97-19940. National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 146 (Wednesday, July 30, 1997)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 40784-40786]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-19940]
    [[Page 40784]]
    40 CFR Part 300
    National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; 
    National Priorities List
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
    ACTION: Notice of intent to delete Silver Mountain Mine from the 
    National Priorities List.
    SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 10 announces 
    the intent to delete the Silver Mountain Mine site (``the site'') from 
    the National Priorities List (NPL) and requests public comment on this 
    proposed action. The NPL constitutes Appendix B of 40 CFR part 300 
    which is the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution 
    Contingency Plan (NCP), which EPA promulgated pursuant to section 105 
    of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability 
    Act (CERCLA) of 1980, as amended. EPA and the State of Washington 
    Department of Ecology (Ecology) have determined that the remedial 
    action for the site has been successfully executed.
    DATES: Comments on this site may be submitted to EPA on or before 
    August 29, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Comments may be mailed to: Anne D. Dailey, U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Sixth Avenue, Mailstop ECL-111, 
    Seattle, WA 98101.
        Comprehensive information on this site is available through the 
    Region 10 public docket which is available for viewing by appointment 
    only. Appointments for copies of the background information from the 
    Regional public docket should be directed to the EPA Region 10 docket 
    office at the following address: SUPERFUND Records Center, U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10, 1200 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, 
    WA 98101.
        The deletion docket is also available for viewing at the following 
        County Clerks Office, Okanogan County Courthouse, 149 N. 3rd, 
    Okanogan, Washington 98840.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anne D. Dailey, U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency, 1200 Sixth Avenue, Mailstop ECL-111, Seattle, WA 
    98101, (206) 553-2110 or 1-800-424-4372.
    Table of Contents
    I. Introduction
    II. NPL Deletion Criteria
    III. Deletion Procedures
    IV. Basis of Intended Site Deletion
    I. Introduction
        The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 10 announces 
    its intent to delete the Silver Mountain Mine site in Okanogan County, 
    Washington, from the National Priorities List (NPL) and requests public 
    comment on this proposed action. The NPL constitutes Appendix B of 40 
    CFR part 300 which is the National Oil and Hazardous Substances 
    Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP), which EPA promulgated pursuant to 
    section 105 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation 
    and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980, as amended. EPA identifies sites 
    that appear to present a significant risk to public health, welfare, or 
    the environment and maintains the NPL as the list of these sites. EPA 
    and the State of Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) have 
    determined that the remedial action for the site has been successfully 
        EPA will accept comments on the proposal to delete this site for 
    thirty (30) days after publication of this document in Federal 
        Section II of this document explains the criteria for deleting 
    sites from the NPL. Section III discusses the procedures EPA is using 
    for this action. Section IV discusses the Silver Mountain Mine site and 
    explains how the site meets the deletion criteria.
    II. NPL Deletion Criteria
        Section 300.425(e)(1) of the NCP provides that releases may be 
    deleted from, or recategorized on the NPL where no further response is 
    appropriate. In making a determination to delete a release from the 
    NPL, EPA shall consider, in consultation with the state, whether any of 
    the following criteria have been met:
        i. Responsible parties or other parties have implemented all 
    appropriate actions required;
        ii. All appropriate response under CERCLA has been implemented, and 
    no further action by responsible parties is appropriate; or
        iii. The remedial investigation has shown that the release poses no 
    significant threat to public health or the environment and, therefore, 
    taking remedial measures is not appropriate.
        Even if a site is deleted from the NPL, where hazardous substances, 
    pollutants, or contaminants remain at the site above levels that allow 
    for unlimited use and restricted exposure, EPA's policy is that a 
    subsequent review of the site will be conducted at least every five 
    years after the initiation of the remedial action at the site to ensure 
    that the site remains protective of public health and the environment. 
    If new information becomes available which indicates a need for further 
    action, EPA may initiate additional remedial actions. Whenever there is 
    a significant release from a deleted site from the NPL, the site may be 
    restored to the NPL without application of the Hazard Ranking System.
        In the case of this site, the selected remedy is protective of 
    human health and the environment. Consistent with the State Superfund 
    Contract, Ecology has agreed to take over operation and maintenance of 
    the site and conduct an annual inspection. EPA has conducted the first 
    five-year review of the final remedy, and will also perform future 
    five-year reviews.
    III. Deletion Procedures
        The following procedures were used for the intended deletion of 
    this site: (1) All appropriate response under CERCLA has been 
    implemented and no further action by EPA is appropriate; (2) Ecology 
    has concurred with the proposed deletion decision; (3) a notice has 
    been published in the local newspapers and has been distributed to 
    appropriate federal, state, and local officials and other interested 
    parties announcing the commencement of a 30-day public comment period 
    on EPA's Notice of Intent to Delete; and (4) all relevant documents 
    have been made available in the local site information repositories.
        Deletion of the site from the NPL does not itself create, alter, or 
    revoke any individual's rights or obligations. The NPL is designed 
    primarily for informational purposes and to assist Agency management. 
    As mentioned in section II of this notice, Sec. 300.425(e)(3) of the 
    NCP states that the deletion of a site from the NPL does not preclude 
    eligibility for future response actions.
        For deletion of this site, EPA's Regional Office will accept and 
    evaluate public comments on EPA's Notice of Intent to Delete before 
    making a final decision to delete. If necessary, the Agency will 
    prepare a Responsiveness Summary to address any significant public 
    comments received.
        A deletion occurs when the Regional Administrator places a final 
    notice in the Federal Register. Generally, the NPL will reflect 
    deletions in the final update following the Notice. Public notices and 
    copies of the Responsiveness Summary will be made available to local 
    residents by the Regional Office.
    [[Page 40785]]
    IV. Basis of Intended Site Deletion
        The following site summary provides the Agency's rationale for the 
    proposal to delete this site from the NPL.
    Site Background and History
        Silver Mountain Mine is an abandoned heap-leach mining operation 
    located approximately six air miles northwest of Tonasket, in Okanogan 
    County, Washington. The site consists of five acres of range land on a 
    358-acre tract of privately owned land. The site was placed on the NPL 
    in 1984 due to concerns about a cyanide-contaminated leachate pond, 
    saturated mine tailings, and the potential for arsenic and cyanide 
    contamination of the regional ground water aquifer.
        The risk assessment identified arsenic and cyanide as the primary 
    contaminants of concern. The Remedial Investigation (RI) identified and 
    evaluated three potential sources of contaminants at the site: the heap 
    leach pile, the unprocessed rock, and the mine drainage water. 
    Potential exposure pathways for contaminants were identified as: On-
    site soils, on-site surface water, on-site ground water in a shallow 
    aquifer, and off-site ground water in the region. During the RI, the 
    highest arsenic levels found were in the mined material (1080 mg/kg) 
    and in the water from a stock water tank (95 ug/l). Both arsenic and 
    cyanide were also found in the perched shallow aquifer just at the edge 
    of the heap leach pile.
        The Feasibility Study screened twenty-three various methods of 
    cleaning up the site. From this list, eight alternatives were developed 
    and evaluated against criteria listed in the NCP. Alternatives ranged 
    from capping on-site to treatment and off-site disposal.
    Response Actions
        The Record of Decision (ROD) for Silver Mountain Mine was signed on 
    March 27, 1990, and included a number of construction elements to 
    implement the Remedial Action. In October 1994, EPA completed an 
    Explanation of Significant Differences (ESD) to document changes in the 
    Remedial Action due to unforeseen conditions encountered at the site 
    during implementation of the selected remedy. The remedial action at 
    the site ultimately included:
    --Consolidating and contouring contaminated mine waste overburden and 
    --Covering and capping the site with a soil and clay cap,
    --Fencing the site to protect the cap and allow seeded grass cover to 
    --Closure of the mine entrance and diversion of the mine drainage so 
    that it flows away from the site, and
    --Deed restrictions on property to protect the cap.
    Construction was completed during 1992 and the deed restrictions were 
    finally obtained in December 1996.
        The five-year review inspection occurred on May 27, 1997, and 
    determined that the remedial objectives have been achieved. The 
    constructed remedy is performing as designed and is controlling the 
    risks to human health and the environment as specified in the ROD and 
    ESD. The cap was in excellent shape with no evidence of subsidence, 
    erosion, or animal burrows. The grass cover is well established and 
    provides thorough coverage of the cap; minimal weeds and woody 
    vegetation were growing on the cap. The mine entrance and mine vent 
    were both closed and covered with rocks.
    Cleanup Standards
        The remedial action cleanup activities at the Silver Mountain Mine 
    site are consistent with the objectives of the NCP and will provide 
    protection to human health and the environment. The cleanup standards 
    for the heap leach pile and mine dump materials and the surrounding 
    soils are 200 mg/kg for arsenic and 95 mg/kg for total cyanide. 
    According to the data obtained during the construction work, the 
    cyanide in the soils is below detection (0.5 mg/kg), and the 
    concentrations of arsenic that remain in the areas that were cleaned up 
    are less than 100 mg/kg. Risks at the site have been reduced below the 
    Hazard Index of 1.0 or health based levels; and for arsenic, a human 
    carcinogen, the cancer risk factor has been reduced below one in ten 
        The major source of contaminants identified in the ROD, the rock 
    material from the mining operations (heap and mine dump), has been 
    addressed. The mine drainage was reevaluated in the Explanation of 
    Significant Differences and it was determined that the mine drainage 
    did not pose an ecological threat. According to the risk assessment and 
    amended risk assessment, the inhalation and ingestion of the 
    contaminated soils were the major routes of exposure. The arsenic-laden 
    waste rock from the mine was contained and capped. The cleanup also 
    reduced the impacts to the ground water by diverting the run-on water 
    away from the capped mine waste and by limiting potential leachate 
    Operations and Maintenance
        The site is designed to require very little maintenance. The area 
    is remote and the semi-arid climatic conditions suggest that only 
    minimal maintenance is expected. The mined rock material under the 
    cover is not expected to settle which is often the major cause of cap 
    disturbance. The rainfall is low with an annual average precipitation 
    of 11 inches/year which is primarily as snow and spring rain. It is 
    expected that the Ecology personnel, per the State Superfund Contract, 
    will be able to provide the annual maintenance with a minimal amount of 
    Five-Year Review
        The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and 
    Liability Act (CERCLA or Superfund) requires a five-year review of all 
    sites with hazardous substances remaining above the health-based levels 
    for unrestricted use of the site. Since the cleanup of the Silver 
    Mountain Mine site utilized containment of the hazardous materials as 
    the method to reduce the risk, the five-year review process will be 
    used to insure that the cap is still intact and blocking exposure 
    pathways for human health and the environment. As indicated above, EPA 
    has conducted the first five-year review and has determined that the 
    remedy selected for Silver Mountain Mine remains protective of human 
    health and the environment. For future five-year reviews, EPA will 
    review Ecology's annual reports on the operation and maintenance at the 
    site and as needed perform a five-year review inspection.
    Community Involvement
        EPA published its Community Relations Plan in December 1987, after 
    interviews with local residents and officials. An information 
    repository was established at the Okanogan County Courthouse and all of 
    the documents used to make the decision were placed there before the 
    final Record of Decision was signed. All other reports and fact sheets 
    were sent to the repository as they were completed. Those individuals 
    on the mailing list were informed by fact sheet prior to construction 
    activities on-site. No public meetings have been requested thus far.
    Applicable Deletion Criteria
        One of the three criteria for site deletion specifies that EPA may 
    delete a site from the NPL if ``all appropriate Fund-financed response 
    under CERCLA has been implemented, and no further response action by 
    responsible parties is appropriate.'' 40 CFR 300.425(e)(1)(ii). EPA, 
    with the concurrence of Ecology, believes that this criterion for 
    deletion has been met. Subsequently, EPA is proposing deletion of this 
    site from the
    [[Page 40786]]
    NPL. Documents supporting this action are available from the docket.
    State Concurrence
        The Washington Department of Ecology concurs with the proposed 
    deletion of the Silver Mountain Mine Superfund site from the NPL.
        Dated: July 17, 1997.
    Charles Findley,
    Acting Regional Administrator, U.S. EPA Region 10.
    [FR Doc. 97-19940 Filed 7-29-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of intent to delete Silver Mountain Mine from the National Priorities List.
Document Number:
Comments on this site may be submitted to EPA on or before August 29, 1997.
40784-40786 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 300