98-20195. Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations Under the Federal Lands Program; State-Federal Cooperative Agreements; Montana  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 146 (Thursday, July 30, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 40790-40798]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-20195]
    [[Page 40789]]
    Part II
    Department of the Interior
    Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
    30 CFR Part 926
    Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations Under the Federal Lands 
    Program; State-Federal Cooperative Agreements; Montana; Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 146 / Thursday, July 30, 1998 / Rules 
    and Regulations
    [[Page 40790]]
    Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
    30 CFR Part 926
    Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations Under the Federal 
    Lands Program; State-Federal Cooperative Agreements; Montana
    AGENCY: Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Interior.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Governor of the State of Montana (Governor) and the 
    Secretary of the Department of the Interior (Secretary) are amending 
    the cooperative agreement between the Department of the Interior and 
    the State of Montana for the regulation of surface coal mining and 
    reclamation operations on Federal lands within Montana. Cooperative 
    agreements are provided for under section 523(c) of the Surface Mining 
    Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA). These amendments clarify 
    Montana's responsibility for the administration of its approved State 
    program on lands subject to the Federal lands program in Montana.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: August 31, 1998.
    Ranvir Singh, P.E., Western Regional Coordinating Center, Office of 
    Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, 1999 Broadway, Suite 3320, 
    Denver, CO 80202-5733; Telephone: (303) 844-1489.
    I. Background
    II. Summary of the Cooperative Agreement
    Article I: Authority, Purposes, and Responsible Agencies.
    Article II: Effective Date.
    Article III: Definitions.
    Article IV: Applicability.
    Article V: Requirements for the Agreement.
    Article VI: Review and Approval of the PAP or Application for 
    Transfer, Assignment or Sale of Permit Rights (Transfer 
    Article VII: Inspections.
    Article VIII: Enforcement.
    Article IX: Bonds.
    Article X: Designating Land Areas Unsuitable for All or Certain 
    Types of Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations and 
    Activities, and Valid Existing Rights and Compatibility 
    Article XI: Termination of the Agreement.
    Article XII: Reinstatement of the Agreement.
    Article XIII: Amendments to the Agreement.
    Article XIV: Changes in State or Federal Standards.
    Article XV: Changes in Personnel and Organization.
    Article XVI: Reservation of Rights.
    III. Procedural Determinations
    1. Executive Order 12866--Regulatory Planning and Review
    2. Regulatory Flexibility Act
    3. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
    4. Unfunded Mandates
    5. Executive Order 12630--Takings
    6. Executive Order 12612--Federalism
    7. Executive Order 12988--Civil Justice Reform
    8. Paperwork Reduction Act
    9. National Environmental Policy Act
    10. Author
    I. Background
        On June 4, 1980, the Governor submitted a request for a cooperative 
    agreement between the Department of the Interior and the State of 
    Montana to give the State primacy in the administration of its approved 
    regulatory program on Federal lands within Montana. The Secretary 
    approved the cooperative agreement on January 19, 1981 (46 FR 20983, 
    April 8, 1981). The text of the existing cooperative agreement can be 
    found at 30 CFR 926.30.
        On July 5, 1994, the Governor, pursuant to 30 CFR 745.14 and at the 
    recommendation of the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and 
    Enforcement (OSM), submitted a proposed modified cooperative agreement 
    to address among other things, elimination of duplicative State-Federal 
    permitting efforts and streamlining of the permitting processes in 
    accordance with the revised Federal lands regulations at 30 CFR Part 
    740 (48 FR 6912, February 16, 1983). OSM published the requested 
    amendments in the January 10, 1997, Federal Register (62 FR 1408) and 
    announced a public comment period on the proposed rules until March 11, 
    1997. The notice also provided that, if requested, OSM would hold a 
    public hearing. However, since no person contacted OSM to express an 
    interest in testifying at the public hearing, no public hearing was 
    held. OSM reopened the comment period on the proposed rule for an 
    additional 30 days on April 7, 1997 (62 FR 16506) but did not receive 
    any written comments on the proposed amendments during either of the 
    two comment periods.
    II. Summary of the Cooperative Agreement
        No written comments were received from any person or organization 
    on the proposed amendments during the specified comments period. 
    Therefore, no changes are being made and the proposed amendments as 
    published in the Federal Register on January 10, 1997 (62 FR 1408) are 
    being adopted as final. A discussion of the terms of the cooperative 
    agreement follows.
    Article I: Authority, Purposes, and Responsible Agencies
        Paragraph A of Article I sets forth the legal authority for the 
    Montana Cooperative Agreement (Agreement); which is provided by section 
    523(c) of SMCRA. This paragraph states that the Agreement provides for 
    State regulation of coal exploration operations \1\ not subject to 43 
    CFR Group 3400, and surface coal mining and reclamation operations and 
    activities in Montana on Federal lands.
        \1\ The term ``Exploration operations'' is referred to as 
    ``Prospecting'' in the Montana State Program.
        Paragraph B sets out the purposes of the Agreement.
        Paragraph C states that the Department of Environmental Quality 
    (DEQ) is the agency responsible for administering the Agreement on 
    behalf of the Governor of Montana. Paragraph C also names OSM as the 
    agency responsible for administering the Agreement on behalf of the 
    Article II: Effective Date
        Article II provides that after the Agreement has been signed by the 
    Secretary and the Governor, it will become effective 30 days after 
    publication in the Federal Register. It will remain in effect until 
    terminated as provided in Article XI.
    Article III: Definitions
        Article III provides that the terms and phrases used in the 
    Agreement, except the term ``permit application package (PAP),'' would 
    have the same meanings as they have in SMCRA, 30 CFR Parts 700, 701, 
    740, and the State Program. As explained in the proposed rule published 
    in the Federal Register on January 10, 1997, 62 FR 1408, 1409-1410, 
    additional language has been included in Article III to define the term 
    ``Permit Application Package (PAP).'' Defining terms and phrases in 
    this manner ensures consistency between applicable regulations and the 
    Agreement. Where there is a conflict between the referenced State and 
    Federal definitions, the definitions used in the State Program will 
    apply, unless otherwise required by Federal regulation.
    Article IV: Applicability
        Article IV states that the laws, regulations, terms and conditions 
    of the State Program are applicable to Federal lands in Montana except 
    as otherwise stated in the Agreement, SMCRA, 30 CFR 740.4, 740.11(a), 
    and 745.13 or other applicable Federal laws, Executive Orders, or 
    [[Page 40791]]
    Article V: Requirements for the Agreement
        Paragraph A mutually binds the Governor and the Secretary to comply 
    with all provisions of the Agreement.
        Paragraph B.1 requires DEQ to devote adequate funds to the 
    administration and enforcement of the requirements of the State Program 
    on Federal lands. OSM is required to reimburse the State, as provided 
    in section 705(c) of SMCRA and 30 CFR 735.16, for the costs of 
    administration and enforcement if the State complies with the terms of 
    this Agreement and necessary funds have been appropriated to OSM. The 
    amount of such funds shall be determined in accordance with the 
    provisions of Chapter 3-10 and Appendix 111 of the Federal Assistance 
        Paragraph B.2 provides that if DEQ applies for a grant but 
    sufficient funds have not been appropriated to OSM, OSM and DEQ shall 
    promptly meet to decide on appropriate measures that will insure that 
    surface coal mining and reclamation operations on Federal lands in 
    Montana are regulated in accordance with the State Program.
        Paragraph B.3 provides that the funds reimbursed to DEQ under this 
    Agreement will be adjusted in accordance with the program income 
    provisions of 43 CFR Part 12.
        Paragraph C provides that DEQ shall submit annual reports to OSM as 
    required by 30 CFR 745.12(d). The report will contain information about 
    DEQ's compliance with the terms of the Agreement. OSM and DEQ shall 
    exchange information that is developed under the Agreement, unless 
    prohibited by Federal or State law. OSM is also required to provide DEQ 
    with a copy of OSM's final evaluation report regarding State 
    administration and enforcement of the Agreement, and if the State has 
    any comments on the evaluation report, OSM shall attach those comments 
    to the report before sending it to the Congress or other interested 
        Paragraph D requires DEQ to maintain necessary personnel to fully 
    implement the Agreement in accordance with the provisions of SMCRA, the 
    Federal lands program, and the State Program.
        Paragraph E provides that DEQ shall assure itself access to 
    equipment, laboratories, and facilities to perform all necessary 
    inspections, investigations, studies, tests, and analyses.
        Paragraph F states that the amount of fee charged from an applicant 
    to obtain a permit to conduct surface coal mining and reclamation 
    operations, will be determined by the provisions of section 82-4-223(1) 
    of Montana Code Annotated (MCA), and the applicable provisions of 
    Federal law. Permit fee collected by DEQ will be considered program 
    income, and all permit fees and civil penalty fines shall be accounted 
    for in accordance with the requirements of 43 CFR Part 12. However, 
    civil penalty fines shall not be considered program income. The 
    Financial Status Report submitted by DEQ pursuant to the requirements 
    of 30 CFR 735.26 shall include the amount of permit application fees 
    collected and attributable to Federal lands during the State fiscal 
    Article VI: Review and Approval of the PAP or Application for Transfer, 
    Assignment or Sale of Permit Rights (Transfer Application)
        Paragraph A describes the process that DEQ is required to follow 
    for receipt and distribution of the PAP or transfer application.
        Under paragraph A.1 an applicant proposing to conduct surface coal 
    mining and reclamation operations on Federal lands is required by DEQ 
    to submit an appropriate number of copies of a PAP or transfer 
    application to DEQ. Such PAP or transfer application shall be in the 
    form required by DEQ and shall, at a minimum, contain the information 
    required by 30 CFR 740, and any supplemental information required by 
    OSM, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Federal land 
    management agency.
        Under paragraph A.2, upon receipt of the PAP or transfer 
    application, DEQ shall ensure that an appropriate number of copies of 
    the PAP or transfer application are provided to OSM, the Federal land 
    management agency and any other appropriate Federal agency.
        Paragraph B describes the procedures for review of the PAP or 
    transfer application.
        Paragraph B.1 describes the responsibilities of DEQ with respect to 
    review, analysis, and approval or disapproval of the permit application 
    component of the PAP or transfer application. As authorized in 30 CFR 
    740.4(c), DEQ is responsible for: (1) being the primary point of 
    contact with the applicant regarding the review of the PAP or transfer 
    application, and all decisions and determinations on the PAP or 
    transfer application; (2) analysis, review and approval or disapproval 
    of the PAP or transfer application; (3) obtaining comments and findings 
    of Federal agencies; (4) obtaining OSM's determination if a permit 
    revision issued by DEQ will constitute a mining plan modification 
    pursuant to 30 CFR 746.18, and informing the applicant of such 
    determination; (5) consulting with and obtaining the consent, as 
    necessary, of the Federal land management agency as required by 30 CFR 
    740.4(c)(2); (6) consulting and obtaining the consent, as necessary, of 
    BLM as required by 30 CFR 740.4(c)(3); (7) approval and release of 
    performance bonds, and approval and maintenance of liability insurance; 
    (8) review and approval of exploration operations as provided in 30 CFR 
    740.4(c)(6); (9) preparation of documentation to assist OSM in assuring 
    compliance with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy 
    Act (NEPA) and preparation of a State decision package when a mining 
    plan action is required pursuant to 30 CFR 746.18. In the proposed 
    rulemaking, paragraph B.1.a(2) provided, among other things, that DEQ 
    is responsible for the analysis, review, and approval, conditional 
    approval, or disapproval of the permit application component of the PAP 
    or the transfer application for surface coal mining and reclamation 
    operations on Federal lands in Montana.
        In ``Article III: Definitions'' of the proposed rule, the term PAP 
    was defined, for purposes of the Agreement, to mean ``a proposal to 
    conduct surface coal mining and reclamation operations on Federal 
    lands, including an application for a permit, permit revision, permit 
    amendment, or permit renewal, and all information required by SMCRA, 
    the Federal regulations, the State Program, this agreement, and all 
    other applicable laws and regulations, including, with respect to 
    leased Federal coal, the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (MLA) and its 
    implementing regulations.''
        Pursuant to the Agreement, DEQ has the responsibility to analyze, 
    review, and approve, conditionally approve or disapprove only that 
    information in the PAP that is submitted by the applicant for a permit, 
    permit revision, permit amendment, or permit renewal, and all 
    information required by SMCRA, the Federal regulations, the State 
    Program. The phrase ``the permit application component of the PAP,'' 
    therefore, clarifies that DEQ will not be expected to review, analyze, 
    review, and approve, conditionally approve or disapprove the 
    information in the PAP that is submitted by the applicant pursuant to 
    the requirements of ``all other applicable laws and regulations, 
    including, with respect to leased Federal coal, the MLA and its 
    implementing regulations.''
        Paragraph B.2 describes the responsibilities of OSM with respect 
    to: (1) making determinations and evaluations for NEPA compliance 
    documents required by 30 CFR 740.4(c)(7)(i) through (vii); (2) 
    reviewing appropriate portions of the PAP to
    [[Page 40792]]
    assure compliance with the non-delegable responsibilities of the 
    Secretary pursuant to SMCRA and 30 CFR 745.13; (3) consulting with BLM 
    prior to making a determination required by 30 CFR 746.18; (4) 
    exercising its responsibilities in a timely manner; (5) providing 
    assistance to DEQ in carrying out its responsibilities; and (6) when a 
    mining plan action is required pursuant 746.18, consulting with and 
    obtaining concurrences of BLM, the Federal land management agency, and 
    any other Federal agency, resolving issues when certain conditions 
    required by the Federal land management agency are not included in the 
    permit by DEQ, and preparing a decision document and recommendations to 
    the Secretary for approval, disapproval or approval with conditions of 
    a mining plan or modification thereof pursuant to 30 CFR 746.13.
        Paragraph B.3 provides that the Secretary shall: (1) concurrently 
    and in a timely manner, carry out his responsibilities that cannot be 
    delegated to DEQ pursuant SMCRA and 30 CFR 745.13 and other laws and 
    regulations; (2) reserve the right to act independently of DEQ under 
    laws other than SMCRA, and to delegate some of the responsibilities to 
    OSM; and (3) approve, disapprove, or approve with conditions, the 
    mining plan actions for leased Federal coal pursuant to 30 CFR 
        Paragraph B.4 sets forth the coordination obligations of OSM and 
    DEQ in order to meet the purposes of the Agreement. Accordingly, OSM 
    and DEQ will be required to coordinate with each other in developing a 
    work plan and designating project leaders for the PAP or transfer 
    application review process, and in scheduling meetings with the 
    applicant. OSM will not independently initiate contacts with applicants 
    regarding completeness or deficiencies during the review of a PAP or 
    transfer application. As review of the PAP or transfer application 
    progresses, DEQ will keep OSM informed of its findings that may affect 
    the responsibilities of OSM and other Federal agencies. DEQ will also 
    send to OSM copies of any correspondence with the applicant, and allow 
    OSM access to DEQ files concerning operations of Federal lands. 
    Likewise, OSM shall send to DEQ copies of the correspondence or any 
    other information received from the applicant. Any differences of 
    opinion that may surface during the PAP or transfer application review 
    process, should be resolved at the lowest possible staff level.
        Paragraph B.4 also provides for OSM and DEQ, with the concurrence 
    of any appropriate Federal agency, to enter into working agreements 
    without amending this Agreement to delegate to DEQ additional 
    responsibilities and decisions that are authorized under applicable 
    Federal laws other than SMCRA. DEQ is also required to work with 
    appropriate agency to develop mutually acceptable terms and conditions 
    for inclusion in the permit issued pursuant to section 522(e)(3) to 
    mitigate adverse impacts on any publicly owned park or places included 
    in the National Register of Historic Sites (NRHS).
        Paragraph C describes the process that DEQ is required to follow 
    during the approval of the PAP or transfer application.
        Paragraph C.1 provides that DEQ shall make a decision on the permit 
    application component or the PAP or transfer application on Federal 
        In paragraph C.2, during this decision-making process, DEQ is 
    required to consider the comments of Federal agencies in the context of 
    permit issuance and document these comments in the record of permit 
    decisions. If the permit conditions recommended by Federal agencies are 
    not adopted by DEQ, DEQ is required to provide OSM with documentation 
    as to why they were not included as permit conditions.
        Under paragraph C.3, if DEQ approves the PAP or transfer 
    application before the Secretarial decision on a mining plan, DEQ is 
    required to advise the applicant that Secretarial approval of the 
    mining plan must be obtained before the applicant may conduct surface 
    coal mining and reclamation operations on the Federal lands.
        Paragraph C.4 provides that after making a decision on the PAP or 
    transfer application, DEQ is required to send a copy of the signed 
    permit form and State decision document to the applicant, OSM and other 
    appropriate agencies.
    Article VII: Inspections
        Paragraphs A and B state that DEQ will conduct inspections on lands 
    covered by this Agreement and prepare and file State inspection reports 
    in accordance with the State Program.
        Paragraph C designates DEQ as the point of contact and inspection 
    authority in dealing with the operator. However, this Agreement shall 
    not prevent inspections by authorized Federal or State agencies for 
    purposes other than those covered by this Agreement.
        Paragraph D provides that authorized representatives of the 
    Secretary may conduct any inspections necessary to comply with 30 CFR 
    Parts 842 and 843 and with the Secretary's obligations under laws other 
    than SMCRA.
        Paragraph E states that when OSM intends to conduct an inspection 
    under 30 CFR 842.11, DEQ will be given reasonable notice of such an 
    inspection to provide opportunity for State inspectors to join in the 
    inspection. When OSM intends to conduct an inspection in response to a 
    citizen complaint supplying adequate proof of imminent danger to public 
    health and safety, or a significant imminent environmental harm to 
    land, air, or water resources, DEQ will be given at least a 24-hour 
    notice, if practicable, to facilitate a joint Federal-State inspection. 
    Citizen complaints not involving an imminent harm to the public or the 
    environment will be initially referred to DEQ for action. However, the 
    Secretary reserves the right to conduct inspections without prior 
    notice to DEQ, if necessary, to carry out his responsibilities under 
    Article VIII: Enforcement
        Article VIII sets forth the enforcement obligations and authorities 
    of OSM and DEQ.
        Under paragraph A, DEQ will have primary enforcement authority on 
    Federal lands in accordance with the requirements of the Agreement and 
    State Program. Enforcement authority given to the Secretary under 
    Federal laws and Executive Orders will be reserved by the Secretary.
        Under paragraph B, DEQ will have primary responsibility for 
    enforcement during joint inspections with OSM. Paragraph B also 
    includes a requirement that DEQ notify OSM prior to suspending or 
    revoking a permit, BLM of any suspension, rescission or revocation of a 
    permit containing leased Federal coal.
        Paragraph C preserves OSM's authority to take any enforcement 
    action necessary to comply with 30 CFR Parts 842, 843, 845 and 846 
    where OSM conducted an inspection or where, during a joint inspection 
    with DEQ, the two cannot agree on the appropriateness of a particular 
    enforcement action.
        Paragraph D provides that OSM and DEQ will notify each other of all 
    violations of applicable regulations and all actions taken on the 
        Paragraph E provides that personnel of DEQ and OSM will be mutually 
    available to serve as witnesses in enforcement actions taken by either 
        Paragraph F specifies that this Agreement will not limit the 
    [[Page 40793]]
    authority to enforce Federal laws other than SMCRA.
    Article IX: Bonds
        Under paragraph A, DEQ and the Secretary will require each operator 
    conducting operations on Federal lands to submit a single performance 
    bond, sufficient to cover the operator's responsibilities, jointly 
    payable to both the United States and DEQ. All applicable State and 
    Federal requirements must be fulfilled during the bond period. If the 
    Agreement is terminated, paragraph A requires that the portion of the 
    bond covering Federal lands shall be payable only to the United States.
        Paragraph B provides that DEQ will have the primary responsibility 
    to approve and release performance bonds, however, DEQ must obtain 
    OSM's concurrence prior to releasing a performance bond on lands 
    subject to an approved mining plan. OSM, in turn, will be required to 
    coordinate with the appropriate Federal land management agency before 
    concurring to such bond release. DEQ will annually advise OSM of any 
    adjustments to the performance bond.
        Paragraph C states that forfeiture of performance bonds will be in 
    accordance with the State Program and subject to OSM concurrence.
        Paragraph D clarifies that the performance bond does not meet the 
    requirement for a Federal lease bond under 43 CFR Part 3474, or for the 
    lessee protection bond required in certain circumstances by section 715 
    of SMCRA.
    Article X: Designating Land Areas Unsuitable for All or Certain Types 
    of Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations and Activities, and 
    Valid Existing Rights and Compatibility Determinations
        Paragraph A.1 provides that a petition to designate areas of 
    Federal lands as unsuitable for all or certain types of surface coal 
    mining and reclamation operation will be filed with OSM for processing 
    in accordance with 30 CFR 769, and that the Secretary reserves the 
    authority to designate or terminate such designation.
        Paragraph A.2 provides that DEQ and OSM will notify each other of 
    any petition to designate lands as unsuitable that could impact 
    adjacent Federal and non-federal lands, and solicit and consider each 
    other's views on a petition. OSM will coordinate with the Federal land 
    management agency with jurisdiction over the area covered by the 
    petition, and will solicit comments. OSM and DEQ shall fully consider 
    data, information, and recommendations of all agencies.
        Paragraph B.1 provides that the Secretary will make the valid 
    exiting rights (VER) determination for Federal lands within the 
    boundaries of any areas specified under section 522(e)(1) of SMCRA. 
    Where surface coal mining and reclamation operations would be conducted 
    on both Federal and non-Federal lands within such areas, the Secretary 
    will make the VER determination for the Federal lands and DEQ will make 
    the VER determination for State and private lands.
        Paragraph B.2 states that the Secretary will make VER 
    determinations for Federal lands within the boundaries of any national 
    forest where proposed surface coal mining and reclamation operations 
    are prohibited or limited by section 522(e)(2) of SMCRA and 30 CFR 
    761.11(b). OSM will process requests for determinations of 
    compatibility under section 522(e)(2) of SMCRA and part 30 CFR 
        Paragraph B.3 provides that DEQ will make the VER determination 
    when a VER determination is requested for Federal lands protected under 
    section 522(e)(3). DEQ will determine, in consultation with the State 
    Historic Preservation Officer, whether any proposed operation will 
    adversely affect any publicly-owned park or place listed on the NRHS.
        Paragraph B.3 also states that surface coal mining and reclamation 
    operations of Federal lands protected under section 522(e)(3) of SMCRA 
    may be permitted if approved jointly by DEQ, and the Federal, State, or 
    local agency with jurisdiction over the park or historic place. In 
    these instances, DEQ will coordinate with any agency with jurisdiction 
    over the publicly-owned park or historic place to develop mutually 
    acceptable terms and conditions for incorporation into the permit in 
    order to mitigate environmental impacts.
        Paragraph B.4 provides that DEQ will process determinations of VER 
    on Federal lands for all areas limited or prohibited by section 
    522(e)(4) and (5) of SMCRA as unsuitable for mining.
        Paragraph B.5 states that for operations on Federal lands, whenever 
    DEQ is responsible for making the VER determinations, DEQ will consult 
    with OSM and any affected agency.
    Article XI: Termination of the Agreement
        Article XI specifies that the Agreement may be terminated as 
    specified under 30 CFR 745.15.
    Article XII: Reinstatement of the Agreement
        Article XII provides that, if terminated, the Agreement may be 
    reinstated under 30 CFR 745.16. That provision allows for reinstatement 
    of a cooperative agreement upon application by the State after 
    remedying the defects for which the agreement was terminated and the 
    submission of evidence to the Secretary that the State can and will 
    comply with all of the provisions of the Agreement.
    Article XIII: Amendments to the Agreement
        Article XIII provides that the Agreement may be amended by mutual 
    agreement of the Governor and the Secretary in accordance with 30 CFR 
    Article XIV: Changes in State or Federal Standards
        Paragraph A recognizes that the Secretary or the Governor may, from 
    time to time, revise and promulgate new or revised performance or 
    reclamation requirements or enforcement and administrative procedures. 
    If it is determined to be necessary to keep this Agreement in force, 
    each party shall change or revise its respective laws or regulations or 
    request necessary legislative action. Such changes will be made under 
    the procedures of 30 CFR Part 732 for changes to the State Program and 
    under the procedures of section 501 of SMCRA for changes to the Federal 
    lands program.
        Paragraph B requires that DEQ and OSM to provide each other with 
    copies of any changes to their respective laws, rules, regulations, and 
    standards pertaining to the enforcement and administration of this 
    Article XV: Changes in Personnel and Organization
        Paragraph A states that DEQ and OSM shall advise each other of 
    changes in the organization, structure, functions, duties and funds of 
    the offices, departments, divisions, and persons within their 
    organizations which could affect administration and enforcement of this 
    Agreement. Each shall promptly advise the other in writing of changes 
    in key personnel, including the head of a department or division, or 
    changes in the functions or duties of the principal offices of the 
    program. DEQ and OSM shall advise each other in writing of changes in 
    the location of their respective offices, addresses, telephone numbers, 
    as well as changes in the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 
    their respective personnel.
    [[Page 40794]]
        Paragraph B provides that if the State Act be amended to transfer 
    administration of the State Act to another agency, all references to 
    DEQ in this Agreement shall be deemed to apply to the successor 
    regulatory agency as of the date of the transfer. The provisions in 
    this Agreement shall thereafter apply to that agency.
    Article XVI: Reservation of Rights
        This agreement will not be construed as waiving or preventing the 
    assertion of any rights in this Agreement that the State or the 
    Secretary may have under laws other than the Act and the State Program, 
    including, but not limited to those listed in Appendix A of this 
    III. Procedural Determinations
    1. Executive Order 12866--Regulatory Planning and Review
        This document is not a significant rule and is not subject to 
    review by the Office of Management and Budget under Executive Order 
        (1) This rule will not have an effect of $100 million or more on 
    the economy. It will not adversely affect in a material way the 
    economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public 
    health or safety, or State, local, or tribal governments or 
        (2) This rule will not create a serious inconsistency or otherwise 
    interfere with an action taken or planned by another agency.
        (3) This rule does not alter the budgetary effects or entitlements, 
    grants, user fees, or loan programs or the rights or obligations of 
    their recipients.
        (4) This rule does not raise novel legal or policy issues.
    2. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Department of the Interior certifies that this rule will not 
    have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.). 
    This rule will amend the cooperative agreement between the Department 
    of the Interior and the State of Montana. It will streamline the 
    permitting process in Montana by delegating to Montana the sole 
    responsibility to issue permits for coal mining and reclamation 
    operations on Federal lands under the Federal lands program 
    regulations. It will eliminate duplicative permitting requirements, 
    thereby increasing governmental efficiency. The rule will also update 
    the cooperative agreement to reflect current regulations and agency 
    3. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
        This rule is not a major rule under 5 U.S.C. 804(2), the Small 
    Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act. This rule:
        a. Does not have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or 
    more. The rule only affects the State of Montana and the costs of 
    carrying out the functions under the cooperative agreement are offset 
    by grants from the Federal government.
        b. Will not cause a major increase in costs or prices for 
    consumers, individual industries, Federal, State, or local government 
    agencies, or geographic regions because the rule does not impose any 
    new requirements on the coal mining industry or consumers. The 
    functions being performed by the State under the cooperative agreement 
    are offset by grants from the Federal government.
        c. Does not have significant adverse effects on competition, 
    employment, investment, productivity, innovation, or the ability of 
    U.S.-based enterprises to compete with foreign-based enterprises for 
    the reasons stated above.
    4. Unfunded Mandates
        This rule does not impose an unfunded mandate on State, local, or 
    tribal governments or the private sector of more than $100 million per 
    year. The rule does not have a significant or unique effect on State 
    local or tribal governments or the private sector. A statement 
    containing the information required by the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act 
    (1 U.S.C. 1531, et seq.) is not required.
    5. Executive Order 12630--Takings
        In accordance with Executive Order 12630, the rule does not have 
    significant takings implications. The rule revises an existing 
    cooperative agreement at the request of the State of Montana and will 
    result in the delegation of authority to the State. A takings 
    implication assessment is not required.
    6. Executive Order 12612--Federalism
        In accordance with Executive Order 12612, the rule does not have 
    significant Federalism implications to warrant the preparation of a 
    Federalism Assessment. The rule revises an existing cooperative 
    agreement at the request of the State of Montana and will result in the 
    delegation of authority to the State. Therefore, a Federalism 
    assessment is not required.
    7. Executive Order 12988--Civil Justice Reform
        In accordance with Executive Order 12988, the Office of the 
    Solicitor has determined that this rule does not unduly burden the 
    judicial system and meets the requirements of sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) 
    of the Order.
    8. Paperwork Reduction Act
        This regulation does not require an information collection from 10 
    or more parties and a submission under the Paperwork Reduction Act is 
    not required. An OMB form 83-I is not required.
    9. National Environmental Policy Act
        This rule has been reviewed by OSM and it has been determined to be 
    categorically excluded from the NEPA process in accordance with the 
    Departmental Manual 516 DM 6, Appendix 8.4(B)(21).
    10. Author
        The principal author of this final rule is Ranvir Singh, P.E., 
    Western Regional Coordinating Center, 1999 Broadway, Suite 3320, 
    Denver, CO 80202-5733.
    List of Subjects in 30 CFR Part 926
        Coal mining, Intergovernmental relations, Surface mining, 
    Underground mining.
        Dated: June 15, 1998.
    Sylvia V. Baca,
    Acting Assistant Secretary, Land and Minerals Management.
        Accordingly, 30 CFR Part 926 is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 926 continues to read as 
        Authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.
        2. Section 926.30 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 926.30  State-Federal cooperative agreement.
        The Governor of the State of Montana (Governor) and the 
    Secretary of the Department of the Interior (Secretary) enter into a 
    State-Federal Cooperative Agreement (Agreement) to read as follows:
    Article I: Authority, Purposes, and Responsible Agencies
    A. Authority
        This Agreement is authorized by section 523(c) of the Surface 
    Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA), 30 U.S.C. 1273(c), which 
    allows a State with a permanent regulatory program approved by the 
    Secretary, under 30 U.S.C. 1253, to elect to enter into an agreement 
    for State control and
    [[Page 40795]]
    regulation of surface coal mining and reclamation operations on 
    Federal lands. This Agreement provides for State regulation of coal 
    exploration operations \1\ not subject to 43 CFR Group 3400, and 
    surface coal mining and reclamation operations and activities in 
    Montana on Federal lands consistent with SMCRA, the Federal lands 
    program (30 CFR) Chapter VII, Subchapter D), and the Montana State 
    Program (State Program), including among other things, the Montana 
    Strip and Underground Mine Reclamation Act, Part 2, Chapter 4, Title 
    82, Montana Code Annotated (State Act or MCA).
        \1\ The term ``Exploration Operations'' is referred to as 
    ``Prospecting'' in the Montana State Program.
    B. Purposes
        The purposes of the Agreement are to (1) foster State-Federal 
    cooperation in the regulation of surface coal mining and reclamation 
    operations on Federal lands and coal exploration operations not 
    subject to 43 CFR Group 3400; (2) minimize intergovernmental overlap 
    and duplication; and (3) provide effective and uniform application 
    of the State Program on all non-Indian lands in Montana.
    C. Responsible Agencies
        The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) shall 
    administer this Agreement on behalf of the Governor. The Office of 
    Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) shall administer 
    this Agreement on behalf of the Secretary.
    Article II: Effective Date
        Upon signing by the Secretary and the Governor, this Agreement 
    will take effect 30 days after final publication as a rule making in 
    the Federal Register.\2\ This Agreement shall remain in effect until 
    terminated as provided in Article XI.
        \2\ See explanation in Article II at 46 FR 20983, April 8, 1981.
    Article III: Definitions
        The term and phrases used in this Agreement, except the term 
    ``permit application package (PAP),'' will be given the meanings set 
    forth in SMCRA, 30 CFR Parts 700, 701, 740, and 761, and the State 
    Program, including the State Act and the regulations promulgated 
    pursuant to the State Act. Where there is a conflict between the 
    above-referenced State and Federal definitions, the definitions used 
    in the State Program will apply, unless otherwise required by 
    Federal regulation.
        The term ``permit application package (PAP)'' for the purposes 
    of this Agreement, means a proposal to conduct surface coal mining 
    and reclamation operations on Federal lands, including an 
    application for a permit, permit revision, permit amendment, or 
    permit renewal, and all information required by SMCRA, the Federal 
    regulations, the State Program, this Agreement, and all other 
    applicable laws and regulations, including, with respect to leased 
    Federal coal, the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (MLA) and its 
    implementing regulations.
    Article IV: Applicability
        In accordance with the Federal lands program, the laws, 
    regulations, terms and conditions of the State Program are 
    applicable to Federal lands in Montana except as otherwise stated in 
    this Agreement, SMCRA, 30 CFR 740.4, 740.11(a), and 745.13 or other 
    applicable Federal laws, Executive Orders, or regulations.
    Article V: Requirements for the Agreement
        The Governor and the Secretary affirm that they will comply with 
    all provisions of this Agreement.
    A. Funds
        1. The State shall devote adequate funds to the administration 
    and enforcement on Federal lands in Montana of the requirements 
    contained in the State Program. If the State complies with the terms 
    of this Agreement, and if necessary funds have been appropriated, 
    OSM shall reimburse the State as provided in section 705(c) of SMCRA 
    and 30 CFR 735.16 for the costs associated with carrying out 
    responsibilities under this Agreement. The amount of such funds 
    shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3-
    10 and Appendix 111 of the Federal Assistance Manual.
        2. If DEQ applies for a grant but sufficient funds have not been 
    appropriated to OSM, OSM and DEQ shall promptly meet to decide on 
    appropriate measures that will insure that surface coal mining and 
    reclamation operations on Federal lands in Montana are regulated in 
    accordance with the State Program.
        3. Funds provided to DEQ under this Agreement will be adjusted 
    in accordance with the program income provisions of 43 CFR Part 12.
    B. Reports and Records
        1. DEQ shall submit annual reports to OSM containing information 
    with respect to its compliance with the terms of this Agreement 
    pursuant to 30 CFR 745.12(d). Upon request, DEQ and OSM shall 
    exchange, except where prohibited by Federal or State law, 
    information developed under this Agreement. OSM shall provide DEQ 
    with a copy of any final evaluation report prepared concerning State 
    administration and enforcement of this Agreement. DEQ comments on 
    the report will be attached before being sent to the Congress or 
    other interested parties.
    C. Personnel
        DEQ shall maintain the necessary personnel to fully implement 
    this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of SMCRA, the 
    Federal lands program, and the State Program.
    D. Equipment and Facilities
        DEQ shall assure itself access to equipment, laboratories, and 
    facilities with which all inspections, investigations, studies, 
    tests, and analyses can be performed and which are necessary to 
    carry out the requirements of this Agreement.
    E. Permit Application Fees and Civil Penalties
        The amount of the fee accompanying the PAP shall be determined 
    in accordance with section 82-4-223(1), of MCA, and the applicable 
    provisions of Federal law. All permit fees and civil penalty fines 
    shall be accounted for in accordance with the provisions of 43 CFR 
    Part 12. Permit fees will be considered program income. Civil 
    penalties will not be considered program income. The Financial 
    Status Report submitted pursuant to 30 CFR 735.26 shall include the 
    amount of the permit application fees collected and attributable to 
    Federal lands during the State fiscal year.
    Article VI: Review and Approval of the PAP or Application for Transfer, 
    Assignment or Sale of Permit Rights (Transfer Application)
    A. Receipt and Distribution of the PAP or Transfer Application
        1. DEQ shall require an applicant proposing to conduct surface 
    coal mining and reclamation operations on Federal lands to submit to 
    DEQ the appropriate number of copies of a PAP or transfer 
    application. The PAP or transfer application shall meet the 
    requirements of 30 CFR Part 740, shall be in the form required by 
    DEQ, and shall contain, at a minimum, the information required by 30 
    CFR 740.13(b), including:
        a. Information necessary for DEQ to make a determination of 
    compliance with the State Program;
        b. Any supplement information required by OSM, the Bureau of 
    Land Management (BLM), and the Federal Land Management Agency. This 
    information shall be appropriate and adequate for OSM and the 
    appropriate Federal agencies to make determinations of compliance 
    with applicable requirements of SMCRA,the MLA, as amended, the 
    Federal lands program, and other Federal laws, Executive Orders, and 
    regulations which these agencies administer.
        2. Except as otherwise agreed in writing by Federal agencies, 
    upon receipt of a PAP or transfer application, DEQ shall ensure that 
    an appropriate number of copies of the PAP or transfer application 
    are provided to OSM, Federal land management agency, and any other 
    appropriate Federal agency.
    B. Review of the PAP or Transfer Application
        1. DEQ is responsible for:
        a. As authorized by 30 CFR 740.4(c),
        (1) Being the primary point of contact with the applicant 
    regarding the review of the PAP or transfer application and 
    communications regarding all decisions and determinations with 
    respect to the PAP or transfer application;
        (2) Analysis, review, and approval, conditional approval, or 
    disapproval of the permit application component of the PAP or the 
    transfer application for surface coal mining and reclamation 
    operations on Federal lands in Montana;
        (3) Obtaining the comments and findings of Federal agencies with 
    jurisdiction or responsibility over Federal lands affected by the 
    operations proposed in the PAP or transfer application, unless 
    otherwise agreed in writing by Federal agencies. DEQ shall request 
    such Federal agencies to provide to
    [[Page 40796]]
    DEQ their requests for additional information or their findings 
    within 45 days of the receipt of the request;
        (4) Obtaining OSM's determination whether the PAP involving 
    leased Federal coal constitutes a mining plan modification under 30 
    CFR 746.18, and informing the applicant of such determination;
        (5) Consulting with and obtaining the consent, as necessary, of 
    the Federal land management agency pursuant to 30 CFR 740.4(c)(2), 
    with respect to post-mining land use and to any special requirements 
    necessary to protect non-coal resources of the areas that will be 
    affected by surface coal mining and reclamation operations;
        (6) Consulting with and obtaining the consent, as necessary, of 
    BLM pursuant to 30 CFR 740.4(c)(3), with respect to requirements 
    relating to the development, production and recovery of mineral 
    resources on lands affected by surface coal mining and reclamation 
    operations involving leased Federal coal pursuant to 43 CFR Group 
        (7) Approval and release of performance bonds pursuant to 
    Article IX.B, and approval and maintenance of liability insurance;
        (8) Review and approval of exploration operations not subject to 
    the requirements of 43 CFR Group 3400, as provided in 30 CFR 
        b. In addition, where a mining plan action is required under 30 
    CFR Part 746, as determined by OSM:
        (1) Preparation of documentation to comply with the requirements 
    of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). However, OSM will 
    retain the responsibility for the exceptions in 30 CFR 
    740.4(c)(7)(l) through (vii). DEQ and OSM shall coordinate and 
    cooperate with each other so that, if possible, one Environmental 
    Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement is produced to comply 
    with NEPA and the Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA);
        (2) Preparation of a State decision package, which includes 
    written findings indicating that the permit application component of 
    the PAP is in compliance with the terms of the State Program, a 
    technical analysis of the PAP, and supporting documentation.
        2. OSM is responsible for:
        a. When the PAP includes Federal lands,
        (1) Making determinations and evaluations for NEPA compliance 
    documents as required by 30 CFR 740.4(c)(7)(l) through (vii);
        (2) Reviewing the appropriate portions of the PAP for compliance 
    with the non-delegable responsibilities of the Secretary pursuant to 
    SMCRA and 30 CFR 745.13, and for compliance with the requirements of 
    other Federal laws, Executive Orders, and regulations;
        (3) Consulting with the Federal land management agency, and 
    determining whether the PAP constitutes a mining plan modification 
    under 30 CFR 746.18, and informing DEQ, whenever practical within 30 
    days of receiving a copy of the PAP for operations on Federal lands, 
    of such determination;
        (4) Exercising its responsibilities in a timely manner governed, 
    to the extent possible, by the deadlines established in the State 
        (5) Assisting DEQ, upon request, in carrying out its 
    responsibilities by:
        (a) Coordinating resolution of conflicts between DEQ and other 
    Federal agencies in a timely manner;
        (b) Obtaining comments and findings of other Federal agencies 
    with jurisdiction or responsibility over Federal lands;
        (c) Scheduling joint meetings between DEQ and Federal agencies;
        (d) Reviewing and analyzing the PAP, to the extent possible, and 
    providing to DEQ the work product within 50 days of receipt of the 
    State's request for such assistance, unless a different time is 
    agreed upon by OSM and DEQ; and
        (e) Providing technical assistance, if available OSM resources 
        b. In addition, where a mining plan action is required pursuant 
    to 30 CFR Part 746:
        (1) Consulting with and obtaining the concurrences of BLM, the 
    Federal land management agency, and any other Federal agency, as 
    necessary, prior to making recommendation to the Secretary 
    concerning approval of the mining plan;
        (2) Upon notification from the DEQ that certain permit 
    conditions required by the Federal land management agency are not 
    incorporated in the State permit, OSM will determine whether such 
    conditions are necessary. When OSM believes the conditions are 
    necessary, OSM will work with the Federal land management agency to 
    find another means to resolve the issue and, where appropriate, OSM 
    will facilitate the attachment of conditions to the appropriate 
    Federal authorizations; and
        (3) Providing a decision document to the Secretary recommending 
    approval, disapproval, or conditional approval of mining plans or 
    modifications thereof.
        3. The Secretary:
        a. Shall concurrently carry out his responsibilities that cannot 
    be delegated to DEQ pursuant to SMCRA and 30 CFR 745.13, the Federal 
    lands program, the MLA, NEPA, this Agreement, and other applicable 
    Federal laws including, but not limited to, those listed in Appendix 
    A. The Secretary shall carry out these responsibilities in a timely 
    manner and will avoid, to the extent possible, duplication of the 
    responsibilities of the State as set forth in this Agreement and the 
    State Program;
        b. Reserves the right to act independently of DEQ to carry out 
    his responsibilities under laws other than SMCRA, and where Federal 
    law permits, to delegate some of the responsibilities to OSM; and
        c. Shall be responsible for approval, disapproval, or 
    conditional approval of mining plans and modifications thereof with 
    respect to lands containing leased Federal coal in accordance with 
    30 CFR 740.4(a)(1).
        4. Coordination:
        a. As a matter of practice, OSM will not independently initiate 
    contacts with applicants regarding completeness or deficiencies of a 
    PAP or transfer application with respect to matters covered by the 
    State Program.
        b. OSM and DEQ shall coordinate with each other during the 
    review process of a PAP or transfer application as needed.
        c. OSM and DEQ may request and schedule meetings with the 
    applicant with adequate advance notice to each other.
        d. DEQ shall keep OSM informed of findings made during the 
    review process which bear on the responsibilities of OSM or other 
    Federal agencies. DEQ shall send to OSM copies of any correspondence 
    with the applicant and any information received from the applicant 
    regarding the PAP or transfer application. OSM shall send to DEQ 
    copies of all OSM correspondence with the applicant and any other 
    information received from the applicant which may have a bearing on 
    the PAP or transfer application. Any conflicts or differences of 
    opinions that may develop during the review process should be 
    resolved at the lowest possible staff level.
        e. OSM shall have access to DEQ files concerning operations on 
    Federal lands.
        f. Where a mining plan action is required pursuant to 30 CFR 
    Part 746, OSM and DEQ shall develop a work plan and schedule for the 
    PAP review and each will designate a project leader. The project 
    leaders will serve as the primary points of contact between OSM and 
    DEQ throughout the review process. Not later than 50 days after 
    receipt of the PAP, unless a different time is agreed upon, OSM 
    shall furnish DEQ with its review comments on the PAP and specify 
    any requirements for additional data. DEQ shall provide OSM all 
    available information that may assist OSM in preparing any findings 
    for the mining plan action.
        g. On matters concerned exclusively with regulations under 43 
    CFR Group 3400, BLM will be the primary contact with the applicant 
    and shall inform DEQ of its actions and provide DEQ with a copy of 
    documentation on all decisions.
        h. Responsibilities and decisions which can be delegated to DEQ 
    under applicable Federal laws other than SMCRA may be specified in 
    working agreements between OSM and DEQ, with the concurrence of any 
    Federal agency involved, and without amendment to this Agreement.
        i. In the case that valid existing rights (VER) are determined 
    to exist on Federal lands under section 522(e)(3) of SMCRA where the 
    proposed operation will adversely affect either a publicly-owned 
    park, or a historic place listed in the National Register of 
    Historic Sites, DEQ shall work, respectively, with the agency with 
    jurisdiction over the publicly-owned park or the agency with 
    jurisdiction over the historic place, to develop mutually acceptable 
    terms and conditions for incorporation into the permit to mitigate 
    adverse impacts.
    C. Approval of the PAP or Transfer Application
        1. DEQ shall make a decision on approval, conditional approval, 
    or disapproval of the permit application component of the PAP or the 
    transfer application on Federal lands.
        2. DEQ must consider the comments of Federal agencies in the 
    context of permit issuance and will document these comments in the 
    record of permit decisions. To the extent allowed by Montana law, 
    permits issued by DEQ will include terms and conditions imposed by 
    the Federal land management agency pursuant to applicable Federal 
    laws and regulations other than SMCRA, in accordance with 30 CFR 
    740.13(c)(1). When Federal agencies
    [[Page 40797]]
    recommend permit conditions and these conditions are not adopted by 
    DEQ. DEQ will provide OSM with documentation as to why they were not 
    incorporated as permit conditions.
        3. When a mining plan action is required pursuant to 30 CFR Part 
    746, DEQ may make a decision on approval, conditional approval, or 
    disapproval of the permit application component of the PAP on 
    Federal lands in accordance with the State Program prior to the 
    necessary Secretarial decision on the mining plan, provided that DEQ 
    advises the applicant that Secretarial approval of the mining plan 
    action must be obtained before the applicant may conduct surface 
    coal mining and reclamation operations on the Federal lands. To the 
    extent allowed by the State law, DEQ shall reserve the right to 
    amend or rescind any requirements of the permit to conform with any 
    terms or conditions imposed by the Secretary in the approval of the 
    mining plan.
        4. After making its decision on the permit application component 
    of the PAP or transfer application, DEQ shall send a copy of the 
    signed permit form and State decision document to the applicant, 
    OSM, the Federal land management agency, and any agency with 
    jurisdiction over a publicly-owned park, or historic property 
    included in the NRHS which would be adversely affected by the 
    surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
    Article VII: Inspections
        A. DEQ shall conduct inspections on Federal lands in accordance 
    with 30 CFR 740.4(c)(5) and prepare and file inspection reports in 
    accordance with the approved State Program.
        B. DEQ shall, subsequent to conducting any inspection on Federal 
    lands, file with OSM's appropriate Field Office an inspection report 
    describing: (1) the general conditions of the lands under the lease, 
    permit, or license; (2) the manner in which the operations are being 
    conducted; and (3) whether the operator is complying with applicable 
    performance standards and reclamation requirements.
        C. DEQ will be the point of contact and inspection authority in 
    dealing with the operator concerning operations and compliance with 
    requirements covered by this Agreement, except as described in this 
    Agreement and in the Secretary's regulations. Nothing in this 
    Agreement shall prevent inspections by authorized Federal or State 
    agencies for purposes other than those covered by this Agreement.
        D. Authorized representatives of the Secretary may conduct any 
    inspections necessary to comply with 30 CFR Parts 842 and 843, and 
    with the Secretary's obligations under laws other than SMCRA.
        E. OSM shall give DEQ reasonable notice of its intent to conduct 
    an inspection in order to provide State inspectors with an 
    opportunity to join in the inspection. When OSM is responding to a 
    citizen complaint supplying adequate proof of an imminent danger to 
    the public health and safety, or a significant imminent 
    environmental harm to land, air, or water resources, pursuant to 30 
    CFR 842.11(b)(1)(ii)(C), it shall contact DEQ no less than 24 hours 
    prior to the Federal inspection, if practicable, to facilitate a 
    joint Federal/State inspection. All citizen complaints which do not 
    involve an imminent danger to the public health and safety, or a 
    significant imminent environmental harm to land, air, or water 
    resources, must be referred initially to DEQ for action. The 
    Secretary reserves the right to conduct inspections without prior 
    notice to DEQ, if necessary, to carry out his responsibilities under 
    Article VIII: Enforcement
        A. DEQ shall have primary enforcement authority under SMCRA 
    concerning compliance with the requirements of this Agreement and 
    the State Program in accordance with 30 CFR 740.4(c)(5) and 
    740.17(a)(2). Enforcement authority given to the Secretary under 
    SMCRA, and its implementing regulations, or other Federal laws and 
    Executive Orders, including, but not limited to, those listed in 
    Appendix A, is reserved to the Secretary.
        B. During any joint inspection by OSM and DEQ, DEQ will have 
    primary responsibility for enforcement procedures, including 
    issuance of cessation orders and notices of violation. DEQ shall 
    consult with OSM prior to issuance of any decision to suspend, 
    rescind or revoke a permit on Federal lands. DEQ shall notify BLM of 
    any suspension, rescission or revocation of a permit containing 
    leased Federal coal pursuant to 30 CFR 740.13(f)(2).
        C. During any inspection made solely by OSM or any joint 
    inspection where DEQ an OSM fail to agree regarding the propriety of 
    any particular enforcement action, OSM may take any enforcement 
    action necessary to comply with 30 CFR Parts 842, 843, 845 and 846.
        D. DEQ and OSM shall promptly notify each other of all 
    violations and of all actions taken with respect to such violations.
        E. Personnel of DEQ and OSM shall be mutually available to serve 
    as witnesses in enforcement actions taken by either party.
        F. This Agreement does not affect or limit the Secretary's 
    authority to enforce violations of Federal laws other than SMCRA.
    Article IX: Bonds
        A. DEQ and the Secretary shall require all operators on Federal 
    lands to submit a single performance bond jointly payable to both 
    the United States and DEQ. The board shall be of sufficient amount 
    to cover the operator's responsibilities under SMCRA and the State 
    Program. The bond shall be conditioned upon continued compliance 
    with all requirements of SMCRA, 30 CFR Chapter VII, the State 
    Program, and the permit. Such bond shall provide that if this 
    Agreement is terminated under the provisions of 30 CFR 745.15, the 
    portion of the bond covering the Federal lands shall be payable only 
    to the United States.
        B. DEQ will have primary responsibility for the approval and 
    release of performance bonds required for surface coal mining and 
    reclamation operations on Federal lands. However, release of a 
    performance bond on lands subject to an approved mining plan 
    requires the concurrence of OSM as provided in 30 CFR 740.15(d)(3). 
    Prior to such concurrence, OSM shall coordinate with other Federal 
    agencies having the authority over the lands involved. DEQ shall 
    annually advice OSM of adjustments to the performance bond.
        C. Performance bonds will be subject to forfeiture with he 
    concurrence of OSM, in accordance with the procedures and 
    requirements of the State Program. OSM may not withhold its 
    concurrence unless DEQ's forfeiture decision is not in accordance 
    with the requirements and procedures of the State program.
        D. Submission of a performance bond does not satisfy the 
    requirements for either a Federal lease bond required by 43 CFR Part 
    3474 or a lessee protection bond which is required in certain 
    circumstances by section 715 of SMCRA.
    Article X: Designating Land Areas Unsuitable for All or Certain Types 
    of Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations and Activities, and 
    Valid Existing Rights and Compatibility Determinations
    A. Unsuitability Petitions
        1. Authority to designate or terminate the designation of areas 
    of Federal lands as unsuitable for mining is reserved to the 
    Secretary. Unsuitability petitions shall be filed with OSM and would 
    be processed in accordance with 30 CFR 769.
        2. When either DEQ or OSM receives a petition that could impact 
    adjacent Federal or non-Federal lands pursuant to section 522(c) of 
    SMCRA, the agency receiving the petition will notify the other of 
    receipt of the petition and the anticipated schedule for reaching a 
    decision. OSM shall coordinate with and solicit comments from the 
    applicable Federal land management agency. OSM and DEQ shall fully 
    consider data, information, and recommendations of all agencies.
    B. Valid Existing Rights (VER) and Compatibility Determinations
        The following actions will be taken when requests for 
    determinations of VER pursuant to section 522(e) of SMCRA, or for 
    determinations of compatibility pursuant to section 522(e)(2) of 
    SMCRA are received:
        1. For Federal lands within the boundaries of any areas 
    specified under section 522(e)(1) of SMCRA, the Secretary will make 
    the VER determination. If surface coal mining and reclamation 
    operations would be conducted on both Federal and non-Federal lands 
    within such areas, the Secretary will make the VER determination for 
    the Federal lands and DEQ will make the VER determination for State 
    and private lands.
        2. For Federal lands within the boundaries of any national 
    forest where proposed surface coal mining and reclamation operations 
    are prohibited or limited by section 522(e)(2) of SMCRA and 30 CFR 
    761.11(b), the Secretary will make VER determinations. OSM will 
    process requests for determinations of compatibility under section 
    522(e)(2) of SMCRA and part 30 CFR 761.12(c).
        3. Where a VER determination is requested for Federal lands 
    protected under section 522(e)(3), DEQ will make the VER
    [[Page 40798]]
    determination. DEQ will determine, in consultation with the State 
    Historic Preservation Officer, whether any proposed operation will 
    adversely affect any publicly-owned park or historic place listed on 
    the National Register of Historic Sites (NRHS).
        Surface coal mining and reclamation operations of Federal lands 
    protected under section 522(e)(3) of SMCRA may be permitted if 
    approved jointly by DEQ, and the Federal, State, or local agency 
    with jurisdiction over the park or historic place. DEQ will 
    coordinate with any agency with jurisdiction over the publicly-owned 
    park or historic place to develop mutually acceptable terms and 
    conditions for incorporation into the permit in order to mitigate 
    environmental impacts.
        4. DEQ will process determinations of VER on Federal lands for 
    all areas limited or prohibited by section 522(e)(4) and (5) of 
    SMCRA as unsuitable for mining.
        5. For operations on Federal lands, whenever DEQ is responsible 
    for making the VER determinations, DEQ will consult with OSM and any 
    affected agency.
    Article XI: Termination of the Agreement
        This Agreement may be terminated by the Governor or the 
    Secretary under the provisions of 30 CFR 745.15.
    Article XII: Reinstatement of the Agreement
        If this Agreement has been terminated in whole or part, it may 
    be reinstated under the provisions of 30 CFR 745.16.
    Article XIII: Amendments of the Agreement
        This Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement of the 
    Governor and the Secretary in accordance with 30 CFR 745.14.
    Article XIV: Changes in State or Federal Standards
        A. The Secretary or the State may, from time to time, revise and 
    promulgate new or revised performance or reclamation requirements or 
    enforcement and administrative procedures. Each party shall, if it 
    is determined to be necessary to keep this Agreement in force, 
    change or revise its respective laws or regulations or request 
    necessary legislative action. Such changes will be made under the 
    procedures of 30 CFR Part 732 for changes to the State Program and 
    under the procedures of section 501 of SMCRA for changes to the 
    Federal lands program.
        B. DEQ and OSM shall provide each other with copies of any 
    changes to their respective laws, rules, regulations, and standards 
    pertaining to the enforcement and administration of this Agreement.
    Article XV: Changes in Personnel and Organization
        A. DEQ and OSM shall, consistent with 30 CFR Part 745, advise 
    each other of changes in the organization, structure, functions, 
    duties and funds of the offices, departments, divisions, and persons 
    within their organizations which could affect administration and 
    enforcement of this Agreement. Each shall promptly advise the other 
    in writing of changes in key personnel, including the head of a 
    department or division, or changes in the functions or duties of the 
    principal offices of the program. DEQ and OSM shall advise each 
    other in writing of changes in the location of their respective 
    offices, addresses, telephone numbers, as well as changes in the 
    names, addresses, and telephone numbers of their respective 
        B. Should the State Act be amended to transfer administration of 
    the State Act to another agency, all references to DEQ in this 
    Agreement shall be deemed to apply to the successor regulatory 
    agency as of the date of the transfer. The provisions in this 
    Agreement shall thereafter apply to that agency.
    Article XVI: Reservation of Rights
        In accordance with 30 CFR 745.13, this Agreement shall not be 
    construed as waiving or preventing the assertion of any rights that 
    have not been expressly addressed in this Agreement that the State 
    or the Secretary may have under laws other than the Act and the 
    State Program, including, but not limited to those listed in 
    Appendix A.
        Dated: May 8, 1998.
    Marc Racicot,
    Governor of Montana.
        Dated: July 7, 1998.
    Bruce Babbitt,
    Secretary of the Interior.
    Appendix A
        1. The Federal Land Policy and Management Act, 43 U.S.C. 1701 et 
    seq., and implementing regulations.
        2. The Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, 30 U.S.C. 181 et seq., and 
    implementing regulations, including 43 CFR Part 3480.
        3. The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. 4321 
    et seq., and implementing regulations, including 40 CFR Part 1500.
        4. The Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. 1531 eq seq., and 
    implementing regulations, including 50 CFR Part 402.
        5. The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, 16 U.S.C. 470 
    et seq., and implementing regulations, including 36 CFR Part 800.
        6. Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, 25 
    U.S.C. 3001 et seq.
        7. The American Indian Religious Freedom Act, 42 U.S.C. 1986 et 
        8. The Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979, 16 
    U.S.C. 470aa et seq.
        9. The Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq., and implementing 
        10. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et 
    seq., and implementing regulations.
        11. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, 42 
    U.S.C. 6901 et seq., and implementing regulations.
        12. The Reservoir Salvage Act of 1960, amended by the 
    Preservation of Historical and Archaeological Data Act of 1974, 16 
    U.S.C. 469 et seq.
        13. Executive Order 11593 (May 13, 1971), Cultural Resource 
    Inventories on Federal Lands.
        14. Executive Order 11988 (May 24, 1977), for flood plain 
        15. Executive Order 11990 (May 24, 1977), for wetlands 
        16. Executive Order 12898 (February 11, 1994) for Federal 
    Actions to Address Environmental Justice on Minority Populations and 
    Low Income Populations.
        17. The Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands, 30 U.S.C. 351 et 
    seq., and implementing regulations.
        18. The Stock Raising Homestead Act of 1916, 43 U.S.C. 291 et 
        19. The Constitution of the United States.
        20. Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, 30 
    U.S.C. 1201 et seq.
        21. 30 CFR Chapter VII.
        22. The Constitution of the State of Montana.
        23. Montana Strip and Underground Mine Reclamation Act (MSUMRA), 
    Part 2, Chapter 4, Title 82, Montana Code Annotated.
        24. Title 26, Chapter 4, Subchapter 3, Administrative Rules of 
        25. Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA).
    [FR Doc. 98-20195 Filed 7-29-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-05-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
August 31, 1998.
40790-40798 (9 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
30 CFR 926.30