph (b) and paragraph (b)(1), and by adding a new paragraph (c) 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.155  Elevator control force in maneuvers.
    * * * * *
        (b) The requirement of paragraph (a) of this section must be met at 
    75 percent of maximum continuous power for reciprocating engines, or 
    the maximum continuous power for turbine engines, and with the wing 
    flaps and landing gear retracted--
        (1) In a turn, with the trim setting used for wings level flight at 
    VO; and
    * * * * *
        (c) There must be no excessive decrease in the gradient of the 
    curve of stick force versus maneuvering load factor with increasing 
    load factor.
        29. Section 23.157 is amended by revising paragraph (d) to read as 
    Sec. 23.157  Rate of roll.
    * * * * *
        (d) The requirement of paragraph (c) of this section must be met 
    when rolling the airplane in each direction in the following 
        (1) Flaps in the landing position(s);
        (2) Land gear extended;
        (3) All engines operating at the power for a 3 degree approach; and
        (4) The airplane trimmed at VREF.
        30. Section 23.161 is amended by revising paragraphs (a), (b)(1), 
    (b)(2), (c), the introductory text of paragraph (d), and (d)(4), and by 
    adding a new paragraph (e) to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.161  Trim.
        (a) General. Each airplane must meet the trim requirements of this 
    section after being trimmed and without further pressure upon, or 
    movement of, the primary controls or their corresponding trim controls 
    by the pilot or the automatic pilot. In addition, it must be possible, 
    in other conditions of loading, configuration, speed and power to 
    ensure that the pilot will not be unduly fatigued or distracted by the 
    need to apply residual control forces exceeding those for prolonged 
    application of Sec. 23.143(c). This applies in normal operation of the 
    airplane and, if applicable, to those conditions associated with the 
    failure of one engine for which performance characteristics are 
        (b) * * *
        (1) For normal, utility, and acrobatic category airplanes, at a 
    speed of 0.9 VH, VC, or VMO/MMO, whichever is 
    lowest; and
        (2) For the commuter category airplanes, at all speeds from 1.4 
    VS1 to the lesser of VH or VMO/MMO.
        (c) Longitudinal trim. The airplane must maintain longitudinal trim 
    under each of the following conditions:
        (1) A climb with--
        (i) Takeoff power, landing gear retracted, wing flaps in the 
    takeoff position(s), at the speeds used in determining the climb 
    performance required by Sec. 23.65; and
        (ii) Maximum continuous power at the speeds and in the 
    configuration used in determining the climb performance required by 
    Sec. 23.69(a).
        (2) Level flight at all speeds from the lesser of VH and 
    either VNO or VMO/MMO (as appropriate), to 1.4 VS1, 
    with the landing gear and flaps retracted.
        (3) A descent at VNO or VMO/MMO, whichever is 
    applicable, with power off and with the landing gear and flaps 
        (4) Approach with landing gear extended and with--
        (i) A 3 degree angle of descent, with flaps retracted and at a 
    speed of 1.4 VS1;
        (ii) A 3 degree angle of descent, flaps in the landing position(s) 
    at VREF; and
        (iii) An approach gradient equal to the steepest used in the 
    landing distance demonstrations of Sec. 23.75, flaps in the landing 
    position(s) at VREF.
        (d) In addition, each multiengine airplane must maintain 
    longitudinal and directional trim, and the lateral control force must 
    not exceed 5 pounds at the speed used in complying with Sec. 23.67(a), 
    (b)(2), or (c)(3), as appropriate, with--
    * * * * *
        (4) Wing flaps retracted; and
    * * * * *
        (e) In addition, each commuter category airplane for which, in the 
    determine of the takeoff path in accordance with Sec. 23.57, the climb 
    in the takeoff configuration at V2 extends beyond 400 feet above 
    the takeoff surface, it must be possible to reduce the longitudinal and 
    lateral control forces to 10 pounds and 5 pounds, respectively, and the 
    directional control force must not exceed 50 pounds at V2 with--
        (1) The critical engine inoperative and its propeller in the 
    minimum drag position;
        (2) The remaining engine(s) at takeoff power;
        (3) Landing gear retracted;
        (4) Wing flaps in the takeoff position(s); and
        (5) An angle of bank not exceeding 5 degrees.
        31. Section 23.175 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.175  Demonstration of static longitudinal stability.
        Static longitudinal stability must be shown as follows:
        (a) Climb. The stick force curve must have a stable slope at speeds 
    between 85 and 115 percent of the trim speed, with--
        (1) Flaps retracted;
        (2) Landing gear retracted;
        (3) Maximum continuous power; and
        (4) The airplane trimmed at the speed used in determining the climb 
    performance required by Sec. 23.69(a).
        (b) Cruise. With flaps and landing gear retracted and the airplane 
    in trim with power for level flight at representative cruising speeds 
    at high and low altitudes, including speeds up to VNO or VMO/
    MMO, as appropriate, except that the speed need not exceed 
        (1) For normal, utility, and acrobatic category airplanes, the 
    stick force curve must have a stable slope at all speeds within a range 
    that is the greater of 15 percent of the trim speed plus the resulting 
    free return speed range, or 40 knots plus the resulting free return 
    speed range, above and below the trim speed, except that the slope need 
    not be stable--
        (i) At speeds less than 1.3 VS1; or
        (ii) For airplanes with VNE established under Sec. 23.1505(a), 
    at speeds greater than VNE; or
        (iii) For airplanes with VMO/MMO established under 
    Sec. 23.1505(c), at speeds greater than VFC/MFC.
        (2) For commuter category airplanes, the stick force curve must 
    have a stable slope at all speeds within a range of 50 knots plus the 
    resulting free return speed range, above and below the trim speed, 
    except that the slope need not be stable--
        (i) At speeds less than 1.4 VS1; or
        (ii) At speeds greater than VFC/MFC; or
        (iii) At speeds that require a stick force greater than 50 pounds.
        (c) Landing. The stick force curve must have a stable slope at 
    speeds between 1.1 VS1 and 1.8 VS1 with--
        (1) Flaps in the landing position;
        (2) Landing gear extended; and
        (3) The airplane trimmed at--
        (i) VREF, or the minimum trim speed if higher, with power off; 
        (ii) VREF with enough power to maintain a 3 degree angle of 
        32. Section 23.177 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.177  Static directional and lateral stability.
        (a) The static directional stability, as shown by the tendency to 
    recover from a wings level sideslip with the rudder free, must be 
    positive for any landing gear and flap position appropriate to the 
    takeoff, climb, cruise, approach, and landing configurations. This must 
    be shown with symmetrical power up to maximum continuous power, and at 
    speeds from 1.2 VS1 up to the maximum allowable speed for the 
    condition being investigated.
        The angle of sideslip for these tests must be appropriate to the 
    type of airplane. At larger angles of sideslip, up to that at which 
    full rudder is used or a control force limit in Sec. 23.143 is reached, 
    whichever occurs first, and at speeds from 1.2 VS1 to VO, the 
    rudder pedal force must not reverse.
        (b) The static lateral stability, as shown by the tendency to raise 
    the low wing in a sideslip, must be positive for all landing gear and 
    flap positions. This must be shown with symmetrical power up to 75 
    percent of maximum continuous power at speeds above 1.2 VS1 in the 
    takeoff configuration(s) and at speeds above 1.3 VS1 in other 
    configurations, up to the maximum allowable speed for the configuration 
    being investigated, in the takeoff, climb, cruise, and approach 
    configurations. For the landing configuration, the power must be up to 
    that necessary to maintain 3 degree angle of descent in coordinated 
    flight. The static lateral stability must not be negative at 1.2 
    VS1 in the takeoff configuration, or at 1.3 VS1 in other 
    configurations. The angle of sideslip for these tests must be 
    appropriate to the type of airplane, but in no case may the constant 
    heading sideslip angle be less than that obtainable with a 10 degree 
    bank, or if less, the maximum bank angle obtainable with full rudder 
    deflection or 150 pound rudder force.
        (c) Paragraph (b) of this section does not apply to acrobatic 
    category airplanes certificated for inverted flight.
        (d) In straight, steady slips at 1.2 VS1 for any landing gear 
    and flap positions, and for any symmetrical power conditions up to 50 
    percent of maximum continuous power, the aileron and rudder control 
    movements and forces must increase steadily, but not necessarily in 
    constant proportion, as the angle of sideslip is increased up to the 
    maximum appropriate to the type of airplane. At larger slip angles, up 
    to the angle at which full rudder or aileron control is used or a 
    control force limit contained in Sec. 23.143 is reached, the aileron 
    and rudder control movements and forces must not reverse as the angle 
    of sideslip is increased. Rapid entry into, and recovery from, a 
    maximum sideslip considered appropriate for the airplane must not 
    result in uncontrollable flight characteristics.
        33. Section 23.201 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.201  Wings level stall.
        (a) It must be possible to produce and to correct roll by 
    unreversed use of the rolling control and to produce and to correct yaw 
    by unreversed use of the directional control, up to the time the 
    airplane stalls.
        (b) The wings level stall characteristics must be demonstrated in 
    flight as follows. Starting from a speed at least 10 knots above the 
    stall speed, the elevator control must be pulled back so that the rate 
    of speed reduction will not exceed one knot per second until a stall is 
    produced, as shown by either:
        (1) An uncontrollable downward pitching motion of the airplane; or
        (2) A downward pitching motion of the airplane that results from 
    the activation of a stall avoidance device (for example, stick pusher); 
        (3) The control reaching the stop.
        (c) Normal use of elevator control for recovery is allowed after 
    the downward pitching motion of (b)(1) or (b)(2) has unmistakably been 
    produced, or after the control has been held against the stop for not 
    less than the longer of two seconds or the time employed in the minimum 
    steady flight speed determination of Sec. 23.49.
        (d) During the entry into and the recovery from the maneuver, it 
    must be possible to prevent more than 15 degrees of roll or yaw by the 
    normal use of controls.
        (e) Compliance with the requirements of this section must be shown 
    under the following conditions:
        (1) Wing flaps. Retracted, fully extended, and each intermediate 
    normal operating position.
        (2) Landing gear. Retracted and extended.
        (3) Cowl flaps. Appropriate to configuration.
        (4) Power:
        (i) Power off; and
        (ii) 75 percent of maximum continuous power. However, if the power-
    to-weight ratio at 75 percent of maximum continuous power results in 
    extreme nose-up attitudes, the test may be carried out with the power 
    required for level flight in the landing configuration at maximum 
    landing weight and a speed of 1.4 VSO, except that the power may 
    not be less than 50 percent of maximum continuous power.
        (5) Trim. The airplane trimmed at a speed as near 1.5 VS1 as 
        (6) Propeller. Full increase r.p.m. position for the power off 
        34. Section 23.203 is amended by revising the section heading and 
    introductory text, paragraph (a), the introductory text of paragraph 
    (b), paragraphs (b)(4) and (b)(5), the introductory text of paragraph 
    (c), and paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(4), and by adding new paragraphs 
    (b)(6) and (c)(6) to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.203  Turning flight and accelerated turning stalls.
        Turning flight and accelerated turning stalls must be demonstrated 
    in tests as follows:
        (a) Establish and maintain a coordinated turn in a 30 degree bank. 
    Reduce speed by steadily and progressively tightening the turn with the 
    elevator until the airplane is stalled, as defined in Sec. 23.201(b). 
    The rate of speed reduction must be constant, and--
        (1) For a turning flight stall, may not exceed one knot per second; 
        (2) For an accelerated turning stall, be 3 to 5 knots per second 
    with steadily increasing normal acceleration.
        (b) After the airplane has stalled, as defined in Sec. 23.201(b), 
    it must be possible to regain wings level flight by normal use of the 
    flight controls, but without increasing power and without--
    * * * * *
        (4) Exceeding a bank angle of 60 degrees in the original direction 
    of the turn or 30 degrees in the opposite direction in the case of 
    turning flight stalls;
        (5) Exceeding a bank angle of 90 degrees in the original direction 
    of the turn or 60 degrees in the opposite direction in the case of 
    accelerated turning stalls; and
        (6) Exceeding the maximum permissible speed or allowable limit load 
        (c) Compliance with the requirements of this section must be shown 
    under the following conditions:
        (1) Wing flaps: Retracted, fully extended, and each intermediate 
    normal operating position;
    * * * * *
        (4) Power:
        (i) Power off; and
        (ii) 75 percent of maximum continuous power. However, if the power-
    to-weight ratio at 75 percent of maximum continuous power results in 
    extreme nose-up attitudes, the test may be carried out with the power 
    required for level flight in the landing configuration at maximum 
    landing weight and a speed of 1.4 VSO, except that the power may 
    not be less than 50 percent of maximum continuous power.
    * * * * *
        (6) Propeller. Full increase r.p.m. position for the power off 
    Sec. 23.205  [Removed]
        35. Section 23.205 is removed.
        36. Section 23.207 is amended by revising paragraphs (c) and (d), 
    and by adding new paragraphs (e) and (f) to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.207  Stall warning.
    * * * * *
        (c) During the stall tests required by Sec. 23,201(b) and 
    Sec. 23,203(a)(1), the stall warning must begin at a speed exceeding 
    the stalling speed by a margin of not less than 5 knots and must 
    continue until the stall occurs.
        (d) When following the procedures furnished in accordance with 
    Sec. 23.1585, the stall warning must not occur during a takeoff with 
    all engines operating, a takeoff continued with one engine inoperative, 
    or during an approach to landing.
        (e) During the stall tests required by Sec. 23.203(a)(2), the stall 
    warning must begin sufficiently in advance of the stall for the stall 
    to be averted by pilot action taken after the stall warning first 
        (f) For acrobatic category airplanes, an artificial stall warning 
    may be mutable, provided that it is armed automatically during takeoff 
    and rearmed automatically in the approach configuration.
        37. Section 23.221 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.221  Spinning.
        (a) Normal category airplanes. A single-engine, normal category 
    airplane must be able to recover from a one-turn spin or a three-second 
    spin, whichever takes longer, in not more than one additional turn 
    after initiation of the first control action for recovery, or 
    demonstrate compliance with the optional spin resistant requirements of 
    this section.
        (1) The following apply to one turn or three second spins:
        (i) For both the flaps-retracted and flaps-extended conditions, the 
    applicable airspeed limit and positive limit maneuvering load factor 
    must not be exceeded;
        (ii) No control forces or characteristic encountered during the 
    spin or recovery may adversely affect prompt recovery;
        (iii) It must be impossible to obtain unrecoverable spins with any 
    use of the flight or engine power controls either at the entry into or 
    during the spin; and
        (iv) For the flaps-extended condition, the flaps may be retracted 
    during the recovery but not before rotation has ceased.
        (2) At the applicant's option, the airplane may be demonstrated to 
    be spin resistant by the following:
        (i) During the stall maneuver contained in Sec. 23.201, the pitch 
    control must be pulled back and held against the stop. Then, using 
    ailerons and rudders in the proper direction, it must be possible to 
    maintain wings-level flight within 15 degrees of bank and to roll the 
    airplane from a 30 degree bank in one direction to a 30 degree bank in 
    the other direction;
        (ii) Reduce the airplane speed using pitch control at a rate of 
    approximately one knot per second until the pitch control reaches the 
    stop; then, with the pitch control pulled back and held against the 
    stop, apply full rudder control in a manner to promote spin entry for a 
    period of seven seconds or through a 360 degree heading change, 
    whichever occurs first. If the 360 degree heading change is reached 
    first, it must have taken no fewer than four seconds. This maneuver 
    must be performed first with the ailerons in the neutral position, and 
    then with the ailerons deflected opposite the direction of turn in the 
    most adverse manner. Power and airplane configuration must be set in 
    accordance with Sec. 23.201(e) without change during the maneuver. At 
    the end of seven seconds or a 360 degree heading change, the airplane 
    must respond immediately and normally to primary flight controls 
    applied to regain coordinated, unstalled flight without reversal of 
    control effect and without exceeding the temporary control forces 
    specified by Sec. 23.143(c); and
        (iii) Compliance with Secs. 23.201 and 23.203 must be demonstrated 
    with the airplane in uncoordinated flight, corresponding to one ball 
    width displacement on a slip-skid indicator, unless one ball width 
    displacement cannot be obtained with full rudder, in which case the 
    demonstration must be with full rudder applied.
        (b) Utility category airplanes. A utility category airplane must 
    meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section. In addition, 
    the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section and Sec. 23.807(b)(7) 
    must be met if approval for spinning is requested.
        (c) Acrobatic category airplanes. An acrobatic category airplane 
    must meet the spin requirements of paragraph (a) of this section and 
    Sec. 23.807(b)(6). In addition, the following requirements must be met 
    in each configuration for which approval for spinning is requested:
        (1) The airplane must recover from any point in a spin up to and 
    including six turns, or any greater number of turns for which 
    certification is requested, in not more than one and one-half 
    additional turns after initiation of the first control action for 
    recovery. However, beyond three turns, the spin may be discontinued if 
    spiral characteristics appear.
        (2) The applicable airspeed limits and limit maneuvering load 
    factors must not be exceeded. For flaps-extended configurations for 
    which approval is requested, the flaps must not be retracted during the 
        (3) It must be impossible to obtain unrecoverable spins with any 
    use of the flight or engine power controls either at the entry into or 
    during the spin.
        (4) There must be no characteristics during the spin (such as 
    excessive rates of rotation or extreme oscillatory motion) that might 
    prevent a successful recovery due to disorientation or incapacitation 
    of the pilot.
        38. Section 23.233 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as 
    Sec. 23.233  Directional stability and control.
        (a) A 90 degree cross-component of wind velocity, demonstrated to 
    be safe for taxiing, takeoff, and landing must be established and must 
    be not less than 0.2 VSO.
    * * * * *
        39. Section 23.235 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.235  Operation on unpaved surfaces.
        The airplane must be demonstrated to have satisfactory 
    characteristics and the shock-absorbing mechanism must not damage the 
    structure of the airplane when the airplane is taxied on the roughest 
    ground that may reasonably be expected in normal operation and when 
    takeoffs and landings are performed on unpaved runways having the 
    roughest surface that may reasonably be expected in normal operation.
        40. A new Sec. 23.237 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.237  Operation on water.
        A wave height, demonstrated to be safe for operation, and any 
    necessary water handling procedures for seaplanes and amphibians must 
    be established.
    Sec. 23.253  [Amended]
        41. Section 23.253 is amended by removing paragraph (b)(1) and by 
    redesignating paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) as paragraphs (b)(1) and 
        42. Section 23.562 is amended by revising paragraph (d) to read as 
    Sec. 23.562  Emergency landing dynamic conditions.
    * * * * *
        (d) For all single-engine airplanes with a VSO of more than 61 
    knots at maximum weight, and those multiengine airplanes of 6,000 
    pounds or less maximum weight with a VSO of more than 61 knots at 
    maximum weight that do not comply with Sec. 23.67(a)(1);
    * * * * *
        43. Section 23.1325 is amended by revising paragraph (e) and 
    removing and reserving paragraph (f) to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.1325  Static pressure system.
    * * * * *
        (e) Each static pressure system must be calibrated in flight to 
    determine the system error. The system error, in indicated pressure 
    altitude, at sea-level, with a standard atmosphere, excluding 
    instrument calibration error, may not exceed 30 feet per 
    100 knot speed for the appropriate configuration in the speed range 
    between 1.3 VSO with flaps extended, and 1.8 VS1 with flaps 
    retracted. However, the error need not be less than 30 feet.
    * * * * *
        44. Section 23.1511 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(1) and 
    (a)(2) to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.1511  Flap extended speed.
        (a) * * *
        (1) Not less than the minimum value of VF allowed in 
    Sec. 23.345(b); and
        (2) Not more than VF established under Sec. 23.345 (a), (c), 
    and (d).
    * * * * *
        45. Section 23.1521 is amended by revising paragraphs (b)(5) and 
    (e) to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.1521  Powerplant limitations.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (5) The maximum allowable cylinder head (as applicable), liquid 
    coolant and oil temperatures.
    * * * * *
        (e) Ambient temperature. For all airplanes except reciprocating 
    engine-powered airplanes of 6,000 pounds or less maximum weight, 
    ambient temperature limitations (including limitations for 
    winterization installations if applicable) must be established as the 
    maximum ambient atmospheric temperature at which compliance with the 
    cooling provisions of Secs. 23.1041 through 23.1047 is shown.
        46. Section 23.1543 is amended by adding a new paragraph (c) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 23.1543  Instrument markings: general.
    * * * * *
        (c) All related instruments must be calibrated in compatible units.
        47. Section 23.1545 is amended by revising paragraphs (b)(5) and 
    (b)(6) to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.1545  Airspeed indicator.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (5) For reciprocating multiengine-powered airplanes of 6,000 pounds 
    or less maximum weight, for the speed at which compliance has been 
    shown with Sec. 23.69(b) relating to rate of climb at maximum weight 
    and at sea level, a blue radial line.
        (6) For reciprocating mulitengine-powered airplanes of 6,000 pounds 
    or less maximum weight, for the maximum value of minimum control speed, 
    VMC, (one-engine-inoperative) determined under Sec. 23.149(b), a 
    red radial line.
    * * * * *
        48. Section 23.1553 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.1553  Fuel quantity indicator.
        A red radial line must be marked on each indicator at the 
    calibrated zero reading, as specified in Sec. 23.1337(b)(1).
        49. Section 23.1555 is amended by revising paragraph (e)(2) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 23.1555  Control markings.
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (2) Each emergency control must be red and must be marked as to 
    method of operation. No control other than an emergency control shall 
    be this color.
        50. Section 23.1559 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.1559  Operating limitations placard.
        (a) There must be a placard in clear view of the pilot stating--
        (1) That the airplane must be operated in accordance with the 
    Airplane Flight Manual; and
        (2) The certification category of the airplane to which the 
    placards apply.
        (b) For airplanes certificated in more than one category, there 
    must be a placard in clear view of the pilot stating that other 
    limitations are contained in the Airplane Flight Manual.
        (c) There must be a placard in clear view of the pilot that 
    specifies the kind of operations to which the operation of the airplane 
    is limited or from which it is prohibited under Sec. 23.1525.
        51. Section 23.1563 is amended by adding a new paragraph (c) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 23.1563  Airspeed placards.
    * * * * *
        (c) For reciprocating multiengine-powered airplanes of more than 
    6,000 pounds maximum weight, and turbine engine-powered airplanes, the 
    maximum value of the minimum control speed, VMC, (one-engine-
    inoperative) determined under Sec. 23.149(b).
        52. Section 23.1567 is amended by adding a new paragraph (d) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 23.1567  Flight maneuver placard.
    * * * * *
        (d) For acrobatic category airplanes and utility category airplanes 
    approved for spinning, there must be a placard in clear view of the 
        (1) Listing the control actions for recovery from spinning 
    maneuvers; and
        (2) Stating that recovery must be initiated when spiral 
    characteristics appear, or after not more than six turns or not more 
    than any greater number of turns for which the airplane has been 
        53. Section 23.1581 is amended by adding new paragraphs (a)(3) and 
    (c), and by revising the introductory text of paragraph (b)(2) and 
    paragraph (d) to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.1581  General.
        (a) * * *
        (3) Further information necessary to comply with the relevant 
    operating rules.
        (b) * * *
        (2) The requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this section do not 
    apply to reciprocating engine-powered airplanes of 6,000 pounds or less 
    maximum weight, if the following is met:
    * * * * *
        (c) The units used in the Airplane Flight Manual must be the same 
    as those marked on the appropriate instruments and placards.
        (d) All Airplane Flight Manual operational airspeeds, unless 
    otherwise specified, must be presented as indicated airspeeds.
    * * * * *
        54. Section 23.1583 is amended by revising the introductory text 
    for the section, and paragraphs (a)(3) introductory text, (a)(3)(i), 
    (c)(3), (c)(4), (d), (e), (f), and (g); by redesignating paragraphs 
    (k), (l), and (m) as paragraphs (i), (j), and (k), respectively and 
    revising them; and by adding new paragraphs (c)(5), (c)(6), (l), (m), 
    (n), (o), and (p) to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.1583  Operating limitations.
        The Airplane Flight Manual must contain operating limitations 
    determined under part 23, including the following--
        (a) * * *
        (3) In addition, for turbine powered commuter category airplanes--
        (i) The maximum operating limit speed, VMO/MMO and a 
    statement that this speed must not be deliberately exceeded in any 
    regime of flight (climb, cruise or descent) unless a higher speed is 
    authorized for flight test or pilot training;
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (3) For normal, utility, and acrobatic category reciprocating 
    engine-powered airplanes of more than 6,000 pounds maximum weight and 
    for turbine engine-powered airplanes in the normal, utility, and 
    acrobatic category, performance operating limitations as follows--
        (i) The maximum takeoff weight for each airport altitude and 
    ambient temperature within the range selected by the applicant at which 
    the airplane complies with the climb requirements of Sec. 23.63(c)(1).
        (ii) The maximum landing weight for each airport altitude and 
    ambient temperature within the range selected by the applicant at which 
    the airplane complies with the climb requirements of Sec. 23.63(c)(2).
        (4) For commuter category airplanes, the maximum takeoff weight for 
    each airport altitude and ambient temperature within the range selected 
    by the applicant at which--
        (i) The airplane complies with the climb requirements of 
    Sec. 23.63(d)(1); and
        (ii) The accelerate-stop distance determined under Sec. 23.55 is 
    equal to the available runway length plus the length of any stopway, if 
    utilized; and either:
        (iii) The takeoff distance determined under Sec. 23.59(a) is equal 
    to the available runway length; or
        (iv) At the option of the applicant, the takeoff distance 
    determined under Sec. 23.59(a) is equal to the available runway length 
    plus the length of any clearway and the takeoff run determined under 
    Sec. 23.59(b) is equal to the available runway length.
        (5) For commuter category airplanes, the maximum landing weight for 
    each airport altitude within the range selected by the applicant at 
        (i) The airplane complies with the climb requirements of 
    Sec. 23.63(d)(2) for ambient temperatures within the range selected by 
    the applicant; and
        (ii) The landing distance determined under Sec. 23.75 for standard 
    temperatures is equal to the available runway length.
        (6) The maximum zero wing fuel weight, where relevant, as 
    established in accordance with Sec. 23.343.
        (d) Center of gravity. The established center of gravity limits.
        (e) Maneuvers. The following authorized maneuvers, appropriate 
    airspeed limitations, and unauthorized maneuvers, as prescribed in this 
        (1) Normal category airplanes. No acrobatic maneuvers, including 
    spins, are authorized.
        (2) Utility category airplanes. A list of authorized maneuvers 
    demonstrated in the type flight tests, together with recommended entry 
    speeds and any other associated limitations. No other maneuver is 
        (3) Acrobatic category airplanes. A list of approved flight 
    maneuvers demonstrated in the type flight tests, together with 
    recommended entry speeds and any other associated limitations.
        (4) Acrobatic category airplanes and utility category airplanes 
    approved for spinning. Spin recovery procedure established to show 
    compliance with Sec. 23.221(c).
        (5) Commuter category airplanes. Maneuvers are limited to any 
    maneuver incident to normal flying, stalls (except whip stalls) and 
    steep turns in which the angle of bank is not more than 60 degrees.
        (f) Maneuver load factor. The positive limit load factors in g's, 
    and, in addition, the negative limit load factor for acrobatic category 
        (g) Minimum flight crew. The number and functions of the minimum 
    flight crew determined under Sec. 23.1523.
    * * * * *
        (i) Maximum operating altitude. The maximum altitude established 
    under Sec. 23.1527.
        (j) Maximum passenger seating configuration. The maximum passenger 
    seating configuration.
        (k) Allowable lateral fuel loading. The maximum allowable lateral 
    fuel loading differential, if less than the maximum possible.
        (l) Baggage and cargo loading. The following information for each 
    baggage and cargo compartment or zone--
        (1) The maximum allowable load; and
        (2) The maximum intensity of loading.
        (m) Systems. Any limitations on the use of airplane systems and 
        (n) Ambient temperatures. Where appropriate, maximum and minimum 
    ambient air temperatures for operation.
        (o) Smoking. Any restrictions on smoking in the airplane.
        (p) Types of surface. A statement of the types of surface on which 
    operations may be conducted. (See Sec. 23.45(g) and Sec. 23.1587(a)(4), 
    (c)(2), and (d)(4)).
        55. Section 23.1585 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.1585  Operating procedures.
        (a) For all airplanes, information concerning normal, abnormal (if 
    applicable), and emergency procedures and other pertinent information 
    necessary for safe operation and the achievement of the scheduled 
    performance must be furnished, including--
        (1) An explanation of significant or unusual flight or ground 
    handling characteristics;
        (2) The maximum demonstrated values of crosswind for takeoff and 
    landing, and procedures and information pertinent to operations in 
        (3) A recommended speed for flight in rough air. This speed must be 
    chosen to protect against the occurrence, as a result of gusts, of 
    structural damage to the airplane and loss of control (for example, 
        (4) Procedures for restarting any turbine engine in flight, 
    including the effects of altitude; and
        (5) Procedures, speeds, and configuration(s) for making a normal 
    approach and landing, in accordance with Secs. 23.73 and 23.75, and a 
    transition to the balked landing condition.
        (6) For seaplanes and amphibians, water handling procedures and the 
    demonstrated wave height.
        (b) In addition to paragraph (a) of this section, for all single-
    engine airplanes, the procedures, speeds, and configuration(s) for a 
    glide following engine failure, in accordance with Sec. 23.71 and the 
    subsequent forced landing, must be furnished.
        (c) In addition to paragraph (a) of this section, for all 
    multiengine airplanes, the following information must be furnished:
        (1) Procedures, speeds, and configuration(s) for making an approach 
    and landing with one engine inoperative;
        (2) Procedures, speeds, and configuration(s) for making a balked 
    landing with one engine inoperative and the conditions under which a 
    balked landing can be performed safely, or a warning against attempting 
    a balked landing;
        (3) The VSSE determined in Sec. 23.149; and
        (4) Procedures for restarting any engine in flight including the 
    effects of altitude.
        (d) In addition to paragraphs (a) and either (b) or (c) of this 
    section, as appropriate, for all normal, utility, and acrobatic 
    category airplanes, the following information must be furnished:
        (1) Procedures, speeds, and configuration(s) for making a normal 
    takeoff, in accordance with Sec. 23.51(a) and (b), and Sec. 23.53(a) 
    and (b), and the subsequent climb, in accordance with Sec. 23.65 and 
    Sec. 23.69(a).
        (2) Procedures for abandoning a takeoff due to engine failure or 
    other cause.
        (e) In addition to paragraphs (a), (c), and (d) of this section, 
    for all normal, utility, and acrobatic category multiengine airplanes, 
    the information must include the following:
        (1) Procedures and speeds for continuing a takeoff following engine 
    failure and the conditions under which takeoff can safely be continued, 
    or a warning against attempting to continue the takeoff.
        (2) Procedures, speeds, and configurations for continuing a climb 
    following engine failure, after takeoff, in accordance with Sec. 23.67, 
    or enroute, in accordance with Sec. 23.69(b).
        (f) In addition to paragraphs (a) and (c) of this section, for 
    commuter category airplanes, the information must include the 
        (1) Procedures, speeds, and configuration(s) for making a normal 
        (2) Procedures and speeds for carrying out an accelerate-stop in 
    accordance with Sec. 23.55.
        (3) Procedures and speeds for continuing a takeoff following engine 
    failure in accordance with Sec. 23.59(a)(1) and for following the 
    flight path determined with Sec. 23.57 and 23.61(a).
        (g) For multiengine airplanes, information identifying each 
    operating condition in which the fuel system independence prescribed in 
    Sec. 23.953 is necessary for safety must be furnished, together with 
    instructions for placing the fuel system in a configuration used to 
    show compliance with that section.
        (h) For each airplane showing compliance with Sec. 23.1353(g)(2) or 
    (g)(3), the operating procedures for disconnecting the battery from its 
    charging source must be furnished.
        (i) Information on the total quantity of usable fuel for each fuel 
    tank, and the effect on the usable fuel quantity, as a result of a 
    failure of any pump, must be furnished.
        (j) Procedures for the safe operation of the airplane's systems and 
    equipment, both in normal use and in the event of malfunction, must be 
        56. Section 23.1587 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.1587  Performance information.
        Unless otherwise prescribed, performance information must be 
    provided over the altitude and temperature ranges required by 
    Sec. 23.45(b).
        (a) For all airplanes, the following information must be 
        (1) The stalling speeds VSO and VS1 with the landing gear 
    and wing flaps retracted, determined at maximum weight under 
    Sec. 23.49, and the effect on these stalling speeds of angles of bank 
    up to 60 degrees;
        (2) The steady rate and gradient of climb with all engines 
    operating, determined under Sec. 23.69(a);
        (3) The landing distance, determined under Sec. 23.75 for each 
    airport altitude and standard temperature, and the type of surface for 
    which it is valid;
        (4) The effect on landing distances of operation on other than 
    smooth hard surfaces, when dry, determined under Sec. 23.45(g); and
        (5) The effect on landing distances of runway slope and 50 percent 
    of the headwind component and 150 percent of the tailwind component.
        (b) In addition to paragraph (a) of this section, for all normal, 
    utility, and acrobatic category reciprocating engine-powered airplanes 
    of 6,000 pounds or less maximum weight, the steady angle of climb/
    descent, determined under Sec. 23.77(a), must be furnished.
        (c) In addition to paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, if 
    appropriate, for normal, utility, and acrobatic category airplanes, the 
    following information must be furnished--
        (1) The takeoff distance, determined under Sec. 23.53 and the type 
    of surface for which it is valid.
        (2) The effect on takeoff distance of operation on other than 
    smooth hard surfaces, when dry, determined under Sec. 23.45(g);
        (3) The effect on takeoff distance of runway slope and 50 percent 
    of the headwind component and 150 percent of the tailwind component;
        (4) For multiengine reciprocating engine-powered airplanes of more 
    than 6,000 pounds maximum weight and multiengine turbine powered 
    airplanes, the one-engine-inoperative takeoff climb/descent gradient, 
    determined under Sec. 23.66;
        (5) For multiengine airplanes, the enroute rate and gradient of 
    climb/descent with one engine inoperative, determined under 
    Sec. 23.69(b); and
        (6) For single-engine airplanes, the glide performance determined 
    under Sec. 23.71.
        (d) In addition to paragraph (a) of this section, for commuter 
    category airplanes, the following information must be furnished--
        (1) The accelerate-stop distance determined under Sec. 23.55;
        (2) The takeoff distance determined under Sec. 23.59(a);
        (3) At the option of the applicant, the takeoff run determined 
    under Sec. 23.59(b);
        (4) The effect on accelerate-stop distance, takeoff distance and, 
    if determined, takeoff run, of operation on other than smooth hard 
    surfaces, when dry, determined under Sec. 23.45(g);
        (5) The effect on accelerate-stop distance, takeoff distance, and 
    if determined, takeoff run, of runway slope and 50 percent of the 
    headwind component and 150 percent of the tailwind component;
        (6) The net takeoff flight path determined under Sec. 23.61(b);
        (7) The enroute gradient of climb/descent with one engine 
    inoperative, determined under Sec. 23.69(b);
        (8) The effect, on the net takeoff flight path and on the enroute 
    gradient of climb/descent with one engine inoperative, of 50 percent of 
    the headwind component and 150 percent of the tailwind component;
        (9) Overweight landing performance information (determined by 
    extrapolation and computed for the range of weights between the maximum 
    landing and maximum takeoff weights) as follows--
        (i) The maximum weight for each airport altitude and ambient 
    temperature at which the airplane complies with the climb requirements 
    of Sec. 23.63(d)(2); and
        (ii) The landing distance determined under Sec. 23.75 for each 
    airport altitude and standard temperature.
        (10) The relationship between IAS and CAS determined in accordance 
    with Sec. 23.1323(b) and (c).
        (11) The altimeter system calibration required by Sec. 23.1325(e).
        57. Section 23.1589 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 
    Sec. 23.1589  Loading information.
    * * * * *
        (b) Appropriate loading instructions for each possible loading 
    condition between the maximum and minimum weights established under 
    Sec. 23.25, to facilitate the center of gravity remaining within the 
    limits established under Sec. 23.23.
    Appendix E to Part 23--[Removed]
        58. Appendix E to Part 23 is removed.
        Issued in Washington, DC, on July 19, 1994.
    Elizabeth Yoest,
    Acting Director, Aircraft Certification Service.
    [FR Doc. 94-17994 Filed 7-22-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-M

Document Information

Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments must be submitted on or before November 22, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: July 25, 1994
CFR: (107)
14 CFR 23.45.)
14 CFR 23.77''
14 CFR 23.251.''
14 CFR 23.175(a)(4)
14 CFR 23.25(a)(1)
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