98-17769. Vietnam Fulbright: Foreign Student Exchange Program  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 128 (Monday, July 6, 1998)]
    [Pages 36485-36487]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-17769]
    Vietnam Fulbright: Foreign Student Exchange Program
    ACTION: Request for proposals.
    SUMMARY: The Office of Academic Programs of the United States 
    Information Agency's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs 
    announces an open competition for an assistance award. Public and 
    private non-profit organizations meeting the provisions described in 
    IRS regulation 26 CFR 1.501(c) may apply to manage a student exchange 
    program. The program would bring 20-25, mid-career Vietnamese each year 
    to the U.S. in order to pursue a Master's degree, or in some cases a 
    Ph.D., in fields related to economic development to include--but not 
    limited to--economics, business, public policy, public administration, 
    law, and international relations. The proposal must also include 
    renewal costs for approximately 30-35 Vietnamese Fulbright students 
    currently studying in the U.S. (mostly second-year, but some third-year 
        Overall grant-making authority for this program is contained in the 
    Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, Pub. L. 87-256, 
    as amended, also known as the Fulbright-Hays Act. The purpose of the 
    Act is ``to enable the Government of the United States to increase 
    mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the 
    people of other countries * * *; to strengthen the ties which unite us 
    with other nations by demonstrating the educational and cultural 
    interests, developments, and achievements of the people of the United 
    States and other nations * * * and thus to assist in the development of 
    friendly, sympathetic and peaceful relations between the United States 
    and the other countries of the world.'' The funding authority for the 
    program cited above is provided through the Fulbright-Hays Act.
        The program must conform with Agency requirements and guidelines 
    outlined in the Solicitation Package. USIA projects and programs are 
    subject to the availability of funds.
        Announcement Title And Number: All communications with USIA 
    concerning this RFP should refer to the announcement's title and 
    reference number E/AEF-99-01.
        Deadline for Proposals: All copies must be received at the U.S. 
    Information Agency by 5 p.m. Washington, DC time on Friday, July 31, 
    1998. Faxed documents will not be accepted at any time. Documents 
    postmarked by the due date but received at a later date will not be 
    accepted. The grant should begin on or about October 1, 1998.
        Duration: October 1, 1998-September 30, 2000.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The Office of Academic Programs, 
    Academic Exchange Programs Divisions/East Asia Fulbright Branch, E/AEF, 
    Room 208, U.S. Information Agency, 301 4th Street, SW., Washington, DC 
    20547, phone: (202) 619-6788/5404, fax: (202) 401-1728; email: 
    sborja@usia.gov to request a Solicitation Package containing more 
    detailed information. Please request required application forms, and 
    standard guidelines for preparing proposals, including specific 
    criteria for preparation of the proposal budget.
        To Download A Solicitation Package Via Internet: The entire 
    Solicitation Package may be downloaded from USIA's website at http://
    www.usia.gov/education/rfps. Please read all information before 
        To Receive A Solicitation Package Via Fax on Demand: The entire 
    Solicitation Package may be received via the Bureau's ``Grants 
    Information Fax on Demand System'', which is accessed by calling 202/
    401-7616. Please request a ``Catalog'' of available documents and order 
    numbers when first entering the system.
        Please specify USIA Program Officer Sue Borja on all inquiries and 
    correspondences. Interested applicants should read the complete Federal 
    Register announcement before sending inquiries or submitting proposals. 
    Once the RFP deadline has passed, Agency staff may not discuss this 
    competition in any way with applicants until the Bureau proposal review 
    process has been completed.
        Submissions: Applicants must follow all instructions given in the 
    Solicitation Package. The original and 10 copies of the application 
    should be sent to: U.S. Information Agency, Ref.: E/AEF-99-01, Office 
    of Grants Management, E/XE, Room 326, 301 4th Street, SW., Washington, 
    DC 20547.
        Applicants must also submit the ``Executive Summary'' and 
    ``Proposal Narrative'' sections of the proposal on a 3.5'' diskette, 
    formatted for DOS. This material must be provided in ASCII text (DOS) 
    format with a maximum line length of 65 characters. USIS will transmit 
    these files electronically to USIS posts overseas for their review, 
    with the goal of reducing the time it takes to get posts' comments for 
    the Agency's grants review process.
    Diversity, Freedom and Democracy Guidelines
        Pursuant to the Bureau's authorizing legislation, programs must 
    maintain a non-political character and should be balanced and 
    representative of the diversity of American political, social, and 
    cultural life. ``Diversity'' should be interpreted in the broadest 
    sense and encompass differences including--but not limited to--
    ethnicity, race, gender, religion, geographic location, socio-economic 
    status, and physical challenges. Applicants are strongly encouraged to 
    adhere to the advancement of this principle both in program 
    administration and in program content. Please refer to the review 
    criteria under the ``Support for Diversity'' section for specific 
    suggestions on incorporating diversity into the total proposal. Pub. L. 
    [[Page 36486]]
    provides that ``in carrying out programs of educational and cultural 
    exchange in countries whose people do not fully enjoy freedom and 
    democracy,`` USIA ``shall take appropriate steps to provide 
    opportunities for participation in such programs to human rights and 
    democracy leaders of such countries.'' Proposals should account for 
    advancement of this goal in their program contents, to the full extent 
    deemed feasible.
        The United States Information Agency has supported a Vietnamese 
    student exchange program since 1992 which has enabled over a hundred 
    and fifty Vietnamese students to pursue two-year Master's degrees (as 
    well as some Ph.Ds) in economics, business, public policy and 
    administration, law, and international relations at a wide range of 
    U.S. colleges and universities.
        The goals of the program are to foster mutual understanding and 
    strengthen ties between the two countries and to support the U.S. 
    foreign policy goal of promoting the establishment of a modern market 
    economy in Vietnam.
        The program should focus on selection 20-25 mid-career scholars and 
    managers each year from throughout the country from those Vietnamese 
    institutions critical to the economic transition. The program must 
    include the following components: recruitment, selection, pre-academic 
    and academic placement, pre-departure support and orientation, grantee 
    administration, and evaluation. The grantee must maintain continuous 
    liaison with the United States Information Service (USIS) in Vietnam 
    and with the USIA Fulbright Office in Washington concerning the 
    management of the program. The Vietnam Fulbright program is a component 
    of the U.S. government's foreign policy with Vietnam as well as a 
    member of the overall Fulbright Program which currently operates in 
    over 140 countries worldwide.
        Through continued and regular negotiation and resulting agreement 
    with the Vietnamese government (including the Vietnamese Ministry of 
    Education and Training), the recruitment and selection process has 
    been, and must remain, an open and independent operation. Recruitment 
    must include continued efforts to stimulate interest in the Fulbright 
    program and careful interviewing, testing, and application counseling 
    in order to develop a pool of qualified applicants to submit to a panel 
    review for final recommendation to USIA. Recruitment should include in-
    country workshops and group meetings with potential candidates who have 
    submitted curricula vita and initial essays, including an impromptu 
    writing test for English ability. This should be followed by in-depth, 
    one-on-one interviews from which a pool of applicants is invited to 
    submit full applications for review by a selection panel.
        Recruitment begins in the spring, 18 months prior to the fall 
    semester in which the students are to begin their academic program 
    (most, if not all, students will need to enroll in a summer English 
    and/or pre-academic program). Please note that for the FY99 program, 
    the current grantee already began recruiting students in the spring of 
    1998 for academic year 1999-2000. Therefore, if a new grantee is 
    selected by USIA, then the former grantee and USIA would work out the 
    transfer of the student information and files to the successor grantee.
        The final pool of applicants is prepared for panel review complete 
    with TOEFL scores and a written evaluation from each applicant. Panels 
    are held in the fall one year prior to the academic year in which the 
    award is due to begin.
        The independent selection panel must consist of a group of scholars 
    experienced in the fields of study and professional education programs 
    targeted in this program. The panelists should also have some knowledge 
    of, or experience with, U.S.-Vietnam educational exchanges, the 
    Vietnamese education system, and other education systems in which the 
    Vietnamese might have studied as undergraduates--such as those of 
    Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. USIA reserves the right to 
    review the panel member selection. The selection panel reviews the 
    applicants' files, selects awardees for final approval by the J. 
    William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, and advises on university 
    placement for the awardees.
    Pre-academic and Academic Placement
        The grantee will place the selected students at English language 
    summer programs and pre-academic programs, as necessary, and at 
    academic programs at a range of appropriate universities and colleges 
    in the U.S. Placement includes negotiating for cost share (tuition 
    reduction/waivers, etc.) from the universities and colleges.
    Pre-departure Support and Orientation
        The grantee will provide pre-departure orientation counseling 
    (academic, social, and cultural adjustment) and logistical support for 
    the selected Vietnamese students. The grantee will ensure personal 
    contact and follow-up contact with the Vietnamese authorities, maintain 
    contact with the U.S. Embassy Consular Office and the Vietnamese 
    officials who process the students' visas, make travel arrangements to 
    the U.S. for the selected Vietnamese students and provide them with any 
    other assistance needed.
    Student Administration/Supervision
        During the period of the award, the grantee organization will 
    maintain regular contact with the students to provide assistance, 
    monitor academic work, and deal with any problems that might arise. The 
    grantee will establish a series of mailings to students regarding 
    taxes, financial payments, reports, exit travel arrangements, and 
    invitations to meetings/orientations. Students are required to submit 
    one formal report at mid-point of their award which is to be shared 
    with USIA.
        During the period of their award, the students will report on the 
    progress of their research and the quality of their reception at their 
    institutions of affiliation. The grantee will organize an exit 
    interview before the student departures from the U.S.
        Programs must comply with J-1 visa regulations. Please refer to the 
    program's specific guidelines (POGI) in the Solicitation Package for 
    further details.
    Proposed Budget
        Organizations must submit a comprehensive line-item budget based on 
    the specific guidance in the Solicitation Package. The award may not 
    exceed $1,800,000 for both new and renewal students.
        ``Grants awarded to eligible organizations with less than four 
    years of experience in conducting international exchange programs will 
    be limited to $60,000''.
        Applicants must submit a comprehensive budget for the entire 
    program. There must be a summary budget as well as a breakdown 
    reflecting both the administrative budget and the program budget. For 
    further clarification, applicants may provide separate sub-budgets for 
    each program component, phase, location, or activity in order to 
    facilitate USIA decisions on funding.
        Allowable costs for the program include the following:
    [[Page 36487]]
        (1) Program participant costs: travel, test fees, pre-departure 
    expenses, pre-academic/English training, tuition, stipend, tax 
    withholding, educational materials, enrichment programs;
        (2) Renewal costs for current Vietnamese Fulbright students 
    (estimate 30-35);
        (3) Staff salaries and benefits;
        (4) Domestic/International travel and per diem for recruitment, 
    selection, orientation of students;
        (5) Reproduction, communication, supplies; and
        (6) Overhead/Indirect costs.
        Please refer to the Solicitation Package for complete budget 
    guidelines and formatting instructions.
    Review Process
        USIA will acknowledge receipt of all proposals and will review them 
    for technical eligibility. Proposals will be deemed ineligible if they 
    do not fully adhere to the guidelines stated herein and in the 
    Solicitation Package. Eligible proposals will be forwarded to panels of 
    USIA officers for advisory review. All eligible proposals will be 
    reviewed by the program office, as well as the USIA Office of East 
    Asian and Pacific Affairs, and the USIA post overseas, where 
    appropriate. Proposals may be reviewed by the Office of the General 
    Counsel or by other Agency elements. Funding decisions are at the 
    discretion of the USIA Associate Director for Educational and Cultural 
    Affairs. Final technical authority for assistance awards (grants or 
    cooperative agreements) resides with the USIA grants officer.
    Review Criteria
        Technical eligible applications will be competitively reviewed 
    according to the criteria stated below. These criteria are not rank-
    ordered and all carry equal weight in the proposal evaluation:
        1. Quality of the program idea: Proposals should exhibit 
    originality, substance, precision, and relevance to Agency mission.
        2. Program planning: Detailed agenda and relevant work plan should 
    demonstrate substantive undertakings and logistical capacity. Agenda 
    and plan should adhere to the program overview and guidelines described 
        3. Ability to achieve program objectives: Objectives should be 
    reasonable, feasible, and flexible. Proposals should clearly 
    demonstrate how the institution will meet the program's objectives and 
        4. Multiplier effect/impact: Proposed programs hold strengthen 
    long-term mutual understanding, including maximum sharing of 
    information and establishment of long-term institutional and individual 
        5. Support of Diversity: Proposals should demonstrate substantive 
    support of the Bureau's policy on diversity. Achievable and relevant 
    features should be cited in both program administration (selection of 
    participants, program venue and program evaluation) and program content 
    (orientation and wrap-up sessions, program meetings, resource materials 
    and follow-up activities). The Vietnamese Fulbright students should 
    come from throughout Vietnam, from a variety of institutions, and 
    represent both genders as equally as possible.
        6. Institutional Capacity: Proposed personnel and institutional 
    resources should be adequate and appropriate to achieve the program or 
    project's goals.
        7. Institution's Record/Ability: Proposals should demonstrate an 
    institutional record of successful exchange programs, including 
    responsible fiscal management and full compliance with all reporting 
    requirements for past Agency grants as determined by USIA's Office of 
    Contracts. The Agency will consider the past performance of prior 
    recipients and the demonstrated potential of new applicants.
        8. Follow-on Activities: Proposals should provide a plan for 
    continued follow-on activity (without USIA support) which ensures that 
    USIA-supported programs are not isolated events.
        9. Project Evaluation: Proposals should include a plan to evaluate 
    the activity's success, both as the activities unfold and at the end of 
    the program. A draft survey questionnaire or other evaluation technique 
    plus description of a methodology that will be used to link outcomes to 
    original project objectives is recommended. Successful applicants will 
    be expected to submit intermediate reports after each project component 
    is concluded, or quarterly, whichever is less frequent.
        10. Cost-effectiveness: The overhead and administrative components 
    of the proposal, including salaries and honoraria, should be kept as 
    low as possible. All other items should be necessary and appropriate.
        11. Cost-sharing: Proposals should maximize cost-sharing through 
    other private sector support as well as institutional direct funding 
        12. Value to U.S.-Partner Country Relations: Proposed projects 
    should receive positive assessments by USIA's geographic area desk and 
    overseas officers of program need, potential impact, and significance 
    in the partner country.
        The terms and conditions published in this RFP are binding and may 
    not be modified by any USIA representative. Explanatory information 
    provided by the Agency that contradicts published language will not be 
    binding. Issuance of the RFP does not constitute an award commitment on 
    the part of the Government. The Agency reserves the right to reduce, 
    revise, or increase proposal budget in accordance with the needs of the 
    program and the availability of funds. Awards made will be subject to 
    periodic reporting and evaluation requirements.
        Final awards cannot be made until funds have been appropriated by 
    Congress, then allocated and committed through internal USIA 
        Dated: June 26, 1998.
    John P. Loiello,
    Associate Director for Educational and Cultural Affairs.
    [FR Doc. 98-17769 Filed 7-2-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8230-01-M

Document Information

United States Information Agency
Entry Type:
Request for proposals.
Document Number:
36485-36487 (3 pages)
PDF File: