94-15980. National Defense Authorization Act Proposed ProceduresCentral Valley Project, California  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 128 (Wednesday, July 6, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-15980]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: July 6, 1994]
    Western Area Power Administration
    National Defense Authorization Act Proposed Procedures--Central 
    Valley Project, California
    AGENCY: Western Area Power Administration, DOE.
    ACTION: Notice of Proposed Procedures to Implement Section 2929 of the 
    1994 National Defense Authorization Act (National Defense Authorization 
    Act, Pub. L. No. 103-160, 107 Stat. 1547, 1935 (1993)).
    SUMMARY: The Western Area Power Administration (Western), a Federal 
    power marketing agency of the Department of Energy (DOE), has developed 
    proposed procedures to fulfill the requirements of section 2929 of the 
    National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 1994 (National 
    Defense Authorization Act, Pub. L. No. 103-160, 107 Stat. 1547, 1935 
    (1993)) (NDA Act). Under the proposed procedures to implement the 
    requirements of the NDA Act, Western would allocate up to 119.223 
    megawatts (MW) of Power from the Central Valley Project (CVP), which 
    represents the amount of CVP Power provided as of November 30, 1993, to 
    military installations. The NDA Act was signed into public law on 
    November 30, 1993. Section 2929 of the NDA Act provides that, for a 10-
    year period beginning on November 30, 1993, the electric power 
    allocations provided as of November 30, 1993, by Western from the CVP 
    to military installations in the State of California which have been 
    closed or approved for closure pursuant to the Defense Base Closure and 
    Realignment Act of 1990 (part A, Title XXIX, Pub. L. 101-510; 10 U.S.C. 
    2687 note) (1990 Act) shall be reserved for sale through Long-Term 
    Contracts to Preference Entities which agree to use such Power to 
    promote economic development at a military installation that is closed 
    or approved for closure pursuant to the 1990 Act. To the extent Power 
    reserved by the NDA Act is not disposed of through Long-Term Contracts, 
    it shall be made available on a temporary basis during such 10-year 
    period to military installations in the State of California through 
    Short-Term Contracts. By implementing these Procedures, Western will 
    establish the criteria to allocate the Power made available as a result 
    of the NDA Act.
        The procedures set forth in this Federal Register will explain in 
    detail how Western intends to implement the NDA Act. Under the proposed 
    NDA Act Procedures, Western has identified the Power that will be 
    classified as NDA Act Power and the types of services and contracts 
    that will be offered. Also set forth under the proposed NDA Act 
    Procedures are the general eligibility criteria that Western will apply 
    to all applicants requesting an Allocation of NDA Act Power, and the 
    procedures to be used by applicants when applying for NDA Act Power, 
    which include demonstration that certain economic development criteria 
    are being met. Lastly, Western has set forth the procedures that will 
    be used in allocating NDA Act Power to eligible applicants, including a 
    priority list developed by Western for allocating NDA Act Power. In 
    general, the proposed Procedures provide that the allocation of CVP 
    Power as of November 30, 1993, at a military installation that is 
    closed or approved for closure under the 1990 Act will be classified as 
    NDA Act Power and will be reserved through November 30, 2003, for use 
    at that military installation. Until the NDA Act Power is fully 
    utilized at that military installation, the NDA Act Power will be made 
    available on a temporary basis as described in Section G.1. of the NDA 
    Act Procedures.
        NDA Act Power will be available to the following types of entities, 
    in the following priority:
        1. First for a military load at a Closed Military Installation that 
    received CVP Power as of November 30, 1993, or to qualified preference 
    entities promoting economic development at such closed military 
        2. Second, on a recallable basis with 3 years' notice, to a 
    qualified preference entity promoting economic development at a Closed 
    Military Installation that did not have CVP Power as of November 30, 
        3. Third, on a recallable basis with 6 months' notice, to a 
    military branch which had CVP Power at a Closed Military Installation 
    as of November 30, 1993, for use within that military branch at a 
    military installation within the CVP marketing area.
        4. Fourth, on a recallable basis with 6 months' notice, to any 
    military branch for use at a military installation within the CVP 
    marketing area, or to a negatively affected customer.
    DATES: The comment period on the proposed procedures will begin with 
    the publication of this notice in the Federal Register and will end 
    August 10, 1994. To be assured consideration, all written comments 
    should be received by Western by the end of the comment period. Western 
    will hold a public information forum on the proposed NDA Act Procedures 
    at 9 a.m. on July 27, 1994. A public comment forum on the proposed NDA 
    Act Procedures will follow at 1 p.m. on July 27, 1994. The forums will 
    be held at the Holiday Inn-Holidome, 5321 Date Avenue, Sacramento, 
    ADDRESSES: All written comments regarding the proposed procedures to 
    implement the requirements of the NDA Act should be directed to Mr. 
    James C. Feider, Area Manager, Sacramento Area Office, Western Area 
    Power Administration, 1825 Bell Street, Suite 105, Sacramento, CA 
    95825-1097. All documentation developed or retained by Western for the 
    purpose of developing these procedures will be available for inspection 
    and copying at the Sacramento Area Office located at the above address.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Zola M. Jackson, Assistant Area 
    Manager for Power Marketing, Sacramento Area Office, Western Area Power 
    Administration, 1825 Bell Street, Suite 105, Sacramento, CA 95825-1097, 
    (916) 649-4421.
        After all public comments have been thoroughly considered, Western 
    will prepare and publish the final NDA Act Procedures in the Federal 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On October 5, 1992, Western's Sacramento 
    Area Office published notice of the Final 1994 Power Marketing Plan, 
    Central Valley Project, California (57 FR 45782), governing allocations 
    of 529.946 MW of Power from the CVP. That notice provided the final 
    allocation of a total of 119.223 MW of Power to certain Department of 
    Defense (DOD) military installations, as specified in Appendix A 
    herein. Contracts for such Power were entered into for a term ending 
    December 31, 2004. The power contracts with the DOD agencies allow for 
    certain shifts of Power among military installations with approval by 
    Western. Effective November 30, 1993, such shifts became subject to the 
    NDA Act.
        As of the date of publication of this Federal Register, the 
    following military installations are scheduled to close pursuant to the 
    1990 Act: 
                                                     Type III               
         Military installations        Long-term   withdrawable     Total   
                                      firm power                            
    Naval Air Station, Moffett                                              
     Field, CA......................        4.170         2.270        6.440
    Naval Station, Treasure Island,                                         
     CA.............................        3.020         2.581        5.601
    Naval Shipyard, Mare Island,                                            
     Vallejo, CA....................       20.020         2.148       22.168
        Totals......................       27.210         6.999      34.209 
        Western is providing notice by this Federal Register that 34.209 MW 
    of the total possible 119.223 MW (as shown in Appendix A) will be 
    allocated pursuant to the final NDA Act Procedures on a first-come, 
    first-served basis beginning 30 days after publication of the final 
    procedures. As any of the remaining amount of 85.014 MW becomes 
    available for allocation, pursuant to the NDA Act, Western will provide 
    notification of the availability of that Power.
    Proposed Procedures for the NDA Act
        These proposed procedures address how Western plans to allocate up 
    to 119.223 MW of CVP contract rate of delivery (CROD) provided as of 
    November 30, 1993, to military installations closed or approved for 
    closure pursuant to the 1990 Act. When determining who will receive 
    Allocations of Power, Western will exercise its discretion as provided 
    by law.
    A. Acronyms and Definitions
        As used herein, the following acronyms and definitions when used in 
    initial capitalization, whether singular or plural, shall have the 
    following meanings:
        Allocation: An offer by Western to sell to an applicant a specified 
    type and quantity of NDA Act Power made available by Western in 
    accordance with the final NDA Act Procedures.
        Allottee: A Preference Entity receiving an Allocation pursuant to 
    the final NDA Act Procedures.
        Closed Military Installation: A military installation in the CVP 
    Marketing Area which is closed or approved for closure pursuant to the 
    1990 Act.
        Contract Rate of Delivery (CROD): The maximum amount of Power 
    served by Western on an annual basis under contract between a 
    contractor and Western, and as it may be reduced or increased in 
    accordance with applicable law or contractual terms.
        Contract 2948A: Contract No. 14-06-200-2948A between the Pacific 
    Gas and Electric Company and Western, which provides for certain sales, 
    exchanges, and transmission of electric Power.
        CVP: The Central Valley Project, a multipurpose Federal water 
    development project extending from the Cascade Range in northern 
    California to the plains along the Kern River south of Bakersfield, 
    operated by the Bureau of Reclamation.
        CVP Marketing Area: The area which generally encompasses the CVP 
    water basin in northern and central California extending from the 
    Cascade Range in northern California to the plains along the Kern River 
    south of Bakersfield.
        Final Withdrawal Procedures: Those procedures published in the 
    Federal Register on March 5, 1986 (51 FR 7702), which specify the 
    methods to be used by Western for the adjustment of CROD under varying 
        Long-Term Contract: A contract offered to a Preference Entity who 
    is promoting an economic development project at either a Priority-One 
    Base or a Priority-Two Base.
        Long-Term Firm NDA Act Power: Firm Power allocated by Western and 
    subject to the terms and conditions specified in an electric service 
    contract and the final NDA Act Procedures.
        Marketing Plan: The Final 1994 Power Marketing Plan, Central Valley 
    Project, California (57 FR 45782).
        NDA Act Power: The CVP CROD, in the amounts set forth in Appendix 
    A, which shall be determined to be NDA Act Power by Western based on 
    the following two conditions: (1) such CVP CROD was under contract to 
    military installations in the CVP Marketing Area as of November 30, 
    1993, and (2) the military installations with such CVP CROD are closed 
    or approved for closure pursuant to the 1990 Act.
        NDA Act Power Entitlement: An amount of NDA Act Power equal to the 
    amount of CVP CROD under contract with a Priority-One base as of 
    November 30, 1993.
        NDA Act Procedures: Those procedures adopted by Western to fulfill 
    the requirements of the NDA Act.
        Negatively Affected Customer: A Preference Entity with a contract 
    for CVP Power from Western as of November 30, 1993, which is 
    detrimentally affected as a result of a Closed Military Installation 
    which is located within the service area of such Preference Entity.
        Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E): The investor-owned utility 
    having a service area in northern and central California and load 
    control responsibility for the northern and central California area.
        Power: Capacity and associated energy.
        Preference Entity: An entity that meets the requirements of 
    Reclamation Law, which provides that preference shall be given to 
    municipalities and other public corporations or agencies; and also to 
    cooperatives and other nonprofit organizations financed in whole or in 
    part by loans made pursuant to the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 
    (Reclamation Act of 1939, section 9(c), 43 U.S.C. 485h(c)).
        Priority-One Base: A Closed Military Installation with CVP CROD as 
    of November 30, 1993.
        Priority-Three Base: A military installation, not scheduled for 
    closure, which meets the eligibility criteria set forth in the 
    Marketing Plan.
        Priority-Two Base: A Closed Military Installation without a CVP 
        Short-Term Contract: A contract offered on a temporary basis to a 
    Preference Entity at a Priority-Three Base or to a Negatively Affected 
        Type III Withdrawable NDA Act Power: Firm Power which is 
    withdrawable to protect the 1,152-MW Load Level before withdrawal of 
    other types of noninterruptible Power and which is subject to 
    additional terms and conditions specified in an electric service 
        Unutilized NDA Act Power: NDA Act Power which is not allocated 
    under the final NDA Act Procedures.
        Western: Western Area Power Administration, United States 
    Department of Energy (DOE), a Federal power marketing administration 
    responsible for marketing the surplus generation from Federal 
    hydroelectric multipurpose projects pursuant to Reclamation Law and the 
    DOE Organization Act (91 Stat. 565, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 7101 et seq.).
        1,152-MW Load Level: The maximum simultaneous demand that Western 
    provides, and that PG&E is obligated to support, in accordance with the 
    terms of Contract 2948A.
    B. Reclassification of CVP CROD to NDA Act Power
        If at any time through November 30, 2003, an amount of CVP CROD set 
    forth in Appendix A is determined to be NDA Act Power by Western, 
    Western will administratively reclassify that amount of CVP CROD to NDA 
    Act Power. Western shall recall that amount of CVP CROD from the 
    military branch with a contractual right for that CVP CROD, and Western 
    shall amend the associated contract to reflect the recall of that 
    amount of reclassified CROD. At that time, Western shall offer the 
    military branch the right to shift any remaining CVP CROD among the 
    bases with CVP CROD at the time of the recall. The NDA Act Power will 
    be offered to the military branch it was recalled from, under a short-
    term contract, subject to Western allocating all or part of such NDA 
    Act Power first to a qualified applicant with a greater right to such 
    NDA Act Power pursuant to the final NDA Act Procedures.
    C. Types of Service
    1. Long-Term Firm NDA Act Power
        Western proposes to allocate up to a total of 106.000 MW as Long-
    Term Firm NDA Act Power (identified in Appendix A), as such Power 
    becomes available due to base closures pursuant to the 1990 Act.
    2. Type III Withdrawable NDA Act Power
        Western proposes to allocate up to a total of 13.223 MW as Type III 
    Withdrawable NDA Act Power (identified in Appendix A), as such Power 
    becomes available due to base closures pursuant to the 1990 Act.
    D. Types of Contracts
    1. Long-Term Contracts
        Long-Term Contracts may be offered to Preference Entities promoting 
    an economic development project at a Closed Military Installation. The 
    termination date of any such contract shall be no later than December 
    31, 2004, and such contracts shall be subject to the final NDA Act 
    Procedures and the Final Withdrawal Procedures.
    2. Short-Term Contracts
        Short-Term Contracts may be offered to Preference Entities at a 
    Priority-Three Base or to a Negatively Affected Customer. Western shall 
    have the right to recall all or any part of the NDA Act Power CROD 
    under such Short-Term Contract upon giving 6 months' written notice. 
    The termination date of the contract shall be no later than December 
    31, 2004, and such contract shall be subject to the final NDA Act 
    Procedures and the Final Withdrawal Procedures.
    E. General Eligibility Criteria
        General eligibility criteria apply to applicants seeking an 
    Allocation of NDA Act Power under the final NDA Act Procedures. 
    Criteria 1 through 6 shall apply to applicants who are promoting an 
    economic development project at a Closed Military Installation. 
    Criteria 4 through 7 shall apply to all other applicants seeking an 
    Allocation of NDA Act Power.
        1. Applicant must have an economic development project plan that 
    fulfills the following criteria:
        (i) Promotes the establishment or expansion of industrial, 
    commercial, or governmental facilities at the Closed Military 
    Installation, and
        (ii) Helps create or retain jobs in the near term and assists in 
    the creation of additional long-term employment opportunities. The 
    economic development project plan must include a specific plan for 
    hiring the unemployed and underemployed persons from the area near the 
    Closed Military Installation, and
        (iii) Has been approved by the appropriate governing body of the 
    military installation in which it is, or will be, located and has 
    community support, which is demonstrated by appropriate local 
    government agency's written approval of the economic development 
    project plan, and
        (iv) Is supported by public and/or private sector investment and 
    can present evidence of adequate funding, and
        (v) Demonstrates that necessary permits, land acquisitions, or 
    options on land and right-of-way have been obtained; demonstrates 
    either that ownership or a long-term lease of the electrical 
    distribution system has been obtained; and demonstrates that all other 
    legal requirements of the application process have been satisfied.
        2. The economic development project must occur at a Closed Military 
        3. Applicant must provide documentation certifying that the entity 
    operating the economic development project is eligible to exist and 
    operate at the Closed Military Installation that is the site of the 
    economic development project.
        4. Applicant must qualify as a Preference Entity.
        5. Applicant must be located within the CVP Marketing Area.
        6. An applicant's load at each delivery point shall be no less than 
    an annual peak of 500 kW.
        7. Those applicants applying for NDA Act Power to be used at a 
    Priority-Three Base must exist and operate and be ready, willing, and 
    able to receive and use, or receive and distribute such NDA Act Power 
    beginning on the date of application. Those applicants applying for NDA 
    Act Power as a Negatively Affected Customer must be a Preference Entity 
    with a contract for CVP Power from Western as of November 30, 1993.
    F. Applications for NDA Act Power
        Prospective applicants may begin requesting NDA Act Power from 
    Western at any time later than 30 days after publication of the Federal 
    Register notice detailing the final NDA Act Procedures, except that 
    requests for applications will not be considered after November 30, 
    2003. Requests shall be considered on a first-come, first-served basis.
    1. Letter of Interest
        (i) To be considered for NDA Act Power, each prospective applicant 
    must first submit to the Area Manager, Sacramento Area Office, a letter 
    of interest in receiving NDA Act Power. In the letter of interest, the 
    prospective applicant must indicate whether it is either a Preference 
    Entity requesting an allocation of NDA Act Power for use at a Priority-
    One, Priority-Two, or Priority-Three Base, or a Negatively Affected 
        (A) For Preference Entities requesting an allocation of NDA Act 
    Power to be used at a Priority-One, Priority-Two, or Priority-Three 
    Base, the letter of interest must also indicate the Closed Military 
    Installation where the NDA Act Power will be used, and the estimated 
    date when the economic development project plan will be completed.
        (B) Negatively Affected Customers must also identify in the letter 
    of interest, the Closed Military Installation that is located within 
    its service area and the direct effects of the closing of that military 
    installation on the Negatively Affected Customer.
        (ii) If the letter of interest does not meet the criteria set forth 
    in F.1.(i) (A) and (B) above, Western will notify the requestor within 
    60 days of receiving the request.
        (iii) If the letter of interest meets the criteria set forth in 
    F.1.(i) (A) and (B) above, Western will determine whether NDA Act Power 
    can be made available to meet the request.
        (A) If NDA Act Power is available, Western shall mail an applicant 
    profile data (APD) form to the prospective applicant within 60 days of 
    receiving the request. A completed application package which contains 
    all of the information listed on the APD will be required. This ensures 
    that Western will have a uniform basis upon which to evaluate the 
        (B) If NDA Act Power is not available, Western will send a letter 
    to the prospective applicant within 60 days of receiving the letter of 
    interest. This letter will state that there is no NDA Act Power 
    currently available to meet the request. Western will place the 
    prospective applicant's name on a list of interested parties. At any 
    time that NDA Act Power becomes available, Western will send a notice 
    of availability to all interested parties from which Western has 
    received a letter of interest and mail an APD form to the prospective 
    2. Applicant Profile Data (APD):
        The content and format of the APD is outlined below. The 
    information should be submitted in the sequence listed. The applicant 
    must provide all requested information or the most reasonable estimates 
    that are available. The applicant should note any requested information 
    that is not applicable or not available. The APD must be typed and two 
    copies submitted by certified mail to the address provided by Western's 
    Sacramento Area Office. The burden of ensuring consistency of the 
    content of both copies rests with the applicant. Western is not 
    responsible for errors in data or missing pages.
         All items of information in the APD should be answered as if 
    prepared by the organization seeking the Allocation. The application 
    package shall consist of the following:
        (i) Applicant.
        (A) Applicant's name and address.
        (B) Person(s) representing applicant: Please provide the name, 
    address, title, and telephone number of such person(s).
        (C) Type of organization: For example, municipality, rural electric 
    cooperative, irrigation district, State agency, or Federal agency.
        (D) Parent organization.
        (E) Names of members.
        (F) Applicable law under which organization was established.
        (ii) The proposed economic development project plan, including the 
    name of the military installation on which the economic development 
    project is proposed.
        (iii) Documentation certifying that the entity operating the 
    economic development project is eligible to exist and operate at the 
    Closed Military Installation.
        (iv) Service Requested:
        The amount of electrical service requested.
        (v) Loads:
        Projected maximum demand (kilowatts (kW)) and energy use 
    (kilowatthours (kWh)) for each month for a period of 5 calendar years, 
    beginning on the proposed date that the economic development project 
    begins operating.
        (vi) Transmission:
        (A) Points of delivery: Provide the preferred point(s) of delivery 
    on Western's system or a third-party's system, the required voltage of 
    service, and the capacity desired at each point of delivery.
        (B) Transmission arrangements: Describe the transmission 
    arrangements necessary to deliver Power to the requested points of 
        (vii) Other Information:
        The applicant is welcome to provide any other information pertinent 
    to receiving an Allocation.
        (viii) Signature:
        The signature and title of an appropriate official who is able to 
    attest to the validity of the information submitted and who is 
    authorized to submit the application is required.
    3. Western's Consideration of Applications
        (i) When the application package is received by Western, Western 
    will verify that the general eligibility criteria set forth in Section 
    E. have been met, and that all items requested in the APD have been 
        (A) Western will request in writing additional information from any 
    applicant whose application package is determined to be deficient. The 
    applicant shall have 60 days from the postmark date on Western's 
    request to provide the information.
        (B) If Western determines that the applicant does not meet the 
    general eligibility criteria, Western will send (within 60 days of 
    Western's receipt of the application package) a letter explaining why 
    the applicant did not qualify.
        (C) If the applicant has met the general eligibility criteria, 
    Western will determine the amount of Power to be allocated pursuant to 
    the general allocation and contract principles set forth in Section G. 
    Western will send a draft contract to the applicant for review which 
    identifies the terms and conditions of the offer and the amounts and 
    types of available Power.
        (ii) All NDA Act Power shall be allocated according to the 
    procedures set forth in the general allocation and contract principles.
        (iii) If Western determines that reallocations are necessary to 
    fulfill the applicant's request, Western will initiate the reallocation 
    procedures set forth in the general allocation and contract principles.
        (iv) In the event that two or more applicants are requesting NDA 
    Act Power and Western does not have enough NDA Act Power available to 
    meet those requests, Western shall use its discretion to determine the 
    amounts of NDA Act Power to be allocated. Western shall use information 
    contained in the application package, including, if applicable, the 
    economic development project plan to make its decision.
        (v) Western reserves the right to determine the amount of NDA Act 
    Power to allocate to an applicant, as justified by the applicant in its 
    application package, including, if applicable, the economic development 
    project plan. As loads increase at a Priority-One Base, the Allottee 
    may request and Western may allocate any amount of NDA Act Power up to 
    the Priority-One Base's NDA Act Power Entitlement to meet such increase 
    in loads. If necessary, Western may recall NDA Act Power under the 
    general allocation and contract principles to allocate to the Priority-
    One Base.
    G. General Allocation and Contract Principles
        The general allocation criteria and contract principles established 
    in the Marketing Plan shall apply to Allocations of NDA Act Power. To 
    meet the specific requirements of the NDA Act, Western shall also apply 
    the following allocation criteria to all applicants seeking an 
    Allocation of NDA Act Power. All Allocations of NDA Act Power shall be 
    at the sole discretion of Western and shall be determined on a case-by-
    case basis.
        Allocations of NDA Act Power will be made in amounts solely 
    determined by Western, subject to the final NDA Act Procedures.
        1. Allocation Rights:
        Western will allocate NDA Act Power to qualified applicants based 
    on the following hierarchy:
        (i) First, for a military load at a Priority-One Base, or to 
    qualified Preference Entities promoting economic development at a 
    Priority-One Base.
        Such first right to NDA Act Power will be limited to the NDA Act 
    Power Entitlement designated for a Priority-One Base.
        (ii) Second, to a Preference Entity at a Priority-One Base for 
    amounts in excess of the NDA Act Power Entitlement for such base, to 
    serve a military load or to promote an economic development project; or 
    to a Preference Entity promoting an economic development project at a 
    Priority-Two Base.
        NDA Act Power allocated under this paragraph will be subject to 
    recall upon a 3-year written notice in order to fulfill an Allocation 
    to a Priority-One Base which has not fully utilized its NDA Act Power 
    Entitlement under G.1.(i) above.
        (iii) Third, to a military branch which had a CVP CROD at a Closed 
    Military Installation as of November 30, 1993, for use at a Priority-
    Three Base within that military branch within the CVP Marketing Area.
        NDA Act Power allocated under this paragraph will be subject to 
    recall upon a 6-month written notice in order to serve a Priority-One 
    or Priority-Two Base.
        (iv) Fourth, to any military branch for use at a Priority-Three 
    Base within the CVP Marketing Area, or to a Negatively Affected 
        NDA Act Power allocated under this subparagraph will be subject to 
    recall upon a 6-month written notice to serve a Priority-One or 
    Priority-Two Base, or a Priority-Three Base pursuant to G.1.(iii) 
    2. Allocation of NDA Act Power
        Western will use the following procedures to allocate NDA Act Power 
    to a qualified applicant:
        (i) Western will determine whether sufficient Unutilized NDA Act 
    Power is available to fulfill the applicant's request.
        (ii) If sufficient Unutilized NDA Act Power is available to fulfill 
    the applicant's request, Western shall allocate the amount needed.
        (iii) If sufficient Unutilized NDA Act Power is not available to 
    fulfill the applicant's request, Western shall allocate all Unutilized 
    NDA Act Power and recall and reallocate NDA Act Power CROD to fulfill 
    the request by following the reallocation procedures stated in G.3. 
        (iv) To ensure the most equitable distribution of long-term firm 
    NDA Act and Type III Withdrawable NDA Act Power, Western proposes that 
    each Allocation of NDA Act Power shall be determined as follows:
    D is defined as Long-Term Firm NDA Act Power available at the time of 
    the Allocation.
    E is defined as Type III Withdrawable NDA Act Power available at the 
    time of the Allocation.
        If using the above procedure would result in an Allocation of Long-
    Term Firm NDA Act Power which is less than 500 kW, Western will modify 
    the procedure to ensure that the Allottee receives a minimum of 500 kW 
    of Long-Term Firm NDA Act Power.
        (v) Allocations will be made only to those applicants who qualify 
    pursuant to the final NDA Act Procedures. The NDA Act Power must be 
    used at a Closed Military Installation or a Priority-Three Base, or the 
    NDA Act Power must be used by a Negatively Affected Customer.
        (vi) The Allottee has the right to purchase NDA Act Power only when 
    a new electric service contract between Western and the Allottee has 
    been executed and when all conditions precedent in that contract have 
    been satisfied.
        (vii) To consummate any Allocation of NDA Act Power, an electric 
    service contract shall be executed within 6 months of a contract offer 
    by Western, unless otherwise agreed in writing by Western.
        (viii) Western reserves the right to recall any amount of NDA Act 
    Power CROD from an Allottee if the NDA Act Power CROD allocated is in 
    excess of the loads being served by the Allottee.
        (ix) Subject to the final NDA Act Procedures, Western's 
    Administrator has the sole discretion to reallocate any NDA Act Power 
    CROD that becomes available for marketing if an Allottee has failed to 
    accept a contract within the period allowed, or if a contract has 
    terminated, subject to the final NDA Act Procedures.
    3. Reallocation Procedures
        When Western must recall NDA Act Power CROD in order to meet a 
    request for NDA Act Power, Western will use the following procedures 
    and hierarchy:
        (i) Allottees receiving Power pursuant to section G.1.(iv) above. 
    This Power is subject to recall by Western upon a 6-month written 
        (ii) Allottees receiving Power pursuant to section G.1.(iii) above. 
    This Power is subject to recall by Western upon a 6-month written 
        (iii) Allottees receiving Power pursuant to section G.1.(ii) above. 
    This Power is subject to recall by Western upon a 3-year written 
        (iv) If Western determines that a partial recall of NDA Act Power 
    from any of the priority groups identified above is necessary to 
    fulfill the request, Western shall apply the following formula to 
    determine the amount of NDA Act Power to be recalled from each 
    A is defined as each Allottee's contribution to the sum of the NDA Act 
    Power CROD for all Allottees in the priority group.
    B is the sum of all Allottees' NDA Act Power CROD in the priority 
    C is the requested amount to be recalled from the priority group.
    4. Withdrawal Procedures
        When Western is required to initiate withdrawals of Type III 
    Withdrawable NDA Act Power pursuant to the Final Withdrawal Procedures, 
    Western shall determine the amount to be withdrawn from each Allottee 
    by using the Final Withdrawal Procedures. Western will then total the 
    amounts to be withdrawn from each Allottee and will use the following 
    hierarchy to initiate withdrawals of the Type III Withdrawable NDA Act 
        (i) Allottees receiving Power pursuant to section G.1.(iv).
        (ii) Allottees receiving Power pursuant to section G.1.(iii).
        (iii) Allottees receiving Power pursuant to section G.1.(ii).
        (iv) Allottees receiving Power pursuant to section G.1.(i).
        (v) If Western determines that a partial withdrawal of Type III 
    Withdrawable NDA Act Power from any of the above-mentioned groups is 
    necessary, Western shall apply the following formula to determine the 
    amount of Type III Withdrawable NDA Act Power to be withdrawn.
    A is defined as each Allottee's contribution to the sum of the Type III 
    Withdrawable NDA Act Power for all the Allottees within the group.
    B is the sum of all Allottees' Type III Withdrawable NDA Act Power 
    within the group.
    C is the requested amount of Type III Withdrawable NDA Act Power to be 
    withdrawn from the group.
    5. Contract Terms for the Purpose of NDA Act Power
        (i) Long-Term Contracts:
        Western proposes that Long-Term Contracts entered into under the 
    final NDA Act Procedures shall provide for electric service for a 
    period ending by December 31, 2004, and be subject to the reallocation 
    procedures set forth in the final NDA Act Procedures. The effective 
    date of the Long-Term Contract shall be determined by Western at the 
    time of the contract offer. To abide by the requirements of the NDA 
    Act, Western shall have the right to recall all or any part of the NDA 
    Act Power CROD.
        (ii) Short-Term Contracts:
        Western proposes that Short-Term Contracts entered into under the 
    final NDA Act Procedures shall provide for electric service during a 
    temporary period ending by December 31, 2004, subject to the 
    reallocation procedures set forth in the final NDA Act Procedures. The 
    effective date of the Short-Term Contract shall be determined by 
    Western at the time of the contract offer. To abide by the requirements 
    of the NDA Act, Western shall have the right to recall all or any part 
    of the NDA Act Power CROD.
        (iii) For any applicant requesting NDA Act Power to be used for an 
    economic development project, the point of delivery for the NDA Act 
    Power must be at the Closed Military Installation where the NDA Act 
    Power will be used, unless otherwise agreed to by Western.
        (iv) The minimum Long-Term Firm NDA Act Power CROD shall be 500 kW.
        (v) Transmission Service:
        All transmission arrangements beyond Western's CVP system are the 
    full responsibility of the Allottee. Western will assist the Allottee 
    in obtaining third-party transmission arrangements with PG&E for 
    delivery of Power allocated under the final NDA Act Procedures. 
    Nonetheless, each Allottee is ultimately responsible for obtaining its 
    own delivery arrangements. Western reserves the right to terminate a 
    contract if the Allottee is unable to arrange for the transmission 
    necessary to receive the CROD within 6 months of the execution of the 
        (vi) For those Allottees that receive NDA Act Power to be used at a 
    Closed Military Installation, the following provisions must be complied 
        (A) Western reserves the right to terminate a contract if the 
    Allottee cannot demonstrate that it is using the NDA Act Power for an 
    economic development project within 1 year of the execution of the 
    contract, unless otherwise agreed.
        (B) The Allottee must provide a report to Western each January 15, 
    which describes the benefits of the NDA Act Power CROD being passed on 
    to the organization operating the economic development project. This 
    report must be provided to Western in such a way that Western can 
    separately identify the composite energy and capacity costs stated in 
    mills per kWh of NDA Act Power and non-NDA Act Power. The report must 
    also show that the economic development project is still in operation.
        (C) Western, at its sole discretion, shall have the right to either 
    withdraw NDA Act Power or terminate its contract with the Allottee upon 
    30 days' written notice if the Allottee does not comply with 
    G.5.(vi)(B) above for each year of the contract.
        (vii) Standard Provisions:
        The contracts entered into as a result of the final NDA Act 
    Procedures will incorporate Western's standard provisions for power 
    sales contracts, resale of electric energy, and conservation and 
    renewable energy in addition to the General Power Contract Provisions. 
    Western is in the process of developing procedures to require that all 
    long-term firm customers develop an integrated resource plan consistent 
    with the Energy Policy Act of 1992. It is anticipated that these 
    procedures will be effective in late 1994.
                                   Appendix A                               
    [The military installations receiving CVP Power and their respective CVP
                CRODs as of November 30, 1993, are listed below]            
                                       Long-term     Type III               
         Military installations        firm power  withdrawable     Total   
    Parks Reserve Forces Training                                           
     Area, Dublin, CA...............        0.500  ............        0.500
    Defense Distribution Depot, San                                         
     Joaquin, CA (Sharpe Facility)..        4.000  ............        4.000
    Defense Distribution Depot, San                                         
     Joaquin, CA (Tracy Facility)...        3.800  ............        3.800
    Naval Weapons Station, Concord,                                         
     CA.............................        2.170         0.098        2.268
    Naval Radio Station, Dixon, CA..        1.040  ............        1.040
    Naval Air Station, Lemoore, CA..       16.000  ............       16.000
    Naval Air Station, Moffett                                              
     Field, CA......................        4.170         2.270        6.440
    Naval Security Group Activity,                                          
     Skaggs Island, CA..............        0.650  ............        0.650
    Naval Communication Station,                                            
     Stockton, CA...................        3.630  ............        3.630
    Naval Station, Treasure Island,                                         
     CA.............................        3.020         2.581        5.601
    Naval Shipyard, Mare Island,                                            
     Vallejo, CA....................       20.020         2.148       22.168
    Beale AFB, Marysville, CA.......       20.507         1.068       21.575
    McClellan AFB, Sacramento, CA...       15.094         1.906       17.000
    Onizuka AFB, Menlo Park, CA.....  ...........         0.500        0.500
    Travis AFB, Fairfield, CA.......       11.299         1.352       12.651
    Travis Wherry, Fairfield, CA....        0.100         1.300        1.400
        Totals......................       106.00        13.223      119.223
     Regulatory Procedure Requirements
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
        Pursuant to the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, 5 U.S.C. 601 et 
    seq., each agency, when required to publish a proposed rule, is further 
    required to prepare and make available for public comment an initial 
    regulatory flexibility analysis to describe the impact of the rule on 
    small entities. Western has determined that (1) this rulemaking relates 
    to services offered by Western and, therefore, is not a rule within the 
    purview of the Act, and (2) the impacts of an Allocation from Western 
    would not cause an adverse economic impact to such entities. The 
    requirements of this Act can be waived if the head of the agency 
    certifies that the rule will not, if promulgated, have a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. By his 
    execution of this Federal Register notice, Western's Administrator 
    certifies that no significant economic impact on a substantial number 
    of small entities will occur.
    Environmental Compliance
        The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 4321 
    et seq., and implementing regulations issued by the Council on 
    Environmental Quality, 40 CFR Sec. 1500 et seq., and the Department of 
    Energy, 10 CFR Sec. 1021, require that the environmental effects of 
    agency decisions be studied and considered by decision makers. Studies 
    were made to determine whether there were significant impacts to the 
    environment as a result of the original allocation of this Power to the 
    military installations. These studies and analysis are published in the 
    Revised Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact 
    which were prepared by Western for its Sacramento Area Office 1994 
    Power Marketing Plan. Western is examining the applicability of the 
    1994 Revised Environmental Assessment to these Power allocations.
    Paperwork Reduction Act Of 1980
        The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq., 
    requires that certain information collection requirements be approved 
    by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) before information is 
    requested of the public. OMB has issued a final rule on the Paperwork 
    Burdens on the Public, 48 FR 13666, March 31, 1983.
    Determination Under Executive Order 12866
        DOE has determined that this is not a significant regulatory action 
    because it does not meet the criteria of Executive Order 12866, 58 FR 
    51735. Western has an exemption from centralized regulatory review 
    under Executive Order 12866; accordingly, no clearance of this notice 
    by OMB is required.
        Issued at Washington, DC, June 16, 1994.
    William H. Clagett,
    [FR Doc. 94-15980 Filed 7-5-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6450-01-P

Document Information

Western Area Power Administration
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Notice of Proposed Procedures to Implement Section 2929 of the 1994 National Defense Authorization Act (National Defense Authorization Act, Pub. L. No. 103-160, 107 Stat. 1547, 1935 (1993)).
Document Number:
The comment period on the proposed procedures will begin with the publication of this notice in the Federal Register and will end August 10, 1994. To be assured consideration, all written comments should be received by Western by the end of the comment period. Western will hold a public information forum on the proposed NDA Act Procedures at 9 a.m. on July 27, 1994. A public comment forum on the proposed NDA Act Procedures will follow at 1 p.m. on July 27, 1994. The forums will be held at the ...
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: July 6, 1994