Start Preamble
Start Printed Page 44240
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Since the amendments of October 1988, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) have required payment of an annual maintenance fee to keep pesticide registrations in effect. The fee due last January 15, 2010, has gone unpaid for 337 registrations. Section 4(i)(5)(G) of FIFRA provides that the EPA Administrator may cancel these registrations by order and without a hearing; orders to cancel all 337 of these registrations have been issued within the past few days.
A cancellation is effective on the date the cancellation order is signed.
John Jamula, Information Technology and Resources Management Division (7502P), Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460-0001; telephone number: (703) 305-6426; e-mail address: jamula.john@epa.gov.
End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental InformationSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
I. General Information
A. Does this Action Apply to Me?
This action is directed to the public in general. Although this action may be of particular interest to persons who produce or use pesticides, the Agency has not attempted to describe all the specific entities that may be affected by this action. If you have any questions regarding the information in this notice, consult the person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
B. How Can I Get Copies of this Document and Other Related Information?
EPA has established a docket for this action under docket identification (ID) number EPA-HQ-OPP-2010-0535. Publicly available docket materials are available either in the electronic docket at http://www.regulations.gov, or, if only available in hard copy, at the Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) Regulatory Public Docket in Rm. S-4400, One Potomac Yard (South Bldg.), 2777 S. Crystal Dr., Arlington, VA. The hours of operation of this Docket Facility are from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The Docket Facility telephone number is (703) 305-5805.
II. Background
Section 4(i)(5) of FIFRA, as amended in October 1988 (Public Law 100-532), December 1991 (Public Law 102-237), and again in August 1996 (Public Law 104-170), requires that all pesticide registrants pay an annual registration maintenance fee, due by January 15 of each year, to keep their registrations in effect. This requirement applies to all registrations granted under FIFRA section 3 as well as those granted under FIFRA section 24(c) to meet special local needs. Registrations for which the fee is not paid are subject to cancellation by order and without a hearing.
The Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act Amendments of 1991, Public Law 102-237, amended FIFRA to allow the EPA Administrator to reduce or waive maintenance fees for minor agricultural use pesticides when she determines that the fee would be likely to cause significant impact on the availability of the pesticide for the use. The Agency has waived the fee for 193 minor agricultural use registrations at the request of the registrants.
In fiscal year 2010, maintenance fees were collected in one billing cycle. The Pesticide Registration Improvement Renewal Act (PRIRA) was passed by Congress in October 2007. PRIRA authorized the Agency to collect 22 million dollars in maintenance fees in fiscal year 2010. In late November, 2009, all holders of either FIFRA section 3 registrations or FIFRA section 24(c) registrations were sent lists of their active registrations, along with forms and instructions for responding. They were asked to identify which of their registrations they wished to maintain in effect, and to calculate and remit the appropriate maintenance fees. Most responses were received by the statutory deadline of January 15. A notice of intent to cancel was sent in February, 2010 to companies who did not respond and to companies who responded, but paid for less than all of their registrations. Since mailing the notices of intent to cancel, EPA has maintained a toll-free inquiry number through which the questions of affected registrants have been answered.
Maintenance fees have been paid for about 16,377 FIFRA section 3 registrations, or about 97% of the registrations on file in December, 2009. Fees have been paid for about 2,301 FIFRA section 24(c) registrations, or about 95% of the total on file in December, 2009. Cancellations for non-payment of the maintenance fee affect about 309 FIFRA section 3 registrations and about 28 FIFRA section 24(c) registrations.
The cancellation orders generally permit registrants to continue to sell and distribute existing stocks of the cancelled products until January 15, 2011, one year after the date on which the fee was due. Existing stocks already in the hands of dealers or users, however, can generally be distributed, sold, or used legally until they are exhausted. Existing stocks are defined as those stocks of a registered pesticide product which are currently in the United States and which have been packaged, labeled, and released for shipment prior to the effective date of the cancellation order.
The exceptions to these general rules are cases where more stringent restrictions on sale, distribution, or use of the products have already been imposed, through special reviews or other Agency actions. These general provisions for disposition of stocks should serve in most cases to cushion the impact of these cancellations while the market adjusts.
III. Listing of Registrations Cancelled for Non-Payment
Table 1 of this unit lists all of the FIFRA section 24(c) registrations, and Table 2 of this unit lists all of the FIFRA section 3 registrations which were cancelled for non-payment of the 2010 maintenance fee. These registrations have been cancelled by order and without hearing. Cancellation orders were sent to affected registrants via certified mail in the past several days. The Agency is unlikely to rescind cancellation of any particular registration unless the cancellation resulted from Agency error.
Table 1.—FIFRA Section 24(c) Registrations Cancelled for Non-Payment of 2010 Maintenance Fee
SLN No. Product Name 001677 CA-00-0011 Oxy-15 079709 CA-09-0009 Methyl Bromide 100 059623 CA-77-0445 Gowan Malathion 8 036029 CA-79-0145 Wilco “gopher Getter” Restricted Use Bait 1.80% Start Printed Page 44241 068722 CA-94-0028 Roundup Export Herbicide 067858 FL-03-0012 Dylox 80 Turf and Ornamental Insecticide 035253 FL-88-0013 Soluble 97 Oil-455 054555 GA-03-0006 Dormex 002749 ID-05-0004 Sprout Nip Briquette 002749 ME-00-0004 CIPC 98a 000655 MN-03-0014 Prentox Synpren-Fish Toxicant 002749 MN-05-0007 Sprout Nip Briquette 082597 MS-09-0016 Prothor WP 002749 ND-05-0009 Sprout Nip Briquette 056576 NE-08-0003 Copper Sulfate Crystals 039924 NJ-02-0001 Universal Chemicals Sodium Hypochlorite 056228 NV-01-0006 Compound Drc-1339 98% Concentrate-Livestock Nest & Fodder Depredations 036029 NV-07-0008 Wilco Gopher Getter Restricted Use Bait 060217 OR-03-0023 Sprout Nip Emulsifiable Concentrate 002749 OR-06-0022 Spud NIC-3 EC 000655 PA-86-0009 Prentox Vapon 4e 072642 PR-04-0007 Elector 056228 TN-02-0001 Compound Drc-1339 Concentrate-Feedlots 056228 TN-02-0002 Compound Drc-1339 Concentrate-Staging Areas 084127 WA-07-0018 Ethoywrap 066158 WA-92-0026 Di-Syston 8 002749 WI-07-0003 Sprout Nip Briquette Table 2.—Section 3 Registrations Cancelled for 2010 Non-Payment of Maintenance Fee
Registration No. Product Name 000052-00063 West Sanikleen 000211-00063 Pro-Tech Disinfectant Cleaner 000278-00045 Cuprogen Swimming Pool Algaecide 000278-00063 Miami Liquid Chlorinating Disinfectant & Germicide 000303-00091 Hi-Tor Germicidal Detergent 000421-00434 #25 Quaternary Ammonium Cleaner-Disinfectant 000475-00337 Swish 000655-00013 Prentox Pyrethrum Powder 0.9% 000655-00133 Prentox Pyrethrum Powder 1.3% 000655-00322 Prentox Pyrethrum 1% 000655-00347 Prentox Pyronyl Dry Concentrate 000655-00479 Prentox Pco Pyrethrum Powder 0.9% 000655-00503 Co-Rax Concentrate Rp 000655-00787 Prentox Resmethrin Ec3 000675-00021 Amphyl Disinfectant Deodorant Detergent 000675-00026 Quatsyl 256 000675-00033 Vani-Sol Disinfectant Washroom Cleaner 000675-00034 Vani-Sol Per Diem 000675-00035 Vani Sol Bulk Disinfectant Washroom Cleaner 000675-00057 Formula GP 000777-00027 Lysol Brand Disinfectant Aerosol Foam Deodorizing Cleaner 000777-00029 Lysol Liquid Disinfectant Toilet Bowl Cleaner 000777-00051 Lysol Brand Disinfectant Bathroom Cleaner for Basin Tub & Tile 000777-00058 Lysol Brand Scouring Cream 000777-00060 Lysol Brand Pine Action 000777-00063 Lysol Brand Disinfectant Cling Thick Liquid Toilet Bowl Cleaner 000777-00064 Lysol Brand Laundry Sanitizer (No Phosphate) 000777-00065 Lysol Brand Disinfectant Foam Power Heavy Duty Bathroom Cleaner 000777-00067 Lysol Brand Bathroom Touch-Ups Disinfectant Cleaning Wipes 000777-00069 Extra Care Laundry Detergent 000777-00072 Biosol 000777-00073 Lysol Brand Disinfectant Trigger Spray 000777-00075 Barrage Pine Action Cleaner 000777-00076 QU-SOL Brand Disinfectant Start Printed Page 44242 000777-00077 Lysol Brand Disinfectant Basin, Tub, & Tile Cleaner Pre-Moistened Wipe 000777-00078 Lysol Brand Disinfectant Multi-Purpose Cleaner 000777-00079 Lysol Brand Disinfectant Pine Scent Basin Tub & Tile Cleaner 000777-00086 Lysol Brand Hard Water Stain Cleaner 000777-00095 Rb102 (crisp Linen Lysol Disinfectant Pump) 000777-00096 Biosol 001124-00077 Franklin Sani-Turge 256 001124-00102 Franklin AQ+ 001278-00005 Triangle Brand Copper Sulfate Instant Powder 001278-00008 Triangle Brand Copper Sulfate Crystal 001459-00044 Bullen Vegetation Killer 001459-00055 Vegetation Killer 001459-00101 Ready-To-Use Bathroom Cleaner and Disinfectant 001475-00146 ENOZ Skat! 001543-00011 Absorbine Supershield 001543-00013 Absorbine Ultrashield Brand Residual Insecticide & Repellent Towelette 001677-00019 Mikro-Chlor 001677-00096 Q-Quat II 001677-00109 Nomold 001677-00111 Ecolab Pyrethrin Spray 001677-00112 Entrol 001677-00130 Solid Sani-Glide 001677-00148 Quorum Clear/claro 001677-00157 Solid Choice Plus 001677-00159 TX-8848 001677-00190 Coolingcare 2915 001677-00203 Oxysept LDI 001677-00210 Midland 655 001677-00217 Ld Base Concentrate 001677-00218 SD-2 001677-00220 Sanova GPD Concentrate 001677-00221 Dairyglide AM 001677-00222 Sanova 335 001719-00024 BLP Jack Tar Marine Finishes Vinyl Anti-Fouling 473-73 001719-00034 Jack Tar Vinyl Antifouling Blue 473-33 001719-00038 ZIN-TOX 202 Water Based Wood Preservative 001769-00373 Danco Concentrate 001965-00055 Vancide Th 002230-00016 Xtra 002800-00058 Humco Copper Sulfate Crystals 002915-00065 Industrial Insect Spray III 003095-00067 Pic Roach Control Paste 003095-00071 Pic Ant Killer Gel 004170-00036 Forest 5 004170-00056 Scorch Plus Rtu Vegetation Killer 004170-00058 Scorch Plus 1021 004482-00013 Guard All Pine Odor Disinfectant Cleaner 004482-00019 Mintrol 004987-00005 Young's Rabon 7.76 Oral Larvicide Premix 005389-00009 Kay Quaternary Sanitizer 005389-00021 Chlorsan 005602-00209 Hub States CIK 007056-00020 Chem Spray Bug Ban Insect Repellent Spray 007056-00099 CSA Household Flying Insect Killer #1 007056-00162 CSA WB Total Release Fogger #1 007056-00180 CSA Aerosol Insecticide Formula Seven 007056-00185 IQ Multipurpose House &Garden Spray 007424-00001 Jasco Green Termin-8 Wood Preservative 007537-00002 Hobby's Ready To Use Rat and Mouse Bait 007779-00022 Houghton Wb-207 008155-00008 Husky Creme Cleanser 008155-00009 High Fragrance Husky 802 *h/f Disinfectant Cleaner 008383-00004 Sporicidin Brand Disinfectant Spray 008709-00009 Pond Care Dimilin 008730-00061 Disrupt Ofm 008730-00063 Hercon Disrupt CM-Xtra 008730-00064 Hercon Disrupt DFTM 008730-00066 Hercon Disrupt Micro-Flake Ofm 008730-00067 Disrupt Micro-Flake Wpsb 009152-00019 Shur-San 009608-00005 Termite Prufe Ready To Use 009630-00011 M-Gard W510 Start Printed Page 44243 010190-00013 Penetize 011011-00002 Esbro-Chlor 012455-00039 Quintox Rat and Mouse Bait 012455-00057 Quintox Mouse Seed 012455-00077 Warfarin Rat and Mouse Bait Ready To Use Place Pacs 012455-00109 Hawk All-Weather Bait Chunx AG 012455-00110 Hawk Rodenticide AG 012455-00111 Jaguar Rodenticide AG 012455-00112 Hawk All-Weather Rodent Block AG 012455-00113 Jaguar All Weather Bait Chunx AG 012455-00114 Hawk Rodenticide Rtu Place Pac AG 012455-00115 Jaguar Rodenticide Place Pacs AG 015142-00001 Fly-Curb Insecticide Spray for Horses 025026-00006 Insectaway Multi-Purpose Insecticide II 030573-00002 Pyrellin E.C. 032977-00001 Sterisol Germicide 033161-00019 F-50 Fogging Compound 033658-00025 Napropamide 80 MUP 034052-00003 Sani Clean One-Step 034052-00011 Bear-Cat 20 Plus 034688-00082 Aquatreat DNM-80 034688-00083 Aquatreat Dcd 036404-00001 Nissin Niclon-70-Granular 036404-00002 Calcium Hypochlorite Granular "star-Chlon" 036638-00032 Nomate LRX MEC 038083-00001 Myris-100 039272-00011 Wepak Pine Disinfectant 039444-00008 Micropur Mfl 039578-00001 Finacide 039578-00002 Finacide IPC 039578-00003 Finacide Lq 039924-20001 Universal Chemicals Sodium Hypochlorite 042177-00022 Olympic Universal Chlorinator Cartridge 042964-00005 A-33 042964-00014 Omega 042964-00016 Aquinoc 042964-00025 A-33 Dry 042964-00030 A-428-N 044392-00001 MBC 115 044616-00022 Temephos Technical 045220-00009 Diatom Dust Insect Powder 045458-00019 Maintain Pool Pro Concentrated Stabilized Pool Chlorinating Sticks 046579-00010 Resmethrin Ulv 3-9 Multipurpose Spray 046579-00011 Resmethrin 5-1.5 Contact and Space Spray 046579-00012 Resmethrin ULV 3 Multipurpose Spray 047550-00001 Elite Flea and Tick Shampoo 048668-00013 Ppp Flea &Tick Mousse II 049403-00002 Nipacide Bcp 049403-00003 Nipacide BCP Solution 049403-00019 Nipacide Pcmc 049403-00021 Nipacide OPP 049403-00024 Nipacide CI 049403-00035 Nipacide C40 050404-00011 Cic Residual Insecticide No.2 052287-00013 Weed-Free One Eleven 053575-00023 Isomate-Lptb Pheromone 053575-00027 Isomate-Gbm Plus 053842-00005 Coastal 781 055392-00004 Rabon Mineral Block for Cattle and Horses 058300-00017 Sanicide Pro-2 058618-00001 Chlorine Liquefied Gas Under Pressure 059807-00009 Marathon II 059807-00010 Sextant 50 Wp Fungicide 059825-00004 CX 1078 061181-00001 Multi-Wash 061181-00002 Multi-Wash Mini 062401-00006 Nordico Kitchen Cleaning and Disinfectant Wipes 062575-00010 Global Technical Suffa 062575-00013 Gilmectin 2.0% EC 063838-00007 Bcdmh Granules 064864-00059 Shield DPA 31% 064898-00004 Rout 065009-00001 Sodium Hypochlorite 065864-00002 Safe-T Green 18 Turf Fungicide/nematicide 066551-00006 Buzz Away Insect Repellent Towelettes 066887-00005 LA Chemchlor (manufacturing Use Only) 068186-00002 E-Rase Ready-To-Use Start Printed Page 44244 068329-00001 Alpha 133 069191-20001 Synchlor 12.5% Sodium Hypochlorite Solution 069361-00014 Triclopyr Technical 069361-00015 Triclopyr 3 Herbicide 069361-00016 Triclopyr Butoxy Ethyl Ester 069361-00024 Relief Herbicide 069361-00025 Eliminator Herbicide 069834-00012 Messenger 069834-00013 Messenger Seed Treatment 070126-00001 Organic Resources Multipurpose Insecticide 070191-00001 Organica Neem Oil Insecticidal Soap Concentrate 070191-00002 Organica Ready-To-Use K+neem Insecticidal Soap 070252-00009 Nations Ag Technical Mefenoxam 070252-00010 Mefenoxam 2E 070252-00011 Mefenoxam 2l 070404-00010 Hygate 4000 070728-00001 Promote Tm Prochek Gp99.5 L 070799-00007 State Formula 400 Parch 070845-00001 Environ 4h2o 070909-00004 The Dragonfly Carbon Dioxide Canister 071272-00001 Technical Silver 071645-00003 Zinc Oxide 071771-00004 Messenger Seed Treatment 071986-00001 XT-2000 Orange Oil 072112-00007 Prokoz 008 072112-00008 Prokoz 009 072112-00009 Prokoz 010 072112-00010 Prokoz 011 072315-00002 Sodium Hypochlorite-5 072315-00003 Sodium Hypochlorite 7 072500-00010 Kaput-D Wax Blocks with Diphacinone 072639-00001 LT Biosyn, Inc. Technical 3-Indolebutyric Acid 072639-00003 Lt Biosyn 6-Benzylaminopurine Technical 072639-00004 Kinetin Technical 072639-00005 LT Biosyn Technical Gibberellic Acid (GA3) 072639-00006 Gibberellin A4+7 Technical 072642-00006 Elector Loose Mineral Mix 072680-00001 Vine-X 072852-00001 Electrolite 25 072852-00002 Electrolite 31 072898-00002 Virosoft CP4 072947-00001 Egisprene Insect Growth Regulator 073073-00001 Klor-San 073637-00003 Sutan + 6.7-E Selective Herbicide 073637-00004 Sutan Technical 073825-00001 Ecozap Wasp & Hornet Insecticide 073825-00002 Ecozap Crawling and Flying Insecticide 073873-00003 Anti-Growth 073912-00002 ANTX 75 073912-00003 Roach X Paste 074412-00001 Trident 51 074530-00005 Glyphosate Pro Herbicide 074530-00012 Helosate Aq 074530-00013 Helosate Ex Herbicide 074530-00027 Helm Propanil4 074530-00031 Kendo EC Insecticide 074530-00035 Kendo Insecticide 074621-00003 Bug Stomper Spray &Wipe for Horses 074627-00005 Zeocide Ag 075512-00002 Ebiox Trukleen Spray 075512-00003 Ebiox Trukleen Concentrate 075801-00007 Envirotech WP 075801-00008 Stump Guard 075832-00001 Fprl Acc 50 Wood Preservative 079755-00003 F10SC Veterinary Disinfectant 081038-00001 Skeet-Daddle Fogging Insecticide 081206-00001 Oculus Microcyn Sanitizer 082052-00005 Greenmatch Burndown Herbicide 082133-00001 Bkl Laminate 082493-00001 Glyphosate Technical 082493-00002 Glygran Wdg 082542-00006 Ethofumesate 43 Sc Herbicide 082542-00007 Oxyfluoren Technical 082542-00010 Metsulfuron-Methyl 60df 082542-00013 Oxyfluorfen 4 SC Herbicide 082542-00017 Imidacloprid 75% Wdg Insecticide 082542-00018 Imidacloprid 75% Wdg Termiticide 082542-00021 Technical Metsulfuron-Methyl Start Printed Page 44245 082633-00009 Sharda Nicosulfuron Technical Herbicide 082706-00001 Agro-Guard Z 082723-00001 Big 6 Plus 082757-00006 TCS Growstar Atrazine 1.38% + Fertilizer 082971-00001 Bluewater 083028-00006 NCA Biotech, Inc. GA3 4% 083028-00009 Rootgro 083028-00011 Nca Goldengro R 083028-00012 Nca Megagro L 083028-00014 NCA GA3 20% 083070-00003 Enforce 1.47% Fl 083070-00006 Imidacloprid 2 Flowable Mup 083070-00007 Enforce 0.2g 083103-00005 Hdh Vinegar 20 083222-00016 Tebucure 3.6F Fungicide 083424-00001 Moth-Be-Gone Moth Balls 1 083424-00003 Moth Avoid Mosture Absorbing Moth Ball Sachet 083487-00001 Uncle Albert's Super Smart Ant Bait 083529-00010 Nicosulfuron 75 WDG 083529-00017 Nicosh 4sc 083857-00002 X-Mold! 083884-00005 Mitin FF High Conc. 083918-00001 Genchlor 150 083918-00002 Genchlor 100 083918-00003 Genchlor 60 083979-00004 Rotam MEP 4.2% 083979-00005 Rotam Bifen 7.9% 084127-00001 Ethoywrap 084224-00001 Eckroat Gopher Getter Bait 084229-00004 Technical Abamectin 084557-00001 TPTH Technical Fungicide 084684-00001 Canopy 084708-00001 Green Dragon Roach Kill 084836-00001 Regatta 80wp Agricultural Herbicide 084836-00002 Regatta 80wp Ornamental Herbicide 084836-00003 Regatta 75wg Agricultural Herbicide 084836-00004 Regatta 75wg Ornamental Herbicide 084836-00005 Regatta 2g Ornamental Herbicide 084836-00006 Regatta Ornamental Herbicide 084836-00007 Regatta 10g Herbicide 084930-00008 Arc-Nico 75 WG 084930-00012 Arc-Lamcy 085131-00001 Tribenuron Methyl Technical 085131-00002 Thilfensulfuron-Methyl Technical 085607-00002 Reddick Bro-Mean C-2r 085607-00003 Reddick Bro-Mean C-33 085607-00004 Reddick Bro-Mean C-O 085719-00001 Super-Chlor IV. Provisions for Disposition of Existing Stocks
The effective date of cancellation will be the date of the cancellation order. The orders effecting these requested cancellations will generally permit a registrant to sell or distribute existing stocks until January 15, 2011, one year after the date on which the fee was due.
Existing stocks are those stocks of registered pesticide products which are currently in the United States and which have been packaged, labeled, and released for shipment prior to the effective date of the cancellation order. Unless the provisions of an earlier order apply, existing stocks already in the hands of dealers or users can be distributed, sold, or used legally until they are exhausted, provided that such further sale and use comply with the EPA-approved label and labeling of the affected product. Exception to these general rules will be made in specific cases when more stringent restrictions on sale, distribution, or use of the products or their ingredients have already been imposed, as in a special review action, or where the Agency has identified significant potential risk concerns associated with a particular chemical.
V. Docket
Complete lists of registrations cancelled for non-payment of the maintenance fee will also be available for reference during normal business hours in the OPP Regulatory Public Docket, Rm. S-4400, One Potomac Yard (South Bldg.), 2777 S. Crystal Dr., Arlington, VA. Product-specific status inquiries may be made by calling toll-free, 1-800-444-7255.
Start List of SubjectsList of Subjects
- Environmental protection
- Administrative practice and procedure
- Pesticides and pests
Dated: July 15, 2010.
Steven Bradbury,
Director, Office of Pesticide Programs.
[FR Doc. 2010-18092 Filed 7-27-10; 8:45 am]
Document Information
- Comments Received:
- Published:
- 07/28/2010
- Department:
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Entry Type:
- Notice
- Action:
- Notice.
- Document Number:
- 2010-18092
- Dates:
- A cancellation is effective on the date the cancellation order is signed.
- Pages:
- 44240-44245 (6 pages)
- Docket Numbers:
- EPA-HQ-OPP-2010-0535, FRL-8835-2
- PDF File:
- 2010-18092.pdf