97-19962. Mississippi Regulatory Program  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 146 (Wednesday, July 30, 1997)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 40773-40778]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-19962]
     Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
    30 CFR Part 924
    [SPATS No. MS-012-FOR]
    Mississippi Regulatory Program
    AGENCY: Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM), 
    ACTION: Proposed rule; public comment period and opportunity for public 
    SUMMARY: OSM is announcing receipt of a proposed amendment to the 
    Mississippi regulatory program (hereinafter the ``Mississippi 
    program'') under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 
    (SMCRA). The proposed amendment consists of revisions to the 
    Mississippi Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Law pertaining to 
    definitions, reorganization, adoption of rules and regulations, small 
    operator assistance program, permit applications, permit fees, 
    reclamation plans, performance bonds, permit issuance, permit 
    reissuance, permit revision, public participation, public hearings, 
    formal hearings, confidentiality claims, environmental protection 
    performance standards, postmining land use, underground coal mining, 
    mine entrance signs, violation complaints, civil penalties, bond 
    release, bond forfeiture, suspension and revocation of permits, 
    designating lands unsuitable for surface coal mining, and creation of a 
    ``Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Fund.'' The amendment is intended 
    to revise the Mississippi program to be consistent with SMCRA, clarify 
    ambiguities, and improve operational efficiency.
        This document sets forth the times and locations that the 
    Mississippi program and proposed amendment to that program are 
    available for public inspection, the comment period during which 
    interested persons may submit written comments on the proposed 
    amendment, and the procedures that will be followed regarding the 
    public hearing, if one is requested.
    DATES: Written comments must be received by 4:00 p.m., c.d.t., August 
    29, 1997. If requested, a public hearing on the proposed amendment will 
    be held on August 25, 1997. Requests to speak at the hearing must be 
    received by 4:00 p.m., c.d.t. on August 14, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments and requests to speak at the hearing should 
    be mailed or hand delivered to Arthur
    [[Page 40774]]
    W. Abbs, Director, Birmingham Field Office, at the address listed 
        Copies of the Mississippi program, the proposed amendment, a 
    listing of any scheduled public hearings, and all written comments 
    received in response to this document will be available for public 
    review at the address listed below during normal business hours, Monday 
    through Friday, excluding holidays. Each requester may receive one free 
    copy of the proposed amendment by contacting OSM's Birmingham Field 
        Arthur W. Abbs, Director, Birmingham Field Office, Office of 
    Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, 135 Gemini Circle, Suite 
    215, Homewood, Alabama 35209, Telephone: (205) 290-7282.
        Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Geology, 
    2380 Highway 80 West, P.O. Box 20307, Jackson, Mississippi 39289-1307, 
    Telephone: (601) 961-5500.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Arthur W. Abbs, Director, Birmingham 
    Field Office, Telephone: (205) 290-7282.
    I. Background on the Mississippi Program
        On September 4, 1980, the Secretary of the Interior conditionally 
    approved the Mississippi program. Background information on the 
    Mississippi program, including the Secretary's findings, the 
    disposition of comments, and the conditions of approval can be found in 
    the September 4, 1980, Federal Register (45 FR 58520). Subsequent 
    actions concerning the conditions of approval and program amendments 
    can be found at 30 CFR 924.10, 924.12, and 924.16.
    II. Description of the Proposed Amendment
        By letter dated May 6, 1997 (Administrative Record No. MS-0338), 
    Mississippi submitted a proposed amendment to its program pursuant to 
    SMCRA. Mississippi submitted the proposed amendment in response to the 
    required amendment at 30 CFR 924.16. On March 10, 1997, the Governor of 
    Mississippi signed Senate Bill No. 2725, which contains both 
    substantive and nonsubstantive changes to the Mississippi Surface Coal 
    Mining and Reclamation Law (Mississippi Code of 1972). The full text of 
    the proposed program amendment submitted by Mississippi is available 
    for public inspection at the locations listed above under ADDRESSES. A 
    brief discussion of the proposed amendment is presented below.
    A. Nonsubstantive Changes to the Mississippi Code of 1972
        Mississippi proposes minor wording changes, citation corrections, 
    revised paragraph notations, and other organizational changes resulting 
    from this amendment throughout its statutes, including the following 
    sections: Sec. 53-9-3, Legislative findings and declarations; Sec. 53-
    9-5, Purpose; Sec. 53-9-19, Financial interest of persons employed 
    under this chapter--penalty--monitoring and enforcement; Sec. 53-9-21, 
    Surface coal mining and reclamation permit--term--extensions--use by 
    successor in interest--termination; Sec. 53-9-49, Authorized departures 
    from performance standards; Sec. 53-9-51, Records, reports and 
    equipment to be maintained by permittees--evaluation of results--
    specification of monitoring sites--entry and inspection--release of 
    materials to public; Sec. 53-9-61, Criminal penalties--resisting, 
    preventing, impeding, or interfering with performance of duties; 
    Sec. 53-9-63, Nonexclusivity of penalty provisions; Sec. 53-9-73, 
    Cooperation with secretary of interior; Sec. 53-9-75, Application of 
    chapter to public corporations; Sec. 53-9-83, Lease of state coal 
    deposits; Sec. 53-9-85, Enforcement and protection of water rights; and 
    Sec. 53-9-87, Training, examination, and certification of persons 
    responsible for blasting.
    B. Statutes Removed From the Mississippi Code of 1972
        The following statutes were repealed: Sec. 53-9-13, Creation of 
    surface mining and reclamation operations section; Sec. 53-9-15, 
    Creation of surface mining review board; Sec. 53-9-17, Director of 
    bureau of geology and energy resources--powers and duties; Sec. 53-9-
    59, Criminal penalties--failure to make or making of false statement, 
    representation or certification; Sec. 53-9-79, Review board--judicial 
    review of decision; and Sec. 53-9-91, Fees.
    C. Substantive Changes to the Mississippi Code of 1972
        1. Section 53-9-7, Definitions. Mississippi amended its definition 
    section by deleting old terms, adding new terms, and revising existing 
    terms as follows:
        The following previously approved defined terms were removed: 
    Sec. 53-9-7(a), Act; Sec. 53-9-7(b), Administrator; Sec. 53-9-7(d), 
    Bureau; Sec. 53-9-7(e), Chief; Sec. 53-9-7(i), Director; Sec. 53-9-
    7(j), Division; Sec. 53-9-7(r), Public Law 95-87; Sec. 53-9-7(t), 
    Review board; and Sec. 53-9-7(u), Section.
        A definition for the term ``Appeal'' was added at Sec. 53-9-7(a) to 
    mean ``an appeal to an appropriate court of the state taken from a 
    final decision of the permit board or commission made after a formal 
    hearing before that body.''
        At Sec. 53-9-7(b), the term ``Approximate original contour'' was 
    revised by adding language which allows water impoundments on reclaimed 
    areas if the permit board determines that the impoundments are in 
    compliance with Sec. 53-9-45(2)(g).
        At Sec. 53-9-7(c), the terminology ``As recorded in the minutes of 
    the permit board'' was defined as ``the date of the permit board 
    meeting at which the action concerned is taken by the permit board.''
        At Sec. 39-9-7(d), the term ``Coal'' was revised to mean 
    ``combustible carbonaceous rock, classified as anthracite, bituminous, 
    subbituminous, or lignite by the American Society of Testing and 
        At Sec. 53-9-7(e), the term ``Commission'' was revised to mean 
    ``the Mississippi Commission on Environmental Quality.''
        At Sec. 53-9-7(f), the term ``Department'' was revised to mean 
    ``the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality.''
        At Sec. 53-9-7(g), the term ``Executive Director'' was defined as 
    ``the executive director of the department.''
        At Sec. 53-9-7(i), the term ``Federal Act'' was defined as ``the 
    Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, as amended, which 
    is codified as Section 1201 et seq. of Title 30 of the United States 
        At Sec. 53-9-7(j), the term ``Formal hearing'' was defined to mean 
    ``a hearing on the record, as recorded and transcribed by a court 
    reporter, before the commission or permit board where all parties to 
    the hearing are allowed to present witnesses, cross-examine witnesses 
    and present evidence for inclusion into the record, as appropriate 
    under rules promulgated by the commission or permit board.''
        A definition for ``Interested party'' was added at Sec. 53-9-7(l) 
    to mean ``any person claiming an interest relating to the surface coal 
    mining operation and who is so situated that the person may be affected 
    by that operation, or in the matter of regulations promulgated by the 
    commission, any person who is so situated that the person may be 
    affected by the action.''
        At Sec. 53-9-7(m), the term ``Lignite'' was defined as 
    ``consolidated lignite coal having less than eight thousand three 
    hundred (8,300) British thermal units per pound, moist and mineral 
    matter free.''
        At Sec. 53-9-7(p), the term ``Permit area'' was revised by adding 
    the requirement that the permit area be
    [[Page 40775]]
    covered by the operator's performance bond.
        At Sec. 53-9-7(q), the term ``Permit board'' was defined to mean 
    the permit board created under Section 49-17-28.''
        At Sec. 53-9-7(r), the term ``Person'' was revised by adding a 
    joint venture, cooperative, and any agency, unit or instrumentality of 
    federal, state or local government, including any publicly owned 
    utility or publicly owned corporation to those who are considered a 
        The terms ``Public hearing,'' ``informal hearing,'' or ``public 
    meeting'' were defined at Sec. 53-9-7(t) to mean ``a public forum 
    organized by the commission, department or permit board for the purpose 
    of providing information to the public regarding a surface coal mining 
    and reclamation operation or regulations proposed by the commission and 
    at which members of the public are allowed to make comments or ask 
    questions or both of the commission, department or the permit board.''
        At Sec. 53-9-7(v), the term ``Revision'' was defined to mean ``any 
    change to the permit or reclamation plan that does not significantly 
    change the effect of the mining operation on either those persons 
    impacted by the permitted operations or on the environment, including, 
    but not limited to, incidental boundary changes to the permit area or a 
    departure from or change within the permit area, incidental changes in 
    the mining method or incidental changes in the reclamation plan.''
        The term ``State geologist'' was defined at Sec. 53-9-7(x) to mean 
    ``the head of the office of geology and energy resources of the 
    department or a successor office.''
        At Sec. 53-9-7(aa), the terminology ``Unwarranted failure to 
    comply'' was revised to mean ``the failure of a permittee to prevent or 
    abate the occurrence of any violation of a permit, this chapter or any 
    regulations promulgated under this chapter due to indifference, lack of 
    diligence or lack of reasonable care.''
        2. Section 53-9-9, General Responsibilities of the Department of 
    Environmental Quality, the Commission on Environmental Quality, and the 
    Permit Board. The Department of Environmental Quality is designated as 
    the agency to administer the Mississippi program. The Commission on 
    Environmental Quality is designated as the body to enforce the 
    Mississippi program, including the issuance of penalty orders, 
    promulgation of regulations, and designation of lands unsuitable for 
    surface coal mining. The Permit board is designated as the body to 
    issue, modify, revoke, transfer, suspend, and reissue permits and to 
    require, modify or release performance bonds.
        3. Section 53-9-11, Promulgation of Rules and Regulations by 
    Commission on Environmental Quality. Section 53-9-11(1) was revised to 
    clarify the Commission on Environmental Quality's (commission) 
    authority and responsibilities for rules and regulations. The 
    commission may adopt, modify, repeal, and promulgate rules and 
    regulations after notice and hearing and in accordance with the 
    Mississippi Administrative Procedures Law. The commission may also 
    enforce rules and regulations and make exceptions to and grant 
    exemptions and variances from them where not otherwise prohibited by 
    Federal or State law. No exceptions, exemptions or variances shall be 
    less stringent than rules and regulations promulgated under SMCRA.
        Section 53-9-11(1)(a)(iv) was revised to reflect changes in and add 
    to the list of State agencies that are to receive notice of the public 
    hearing that is required before the adoption of any rules and 
        Section 53-9-11(1)(b) was revised by requiring the publication of 
    the notice of the public hearing in one newspaper instead of three.
        Section 53-9-11(2) was revised by adding a provision specifying 
    that failure of any person to submit comments within the time period 
    established by the commission would not preclude action by the 
        4. Section 53-9-23, Permit Reissuance. Section 53-9-23(3) was 
    revised by adding a provision that allows an operator, if the 
    application was timely filed, to continue surface coal mining 
    operations until the permit board takes action on his reissuance 
        5. Section 53-9-25, Application fee--contents of application--
    Insurance Coverage--Blasting Plan. Section 53-9-25(1)(a) was revised to 
    require information regarding ownership and performance history of the 
    applicant. Also required is a statement as to whether the applicant, 
    subsidiary, affiliate or persons controlled by or under common control 
    with the applicant had held a mining permit which in the five-year 
    period before filing of the application had been suspended or revoked 
    or the performance bond forfeited.
        Section 53-9-25(2)(b) was revised to require that the insurance 
    policy include compensation to persons damaged as a result of surface 
    coal mining and reclamation operations, including use of explosives, 
    and entitled to compensation under applicable State law.
        Section 53-9-25(3) was added to require the applicant to file a 
    list of administrative orders or notices of violation issued under the 
    State act, the law of any state or the United States, any rule or 
    regulation of any department or agency of any state or the United 
    States, related to air or water environmental protection, incurred by 
    the applicant in connection with any surface coal mining operation 
    during the three-year period preceding the filing date of the 
    application. The list also must indicate the final resolution of any 
    orders or notices. This new provision also specifies the conditions and 
    circumstances for which the Permit board will issue or not issue a 
    permit after its review of the applicant and operator's violation 
        6. Section 53-9-27, Filing of Application. Mississippi revised 
    Sec. 53-9-27 by requiring an applicant to file a copy of the 
    application for public inspection within 10 days after filing with the 
    permit board and by clarifying the type of information that the 
    applicant may omit from the application filed for public inspection if 
    the commission determines the information to be confidential under 
    Sec. 53-9-43.
        7. Section 53-9-29, Reclamation Plan. Section 53-9-29(1) was 
    revised by adding the requirement that a reclamation plan include an 
    identification of lands subject to surface coal mining operations over 
    the estimated life of those operations.
        At Sec. 53-9-29(5), the applicant must also include in the 
    reclamation plan the steps to be taken to comply with the performance 
    standards applicable to reclamation.
        8. Section 53-9-31, Filing, Deposit, and Adjustment of Bond--
    Requirement of Surety--Liability Under Bond. Section 53-9-31(1) was 
    revised by adding the requirements that the performance bond be filed 
    before the issuance of a permit and that the amount of the bond be 
    determined by the permit board after consultation with the state 
        Section 53-9-31(2) was revised by adding ``letters of credit'' to 
    the types of bond allowed in lieu of a surety bond. The banks which 
    issue the alternative types of bond must be insured by the Federal 
    Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance 
    Corporation or a similar federal banking or savings and loan insurance 
        9. Section 53-9-33, Requisites for Approval of Application for 
    Permit--Schedule of Notices of Violation--Permit to Mine on Prime 
    [[Page 40776]]
    Section 53-9-33 is amended to authorize the permit board to issue, 
    deny, or modify a permit based upon a complete application and to 
    specify general requirements for issuance or modification of a permit, 
    including public notification and opportunity for public hearing. The 
    applicant for a permit or modification of a permit shall have the 
    burden of establishing that the application is in compliance with the 
    requirements of the Mississippi program.
        New subsection 53-9-33(4) specifies that no transfer, assignment or 
    sale of the rights granted under any permit shall be made without 
    approval of the permit board.
        New subsection 53-9-33(5) requires the permit board to review 
    outstanding permits and allows the permit board to require reasonable 
    modification of the permit provisions during the term of the permit.
        10. Section 53-9-35, Permit Revisions. This section was revised by 
    specifying that a decision by the executive director to grant or deny a 
    revision of a permit shall be subject to formal hearing and appeal. 
    Existing subsections (2) and (3) were removed and the substantive 
    provisions added to Sec. 53-9-33.
        11. Section 53-9-37, Advertisement of Land Ownership--Public 
    Comment on Intention to Mine or Objections to Application for Permit--
    Informal Conferences--Authority of Administrator to Conduct Hearings. 
    Several modifications were made to this section regarding the 
    notification and publication requirements for a permit application and 
    requirements for public hearings, including the following:
        At the time of submission, the applicant shall place the notice of 
    land ownership and location in a local and regional newspaper of 
    general circulation in the county in which the proposed mine is to be 
    located. If no local newspaper of general circulation in the county is 
    published, notice shall be published in a regional newspaper and in a 
    newspaper of general statewide circulation published in Jackson, 
        The failure of any person to submit comments within the time 
    established by the commission shall not preclude action by the 
        Any interested party may request a public hearing within 45 days 
    after the last publication of the newspaper notice. The permit board 
    shall hold a public hearing in the county of the proposed surface coal 
    mining and reclamation operations within 90 days after receipt of the 
    first request for a public hearing. The public hearing shall be 
    advertised once a week for four consecutive weeks with the last notice 
    being published at least 30 days before the scheduled public hearing 
    date. Any person requesting transcription of the hearing record shall 
    bear the costs of the transcription. Upon request by an interested 
    party who requested a public hearing, the permit board shall arrange 
    reasonable access to the area of the proposed operation for the purpose 
    of gathering information relevant to the proceeding. Access may not be 
    provided before the public hearing if requested in less than one week 
    of the hearing.
        The permit board shall act upon a complete permit application 
    within 60 days after the date of the public hearing. If no public 
    hearing is requested or required, the permit board shall act within 60 
    days after the last publication of the applicant's newspaper notice. 
    The time frames may be extended if agreed in writing by the department 
    and the applicant.
        12. Section 53-9-39, Disposition of Application for Permit--Manner 
    of Notifying Interested Parties--Hearing Before Permit Board and 
    Notification of Decision--Temporary Relief--Right to Judicial Appeal. 
    Several modifications were made to this section regarding notification 
    of the action taken by the permit board on a permit application, 
    administrative review of the action, and appeal of the final action, 
    including the following:
        Within 14 days after issuing or denying a permit or granting or 
    denying a modification to an existing permit, the permit board shall 
    notify by mail the applicant, the mayor of each municipality and the 
    president of the board of supervisors of each county in which the 
    permit area is located, persons who submitted written comments, and 
    persons who requested the public hearing. The notification shall 
    include a description of the permit area and a summary of the mining 
    and reclamation plan. If the permit board denies the permit, it shall 
    provide the applicant in writing specific reasons for the denial.
        Within 45 days after the action of the permit board, the applicant 
    or any other interested party may request a formal hearing. If the 
    permit board fails to take action within the time allowed under 
    Sec. 53-9-37, any interested party may request a formal hearing on that 
    failure to act. Any formal hearing shall be conducted within 60 days 
    after receipt of the first request for a formal hearing. At the 
    conclusion of the formal hearing or within 30 days after the formal 
    hearing, the permit board shall enter in its minutes a final decision 
    affirming, modifying and reversing its prior decision to issue or deny 
    the permit. The permit board shall mail within seven days after its 
    final decision a notice of that decision to the applicant and all 
    persons who participated as a party in the formal hearing. The 
    deadlines may be extended by written agreement of the parties.
        13. Section 53-9-41, Coal Exploration Permit. This section was 
    modified by deleting language regarding confidential information. The 
    language on confidential information was added to Sec. 53-9-43.
        14. Section 53-9-43, Confidentiality of Information. This section 
    was modified by removing the existing language regarding issued permits 
    meeting all applicable performance standards and by adding language on 
    the confidentiality of information. The deleted language was added to 
    Sec. 53-9-45. Section 53-9-43 now authorizes the commission to 
    determine confidentiality claims and to provide penalties for 
    unauthorized disclosure of confidential information. The applicant must 
    submit a written confidentiality claim to the commission before the 
    submission of the information. The commission shall promulgate rules 
    and regulations consistent with the Mississippi Public Records Act 
    regarding access to confidential information. A person convicted of 
    making unauthorized disclosures shall be fined $1,000 and dismissed 
    from public office or employment.
        15. Section 53-9-45, Promulgation of Regulations and Performance 
    Standards Relating to Surface Mining--Variances. This section was 
    modified to require surface coal mining and reclamation permits to meet 
    general environmental protection performance standards by adding the 
    language from existing Sec. 53-9-43.
        It was also amended to make various clarifying language revisions 
    to the existing provisions concerning the general environmental 
    protection performance standards that the commission shall promulgate 
    by regulations, including the following:
        At Sec. 53-9-45(2)(c), the regulations shall assure restoration of 
    the approximate original contour of the land with all highwalls, spoil 
    piles and depressions eliminated, unless an exception is provided under 
    Sec. 53-9-45.
        At Sec. 53-9-45(2)(g), the operator may elect to impound water to 
    provide lakes or ponds for wildlife, recreational or water supply 
    purposes if it is a part of the approved mining and reclamation plan 
    and if those impoundments are constructed in accordance with applicable 
    Federal and state laws and regulations.
    [[Page 40777]]
        At Sec. 53-9-45(2)(h), the regulations shall govern the proper 
    conduct of augering operations or prohibit those operations under 
    certain circumstances.
        At Sec. 53-9-45(4)(b)(ii), additional criteria was added for a 
    variance from the requirement to restore to approximate original 
    contour and to reclaim the land to an industrial, commercial, 
    residential or public use. Notification must be made to appropriate 
    Federal, state, and local governmental agencies providing an 
    opportunity to comment on the proposed use; the proposed postmining 
    land use must be compatible with adjacent land uses and state and local 
    and land use planning; and the proposed postmining land use must be 
    economically practical.
        16. Section 53-9-47, Promulgation of Regulations Relating to 
    Surface Effects of Underground Coal Mining. This section was amended to 
    make various clarifying language revisions to the existing provisions 
    concerning the surface effects of underground coal mining operations 
    that the commission may promulgate by regulations, including the 
        At Sec. 53-9-47(1), the commission is now given the option of 
    promulgating regulations regarding the surface effects of underground 
    coal mining operations.
        Section 53-9-47(2)(d) was revised by clarifying the contents of the 
    waste piles that must be stabilized. The operator must stabilize all 
    waste piles containing mine wastes, tailings, coal processing wastes, 
    and other wastes in areas other than the mine workings or excavations.
        17. Section 53-9-53, Mine Entrance Sign. This section was revised 
    by adding additional information that the mine entrance sign must 
    contain. The signs must also state that questions and complaints 
    regarding the operation may be directed to the department and it must 
    show the department's telephone number.
        18. Section 53-9-55, Civil Penalties. This section was amended to 
    add new provisions and make various clarifying language revisions to 
    the existing provisions concerning administrative enforcement and 
    assessment of civil penalties, including the following:
        Section 53-9-55(1)(a) authorizes the commission to issue a written 
    compliant for violations of the Mississippi program. It specifies the 
    content of the written complaint and requires the alleged violator to 
    appear before the commission not less than 20 days from the date of the 
    mailing or service of the complaint. Section 53-9-55(1)(b) requires the 
    commission to offer an opportunity for a formal hearing, and allows the 
    commission to assess penalties. Section 53-9-55(1)(c) specifies the 
    requirements for proof of service for notices or other instruments 
    issued by or under authority of the commission.
        Section 53-9-55(2) authorizes the commission, after notice and 
    opportunity for a formal hearing, to assess a civil penalty not to 
    exceed $25,000 per violation. If a cessation order is issued under 
    Section 53-9-69, the commission shall assess a civil penalty.
        Section 53-9-55(3) is revised to allow the commission to promulgate 
    regulations regarding a waiver from the requirement to post a penalty 
    payment bond upon a showing by the operator of an inability to post the 
        Section 53-9-55(5) is revised to also allow civil penalties to be 
    recovered in a civil action in the chancery or circuit court of any 
    county in which the surface coal mining and reclamation operation 
    exists or in which the defendant may be found.
        New Sec. 53-9-55(6) specifies that ``provisions of this section and 
    chapter regarding liability for the costs of clean-up, removal, 
    remediation or abatement of any pollution, hazardous waste or solid 
    waste shall be limited as provided in Sec. 49-17-42 and rules 
    promulgated under that section.''
        19. Section 53-9-57, Criminal Penalties. This section was revised 
    to provide criminal penalties for making false statements, 
    representations, and certifications.
        20. Section 53-9-65, Bond Release and Bond Forfeiture. Section 53-
    9-65 was revised to authorize the permit board to release performance 
    bonds, to clarify the existing public hearing provisions, to provide 
    for administrative review and appeal of decisions of the permit board, 
    and to establish a procedure for bond forfeiture.
        21. Section 53-9-67, Civil Action. Existing Sec. 53-9-67(b), 
    regarding a civil action by a person who is injured in his person or 
    property through a violation by an operator, was removed. New Sec. 53-
    9-67(6) specifies that ``provisions of this section and chapter 
    regarding liability for the costs of clean-up, removal, remediation or 
    abatement of any pollution, hazardous waste or solid waste shall be 
    limited as provided in Sec. 49-17-42 and rules promulgated under that 
        22. Section 53-9-69, Inspection--Cessation Order--Suspension or 
    Revocation of Permit--Hearing. This section was amended to revise 
    existing procedures for inspections; issuance of enforcement orders of 
    the Commission on Environmental Quality, Executive Director or the 
    Executive Director's authorized representative; suspension and 
    revocation of permits by the permit board; formal hearings regarding 
    enforcement and suspension and revocation of permits; and civil actions 
    to enforce orders.
        23. Section 53-9-71, Designation of Lands as Unsuitable for Surface 
    Coal Mining Operations. Section 53-9-71 was amended to modify the 
    procedures for petitioning to designate lands unsuitable for surface 
    coal mining and reclamation and to revise the provisions for public 
    hearings and formal hearings.
        24. Section 53-9-77, Formal Hearings. This section was amended to 
    provide for administrative review and appeal of decisions of the permit 
    board and commission and to provide for the powers of the permit board 
    and the commission in conducting hearings.
        25. Section 53-9-81, Exceptions. The existing provision at Sec. 53-
    9-81(c), concerning the extraction of coal incidental to the extraction 
    of other materials, was removed.
        26. Section 53-9-89, Deposit of Funds. Section 53-9-89 was amended 
    to create the ``Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Fund''; to create 
    the ``Surface Coal Mining Program Operations Account'' and the 
    ``Surface Coal Mining Reclamation Account within the fund; to provide 
    for use of the accounts; and to require certain funds to be deposited 
    into the fund. Monies in the ``Surface Coal Mining Program Operations 
    Account'' are to be used to pay the reasonable direct and indirect 
    costs of administering and enforcing the Mississippi program. Monies in 
    the ``Surface Coal Mining Reclamation Account'' are to be used to pay 
    for the reclamation of lands for which bonds or other collateral were 
    forfeited. The ``Surface Coal Mining Program Operations Account'' may 
    receive monies from any available public or private source. The 
    ``Surface Coal Mining Reclamation Account'' may receive monies from 
    fines, penalties, the proceeds from the forfeiture of bonds or other 
    collateral and interest.
    D. Statues Added to the Mississippi Code of 1972
        1. Section 53-9-26, Small Operator Assistance Program. This new 
    section authorizes the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality 
    to provide assistance to small operators of surface coal mines.
        2. Section 53-9-28, Permit Fees. This new section requires permit 
    fees for surface coal mining and reclamation permits and authorizes the 
    Mississippi Commission on Environmental Quality to set those fees.
    [[Page 40778]]
        3. Section 53-9-32, Application Summary. This new section requires 
    the State Geologist (head of the Office of Geology and Energy 
    Resources) to prepare a plain language summary of the proposed surface 
    coal mining and reclamation operation based on a complete application. 
    The summary shall be made available to the public.
    III. Public Comment Procedures
        In accordance with the provisions of 30 CFR 732.17(h), OSM is 
    seeking comments on whether the proposed amendment satisfies the 
    applicable program approval criteria of 30 CFR 732.15. If the amendment 
    is deemed adequate, it will become part of the Mississippi program.
    Written Comments
        Written comments should be specific, pertain only to the issues 
    proposed in this rulemaking, and include explanations in support of the 
    commenter's recommendations. Comments received after the time indicated 
    under ``DATES'' or at locations other than the Birmingham Field Office 
    will not necessarily be considered in the final rulemaking or included 
    in the Administrative Record.
    Public Hearing
        Persons wishing to speak at the public hearing should contact the 
    person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT by 4:00 p.m., 
    c.d.t. on August 14, 1997. The location and time of the hearing will be 
    arranged with those persons requesting the hearing. Any disabled 
    individual who has need for a special accommodation to attend a public 
    hearing should contact the individual listed under FOR FURTHER 
    INFORMATION CONTACT. If no one requests an opportunity to speak at the 
    public hearing, the hearing will not be held.
        Filing of a written statement at the time of the hearing is 
    requested as it will greatly assist the transcriber. Submission of 
    written statements in advance of the hearing will allow OSM officials 
    to prepare adequate responses and appropriate questions.
        The public hearing will continue on the specified date until all 
    persons scheduled to speak have been heard. Persons in the audience who 
    have not been scheduled to speak, and who wish to do so, will be heard 
    following those who have been scheduled. The hearing will end after all 
    persons scheduled to speak and persons present in the audience who wish 
    to speak have been heard.
    Public Meeting
        If only one person requests an opportunity to speak at a hearing, a 
    public meeting, rather than a public hearing, may be held. Persons 
    wishing to meet with OSM representatives to discuss the proposed 
    amendment may request a meeting by contacting the person listed under 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. All such meetings will be open to the 
    public and, if possible, notices of meetings will be posted at the 
    locations listed under ADDRESSES. A written summary of each meeting 
    will be made a part of the Administrative Record.
    IV. Procedural Determinations
    Executive Order 12866
        This rule is exempted from review by the Office of Management and 
    Budget (OMB) under Executive Order 12866 (Regulatory Planning and 
    Executive Order 12988
        The Department of the Interior has conducted the reviews required 
    by section 3 of Executive Order 12988 (Civil Justice Reform) and has 
    determined that, to the extent allowed by law, this rule meets the 
    applicable standards of subsections (a) and (b) of that section. 
    However, these standards are not applicable to the actual language of 
    State regulartory programs and program amendments since each such 
    program is drafted and promulgated by a specific State, not by OSM. 
    Under sections 503 and 505 of SMCRA (30 U.S.C. 1253 and 1255) and 30 
    CFR 730.11, 732.15, and 732.17(h)(10), decisions on proposed State 
    regulatory programs and program amendments submitted by the States must 
    be based solely on a determination of whether the submittal is 
    consistent with SMCRA and its implementing Federal regulations and 
    whether the other requirements of 30 CFR Parts 730, 731, and 732 have 
    been met.
    National Environmental Policy Act
        No environmental impact statement is required for this rule since 
    section 702(d) of SMCRA (30 U.S.C. 1292(d)) provides that agency 
    decisions on proposed State regulatory program provisions do not 
    constitute major Federal actions within the meaning of section 
    102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This rule does not contain information collection requirements that 
    require approval by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 
    3507 et seq.).
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Department of the Interior has determined that this rule will 
    not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.). 
    The State submittal which is the subject of this rule is based upon 
    counterpart Federal regulations for which an economic analysis was 
    prepared and certification made that such regulations would not have a 
    significant economic effect upon a substantial number of small 
    entities. Accordingly, this rule will ensure that existing requirements 
    previously promulgated by OSM will be implemented by the State. In 
    making the determination as to whether this rule would have a 
    significant economic impact, the Department relied upon the data and 
    assumptions for the counterpart Federal regulations.
    Unfunded Mandates
        This rule will not impose a cost of $100 million or more in any 
    given year on any governmental entity or the private sector.
    List of Subjects in 30 CFR Part 924
        Intergovernmental relations, Surface mining, Underground mining.
        Dated: July 21, 1997.
    Brent Wahlquist,
    Regional Director, Mid-Continent Regional Coordinating Center.
    [FR Doc. 97-19962 Filed 7-29-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-05-M

Document Information

Interior Department
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule; public comment period and opportunity for public hearing.
Document Number:
Written comments must be received by 4:00 p.m., c.d.t., August 29, 1997. If requested, a public hearing on the proposed amendment will be held on August 25, 1997. Requests to speak at the hearing must be received by 4:00 p.m., c.d.t. on August 14, 1997.
40773-40778 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (7)
30 CFR 53-9-7(a)
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30 CFR 53-9-37
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