98-20394. United States v. General Electric Company; Proposed Final Judgment and Competitive Impact Statement  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 146 (Thursday, July 30, 1998)]
    [Pages 40737-40741]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-20394]
    Antitrust Division
    United States v. General Electric Company; Proposed Final 
    Judgment and Competitive Impact Statement
        Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Antitrust Procedures and 
    Penalties Act, 15 U.S.C. 16(b) through (h), that a proposed Final 
    Judgment, Stipulation, and Competitive Impact Statement have been filed 
    with the United States District Court for the District of Montana, 
    Missoula Division, in United States v. General Electric Company, Civil 
    Action No. 96-121-M-CCL. Copies of the Complaint, proposed Final 
    Judgment, and Competitive Impact Statement are available for inspection 
    at the Department of Justice in Washington, DC, in Room 300, 325 
    Seventh Street, NW., and at the Office of the Clerk of the United 
    States District Court for the District of Montana, 301 South Park, Room 
    542, Helena, MT 59626.
        The Complaint in this case, filed in August 1996, alleged that 
    General Electric had entered into agreements that violated Sections 1 
    and 2 of the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C. 1 and 2, with hospitals in the 
    United States. The District Court dismissed the government's Section 2 
    claims, leaving for adjudication whether GE's agreements, by 
    restraining trade, had violated Section 1. The challenged agreements 
    were part of license agreements between GE and the hospitals in which 
    the hospitals agreed, as a condition for obtaining a license for GE's 
    advanced diagnostic materials for the servicing of their GE imaging 
    equipment (such as MRIs, CT scanners, x-ray machines, etc.), that they 
    would not compete with GE in servicing medical equipment for others.
        The proposed Final Judgment enjoins GE from restraining, in 
    connection with such licenses, a licensee's right to service medical 
    equipment for third parties. Section IV(B) of the Final Judgment 
    prohibits GE from requiring
    [[Page 40738]]
    that a potential licensee give GE information regarding that person's 
    practice with regard to the provision of third-party service. Section 
    IV(C) enjoins GE from representing that GE has a policy or general 
    practice of refusing to license operating or service materials for 
    medical equipment, or of refusing to provide training thereon, because 
    an end-user offers third-party medical equipment service. Section IV(D) 
    prohibits GE from offering to sell or license operating or service 
    materials on terms that vary depending on whether the end-user has 
    provided, does provide, or will provide third-party medical equipment 
    service. Public comment is invited within 60 days of the date of this 
    notice. Such comments, and responses thereto, will be published in the 
    Federal Register and filed with the Court. Comments should be directed 
    to Mary Jean Moltenbrey, Chief, Civil Task Force, Antitrust Division, 
    Department of Justice, Suite 300, 325 7th Street, NW., Washington, DC 
    20530 (telephone: 202/616-5935).
    Rebecca P. Dick,
    Director of Civil Non-Merger Enforcement, Antitrust Division.
    Stipulation and Order
    Cause No. CV-96-121-M-CCL
        The undersigned parties, by their respective attorneys, stipulate 
        1. The Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this 
    action and over each of the parties, and venue of this action is proper 
    in the Missoula Division of the District of Montana.
        2. The Court may enter and file a Final Judgment in the form 
    attached upon the motion of any party or upon the Court's own motion at 
    any time after compliance with the Antitrust Procedures and Penalties 
    Act (15 U.S.C. 16(b)-(h)), and without further notice to any party or 
    other proceedings, provided that the United States has not withdrawn 
    its consent, which it may do at any time before the entry of the 
    proposed Final Judgment by serving notice on the defendant and by 
    filing that notice with the Court.
        3. The defendant agrees to comply with the proposed Final Judgment 
    pending its approval of the Court, and shall, from the date of signing 
    this Stipulation, comply with all the terms and provisions of the 
    proposed Final Judgment as though it were in full force and effect as 
    an order of the Court.
        4. If the United States withdraws its consent, then the parties are 
    released from all further obligations under this Stipulation, and the 
    making of this Stipulation shall be without prejudice to any party in 
    this or any other proceeding.
        5. The parties request that the Court acknowledge the terms of this 
    Stipulation by entering the Order in this Stipulation and Order.
        Dated: ____________
        Respectfully submitted,
        For Plaintiff United States of America:
    Joel I. Klein,
    Assistant Attorney General.
    A. Douglas Melamed,
    Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General.
    John M. Nannes,
    Deputy Assistant Attorney General.
    Rebecca P. Dick,
    Director of Civil Non-Merger Enforcement.
    Mary Jean Moltenbrey,
    Chief, Civil Task Force.
    Susan L. Edelheit,
    Assistant Chief, Civil Task Force.
    Sherry Scheel Matteucci,
    United States Attorney, District of Montana, P.O. Box 1478, Billings, 
    MT 59103, (406) 657-6101.
    Fred E. Haynes,
    John R. Read,
    Jon. B. Jacobs,
    Joan H. Hogan,
    Peter J. Mucchetti,
    Attorneys for the United States, Antitrust Division, United States 
    Department of Justice, 325 Seventh Street, N.W., Suite 300, Washington, 
    DC 20530, (202) 514-5038.
    Bernard M. Hollander,
    Senior Trial Attorney.
        For Defendant General Electric Company:
    Richard L. Rosen,
    David S. Eggert,
    Kathleen A. Behan,
    Arnold & Porter, 555 12th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20004,
    Dan K. Webb,
    W. Gordon Dobie,
    Winston & Strawn, 35 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60601,
    Randy J. Cox,
    Boone, Karlberg & Haddon, 300 Central Square, 201 West Main, P.O. Box 
    9199, Missoula, MT 59807.
        So Ordered on this ____ day of ____________, 
    Hon. Charles C. Lovell,
    United States District Judge.
    Competitive Impact Statement
        This Competitive Impact Statement (``CIS'') sets forth the 
    information necessary to enable the Court and the public to evaluate 
    the proposed consent judgment that the parties have filed in this case, 
    a Final Judgment that would terminate the litigation. The CIS, which 
    explains why the proposed Judgment is in the public interest, is filed 
    pursuant to the requirements of the Antitrust Procedures and Penalties 
    Act of 1974 (``APPA''), 15 U.S.C. 16. The APPA subjects proposed 
    consent judgments in government antitrust cases to public scrutiny and 
    comment, after which the Court may enter the judgment if it finds that 
    it is in the public interest.
    Nature and Purpose of the Proceedings
        The United States filed the Complaint in this civil antitrust suit 
    on August 1, 1996. The Complaint alleged that GE has entered into 
    agreements with hospitals in the United States that illegally 
    restrained trade in violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Act, 15 
    U.S.C. 1, and that constituted a combination to monopolize in violation 
    of Section 2 of that act, 15 U.S.C. 2. The agreements alleged to be 
    illegal are provisions of license agreements under which the hospitals 
    have been granted the right to use specialized diagnostic software and 
    other tools and manuals developed by GE (``advanced service 
    materials'') on the GE medical imaging equipment owned by the 
    hospitals. The advanced service materials enable service personnel to 
    more quickly calibrate and repair the GE medical imaging equipment. 
    Under the agreements challenged in this case, the licensee hospitals 
    agreed not to compete with GE in the servicing of any medical imaging 
    equipment or medical equipment, in exchange for the right to use the 
    valuable advanced service materials.
        GE is the world's leading manufacturer of medical imaging equipment 
    (such as magnetic resonance imagers, computed tomography scanners, and 
    x-ray machines) and is the leading servicer of such machines in the 
    United States. Hospitals with in-house service capabilities are actual 
    or potential competitors of GE in the servicing of medical imaging 
    equipment and other medical equipment. The agreements harmed 
    competition by foreclosing actual and potential competition from 
    offering service. To remedy the competitive harm done by the illegal 
    agreements, the Complaint asks the Court to declare the agreements to 
    be unlawful and to enter an injunction barring GE from enforcing or 
    renewing the illegal agreements.
        The government and GE have reached a proposed settlement that 
    eliminates the need for a trial in this case. The settlement terms are 
    found in the parties' proposed Final Judgment. The parties have 
    stipulated that the Court may enter this Judgment after compliance with 
    the APPA, unless the government first withdraws its consent. The 
    Court's entry of the Judgment will terminate this civil action against 
    [[Page 40739]]
    except that the Court will retain jurisdiction over any future 
    proceedings to construe, modify, or enforce the judgment, or to punish 
    violations of its provisions. Entry of the Judgment would not 
    constitute evidence against, or an admission by, any party with respect 
    to any issue of fact or law involved in the case and is conditioned 
    upon the Court's finding that its entry is in the public interest, as 
    provided by Section 2(e) of the APPA, 15 U.S.C. 16(e).
    Description of the Practices Giving Rise to the Alleged Violations 
    of the Antitrust Laws
        GE sells a wide variety of medical imaging equipment. Hospitals, 
    clinics, and doctors use such equipment to create images of the body's 
    internal structure. Complaint at para. 4. Such equipment is essential 
    to the diagnosis of numerous injuries and illnesses. Id, at para. 16. 
    Imaging equipment, like other medical equipment, requires regular, 
    high-quality service. Such service ensures that the equipment functions 
    accurately and reliably. Id. atpara. 1. Some hospitals employ and 
    retain service engineers ``in house'' to service the hospital's medical 
    equipment. Id. at Paras.  3, 22. Other hospitals hire outside parties 
    such as GE to service their imaging equipment. GE services many types 
    of medical equipment, including equipment manufactured by other 
    companies. Id. at para. 20.
        GE has developed advanced service materials that enable service 
    engineers to service certain GE imaging equipment much more quickly 
    than otherwise possible. Id. at para. 27. GE makes the advanced service 
    materials available to hospitals with in-house service groups. Such 
    hospitals may be actual or potential competitors to GE in servicing 
    other health care providers' medical equipment. Id. at Paras.  3, 23, 
        To gain access to GE's advanced service materials, however, 
    hospitals licensing GE's advanced service materials have had to agree 
    not to compete with GE in servicing third-parties' medical imaging 
    equipment or other medical equipment. The specific terms of this 
    agreement changed somewhat over time. The 1988 to 1992 version of the 
    license agreement for the advanced service materials restricted the 
    hospital licensee from servicing any other person's medical imaging 
    equipment; the 1992 to 1996 version was broader, restricting the 
    licensee from servicing any other person's medical equipment (which 
    would include non-imaging medical equipment); and the 1996 to present 
    version--adopted in the face of the government's investigation--is 
    narrower, restricting the licensee from servicing any other person's GE 
    diagnostic imaging equipment that is of the same type (i.e., modality) 
    as the model(s) for which the hospital has licensed advanced service 
    materials from GE. More than 500 potentially competing hospitals have 
    agreed to these restrictions. Id. at Paras.  32, 33, 35.
        The non-compete agreements are not ancillary to any legitimate 
    business interest that GE had in licensing advanced service materials 
    particularly since they were not reasonably necessary to prevent the 
    hospitals from using the advanced service materials on third-party 
    equipment, in a manner not authorized by the license agreements. As a 
    result of software security procedures adopted by GE, the advanced 
    service materials will only work on the specific GE machine to which 
    the license agreement relates. Furthermore, the advanced service 
    materials are model specific, i.e., the advanced service materials for 
    one model of GE imaging equipment cannot be used on another model, even 
    if the two models are of the same ``modality'' (e.g., if both are GE CT 
    scanners), and cannot be used on other manufacturers' equipment. Id. at 
    para. 30. Given the machine and model-specific nature of the software, 
    the restrictions imposed by the license agreements on third-party 
    service are unrelated to any legitimate interest GE has in preventing 
    the unauthorized use of its software. Id. at para. 8.
        By exacting a commitment from hospitals not to provide any outside 
    service in competition with GE in exchange for the advanced service 
    materials, the complaint alleged that GE has harmed competition for the 
    service of medical equipment. Id. at Paras.  38-41. Hospitals have been 
    forced to abandon their efforts to provide medical equipment service to 
    other nearby health care facilities, id. at Paras.  31, 39, and other 
    hospitals have, consequently, paid supra-competitive prices for 
    equipment service and purchased less service than they otherwise would 
    have paid. Id. at Paras.  40, 43.
        GE's license restrictions have also reduced competition in the sale 
    of medical imaging equipment. Health care facilities need prompt and 
    affordable repairs for their imaging equipment. Because of the cost and 
    delays of travel, proximity to a service provider is an important 
    consideration when a hospital is considering the purchase of medical 
    imaging equipment. Hospitals are reluctant to purchase a piece of 
    imaging equipment unless someone near their facility can service it. 
    Id. at Paras.  17, 19.
        Because manufacturers cannot economically place their own service 
    engineers in areas where they do not have a large installed base, they 
    need someone else in those areas who is qualified to service their 
    equipment. Id. at para. 19. Hospitals with in-house service departments 
    could provide such service for a given manufacturer's equipment. Id. at 
    Paras.  3, 39. But, because GE exacted agreements from hospitals not to 
    provide third-party service, the complaint alleged that GE has 
    disadvantaged its equipment manufacturing competitors. Id. at para. 44. 
    As a result, GE has restrained health care facilities in Montana and 
    similar areas from purchasing imaging equipment from manufacturers 
    other than GE, even though the equipment may have better suited the 
    facilities' needs. Id. at Paras.  42, 45.
        In addition to alleging that GE's license agreements violated 
    Section 1 for the reasons set forth above, the complaint alleged that 
    the license agreements for advanced service materials between GE and 
    the hospitals constituted a combination between GE and the hospitals 
    that had the specific intent of excluding competition in violation of 
    Section 2 of the Sherman Act. Id. at para. 47. Shortly after the 
    complaint was filed, GE moved to dismiss both the Section 1 and Section 
    2 claims. The Court denied GE's motion as to the government's Section 1 
    claims; however, the Court dismissed the Section 2 claims because the 
    complaint did not allege that the hospitals shared GE's intent to 
    monopolize the service markets for medical equipment. Thus, only the 
    Section 1 claims remain in the case. The proposed settlement resolves 
    those claims.
    Explanation of the Proposed Consent Judgment
        The proposed Final Judgment sets forth the conduct that GE is 
    prohibited from engaging in, certain conduct that GE may engage in 
    without violating the Judgment, the compliance program that GE must 
    follow, and the procedures available to the government to determine and 
    secure compliance with the Final Judgment.
    A. Prohibited Conduct
        Section IV(a) of the Final Judgment prohibits GE from entering into 
    or enforcing any agreement in conjunction with the licensing of 
    advanced service materials or related training whereby (a) the end-user 
    represents that it has not,
    [[Page 40740]]
    does not, or will not perform third-party medical equipment service or 
    (b) the end-user is prevented or restrained from providing third-party 
    service. The Judgment defines third-party service to mean the service 
    of any medical equipment in the United States not owned, leased, or 
    operated by the party performing the service. Section IV(B) prohibits 
    GE from requiring that a potential licensee give GE information 
    regarding that person's current or prospective practice with regard to 
    the provision of third-party service. Section IV(C) enjoins GE from 
    stating publicly or to any end-user of medical equipment that GE has a 
    policy or general practice of refusing to license advanced service 
    materials for medical equipment, or of refusing to provide training 
    thereon, because an end-user offers third-party medical equipment 
    service. Section IV(D) prohibits GE from offering to sell or license 
    advanced service materials to end-user of medical equipment on terms 
    that vary depending on whether the end-user has provided, does provide, 
    or will provide third-party medical equipment service.
    B. Limiting Conditions
        Section V of the Final Judgment sets forth certain conduct that the 
    Judgment does not prohibit. Section V clarifies that the Judgment does 
    not prohibit GE from refusing to license its advanced service materials 
    to independent service organizations or to any other person who is not 
    an end-user of GE medical equipment. The Final Judgment also does not 
    limit GE's pricing discretion as long as its pricing does not otherwise 
    violate the Judgment. Section V also makes clear that the Final 
    Judgment does not prohibit GE from using site-specific or equipment-
    specific licensing of its advanced service materials or from limiting 
    the use of the licensed materials to an end-user's full-time employees. 
    The Final Judgment also does not prohibit GE from implementing security 
    procedures intended to prevent the misappropriation or unauthorized use 
    of its advanced service materials.
        The limiting conditions are consistent with the relief sought in 
    the Complaint. The Complaint alleged that GE has used its advanced 
    service materials to induce hospitals with in-house service capability 
    to agree not to compete with GE in the servicing of medical equipment. 
    The Complaint did not allege that GE's refusal to license its 
    intellectual property to any or all persons who might seek such 
    licenses violated the antitrust laws, and the Final Judgment is silent 
    as to that conduct.
    C. Defendant's Compliance Program
        Section VI of the proposed Final Judgment requires GE to distribute 
    copies of the Judgment to certain employees and to provide notice of 
    the change in its licensing policy to the licensees of its advanced 
    service materials. Within seventy-five (75) days of its entry, GE must 
    certify that it has distributed all such materials. Finally, under 
    Section VIII of the proposed Final Judgment, GE will make its records 
    and personnel available to the Justice Department upon reasonable 
    notice in order to determine or secure its compliance with the 
    D. Scope of the Proposed Final Judgment
        The proposed Final Judgment expressly provides in Section II that 
    its provisions apply to GE, its officers, directors, agents, employees, 
    successors, and assigns, and to all other persons in active concert or 
    participation with any of them who have received actual notice of the 
    terms of the Judgment. Section IX provides that the proposed Final 
    Judgment will expire on the tenth anniversary of its entry.
    E. Effect of the Proposed Final Judgment on Competition
        Health care providers in the United States spend more than $3 
    billion a year for medical equipment service. The Department's lawsuit 
    sought to ensure access for these consumers to a wider choice of 
    medical-equipment service providers across the country by preventing GE 
    from using its advanced service materials to induce hospitals to agree 
    not to compete with GE in the provision of third-party service on 
    medical equipment. The proposed Final Judgment achieves this goal. It 
    should enable some hospitals with in-house service capability to 
    initiate or expand third-party service to other users of medical 
    equipment, thereby increasing actual and potential competition in the 
    markets for medical equipment service.
        Entry of the Judgment should also increase the number of local 
    service providers that are available to act as service providers for 
    medical equipment manufacturers who lack a sufficient installed base in 
    an area to support one of their own field service engineers. By making 
    such manufacturer's equipment more competitive from a service 
    perspective, the Judgment should lead to increased competition among 
    manufacturers of medical equipment to the benefit of purchasers of such 
    Remedies Available to Potential Private Plaintiffs
        After entry to the proposed Final Judgment, any person who has been 
    harmed by the alleged violation will retain the same right to sue for 
    monetary damages and any other legal and equitable remedies that such 
    person had before its entry. A person may not use the Judgment, 
    however, as prima facie evidence in any subsequent private litigation, 
    pursuant to Section 5(a) of the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. 16(a).
    Procedures Available for Modification of the Proposed Judgment
        The parties have stipulated that the Court may enter the proposed 
    Final Judgment after compliance with the APPA, provided that the United 
    States has not withdrawn its consent. The APPA conditions that entry 
    upon the Court's finding that the proposed Final Judgment is in the 
    public interest. 15 U.S.C. 16(e). Any person who wishes to comment on 
    the proposed Judgment may, for a sixty-day period subsequent to the 
    publishing of this document in the Federal Register, submit written 
    comments. All such comments must be addressed to the United States 
    Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, Attention: Ms. Mary Jean 
    Moltenbrey, 325 Seventh Street, N.W., Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 
    20530. The government will evaluate all comments submitted to determine 
    whether any reason exists for the withdrawal of its consent to the 
    proposed Final Judgment. The government will file any such comments and 
    its response to them with the Court and also publish them in the 
    Federal Register.
        The proposed Final Judgment provides that the Court will retain 
    jurisdiction over this action in order to permit any of the parties to 
    apply for such orders as may be necessary or appropriate to construe or 
    modify the judgment, to enforce compliance with it, or to punish any 
    violations of its provisions.
    Alternative to the Proposed Judgment
        The government's alternative to the proposed final judgment is a 
    trial on the merits. Because the government considers the final 
    judgment to remedy fully the anticompetitive effects of GE's 
    agreements, not to compete, it does not believe that a trial would 
    result in any further relief.
    [[Page 40741]]
    Standard of Review Under the APPA for the Proposed Final Judgment
        The APPA requires that proposed consent judgments in antitrust 
    cases brought by the government be subject to a sixty-day comment 
    period, after which the Court determines whether entry of the proposed 
    Final Judgment ``is in the public interest.'' In making this 
    determination, the Court may consider:
    (1) the competitive impact of the judgment, including termination of 
    alleged violations, provisions for enforcement and modification, 
    duration or relief sought, anticipated effects of alternative 
    remedies actually considered, and any other considerations bearing 
    upon the adequacy of the judgment;
    (2) the impact of entry of the judgment upon the public generally 
    and upon individuals alleging specific injury from the violations 
    set forth in the complaint including consideration of the public 
    benefit, if any, to be derived from a determination of the issues at 
        15 U.S.C. 16(e).
        The Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has held that the APPA 
    permits a court to consider, among other things, the relationship 
    between the remedy secured and the specific allegations set forth in 
    the government's complaint, whether the decree is sufficiently clear, 
    whether enforcement mechanisms are sufficient, and whether the decree 
    may positively harm third parties. See United States v. Microsoft, 56 
    F.3d 1448, 1461-62 (D.C. Cir. 1995). In conducting this inquiry, 
    ``[t]he Court is no where compelled to go to trial or to engage in 
    extended proceedings which might have the effect of vitiating the 
    benefits of prompt and less costly settlement through the consent 
    decree process.'' 119 Cong. Rec. 24598 (1973); See United States v. 
    Gillette Co., 406 F. Sup. 713, 715 (D. Mass. 1975.) A ``public 
    interest'' determination can be made properly on the basis of the 
    competitive impact statement and the government's response to the 
    comments filed pursuant to the APPA. Although the APPA authorizes the 
    use of additional procedures, 15 U.S.C. 16(f), those procedures are 
    discretionary. A court need not invoke any of them unless it believes 
    that the comments have raised significant issues and that further 
    proceedings would aid the court in resolving those issues. See H.R. 
    Rep. 93-1463, 93rd Cong. 2d Sess. 8-9 (1974), reprinted in U.S.C.C.A.N. 
    6535, 6538.
        The Court of Appeals for this Circuit has held that a district 
    court judge, in making the public interest determination, should not 
    engage ``in an unrestricted evaluation of what relief would best serve 
    the public.'' Rather
    [t]he balancing of competing social and political interests affected by 
    a proposed antitrust consent decree must be left, in the first 
    instance, to the discretion of the Attorney General. See United States 
    v. National Broadcasting Co., 449 F. Supp. 1127 (C.D. Cal. 1978). The 
    court's role in protecting the public interest is one of insuring that 
    the government has not breached its duty to the public in consenting to 
    the decree. The court is required to determine not whether a particular 
    decree is the one that will best serve society, but whether the 
    settlement is ``within the reaches of the public interest.'' Id. At 
    1143 (quoting United States v. Gillette Co., 406 F.Supp. 713, 716 (D. 
    Mass. 1975)). More elaborate requirements might undermine the 
    effectiveness of antitrust enforcement by consent decree.
        United States v. Bechtel Corporation, 648 F.2d 660, 666 (9th Cir. 
        The proposed Final Judgment, therefore, should not be reviewed 
    under a standard of whether it is certain to eliminate every 
    anticompetitve effect of a particular practice. Court approval of a 
    final judgment requires a standard more flexible and less strict than 
    the standard required for a finding of liability. ``[A] proposed decree 
    must be approved even if it falls short of the remedy the court would 
    impose on its own, as long as it falls within the range of 
    acceptability or is `within the reaches of public interest.' '' United 
    States v. American Tel. and Tel. Co., 552 F. Supp. 131, 151 (D.D.C. 
    1982), aff'd. sub. nom. Maryland v. United States, 460 U.S. 1001 
    (1983), (quoting Gillette Co., 406 F. Supp. at 716 (citations 
    omitted)); United States v. Alcan Aluminum, Ltd., 605 F. Supp. 619, 622 
    (W.D. Ky. 1985).
    Determinative Materials and Documents
        The APPA requires that the government file with the Court any 
    documents that the government considers to have been determinative in 
    formulating the proposed Final Judgment. 15 U.S.C. 16(b); see 
    Massachusetts School of Law v. United States, 118 F.3d 776, 784-85 
    (D.C. Cir. 1997). The government considered no materials or documents 
    determinative in formulating the proposed Final Judgment. It therefore 
    files no such documents.
        Date: July 13, 1998.
    Antitrust Division, Department of Justice.
    Fred E. Haynes
    John R. Read
    Jon B. Jacobs
    Joan H. Hogan
    Peter J. Mucchetti,
    Civil Task Force, 325 Seventh Street, N.W., Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 
    20530, (202) 514-0230.
    [FR Doc. 98-20394 Filed 7-29-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4410-11-M

Document Information

Antitrust Division
Entry Type:
Document Number:
July 13, 1998. Antitrust Division, Department of Justice. Fred E. Haynes John R. Read Jon B. Jacobs Joan H. Hogan Peter J. Mucchetti, Civil Task Force, 325 Seventh Street, N.W., Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20530, (202) 514-0230. [FR Doc. 98-20394 Filed 7-29-98; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4410-11-M
40737-40741 (5 pages)
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