94-18306. Fees  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 144 (Thursday, July 28, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page ]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-18306]
    [Federal Register: July 28, 1994]
    Copyright Office
    37 CFR Parts 201 and 211
    [Docket No. 94-5]
    AGENCY: Copyright Office, Library of Congress.
    ACTION: Interim regulations with request for comments.
    SUMMARY: The Copyright Office is adopting interim amendments concerning 
    fees with a request for comments. These fee adjustments are limited to 
    special services, and reflect the actual cost of providing the 
    services. They include full-term storage of copyright deposits, special 
    handling of copyright registrations, and other expedited services. The 
    effect of these interim regulations is to increase or institute fees 
    for special services as authorized under the Copyright Code.
    DATES: Effective date: September 26, 1994.
        Written comments should be received before September 12, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: Fifteen copies of written comments should be addressed, if 
    sent by mail to: Eric Schwartz, Acting General Counsel, Copyright GC/
    I&R, P.O. Box 70400, Southwest Station, Washington, DC 20024.
        If delivered by hand, copies should be brought to: Office of the 
    General Counsel, Copyright Office, James Madison Memorial Building, 
    Room 407, First and Independence Avenue SE., Washington, DC.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Eric Schwartz, Acting General Counsel, 
    U.S. Copyright Office, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20540. 
    Telephone: (202) 707-8380. Telefax (202) 707-8366.
    I. Background
        Today we are issuing two separate but associated documents 
    concerning fees for providing certain discretionary services to the 
    public. This document contains interim regulations to increase or 
    institute fees for special services authorized under the Copyright 
    Code. Published elsewhere in today's Federal Register is an associated 
    document dealing with proposals for fees to cover costs for providing 
    and maintaining Deposit Accounts.
    Copyright Office Funding
        The Copyright Office is funded annually by Congressional 
    appropriation; however, the total appropriation includes a credit based 
    on income from projected fees. We base this projection on an estimate 
    of the fees we expect to receive over the course of the next fiscal 
    year from services provided during that period. If revenue from fees 
    falls short of our estimate, the total Congressional appropriation is 
    decreased by the amount of the shortfall. In fiscal year 1993, our 
    receipts failed to reach the projected level. Analysis of current fees 
    indicates that the total received in fiscal year 1994 will again fall 
    short of the projected amount.
        Not only has Congressional funding been reduced, but the fee income 
    has also declined because the number of copyright registrations, and 
    the consequential fees they generate, have not increased in recent 
    years. There are several possible explanations for this shortfall, 
    including an increase in group registrations and fewer renewal 
    registrations resulting from legislation in 1992 making renewal 
    registration optional.
    Congressional Authorization
        Title 17 of the United States Code authorizes the Register of 
    Copyrights to require payment of fees for services specifically 
    described in section 708(a)(1)-(9). In addition, paragraph 708(a)(10) 
    permits the Register to require ``for any other special services 
    requiring a substantial amount of time or expense, such fees as the 
    Register of Copyrights may fix on the basis of the cost of providing 
    the service.'' The final sentence in 17 U.S.C. 708(a) provides that 
    ``[t]he Register of Copyrights is authorized to fix the fees for 
    preparing copies of Copyright Office records, whether or not such 
    copies are certified, on the basis of the cost of such preparation.'' 
    Paragraph 708(d) further permits the Register to prescribe regulations 
    for the refund of ``any sum paid by mistake or in excess of the fee 
    required. . . .''
    Actual Costs of Providing Special Services
        Before proposing these fee adjustments, we consulted the Library of 
    Congress' financial managers and conducted a comprehensive economic 
    analysis of the operating costs involved in providing special user 
    services to ascertain the actual costs of providing these services. Our 
    analysis concluded that the current fees charged for special services 
    do not offset the costs of the services provided. Most of the fees for 
    special services have not been adjusted in almost a decade. Special 
    services entail high administrative costs because requests for these 
    services disrupt the normal work flow, are labor intensive, and are 
    moved ahead of regular requests. The analysis included an examination 
    of all the discretionary fees set under authority of 17 U.S.C. 
    708(a)(10). It identified the special services currently offered, and 
    it calculated the cost of providing each service, taking into account 
    staff time, overtime, and storage. In the past, the Office has chosen 
    not to charge any fee for some services. Our analysis confirmed that we 
    should adjust fees in order to justify the disruption to our normal 
    work-flow and the high cost of these services, and to recapture actual 
    cost; it also confirmed that we should impose charges for certain other 
    administrative expenses.
    Fees for Expedited Services
        Users who request expedited services need information or certified 
    documents in order to meet extraordinary time deadlines, usually for 
    business or litigation purposes. In these situations a user asks us to 
    move his or her request ahead of the hundreds of pending requests; in 
    most cases, if sufficient reason is given, we will comply. Compliance 
    requires additional staff time or overtime to respond to the request in 
    an expedited manner. It is appropriate to charge special service fees 
    that reflect the actual costs of these services to avoid other users or 
    the general public from having to subsidize these services. We are not 
    proposing adjustments to the statutory fees set under Sec. 708(b) or 
    seeking any legislative change in these fees. We will continue to 
    provide regular searches, certifications, or copies of registration or 
    recordation materials at the current fees.\1\
        \1\See Copyright Office Circular 4 for current schedule of fees.
    II. Special Handling Fees
    Special Handling Procedure
        Although the effective date of registration is the date the 
    application, required fee, and deposit are received, it usually takes 
    us several weeks to process a claim and mail the certificate of 
    registration. Special handling is granted at the discretion of the 
    Register in a limited number of cases as a special service to copyright 
    applicants who have a compelling reason for the expedited issuance of a 
    certificate of registration or recordation of a document pertaining to 
    copyright. A request for special handling is granted only for claims 
    involved in pending or prospective litigation, customs matters, or 
    contract or publishing deadlines that necessitate expedited service. 
    For many years, we used an informal procedure for special handling of 
    applications. When we began providing this service, we noted that we 
    could not continue to absorb the extra charges for providing such a 
    service, but did not establish a fee for special handling until 1982 
    when these procedures were formalized. 47 FR 19254 (May 4, 1982).
    Work Involved in Special Handling
        Under normal work procedures, applications for registration or 
    documents for recordation pass through various administrative and 
    examining processing steps. Special handling requests disrupt the 
    regular workflow procedure and require expedited handling outside the 
    normal first-in, first-out basis. These claims require special handling 
    at each step and routing between work stations that supersedes the 
    normal, chronological processing. A separate system of controls must be 
    maintained to assure that each claim moves expeditiously through each 
    stage and that these claims can be quickly located. Special handling 
    claims take staff away from processing all other claims, including 
    those received earlier, in order to process them in a substantially 
    shorter time period. Under regular procedures these same employees 
    could more efficiently process many standard claims.
    Multiple Applications
        Another special workflow problem for the Office arises from 
    processing multiple applications accompanied by a single deposit when 
    the request for special handling is limited to one claim or fewer than 
    all of the multiple claims. Because all the applications share the 
    deposit for the special handling claim, all claims must be processed in 
    the same expedited manner. A $50 surcharge is currently applied to each 
    additional claim attached to the deposit used for the special handling 
    claim and processed at the same time. This surcharge will remain at 
    $50, but it may be avoided by submitting a separate deposit.
    Fees for Special Handling
        When a fee is charged for special handling, this fee is added to 
    the regular fee for registration ($20.00) or recordation ($20.00 for a 
    document listing no more than one title).
        In 1982 we set the special handling fee at $120. 47 FR 19254 (May 
    4, 1982). In 1984 we raised the fee to $200 to reflect the actual cost 
    of the service. 49 FR 39741 (Oct. 10, 1984). In 1985, we established 
    the special handling procedures for import statements and documents. 50 
    FR 46206 (Nov. 6, 1985). In 1991 we reviewed our special handling 
    procedure, but did not increase fees. 56 FR 37528 (August 7, 1991).
        We have not adjusted special handling fees for almost ten years. 
    Our analysis indicates that to recover actual costs the new fee should 
    be $330. The conditions under which a request for special handling is 
    approved will not change. We are also raising the fee for special 
    handling of mask work claims, which have not changed since 1985, 50 FR 
    26719 (June 28, 1985), as amended at 56 FR 59886 (Nov. 26, 1991), from 
    $200 to $330.
    III. Full-Term Storage
    Service Provided
        The Copyright Code mandates storage for the full copyright term of 
    copies or phonorecords of unpublished registered works. It does not 
    specify how long we should retain deposits for published works. 
    Retention is more important in the case of unpublished works because 
    our copy or phonorecord may be the only one in existence. Our policy 
    for published works is to retain deposit copies or phonorecords not 
    selected by the Library for its collections for at least five years 
    from the date of registration; if possible, we retain copies of visual 
    arts works for at least ten years or longer. In addition, we offer 
    optional full-term storage service for those who register published 
    works and want to assure that the deposits will be retained in our 
    custody for the full term of copyright.
    Fees for Full-Term Storage
        Congress authorized a fee for full-term storage in 17 U.S.C. 
    704(e). Our current charge for full-term storage of published copyright 
    deposits is $135. 52 FR 28821 (Aug. 4, 1987). Our recent analysis of 
    the costs of this service reveals that the actual cost is much higher. 
    Our new regulations increase the charge to $270 for full-term storage 
    of published deposits. We will continue to provide full-term storage of 
    unpublished deposits without a fee.
    IV. Expedited Certifications and Documents Services
    Services Provided
        Users may request an additional certificate of registration, or 
    copies of the copyright deposit, the copyright application, 
    correspondence, and other copyright related documents. Frequently the 
    requester needs these services on an expedited basis for compelling 
    business or litigation reasons. The Certifications and Documents 
    Section expedites these services when sufficient reason is provided.
    Justification of Increase
        The fees for these expedited services were established after the 
    revision of the Copyright Code in 1978 and have never been increased. 
    Our new interim regulations increase the fees for expedited services 
    performed by the Certifications & Documents Section to reflect actual 
    costs and expenses. Actual costs for these services include the staff 
    time necessary to travel to and search off-site storage facilities; in 
    contrast, non-expedited requests are mailed to off-site division 
    offices where regular staff can search for the requested material. All 
    of these expedited service fees are surcharges that will be added to 
    the regular charge for the service provided.
    Expedited Additional Certificates
        The fee for providing an expedited additional certificate, 
    performing a search for a document that is ``in-process'' (where the 
    recordation process has not been completed), or certifying or 
    furnishing a copy of a document has been $18 per hour for almost ten 
    years. These new regulations will raise the rate to $50 per hour.
    Copy of Deposit or File Under Copyright Office Control
        The fee for providing an expedited copy of a copyright deposit 
    stored off-site in a Copyright Office storage facility, or for 
    furnishing a copy of a correspondence file stored either on-site or 
    off-site, has been $18 per hour. The new fee will be $70 for the first 
    hour spent in providing the copy and $50 for each additional hour. The 
    first hour is more costly because it reflects time expended by several 
    staff members.
    Copy of Deposit or File Not Under Our Control
        Expedited provision of a copy of a deposit or correspondence file 
    stored off-site at a Federal Records Center, a more remote site not 
    under the control of the Copyright Office, has also been $18 per hour. 
    It is being increased to $135 for the first hour and $50 for each 
    additional hour. This service costs more to provide because support 
    services are more numerous and time-consuming and must also cover the 
    cost of returning the deposit or correspondence file to the Federal 
    Records Center.
    V. Reference and Bibliographic Searches
    Services Provided
        Copyright owners and users frequently need to get information on 
    registrations, renewals, and transfers and other documents relating to 
    copyright. Our records on these copyright related facts are public and 
    are available for public inspection. A researcher can either come to 
    the Office during regular business hours and perform a free search 
    (with assistance from Copyright Office staff) or the researcher can 
    have someone else perform the search. Several organizations provide 
    such services for a fee. In addition, the post-1978 records of the 
    Copyright Office (and the bibliographic records of the Library of 
    Congress) are available on-line via the Internet.
        The Reference and Bibliography Section of the Copyright Office will 
    perform an expedited search of these public records for a fee when 
    there is a compelling reason to do so. The Reference and Bibliography 
    Section regularly performs searches of Office records at the statutory 
    rate of $20 for each hour or fraction of an hour consumed. Before 
    January 3, 1991, that section performed approved expedited searches for 
    the statutory $10 hourly fee plus an additional charge of $20 per hour 
    for the expedited service with a two hour minimum charge (a $60 
    minimum). Since then, the statutory fee has been $20 per hour, bringing 
    the minimum to $80.00. Under the new fee schedule the charge for 
    approved expedited searches is $100 for the first hour and $50 for each 
    additional hour plus the $20 statutory fee for each hour.
        The public can conduct searches on the Copyright Office in-process 
    systems (COINS) database through a public access terminal in the 
    Records Maintenance Unit for the search fee of $20 per hour or fraction 
    of an hour. This fee will remain unchanged.
    VI. Copying Fees
        We will continue to duplicate our records under the conditions 
    detailed in the applicable regulatory provisions and offer use of 
    photocopy equipment and microfilm printers for the public's use at the 
    prevailing rates established by the Photoduplication Service of the 
    Library of Congress, except for certain specialized services for which 
    the rates are based on our operational costs (e.g. color photocopying). 
    Additional charges for specialized copying, for example audio cassette 
    copying charges, are fixed by other divisions of the Library providing 
    these services. All of these fees may be adjusted periodically.
    VII. Policy Decision on Refund of Excess Fees
    Automatic Refund Level
        Our practice until 1991 was automatically to refund excess fees of 
    more than $5.00; amounts of $5.00 or less were not refunded unless 
    specifically requested. In 1991 we changed the automatic refund policy 
    to provide automatic refund for payments of $10.01 or more in excess of 
    the statutory fee; 56 FR 7812 (Feb. 26, 1991). 37 CFR 201.6(c). We are 
    now adjusting the level at which automatic refunds of overpayments will 
    be made from $10.01 to $50.01; we will not refund amounts of $50 or 
    less unless specifically requested.
    VIII. Administrative Processing Fee for Nonregistration Services
        In 1991, we determined that an administrative processing fee is 
    authorized under section 708(a) of the Copyright Code to reflect the 
    minimum administrative cost of responding to a request for a 
    nonregistrative service, even if the service cannot be successfully 
    completed. For example, a request is made for a certification of 
    records and after a search by our staff, the file cannot be found. We 
    need to charge an administrative fee for the search even though it is 
    unsuccessful. Accordingly in 1991, we amended 37 CFR 201.6(c) to state 
    that in making any refund of fees remitted for nonregistration 
    services, we could first deduct our administrative cost. Our regulation 
    permits us to charge a processing fee ``in an amount equivalent to one 
    hour of the requested service, or the minimum fee set by statute for 
    the service.'' 37 CFR 201.6(c). We will not make any change to this 
    List of Subjects
    37 CFR Part 201
        Copyright, Fees.
    37 CFR Part 211
        Computer technology, Fees, Master work protection, Science and 
    technology, Semi-conductor chip products.
    Interim Rules
        In consideration of the foregoing, parts 201 and 211 of 37 CFR 
    chapter II are amended as follows.
        1. The authority citation for part 201 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 17 U.S.C. 702, 708.
    Sec. 201.6  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 201.6, paragraph (c) remove the fee of ``$10,'' and add 
    in its place ``$50''.
        3. Section 201.32 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 201.32  Fees for Copyright Office special services.
        The Copyright Office has established the following fees for the 
    special services indicated:
           Special services                           Fees                  
    1. Special handling fee.......  $330.                                   
    2. Full-term storage fee......  270.                                    
    3. Surcharge for expedited                                              
     Certifications and Documents                                           
     Section services (per hour)                                            
        a. Additional certificates  50.                                     
        b. In-process searches....  50.                                     
        c. Copy of assignment.....  50.                                     
        d. Certification..........  50.                                     
        e. Copy of deposit (stored  70 (first hour).                        
         off-site).                 50 (each additional hour).              
        f. Copy of correspondence   70 (first hour).                        
         file (stored in Madison    50 (each additional hour).              
         Building) or at an off-                                            
         site storage facility.                                             
        g. Copy of deposit or       135 (first hour).                       
         correspondence file        50 (each additional hour).              
         (stored at Federal                                                 
         Records Center).                                                   
    4. Surcharge for expedited                                              
     Reference and Bibliography                                             
        a. First hour.............  100.                                    
        b. Each additional hour...  50.                                     
        1. The authority citation for part 211 continues to read as 
        Authority: 17 U.S.C. 908.
    Sec. 211.3  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 211.3, paragraph (a)(7) remove the fee of ``$200,'' and 
    add in its place ``$330''.
        Dated: July 19, 1994.
    Barbara Ringer,
    Acting Register of Copyrights.
    James H. Billington,
    Librarian of Congress.
    [FR Doc. 94-18306 Filed 7-27-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 1410-07-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
U.S. Copyright Office, Library of Congress
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Interim regulations with request for comments.
Document Number:
Effective date: September 26, 1994.
0-0 (None pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: July 28, 1994, Docket No. 94-5
CFR: (3)
37 CFR 201.6
37 CFR 201.32
37 CFR 211.3