99-18857. Preliminary Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination and Alignment of Final Countervailing Duty Determination With Final Antidumping Duty Determination: Certain Cut-to-Length Carbon-Quality Steel Plate From the Republic of Korea  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 142 (Monday, July 26, 1999)]
    [Pages 40445-40457]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-18857]
    International Trade Administration
    Preliminary Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination and 
    Alignment of Final Countervailing Duty Determination With Final 
    Antidumping Duty Determination: Certain Cut-to-Length Carbon-Quality 
    Steel Plate From the Republic of Korea
    AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration, 
    Department of Commerce.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: July 26, 1999.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Stephanie Moore or Tipten Troidl, CVD/
    AD Enforcement, Office 6, Group II, Import Administration, U.S. 
    Department of Commerce, Room 4012, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, 
    NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone (202) 482-2786.
    PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION: The Department of Commerce (the Department) 
    preliminarily determines that countervailable subsidies are being 
    provided to certain producers and exporters of certain cut-to-length 
    carbon-quality steel plate from the Republic of Korea. For information 
    on the estimated countervailing duty rates, see the ``Suspension of 
    Liquidation'' section of this notice.
        The petition in this investigation was filed by Bethlehem Steel 
    Corporation, U.S. Steel Group, a unit of USX Corporation, Gulf States 
    Steel, Inc., IPSCO Steel Inc., Tuscaloosa Steel Corporation, and the 
    United Steelworkers of America (the petitioners).
    Case History
        Since the publication of the notice of initiation in the Federal 
    Register (see Notice of Initiation of Countervailing Duty 
    Investigations: Certain Cut-to-Length Carbon-Quality Steel Plate from 
    France, India, Indonesia, Italy, and the Republic of Korea, 64 FR 12996 
    (March 16, 1999) (Initiation Notice)), the following events have 
    occurred. On March 18, 1999, we issued countervailing duty 
    questionnaires to the Government of Korea (GOK), and the producers/
    exporters of the subject merchandise. On April 29, 1999, we postponed 
    the preliminary determination of this investigation until no later than 
    July 16, 1999. See Certain Cut-to-Length Carbon-Quality Steel Plate 
    from France, India, Indonesia, Italy, and the Republic of Korea: 
    Postponement of Time Limit for Countervailing Duty Investigations, 64 
    FR 23057 (April 29, 1999).
        We received responses to our initial questionnaires from the GOK 
    and Pohang Iron & Steel Company, Ltd. (POSCO), and Dongkuk Steel Mill 
    Co., Ltd. (DSM), producers of the subject merchandise, on May 10, 1999. 
    In addition, on July 1, 1998 we received responses from four trading 
    companies which are involved in exporting the subject merchandise to 
    the United States: POSCO Steel Service & Sales Company, Ltd. (POSTEEL), 
    Dongkuk Industries Co., Ltd. (DKI), Hyosung Corporation (Hyosung), and 
    Sunkyong Ltd. (Sunkyong). On June 9, 1999, we issued supplemental 
    questionnaires to all of the responding parties and received their 
    responses on June 28, 1999, and July 1, 1999.
        The Department is currently seeking additional information 
    regarding certain R&D programs used by either POSCO, DSM or their 
    affiliates, which may have benefitted the producers/exporters of the 
    subject merchandise.
    Scope of Investigation
        For purposes of this investigation, the product covered is certain 
    hot-rolled carbon-quality steel: (1) Universal mill plates (i.e., flat-
    rolled products rolled on four faces or in a closed box pass, of a 
    width exceeding 150 mm but not exceeding 1250 mm, and of a nominal or 
    actual thickness of not less than 4 mm, which are cut-to-length (not in 
    coils) and without patterns in relief), of iron or non-alloy-quality 
    steel; and (2) flat-rolled products, hot-rolled, of a nominal or actual 
    thickness of 4.75 mm or more and of a width which exceeds 150 mm and 
    measures at least twice the thickness, and which are cut-to-length (not 
    in coils).
        Steel products to be included in this scope are of rectangular, 
    square, circular or other shape and of rectangular or non-rectangular 
    cross-section where such non-rectangular cross-section is achieved 
    subsequent to the rolling process (i.e., products which have been 
    ``worked after rolling'')--for example, products which have been 
    beveled or rounded at the edges. Steel products that meet the noted 
    physical characteristics that are painted, varnished or coated with 
    plastic or other non-metallic substances are included within this 
    scope. Also, specifically included in this scope are high strength, low 
    alloy (HSLA) steels. HSLA steels are recognized as steels with micro-
    alloying levels of elements such as chromium, copper, niobium, 
    titanium, vanadium, and molybdenum.
        Steel products to be included in this scope, regardless of 
    Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) definitions, 
    are products in which: (1) Iron predominates, by weight, over each of 
    the other contained elements, (2) the carbon content is two percent or 
    less, by weight, and (3) none of the elements listed below is equal to 
    or exceeds the quantity, by weight, respectively indicated:
    1.80 percent of manganese, or
    1.50 percent of silicon, or
    1.00 percent of copper, or
    0.50 percent of aluminum, or
    1.25 percent of chromium, or
    0.30 percent of cobalt, or
    0.40 percent of lead, or
    1.25 percent of nickel, or
    0.30 percent of tungsten, or
    0.10 percent of molybdenum, or
    0.10 percent of niobium, or
    0.41 percent of titanium, or
    0.15 percent of vanadium, or
    0.15 percent zirconium.
        All products that meet the written physical description, and in 
    which the chemistry quantities do not equal or exceed any one of the 
    levels listed above, are within the scope of these
    [[Page 40446]]
    investigations unless otherwise specifically excluded. The following 
    products are specifically excluded from these investigations: (1) 
    Products clad, plated, or coated with metal, whether or not painted, 
    varnished or coated with plastic or other non-metallic substances; (2) 
    SAE grades (formerly AISI grades) of series 2300 and above; (3) 
    products made to ASTM A710 and A736 or their proprietary equivalents; 
    (4) abrasion-resistant steels (i.e., USS AR 400, USS AR 500); (5) 
    products made to ASTM A202, A225, A514 grade S, A517 grade S, or their 
    proprietary equivalents; (6) ball bearing steels; (7) tool steels; and 
    (8) silicon manganese steel or silicon electric steel.
        The merchandise subject to this investigation is classified in the 
    HTSUS under subheadings: 7208.40.3030, 7208.40.3060, 7208.51.0030, 
    7208.51.0045, 7208.51.0060, 7208.52.0000, 7208.53.0000, 7208.90.0000, 
    7210.70.3000, 7210.90.9000, 7211.13.0000, 7211.14.0030, 7211.14.0045, 
    7211.90.0000, 7212.40.1000, 7212.40.5000, 7212.50.0000, 7225.40.3050, 
    7225.40.7000, 7225.50.6000, 7225.99.0090, 7226.91.5000, 7226.91.7000, 
    7226.91.8000, 7226.99.0000.
        Although the HTSUS subheadings are provided for convenience and 
    Customs purposes, the written description of the merchandise under 
    investigation is dispositive.
    Scope Comments
        As stated in our notice of initiation, we set aside a period for 
    parties to raise issues regarding product coverage. In particular, we 
    sought comments on the specific levels of alloying elements set out in 
    the description below, the clarity of grades and specifications 
    excluded from the scope, and the physical and chemical description of 
    the product coverage.
        On March 29, 1999, Usinor, a respondent in the French antidumping 
    and countervailing duty investigations and DSM and POSCO, respondents 
    in the Korean antidumping and countervailing duty investigations 
    (collectively the Korean respondents), filed comments regarding the 
    scope of the investigations. On April 14, 1999, the petitioners 
    responded to Usinor's and the Korean respondents' comments. In 
    addition, on May 17, 1999, ILVA S.p.A. (ILVA), a respondent in the 
    Italian antidumping and countervailing duty investigations, requested 
    guidance on whether certain products are within the scope of these 
        Usinor requested that the Department modify the scope to exclude: 
    (1) Plate that is cut to non-rectangular shapes or that has a total 
    final weight of less than 200 kilograms; and (2) steel that is 4'' or 
    thicker and which is certified for use in high-pressure, nuclear or 
    other technical applications; and (3) floor plate (i.e., plate with 
    ``patterns in relief'') made from hot-rolled coil. Further, Usinor 
    requested that the Department provide clarification of scope coverage 
    with respect to what it argues are over-inclusive HTSUS subheadings 
    included in the scope language.
        The Department has not modified the scope of these investigations 
    because the current language reflects the product coverage requested by 
    the petitioners, and Usinor's products meet the product description. 
    With respect to Usinor's clarification request, we do not agree that 
    the scope language requires further elucidation with respect to product 
    coverage under the HTSUS. As indicated in the scope section of every 
    Department antidumping and countervailing duty proceeding, the HTSUS 
    subheadings are provided for convenience and Customs purposes only; the 
    written description of the merchandise under investigation or review is 
        The Korean respondents requested confirmation whether the maximum 
    alloy percentages listed in the scope language are definitive with 
    respect to covered HSLA steels.
        At this time, no party has presented any evidence to suggest that 
    these maximum alloy percentages are inappropriate. Therefore, we have 
    not adjusted the scope language. As in all proceedings, questions as to 
    whether or not a specific product is covered by the scope should be 
    timely raised with Department officials.
        ILVA requested guidance on whether certain merchandise produced 
    from billets is within the scope of the current CTL plate 
    investigations. According to ILVA, the billets are converted into wide 
    flats and bar products (a type of long product). ILVA notes that one of 
    the long products, when rolled, has a thickness range that falls within 
    the scope of these investigations. However, according to ILVA, the 
    greatest possible width of these long products would only slightly 
    overlap the narrowest category of width covered by the scope of the 
    investigations. Finally, ILVA states that these products have different 
    production processes and than merchandise covered by the scope of the 
    investigations and therefore are not covered by the scope of the 
        As ILVA itself acknowledges, the particular products in question 
    appear to fall within the parameters of the scope and, therefore, we 
    are treating them as covered merchandise for purposes of these 
    Applicable Statute and Regulations
        Unless otherwise indicated, all citations to the statute are 
    references to the provisions of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended by 
    the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (URAA) effective January 1, 1995 (the 
    Act). In addition, unless otherwise indicated, all citations to the 
    Department's regulations are to the current regulations as codified at 
    19 CFR part 351 (1998) and to the substantive countervailing duty 
    regulations published in the Federal Register on November 25, 1998 (63 
    FR 65348) (CVD Regulations).
    Injury Test
        Because the Republic of Korea (Korea) is a ``Subsidies Agreement 
    Country'' within the meaning of section 701(b) of the Act, the 
    International Trade Commission (ITC) is required to determine whether 
    imports of the subject merchandise from Korea materially injure, or 
    threaten material injury to, a U.S. industry. On April 8, 1999, the ITC 
    published its preliminary determination finding that there is a 
    reasonable indication that an industry in the United States is being 
    materially injured, or threatened with material injury, by reason of 
    imports from Korea of the subject merchandise (See Certain Cut-To-
    Length Steel Plate From Czech Republic, France, India, Indonesia, 
    Italy, Japan, Korea, and Macedonia, 64 FR 17198 (April 8, 1999).
    Alignment With Final Antidumping Duty Determination
        On July 2, 1999, the petitioners submitted a letter requesting 
    alignment of the final determination in this investigation with the 
    final determination in the companion antidumping duty investigation. 
    See Initiation of Antidumping Duty Investigations: Certain Cut-To-
    Length Carbon-Quality Steel Plate from the Czech Republic, France, 
    India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, and the Former 
    Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 64 FR 12959 (March 16, 1999). 
    Therefore, in accordance with section 705(a)(1) of the Act, we are 
    aligning the final determination in this investigation with the final 
    determinations in the antidumping investigations of certain cut-to-
    length plate.
    Period of Investigation
        The period for which we are measuring subsidies (the POI) is 
    calendar year 1998.
    [[Page 40447]]
    Subsidies Valuation Information
    Allocation Period
        Section 351.524(d)(2) of the CVD Regulations states that we will 
    presume the allocation period for non-recurring subsidies to be the 
    average useful life (AUL) of renewable physical assets for the industry 
    concerned, as listed in the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) 1977 Class 
    Life Asset Depreciation Range System and updated by the Department of 
    Treasury. The presumption will apply unless a party claims and 
    establishes that these tables do not reasonably reflect the AUL of the 
    renewable physical assets for the company or industry under 
    investigation, and the party can establish that the difference between 
    the company-specific or country-wide AUL for the industry under 
    investigation is significant.
        In this investigation, no party to the proceeding has claimed that 
    the AUL listed in the IRS tables does not reasonably reflect the AUL of 
    the renewable physical assets for the firm or industry under 
    investigation. Therefore, according to Sec. 351.524(d)(2) of the CVD 
    Regulations, we have allocated POSCO and DSM's non-recurring subsidies 
    over 15 years, the AUL listed in the IRS tables for the steel industry.
    Benchmarks for Long-Term Loans and Discount Rates
        During the POI, POSCO and DSM had a number of won-denominated and 
    foreign currency-denominated long-term loans outstanding which the 
    company received from government-owned banks, Korean commercial banks, 
    overseas banks, and foreign banks with branches in Korea. A number of 
    these loans were received prior to 1992. In the 1993 investigation of 
    Steel Products from Korea, the Department determined that the GOK 
    influenced the practices of lending institutions in Korea and 
    controlled access to overseas foreign currency loans through 1991. See 
    Final Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determinations and Final Negative 
    Critical Circumstances Determinations: Certain Steel Products from 
    Korea, 58 FR 37328, 37338 (July 9, 1993) (Steel Products from Korea), 
    and the ``Direction of Credit'' section below. In that investigation, 
    we determined that the best indicator of a market rate for long-term 
    loans in Korea was the three-year corporate bond rate on the secondary 
    market. Also, see Final Negative Countervailing Duty Determination: 
    Stainless Steel Plate in Coils from the Republic of Korea, 64 FR 15530, 
    15532 (March 31, 1999) (Plate in Coils), and Final Affirmative 
    Countervailing Duty Determination: Stainless Steel Sheet and Strip in 
    Coils from the Republic of Korea, 64 FR 30636, 39641 (June 8, 1999) 
    (Sheet and Strip). Therefore, in the preliminary determination of the 
    current investigation, to calculate the benefit which POSCO and DSM 
    received from direct foreign currency loans and domestic foreign 
    currency loans obtained prior to 1991 and still outstanding during the 
    POI, we used as our benchmark the three-year corporate bond rate on the 
    secondary market. We are also using the three-year corporate bond rate 
    on the secondary market as the discount rate to determine the benefit 
    from non-recurring subsidies received prior to 1992.
        In Plate in Coils and Sheet and Strip, the Department determined 
    that the GOK continued to control directly or indirectly the lending 
    practices of most sources of credit in Korea between 1992 and 1997. In 
    the current investigation, we preliminarily determine that the GOK 
    still exercised substantial control over lending institutions in Korea 
    during the POI. Based on our findings on this issue in prior 
    investigations, as well as in the current investigation on CTL Plate, 
    discussed below in the ``Direction of Credit'' section of this notice, 
    we are using the following benchmarks to calculate POSCO's and DSM's 
    benefit from long-term loans obtained in the years 1992 through 1998: 
    (1) For countervailable, foreign-currency denominated loans, we are 
    using the company-specific, weighted-average U.S. dollar-denominated 
    interest rates on the companies' loans from foreign bank branches in 
    Korea; (2) for countervailable won-denominated loans, where available, 
    we are using the company-specific three-year corporate bond rate on the 
    companies' public bonds. Where unavailable, we continue to use a 
    national average three-year corporate bond rate. In Plate in Coils and 
    in Sheet and Strip, we found that the Korean domestic bond market was 
    not controlled by the GOK after 1991, and that domestic bonds serve as 
    an appropriate benchmark interest rate.
        We are also using the three-year company-specific corporate bond 
    rate as the discount rate to determine the benefit from non-recurring 
    subsidies received between 1992 and 1998.
    Benchmarks for Short-Term Financing
        For those programs which require the application of a short-term 
    interest rate benchmark, we used as our benchmark a company-specific 
    weighted-average interest rate for commercial won-denominated loans for 
    the POI. Each respondent provided to the Department its respective 
    company-specific, short-term commercial interest rate.
    Treatment of Subsidies Received by Trading Companies
        During the POI, POSCO exported the subject merchandise to the 
    United States through three trading companies, POSTEEL, Hyosung, and 
    Sunkyong. DSM exported through one trading company, DKI. POSTEEL is 
    affiliated with POSCO, and DKI is affiliated with DSM within the 
    meaning of section 771(33)(E) of the Act because as of December 31, 
    1998, POSCO owned 95.8 percent of POSTEEL's shares, and DSM owned 51.3 
    percent of DKI shares. The other trading companies are not affiliated 
    with either POSCO or DSM. We required that the trading companies 
    provide responses to the Department with respect to the export 
    subsidies under investigation. Responses were required from the trading 
    companies because the subject merchandise may be subsidized by means of 
    subsidies provided to both the producer and the exporter. All subsidies 
    conferred on the production and exportation of subject merchandise 
    benefit the subject merchandise even if it is exported to the United 
    States by an unaffiliated trading company rather than by the producer 
    itself. Therefore, the Department calculates countervailable subsidy 
    rates on the subject merchandise by cumulating subsidies provided to 
    the producer, with those provided to the exporter. See 19 CFR 351.525.
        Under Sec. 351.107 of the Department's Regulations, when the 
    subject merchandise is exported to the United States by a company that 
    is not the producer of the merchandise, the Department may establish a 
    ``combination'' rate for each combination of an exporter and supplying 
    producer. However, as noted in the ``Explanation of the Final Rules'' 
    (the Preamble), there may be situations in which it is not appropriate 
    or practicable to establish combination rates when the subject 
    merchandise is exported by a trading company. In such situations, the 
    Department will make exceptions to its combination rate approach on a 
    case-by-case basis. See Antidumping Duties; Countervailing Duties; 
    Final Rule, 62 FR 27296; 27303 (May 19, 1997).
        In this investigation, we preliminarily determine that it is not 
    appropriate to establish combination rates. This determination is based 
    on two main facts: First, the majority of the subsidies conferred upon 
    the subject merchandise were received by the producers. Second, the 
    difference in the levels of subsidies conferred upon the subject 
    [[Page 40448]]
    among the individual trading companies is insignificant. Therefore, 
    combination rates would serve no practical purpose because the 
    calculated subsidy rate for POSCO/POSTEEL or POSCO/Sunkyong or POSCO 
    and any of the other trading companies would effectively be the same 
    rate. For these reasons we are not calculating combination rates in 
    this investigation. Instead, we have only calculated one rate for each 
    producer of the subject merchandise, all of which is produced by either 
    POSCO or DSM.
        To include the subsidies received by the trading companies, which 
    are conferred upon the export of the subject merchandise, in the 
    calculated ad valorem subsidy rate, we used the following methodology. 
    For each of the four trading companies, we calculated the benefit 
    attributable to the subject merchandise and factored that amount into 
    the calculated subsidy rate for the producer. In each case, we 
    determined the benefit received by the trading companies for each 
    export subsidy and weight-averaged the benefit amounts by the relative 
    share of each trading company's value of exports of the subject 
    merchandise to the United States. This calculated ad valorem subsidy 
    was then added to the subsidy calculated for either POSCO or DSM. Thus, 
    for each of the programs below, the listed ad valorem subsidy rate 
    includes the countervailable subsidies received by both the trading 
    companies and either POSCO or DSM.
    I. Programs Preliminarily Determined To Be Countervailable
    A. Direction of Credit
        In the 1993 investigation of Steel Products from Korea, the 
    Department determined (1) that the GOK influenced the practices of 
    lending institutions in Korea; (2) the GOK-regulated long-term loans 
    were provided to the steel industry on a selective basis; and (3) the 
    selective provision of these regulated loans resulted in a 
    countervailable benefit. Accordingly, all long-term loans received by 
    the producers/exporters of the subject merchandise were treated as 
    countervailable. The determination in that investigation covered all 
    long-term loans bestowed through 1991. See Steel Products from Korea, 
    58 FR at 37339.
        In the Plate in Coils and Sheet and Strip investigations, the 
    Department examined whether the GOK continued to influence the 
    practices of lending institutions in Korea between 1992 and 1997. In 
    this investigation, petitioners allege that the GOK continued to 
    control the practices of lending institutions in Korea through the POI, 
    and that the steel sector received a disproportionate share of low-
    cost, long-term credit, resulting in countervailable benefits being 
    conferred on the producers/exporters of the subject merchandise. 
    Petitioners assert, therefore, that the Department should countervail 
    all long-term loans received by the producers/exporters of the subject 
    merchandise that were still outstanding during the POI.
    1. The GOK's Credit Policies Through 1991
        As noted above, we previously found significant GOK control over 
    the practices of lending institutions in Korea through 1991, the period 
    investigated in Steel Products From Korea. This finding of control was 
    determined to be sufficient to constitute a government program and 
    government action. See Steel Products from Korea, 58 FR at 37342. We 
    also determined that (1) the Korean steel sector, as a result of the 
    GOK's credit policies and control over the Korean financial sector, 
    received a disproportionate share of regulated long-term loans, so that 
    the program was, in fact, specific, and (2) that the interest rates on 
    those loans were inconsistent with commercial considerations. Id. at 
    37343. Thus, we countervailed all long-term loans received by the steel 
    sector from all lending sources.
        In this investigation, we provided the GOK with the opportunity to 
    present new factual information concerning the government's credit 
    policies prior to 1992, which we would consider along with our finding 
    in the prior investigation. The GOK has not provided new factual 
    information that would lead us to change our determination in Steel 
    Products from Korea. Therefore, we continue to determine that the 
    provision of long-term loans in Korea through 1991 results in a 
    financial contribution within the meaning of section 771(5)(D)(i) of 
    the Act. This finding is in conformance with the Statement of 
    Administrative Action (SAA), which states that ``section 771(5)(B)(iii) 
    encompasses indirect subsidy practices like those which Commerce has 
    countervailed in the past, and that these types of indirect subsidies 
    will continue to be countervailable.'' SAA, accompanying H.R. 5110 
    (H.R. Doc. No. 316, Vol. 1, 103d Cong., 2d Sess.) (1994), at 926. In 
    accordance with section 771(5)(E)(ii) of the Act, a benefit has been 
    conferred to the recipient to the extent that the regulated loans are 
    provided at interest rates less than the benchmark rates described 
    under the ``Subsidies Valuation Information'' section, above.
        We also continue to determine that all regulated long-term loans 
    provided to the producers/exporters of the subject merchandise through 
    1991 were provided to a specific enterprise or industry, or group 
    thereof, within the meaning of section 771(5A)(D)(iii)(III) of the Act. 
    This finding is in conformance with our determination in Steel Products 
    from Korea, 58 FR at 37342, Plate in Coils, 64 FR at 15532 and Sheet 
    and Strip, 64 FR at 30642.
        POSCO and DSM were the only producers of the subject merchandise, 
    and both companies received long-term loans prior to 1992 that were 
    still outstanding during the POI. To determine the benefit from the 
    regulated loans with fixed interest rates, we applied the long-term 
    loan methodology provided for in Sec. 351.505(c)(3) of the CVD 
    Regulations and calculated the grant equivalent for the loans. To 
    determine the benefit from regulated loans with variable interest 
    rates, we applied the methodology provided for in section 351.505(c)(4) 
    of the CVD Regulations, and compared the amount of interest paid during 
    1998 on the regulated loans to the amount of interest that would have 
    been paid based upon the interest rate on the comparison benchmark 
    loan. We then summed the benefit amounts from the loans attributable to 
    the POI and divided the total benefit by each company's respective 
    total sales. On this basis, we preliminarily determine the net 
    countervailable subsidy to be 0.10 percent ad valorem for POSCO, and 
    0.06 percent ad valorem for DSM.
    2. The GOK's Credit Policies From 1992 Through 1998
        In Plate in Coils and Sheet and Strip, the Department examined the 
    GOK's credit policies during the period 1992 through 1997. In those 
    investigations, the Department determined that the GOK continued to 
    control directly and indirectly the lending practices of most sources 
    of credit in Korea through 1997. The Department also determined that 
    the GOK regulated credit from domestic commercial banks and government-
    controlled banks such as the Korea Development Bank (KDB), was specific 
    to the steel industry. This credit conferred a benefit on the 
    producers/exporters of the subject merchandise to the extent that the 
    interest rates on the countervailable loans were less than the interest 
    rates on comparable commercial loans. See section 771(5)(ii) of the 
    Act. Also see Plate in Coils, 64 FR at 15533, and Sheet and Strip, 64 
    FR at 30642.
        In this investigation, we provided the GOK with the opportunity to 
    present new factual information concerning the
    [[Page 40449]]
    government's credit policies during the 1992 through 1997 period, which 
    we would consider along with our finding in the prior investigations. 
    The GOK has not provided new factual information that would lead us to 
    change our determination in Plate in Coils and Sheet and Strip. 
    Therefore, we continue to find lending from domestic banks and from 
    government-owned banks such as the KDB to be countervailable.
        In the current investigation, we examined whether the GOK continued 
    to control or influence directly or indirectly, the lending practices 
    of sources of credit in Korea in 1998. Because of the Department's 
    determination that the GOK controlled and directed credit provided by 
    domestic banks and government-owned banks during the period 1992 
    through 1997, the burden of demonstrating that the GOK has changed its 
    practice of interfering in the financial market is placed, in large 
    part, upon the respondents. Similarly, when we have determined a 
    program or a government practice to be not countervailable, petitioners 
    must come forth with new information or evidence of change 
    circumstances before the Department will reexamine the 
    countervailability of that program.
        In its questionnaire responses, the GOK asserted that it does not 
    provide direction or guidance to Korean financial institutions in the 
    allocation of loans to selected industries. The GOK stated that the 
    lending decisions and loan distributions of financial institutions in 
    Korea reflect commercial considerations. The GOK also stated that its 
    role in the financial sector is limited to monetary and credit policies 
    as well as bank supervision and examination.
        According to the GOK, measures were taken in 1998 to liberalize the 
    Korean financial sector. For example, in January 1998 the GOK announced 
    closure of some banks, and in April 1998, launched the Financial 
    Supervisory Commission (FSC) to monitor the competitiveness of 
    financial institutions. In June 1998, the Regulation on Foreign 
    Exchange Controls was amended to further liberalize foreign currency 
    transactions, and in July, the GOK abolished the limit on purchasing 
    foreign currency. According to the GOK, it also liberalized access to 
    foreign loans. For direct foreign loans to Korean companies, the 
    approval process under Article 19 of the Foreign Investment and Foreign 
    Capital Inducement Act (FIFCIA) and Article 21 of its enforcement 
    decree were eliminated and replaced with the Foreign Investment 
    Promotion Act (FIPA), effective in November 1998. However, during most 
    of the POI, access to direct foreign loans still required the approval 
    of the Ministry of Finance and Economy.
        Regarding the GOK regulated credit from government-controlled banks 
    such as the Korea Development Bank (KDB), the GOK reported that the KDB 
    Act was amended in January 1998, in response to the financial crisis in 
    1997. According to the GOK, the KDB ended the allocation of funds for 
    various functional categories, such as R&D, environment, and 
    technology. All functional loan categories were eliminated and such 
    loans were consolidated into a single category for facility (equipment) 
    loans. The GOK also stated that the KDB strengthened its credit 
    evaluation procedures by developing an objective and systematic credit 
    evaluation standard to prevent arbitrary decisions on loans and 
    interest rates. The KDB changed its Credit Evaluation Committee to the 
    Credit Deliberation Committee (CDC), and gave the CDC the authority to 
    make lending decisions. As a result, the KDB governor no longer makes 
    lending decisions without the approval of the CDC. The GOK also stated 
    that in 1997, the KDB used a system of the prime rate plus a spread for 
    determining interest rates. Effective January 1, 1998, the KDB 
    increased the range of the credit spread to provide more flexibility in 
    determining interest rates based on creditworthiness and allowed the 
    KDB to increase its profits. However, with respect to the KDB reforms, 
    no evidence was provided by respondents to demonstrate that the KDB no 
    longer selectively makes loans to specific firms or activities to 
    support GOK policies.
        In Plate in Coils, the Department noted conflicting information 
    regarding the GOK's direct or indirect influence over the lending 
    decisions of financial institutions. For example, the GOK policies 
    appeared to be aimed, in part, at promoting certain sectors of the 
    economy, such as high technology and small and medium-sized industries 
        While the GOK has started to plan and implement reforms in the 
    financial system during the POI as a result of the 1997 financial 
    crisis, the record evidence indicates that the GOK has previously 
    attempted reforms of the financial system in order to remove or reduce 
    its control and influence over lending in the country. In the past ten 
    years, the GOK has twice attempted to reform its financial system. In 
    1988, the GOK attempted to deregulate interest rates. However, the 1988 
    liberalization was deemed a failure by the government. When the 
    interest rates began to rise, the GOK canceled the reforms by 
    indirectly pressuring the banks to keep interest rates low. In the 
    early 1990s, the GOK attempted reforms again with a four-stage interest 
    rate deregulation plan. Again, this attempt to reform the financial 
    system was deemed a failure by the GOK. During 1998 and 1999, the GOK 
    has threatened to cut off credit to Korean companies unless the 
    companies follow GOK policies. In addition, during the POI, five large 
    commercial banks were taken over by the GOK due to the financial 
        Based upon the information on the record and our determinations in 
    Plate in Coils and Sheet and Strip, we preliminarily determine that the 
    GOK continued to control directly and indirectly, the lending practices 
    of domestic banks and government-owned banks through the POI. During 
    verification, we will closely examine the financial reforms undertaken 
    by the GOK in 1998. We plan to meet with various individuals 
    knowledgeable about the financial sector in Korea in order to gather 
    information on the impact of the GOK's financial liberalization on the 
    lending practices of Korean banks after 1997. We also plan to gather 
    information to assist us in determining whether we have appropriately 
    measured the benefit conferred to the respondent companies by the GOK's 
    influence over domestic bank and government bank lending.
        With respect to foreign sources of credit, in Plate in Coils and 
    Sheet and Strip, we determined that access to government regulated 
    foreign sources of credit in Korea did not confer a benefit to the 
    recipient as defined by 771(5)(E)(ii) of the Act, and, as such, credit 
    received by respondents from these sources were found not 
    countervailable. This determination was based upon the fact that credit 
    from Korean branches of foreign banks was not subject to the 
    government's control and direction. Thus, respondents' loans from these 
    banks served as an appropriate benchmark to establish whether access to 
    regulated foreign sources of credit conferred a benefit on respondents. 
    On the basis of this comparison, we found that there was no benefit. 
    Petitioners have provided no new information or evidence of changed 
    circumstances to cause us to revisit this determination. Therefore, we 
    continue to determine that credit from Korean branches of foreign banks 
    were not subject to the government's control and direction. As such, 
    lending from this source continues to be not countervailable, and loans 
    from Korean branches of foreign banks continue to
    [[Page 40450]]
    serve as an appropriate benchmark to establish whether access to 
    regulated foreign sources of funds confer a benefit to respondents.
        During the POI, both POSCO and DSM received long-term loans from 
    domestic banks and from government-owned banks during the 1992 to 1998 
    period that were still outstanding during the POI. These included loans 
    with both fixed and variable interest rates. To determine the benefit 
    from the regulated loans with fixed interest rates, we applied the 
    methodology provided for in Sec. 351.505(c)(2) of the CVD Regulations, 
    and to determine the benefit from regulated loans with variable 
    interest rates, we applied the methodology provided for in 
    Sec. 351.505(c)(4) of the CVD Regulations. Therefore, for both fixed 
    and variable rate loans, we calculated the difference in interest 
    payments for the POI based upon the difference in the amount of actual 
    interest paid during 1998 on the regulated loan and the amount of 
    interest that would have been paid on a comparable commercial loan. We 
    then summed the benefit amounts from the loans attributable to the POI 
    and divided the total benefit by each company's respective total sales. 
    On this basis, we preliminarily determine the net countervailable 
    subsidy to be less than 0.005 percent ad valorem for POSCO, and 0.12 
    percent ad valorem for DSM.
    (a) Loans From the Energy Savings Fund
        Established in accordance with Article 51 of the ``Rationalization 
    of Energy Utilization Act'' (Energy Use Act), the Energy Saving Fund 
    provides financing at below-market interest rates for investments by 
    businesses in facilities that rationally and efficiently use energy. 
    Overall responsibility for the program lies with the Ministry of 
    Industry and Energy (MIE), but the operation and management of the 
    program is entrusted to the Korea Energy Management Corporation (KEMC). 
    While the Energy Use Act was repealed in 1995, the MIE, under the new 
    ``Energy Use Rationalization Act,'' provides financing for this program 
    from special government accounts.
        Korean companies obtain financing under this program by submitting 
    an application to the KEMC. If the KEMC is satisfied that the 
    applicant's business plans are intended for the rationalization of 
    energy use, it will then issue a recommendation, and forward the 
    company's application to a bank. The KEMC will transfer funds to the 
    bank, which will in turn provide the funds to the applicant. POSCO paid 
    interest on two Energy Saving Fund loans during the POI. DSM did not 
    have any of these loans outstanding during the POI.
        In Plate in Coils and Sheet and Strip, the Department determined 
    that the loans provided under the Energy Savings Fund are 
    countervailable as GOK directed credit. See Plate in Coils, 64 FR at 
    15533, and Sheet and Strip, 64 FR at 30642. This program provides a 
    financial contribution within the meaning of section 771(5)(D)(i) of 
    the Act and, in accordance with section 771(5)(E)(ii) of the Act, 
    provides a benefit to the recipient based on the difference between the 
    interest rate on the program loan and the benchmark rate described in 
    the ``Subsidies Valuation'' section, above.
        To calculate the benefit from the Energy Savings Loans, we employed 
    the Department's long-term fixed-rate loan methodology specified in 
    Sec. 351.505(c)(2) of the CVD Regulations, using as our benchmark the 
    rate described in the ``Subsidies Valuation Information'' section, 
    above. We divided the benefit attributable to the POI by POSCO's total 
    sales during 1998. On this basis, we preliminarily determine the net 
    countervailable subsidy to be less than 0.005 percent ad valorem for 
    POSCO. As stated above, DSM did not use this program.
    (b) Korean Export-Import Bank Loans (KExim)
        KExim provides import and export credits, overseas investment 
    credits, and guarantees to companies in Korea. The petitioners allege 
    that through its financing mechanisms, KExim provides low-interest 
    loans to the steel industry.
        The Department previously determined in Steel Products from Korea, 
    Plate in Coils and Sheet and Strip that all regulated long-term loans 
    provided to exporters through 1997 are specific and countervailable. 
    POSCO received a fixed-rate regulated KExim long-term loan prior to 
    1997, which was outstanding during the POI. DSM did not have any 
    outstanding KExim loans during the POI. We preliminarily determine that 
    this program is specific within the meaning of section 771(5A)(B) 
    because only exporters are eligible to use this program.
        To calculate the benefit, we applied the Department's standard loan 
    methodology for long-term fixed-rate loans as provided for in 
    Sec. 351.504(c)(2) of the CVD Regulations, using as our benchmark the 
    rate described in the ``Subsidies Valuation Information'' section of 
    the notice, above. We divided the benefit attributable to the POI by 
    POSCO's total export sales during 1998. On this basis, we preliminarily 
    determine the net countervailable subsidy to be 0.03 percent ad valorem 
    for POSCO. As noted earlier, DSM did not use this program.
    B. Infrastructure at Kwangyang Bay
        Petitioners requested that the Department investigate whether the 
    GOK's infrastructure development at Kwangyang Bay continues to provide 
    a countervailable subsidy to POSCO's steel production. The Department 
    previously determined that the Korean government's infrastructure 
    development at Kwangyang Bay constituted a specific countervailable 
    subsidy to POSCO, because POSCO was found to be the predominant user of 
    the infrastructure. See Steel Products from Korea, 58 FR at 37346-47. 
    Because POSCO still produces steel products at Kwangyang Bay, we 
    requested information on this program to determine whether the GOK has 
    made additional investments since 1991, at Kwangyang Bay.
        In Steel Products from Korea, the Department investigated the GOK's 
    infrastructure investments at Kwangyang Bay over the period 1984-1991. 
    During this period of time, the GOK's investments at Kwangyang Bay 
    included: construction of an industrial waterway, construction of a 
    railroad station, construction of a road to Kwangyang Bay, dredging of 
    the harbor, and construction of three finished goods berths. We 
    determined that the GOK's provision of infrastructure to POSCO at 
    Kwangyang Bay was countervailable because we found POSCO to be the 
    predominant user of the GOK's investments. The Department has 
    consistently held that a countervailable subsidy exists when benefits 
    under a program are provided, or are required to be provided, in law or 
    in fact, to a specific enterprise or industry or group of enterprises 
    or industries. See Steel Products from Korea, 58 FR at 37346. No new 
    factual information or evidence of changed circumstances has been 
    provided to the Department with respect to the GOK's infrastructure 
    investments at Kwangyang Bay over the period 1984-1991.
        In Plate in Coils and Sheet and Strip, we also examined whether GOK 
    infrastructure investments made at Kwangyang Bay after 1991 provided 
    countervailable benefits to POSCO. In those investigations, we 
    determined that additional infrastructure investments made by the GOK 
    at Kwangyang Bay after 1991 did not provide countervailable benefits to 
    POSCO. See Sheet and Strip at 30648-49. Thus, post-1991 investments are 
    not countervailable. Petitioners have not
    [[Page 40451]]
    provided new factual information or evidence of changed circumstances 
    to cause the Department to reexamine our determination that post-1991 
    investments are not countervailable.
        To determine the benefit from the GOK's investments made from the 
    1984 through 1991 period to POSCO that are attributable to the POI, we 
    relied on the calculations performed in the 1993 investigation of Steel 
    Products from Korea, which were placed on the record of this 
    investigation by POSCO. In measuring the benefit from this program in 
    the 1993 investigation, the Department treated the GOK's costs of 
    constructing the infrastructure at Kwangyang Bay as untied, non-
    recurring grants in each year in which the costs were incurred.
        To determine the benefit conferred to POSCO during the POI, we 
    applied the Department's standard grant methodology and allocated the 
    GOK's infrastructure investments over a 15-year period. See the 
    allocation period discussion under the ``Subsidies Valuation 
    Information'' section, above. We used as our discount rate the three-
    year corporate bond rate on the secondary market used in Steel Products 
    from Korea. We then summed the benefits received by POSCO during 1998, 
    from each of the GOK's yearly investments over the period 1984-1991. We 
    then divided the total benefit attributable to the POI by POSCO's total 
    sales for 1998. On this basis, we preliminary determine a net 
    countervailable subsidy of 0.22 percent ad valorem for POSCO. DSM did 
    not receive a benefit from this program.
    C. Asset Revaluation Pursuant to TERCL Article 56(2)
        This provision under Article 56(2) of the Tax Exemption and 
    Reduction Control Act (TERCL) allowed companies making an initial 
    public offering between January 1, 1987, and December 31, 1990, to 
    revalue their assets without meeting the requirement in the Asset 
    Revaluation Act of a 25 percent change in the wholesale price index 
    since the company's last revaluation. In Steel Products from Korea, 
    after verification, petitioners submitted additional information, which 
    according to them, indicated that POSCO's revaluation may have been 
    significantly greater than that of the other companies that revalued. 
    Because the information submitted by petitioners was untimely, it was 
    rejected; however, we requested additional information on the subject. 
    The additional information submitted by petitioners contained data on 
    the amount of assets revalued of only 45 of the 207 companies that 
    revalued pursuant to Article 56(2). It was unclear from petitioners' 
    data which companies revalued pursuant to Article 56(2) and which 
    revalued in accordance with the general provisions of the Asset 
    Revaluation Act. Because of these shortcomings, and because the 
    information was submitted too late for verification, we were unable to 
    draw conclusions with respect to the relative benefit derived by POSCO 
    from this program. Since there was no evidence of de jure or de facto 
    selectivity concerning the timing of POSCO's revaluation or the method 
    of POSCO's revaluation under the Asset Revaluation Act, the Department 
    determined this program to be not countervailable. See Steel Products 
    from Korea, 58 FR at 37351.
        In the petition, petitioners provided information to substantiate 
    their allegation that POSCO and DSM received a benefit under this 
    program because their massive asset revaluations permitted the 
    companies to substantially increase their depreciation and, thereby, 
    reduce their income taxes payable. In support of their allegation, 
    petitioners provided a chart listing 197 companies that were eligible 
    for revaluation of their assets pursuant to this program. The chart 
    illustrates that POSCO's revaluation accounted for 54 percent of the 
    total amount of asset revaluation by companies that were eligible to 
    revalue under Article 56(2). Furthermore, according to petitioners' 
    data, the 14 companies in the basic metals industry that used this 
    program accounted for 67 percent of the total amount of asset 
    revaluations under Article 56(2). Based on this new information, the 
    Department initiated a reexamination of the countervailability of this 
    program and solicited information regarding the usage of this program.
        Because the enabling legislation does not expressly limit access to 
    the subsidy to an enterprise or industry, or group thereof, the program 
    is not de jure specific within the meaning of section 771(5A)(D)(i) of 
    the Act. Although the regulation itself does not expressly limit the 
    access to this law to a specified group or industry, it does place 
    restrictions on the time period and eligibility criteria which may have 
    caused de facto limitations on the actual usage of this tax program. 
    For example, Article 56(2) was enacted on November 28, 1987, and 
    applied only to companies making an initial public offering from 
    January 1, 1987 until the provision was abolished effective December 
    31, 1990. Pursuant to Article 56(2), companies listed on the Korea 
    Stock Exchange between January 1, 1987 and December 31, 1988 (as was 
    the case with POSCO) had until December 31, 1989 to revalue their 
    assets. A company that listed its stock after December 31, 1988 had to 
    revalue its assets prior to being listed on the stock exchange. 
    Therefore, based upon the eligibility criteria of the program, Article 
    56(2) effectively limited usage of this program to only the 316 
    companies that were newly listed on the Korean Stock Exchange during 
    the three years the program was in place rather than the 15 to 24 
    thousand manufacturers in operation in Korea during that period.
        According to section 771(5A)(D)(iii), a subsidy is de facto 
    specific if one of the following factors exist: (1) The actual 
    recipients of the subsidy, whether considered on an enterprise or 
    industry basis, are limited in number; (2) An enterprise or industry is 
    a predominant user of the subsidy; (3) An enterprise or industry 
    receives a disproportionately large amount of the subsidy; or (4) The 
    manner in which the authority providing the subsidy has exercised 
    discretion in the decision to grant the subsidy indicates that an 
    enterprise or industry is favored over others.
        Information on the record of the current investigation shows that 
    during the period 1987-1990, there were between 14,988 and 24,073 
    manufacturing companies operating in Korea. A requirement for 
    participation in this program was that companies had to make an initial 
    public offering between January 1, 1987 and December 31, 1990. DSM 
    listed its initial public offering in May 1988 and revalued its assets 
    under Article 56(2) in July 1988. POSCO listed its initial public 
    offering in June 1988 and revalued its assets under Article 56(2) in 
    January 1989. According to the GOK's July 1, 1999 questionnaire 
    response, 77 companies revalued their assets in 1989. The basic metal 
    sector accounted for 83 percent of the total revaluation surplus amount 
    (book value less revalued amount). POSCO's revaluation surplus 
    accounted for 91 percent of the basic metal sector revaluation surplus, 
    and 75 percent of the total revaluation surplus. While we recognize 
    that many factors can affect the relative size of tax benefits claimed 
    under programs (e.g., company size, value of assets, timing of 
    investments, management decisions, capital intensiveness, labor 
    intensiveness), the record evidence indicates that the basic metal 
    industry was a dominant user of this program in 1988/89. See, e.g., 
    Stainless Steel Plate in Coils from South Africa, 64 FR 15553 (March 
    1999). Therefore, we preliminarily determine that this program is 
    specific, within the meaning of 771(5A)(D)(iii). As a result
    [[Page 40452]]
    of the increase in the value of depreciable assets resulting from the 
    asset revaluation, the companies were able to lower their tax 
    liability. Therefore, we also preliminarily determine that the program 
    provides a financial contribution within the meaning of section 
    771(5)(D)(ii), because by allowing companies to reduce their income tax 
    liability, the GOK has foregone revenue that is otherwise due.
        The benefit from this program is not the amount of the revaluation 
    surplus, but rather the impact of the difference that the revaluation 
    of depreciable assets has on a company's tax liability each year. 
    However, respondents did not provide this information, and stated that 
    the depreciation expense resulting from the asset revaluation would 
    involve a detailed, item-by-item comparison of thousands of items, and 
    that it would be difficult for them to distinguish between the 
    remaining benefit from revaluation under Article 56(2), and revaluation 
    pursuant to normal procedures of the Asset Revaluation Act. Therefore, 
    we have calculated the benefit from this program by determining the 
    surplus amount of the revaluation of assets authorized under the 
    program for each company and divided the total revaluation surplus by 
    15, the AUL we are using in this investigation. We then multiplied the 
    amount of the revaluation surplus attributable to the POI by the tax 
    rate applicable to the tax return filed in the POI, and divided the 
    benefit for each company by their respective total sales during the 
    POI. On this basis, we preliminarily determine a net countervailable 
    subsidy of 0.50 percent ad valorem for POSCO and 0.23 percent ad 
    valorem for DSM.
    D. Short-term Export Financing
        The Department determined that the GOK's short-term export 
    financing program was countervailable in Steel Products from Korea, 58 
    FR at 37350. Petitioners allege that this program may also benefit the 
    producers and/or exporters of the subject merchandise. In this 
    investigation, the GOK reports that the BOK, under the ``Detailed Rules 
    of Trade Financing Related to the Aggregate Ceiling Loans'' (Detailed 
    Rules), provides discounts on foreign trade bills to commercial banks, 
    which, in turn, extend short-term loans to exporters. Under the 
    aggregate credit ceiling system established in 1994, the BOK allocates 
    a credit ceiling every month to each commercial bank, including 
    branches of Korean and foreign banks. This ceiling is based on each 
    bank's loan performance i.e., each bank's discounting of commercial 
    loans, foreign trade financing, and loans for the production of parts 
    and material. These banks then provide loans to exporters using the 
    funds received from the BOK and funds generated from their own sources 
    to discount trade bills.
        There are two types of trade financing: Production financing and 
    raw material financing. A bank provides production financing when a 
    company needs funds for the production of export merchandise or the 
    production of raw materials used in the production of exported 
    merchandise. A bank extends raw material financing to exporters which 
    require financing for the importation or local purchase of raw 
    materials used in the production of exported merchandise.
        During the POI, POSCO was the only producer/exporter of the subject 
    merchandise that received short-term export financing. DSM did not have 
    any short-term export financing under this program during the POI. 
    POSCO reports that the company entered into a credit ceiling loan 
    agreement with a commercial bank in accordance with Articles 12 and 13 
    of the Detailed Rules to receive financing. The loan agreement outlines 
    the maximum amount of credit which POSCO is eligible to receive, the 
    period covered by the loan agreement, the applicable interest rate, and 
    the penalty interest rate. POSCO states that when the company purchases 
    raw materials from a supplier on a letter of credit basis, the supplier 
    presents the letter of credit to POSCO's bank for payment. The bank, in 
    turn, pays the purchase price to the supplier and debits the trade loan 
    against POSCO's line of credit. POSCO pays the full amount of each 
    trade loan after about 90 days, which is the average period from 
    production to sales. Interest is paid by POSCO against each trade loan 
    at the time the loans are received. POSCO reported that the company 
    paid all of its export financing during the POI in a timely manner and 
    incurred no overdue interest penalties. In accordance with section 
    771(5A)(B) of the Act, we preliminary determine that this program 
    constitutes an export subsidy because receipt of the financing is 
    contingent upon export performance. In order to determine whether this 
    export financing program confers a countervailable benefit to POSCO, we 
    compared the interest rate POSCO paid on the export financing received 
    under this program during the POI with the interest rate POSCO would 
    have paid on a comparable short-term commercial loan. See discussion 
    above in the ``Subsidies Valuation Information'' section with respect 
    to short-term loan benchmark interest rates.
        Because loans under this program are discounted (i.e., interest is 
    paid up-front at the time the loans are received), the effective rate 
    paid by POSCO on its export financing is a discounted rate. Therefore, 
    it was necessary to derive from POSCO's company-specific weighted-
    average interest rate for short-term won-denominated commercial loans, 
    a discounted benchmark interest rate. We compared this discounted 
    benchmark interest rate to the interest rates charged on the export 
    financing and found that the program interest rates were lower than the 
    benchmark rates. Therefore, in accordance with section 771(5)(E)(ii) of 
    the Act, we preliminarily determine that this program provides a 
    countervailable benefit because the interest rates charged on the loans 
    were less than what POSCO would have had to pay on a comparable short-
    term commercial loan. See Plate in Coils, 64 FR at 15533, and Sheet and 
    Strip, 64 FR at 30644. We also preliminarily determine that a financial 
    contribution is provided to POSCO under this program within the meaning 
    of section 771(5)(D)(i) of the Act.
        To calculate the benefit conferred by this program, we compared the 
    actual interest paid on the loans with the amount of interest that 
    would have been paid at the benchmark interest rate. When the interest 
    that would have been paid at the benchmark rate exceeded the interest 
    that was paid at the program interest rate, the difference between 
    those amounts is the benefit. We then divided the benefit derived from 
    all of the loans on which interest was paid during the POI by total 
    exports. On this basis, we preliminarily determine that POSCO received 
    from this program during the POI a net countervailable subsidy of less 
    than 0.005 percent ad valorem.
        We also requested information on whether POSCO or DSM received 
    short-term export financing under two additional programs: (1) A 1998 
    emergency support package unveiled by the GOK which included $4 billion 
    in trade financing, and (2) a 1998 short-term export financing program 
    operated by the Korean Export-Import Bank. According to both the 
    responses of POSCO and DSM, these programs were not used.
    E. Reserve for Export Loss--Article 16 of the TERCL
        Under Article 16 of the TERCL, a domestic person engaged in a 
    foreign-currency earning business can establish a reserve amounting to 
    the lesser of one
    [[Page 40453]]
    percent of foreign exchange earnings or 50 percent of net income for 
    the respective tax year. Losses accruing from the cancellation of an 
    export contract, or from the execution of a disadvantageous export 
    contract, may be offset by returning an equivalent amount from the 
    reserve fund to the income account. Any amount that is not used to 
    offset a loss must be returned to the income account and taxed over a 
    three-year period, after a one-year grace period. All of the money in 
    the reserve is eventually reported as income and subject to corporate 
    tax either when it is used to offset export losses or when the grace 
    period expires and the funds are returned to taxable income. The 
    deferral of taxes owed amounts to an interest-free loan in the amount 
    of the company's tax savings. This program is only available to 
    exporters. During the POI, DKI, a trading company, was the only 
    exporter of the subject merchandise which claimed benefits under this 
        We preliminarily determine that the Reserve for Export Loss program 
    constitutes an export subsidy under section 771(5A)(B) of the Act, 
    because the use of the program is contingent upon export performance. 
    We also preliminarily determine that this program provides a financial 
    contribution within the meaning of section 771(5)(D)(i) of the Act in 
    the form of a loan. See Plate in Coils, 64 FR at 15534, and Sheet and 
    Strip, 64 FR at 30645.
        To determine the benefit conferred by this program, we calculated 
    the tax savings by multiplying the balance amount of the reserve as of 
    December 31, 1997, by the corporate tax rate for 1997. We treated the 
    tax savings on these funds as a short-term interest-free loan. See 19 
    CFR 351.509. Accordingly, to determine the benefit, the amount of tax 
    savings was multiplied by the company's weighted-average interest rate 
    for short-term won-denominated commercial loans for the POI, described 
    in the ``Subsidies Valuation Information'' section, above. Using the 
    methodology for calculating subsidies received by trading companies, 
    which also is detailed in the ``Subsidies Valuation Information'' 
    section, above, we preliminarily determine a net countervailable 
    subsidy of 0.02 percent ad valorem for DSM. POSCO did not benefit from 
    this program because it did not export the subject merchandise through 
    DKI during the POI.
    F. Reserve for Overseas Market Development--Article 17 of the TERCL
        Article 17 of the TERCL allows a domestic person engaged in a 
    foreign trade business to establish a reserve fund equal to one percent 
    of its foreign exchange earnings from its export business for the 
    respective tax year. Expenses incurred in developing overseas markets 
    may be offset by returning, from the reserve to the income account, an 
    amount equivalent to the expense. Any part of the fund that is not 
    placed in the income account for the purpose of offsetting overseas 
    market development expenses must be returned to the income account over 
    a three-year period, after a one-year grace period. As is the case with 
    the Reserve for Export Loss, the balance of this reserve fund is not 
    subject to corporate income tax during the grace period. However, all 
    of the money in the reserve is eventually reported as income and 
    subject to corporate tax either when it offsets export losses or when 
    the grace period expires. The deferral of taxes owed amounts to an 
    interest-free loan equal to the company's tax savings. This program is 
    only available to exporters. The following exporters of the subject 
    merchandise were entitled to claimed benefits under this program during 
    the POI: Hyosung, POSTEEL, Sunkyong, and DKI.
        We determine that the Reserve for Overseas Market Development 
    program constitutes an export subsidy under section 771(5A)(B) of the 
    Act because the use of the program is contingent upon export 
    performance. We also determine that this program provides a financial 
    contribution within the meaning of section 771(5)(D)(i) of the Act in 
    the form of a loan. See 19 CFR 351.509.
        To determine the benefits conferred by this program during the POI, 
    we employed the same methodology used for determining the benefit from 
    the Reserve for Export Loss program. Using the methodology for 
    calculating subsidies received by trading companies, which also is 
    detailed in the ``Subsidies Valuation Information'' section, above, we 
    preliminarily calculate a net countervailable subsidy of 0.01 percent 
    ad valorem for POSCO, and 0.01 percent ad valorem for DSM.
    G. Investment Tax Credits
        Under the TERCL, companies in Korea are allowed to claim investment 
    tax credits for various kinds of investments. If the tax credits cannot 
    all be used at the time they are claimed, the company is authorized to 
    carry them forward for use in later tax years. During the POI, POSCO, 
    and DSM used various investment tax credits received under the TERCL to 
    reduce their net tax liability. In Steel Products from Korea, we found 
    that investment tax credits were not countervailable (see 58 FR at 
    37351); however, there were changes in the statute effective in 1995, 
    which caused us to revisit the countervailability of the investment tax 
    credits. See Plate in Coils, 64 FR at 15534, and Sheet and Strip, 64 FR 
    at 30645.
        POSCO claimed or used the following tax credits in its fiscal year 
    1997 income tax return which was filed during the POI: (1) Tax credits 
    for investments in equipment to develop technology and manpower under 
    Article 10; (2) tax credits for investment in productivity improvement 
    facilities under Article 25; and (3) tax credits for investment in 
    specific facilities under Article 26. DSM only claimed or used tax 
    credits for technology and manpower development expenses under Article 
    9 and tax credits under Article 25 in its fiscal year 1997 income tax 
    return which was filed during the POI. For certain of these tax 
    credits, a company normally calculates its authorized tax credit based 
    upon 3 or 5 percent of its investment, i.e., the company receives 
    either a 3 or 5 percent tax credit. However, if a company makes the 
    investment in domestically-produced facilities under these Articles, it 
    receives a 10 percent tax credit. The investment tax credit was amended 
    to eliminate the rate differential between domestic and foreign-made 
    facilities for investments that are made after December 31, 1997. 
    However, the differential rate remains in effect for investments made 
    prior to that date, and tax credits on these investments can be carried 
    forward beyond the POI.
        Under section 771(5A)(C) of the Act, a program that is contingent 
    upon the use of domestic goods over imported goods is specific, within 
    the meaning of the Act. In Sheet and Strip, we examined the use of 
    investment tax credits under Articles 9, 10, 18, 25, 26, 27, and 71. In 
    that case, we determined that investment tax credits received under 
    Articles 10, 18, 25, 26, 27, and 71 constituted import substitution 
    subsidies under section 771(5A)(C) of the Act, because Korean companies 
    received a higher tax credit for investments made in domestically-
    produced facilities under these Articles. In addition, because the GOK 
    foregoes collecting tax revenue otherwise due under this program, we 
    also determined that a financial contribution is provided under section 
    771(5)(D)(ii) of the Act. We did not countervail the use of Article 9 
    because a higher tax credit was not allowed for investments made in 
    domestically-produced facilities. See Sheet and Strip at 30645-46.
        In this investigation, POSCO claimed investment tax credits under 
    [[Page 40454]]
    10, 25, and 26. Therefore, we preliminarily determine that these tax 
    credits provided POSCO with a countervailable benefit. Petitioners have 
    also alleged that POSCO used investment tax credits under Article 88 
    and that this tax credit also constitutes an import substitution 
    subsidy because a higher credit is received if more domestically-
    produced goods are used. However, we have insufficient information on 
    the record at this time to make this determination, but we will further 
    examine Article 88 at verification.
        DSM was entitled to claim investment tax credits under Articles 9 
    and 25 during the POI. However, DSM did not use the tax credits to 
    reduce its tax liability during the POI. Instead, the company carried 
    forward the tax credits which can be used in the future. Because DSM 
    did not claim the investment tax credits on its tax return which was 
    filed during the POI, we preliminarily determine that DSM did not use 
    this program during the POI.
        To calculate the benefit to POSCO from this tax credit program, we 
    determined the value of the tax credits POSCO deducted from its taxes 
    payable for the 1997 fiscal year. In POSCO's 1997 income tax return 
    filed during the POI, it deducted from its taxes payable, credits 
    earned in the years 1995 and 1996, which were carried forward and used 
    in the POI. We first determined those tax credits which were claimed 
    based upon the investment in domestically-produced facilities. We then 
    calculated the additional amount of tax credits received by the company 
    because it earned tax credits of 10 percent on investments in 
    domestically-produced facilities rather the regular 3 or 5 percent tax 
    credit. Next, we calculated the amount of the tax savings received 
    through the use of these tax credits during the POI, and divided that 
    amount by POSCO's total sales for the POI. On this basis, we 
    preliminarily determine a net countervailable subsidy of 0.30 percent 
    ad valorem for POSCO.
    H. Electricity Discounts Under the Requested Load Adjustment Program
        Petitioners alleged that POSCO is being charged utility rates at 
    less than adequate remuneration and, hence, the production of the 
    subject merchandise is receiving countervailable benefits from this 
    subsidy. Petitioners alleged that POSCO is receiving these 
    countervailable benefits in the form of utility rate discounts.
        The GOK reports that during the POI the government-owned Korea 
    Electric Power Company (KEPCO) provided POSCO and DSM with four types 
    of discounts under its tariff schedule. These four discounts were based 
    on the following rate adjustment programs in KEPCO's tariff schedule: 
    (1) Power Factor Adjustment; (2) Summer Vacation and Repair Adjustment; 
    (3) Requested Load Adjustment; and (4) Voluntary Curtailment 
    Adjustment. (See the discussion below in ``Programs Preliminarily 
    Determined To Be Not Countervailable'' with respect to the Power Factor 
    Adjustment, Summer Vacation and Repair Adjustment, and the Voluntary 
    Curtailment Porgram discount programs.)
        With respect to the Requested Load Adjustment (RLA) program, the 
    GOK introduced this discount in 1990, to address emergencies in KEPCO's 
    ability to supply electricity. Under this program, customers with a 
    contract demand of 5,000 kw or more, who can curtail their maximum 
    demand by 20 percent or suppress their maximum demand by 3,000 kw or 
    more, are eligible to enter into a RLA contract with KEPCO. Customers 
    who choose to participate in this program must reduce their load upon 
    KEPCO's request, or pay a surcharge to KEPCO.
        Customers can apply for this program between May 1 and May 15 of 
    each year. If KEPCO finds the application in order, KEPCO and the 
    customer enter into a contract with respect to the RLA discount. The 
    RLA discount is provided based upon a contract for two months, normally 
    July and August. Under this program, a basic discount of 440 won per kW 
    is granted between July 1 and August 31, regardless of whether KEPCO 
    makes a request for a customer to reduce its load. During the POI, 
    KEPCO granted 33 companies RLA discounts even though KEPCO did not need 
    to request these companies to reduce their respective loads. The GOK 
    reports that because KEPCO increased its capacity to supply electricity 
    in 1997, it reduced the number of companies with which it maintained 
    RLA contracts in 1997 and 1998. In 1996, KEPCO entered into RLA 
    contracts with 232 companies, which was reduced to 44 companies in 1997 
    and 33 in 1998.
        In Sheet and Strip, we found the RLA program countervailable 
    because the discounts provided under this program were distributed to a 
    limited number of users. See Sheet and Strip at 30646. No new 
    information or evidence of changed circumstances have been provided to 
    the Department to warrant a reconsideration of that determination. 
    Therefore, we continue to find the RLA program countervailable.
        Because the electricity discounts are not ``exceptional'' benefits 
    and are received automatically on a regular and predictable basis 
    without further government approval, we preliminarily determine that 
    these discounts provide a recurring benefit to POSCO and DSM. See 19 
    CFR 351.524(a). Therefore, we have expensed the benefit from this 
    program in the year of receipt. See Sheet and Strip at 30646. To 
    measure the benefit from these programs, we summed the electricity 
    discounts which POSCO and DSM received from KEPCO under the RLA program 
    during the POI. We then divided the total RLA discount amount each 
    company received by their total sales for 1998. On this basis, we 
    preliminarily determine a net countervailable subsidy of less than 
    0.005 percent ad valorem for POSCO and less than 0.005 percent ad 
    valorem for DSM from the RLA discount program.
    I. POSCO's Two-Tiered Pricing Structure to Domestic Customers
        POSCO maintains three different pricing systems which serve 
    different markets: domestic prices in Korean won for products that will 
    be consumed in Korea, direct export prices in U.S. dollars or Japanese 
    yen, and local export prices in U.S. dollars. According to POSCO's 
    response, local export prices are provided to those domestic customers 
    who purchase steel for further processing into products that are 
    exported. POSCO is the only Korean producer of slabs, which is the main 
    input into the subject merchandise. During the POI, POSCO sold slab to 
    DSM for products that will be consumed in Korea, as well as slab to 
    produce exports of the subject merchandise.
        During the POI, POSCO was a government-controlled company. See 
    Sheet and Strip at 30642-43. POSCO sets different prices for the 
    identical product for domestic purchasers based upon that purchaser's 
    anticipated export performance. Domestic purchasers which use the raw 
    material to produce a product for export are charged a lower price than 
    those domestic purchasers which do not export. See Sheet and Strip, 64 
    FR at 30647. In Sheet and Strip, we found this pricing scheme to be an 
    export subsidy under section 771(5A)(B) of the Act, which provides a 
    financial contribution under this program under section 771(5)(D) of 
    the Act.
        The benefit from this type of export subsidy is based upon the 
    difference in the price charged to exporters and the price charged for 
    domestic consumption. The only exception is for pricing programs which 
    fall under Item (d) of the Illustrative List of Export Subsidies, which 
    is provided for in
    [[Page 40455]]
    Annex I of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing 
    Measures.1 Item (d) allows governments to maintain a program 
    which provides different prices based upon export or domestic 
    consumption if certain strict criteria are met by the government. See 
    19 CFR 351.516. Based on the information in the record, it does not 
    appear that POSCO's dual pricing policy is being set directly or 
    indirectly through the application of a consistent method for 
    calculating the difference between the higher domestic and lower 
    international price of slab available to Korean exporters. See Final 
    Results of Redetermination Pursuant to the Court Remand Creswell 
    Trading Co. v. U.S., Slip.-Op. 94-65, which is publicly available in 
    Central Records Unit (CRU) (Room B-099 of the Main Commerce Building) 
    (Case No. 533-063), (in which the Department found in Certain Iron-
    Metal Casting from India that the Indian government, under the IPRS 
    program maintained ``a clearly defined and consistently applied 
    methodology for calculating the difference between the higher domestic 
    and lower international price of pig iron available to Indian 
    exporters'') at 3. We will further investigate POSCO's pricing policies 
    at verification. We preliminarily determine that the benefit from this 
    program is based upon the difference between the prices charged by 
    POSCO for export and the prices charged by POSCO for domestic 
        \1\ A subsidy arises under Item (d) from the provision by 
    governments or their agencies either directly or indirectly through 
    government-mandated schemes, of imported or domestic products or 
    services for use in the production of export goods, on terms or 
    conditions more favourable than for provision of like or directly 
    competitive products or services for use in the production of goods 
    for domestic consumption, if (in the case of products) such terms or 
    conditions are more favorable than those commercially available on 
    world markets to their exporters.
        Petitioners argued in a July 12, 1999 submission that POSCO's dual-
    pricing system is a provision of a good for less than adequate 
    remuneration, and the Department should therefore analyze such pricing 
    in accordance with Sec. 351.511 of the CVD Regulations. In Sheet and 
    Strip, we did not analyze POSCO's dual-pricing under the adequate 
    remuneration standard. While we have not modified our analysis in this 
    preliminary determination from our recent final determination in Sheet 
    and Strip, we intend to review the applicability of Sec. 351.511 of the 
    CVD Regulations for purposes of the final determination in this 
    investigation and, therefore, we are requesting comments on the 
    appropriate standard to apply to this dual-pricing scheme.
        To determine the value of the benefit under this program, we 
    compared the monthly weighted-average price charged by POSCO to DSM for 
    domestic production to the monthly weighted-average price charged by 
    POSCO to DSM for export production. Where monthly comparison prices 
    were not available, we used quarterly weighted-average prices. We then 
    divided the amount of the price savings by the value of exports of the 
    subject merchandise during the POI. On this basis, we determine that 
    DSM received a net countervailable subsidy of 0.09 percent ad valorem 
    from this program during the POI.
    J. Special Cases of Tax for Balanced Development Among Areas (TERCL 
    Article 43)
        TERCL Article 43 allows a company to claim a tax reduction or 
    exemption for income gained from the disposition of factory facilities 
    when relocating from a large city to a local area (e.g., Seoul 
    Metropolitan area to a place outside the Seoul Metropolitan area). On 
    December 29, 1995, DSM sold land from its Pusan factory and within 
    three years from the sales date began production at its Pohang plant. 
    In accordance with Article 16, paragraph 7 of the Addenda to the TERCL, 
    DSM was entitled to receive an exemption on its income tax for the 
    resulting capital gain.
        Payment for the Pusan facilities is on a long-term installment 
    basis, therefore, the income tax on the capital gain is payable when 
    DSM actually receives payment or transfers the title of ownership. The 
    capital gain in the tax year can not exceed DSM's total taxable income. 
    The maximum tax savings permitted is 100 percent of the taxable income; 
    however, this program is also subject to the minimum tax. This program 
    does not allow carrying forward of unused benefits in future years.
        We preliminarily determine that the TERCL Article 43, for Special 
    Cases of Tax for Balanced Development Among Areas is specific within 
    the meaning of section 771(5A)(D)(iv) of the Act, because the program 
    is limited to an enterprise or industry located within a designated 
    geographical region. See also Iron-Metal Castings from Mexico, 48 FR 
    8834 (1983) (Fonei Loan program was regionally specific where available 
    to all companies outside of Mexico City), and Final Affirmative 
    Countervailing Duty Determination: Stainless Steel Plate in Coils From 
    Italy, 64 FR 15508, 15516 (funds were regionally specific because they 
    were limited to certain areas within Italy). We also preliminarily 
    determine that Article 43 provides a financial contribution within the 
    meaning of section 771(5)(D)(ii), because the GOK foregoes revenue that 
    is otherwise due by granting this tax credit.
        To calculate the benefit from this tax credit program, we examined 
    the amount of the tax credit DSM deducted from its taxes payable for 
    the 1997 fiscal year. In DSM's 1997 income tax return filed during the 
    POI, it deducted from its taxes payable, credits earned in 1997. Next, 
    we calculated the amount of the tax savings and divided that amount by 
    DSM's total sales during POI. Using this methodology, we preliminarily 
    determine a net countervailable subsidy of 0.59 percent ad valorem for 
    DSM. POSCO did not use this program.
    II. Programs Preliminarily Determined To Be Not Countervailable
    A. Electricity Discounts Under Power Factor Adjustment, Summer Vacation 
    and Repair Adjustment, and Voluntary Curtailment Adjustment Programs
        In Sheet and Strip, we determined that the Power Factor Adjustment, 
    and the Summer Vacation and Repair Adjustment programs are not 
    countervailable because the discounts under these programs are 
    distributed to a large number of firms in a wide variety of industries. 
    See Sheet and Strip at 30647-48.
        Regarding the Voluntary Curtailment Adjustment (VCA) program, KEPCO 
    introduced this discount in 1995, to provide a stable supply of 
    electricity and to improve energy efficiency by reducing demand during 
    periods of peak consumption that occur during the summer. Under this 
    program, customers who use general, educational or industrial services 
    with a contract demand of 1,000 kw or more, and who arrange with KEPCO 
    a curtailment period of five or more days (or times) during the July 
    15-August 31 period, are eligible to enter into a VCA contract with 
    KEPCO. Customers who choose to participate in this program must curtail 
    demand by 20 percent or more on the basis of the average daily demand 
    during 10 a.m.-12 p.m., or by 3,000 kw.
        Customers can apply for this program until June 15 of each year. If 
    KEPCO finds the application in order, KEPCO approves the application. 
    After approval, KEPCO and the customer enter into a contract with 
    respect to the VCA discount. Under this program, a basic discount of 
    110 won per kw is granted between July 15 and August 31.
        We analyzed whether the VCA discount program is specific in law (de 
    jure specificity), or in fact (de facto specificity), within the 
    meaning of section 771(5A)(D)(i) and (iii) of the Act.
    [[Page 40456]]
    First, we examined the eligibility criteria contained in the law. The 
    Regulation on Electricity Supply and KEPCO's Rate Regulations for 
    Electric Service identified companies within a broad range of 
    industries as being eligible to participate in the electricity discount 
    programs. The VCA discount program is available to numerous companies 
    across all industries, provided that they have the required contract 
    demand and can reduce their maximum demand by a certain percentage. 
    Therefore, we preliminarily determine that the VCA electricity programs 
    is not de jure specific under section 771(5A)(D)(i) of the Act because 
    the regulation does not explicitly limit eligibility of the program.
        We next examined data on the distribution of assistance under the 
    VCA program to determine whether the electricity discount program meets 
    the criteria for de facto specificity under section 771(5A)(D)(iii) of 
    the Act. We found that discounts provided under the VCA program were 
    distributed to a large number of customers, across a wide range of 
    industries. Given the data with respect to the large number of 
    companies and industries which received VCA electricity discounts, and 
    the fact that POSCO and DSM were not dominant or disproportionate users 
    of this program, we preliminarily determine that the VCA program is not 
    de facto specific under section 771(5A)(D)(iii) of the Act. Therefore, 
    we preliminarily determine that the VCA program is not countervailable.
    B. Port Facility Fees
        In Sheet and Strip, we determined that this program is not 
    countervailable because a diverse and large group of private sector 
    companies representing a wide cross-section of the economy have made a 
    large number of investments in infrastructure facilities at various 
    ports in Korea, including numerous investments at Kwangyang Bay. See 
    Sheet and Strip at 30649.
    C. GOK Infrastructure Investments at Kwangyang Bay Post-1991
        In Plate in Coils, we determined that this program is not 
    countervailable because the GOK's investments at Kwangyang Bay since 
    1991, in the Jooam Dam, the container terminal, and the public highway 
    were not specific to POSCO. Id. at 15536. The respondents state that 
    there have been no additional infrastructure investments at Kwangyang 
    Bay during the POI.
    III. Programs Preliminarily Determined To Be Not Used
        Based on the information provided in the questionnaire response, we 
    preliminarily determine that the companies under investigation either 
    did not apply for, or receive, benefits under the following programs 
    during the POI:
    A. Special Cases of Tax for Balanced Development Among Areas (TERCL 
    Articles 41, 42, 44 and 45)
    B. Private Capital Inducement Act (PCIA)
    C. Social Indirect Capital Investment Reserve Funds (Art. 28)
    D. Energy-Savings Facilities Investment Reserve Funds (Art. 29)
    E. Industry Promotion and Research and Development Subsidies
        1. Highly Advanced National Project Fund
        2. Steel Campaign for the 21st Century
    F. Overseas Resource Development Programs
    G. Export Insurance Rates Provided By The Korean Export Insurance 
    H. Export Industry Facility Loans (EIFL) and Specialty Facility Loans
    I. Scrap Reserve Fund
    J. Excessive Duty Drawback
    IV. Program Preliminarily Determined Not To Exist
    Free Trade Zones (FTZ) at Pusan and Kwangyang
        The GOK states that at this time, there are only two FTZs in Korea. 
    One is located in Masan and the other is in Iksan. Therefore, we 
    preliminarily determine that this program does not exist.
        In accordance with section 782(i)(1) of the Act, we will verify the 
    information submitted by respondents prior to making our final 
    Suspension of Liquidation
        In accordance with section 703(d)(1)(A)(i) of the Act, we 
    calculated an individual subsidy rate for POSCO, and DSM, manufacturers 
    of the subject merchandise. We preliminarily determine that the total 
    estimated net countervailable subsidy rate is 1.16 percent ad valorem 
    for POSCO and 1.12 percent ad valorem for DSM. The All Others rate is 
    1.14 ad valorem percent, which is the weighted-average of the rates for 
    both companies.
                   Company                         Net subsidy rate
    POSCO...............................  1.16% Ad Valorem.
    DSM.................................  1.12% Ad Valorem.
    All Others..........................  1.14% Ad Valorem.
        In accordance with section 703(d) of the Act, we are directing the 
    U.S. Customs Service to suspend liquidation of all entries of certain 
    cut-to-length carbon-quality steel from Korea, which are entered or 
    withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after the date of the 
    publication of this notice in the Federal Register, and to require a 
    cash deposit or bond for such entries of the merchandise in the amounts 
    listed above. This suspension will remain in effect until further 
    ITC Notification
        In accordance with section 703(f) of the Act, we will notify the 
    ITC of our determination. In addition, we are making available to the 
    ITC all nonprivileged and nonproprietary information relating to this 
    investigation. We will allow the ITC access to all privileged and 
    business proprietary information in our files, provided the ITC 
    confirms that it will not disclose such information, either publicly or 
    under an administrative protective order, without the written consent 
    of the Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
        If our final determination is affirmative, the ITC will make its 
    final determination within 75 days after the Department makes its final 
    Public Comment
        In accordance with 19 CFR 351.310, we will hold a public hearing, 
    if requested, to afford interested parties an opportunity to comment on 
    this preliminary determination. The hearing is tentatively scheduled to 
    be held 57 days from the date of publication of the preliminary 
    determination at the U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and 
    Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230. Individuals who wish to 
    request a hearing must submit a written request within 30 days of the 
    publication of this notice in the Federal Register to the Assistant 
    Secretary for Import Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 
    1870, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230. 
    Parties should confirm by telephone the time, date, and place of the 
    hearing 48 hours before the scheduled time.
        Requests for a public hearing should contain: (1) The party's name, 
    address, and telephone number; (2) the number of participants; and, (3) 
    to the extent practicable, an identification of the arguments to be 
    raised at the hearing. In
    [[Page 40457]]
    addition, six copies of the business proprietary version and six copies 
    of the nonproprietary version of the case briefs must be submitted to 
    the Assistant Secretary no later than 50 days from the date of 
    publication of the preliminary determination. As part of the case 
    brief, parties are encouraged to provide a summary of the arguments not 
    to exceed five pages and a table of statutes, regulations, and cases 
    cited. Six copies of the business proprietary version and six copies of 
    the non-proprietary version of the rebuttal briefs must be submitted to 
    the Assistant Secretary no later than 5 days from the date of filing of 
    the case briefs. An interested party may make an affirmative 
    presentation only on arguments included in that party's case or 
    rebuttal briefs. Written arguments should be submitted in accordance 
    with 19 CFR 351.309 and will be considered if received within the time 
    limits specified above.
        This determination is published pursuant to sections 703(f) and 
    777(i) of the Act.
        Dated: July 16, 1999.
    Richard W. Moreland,
    Acting Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
    [FR Doc. 99-18857 Filed 7-23-99; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Effective Date:
International Trade Administration
Entry Type:
Document Number:
July 26, 1999.
40445-40457 (13 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (3)
19 CFR 351.505(c)(4)
19 CFR 351.505(c)(2)
19 CFR 351.504(c)(2)