E9-18315. Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request  

  • Start Preamble

    Periodically, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) will publish a summary of information collection requests under OMB review, in compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). To request a copy of these documents, call the SAMHSA Reports Clearance Officer on (240) 276-1243.

    Project: National Evaluation of the Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and Their Families Program: Phase V (OMB No. 0930-0280)—Revision

    The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) is responsible for the National Evaluation of the Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and Their Families Program, which collects data on child mental health outcomes, family life, and service system development and performance. Data will be collected on 30 service systems and roughly 8,810 children and families.

    The data collection for this evaluation will be conducted for a 3-year period. The core of service system data will be collected twice (every 18 to 24 months) during the 3-year evaluation period. A sustainability survey will be conducted in selected years. Service delivery and system variables of interest include the following: Maturity of system of care development; adherence to the system of care program model; services received by youth and their families, and the costs of those services; and consumer service experience.

    The length of time that individual families will participate in the study ranges from 18 to 36 months depending on when they enter the evaluation. Child and family outcomes of interest will be collected at intake and during subsequent follow-up interviews at six-month intervals. Client service experience information is collected at these follow-up interviews. Measures included in an outcome interview are determined by the type of assessment (intake or follow-up), child's age, and whether the respondent is the caregiver or a youth.

    The outcome measures include the following: Child symptomatology and functioning, family functioning, material resources, and caregiver strain. The caregiver interview package includes the Caregiver Information Questionnaire, Child Behavior Checklist, Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale (BERS), Education Questionnaire, Columbia Impairment Questionnaire, Living Situations Questionnaire, Family Life Questionnaire, and Caregiver Strain Questionnaire at intake, and also includes the Multi-service Sector Contacts Form, Cultural Competence and Service Provision Questionnaire and the Youth Services Survey (a national outcome measurement tool) at follow-up assessments. Caregivers of children under age 6 complete the Vineland Screener to assess development, and do not complete the BERS. The Youth Interview package includes the Youth Information Questionnaire, Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale, Reynolds Depression Scale, BERS (youth version), Delinquency Survey, Substance Use Survey, GAIN-Quick: Substance Dependence Scale, and Youth Services Survey (youth version).

    The evaluation also includes three special studies: (1) An evidence-based practices study that examines the effects of various factors on the implementation and use of evidence-based treatments and approaches in system of care communities; (2) A cultural and linguistic competence study that examines the extent to which the cultural and linguistic characteristics of communities influence program implementation and provider adaptation of evidence-based treatments, and provider service delivery decisions based on provider culture and language; and (3) an evaluation of the communities' use of reports produced by the national evaluation for continuous quality improvement. The national evaluation measures address the national outcome measures for mental health programs as currently established by SAMHSA.

    Table 1 summarizes which national evaluation components are unchanged from the original 2006 submission and which are new or changed.

    Table 1—Study Component and Instrument Revisions for Phase V Re-submission

    New or changed for 2009 resubmissionNo changeNature of change
    System of Care Assessment
    Site Visit TablesX
    Interview ProtocolsX
    Inter-Agency Collaboration Scale (IACS)X
    Start Printed Page 38203
    Longitudinal Child and Family Outcome Study
    Caregiver Information Questionnaire (CIQ-I)XQuestion 39a skip pattern revised. Question 39d list of medications updated.
    Caregiver Information Questionnaire (CIQ-F)XQuestion 39a skip pattern revised. Question 39d list of medications updated.
    Caregiver Strain Questionnaire (CGSQ)X
    Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)/Child Behavior Checklist 11/2-5 (CBCL 11/2-5)X
    Education Questionnaire—Revised (EQ-R)XSlight wording change to interviewer note and the term “day care” changed to “childcare.”
    Living Situations Questionnaire (LSQ)X
    Family Life Questionnaire (FLQ)X
    Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale—Second Edition—Parent Rating Scale (BERS-2C)X
    Columbia Impairment Scale (CIS)X
    Vineland Screener (VS)X
    Delinquency Survey—Revised (DS-R)X
    Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale—Second Edition, Youth Rating Scale (BERS-2Y)X
    GAIN-Quick Substance Related Issues (GAIN Quick-R)X
    Substance Use Survey—Revised (SUS-R)X
    Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scales (RCMAS)X
    Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale—Second Edition (RADS-2)X
    Youth Information Questionnaire (YIQ-I)X
    Youth Information Questionnaire (YIQ-F)X
    Service Experience Study
    Multi-Sector Service Contacts Questionnaire—Revised (MSSC-R)XSlight modification to Card 4, and Cards 6 and 7 are new.
    Evidence-Based Practices Experience Measure (EBPEM)X
    Cultural Competence and Service Provision Questionnaire (CCSP)X
    Youth Services Survey for Families (YSS-F)X
    Youth Services Survey (YSS)X
    Services and Costs Study
    Flex Funds Data DictionaryXNew.
    Services and Costs Data DictionaryXNew.
    Sustainability Study
    Sustainability SurveyX
    Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Initiative Evaluation
    CQI Initiative SurveyXNew.
    CQI Initiative Interview GuideXNew.
    Evidence-Based Practices Study
    System-level Implementation Factors Discussion GuideXNew.
    Service-level Implementation Factors Discussion GuideXNew.
    Consumer-level Implementation Factors Discussion GuideXNew.
    Cultural and Linguistic Competence Study
    CCIOSAS—Beneficiaries of Self-Assessment Findings Focus Group Guide—Staff and PartnersXNew.
    CCIOSAS—Beneficiaries of Self-Assessment Findings Focus Group Guide—CaregiversXNew.
    Start Printed Page 38204
    CCIOSAS—Beneficiaries of Self-Assessment Findings Focus Group Guide—YouthXNew.
    CCIOSAS—Participants in Self-Assessments Focus Group Guide—Staff and PartnersXNew.
    CCIOSAS—Participants in Self-Assessments Focus Group Guide—CaregiversXNew.
    CCIOSAS—Participants in Self-Assessments Focus Group Guide—YouthXNew.
    CCIOSAS—Users of Self-Assessment Findings Focus Group Guide—Staff and PartnersXNew.
    CCIOSAS—Users of Self-Assessment Findings Focus Group Guide—CaregiversXNew.
    CCIOSAS—Users of Self-Assessment Findings Focus Group Guide—YouthXNew.
    CCIOSAS—Telephone Interview—Staff and PartnersXNew.
    CCEBPS—Managers of EBP Process Focus Group GuideXNew.
    CCEBPS—Providers of EBP Focus Group GuideXNew.
    CCEBPS—Family Focus Group GuideXNew.
    CCEBPS—Youth Focus Group GuideXNew.
    CCEBPS—Telephone InterviewXNew.

    Internet-based technology will be used for data entry and management, and for collecting data using Web-based surveys. The average annual respondent burden, with detail provided about burden contributed by specific measures, is estimated below. The estimate reflects the average number of respondents in each respondent category, the average number of responses per respondent per year, the average length of time it will take for each response, and the total average annual burden for each category of respondent and for all categories of respondents combined.

    Table 2—Detailed Estimate of Respondent Burden

    [Note: Total burden is annualized over a 3-year period.]

    InstrumentRespondentNumber of respondentsTotal average number of responses per respondentHours per responseTotal burden hours3-year average annual burden hours
    System of Care Assessment
    Interview Guides and Data Collection FormsKey site informants1 63011.00630210
    Interagency Collaboration Scale (IACS)Key site informants63010.138227
    Longitudinal Child and Family Outcome Study
    Caregiver Information Questionnaire (CIQ-IC)Caregiver2 8,81010.2832,493831
    Caregiver Information Questionnaire Followup (CIQ-FC)Caregiver8,8103 20.2003,5241,175
    Caregiver Strain Questionnaire (CGSQ)Caregiver8,81030.1674,4141,471
    Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)/Child Behavior Checklist 11/2-5 (CBCL 11/2-5)Caregiver8,81030.3338,8012,934
    Education Questionnaire—Revised (EQ-R)Caregiver8,81030.3338,8012,934
    Living Situations Questionnaire (LSQ)Caregiver8,81030.0832,194731
    The Family Life Questionnaire (FLQ)Caregiver8,81030.0501,322441
    Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale—Second Edition, Parent Rating Scale (BERS-2C)Caregiver4 7,48830.1674,1931,398
    Columbia Impairment Scale (CIS)Caregiver5 8,36930.0832,084695
    The Vineland Screener (VS)Caregiver6 1,32130.250330110
    Start Printed Page 38205
    Delinquency Survey—Revised (DS-R)Youth7 5,28630.1672,648883
    Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale—Second Edition, Youth Rating Scale (BERS-2Y)Youth5,28630.1672,648883
    Gain-Quick Substance Related Issues (Gain Quick-R)Youth5,28630.0831,316439
    Substance Use Survey—Revised (SUS-R)Youth5,28630.1001,586529
    Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scales (RCMAS)Youth5,28630.050793264
    Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale—Second Edition (RADS-2)Youth5,28630.050793264
    Youth information Questionnaire—Baseline (YIQ-I)Youth5,28610.167883294
    Youth information Questionnaire—Follow-up (YIQ-F)Youth5,28620.1671,766589
    Service Experience Study
    Multi-Sector Service Contacts—Revised (MSSC-R)Caregiver8,8108 20.2504,4051,468
    Evidence-Based Practice Measure (EBPEM)Caregiver8,81020.1672,943981
    Cultural Competence and Service Provision Questionnaire (CCSP)Caregiver8,81020.1672,943981
    Youth Services Survey—Family (YSS-F)Caregiver8,81020.1172,062687
    Youth Services Survey (YSS)Youth5,28620.083877292
    Services and Costs Study
    Flex Funds Data DictionaryLocal staff compiling/entering data9 2,67010 30.03321873
    Services and Costs Data DictionaryLocal staff compiling/entering data11 10,68012 1000.03329,0739,691
    Sustainability Study
    Sustainability Survey—Caregiver13 Caregiver5220.757826
    Sustainability Survey—Provider13 Provider/Administrator15620.7523478
    CQI Benchmarking Initiative Evaluation
    CQI Initiative SurveyKey community staff15010.57525
    CQI Initiative Interview GuideKey community staff5011.05017
    Evidence-Based Practices Study
    The Implementation Factors Discussion GuideSOC leadership team member9010.756823
    The Implementation Factors Discussion GuideProvider6010.754515
    The Implementation Factors Discussion GuideCaregivers3010.5155
    Cultural and Linguistic Competence Study
    CCIOSAS—Beneficiaries of Self-Assessment FindingsProvider4011.04013
    CCIOSAS—Beneficiaries of Self-Assessment FindingsAdministrators/Managers2011.53010
    Start Printed Page 38206
    CCIOSAS—Beneficiaries of Self-Assessment FindingsCaregivers4010.753010
    CCIOSAS—Beneficiaries of Self-Assessment FindingsYouth4010.753010
    CCIOSAS—Participants in Self-AssessmentsProvider4011.04013
    CCIOSAS—Participants in Self-AssessmentsAdministrators/Managers2011.53010
    CCIOSAS—Participants in Self-AssessmentsCaregivers1610.75124
    CCIOSAS—Participants in Self-AssessmentsYouth1610.75124
    CCIOSAS—Users of Self-Assessment FindingsProvider4011.04013
    CCIOSAS—Users of Self-Assessment FindingsAdministrators/Managers2011.53010
    CCIOSAS—Users of Self-Assessment FindingsCaregivers1610.75124
    CCIOSAS—Users of Self-Assessment FindingsYouth1610.75124
    CCIOSAS—Telephone InterviewProviders211.020.67
    CCIOSAS—Telephone InterviewAdministrators/Managers311.031
    CCEBPS—Managers of EBP ProcessProviders1611.0165
    CCEBPS—Managers of EBP ProcessAdministrators/Managers2011.53010
    CCEBPS—Providers of EBPProviders4011.04013
    CCEBPS—Families and YouthCaregivers4010.753010
    CCEBPS—Families and YouthYouth4010.753010
    CCEBPS—Telephone InterviewProviders211.020.67
    CCEBPS—Telephone InterviewAdministrators/Managers311.031

    Table 2—Estimate of Respondent Burden (Continued)

    Number of distinct respondentsNumber of responses per year per respondentAverage annual burden per response (hours)Total annual burden (hours)
    Summary of Annualized Burden Estimates for 3 Years
    Community staff87072.220.8654,035
    Total Summary14,9966.54118,579
    Total Annual Average Summary4,9892.1839,526
    1 An average of 21 constituents in up to 30 grant communities will complete the System of Care Assessment interview. These constituents will include site administrative staff, providers, agency representatives, family representatives, and youth.
    2 Number of respondents across 30 grantees. Average based on a 5 percent attrition rate at each data collection point.
    3 Average number of responses per respondent is a weighted average of the possible numbers of responses per respondent for communities beginning data collection in FY2007 and FY2008. The maximum numbers of responses per respondent are for 24 communities beginning data collection in FY2007, 1 follow-up data collection point remaining for children/youth recruited in year 2 (of grant community funding), 3 for children/youth recruited in year 3, 4 for children/youth recruited in year 4, and 4 for children/youth recruited in year 5. The maximum numbers of responses per respondent are, for 6 communities beginning data collection in FY2008, 3 follow-up data collection points remaining for children/youth recruited in year 2 (of grant community funding), 5 for children/youth recruited in year 3, 6 for children/youth recruited in year 4, and 4 for children/youth recruited in year 5.
    4 Approximate number of caregivers with children over age 5, based on Phase V data submitted as of 12/08.
    5 Approximate number of caregivers with children 3 and older, based on Phase V data submitted as of 12/08.
    6 Approximate number of caregivers with children 5 or under, based on Phase V data submitted as of 12/08.
    7 Based on Phase III and IV finding that approximately 60 percent of the children/youth in the evaluation were 11 years old or older.
    8 Respondents only complete Service Experience Study measures at follow-up points. See Footnote #3 for the explanation about the average number of responses per respondent.Start Printed Page 38207
    9 Staff will enter data on flexible funds expenditures into a Web-based application or will recode existing data on flexible funds expenditures to match the Flex Funds Data Dictionary format. Each community will use flexible funds expenditures on average for approximately one-quarter of the estimated 356 children/youth enrolled, suggesting a total of 89 children/youth will receive services from flexible funds per community. Thus, there will be data entered for 89 × 30 = 2,670 children/youth using the Flex Funds Data Dictionary.
    10 Assumes that three expenditures, on average, will be spent on each child/youth receiving flexible fund benefits.
    11 Staff will collect paper-based forms from agencies and enter them into a Web-based application or will extract data from agencies' existing data systems. Staff will recode data to match the Services and Costs Data Dictionary format. Service and costs records will be compiled for all 356 × 30 = 10,680 children/youth enrolled.
    12 Assumes that each child/youth will have 100 service episodes, on average, during his/her time in a system of care.
    13 This survey will be administered in 5 communities funded in 2006, 25 communities funded in 2005, 2 communities funded in 2000, and 20 communities funded in 1999. For each community, one respondent will be a caregiver and three respondents will be administrators/providers.

    Written comments and recommendations concerning the proposed information collection should be sent by August 31, 2009 to: SAMHSA Desk Officer, Human Resources and Housing Branch, Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building, Room 10235, Washington, DC 20503; due to potential delays in OMB's receipt and processing of mail sent through the U.S. Postal Service, respondents are encouraged to submit comments by fax to: 202-395-6974.

    Start Signature

    Dated: July 27, 2009.

    Elaine Parry,

    Director, Office of Program Services.

    End Signature End Preamble

    [FR Doc. E9-18315 Filed 7-30-09; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 4162-20-P

Document Information

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
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Document Number:
38202-38207 (6 pages)
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