2024-14920. Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Third-Party Submissions and Protests  

  • Table 1—Comparison of Third-Party Submissions and Protests

    Comparison Third-party submission Protest
    Statute/Regulation 35 U.S.C. 122(e), 37 CFR 1.290 35 U.S.C. 122(c), 37 CFR 1.291.
    Content Printed publications Printed publications and any facts or information adverse to patentability.
    Remarks Concise description of relevance (limited to a concise description of each document's relevance) Concise explanation of the relevance (allows for arguments against patentability).
    Timing The earlier of—(A) the date of a notice of allowance; or (B) the later of—(i) 6 months after the date of Pre-Grant Publication, or (ii) the date of the first rejection of any claim during the examination of the application for patent (1) Prior to the date of Pre-Grant Publication or the date of a notice of allowance, whichever occurs first, or (2) accompanied by written consent of the applicant and prior to the date of a notice of allowance.

    For example, 37 CFR 1.291 permits the submission of information that is not permitted in a third-party submission under 37 CFR 1.290. Specifically, 37 CFR 1.291 provides for the submission of information other than publications, including any facts or information adverse to patentability. Unlike the concise explanation of the relevance required for a preissuance submission under 37 CFR 1.290, which is limited to a description of a document's relevance, the concise explanation for a protest under 37 CFR 1.291 allows for arguments against patentability. Additionally, the specified time period for submitting a protest differs from the time period for submitting third-party submissions and is impacted by whether the protest is accompanied by the written consent of the applicant.

    This information collection covers the items used by the public to submit information and protests regarding patent applications to the USPTO. This information collection is necessary so that the public can contribute to the quality of issued patents. The USPTO will use this information, as appropriate, to assist in evaluating the patent application as it moves through the patent examination process.

    II. Method of Collection

    The items in this information collection may be submitted electronically, or on paper by either mail or hand delivery.

    III. Data

    OMB Control Number: 0651-0062.

    Forms: (SB = Specimen Book)

    Type of Review: Extension and revision of a currently approved information collection.

    Affected Public: Private sector.

    Respondent's Obligation: Required to obtain or retain benefits.

    Estimated Number of Annual Respondents: 1,033 respondents.

    Estimated Number of Annual Responses: 1,033 responses.

    Frequency: On occasion.

    Estimated Time per Response: The USPTO estimates that the responses in this information collection will take the public approximately 10 hours to complete. This includes the time to gather the necessary information, create the document, and submit the completed item to the USPTO.

    Estimated Total Annual Respondent Burden Hours: 10,330 hours.

    Estimated Total Annual Respondent Hourly Cost Burden: $4,617,510.

    Table 2—Total Burden Hours and Hourly Costs to Private Sector Respondents

    Item No. Item Estimated annual respondents Responses per respondent Estimated annual responses Estimated time for response (hours) Estimated burden (hour/year) Rate 1 ($/hour) Estimated annual respondent cost burden
    (a) (b) (a) × (b) = (c) (d) (c) × (d) = (e) (f) (e) × (f) = (g)
    1 Third-Party Submissions in Nonissued Applications Under 37 CFR 1.290 1,017 1 1,017 10 10,170 $447 $4,545,990
    2 Protests by the Public Against Pending Applications Under 37 CFR 1.291 16 1 16 10 160 447 71,520
    Totals 1,033 1,033 10,330 4,617,510
    1  2023 Report of the Economic Survey, published by the Committee on Economics of Legal Practice of the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA); pg. F-41. The USPTO uses the average billing rate for intellectual property work in all firms which is $447 per hour ( https://www.aipla.org/​home/​news-publications/​economic-survey).

    Estimated Total Annual Respondent Non-hourly Cost Burden: $153,686. There are no capital start-up, maintenance costs, or recordkeeping costs associated with this information collection. However, the USPTO estimates that the total annual non-hour cost burden for this information collection, in the form of filing fees and postage, is $153,686.

    Filing Fees

    The filing fees associated with this information collection are listed in the table below.

    Table 3—Filing Fees

    Item No. Fee code Item Estimated annual responses Filing fee ($) Non-hourly cost burden ($)
    (a) (b) (a) × (b) = (c)
    1 1818 Third-Party Submissions in Nonprovisional Applications Under 37 CFR 1.290 (undiscounted) 742 $180 $133,560
    1 2818 Third-Party Submissions in Nonprovisional Applications Under 37 CFR 1.290 (small and micro entities) 275 72 19,800
    2 1830 Protest by the Public Against Pending Applications Under 37 CFR 1.291—second or subsequent protest by the same real party in interest (undiscounted) 1 140 140
    2 2830 Protest by the Public Against Pending Applications Under 37 CFR 1.291—second or subsequent protest by the same real party in interest (small entity) 1 56 56
    2 3830 Protest by the Public Against Pending Applications Under 37 CFR 1.291—second or subsequent protest by the same real party in interest (micro entity) 1 28 28
    Totals 1,020 153,584

Document Information

Patent and Trademark Office
Entry Type:
Notice of information collection; request for comment.
Document Number:
To ensure consideration, comments regarding this information collection must be received on or before September 6, 2024.
55924-55926 (3 pages)
PDF File: