2024-16734. Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Site Characterization Surveys Offshore From Massachusetts to New Jersey for Vineyard Northeast, LLC  

  • Table 1—Authorized Number of Takes by Level B Harassment by Species and Stock and Percent of Take by Stock

    Species Scientific name Stock Abundance 2023 IHA authorized take 2024 renewal IHA
    Authorized take 1 Max percent population
    Blue whale Balaenoptera musculus Western North Atlantic 402 1 1 0.25
    North Atlantic right whale Eubalaena glacialis Western North Atlantic 340 12 12 3.52
    Humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae Gulf of Maine 1,396 12 12 0.86
    Fin whale Balaenoptera physalus Western North Atlantic 6,802 20 20 0.29
    Sei whale Balaenoptera borealis Nova Scotia 6,292 5 5 0.08
    Minke whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata Canadian Eastern Coastal 21,968 46 45 0.21
    Sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus North Atlantic 5,895 2 2 0.03
    Long-finned pilot whale 1 Globicephala melas Western North Atlantic 39,215 17 17 0.04
    Killer whale 23 Orcinus orca Western North Atlantic UNK 4 4 4  5.97
    False killer whale 2 Pseudorca crassidens Western North Atlantic 1,298 5 5 0.39
    Atlantic spotted dolphin 3 Stenella frontalis Western North Atlantic 31,506 29 29 0.09
    Atlantic white-sided dolphin Lagenorhynchus acutus Western North Atlantic 93,233 129 126 0.14
    Bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus Western North Atlantic Northern Migratory Coastal 6,639 45 44 0.66
    Western North Atlantic Offshore 64,587 169 165 0.26
    Common dolphin Delphinus delphis Western North Atlantic 93,100 7,472 7,296 7.84
    Risso's dolphin Grampus griseus Western North Atlantic 44,067 9 9 0.02
    White-beaked dolphin 23 Lagenorhynchus albirostris Western North Atlantic 536,016 30 30 0.006
    Harbor porpoise Phocoena phocoena Gulf of Maine/Bay of Fundy 85,765 347 339 0.40
    Harbor seal 5 Phoca vitulina Western North Atlantic 61,336 939 917 1.49
    Gray seal 5 Halichoerus grypus Western North Atlantic 6  27,911 418 408 0.09
    1  Roberts et al. (2023) only provides density estimates for pilot whales as a guild. Given the project's location, NMFS assumes that all take will be of long-finned pilot whales.
    2  Rare (or unlikely to occur) species.
    3  Adjusted according to average group size (Kraus et al., 2016; Palka et al., 2017).
    4  Based upon minimum population estimate of 67 individual killer whales identified in the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean (Lawson and Stevens, 2014).
    5  Roberts et al. (2023) only provides a density estimate for seals as a guild. Vineyard Wind used Protected Species Observer (PSO) data collected during site characterization surveys within the survey area (2019, 2022-2024) to scale density-based exposure estimates for the seal guild for harbor and gray seals.
    6  NMFS' stock abundance estimate (and associated PBR value) applies to U.S. population only. Total stock abundance (including animals in Canada) is approximately 451,600.

Document Information

Effective Date:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Notice; issuance of an incidental harassment authorization.
Document Number:
This renewal IHA is effective from July 27, 2024, through July 26, 2025.
61088-61096 (9 pages)
Docket Numbers:
RTID 0648-XE095
PDF File: