99-18921. Request for Proposals for an Operational Test of an Electronic Payment System for Transportation and Other Applications  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 142 (Monday, July 26, 1999)]
    [Pages 40466-40469]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-18921]
    [[Page 40465]]
    Part III
    Department of Transportation
    Federal Transit Administration
    Electronic Payment System for Transit Fare Collection, Parking Payment, 
    Electronic Toll Collection and Other Applications; Notice
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 142 / Monday, July 26, 1999 / 
    [[Page 40466]]
    Federal Transit Administration
    Request for Proposals for an Operational Test of an Electronic 
    Payment System for Transportation and Other Applications
    AGENCY: Federal Transit Administration (FTA), DOT.
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) announces a 
    Request for Proposals from eligible applicants for an operational test 
    of an electronic payment system for transit fare collection, parking 
    payment, electronic toll collection and other applications. The US DOT 
    is interested in identifying and evaluating issues associated with the 
    establishment of partnerships between public transit service providers 
    and other entities in the development and use of multiple-application 
    electronic payment systems. The Department is specifically interested 
    in an operational test of a payment system that includes a variety of 
    applications, but must at a minimum include transit fare collection, 
    parking payment and electronic toll collection.
    DATES: Proposals shall be submitted by 4 P.M. EST on or before October 
    25, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Proposals shall be submitted to Walter Kulyk, Director, 
    Office of Mobility Innovation (TRI-10), Federal Transit Administration, 
    400 7th Street SW., Room 9402, Washington, DC 20590 and shall reference 
    Electronic Payment System Demonstration.
    ELIGIBILITY: Only public transit agencies and metropolitan planning 
    organizations (MPOs) in the United States are eligible to submit 
    proposals in response to this RFP. In the case of MPO applicants, a 
    statement explaining why a local transit partner is unable to submit 
    the application and serve as a grantee must be included in the 
    proposal. This eligibility restriction applies only to the agency 
    submitting the proposal and serving as the applicant and does not limit 
    project partners. All agencies submitting proposals in response to this 
    notice consent to be publicly identified as respondents.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Bert Arrillaga, Chief, Service 
    Innovation Division, (TRI-12), at (202) 366-0231 or Sean Ricketson, 
    Office of Mobility Innovation, (TRI-11), at (202) 366-6678. This notice 
    is posted on the FTA website on the Internet under http://
    www.fta.dot.gov/library/legal/fr99toc.htm. Questions and replies 
    regarding this notice will be posted on the FTA website under http://
    I. Background
    II. Visions, Goals and Objectives
    III. Project Development
        A. General
        B. Management Oversight
    IV. Partnerships
    V. National ITS Architecture
    VI. Project Evaluation Activities
    VII. Funding
    VIII. Schedule
    IX. Proposals
        A. Technical Plan
        B. Management and Staffing Plan
        C. Financial Plan
    X. Proposal Evaluation Criteria
    I. Background
        Recent developments in electronic payment systems and card 
    technology present a unique opportunity for public and private 
    institutions to establish mutually beneficial partnerships in the 
    development and management of electronic payment systems for 
    transportation. These developments include stored-value card systems 
    created by financial institutions, contactless smart card systems for 
    public transportation, electronic toll collection systems on highways 
    and card systems for human service agency program management and 
    benefits delivery. Private industry and public agencies foresee 
    substantial benefits in establishing partnerships to develop further 
    capabilities in electronic fee collection, delivery of benefits 
    payments, funds transfer, settlement and clearinghouse functions. 
    However, a number of institutional issues continue to restrict the 
    formation of these partnerships. Through the development of an 
    operational test this project intends to be a step towards identifying 
    and addressing the complex institutional issues surrounding electronic 
    payment systems in transportation.
        The decision to focus the scope of the operational test on 
    integrating transit fare collection, parking payment and electronic 
    toll collection systems rests on a number of factors. Based on 
    responses the US DOT received from the Federal Register Notice, Request 
    for Letters of Interest in an Operational Test of Transit Fare 
    Collection and Other Applications, dated November 24, 1998, it is 
    considered that the transit industry is progressing in the development 
    of integrated transit payment systems. With limited research funds 
    available, the US DOT feels that this operational test could facilitate 
    the next step to the development of an integrated, multi-modal 
    transportation payment system infrastructure. However, there is a 
    concern that a project integrating transit, parking and toll collection 
    (given the modal balance found in most areas) may have a limited 
    transit component. Therefore, it has been determined that the lead 
    applicant (the agency submitting the proposal and potential grantee) be 
    limited to transit agencies or MPOs to ensure sufficient participation 
    by a public transit partner. Because this eligibility is more 
    restrictive than first presented in the Request for Letters of 
    Interest, the response period to the RFP has been extended to ninety 
    II. Vision, Goals and Objective(s)
        The vision this operational test supports is one of a seamless 
    transportation payment infrastructure where local transportation 
    agencies and other organizations are not limited by institutional 
    constraints in the development of transportation payment products. 
    Examples of possible products are pre-paid integrated accounts for toll 
    payment, parking and transit, or stored value cards for transit and 
    parking meter use. Ideally, only local creativity and transportation 
    needs should limit the development of such products.
        While the goals and objectives described below are focused on 
    technical and institutional outcomes, the success of the test will 
    depend upon whether it makes a positive contribution to the enhancement 
    of local transportation service and operational efficiency. This focus 
    must be maintained throughout the lifecycle of the operational test 
    (planning, development, implementation and evaluation) by the grantee.
        The goal of the operational test is to provide solutions to transit 
    and other service providers exploring the feasibility of developing 
    multi-modal transportation payment systems and integrating 
    transportation payment with other payment applications. Additionally, 
    the operational test is intended to offer insight to those interested 
    private sector partners (i.e., the electronic payments industry, 
    financial services industry, and other industries) interested in 
    integrating their services with a transportation payment system.
        The objective of the operational test is to evaluate and document 
    the integration of transit fare collection, parking payment and 
    electronic toll collection within one coordinated payment system. 
    Additional objectives, if feasible, are to evaluate and document the 
    viability and benefits of integrating transportation payment systems 
    with other payment applications.
    [[Page 40467]]
    III. Project Development
    A. General
        The operational test will need to achieve an optimal balance of 
    meeting local transportation needs while also providing a worthwhile 
    national model of payment system coordination and partnerships.
    B. Management Oversight
        The grantee and other local partners in the project will manage the 
    operational test. Additional guidance will be provided by a U.S. DOT 
    committee composed of transportation industry representatives. This 
    committee is already established by the U.S. DOT to provide feedback on 
    electronic fare payment activities. The grantee will consult with the 
    committee prior to any significant changes in project scope or 
    direction. For this project, the committee may be augmented by experts 
    from other industries as needed. Concurrently, this committee will 
    direct a separately funded effort being conducted by the U.S. DOT to 
    develop and document a set of guidelines for the integration of 
    electronic fare payment with other payment systems. These guidelines 
    will provide recommendations for the integration of transit payment 
    systems with other payment systems such as benefits transfer, toll 
    collection, security, parking, retail, financial services, telephony, 
    identification and access control. The results of the operational test 
    are intended to contribute to the advancement of the guidelines 
    document. In turn, the development of the guidelines document is 
    intended to assist the committee, the grantee, and local partners with 
    the implementation of the operational test.
    IV. Partnerships
        The U.S. DOT will work with the lead public agency (applicant/
    grantee) participating in the project to ensure the needed support to 
    achieve the objectives of the field operational test. The U.S. DOT will 
    verify that the required institutional, partnership and funding 
    arrangements are in place. All necessary partnership arrangements and 
    institutional agreements to support the proposed project need to be 
    documented by the applicant in the proposal. The grantee and 
    participating partners will be required to implement the first phase of 
    the operational test within 24 months from the time the cooperative 
    agreement is awarded.
    V. National ITS Architecture
        The National ITS Architecture provides a common structure for the 
    design of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The architecture 
    defines the function that must be performed to implement a given user 
    service, the physical entities or subsystems where these functions 
    reside, the interfaces/information flows between the physical 
    subsystems, and the communication requirements for the information 
    flows. In addition, the architecture identifies and specifies the 
    requirements for standards needed to support national and regional 
    interoperability, as well as product standards needed to support 
    economy of scale considerations in deployment. The proposal shall 
    provide a ``Statement of Intent'' to develop a system consistent with 
    the National ITS Architecture.
        Proposals shall also provide a ``Statement of Intent'' to design a 
    system that is consistent with SAE J1708T Bus Vehicle Area Network, the 
    Transit Communications Interface Profiles (TCIP), and other applicable 
    protocols, or standards requirements as these emerge from the National 
    ITS Architecture Development Program. Information about SAE J1708T may 
    be obtained from the Society of Automotive Engineers, 400 Commonwealth 
    Drive, Warrendale, Pennsylvania, USA, 15096-0001; phone: 412-776-4841, 
    fax: 412-776-5760, or through the Internet at http://www.sae.org. 
    Information about TCIP can be obtained on the TCIP homepage at http://
    www.tcip.org or by contacting the Institute of Transportation 
    Engineers, 525 School St., SW, Suite 410 Washington, DC 20024; phone: 
    202-554-8050. Copies of the Architecture Definition Documents, the 
    draft Standards Requirements Document, and the Standards Development 
    Program from the Architecture Development Program are available from 
    ITS America, 400 Virginia Avenue, SW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20024, 
    telephone 202-484-4847. Electronic copies are available on the ITS 
    America Internet website, http://www.itsa.org. These documents provide 
    insight into the definition of the National ITS Architecture, and the 
    emerging approaches being taken toward standardizing interfaces that 
    would support the integration of transportation management components.
        In developing plans for standards and architectural consistency, 
    proposals should recognize the practical benefits of this requirement. 
    The ability to integrate systems and exchange data among applications 
    offers some of the strongest benefits of ITS. As an illustration of 
    understanding of this point, plans should identify potential 
    opportunities for integration and data sharing among fare payment and 
    other systems and applications. Information about key indicators of the 
    electronic payment component of the ITS metropolitan infrastructure and 
    integration of it with other components can be found in, ``Measuring 
    ITS Deployment and Integration: August 1998'' available through the 
    Internet at URL Http://www.its.fhwa.dot.gov/cyberdocs/welcome.htm, the 
    report is document number 4372 in the Electronic Document Library 
    maintained at this website.
    VI. Project Evaluation Activities
        A major goal of the US DOT is to promote the development of 
    innovative applications of advanced technologies. In order to encourage 
    the widespread adoption of technological innovations, data and results 
    from the operational test must be analyzed, documented and reported. 
    Accordingly, evaluations are an integral part of the operational test 
    and are critical to the success of the National ITS Program.
        This electronic payment system operational test will be evaluated 
    by a US DOT contractor funded separately by the US DOT. The contractor 
    will develop an Evaluation Plan which will specify the data collection 
    requirements which will enable an assessment of the achievement of the 
    goals and objectives of the National ITS Program applicable to this 
    project as well as the goals and objectives of the implementing 
    organizations. The contractor will assemble all the data collected in 
    accordance with the Evaluation Plan, analyze the data, and prepare the 
    Evaluation Report. The Evaluation Plan will also include an assessment 
    of the technological issues, operational issues, customer acceptance, 
    system reliability, attitudes of implementing organizations, 
    implementation and continuing operational costs, integration issues, 
    and a variety of institutional issues including partnership 
    arrangements, legal issues, clearinghouse operation, the reason for 
    selecting the type of system (closed or open), and the success in 
    obtaining multiple agency participants.
        The operational test partners (all participating agencies and 
    institutions) will be involved in all phases of the evaluation. 
    Partners will be expected to provide the local goals and objectives, 
    review and comment on the Evaluation Plan, assist the contractor to 
    collect the data specified in the Evaluation Plan (including any 
    surveys that may be
    [[Page 40468]]
    necessary), provide information on external factors that may affect the 
    project's results, and review and comment on the Evaluation Report 
    prepared by the evaluation contractor.
    VII. Funding
        Federal funds available for this operational test are $2.33 
    million. Federal funding shall not exceed 50% of total project costs.
        Implementing organizations will be required to furnish the 
    specified evaluation data and perform reviews of evaluation documents. 
    No additional Federal funding will be provided for this effort. The 
    evaluation activities conducted by the evaluation contractor will be 
    funded separately by the US DOT.
        The US DOT, the Comptroller General of the United States, and, if 
    appropriate, individual States have the right to access all documents 
    pertaining to the use of Federal ITS funds and non-Federal 
    contributions. Non-Federal partners must submit sufficient 
    documentation during final negotiations and on a regular basis during 
    the life of the project to substantiate these costs. Such items as 
    direct labor, fringe benefits, material costs, consultant costs, and 
    subcontractor costs, and travel costs should be included in that 
    VIII. Schedule
        The project must remain operational for a period long enough to 
    obtain valid evaluation data. The data collection period will be for a 
    minimum of twelve (12) months from the time that the project is fully 
    operational (i.e., all elements are working as intended). Upon the 
    completion of data collection there shall be a six (6) month period of 
    analysis and report coordination before a final evaluation report is 
    submitted. The system shall remain operational throughout the 
    evaluation process until the final report is received by the US DOT, 
    unless otherwise agreed to by the US DOT.
    IX. Proposals
        The US DOT will select one operational test proposal for funding 
    under this RFP. Applications should, where possible, focus on utilizing 
    currently available technology. The Department is specifically 
    interested in an operational test that includes transit fare payment, 
    parking payment and electronic toll collection.
        Applications that offer the greatest potential for demonstrating 
    and evaluating the benefits of using electronic fare payment in a 
    multi-application transportation environment with at least one private 
    sector partnership are the most desirable.
    Proposal Criteria
        A proposal shall not exceed forty-five (45) pages in length 
    including title, index, tables, maps, appendices, abstracts, resumes 
    and other supporting materials. A page is defined as one (1) side of an 
    8\1/2\ by 11-inch paper, line spacing no smaller than 1.5 with a type 
    font no smaller than 12 pt. Proposals exceeding forty-five (45) pages 
    are strongly discouraged. Ten (10) copies plus an unbound reproducible 
    copy of the proposal shall be submitted. The cover sheet or front page 
    of the proposal shall include the name, address and phone number of an 
    individual to whom correspondence and questions about the application 
    may be directed. Each proposal shall include a Technical Plan, 
    Financial Plan, and a Management and Staffing Plan that describes how 
    the proposed objectives will be met within the specified time frame and 
    budget. These plans should be structured so that they contain the 
    following information.
    A. Technical Plan
    General Requirements
        1. The technical plan must provide a general description of the 
    local transit market, toll collection system(s), parking payment 
    system(s), and other proposed payment system markets. Information shall 
    include transit ridership statistics, toll plaza throughput statistics, 
    parking systems and parking usage. Additionally, the technical plan 
    must provide an outline of the current fare collection, toll collection 
    and parking payment processes, and types of payment media currently in 
    use. In addition, other potential public/private agency(s) involvement 
    such as partnerships, merchants, retailers, etc. must be outlined.
        2. Proposals must include documentation of any existing or planned 
    interagency agreements or public/private cooperative arrangements 
    necessary for the conduct of the operational test.
    Project Overview
        1. Define existing infrastructure (both physical and information 
    technology) and support systems in place, e.g., current fare collection 
    system and cash handling procedures, toll collection processes and 
    parking collection processes as well as current systems of those 
    additional non-transportation applications being considered for 
        2. Describe how the existing infrastructure will be expanded and 
    used to support the proposed system. Identify existing technological 
    and institutional linkages within and across modes.
        3. Describe the proposed system and how it will be integrated with 
    other non-transportation applications and participating private sector 
        4. Summarize the expectations of the proposed system (e.g. costs, 
    benefits, risks, operations, maintenance issues, plans, and system 
    Technical Approach
        The Technical Approach will be judged on its ability to incorporate 
    the requirements of a multi-modal, multi-application payment system 
    within the transportation infrastructure. The U.S. DOT recognizes that 
    a single payment instrument or technology may not meet all the 
    stakeholders' needs in a region; however, proposals will be evaluated 
    on demonstrated local willingness and capability to integrate the 
    proposed services among the necessary partners in the transportation 
        Within the Technical Approach the following areas need to be 
    clearly addressed:
        1. Define and describe the goals and objectives of the system, and 
    the goals and objectives of each of the service providers participating 
    in the proposed payment system. Address both customer service and 
    operating efficiency.
        2. Describe the system design concept. Describe the extent of 
    proposed system integration, type(s) of proposed media and/or payment 
    mechanisms, settlement and clearinghouse processes, and partners.
        3. Describe implementation of the system in probable phases with 
    funding for each phase clearly specified. Document the schedule of 
    work, assumptions and technical uncertainties, and proposed specific 
    approaches to resolve any uncertainties.
        4. Describe the approach by which the system design concept will be 
    refined, developed, and operationally tested.
        5. Show evidence that the project team has considered service 
    delivery issues. Examples include: Who will use any new payment media? 
    What problems will it solve for the participating transportation 
    providers? What will the benefits of the new system be and how will the 
    project team market the system to the user?
        6. Describe the plan for concluding the operational test (Closure 
    Plan), indicating whether hardware, software, and infrastructure will 
    remain in revenue service, be sold, or returned to participating 
    vendors, if applicable. Closure Plans may be contingent upon the 
    results of the operational test, in
    [[Page 40469]]
    which case more than one Closure Plan may be developed.
    B. Management and Staffing Plan
        Provide names and positions of all personnel related to managing 
    the project. Identify key management and control responsibilities for 
    the overall program. Provide a timeline and define key milestones and 
    deliverables for the project. Provide estimated professional and 
    technical staffing in staff-months and staff-hours. Demonstrate that 
    the project manager is capable, available and able to commit to a level 
    of involvement that ensures project success. Include biographical data 
    on key management personnel.
    C. Financial Plan
        Provide a description of total project costs and of matching funds, 
    if applicable.
        Provide a system budget identifying costs for system design, 
    development, implementation, project management, operations, 
    maintenance and evaluation support.
        The applicant's evaluation support costs shall include the 
    following information:
        Breakdown costs identifying them by one of the following: (1) 
    Local; (2) State; (3) Private; (4) Federal ITS; (5) Other Federal-aid; 
    (6) Other (describe).
        Note: Costs attributed to Federal dollars proposed to be 
    received through award of this operational test are Federal ITS.
        Provide cost estimates by phase by funding year as defined in the 
    technical plan.
        All financial commitments to the project from both public and 
    private sectors shall be documented in signed Memorandum of 
    Understanding (MOU) and included in the proposal.
        The proposal shall provide an in-depth description and assessment 
    of the total cost of achieving the objectives of the Electronic Fare 
    Payment System field operational test. The Financial Plan should 
    describe a phased approach that delineates what will be accomplished 
    with the project funding.
        The proposal should provide a comprehensive, concise plan that 
    ensures systems integration of the functions necessary to support an 
    electronic payment system for fare collection. The plan shall include a 
    discussion of the ways in which design, acquisition, construction, and 
    other procurement activities will affect systems integration.
    X. Proposal Evaluation Criteria
        All proposals must include a Technical Plan, Financial Plan, and 
    Management and Staffing Plan that describes how the proposed objectives 
    will be met within the specified time frame and budget. The primary 
    evaluation criterion for the proposal will be the degree to which the 
    proposal demonstrates the potential for successfully testing a multi-
    use payment system with multi-modal transportation capability. Proposed 
    projects must include viable transit fare collection, parking payment, 
    and electronic toll collection components. Significant consideration 
    will be given to those projects involving public agencies and private 
    sector partners with previous work or experience developing and 
    integrating electronic payment systems. Proposals must demonstrate 
    local viability and must also show strong potential for providing the 
    baseline for a national model. Proposals should emphasize the nature 
    and arrangement of any public-private partnerships. Proposals should 
    present the potential benefits as well as associated risks and costs to 
    transportation agency partners. Significant consideration will be given 
    to those projects with greater levels of private and local funding 
        Issued on: July 15, 1999.
    Gordon J. Linton,
    [FR Doc. 99-18921 Filed 7-23-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-57-P

Document Information

Federal Transit Administration
Entry Type:
Document Number:
Proposals shall be submitted by 4 P.M. EST on or before October 25, 1999.
40466-40469 (4 pages)
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