95-18458. Medical Devices; Exemption From Premarket Notification for Certain Classified Devices  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 145 (Friday, July 28, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 38896-38900]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-18458]
    [[Page 38895]]
    Part II
    Department of Health and Human Services
    Food and Drug Administration
    21 CFR Part 862 et al.
    Medical Devices: Class I and Class II Generic Devices; Premarket 
    Notification Exemptions; Final Rule and Proposed Rules
    Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 145 / Friday, July 28, 1995 / Rules 
    and Regulations 
    [[Page 38896]]
    Food and Drug Administration
    21 CFR Parts 862 and 872
    [Docket No. 94M-0260]
    Medical Devices; Exemption From Premarket Notification for 
    Certain Classified Devices
    AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is exempting nine 
    generic types of class I devices from the requirement of premarket 
    notification. For the exempted devices, FDA has determined that 
    manufacturers' submissions of premarket notifications are unnecessary 
    for the protection of the public health and that the agency's review of 
    such submissions will not advance its public health mission. The 
    exemptions allow the agency to make better use of its resources and 
    thus better serve the public. Elsewhere in this issue of the Federal 
    Register, FDA is publishing a withdrawal of a proposed rule to grant 
    exemptions from premarket notification for seven other generic types of 
    class I devices. Also, the agency is proposing to exempt an additional 
    12 generic types of class I devices from the requirement of premarket 
    notification. These actions are being taken under the Medical Device 
    Amendments of 1976.
    DATES: Effective August 28, 1995. Beginning on August 28, 1995, all 
    device manufacturers who have 510(k) submissions pending FDA review for 
    devices falling within a generic category which is subject to this 
    rule, will receive a letter stating that the device is exempt from the 
    premarket notification requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and 
    Cosmetic Act.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa A. Rooney, Center for Devices and 
    Radiological Health (HFZ-84), Food and Drug Administration, 2094 
    Gaither Rd., Rockville, MD 20850, 301-594-4765, ext. 164.
    I. Background
        In the Federal Register of July 21, 1994 (59 FR 37378), FDA issued 
    a proposed rule to exempt 164 generic types of class I devices from the 
    requirement of premarket notification, with limitations. Interested 
    persons were given until October 19, 1994, to comment on the proposed 
        During the comment period, FDA received comments that questioned 
    the appropriateness of the proposed exemptions for a small number of 
    the devices. FDA also received comments requesting the agency to exempt 
    56 additional generic types of devices. Furthermore, during this time, 
    FDA reconsidered the appropriateness or scope of the proposed 
    exemptions for several devices included in the proposed rule. In the 
    Federal Register of December 7, 1994 (59 FR 63005), FDA issued a final 
    rule exempting from the requirement of premarket notification 148 of 
    the 164 generic types of class I devices included in the July 21, 1994, 
    proposed rule. In the preamble to the final rule, the agency stated 
    that, in a future Federal Register notice, it would address the 
    requests concerning the 56 additional devices and that it was deferring 
    action on the following 16 devices in order to review the comments 
    received and to reevaluate whether certain of the devices should be 
    exempted from the requirement of premarket notification. (See Table 1).
                                     Table 1                                
                   21 CFR                               Device              
    862.2270...........................  Thin-layer chromatography system   
                                          for clinical use.                 
    862.2310...........................  Clinical sample concentrator.      
    862.2320...........................  Beta or gamma counter for clinical 
    862.2485...........................  Electrophoresis apparatus for      
                                          clinical use.                     
    862.2720...........................  Plasma oncometer for clinical use. 
    862.2800...........................  Refractometer for clinical use.    
    862.2920...........................  Plasma viscometer for clinical use.
    864.2280...........................  Cultured animal and human cells.   
    866.5570...........................  Lactoferrin immunological test     
    868.5620...........................  Breathing mouthpiece.              
    868.5675...........................  Rebreathing device.                
    868.5700...........................  Nonpowered oxygen tent.            
    872.3740...........................  Retentive and splinting pin.       
    872.3810...........................  Root canal post.                   
    872.6100...........................  Anesthetic warmer.                 
    886.5850...........................  Sunglasses (nonprescription).      
        After careful review of the comments and reconsideration of the 
    appropriateness or scope of the proposed exemptions for these devices, 
    the agency has concluded that for 9 of the 16 generic types of class I 
    devices listed in Table 1, manufacturers' submissions of premarket 
    notifications are unnecessary for the protection of the public health 
    and that the agency's review of such submissions will not advance its 
    public health mission. These nine devices are listed in Table 2.
                                     Table 2                                
                   21 CFR                               Device              
    862.2310...........................  Clinical sample concentrator.      
    862.2320...........................  Beta or gamma counter for clinical 
                      862.2485.........  Electrophoresis apparatus for      
                                          clinical use.                     
    862.2720...........................  Plasma oncometer for clinical use. 
    862.2800...........................  Refractometer for clinical use.    
    862.2920...........................  Plasma viscometer for clinical use.
    872.3740...........................  Retentive and splinting pin.       
    872.3810...........................  Root canal post.                   
    872.6100...........................  Anesthetic warmer.                 
        FDA, upon reconsideration, has determined not to grant the proposed 
    exemptions for the following seven devices. (See Table 3).
                                     Table 3                                
                   21 CFR                               Device              
    862.2270...........................  Thin-layer chromatography system   
                                          for clinical use.                 
    864.2280...........................  Cultured animal and human cells.   
    866.5570...........................  Lactoferrin immunological test     
    868.5620...........................  Breathing mouthpiece.              
    868.5675...........................  Rebreathing device.                
    868.5700...........................  Nonpowered oxygen tent.            
    886.5850...........................  Sunglasses (nonprescription).      
        Elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register, FDA is publishing 
    a withdrawal of the proposed rule to grant exemptions from the 
    requirement of premarket notification for the seven devices listed 
    above. FDA's reasons for deciding not to exempt those seven devices are 
    given in that withdrawal document.
        Furthermore, after reviewing the comments requesting FDA to exempt 
    from the requirement of premarket notification 56 additional generic 
    types of devices, FDA has concluded that 33 of these 56 devices should 
    not be exempted from the requirement. As stated below in this document, 
    10 of these 56 devices, along with 2 additional class I devices, are 
    being proposed for premarket notification exemption elsewhere in this 
    issue of the Federal Register. Thirteen of the 56 devices already are 
    exempted from the requirement of premarket notification.
    II. Comments
        FDA received 10 comments from trade associations, manufacturer 
    associations, a dental firm, a consumer products manufacturer, a 
    company, and a law firm. A summary of the comments and the agency's 
    response to them is provided below.
    [[Page 38897]]
    A. Comments Addressing Specific Devices
        1. One comment opposed the proposed exemptions from the requirement 
    of premarket notification for the retentive and splinting pin 
    (Sec. 872.3740) and the root canal post (Sec. 872.3810). According to 
    this comment, premarket notification submissions are necessary to 
    ensure that the material used in these devices are biocompatable in 
    order to prevent toxicity and/or allergic reactions. The comment also 
    stated that, because teeth are delicate, these devices must be designed 
    so that no undue stress will be imparted upon the teeth. According to 
    this comment, exempting these devices from premarket notification would 
    result in substandard products being made available to dental 
    professionals. Another comment in favor of the exemption disagreed, 
    stating that it is the ``method of use and application'' of these 
    devices, not the design or materials used in them that is the 
    determining factor in the safe and effective use of these devices. 
    Moreover, according to this comment, data relating to these devices 
    demonstrate that these devices are well-known, established, safe, and 
        FDA has concluded that exempting these devices from the requirement 
    of premarket notification will not result in the marketing of 
    substandard devices. First, both devices have a long history of safe 
    use. Second, neither device has a history of adverse events. Third, 
    literature indicates little potential for any danger to public health. 
    Finally, the device identifications clearly describe the material 
    composition of these devices. If devices are made of materials other 
    than those described in the identification, they will be classified 
    into another generic type of device or remain in the same generic type 
    of device, but not be exempt from the requirements of premarket 
        2. A comment requested that the proposed exemption for 
    carboxymethylcellulose sodium and/or polyvinylmethylether maleic acid 
    calcium-sodium double salt denture adhesive (Sec. 872.3490) be expanded 
    to include other double salts of polyvinylmethylether maleic acid, 
    specifically salts involving those ions that achieve the same technical 
    effect as calcium and sodium, i.e., iron, magnesium, zinc, and 
        FDA disagrees with this comment. Although the comment refers to 
    carboxymethylcellulose sodium and/or polyvinylmethylether maleic acid 
    calcium-sodium double salt denture adhesive (Sec. 872.3490), a class I 
    device, the comment is actually requesting FDA to exempt another 
    classified dental adhesive device, polyvinylmethylether maleic 
    anhydride (PVM-MA), acid copolymer, and carboxymethylcellulose sodium 
    (NACMC) denture adhesive (Sec. 872.3500) which is a class III device.
        3. FDA received a comment requesting that an endolumina illuminated 
    bougie (EIB) device, a silicone elastomer coated fiberoptic bundle 
    designed to aid in the identification of the esophagus, rectum, 
    rectosigmoid, and other organs during surgical procedures, be added to 
    the list of class II, tier 1 devices to be proposed for exemption from 
    the requirement of premarket notification in a future issue of the 
    Federal Register.
        FDA disagrees with this comment. As stated in the July 21, 1994, 
    proposal, in early 1994, FDA's Office of Device Evaluation undertook a 
    risk assessment of all devices in order to ensure the proper allocation 
    of resources for the review process. Under this risk assessment, all 
    class I, class II, and class III devices were placed into one of three 
    tiers based upon the inherent risk associated with each device. Tier 3 
    devices include all first and second of a kind devices utilizing new 
    technology or having new intended uses(s), as well as other devices 
    determined by their inherent risk to require an intensive review. These 
    tier 3 devices require intensive scientific and labeling review by a 
    review team as well as advisory panel input. Tier 2 devices include 
    devices which require routine scientific and labeling review. This tier 
    encompasses the majority of 510(k)'s and select premarket approval 
    applications. Tier 1 devices include, among other things, devices which 
    have a minimal inherent risk and whose review focuses upon intended 
        FDA had found EIB to be substantially equivalent to both the 
    gastroenterology-urology fiberoptic retractor (Sec. 876.4530), a class 
    I device and the class I transilluminator (Sec. 886.1945). However, 
    upon further consideration, FDA now believes that EIB would have been 
    more appropriately classified under the fiberoptic light ureteral 
    catheter (Sec. 876.4020), a class II device, which is also a fiberoptic 
    bundle that emits light, but is inserted into the ureter to enable it 
    to be seen during lower abdominal or pelvic surgery. While the specific 
    indication statement for these two devices are different, their 
    intended uses are the same and, therefore, the devices are 
    substantially equivalent. Like the fiberoptic light ureteral catheter, 
    EIB is used with a high intensity light source, which could produce 
    heating and potential damage of body tissues. Concerns identified at 
    the time of classification of the fiberoptic light ureteral catheter 
    included thermal burns related to the amount of energy transmitted. For 
    this reason, FDA has placed the fiberoptic light ureteral catheter in 
    class II, tier 2. Additionally, endoscopes (which could have been 
    another predicate) and esophageal dilators (which include the 
    esophageal bougie) are also tier 2 devices. Furthermore, retaining the 
    EIB device in class II, tier 2 is justified because EIB is a one-of-a-
    kind device. FDA has not yet had sufficient experience with this device 
    to justify a tier 1 premarket review, i.e., a focused labeling review 
    for intended use/indications for use. For the reasons stated above, the 
    EIB device will remain a class II, tier 2 device.
    B. Comments Requesting FDA to Expand the Exemption from the Requirement 
    of Premarket Notification to Include an Additional 56 Devices
        4. A total of eight comments requested that the 56 devices listed 
    in Table 4 also be exempted from the requirement of premarket 
                                     Table 4                                
                   21 CFR                               Device              
    862.2230...........................  Chromatographic separation material
                                          for clinical use.                 
    862.2250...........................  Gas liquid chromatography system   
                                          for clinical use.                 
    866.2600...........................  Wood's fluorescent lamp.           
    868.1930...........................  Stethoscope head.                  
    872.3310...........................  Coating material for resin         
    872.3730...........................  Pantograph.                        
    872.3820...........................  Root canal filling resin.          
    872.4200...........................  Dental handpiece and accessories.  
    872.5470...........................  Orthodontic plastic bracket.       
    872.5500...........................  Extraoral orthodontic headgear.    
    872.6050...........................  Saliva absorber.                   
    872.6390...........................  Dental floss (including devices    
                                          made of any inert materials).     
    872.6770...........................  Cartridge syringe.                 
    874.1060...........................  Acoustic chamber for audiometric   
    874.4140...........................  Ear, nose, and throat bur.         
    874.4175...........................  Nasopharyngeal catheter.           
    874.4770...........................  Otoscope.                          
    874.5220...........................  Ear, nose, and throat drug         
                                          administration device.            
    874.5800...........................  External nasal splint.             
    876.4890...........................  Urological table and accessories   
                                          (manually powered).               
    876.5160...........................  Urological clamp for males.        
    876.5250...........................  Urine collector and accessories    
                                          (not connected to indwelling      
    878.4040...........................  Surgical apparel (except surgical  
                                          gowns and masks).                 
    878.4460...........................  Surgeon's gloves.                  
    880.5110...........................  Hydraulic adjustable hospital bed. 
    [[Page 38898]]
    880.5120...........................  Manual adjustable hospital bed.    
    880.5180...........................  Burn sheet.                        
    880.6250...........................  Patient examination glove.         
    880.6280...........................  Medical insole.                    
    880.6350...........................  Battery-powered medical examination
    880.6970...........................  Liquid crystal vein locator.       
    884.5150...........................  Nonpowered breast pump.            
    884.5425...........................  Scented or scented deodorized      
                                          menstrual pad.                    
    884.5435...........................  Unscented menstrual pad.           
    886.4370...........................  Keratome (AC powered).             
    888.5960...........................  Cast removal instrument (AC        
    892.1300...........................  Nuclear rectilinear scanner.       
    892.1320...........................  Nuclear uptake probe.              
    892.1330...........................  Nuclear whole body scanner.        
    892.1410...........................  Nuclear electrocardiograph         
    892.1610...........................  Diagnostic x-ray beam limiting     
    892.1620...........................  Cine or spot flourographic x-ray   
    892.1760...........................  Diagnostic x-ray tube housing      
    892.1770...........................  Diagnostic x-ray tube mount.       
    892.1830...........................  Radiographic patient cradle.       
    892.1850...........................  Radiographic film cassette.        
    892.1860...........................  Radiographic film/cassette changer.
    892.1880...........................  Wall-mounted radiographic cassette 
    892.1890...........................  Radiographic film illuminator.     
    892.1910...........................  Radiographic grid.                 
    892.1970...........................  Radiographic ECG/respirator        
    892.1980...........................  Radiologic table.                  
    892.5770...........................  Powered radiation therapy patient  
                                          support assembly.                 
    892.5780...........................  Light beam patient position        
    892.5930...........................  Therapeutic x-ray tube housing     
    892.6500...........................  Personnel protective shield.       
        FDA has concluded that 18 of the 56 devices listed in Table 4 are 
    not candidates for exemption from the requirement of premarket 
    notification because they are currently classified into class II and/or 
    class III. These devices are listed in Table 5.
                                     Table 5                                
                   21 CFR                               Device              
    872.3310...........................  Coating material for resin         
    872.3820...........................  Root canal filling resin.          
    872.5470...........................  Orthodontic plastic bracket.       
    872.5500...........................  Extraoral orthodontic headgear.    
    872.6770...........................  Cartridge syringe.                 
    884.5425...........................  Scented or scented deodorized      
                                          menstrual pad.                    
    892.1610...........................  Diagnostic x-ray beam limiting     
    892.1620...........................  Cine or spot flourographic x-ray   
    892.1760...........................  Diagnostic x-ray tube housing      
    892.1770...........................  Diagnostic x-ray tube mount.       
    892.1830...........................  Radiographic patient cradle.       
    892.1850...........................  Radiographic film cassette.        
    892.1860...........................  Radiographic film/cassette changer.
    892.1880...........................  Wall-mounted radiographic cassette 
    892.1980...........................  Radiologic table.                  
    892.5770...........................  Powered radiation therapy patient  
                                          support assembly.                 
    892.5780...........................  Light beam patient position        
    892.5930...........................  Therapeutic x-ray housing assembly.
        In accordance with section 513(e)(1) of the act (21 U.S.C. 
    360c(e)(1)), any interested person may petition FDA to reclassify a 
    device based on new information respecting such a device and to exempt 
    such a device from the requirement of premarket notification. The form 
    and content required for such a petition are set forth in 21 CFR 
    860.123. The request and reasons supporting the request for exemption 
    from the requirement of premarket notification should be included in 
    the supplemental data sheet. If a device is reclassified into class I, 
    FDA may also exempt the device from the requirement of premarket 
         Thirteen of the 56 devices listed in Table 4 have already been 
    exempted from premarket notification procedures on the dates listed 
    below. These devices are listed in Table 6.
                                     Table 6                                
                        Federal Register                                    
           Date             citation           21 CFR            Device     
    Nov. 9, 1982.....  47 FR 50823......  866.2600........  Wood's          
    June 12, 1989....  54 FR 25042......  868.1930........  Stethoscope     
    Aug. 12, 1987....  52 FR 30082......  872.3730........  Pantograph.     
    Apr. 5, 1989.....  54 FR 13828......  872.6050........  Saliva absorber.
    Dec. 7, 1994.....  59 FR 63005......  874.5220........  Ear, nose, and  
                                                             throat drug    
    Aug. 25, 1987....  52 FR 32110......  874.5800........  External nasal  
    June 12, 1989....  54 FR 25042......  876.4890........  Urological table
                                                             and accessories
    June 12, 1989....  54 FR 25042......  880.5110........  Hydraulic       
                                                             hospital bed.  
    June 12, 1989....  54 FR 25042......  880.5120........  Manual          
                                                             hospital bed.  
    Dec. 7, 1994.....  59 FR 63005......  880.5180........  Burn sheet.     
    June 12, 1989....  54 FR 25042......  880.6280........  Medical insole. 
    Oct. 21, 1980....  45 FR 69682......  880.6350........  Battery-powered 
    June 12, 1989....  54 FR 25042......  880.6970........  Liquid crystal  
                                                             vein locator.  
        Ten of the 56 devices listed in Table 4 are candidates for 
    exemption from the requirement of premarket notification. These 
    devices, which are listed in Table 7, along with the flotation cushion 
    (Sec. 890.3175) and the traction accessory (Sec. 890.5925), are being 
    proposed for premarket notification exemption elsewhere in today's 
    issue of the Federal Register.
                                     Table 7                                
                   21 CFR                               Device              
    862.2230...........................  Chromatographic separation material
                                          for clinical use.                 
    872.2230...........................  Dental floss (including devices    
                                          made of inert materials).         
    874.1060...........................  Acoustic chamber for audiometric   
    874.4140...........................  Ear, nose, and throat bur.         
    874.4175...........................  Nasopharyngeal catheter.           
    [[Page 38899]]
    874.4770...........................  Otoscope.                          
    884.5150...........................  Nonpowered breast pump.            
    884.5435...........................  Unscented menstrual pad.           
    888.5960...........................  Cast removal instrument (AC        
    892.6500...........................  Personnel protective shield.       
        For fifteen of the 56 devices listed in Table 8, FDA has concluded 
    that these devices are not candidates for exemption from premarket 
    notification procedures because they do not meet the criteria for 
    exemption which is set out below.
                                     Table 8                                
                   21 CFR                               Device              
    862.2250...........................  Gas liquid chromatography system   
                                          for clinical use.                 
    872.4200...........................  Dental handpiece and accessories.  
    876.5160...........................  Urological clamp for males.        
    876.5250...........................  Urine collector and accessories    
                                          (not connected to indwelling      
    878.4040...........................  Surgical apparel (except surgical  
                                          gowns and masks).                 
    878.4460...........................  Surgeon's gloves.                  
    880.6250...........................  Patient examination glove.         
    886.4370...........................  Keratome (AC powered).             
    892.1300...........................  Nuclear rectilinear scanner.       
    892.1320...........................  Nuclear uptake probe.              
    892.1330...........................  Nuclear whole body scanner.        
    892.1410...........................  Nuclear electrocardiograph         
    892.1890...........................  Radiographic film illuminator.     
    892.1910...........................  Radiographic grid.                 
    892.1970...........................  Radiographic ECG/respirator        
        As stated in the preamble of July 21, 1994, proposal, in order for 
    devices to be exempted from the requirement of premarket notification, 
    they must meet all of the following criteria: (1) The device does not 
    have a significant history of false or misleading claims; (2) the 
    device does not have a significant history of risk; (3) characteristics 
    of the device necessary for its safe and effective performance are well 
    established; (4) anticipated changes in the device that could affect 
    safety and effectiveness will either: (a) be readily detectable by 
    users by visual examination or other means or (b) not materially 
    increase the risk of injury, incorrect diagnosis, or ineffective 
    treatment; and (5) any changes in the device would not be likely to 
    result in a change in the device's classification.
        The gas liquid chromatography system for clinical use 
    (Sec. 862.2250); the urological clamp for males (Sec. 876.5160); and 
    the urine collector and accessories (Sec. 876.5250) are class I, tier 2 
    devices. As stated above, tier 2 devices require review of performance 
    data because characteristics of these devices necessary for their safe 
    and effective performance are not well established.
         Characteristics of the dental handpiece and accessories 
    (Sec. 872.4200) and the nuclear rectilinear scanner (Sec. 892.1300), 
    which are necessary for their safety and effective performance, are not 
    well established. Moreover, anticipated changes in the devices that 
    could affect safety and effectiveness are not readily detectable 
    visually or by routine testing and could materially increase the risk 
    of injury, incorrect diagnosis, or ineffective treatment.
        The keratome (Sec. 886.4370) is not a candidate for exemption from 
    premarket notification because anticipated changes that could affect 
    the safety and effectiveness of the device are not readily detectable 
    visually or by routine testing.
        Surgical apparel (except surgical gowns and masks (Sec. 878.4040)) 
    and surgeons's gloves (Sec. 878.4460) are not candidates for exemption 
    from premarket notification procedures because anticipated changes that 
    could affect safety and effectiveness are not readily detectable 
    visually or by routine testing and could materially increase the risk 
    of injury, namely the transmission of blood bourne pathogens.
        In the Federal Register of January 13, 1989 (53 FR 1604), the 
    exemptions from premarket notification and current good manufacturing 
    practices for patient examination gloves (Sec. 880.6250) were revoked 
    because of the importance of this device in preventing the transmission 
    between patients and health care workers of human immunodeficiency 
    virus (HIV) that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
         The nuclear uptake probe (Sec. 892.1320); the nuclear 
    electrocardiograph synchronizer (Sec. 892.1410); the nuclear whole body 
    scanner (Sec. 892.1330); the radiographic film illuminator 
    (Sec. 892.1890); the radiographic grid (Sec. 892.1910); and the 
    radiographic ECG/respirator synchronizer (Sec. 892.1970) are not 
    candidates for exemption from the requirement of premarket notification 
    because anticipated changes that could affect the devices' safety and 
    effectiveness are not readily detectable visually or by routine testing 
    and could materially increase the risk of injury, incorrect diagnosis, 
    or ineffective treatment.
    III. Environmental Impact
        The agency has determined under 21 CFR 25.24(e)(2) that this action 
    is of a type that does not individually or cumulatively have a 
    significant effect on the human environment. Therefore, neither an 
    environmental assessment nor an environmental impact statement is 
    IV. Analysis of Impact
        FDA has examined the impacts of the final rule under Executive 
    Order 12866 and the Regulatory Flexibility Act (Pub. L. 96-354). 
    Executive Order 12866 directs agencies to assess all costs and benefits 
    of available regulatory alternatives and, when regulation is necessary, 
    to select regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits (including 
    potential economic, environmental, public health and safety, and other 
    advantages; distributive impacts; and equity). The agency believes that 
    this final rule is consistent with the regulatory philosophy and 
    principles identified in the Executive Order. In addition, the final 
    rule is not a significant regulatory action as defined by the Executive 
    Order and so is not subject to review under the Executive Order.
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act requires agencies to analyze 
    regulatory options that would minimize any significant impact of a rule 
    on small entities. Because this final rule reduces a regulatory burden 
    by exempting manufacturers of devices subject to the final rule from 
    the requirement of premarket notification, the agency certifies that 
    the final rule will not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities. Therefore, under the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act, no further analysis is required.
    List of Subjects in 21 CFR Parts 862 and 872
        Medical devices.
        Therefore, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and under 
    authority delegated to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, 21 CFR parts 
    862 and 872 are amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 862 continues to read as 
        Authority: Secs. 501, 510, 513, 515, 520, 701 of the Federal 
    Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 351, 360, 360c, 360e, 360j, 
        2. Section 862.2310 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 
    Sec. 862.2310  Clinical sample concentrator.
     * * * * *
    [[Page 38900]]
        (b) Classification. Class I. The device is exempt from the 
    premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this 
        3. Section 862.2320 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 
    Sec. 862.2320  Beta or gamma counter for clinical use.
    * * * * *
        (b) Classification. Class I. The device is exempt from the 
    premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this 
        4. Section 862.2485 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 
    Sec. 862.2485  Electrophoresis apparatus for clinical use.
    * * * * *
        (b) Classification. Class I. The device is exempt from the 
    premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this 
        5. Section 862.2720 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 
    Sec. 862.2720  Plasma oncometer for clinical use.
    * * * * *
        (b) Classification. Class I. The device is exempt from the 
    premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this 
        6. Section 862.2800 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 
    Sec. 862.2800  Refractometer for clinical use.
    * * * * *
         (b) Classification. Class I. The device is exempt from the 
    premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this 
        7. Section 862.2920 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 
    Sec. 862.2920  Plasma viscometer for clinical use.
    * * * * *
         (b) Classification. Class I. The device is exempt from the 
    premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this 
        8. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 872 continues to read as 
         Authority: Secs. 501, 510, 513, 515, 520, 701 of the Federal 
    Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 351, 360, 360c, 360e, 360j, 
        9. Section 872.3740 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 
    Sec. 872.3740  Retentive and splinting pin.
    * * * * *
        (b) Classification. Class I. The device is exempt from the 
    premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this 
        10. Section 872.3810 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 872.3810  Root canal post.
    * * * * *
        (b) Classification. Class I. The device is exempt from the 
    premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this 
        11. Section 872.6100 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 872.6100  Anesthetic warmer.
    * * * * *
        (b) Classification. Class I. The device is exempt from the 
    premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this 
        Dated: July 18, 1995.
    William B. Schultz,
    Deputy Commissioner for Policy.
    [FR Doc. 95-18458 Filed 7-27-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4160-01-F

Document Information

Effective Date:
Food and Drug Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
Effective August 28, 1995. Beginning on August 28, 1995, all device manufacturers who have 510(k) submissions pending FDA review for devices falling within a generic category which is subject to this rule, will receive a letter stating that the device is exempt from the premarket notification requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
38896-38900 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 94M-0260
PDF File:
CFR: (9)
21 CFR 862.2310
21 CFR 862.2320
21 CFR 862.2485
21 CFR 862.2720
21 CFR 862.2800
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