94-18333. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES); Preparation of Draft General Permit for the States of Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 144 (Thursday, July 28, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page ]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-18333]
    [Federal Register: July 28, 1994]
    National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES); 
    Preparation of Draft General Permit for the States of Maine, 
    Massachusetts, and New Hampshire
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
    ACTION: Notice; Preparation of Draft General NPDES Permits--MAG640000, 
    MEG640000, and NHG640000.
    SUMMARY: The Regional Administrator of Region I is today providing 
    Notice of a Draft General NPDES Permit for water treatment facilities 
    in certain waters of the States of Maine, Massachusetts, and New 
    Hampshire. This draft general NPDES Permit proposes effluent 
    limitations, standards, prohibitions and management practices for these 
    types of discharges (Appendix A contains the Draft General NPDES 
    Permits and Appendix B is the Draft General Conditions applicable to 
    all three general permits). The permit will become effective 30 days 
    after the date of publication of the final general permit in the 
    Federal Register. The permit will expire 5 years from the effective 
    date. Owners and/or operators of facilities discharging effluent from 
    water treatment facilities will be required to submit to EPA, Region I, 
    a notice of intent (NOI) to be covered by the appropriate general 
    permit and will receive a written notification from EPA of permit 
    coverage and authorization to discharge under the general permit.
        The draft permit is based on an administrative record available for 
    public review at: Environmental Protection Agency, Region I, John F. 
    Kennedy Federal Building, WMM, Boston, Massachusetts 02203.
        The following ``Fact Sheet and SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION'' section 
    sets forth principal facts and the significant factual, legal, and 
    policy questions considered in the development of the draft permits.
    DATES: For comment period: Interested persons may submit comments on 
    the draft general permits as part of the administrative record to the 
    Regional Administrator, Region I at the address given in the preceeding 
    ``SUMMARY'' section no later than August 29, 1994.
    Additional information concerning the draft permits may be obtained 
    between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday 
    excluding holidays from: Suprokash Sarker, Wastewater Management 
    Branch, Water Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, 
    J.F. Kennedy Federal Building, WMN, Boston, Massachusetts 02203, 
    Telephone (617) 565-3573.
    I. Background Information
    A. General Permits
        Section 301(a) of the Clean Water Act (the Act) provides that the 
    discharge of pollutants is unlawful except in accordance with a 
    National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. 
    Although such permits to date have generally been issued to individual 
    discharges, EPA's regulations authorize the issuance of ``general 
    permits'' to categories of discharges. See 40 CFR 122.28 (48 FR 14146, 
    April 1, l983). EPA may issue a single, general permit to a category of 
    point sources located within the same geographic area whose permits 
    warrant similar pollutant control measures.
        The Director of an NPDES permit program is authorized to issue a 
    general permit if there are a number of point sources operating in a 
    geographic area that:
        1. Involve the same or substantially similar types of operations;
        2. Discharge the same types of wastes;
        3. Require the same effluent limitations or operating conditions;
        4. Require the same or similar monitoring requirements; and
        5. In the opinion of the Regional Administrator, are more 
    appropriately controlled under a general permit than under individual 
        Violations of a condition of a general permit constitutes a 
    violation of the Clean Water Act and subjects the discharger to the 
    penalties in Section 309 of the Act.
        Any owner or operator authorized by a general permit may be 
    excluded from coverage of a general permit by applying for an 
    individual permit. This request may be made by submitting a NPDES 
    permit application together with reasons supporting the request no 
    later than 90 days after publication by EPA of the final general permit 
    in the Federal Register. The Regional Administrator may require any 
    person authorized by a general permit to apply for and obtain an 
    individual permit. Any interested person may petition the Regional 
    Administrator to take this action. However, individual permits will not 
    be issued for sources discharging effluent from water treatment 
    facility covered by this general permit unless it can be clearly 
    demonstrated that inclusion under the general permit is inappropriate. 
    The Regional Administrator may consider the issuance of individual 
    permits when:
        1. The discharge(s) is a significant contributor of pollution;
        2. The discharge(s) is not in compliance with the terms and 
    conditions of the general permit;
        3. A change has occurred in the availability of demonstrated 
    technology or practices for the control or abatement of pollutants 
    applicable to the point source;
        4. Effluent limitations guidelines are subsequently promulgated for 
    the point sources covered by the general permit;
        5. A Water Quality Management plan containing requirements 
    applicable to such point sources is approved; or
        6. The requirements listed in the previous paragraphs are not met.
    B. Coverage Under This General Permit
        Under this general permit, owners and operators of potable water 
    treatment plants in Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire may be 
    granted authorization to discharge process generated wastewaters into 
    waters of the respective States as follows:
        a. Treated presedimentation underflow;
        b. Treated underflow from the coagulation/settling processes using 
    aluminum compounds or polymers as coagulants; and
        c. Treated filter backwash water from filters.
        This permit shall apply specifically to operators that have a 
    discharge from a point source such as a sludge settling lagoon or other 
    device whereby comparable control of suspended solids is possible.
        Authorization under the permit shall require prior submittal of 
    certain facility information. Upon receipt of all required information, 
    the permit issuing authority may allow or disallow coverage under the 
    general permit.
        The following list shows the criteria which will be used in 
    evaluating whether or not an individual permit may be required instead 
    of a general permit.
        1. Evidence on non-compliance under previous permit for the 
        2. Preservation of high quality waters and fisheries;
        3. Facilities with an effluent discharge flow of over 1.00 MGD 
    maximum daily for the states of Massachusetts and New Hampshire and 
    0.15 MGD maximum daily for the state of Maine.
        4. Production of effluent at the facility other than using aluminum 
    compound or polymer as coagulant, and
        5. Use of land application as a means of discharge.
        6. For the state of Maine, a minimum dilution of effluent of 100:1 
    in the receiving water at 7Q10 should be stipulated.
        The similarity of the discharges has prompted EPA to prepare this 
    draft general permit for public review and comment. When issued, this 
    permit will enable facilities to maintain compliance with the Act and 
    will extend environmental and regulatory controls to a large number of 
    discharges and reduce some permit backlog. The issuance of this general 
    permit for the geographic areas described below is warranted by this 
    similarity of (a) environmental conditions. (b) State regulatory 
    requirements applicable to the discharges and receiving waters, and (c) 
    technology employed.
        In the State of Maine, there are 271 industrial applicants or 
    permittees. It is estimated that 13 of the industries that have direct 
    discharges to the waters of the State are strictly water treatment 
    New Hampshire
        In the State of New Hampshire, there are 171 estimated industrial 
    applications or permittees. It is estimated that 2 or more of the 
    industries that have the direct discharges to the waters of the State 
    are strictly water treatment facilities.
        In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, there are 651 industrial 
    applicants or permittees. It is estimated that 33 of the industries 
    that have direct discharges to the waters of the State are strictly 
    water treatment facilities.
    II. Conditions of the Draft General NPDES Permit
    A. Geographic Areas
    Maine (Permit No. MEG640000)
        All of the discharges to be authorized by the general NPDES permit 
    for the State of Maine from dischargers are limited to Class B, C, SB 
    and SC waters of the State, except lakes. The drainage areas must be 
    more than 10 square miles.
    Massachusetts (Permit No. MAG640000)
        All of the discharges to be authorized by the general NPDES permit 
    for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts dischargers are into all waters 
    in Water Quality Classifications B, C, SB and SC as designated in 
    Massachusetts Water Quality Standards, 314 CMR 4.00 et seq.
    New Hampshire (Permit No. NHG640000)
        All of the discharges to be authorized by the general NPDES permit 
    for the State of New Hampshire dischargers are into all waters of the 
    State of New Hampshire unless otherwise restricted by the State Water 
    Quality Standards, New Hampshire RSA 485-A:8.
    B. Notification by Permittees
        Operators of facilities whose discharge, or discharges, are 
    described in Part IB and whose facilities are located in the geographic 
    areas described in Part II. A. above may submit to the Regional 
    Administrator, Region I, a notice of intent to be covered by the 
    appropriate general permit. This written notification must include the 
    owner's or operator's legal name and address, the number and type of 
    facilities to be covered, the facility locations, the names of the 
    receiving waters into which discharge will occur. The facilities 
    authorized to discharge under a final general permit will receive 
    written notification from EPA, Region I, within 30 days of permit 
    coverage. Failure to submit to EPA, Region I, a notice of intent to be 
    covered or failure to receive from EPA written notification of permit 
    coverage means that the facility is not authorized to discharge.
    C. Effluent Limitations
    1. Statutory Requirements
        The Clean Water Act requires all dischargers to meet effluent 
    limitations based on the technological capability of dischargers to 
    control the discharge of the pollutants. Section 301(b)(1)(A) requires 
    the application of ``Best Practicable Control Technology Currently 
    Available'' (BPT). Section 301(b)(2) (A), (C), (D), and (F) requires 
    the application of ``Best Available Technology Economically Available'' 
    (BAT) by July 1, 1984, for all toxic pollutants referred to in Table 1 
    of Committee Print Numbered 95-30 of the Committee on Public Works and 
    Transportation of the House of Representatives and not later than three 
    years after the date any limitations are established for toxic 
    pollutants listed under paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Section 307 
    of the Act which are not referred to in subparagraph (C) of Section 
    301(b)(2). Section 301(b)(2)(A) and (F) requires ``Best Available 
    Treatment Technology Economically Achievable'' (BAT) for 
    nonconventional pollution by July 1, 1984, and Section 301(b)(2)(E) 
    requires the application of the Best Conventional Pollutant Control 
    Technology (BCT) for conventional pollutants by July 1, 1984. The 
    effluent limitations in the general permit are consistent with these 
    statutory requirements.
    2. Technology-based Effluent Limitations
        The Environmental Protection Agency has not developed effluent 
    guidelines for water treatment facilities. In the absence of national 
    standards, effluent limitations for the TSS limitations are based upon 
    best professional judgement pursuant to Section 401(a)(1) of the CWA.
        The ``Maximum Daily'' TSS limitation and the limitations for 
    settleable solids and pH are based upon state certification 
    requirements under Section 401(a)(1) of the CWA, 40 CFR 124.53 and 
    124.55, and water quality considerations.
    3. Water Quality Standards
        The effluent from the water treatment facility may contain toxic 
    pollutants due to use of chemicals and chlorine. However, they do not 
    contain hazardous pollutants or oil and grease. Therefore, water 
    quality criteria established for oil and grease and hazardous 
    pollutants do not apply to these discharges. Water Quality Standards 
    applicable to these discharges are limited to pH, seettleable solids, 
    and TSS. In addition testing requirements are necessary for aluminum, 
    chlorine and LC50, C-NOEC. The limits of total residual chlorine and 
    aluminum for the state of Maine are based upon state certification 
    4. Antidegradation Provisions
        The conditions of the permit reflect the goal of the CWA and EPA to 
    achieve and maintain water quality standards. The environmental 
    regulations pertaining to the State Antidegradation Policies which 
    protect the State's surface waters from falling below State standards 
    for water quality are found in the following provisions: Maine Title 
    38, Article 4-A, Section 464.4.F.; Massachusetts Water Quality 
    Standards 314 CMR 4.04 Antidegradation Provisions; and New Hampshire 
    policy RSA 485-A:8, VI Part Env-Ws 437.01 and Env-Ws 437.02.
        This general permit will not apply to any new or increased 
    discharge unless it can be determined that such discharges will result 
    in insignificant effects to the receiving waters. This determination 
    shall be made in accordance with the appropriate State Antidegradation 
    5. Monitoring and Reporting Requirements
        Effluent limitations and monitoring requirements are included in 
    the general permit describing requirements to be imposed on facilities 
    to be covered.
        Facilities covered by the final general permits will be required to 
    submit to EPA, Region I, and the appropriate State a Discharge 
    Monitoring Report containing effluent data on a semi-annual basis.
        The monitoring requirements have been established to yield data 
    representative of the discharge under authority of Section 308(a) of 
    the Act and 40 CFR 122.41(j), 122.44(i) and 122.48, and as certified by 
    the State.
    III. Other Requirements
        The remaining conditions of the permit are based on the NPDES 
    regulations 40 CFR parts 122 through 125 and consist primarily of 
    management requirements common to all permits.
    IV. State Certification
        Section 301(b)(1)(C) of the Act requires that NPDES permits contain 
    conditions which ensure compliance with applicable State water quality 
    standards or limitations. Section 401 requires that States certify that 
    Federally issued permits are in compliance with State law.
        These permits are for operations within waters of the States. EPA 
    is requesting the States to review and provide appropriate 
    certification to these general permits pursuant to 40 CFR 124.53.
    V. Administrative Aspects
    A. Request To Be Covered
        Owners or operators of water treatment facility discharges are not 
    covered by this general permit until they meet two requirements. First, 
    they must send a letter of intent to EPA indicating that they meet the 
    requirements of the permit and wish to be covered. Second, they must be 
    notified by EPA that they are covered by a general permit. If the 
    facility has an existing individual NPDES permit, it will be terminated 
    as outlined in 40 CFR 122.28(b)(2)(iv).
    B. Mechanisms
        All persons, including dischargers who believe any condition of the 
    draft permit is inappropriate must raise all issues and submit all 
    available arguments and supporting material for their arguments in full 
    by the close of the public comment period, to the U. S. EPA, Wastewater 
    Management Branch, WMN, JFK Federal Building, Boston, Massachusetts, 
    02203. Any person, prior to such date, may submit a request in writing 
    for a public hearing to consider the draft permit to EPA and the State 
    Agency. Such requests shall state the nature of the issues proposed to 
    be raised in the hearing. A public hearing may be held after at least a 
    30-day public notice whenever the Regional Administrator finds that 
    response to this notice indicates significant interest. In reaching a 
    final decision on the draft permits, the Regional Administrator will 
    respond to all significant comments and make these responses available 
    to the public at EPA's Boston office.
        Following the close of the comment period, and after the public 
    hearing, if such hearing is held, the Regional Administrator will issue 
    a final permit in the Federal Register.
    C. The Coastal Zone Management Act
        The Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA), 16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq., and 
    its implementing regulations [15 CFR Part 930] require that any 
    federally licensed activity affecting the coastal zone with an approved 
    Coastal Zone Management Program (CZMP) be determined to be consistent 
    with the CZMA. EPA, Region I, has determined that these general NPDES 
    permits are consistent with the CZMA. EPA has requested the 
    Massachusetts, Maine, and New Hampshire coastal zone agencies for a 
    determination that these three permits are consistent with their 
    respective State policies.
    D. The Endangered Species Act
        EPA Region I has concluded that the discharges to be covered by the 
    general NPDES permits will not affect or jeopardize the continued 
    existence of any endangered or threatened species or adversely affect 
    its critical habitat. EPA has requested consultations with the U.S. 
    Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service to 
    confirm this conclusion.
    E. Environmental Impact Statement Requirements
        The general permits do not authorize the construction of any water 
    resources project or the impoundment of any water body or have any 
    effect on historical property, and are not major Federal activities 
    needing preparation of any Environmental Impact Statement. Therefore, 
    the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, 16 U.S.C. 1273 et seq., the National 
    Historic Preservation Act of 1966, 16 U.S.C 470 et seq., the Fish and 
    Wildlife Coordination Act, 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq., and the National 
    Environmental Policy Act, 33 U.S.C. 4321 et seq., do not apply to the 
    issuance of this general NPDES permit.
    VI. Other Legal Requirements
    A. Economic Impact (Executive Order 12866)
        EPA has reviewed the effect of Executive Order 12866 on this draft 
    general permit and has determined that it is not a significant rule 
    under that order. This regulation was submitted previously to the 
    Office of Management and Budget for review as required by the former 
    Executive Order 12291. The Office of Management and Budget exempted 
    this action from the review requirements of Executive Order 12291 
    pursuant to Section 8(b) of that Order, which was revoked and 
    superseded by Executive Order 12866.
    B. Paperwork Reduction Act
        EPA has reviewed the requirements imposed on regulated facilities 
    by these draft general NPDES permits under the Paperwork Reduction Act 
    of 1980, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et. seq. The information collection 
    requirements of these draft permits have already been approved by the 
    Office of Management and Budget under submissions made for the NPDES 
    permit program under the provisions of the Clean Water Act. No comments 
    from the Office of Management and Budget or the public were received on 
    the information collection requirements in these permits.
    C. The Regulatory Flexibility Act
        After review of the facts presented in the notice printed above, I 
    hereby certify, pursuant to the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 605(b), that 
    this permit does not have a significant impact on a substantial number 
    of small entities. Moreover, the draft permit will reduce a significant 
    administrative burden on regulated sources.
        Dated: July 6, 1994.
    John P. DeVillars,
    Regional Administrator.
    Appendix A--Draft General Permit
    Proposed Draft General Permit Under the National Pollutant 
    Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
        Note: The Following draft general NPDES permit has been combined 
    for purposes of this Federal Register notice in order to eliminate 
    duplication of material common to all permits for the individual 
        1. Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire Draft General Permit.
        In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Clean Water 
    Act, as amended, (33 U.S.C. 1251 et.seq.) the ``CWA'' operators of 
    facilities located in Part II A. which discharge effluent from water 
    treatment facilities as defined in Part IB at a rate of one million 
    gallons per day or less to waters as designated in Part II A in 
    accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements and 
    other conditions set forth herein.
        This permit shall become effective on the date of the signature 
        This permit and the authorization to discharge expire at 
    midnight, five years from date of signature.
        This permit consists of Part I below including effluent 
    limitations, monitoring requirements etc. and Part II under Appendix 
    B, General Requirements.
        Operators of facilities within the general permit area who fail 
    to notify the Director of their intent to be covered by this general 
    permit and receive no written notification of permit coverage or 
    those who are denied by the Director are not authorized under this 
    general permit to discharge from those facilities to the receiving 
        Signed this ________ day of ____________ David A. Fierra 
    Director, Water Management Division, Environmental Protection 
    Agency, Region I, Boston, Massachusetts 02203.
    Part I
    A. Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements
        1. During the period beginning effective date and lasting 
    through expiration, the permittee is authorized to discharge from 
    each outfall effluent from water treatment facilities to receiving 
    waters as designated in Part II A.
        a. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the 
    permittee as specified below: 
                                     Discharge limitations                        Monitoring requirements           
          Effluent       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       characteristic                                                  Measurement\2\                               
                              Avg. monthly          Max. daily\1\         frequency             Sample type         
    Flow (MGD)..........  See note A.1. i.....  See note A.1. i.....  1/week..........  Daily average.              
    TSS(mg/l)...........  30..................  50..................  1/week..........  Grab.                       
    Settleable Solids     .1..................  0.2.................  1/week..........  Grab.                       
     (ml/l)1, 5.                                                                                                    
    pH..................  See note A.1 g......  See note A.1 g......  ................  ............................
    Aluminum(mg/l)......  See note A.1 j......  See note A.1 j......  1/month.........  Grab.                       
    LC50&C-NOEC\3\......  See note A.1 h......  See note A.1 h......  ................  Grab.                       
    Chlorine Residual\4\  See note A.1 k......  See note A.1 k......  Daily...........  Grab.                       
    \1\State certification requirement.                                                                             
    \2\Samples shall be taken only when discharging.                                                                
    \3\LC-50 is the concentration of effluent in a sample that causes mortality to 50% of the test population at a  
      specific time or observation. No Observed Chronic Effect Concentration (C-NOEC) is the highest concentration  
      of effluent to which organisms are exposed in a life-cycle or partial life-cycle test which causes no adverse 
      effect on growth, survival and reproduction.                                                                  
    \4\Test only if chlorination is used in the process.                                                            
    \5\Commonwealth of Massachusetts only.                                                                          
        b. The discharge shall not cause objectionable discoloration of 
    the receiving waters.
        c. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible 
    foam. The discharge shall be adequately treated to insure that the 
    surface water remains free from pollutants in concentratins or 
    combinations that settle to form harmful deposits, float as foam, 
    debris, scum or other visible pollutants. It shall be adequately 
    treated to insure that the surface waters remain free from 
    pollutants which produce odor, color, taste or turbidity in the 
    receiving water which is not naturally occuring and would render it 
    unsuitable for its designated use.
        d. The effluent limitations are based on the state water quality 
    standard and are certified by the states.
        e. Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements 
    specified above shall be taken at the point of discharge.
        f. All discharges as designated in IB shall pass through a 
    settling pond for 24 hours minimum detention time or other approved 
    treatment system and meet the effluent limitations in Part I.1.a. 
    prior to discharge to waters of the states.
        g. pH. Massachusetts.
        The pH of the effluent shall not be less than nor greater than 
    the range given for the receiving water classifications, unless 
    these values are exceeded due to natural causes.
        The following table specifies ranges for Massachussetts: 
                            Classification                           Range  
    B............................................................    6.5-8.3
    C............................................................    6.5-9.0
    SB...........................................................    6.5-8.5
    SC...........................................................   6.5-9.0 
        The pH range in both freshwater and saltwater is 6.0 to 8.5 su. 
    Unless establishes on a case-by-case basis (By State Policy).
    New Hampshire
        The pH of the effluent shall not be less than 6.5 standard units 
    (su) nor greater than 8.0 su at any time unless these values are 
    exceeded due to natural causes.
        h. One chronic and modified acute toxicity screening test shall 
    be performed by the permittee within 90 days after the issuance date 
    of this general NPDES permit. One grab sample will be taken during 
    normal facility operation. The Cerio-daphnia dubia for fresh water 
    and sea-urchin for marine water shall be used as test organism in 
    the test. A copy of the test procedure and detailed protocol will be 
    provided upon request from EPA, Region I. The results of the chronic 
    biological test (C-NOEC and LC50) will be forwarded to State and EPA 
    within 30 days after the completion of all tests.
        i. The states of Massachusetts and New Hampshire will have a 
    maximum daily limit of 1.0 mgd. The state of Maine will have a 
    maximum daily limit of 0.15 mgd.
        j. For the states of Massachusetts and New Hampshire report 
    only. For the state of Maine the maximum daily limit of Aluminum 
    will be 5.0 mg/l.
        k. For the states of Massachusetts and New Hampshire report 
    only. For the state of Maine the maximum daily limit of chlorine 
    residual will be 1.0 mg/l.
    B. Monitoring and Reporting
    1. Reporting
    Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire
        Monitoring results obtained during the previous 6 months shall 
    be summarized for each quarter and reported on separate Discharge 
    Monitoring Report Form(s) postmarked no later than the 15th day of 
    the month following the completed reporting period. The reports are 
    due on the 15th days of January and July. The first report may 
    include less than 6 months information.
        Signed copies of these, and all other reports required herein, 
    shall be submitted to the Director and the State at the following 
    addresses as follows:
        a. EPA shall receive copy of all reports required herein: NPDES 
    Program Operations Section, Water Compliance Branch Water Management 
    Division, Environmental Protection Agency, Post Office Box 8127, 
    Boston, MA 02114.
        b. Massachusetts Division of Water Pollution Control.
        (1) The Regional offices wherein the discharge occurs, shall 
    receive a copy of all reports required herein:
    Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Massachusetts 
    Division of Water Pollution Control, Western Regional Office, 436 
    Dwight St., Suite 402, Springfield, MA 01101
    Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Massachusetts 
    Division of Water Pollution Control, Southeastern Regional Office, 
    20 Riverside Drive Lakeville, MA 02346
    Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Massachusetts 
    Division of Water Pollution Control, Northeastern Regional Office, 
    10 Commerce Way, Woburn, MA 01801
    Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Massachusetts 
    Division of Water Pollution Control, Central Regional Office, 75 
    Grove Street, Worcester, Massachusetts 01605
        (2) The Central Boston Office shall receive all notifications 
    reports other than the DMRs required by this permit shall be 
    submitted to the States at: Massachusetts Department of 
    Environmental Protection, Massachusetts Division of Water Pollution 
    Control 7th Floor, 1 Winter Street, Boston, MA 02108.
        c. Maine Department of Environmental Protection. Signed copies 
    of all reports required by this permit shall be sent to the State of 
    Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Operation and 
    Maintenance Division, State House, Station 17. Augusta, ME 04333.
        d. New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.
        Signed copies of all reports required by this permit shall be 
    sent to the State at: New Hampshire Department of Environmental 
    Services, Water Supply and Pollution Control Division, Permits and 
    Compliance Section; P.O. Box 95, Concord, New Hampshrie 03302-0095.
    C. Additional General Permit Conditions
    1. Notification Requirements
        a. Written notification of commencement of operations including 
    the legal names and addresses of the owners and operator and the 
    locations, number and type of facilities and/or operations covered 
    shall be submitted.
        (1) For existing discharges as soon as possible after the 
    effective date of this permit, by operators whose facilities and/or 
    operations are discharging into the general permit area on the 
    effective date of the permit; or
        (2) For new or substantially increased discharges 20 days prior 
    to commencement of the discharge by operators whose facilities and/
    or operations commence discharge subsequent to the effective date of 
    this permit.
        b. Operators of facilities and/or operations within the general 
    permits area who fail to notify the Director of their intent to be 
    covered by this general permit and obtain written authorization of 
    coverage are not authorized under this general permit to discharge 
    from those facilities into the named receiving waters.
    2. Termination of Operations
        Operators of facilities and/or operators authorized under this 
    permit shall notify the Director upon the termination of discharges.
    3. Renotification
        Upon reissuance of a new general permit, the permittee is 
    required to notify the Director of his intent to be covered by the 
    new general permit.
    4. When the Director May Require Application for an Individual NPDES 
        Any interested person may petition the Director to take such 
    action. Instances where an individual permit may be required include 
    the following:
        (1) The discharge(s) is a significant contributor of pollution:
        (2) The discharger is not in compliance with the conditions of 
    this permit;
        (3) A change has occurred in the availability of the 
    demonstrated technology of practices for the control or abatement of 
    pollutants applicable to the point source;
        (4) Effluent limitation guidelines are promulgated for point 
    sources covered by this permit;
        (5) A Water Quality Management Plan containing requirements 
    applicable to such point source is approved; or
        (6) The point source(s) covered by this permit no longer:
        (a) Involves the same volume or substantially similar types of 
        (b) Discharges the same type of wastes;
        (c) Requires the same effluent limitations or operating 
        (d) Requires the same or similar monitoring and
        (e) In the opinion of the Director is more appropriately 
    controlled under a general permit than under an individual NPDES 
        5. The Director may require an individual permit only if the 
    permittee authorized by the general permit has been notified in 
    writing that an individual permit is required, and has been given a 
    brief explanation of the reasons for this decision.
        6. When an Individual NPDES Permit is issued to an operator 
    otherwise subject to this general permit, the applicability of this 
    permit to that owner or operator is automatically terminated on the 
    effective date of the individual permit.
    Appendix B: Part II, General Requirements for all EPA, Region I, 
    General NPDES Permits
    Section A. General Requirements
        1. Duty to Comply see 40 CFR 122.41(a).
        2. Permit Actions see 40 CFR 122.41(f).
        3. Duty to Provide Information see 40 CFR 122.41(h).
        4. Reopener Clause.
        The Regional Administrator reserves the right to make 
    appropriate revisions to this permit in order to establish any 
    appropriate effluent limitations, schedules of compliance, or other 
    provisions which may be authorized under the CWA in order to bring 
    all discharges into compliance with the CWA.
        5. Oil and Hazardous Substance Liability.
        Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the 
    institution of any legal action or relieve the permittee from any 
    responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to which the permittee 
    is or may be subject under Section 311 of the CWA, or Section 106 of 
    the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability 
    Act of 1980 (CERCLA).
        6. Property Rights see 40 CFR 122.41(g).
        7. Confidentiality of Information.
        a. In accordance with 40 CFR part 2, any information submitted 
    to EPA pursuant to these regulations may be claimed as confidential 
    by the submitter. Any such claim must be asserted at the time of 
    submission in the manner prescribed on the application form or 
    instructions or, in the case of other submissions, by stamping the 
    words ``confidential business information'' on each page containing 
    such information. If no claim is made at the time of submission, EPA 
    may make the information available to the public without further 
    notice. If a claim is asserted, the information will be treated in 
    accordance with the procedures in 40 CFR Part 2 (Public 
        b. Claims of confidentiality for the following information will 
    be denied:
        (1) The name and address of any permit applicant or permittee;
        (2) Permit applications, permits, and effluent data as defined 
    in 40 CFR 2.302(a)(2).
        c. Information required by NPDES application forms provided by 
    the Regional Administrator under Sec. 122.21 may not be claimed 
    confidential. This includes information submitted on the forms 
    themselves and any attachments used to supply information required 
    by the forms.
        8. Duty to Reapply see 40 CFR 122.41(b).
        9. Right of Appeal.
        Within thirty (30) days of receipt of notice of a final permit 
    decision, any interested person, including the permittee, may submit 
    a request to the Regional Administrator for an Evidentiary Hearing 
    under subpart E, or a Non-Adversary Panel Hearing under subpart F, 
    of 40 CFR part 124, to reconsider or contest that decision. The 
    request for a hearing must conform to the requirements of 40 CFR 
        10. State Authorities.
        Nothing in part 122, 123, or 124 precludes more stringent State 
    regulation of any activity covered by these regulations, whether or 
    not under an approved State program.
        11. Other Laws.
        The issuance of a permit does not authorize any injury to 
    persons or property or invasion of other private rights, nor does it 
    relieve the permittee of its obligation to comply with any other 
    applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations.
    Section B. Operation and Maintenance of Pollution Controls
        1. Proper Operation and Maintenance see 40 CFR 122.41 (e).
        2. Need to Halt or Reduce Not a Defense see 40 CFR 122.41 (c).
        3. Duty to Mitigate see 40 CFR 122.41 (d).
        4. Bypass see 40 CFR 122.41 (m).
        5. Upset see 40 CFR 122.41 (n).
    Section C. Monitoring and Records
        1. Monitoring and Records see 40 CFR 122.41 (j).
        2. Inspection and Entry see 40 CFR 122.41 (i).
    Section D. Reporting Requirements
        1. Reporting Requirements see 40 CFR 122.41 (l).
        2. Signatory Requirement see 40 CFR 122.41 (k).
        3. Availability of Reports.
        Except for data determined to be confidential under Paragraph 
    A.7. above, all reports prepared in accordance with the terms of 
    this permit shall be available for public inspection at the offices 
    of the State water pollution control agency and the Regional 
    Administrator. As required by the CWA, effluent data shall not be 
    considered confidential. Knowingly making any false statement on any 
    such report may result in the imposition of criminal penalties as 
    provided for in Section 309 of the CWA.
    Section E. Other Conditions
        1. Definitions for purposes of this permit are as follows:
        Administrator means the Administrator of the United States 
    Environmental Protection Agency, or an authorized representative.
        Applicable standards and limitations means all State, 
    interstate, and Federal standards and limitations to which a 
    ``discharge'' or a related activity is subject to, including water 
    quality standards, standards of performance, toxic effluent 
    standards or prohibitions, ``best management practices,'' and 
    pretreatment standards under sections 301, 302, 303, 304, 306, 307, 
    308, 403, and 405 of CWA.
        Application means the EPA standard national forms for applying 
    for a permit, including any additions, revisions or modifications to 
    the forms; or forms approved by EPA for use in ``approved States,'' 
    including any approved modifications or revisions.
        Average. The arithmetic mean of values taken at the frequency 
    required for each parameter over the specified period. For total 
    and/or fecal coliforms, the average shall be the geometric mean.
        Average monthly discharge limitation means the highest allowable 
    average of ``daily discharges'' over a calendar month, calculated as 
    the sum of all daily discharges measured during a calendar month 
    divided by the number of daily discharges measured during that 
        Average weekly discharge limitation means the highest allowable 
    average of ``daily discharges'' over a calendar week, calculated as 
    the sum of all daily discharges measured during a calendar week 
    divided by the number of daily discharges measured during that week.
        Best Management Practices (BMPs) means schedules of activities, 
    prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other 
    management practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of ``waters 
    of the United States.'' BMPs also include treatment requirements, 
    operating procedures, and practices to control plant site runoff, 
    spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage from raw 
    material storage.
        Best Professional Judgement (BPJ) means a case-by-case 
    determination of Best Practicable Treatment (BPT), Best Available 
    Treatment (BAT) or other appropriate standard based on an evaluation 
    of the available technology to achieve a particular pollutant 
        Composite Sample--A sample consisting of a minimum of eight grab 
    samples collected at equal intervals during a 24-hour period (or 
    lesser period as specified in the section on Monitoring and 
    Reporting) and combined proportional to flow, or a sample 
    continuously collected proportionally to flow over that same time 
        Continuous Discharge means a ``discharge'' which occurs without 
    interruption throughout the operating hours of the facility except 
    for infrequent shutdowns for maintenance, process changes, or 
    similar activities.
        CWA or ``The Act'' means the Clean Water Act (formerly referred 
    to as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or Federal Water 
    Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972) Public Law 92-500, as 
    amended by Public Law 95-217, Public Law 95-576, Public Law 96-483 
    and Public Law 97-117; 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.
        Daily Discharge means the discharge of a pollutant measured 
    during a calendar day or any 24-hour period that reasonably 
    represents the calendar day for purposes of sampling. For pollutants 
    with limitations expressed in units of mass, the daily discharge is 
    calculated as the total mass of the pollutant discharged over the 
    day. For pollutants with limitations expressed in other units of 
    measurements, the daily discharge is calculated as the average 
    measurement of the pollutant over the day.
        Director means the person authorized to sign NPDES permits by 
    EPA and/or the State.
        Discharge Monitoring Report Form (DMR) means the EPA standard 
    national form, including any subsequent additions, revisions, or 
    modifications, for the reporting of self-monitoring results by 
    permittees. DMRs must be used by ``approved States'' as well as by 
    EPA. EPA will supply DMRs to any approved State upon request. The 
    EPA national forms may be modified to substitute the State Agency 
    name, address, logo, and other similar information, as appropriate, 
    in place of EPA's.
        Discharge of a pollutant means:
        (a) Any addition of any ``pollutant'' or combination of 
    pollutants to ``waters of the United States'' from any ``point 
    source,'' or
        (b) Any addition of any pollutant or combination of pollutants 
    to the waters of the ``contiguous zone'' or the ocean from any point 
    source other than a vessel or other floating craft which is being 
    used as a means of transportation.
        This definition includes additions of pollutants into waters of 
    the United States from: surface runoff which is collected or 
    channelled by man; discharges through pipes, sewers, or other 
    conveyances owned by a State, municipality, or other person which do 
    not lead to a treatment works; and discharges through pipes, sewers, 
    or other conveyances leading into privately owned treatment works.
        This term does not include an addition of pollutants by any 
    ``indirect discharger.''
        Effluent limitation means any restriction imposed by the 
    Director on quantities, discharge rates, and concentrations of 
    ``pollutants'' which are ``discharged'' from ``point sources'' into 
    ``waters of the United States,'' the waters of the ``contiguous 
    zone,'' or the ocean.
        Effluent limitations guidelines means a regulation published by 
    the Administrator under Section 304(b) of CWA to adopt or revise 
    ``effluent limitations.''
        EPA means the United States ``Environmental Protection Agency.''
        Grab Sample--An individual sample collected in a period of less 
    than 15 minutes.
        Hazardous Substance means any substance designated under 40 CFR 
    Part 116 pursuant to Section 311 of CWA.
        Maximum daily discharge limitation means the highest allowable 
    ``daily discharge.''
        Municipality means a city, town, borough, county, parish, 
    district, association, or other public body created by of under 
    State law and having jurisdiction over disposal or sewage, 
    industrial wastes, or other wastes, or an Indian tribe or an 
    authorized Indian tribe organization, or a designated and approved 
    management agency under section 208 of CWA.
        National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System means the 
    national program for issuing, modifying, revoking and reissuing, 
    terminating, monitoring and enforcing permits, and imposing and 
    enforcing pretreatment requirements, under sections 307, 402, 318, 
    and 405 of CWA. The term includes an ``approved program.''
        New discharger means any building, structure, facility, or 
        (a) From which there is or may be a ``discharge of pollutants'';
        (b) That did not commence the ``discharge of pollutants'' at a 
    particular ``site'' prior to August 13, 1979;
        (c) Which is not a ``new source''; and
        (d) Which has never received a finally effective NPDES permit 
    for discharges at that ``site''.
        This definition includes an ``indirect discharger'' which 
    commences discharging into ``waters of the United States'' after 
    August 13, 1979. It also includes any existing mobile point source 
    (other than an offshore or coastal oil and gas exploratory drilling 
    rig or a coastal oil and gas developmental drilling rig) such as a 
    seafood processing rig, seafood processing vessel, or aggregate 
    plant, that begins discharging at a ``site'' for which it does not 
    have a permit; and any offshore or coastal mobile oil and gas 
    exploratory drilling rig or coastal mobile oil and gas developmental 
    drilling rig that commences the discharge of pollutants after August 
    13, 1979, at a ``site'' under EPA's permitting jurisdiction for 
    which it is not covered by an individual or general permit and which 
    is located in an area determined by the Regional Administrator in 
    the issuance of a final permit to be an area of biological concern. 
    In determining whether an area is an area of biological concern, the 
    Regional Administrator shall consider the factors specified in 40 
    CFR 125.122(a) (1) through (10).
        An offshore or coastal mobile exploratory drilling rig or 
    coastal mobile developmental drilling rig will be considered a ``new 
    discharger'' only for the duration of its discharge in an area of 
    biological concern.
        New source means any building, structure, facility, or 
    installation from which there is or may be a ``discharge of 
    pollutants,'' the construction of which commenced:
        (a) After promulgation of standards of performance under Section 
    306 of CWA which are applicable to such.
        (b) After proposal of standards of performance in accordance 
    with Section 306 of CWA which are applicable to such source, but 
    only if the standards are promulgated in accordance with Section 306 
    within 120 days of their proposal.
        NPDES means ``National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.''
        Non-Contact Cooling Water is water used to reduce temperature 
    which does not come in direct contact with any raw material, 
    intermediate product, a waste product or finished product.
        Owner or operator means the owner or operator of any ``facility 
    or activity'' subject to regulation under the NPDES programs.
        Permit means an authorization, license, or equivalent control 
    document issued by EPA or an ``approved State.''
        Person means an individual, association, partnership, 
    corporation, municipality, State or Federal agency, or an agent or 
    employee thereof.
        Point source means any discernible, confined, and discrete 
    conveyance, including but not limited to any pipe, ditch, channel, 
    tunnel, conduit, well, discrete fissure, container, rolling stock, 
    concentrated animal feeding operation, vessel, or other floating 
    craft, from which pollutants are or may be discharged. This term 
    does not include return flows from irrigated agriculture.
        Pollutant means dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, 
    filter backwash, sewage, garbage, sewage sludge, munitions, chemical 
    wastes, biological materials, radioactive materials (except those 
    regulated under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (42 U.S.C. 
    2011 et seq.)), heat, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock, sand, 
    cellar dirt and industrial, municipal, and agricultural waste 
    discharged into water. It does not mean:
        (a) Sewage from vessels; or
        (b) Water, gas, or other material which is injected into a well 
    to facilitate production of oil or gas, or water derived in 
    association with oil and gas production and disposed of in a well, 
    if the well used either to facilitate production or for disposal 
    purposes is approved by authority of the State in which the well is 
    located, and if the State determines that the injection or disposal 
    will not result in the degradation of ground or surface water 
        Primary industry category means any industry category listed in 
    the NRDC settlement agreement (Natural Resources Defense Council et 
    al. v. Train, 8 E.R.C. 2120 (D.D.C. 1976), modified 12 E.R.C. 1833 
    (D.D.C. 1979)); also listed in appendix A of 40 CFR part 122.
        Process wastewater means any water which, during manufacturing 
    or processing, comes into direct contact with or results from the 
    production or use of any raw material, intermediate product, 
    finished product, byproduct, or waste product.
        Regional Administrator means the Regional Administrator, EPA, 
    Region I, Boston, Massachusetts.
        State means any of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, 
    Guam, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American 
    Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.
        Secondary Industry Category means any industry category which is 
    not a ``primary industry category.''
        Toxic pollutant means any pollutant listed as toxic in appendix 
    D of 40 CFR part 122, under Section 307(a)(1) of CWA.
        Uncontaminated storm water is precipitation to which no 
    pollutants have been added and has not come into direct contact with 
    any raw material, intermediate product, waste product or finished 
        Waters of the United States means:
        (a) All waters which are currently used, were used in the past, 
    or may be susceptible to use in interstate or foreign commerce, 
    including all waters which are subject to the ebb and flow of the 
        (b) All interstate waters, including interstate ``wetlands.''
        (c) All other waters such as intrastate lakes, rivers, streams 
    (including intermittent streams), mudflats, sandflats, ``wetlands,'' 
    sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, or natural 
    ponds the use, degradation, or destruction of which would affect or 
    could affect interstate or foreign commerce including any such 
        (1) Which are or could be used by interstate or foreign 
    travelers for recreational or other purposes;
        (2) From which fish or shellfish are or could be taken and sold 
    in interstate or foreign commerce; or
        (3) Which are used or could be used for industrial purposes by 
    industries in interstate commerce;
        (d) All impoundments of waters otherwise defined as waters of 
    the United States under this definition;
        (e) Tributaries of waters identified in paragraphs (a) (d) of 
    this definition;
        (f) The territorial sea; and
        (g) ``Wetlands'' adjacent to waters (other than waters that are 
    themselves wetlands) identified in paragraphs (a)-(f) of this 
        Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) means the aggregate toxic effect 
    of an effluent measured directly by a toxicity test. (See 
    abbreviations Section, following, for additional information).
        Wetlands means those areas that are inundated or saturated by 
    surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to 
    support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a 
    prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated 
    soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, 
    and similar areas.
        2. Abbreviations when used in this permit are defined below:
        cu. M/day or M3/day--cubic meters per day
        mg/l--milligrams per liter
        ug/l--micrograms per liter
        lbs/day--pounds per day
        kg/day--kilograms per day
        Temp.  deg.C--temperature in degrees Centigrade
        Temp.  deg.F--temperature in degrees Fahrenheit
        Turb.--turbidity measured by the Nephelometric Method (NTU)
        pH--a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration
        CFS--cubic feet per second
        MGD--million gallons per day
        Oil & Grease--Freon extractable material
        ml/l--milliliter(s) per liter
        Cl2--total residual chlorine
    [FR Doc. 94-18333 Filed 7-27-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Notice; Preparation of Draft General NPDES Permits--MAG640000, MEG640000, and NHG640000.
Document Number:
For comment period: Interested persons may submit comments on the draft general permits as part of the administrative record to the
0-0 (None pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: July 28, 1994, FRL-5016-6