98-20280. Taking and Importing of Marine Mammals; Offshore Seismic Activities in the Beaufort Sea  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 145 (Wednesday, July 29, 1998)]
    [Pages 40505-40512]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-20280]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    Taking and Importing of Marine Mammals; Offshore Seismic 
    Activities in the Beaufort Sea
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Notice of issuance of an incidental harassment authorization.
    SUMMARY: In accordance with provisions of the Marine Mammal Protection 
    Act (MMPA) as amended, notification is hereby given that an Incidental 
    Harassment Authorization (IHA) to take small numbers of bowhead whales 
    and other marine mammals by harassment incidental to conducting seismic 
    surveys in the Western Beaufort Sea in state and federal waters has 
    been issued to Western Geophysical/Western Atlas International of 
    Houston, Texas (Western Geophysical).
    DATES: Effective from July 23, 1998, until November 1, 1998, unless 
    ADDRESSES: The application, authorization, monitoring plan, 
    environmental assessment (EA), and a list of references used in this 
    document are available by writing to the Chief, Marine Mammal Division, 
    Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver 
    Spring, MD 20910-3225, or by telephoning one of the contacts listed 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kenneth R. Hollingshead, Office of 
    Protected Resources, NMFS, (301) 713-2055, Brad Smith, Western Alaska 
    Field Office, NMFS, (907) 271-5006.
         Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.) 
    directs the Secretary of Commerce (Secretary) to allow, upon request, 
    the incidental, but not intentional, taking of marine mammals by U.S. 
    citizens who engage in a specified activity (other than commercial 
    fishing) within a specified geographical region if certain findings are 
    made and either regulations are issued or, if the taking is limited to 
    harassment, a notice of a proposed authorization is provided to the 
    public for review.
        Permission may be granted if NMFS finds that the taking will have a 
    negligible impact on the species or stock(s) and will not have an 
    unmitigable adverse impact on the availability of the species or 
    stock(s) for subsistence uses and that the permissible methods of 
    taking and requirements pertaining to the monitoring and reporting of 
    such taking are set forth.
        On April 10, 1996 (61 FR 15884), NMFS published an interim rule 
    establishing, among other things, procedures for issuing incidental 
    harassment authorizations under section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA in 
    Arctic waters. For additional information on the procedures to be 
    followed for this authorization, please refer to that document.
    Summary of Request
        On April 15, 1998, NMFS received an application from Western 
    Geophysical requesting an authorization for the harassment of small 
    numbers of several species of marine mammals incidental to conducting 
    seismic surveys during the open water season in the Beaufort Sea 
    between Harrison Bay and Flaxman Island, AK. Weather 
    permitting, the survey is expected to take place from middle- to late-
    July and to extend until approximately October 20, 1998.
        Disturbance by seismic noise is the principal means of taking by 
    this activity. Support vessels and aircraft will provide a secondary 
    source of noise. The physical presence of vessels and aircraft could 
    also lead to non-acoustic effects involving visual or other cues.
        Seismic surveys are used to obtain data about formations several 
    thousands of feet deep. The proposed seismic operation is an ocean 
    bottom cable (OBC) survey. OBC surveys involve dropping cables from a 
    ship to the ocean bottom, forming a patch consisting of four parallel 
    cables 10 kilometers (km) (6.2 mi) long, separated 750 m (2,500 ft) 
    from each other. Sensors (hydrophones and geophones) are attached to 
    the cables. These hydrophones are used to detect seismic energy 
    reflected back from underground rock strata. The original source of 
    this energy is a submerged acoustic source, called a seismic airgun 
    array, that releases compressed air into the water, creating an 
    acoustical energy pulse that is directed downward toward the seabed. 
    The source level planned for this project - a maximum of 249 dB re 1 
    Pa-m (27.2
    [[Page 40506]]
    bar-meters; zero to peak) or 255 dB re 1 Pa-m (53 bar-meters; 
    peak-to-peak (p-p)) from a 1,500 in3 array of airguns is in 
    the lower to middle portion of the range of source levels commonly used 
    for seismic operations with airgun arrays (Richardson et al., 1995). 
    Normally, 36 seismic lines are run for each patch, covering an area 6.0 
    km by 17.5 km (3.7 mi by 10.87 mi), centered over the patch. The source 
    lines for one patch will normally overlap with those for adjacent 
        After sufficient data have been recorded to allow accurate mapping 
    of the rock strata, the cable is lifted onto the deck of a cable-
    retrieval vessel, moved to a new location (ranging from several hundred 
    to a few thousand feet away), and placed onto the seabed again. A 
    detailed description of the work proposed for 1998 is contained in the 
    application (Western Geophysical, 1998) and is available upon request 
    (see ADDRESSES).
    Comments and Responses
        A notice of receipt of the application and proposed authorization 
    was published on May 20, 1998 (63 FR 27709), and a 30-day public 
    comment period was provided on the application and proposed 
    authorization. During the comment period, comments regarding this 
    application (and/or on a related application from BP Exploration 
    (Alaska) (BPXA)), were received from the Marine Mammal Commission 
    (MMC), the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission (AEWC), LGL Ltd. 
    environmental research associates on behalf of the applicant, and 
    Greenpeace Alaska (Greenpeace). Information on the activity and 
    authorization request that are not subject to reviewer comments can be 
    found in the proposed authorization notice and is not repeated here.
    General Concerns
        Comment 1: LGL Ltd provided information updating and correcting the 
    Federal Register notice that (1) Western Geophysical's cables include 
    both hydrophones and geophones, not just hydrophones, and (2) Western 
    Geophysical's airguns discharge once every 16 to 24 seconds, not 1 
    second in duration every 5 to 12 seconds. These pulses are much less 
    than 1 second in duration near the source, increasing to as much as 1 
    second in duration as received in the water at long horizontal 
        Response: Thank you for providing this information.
        Comment 2: On July 1, 1998, Western Geophysical submitted a letter 
    to NMFS outlining modifications to its May 20, 1998, application. That 
    letter noted that Western Geophysical's activity would be amended by 
    the addition of shallow water cable equipment and the inclusion of a 
    shallow water acoustic source. The shallow water equipment would be 
    used in locations and times when the OBC system was not usable. The two 
    sources would not be used simultaneously.
        Response: NMFS has reviewed this letter and determined that, 
    because the shallow water source is smaller (560 in3 ) than 
    either the 750 in3 or the 1500 in3 seismic 
    array, and would not be used simultaneously with the larger 
    sources, there will not be a cumulative effect. This modification is 
    not considered significant. The IHA will ensure that the two sources 
    are not used simultaneously and will require sound transmission 
    measurements be made of both sources to ensure that the designated 
    safety zones are conservative.
    Marine Mammal Impact Concerns
        Comment 3: Greenpeace contends that NMFS, Western Geophysical and, 
    BPXA, the second applicant, rely on outdated, incomplete, and 
    inaccurate information concerning the zone of influence for seismic 
    operations on bowhead whales. Greenpeace believes that NMFS fails to 
    respect or incorporate either the traditional knowledge (TK) of local 
    whalers presented at various hearings or the results of the 1997 aerial 
    surveys, both of which indicate a seismic zone of influence greater 
    than the 7.5 km (4.5 mi) used by NMFS. The AEWC believes the data 
    clearly shows that bowheads are displaced and deflected at least 20 km 
    (12 miles) by the noise of the seismic vessel when operating.
        Response: Western Geophysical's application and the notice of 
    proposed authorization note that, in addition to the known responses 
    out to a distance of several kilometers, less conspicuous and/or less 
    frequent effects may extend to greater distances. Since the application 
    was submitted, a draft final report describing BPXA's combined 1996 and 
    1997 monitoring results (Richardson [ed.], 1998) has been completed. 
    That report shows that (1) BPXA's 1996 and 1997 seismic programs did 
    not greatly influence the position of the overall migration corridor; 
    (2) although the aerial surveys showed at least partial avoidance of 
    the area within 20 km (12 mi) of seismic operations, the 20 km (12 mi) 
    figure is a very imprecise estimate of potential avoidance radius; and 
    (3) the pattern of bowhead call detection rates at various locations 
    north and east of the 1996 area of seismic operations has suggested 
    that migrating bowheads either called less often when near active 
    seismic vessel, or tended to divert away from that area, or both. For 
    additional information on the estimated zones that seismic airguns have 
    on bowhead whales, please refer to the proposed authorization notice 
    mentioned in this document.
        It is recognized that it is difficult (for scientists at least) to 
    determine the maximum distance at which reactions occur (Moore and 
    Clark, 1992) that may have an adverse impact on subsistence needs. 
    Inuit whalers, on the other hand, believe that whales exhibit avoidance 
    reactions as far as 48 km (30 miles) away (MMS, 1997). As a result, 
    Western Geophysical developed a Conflict and Avoidance Agreement (C&AA) 
    with the whalers to reduce any potential interference with the hunt. 
    That agreement was concluded by both parties on July 8, 1998.
        Also, it is believed that the monitoring plan proposed by Western 
    Geophysical (LGL Ltd. and Greeneridge, 1998b), revised on the basis of 
    comments received during this public review period and at the Peer-
    Review Workshop, will provide information that will help resolve 
    uncertainties about the effects of seismic exploration on the 
    accessibility of bowheads to hunters.
        Comment 4: Greenpeace notes that Western Geophysical fails to 
    address the impact of an airgun on bowhead hearing at any number of 
    distances within and beyond the zone of influence and fails to account 
    for the impact from an airgun array operating 70 m (210 ft) from a 
    bowhead. LGL Ltd. comments that the application notice states that 
    temporary threshold shift (TTS) is a theoretical possibility for 
    animals within a few hundred meters and that mitigation measures are 
    designed to avoid exposing mammals to sound pulses that have any 
    possibility of causing hearing damage. LGL Ltd notes that TTS is a 
    natural protective mechanism built into the mammalian ear. Modest 
    levels of TTS do not constitute hearing damage.
        Response: The impact of airguns on bowhead hearing has been 
    addressed in several documents, including Western Geophysical's 
    application, the supporting EA, and in LGL and Greeneridge (1998). 
    Without an ability to collect empirical information on physical impacts 
    from airguns on large marine mammals, scientists must rely on either 
    surrogate species and make conservative assumptions based upon findings 
    for those species.
        Comment 5: Greenpeace notes in its letter that marine mammals use 
    sound to communicate and, it is clear, that many species are extremely 
    sensitive to
    [[Page 40507]]
    both sound and physical disturbance. Greenpeace also notes that 
    industrial noise and other activities interfere with bowhead cow-calf 
    bonding and cause displacement from feeding areas and migratory routes. 
    The energetic costs of noise-related changes in behavior and 
    distribution patterns are potentially significant and will inevitably 
    constitute harassment and ``take.''
        Response: Thank you for providing this comment. Because there are 
    potential effects on bowhead whales by seismic activities, an IHA is 
    warranted. Under the IHA, NMFS will require Western Geophysical to 
    incorporate mitigation and monitoring measures to reduce potential 
    impacts to the lowest level practicable.
         Comment 6: Greenpeace states that the fall bowhead migration 
    begins in August, and a significant proportion of the population may be 
    in the vicinity of Western Geophysical's seismic operations during the 
    latter half of August. Citing Moore and Clarke (1991), Greenpeace 
    states that, during mid- to late-August, as many as 1,200-3,000 bowhead 
    whales may be present in the Beaufort Sea region from the Canadian 
    border to the offshore area demarcated by the western boundary of the 
    Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
         Response:  NMFS notes that the region cited by the commenters is 
    east of the proposed seismic survey area for Western Geophysical and 
    that bowhead whale numbers referenced by Greenpeace are overstated 
    because they include bowheads located in the Canadian Beaufort Sea. 
    Moore and Clark (1991) estimated that in 1982 through 1984, up to 500 
    (range 0-500) bowheads may be in the region annually between the Barter 
    and Flaxman islands; however, no whales were sighted west of that 
    region prior to September 1 during those years. This is verified by 
    Ljungblad et al. (1987). Most sighted bowheads were still in Canadian 
        NMFS notes that, in general, bowhead whales migrate westward 
    through the Alaskan Beaufort Sea from late August to late October, but 
    only a portion of the population has been estimated during this time 
    period. Other bowheads are either undetectable to observers (i.e., 
    under the ice), migrate prior to surveys commencing, or do not migrate 
    to the Canadian Beaufort Sea.
         Comment 7: LGL Ltd. provided information that airgun sounds may be 
    audible to beluga whales at long distances not only because of the high 
    source levels, but also because some energy at frequencies of a few 
    hundred hertz propagates horizontally from the seismic vessel. Beluga 
    hearing is more sensitive to these frequencies than to the lower 
    frequencies that dominate the seismic output (Richardson and Wursig, 
    1997; see also Goold, 1998).
         Response: Thank you for providing this information.
        Comment 8: LGL Ltd. provided information from a paper by Kastak and 
    Schusterman (1998) updating information provided in Western 
    Geophysical's application and in the notice of proposed authorization 
    which indicates that, for one harbor seal tested, the hearing threshold 
    was 102 dB re 1 uPa at 75 Hz, 96 dB at 100 Hz, and 84 dB at 200 and 400 
    Hz. These results are consistent with previously reported preliminary 
    data at 100 Hz.
        Response: Thank you for providing this information.
        Comment 9: LGL Ltd. corrected a statement in the notice that ``no 
    studies to date have focused on pinniped reaction to underwater noise 
    from pulsed, seismic arrays,'' noting that while this was true up to 
    early 1996, the monitoring results from the 1996 and 1997 BPXA program 
    have provided considerable information about reactions of seals. These 
    have been described in detail in the 90-day and final reports on the 
    1996 and 1997 BPXA monitoring programs, as described in Richardson 
    [ed.] (1998).
        Response: Thank you for the comment. NMFS notes, however, that, 
    while opportunistic observations have been made of seismic noise 
    impacts on pinnipeds over the last few years, NMFS is aware of only one 
    researcher who has physiologically monitored individual animals 
    reaction to seismic noise. Preliminary information provided by this 
    individual earlier this year at the annual meeting of the Marine Mammal 
    Society in Monaco supports the results reported here.
    Subsistence Concerns
        Comment 10: The AEWC objects to the issuance of IHA permits to BPXA 
    and Western Geophysical because of their opposition to seismic 
    activities which interfere with the availability of bowhead whales 
    within their subsistence hunting area. Greenpeace believes that seismic 
    activities will result in a significant and unmitigable impact to 
    subsistence communities.
        Response: As mentioned previously, BPXA withdrew its application 
    for an incidental harassment authorization on July 6, 1998. As a 
    result, only Western Geophysical will conduct open water seismic 
    operations this summer in the U.S. Beaufort Sea. In part, section 
    101(a)(5) of the MMPA requires NMFS to ensure that any taking will not 
    have an unmitigable adverse impact on the availability of the species 
    or stock(s) for subsistence uses. Two elements must be present for NMFS 
    to determine that there will not be an unmitigable adverse impact on 
    subsistence uses: First, the impact resulting from the specified 
    activity must be likely to reduce the availability of the species to a 
    level insufficient for a harvest to meet subsistence needs by (1) 
    causing the marine mammals to abandon or avoid hunting areas, (2) 
    directly displacing subsistence users, or (3) placing physical barriers 
    between the marine mammals and subsistence hunters. Second, it must be 
    an impact that cannot be sufficiently mitigated by other measures to 
    increase the availability of marine mammals to allow subsistence needs 
    to be met (50 CFR 216.103). This standard of determining impact does 
    not require the elimination of adverse impacts, but it does require 
    mitigation sufficient to meet subsistence requirements. However, the 
    MMPA also requires that, where applicable, the measures will ensure the 
    least practicable impact on the availability of marine mammals for 
    taking for subsistence uses. In 1996 and 1997, these conditions were 
    met through the C&AA (also known as a Plan of Cooperation) by requiring 
    seismic operations to move west of Cross Island no later than September 
    1 or when whalers commenced the bowhead hunting season, whichever was 
    earlier. A similar agreement for 1998 was concluded on July 8, 1998, 
    between the AEWC/North Slope Borough (NSB) and Western Geophysical. As 
    a result of this signed C&AA, NMFS concludes that there will not be an 
    unmitigable adverse impact on the subsistence needs of the NSB whalers 
    this year due to seismic activities.
        Comment 11 : In order to mitigate impacts on the availability of 
    bowhead whales for subsistence needs, the AEWC believes the IHAs, if 
    issued to both BPXA and Western Geophysical, must require that (1) all 
    seismic operations east of Cross Island cease on August 15 or when a 
    bowhead whale is sighted at Kaktovik (whichever is earlier); (2) all 
    seismic operations east of 150 degrees West cease on August 15 or when 
    active whaling begins in Nuiqsut or Kaktovik (whichever is earlier); 
    and (3) all seismic operations cease on September 1 until Kaktovik, 
    Nuiqsut, and Barrow have completed their hunts.
        Response: A signed C&AA requiring, among other things, for Western 
    Geophysical to cease all seismic activities east of Cross Island after 
    August 31 and to move to the westernmost portion of their seismic 
    activity area if impacts to bowhead whales continue after moving west 
    [[Page 40508]]
    Cross Island is the result of negotiations between the AEWC and Western 
    Geophysical. This signed C&AA supercedes the recommendations made on 
    June 2, 1998, by the AEWC.
    Mitigation Concerns
        Comment 12: LGL Ltd. noted several errors in the shutdown distances 
    for airgun restrictions as published in the notice of proposed 
        Response: For clarity, NMFS is republishing the shutdown distance 
    criteria in this document (see Mitigation).
         Comment 13: The AEWC recommends that, after August 15, the two 
    seismic operations must be arranged so that (1) neither is directly 
    offshore of the other, and (2) they are separated by at least a 25-mile 
    east-west distance (so that the 12 miles (20 km) exclusion zone, seen 
    in the 1997 monitoring, do not overlap.
         Response: Since there are no longer two planned seismic operations 
    to be conducted in the Beaufort Sea this summer, response to this 
    comment is no longer applicable.
    Monitoring Concerns
        Comment 14: Greenpeace contends that the monitoring program 
    proposed by Western Geophysical is not sufficiently rigorous nor 
    independent to adequately provide reliable research to support findings 
    about the impacts of seismic operations on marine mammals. Greenpeace 
    recommends an additional 5 bottom-mounted acoustic recorders be 
    installed in the offshore Beaufort Sea to detect marine mammal 
    (principally bowhead whale) vocalizations. Greenpeace also recommends 
    noise measurements be conducted at distances of 10 km (6 mi), 20 km (12 
    mi), 30 km (18 mi), 40 km (24 mi), and 50 km (30 mi).
        Response: Thank you for your recommendations. Section 
    101(a)(5)(D)(ii)(II) of the MMPA requires authorizations issued under 
    this section to prescribe, where applicable, requirements pertaining to 
    the monitoring and reporting of such taking by harassment, including 
    requirements for independent peer review of proposed monitoring plans 
    or other research proposals where the proposed activity may affect the 
    availability of a species or stock for taking for subsistence purposes.
        Western Geophysical's proposed monitoring plan for 1998 and the 
    results from LGL Ltd.'s 1996 and 1997 Beaufort Sea research were the 
    subject of a scientific peer-review workshop held in Seattle, WA, on 
    May 17 through 19, 1998. As a result of that workshop and the comments 
    submitted on their application, Western Geophysical amended its 
    monitoring plan and submitted that plan to NMFS for approval. 
    Modifications to the original plan include (1) reference to boat-based 
    marine mammal observers onboard the second source vessel; (2) a 32-km 
    westward extension of aerial surveys to address the question how far 
    west of the seismic area do bowhead whales remain farther offshore than 
    usual if bowheads are displaced offshore by seismic; (3) an additional 
    autonomous seafloor acoustic recorder (ASAR) farther offshore from the 
    area of seismic operations as well as the three previously proposed 
    ones along the 25-m contour; and (4) an attempt to retrive the two 
    ASARs left on the bottom of the Beaufort Sea last fall.
        This amended plan is being independently peer-reviewed for NMFS. 
    Greenpeace's monitoring recommendations will be provided to these 
    reviewers for consideration. It should be noted that workshop 
    participant's recommended that, in addition to the three bottom-mounted 
    recorders planned for deployment by each seismic acitivity, an 
    additional 2-3 bottom-mounted recorders be installed offshore of the 
    area of seismic operations. However, the withdrawal of BPXA from an 
    active seismic program in 1998, made unnecessary the use of a 
    significant increase in the number of offshore recorders.
        Comment 15: Greenpeace states that the monitoring program is 
    inadequate because it fails to account for the cumulative impact of two 
    open-water seismic programs operating concurrently. Greenpeace also 
    states that the monitoring program fails to account for the additional 
    impacts of ongoing, concurrent and future oil and gas activities. The 
    monitoring program must be sufficiently rigorous in design and scope to 
    determine this cumulative impact.
        Response: Western Geophysical's and BPXA's proposed monitoring 
    plans were the subject of a peer-review workshop held in Seattle, WA, 
    between May 17 and 19, 1998. These monitoring plans were being amended 
    based upon that workshop when BPXA withdrew from participating in 
    seismic exploration during the 1998 open water season. Part of their 
    monitoring programs would have addressed the effects of cumulative 
    impact of their seismic programs on bowheads. As a result of BPXA's 
    withdrawal, there will not be a cumulative impact from seismic 
    activities this year (Western Geophysical's two seismic vessels will 
    not operate at the same time). A copy of Western's final monitoring 
    program is available upon request (see ADDRESSES).
        NMFS is unaware of any oil and gas activities currently underway in 
    the offshore Beaufort Sea that might result in impacts to marine 
    mammals. Distant water and nearshore activities are presumed by NMFS to 
    result in an increase in the ambient noise in the marine environment. 
    Increasing ambient noise in this environment is of concern to NMFS. 
    Ambient noise measurements have been made by LGL Ltd. in 1996 and 1997; 
    opportunistic measurements will continue in 1998 during a one-week 
    acoustical measurement program and by use of sonobuoys and bottom 
        Comment 16: The MMC recommends NMFS review the data to determine 
    whether a single observer is able to locate and determine when any 
    marine mammal is in, or is likely to enter, the designated safety zone 
    around the towed array and, if not, require that additional observers 
    be required.
         Response: NMFS has reviewed the information provided in the 1996 
    and 1997 monitoring program report and determined that a single 
    biological observer is unable to ensure that no marine mammals (e.g., 
    seals) enter the designated safety zone and that a single observer 
    cannot adequately view both the safety zone and that portion of the 
    zone of influence visible from the ship's bridge. However, because 
    bowheads appear to avoid the area visible to the observer and because 
    seals appear at times to be attracted to seismic vessels, NMFS has 
    determined that two observers on watch at all times is unncessary 
    except whenever the seismic source is powered (ramped) up. In addition, 
    observers will be required to ensure that no marine mammals enter the 
    bow aspect of the safety zone; a lesser effort should be spent on seals 
    entering from the sides or rear portions of the safety zone. This 
    year's reporting requirement will include a requirement for a 
    comprehensive assessment on the effectiveness of single observer 
    coverage. NMFS will review the data obtained during 1998 season to 
    determine whether future authorizations will need additional observers 
    during all daytime seismic operations.
        Comment 17: Greenpeace believes that the monitoring program is 
    inadequate because observers will be unable to visually identify whales 
    or seals at night or at other times of poor visibility. Where the 
    impacts will occur after mid-July, because of the increasing hours of 
    darkness, the probability of impacts at night and the inadequacies of 
    the monitoring program to detect them are a virtual certainty. Similar 
    impairment can be expected in times of fog and in other periods of poor 
    [[Page 40509]]
        Response: Observers monitor the safety zones and zones of potential 
    harassment around the seismic source whenever visibility permits, and 
    the source is either on or within 30 minutes of powering up. Observers 
    are aided by night-vision equipment for monitoring the safety zone. 
    Assessments of takes by harassment will be made based upon the 
    percentage of time spent observing in relation to the total time for 
    seismic operations. Because: (1) relatively few marine mammals are 
    expected in the area during the time of the survey, (2) the vessels are 
    underway at low speeds while laying or pulling OBC cable or conducting 
    seismic surveys, theoretically allowing animals sufficient time to move 
    away from any annoyances, and (3) documented observations indicate that 
    bowhead whales avoid active seismic survey areas few, if any, bowheads 
    are expected to approach the vessel and therefore, terminating surveys 
    at night and during inclement weather is not warranted.
        Comment 18: The AEWC has recommended that a monitoring program be 
    in place for each seismic operation and, after September 1, must be at 
    least as detailed as that used during monitoring the 1997 seismic 
    operation. In addition, the IHA should require the (aerial survey) 
    monitoring to be expanded to the west to the extent needed to determine 
    when whales, displaced by seismic noise, return to their normal 
    migration route.
        Response: Thank you for the comment. This monitoring recommendation 
    was also provided by the AEWC at the 1998 Seattle workshop. As a 
    result, the monitoring plan has been revised to follow this 
        Comment 19: The MMC recommends NMFS (1) take such steps as 
    necessary to verify that the operation of, and the sounds produced by, 
    the cable, seismic source, and related support vessels are unlikely to 
    have any effect on marine mammals in or near the proposed survey area; 
    and (2) require the Monitoring Plan be augmented to measure the levels 
    and characteristics of sounds produced by the various vessels and 
    confirm those sounds have no effect on marine mammals.
         Response: While NMFS does not believe that noise from vessels will 
    have no impact on marine mammals, it is recognized as being a secondary 
    source for potential harassment of marine mammals. These sources are 
    authorized under the IHA, should an incidental harassment occur. The 
    1998 monitoring program will continue the program of previous years to 
    measure vessel sounds, with an emphasis on vessels not recorded in 1996 
    or 1997. The results of these measurements are reported annually.
    National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Concerns
        Comment 20: Greenpeace believes that, for several reasons, NMFS has 
    failed to meet NEPA standards. First, the 1996 EA was written by BPXA, 
    not by NMFS, and is deficient. Second, the 1998 activity is for a 
    broader area and timeframe than described in the 1996 EA. Third, the 
    1996 EA fails to take account of the cumulative impact of two 
    activities (BPXA and Western Geophysical applications). Finally, 
    significant new information has become available since the 1996 EA was 
        Response: In conjunction with the 1996 notice of proposed 
    authorization for BPXA's application (61 FR 26501, May 28, 1996), NMFS 
    released an EA that addressed the impacts on the human environment from 
    the proposed issuance of an IHA to BPXA to conduct a 3-D seismic survey 
    in the Western Beaufort Sea and the alternatives to that proposed 
    action. That document was written for NMFS by LGL Ltd under funding 
    provided by BPXA. This procedure is considered proper for building a 
    Record of Decision. No comments were received on the EA, and, on July 
    18, 1996, NMFS adopted the contractor-drafted EA and concluded that 
    neither implementation of the proposed authorization to BPXA for the 
    harassment of small numbers of several species of marine mammals 
    incidental to conducting an ocean-bottom cable seismic survey during 
    the open water season (July through October) in the Northstar Unit and 
    nearby waters in the U.S. Beaufort Sea nor the alternatives to that 
    action would significantly affect the quality of the human environment. 
    That determination was based on an evaluation of a single airgun array 
    with 8-12 guns totaling 1,200-1,500 in3, (2,000 psi, 250 dB 
    re 1 Pa-m, p-p), a possible second array (see page 64 of the 
    EA), and the use of a second single airgun source (40 in3; 
    232 db re p-p) for calibration, for up to 100 days of operations. It 
    should be noted that, although the planned focus of efforts for the 
    1996 seismic survey was the Northstar Island area, figure 1 of the EA 
    indicates the area of possible seismic activity extended from Spy 
    Island in the west to Flaxman Island in the east. In addition, the EA 
    notes that BPXA may relocate to another site and continue the survey 
    until freeze-up (approximately October 20th).
        Western Geophysical's planned seismic area for 1998 is roughly 
    between Harrison Bay in the west to Camden Bay/Flaxman Island in the 
    east; negligibly different from that described in the EA. In addition, 
    both the 1996 application (and EA) and the 1998 applications indicate 
    that surveys would be conducted between July and October.
        In 1998, weather permitting, activity in the U.S. Beaufort Sea was 
    proposed to increase, with primary airgun arrays being used by Western 
    Geophysical (up to 16 guns in an array totaling to 1,500 in3 
    @ 2,000 psi). Western Geophysical plans to utilize a third source of 
    560 in3 (which it does not plan to use at the same time as 
    the primary source).
        While neither applicant's activity alone exceeds the activity 
    description found in the 1996 EA, both applicants' activities together 
    had the potential to result in cumulative impacts not addressed in the 
    1996 EA, and a new analysis was warranted. However, BPXA's withdrawal 
    from open-water seismic activities on the North Slope in 1998 made the 
    preparation of a new environmental analysis unnecessary. Should more 
    than one seismic survey take place on the North Slope in 1999, NMFS 
    will release a revised EA that addresses the impacts from more than one 
    survey being conducted concurrently.
        Comment 21: Greenpeace believes that the described action fits the 
    standard neither for a FONSI nor for a ``Categorical Exclusion.'' 
    Greenpeace believes that because of impacts on native subsistence as 
    well as on the Arctic marine ecosystem, particularly the bowhead whale 
    and other marine species, NMFS must prepare a full, comprehensive EIS.
        Response: NMFS disagrees. As discussed in this document, neither 
    commenters, recent monitoring and research, nor TK have provided 
    information that the impact (with mitigation and C&AA in place) would 
    be more than negligible (i.e., significant; see the definition in 40 
    CFR 1508.24) on the bowhead or beluga whales or on several species of 
    seals and would not have an unmitigable adverse impact on the 
    availability of these marine mammal species for subsistence uses. Since 
    NMFS must analyze a request for IHAs to determine whether the proposed 
    activity has no more than a negligible impact on a species or stock of 
    marine mammals and does not have an unmitigable adverse impact on 
    subsistence users, it believes that the issuance of a small take 
    authorization requires only the preparation of an EA and not of an EIS. 
    In this case, the agency found through preparing an EA in 1996, that 
    the proposed action(s) will
    [[Page 40510]]
    not significantly affect the quality of the human environment, thus 
    making a finding of no significant impact. If the EA results in this 
    finding, no additional documents are required by NEPA (NOAA Directives 
    Manual 02-10).
        Information on the impacts on the marine environment from Beaufort 
    Sea oil and gas leasing activities, including seismic, in the area 
    under discussion has been addressed in several EISs prepared by 
    Minerals Management Service (MMS). Final EISs for Lease Sale 124 and 
    144 were completed in 1990 and 1996. 
    Cumulative Impact Concerns
        Comment 22: Greenpeace believes NMFS is ignoring cumulative impacts 
    from oil exploration and development on subsistence communities, 
    bowhead whales, and other marine mammals in the Arctic environment. 
    Greenpeace believes that impacts from seismic operations cannot be 
    assessed separately from offshore exploratory drilling, development, 
    and transportation activities that may follow or are already occurring.
        Response: The commenter is correct, however, NMFS would like to 
    clarify that NMFS' responsibility in this action is limited to the 
    issuance or denial of an authorization for the short-term, incidental 
    harassment of a small number of marine mammals by Western while 
    conducting a seismic survey within an authorized lease sale area. NMFS 
    does not authorize the exploration and development of oil and gas 
    itself (e.g., conducting seismic surveys) as such authorization is 
    provided by the MMS of the U.S. Department of the Interior and is not 
    within the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Commerce.
        NMFS also notes that the responsibility for reviewing an activity's 
    cumulative impact belongs primarily to the responsible permitting 
    agency, and, if that activity is Federal, federally funded or federally 
    permitted cumulative impacts are usually reviewed under NEPA. MMS has 
    responsibility for leasing and subsequent exploration and development 
    activities under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act. As a result, 
    MMS published draft and final EISs under NEPA regarding leasing of 
    offshore oil and gas exploration for Lease Sale Area 144. Cumulative 
    impacts from oil and gas exploration operations are described in those 
    NEPA documents.
        In addition, a multi-agency NEPA document is currently under public 
    review and comment. This document will analyze the proposal for oil and 
    gas development at Northstar and the alternatives to that proposal. A 
    notice of NEPA scoping was published for public comment in November 
    1995; a draft EIS was released by the Corps of Engineers on June 1, 
    1998. An analysis of concerns regarding potential future oil and gas 
    industry and other environmental issues will be found in this document.
        Comment 23: The MMC recommended NMFS consult with appropriate 
    agencies and organizations to determine the long-term monitoring that 
    would be required to confirm that the proposed seismic surveys and 
    possible future exploration and development activities do not cause 
    changes in the seasonal distribution patterns, abundance, or 
    productivity of marine mammal populations in the area.
        Response: NMFS agrees but notes that this recommendation extends 
    beyond the requirements of the 1998 monitoring program for Western 
    Geophysical's seismic survey. However, to the extent practicable, NMFS 
    intends to use the peer-review process required by the MMPA for small 
    take authorizations in Arctic waters to address these cumulative impact 
    monitoring concerns in the future.
        Comment 24: Greenpeace states that the issuance of an IHA to 
    Western Geophysical (or BPXA) would violate the ESA as it is 
    inconsistent with the requirements and underlying purposes of the ESA 
    and with the requirements that each agency use the best scientific and 
    commercial data available.
        Response: NMFS disagrees, noting that the issuance of an IHA to 
    Western Geophysical triggers section 7 of the ESA, as the issuance of 
    the IHA is a Federal action. However, the major federal agency for 
    offshore oil and gas lease activities is the Minerals Management 
    Service (MMS). Consultation under section 7 for lease sale 144 was 
    concluded on November 16, 1995, with a finding that the action was not 
    likely to jeopardize the continued existence of listed species.
        Reinitiation of formal consultation under section 7 is warranted 
    only when there is new scientific information that has the potential to 
    call into question the scientific and commercial data used in the 
    previous biological opinion. At this time, NMFS does not consider the 
    recent findings on impacts to listed marine species from the 
    disturbance from seismic surveys sufficient to reinitiate consultation.
        Western Geophysical will use biological observers to monitor marine 
    mammal presence in the vicinity of the seismic array. To avoid serious 
    injury to marine mammals, Western Geophysical will power down the 
    seismic source if pinnipeds are sighted within the area delineated by 
    the 190 dB isopleth or:
        (1) Within 170 m (558 ft) of an array <750>3 
    operating at <2.5 m="" (8.3="" ft)="" depth;="" (2)="" within="" 280="" m="" (919="" ft)="" of="" an=""> <750>3 operating at >2.5 m (8.3 ft) depth;
        (3) Within 200 m (656 ft) of an array 1500 
    in3 operating at <2.5 m="" (8.3="" ft)="" depth;="" (4)="" within="" 350="" m="" (1,148="" ft)="" of="" an=""> 1500 
    in3 operating at >2.5 m (8.3 ft) depth.
         Western Geophysical will power down the seismic source 
    if bowhead, gray, or belukha whales are sighted within the area 
    delineated by the 180 dB isopleth or:
        (1) Within 660 m (2,165 ft) of an array <750>3 
    operating at <2.5 m="" (8.3="" ft)="" depth;="" (2)="" within="" 900="" m="" (2,953="" ft)="" of="" an=""> <750>3 operating at >2.5 m (8.3 ft) depth;
        (3) Within 750 m (2,461 ft) of an array 1500 
    in3 operating at <2.5 m="" (8.3="" ft)="" depth;="" (4)="" within="" 1,000="" m="" (3,281="" ft)="" of="" an=""> 1500 
    in3 operating at >2.5 m (8.3 ft) depth.
        In addition, Western Geophysical proposes to ramp-up the seismic 
    source to operating levels at a rate no greater than 6 dB/min, 
    commencing with an 80 in3 airgun. Additional guns 
    will be added at intervals appropriate to limit the rate of increase in 
    source level to a maximum of 6 dB/min.
    Monitoring and Reporting Monitoring
        As part of its application, Western Geophysical provided a 
    monitoring plan for assessing impacts to marine mammals from seismic 
    surveys in the Beaufort Sea. This monitoring plan is described in 
    Western Geophysical (1998) and in LGL Ltd. and Greeneridge Sciences 
    Inc. (1998). As mentioned previously, this monitoring plan was amended 
    based on review and comment and was submitted to NMFS on July 15, 1998. 
    As required by the MMPA, this monitoring plan will be subject to a 
    peer-review panel of technical experts prior to formal acceptance by 
        Preliminarily, Western Geophysical plans to conduct the following:
    Vessel-Based Visual Monitoring
        A minimum of two biologist-observers aboard the seismic vessel will 
    search for and observe marine mammals whenever seismic operations are 
    in progress and for at least 30 minutes prior to planned
    [[Page 40511]]
    start of shooting. These observers will scan the area immediately 
    around the vessels with reticulated binoculars during the daytime and 
    with night-vision equipment during the night (prior to mid-August, 
    there are no hours of darkness). Individual watches will normally be 
    limited to no more than four consecutive hours during daylight hours.
        When mammals are detected within a safety zone designated to 
    prevent injury to the animals (see Mitigation), the geophysical crew 
    leader will be notified so that shutdown procedures can be implemented 
    Aerial Surveys
        From September 1, 1998, until 3 days after the seismic program 
    ends, aerial surveys will be conducted daily, weather permitting. The 
    primary objective will be to document the occurrence, distribution, and 
    movements of bowhead and belukha whales in and near the area where they 
    might be affected by the seismic pulses. These observations will be 
    used to estimate the level of harassment takes and to assess the 
    possibility that seismic operations affect the accessibility of bowhead 
    whales for subsistence hunting. Pinnipeds will be recorded when seen. 
    Aerial surveys will be at an altitude of 300 m (1,000 ft) above sea 
    level. Western Geophysical proposes to avoid overflights of the Cross 
    Island area where whalers from Nuiqsut are based during their fall 
    whale hunt.
        Consistent with 1996 and 1997 aerial surveys in the U.S. Beaufort 
    Sea, the daily aerial surveys are proposed to cover two grids: (1) A 
    grid of 16 north-south lines spaced 8 km (5 mi) apart and extending 
    from about 50 km (30 mi) west of the western side of the then-current 
    seismic exploration area to 50 km (30 mi) east of its eastern edge, and 
    from the barrier islands north to approximately the 100 m (328 ft) 
    depth contour; and (2) a grid of 4 survey lines within the above 
    region, also spaced 8 km (5 mi) apart and mid-way between the longer 
    lines, to provide more intensive coverage of the area of the seismic 
    operations and immediate surrounding waters.
        When the seismic program is relocated east or west along the coast 
    during the 1998 season, both survey grids will be relocated a 
    corresponding distance along the coast. Information on the survey 
    program can be found in Western Geophysical (1998) and in LGL Ltd. and 
    Greeneridge Sciences Inc. (1998).
    Acoustical Measurements
        The acoustic measurement program proposed for 1998 is designed to 
    continue the research conducted in 1996 and 1997 (see BPXA, 1996a, 
    1997, and 1998; LGL Ltd. and Greeneridge Sciences Inc., 1996, 1997, and 
    1998). The acoustic measurement program is planned to include (1) boat-
    based acoustic measurements, (2) OBC-based acoustic measurements, (3) 
    use of air-dropped sonobuoys, and (4) bottom-mounted acoustical 
        The boat-based acoustical measurement program is proposed for a 7-
    day period in August 1998. The objectives of this survey will be as 
    follows: (1) To measure the levels and other characteristics of the 
    horizontally propagating seismic survey sounds from the type(s) of 
    airgun array(s) to be used in 1998 as a function of distance and aspect 
    relative to the seismic source vessel(s) and to water depth.
        (2) To measure the levels and frequency composition of the vessel 
    sounds emitted by vessels used regularly during the 1998 program.
        (3) To obtain additional site-specific ambient noise data, which 
    determine signal-to-noise ratios for seismic and other acoustic signals 
    at various ranges from their sources.
        Western Geophysical and its proposed consultant (Greeneridge 
    Sciences) are investigating the use of the OBC-system to help document 
    horizontal propagation of the seismic surveys. In addition, during late 
    August and September, four autonomous seafloor acoustic recorders will 
    be placed on the sea bottom to record low-frequency sounds nearly 
    continuously for up to 3 weeks at a time. Information includes 
    characteristics of the seismic pulses, ambient noise, and bowhead 
    calls. Additional data on these noise sources will be obtained from 
    sonobuoys dropped from aircraft after September 1.
        For a more detailed description of planned monitoring activities, 
    please refer to the application and supporting document (Western 
    Geophysical, 1998; LGL Ltd. and Greeneridge Sciences Inc., 1998b).
    Estimates of Marine Mammal Take
        Estimates of takes by harassment will be made through vessel and 
    aerial surveys. Preliminarily, Western Geophysical will estimate the 
    number of (a) marine mammals observed within the area ensonified 
    strongly by the seismic vessel; (b) marine mammals observed showing 
    apparent reactions to seismic pulses (e.g., heading away from the 
    seismic vessel in an atypical direction); (c) marine mammals subject to 
    take by type (a) or (b) above when no monitoring observations were 
    possible; and (d) bowheads displaced seaward from the main migration 
        Western Geophysical will provide an initial report on 1998 
    activities to NMFS within 90 days of the completion of the seismic 
    program. This report will provide dates and locations of seismic 
    operations, details of marine mammal sightings, estimates of the amount 
    and nature of all takes by harassment, and any apparent effects on 
    accessibility of marine mammals to subsistence users.
        A final technical report will be provided by Western Geophysical 
    within 20 working days of receipt of the document from the contractor, 
    but no later than April 30, 1999. The final technical report will 
    contain a description of the methods, results, and interpretation of 
    all monitoring tasks.
        Under section 7 of the ESA, NMFS has completed consultations on the 
    issuance of this authorization.
        NMFS has determined that the short-term impact of conducting 
    seismic surveys in the Western Beaufort Sea will result, at worst, in a 
    temporary modification in behavior by certain species of cetaceans. 
    While behavioral modifications may be made by these species of 
    cetaceans and seals to avoid the resultant noise, this behavioral 
    change is expected to have a negligible impact on the animals.
        The number of potential incidental harassment takes will depend on 
    the distribution and abundance of marine mammals (which vary annually 
    due to variable ice conditions and other factors) in the area of 
    seismic operations. Due to the distribution and abundance of marine 
    mammals during the projected period of activity and to the location of 
    the proposed seismic activity in waters generally too shallow and 
    distant from the edge of the pack ice for most marine mammals of 
    concern, the number of potential harassment takings is estimated to be 
    small (see 63 FR 27709, May 20, 1998, for potential levels of take). In 
    addition, no take by injury and/or by death is anticipated, and the 
    potential for temporary or permanent hearing impairment will be avoided 
    through incorporation of the mitigation measures described in the 
        Because bowhead whales are east of the seismic area in the Canadian 
    Beaufort Sea until late August/early September, seismic activities are 
    [[Page 40512]]
    expected to impact subsistence hunting of bowhead whales prior to that 
    date. After August 31, 1998, Western Geophysical will initiate aerial 
    survey flights for bowhead whale assessments, and take other actions to 
    avoid having an unmitigable adverse impact on subsistence uses. 
    Appropriate mitigation measures to avoid an unmitigable adverse impact 
    on the availability of bowhead whales for subsistence needs is the 
    subject of consultation between Western Geophysical and subsistence 
    users. As a result of discussions between the two parties, a C&AA has 
    been completed. This Agreement consists of three main components: (1) 
    Communications, (2) conflict avoidance, and (3) dispute resolution.
        Summer seismic exploration in the U.S. Beaufort Sea has a small 
    potential to influence seal hunting activities by residents of Nuiqsut. 
    However, NMFS believes that, because (1) the peak sealing season is 
    during the winter months, (2) the main summer sealing is off the 
    Colville delta, and (3) the zone of influence by seismic sources on 
    beluga and seals is fairly small, the 1998 Western Geophysical seismic 
    survey will not have an unmitigable adverse impact on the availability 
    of these stocks for subsistence uses.
        Since NMFS is assured that the taking would not result in more than 
    the incidental harassment (as defined by the MMPA Amendments of 1994) 
    of small numbers of certain species of marine mammals, would have only 
    a negligible impact on these stocks, would not have an unmitigable 
    adverse impact on the availability of these stocks for subsistence 
    uses, and would result in the least practicable impact on the stocks, 
    NMFS has determined that the requirements of section 101(a)(5)(D) of 
    the MMPA have been met and the authorization can be issued.
        Accordingly, NMFS has issued an IHA to Western Geophysical for the 
    above described seismic survey during the 1998 open water season 
    provided the mitigation, monitoring, and reporting requirements 
    described in the authorization are undertaken.
        Dated: July 23, 1998.
    Patricia A. Montanio,
    Deputy Director, Office of Protected Resources, National Marine 
    Fisheries Service.
    [FR Doc. 98-20280 Filed 7-28-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-F

Document Information

Effective Date:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Notice of issuance of an incidental harassment authorization.
Document Number:
Effective from July 23, 1998, until November 1, 1998, unless extended.
40505-40512 (8 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File: