2022-14203. Endangered and Threatened Species; Issuance of Enhancement of Survival and Incidental Take Permits for Safe Harbor Agreements, Candidate Conservation Agreements, Habitat Conservation Plans, and Recovery Activities, January 1, 2021, ...  

  • Start Preamble Start Printed Page 39855


    Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.




    We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in accordance with the Endangered Species Act (ESA), provide a list to the public of permits issued under the ESA. With some exceptions, the ESA prohibits take of listed species unless a Federal permit is issued that authorizes or exempts the taking under the ESA. We provide this list to the public as a summary of our permit issuances for candidate conservation agreements with assurances, safe harbor agreements, habitat conservation plans, and recovery activities for calendar year 2021.

    Start Further Info


    For general information about the ESA permit process, contact Amanda Murnane, via phone at 703-358-2469 or viaemailatamanda_murnane@fws.gov. For information on specific permits, see the contact information below in Permits Issued. Individuals in the United States who are deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability may dial 711 (TTY, TDD, or TeleBraille) to access telecommunications relay services. Individuals outside the United States should use the relay services offered within their country to make international calls to the point-of-contact in the United States.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in accordance with section 10(d) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq. ), as amended, provide a list to the public of the permits issued under sections 10(a)(1)(A) and 10(a)(1)(B) of the ESA. With some exceptions, the ESA prohibits take of listed species unless a Federal permit is issued that authorizes the taking, or the take is exempted through section 7 of the ESA. Under section 10(a)(1)(A) of the ESA, we issue enhancement of survival permits in conjunction with candidate conservation agreements with assurances (CCAAs) and safe harbor agreements (SHAs). Section 10(a)(1)(A) also authorizes recovery permits. Section 10(a)(1)(B) permits authorize take of listed species incidental to otherwise lawful activities associated with habitat conservation plans (HCPs). We provide this list to the public as a summary of our permit issuances for CCAAs, SHAs, HCPs, and recovery permits for calendar year 2021.


    Under the authority of section 10(a)(1)(A) of the ESA, we have issued enhancement of survival permits to conduct activities that provide a conservation benefit for endangered or threatened species, or for unlisted species should they become listed in the future, in response to permit applications that we received in conjunction with a SHA or a CCAA.

    Recovery permits have been issued under ESA section 10(a)(1)(A) to allow for take as part of activities intended to foster the recovery of listed species, typically for scientific research in order to understand better the species' long-term survival needs.

    Under ESA section 10(a)(1)(B), we may issue permits for any taking otherwise prohibited by ESA section 9 if such taking is incidental to, and not the purpose of, carrying out an otherwise lawful activity (known as an incidental take permit (ITP)) and the permit applicant submits a habitat conservation plan (HCP) that meets the permit issuance criteria under section 10(a)(2)(B). Typically, applicants seek an ITP to conduct activities such as residential and commercial development, infrastructure development or maintenance, and energy development projects that range in scale from small to landscape-level planning efforts.

    The permits associated with SHAs, CCAAs, HCPs, and recovery activities that we issued between January 1 and December 31, 2021, are listed below.

    Under section 10(a)(1)(A), we issued each permit only after we determined that it was applied for in good faith; that granting the permit would not be to the disadvantage of the listed species, or to the unlisted species should it be listed; that the proposed activities would benefit the recovery or the enhancement of survival of the species; and that the terms and conditions of the permits were consistent with the purposes and policy set forth in the ESA.

    Under section 10(a)(1)(B), we issued permits only after we determined that the applicant was eligible and had submitted a complete application and HCP that fully met the permit issuance criteria consistent with section 10(a)(2)(B).

    Permits Issued

    Region 1 (Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon (Except for the Klamath Basin), Washington, American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and the Pacific Trust Territories)

    The following permits, sorted by type of permit or agreement and date issued in the table below, were applied for and issued by the Regional office responsible for section 10 permitting in the States and territories listed above.

    HCPs, CCAAs, and SHAs

    For more information about any of the following HCP, CCAA, or SHA permits, contact the HCP, CCAA, or SHA permit coordinator at ITEOSpermitsR1ES@fws.gov or by phone at 503-231-6131.

    Start Printed Page 39856

    Recovery Permits

    For more information about any of the following recovery permits, contact the Recovery Permit Coordinator by email at PermitsR1ES@fws.gov or by telephone at 503-231-6131.

    Permit No.Version No.Permit typePermitteeDate issued
    79857D1CCAASiskiyou Timberlands, LLC6/14/2021
    30687A1HCPOregon Parks and Recreation Department5/6/2021
    PER00107800HCPPuget Western, Inc.5/12/2021
    01054D0HCPCity of Tumwater Public Works Department5/12/2021
    PER00128960HCPLorraine Tveten6/3/2021
    81283D0HCPPuget Sound Energy11/18/2021
    82106B1RecoveryNOAA Fisheries-Northwest Fisheries Science Center1/4/2021
    76800D0RecoveryGeorge Fiedler1/12/2021
    PER00036300RecoveryCollin A. Eagles-Smith3/18/2021
    PER00043120RecoveryCramer Fish Sciences3/23/2021
    38768B3RecoveryMicronesian Environmental Services4/8/2021
    PER00089170RecoveryInstitute for Applied Ecology4/14/2021
    89863B4RecoveryOregon State University4/23/2021
    PER00095460RecoveryWashington State University, Vancouver5/19/2021
    82107B1RecoveryMt. Hood National Forest5/19/2021
    0416724RecoveryU.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District6/17/2021
    28609D1RecoveryUSDA, APHIS, Wildlife Services6/17/2021
    62696C1RecoveryAssured Bio Labs, LLC6/23/2021
    80538A2RecoveryH.T. Harvey & Associates6/23/2021
    PER00117650RecoveryMalheur National Forest (Fisheries Monitoring Program)7/1/2021
    8445039RecoveryBurns Paiute Tribe7/1/2021
    91338B1RecoveryBureau of Land Management, Idaho7/26/2021
    77073D1RecoveryAnindo Choudhury7/29/2021
    63568A2RecoveryJason Clinch7/29/2021
    PER00079970RecoveryUW Botanic Gardens Rare Care Program8/23/2021
    PER00169590RecoveryWashington State University/Michael Phelps8/23/2021
    66384A2RecoveryIdaho Department of Fish and Game8/30/2021
    PER00118130RecoveryYakama Nation Fisheries8/30/2021
    PER00169840RecoveryU.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Snake River Area Office9/1/2021
    38362D1RecoveryBureau of Reclamation9/23/2021
    PER00215080RecoveryEnvironmental Assessment Services, LLC10/13/2021
    45531B2RecoveryHawaii Division of Forestry and Wildlife10/18/2021
    PER00098030RecoverySR3 Sealife Response, Rehab and Research11/3/2021
    PER00147980RecoveryMontana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks11/4/2021
    61798A2RecoveryDavid Monnin11/8/2021
    82925010RecoveryHawaii Wildlife Fund12/13/2021
    PER00170280RecoveryCaribou-Targhee National Forest12/16/2021
    PER00026330SHARayonier Operating Company, LLC2/2/2021
    PER00027750SHASierra Pacific Land & Timber Company2/23/2021
    PER00219710SHAScott Erion9/24/2021
    67749D0SHALincoln Soil and Water Conservation District9/28/2021

    Region 2 (Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas)

    The following permits, sorted by type of permit or agreement and date issued in the table below, were applied for and issued by the Regional office responsible for section 10 permitting in the States listed above.

    HCPs and CCAAs

    For more information about any of the following HCP or CCAA permits, contact the HCP or CCAA Permit Coordinator by email at FW2_HCP_Permits@fws.gov or by telephone at 505-248-6651.

    Recovery Permits

    For more information about any of the following recovery permits, contact the Recovery Permit Coordinator by email at PermitsR2ES@fws.gov or by telephone at 505-248-6649.

    Permit No.Version No.Permit typePermitteeDate issued
    PER00124340CCAABrazos River Authority6/1/2021
    89394D0HCPLPC Conservation, LLC9/17/2021
    42289D0HCPOklahoma City & Oklahoma City Utilities Trust11/22/2021
    PER00124350HCPCity Public Service Board, City of San Antonio, Texas12/10/2021
    42739A0RecoverySea Life Arizona1/4/2021
    83399D0RecoveryJames Johnson1/4/2021
    7945933RecoveryTexas State Aquarium1/6/2021
    8213560RecoveryUSGS Grand Canyon Monitoring & Research Center1/7/2021
    8194758RecoveryBureau of Reclamation1/8/2021
    79002D0RecoveryTexas Military Department1/15/2021
    PER00026620RecoveryToby Hibbitts1/21/2021
    Start Printed Page 39857
    PER00026800RecoveryKristina Chyn2/5/2021
    PER00029880RecoveryTimothy H. Bonner2/11/2021
    PER00034560RecoveryTetra Tech, Inc2/24/2021
    PER00030240RecoveryZara Environmental LLC2/24/2021
    PER00034920RecoveryJacobs Engineering Group3/3/2021
    PER00039580RecoveryGlenn Rink3/4/2021
    PER00040420Recoveryaci Group, LLC3/8/2021
    62552D0RecoveryAdam Petry3/12/2021
    PER00045810RecoverySarah Weber3/12/2021
    PER00043450RecoveryTexas Military Department3/12/2021
    33889B0RecoveryMiami University3/12/2021
    76960D0RecoveryJodie Burns3/12/2021
    60013D0RecoveryBryce Owen3/12/2021
    PER00051080RecoveryCambrian Environmental3/18/2021
    PER00051420RecoveryUSGS Idaho Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit3/19/2021
    TE8154900RecoveryNew Mexico Department of Game & Fish3/29/2021
    PER00078320RecoveryThe Peregrine Fund4/1/2021
    73317B0RecoveryCharles Britt4/2/2021
    59580A0RecoveryRocky Mountain Ecology4/2/2021
    1745520RecoveryAnimas Biological Studies, LLC4/2/2021
    PER00093190RecoveryOklahoma Aquarium4/7/2021
    PER00084560RecoveryEagle Environmental, Inc4/7/2021
    PER00092250RecoveryMatthew Johnson4/8/2021
    PER00092280RecoveryCanvas Natural Resource Solutions, LLC4/8/2021
    83056D0RecoveryJohnny Morris' Wonders of Wildlife4/9/2021
    PER00093260RecoveryTexas A&M Forest Service4/12/2021
    PER00095230RecoverySWCA Environmental Consultants4/13/2021
    8398483RecoveryUSDA Forest Service-Carson National Forest4/19/2021
    PER00103210RecoveryHarris Environmental Group4/28/2021
    PER00080610RecoveryEcoplan Associates, Inc4/30/2021
    PER00107600RecoveryGregor Hamilton4/30/2021
    PER00112230RecoveryMarsh and Associates, LLC5/4/2021
    PER00101090RecoveryDavid Davis5/4/2021
    PER00111900RecoveryOklahoma Water Resources Board5/4/2021
    PER00111980RecoveryOklahoma Conservation Commission5/4/2021
    21840C1RecoveryWildwood Environmental Credit Company5/5/2021
    PER00088170RecoveryU.S. Forest Service Southwestern Regional office5/18/2021
    PER00126600RecoveryThe Peregrine Fund5/26/2021
    PER00124900RecoveryUSDA Forest Service Enterprise Program5/26/2021
    PER00075290RecoveryUSDA Forest Service, Gila National Forest5/28/2021
    8006112RecoverySWCA, Inc6/3/2021
    71795D0RecoveryDan Pittenger6/3/2021
    PER00131780RecoveryUSDA FS-Kaibab National Forest6/3/2021
    65027D1RecoveryMcBride Biotracking, LLC6/9/2021
    PER00133850RecoverySea Turtle, Inc6/9/2021
    PER00139860RecoveryBalcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge6/10/2021
    PER00140130RecoveryVaughn Weaver6/11/2021
    8194911RecoveryEcosphere Environmental Services6/16/2021
    PER00095870RecoveryJean Marie L. Rieck6/25/2021
    PER00078760RecoveryCherokee Nation6/25/2021
    7945934RecoveryTexas State Aquarium7/6/2021
    84338B2RecoveryErica Lee7/9/2021
    PER00040370RecoveryLauren Dill7/12/2021
    PER00115550RecoveryJames Hall7/13/2021
    TE40886B-30RecoveryJennifer Zahratka7/15/2021
    PER00123960RecoveryPhilip Lavretsky7/23/2021
    PER00186270RecoveryFort Worth Zoo8/4/2021
    87758D0RecoveryUnderwing Biological, LLC8/9/2021
    PER00138520RecoveryKirsten Fuller8/10/2021
    PER00131781RecoveryUSDA FS-Kaibab National Forest8/13/2021
    PER00197160RecoveryWiebke Boeing8/18/2021
    PER00200930RecoverySara Souther8/25/2021
    69747D0RecoverySea Life US, LLC8/26/2021
    62371D1RecoverySalt River Project8/31/2021
    PER00194400RecoveryJames Mark Porter9/1/2021
    50370D0RecoveryHelen M. Poulos9/2/2021
    10107C2RecoveryBandelier National Monument9/7/2021
    13623D1RecoveryJames Whitney9/7/2021
    PER00117720RecoveryUSDA Coronado National Forest9/10/2021
    PER00129580RecoveryFrank Reichenbacher9/15/2021
    PER00138510RecoveryNew Mexico State Land Office9/15/2021
    PER00205470RecoverySevenecoten, LLC9/15/2021
    Start Printed Page 39858
    PER00113760RecoveryBrent Thompson9/15/2021
    PER00123500RecoveryZoe Davidson9/17/2021
    PER00133780RecoveryOdysea Aquarium, LLC9/29/2021
    PER00131810RecoveryMarjorie Wright9/29/2021
    PER00206010RecoveryAdam Wood9/30/2021
    8297618RecoveryBureau of Land Management-Las Cruces10/6/2021
    94245B2RecoveryJarrod Powers10/7/2021
    PER00243370RecoveryEast Foundation10/12/2021
    00482C2RecoveryWilliam Dillsaver10/18/2021
    17907C2RecoveryLandhawk Consulting, LLC10/22/2021
    0943752RecoveryAzimuth Forestry Services, Inc11/22/2021
    PER00243371RecoveryEast Foundation11/23/2021
    0824961RecoveryJoint Base San Antonio12/1/2021
    PER00121880RecoveryCrystal Datri12/2/2021
    PER00095880RecoveryBureau of Land Management-Tucson Field office12/16/2021
    10107C3RecoveryBandelier National Monument12/21/2021

    Region 3 (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin)

    The following permits, sorted by type of permit or agreement and date issued in the table below, were applied for and issued by the Regional office responsible for section 10 permitting in the States listed above.


    For more information about any of the following HCP or CCAA permits, contact the HCP Permit Coordinator at permitsR3ES@fws.gov or by telephone at 612-713-5343.

    Recovery Permits

    For more information about any of the following recovery permits, contact the Recovery Permit Coordinator by email at PermitsR3ES@fws.gov or by telephone at 612-713-5343.

    Permit No.Version No.Permit typePermitteeDate issued
    PER00035520HCPRosewater Wind Farm, LLC3/8/2021
    PER00055130HCPNextera Energy Bluff Point, LLC3/25/2021
    PER00051740HCPMeadow Lake Wind Farm, LLC; Meadow Lake Wind Farm II, LLC; Meadow Lake Wind Farm IIII, LLC; Meadow Lake Wind Farm IV, LLC; Meadow Lake Wind Farm V, LLC; Meadow Lake Wind Farm VI, LLC3/31/2021
    69307D1HCPBlue Creek Wind Farm, LLC3/31/2021
    PER00115670HCPUnion Electric Company5/14/2021
    PER00141190HCPScout Clean Energy, LLC6/14/2021
    PER00184640HCPCalifornia Wind Energy, LLC8/6/2021
    PER00260270HCPHanson Aggregates Midwest, Inc11/15/2021
    1053208RecoveryTragus Environmental Consulting, Inc3/18/2021
    1448324RecoveryDetroit Zoological Society3/29/2021
    07730A6RecoveryRedwing Ecological Services, Inc3/29/2021
    70018D0RecoverySt. Louis River Alliance3/30/2021
    98298A1RecoveryOhio Environmental Protection Agency3/31/2021
    PER00024310RecoveryJoseph Milanovich4/6/2021
    73584A4RecoveryIllinois Natural History Survey4/19/2021
    38856A6RecoverySkelly and Loy, Inc4/22/2021
    PER00031680RecoveryCorie Ereth4/28/2021
    06130D2RecoveryClaudio Gratton5/4/2021
    PER00033550RecoveryJosiah J. Maine5/6/2021
    PER00032010RecoveryBraden A. Hoffman5/6/2021
    63118D1RecoveryClarissa Starbuck5/11/2021
    71524B1RecoveryTheresa Burke5/11/2021
    PER00114690RecoveryConsumers Energy5/12/2021
    30472C2RecoveryElaine Evans5/12/2021
    33381D0RecoveryNeosho National Fish Hatchery5/18/2021
    06778A5RecoveryUSDA Forest Service-Shawnee National Forest5/20/2021
    38842A7RecoverySanders Environmental, Inc5/21/2021
    66724A3RecoveryCleveland Metroparks5/24/2021
    02373A15RecoveryEnvironmental Solutions and Innovations, Inc5/24/2021
    PER00029670RecoveryDonald Solick5/27/2021
    1062207RecoveryBrianne Walters6/3/2021
    53616C3RecoveryIllinois Natural History Survey6/3/2021
    1202315RecoveryJohn Timpone6/15/2021
    15027A7RecoveryStantec Consulting Services, Inc6/16/2021
    69783012RecoveryU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service6/18/2021
    72093B2RecoveryRebecca Winterringer6/25/2021
    40247C2RecoveryMinnesota Department of Natural Resources6/25/2021
    06809A6RecoveryUSDA Forest Service6/29/2021
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    24566D1RecoveryNicholas Smeenk7/2/2021
    PER00030230RecoverySamuel A. Schratz7/8/2021
    31310A2RecoveryMinnesota Pollution Control Agency7/20/2021
    28570D1RecoveryMidwest Natural Resources, Inc7/20/2021
    20678110RecoveryEcoanalysts, Inc7/21/2021
    PER00023320RecoveryMinnesota Department of Natural Resources, Center for Aquatic Mollusk Programs7/23/2021
    64080B1RecoveryMichigan Natural Features Inventory-Michigan State University7/27/2021
    PER00034050RecoveryCrystal A. Griffin7/27/2021
    PER00031350RecoveryKatie Baker7/27/2021
    PER00097880RecoveryAlma Schrage8/3/2021
    PER00025440RecoveryCarlyn S. Rocazella8/3/2021
    38860A4RecoveryJason Garvon8/4/2021
    PER00038930RecoveryAndres E. Ortega8/5/2021
    PER00031140RecoveryTimothy J. Brust8/6/2021
    70868B1RecoveryBrian Ortman8/6/2021
    64239B2RecoveryNathanael Light8/6/2021
    PER00117260RecoveryNorth Fork Ridge Wind Holdings, LLC8/6/2021
    07358A11RecoveryCivil and Environmental Consultants, Inc8/18/2021
    PER00091220RecoveryEmily Grossman8/24/2021
    PER00129550RecoveryChristopher Fill8/27/2021
    14549C1RecoveryLarissa Herrera9/1/2021
    11035A3RecoveryBob Vande Kopple9/7/2021
    31355B4RecoveryBrooke A. Hines9/8/2021
    34563C2RecoveryHenry Campa9/14/2021
    71737A4RecoveryRoger Klocek, LLC9/15/2021
    1352979RecoverySaint Louis Zoological Park9/16/2021
    77530A3RecoveryDouglas Kapusinski10/7/2021
    72093B3RecoveryRebecca Winterringer10/13/2021
    38842A8RecoverySanders Environmental, Inc10/13/2021
    1511097RecoveryOhio Department of Natural Resources10/13/2021
    PER00119860RecoveryLindsey N. Jakovljevic10/27/2021
    99056B2RecoveryMarion Wells10/27/2021
    2067835RecoveryMarlo Perdicas10/28/2021
    80526916RecoveryDaniel Soluk11/17/2021
    PER00151710RecoveryCory Suski11/22/2021
    65611B2RecoveryDennis Skadsen11/24/2021
    PER00160720RecoveryBrittany Rogness12/17/2021
    06778A6RecoveryUSDA Forest Service-Shawnee National Forest12/21/2021

    Region 4 (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands)

    The following permits, sorted by type of permit or agreement and date issued in the table below, were applied for and issued by the Regional office responsible for section 10 permitting in the States and territories listed above.

    HCPs and SHA

    For more information about any of the following HCPs or SHA, contact the HCP Permit Coordinator by email at PermitsR4ES@fws.gov or by telephone at 404-679-7140.

    Recovery Permits

    For more information about any of the following recovery permits, contact the Recovery Permit Coordinator by email at PermitsR4ES@fws.gov or by telephone at 404-679-7140.

    Permit No.Version No.Permit typePermitteeDate issued
    88303D0HCPSmitherman-Malone Properties, LLC1/7/2021
    84038C1HCPJimmy Stevens1/8/2021
    80687D0HCPPolk County Board of County Commissioners, Political Subdivision of State of Florida1/11/2021
    79912D0HCPPolk County (Political Subdivision of The State of Florida)1/11/2021
    88288D0HCPCannonball Properties, LLC1/11/2021
    PER00020590HCPThomas Panos1/14/2021
    82107D0HCPPalmetto Avon Park-Hwy 17, LLC1/28/2021
    PER00026020HCPDouglas K. Jones2/23/2021
    33505D1HCPStephen D. Presley2/24/2021
    42767C1HCPDale Delarber3/1/2021
    PER00033580HCPThomas A. Gaghen3/19/2021
    PER00027650HCPRobert and Maria Schmidt3/19/2021
    PER00031070HCPJeanne Hall3/22/2021
    PER00040360HCPFinlay Holdings, LLC3/25/2021
    PER00029960HCPJohn Lagrasse3/26/2021
    Start Printed Page 39860
    48834D1HCPJeff Eldredge4/2/2021
    54008D1HCPAstonia North LLC4/7/2021
    75501D1HCPLarry Giggy4/8/2021
    2182921HCPSteel Bridge Properties LLC4/9/2021
    PER00092340HCPLJW Properties, LLC4/16/2021
    PER00031170HCPCrosswood Enterprises, LLC4/23/2021
    48931D0HCPCity of Orange Beach4/28/2021
    56402D1HCPIvy Ridge, LLC4/30/2021
    PER00096330HCPThomas Eubanks5/5/2021
    PER00025830HCPGail K. Cardoso5/6/2021
    0788281HCPMark and Maria Frost5/6/2021
    95386C1HCPShawn Locke5/6/2021
    0870682HCPSteel Bridge Properties, LLC5/6/2021
    58959C1HCPJustin Daniels5/11/2021
    PER00025400HCPLennar Homes, LLC5/28/2021
    0800871HCPMary Beth Prince6/1/2021
    PER00026750HCPEGR East, LLC6/10/2021
    88352D0HCPForestar Group, Inc6/10/2021
    PER00129320HCPAnna Cain6/11/2021
    28392D2HCPDaniel Prickett6/17/2021
    56446D1HCPS&S Partnership, LLC6/17/2021
    05890C1HCPDaniel Prickett6/17/2021
    PER00026760HCPWP South Acquisition, LLC6/18/2021
    PER00026320HCPVK Avalon Groves, LLC6/18/2021
    PER00026290HCPBB Groves, LLC6/21/2021
    64535A1HCPDarrell Lawley7/8/2021
    PER00141240HCPJay Brown7/13/2021
    37575D1HCPLisa Lemay7/13/2021
    PER00025831HCPGail K. Cardoso8/5/2021
    PER00163490HCPStillwater Capital Assets, LLC8/5/2021
    63420C1HCPElisa Sargent8/12/2021
    PER00163980HCPDJM Property, LLC8/13/2021
    PER00180200HCPScott Green8/17/2021
    PER00184380HCPJohn C. Stevens8/26/2021
    PER00070240HCPSpring Grove, LLC9/14/2021
    0870683HCPTroy Marion9/15/2021
    PER00193830HCPSea and Sandcastles LLC9/16/2021
    PER00206500HCPBrian Spychalski9/22/2021
    PER00207100HCPSean & Dawn Carmichael9/23/2021
    0934811HCPEdward Lowe10/1/2021
    2182381HCPTroy Titus10/13/2021
    PER00069900HCPPMDW Ventures, LLC10/14/2021
    PER00220740HCPDavid Green10/19/2021
    PER00026630HCPTSG Development, Inc10/20/2021
    PER00240880HCPThomas Popee10/29/2021
    PER00184410HCPAcadian Designs, LLC11/12/2021
    56449D0HCPMary Newcomb11/12/2021
    1310631HCPClyde M. Jones11/17/2021
    PER00267010HCPRobert Stephens12/1/2021
    PER00238310HCPBrian Reinhardt12/3/2021
    0787212HCPRichard Weiner12/9/2021
    1565740HCPWilliam Fagan12/14/2021
    PER00129321HCPJohn Thomas12/21/2021
    83156D0RecoveryJake Schaefer1/5/2021
    1085847RecoveryTim Nehus1/7/2021
    56749B4RecoveryPatrick Moore1/12/2021
    88402D0RecoveryAlex Pepper1/13/2021
    41955C1RecoveryAnthony Miller1/13/2021
    PER00020870RecoveryAlex Pepper1/20/2021
    PER00020880RecoveryJesus Lara1/21/2021
    PER00020860RecoveryMarc Russack2/4/2021
    PER00020900RecoveryJennifer L. Oles2/8/2021
    PER00020890RecoveryMichael Giaccone2/8/2021
    78884D1RecoveryThomas Gotcher2/25/2021
    86020D1RecoverySamuel Fava2/25/2021
    86022D0RecoveryMatthew Harrell2/25/2021
    83053D0RecoverySteve Bostwick2/25/2021
    56588D1RecoveryMartin Melville2/25/2021
    88412D1RecoveryMichael Turner2/26/2021
    88402D1RecoveryAlex Pepper2/26/2021
    87084D0RecoveryKyle Woodall2/26/2021
    67197D1RecoveryTyler Black3/4/2021
    81027413RecoveryICF Jones and Stokes, Inc3/12/2021
    Start Printed Page 39861
    PER00020770RecoveryCasey L. Geldine3/23/2021
    PER00026260RecoveryTaylor Jones3/24/2021
    85000D0RecoveryFrancisco A. Abreu3/24/2021
    PER00029000RecoveryJohn K. Maher3/25/2021
    PER00020850RecoveryJohn T. Riley3/25/2021
    66039A1RecoveryArkansas Game and Fish Commission4/5/2021
    PER00028590RecoveryKeegan T. Jones4/8/2021
    PER00030420RecoveryJoe C. Monahan4/12/2021
    0707969RecoveryApogee Environmental & Archaeological, Inc4/26/2021
    PER00044220RecoveryGulfarium Marine Adventure Park4/30/2021
    PER00078030RecoveryMichael Lloret5/2/2021
    0871915RecoverySandhills Ecological Institute5/4/2021
    PER00093470RecoveryAudrius Pauliukonis5/5/2021
    72782D0RecoveryMichael Cove5/13/2021
    02332D1RecoveryMichelle Gilley5/18/2021
    PER00029760RecoveryDilan Ekmark5/19/2021
    86496D0RecoveryMark Johnson5/24/2021
    PER00051330RecoveryMichael Mills5/26/2021
    56968D2RecoveryKimberly Andrews6/2/2021
    PER00029010RecoveryChristina Morton6/9/2021
    PER00036550RecoveryJari A. Valladares-Gomez6/10/2021
    PER00028440RecoveryRyan Merritt6/11/2021
    71050D0RecoveryBrett Andersen6/23/2021
    PER00148080RecoveryStephen C. Wilder6/24/2021
    PER00125310RecoveryTrevor Mann6/24/2021
    1255215RecoveryDepartment of Natural and Environmental Resources7/1/2021
    PER00129460RecoveryS. Barns7/7/2021
    59318D0RecoveryMarie Selby Botanical Gardens7/7/2021
    0830854RecoveryArchbold Biological Station7/8/2021
    71653D0RecoveryThe Nature Conservancy, Camp Shelby7/8/2021
    38519A2RecoveryCardno, Inc7/8/2021
    07525D1RecoveryBruce Porter7/9/2021
    88796C1RecoveryGeological Survey of Alabama7/15/2021
    PER00117520RecoveryWilliam C. Kimmel7/19/2021
    PER00095810RecoveryStephen Cemelli7/20/2021
    1714933RecoveryMemphis Zoo7/22/2021
    1255216RecoveryDepartment of Natural and Environmental Resources7/23/2021
    PER00027720RecoveryAuriel M. Fournier7/30/2021
    PER00020110RecoveryUniversity of Georgia8/2/2021
    78084D0RecoveryAntone F. Pantaleo8/9/2021
    PER00164670RecoveryFrancisco A. Abreu8/9/2021
    PER00150520RecoveryJames P. Johnson8/9/2021
    33465A2RecoveryUSDA Forest Service National Forests in Alabama8/18/2021
    01627010RecoveryUS Army Fort Benning, Natural Resources Management Branch8/30/2021
    PER00152640RecoveryColin Lindsey8/31/2021
    PER00093720RecoveryJoe C. Monahan8/31/2021
    21809A3RecoveryMonica Folk9/5/2021
    75914D0RecoveryNorth Carolina State Parks9/5/2021
    98596B2RecoverySarah Veselka9/6/2021
    64232B1RecoveryJoshua Young9/6/2021
    62026D1RecoveryCatherine Haase9/6/2021
    37219B2RecoveryRoger Perry9/6/2021
    80406D0RecoveryMichael Eubanks9/6/2021
    88789B1RecoverySharon Davis9/13/2021
    PER00047780RecoveryCatherine Jachowski9/13/2021
    82659D0RecoverySarah J. Messer9/13/2021
    12379D1RecoveryRobert McCleery9/23/2021
    68616B2RecoveryCarla Atkinson9/27/2021
    37652B1RecoveryBlue Ridge Parkway-National Park Service9/28/2021
    83157D0RecoveryMatthew Miller9/29/2021
    37652B2RecoveryBlue Ridge Parkway-National Park Service9/30/2021
    PER00073140RecoveryAlbert J. Leun9/30/2021
    PER00104550RecoveryKira Lindelof9/30/2021
    83157D1RecoveryMatthew Miller10/6/2021
    PER00245510RecoveryJohn T. Riley10/18/2021
    35313B5RecoveryEmma Willcox10/28/2021
    PER00210240RecoveryDaniel Ho-Sang11/3/2021
    PER00205710RecoveryRobert T. Watts11/3/2021
    34882A2RecoveryMark A. Bailey11/12/2021
    06337C1RecoveryZachary Loughman12/7/2021
    PER00211950RecoveryPhillip Wright12/8/2021
    1469191SHADaytona Beach Community College12/10/2021
    Start Printed Page 39862

    Region 5 (Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia)

    Recovery Permits

    For more information about any of the following recovery permits, contact the Recovery Permit Coordinator by email at PermitsR5ES@fws.gov or by telephone at 413-253-8212.

    Permit No.Version No.Permit typePermitteeDate issued
    18372D0RecoveryUS Fish and Wildlife Service1/12/2021
    70312D0RecoveryNational Aquarium in Baltimore1/13/2021
    69330D0RecoveryAllied Whale, College of the Atlantic1/13/2021
    69329D0RecoveryMarine Mammals of Maine1/13/2021
    60921D0RecoveryZoological Society of Pittsburgh1/13/2021
    60928D0RecoveryNational Marine Life Center1/13/2021
    60406D0RecoveryAtlantic Marine Conservation Society1/13/2021
    60418D0RecoveryMarine Mammal Stranding Center1/13/2021
    60419D0RecoveryMERR, Inc1/13/2021
    69328D0RecoveryNew England Aquarium1/13/2021
    60434D0RecoverySea Turtle Recovery1/13/2021
    60422D0RecoverySea Research Foundation1/13/2021
    60415D0RecoveryMass Audubon Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary1/13/2021
    82615D0RecoveryDowneast Salmon Federation2/11/2021
    01086D2RecoveryVirginia Department of Wildlife Resources3/15/2021
    69328D1RecoveryNew England Aquarium4/12/2021
    60422D1RecoverySea Research Foundation4/21/2021
    69332D0RecoveryMaine Department of Marine Resources5/3/2021
    70044D0RecoveryVirginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Foundation, Inc5/18/2021
    61005D1RecoveryMark Hepner5/31/2021
    70311D0RecoveryRiverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation6/11/2021
    PER00027350RecoveryJonathan A. Studio7/28/2021
    PER00190000RecoveryMatthew Lobdell9/1/2021
    60415D1RecoveryMass Audubon Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary10/18/2021
    60928D1RecoveryNational Marine Life Center10/25/2021
    60921D1RecoveryZoological Society of Pittsburgh10/26/2021
    69332D1RecoveryMaine Department of Marine Resources11/2/2021
    PER00021810RecoveryPaul L. Angermeier11/23/2021

    Region 6 (Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming)

    The following permits, sorted by type of permit or agreement and date issued in the table below, were applied for and issued by the Regional office responsible for section 10 permitting in the States listed above.

    HCPs and SHAs

    For more information about any of the following HCP or SHA permits, contact the HCP or SHA Permit Coordinator by telephone at 303-236-7905. An additional permit number 89824D version 0 for an HCP was issued to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, L.P., on January 8, 2021, but was relinquished by the permittee and canceled as of July 26, 2021.

    Recovery Permits

    For more information about any of the following recovery permits, contact the Recovery Permit Coordinator by email at PermitsR6ES@fws.gov, or by telephone at 303-236-4224.

    Permit No.Version No.Permit typePermitteeDate issued
    0367191HCPWashington County, Utah1/15/2021
    PER00106720HCPGreen Diamond Resource Company5/7/2021
    0346095HCPSPP Montana, LLC5/7/2021
    PER00019070RecoveryTimothy C. Vosburgh1/20/2021
    PER00038970RecoveryBureau of Land Management-Monticello Office3/24/2021
    PER00026400RecoveryRana Environmental Consulting, Inc3/24/2021
    PER00095660RecoveryColorado Natural Heritage Program, Colorado State University4/14/2021
    PER00112330RecoveryMontana State University5/3/2021
    PER00116880RecoveryBLM Utah, Richfield Field office5/10/2021
    35101D0RecoverySchmueser Gordon Meyer, Inc5/27/2021
    0674822RecoveryColorado Department of Transportation6/1/2021
    0408343RecoveryBoulder County Parks and Open Space6/3/2021
    PER00134920RecoveryUnited Tribes Technical College6/8/2021
    PER00073340RecoveryUniversity of Wyoming6/10/2021
    Start Printed Page 39863
    0472832RecoveryWashington State University7/7/2021
    PER00163720RecoveryWilliam Wyatt Hoback7/13/2021
    PER00045520RecoveryZion National Park7/23/2021
    PER00148760RecoveryDJ&A, P.C7/23/2021
    PER00129610RecoveryFort Hays State University8/2/2021
    PER00029680RecoveryOmaha's Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium8/20/2021
    0853243RecoveryWyoming Natural Diversity Database-Botany Department9/1/2021
    PER00227660RecoveryRocksol Consulting Group9/28/2021
    0542373RecoveryUSDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Region10/12/2021
    0616802RecoveryCity of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks10/13/2021
    79842A3RecoveryJeremy White10/27/2021
    39716C1RecoveryJason Beason12/13/2021
    PER00259570RecoveryJulie Remp12/13/2021
    PER00289230RecoveryJordan McMahon12/27/2021
    13024B2RecoveryBureau of Land Management12/27/2021
    PER00257460SHAKansas Department of Wildlife and Parks12/16/2021

    Region 7 (Alaska)

    The following permits were applied for and issued by the Regional office responsible for section 10 permitting in Alaska. For more information about these recovery permits, contact the Permit Coordinator by email at PermitsR7ES@fws.gov or by telephone at 907-786-3323.

    Permit No.Version No.Permit typePermitteeDate issued
    36906D1RecoveryUniversity of Alaska, Fairbanks: Institute of Arctic Biology3/9/2021
    PER00106870RecoveryABR, Inc.—Environmental Research & Services5/3/2021

    Region 8 (California, Nevada, and the Klamath Basin Portion of Oregon)

    The following permits, sorted by type of permit or agreement and date issued in the table below, were applied for and issued by the Regional office responsible for section 10 permitting in the States and region listed above.


    For more information about any of the following HCP permits, contact the HCP Permit Coordinator by email at ITEOSpermitsR8ES@fws.gov.

    Recovery Permits

    For more information about any of the following recovery permits, contact the Recovery Permit Coordinator by email at PermitsR8ES@fws.gov or by telephone at 916-414-6464.

    Permit No.Version No.Permit typePermitteeDate issued
    PER00037140HCPSpring Mountain Raceway, LLC3/5/2021
    PER00040400HCPEast Bay Municipal Utility District3/19/2021
    PER00040390HCPMorgan Krapes-Kiah3/29/2021
    PER00132730HCPManzana Wind, LLC6/8/2021
    PER00148750HCPAlthouse and Meade, Inc7/12/2021
    PER00160830HCPSerenity Gypsy Canyon, LLC7/14/2021
    PER00190800HCPVintage Ranch Orcutt, LLC8/16/2021
    80620D1HCPAndris Upitis9/23/2021
    78131D2HCPSun Valley Ranch, LLC10/28/2021
    PER00266390HCPMorgan Krapes-Kiah11/23/2021
    62432B1RecoverySean Mcallister2/12/2021
    83425D0RecoveryScott Soares1/8/2021
    84091D0RecoveryMike Stake1/8/2021
    77118D0RecoveryKristen Outten1/8/2021
    77125D0RecoveryZachary Cava1/8/2021
    75312D0RecoveryRicka Stoelting1/8/2021
    54728A2RecoverySan Francisco Recreation and Parks Department1/8/2021
    73946B2RecoveryAustin Parker1/9/2021
    72571C1RecoveryHiram Herrera1/9/2021
    84165D0RecoveryKaia Colestock1/9/2021
    84156D0RecoveryStephen Gergeni1/9/2021
    2259701RecoveryCharlotte Marks1/9/2021
    1153706RecoveryGage Dayton1/9/2021
    50510A6RecoveryGeoffrey Cline1/10/2021
    14532C1RecoveryHannah Donaghe1/10/2021
    72045A3RecoveryAlisa Zych1/22/2021
    88650D0RecoveryJoshua Goodwin1/22/2021
    1085070RecoveryUSFWS, California-Great Basin Region (Legacy Region 8)12/12/2021
    Start Printed Page 39864
    8295540RecoveryBarbara Kus3/5/2021
    40211B0RecoveryMelissa Newman3/10/2021
    80707819RecoveryPoint Reyes Bird Observatory3/22/2021
    PER00037120RecoveryRyan O'Donnell3/22/2021
    64546A4RecoveryPower Engineers, Inc3/23/2021
    77120D0RecoveryImani Russell3/23/2021
    75190D0RecoveryRory Telemeco3/29/2021
    80923219RecoveryBio-West, Inc3/31/2021
    0670644RecoveryLindsay Messett3/31/2021
    PER00021140RecoveryScott K. Whitman3/31/2021
    63313D1RecoveryTiffany Alvarez4/2/2021
    0670645RecoveryLindsay Messett4/6/2021
    94998A2RecoveryLeonard Liu4/6/2021
    0570436RecoveryGreen Diamond Resource Company4/6/2021
    PER00089180RecoveryMelissa Tu4/21/2021
    81740013RecoveryEast Bay Regional Park District4/28/2021
    67253D1RecoverySequoia Park Zoo/City of Eureka5/17/2021
    76825116RecoveryBiosearch Associates5/20/2021
    1630172RecoveryCalifornia Department of Fish and Wildlife5/26/2021
    PER00029350RecoveryChristopher Cummings5/26/2021
    08293C1RecoveryTravis Marella6/14/2021
    PER00021660RecoveryDanielle Dillard6/17/2021
    PER00029330RecoveryJordan Zylstra6/23/2021
    PER00031670RecoveryElyssa K. Robertson6/25/2021
    PER00029020RecoveryCarolynn Honeycutt6/25/2021
    PER00041210RecoveryMulligan Biological Consulting6/25/2021
    PER00029320RecoveryUSGS WERC Coastal Ecology6/28/2021
    PER00029280RecoveryFresno Chaffee Zoo6/28/2021
    PER00037490RecoveryDavid Cook6/29/2021
    PER00037630RecoveryDaniel Cooper6/30/2021
    PER00037220RecoveryJames Hickman6/30/2021
    PER00032140RecoveryMonica Alfaro6/30/2021
    PER00037280RecoveryTim Bean6/30/2021
    PER00144810RecoveryHoopa Valley Tribal Council7/1/2021
    PER00038980RecoveryRobert Hamilton7/9/2021
    PER00038520RecoveryDaniel Cordova7/9/2021
    PER00075360RecoveryLinette Davenport7/12/2021
    PER00089200RecoveryMeghan R. Bishop7/12/2021
    PER00028660RecoveryDarren R. Wiemeyer8/10/2021
    0393215RecoveryKylie Fischer8/10/2021
    PER00125350RecoveryLaura Gorman8/11/2021
    PER00106800RecoveryDavid Moskovitz8/11/2021
    1343384RecoveryBrenna Ogg8/11/2021
    PER00040710RecoverySharon Dulava8/11/2021
    63371B1RecoveryRheanna Neidinger8/11/2021
    PER00119500RecoveryOlberding Environmental8/11/2021
    8344926RecoveryJulie Thomas8/11/2021
    PER00039770RecoveryCassandra J. Carroll8/11/2021
    1359483RecoveryNatalie Brodie8/11/2021
    PER00089310RecoveryDanna Hinderle8/11/2021
    0577143RecoveryDawn Reis8/12/2021
    PER00107540RecoveryRebecca E. Green10/5/2021
    1636714RecoveryRyan O'Dell10/26/2021
    PER00025260RecoverySan Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance11/1/2021
    PER00037250RecoveryMelanie C. Madden11/4/2021
    0521596RecoveryJeffrey Ahrens11/23/2021
    PER00083760RecoveryMark L. Noyes12/22/2021

    Availability of Documents

    You may request copies of the Federal Register documents publishing the receipt of applications for these permits from the office that issued the permit (see contact information above). Documents and other information submitted with these applications are available for review subject to the requirements of the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a) and Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552), by any party who submits a written request for a copy of such documents.


    We provide this notice under the authority of section 10 of the ESA (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq. ).

    Start Signature

    Gary Frazer,

    Assistant Director for Ecological Services.

    End Signature End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 2022-14203 Filed 7-1-22; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 4333-15-P

Document Information

Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Document Number:
39855-39864 (10 pages)
Docket Numbers:
FWS-HQ-ES-2022-N016, FF09E41000 223 FXES11130900000
PDF File: