2024-16875. Prescription Drug User Fee Rates for Fiscal Year 2025  

  • Table 1—FDA Personnel Compensation and Benefits (PC&B) Each Year and Percent Changes

    2021 2022 2023 3-Year average
    Total PC&B $3,039,513,000 $3,165,477,000 $3,436,513,000
    Total FTEs 18,501 18,474 18,729
    PC&B per FTE $164,289 $171,348 $183,486
    Percent Change from Previous Year 0.1811% 4.2967% 7.0838% 3.8539%

    The statute specifies that this 3.8539 percent be multiplied by the proportion of PC&B costs to the total FDA costs of the process for the review of human drug applications. Table 2 shows the PC&B and the total obligations for the process for the review of human drug applications for the first 3 of the preceding 4 fiscal years.

    Table 2—PC&B as a Percent of Total Cost of the Process for the Review of Human Drug Applications

    2021 2022 2023 3-Year average
    Total PC&B (proportion of costs) $959,387,333 $931,302,114 $1,040,590,183
    Total Costs $1,499,064,056 $1,480,601,875 $1,686,733,841
    PC&B percent 63.9991% 62.9002% 61.6926% 62.8640%

    The payroll adjustment is 3.8539 percent from table 1 multiplied by 62.8640 percent from table 2 resulting in 2.4227 percent.

    The statute specifies that the portion of the inflation adjustment for non-payroll costs is the average annual percent change that occurred in the Consumer Price Index for urban consumers (Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV; Not Seasonally Adjusted; All items; Annual Index) for the first 3 years of the preceding 4 years of available data multiplied by the proportion of all costs other than personnel compensation and benefits costs to total costs of the process for the review of human drug applications (as defined in section 735(6)) for the first 3 years of the preceding 4 fiscal years (see section 736(c)(1)(A) and (B)(ii)). Table 3 provides the summary data for the percent changes in the specified CPI for the Washington-Arlington-Alexandria area.[2]

    Table 3—Annual and 3-Year Average Percent Change in CPI for Washington-Arlington-Alexandria Area

    2021 2022 2023 3-Year average
    Annual CPI 277.73 296.12 305.32
    Annual Percent Change 3.9568% 6.6212% 3.1069% 4.5616%

    The statute specifies that this 4.5616 percent be multiplied by the proportion of all costs other than PC&B to total costs of the process for the review of human drug applications obligated. Because 62.8640 percent was obligated for PC&B (as shown in table 2), 37.1360 percent is the portion of costs other than PC&B (100 percent minus 62.8640 percent equals 37.1360 percent). The non-payroll adjustment is 4.5616 percent times 37.1360 percent, or 1.6940 percent.

    Next, we add the payroll adjustment (2.4227 percent) to the non-payroll adjustment (1.6940 percent), for a total inflation adjustment of 4.1167 percent (rounded) for FY 2025.

    We then multiply the base revenue amount for FY 2025 ($1,358,764,346) by 4.1167 percent, which produces an inflation adjustment amount of $55,936,252. Adding this amount to the base revenue amount yields an inflation-adjusted base revenue amount of $1,414,700,598.

    Table 4—Base Revenue Amount and Section 736( c )(1) Adjustment Amount

    Fee Amount
    Statutory Fee Revenue Base Amount (section 736(b)(3) of the FD&C Act) $1,358,764,346
    Inflation Adjustment (section 736(c)(1) of the FD&C Act) 55,936,252
    Revenue Amount after Adjustments in sections 736(c)(1) of the FD&C Act 1,414,700,598

    B. FY 2025 Strategic Hiring and Retention Adjustment

    For each fiscal year, after the annual base revenue established in section II is adjusted for inflation in accordance with section II.A, the statute directs FDA to further increase the fee revenue and fees to support strategic hiring and retention. For FY 2025, this amount is $4,000,000 (see section 736(c)(2)(A) of the FD&C Act).

    Table 5—Base Revenue Amount and Section 736( c )(1) Through (2) Adjustment Amounts

    Fee Amount
    Statutory Fee Revenue Base Amount (section 736(b)(3) of the FD&C Act) $1,358,764,346
    Inflation Adjustment (section 736(c)(1) of the FD&C Act) 55,936,252
    Strategic Hiring and Retention Adjustment (section 736(c)(2) of the FD&C Act) 4,000,000
    Revenue Amount after Adjustments in sections 736(c)(1) and (2) of the FD&C Act 1,418,700,598

    C. FY 2025 Statutory Fee Revenue Adjustments for Capacity Planning

    The statute specifies that after the base revenue amount for FY 2025 of $1,358,764,346 has been adjusted as described in sections II.A and II.B, this amount shall be further adjusted to reflect changes in the resource capacity needs for the process of human drug application reviews (see section 736(c)(3) of the FD&C Act). Following a process agreed upon by FDA and industry during PDUFA VI reauthorization discussions and subsequently required in statute, FDA established a new CPA methodology and first applied it in the setting of FY 2021 fees. The establishment of this methodology is described in the Federal Register of August 3, 2020 (85 FR 46651). This methodology includes a continuous, iterative improvement approach, under which the Agency intends to refine its data and estimates for the core review activities to improve their accuracy over time. An adjustment for workload has been a critical aspect of the PDUFA program since PDUFA III in FY 2003 as it enables the program to adjust to shifts in review workload resulting from industry submissions to the Agency. The annual adjustment process allows greater accuracy than would be expected if workload adjustments were fixed at the start of the reauthorization period. The capacity planning adjustment is an evolution of the PDUFA workload adjuster and was implemented through a process agreed to by FDA and industry during PDUFA VI. The capacity planning adjustment builds on the concepts of the workload adjuster but realizes enhancements including the use of leading indicators of workload, use of full-time reporting data, the introduction of a managerial adjustment process as an internal check on the reasonableness of any adjustment, outputs measured in full-time equivalent employees, and the incorporation of adjustments into the base revenue amounts to ensure sustainability of payroll to support any new hires.

    Improvements adopted for the FY 2025 CPA include the incorporation of hiring plans and attrition estimates within the capacity calculation. In prior years, the impacts of expected hiring on the review capacity of the program were considered within a step in the managerial adjustment process. The FY 2025 resource capacity number includes an estimate of the onboard capacity for direct review work, as well as an estimate of the additional capacity that would be provided from any additional positions expected to be added through the course of FY 2024. No additional deduction for positions planned to be added prior to the end of FY 2024 then need to be deducted within the managerial adjustment moving forward. Because of this change, the resource capacity numbers presented in this Federal Register Notice cannot be directly compared to those provided in prior years' fee-setting notices.

    The CPA methodology includes four steps:

    1. Forecast workload volumes: predictive models estimate the volume of workload for the upcoming FY.

    2. Forecast the resource needs: forecast algorithms are generated utilizing time reporting data. These algorithms estimate the required demand in FTEs [3] for direct review related effort. This is then compared to current available resources for the direct review related workload.

    The current available resources for the direct review related workload (presented as current resource capacity below) is a measure of the percentage of time onboard staff report to direct review workload activities, plus a percentage of the additional positions that are targeted to be hired within the remainder of FY 2024. Of note, the current resource capacity is not directly a function of the change in submission volume from one year to the next, but rather a summation of the percent of total staff time plus vacancies estimated to be available for direct review work. As time reporting is a direct input into the current review capacity calculations, the current review capacity may be impacted by factors such as shifts in the level of effort required for review work, staff reporting time exceed their tour of duty, or other shifts impacting the workload of the program.

    3. A managerial adjustment to assess the resource forecast in the context of additional internal factors: program leadership examines operational, financial, and resourcing data to assess whether FDA will be able to utilize additional funds during the FY, and whether the funds are required to support additional review capacity. FTE amounts are adjusted, if needed.

    The managerial adjustment process includes consideration of prior years' forecast performance, future year considerations, hiring capacity considerations, and other relevant considerations. While in some years FDA has over forecasted some submission volumes, it has managerially adjusted down the FTE delta considerably to take relatively small adjustments. For example, in FY23 CDER had a forecasted delta of 151 FTE but only took an adjustment for 27 FTE.

    4. Convert the FTE need to dollars: utilizing FDA's fully loaded FTE cost model, the final feasible FTEs are converted to an equivalent dollar amount. The fully loaded FTE cost model is higher in FY 2025 than in prior years primarily due to the impact of inflation.

    To determine the FY 2025 CPA, FDA calculated a CPA for the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) and the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) individually. The final center-level results were then combined to determine the total FY 2025 PDUFA CPA. The following section outlines the major components of each center's FY 2025 PDUFA CPA.

    Table 6 summarizes the forecasted workload volumes for CDER in FY 2025 based on predictive models, as well as historical actuals from FY 2023 for comparison.

    Table 6—CDER Actual FY 2023 Workload Volumes and Predicted FY 2025 Workload Volumes

    Workload category FY 2023 actuals FY 2025 predictions
    Efficacy Supplements 232 233
    Labeling Supplements 917 1,191
    Manufacturing Supplements 2,372 2,320
    NDA/BLA1 Original 145 133
    PDUFA Industry Meetings (including WROs 2 ) 3,570 3,783
    Active Commercial INDs 3 9,882 10,788
    Annual Reports 4 3,465 3,556
    PMR/PMC-Related Documents 4 1,696 1,605
    Active REMS Programs  4 5 23 23
    1  New drug applications (NDA)/biological license applications (BLA).
    2  Written responses only (WROs).
    3  For purpose of the CPA, this is defined as an active commercial investigational new drug (IND) for which a document has been received in the past 18 months.
    4  Represents activities related to the review of materials submitted to the application file after approval.
    5  Represents the percentage of active risk evaluation and management strategy (REMS) programs proportional to Center and User Fee by total number of qualifying products with the exclusion of the Opioid Shared System.

    Utilizing the resource forecast algorithms, the forecasted workload volumes for FY 2025 were then converted into estimated FTE needs for CDER's PDUFA direct review related work. The resulting expected FY 2025 FTE need for CDER was compared to current resource capacity for direct review related work to determine the FY 2025 resource delta, as summarized in table 7. Hiring and inclusion of hiring plans into the current resource capacity increased the value over prior years.

    Table 7—CDER FY 2025 PDUFA Resource Delta

    Center Current resource capacity FY 2025 resource forecast Predicted FY 2025 FTE delta
    CDER 2,055 2,078 23

    The projected 23 FTEs delta was then assessed by FDA through the managerial adjustment process to ensure that any fee adjustment is only made for resources that can be utilized in the fiscal year and for which funds are required to support additional review capacity. FDA observes that the CDER delta has been declining each year as measured by the CPA. This indicates that resources are coming into approximate alignment with the workload as measured by the CPA. The adjusted 23 FTE delta would represent about 1 percent growth above the current resource capacity of 2,055. FDA notes, however, that through the managerial adjustment process it was observed that review work related to rare and/or orphan disease conditions has been growing disproportionality. After consideration of additional negotiated positions to be added in FY 2025 that overlap with the scope of the CPA (3), and other factors related to the CPA, CDER is adjusting the FTE delta to 4 FTE. These 4 FTEs positions will be allocated in a manner to address the growth in workload resulting from rare and/or orphan disease conditions. The FY 2025 PDUFA CPA for CDER is therefore $1,522,700, as summarized in table 8.

    Table 8—CDER FY 2025 PDUFA CPA

    Center Additional FTEs for FY 2025 Cost for each additional FTE CDER FY 2025 PDUFA CPA
    CDER 4 $380,675 $1,522,700

    To calculate the FY 2025 PDUFA CPA for CBER, FDA followed the approach outlined above. Table 9 summarizes the forecasted workload volumes for CBER in FY 2025 as well as the corresponding historical actuals from FY 2023 for comparison.

    Table 9—CBER Actual FY 2023 Workload Volumes and Predicted FY 2025 Workload Volumes

    Workload category FY 2023 actuals FY 2025 predictions
    Efficacy Supplements 25 30
    Labeling Supplements 58 62
    Manufacturing Supplements 752 767
    NDA/BLA1 Original 14 15
    PDUFA Industry Meetings (including WROs 2 ) 756 778
    Active Commercial INDs 3 1,829 2,027
    Annual Reports 4 314 319
    PMR/PMC-Related Documents 4 143 188
    Active REMS Programs  4 5 2 2
    1  New drug applications (NDA)/biological license applications (BLA).
    2  Written responses only (WROs).
    3  For purpose of the CPA, this is defined as an active commercial investigational new drug (IND) for which a document has been received in the past 18 months.
    4  Represents activities related to the review of materials submitted to the application file after approval.
    5  Represents the percentage of active REMS programs proportional to Center and User Fee by total number of qualifying products with the exclusion of the Opioid Shared System.

    The forecasted CBER PDUFA workload for FY 2025 was then converted into expected FTE resources and compared to current resource capacity for PDUFA direct review work, as summarized in table 10. Hiring and inclusion of hiring plans into the current resource capacity increased the value over prior years.

    Table 10—CBER FY 2025 PDUFA Resource Delta

    Center Current resource capacity FY 2025 resource forecast Predicted FY 2025 FTE delta
    CBER 492 507 15

    The projected 15 FTEs delta for CBER was also assessed by FDA through the managerial adjustment process to ensure the need and/or feasibility of obtaining the additional resources. After considering additional negotiated positions to be added in FY 2025 that overlap with the scope of the CPA (12), current statuses for PDUFA vacancies, and other factors related to the CPA, CBER adjusted the FTE delta to 0 additional FTEs for FY 2025. The FY 2025 CPA for CBER is therefore $0, as summarized in table 11.

    Table 11—CBER FY 2025 PDUFA CPA

    Center Additional FTEs for FY 2025 Cost for each additional FTE CBER FY 2025 CPA
    CBER 0 $372,270 $0

    The CDER and CBER CPA amounts were then added together to determine the PDUFA CPA for FY 2025 of $1,522,700, as outlined in table 12. FDA will track the utilization of the CPA funds to ensure they are supporting the organizational components engaged in PDUFA direct review work to enhance resources and expand staff capacity and capability. Should FDA be unable to utilize any amounts of the CPA funds during the fiscal year, it will not spend those funds and the unspent funds will be transferred to the carryover balance at the end of the fiscal year.

    Table 12—FY 2025 PDUFA CPA

    Center FY 2025 PDUFA CPA
    CDER $1,522,700
    CBER 0
    Total 1,522,700

    Table 13—Base Revenue Amount and Section 736( c )(1) Through (3) Adjustment Amounts

    Fee Amount
    Statutory Fee Revenue Base Amount (section 736(b)(3) of the FD&C Act) $1,358,764,346
    Inflation Adjustment (section 736(c)(1) of the FD&C Act) 55,936,252
    Strategic Hiring and Retention Adjustment (section 736(c)(2) of the FD&C Act) 4,000,000
    Capacity Planning Adjustment (section 736(c)(3) of the FD&C Act) 1,522,700
    Revenue Amount after Adjustments in sections 736(c)(1), (2), and (3) of the FD&C Act 1,420,223,298

    D. FY 2025 Statutory Fee Revenue Adjustments for Additional Dollar Amounts

    PDUFA VII provides an additional dollar amount for each of the 5 fiscal years covered by PDUFA VII for additional FTEs to support enhancements outlined in the PDUFA VII commitment letter. The additional dollar amount for FY 2025 as outlined in statute is $14,154,169 (see section 736(b)(1)(G)(iii) of the FD&C Act). This amount will be added to the total FY 2025 PDUFA VII revenue amount.

    Table 14—Base Revenue Amount and Section 736( c )(1) Through (3) Adjustment Amounts

    Fee Amount
    Statutory Fee Revenue Base Amount (section 736(b)(3) of the FD&C Act) $1,358,764,346
    Inflation Adjustment (section 736(c)(1) of the FD&C Act) 55,936,252
    Strategic Hiring and Retention Adjustment (section 736(c)(2) of the FD&C Act) 4,000,000
    Capacity Planning Adjustment (section 736(c)(3) of the FD&C Act) 1,522,700
    Additional Dollar Amounts Adjustment (section 736(b)(1)(G) of the FD&C Act) 14,154,169
    Cumulative Revenue Amount after Adjustments in sections 736(c)(1), (2), and (3) of the FD&C Act 1,434,377,467

    E. FY 2025 Statutory Fee Revenue Adjustments for Operating Reserve

    PDUFA VII provides for an operating reserve adjustment that may result in an increase or decrease in fee revenue and fees for a given FY (see section 736(c)(4) of the FD&C Act). For FY 2025, FDA is required to further increase fee revenue and fees if an adjustment is necessary to provide for at least 10 weeks of operating reserves of carryover user fees (see section 736(c)(4)(A)(iii) of the FD&C Act). If FDA has carryover balances of user fees in excess of 14 weeks of operating reserves, FDA is required to decrease fee revenue and fees to provide for not more than 14 weeks of operating reserves of carryover user fees (see section 736(c)(4)(B) of the FD&C Act).

    To determine the dollar amounts for the 10-week and 14-week operating reserve thresholds, the adjustments (inflation, strategic hiring and retention, capacity planning, and additional dollar amount) discussed in sections II.A, II.B, II.C, and II.D are applied to the FY 2025 base revenue (see section 736(c)(4)(A) of the FD&C Act), resulting in $1,434,377,467. This amount is then divided by 52 to generate the 1-week operating amount of $27,584,182. The 1-week operating amount is then multiplied by 10 and 14. This results in a 10-week threshold amount of $275,841,821 and a 14-week threshold amount of $386,178,549.

    To determine the FY 2024 end-of-year operating reserves of carryover user fees, the Agency assessed the operating reserve of carryover fees at the end of June 2024 and forecasted collections and obligations in the fourth quarter of FY 2024 combined. This provides an estimated end-of-year FY 2024 operating reserve of carryover user fees of $270,834,409, which equates to 9.82 weeks of operations.[4]

    Because the estimated FY 2024 end-of-year operating reserves of carryover user fees does not exceed the 14-week threshold amount, FDA will not reduce the FY 2025 fees or fee revenue. However, because the estimated FY 2024 end-of-year operating reserves of carryover user fees of $270,834,409 is below the 10-week threshold amount of $275,841,821, FDA will apply an operating reserve adjustment of $5,007,412 to increase the fee revenue and fees for FY 2025.

    Table 15—Base Revenue Amount and Section 736( c )(1) Through (4) Adjustment Amounts

    Fee Amount
    Statutory Fee Revenue Base Amount (section 736(b)(3) of the FD&C Act) $1,358,764,346
    Inflation Adjustment (section 736(c)(1) of the FD&C Act) 55,936,252
    Strategic Hiring and Retention Adjustment (section 736(c)(2) of the FD&C Act) 4,000,000
    Capacity Planning Adjustment (section 736(c)(3) of the FD&C Act) 1,522,700
    Additional Dollar Amounts Adjustment (section 736(b)(1)(G) of the FD&C Act) 14,154,169
    Operating Reserve Adjustment (section (736(c)(4) of the FD&C Act) 5,007,412
    Cumulative Revenue Amount after Adjustments in sections 736(c)(1), (2), (3), and (4) of the FD&C Act 1,439,384,879

    F. FY 2025 Statutory Fee Revenue Adjustments for Additional Direct Cost

    PDUFA VII specifies that an additional direct cost of $39,355,553 is to be added to the total FY 2025 PDUFA revenue amount (see section 736(c)(5)(ii) of the FD&C Act). With respect to target revenue for FY 2025, adding the additional direct cost amount of $39,355,553 to the inflation, strategic hiring and retention, CPA, additional dollar amount, and operating reserve adjustment results in the total revenue amount of $1,478,740,000 (rounded to the nearest thousand dollars).

    Table 16—Total Estimated Adjusted Revenue Amount

    Fee Amount
    Statutory Fee Revenue Base Amount (section 736(b)(3) of the FD&C Act) $1,358,764,346
    Inflation Adjustment (section 736(c)(1) of the FD&C Act) 55,936,252
    Strategic Hiring and Retention Adjustment (section 736(c)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act) 4,000,000
    Capacity Planning Adjustment (section 736(c)(3) of the FD&C Act) 1,522,700
    Additional Dollar Amounts Adjustment (section 736(b)(1)(G) of the FD&C Act) 14,154,169
    Operating Reserve Adjustment (section (736(c)(4) of the FD&C Act) 5,007,412
    Additional Direct Cost Adjustment (section 736(c)(5) of the FD&C Act) 39,355,553
    Cumulative Revenue Amount after Adjustments in sections 736(c)(1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) of the FD&C Act 1,478,740,432
    Cumulative Revenue Amount after Adjustments in sections 736(c)(1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) of the FD&C Act (rounded to the nearest thousand) 1,478,740,000

    III. Application Fee Calculations

    A. Application Fee Revenues and Application Fees

    Application fees will be set to generate 20 percent of the total revenue amount, amounting to $295,748,000 in FY 2025.

    B. Estimate of the Number of Fee-Paying Applications and Setting the Application Fees

    FDA has estimated the total number of fee-paying full application equivalents (FAEs) it expects to receive during the next fiscal year by averaging the number of fee-paying FAEs received in the ten most recently completed fiscal years. For FY 2025 fee setting, the 10 relevant fiscal years are FY 2014-2023. While a 3-year average has been used in recent years' fee setting FRNs, FDA is using a 10-year average for FY 2025 to address volatility in the number of FAEs. Prior year FAE totals are updated annually to reflect refunds and waivers processed after the close of the fiscal year.[5]

    In estimating the number of fee-paying FAEs, an application requiring covered clinical data [6] counts as one FAE. An application not requiring covered clinical data counts as one-half of an FAE. An application that is withdrawn before filing, or refused for filing, counts as one-fourth of an FAE if the applicant initially paid a full application fee, or one-eighth of an FAE if the applicant initially paid one-half of the full application fee amount.

    As table 17 shows, the average number of fee-paying FAEs received annually in FY 2014 through FY 2023 is 68.619. FDA will set fees for FY 2025 based on this estimate as the number of full application equivalents that will be subject to fees.

    Table 17—Fee-Paying FAEs

    2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 10-year average
    Fee-Paying FAEs 73.375 81.956 70.483 79.750 68.875 80.000 56.750 78.875 45.125 51.000 68.619
    Note: Prior year FAE totals are updated annually to reflect refunds and waivers processed after the close of the fiscal year.

    The FY 2025 application fee is estimated by dividing the average number of full applications that paid fees from FY 2014 through FY 2023, 68.619, into the fee revenue amount to be derived from application fees in FY 2025, $295,748,000. The result is a fee of $4,310,002 per full application requiring clinical data, and $2,155,001 per application not requiring clinical data.

    IV. Fee Calculation for Prescription Drug Program Fees

    PDUFA VII assesses prescription drug program fees for certain prescription drug products. Program fees will be set to generate 80 percent of the total target revenue amounting to $1,182,992,000 in FY 2025.

    An applicant will not be assessed more than five program fees for a FY for prescription drug products identified in a single approved NDA or BLA (see section 736(a)(2)(C) of the FD&C Act). Applicants are assessed a program fee for a FY for user fee eligible prescription drug products identified in a human drug application approved as of October 1 of such FY. Additionally, applicants are assessed a program fee for a product that is not a prescription drug product on October 1 because it is included in the discontinued section of the Orange Book or the CDER/CBER Billable Biologics List on that date, if the product becomes a fee-eligible prescription drug product during the FY.

    FDA estimates 3,049 program fees will be invoiced in FY 2025 before factoring in waivers, refunds, exceptions, and exemptions. FDA approximates that there will be 81 waivers and refunds granted. Additionally, FDA approximates that another 39 program fees will be exempted in FY 2025 based on the orphan drug exemption in section 736(k) of the FD&C Act.

    FDA estimates 2,929 program fees in FY 2025, after allowing for an estimated 120 waivers and reductions, including the orphan drug exemptions, excepted and exempted fee-liable products. The FY 2025 prescription drug program fee rate is calculated by dividing the adjusted total revenue from program fees ($1,182,992,000) by the estimated 2,929 program fees, resulting in a FY 2025 program fee of $403,889 (rounded to the nearest dollar).

    V. Fee Schedule for FY 2025

    The fee rates for FY 2025 are displayed in table 18.

    Table 18—Fee Schedule for FY 2025

    Fee category Fee rates for FY 2025
    Requiring clinical data $4,310,002
    Not requiring clinical data 2,155,001
    Program 403,889

Document Information

Food and Drug Administration
Entry Type:
Document Number:
These fees apply to the period from October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025.
61474-61481 (8 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. FDA-2024-N-0007
PDF File: